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● Tell me something about yourself

● Why did you decide to apply for this position

● What are your strengths

● What are your weakness

● What do you know about Prime Mart Ventures Inc.

● Why should we hire you

● What are you looking for in a new position

● Are you currently considering other positions in other companies

● What is the professional achievement youre most proud of

● What kind of work environment do you like best

● Where do you see yourself five years from now

● Why change career path?

● How do you feel about working weekends and late hours?

● How do you think your boss and co workers describe you

● What would your first 30, 90 days look like in this role
● Are you a team player

● Are you a risk taker

● How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations

● How do you quickly adopt to new technology

● Do you have any interest outside work?

● What do you think our company could do better on

● Give an example of how you have handls a challenge in the workplace before

● Why do you want to work with our company

● Why should we hire you

● What is your edge among other applicants

● What is one important decision youve had to make as a supervisor? Why was it

● How would your previous direct reports describe your supervision style?

● What experience do you have that makes you a good store supervisor

● Can you tell me how you would deal with a product delivery problem

● Which merchandise display tips have you given to former employees

● Which retail software have you previously used

● Describe a time when you dealt with a difficult customer. What happened

● What three factors improve teamwork and success

● What is your management style

● Describe the toughest challenge youve faced at work and how you overcame it

● How do you solve conflict on your team

● What is the most important factor to make sure your store runs effectively

● Tell me about a suggestion you have made that has benefited an organization
you’ve worked for

● What are your greatest professional strengths as store supervisor

● How would you deal with an underperforming employee

● What is your experience with inventory management

● Do you have any suggestions for way to improve sales in our store

● We want to improve on our customer service. Give me an example of a strategy

you would use to do this

● Describe your experience with using inventory management

● How often do you perform store audits

● There is a problem with an order and a customer is angry. How do you handle it

● What experience do you have with developing and implementing store policies

● Tell us about a time when you had to make an important decision for the store
without consulting management

● Do you have any training in loss prevention or security protocols

● What were your responsibilities as a store supervisor

● How do you deal with stock shortages

● How do you deal with conflict in a team

● What do you think are the most important factors in achieving targets

● WHat do you this is the key to maintainin a good working relationship with your

● How do you stay up to date with changes in the retail store

● What do you think is the best way to develop staff members

● What are your plans for the future of the store

● Interests?
● Are you comfortable doing tiktokt or marketing strategies that would involve
showcasing talents
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