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Reviewer in Educ 8

Six characteristics of bureaucracy:

Task specialization (division of labor). In consequence, when companies split into
Weber felt that task specialization promotes departments, these are often driven by
the timely completion of work at the highest specialization, and firms which have more
level of skill. specializations will have more divisions
(and possibly sub-divisions too).
Hierarchical management structure.
Weber advocated that management should
be organized into layers, with each layer Standardization
being responsible for its team’s
performance. The number and control of repeatable
processes varies with organization. In the
Formal selection rules. In the ideal classic manufacturing assembly plant there
organization, Weber believed that is much which is standardized. On the other
employees should be chosen based on their hand, professional organizations such as
technical skills and competencies, which are consultancies will have less control, and
acquired through education, experience or organizations that that work flexibility will
training have less standardization.
Efficient and uniform requirements.
Employees, argued Weber, should always
know exactly what is expected of them. Formalization

Impersonal environment. Under Weber’s Formalization of what is done is similar to

theory, relationships between employees are standardization but is more about the
to be only professional only. number of written rules, policies,
procedures, and so on. This is typical of a
Achievement-based advancement. Weber large bureaucracy where there is a large
felt that promotions within an organization central staff whose existence is often based
should be based solely on achievement, on the formulation and policing of rules. It
experience and technical qualifications. also may be found in highly regulated
Dimension of Organizational Structure environments and where health and safety is
at risk, including hospitals and nuclear
power stations.
The shape of a company is often closely
related to the number and distribution of
specialist roles. 'Birds of a feather flock In a centralized organization, much of the
together', as they say, and people who have control is held centrally, with managers and
studied the same subject like to work with corporate staff who issue rules and make
one another, as not only can they discuss key decisions.
common problems but they also can learn
from one another as they professionally
develop. Whilst not always necessary, it can
also be helpful if your manager understands
you and your work.
Reviewer in Educ 8
Configuration 11. Equity
The configuration of a company is in the 12. Stability
number of hierarchical layers and span of 13. Initiative
control (how many subordinates each
manager has). 14. Esprit de Corps

The natural approach to sustaining control in Types of Leadership

a company is to have managers and 1. Democratic Leadership
subordinates but too many subordinates are
This is as clear as its name. In democratic
difficult to manage, so this process
leadership, the leaders make or break
continues in subdivision. This however
decisions democratically, based on their
creates its own problems and various
team’s opinion and feedback. Although it is
organizational forms have been used in
the leader who makes the final call, every
order address the issues of configuration.
opinion counts. This is easily one of the
most effective leadership styles since it
Traditionalism allows employees to have a voice.

In the original organizations which were

typically craft-based, such as thatching, 2. Autocratic Leadership
agriculture and stonemasonry, there were
This is exactly the opposite of democratic
few written rules and many people could not
leadership wherein the opinions of
read or write. Instruction and learning was
employees are not considered. Leaders with
done through a master-apprentice structure.
this style expect others to adhere to the
Fourteen principles of management decisions they take, which is not a
created by Henri Fayol are explained sustainable approach in the long term.
1. Division of Work
3. Laissez-faire Leadership
2.Unity of Command
Laissez-fire means “let them do”. This style
3.Subordination of individual interest is the least intrusive and leaders with this
4.Unity of Direction approach ensure that the authority lies with
the employees. While this leadership style
5.Remuneration can empower, it may also limit
6. Subordination of Individual Interest- development, therefore, must be kept in
7. Remuneration
8. Centralization
4. Strategic Leadership
9. Scalar Chain
Strategic leadership acts as a bridge between
10. Order
the senior team and the employees. Leaders
Reviewer in Educ 8
adopting this style ensure that both THE DEPED VISION
executive interests and working conditions We dream of Filipinos
for the team are stable when a decision is
made. who passionately love their country
and whose values and competencies

5. Transformational Leadership enable them to realize their full potential

This kind of leadership always aims at and contribute meaningfully to building the
transforming and improving functions and nation.
capabilities. There may be tasks and As a learner-centered public institution,
schedules assigned and leaders following
the Department of Education
this style may ask employees to push their
boundaries constantly. Most growth-minded continuously improves itself
companies tend to adopt this kind of a to better serve its stakeholders.
leadership style.


6. Transactional Leadership
To protect and promote the right of every
This is a very common leadership style Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based,
today based on the action-and-reward and complete basic education where:
concept. For instance, an employee or team
may receive an incentive or bonus for Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-
achieving a target set by the company. sensitive, safe, and motivating environment.
Teachers facilitate learning and constantly
nurture every learner.
7. Coach-Style Leadership
Administrators and staff, as stewards of the
This leadership style focuses on larger institution, ensure an enabling and
growth while encouraging individual team supportive environment for effective
members to focus on their strengths and learning to happen.
talent. Though this is similar to strategic and
democratic leadership styles, the focus here Family, community, and other stakeholders
is more on the individual. are actively engaged and share responsibility
for developing life-long learners.

8. Bureaucratic Leadership
This kind of leadership style goes by the
books. Although leaders with this approach Maka-Diyos
do listen to employees and their opinions, Maka-tao
they may negate or reject it, in case they go
against the company’s ethos or policy.

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