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COURSE: 3rd Year – BSEd Major in English

TASK: Activity

1. Write a critique paper critically examining the implementation process of technology

integration about ICTs in education in not less than 200 words.

The production and development of various technologies nowadays has greatly affect our life in
different aspects – technology enhances the process of communication, production of information and
ease all the heavy works. So, the development of various technologies also affects the education sector,
wherein through the help of technology different teachings strategies and techniques has created. Since
educators cannot just rely to the traditional way of teaching because we are already in the process of
globalization. And traditional way of teaching is not that effective but can still be use with the
integration of technology. That is why different multimedia application that is connected in education
is also rampant nowadays.

Furthermore, the development of various information technologies also increases the

environment for learning wherein because of this – virtual learning is very evident especially during the
previous years wherein most of the classes was held through online platform – it is because of
pandemic that occur. It only means that technologies are really playing a crucial role in educational
system. Since nowadays, different learning materials as well as teaching strategies was already
integrated in technology – it is very evident in every in public and private classroom wherein there is
television and projector that is being utilize for teaching, watching educational videos and reporting.
But sometimes, the proliferation of educational technology because even we say that most of the
learners prefer the use of technology in learning something – we still have lots of teacher who cannot
cope yet in the rampant production of technology. So in the implementation of ICT related in education
requires lots of things. First thing is the teachers’ behavior towards technology, by this there should be
a seminar for the teachers regarding the use of various technology with regards to education of course.
That should be the first thing that is needed to address before implementing the ICTs in education.
Because accept it or not, learners nowadays can easily cope in the changes in the technology – so how
about the teachers who cannot?

So in conclusion, the implementation of ICT in the educational environment is not that easy
because implementing it is a complex process which requires lots of consideration when it comes to the
educators, learners, the school custom and culture etc.


1. What is the impact of ICT in Education Policy to teaching and learning?

The impact of ICT in education is really evident nowadays, wherein educational technologies is
the common mode for teaching as well as learning. But because of that, some learners’ attention span
also decreases – that is why we have the ICT in Educational Policy, because this benefit not only the
learners but of course the teachers. ICT in Educational policy guide the teacher on what he/she need to
teach the learners, because accept it or not without the policy teacher might be overwhelm because of
the proliferation of technologies. ICT in Educational Policy also reminding us (teachers and learners)
that teachers are not replaceable by the technology – and technology should only be use as a tool to
have interactive and meaningful discussion. Furthermore, another impact of this is – it reminded us
that even we can access anything through the use of technology, privacy should be considered. When it
comes to learning, ICT in Educational policy greatly impact the learners because it serves us guidance
that yes learners can fully utilize the technology, but it doesn’t mean that they should use it in negative
way. The learners should take advantage of the positive effect of technology because if they don’t there
are list of potential harm for them.

2. Interview a cyberbullied student. What are your suggestions to improve student

performance related to the discussion of safety issues in cyberbullying?
I interviewed my former classmates during senior high school who was cyberbullied by other
people, because during his birthday – our mutual friend posted pictures of him on Facebook with
greetings, and that’s where he was cyberbullied wherein they are criticizing his physical features. And
the good suggestions that I can suggest to those people especially learners who are victims of
cyberbully is instead of constantly browsing in the internet and posting all their images – just focus on
their study or if they can’t. I will suggest that they should limit the use of technology by watching or
listing the time for social media and learning. Because I believe no matter what we say to learners
nowadays, they will not listen especially of social media is involve. So my suggestion is to them is
browse internet more for learning purposes and small time for social media, through this I will explain
to them that if they lessen the use of technology, they can avoid being cyberbullied. Aside from that, I
will also tell the learner that if you want to improve your performance in school, read books instead of
being expose to various inappropriate content like pornography, extremism and etc.


NAME: Joshua Nathaniel Mondejar

COURSE: 3rd Year – BSEd Major in English
TASK: Application

Based on your activities, make a mind-map of the decisions you face concerning the implementation of
ICT policies in teaching-learning and the safety issues in ICT regarding cyberbullying.



It is clear that when the learners are in Being bullied and expose in cyber space
school, it is the sole responsibility of school is not avoidable, the moment we expose

NAME: BSEd Major in English

COURSE: 3rd Year – BSEd Major in English
TASK: Activity

1. You will research other schools' ICT policies and best practices by surfing the World Wide Web and
write down your discoveries using the graphic organizer.

Other schools like University of the Other school online public library Some school like St. Mary’s have
Philippines have the filtering has virus protection in order to approval required system – this
system or software that help the protect all the learners or ensure that their system is safe
learners and teachers in their school researchers in browsing their from any harm that may cause their
in minimizing the exposure in library and of course to protect internet system to fail.
explicit contents. their system.

Most of the public online library is School who has online site who
denying any attempt of requires cookies, outline all the
downloading or uploading any file information that the sites collect so
in their library unless there is an in this way they will know if

NAME: Joshua Nathaniel Mondejar

COURSE: 3rd Year – BSEd Major in English
TASK: Analysis

1. Where is the most research on the impact of ICT focusing on?

Well, most of the researches regarding ICT are focusing on various matter, but all of this
researcher circulates only about the positive and negative impact of ICT. Specifically about the
effectiveness of ICT in education, wherein based on the researches ICT enhances the various learning
strategies and it makes the learning process more interactive than the traditional way of teaching. ICT
researches also focus on how ICT enhances the mode of communication – wherein it is very evident
that ICT helps us to communicate easily. Furthermore, researches not only focus on positive impact, it
also focusses on how technology affect us negatively – wherein in educational field researches implies
that technology lessen the attention span of youth specifically the learners because most of the time
they are too focus on gadgets. Another negative impact is – it affects our health mentally and

2. What policies do reports on the use of ICT practices that impacts teaching and
learning in the classroom?

Well, ICT really transform the custom and tradition when it comes to teaching. Wherein
because of technology the traditional way of teaching become advance. Through various educational
technology it enhances the learning experiences because the teacher can now utilize different
contextualized learning materials – like video presentation, audio-visual and etc. these materials that I
have mentioned enhances the experiences of learners in learning because it become more interactive
and interesting. Aside from that, through ICT or technology learners has more opportunities to discover
new things, to widen their knowledge and to share their opinions or ideas. Aside from that, because of
some ICT practice, it teaches us that even there are proliferation of technologies, we must still
understand that the benefits of the technology are for us and not the technology itself. So must never let
technology dictate the thing that we should do.

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