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Glacier case study assignment

1. To understand the formation, types and characteristics of glaciers.
2. To recognize the impact of glaciers on the physical environment, including landform
development, climate and water systems.
3. To analyze the current state of glaciers and their future potential impact on global climate
and sea level.

Research: Each student will choose a specific glacier to research, and gather information on its
location, size, type, formation, and any current changes or impacts.

Presentation: Using the information gathered, each student will create a visual presentation
(e.g. slide deck, poster, etc.) to share their findings with the class. Presentations should include
the following elements:
● Introduction to the specific glacier, including its location and basic characteristics
● Detailed description of the formation and type of glacier
● Discussion of current impacts on the physical environment and water systems
● Analysis of the current state of the glacier and potential future impacts on global climate
and sea level.

Class Discussion: Following the presentations, the class will engage in a discussion to compare
and contrast the different glaciers and the impacts they have on the physical environment.
Students will also reflect on the potential future impact of glaciers on global climate and sea

Final Reflection: Each student will write a short reflection on what they have learned about
glaciers and their impact on the physical environment, including what they found most
interesting and/or surprising, and what they think is the most important thing to understand
about glaciers in order to protect the environment.

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