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Department of International Business Administration

Subject: Reading 2
Credits: 02
Time allocation: 30 periods (50’/period)- 15 Sessions (2periods/session)
Level: For first-year students - Academic year: 2022-2023
Class: KQ2215 - 222141027231, Room: D23, Time: Sat. Afternoon, periods 9-10 (14:25 – 16:20)

I. Course Objectives
This is a course on reading comprehension skill development. Its aim is to enhance learners’ reading
comprehension skills.

II. Course Schedule

Week Content Reference
1 Introducing syllabus & From Market to Mall First Lesson & Unit 1 (pp 1-16)
2 Megacities Unit 2 (pp 17-32)
3 In the Public Eye Unit 3 (pp 33-41)
4 In the Public Eye Unit 3 (cont.)
2. One person’s vandalism is another one’s art (pp 42-48)
(Self-study sharing in moodle)
5 Staying Alive Unit 4 (pp 49-64)
6 Bodies in Motion Unit 5 (pp 65-80)
7 Mid-term examination
8 The Physics of Fun Unit 6 (pp 81-96)
9 Mind Wide Open Unit 7
1. Mind Wide Open (pp 97-104)
(Self-study sharing in moodle)
10 Mind Wide Open Unit 7 (cont.)
2. Out of body experience? Your brain is to (pp105-112)
11 Child Prodigies Unit 8 (pp113-128)
12 The Competitive Instinct Unit 9 (pp129-144)
13 Getting There Unit 10 (pp145-152)
14 Getting There Unit 10 (cont.)
2.Navigation (pp153-160)
(Self-study sharing in moodle)
15 Review and show mid-term test marks

III. Materials: Main textbook:

Bruce Rubin – series director: Cheryl Boyd Zimmerman – INSIDE READING 3 –
Oxford University Press, the 2nd edition.

I. Methodology:
• Students are expected to pre-read the units in the textbook
• Most of the classroom time will be used for discussion
• Students are guided the discussion in the class
• Students are encouraged to ask questions immediately in the class.
• Students are suggested to visit related websites and get additional information and illustration of
cases and the issues discussed in the classroom
II. Assessment
At the end of the course, students will have to take the final examination, which requires the use of
reading comprehension skill. Attendance and participation will be taken into consideration when final
results are decided on.

III.General Regulations
In class, everyone has to respect mutually. Any behavior that affects the teaching and learning is
strictly prohibited.
1. Review the previous lesson and prepare the new unit before getting to class;
2. Coming in and going out of class on time;
3. Must not have anything, chew gum and use the cell phone or CD player for pleasure or personal
affairs while learning.
4. Attendance and participation in class are compulsory.
5. Students are allowed to ask any question about the lesson if they do not understand.
6. Anyone breaking these regulations will be presumed as being absent for half a session.


1) Time limit: 60 minutes
2) Contents, Structure, Marks
1. Contents: 70 -> 80% main contents in the textbook.
2. Structure: Including 3 parts
Part 1: Terms and Terminology
Part 2: Multiple choice
Part 3: Reading comprehension
3. Marks:
- Mid – term examination: 40 marks
 Attendance and Participation (10M)
 Test on paper (30M);
- Final examination: 60 marks.

Total: 100 marks (10 - 30 – 60)

1) Notes:
- Students are not allowed to use materials and dictionaries.
- The final examination is up to the Dept.’s assignment.
VII. Contact:
Cell phone: 0903 340 696 Email:

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