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Character Sketch

Dearest to the Heart

Marissa Baflor, a person, a woman, and most importantly a loving mother. Marissa is my

mother, someone who has been by my side throughout my growing existence. She is the one who

gave life to me, giving the unconditional love that I always cherish every day. She provides me

guidance, protection and always has been my number one supporter. She is a calm person,

someone who would like to ease you when you are in troubled and will always give you helpful

guides. She is a strong woman, someone who faces problems with strength by her side, she is

unbothered of what people say or think, and always true to self. She is a caring mother, she

always reminds us to take care of ourselves especially that we are away from her because we are

pursuing our dreams, she never forgets to show how lovingly mother she is. I am lucky and in

better place because of the love that my other give.



Person Characterized

Characters traits portrayed

Incident that portrayed these traits

Type of Character Sketch

Point of View

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