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_ Steet No. | Experiment -1+ FP ptwodvetion Estimation: Estimoati as af any constrvction work ray bedelinal aumlre an of eateuladin dhe quardities and cost of the Bros ee tequited °n Connection with the werk 4 o veasonable ree Of accuracy for 5 i Sites bes tro cen le — og oe — _ 4 ing desenption af all wosenranchip ppopert a Cen of matesial re voquited . the sila alsy gives a0 idea of the time vequited for ake co pletion Need for estiratfons To Krow the qmontities of different terns pt work, maberial, they Source and labour. ato decide whether the funds ava do Complete the projec - Beto oben the adeanitrabve approval and technical Sancho? frorn the competent authority £0 velear the funds (able being sugficiend of not of estivate qo call for qyotakons or tenders Lored on the estimated quant ter 5. For gale oF qurchare of poperles properly » to decide the Starnp chtiet, 6. fox Teajstrastton of o eda eration aS reqpirted. types of estimates : \- Approximate estimate (07) a. Detailed. ectimoate 5 Alsstrack estimate , preliminary astimale. S Sheet No, 2 ste Apprainate Estimate: Appx emake eetienake Vs prepared to deolde, whether the fund ONdilable fox the proposal is cuffident av not, the rough tos estimnale es Ptpaved trom the practical knowsledge and Cost Of Simla userke. The extinnate is accompanied by deta led Yeport explairiing the necewrly and udility of the proposal on the Thaals of mihic estimate the Competent Saretioring ov ulhor thy Otcords " Administrative appovat! Approximate Estimate ig alto called ay proforma estimate s¢ prelin nary aimate av Yough extimate Ppose af on Approrimas Climate, Th ts necevary 40 know the approximate cost of a project before 0 detailed estimate te prepaved for ~he following purposes {- Dk emobley a Guilder oF engineer to Know whether the coat is uitino his funds available or nok. 2f nok, the plam covid be modified ox altered to Suit thelr tequirements @tenahia the Goveinment ta Study on aspect of the pwposal n= oma whether tre Snvertment is worthwhile or ot. Methods of Approx mate extimates: there are number of methods available fo« preporing opproalineil esate. the following methods are important which were aia oelows, gy plinth oreo method &, Cubic Content melhod 3, Sexvice urit method. Z. a! eee 1G COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), SURAMPALEM. Sheet No, > wb pltoth Aveo Methecl Ga tig method ,We get the Cost af the butlding by rm sli gn the pliathy ahea by sthe plinth area yabe, This method adopted far for ovelivary bullet gf with one or-two floort plinth Area; 9} Ss bullt up Covered atten measured al floor lewel or the Rowment. Che ow Site measurernents of Soper Structure exetuding pUnth af{seds Y any) pioth trea Rakes gt Can be oblained from siofilar budding which wore tonchucted in the nearby locality Fecently with He Same speci{tcation. Arvenof loo m+ abeFoor!- por mm worked at Ri. 700 2,Cubic Content Methsd: the approwiviale cogh ef a bailing havin g & plinth 2 COLIC Covtert method 7S a prelininay eitimate ox an approximate exiiinabe @ 1s pegored On the ball of the cobsod Contes of the bulldh He Culoe vate being deducted from the Cost ofthe Similes building having Stunlos, speciffediosand tovstruction Tn the localMy, athe appoximale togt of a-building Of Cesbic contest of Hoocum @ 2&5 (for per cum comer Rs -42,000/~. 3 Service ut method» gm 24 method jalt covts fF 4 uvit Quourtity gueh aa Per em fos fghusay , yer metee of Span for o bsldge , per clamroom ty school pulling » Pe bed fos hospttol pate. Ode concidered firct and he eclirnate “is prepared by maltaplying the Corl per Corresponding urht by “the qumbet af unis Ih the structure, “ srethods of Oelalled ewimaling « cthodi of Heid ees Cequied for & the debaile& quantities worlt ote dele the Feltowsing two methods le Tadividual wall methed oF long wall and Shorl wall method A- Centre line vnethod 1+ Long wool Short wall metheds 5 oy walls tuning Gr one divection Jy 4s method the tength and thot ef antl CtOng walls) ave meouwd Mist out to out Qn Re stransvece divection (Short Wally) ade then meaner! ‘wo to 1. To Qh the length or he pordtows “Hem, ofa tony wall dwn wpiseh are subbacted foc from the out b ont fencth of ~te watl ik ts determined’ fy addey yan paaviovs tem. Fn care of Show two ayeseb atti the in fo in Of premous Hem, 2. Centre Une Hethed: Tr is Method the Centce Line lengths of all walle are meagured and the quantities ore delermined by mulkplying We bread and degty af-the terms with the cextre tine lengths - The Cenbve ewomani Coe ae ail Towed’ the publi asuatly Hough out Ta the centre line ength pt Unallered nk modification ave mode by subtracting the cath at each end. This method © Used coher al! wall os. Estimate Can be prepaveot quickly by a gestalt Care fy be -laken ot Oh COS wo half the oe of Same +Hicent uaing this method Oo” junctons Shoot No, ]] OFAS af rreamuvernents to mebyic Ke Heats Poabicu ta rd ef Makevials & ucaked | Brerentions meavic yer, FE, Mone bincks etc AN dienen: pudoll hoard my CW 2. Filer, stot c PWS CONE, Aig Sheeks,| Conqth t breed %y Conoen se Sheels jet Thic Rots: tn tem Door, Winds, FE tatecch lly os Cr in ‘siedout oo Parinel « Ghutlon| hq onmn i a Teeibar Nag 4. Pants ot doors § | Cengi" aE ewoie Seclionap ‘4 Simmenai Baio TERE = —_|_Simensions ip mor mon —_| AIC ENCE Mob dor Makomy ch.) | lath & high! in my = | Thickvion 66 brett in con M+ Comment Conceke, Gene Cer Ree lensing ea ~. ee te, “| nWicemuvs ine ws IS. woke working, colon woking, Diskempe tin, fig, Laat breadth oy hatg ha |___Pevrbing sete. er I--Aageqate, Arr saad et | . or Rell Seal sections oy T-beom channel Velo. Mild Steel Bary feat Ch len ta dq “Fartculow of Tens unltaf| anits ot] uni of ss Meotustened Peyrment] Payment tn mes | ime in eps Enacth wosk, e Boeeork *y eAcavedion im ordina SOM, Coth wot im vagieecl Perk with iene satuiei: Satthwot had seit [Cer na, Per vcunmy Y ene a Couthpilting *9 excavation in foundation CuW) bper ad cum */ cuft T) Eakta hing ty tas [eum Geek cum | fe Cue y.| EorIBONE TA BaAeig culty tm wad | ae 5 ae and vigalion ¢lannes te Erte ER Concrete el he bl Coment Conctete (¢-c) Cum |p Cum | per cu fe |B] Reintered Coment concvete Cecr) | ey |Percum |Peccadt i pe ERING COLLEGE (AUTONC Sheet No. consti efora RE Sea Saat | onmes| on mer | is Fee i | sone SP Demp Groat COWIE. Comint contrite, eck] j Sevend watey ) dagha lt vete A de WEE GRE FT Ric kk wo estta Jowndetion f punth, bn NSPE sad Sole Stwchare More herent cum Perce | cote SS Combet Gime oy med moras - = SEONe ork Sone Martone’, Coadionn Robbe WMA SOnYY) Penne’ FUMBLE nmtomey, Atha mansony | CU precuml on cule Yn woattla, WA ache ete eit } rT WENA Woks Wl wood work , door g voly dewdfvam ea Chow Fhed 1 TAMeNE loeaws, Nes} Homa] CUM [per cued [ph Cus fe Meet ee (lSteek sein@aentnt bas, ete Ree qavinte. | por > ale Bur Eek ER Wosk Soe oo sig, of Geet tei frcement [quintet | pero, | Bex cut Seating SS] Whe d wor Allahabad tile | fay aahad tle, sum jl Magali Gle ah. Tels setters, [oe Ee TRC, RO stub tow Coneleding ttee(\ | Cum preum| pc 15-| Celing-Tinber, AC chee! plain silat | Say ale. cate | 1 Parle , Boava jefe. a sqm pe sy Cal MENG, Teer Wose } 16] Centerny | Sho je | sosface aveQ af PCL oy PR work ie Ne sf | Sopported ies | 1a} phagtestag - amen! mrorlor, Minemotay | Sqm Fevsy vm oy | camer eh Sq vm ee yw fointing ~ Shuck » Flush, weedlhon ete ae ie | ‘Sheet No. SS} Paviecdlads 04 tems Floostngs, ie Fteoring fox am) emmomiremed | miscetlanesos Gtera, Rod tin cet & type Specified ) | Jungle clearance anna deees § vwoindew th Blag ns Ale ding of Sinking Garnituves— choos fable, ety ui aw of Kamion SWS Ging, Eaxkor Supely Btumeaous Coad Sefacing | Motewtals: 3 ke) Sopply of batcles KS uu gp Jers of | ows of taeauvemenk |Pay rend | Pawel [eames | iA mes | NERS qe red re Sq mer hectare no. 3am metre ho. CL pe pee hector) per acre _| per nee | per ne Pr Pes Spee | fe ca perm leo ft sam | prensa fe perm | per ft per cum | an cue | abe aac Pe ores! ee hos, | ren | ea er. no | per no. RY SopQly of Sand Suki cintenek leer cum |e Cut By sapely Dr Cement 2 Syad Sa Sek 51 Soggy oF “Temaber fElsapety of Bitumen, Tar: Gleomig oF mauled edhe aor Perhagoc | per Got Per quratall or ga tone mews) per tome | per tonne. feet Queda | per cust. | pera rer cunts per cum | eh cutt. fe] Sere of flee By on | paneer a) Surely of ee : tire ee Oe f ee lo] tx plosve, fos Basking Ky Fr Kg | pos lb Prepare -the approximate enttmate of 0 propoted tonstvuction of a balilding usitn he following data » Plinth Ovea = \1g m* Cosh per Unik ovea = Rs, 1800/- por m* 1 Deckidfication@ =e af puilding cost A, Formation af roads and towns at oe tat dng Cost EBs. charges ak 3. Building coo Cost of bul ldting _ 2 - = US¥IKOD = 2,02,£00/- Llechification Chosrnes ab +, = Ros poem - Formation of road & laume af Se = 2,08, £00 v_S_ Too * Rs Charges OE Rak oe a 2PB,€00 <2 — Total ¢ogt peawee bus tding by plinth ater method prepor® the total Cosi of the with The following data, \- plinth oven of “he building = 200m? 2. Plinth aren vate = Qs -10,000]— por nm? 3.26% of buiWing cost UU allowed for different Povidons Of water supply JSanitory , Electrteal intraltationy , axchitertust features, Ps ¢ Contin gemcies sth:.. put togethe,, ‘Ghest No. @ Short wall mreited |) = Experiment: No-3 | Prepare o detaSled estimate ef a tux roomed. building with front verandah from fare. Come to Contre lengths Problem on tongwall Room Lora wall, < CORO SR sees) = B10 rn fi Combined. tat eng Room Short walls = oot (2% OS Sikases verandah Front = Ertverne outer tong at puint 6%] . 43.504 oo +( 34 2.20) +(@xo-os)- 0-24 28.20m O20 Z pi] Fovdiculars af Pend pega : Sg cmmtearaede| | yn ome wales quantity Explanatory note, . coum Earth worth 1 Ilex davation +0 foundations — Roos Leng wolle | 2 | 9 [OFo] D-90 % [3:4 [0-90 | O90] B-26 [b= 4-30-0692 4m Verandah 3) 5 0:30 oho = Qasr [ey 6 | Le Belt 0-9 4-00 m Short walls -. 8-90] 0-F0 | 0:90 | 5-6) L=8-240-7-2.9m Yecandah fvonk--| | DHE |L- Qas- OP ote ewandah Sidea =} 2 | 14S) 0-40 10-40 > 95m steps src] tb [240/100 [ONS JOY [Leadtot(avo-na) =2.90m [otal |3hac cum PRAGATI ENGINEERING CO Tawticutens ay Heme concd Shost No, dil 6 adorn | dated la og Use ky (se Crplanadory neve crm pe Earth work ta (7 lting MH fn plinth ee eee Room!) ~-t6 | la:90|Biualo-sulaie |avas-o1eacu 0 ths 6039-2>SU cro n =Osum Loorsch) See | t a : J - 390 | .490 O54 18.95 Uke oan Newawnla! - 1 F-9p]a.u0 Osu Jideay SWAT O_ 03. _| &> 2.0m 9566) Ccury Litre Concxele ins foundations Room - 4a. Long vols, %0 |0-90 | O30 | Lee May be ee 4, cavedion Short usally -..!3lanoloeo |oraol aac] bef ee" Maine eee V 1890 | 0-30 | arao] weg Verandah gidex ...| > earl ome | prsslemes See | panel veo ants |mon lotet lio. ty Pa D-cloms Brickwork ip Fourdstion & puoth Sn 126 Cement mortar. Rooms — long walls M footing»... [9 |8—s-tom 2™ footing srs] 2 | Be¥0 | 0-60 Fowo | joy We $40-040- 4900 38 focting see [L [860 10-50 Jo-10 [o.g6 B-8-Ho-01d- 86004] ; Ort0 10-80 SHY Hh.e-60- ous 280. ] © ‘Sheet No. aie 1 of dent Ff fei be ee 1 si ise ba” fests Explanatory nat. yp Oey Pen | Ce en - Shot walls al footing 24 (Yoding 3 }3.60 | oto }o-20 | fst |L+t.a-ot0-4-60m 3 13:Fe | Ore |olo | 0.69 Ls 3.6 40410 * 2-40 BA fooling: 3 [So [O50 [OO Joga |p. a0 em plinth wall.) 2 34 [Od [Oso | By [1.5.20 4e10- Verandah - Front watt (long), footing =. 1 1840 |aso |on0 | ogg | L=g20+050-B-fom FP Hokey [1 bese lowe foto | ogy | n~se—c-10+ Seow Ptiatia wall.) | 2°20 | O70 | 2-30 |L=S60-Del0 ~ B-SOm Sde yall (Short): Ceci B footing =) } }6-so| o25 | oua |L-oay-Of_o% es = 21S 2“ fooling ---. : . fooling B12 fous |o-to | oe lll ov os cos, { [Co Leow) =e | } | fe | | 7 BAT 26.4) pliath wall tocrn akove footy, 1 [23S 10-20 | orto | ow cy Loaas-O:5 0% = ae plies us re all Cemmating pHION) 2/240 |o.2m Loko | hig ies ees edie = > Wyle gen — B ekep.-| 1 |a40 Jo-90 | ois | 0-36 29 Step lo-to logo | ows | 0-19 3 step |) [reso [030 | ons | O07 ala 199.39 cum (AUTONOMOUS), SURAMPALEM. JRaticulas af Heme § taehails of wos? w Ser Dowy pxoat Course Rooras— tong walls - Short walls - Ceduct door Sills 2°50 3-40 Sheet No. 8 ‘hah | Sen oo O40 Langit ) bread Same o» for wpanatoyy no. plinth wal Teclans -Brick-wook iy, Superstructue ia line Z| Morbo - Shoat walls Ver. above tivtels toxer plas) Genk lteng> - ~ Side2 (short - Fos pel — over Room - long wall ~.. sheet weal —.. Verandah — Front Cong)... Side Cohort). Deduct - ‘Boor © pemings.... window openings CS window,, \ | S-u0 2) 2-50 2} 420 U0 D|2So 2 | ene) B20 030 O-So O20 6.30 630 O.20m |O6Om | 5.55 620 | bo | poi CO. | 38.39 BE | 38.29 O36 | OID | O-67 O29 | Oo Oo etal face | aoe hes Witton a -coe Hs Odom L=¥+(250:3)=Qx0. = 4am HE > FITIOR= Ue, A ‘Sheet No, Taitcalow OF em and ar dais of worl | MY a ee oot | Ex PAewna bong voles Shelva,, * 2| rox |o2 | 150 | b-60| Rack of shelf » | toca Re .Lintels over - Pooe «--- JD | HNO [0-20 | Orlo O° 08 loom beating windows 620} .030} e10 Jose Ch windows -... 12) 20 | 0.30 | o-t0 ie jolak of (IS gwelva «.[2| hea | e-30 | oo eons = Or 4 U8 Cui a REC WOVE enclodiny | Steet and 1 bedding, i bak including Conterivs } and Shuttering aud | birctiag Steet, tees finish) Reof slak reom - V [Sey | Wey) or? | sors] 12 Cm projections Roof Slal vert. ... |S-yo |2-80 | [2-369 10Cm inner bear! | | excluding chgfe Choyya projection ver. frond =. [1 [4:30] 05) 0-00 |o 2s) Average thicknews Ver Sideg .... | 2) 2-40] 0-uS] 0-08 Joye sunshed avd breakers jo windo ws— Top see JU fase ous | OOS /o-2s Bottom = -- ly| our] oor loony 5" insertion Intl wall. | i eee = 2 i Sea Ov gem jyserdh | Sides lea} x0 JoS4IN 0.08 Jarl? ayeaga en8 aa Shek Stab += « pea (10 | oan | OOS |0°0%] Bscm Beatlng, Total |%- 325) cum Sheet No. Problem on Centre fine methed Eximate by Cevtie line method the quantities a, ~fhe following Aemny aa vo roomed ey 1) Paras —+—— : =e = Jarl No| Wardiculars af! dhe, Height Explanator Seen | Ma tnt tl 3 gut “Free 9 (ea | Cms} Cm) | aay 1 aad in rete Cx Cavahion ia apex t laacalq rn xloeo Hewndolieds co].18 [roo [ago | YP aloe | oes = Lo-tom | | L+ Lio-t9-2°59 | eee | L234) a Ate concrele rs 19 foundation formate Lak Same | as above 3) Pclars buick- WOse iy \tg Cerner rnottor | fin foundtodion ¢ Plinth 2 = seca 39.20) O80 | 0.20 16.29 |b» yor -2.M8 ag, Y footing | 3 Bs SM fertag----| 1 |BAYO| OHO] OO |2-46 |t-Ue1-r69- 5449 | Bed footing <.| 1 [8980) O60 | O10 12+ 39 Ivor awe — 39, c, 7h fing nex 29. ° 0-10 AE uy fooling ' 60 | O-SO £ = Yo) 22 39.6 Pith wall akoe fookay ----| 1 [39-70 |H01Q:80 119-40 [Le sonl-dx8Y, 39.5, otal foe. 10 a caw Damp Proof Hy couse asem |» [347 [0-0] — fis. | L-uo-\-2ot oe" = 39.40m ee 2 |r2elo-yoj — | 0-96 Nes | Teeter OLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), SURAMPALEM. ‘Sheet No, @ Siu Steel 1s provided inthe longer Span (A) dive the bars uve provided with end hoof foy Mic bars and fe Ul i¥Eb.Gan_ Rte ERE hoses ore privided > To a Simply supported Bingly neinforceda, rectangular bea mn having te Followsing specifications : Clear span of the beam = 3éoomm Tearing o4 either side = 2 3omm Width af beam = Boom Overol Depth of beam ~ usomim Strsh Gh Roars ak lwatiom = Zntes-20mm HYSD bari Granked ‘sors - 2Nos ~Cranked at Us’ ata ditlance af Livomm from fate a Sopport Banger ours — 2 Nor — | 2 mm dia HYS1) bars Stops ~&mm HED boc hwo legged al 250mm Cfe, Rttom Tor and Bide Clear Covers = Lomm letatits “of Jem — 0°29 kegim 1 Domm - 264 kim Prepare the bar berding Sehedule and eattmate the quowntty of Steet ' Lendl of MOM Straight bar (20mm dig - 3 Nos) A= Clear Span£ Re beatings 2% Clear end Cover A = 3600+ 2% 2%6-2xLIO La 2920 mm ef Wein Cranked kas - Cromm tla —> Nos) is Length of stvdigh! bar 4 Extra dittance in the Ietined! Postion (2 YOu Db) L= aqg¢04 2% O-HalLiso-2 y119-20) Sheet No. ———— bye Skips Lents (8 mim clio) = a[Carbifhry qook allowance J 2 [200-3 yipoy 2) + (uso ~2¥0+8)) + 24% alors) +daqey +14? = HOR mm Mo af sinags = lel length at bios enilngand Ove | ey of skivy ups = 3600494 230- AxHO aso aell = 16.941 Nos Nos of SKM es & 1 No’ “Type of Bod Main Gidaigi On Mebn Creruked) Dow Hamner bars J Shivrups PAAGATI ENGINEERING COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), SURAMPALEM, ‘Sheet No. ———— SSS 2. Lengths ef bent op bars: Length (2) ochead Short Span 4Q™ end bearing ~ Ox end Covers hs KO049 X22 — 2x2 Le 2910 mm Tota! Length L= C#2x¥94d 4240-43 ¥D = D= jo —2 415-12 -semm be 29042494124 24 0UaKn58 L= Qo 4 WEA 4g.4 Us 3 iau-7i mw L& 38m No.of bars = 6000-4 2%220 9 wr — ee Lo = 26.5 Not = DANoP 3. Drsvibudion -bars at bottom: Tota! tength = G00 + 2XIRAO_-a WOE + IKI = 65)8 nw a 6.52 = SOO PAISO-U HES | )60 = 1D LEAS Hele NO-g bars 2 nok, DIO COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), SU ___ Sheot No. “op diskhibution bars Lendl > Same ay above = 6-Sam No of bods = 3+3 = Enos Baw Bending Schedule: ety | SS bars (brtion) A>» [> s sofa 20 65> ech ne “ Dist ibudor = bers(beltom)} C aie J | |< fem fon es Sheot No, SS Experiment NO- Fy Gadth work, Caltulations An estimate of earth work revolves Caleutalions for, \ Volure of earth usork 2- Lead and Lift Volume af Gath voor: Tl 4 Coleulabed by mulbolu y : : : QL ts denoted by the teHer Vo and the uriits are t tr eng ‘the tv0%s Sectional owen andl length lead and Lift. Lead: Tt is the feirontal ciilemte over which the cath is Coney Th Se rieasuved Crom the (ent of the owen. of Excavakion [banca Pit to the centre of Sydit bank | bund /henp BEts oh 1s-the vertical distane over which the eovts 46 conveyed OF 1S Meagured Hom come of excavation fo the Centre of Sport bank oy heap. The Volume of eonth work veqateed in cudting ov fiUlPng is found by any one af the following method. ). Mean Seetonat area metod 2. Mid Seetional area mothod 4. Trapezordal rule du. Pyremoidal rule. Mean Sectional alea method. Nolume of East uot ofirea a mid Sechon x Disiame blo Scions 2, Mid Sectional Ateo method vrolume of Earth work= Mean evots-sectonal akay pislonte bid Setiong © ‘Sheet No. 3 iI] 2) Tropereidal Rules Volurie CATeas lature 2 be Ay tAay heat Any where 1 tena! ene b Of oquot interal bis see hon Ql Ay fp Nay ek Aton of Crost-secifong along te ngitudPoed Y, Prvisgmeidad Por mules ecto, Volume = ee eRe) magnet se Any a 2CAsrars t +¢n2) wheve Le eng bles the Sections Aj = tren. of Cro ssSection ad one ond An> Afea at cross-section at the othey end Aa ,Ag Ay. = Aven of Crose-section af intermediate Seckiow, foc an embankment 60m long of uniform gradient when the height of bank 15 rm oh one end and 8m at the ether. the width of embankment at fop 18 6m and 1& Side Slopesare Met, Etimate the quantity of Cort work by Mid Sectional method, Gvern boém, sis, o)73™ > arelBm » LeGom Avs (bands )dyz(6 #1S *3)3 = 3Ns m> Ay: (band, 242 2(6 46S XG NE = (SHEE dm > see - S48 a as 2 uM Ayn> Coaindm dm = (64 hS xaujaqe @oum™ mid _fectfonat Area rnethor « Ve Amk b= 23004 ¥60 = 1382+4 mi © Sheet No. eo J) SE SSE A wood $8 propased 4 Constrwcl jo embankment with “the following data: Formation width -of voad =&m Side lopes in embankment =2¢) ‘the qound teyels along vthe centve Une ef the veod ave given below: The -formation tevel i be fallen as 100. 000m Constant from Dents to (Somb. chainager. Caloulate the quantity of ea\th wore Involved by trapezoidal formula, foyralon of ustdth ofa rood ,b=8m Side slop im embankment = N+1= 221 oe N52 Chainage anterval L=20m eptn af embankment at different Chatnag es doc le&m ,» dyq7B 20m, de >2-00m age Ge = [sF¥om, Agos lelOm dup=tsom, diso Aven. Of Crox-Seetron ok different chainages Ao> (bende) do = CEHEDHA UG ) le = 2.028Ern* Arpe( ba ndap) dap =(8 42 "230 yaa co OF akmr hone l bindgy ) d= (8+ ard) Aoo~ AY.O0 mh Sheet No. Rap = Cendan)dan = (84+ a2 1-6) he = (2492 Aion = (64 NAis0 7 diy = CF 4 AKU) FS = 16-50 m> Aso ol bandiso) digg = (84a ve HO) EFS = (4-38? Pig = CBind go) digo = (84 Ax [elo] MID = [I+ 2200 Quantity of tarthwort by Traperoidal For mula Ne Se Veter Nex) + 5C hs eAan a Anas emer Alea) 2 Igo Nit 40 (20:89 41.22) 42( 29-284 9g 19-92 416-6 +1938) ] VW: 3635-20 m2 | S quantity ot earthwork 4s 363-90 m> Sheet No Experiment No-2. Tart wed Caleulattors The particular gf a Hom reach AB of a Canad ome given bela! Red width =tOm, the de ph of Cudting ad end Aad8 mn, ide Stopes = 1ST she cept of Cadting af tnd & = 5.0m, Caltulake the volume Of earth wore by Mean Secttanal O¥e0 method. Giver, Cot Pera he Sista ee Sm pd m>2eF5 mn L=5om A1= (bn a) = Clo 4 \xas J) aes = 21-95 m? x= Cbends3da= (Cio +txs,) § = asm? Am> Cletndm) dm =lto4{ MRIS) BFF ST 1S 6 mt Mean Sectional Area method.” Ne ft yy 2 Ve Bles +3760 a De Bese. 25m By Mean seelronal Aron methed Nolume of catthework = 2656.25 m3 © Sheet No Catculate the quantity af earth work Fequiced accordingly to Standava Prismeidal foymula in a voad embankmons faving Cosm formation width, 921 Side Slo poatna fengln Pf & Choiry (30m). the level difference bio fonmadion Bnd qeund ts 0.4m 4 009 (1:20, 3:46, 2676.30) 2-0, Go and 2-uo. Yenpeobvely, Assume qrouncl *S level ty Aransverse dixettion fo Yhe Centre (ine. Given bs loom *Nea , l= 30m Seas, Aiea ptaebom , dye sue Z Soe Cia) eee Cpesum, dg > 26m,de23-uom AizC bind, w= (tors 42V.0199 09 = ko amr Ap -Cbtnda Xd, > Clow 4 Dy O-7) OF = £932 AzsoCbivida My > Clos +29 ba!) x12 = 1S¢UR mo Aus Crud uldur Cros 4 243Y) 904 >Sy-e2m* 4S = (bands de> Clos + 2%a-9)3-% = 84)9,99 mb Ag (binders (jou + axae)a.0 = $479 m> Ay > [hindg )dz2 Clow tax 31v) Bu = S8/2m> Ag o(brnds de? Clos +aw 262 ee = 2O+Semr Ags Cb1nd9) da > (lors tawa-Y)eu = 36.42m? Volume ef earthwork by Prismvidal nile, Ve be Pata) 4AM Aerey-r? CA a4 Asta] = SheotNo, = Expetment tos 4 Estimates of Reach & Culvowds foe 4vansport: f m at men and matkeifal {vom « ne elas » Yoilways, water u as | alr wang YOpe ways , belt Conveyors , ete — axe Used fp other Yoadways f Fee alt othor Ay pes of tramsoor tation rood ways vsed O4 feeder and yoads ave Ch fieol ent wy Earth roads o 2, Gravel toads 3, water fround macadtm Yoads 4, Bituminous soads Os Cement Concrete roads CulWers: yohen tie span athe bilge tay than em Fg called culverts aud mose than 6m 15 called bitdee, wher ever we lay ~the youdy ov vdilwoy Une We Come Aovoss Yivers , Skreoms ete. TE +he discharge is less We Con qd for culverts . Vosious type of Culveris available ade, t pe culvert 5 thee ac available in cifferend Cee ramly : ee sm, and different mateiialy Ver ROC, O45 m,Im, b oe. oy ae PUG , Cos) WO decidecl whether to lay is Pipe oF double pipe oF sviple Pipe ,efr.. While laxftg pipe earth a: * iz ss ty be maintained over othe Pipes a ger ae me Laying | Pipe culverts ts qitick. reguixerre nt - 2, Box Culvert 3. Arch Culvert: — . Shoot No, a Experiment NO- Ili Valuation af a building Valusctions Tt iso process nf Gicorlatniny he | Wea ; { ur price OR of property al a ; Rectred Hymne, “Tre Valuation Af a WO pe rte PEAY IS amived after yudicious proces iy acre Oem Teli cation Ia formuloe ond tveication thal Con wuggest the Value OF fair Pitce pungerly. the valuation EL pwpedty os qreably varied Lith iene red ) J Maluation 15 the beats of any,lax mooyute. All taxes ore Wloka fo the worth OP value of man't incon wealth, gall, BARS BR Groperty. Meee) Soak OF Fot Securirly ef Loara ond masta. gos (PY fo1 gale and purchore (purpose O For taraton putpose a, Fer VISA purpose 8, For tent texto of, For Insuvante purpose 19) For Sxing Cour! fee Stamp Jy For paying Compensation, 1m Case of Com pulovy acauisition l, for vobabiteling the Frople. 4h Foc wleate of loon Instabment oxend when Construction of baling s ping ovr) Methed of Valuations aaa an, eee fox Valuatioe ave won \ methods available the ve propertystone Tngadant nethods ove quien 1 Rental method 2 Direct Comparison wiry raprial value vation bared on proftl ae Conta thoes molhod oye 4, Valuation bared on Cost 5, Resfduat method (or) develo &, peprectation methed (©) Bef Ba = Teo. Lokere . Depreciated Cost pment method Pecos af present markel value verte of depreciation NeAge of building in hoe toy using jhe fable Rate of depreciation So avrved Like of Spruce hive 9 yours a ee lea ts te ee bi ht elise case Sheet No. J) X vesidential Guildtng ef 220 SY pusiharra *s gtunted ona Plot meaning sem the butldfag os fe out fora end aL es Bpoo Pes month. “the cach ofthe land is Rs 3000 pew sy “the wuat oulgpiags are estimated a4 200. AAQrOs® werd, Grd the Captahaed value ol the properly dow iorp net (feld , akuming arefal Ute ag the bus idtng a4 FO Years, Given dota plinth ater af buildincy = 220 Sqn Plot area >4S0m? Bu ding sent per month > Rs. G000/- Cost of tand per Sym = Rs. 2000/- Usuak out goieays, are exstimabe as 20-2 of Gvass werd Life of building SHO ears Gs Come Pex Your -Renl poy mowth ¥ 12 morithy 2 6000 x19 > Rs 72,000) Outgoing, at 20-/. af Qyoss tent — out-going + 2600 »20_ 160 = Rs 14, 400/- z.Nelinlome =Gx0%& Mlome— oud gongs =42000 —I440D > Qs. 54,600) Sheet No. Cap relirecdt value af Property yield Property y Ned a (neome too 10 x 54600)- = Rs546,000 L Cost of land = plot Area ¥ fost of land per S47 = &SO * 3000 > Ps 1380000 [- Tetal value of property # Total value of Propedy = capitehsed value) cou of Of Property lard ~ 5,746,000 + 13, <0, 000/. = Rs A, 26,000,

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