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OpenWells 5000.

Release Notes


Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3
System Requirements ................................................................................................................. 4
Third Party Software ................................................................................................................... 5
International Trade Compliance .................................................................................................. 6
Installation .................................................................................................................................. 8
Licensing ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Database Upgrade (SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2005 Express, and Oracle) ........................ 10
Enhancements and New Functionality ....................................................................................... 11
Release 2003.22 Enhancements and New Functionality ............................................................ 30
Problems Fixed ........................................................................................................................... 44
Known Problems ......................................................................................................................... 51
Contacting Support ..................................................................................................................... 55

OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes May 2008

Landmark OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes

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Landmark OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes

This document contains important information and last minute changes related to
OpenWells 5000.1 that is not documented elsewhere. OpenWells is an application in the
Engineer’s Desktop5000.1 release, which provides major new functionality in support of the
Drilling and Completions applications on the shared EDM data model.

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System Requirements
For details, refer to the ‘System Requirements’ section of the Engineer’s Desktop 5000.1 Drilling
Summary Level Release Notes.

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Third Party Software

Landmark uses various third-party software applications in the development of its software.

Landmark acknowledges that certain third party code has been bundled with, or embedded in,
Landmark’s software. The licensors of this third party code, and the terms and conditions of their
respective licenses, may be found at the following location:


Refer to the Engineer’s Desktop 5000.1 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes to view a table
describing a complete list of the third-party applications that are in Engineer’s Desktop Release

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International Trade Compliance

This application is manufactured or designed using U.S. origin technology and is therefore subject
to the export control laws of the United States. Any use or further disposition of such items is
subject to U.S. law. Exports from the United States and any re-export thereafter may require a
formal export license authorization from the government. If there are doubts about the
requirements of the applicable law, it is recommended that the buyer obtain qualified legal advice.
These items cannot be used in the design, production, use, or storage of chemical, biological, or
nuclear weapons, or missiles of any kind.

The ECCNs provided in Release Notes represent Landmark Graphics' opinion of the correct
classification for the product today (based on the original software and/or original hardware).
Classifications are subject to change. If you have any questions or need assistance please contact
us at

Under the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (EAR), the U.S. Government assigns your
organization or client, as exporter/importer of record, responsibility for determining the correct
authorization for the item at the time of export/import. Restrictions may apply to shipments based
on the products, the customer, or the country of destination, and an export license may be required
by the Department of Commerce prior to shipment. The U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security
provides a website to assist you with determining the need for a license and with information
regarding where to obtain help.

The URL is:

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CCATS (Commodity Classification Automated Tracking System) - the tracking number assigned
by the U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) to products formally reviewed and classified by
the government. The CCATS provides information concerning export/re-export authorizations,
available exceptions, and conditions.

ECCN - Export Control Classification Number - The ECCN is an alpha-numeric code, e.g., 3A001,
that describes a particular item or type of item, and shows the controls placed on that item. The
CCL (Commerce Control List) is divided into ten broad categories, and each category is further
subdivided into five product groups.

The CCL is available on the EAR Website at

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Refer to the “Installation” section of the Engineer’s Desktop 5000.1Drilling Summary Level
Release Notes.


• EDT 5000.1 is a new product. If you are currently using an EDM database version that is 2003.14 - 5000.0.0,
you must install 5000.1, then upgrade your database using the new Multi-Version Database Upgrade Utility

• EDT 5000.1 can co-exist with previous versions of EDT on the same machine. However, LAM 5000 will not
co-exist with previous versions of LAM (FLEXlm license server) on the same machine. Previous versions of
LAM must be uninstalled before you install the 5000.1 release. To run EDT 5000.1 and a previous version
of the EDT applications on the same machine, you must point one or both versions of EDT to a LAM server
located on a remote machine, since only one LAM server can run locally.

Refer to the EDT Drilling Installation Guide for complete details.

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There have been significant changes to licensing for the 5000.1 release. For details, refer to the
Licensing section of the Engineer’s Desktop 5000.1 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes.

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Database Upgrade (SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2005

Express, and Oracle)
Refer to the “Upgrading the Database” section of the Engineer’s Desktop 5000.1 Drilling Summary
Level Release Notes for information on upgrading your EDM database to the 5000.1 version.

You must upgrade your existing EDM database(s) BEFORE using


You must upgrade versions of your database(s) created with earlier versions of the
software before running the 5000.1 software.

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Enhancements and New Functionality

The 5000.1 release of Engineer’s Desktop supports the Microsoft Vista operating system, has new
LAM (FLEXnet Publisher) licensing—including the Mobile Checkout utility which gives you the
ability to “borrow” a license for offsite work—and contains some critical bug fixes.
The following enhancements were added to the OpenWells 5000.1 release. In addition, features
added in 2003.22, which were not included in the 5000.0 release are now available in this 5000.1

The primary focus of this release has been to enhance the user experience and to expedite user
workflows. This has been accomplished through the addition of a number of features including:

• Wizards for common workflows,

— Create a Well
— Create a Wellbore
— Create an Event
— Create a Rig
— Create a Daily Operations report
— Create a Report

• “Today’s Wells” interactive graphic

• Graphical Rig Equipment Editor

• Inherent Rig Operations and Equipment entry

• Improved Hole Sections data entry

• Integration between the Engineering Hole Plans and Hole Sections area of the OpenWells Well
Planning Report,

• Sub Assembly support

Output Reporting has been enhanced in these areas:

• Allow for inclusion of Compass Plots and Wallplot Composer Plots within the OpenWells
output reports.
• Reformat several of the reports to look more technical and cleaner (e.g. Casing, Cementing)

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Wizard Toolbar

OpenWells offers a number of Wizards that enable you create, edit and view data, without having
to navigate through the Well Explorer tree. These Wizards are accessed from the main application
window toolbar. The toolbar can be toggled off and on using the View > Wizard Bar command.
A check mark appears next to the menu item when the Status Bar is visible.

Figure 1: Wizard Toolbar

The Wizards available in the Wizard toolbar include the following:

• Create Well - create a new Well and configure the Well Datum

• Create Wellbore - create a new Wellbore

• Create Event - create a new Event

• Create Rig - create a new Rig

• Edit Rig - edit a Rig using the new Rig Equipment Editor (For more information see Rig
Equipment Editor on page 16.)

• Create Daily Report - create a new Daily Operations report, associate a Rig and create an AFE.
The feature is discussed further in relation to Rig Operations Association on page 25.

• Create Report - create any one of the available OpenWells reports

• Today’s Wells - determine the accuracy and completeness of your Well(s). This feature is
discussed further below.

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Creation of Company, Project, Site and Contractor

Within the Create Well Wizard, a user with permission to the proper security tokens, can create a
new Company, Project and Site. This can be accomplished by typing the name of the Company,
Project and Site into the text boxes, instead of selecting from the picklists. Using the same method,
a user with permission to the proper security tokens, can also create a Contractor within the Create
Rig Wizard.

Type names here

they are created here

Figure 2: Manually enter the Company, Project and Site names to create them in the Well

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Find a Well

Each Wizard allows you to select the location in the hierarchy where the item will be created. If
you are unsure as to where a particular Well is in the hierarchy, then use the Find a Well feature to
perform a text based search for the Well.

The Find Well feature is accessed by clicking on the button. This button is located in the
Create Wellbore wizard, Create Event wizard, Create Daily Report Wizard, Create New Report
Wizard, Today’s Wells dialog and the Today’s Wells Favorites dialog.

Enter the name or partial name of the Well you are looking for and click the Find button. A list of
Wells matching the text is displayed. Select a Well and click OK.

Figure 3: Find Well dialog

Today’s Wells (How is my Well Doing?)

The Today’s Wells feature allows OpenWells users quickly determine the accuracy and
completeness of their “Morning Report” data, without having to navigate through a number of
Wells and Daily Operations reports in the application or their printed Daily Drilling reports.

This feature displays a pictorial representation of the Well along with pertinent data on the
operation state of the Well for a given day. Based on the Well’s Datum information, either a Land
or Offshore picture is displayed.

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Figure 4: Today’s Wells for an Offshore Well

From the Today's Wells dialog a user can:

• review the daily status of Wells and Daily reports across multiple Events
• review the daily status of each of the Wells with Daily reports on the chosen date by scrolling
through “Favorites”
• create and maintain a list of "Favorite Wells" that are available each time the Today’s Wells
dialog is opened per user
• remove wells from the “Favorites” list after a well is no longer active
• immediately identify and navigate to Non-Productive Time and Safety incidents
• navigate to the day’s Operations Summary, Survey data, Bit Details and Operations, Pump and
Shaker Operations
• identify costs that have gone over the AFE estimate
• identify measured depths that are behind plan
• view a schematic of the Well
• view planned and actual Depth vs Days or Cost vs Days graphs
• launch available Output reports for the Well associated with the Daily report
• transfer the Well or Daily report to the office
• refresh the Today’s Wells data

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Rig Equipment Editor

The Rig Equipment Editor provides a simple way to locate, edit and enter Rig data in OpenWells
using an interactive picture of a Rig. This feature is available from the main applications window
and from the Data Entry Form window. The Rig Equipment Editor allows users to easily view and
maintain their Rig and Rig Equipment inventory, without having to navigate through the
Contractor’s Tab within the main application window.

Four variations of the Rig Equipment Editor are available and appear based on the Rig Type
defined. The assignment of rig types to the four graphics is done through the System Setting
RigTypeImages. Detailed information regarding utilization of that setting is documented in the
EDM Administration Utility online help, “Configure Rig Equipment Editor Images” topic.

Generic types supported are Land Rig, Semi-Submersible, Jack-Up and Drill Ship. The
OpenWells System Administrator must map their “Rig Types” to one of these through the above
System Setting.

Figure 5: Rig Type as defined in the Rig Properties dialog

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Figure 6: Land Rig image

Figure 7: Semi-Submersible Rig Image

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Figure 8: Drillship Rig Image

Figure 9: Jackup Rig Image

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Each Rig picture contains ‘hotspots’ for Rig Equipment. When the mouse hovers over a ‘hotspot’,
the equipment type turns red and a brief summary of the Equipment type is displayed.

Figure 10: Hover mouse over Pump displays read-only summary

Clicking on a ‘hotspot’ opens a historical summary dialog for the Equipment type. From this
Summary dialog equipment can be created, edited and deleted.

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Figure 11: Equipment Summary dialog for Pumps

To access the Rig Equipment Editor, click the button appearing in the Wizard Toolbar
or the Data Entry form toolbar.

Edit Rig button

Figure 12: Edit Rig Button in the Wizard Toolbar and the Daily Operations form

If a Rig has not been associated with the Event, OpenWells allows you to associate one when the
button is selected from within the Daily Operations form.

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The Rig Properties dialog can also be accessed from the Rig Nav Aid, by clicking on the Rig
Properties button, located below the picture.

The following links are available from each picture:

• Land Rig - Boilers, BOP, Centrifuges, Degassers, Hydrocyclones, Motors, Pits, Pumps and

• Semi-submersible - Anchors, BOP, Centrifuges, Degassers, Hydrocyclones, Motors, Pits,

Pumps and Shakers

• Drillship - BOP, Centrifuges, Degassers, Hydrocyclones, Motors, Pits, Pumps and Shakers

• Jackup - BOP, Centrifuges, Degassers, Hydrocyclones, Motors, Pits, Pumps and Shakers

Improved Hole Sections Data Entry

The Daily Operations report, Hole Sections area has been changed to allow users to more easily
enter Hole Sections with an alternate entry layout. Administrators can now configure the Hole
Sections area to record detailed hole section data, including annular details or to expedite the entry
of hole section data, when annular details area not required.

OpenWells offers the following two sample layouts in the EDM Administration utility:

• Daily Non Complex Well - This configuration simplifies the Holes Sections data entry to one
spreadsheet. Using this spreadsheet a user could enter all their information on a hole section,
including Last and Next Casing data, in under a minute.

Figure 13: Non Complex Well Hole Sections layout for quick data entry

• Daily Drilling - This configuration is intended for users who will be entering detailed
information on the hole section, including Next and Last Casing and the details of the annulus.

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Figure 14: Daily Drilling Hole Sections layout for detailed data entry

Integration between the Well Planning Report and Hole Sections

Hole Section data entered in PROFILE planned and prototype Designs are now available from the
OpenWells Well Planning report, Hole Plan section. Simultaneous Activity Monitor (SAM) rules
apply to multiple users viewing or editing the Hole Plan data in either application.

When a Well Planning report is created in OpenWells and linked to a planned or prototype Design,
Hole Section data entered in PROFILE will automatically appear in the Well Planning report.
Likewise, changes and additions made to the Hole Plan in OpenWells are reflected in the
appropriate PROFILE Design.

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Figure 15: OpenWells and PROFILE Hole Plan

Within the Hole Sections of the Daily Report, the user will have the ability to copy casings from a
planned Casing for the Next Planned Casing information.

Figure 16: OpenWells Hole Section Select Planned Casing

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Sub Assembly Support

Sub Assemblies created in PROFILE can be added or inserted into an OpenWells Wellbore
Equipment report if they were created in the ACTUAL design in PROFILE.

Figure 17: Sub Assembly shown in Profile

Figure 18: Sub Assembly menu opened and Sub Assembly inserted into Wellbore Equip-
ment Report in OpenWells

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New Rig Association Options

Rig Association functionality has been improved upon through the following two new features:
Rig Association in the Create Daily Report wizard and the Daily Operations report.

Rig Association in the Create Daily Report Wizard

Rigs can now be associated when creating a Daily report using the Create Daily Report button,
available in the Wizard Toolbar. The button is now available on the second page of
the wizard. Clicking this button launches the Associate Rig to Daily Wizard, which guides the user
through the Rig Association process. Once the association to the Rig has been made, the Daily
Operations form exposes Rig Equipment, such as Pumps and Shakers.

Figure 19: Associate Rig to Event in the Create Daily Report Wizard

Rig Association in the Daily Operations Report

Rigs can now be associated in the Daily Operations report form. The button found
can be found in each of the Daily report’s Equipment Operations section. Clicking this button
launches the Associate Rig to Daily Wizard, which guides the user through the Rig Association
process. Once the association to the Rig has been made, the Daily Operations form is automatically
updated and instantly exposes the Pumps, Shakers, etc.

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Rig Button

Figure 20: Associate Rig Button gives the user the choice to select a rig or create a new
one from within the Daily Operations form

Figure 21: Rig has been selected and the Rig Operation is created

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Figure 22: Rig Equipment Operations sections are refreshed and operations data can be

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Output Report Enhancements

The following output reports have been reformatted to include cover sheets, tables of contents and
have an overall cleaner and more technical look. Further reformatting will continue in upcoming

• Casing
• Cementing
• Stimulation
• Wellbore Equipment
• Well Test
• Well Planning
• Perforation

Figure 23: OpenWells 5000.1 Casing Report Page 1

A new feature to include both Profile Wallplot Composer Plots and Compass Plots within
OpenWells output reports is now available. Below is an example of a simple report which
demonstrates a Compass 3D plot and a WallPlot called “Directional Plot” from Profile.

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Figure 24: OpenWells 5000.1 Compass Plots and WPC Plots Example

Documentation on implementing this feature or the general schematics feature can be found in the
EDM Reporting User Manual.doc file distributed in the Documentation folder under your
EDT_5000.1 install directory (i.e. C:\landmark\edt_5000.1\Documentation).

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Release 2003.22 Enhancements and New Functionality

The following features, were originally released in 2003.22, but were not included in the 5000.0
release. The primary focus of these features have been to respond to client feedback regarding
straightforward Data Entry, specifically within the Daily Operations Report. The other focus is to
integrate the schematic from PROFILE into all of the OpenWells Data Entry Forms. This
integration allows the user to monitor the daily schematic, to pick up on data entry errors and have
immediate access to all relevant data.

• WYSIWYG Data Entry Forms

• Daily Operations Report Navigational Aids
• Integrated, Interactive Schematic
• In context launch of PROFILE from OpenWells
• Wellbore Schematics available within the Output Reports
• Updated OpenWells Performance Reviews module to match with the Rushmore 2007 DPR

WYSIWYG Data Entry Forms

WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) is a set of Data Entry Forms aimed at making the
data entry look similar to a Daily Output form a user would normally print, making data entry
quicker and easier for the end user. There are two shipped data entry forms (one for Drilling and
one for Completions/Workovers). These are assigned to layout properties using the EDM
Administration Utility. See the OpenWells online help for specific instructions.

The WYSIWYG form applies to Daily Operations Data Entry forms only. A user can easily switch
between the WYSIWYG view and traditional Form View.

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Figure 1: WYSWYG Data Entry Form for Drilling showing the General
Safety Summary and Operations Summary sections

The above figure shows a screen shot of the top portion of the WYSIWYG form for Drilling type
Data Entry. The top (general) section includes data entry for the Well Name, Supervisor, Field
Name, Authorized Depth. These are attributes from several different areas within OpenWells (i.e.
Well Properties, Wellbore Properties, Daily Report, Project Properties).

The WYSIWYG also honors data dictionary configurations such as Status Colors, such as
calculated field indications, picklists and security. For example, the "purple" field (see Figure 1) in
the Operations Summary indicating that the depth in MD From is inconsistent. In this case, it is a
typo and it displays depth to be 15,250,015 instead of 15,250. This is a good indication to a user
that a validation rule has been broken.

WYSIWYG spreadsheets each have an Add button, which is used to add a row to the spreadsheet.
The spreadsheet’s right click menu allows the user to Copy, Paste, Cut and Import spreadsheet

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Figure 2: WYSIWYG Data Entry Form for Drilling showing the Mud, Bits, BHA and Pump/
Hydraulic Data sections

The Mud, Bits, BHAs and Pumps sections shown in Figure 2, look different from the Form View,
in that they resemble a sample output report. These section have been designed for quick data entry
of Mud Checks, Bit/Bit Operation information, BHA Components, and Pumps/Pump Operation
data combined.

The WYSIWYG form also includes Materials, Personnel, Surveys, Casing and Hole Sections,
Mud Inventory and Surveys (not shown here).

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Figure 3: Well Services WYSIWYG

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The WYSIWYG can be configured to automatically launch as the preferred data entry method
through the Tools > Options menu in OpenWells. Labels and Data Dictionary setting can be
customized in the WYSIWYG form.

Figure 4: Options Dialog Data Entry Form tab

Customization of the WYSIWYG’s content and layout requires Landmark R&D involvement. For
more information contact the OpenWells Product Manager.

Navigation Aids

The Navigation Aid (Nav Aid) feature simplifies Data Entry navigation in the Form view. The Nav
Aid can be used to assist users who are unfamiliar with where data is entered in OpenWells. There
are two Nav Aid views:

• Morning Report - this view is designed to model Output Daily Drilling Report

• Tour Sheet - this view is designed to look like the standard IADC Tour Sheet.

The Nav Aid is launched either through the "Nav Aid" button or from Tools > Navigational Aid
once a Daily Operations Report is opened. The user clicks on the appropriate area of the Nav Aid
and the system moves to the section of the report for data entry in Form View.

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Figure 5: “Nav Aid” Button from within Daily Operations Report

The Navigation Aid used is selected by each user via Tools > Options dialog, Data Entry Forms
tab. By default, the Navigation Aid is on and the Tour Sheet is the selected configuration.

Figure 6: Options Dialog Data Entry Form tab

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Figure 7: IADC Tour Sheet Navigational Aid with the Surveys area selected

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Figure 8: Morning Report Nav Aid

Integrated, Interactive Wellbore Schematic

The Integrated Schematic has been incorporated in all OpenWells Data Entry Forms. This enables
the engineer or rig supervisor to view the wellbore schematic or the current Drillstring (if one is in
the hole) from the Data Entry Form window. The schematic is based on data recorded as “in the
wellbore” for the currently selected report date. If a BHA is recorded as in the hole at report time
for that date, then the Drillstring is drawn inside of the schematic.

This functionality tightly integrates PROFILE with OpenWells, and incorporates the drawing
capabilities in PROFILE and data entry in OpenWells. The schematic in OpenWells operates as

• As the user adds or modifies hole sections, components, or daily depth in the Daily Operations
form, the schematic automatically reflects these changes.

• If a user hovers the mouse over a component, a detailed box regarding that component is

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• If a user double clicks on a component of a drill string, the user is taken to the data entry area
for that component.

• If the user clicks on a component in the installed casing, wellbore equipment, or the cement
surrounding it, the user is taken to the applicable Casing, Wellbore Equipment or Cementing
data entry form.

• The schematic "anchors" to the initial/current report date. To view the schematic for the "new"
report date, click on the anchor button ( )and the schematic regenerates the image for the
"new" report date. If at any time you wish to view the schematic for a report you are currently
viewing, click on the anchor button again to “un-anchor”. With the schematic anchored you can
move to different reports and edit data that will impact the schematic.

For example, on the 20th day of operations it is noticed that the casing string from the previous
section has an incorrect setting depth. The schematic diagram can be anchored to the 20th day
of operations, and a user can move to the casing report with the inaccurate depth recorded and
correct the data. The correction will update the anchored schematic with the correct data.

Figure 9: Schematic displaying the Drillstring with the mouse positioned over the bit

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The next figure displays the schematic in context of a Wellbore Equipment report with a Tubing
String installed in the hole. Perforations having been opened, highlighting the details of a
mechanical packer. This figure shows an enlarged schematic, which is another of the interactive
features. In this example, all casing has been installed and cement run around it so there is no open
hole remaining, differing from the above example showing the drilling of the hole.

Figure 10: Enlarged Schematic

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Launch PROFILE in Context

Previous releases of EDT required the user to launch PROFILE, navigate to a specific well/
wellbore/design, and then to a particular date if they wanted to see the schematic for a given day.

With the integrated interactive schematic, PROFILE may be launched via the icon on the
OpenWells tool bar. PROFILE opens to the same Well/Wellbore/Design and date currently active
within OpenWells. If a report date falls outside of an Event, PROFILE will launch at the last date
of the provided Event.

Figure 11: OpenWells with PROFILE launched in context

Creating OpenWells reports from PROFILE

Data entered in the Casing, Cementing, Wellbore Equipment, Rod Strings and Stimulations tabs
of PROFILE now results in a new reports created in OpenWells. These reports have a denotation
of P in front of the report number in OpenWells.

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Figure 12: Creating Reports in OpenWells

Figure 13: Report created in PROFILE with P denotation

Schematics in Output Reports

To accompany the tighter integration between OpenWells and PROFILE within the Data Entry
Forms, Output Reports now also expose the schematic. The Casing, Perforating, Cementing and
Wellbore Equipment Reports now have schematics included on the last page of each report.
Schematics can be oriented either horizontally or vertically in Output Reports.

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Figure 14: Wellbore Schematic within the Wellbore Equipment Output Report

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Figure 15: Schematic in the Perforation output report

Update OpenWells Performance Reviews with 2007 Specification

Since 2003.16.0 OpenWells has supported "Rushmore" benchmarking standard with regards to the
Drilling Performance Review (DPR). With release 2003.22, both the Rushmore 2007 and the 2006
spreadsheet are supported. Based on the user choice for version information, the Data Entry area
dynamically changes and the required spreadsheet is produced. Once a version (year) choice is
made the year cannot be edited. The user is required to delete all rows included in the submission
and re-select them if they need to change the year; so this choice should be properly made before
adding any DPRs to the submission. Metadata configuration customization is still done as per the
Online Help originally shipped with the 2003.16 documentation regarding OpenWells
Performance Reviews.

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Problems Fixed
The following problems were either fixed or have workarounds for the 5000.1 release.

Defect ID Subject Comp Level 1 Comp Level 2

178457 Can you pass parameters to the shortcuts in the Core App Short Cut Bar
launch bar
619710 For Wellbore Equip reports, need ability to store Data Entry Wellbore Equipment
these assemblies to a library Forms
619913 Need the ability to import from a Library on the Data Entry Casing
Components Casing Screen. Forms
622375 Threads Tested Field Data Entry Pipe Tally
622381 New Field in Casing Report Data Entry Casing
622384 TV Depth in Casing Report Data Entry Casing
626495 DM_COMPANY_DAILY.num_people is not Data Entry Daily Operations
updated correctly when removing all personnel Forms

628904 User can't see this new Rig Equipment on the Data Entry Daily Operations
report. Forms
705993 Well Planning Hole Sections do not integrate w/ Data Entry Well Planning
PROFILE and the Tubular applications Forms
722401 Request that the Hole Sections Section of the Data Entry Daily Operations
Daily Report be changed to make it easier to Forms
understand for beginning users.

726999 No area available to enter free text comments for Data Entry Wellbore Equipment
an installed component Forms
731341 Wellbore KOP Coordinates should be local to Property Page Wellbore Properties
Well location, not Site location
731358 When promoting site to FINAL append the Core App Reports List
scouting description text instead of overwriting.

733398 Need Drilling Mud Motor RPG stored against Data Entry Daily Operations
Motor definition and Total RPM calculated in Forms
each Daily Report Bit Operation

733458 Layout Manager - need DM_DAILY.liner_top Admin Utility Layout Manager

field exposed
745332 Need fields to support IHMP and FHMP Data Entry Drill Stem Test

OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes Page 44 of 62 May 2008

Landmark OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes

Defect ID Subject Comp Level 1 Comp Level 2

746745 Nowhere to enter Tag MD when installing ESPs Data Entry Wellbore Equipment
below Underreamed section Forms
747263 Leak Off Test calculation in SI units differing by Data Entry Daily Operations
a number as compared to API Forms
747433 WP DEF - Hole Plan Totals should be subtotaled Data Entry Well Planning
by the current wellbore/design as that design is Forms
shown in the dropdown

747474 Include Tool Description in Survey Tool Picklist, Picklists

Survey Properties Page
749130 Survey Properties dialog showing wrong TVD Data Entry Daily Operations
value for Side Tracks. Forms
749174 Print Report Wizard--Save the Print Report Core App Other
Wizard Preferences and have ability to see
complete Summary Reports section

749621 AFE Report should not be deleted when AFE Property Page Event Properties
association is deleted in Event.
750453 Support simple Hole Sections data entry w/out Data Entry Daily Operations
requiring Details spreadsheet. Forms
750495 Pump Operations sub-spreadsheets not intuitive Data Entry Daily Operations
to use. Forms
752198 If possible we need to have an option to invoke Data Entry Daily Operations
Rig Equipment Properties (Pump Ops, Forms
Centrifuge Ops etc) from DO DEF

753590 Openwells 2003: New units required 100 lib. Unit Storage Units
Sack & 50 lib. Sack Management

753694 Need to change some default labels in Data Entry Stimulation

stimulation form Forms
755377 Loss of cursor Focus in Spreadsheet Headers Core App Spreadsheets

755413 No place to record Off Bottom Circulating Data Entry Daily Operations
Pressure Forms
757232 Cannot start and end the Hole Section on the Data Entry Daily Operations
same day Forms
757325 Request Operator and Reporting Time fields in Property Page Event Properties
the Event Properties.
758202 Require Communication Y/N and Data Entry Stimulation
Communication Remarks field in Stages section Forms

758206 'Actives Stages' should be labelled 'Active Data Entry Electrical Submersible
Stages'. Forms Pump

OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes Page 45 of 62 May 2008

Landmark OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes

Defect ID Subject Comp Level 1 Comp Level 2

758353 Find feature won't find items contained within Core App Well Explorer
Virtual Folders
759196 Daily Mud Cost does Not get recalculated when Data Entry
we delete the rows in Mud Inventory even after Forms
saving and reopening

760168 Survey selector in Survey Properties problems w/ Data Entry Daily Operations
SI units Forms
760175 Casing form does not see Pipe Tally form that Data Entry Casing
was just created Forms
763095 MD_PK_PROD_FAILURE_TYPE has no way Picklists
to be internationalize without breaking the

763107 OpenWells Survey Header Tie-On Point Data Entry Daily Operations
Coordinates for Wellhead origin does not respect Forms
'Well Centre' coordinate setting for Local
Coordinate System configuration in Project

763275 WYSIWYG DDR - Print Data Entry form: Print WYSIWYG

of page view does not fill the 81/2 x 11 sheet.
Printed text area is only 4/14 x 7 1/2.

764928 User requests Final Pipe Tally Output Report and Output Reports Pipe Tally
Driller's Running Pipe Tally Output Report have
separate column for spare joints listed in the Pipe
Information section

766385 Need 'Formation Gradient' field to support Data Entry Daily Operations
alternate MASICP workflow Forms
768500 Add Wellbore Name to Bit Summary Output Output Reports BHA Summary
768617 Request that EDM Publishing Service not select Field/Office Other
reports in the future. Data

768892 OpenWells spreadsheet import does not honor Data Entry Pipe Tally
any customized settings in regional settings with Forms
regards to digit and decimal separators

769347 Daily occurrence of SAM error Core App Well Explorer

769593 Update/Highlight in the Online Help that the Help/ Online Help
Wellbore Schematic displays the well status at Documentation
the end of the Reporting Period

OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes Page 46 of 62 May 2008

Landmark OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes

Defect ID Subject Comp Level 1 Comp Level 2

770137 OpenWells Survey Header Tie-On Point Data Entry Daily Operations
Coordinates for Wellhead origin does not respect Forms
'Well Centre' coordinate setting for Local
Coordinate System configuration in Project

770262 Must close and re-open OpenWells for deleted Core App Other
pit to go away on Fluid Volumes. Refresh

770525 In WYSIWYG, by default Survey Tie-On is User Data Entry Daily Operations
Defined and MD is set to the Datum Elevation, Forms
not to 0.

770771 Wellbore Status History no longer updating Property Page Wellbore Properties
Plugback MD
770903 New resistivity fields are needed for the Logging Data Entry Logging
Report. Forms
770937 unable to delete rows from Personnel section Data Entry Daily Operations
with People on Board tab hidden in DEF Forms

771010 Openwells, output report doesn’t show the last Output Reports
saved days length for drill pipe in daily
operations drill string section

771037 Unit System Editor: Gas-Oil Ratio. where is m3/ Unit Storage Units
m3 unit? Management

771071 <Set default values for Mud Inventory Cost Data Entry Daily Operations
Description on Daily Cost Section>" Forms
771091 Need the ability to support multiple WYSIWYG WYSIWYG
forms and assign them per preferred data entry

771159 Dsimpserv.xml could grow to an unmanageable EDM

size Publishing
771187 Copy/Paste problem in Time Summary Data Entry Daily Operations
spreadsheet Forms
771469 CDRS wellAlias does not allow for user to pull Regulatory NPD CDRS Module
from CD_WELL Reports
771471 CDRS mappings do not allow for literals in the Regulatory NPD CDRS Module
mappings Reports
771505 Daily Cost not populating in Daily Cost Output Output Reports Cost Estimate & AFE
Report for items not in AFE

OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes Page 47 of 62 May 2008

Landmark OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes

Defect ID Subject Comp Level 1 Comp Level 2

771558 Hole Section, MD Base field does not Data Entry Daily Operations
autopopulate/update from current MD until the Forms
DEF in closed and reopened.

771625 On Daily Operations report, field Data Entry

DM_ACTIVITY.Time_To of Time Summary tab Forms
is not working properly.

771631 Copy Well Planning report workflow results in 2 Data Entry Well Planning
'Planned' Designs within the same Wellbore." Forms

771999 Allow validation rules to be defined as Data Validation

772005 FOT takes about 10 minutes to transfer a simple Field/Office
company after a long time in idle state. Data

772323 Survey Properties - OpenWells enables users to Data Entry Daily Operations
tie-on Surveys associated to Wellbores not tied to Forms
the current Wellbore

772488 Daily Air Drilling Output Report does not show Output Reports Daily Operations
Sections if Hole Section not Present.
772515 Require support for "Rockies" location Data Entry
descriptions. Forms
772658 Move DO DEF from Well 1 / Well bore 1/ Event Data Entry Daily Operations
1 to Well 1 / Wellbore 2/ Event 1 causes NPT to Forms

772753 Wysiwyg showing same wellbore for all rows in WYSIWYG Daily Drilling
the hole section spreadsheet
772954 Datum Elevation Should Read 'from Mean Sea Data Entry
Level' Forms
772990 Security Tokens are not working for Attachments Core App Well Explorer

773014 Duplicate Casing OD and MD Shoe values are Output Reports

shown in Actual Casing section of Depth vs Days

773117 Attachments to NPT and attachments to lessons Data Entry Daily Operations
attached to NPT do not get moved when a DO Forms
report is moved.

773125 Deleting a report with an associated NPT does Data Entry Daily Operations
not delete the NPT nor the lesson associated to Forms
the NPT.

773598 OutOfMemeryError while copy/move a daily Data Entry Daily Operations

report for Oracle. Forms

OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes Page 48 of 62 May 2008

Landmark OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes

Defect ID Subject Comp Level 1 Comp Level 2

774506 CDRS wellboreAlias/name and Regulatory NPD CDRS Module
wellboreAliasNamingSystem will not honor two Reports

774507 CDRS wellboreInfo/RigAlias information Regulatory NPD CDRS Module

missing tag for NPD Code Reports
774543 Casing Output Report issues: MD Top label is Output Reports Casing
missing and Top Connection OD & Bottom
Connection OD values are interchanged in
Output Report.

774922 DDR Printed Report - Report Options Dialog Output Reports Daily Operations
needs select all and clear selection options.
775072 Schematic in Well Planning DEF shows the Schematic
actual and not the planned data.
775073 MD vs Cost graph needs to display details of Output Reports
NPT and casing.
775896 Details Sections Do Not Appear In LOT, BHA Data Entry Daily Operations
Ops, Bit Ops Until Header Line Is Clicked For Forms
The First Time In OpenWells

777044 OpenWells PSA CDRS report, need to map a Regulatory NPD CDRS Module
database field to what is currently a hard-coded Reports
value in Time Summary

777048 PSA CDRS report, unable to map field for Regulatory NPD CDRS Module
temperature tool depth value Reports
777049 PSA CDRS, Logging section is invalid for Regulatory NPD CDRS Module
temperature details Reports
777093 Report Manager Error when Cost Estimate and Output Reports Daily Cost
AFE has no entered cost rows.
777218 PSA CDRS report, unable to map fields for Regulatory NPD CDRS Module
lithShowInfo/tvdTop or tvdBottom Reports
777308 PSA CDRS report - need to map a field to Regulatory NPD CDRS Module
formTestInfo/dominateComponent Reports
777668 PSA CDRS report - unable to map a field to Regulatory NPD CDRS Module
gasReadingInfo/gasHigh Reports
777786 PSA CDRS report, unable to map fields for Regulatory NPD CDRS Module
wellTestInfo/tvdTop or tvdBottom Reports
777792 PSA CDRS, unable to map wellTestInfo/ Regulatory NPD CDRS Module
presFlowing Reports
777956 PSA CDRS report - access DM_ACTIVITY Regulatory NPD CDRS Module
table from controlIncidentInfo Reports
778103 PSA CDRS, 6 mandatory fields in wellTestInfo Regulatory NPD CDRS Module
with no way to map them Reports

OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes Page 49 of 62 May 2008

Landmark OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes

Defect ID Subject Comp Level 1 Comp Level 2

778994 Daily Actual Costs items do not show on AFE vs. Output Reports Cost Summary (AFE v.
Actual Report if there is no matching AFE item. Actual)

779171 Off-Load Pipe Tally Output Report Corrections Output Reports Pipe Tally

779265 Online Help lists the incorrect directory path that Help/ Online Help
the .bar file is saved in when creating new system Documentation

779341 Cost Records are not sorted according to Code Output Reports Daily Cost
and Subcode.
779388 Copying a well planning report into a different Core App
well misses planned designs & surveys for side-
track wellbores in the well planning report.

779580 Survey Header - Tie-on Point not calculated Integration EDM

correctly when tie-on point is on a survey in
another wellbore.

779901 WYSIWYG form allows user to change fields WYSIWYG

that they don't have access to.
781366 CDRS Change the output unit of Regulatory NPD CDRS Module
gasReadingInfo/gasHigh to '%' Reports

OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes Page 50 of 62 May 2008

Landmark OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes

Known Problems
The following are known problems for the Engineer’s Desktop 5000.1 release.

Defect ID Subject Comp Level 1 Comp Level 2

779226 Multiple Rheology sections not supported from Data Entry Forms Fluid Hauling
the WITSML 1.3.1 Fluids file
780361 Need to restrict the field length for Sidetrack No. Data Entry Forms Well Planning
field in Add Sidetrack/Multilateral Wizard.
Sidetrack No. field is accepting more than two
numbers (e.g.: 001) and throwing exception on
778931 Clicking on Empty Formation Name picklist in Data Entry Forms Kick
Kick DEF is throwing Null Pointer Exception.
778350 User should not be allowed to cut the rows using Catalogues Catalogue Editor
shortcut keys and save the changes in System
778932 Event/Job Preview Pane is not displaying Core App Preview Pane
completely, it is displaying some white patch.
784338 OW Performance Review (Rushmore) - Wrong Data Entry Forms
tab index order
780362 Need to restrict the field length for Version No. Data Entry Forms Well Planning
field in new Design dialog. Entering more than 20
characters throwing unexpected exception.
783718 Number of decimal places should dynamically Data Entry Form Data Entry Form
change with unit system change. Window
776120 Contractors tab, can not access Rig Operation Core App Menu Bar
Properties using shortcut key (Ctrl+Shift+O). It is
always opening the Air Package Properties
because the shortcut key for Air package
Properties also same.
775492 Drill Stem Test Output report, needs to remove Output Reports Drill Stem Test
column lines in Flow Period section. Some of the
Flow Rate section column lines are displaying in
Flow Period section.
776444 Cannot Copy/Paste attachments from one node to Core App Well Explorer
another node.
775337 New Job Wizard, Exceptions are throwing while Core App New Job Wizard
importing data in Arrival & Departure Checklist
Configuration spreadsheets.
775222 Virtual Folders created in Profile are displayed in Core App Well Explorer
OpenWells if we disable the VF feature also.
773979 Cleanup: User defined 'Sump Sampling' from Data Entry Forms Cleanup
Construction DEF is not getting associated

OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes Page 51 of 62 May 2008

Landmark OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes

Defect ID Subject Comp Level 1 Comp Level 2

772941 CD_MATERIAL.temp_deration_sched_id, Database
radial_yield_factor, and hoop_yield_factor were
moved to CD_GRADE. Update OpenWells with
this change.
774866 Make it possible to attach the custom java code Development Issues
(class/jar) for a single table along with the Report
file instead of putting in commonext.jar
783643 Save Failure while creating a Company and Property Page Company Properties
adding a Partner without saving Company first
783632 Problem: While entering data in Fluids FANN Data Entry Forms
table Daily Report, after tab out from the
deflection field to next row, the prior field
(deflection field) it is still focus as active while the
next row (RPM field) first field is also focus but
apparently no
783721 Wellplanning Report Directional Drilling is Calculations TVD
setting the TVD of the first survey station equal to
the md
784308 Catalog button should be disable when the Data Entry Forms Daily Operations
Drillstring Section is Locked by SAM.
783195 Hole Section add/delete rows appends if not saved Data Entry Forms Daily Operations
after deletion
783293 Daily Operations DEF, Survey station for a new Data Entry Forms Daily Operations
survey header always default to Normal instead of
783180 Rig name in rig properties dialog doesn’t get Wizards
refresh on the rig image title bar when using the
783409 Lock Wellbore Properties in RTV and clicking on Core App Well Explorer
OK button throwing 'OpenWells could not refresh
tree correctly. Please check log message' on
OpenWells screen.
783371 Convert Unit (F4) should be disabled for read- Core App
only and calculated fields
784211 Standardize shortcut for Delete to match rest of Core App
784222 DDR WYSIWYG - Mud Inventory Spreadsheet Data Entry Forms Daily Operations
Invalid Value Message Box is not closing when
clicking "Yes" to continue editing the cell.
784178 Moving Daily Operations DEF from one Well to Data Entry Forms Daily Operations
another Well throwing exceptions with a
particular data set.

OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes Page 52 of 62 May 2008

Landmark OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes

Defect ID Subject Comp Level 1 Comp Level 2

784224 DDR - WYSIWYG - Cntrl C/ Cntrl V - should not WYSIWYG Daily Drilling
be working for these Spreadsheets, no copy and
paste available from menu
784231 WYSIWYG survey data section, user shouldn’t be WYSIWYG Daily Drilling
able to insert survey stations same as in Form
784267 Wellbore Properties ask for Save even though no Property Page Wellbore Properties
changes have been made.
784011 OW, Wizards has a disabled <Back> button next Wizards
to finish button which will never be used. Remove
the back button if there is no next button on the
784095 Selecting Rig Type in the Create New Rig Wizard Wizards
without using the mouse doesn’t display in the Rig
properties dialog, hence wrong Rig image displays
783929 Need a link to Rig Operations for editing from the Wizards
Rig Equipment Editor
774965 Jobs tab, Can not delete Job attachments from Core App Well Explorer
Associated Data Viewer.
774966 WYSIWYG, DDR: Data Dictionary is showing by WYSIWYG Daily Drilling
default Date only for Survey Start & End fields in
Survey Data section but the fields are displaying
Date and Time.
781186 Well planning casing program spreadsheet sorting Data Entry Forms Well Planning
is messed up
781540 We can delete DPR Submissions in OW Utilities OpenWells
Performance Reviews after Revoking Performance
'OpenWellsPerfReviews.DPRSubmission.delete' Reviews
token also.
780948 Daily Ops DEF personnel section get shrinkage Data Entry Forms Daily Operations
every time you select a row
781778 Well Planning DEF, Directional Drilling Plan Data Entry Forms Well Planning
section CD_SURVEY_PROGRAM.hole_name
picklist is not updating without a refresh
781927 Streamline the SAM message dialog for Well Data Entry Forms Well Planning
Planning Report when more than one OpenWells
have the same report opened.
781685 OpenWells- VISTA only. Colour scheme Core App
777354 Copying the Rows in Hole Plan area of the Well Data Entry Forms Well Planning
Planning Report moves the focus to Offset Wells
778281 IndexBoundsException when you switch to Wells Core App Well Explorer
tab after deleting wells node from jobs tab

OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes Page 53 of 62 May 2008

Landmark OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes

Defect ID Subject Comp Level 1 Comp Level 2

778930 Some fields are not importing the values once we Data Entry Forms Wellhead
Export and Import the Wellhead in Wellhead
776389 Entering a Casing row below the Open Hole and Data Entry Forms Daily Operations
selecting from Casing Report causes Length to
populate incorrectly
776594 OpenWells, Contractor tab, Rig equipment should Core App
be sorted by install date in the preview pane
782683 Actual Design doesn't get created from OW Daily Profile Integration
Ops or Well Planning Report
782688 Well Planning Report/ launching Profile Profile Integration
782494 OpenWells output reports- Well Planning Reports Output Reports
- final page - highlighting strangely.
782503 Wellbore properties - bottom hole location not Property Page Wellbore Properties
populated first time
782965 OW display Multiple default Datum on import. Property Page Well Properties
783177 In consistent wizard dialogs. Some has OpenWells Wizards
icon and some doesn’t
782777 For a user with no add (token) right for any Core App Report Creation
reports, the 'Next' button in the Create Report Wizard
Wizard dialog is messed up.
782009 Copy Stimulation report from Library is not Data Entry Forms Stimulation
copying many fields.
782013 ADV, for Lessons, click on X button in Confirm Core App Well Explorer
Delete dialog is deleting the lesson.
781966 Creating a well planning DEF, cancel button is not Data Entry Forms Well Planning
working properly in the new design window
782369 OpenWells Well / Rig Explorer 'Rename' Core App Well Explorer
functionality allows entries in the explorer tree to
be renamed with a null value.
782389 Clone of 777925 - PSA CDRS - unable to map Regulatory Reports NPD CDRS Module
equipFailureInfo/equipClass - default value is not
782058 Copyright information is wrong on all preview Core App Preview Pane
panes - says 2006

OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes Page 54 of 62 May 2008

Landmark OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes

Contacting Support
Landmark operates Technical Assistance Centers (TACs) in Australia, the United Kingdom, and
the United States. Additional support is also provided through local support offices around the
world. Local support office information is listed below. If problems cannot be resolved at the
district level, our escalation team is called to resolve your incidents quickly.

Support information is always available on the Landmark Graphics Support internet page located

Technical Assistance Centers

North America 713-839-2200 (Houston, TX, USA)
7:30 am - 5:30 pm Central Standard Time Toll Free 1-877-435-7542
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays (1-877-HELP-LGC)
Fax: 713-839-2168 (Houston, TX)
Fax: 907-275-2655 (Anchorage, AK)
Fax: 303-796-0807 (Denver, CO)
Fax: 403-262-1929 (Calgary, Canada)


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OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes Page 55 of 62 May 2008

Landmark OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes

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OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes Page 56 of 62 May 2008

Landmark OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes

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Local Business Days, excluding holidays Fax: 91-11-647-9246

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8:30 am - 5:30 pm Local Time Toll Free 1-800-803-687
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays Fax: 603-2164-1135

OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes Page 57 of 62 May 2008

Landmark OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes

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OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes Page 58 of 62 May 2008

Landmark OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes

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Monday - Friday, excluding holidays Fax: 907-275-2655

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Fax: 713-839-2168

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Landmark OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes

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Landmark Graphics Corporation

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3D Drill View, 3D Drill View KM, 3DFS, 3D Surveillance, 3DView, Active Field Surveillance, Active Reservoir Surveillance, ADC, Advanced
Data Transfer, ARIES, ARIES DecisionSuite, AssetConnect, Asset Decision Solutions, Asset Development Center, AssetDirector, Asset Journal,
AssetLink, AssetLink Advisor, AssetLink Director, AssetLink Observer, AssetObserver, AssetObserver Advisor, Asset Performance,
AssetPlanner, AssetSolver, AssetSolver Online, AssetView, BLITZPAK, CasingLife, CasingSeat, COMPASS, Corporate Data Archiver,
Corporate Data Store, Data Analyzer, DataManager, DataStar, DBPlot, Decision Management System, DecisionSpace, DecisionsSpace 3D Drill
View KM, DecisionSpace AssetLink, DecisionSpace AssetPlanner, DecisionSpace AssetSolver, DecisionSpace AssetView 2D, DecisionSpace
AssetView 3D, DecisionSpace Atomic Meshing, DecisionSpace Decision Management Systems(DMS), DecisionSpace for Production,
DecisionSpace Infrastructure, DecisionSpace Nexus, DecisionSpace PowerModel, DecisionSpace PrecisionTarget, DecisionSpace Reservoir,
DecisionSpace TracPlanner, DecisionSpace Well Seismic Fusion, DecisionSpace WellSolver, DecisionSuite, DepthTeam, Depth Team,
DepthTeam Explorer, Depth Team Explorer, DepthTeam Express, Depth Team Express, DepthTeam Extreme, Depth Team Extreme, DepthTeam
Interpreter, Depth Team Interpreter, Desktop Navigator, DESKTOP-PVT, DESKTOP-VIP, DEX, DIMS, Discovery, Discovery Asset, Discovery
FrameBuilder, DMS, Drillability Suite, Drilling Desktop, DrillModel, Drill-to-the-Earth Model, DSS, Dynamic Reservoir Management, Dynamic
Surveillance System, EarthCube, EDM, EDT, eLandmark, Engineer’s Data Model, Engineer's Desktop, Engineer’s Link, ESP, Event Similarity
Prediction, ezFault, ezModel, ezSurface, ezTracker, FastTrack, FG+, FieldPlan, Field Scenario Planner, FZAP!, GeoAtlas, GeoDataLoad,
GeoGraphix, GeoGraphix Exploration System, GeoLink, GeoProbe GF DataServer, GES, GES97, GESXplorer, GMAplus, GMI Imager,
GRIDGENR, Handheld Field Operator, HHFO, I2 Enterprise, iDIMS, IsoMap, iWellFile, i Wellfile, KnowledgeSource, Landmark, Landmark
Decision Center, Landmark & Design, Landmark Logo and Design, Landscape, Lattix, LeaseMap, LMK Resources, LogEdit, LogM, LogPrep,
Make Great Decisions, MathPack, MIMIC, MIMIC+, Model Builder, MyLandmark, Nexus, Object MP, OpenBooks, OpenJournal, OpenSGM,
OpenVision, OpenWells, OpenWire, OpenWorks, OpenWorks Development Kit, OpenWorks Well File, OpenWorks Production, PAL, Parallel-
VIP, PetroBank, PetroBank Explorer, PetroBank Master Data Store, PetroWorks, PetroWorks Asset, PetroWorks Pro, PetroWorks ULTRA,
PlotView, Point Gridding Plus, Pointing Dispatcher, PostStack, PostStack ESP, PostStack Family, PowerCalculator, PowerExplorer,
PowerExplorer Connect, PowerGrid, PowerHub, Power Interpretation, PowerJournal, PowerModel, PowerView, PrecisionTarget, Presgraf,
PRIZM, Production Asset Manager, Production, PROFILE, Project Administrator, ProMAGIC, ProMAGIC Connect, ProMAGIC Server,
ProMAX, ProMAX 2D, ProMAX 3D, ProMAX 3DPSDM, ProMAX 4D, ProMAX Family, ProMAX MVA, ProMAX VSP, pSTAx, Query
Builder, Quick, Quick+, QUICKDIF, QuickWell, QuickWell+, QUIKRAY, QUIKSHOT, QUIKVSP, RAVE, RAYMAP, RAYMAP+, Real
Freedom, Real Time Asset Management Center, Real Time Decision Center, Real Time Operations Center, Real Time Production Surveillance,
Real Time Surveillance, Real-Time View, Reference Data Manager, Reservoir Framework Builder, RESev, ResMap, RightTime, RTOC, SCAN,
SeisCube, SeisMap, SeisModel, SeisSpace, SeisVision, SeisWell, SeisWorks, SeisWorks 2D, SeisWorks 3D, SeisWorks PowerCalculator,
SeisWorks PowerJournal, SeisWorks PowerSection, SeisWorks PowerView, SeisXchange, Semblance Computation and Analysis, Sierra Family,
SigmaView, SimConnect, SimConvert, SimDataStudio, SimResults, SimResults+, SimResults+3D, SIVA+, SLAM, smartSECTION, Spatializer,
SpecDecomp, StrataAmp, StrataMap, StrataModel, StrataSim, StrataWorks, StratWorks, StratWorks 3D, StreamCalc, StressCheck, STRUCT,
Structure Cube, Surf & Connect, SynTool, SystemStart, SystemStart for Clients, SystemStart for Servers, System Start for Servers, SystemStart for
Storage, Tanks & Tubes, TDQ, Team Workspace, TERAS, The Engineer’s Desktop, Total Drilling Performance, TOW/cs, TOW/cs Revenue
Interface, TracPlanner, TracPlanner Xpress, Trend Form Gridding, Turbo Synthetics, VESPA, VESPA+, VIP, VIP-COMP, VIP-CORE,
VIPDataStudio, VIP-DUAL, VIP-ENCORE, VIP-EXECUTIVE, VIP-Local Grid Refinement, VIP-THERM, WavX, Web Editor, Wellbase,
Wellbore Planner, Wellbore Planner Connect, WELLCAT, Well Cost, WELLPLAN, Well Seismic Fusion, WellSolver, WellXchange, WOW,
Xsection, You're in Control. Experience the difference, ZAP!, and Z-MAP Plus are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of
Landmark Graphics Corporation.

All other trademarks, service marks and product or service names are the trademarks or names of their respective owners.

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Landmark OpenWells 5000.1 Release Notes

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