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-whom I have great admiration for

-And what I would just like to say that he’s really intellectually smart, quick-witted, with
a good sense of humor.
-I learned a lot of important/ valuable/ useful lessons from him about
-More importantly, I have great affection and a profound sense of respect
to cut a long story short

When it comes to a person who is very close to me, the first one that springs to my mind
is…..When it comes to this particular topic, the first person that springs to mind is my
next- door neighbor - Mr Tam, a considerate and thoughtful old man. We have been
friends for several years since the day he moved into my neighborhood. Despite the
obviously huge age gap, we got on like the house on fire at the very first time we met,
and I admire him so much for many valuable virtues of his.
To most people, the idea of senior men often rotates around how old-fashioned and
conservative they can be, or how forgetful they are. Mr Tam, to me, is the embodiment of
the exact opposite. My deepest impression on him, which is also the reason why we
clicked at the very first time we met, is that he is very good with tech gadgets. Unlike
many same-age counterparts who are mostly dismissive of anything modern, Mr Tam is
not technology-illiterate at all. He often posts adorable pictures of his grandchildren on
Facebook, and I believe that he takes great pleasures in replying to every compliment
about how radiant and effulgent they look.
I also adore this man for his sentimentality. In his younger years, Mr Tam used to be
soldier who fought for the country in the Vietnam War. He is sometimes reminiscent of
the days when he was in the army. I remember there was one time when he got a little bit
emotional about his friends who laid down their lives in the battle. Whenever we talk, he
always reminds me and my friends to keep moving forward in life, so that the sacrifices
of his friends will not go to waste.
To me, Mr Tam is both a friend and an inspiration. I admire him for his wisdom, his heart
and many of his life advice. He is truly a friend that I never thought I would be so lucky
to have.

I’m going to talk about my grandpa, who took very good care of me when I was little.

He’s 75 years old now, and he lives with my parents in Dong Nai province, which is not
far from here.
First, he’s a very knowledgeable person. He travelled a lot during his younger years. I
know he has encountered various problems, so he has lots of valuable experience and life
lessons to pass on to his children and grandchildren. I remember when I first started
learning to ride a bike, I fell off my bike several times. Every time I fell, I just wanted to
give up, but he told me, ‘No matter how hard a situation is, never give up. If you fail,
that’s okay! If you put your heart into whatever you’re doing, you can do anything’.
What he said is so inspirational and means so much to me.

Second, he’s a caring person. When I was a kid, my parents were very busy with work, so
I stayed at home with grandpa most of the time. My grandpa told me that when I was
small, I was very naughty. If I wanted something, I cried for hours until I got it. I know
he loves me very much because he often gave me what I wanted without telling my
parents about it.

Finally, he’s very kind and generous. He spends lots of time engaging in voluntary
activities such as local environmental campaigns or other community service projects.

I miss him so much, and I know he misses me, too. Although I’m quite busy with work
now, I still manage to go back home to visit him every two months.

So, if I had to talk about a person who looked after me when I was a kid, it would have to
be my grandp

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