Ss Sarees: OA Pama

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aoe PRULUOLOULS OO Sart a mig
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=256 Turner’s (Wm.) Herbal, Be. 21

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1661 Turner (Wm.) A Booke of the Natures and Properties as

well of the Bathes in England as of other Bathes in
Germanye and Italye, black etter, at Collen, by 4.
Birckman, 1568—The Homish Apothecarye, or Homely
Physick Booke, translated byJohn Holybush, Colon. A.
Birckman, 1561—Hippocratis Preedictiones sive Prog-
nostica L. Laurentiano et Gul: Copo’initerpretibus, ete.
Paris, H. Stephanus, 1516. In 1 vol. Af. bd. folio, v. y.
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P Cothe myghty anv Cheilkiane

Pꝛince Edward Duke of Summerſe

ie bito the ble of Mankynd: pet tg there
ey hoticamon
g them all, whpch is fo openip
Cx / comended bythe berdit ofanp holy wori⸗
AOter itt the Bible, asis p knowlege of plar
DYAW tes, herbesand, treesand ofPhilich A
ye NF Do not vemembze, that J haue red any⸗ .
Grammer, Logics, Philoſophie natural oz
mozall, Alronomie, Arithmetyke, Geometry, Cotmographie,
Perſpectiue,or any other (uch ipke ſcience. But Irede amonge the coms '
mendatyons and prayles of kyng Salom on, thatbe was {ene
ſhrubbes and trees and fo periectip thath e diſputed wyſely tn herbes i

of then from ||
the bhygheſt tothe loweſt, that is fromthe Cedeetre in mount ida
n onto
the Hyplop thatgroweth furth of the wall. Fé the knowledge of Der
ſhrubbes and trees, which ts noc the lett necellary thynge vnto the knots

lege of Phiſicke were not greatly commenDdable,tt Hhulde neuer haue bene
{et among Salomons commendacpons,and amongett the lyngular giftes
of God. Therefor wher as Salomon was cCoutinended fo2 the
knowied ge
of Herbesthe
, fame knowledge of herbes was erpeelicdly ynough coment
ded there alſo. J rede alfoin the boke called Eccleliaſticus this commen
Dacpon, and alowpng of Phyſicious and Philick in thisplapn and erprefs
{ed boo2deg}.1ono2 the Phiſicion fornedes fake,fo2 the Lozdedpd ordayn
hyn. Foz Phiſick commeth from the hygheſt, and fall recepue rewa
of thekpng, Che knovoledge of the Philicio letteth bpbysbeade, and rde
beth noble to wondre. Che higheſt made medicines
out of the earth é,
neither wylla wyſe man refute them 02 foxbeare them. Taketh not
ter twetnes ofa tree,that
thepower of it map be knoWwen bute men
indued man with knowledge thathe might get praple of bys wonders,
Heheleth by thefe,and taketh away the payne of man, The
pereth hys mixtures together, but bis workes binge nothinge to perfecs
‘pon but fro
, m thelorde commeth furth heith into all the broade
My fonne in thy {yckenes faple not,but pay vnto God:fo worlde,
2 he Hall heale pt
leue ofſynne heme traight handes and cleuge thy harte
from all fpnne,
And then afterwarde gyũe place buto the Phiſicion as tohimewham god
hath ordene d s open prayſe and commendacyonis gynen by
ters. buto Philick and the knowledge of berbes, which F fpi boly mee
Spuen vnto anye other ſcyence. Butif that Phylick had got tenot tobe
prayle ofbolp ten nofuche
petforall that were Phylicke moze eae txtmoꝛe
————— Belle tobe
T h e P r o lrloedgarete.s a(cteces,for Gramee
tobe tet by then any ofall thefe avoue rehe
Logick,a Khetorick are occupped about nodes & ſayingla , w about deui⸗
dynd of beretagesand in alligning to euery man his ryght. Arithmetyke
about numb2e3, Auronomp and Aſtrology about thecourſe oftheſtarres
and prophecying of thynges for to come, MPulick about the agrement of
But Philick ſtandeth in doynga woꝛkinge.
tones, foundes and ſyngyng.
and is occupyed about mannys bodyſtherefore as much better as well do⸗
|pngis then voell ſaying and mannis body is moze pzecious then ail other
creatures:(o ts Phiſick moze noble and moze worthy tobe fet by, then all
other ſciences Jmyght vere haue pzoued the excellency of Philick,by the
antiquite of it,and by thenedethat men haue of it moze then of other ſcyen
ces,but hauyng the teftimony of holy witerers Jpaſſe ouer (uch pꝛobacy⸗
ones. But when as theythat promote o2 further the knowlege of Gram⸗
mer, Logick Kethozick
naturall or mozall, Philoſophy, o2 any of p other
aboue reberfed artes, and ſciences is tudged and that worthely ofall chaz
vitalp wyſe men to haue Done an excellent good turne, onto the Chriſtiane
common welth: then youe great abenefit Doth be vnto thecommo welth
r that with great ſtudy andlaboz pꝛomoteteth, ahelpeth men to the know⸗
Y ledge of Philick whychefogreatly as Jhaue proud before,excelleth and
, palleth all thete ſciences. hermolaus Barbarus therfore/sPicolaus Leo⸗
nicenus Joannes Adanardus, and Antonius Mula Jralianes, Dtho
Brunfellius, Leonardus Fuchltus, Conradus Gilmerus, and hierony⸗
MUS Bochius, Germanes,and Joannes Wuellius the Frenche man, haue
, haue eche
greatly promoted the knowledge of berbes bp thetr ſtudiesand
delerued very muche thanke,not only of thetr obone countrees, but alfa
ofallthe hole common welth of all Chatendome,and namelpe fuchſius,
whych wrote an Herballin Latin, and afterwardes tranKated the ſame
into Duche his ovone countrelanguage, Chere haue bene tn England, and
3 therearenowallo certainlearned men: whpch haue as muche knowledge
in herbes yea, and moze then diuerle Jtaltanes and Germanes , wohyche
haue fetfurth in popnte Herbailes and bokes of funples . Imean of Dot⸗
toz Clement, Mocto2 Wendy, andDoctor Diwen, Doctor Wotton, a mata
fter Falconer, Pet hath none of al thele,
fetfurth any thyng, ether tothe ge
nerall profit of vole Chꝛiſtendome inlatin, atothe honoz of thys reaime,
netherin Englphto the proper profit of their naturall countre, Wherfore
ſcme will laye bnnaturalines and vnkyndnes vnto their charges, whyche
myght haue Done theſe thynges and dyd them not, and could do the fame
and wold not.Foꝛ vohom Jhaue no other excuſe, but that ſome wolde and
Duritnot,fome wold and durſt, but they had no leafure, fome beynge wyſe
men,thoughtit more wyſdome to beatudge ofall mennys wꝛitinges and
labo2es,then by vogiting tocome vnder the tudgement and correction ofat
men:to anſwer to all vohatſoeuer Huld belatd vnto thet charges namely:
Phey their commeth no profit, but the icopardy of amannys efkimatisbp
{uch voriting and fettpng out herballes, 02 of any other bookes be thep nes
uer ſo learned o2 profitable. Hotwbeit the fouldieris moze frendly bnto the
common welth which aduenturoudlp runneth among the mpddes of bys
enempes both gyuyngand takyng blowes then be that whille other men
feight,fandethinthe top ofa tre iudgyng:how other men Do, be bepnge
without thedanger of gonne ſhot him ſell. And ſois there ———
j ,



Che PBrologe.
hath bene hyther to lo good bnto hys countreastoaduenture oz take the
papnes tolet outany herbal, J therfore Darker in name, and fare vnder

- —)

theſe men in knowledge,foz the loue that J beare buto my countre, and at} *
“= the commandemẽt of pour grace my lord and matter, Jhaue fet one part ;a
ofagreat herball moze boldly then wytely and with more ieopardy of my) 1°/

yr name then with profite to mp purfe, as Jknowe by dyuerſe other bos
“bes, vobpch Jhaue fet out befoge thistyme, both in Engliſh andin Latin.
Jhaue in this boke taught the latine name,the greke, the englyſh name,p
Duche, and thefrench name, moftcommaly of euerp herbe that Jvorite of.

J Declare allo the bertues of euery herbe, aMew the place where J baue
fence tt,lett tt Hnld feme tobe one of them which wryte of thynges, vohyche

thep neuer favo. Idowt tot but manp both pyplicpons of the mean forte,
many ſurgiones and potecaries,and many ofthe common people that will
Doplelp and warely bie herbes with the countel of the philpcpyan, Hall tabe
very great profit and commodyte. Foz the vohich they are muche bound to
thanke pour grace:who fyꝛſt fet mein. hand with this prefent labor. Peel, ug ser A AE
beit neuer fo learned o2 profptable vnto the conion welth, there wyll fame) .. 4:4
entipous ydle bnfent for ouerfeers,homelearned clerkes ſtert bp and diſ⸗
praplethys my laboures, whpch for lack oflearnyng can not do fo much
thetr felues,o2 for ſhepiſh fear dare not, 02 fog enutous bubindnes, though
thep can, wil not, Agaynſt fuche malpcpous perfones, as wyll tatte of all
Mennis meates and let noman taft of theirs (what kind a felowo was ſce⸗
uold among the Roinanes, bohych ſupped with all men, and bad noman to
fupper) confpderpng that J bad nede to haue ſome noble ¢ excellent paz
troue,edefendour, foz mp boke could, reberfpng many in my mynde fynd
out none ſo mete to be a defendour of thys woꝛke as pour grace ts. Mher⸗
fore J hane Dedicated tt vnto pour grace,and therfoze gpuenit vnto vols
alfo,becaute pour grace bath alwapes bone fo great fauour, a good wyll
vnto me euẽ before Iwas called to pour graces ſeruyce Ibeſeche pon to
efteme and way np good wyll amymynde thatJ beare bute pour grace
and to all pours, by this mp poorꝛe and ſmall gyft. Which though it be but dx /<:
ipttle, yet itis able todeclare my mpnde thozotolpfas6ipones clatwe only |/(c.2eulew
ſene,bewzayeth the bole pone,out for all that J haue choten your grace!
tobe patrene vnto thys booke, pet Iteken tf no wyſdome to put yo
to the paynof defenſyon vntyll Ican defendeno longer mp {elf therefor
ere J make an ende of thts preface, Ithynke tt mete to anſwer bnto cera
tapn obtectiones whych maye be lapdagaynet it Some toll faye, vohy ig
thys ſyrſt tome fo ipttics tt is to beſuppoled that ye myght haue fet furth
agreatholume, and petvold . Foz thys Jhauetheſe reafonavle excutes,
Beſpdes that Jhaue more thar tj. peares bene a dayly wayter and wan⸗
ted thechefe parte of thedap molt aptetotiudy,the mornyng. ahaue bene
long and fore dered with ſycknes,Jthought it belt todiffer the fettpnge | 7

ovo oftany moze, bntyil Jhaue by trauaylyng of diuerſe hyzes in Engs] A: 4 947K

land found out the herbes where of Iwꝛyte, that Imyght hevothe rea-| io pC —— dy Mey

ders of thys boke,inthat place of England every herbe may be had and
found tn, Foꝛ thete thre peares and anbalfe, Jhaue hadnomore ipberty

but bare.iij. wekes to beſtow bponpfebpng of herbes,¢ markpng in what
places they Do grow. Thepy twill not be content with this antwer let thé
(et out greaecr bokes,€Jwill therwith be well cotent, Other will thinke
| . A ttf, it bua

é a

The Prologe.:

k5 e
{t vnwoylely Done,and agaynſt the honoz of my art that J protefie, and aa
gaynſt the comon profit,to fet out fo muche knowledge of Philick tn Enz
glpthe.fo2 novo (fay thep)euery man with out any fudy of neceſſary artes
Dutothe knowledge of Phiſwill ick,become aPhiſician,tothe hynderaũce
and miniſhyng of the ſtüdy ofliberallartes,and the tonges, Eto the hurte
of the comen welth. Whilſe byoccaſlyon of thys boke euery man nay cuerp ©
old woyfe voill prefumie not without the mozdze of many, to practyle Phi⸗

fick. Co whom J mase thys antwer,bya quettpon,jow many furgianes

and apothecaries are therein England, which can vnderſtande Plinj in
latin oꝛ Galene and Dioſcorides, whereas they voryte ether in greke or
tranflated into latin, of the names deſcriptions and natures of herbess
And whenas they haue no latin to come by the knowledge of berbes:wye .
ther all the Philicians of England (faupng verypfew)committ not pᷣknow
{edge ofberbes vnto the potecaries oꝛno as the potecaries Doto the olde”
wyues that gatherberbes, +to the groflers,whplle thep ſend all theit re
ceptes bute thepotecary,not bepng pzelent their to le,whether the potes
caty putteth all chat Huld beintotherecepytoznor Chen toben ag tf the
potecari forlack of knowledge of the latin tong,isignozant in herbes:and
- putteth ether manya good ma by tgnozance tn ieopardy of his life,oz mars
reth good medicines tothe great diſhoneſtie both ofthe Phiſician and of
Goddes worthy creatures,the herbes and the medicines :tohen as by ha⸗
upng an berball in Englibalithele euelles myght be auoyded: whether.
mere itbetter,that many men ſhuld be killed, or the herball Huld be tet out
in Cnglph-eThelame reafon myght alfobe made offurgeons, whether it
were better p they ſhuld kyll meñ kor lack of knotoledge of herbes 02 part
Herbal Huld be fet out puto themin Engh, whiche for the moſt part vn⸗
Derftand nolatinat all,faupng (uch as no latin eares can abpde y Dioſco⸗
rides wrote bps great herballin grebe,in whole tyme allthe Grekes and.
Many Romances vnderſtode itp Diolcortdes rote, Salene mroteallo in
grebe:not onlp his boke oflimples,asof herbes,ftones, earthes beatles, €.
metalles but all the reſt of his bokes where in he taught thehole z peripe.
courte of Phiſick, and in his tyme couldeallthe grekes vnderſtand greke.
and a great nombꝛe of Komanes alſo.Dyd Dioſcoꝛides and Galene gyue
occaliõ foreuery old woyle to take in hãd the pzactiſe ofPhiſick⸗ yd they
epue any tuft occaſyon of murther. Were they hynderers of the ſtudy of
itberall{ciencesin greke, becaule they vorꝛote their workes of Philick np
greke tong⸗ Ifthey gaue no occaſyon vnto euery old tople to pꝛactyſe php
{ike,thengypue Inone. Ff they gaue no occalion of murther: then gyue J
none.tfthep were no hynderers fromthe ſtudy oflpberallictences, then
amFno hynderer wryting bute the Englihh mp countremen, an Cugipay
herball. Allmyghty God, whoſe boorde preachers, and delen⸗
Ders pour grace hath promotedin thetpme of vour Pꝛo⸗
tectoritp now defende pow,andimpladpesgrace
pour moft chatte bedtellow with all pour gras
ces chyldzen and ollpꝛyng. Amen.

Ai WorinmgrewkeoApdlient.hion becatile no beatt
vBiithinm is named
\ Fee wot! totich it forbitterncs, ain Englith pogmbood e,becaule

— oe thilleth wopnes, J tuppote that it was ones called woꝛme

Cys (Qy ctout,foz infome paofc t
Fref land (from vohence femetha |
) s fo called
crꝛeat part of our englph) tonge tohauecomeitt
wr \e32 ch ut
this dayein Duche wermin nche alui
tre, ne 02

VVorpuode Romane, Abfinthium Ponticum Rome maeunt,

he brndes and theplacesiubere thep growe. a

Woꝛm wode pontitcum, marinum and
blinthium vohych maye be named tit en⸗
a : | clith,wonmndoode gentle oz wormwode Romane, WezmWvon pow
dele, faz
LD! e groweth inno place of Englande, that cuer FZ coul
pinmplordes gardpneat Spon, ftthat Jbꝛought out of Germa

are no ne of pot ike wo rm wo d So me tar e f co mo great leued worm

wode , pot pke woꝛ n woode. But
et h al mo ſtincuc ty pla ce, tob e
‘pode Which grow u,boke of methouus medẽdiſheweth
they are fav deceiued fozGaleneinp
rd es th at fo lo we , th at th is gr ea t le ue d an d fipnckpnge
plainip in thete wo ty be wo ꝛi nw od .h ẽ as th er is in cu er p w o m
oormwod is noth true po get poz
in po ti be wo ꝛm wo de ig th er e no ma ll e af ir in
wode a Duble poure,
pertic, therisinal other wogmmodeg avery ae deste@
bitter qualite. But
Of woꝛmwode.
A ſinthium marinum 8Seq⸗ VVormvuod, ai

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‘ "7, Eh

aſtriction, which aman can perceiueby tatt,is ether very euyll tobe fotide,
o2 els there isnone tobefounde at all. wherfoꝛe Pontyke Wormbbvode
ought to be chofenout,fo2 pᷣinflãmatiõs of pᷣlyuer. But6hath both a leſſe
Hloure elefe then the other wozmwwodes haue. Che favour of this is not
only not bnplefant,but allo refembleth infauoura certain kynd of
{ptce. The other kindes hauca finking lauour. Wherkoꝛe pe mult fete
kyndes, and ble pontpbe wormwode. Thus fare hath Galene ſpokAle thefe
Lokole word ẽ. Bp
ed tt ts euldetsbthis otrrcoms ã grea
let Wosntwod is not
pontike wormwod.Asfor this great chmon doormwodued it is calle latin
Ablinthiũ ruſticũ that ts bouris 02 petantes woamwode. Somed intake

ay bie p wormboode b groweth by leatide fox Wormboode potpke, But &

{ atefardecetued ford thep
qualitesoftt anitwer nothing vnto the qualpties:oF
wozmwode potpke in Galene ethis (ane wormwod is
> Maing oꝛ ſeryphũ of Dtofcordes ¢ wting which maybe oͤright Ablinthin
fea woꝛmw calledin Englyſ
Pliomjd wit,
eth ofthe grotupng place of thisherbe thugith,
tricefimo fecundo, capite nono. Naſcitur & in mari
ipſo Khſinthium, quod aliqui Sériphuin tacant,
Selrca Tapofirim,ex ceter, This groweth tithe leait lelfe wo
call Seriphũ beſyde Capolpris of Egipt. Diolcoridesꝛmwod which: fome
eth in themountayn Taurus Jnoure tyme tt is ple {attythat it growo⸗
England about Lpnneand holly Ilond in No nteouſlye founde in ß
ꝛthumberland and at Bar·
rowe in Brabant,and at Noꝛden in cal Freſland
e. Fuchſius ts to be excu⸗
bed, whyche tobe Ar
gentatiam herbariorum wyth longe ſmalle coddes
AAU tobe
ME wormwode. koij
Comon V-Vormbuood, tobe Abſynthium marinum, becaule |
ey: Bo An0,fe he neuer
: fawe the fea tn all bys lyfe |
ete es ) there as thys herbe doth comonlyp
BOE Velo Vs gtowe. As concernpng Mormwoode
EG SH re Dee Pontyke fromwhych we haue bp oc-
* * fea Val, Gn, talyon geuẽ lome thyng Dygrelled:F
———— aad pe will Hoztip Hevo you, what mp minde
© AP Zo WEES ig ofit. Fthynke vevelpe that Sbfin-
A Sots SS Ye” thium Romanumof Mele ts, Diol:
— corides: Ablinthium wonticum, that
—— fame haue Iſene of late many tymes.
Ahad it from Rome, and it groweth
about templum pacis, and alfo about
SST thewallesin dyuerle places, akynde
of that, is much in Germany ¢€ in Ba
bant, about Colen tt is called graue
crovot, becaule they fetit bpon their
frendes graues, Freſes call tt wyid
Koſmary, Che Pothecaryes of An⸗
werpe Ablinthium Romanum, How
bett, thereis ſome difference betwene
it, thatgroweth in Kome, and tt that
growethin Germanye. It that gro⸗
weth in Germanye, hath leſſe leaues,
grener and thynner then it whyche
grovaeth in Kome, and alſo a pleaſan⸗
ter ſauour.Itthat groweth in Rome
Hath thycke whyter and byggerleues, then it of Germanye, theyare allo
hoter and ofa ſtronger ſmeſi.As for it that groweth in Germany, Jhaue
proued oft tymes that itthath perfptlp done luchthynges as pertayne vn⸗
to Worzmwod Pontyke. Thys herbe is not founde tn Germanpofhys
owen ſettinge or ſowynge in the feldes, butts only in gardynes, where as
itis planted oꝛſet by mannesbandes, Che thyrde kynde of ormwood
IS Oled Abſinthium Santonicum, Jhaue not ſene it inEnglande ofter
than ones, that euer Iremembzꝛe,itmaye be called well in Englyſh, French
wozmwode, becauſe it bath the name ofa certaine regyon of France whoſe
inhabyters are called Santones. *
Che degree,
PANS Ontibe Woꝛmwoode ts hote in the fir Degree and drye in the
par D3 thirdeatter Galene, Betus, and Paulus agmeta but after Me⸗
Wire) {uc itis drye, butin the lecond degree, but more credenceistobe -
ia SS geuene dito Galene then tometue, Sea Wormwoode is as Yea
gineta wztterh hote tn the kirſt degree, and dzye inthe lirſt. FrencheWorm
wode ts Locher then ſea Woznwode tn bzeakyng of humours, inhete and Vs

in drynes The tice of Bontpke Woꝛmwodeis rekened of all ſubſtancyxall

autores tore Hote agood Dele then the leaues are. : |

The properties of wormwone,

ie t etn weAsad
Re 4

st wormwode.
1 Damoode hath altringent og bindinge together, bytter and
byting qualttees hetinge and {couringe away, ſtrengthning
and Dzpeng. therfore tt dapuctl furth by the ſtoole and the b-
g |vinealfo cholertke and gallihe humoures out of the ſtomack.
but it auotdeth moſt chefelp the gall og choler, that is inthe
brines. Thus wrtteth Galene:Wozmboood maketh one piffe
_ toell, Daonken with tpler mountapne and Frenche ſpycknarde. Fe ts good
fo2 the winde and payne of the ſtomake, «the belip, It Datueth away loth⸗
ſummes. The broth that it is ſoden oꝛ ſteeped tn,Dronkenne euery daie ab⸗
out v.vᷣnces heleth p Jawndes oꝛ guleſouyht. Je pꝛonoketh womes ſlou⸗
res, ether taken t,o laid to without wich bony. it remedyeth the ſtrang⸗
lynge that comethofeatyng of todeſtolles iftt be Dzonken with vinegrẽ.
Jt is Good again the poyſon of ria with wyne. Alſo again homloke,and —
‘the bytinge ofa ſhrꝛewe. and the feadgagon, Che quyncey mape be hepled
with this herbe, fit be anointed with tt,and bony and lalt peter natural
put together, And fo with water, It heleth the watering {oes in the cor⸗
ner ofthe eyes. It isgood fo the bꝛuſynges and darcknes of epes with
hony. And fo tt ts fox the eares,tfmatter runne out of them. The brothe of
Werinwoood with his bapo2 that rileth bp from it,and imoketh vp, helpth
the payne ofthe tetheand the cares. The broth with Malualy is goodte
anopnte theakpnge eyes with all. with tye Ciprine ointment it is good
kor the long difeate of the ftomabe. voit) figges, vpnegre,and darnelle mele
it is good foz the Deopip,and the ſyckenes of multe,

Mut of Plinj,
(| Demboood helpeth digettion, with rue pepper and falt, It tas
je Beth awaye tawenes of the ſtomake. old men of olde tyme gaue
yt Co purge with a pynte and a halfe of oide fea
water, ſix Dreamz
mes of fedtt.

e.offalt worth theo vnces of hony and. tj. Daammes
In the Jatondesit ts dronkene with rawe perily oz VUenus hep , It
good forthe Ciearnes of the ſyght,itheylyth ftehe woundes before there
tome anye water in them. It helyth alto the yche o2 puke, It is not good
kor to be taken in an agew Layd amonge clothes tt dꝛyvueth the mothes
May, Che ſmoke of it, \zpucth away gnates o2 mydges. If the
vnke be tẽ⸗
pened with his Juce it maketh the myſe they wylle not eat the
paper, that
istozitten with thatpnke, The alhes of itwith vole oyntment maketh
blacke heare.

The quantyte out of Mefues,

NX fee E nape takeofthe brothe o2 of the ſtepyng
of Mormode
Reon | viy.ofthe Juce, fromthe dxammes to.iiij.of thefrom p,
Ss Der from.ij.dꝛammes to ty. and (o wil
lit makea purgation. But
weno becaufeit worketh but weykly, bp tt felfe
pe maye tabe it with
tobap, with Kaſynes,the ſtones taken out,oꝛwith roſes o2fuinitorp, Seg
Wormode is not to be bled for the ryght Wormwode foꝛ
, itis noyſume vn⸗
tothe ſtomakeasDiolcortdes and Galene do teſtyfye.
Mether ts thecom
mon poozmwode to be taken koz the ryght,ifit mape be pad,
ME Sothernwod.
Mthernwode is called tn Greke, Abro⸗
tonon, in latinAbrotonum,
in duche Aff⸗
in frenche Anronne⸗
~ rut) o2 ſtabwurtz,
NDioſcorides maketh two kindes of So
thernwode,the one kynde is the maleé
iC groweth in gardynes, and no vohere
Nee Cls,ethisisourcomen Sothernwode,
Theother kynde ts the female,
and dy⸗
Juerſe learned men haue fuppofed the
berbe, called in Engl) lauandercottor
fo bethys kynd, and furelpe the deſcri⸗
f ptiondoth much agre,faupnge:that the
leues oflauander cotton arenotipke bn
: assasetiiil to ſeawormwode, fozithathmuchthpn |
\* ner and fyner leues then lauander cotton hath.This kynde of Sothern⸗
wode, wherof J intreat nol, ts called of Diofcoridesin the deleription of
fea Moꝛmwode, Abrotonnm patuũ. wWherfore Jamfully perfuaded that
a certain kynd of Sothernwod whych groweth tn the moutapnes of Ita
— ipe, is the ryght Sothern hath (mallieaucs and Mort, but
herp thyck together,and it hath the bery fame {nell that the ocherkynde
bath, Sothernwode is hore and dzye in the thyrd degre.

is The vertues,

Aa oy Wee
, tt JG eS
We FE == Five (ede of Sothernwode,
‘A ar* é

uiINS Os Vin pe WN ESjvatoe,bzokene, emade bote

eo NES d | in water and foDzonken, tg
NG“ee * x iy, yer ="! good foz the Ho2t wynded,
— * epartes that are dzawen toge⸗
SaaS Wa Re Le. ta ther,ozthonke,and are buriten, for6
: x WOE MSs Wy {ctattca,foz
the ttoppinge of the water
ENS Lai — Elpbetople of wemens floures. The
VK Wag tas pox fame dronbé with wyneisagood pre
Si ata We.a {eruatine agapntt poyſon. It isgood

<a Dodene driueth awaye ſwellynges on.

the fleſhe.Jtkylleth wormes
foꝛ it ig
bytter Sot
· hernwoburne
de d and put inthe opleof alma chrittt o2 vaz
Of Atanthium ed
dice maketh a berde b qroweth ſſowlye, come oute a pace, ikit beanoyntvo⸗
woth it, Sothernwode draweth oute it that ſtycketh kalt inamanuys o⸗
dp. Dome holde that thys herbe layd but vnder amannys bolſter,agapꝛou
Beth mento the multyplyenge of thetrbpude, and that itis good
chermynge and wychyng ofmen, whych bychermynge are not able to ex⸗
woke of generation, |

erci thefe

Rat Qe L Canthiumis akynde of ppitel indena .

r on ofbAe vꝛlin bud
RAAted alte
res the gappesarenot {ofarin funder, the
NY lefe bꝛoken bath in it alonge thyng lyke
cotton oꝛ tyne Doune, the heade is lpke |

any Engiph name ofit,Jfoz aſhyft —«, ot wa —

therforeamcopelied tonamett@te YY e stews
thpitell.oz cotton thpftell, becaule Os aS. 7G Si

and theleucs byokene velemble cots Kt, SV wh,

of Dthe thpttell, = NO Si

F< goodrpro-
7al Fyndeno othe EN eS
NSF \uoertpe , that Piolcodes W ITS
WLS iG aveth, that thys herbe |
that tts good. 27
hath fauing
- for them that baue their nebe
bowoyng backward bp bye.
lence ofacrampy dyſe⸗
afe, t ,
of nature
Ft growethin
Dott in octoz

: + sothranke
Ot bramikxin
E e
Canthusts called. of§barbartis tory.
fers brꝛanca Vꝛſinainengliſh bꝛanke
g (pre,induche bernklaw. Chis herbe
groweth plentuoully amy lordes gar⸗
Dpneat Spon. FJ neuer (awe tt qrowe
wplde as pet. Some have abuled bears
».\ foot, whiche is conttligo for thys berbe,
YX) but the deicriptpyon of Dioſcoꝛdes cons
SS Depneth chem.true branke vatpne hath
| oO leues lyke acertapne bind of cole, whoſe
NALD leues are indented, but the leues are
~ Wi ee &., ) yy D blacker, grene, and muche longer then
ee ye NY cole leue
are,sandalfo narrowera moze
depe cut in,towarde the ſynowe that Acanhtus, Brank Vrjine,
goeth thorow the myd lefe. the hole 9
herbe is very lleymy and full ofaſle⸗ wie
perpnuce. thep that voyll haue anye 3
moze of the deſcription of bꝛanke b2- 7
ſyne, let them vede Dioſcorides de

* — 0
yo Ranke brſynes Kote hit ,Sas| 7
Chis good foz membzes sy SE WAN Le
Vout ofiopnteand fox sy JEVE ARS i

my \ yz)burnpnge, ifthe lapd SE SG HONS

‘bpon the difealed plaz S227 WY SS ASS
slſces. The ſame daona
⸗⸗ ZA


| Conttum ts of.ij. ſoꝛtes in Diotcogides, $ fyett igcalled’
mH Daltbanches,o2 thelpphonum,o2 sean. This *
bath leues lyke concummers oꝛ ſowes bred.tit, o2itiy, tog e⸗
W ther, but leſſe æſumthing rougher,the
Vyhxgherthe root reſembletha ſtorpioneſtalke ts aband brede —

s tayle,and ſhyneth
i yke alabatter, Fuchſius bith diuerte other lea
thought that rned mẽ haue
the herbe, whyche the duche men call cinbere ts Acon
Bei. Par⸗

See ae
OF Aconitum.
FconieumPardalianches Euch[ij, Oncberrics Aconitumlycoctonum, Bleyn VVolfsbayner

but Idobot bobether it be fo 02 no for the herbe hath ener
tty. lenesipbe plantain without any roughnes and neuer hath, itjdenes,
moze over Jhaue heard of credybie perlones that chyldzen infome plac
, ees eat the black berrie that growe inth
the top of this herbe without
teopardy,vobich thep could not o,f this herbe were Dardaltaches, which
may wellbe called ia Cugh® lpberdes bapne. Che herbe that path bene
| taken foꝛ lpberdes bayne, groweth plentuouſiy beſyde mozpeth in More
| thumberland tna wod called cottpngwoed Che other kynde of Aconitum
63 Deutded of Dioſcozides into ty. fortes, of whych Jknow.
of them bath leues lyke a platn tre,and Depely endentpd with pelo fot
res and with lyttle ſhort coddes with black ſe des in them thiskynde gro
weth onlye tu gardynesas farr as Iknowe:and this maye be called wola
fes bayne, o2 pelowe wolfes bayne,oz plain wolfes bayne. Che other bind
hath leues ipke a great kynde ofCrowfontrprh along talke and ablem
ſloure in the top of tt,lyke a hodeuch as grape frpers were, noberfere the
lower Germanescalltt monickes cap oꝛ niunch cappen, that is mones
hod. Thiskynde grotocth veryplentuoully inthe very top of the alpes,

Che propertpes,
betwene ſpleunge and cauenna,

Of Aconitum.
N Raye, Copardes bayne layd to aſcoꝛpione mabeth hyz vtterly amated
| Paar: aD Num and affone as ſhe toucheth agayne Hellebor, or neſe⸗
; icon woure,We commeth tober {elfeagapn,fome bie this berbe, lapng
arom It Duto the epes to take awaye the great paines of the eves, this
Oe meny

Herbe hyd in fleſhe and caſten furth, toherewyplde beaſtes come, kylleth as
many ag eat it. Theother kyndes called wolfes bayne, and monkes coule
Kylleth wolues [And thys wolfbayne of all popfones ts the molt haſtye
potfon. Howbeit,ilint faith, chat this herbeis good tobe dꝛonken againſt
Thys is alſo the nature of wolfesbaynetf anpe
the bytyng ofa ſcorpyone. hack

credence mapebe gpuen vnto plint, that itwillbpll a man ffhe take it,ex⸗
cept itipndein aman,fome thyngp ttmay kpll, with that it wyllſtryue as
with bys mache, vohich tt hath founde within the man But thts fyghtyng
is only, tobenit hath founde poyſon tn the bowelles ofalpupnge creature,
And maruepl tt isthat two dedly popfones Do both dye naman that the
man maylyue.

Remedies agayntt this poyſon

: and tokens of tt,wherby it map be kno wen voho is poplonet Iith tt,
| Ditis bayne by and by affone ag it is in dzynkynge apereth
|| Che tongefhoete toith acertapne byndpng, and vohen thep
that haue taken it,begyn to riſ itmabeth
e themdofey tn the
4 |beade,and dzyueth out teares,and bryngeth great heupnes
ee = —</] Dito the breſte and mypdepie and muche wynd goeth furth.
Wherfoꝛe the poyſon mult be dzpuen ovot,ether with bomiting, 02 els bez
neth, wyth aclyſter. We bletogyue tn Dapnbe,organe,rue,hoxevounde,og

the broth of Woꝛmwode with wormwode Lopne,or with houleleke,o2 {oz

thernwode,oz grounde pyne.thecruddes found tna kyddes mato, or an
bpndecalfes maw,oraleucrettis cruddes with binegre, ave good for the
fame, Germander,beucrs coddes aris and ruc, Do properly pertayne te
tye healyng of this potion,


. DERE hath bene longe a gteat error

amonge the Phiſlycianesand Apothecaz
ryesinthysherbe Acorus for thep haue
Died foz the true Acorus, an herbein dede
ipke in fathon vnto Acorzus but in qualy⸗
te fo farre Differpnge, as one herbe all-
motte maye dpffer from another. Aco⸗
tusis hote inthe thyrde degre and glad
on, whyche they bie for Acozusts could
And toonderfullp ſtoppynge and aſtryn⸗
gent,. Amongethelearnpd men ,whyche ~
haue percepupd the forelapd error, ts
lome ſtr is heerbe, (ome holdyng,
2B Ye that
Of Acogtts,
“Gladdon orLele Aer

|H | that the comon calamus od o2atus, isthe true Acoꝛus. and other ſome af⸗
a kyrmyng that great galanga ts the true Acorus. Calamus aromaticus is
Le | herp optter,andintheimellhath acertayn bnpleatantnes that filleth the
na Head, And the hete inthis herbe is not lo great as Dioſcoꝛides requireth.
fo, Bioſcorides ſayth that the roote of Acorus is ſharpe og bytynge, and
hath nok an euell ſauour. Then vohen as the greater, Galanga ts hote in
= the thyrd degre, and without any great bytternes ¢ euell ſauoure ZFwold
f rather take great Galanga tpsAcoꝛus, then the comon calamus.
The bertues,
ne ; ) — x! Cows hath anhote rote,the brothe of it pronoketh brine,
e/ .\\$ext It is good foꝛ the papnes of the ſyde of che lyuer of the
, sip G bree, gnatopng in the guttes dꝛawiages together €butz
S/T RN 4) tynges, itis good to {ptt ouer forztoemens difeaſles as atts
a x m OS. Jt waſteth away the ntplt,and helpeth tye ftrangulton,
Ean and the bptyng oferpentes, It Duneth away the daranes
R , 55 epes the iuice. The roote is muche bied tobe put among preter
i uatpues 02 triacles,Che broth of thys herbe is allo good for the ſwellyng
Fy | befoden inwyne, andlaydto,after the fame maner is It
of the tones, fit
good for hardnes egatherpng together of bumozes, Afcruple of ietot
WE Cents hepre,
Dronkene boyth,iiij. duces of honyed voyne, is good foz them that hane ben
bzuſed and ouerthrown,Acozusis hoteand dep inthe thyzd degre,

Lt Venu s he yp re,
Dianthum is called in Duche, Jungkfra⸗
Zz.) }.Moen haar, and in the Wothecaries Hop.
N7 f ves, capiilus beneris, Many erroures
= haue ben about this berbe. ZF haue fene
NN fome Pothecaries in Anwerpe bie foz
AAA\O thys herbe D2popterts, tniouan other
wer vile boalle ruc, otherwyle called faluta
bite, for thys herbe, And our Pothe⸗
: caries of Englande ble Trichemanes,
whiche ve" calle maydens hepre, for

ld a on tum are, ag —— fapth, atipke

vertue. ema theerro remaneth for Adiantum hath many lytle
braunches commpnge furth of a Iptle ſtalke, wyth leues lyke coꝛiandꝛes
greater leues, and thisherbe refembleth cuenfo the he brake,as tricho-
manes retembleth the male bzake, fox trichomanes cucn from the roote
bath contynually leues bnto the top, as the male brake hath, and Adian⸗
tumis bare a good waye aboue the roote,as the He ferne is bare euen top
2B,liye top,
Of Gents heyre,
Cop, ¢ there is it full of leues. J haneflene this herbe diuerle tymes in J⸗
talpe,in ppttes and welles:but FJcould neuer fpndeilt, neither in Germaz
ny, noz in England,It vſeth to growe allo in watery rockes, wherag the
funne commeth lyttle, it may be named in Cnglih Genus heyze op ladyes

7 =)
The vertues.
==) C broth of Venus hepre dronken, is good kor the ſhort wyn
=| befeq Ded, and for them that ſyghe much, for the mylt, for the pelowo
BS — iawndes, fo2 them that cannot well make water, Fe bꝛeaketh
S| = wa theftone,tt toppeth the ſſlyxe of the belly,it remedicth the by⸗
sine tpnges of ferpentes. It is good to Diynke agaynſt the Ayre
of the fomake.Ftdzaweth Doune the {econdes and the fiou⸗
res obwymen, and ftoppeth the parbꝛekynge and (ppttyng of bloude, The
herbe rawe is good forthe bytyng of ferpentes, layd bnto the place byt
ten, It maketh thycke heyre, where as the {calles haue taken tt atwaye,tt
drzyueth awaye wennes and ſwellyng vnder the chyn and tn other piaces
and wyth lye it taketh awaye {cure and ſcalesof the heade, and healethp-
wateryng lores of thefame, It holdeth on the hepre, that wold fall of, if
Ladanum be mixed wyth tt,and lapd bpon the heade wyth myrtople, iplp
oyle,oꝛwith plope and topne. The broth that the herbe ts foden in, poured
into lye and wyne, doth thefame thyng. Thys herbe gyuen in in meat vn⸗
toquales and cokkes maketh them keyght moze earneſtly then they dyd
befoze. Thys herbe bzyngeth furth of the breſte toughe and thycke humo⸗
res. Venus heyze is in mean tempze betwene hote and colde, gheſue wep⸗
teth,that the bꝛoth tobere in is ſoden apound of thys herbe beyngegrene,
purgeth yelow choler,and dꝛaweth furth lleme out of the hole bellye, and
lyuer, and bꝛyngeth kurth of the bette and lunges by ſpyttyng, tough and.
clamp humoꝛzes.

Ot the ryght aſffodyll.

A Lbutum ts called in latin alſo Hattula regia, and in Greke
fi i Jaſphedelos,and tt maye be calledin Englylh ryght alfodill.
teh eo '}ovobett,Jcould neuerlethysherbin Cngiand but
g\ A fo2 ones,
the herbe that the peoplecalleth here Micodill 02 Daffos
Mdillis akyvnd of narciſſus. The right affodill bath aalonge
Peas balbe a cublt long, and fome thpnge longer & many wohyte
Houres tn the top, and not one alone asthe kpndes of Narciſſus haue.
Theophrattus ſayth that ther growetha worme in affodyies and that it
groweth vnto a kynde of pe and kleeth out vohen the floureisrppe, Che
fede is thre lquare likebucke Wheat 02 beach aples, butitis blacker and
harder, the leues are long as a great leke leues are, and the rootes
Ay together lyke acornes. Jhaue ſene thys herbe oft in Italye are ma
and in cer⸗
tayne gar dines of Anvoerp.and now Jhaue it in England in my

The vertues, The

The properties, \
(CE rootes of the rpahtaodpll are bytyng ſharpe, and Do hetes
and provoke vryne and wemens foures, A drame of the rote
dꝛonken ih wyne, helpe the paynes tn the ſyde, burſten plas

ces and Hronken together, and coughes. Thefame taken np

quantite of tie vnder ankle bone,tucheas men playe wpth,b elpeth vomy⸗
tyng ikit be eaten. thzedzammes weight of the ſame.isgood foz them that
arebyten ofaterpent.Pemul anopnte the bytyng woyth thelenes, fou
res androotes wyth voyne. Wo fo allo tofouleand confumpng lores, The
rootes fodenin the Dreages of wyne, are good for the inſlammatious offorpᷣ
Ky papesand mennis tones, fo;ſwellynges and forbyles, It is alfo good
h «suet intlammations layd to with barlp mele. The tuice of the roote loden
h. myz,and faffron,isa good medicine fog the eyes. Fe
witholotwete wyne
hy is alfo good for matery cares brzuſed Lolth frankincenfé, bonpe, voyne, and
th myzr, the fame put tn tothe contrary car, ſwageth thetuthabe. Che athes
i ofthe roote layd to, maketh bey? growagap neled bead, Ople ſodẽ
tna ſkal
" in the fpacin the rootes made holow,!s good fo2the kybes, o2 moules that
" Are raw and foz the burnyng of the fpze, poured into the eare, tt ts good
i_ for defenzs. The toote heleth whrtefpottes inthe fee,wfperub them
" firttinith acloth,and afterwardes lap rhe roote to them, The feed and the
:| floures dronken in wyne, withſtand wonderfully the poyſone of ſcolopen⸗
dres and ſcoꝛpiones. Chey purge allo the belly,
i Alopecurus, Foxe tdyle,





Brit, Ol Fors
HE Garleke,
grotweth notin England thateucr Jhaue lene but
— * eee in Germanpe, but the kayzeſt that euer J

eS2 ſawe, grewe tn Italy. Che herbe ts lyke vnto a hort kynde of

oe »
Icoune and hath inthe tope ofthe trav, a great thycke and but:
ſhye care full oflonge dobones wobhych ts berp like onto afore tayle, wherz
of ithath the name Grebe,Jhauenot reade any thynge tooathycthe
wrytynge of thys berbe, nether haue J heard of any man wohich pad any
experpence tn the nature of thys herbe.

Ot Garleke,

Irleke is calledin Greke Skorꝛodon

tn Duche Knoublouch,inFrenche Aui
02 Aur, ther are.iij. kyndes of Garleke,
Thefytis thecomon Gardin garleke,
— the ſecounde is called in Greke Mpbio
; WwW ſkkorodon: inlatyn Allium
—* W or allium ſylueſtre: in Englptanguinum
—garlyx he crowe
wyld garlyke. Thys kynde
eo wvAthe berp {mall leues commyng
ay lpke arene twigges and they ac
9) UWP monipe crobed tn at e com
the end and when
VA. tis rype it hathe tede inthe tope euen
a ipke buto the cloues whyche growe te
. tye
on QF qarlpke, c
P toote but they are leſſe.The third kynd is called allium vrzſinum inlatin
and in Englyſh rammes orramſeyes: the fyrſt bynde growe onlye in gar⸗
dynes in England, and the ſecond groweth tn myddes and keldes tn eue⸗
tp cuntre,the thpadebpnde growetl in woddes about bath,

The vertues of Garlpke.

iAripke warmeth the bodye and breabeth infundze groſſe
> NS} DUMOZES, and cuttethe tn peces toughe humo2es, Garlpke
twvple oꝛ thꝛyſe fodenin water , putteth awap bys Harp
A KNSAN nes and petforaithat itleteth not bys bertue in mabpnge
EAU fe (ubtyleand fpne tt that is groffe. Buͤt itwynneth therbya
peed certapne pour, though tt be not eaſy tobe percepued,to no
ryſhe tye body, which tt had not befog tt was foden. Garlyke is not onlye
good meat but aifo good medicine, foz tt can loſe tt that ts topped and alfo
dryue itawaye. Garlike is of thatkpnde of meates whypche dapue furthe
winde and ingendere no thprt. Crow garlyke as ail other wilde herbes
be,isſtzonger thenit ohthe gardyne. garlyke dꝛyuethe out of the belip hyo
DewWozmes taken with other meat, tt prouobeth bapne tt helpeth the by⸗
tyng ofa veper. Bothe eaten and alſo layd to. tts good agaynſt the bitins
Hes of madd 02 weod bealies. It isalfo very good fog the ieopardies that
map come of changing of waters, Ecuntrees,ttcleveth p boyce ãfwagerh
the olde coughe taken row o2 foden, Che fame droncken wyth the brorhe
oforgane kylleth lyſe and nyttes. The alhes of burned garieke lapdeto
wyth bony helethe brutes and biewe ſtrypes folowinge of betynge o2 fal⸗
ipngeand wyth the opntmente of ſpyknarde: tt helethe the fallypnge ofthe
heere, and wyth ople and falt tt heleth the burſtynges otvt of ioheles and
wyth bony tt taketh awaye the ſcuruye euell, frekelles, runnynge ſores of
the hede and (curte and leprofpes. Garlpbe dzyvueth awap wyth bys (melt
ferpentes and fcozppones. It tg medycynable agaynſte the poyſone of ipa
bardes bayne.Jtdawethe Dotone wemenes ſyknes and fecundes wyth
theperfume of tt,andfodocth ttf they will litouer the brothe that it is fo
deneinwyth herbes oflpbe bertuc, Garlpkefodentopth mplbe,o2 broken
orinengled wyth fofte chefe , ſtancheth the fallynge downe of humozes
called the catarre, And ſo is tt good agaynſte hortucs, Thze iptie cloueg
broken in bynegre and laydetothe tethe are gosd fog the tethe ati, St
fwagethe allo the payneotthe tethe ifitbe roſted and puttin to the tethe,
fo that the papne come otto muche moyſture.One hede of garipke dron⸗
kene wyth.x. dꝛammes of the gume of laſerpytyum dryuethe awaye the
quartayne ague .fo2 lake of the truelaterpptpum : ve may take the roote
af angelyca 02 of pyllytorye of {payne,called other wyſe magyſtrantpa.
Jt prouoketh ſſepe and makethe the coloure of the bodpe rede and ſtyrz⸗
tethe men to venerye. dronkene wyth grene Coryander and uronge
wyne. Itis alſo good for the pype dz coupe of hennes and cockes ,ag
Pliny wꝛyteth. Garleke helpethe thecolxke cummeth of wynde andthe
ictatpca that ts of fleme.Itmaketh tubtll the norpihement Andthe bloud;
Che bie ofgariebe ts euell for allthemp areof an hote complerpon, foz
it hurtethe theepes,the ede, thelonges,and thebpdnes it hurterh alſo
a 230, Women
QTder tree.
— ME chylder.
Women with child and luckyng Garlebe is as Galene layth, the
It ishoteand Daye tn the fourth degree,
Men of thecountrecs triacle.
Alnus, The Aldertree.

/ Ml the alder tree,

— DC ald«r tree, tobicheisalfo called analler tree , is named in
(eee) gtebe Clethea,inlatinalnug,in duche,etnerlenbaum, Chena
— hal ture rrs ee istogroweby water ſydes and in marriſhe

DE tree wohen the barkeisof, isreade, and the barke ts

nuche bled to dpe wythall. Plini ſayth that alderis pros
ytable to ſet at ryuer ſydes agapntt the tage of the floude,
C14 ato helpe and frengthen thebanke wyth all:and that buder
ANE the Hadowe of alder trees mape well growe anye thpnge,
Se thatisiect,oz fowen: which thing chauncetnot h vnder ma
ny other trees. Some fape that the tuice ofan alder trees barke, is rood
foz aburning, The leues arecolde and aſtringent, and fo is the barke alfo.
Aloe may
i Bart = —— Eat = SES ~— ry ‘Loe mape be called in Englyſh herbe
Aloe to put difference betwene the
> —J Pe aN SS -

— OW gg We RESTA
iy SOLA 5 X *

herbe and the iuice which compacted

% oe

* A ;
. re ee together a dryed into great peces ts

comonlpe called aloe, Bloc bath fat €

: * gra Hd » Sexe

4 * i h —8* X

9 — Wa by
— ABE) Aas:
Si thycke leues lyke bnto (quilla 02 fea
otnpone,fomtbyng brode, round and
bowynge backwarde. It hath leues
of eche ſyde, growpn ae
a vorie, pryc⸗
kye, woth fewe creſtes and Hort. Che
ſtalbe is lyke ryght affodtiles ſtalke,
it hath wyyte floures and fruyte like
5 Yb ina ay 3 *
Bo) A) Se , v. Wya
— é A: ¥ 1 ¥ —39 vA L
3 ar) KW ih * oy of Il a —

— ae * - Huroright affodyll it hath agreuous

ef, Ae s ie ~~ ay Z W

ſauour and aboonderfullbptter tafic,it hath one roote, and ſtycketh tn the
groundeipkea fake. J haue ſene in Italye tn Dpuerte gardpnes herbe
aloe, butit endureth notin Italye tn gardynes, aboue ty. peatesias p Ita
lianes tolde me. Jhaue ſenẽ herbealoc alfoin Anwerpe in Hoppes & ther
it endureth longe alpuc,as opine doth and Youllebe, toherforefome haue
called it ſemper viuum marinum, that ts ſea aigrene.

T h e vertues.
ere aretwokyndes ofaloe ,one kynde isfull offande, efemeth
FV AS to be the dzofle and out caſt of the pure iuice. The other bynde is
J gs)like bnto alpuer, that ought to be taken, that ts ofa good fauoure
aD pure, and hath no deceyt in it,lyynynge without tones, ofaread
colour,growinge together ipbe a Ipuer, britle ealytomelt and ofa great
bitternes. Jtthat ts black and hard to bꝛeakeisnot commendyd. Che naz
ture ofthe herbe Aloe is to hele woundes,and the property of the iuice is
to drzye bp,to prouoke ſſepe and to make bodies thicke and faſt together,
and toloufe the belly, twoo lytle fpounfulles of aloe beat into pouder, and
taken ether wyth colde 02 wpthy warm Loater purgeth the omake, ſtop⸗
peth the vomytyng ofbloude,and purgeth the tawndes, taken tu the quan
tyte ofa ſcrupie and a halfe wyth water op adꝛame in dzynke, thze dzames
of Aloe taken, make a iuſt purgation. Meſue gyueth in pouder or pylles
from adzame and a halfe to too drammes, and tn inſtepe og infule frowa

dzame eabhalfe vnto ty. Drammes tabalfe. Aloe mixed woyth other purga
tions, belpeth $ thep hurt not the ftomake fo much as thephoold haue Done
ifthepy had bene takẽ alone. Bloc dried,isſprinkled into woundes to make
them growe together agapne. tt bꝛingethſores to aſkyne, aholdeth them
in,that they ſprede no farther.itheleth ſpecyally the pppuy members that
Haue fores and the fkyne of,Itioyneth together agayne the ſkyne that co⸗
nereth theknopeof bopes peardes, tf itbe broken tn funder wyth Mal⸗
netp.Jeheleth rpites aud hardlumpes,p arple tn the fundament, it ſtop⸗
peth6ouer much iſſhuyng of 6 emrodes, aburſtyng out ofbioud. tt heleth
alfo agnales,whé they are cut ofWith bony it taketh awape pᷣblewe mar

kes @ tokens come of beatyng o2 bꝛuſ heleth p {cabbie blere eyes,¢

Piche of fconnersof pepe.Ftttancheth the heade ake layd vnto the tẽple
fozehede with binegre and role oyle, wyth wyne lapd onto the an
iF Chikewede.
holdeth fat the heere that wold fall of, Jtis good forthe fwellpng in the
birnelles buder the tonge foz the Difeate of tye goumes and all Other diſea
{cs of the mouth lapd to wpth voyth wyne ebony, Bloc tS burnt in aclene
and burnyng hote velſel, and is oft ſtirred with afetver,that it maybe all
alybe rotted, and ſo it ig agood medycyne foz fore eyes. Dome tymeitig
walked, that the fande map go vnto the bottome. Aloe walhed, is holſum⸗
mer for p tomake,butit purgeth not ſo much as vnvoaſhed. Aloe purgeth
choicr and fleme, it purgeth founer as Melue lapeth ifit be taken before
meate, and if therbe menged with it mace,clowes nut mugges cumanunt,
matticke o2 follot. tyne o2 roſe water,o2 the tuice of fenell, toherein Aloe
myxed with dragonis bloud ,and myrr healeth ſtynkynge and olde ſores.
Thelame mixed wyth mirr, kepeth dead bodyes from coꝛruption. Aloe
diſſolued with the whyte of an eggeis agood implaſter to ſtop bloud, both
of the emrodes,and of any wounde oꝛ cuttyng. Aloe is not good for them
that are much diſpoſed tothe emrodes , for it openeth the mouthes of the
It isalfo euell fog them thatare hote and dzye of nature,butitis
Goad foz themthat are moyſt andcold, Aloe is hote in the begpnnynge of
the ſecond Degre,and Dep inthe third degre, The belkaloc ag Galene wri⸗
tetl‘commeth from Judy,
GE Chikewene,
: anon

Aline, Chikevuede. \W

eYA4 a { J \é \ 7 pes
v SY} Croke Shey ZB

~~ — IX 8 F ad
9 — 9 We 3 6S
TM by o) 2 yt / ;
yi a
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2448 MEO iPT
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y p a aia)
— ee Wat

S A) & SLiS

2 ae
oie 7

* j rT | rf

— WN) —OE SLs

— (O ae
SAS Se Pes \
8 Ci Pner? (

= Ly
*—T ⸗
WA 2 ’ as
7S tf
? :
— S—— —
—— ZzArgeS
;&, LNY oe —
— et AE
las NLS —i
é YL

HlediDinkgreebe walliene,dand thetslaticanes l-dle

thefamename,induche bogel craut, og
mere, infrenche mauron, Che Pothe⸗
taries callit, moꝛſum galline:this berbe
is fo. well knowen tn all contrees that
Inede not largelyer to deſcribe tt. they
SS that kepe lyttle byrdes tn cages, when
they are ſycke, gyue the byzdes of thys
herbe, to reſtoze them to their health

CThe vertues of Chiwede.

3 We poure ofthis herbe isto bynde and tocoule. Jtislapdtothe .
AN ES! inflammations ofthe eyesWith barlye mele and water. Che
M iuice is alfo poured into the.cates agapntt the payne ofthem,
Zs} This herbe ts profitable forall thyng that parietory tg geodoe

Itis good foꝛ all gatherynges and inflammatyons both ofbloude and al⸗
fo of Choler,tfit benot extremely hote.

Of Henbayne.
Enbayneis called in latin altercum,and Apollinaris oꝛ Fa:
| Fer) te! batuiliain Barbarus latin tulquiamus, in greke hyoſcia⸗
PY hi mos, induche billem crout,tnfrenche dela Hanbane, Henz
bane bath thicke talkes, bꝛode leues and longe, deuyded,
Morty gi)black, and rough. Che floures come out of the ſyde of the
SEES Mtalkin
e ozdꝛeasthe tloures of pamgranates, compatted
— — topth thelpti
e cuppes full offebeas poppy hath. Cher are

thee fortes of Henbapne,one with blacke fede with foures, almott purple
withthe leues offrenche beanes, called ſmilax, with beffelles hardeand
pꝛyckye. The other fede is fomething pelowe as wynter creflesis,theles
ues and thecoddesare moze ſymple. Both thele tho byndes make men
madde, and fallintoa great flepe,and therforethep oughtnot to be com-
monlp vſed. Phiſicianes hauerecepued the thyrde kynde as moſt gentle
) full of horꝛe, and fofte, votth whyte foures and whit ſedes, and tt groweth
H - about thefeafpde,and about guttures and Ditches, about tones and cps
7 tpes,tobpch if pe cannot fynde, take thenit with the reade {ede and bieit,

— The bertues,

all me⸗
— ⸗

WE Marriſhe Mallowe.
almedicpiies, vohych take payn away both by th ẽ ſeluesa alſo with barly
mele. Che grene leues are layd to,toreleaſe allkynd of payne. iij.oꝛiiij. les
nes dronken wvoyth wyne hele cold agues, where in thepp are ſyck ave both
hote and cold at onetime. The rootes ſoden tn vinegre as for the tuthake.
The ſmoke of thys herbe is good forzthe cough, ikit be receyued into the
mouth. Pliniſayth thatthe oyle made of the ſede ofthys herbe, put intoa
mannes eare,brꝛyngeth hym ovot of hys mynd. Alſo mo then. iiij. ofthe le⸗
ues dzonken,dotheſame Henbayne is coolde inthe thyzd degre.

Of marriſhe Mallowe.
Gee — ACase! thea ts
Rarres calledbigalſomalua
malua hibiſcus and Enilcus and of the pote⸗
and maluauiſcuns inEnglyſh mars
ACN tp mallow o2 water mallow in duche ibiſh, in krenche gui⸗
2 ae
‘ Chis herbe groweth naturally tn watery
a mar⸗
7 geese

+ leith mpddocs,and by water ſydes. Althea o2 marrph mala


— = lolly hath rounde leues Ipke vnto fowbrede, with a whit
owye Dpon them, wyth afloure after the pronortion ofa roale, but in coz
Joure they are pale purple, wich dzabopug. nere vnto noite, foz the quan⸗

tite of the herbe bery imaile, with a ſtalke of.y.cubites hygh, with clammy
rootes and whpt boithin Althea, hath the name in greke, becaule tt ts good
fo2 manype dyſeaſes.Ftis called marrifhe mallowe in Engliſhe, becaute , —
groweth comonly in marryſh ground and watery mpddoes, Bythys de⸗ ake J
A Mw

(criptionitis plapne that our comon holyoke is not Althea.

The bertues,
ey —
tae |Arrpth mallotwe,fodenin wyne o2 medeorbruſed and lait
} ——7A ) on bp it felfe,ts good foꝛwoundes,fo2r hard kyznelles, fuel
= ss
7 —

ay: — lynges, and wennes foz the burnyng and {welling behynd
RIAN Ay) {s)he eares,fo2unpoftumes,foz the burnynge impottume, of
?A 1 Fathe pappes, foethe bꝛuſynge of thefundament, for vopnap
sees Nyellpnges,fo2 the tpines of the ſynnowes foz it drꝛyueth
awaye, maketh rppe o2 Digelteth burſteth and couereth with tkyne, Sete
itasis mencponcd before,and put ſwynes grefe vnto it, 02 goofgrefe, 02
tarpentyne that it may be clammy as an implaſter, and thentt is good fos
the inflammations and ſtoppynges of the mother, tfye put itt inte tye moz
therafteratuppofptozpe wyſe. Che brothe that the herbe is fodenin, i8
good for the ſame.Itdeaweth out allo the burdens of 6mother, ¢ 6lecun
des ᷣabyde after the chpld, Che byothe of roote dzonken with wyne hel
peth the pcannot well make water, the rawnes of them p haue the tone,
Pblody fyre,the (catica, the trymblyng ofany membre, & the burſtynge.
athe the mouth with the fame herbe ſoden in binegre, eit will eale the
payneofp tethe, Che grene tebe € b dzye alfo bꝛoken heleth frekelics and
foulefpottes,ifthep be anopnted therwith tn 6 funn. Chep p are anointen
Th p fame,Woople € binegre, ave in no daũger to be bitte of benemous bea⸗
Itis good agapnit the blody flive,p vomiting ofbloud, ¢ the common
fipre. The fame (ede fodencin water and bynegre oz tt wyne is dronken
againſt all the ſtyugyng ofbecs walpes Eluch other lyke, Che leucs with
WE Marierum
alptle oyle are layd on bytynges and burnynges.It is euidentlpknopen

that water wyll were thyckeihthts roite be bruled and put init, lo that .
Water Land abrode in the ayre wythout the dores.

OfMarierum gentle,
Arierum is called in Greke ſamſy⸗
ais Sy, > chos and amarokos, tn latin amas
if ch \:* i4 racus 02 maioꝛana in Duche metes
ran o2 maioꝛantnfrench matolapy
AN Vise —
* NA ay, *
ty \

AY ie) Va

ozmaron, fome calithys herbe in
v See vs ‘ aS » R /

englph merierum gentle,to put a

SRie Difference bet wene an other herbe
called meaterum, which is butabas
‘aN ) Cy B tard bynde, this is6true kynde.
+A 2 er WPerierum ts a thicke and buithp
Ven CR eat De) berbe crepingby the ground with
NS NN XV ieues lyke ſmali calaminte roughe
ON CoO GW and rounde. it hath lytle tophes in
the hyett parte of tye ſtalke mucye Ipke ſcales one growinge ouer anos
ther asthe fp, treenuttes Doappere,Jthath a berp good ſauour.

Che bertues, —
HE broth of thys herbe drꝛonken is good for the droplye in ð
0 Aa] ese lbeapnnypng,and fox themthat cannot make tater, & for the

He 7 AN Se gnawing in the belly. Che drye leues layd to, with hony take
Pe alvay, blew markes, whych come of beting, andin a ſuppoſy⸗
=es| Sohstorpe, they bapnge Doune wymens ſycknes. Chey
— — goodto be lapd bnto the ſtyngyng ofa ſcorpyone with areallo
falt €
| | binegre. Che fame receyued th toa falue made ofwexare good for pᷣ mem
HE |) | bꝛes that are out ofioynte. aafter the ſamemaner thep are good faz lofe
fee. frocliinges,and they are layd vnto the eyes Lith the floure of barly when
HH] thep haue aninflammation. They are mixed with medycynes, whych res
kreſhe Werpnes and (uch emplaſteres as are appoynted to hete. Che
Der of the drye herbe put th amannes nole, maketh him to neſevᷣople that
ny iS made of merierum, warmeth and fattencth the ſynoes. Chys herbe is
Hi hotetn the thpzde Degree, and Dayetnthefeconde,

a) & Alyſſon.
Lyſſon hath the namein Greke, becaule it helpeth the bityngof
ANC« |Atood Dogge. Dioſcoꝛides and lintdo not agrewith Aetius €
FAI Le Actuarius tn the kefcriptpon of thts berbe.fo2 Dioſcorides and
9 * * Plinj make alyſſon lyke vnto gooſhareth, forDioſcorides come
|| Xmonly letteth herbes oflpbe korme and fahion together, ehelettethnert
4 Duto goohareth, whych is called in Aparine,alpflon. Howbeit this were
no neceflarp arguinent,tf that Jhadno mo profes then thpsalone. Bue —
1 | ae lint maketh cuydentlp, for mp purpote his wordes are thele. Abifos arubia
|| J folijscan
erbus difere, Aliſtos Duereth onlp from madder in ye }

Mf alyſſon. oi
is berylyke bnto a parine.

, madder
hath leffelenes, elefle baaunchesand

herbe ſom⸗
Dioſcorides deicribeth alyſlon, thus alpflos is alytle buſhy ta,
thyng Harpe wyth rounde leues: and beſyde them hath a fruyte, lyke and ⸗ Ais |
iptie buckleres: Wherin is lede ſomthyng brode. it groweth in hylly
ghe pla ces . Che her be why che FJ tak e tob e aly lſo n of pli nia nd Dioſ⸗
rou ede roote, growe
conldes,tgafmall herbe ofalpan hight and of one lmatllrwer e of (pores , {et
many (mall falkes, vhyche hau e many rowelles asi

— im oꝛder: and at euerye to well oz rounde order ofleucs ner the tope,ther
ſpryngeth furthe a lytle ſmall anche thyn , whiche bath ſloures fruyte, and |
.the ttal keis .tij, ſqua re and ſoin g Har pe, Che leu esindede
{ede ta-
are notenen playne rownde taben ſeuerally by them (clues, but they

Ken one with an other allto gether are rounde in ogder,Ffthatthe round


nes that Diolcorides ſpeaketh of, be not thug tobe bnderita nd:this herbe } aN i"
es Aly ſſo n. the fou res are blu yſh e pur ple , and appere v pur
cannot be Dioſcorid
comonlpy about the end of mape:thefruptegroweth cuer, tj, and in toge⸗ qrwn
ther:wherinis alytle blake ſede ſome thynge ſome tope aman map


Fpnide.tilj. copie of iptic beliels, whych contapneth thys (ede, therarenone


of thefe veſſelles founde alone. Che herbe ts hote aud {pecially the fede,
but the heteappcreth not ſtraight waye tyll that it bath bene a good while
one poure tonge,and thenitis euidently ſhatpe and bytynge. Actus map
teth thus of Alyſſon. Che medicine called Hieraistobe geuen euery Dape
not as apurgatione, butas a helping medycyne in B quantite of an halſell


nut wyth an vnce and an halfe of the brothe of falge ,o2 the berbe ſyderitis
wiyche is called heraclea . Some dle thisalone and fay that tt profiteth
= muche, therfore name it Alyſſon, becaule tt taketh madues away, C hele
hoordes weiteth hein the heling of the bityng ofa maddogge. And wher
he intreatcth oklymples: he wꝛyteth of Alyſſon thus. Chey fape that A⸗
liffonis the berbe called fideritis , whpche groweth euerye tohere by the
igh bath a purple floure,and thpke icues. Actuarius difcribeth
alpflon after thys maner. Alpfonis an herbe lyke vnto bore bounde ſhar⸗
per onely, andwith moze prybkye rounde bedes and wyth bicwe floures,
Wozehounde, and ſideritis are very ipke :as cuerp man knoweth, vobyche
Hath fenebothe.but hetwoene Horehounde, and madder ,o2 goſharethe
theris no ipkenesat ail faupnge that the leues in allthele berbes ftande
owerly diftinct one froman other by certapne equall ſpaces. Cherfore



Wwemaylep Aliſſon of Wiotcozides and Pliny, ts notallone vopth Alt

fon of Aetius, and Actuarins. Howe bett they do allagre in thys that As

liffogis good for the bytynge ofa mad Dogge. Apion of Dioſcorides, and
lyny map be named tn Engh helebpte,oz heledog, of the property that
it hath in helyng ofthe bityng of madde Dogges.fome herbaryes cail this
fame berbe , rubiam minorzem. |

CThe bertues,
—— Dapucth awaye the hycth⸗
— — Te hrotheofhelebpte dronken,ue
KPO cobe,thatis wythout an ag It.doth the ſame:ikany mat
hold it oꝛ {mellit mith hony. thefame bꝛoken, helpeththe dt
—— Zirite
a and frekelles of the face. bzuyſed and takeninmeat,
RG Gk) |itistuppoted tobe goodagayntte the madnes ofadogae.
Cif Che


—— a
OE Amaranthus,
hong bp in houſes, is thoughtto be hollome , and a Defence
ae — bute man and beaſt:and bobonde about ina lyn⸗
nyng cloth, ttdepucth away the difeates of cattcll. Galene confirmeth the
ſaynge of Diolcorides Pliny, Aetius, andActuarius:andſayth that this
herbe hath the name ofhelyng of them that are byten ofa mad Dogge sand
thatpherbe gyuen to themthat aremad oft times by plikenes,ofthe hole
fubftance, bath perfytly beled them,

ge AES
Am=~ aran th
us ,
husis not thetame herbe in
Wence () eee OD Dioſcoꝛides,thatitisin Pliny , fog
Ithenꝛ Defcriptyons of Amaranthus
. are diuerte, € differing, Amacathug
ofPliny,as he voriteth himfelic,ts ra
thera purple care then afloure , and
that wyth out {nell oz ſauour. andit
is to be wondered at, howe that it
wold be plucked oft,and growech bet
ter when it is thus hãdled. theleues
ofthe berbe are lyke bnto the leucg
ofablpte o2 the longeft lenes of ba
(ple, zope rties tt hath none, thatZ
Amaranthus Citvinus,
sf the Almond trec, 13

Rnotwe of but that it Dapeth muche, atherfoz belpeth to tape a lap. it iscal
led in engliſh, purple veluet floure, oꝛfour amour. Che herbe tohiche tna
med in Dioſcoꝛides Eltchatlon,ts alfo called of Galene amarãthus:a thugs
itis defcribed of Dioſcoꝛides. Elichꝛiſũ hath a litle white bꝛanche ,grence,
ſtreight,andſtrong, andnarrow leues, likevnto ſothernwod, certayn {paz
ces goinge betwene the leues:the topeisal yelowe, and is fullof rounde
knoppes like vnto drye berryes:the rot is very (mal, tt growoeth tn vneuẽ
places,and in holow places wher as waters ble ſome tyme to ryne. Som
learned men of this time take the herbe called of the apothecaries ttichas
citrpna,and of the germanes rhemnblome,to be eltchatfonBut . this herbe,
bath notieues,lpke vnto lothernwood, but vnto plope, Wherkoꝛ ſtichas ci
trina is not Elychepion of Dioſcoꝛides. The ryght Elichryſon groweth
in Italy:and bath ſo fmallleues,as ſothernvood hath:and tt may be called
in englp, flour amos, 02 velowe flouramor,
Ch e pr op er tpes,
[He top of the herbe calicd elichation dzonken wyth wine, helpeth
<* ithe bptpnges of ferpentes, the ſciatyca, them that cannot weil


— wy mabe tater, aburſtinges, x it pouoketh ſſoutes to come doune,
LIZ = Dponben wyth honyed wyne it watteth vp, bloud rnune toge-
ther, whether tt bein the ſtomache,oꝛtn the blader. gtuen wyth whit wine
Dulaped,to them that are faſtinge, about.ij.ſcrupules:it foppeth poles and
catarres. It isgood to be laid among clothes to (aue them from mothes,
Chenature of the herbe is tocut in fonder,and to make {ubtple:but it bur
teth the ftomache.

Of the Almond tree,

— HNaAlmond tre iscalled in greke Ampgdale,inlatyn Amig
— — palain Duche ein mandelbaum, in Fre
POA ex mond trees growe muc nche amandier. Biz
he in highe germanye, andin great
T 2\\y plenty in Italy. and ſome groteinEng
lande but Jhaue
s Ciberde of no great ſtorze of the frupte of

them,that Stowe ttt

Sas CuglandeCh , e treat the firk lightisloke vnto avylo
— ES
tre but elenes are ſhorter and bygger aboute the ſettynge onthe ttalke
then wylow leues be. Che fruptand the kerneloftt avefowel knowen, ¢ 3

that Inede no further to delcrpbe them,

The hertues,
CITA and they layd tothe conuentent place ,bringe Dovone we-
ey nes {ybnes. They takeaway p hede abe, ifthey be lapd te
=== the tempels, 02 korhede wyth vynegre and role ople, And
Lopth wyne: they are good fo2 wheles eittle ores sand wyth hony thep
hele rooting, and tunning (ores, tobich runne from place to place:and the
Uli the almond tree, &

biting ok dogges. The fame eaten taketh ake away Ther foftenes beilp
tehy make aman Mepe, prouoke vzyne sand they are taken agapnite
tinge ofblode taken with fine wheate fic Ur, called. amilum.Donken
with water,oꝛlycked tn with turpentinthey e, are good for them ,that are
Diicaledin the kydnes,ofhaue the nflammatia of the lounges. With
wyne they are good kor the ſtone and the ſtoppynge of the Wwater,and
taken in with bonpe and mpike afterthemaner of an elec
tuaryin the qua
tpte ofan. haſell nut are good for the dileates of the lpucr, for the
and fora wyndye colpke. Che gome ofan almonde tre ts aſtr
yngent and
hote:and fit be dzonken it is good forthe vomytyng of bloode:w
'gte it heleth ſcabbes a ſcuruy euell that runneth tn the ſhyn
yth vine
e. At belpeth
an old coughe taken wyth delayd wyne:it is good for then
; that bane the
fone, dronken wyth ſwete topne opmaluatep. Swete almondes
certayne bitt haue a
ernes couered withſwetnes: they are of temperate heie
mopitubut and
re, theparemuche wepker tn operatione, thenthe
fome do bold that they increaſe the fubftance of the bꝛaine. bytter bes
flepe pleafantipe , and ſcoure and purge the wayes that
meth; thorovoe: the water co
and they are berpetpt tor lene folke:and the ople of them
is good fozadapectampe. Che ople of bytter almondes
degre , then the opie. of imetealmondesis .. It is moft ts hoter by one
ave ſtopped wyth groſe wyndeforbardnes of hearpngee fit foz eares that
,and for the nopte
Inthe eares that cometh ofcould. It killeth alio
the wormes ofthe cares,
Itis tried oy experience , Chat this opleis moze Conu
enicnt fo2 the cares
then other oples be,
: é e

. Wik See

, Miis called both of grecians, andla
, tpnes. amp .the Potecaries cailit az
Sey = J 8
meosin the genptpue cale. it maye be



alfo called in Englyſhe ammi. Dioſco
* He
tides watteth no moze of the Delcrip
tyoncof Ammi betauſe he chougyt tt
focommonly knowen in hys Dapes,
but theſewordes. Amt hath muche
finaller fede, then Cumt mand relent
bieth organeintaſte. Che herb, that
is commonlpe Hed for Ammiin all
Moppes nowe a dayes:hath alonge
¥ grene ftalke, full of Iptie branches a
bout the top, wpthlong {mall inden⸗
— ted leues,a awhyte flour, and abul
= 24. hytoplpse Dpll , topth alptle bitter
\ 4,
dy tat Swan


/ Ws
Ae Nas and botetede. Although thys nape
——~* be vled for ammi.
and tsone &pnde of

it:yet ther groweth tn Italye abet:

‘terbynde, whpche Jhaue ſene. FE
“woe could haue plentye olthat kyade,
Iwold counlell mento bie it: and to
Sx lobe thys whyche we blecommons
ie lye «for Fffyndenot thehete in thps
if, fedestuat Galene requyseth, forhe
WAS bonpteth, that Amt is hote, and dpe
fot tthe extremptpe of thethyzde de⸗
Is not to be diſpiſed. Thys herbe gre
vwwveth in many gard ynes in germany
and in my lozdes gardat
e in
MW Cuglands

i” Che hertues, AMiis Good agaynite the

A ANS: |Gnatwpnge in the guttes,
eh agaynſte the ſtoppynge nf
Ithe water , agapnite the

aS the wozke ofconceptpone. is indoynge.

‘a a 7


iby JJ
Ni w
— Cit Amomum
At Pympernell,
MAE |VeoMum is afmall butbe,abou

t the quantite ofa mannis hande

he —“

AAXi}lithe bntoa clutter efgrapes folden into him felfe, litte tickeg of
S wood, going one belide, e oueran other,and partite it reſẽbleth
Hoe a net,and pattlica rounde thike bulthe,o2 rather the hede of g
mace, tfttwere all made oflitie ſtickes o2 of peces of ftiuct; as bige astra,
wes ina rounde forme ,tt hath title fouresas hartes cate hath and leues
like bnto bꝛiony. Iſawe agooatcold a litle {chrube, fome
thing lefle then mp bande, which was inall pointes like vnto the Hrubas
boue defcribed, acertaine pilgreme, which had bene atHierulalem,broughe
it out oftetorp both him, The fame ts named ofthe herbaries rofa hierecun
tis, that is the rote of hierico. The faing is, it opencth euery pereabonte
Chriſtenmalſe:uoberfoz fome call tt achꝛiſten mate tote, This fame wold
¥ teben tobe the right amomum tf ithad that (mell, whiche Dioſcorides
requireth tn amomo, in all other pointes the Defeription Doth wonderfui⸗
ly agree.dfany man channce vpon any, that bath agood {auoure with all
-thele other properties aboue reherſedlet
, him takett for the true amomũ.
Silutus of Bartle writeth in his ſimpies that he had the true Amomum,
Jozlake of the truecamoma we may ble the coms calamus aromaticus, 02 -
Carpefio called offome cucuba. other udge,6 ama ,may ble foz amonmio, az
fara,bacca 02 the right Acorus.
But the ede thatis commonlype died forae
mono is not of the frenght that amomum is of.

‘Che bertues,
Se] Domum hath pout to hete,to binde and to deFt
te pꝛou,
LAN |to flepe,and late to the fo2z bebe, itſwageth ake it maketh rip
Sap e,«
| Detueth atoap in fammationes, and mnpottemes haning matter
—⸗tꝰ iin
them like bony,itbeipeth them,that are bytten of (cospiones
laid to emplaiſterwiſe with batill:and itis good for the Gout, with rafines
it heleth the inflammationes of the eves.itisgood fo2 the Difeafes of fme
ther othertnaluppolitorpe taken vefor, oꝛ in abath that toemen {pt oner,
The brotth offt Dronke,1s good for the lpuer, for the kydnes, and for the is fpte tobe mired with preleruatines, and pzꝛecious oyntmentes.

Ot Pimpernelle. P mpernelie isnamed bothinGreke.

and in Latyne Anagallis and Cor⸗
choꝛus:in duche, ganchheil:in krenche
M.ozgelyna. PBymperneis llof ty,
Ree) byndes: tt that bath the blewe floure
Me’ iscalled the female, butit that bath
cremeline is called p¶
male Chepare
lytle buſhye betbes Ipenge bpon the
theground, and bane litle lenesfome
thpnge rounde lyke vnto parietory
whyche come otvte of a . tit, {quared
ſtalke. Che frupte of thys herbe ig

he bertues of Pymp ernell,

et as
. +
—Ly .

: J

— Orth the byndes haue a propertye to ſwage, and mytys

4 &=
— —-

sri gate: and boldeth awaye inflammatyon:es

and putt owt
Nagapne ſtynges, and Hpueres ,thatare fattein the fee:
\ e
, th, 1

| :
8 ‘

2s ©
— —— ——





Bee Cand) Nagyris groweth not inEngland, that Iwote of: but J
ser /\ s==r1 haucfencit in Italye.Jtmaye be called tn Cnglithe, bene
Etrifolye:becaule theleucs grow thre together, and the fede
ET wa\\Ais muche lyke a bene, Anagpzs is a buſhe ltke vnto a tree
fer \O} with leucs and twigges lyke bnto Agnus caftus of Ftalp:

The propertpes of anagyris.

- ES =VMbetenderand pong lewes of this buſhe bꝛoken, and layd to lyke
: ass anemplater:holdeth Dolone wyndy and louſe ſwellynges. Ff
the byꝛth ſtycke laſt and the lloures be ſtopped, oꝛ the fecundes
abpde behynde:they ave dronken in the weyght of a dzammein
— —

doyne Soare they aiis goo fodrthane h ea ac

deewh woſoygthat
are allo bounde to the oymen that haue hard labour,but e Th e⸗
ght wave after they be tasenawape. The (ede eaten, maketh one vomite
af Ot anchula, Joſcoꝛſdes maketh, tj,bi
ndes of an

chufa, Che fyzſte kynde hath leues

like bute harp leued lettis,toughe,

D ©:bs& 3 © ‘=— cy& — B aSs& tSet|= = bamSe& a


: grovweth in arake groũd. This bind

rovweth inmany places of germa⸗
Wad 8 —66

We) Ny, ait is ſo like gardine bugloſſhe,

+) y i

⸗ A man can not lightlye diſcerne the

32\ —— Se
onefrom theother ſauinge onlp bp
~ ee

l cthe root whiche

isherp rede with out but not tofth tn. Ftmaybe called in
1 ¢ englith,as the fréche men Do, orchanet o2 rede buglot). Che tecdd bind dyt
% ferreth in this from 6lirſt, that ithath leſſe leues, etharpe tike wife,fmall
N beanches coming out of the Ralkesit hath apurple flour turning towarde
? | Cremefpnestt hath rede rootes,and longe whiche in the haruckt tyme put 9
| tith furth afanguine groweth in fandy places Thys herbe ts cal⸗ 4 Ara V

J led in lome places ofEnglande cattys taples, mother places wylde bus (’2* Ate,
& ae

d UG 4 Ce

~ glofesit gꝛoweth in graupllp and fandy places,andinppttes, wher as gra

| uellis dygged out of .]Che thyrde kynd iselyke butothe ſeconde, butit
bath a leflefruptoz ſede, andthat ofa crymeſyne colour.Jdo not remem⸗
bre Wat Z hauefenethyskynde,

The bertues of

— — — kormer kyndes.
are fit bind of anchuſa isgood with oyle andwere againt bur⸗

Ido iudge)i
as s § herbe, which is
called of Dioſcorides andz olemõ a of oure
Poteceries agnus caſtus. Ft femeth to
haue had p name of tutta, becaute it heleth
al, And ofandzofems becaule tt hath tice
like bnto mannis blood, Androſemõ differ
teth frofaint Johns grafle, efrom Alciro
called greate fapnt Jhons gralſe, inthat
y it hath manye bzaunche and tt
hath rede
Che vertues,
——— Utfanes fede bꝛoken, and
oN AX | pronken in the quantiteof
byt ty, Dgammes Dayueth out -
EAcholeryke excrementes 3tt
heleth mofte the ſciatica. But atter
the pacict mut drinke
the purgation,
water. The herbe layd toburned
places heleth the, and facheth blood
in woundes, And not only the herbe GA :
Doth thys:but alfo the voyne that the ‘a TLIINS SS
bein asvoptnelleth Ga
is ſoden
her ⸗· J
lene:whyche vnder thename of Andzoſemon ,conteynethinthe bookeol
hys ſymple medycynes, Ale yzon allo,

| Hauenot lene yet theright tame Anemone, forithatha
i | iptie bnope on the toote,as Aſtragalus hath, aboute the
Lf] (3) bygnesof an olyue. Thyskpnde, whole fpgure pete fet
eB L/frf turth, pointes agreeth berpemuwche
other inall 6 tame
\Y Ge (yf anemone. woberforitistoyploe
anemone ,asthe dyſcryp⸗
1A ( tyone afterwar wyll Declare.
de Anemone bath the name
— Zin Grebe ofwpnde ,becaule the foure neuer openeth tt
felfe, but bobenthe wynde bloweth. Che berbaryes -therfo2 call thys,
herbam bentt, the Duche mencallithacket craut , the frenche men coque
lourdes and tt may becailed in englyſh role perfelp:becaule ther groweth
aflour lik e rote in the tope of thys herbe which is herp ithe perſe⸗
a ſyngle
ipe inthe leues:oz
it may be called wynde floure It qrotoetl in greate
, \. plentpaboute bon in germanpe andabout Drforde in Copano’ a
| rende
17 — nese
(Ft Dyll.

frend falconer toulde me

Dioico⸗ Mo

uae =
ppm. "TUDES voriteththus ofanemone.ther
ER (7 Ze. ate.ip bindes of Anemone:the oneis
EY <=
Yoplde, and the otheris tame,ozof ’

i. thegardine.toherofare many other

UY \WiA ZZ bnderkpndes:one thatharhacreme
ili: 7 ae SS Apne floure,and other a whytyſhe or
WE gy - of the colour of milke o2 purple, The
YY) (pre, leues ave lyke cartander, wyth {mals
Te ENE) SZE ler cuttyngesoꝛindentynges, neve
(i Wi Were” — thegrounde:the ftalke ts all Dotonype
ENN Wy? ert and roughe and (mall, wher on grow
— Mi|ANY £ ouresipke poppy: and themppdes
TW \Hpi ee ofthe lytle hedes are blake o2 blewe.
NEE ars [Ax the rootes
are ofthe bygnes ofano-
wd NZ iHRN Ske ipuic,oz bygger,itis almotte, compat
aN ||| ee {ed about wyth ſmall ioyntes wyth
hii ZS bnopeslpke knees. The vopldeanes
awine ae mone tall popntes ts qreaterthen
Htame, and hath broderand harder
leues a longer hede, and a cremes
ſyne flotore wyth manye {mall roo⸗
tes ,tis moze bitinge, theirs hath
the blake leues,

Che bertues.
5 ‘Deve haue bothabytynge and aWarpe qualpte. The
tuice of
es the roote of them poured into ones nofe,purgeth the hede
Py as Coot chetocd inthe mouth bringeth furth .p
watery Aeme, Che
i fame foden in ſwete topne and ſayd to helethe the inflamma:
ies) Se Hons ofthe eyes:and tt heleth the ſcarresauddpmnes of the
* ~fame,
Jt ſcoureth away fyithpe fores .theleuesand ſtalkes
iktheybe eaten wytha tyſan,bꝛyng mylke to the brꝛeſtes:
and bring Downes
avwomanes ſyknes tf they be layd to the place in wol. Itlepres
| ted thertopth, it Ccoureth thema waye. be Aanoyn⸗

| p .
| Pil is named in Greke anethon, in
Latyn Anethum , inzouche Dyl,

eas aN? ——

x— oe —8

reigns oo toptha ſpokye top

eek Ne 4
Ae —A Zs3

NYO as tenel bat ome He doth repre

lent woders nere, a co ye
Che vertues,
ie aaG' Hebrothe ofthe leues and fede of dry dyll Dronken bryngeth
4 acd mplbe to the beetttte
cheth gnawynges tn the belip, and
; wynde in the fame,ittoppeth alto the belipeand bomptpnage,
nc S27! it prouoketh bepne, ſwageth § hichkobe, Dulleth the epe fight,
and oft Dronken foppeth6ſede.Ftis qood for wemen to fit ouer it tn was
ter, whpche haue the Dpleates of the mother. The althes of the
fede of thts
herbe layd to,after the maner of on emplaſter , tabe away thebardel
pes and knoppes that are about the fundDament O2ztnother
places. pil
as Galenefapty fwageth ake, prouoketh ſſepe whenit is qrene, and mac
beth rppe rawe humors, Tye ople thatis made of dyllis good
tobe aps
uen vnto them that are werpe in wynter, for tt ſoftneth and inopfteth.
AND it is good for them that are ficke of an ague that commetho ffmall
fleme, and foz all dyſeaſes that come ofacoulde caute. Dpil ts hote
mi the
e ofthe kyzſte degtee, and dryein the begynnynge of the tes

3 of anyle. Anyie
Ot A n y l e . Nyle is called in greke aniſon, in latyn

anpſum in duche enyle,infrenche aniſe:

the lefe ofanple, when tt cummeth fpatt,
furthis rounde and indented about:
terward: itis like puto parſely hygh bp
inthe ſtalke it hatha flour anda top ipke
* kenell:it groweth onlp tn gardyns in en
=) tshote
gland, Galenelapeth that anyle
and Dipe inthe thyrzde Degree but thys
No that
we bie, is notfohote:voher
fore J
W6 fulpeb that there is abetterbynde, thert
E is tommonlye brꝛoughte bnto bs,to be
it inthe meane ſeaſon we
7 {olde, Howebe
mutt ble thys, ohych apereth to mee
“{carfelpy hote inthe begynnyng of the

Ehe vertues.
+o fecunddegtece.

>) Sapte heteth and drieth, mas

\D) beth the breth ivocter ſwa⸗
Mgeth payne, mabeth aman
—_ Sto pyſwell it qwenchethp
uttt of them, that haue the D2 opſy.
It is goodagaynt the poyſon of bela
WaYj NE W— Yo — tes and agaynſt wynde. It ſtoppeth
ine W a) the belly and the whit bꝛin
W s V
—s— WG

NP \ VE WA. ——
geth mylke to the poppes, it ſtyrreth
men tothe plefure of the body. it ſwa
geth the bede ake,theſmoke oftt taz
— ( J

⸗ Wes


a = 8
¢ oh
2.8 Benin at the nole.the lame poured in
\ 4h; : to the broken cares, with rofeople,be
—94 leth them. The beſt is it,that is newe
not full of drole, but woell ſmellynge.

| \) The belte cummeth otote ofcandye,

and thenerte ts brought ovot of G⸗
— aN

ME pety whine,
7 2 — <Q) “lk

— ctyxe whyne, opgroundetobpne, oꝛlytle tahyne ts

mt iar Wicacalled
in latyn. & Greke ononis and anonis.

It is cal-
Ay eo led of the comon herbarpes refta bouis ,remozaar
| Pe 222) acutella,of theduch ftallcraut, 02 bawbebel of the fren —
| cheburgrauesbutIn cambepge@pie thys herbe is cal |patie Bis
aa |


BS Peas MeO),
. led atobpne. 4putt pety fo ſt to make dyſterence
wg eee Lire betwene thys herbe,and a fur:vohyche in manye pla- \ eA
— —— argent ces of Cnglande IS alfo called a whrne⸗p etye. WPhyne
Dike haty
Of Pety whyne. whyn hath huſſhye ſtalkes of a ſpane
length, and longer with many ioyn⸗
cag Oe tes lpke knees with many holow pia
— we ey ces, betwene the leues and ftalke like
MY he Rein hoy ©Semewi
SNES Wn oS Pilysae wiee . anbiptnglee lennees,re inthlpynhnases lentelieg be,
es Deabyi bntotheles
Hear H's
Ait SEY 4
fy “es Wes of tue 0 of Ytlde melliote.Tome
Bier LNA
ies * Wf —ne
SY, oY 4 tovnge rough, not without agoop
WIS ize yrs Eull ofharpe @ ſtronge papc
gf? kes, The
ak. vote ts whptaend hote, and luche as
CN tee. is abletomake humours thinne that
are thicke. |

The bertues,
De barke of the rootes of
: grounde whyn, dronken
Gv) |Lotth topne, prouoketh paps
(IZA ine and beeaketh the tones
it biteth alwape the btter mofte crufs
tes offozes and the broth of thefame
, An vynegre and bonpe, (wageth the
! Ss tuthabe, tf tye teth be woalthen thers
O39 with. The roote of this herbe, is ina
maner hote in § thyrd degre, after the mynde of Galene,inthe boke of fi
ple medycynes.

Of camomple,
JJ—lhemis otherwyle called Chame⸗
5) melum, conteyneth onder te ity, kyn⸗
~~ J Des, whyche only differ inthe colour
Of foure. Che hraunches area ſpan
longe, all buſſhy with many-places lie
ke arme oles, betwene the ſtalke —
the braunches:the branches are thyn
{mal,and manye: the lytie hedes are
round with yellow flourcs ing mids
Des, andabout that rounde heade, e⸗
TS: ther whyte floures ttandin oder oz
ie OUP Neer purple 02 pelow:about the greatnes
| eee e viata cr. ..otbe leues of tue. Che fyett kynd of
cantompllets called in Greke Lencanthemon,in Engliſhe Camomple , in
Huche Roem camillen .' Chepothecaryes in Germany call this kynde
Chamomtllam romanam. ſThis herbeis tearte it Gerinanp, but in Eng⸗
land (tts fo plentuous,thatit growerh not only ingardpnes but allo vmn.
myle aboue London, it growech tn the wylde kelde, in rychmonde are
in brants

Ot tamomple.
Antheniis. “las ; nea { | ge
\ ag

— =e , inBantfurde grene, and th mootte

re NG, plenty
ofal,inhuntley hethe,) Che fe
“ae Gar Ol” cond bynd ig called in Grebe, Chzp-
— —

W2 NA Tek {antem SS ſene thys herbein

\ hi i V]
AY a
507SX CW
Wee te| Wy
— —.
int the coz ne feldes::
As Ytbeghe Gezmanyin *

a but neuer inEngland, that Iremem

\\ } pr \ \ i} y 4

vy > AA
h \. 72H I:
Wy. \
ZY brꝛe . It mape be called in Englyſh, pez
Z-S% low tamomille. The thyrd ——
———— », called in grebe, Heranthemon, My
AVS 6 }
Ve tiers thpnke, that heranthemon, ts

{> Ne WH /: aun8* NF f, tee, the herbe:whych ts called of the hers
— KG AO IMA baryes, amariſca rubꝛa: and of oure
ae? UtallayAle SUES ANE countremen,rede mathe, o2 ted mas

“4\ — zip * de wede. Che thpng that lemeth te


¥ Ae (Waele? let thys berbe to be heranthemon,is

sol Lr —9 thys. tt hath nota yelowe beade,og
— we \LAN) bnope: whycheiscompalled aboute
Fy ING SHIN INe with purple foures, asthe other bin
— iS vi | LAS des haue pelotoe knoppes {ett ab⸗
J Wwe, 4 \yVA out, one with whyte floures, and the
“VG Ye) other with velowe
but:the heade og



knop of thys herbe,isnothinglyke
the knoppes of the other, nether tr


| Bg greatues, nether tn forme, no2 pectin
— Py a colour:and the ſedeis as greatas (py
peal wD) nacheiede is,but without prickes,in
many otherpopntes tt agrecth well with p deſcription. The leues are be

— ryſmalle but the foures are cremefpn, and thep ſhuld be purple:heran⸗
themion bath thename,becaute tt fourethin thefpeynge, Thys baue J
wrytten of thys herbe, that learned men Huide learche moze dylygent⸗
Ipforztt whpche igs thetrueherantyemon,
The operation of chamomplle,
WAKES Hamomplle is hote and drye inthe fyrſt degre. Chamomple, in
“WN |

HEX REG ſubt ylnes is ipke the rofe:b inut

hete tt dzaweth moze nere the,
ND il =) qualpte ofople, whyche is berp agtepnge vnto the nature of
and temperate, Cherfore itisgood agaynt werpnes:it
fwageth ake, and bnbendeth and lowleth tt that ts ſtretched owte ,foftes
Heth te that ts but mealurably harde:and (etteth tt abode, that was nar-
roboly thrutt togeth
dꝛyueth awaye, and dyſſolueth agues: whyche
come not wyth an inſlammation of any inwarde part: and ſpecyally ſuche
astome of cholerpke humozes,and ofthe thyknes of the ſkyn. Wherfoire
thys herb was confecrated of the wyſe men of Egypt, bnto thefonne,and
was rekened tobe the onlpremedy ofallagues. But inthat thep were
Decepued. forte can only hele thote agues, that Ireherſed:and thofe, whe
as they be rype. How be tt,ithelpeth in dede hery wel, alfoal other which
come of melancholy o2 of fleme,o2 ofthe inflamatton of fome inward part.
Foz camompieis —— remedp, when it isgiuẽ alter tha omater

* — F F DR, ij¢ is rype
OF tamomple,
is rype: therfore it ismoſt connenient fo the mpd, and foꝛ the paynes
vnder the papyes, whether herbe be ſoden,ozſytten over, o2 be dꝛonkẽ.
Ft dipucth doune wymens ſycknes bryngeth furth the byzth, pꝛouoketh
pᷣryne and drzyxueth oute the ſtone. It is good to be dꝛonken agaynſt the
gnawyng and voyndye ſwellynge of the finalle guttes:it purgeth awape
the pelowoe iawndis.It bealeth the diſeaſe of thelpucr: it is good fox the
bladder tobebathed wpth the bꝛoth ofthysherbe. Dfall the kyndes of
Camonwle,thathynd i the purple fouresis trogelt:chey with p yelow
aud vohyt floure,do moze prouoke vryne. Chey hele alfo laid to emplaſter
Wyle, the empoftem,that is about the cogner of the epe, Chelame chewed
the ſozes of the mouth,
dele, —— |

An ti rr .
hiridesuma Plini
(Bess endl De herbe whiche Dioſco call antirrhtnum: Che
Eo 7a ophzattus callerhantirchts a:for beDeferibeth bis anthirrizũ
{24 Sa) thus. Jtisipke vnto gooſhareth: called aparine with aberp
pew SH iptie roote,andalmott none it hath afruit lyke butoacalfes
inotot. Lut as Dioſcoꝛides agreeth with lint tn the name of this herbe,
fo Doth he inf Delcriptts of 6 fame, differ both fro Plini ¢Cheophzattus al
fo. fog Dlinigiueth Hleucs ofline,og Aackes bnto antirrhinũ:⁊ Dioſcoꝛi⸗
Des Defcribeth his antirrhinũW leues like vnto Pimpernel. His woꝛdes
are theſe:Antirrhinũ ts an her be
like buto ppmpernel, both in leues ſt alſo
in ſtalke: floures oꝛ purple like bute leucoton o2 btolv albe,butletle woher
fore (tis calicd wyld Ipchnis:it bath afruptelike vnto acalfys ſnowt. Che
berbe, which ts Defcribed of lint € Cheopheakus:gqroweth much in En⸗
gland inp corne feldes,¢in falloboed landes,atp fyrſt ſyght it apereth like
~ ‘hntococle in p foure,¢ partly tn p colourof$ lefe: whichis byager lon⸗
ger then flaveleues be, but not vnlyke the infigure.“ Chis herbe maye be
Called in engliſh calfes ſnowte. But antirrhium p Dtolcogides deſcribech,
groweth notin engiand,p ever Jfatoc, Foz itp was {ent me out of Italx⸗
for antirrhinũ Dioſcozidis bath not purple foures, but peloto:muchipke
puto ſlloures of ofpzis.p floures befoze they opẽ are like purplein dede:
but not afterboarde:p ſtalke allo is rounde.a not four ſquared: pᷣbuddes
out of vohich vᷣleues come, 5 frutte both,dowonderfully nere reſemble a.
talkys inotote: Che leues tn Dede are lyke Ducothelenes of Pimperuch
putmuch greater, This may be called in cughh pelo calfps {nowte,

The properties of calfes ſnout

WIV [entorptestbat thisherbeis good again allpotfoned Dipnkess
and that thep thatareanopnted with this berbe, withiily ople,
Los ieFoz pryuet ople hall therby
wexe fayre and well fauozed, Theo⸗
— — phꝛaſtus watteth:p fome men haue {uppofled, that the bie of this
berbe,fhuld helpmen to obtayne prayſe and worhip.
But all theſe are but
Dzeames of fogcerers:fo2 none of thefe thre learned men aboue reberied,
wryte.that Chis herbe hath thys pꝛopertybut e onelpe declare the oppuys
‘ong of other men, tobpche vozote og ſpake of thele properties by geile. thas
Of gootha tet), Aparine,





; os

f 1

Dotharethecalled alfo Clyuer, becaule

a —

it cleueth bpon mennes clothes , isnaz

medin Greeke, pparine: Philanthzo⸗
pos, andOmphalo Carpos:in Duche,
CN Bled craut:tnFrenche, Grateron, Fe
fi. hath many branches (mal, four {quare

SS Co) air) W and ſharthe peleues
, ſtandein arounde
— —

circle aboute the ſtalke, certayne {paces

—ISgorng betweneʒ cyzcies are lyke bute
re 4 — madder:the foures are vobpte the fede,
is harde tounde, lome thynge holotue,
7 a> wd wyyteinthe myddes ſyke vnto ã
F naueil — x
AND it cleueth vnto meunys clas
thes. The ſhyohyrdes ble it in the ſtede ofa ſtrayner to pull oute heres of
tye mylke.thys herbe groweth in all cuntres in great plentye,

Th e
ikeiuice of the fede
ver tue s. ſtalkes and leues of gooſhareth is good
=a|to be dronken agaynſt the bytynges of veperes Phalanges
<= and other venemus beaſtes The fame poured intoainannis
qq care ſwageth the payne , the herbe bauled wyth bogges
Sais greſe Depucth awaye harde kyznelles and wennes where fo
ener they be, Qty, Apios
lalldt ChamApebaltoanoss,in grek
a *

Aid | ios 18 called | e,

in Theop hialus :
Cr ——— in latin after the tranflation of Theodoꝛe carica:æ
the famefemeth tome to be called in engliſhe,anernut, oz aner
Mean thnut, Che erathnut groweth inmanye places of Cuglande
And in the moſt plentpe that Jhauelenein Mosthumberlad. Aptos puts
teth furth ij.o2. ti braches,bobich rpfe a lptie from the ground, fmal, rede,
and lyke a riſhe: the leues are lyke rue,but fomething longer, narrower,
apelowithe grene. The {edetslitle, Proote is lyke the roote of atohpte
Apios. Eran Affodyl and after the likenes ofa
peare, but rounder and full of tuice,
Th AY. * Che barke without is vlacke , the
roote within istobpte,
{ SE \Wih/ jes -
f \\ Wt Zs

‘The vertues.
He bpper parte of proote
\ |Dzalweth out by Domiting
S ayy| cholerand feme, ¢ the bn-
UYZe7 der part draweth out the
{ane humozes bpp fundDamet. Che
bole purgeth both the toapes, Che
iuice purgeth,taken in the quantyte
oftb.granes. The wordes of Dios

cozides made metoDowt, Lobether

our erthnut were aptos 02 no, fepng
p many eat the bole root of erthnut:

y ale

» ber
yefom tine, b.o2 bi, epet nethergo
to foulenoz bomite bpp eating ther

of:wheter erthnuthaue thete forſaid


i Properties in grece o2 no & Not heres
FJcannotlurelp tell, but this profpt

halt thou haue at p leak by this mp

coniecturinga {etting furth of thys


ri berbe,p ih leſſe laboure thou mayeſt

ai) ae ) knowe
§ truc apios, ikthou chaunge
to ſe it. Iwold erhorte ſtudẽtes to pꝛoue:it this ernut of oures haue ina⸗
H} }

np other place of englad, wheras Jhaue not bene, hauc $ properties 6Di

ofcortdes giveth vnto apios oꝛ no, And ifthep cinot find the,let thélearne
of this ernut infekng etudging of herbes: not to tudge herbes onely by 6
outward faſhone. Butalloby pᷣqualites « bertue: for ash liknesof ama,


Aloneinan ape o2 an tmage maketh not thé mé,becaule thep wãt 6bertue
pour € operatio ofa ma. Doisit not § figure oꝛ liknes pᷣ maketh an herbe
except it hauepſtrenghtxoperatis off herbe whos liknes it bearethalfo
, Hovoe belt, it map belo ppnoughtines ofp place may wonderfully mini

| S operation of the herbe, velo darkéit,thatit can not be calely perceiued,

ME Baume,
* ;*

\e yt
\? ye


Ok apiaſtrum, 1!


— aAumeis named in greke meliſſophillon o2 meliphillon, ttt

in duche meliſſon, oꝛ hartzcraut
Etliatin apiaſtrum o2 titrage,
A Yt krele tonge colili, inirenche meliſſe:o potecaries cailtt
SNe Y zimieliftam. Baume ts named tn greke, meliffophuion, € in
I (be Fou latin apiaſtrum, becauſe bees, which are called tn greke mes
——— lille,€in latin apes:do greatly haunt thps hetbe, and are
delited wythit. Kyght baum, bath ienes a ſtalkes like vnto finking ho⸗
ze hound: dut they ave greater z but not lorough. They bane the
J ſmelle olacytrone oz a lymon.

‘NWA, The prope rtype ,

— Apiaſtrum. af |

7 fF He leucsdzonken Ww tone
ave good againſt the bytin
. Lae

: Hf Soe?
ges of phalages & ſcoꝛpio⸗
YA‘ ines a againt § biting ofa
— Doggekor, fame purpofesttis good
tobebathed 1 6 bꝛoth of ffame, Fe
i3 good foz women to {itt ouer thys
herbe to bring Doune their floures.
It is goods Habiuge tetheHuld be
Wwalſſhed Lb ſame herbe. Chis herb
— igalfo good tobe put tnto Cliſteres


againts blody flixe. The leucs with
—— faltpeter in dꝛzinke helpe the ſtrang⸗

i ling that cometh of todſtolles: with
honptnan electuarp:it ts good, foz
the gnawynge inthe belly, ¢ for the
ſhort wynded: a ifit be layd to with
(alt,itdꝛvueth aboap wennes & hard
keruelles:it {coureth forces , and if tt
— ——
; belaydto, itſwageth the papnes of
AN thelopntes. Che comon baume that
yh, NS
i is comonly bled:in England ts but a
baftard kpnde, and the true batome

| groweth nmany garDpnes tn Gers
many but Jhaue notfene it in England,that Aremembze, It moy be cals

ledin Engl),batome gentle,

Mf pertely.
—SErſlely is called in greke lelinon inDuche eterfely, o2 Peter⸗
A bers in fkrenche, Perlil. Perlely islxke vnto ſmallage: but it is
ieſiſe then itis: andit hath this propertye, to change bts coloz.
2, ISG) Derlely is fo well knowen in al countreis,§ Inede not any lar
gelper fo Defcribe tt. Howbei hathbene very (blederly Delcribed. fome
yaucabulen log (malla ge, wherintheyhaue ben deceiued. Foz
for perſely.
Dioſcozides deſctibing {mallage, which he calleth elioſelmum, faith p it is
li, greater then
BF Perlely.
Perfely.. Apium mallage.

CN & yt ‘ * 5 se Sip

——& YS, TG
>be pL Ts 7 t —J “I
D —8NI | AN) Ay oqo
AWSSe re
\ 4 at

a ee
oo veh
hls reread

\ lh milly . /U the A
\ i. a y { 4 *

,} ay, /
vd J ;
A Ey— oaaht

—¢ si y }Ht2
~e. a
r be
aN f

— *

. *

2. j “i

— nN —
X —

the gardyne ſelinum whyche ts called inlatin aptum, heſayeth alſo, that
eliolelmum groweth in moyſt places, then is the leſſe {elinum,tobpebe gro
Heth etter in gardynes, and neuer in mop places; the gardpne ſelinũ o2
hoztenfeapium, As for {mallage tt is well knowen of all them,that baue
gyuen any fiudy to the febyng of berbes,to growe in moyſt places by was
terfpdes; J hauelene tt growe alſo in an plande of eat Fretelanvde bp the
fea ſyde tn great plenty, lint alio wꝛytyng of apium bogtente fapeth that
the baanches of aptu tnlarge Depnkpnges{wpme aboue the brothes , and
Shep haue tn ſauces a proper plefantnes bp them ſelues, orꝛapecultar grace
as fome fpeake nowe adapes, But {mallage bath ſuche a ſtronge fauoz,
and ſo farre from all Delpte og plefantnes that no man can fynde in hys
harte to bie ttin ſawces 02 eatit with bps meate: wherefore no man that
beleucth Pliny, and teeth parfelpefo muche bled in all countres inmeaz
tes,and {mallage innocuntre, wyll from bencefurth not take our {mall
Age foz apium hogtente,but Derlelp,

The bertues of Perlſely.

\|Crfely layd to wyth bread o2 barely flonre, belpeth inflamma:
wv. tones of the eyes.Itſwageth the hete of $ ftomache, it helpeth
the hardenes of the pappes, that cometh of clauftered mplke,it
Ot A r b u t u s .
prouoketh vryne both fodenand rawe. The bꝛoth of it and of the rootes
Dronken, mitftande poyſoned drynkes prouobingto vomit.Jeſtoppeth ⸗
eth vryne moze then the herbe doth it is good te
belly. The fede prouok
medpagapnt the poplon of ferpentes,and of the (chine offplucr, called li⸗ꝛvueth winde away. It is put in medicines which (wage
abe,to triacles:and the medicynes thatare mane agapnit the cough. It is
fo hote,that it dzvueth Dobone wymenes ſykenes, a drpyueth wind away:
e the mouth
-ebdDoth the {ede more then the herbe.Itts moſt plefant but
Aud fomache.werfely heleth fphes that are ſycke:it it be caſten into them
in the pondes, that they map eate it. The ſede with bopne, 02 thercote Wᷣ
olde wyne aketh the fonetnthe bladder. Jt openeth all fopppnge,oz
bꝛe ,
obſtruction that is in the bodye:but itis harde to digeſt, roberfoze tt muſt
be takeninthe myddes of6 mele. Perſelye ofa certaine properlye, that it
hath burteth thé, that haue the fallpng ſycknes. They ougdt tyerfoze all
toape to forbeare tt,fo2 ſome that haue bene almott clere beled of this diſe⸗
ale,bythe eatpng of Perlely haue fallen into vᷣdiſeaſe agapne,Jt hurteth
alfo $ ftones,as Simeon Scthy wꝛiteth. Jews good foz oͤhychcoke, that
cometh of groſſe excremẽtes.Jtſcoureth the kidnes ¢ the bladder,tt ope
neth the ftopppnges, pare inthe bloud bepnes, € the wynd bepnes alfa,
Thelede taken before hand, helpeth men p haue weyke baapnes Co beare
Dapnbe better, Che ble ofthe fame, maketh a mans body ſauour well· It
Ryzreth vpappetite to coldevoymen,to endeuour themſelues, to conceiue
chpldern, Itthey ỹ haue the fone ſytinthe both of this herbe, itdꝛiueth
and heleth the kydnes. Simeon fez
furth the fone,and pꝛouoketh vrine,
thy tool thatd,wymen than gyue ſucke ſhulde abſtayne from this herbe:
{oz be vozyteth, that itmyniſheth mylße .

A r
b u t u s ONE Rbutus is calied in greke Comatog;
NRK SRA 2) anbin latin alfo befidearbus. Jhauẽ
AN Ra J notlenethis treetn Englande:but te
“may be called in engliſhe, frawberp
“ tree, becaule$tree bꝛyngeth furtha

fruite wonderes lyke bite aſtrawe⸗
berye:oꝛ an arbut tree, thefrutte of⸗

arbuttree,thatJ lato was very lyke

vnto aſtrawo bery:but it was a great

— Dele bygger: the leues wer endeted,
ry} eincolozand propoztion ,much lyke
— WA Ke, bnto thelenes ofa quickene tree og a

see ) eS . quichboume: but 6thep were roun⸗
Derinpmiddes, enot ſo fare indented toward the falke, vobich iopneth p
leafe wyth the bꝛaunche,asthe quickene trees leues ate. - Dioſcoꝛides
deſcribeth the arbut tree after this maner. Comaros calledtn latin arbu⸗
tusoꝛ bnedois a tree lyke vnto a quynce tree, hauynge thynne leaues
‘Aopthafrupte ofthegreatnes oka Pluname woythout anye keruell.
When it is rype: it isether yelowe, oꝛ rede. Plinye deſcrybeth the
arbut tree after thys maner:Strawberyes that grotoc one the ground,
haue an other kynde ofbodyp then arbut berryes haue:which —
kynde with the other, whych grows
“eth on the tree, called tn latin vnedo,
which onelpfrupte isipbe Dnto the aN
frupteofoftheearth, Thetreeté Woot),
{cife 19 thicke and buſſhy. The truite
istppeinapeare and it that groves
eth in buder bloometh: & the othee
that is elder, waxeth ripe tn the tree
atonetpme. It is afruyteotmmal
honor: and ther bpo hath the name, soy
that it bꝛingeth furth, but one alone
byit ſelle. Pet do the Grecpanes
geue tino names vnto it,Comaron, — aX x
‘and memabplon. Wherupon deh
apere that ther are ſomany kindes.
This is called in an other name in
latin, arbutus. Wp pwoꝛdes of Pli⸗
ni it is ealy tobe percetued: that the
tree which Jhaue deſrcybed, is the
true comaros,ofthe Grecianes:and
the arbutus oꝛ vnedoot thelatines,
utd allo topneth, tree ſtrawbeerp,
and ground frabobecries together,
iu theſe voordes: Arbuteos fructus,montaz
naq; Fraga legebat. :

e po rp er ts
=== SA Mod properties,
2 14
that Iknowe of,thysfrupte hath hone;
7 Soh, OS bul Chat tt Delpteth tome men for the diuerfpte, fog itis
— Oh eucilfog the tomache,and tngendzeth the heade ake

jd — PE le NuhAuntang! es r
Ape Pe — - * IE a aie Ph, iy a : re
y a CGI, + SA NNN é

Kiſtolochia is agreke names. and is fo

x Die ea, ,
— —
2 ——ey th. “ES ; be
by, NaS: > ⁊ Rae

called becauſe itis herp good for wy⸗

‘« 8
MN+ WS j
a Me *
@ sh e Sas! c sel

i ,

men, that labo: ofchilde. the latines bie
- the fame name: the germanes call Bets
folochia tn their tonge,ofteriucy.
Wyn) Diolcondes maketh. wu.byndesofatts
3 x) ttolochia,thefyebis called Ariftolochia
— Srotunda:an this is thefemale, Che a
\GY tecartes bothin germany, and in Eng⸗
‘eh Nd ) land, haue abuſed tn the ſteade of P true
4} WF: YNZ Arittolochia rotunda, capno phꝛagmite
: —* Ne SP Menttoned th Plini:wh is ver
yc ph
cal'ed of the germanes holwurtz, becauſe the rotetsholowe. Sut thep
haue erred lartoz, this holwurt is nothpnge agrepng wpth —
Ot arifolochia, of
: Ariftolochia rotunda, ‘
Aribtolocbi rorundte
s A— <

< I) ¥f ey





— —

aN 4, *


i ar

NY {} —
— ——

‘Of Ariſtolochia rotunda,

foz ariftolochiarotiinda, bath lenesipke pup and
a good ſauour with fome Harpnes fomethpng rounde efoft.Ithath maa
up twigges, coming furth of one roote: long branches, gwhite foures.res
prelentyngiptie cappes wherin is a rede thynge, that ſauoreth enell:the
roote ts rounde aboute lyke vnto arape roote, The icues ofholtwourtes,! A/V¢
whych is thep2 ariſtolochia rotunda,are cut and far in indented, andperp( 7° ~* 2)
ipke buto our gardine rue, but theleues of our gardpne rue, are notipke
Dntotuylenes:therfore this volwouat oftheirs,is not Aritolochia roturr
Daot Dioſcoꝛides.Jhauclene this Aritolochia rotunda dyuerſe tpmes,
It hath the fame fauour and tafe, that the other ariſtolochia
wh ych is cal
lediongasbut thys bath around roote:but bere and thereappere out cers
tayne buequall cogners, It may be calicd tn Englyſ
rounde he,
hart wurt,
becauſe theleucs repreſent a painted harte,or round byethtwurtesbecaute
it helpeth wymento brynge furth they, byat Theh.
ſeconde kynd ofaritte
lochia is called artlolochialonga, whych bath alefe, tome thynge longer
thentie former kynde hath:it hath lytle branches of afpaniong,s purple
floure ofa ſtynkyng fauour, out whcrof cometh a fruiteipke butoapeares
‘but dlack and ail full of fedes in fygure,iij.ſquare the rootes, area kynger
bygge, aalpaniong, a ſomthyng longer. Thys kynde groboeth plentuz
ouſlye beſyde lake De come in o bynyardes wallis:tt groweth alſo beſyde
Bon about the vyneyardes bythe rhynſyde, ofiche ſyde of the hyghway:
vut Z could never fe the fruptes io perfytt in Germany,asIdyd in Ftaly
i a a .
pas oan Na

Ot aritt o l o c h
this may be called in Englithe longe hartwurt or long byrthbourte. Che
thyzde kynd of Hriftolochtats called clematitis:becaute tt hath long tinal
braunches,Ipbea vynde:it hath leucs fome thyng round, lyke vnto ftone
crop:and floures,Ipke bute rueslonger root {males woyth athyckebarke
which hath agood ſauour.Jdpd (cluchabynde as thts at Balell: whofe
leues wer leffe then all the other byndes,
but pet they were ſo great and
vnlyke vnto ſtonecrop,tiſat Jdare not plainlye determe, that tt was the
right clematitis. = 7 .
The bertues,
He round ts good agaynſt all other poyſones
but the long
PONS Good againk{erpentes e deadly benemes:it it be dꝛon⸗
oe eñ and laid to inthequantyteofadram, Chelamedzon
sen with pepper a mpar, depueth furth wymens floures,
a kee )and thet byath and all the burdenes,thathe
t motherig
Acharged with Jtdoth
. the fame mynyſtred in a ſuppoſyto
<<Sin The rounde ts of the fame ftrength, Tye fame Dronken wyth
water ts ſyngularly good agaynſt the ſhortwoind ſobbyng, the ſhakynge
the dileale ofthe mylt, the places ſhꝛonken
and burſtynges, the paynes of
the ſyde.Itdzaweth out pꝛyckes and ſhyuers. It it bẽ layd to:it taketh
awaye thefcalles o2 ſcurſte ofboneand s eateth aboay rotten ores, aſcou
reth them that ave kouule or ſtinzyng. With hony and aaris pouder,itlyl⸗
leth vphollowe places,it ſcoureth the goumes andtecth. Chethyzd bind
ts ſuppoſed to helpe the ſame diſeaſes that the other Do,but more weyke⸗
ipe, Melue wꝛiteth that both the rounde and long hartwurt purgeth, p
. the roundpurgeth fleme. andthpnne water more thé the other. they pur
gethe lunges excellently ofrotten ſleme the qaantite that is to be gpuen
of this herbe,ts ether adzam, oꝛ adzam and anhalfe. Cherounde Aris
folschia as Galene witneſſeth, ts moze ſubtyle efpne,then the other kyn
Des be:therfore the rounde, foꝛ as much ag it can moze perfptelp open, €
: make moze fpne: It healeth better thé che other, tuch ſyckeneſſes as come
| offtopping o2 of groſſe wynde. The rounde allo maketh teeth whyt,ema
keth pgoumesciene, All pkyndes areat thelette, pote a deve tn plecund
Degre: eifanp be hoter the other: Galene rekenethpthird kind tobe fo,
aron/o2 tockow pynt.
— Occowpynt called alloin Englyſhe
rampe on Aron: is named tn Grebe
ae= AIronin latin Arum: in duche , pfats -
ES) fenbpnde:in frenche vydchien of the
pes vituli and ferpentaria
minoz: and of the Arabianes luphmi⸗
nus. Ithath leues lyke dzagon but
longer:and not fo full ofſpottes. The
‘RAO eamKN 4 ſtalkeisſomethyng purple and lyke
vnto a betellout oftohpch commeth
ak furth afrupteof 6 colourof —
Mftorkoupynt. »
Cockoupytit. the rooteiswhyte as dragones is
the whyche beynge ſoden, is cates
becaule it is not fo bytynge, as it
boas before,

The vertu, andesleu. es

= =Abe roote, fede
“a AR! ofacon,haue the fame pro
Fay) vperties that Dragon hath,
PAD The roote is lapd butop
gobotpe membꝛes, with cobodunge:
and it is laid bp a kept as dꝛagones
rootes are: and becaule the rootes
ave gentler, they are deſyred of ma⸗
ny to be eaten in thofe countrets,
wheras the rootes of coccotopynt
are not ſo bytynge hote,as they ave
in England and in Germany. Diol⸗
corides ſemeth by bps mepting, to
fheto that whereas he was bone,
Hrd, was not ſo Harpe,as tt is both
DS. Galenealfo wziteth, that avon
is hote inthe fpr degre adepen p
_ defame. But it that groweth toith bs
, Sis hote tn § thyrd Degre at the leſte.
— Wherfoze fone peraduenture topll fay,that thys ouraron ts not it, that
Dioſcoꝛides € Galene wꝛote of. But Galene in thelewo2des kolobwyng :
tubich are m2peté in$ fecond boke,4<lementorum facultaribusspoptnellety, ther .
ate.2.fortes of aro:one gétle, & another, biting, In quibuſdam regionibus acrior ,quo
dammodo prouenit, ut prope ad dracontij radicem accerat.€7¢. In certayne vegyons afe
ter a maneritgroweth moze bytyng,and ſharpe:info much, that tt is all-
moſt as hote,ag dragis: onand that the fyrſt water mutt be catten out, and
the roote foden agayne inthe{econd Thps .herbe growynge in Cpzene,
is Dyferprtg fro it, ofour countre. loz it thatis wyth bs in Alia fora great
parte,is harperthenit,chat grovorthin Cyrene.

Xe yw \ Ustour tis
called both afthe Gre⸗
—RG6 } i cians and latines artemilta: of ibe
\ oe) Duche, byfus,o2 bifott. Che true
7 Be artemifia,isas iptie knoboen noe
ql, AdAVES,AS isptrue pontyke worm
\ wode:alefle,as J thynke. for this
, 9 great mugwurt is ſuche anartemi
Yar fla, a our woꝛmwood ts abfinthia
eo ponticum:thatts baſtard, and not
Sy ) thetrucherbe, Dioſcoꝛides wꝛy⸗
X teth:p artemiliafo2 the moſt parte

=— Eri. gro⸗
PE Mug wut,
Artemifia uulgaris, Artemiſiæ ſperies ala
: ® : F fC. 18 ‘ ’

“SN ei) f=),

ae 2 x 2 \"# - aD %,
e { j ‘4 F be : 7 i
“ine OV “Ui Bad
J Fa S vy" 7
3 J
— NZ
/ if
< (7 t/ ik j
Pag *
—— AA ny
— Pa
“4 4 \1V
. . WANA Shh}/ 8

\ ; 5

> AN ae A = *
Ræ—19 " % ⸗ y |
4 an 4,
W/ f
~~ Vy (4,
« vA \ \
* * 4


this h —
Mi —SS -
RN Vie CELE— =?

WH ~ -
(Ap4t} TS

— aii —
* a Vee
4) 9 Way ANA
— 6 — ee
= W (OSS —

groweth about the lee ſyde:and Pliny wꝛiteth: thattt groboeth no where
PH | elics,but in the {eecoltes. Chis coon mugwourt ofours, grotweth hotat
i.) a any fee {tde,b euer J could fe yet:foꝛ Icouſoe netherCe it inthele toftes of
HP | england, no, germanp, noꝛ pet of Italy:but altwaies ih hedges , and amog
HP i thecoone, far from (ec, Artemiſiais a buſſhy herbe, like pute toommod:
Bel but it hath greater,
and fatter leues and branch
then boormbo
es, ood hath
| Spell this great wozmwood that ts comon witvs hisnot the wozmwod
| that Dioſcoꝛides compareth artemiliam to:but tt ispontite woꝛmwoode.
gh But thts comon muguourt is nothinge like pontike wormbwod. therfore
Be TH this comõ mugqurt can not beartemitia Dioſcoꝛidis. Galenjs artemifia
is hote tn p ſecund degre ful efklenderlp dap in the ſame. but this comon
Ht} mugwurt ts {cantly hote in the fir degre. Wherfor this coms mugwurt
HM can nether be artemtttaofDioſcoꝛides norofPliny.Jfound inanplande
Hi bettie venile, the bery right artemifia tohich had ſeues greater then pots
| 5 tthe Wormwood 4 great Dele, and fully hote in the fecund degre: awith Hou
i *2 ves much vnlike vnto woꝛmwod pontike, butfom thing agre ing in fauor:
ii| —8 malſter doctoz Wendy,the kyngs Phiſycyane can teſtifye of § fame, which
|; <2’ , Dpderampnep herbe wyth me, Cops kynde map be called
in Englylh ſea
YY mugwurt. Sone do take feuerfewfor e one kpnde of Artempfps , and
i tanlye for an other kynde, and in dede F thynke uot, but that feuerfewe
He tA can dort, that is requyzed of Arteiplpa. Powe be it me thynke that the
A i Oclcri
rꝛides Doth notagreinall popnteswpth wi
oat tee
J —

Foꝛ feuerfewe ought to be like in fygure and kaPlhion vnto ryght Wozm⸗
ort me
Wode and alfo vnto the ryght artemilia. But thatitis not. ‘J vep

Dro them, whych haue ſene alithe thre herbes. noberfore J Dare not pro
nunce,that fenerfemets one of the fyrſt kyndes of artemiſia. Dioſroꝛides

maketh alfo mention ot another artemiſia vohych groweth inthe myddel

lande,and not at theſea ſyde. That layth he,isa lytle herbe wyth one {pn

gle de iptie nalbe and full of floures ofaredeozenge colour. Thys herbe
deleribeth Dioſcorides to be ſphodza micron,that is very litle, Pow whe
a8 tantycisagreate hyghe herbe, howe can tanley bethys berber Me
thynke that feuerfers Muld be tather thps herbe, thet tanfey: tft hadde
but one ſtalke and pelowe floures, as tt bath whyte. Ithynke therfore,
Pitignot bet to pronunee in thys herbe;tpllali chyuges be better tryed.’
@ he vertues.


PEGA Oth the mugwourtes,bothit with p broder lefe, ett with § nar⸗
foot rower, bete,and alfo make ſubtyle: and thep made bote bpon p
AN lfyre.are good fox voymento ſyin tt for tobeyng Downe thepe ſy⸗
enes tobrug turth theit ſecundesand , their byrth. they helpe

— =~

‘alfo thefuffocation ofthe mother, aud thetnflammation of thefame, thep

bꝛeake the fone:and pꝛouoke vryne, thatis topped. Che ſame layd to the
nether mot parte of the bellp.vivynge wementheyr {pkues, Che tutce put
into the mowother wyth mypare dot the faine,that the bath Doth.the
pes,and leues of the fame herbes,tn the quantyte of. ty. Daamines,are cont
monly dronken to being thefozfatd (pines Downe. The right mugwourt
is good tobe dronben agayntte the poylon of the tuice of poppye,called s.
piu, wyth wyne. Pliny wꝛyteth:that it was the opynyon ineuel hys daye
that men that had it vpon them, (huld not be wery:ft that no
Hhuld hurt them:and thatno euell beaſte ſhuld nop ther,

Bethe reede.Reede
is called in greke kalamos
latin atundo, oꝛcalamus:in duch een
102,02 cen reede: in frenche,vnge ro⸗
leau. Ther are dyuerſe kyndes of res
Des fomeare thicke redes:toherofar
rovwes are made, tnduerle cuntres:
fomeferue for to make tonges fo2 pps
pes :fome feruetomake tnitrumetes
to wꝛite V,whichewecomonly called
pennes. Another kinde ofrede gro⸗
AO veth about riuerle lides:and thysbe
EX \ (GVA... ing thicke, holowe, is called offome
* —c4arundo cypꝛzia:of other, donax. Ano⸗
herkynde is calle Dpheagmitis, 02 vallatozia: becanſe tt groweth about 2
hedges, and dpches. thys is ſmall and ſome thynge whyte, and well kno⸗ f ,

Wen ofallimen, this lattkpnde groweth muchin Engiand: but the other

kyndes growe not in England that Iknowe of:hotwe be tt they are bꝛou⸗
ghtinof merchantes outof other countrees. Pe
Erij. % Che
— — —— *

The vertuesofthereede,
whl HY

negre, heleth
be reede like floy

oft/o2 Alavabatca,
Sarum ig called tugreke alaron:in
englifv folfote ( becaule it bath arogn
leafe ipbe afolis fote) and afarabacca
in duche, bafell wurt: becaute tt gro:
weth abowte baicll tree tootes ; in
frenche, cabaret | Solfoote groweth
oulp in gar dynes Englan
groweth wylde tn certapne places of
Gerinanye [Folefoote is a well ſauo⸗
tinge herbẽ and bled to be put in gar
landes. Jt hath leues lpkeontopup,
butieffe audroundec bya great dele:
with purple floures, ipbe§foures of
benbane: and they growe buta lytle
from the root, ¢ haue agood fauour,
out of the which cometh fede, uke gr
pes,Jthath) many coores fulof knot
, tes,fmal
one iteng ouer an other,not
bultke. vnto graile rootes , but much
finaler , welifauo2tuge,bote, and bya
tyng bevnementiy the tonge.

The vertue
amy) (Gea, Be nature of this herbe
7 be a 'S hote, and it prouoketh
Saal boaters tt beleth6Dropfy,
nd the olde ſciatica. the rootes pzo⸗
noke Doto awoma
ne ns fikenes, tabé
in the quantpte of bt. Daammes with
medesand they purge, ag nefing pou
der called whyte Bellebor doth, Gas
lene ſayth:that folefoote ts Ipke vnto
Acoꝛus tn Hrengit : but that thys is
‘Mozelronge,and vehement. :
+ *
eo a il
- i 7

«ck:hate ae

FPF g u e a t f a i n t J o h n e s w u r t e ,



ß —
| (~ Alene ,and Paule contepne aſcyron
| \\ bnderandzofemo': but Diofcortdes de⸗
: Sf {crpbeth thes herbes ſeuerallp, {oma
: aK \ — ſondzpherbes. — cal⸗
AG Vu ea ed allo aſcaroides isakynde ofhypert-
ESAS WW cLcalied in engliſhe faint Johns grate,
aN Jie ) orfapnt Johns wurt: But it diterruß
28 EN in greatnes. forte hath greater leues
Ni & faikes, and mobraunches
then laynt
Vitor? sobs grage hathe. Jhaue marked
AY! YAS? Alo thysdifference:that
alcpron hathe
OPO (C) BAAR” afourtquared ttaike, and tenes toyth
| te ene very fewe holesin them: whiche J haz
Nenot lene in Hyperico. the herbe may be called tu englpthe great ſaynt
_ sobs gratie(F haue fone itdyuerte tymes in {pon parke,/

The bertucs,
Delede of thys herbe ts good for the ſcyatica. Ff it be dronken
With water,and honye, about the quantpte of. xx. vntest pur⸗
igeth largelycholeryke humorzes. But it mult be taken cont

Anuall tyll
ythepactentebe hole, This herbe tsallo good againt
burnynge. GS.lij. Alcle pias

ie ‘ } ba ar a
— ae

of cwallowe tourte,
le | i! ’
—— —
aa 5f


Sclepias is rekper
Va ened of Fuchſinstphe
F \ 9—Jf } mtyche rbe, whiche is called of the com.
on be rbartes hirundinaria ofthe po
SAMA nes tchvoalbentourts. It grometh ip
(AORN Gerinany inhygh mountapnes, andiq
EC HSVo ny grounde amonges the buthes, y
VEOF haucnottenc tt in Englande : Butit
2 *

Aw —2
Gy itaybecalledin engipWe ſwallowurte.
ORD) GR 7.Sum phyplicianes Italianwheens F
UVR <a<
AE was in Italy,ſuppoſed this herbe whi
W<, chefuin call afcleptas) to be apocpnum,
YY But this herbe hathe no pelow iuyce
nether Doth tt poyſon with tone, DONE
as Apocpnum doth. Wherkore thys A
herbe cannot be apocynů. Alcleptag ——— |
hath log ſmalle braches:out of which
a ar °

Xx i\ | —ñ—i — —

cum kurth longe leues, lyke vnto yuÿ — S

leues:many {mall rootes whiche faz
uour well. the flour is of an bn ple⸗
faunt lauour. the (ede is like hatchet
fyche, called othervoplelecuridaca,

The bertues
of ſwallowurt.
———. |e rooted of thys
Pxiberbe dronken wyth
wvyne helpe thé that
haue gnawynge in

| ASS 7 their body and are ve

— Ss medp agaynt the bys

tyng ofvenemous beaſtes. Thele⸗

ues layd vpon the almoſt incurable
— of — 02 — of —— ZA eZ
Chemother, hele them. elater <K SIG INNS —
waiters okphyſyke, wzyt
thys 7 ZEON
berbe is good to brypng Dotone wymens floures ; thatit is good agapit
the bytyng ofa mad Doge, and agaynſt poyſon. Wherfor itis called bince
toricum, that is, mater popfon,oz ouer cumpopfon. Chep fape that the
voote of thys herbe ſteped intopnetsgood. agaynſtthe dropſye. and that
the foures and leaues broben,and put ints woundes,heleth them porte
lye. They laye allo, that thys herbe heleth materp andold fores ; and is
Hood agaynſt burſtynges, and the diteales ofthe pꝛyuptes. shal
p |
é ofSperage. ae
is calledin atin, Aparas y, 7 /
4 | Perage
} «di gus:in Duche, Spargẽ:in Frenche hud i
\ WLC) Clberage,tume,potecaries cal this Vlas
‘ herbe Sparagus. A fparagusis of
YS), twoolortes the one
iscalled Btpa-
, altilis, afparagusalone,and thte ts
SANE thecomontperage which grometh
, SNE indinerte gardingin England:and | 5,4
\ I in fume places by theteafide,intane | ©.
‘ dy hilles:hs it groweth right plens
\ I cuoufly in the plandes of Galt Fre⸗
i {elande, & inbighe Germany, with
out any ſettyng,oꝛſowyng. Che o-
ther kinde is called tn latin, Cozru-
da,oꝛ Aſparagus ſylueſtris. Thys
| ; Oy) ji... bindemay be cal in Cuglih,
led prk-
5, YEAS by fperagesbecaule tthath pꝛykkes
WIS PRES Re growyng ont. This kynde dyd Ff
— EAN \ Nvak F neuer ſe but only in the moũt appe⸗
Ay WAN i SON nine, Gardin{perage ts ful of brꝛan⸗
aaa ches sand tt hath leaues lyke fenell
Pee, but much ſmaller, ¢ agreat rounde
roote, twhpche bath a knoppe tit,
gp Kee Me XS UBYON {perage cummeth firtt furth
SONGS ote of the gronnd,itbringeth furth cer-
tise tatnebpge twigges: :and tn the top
cS pes arecertapne buddes,ipke vnto
rounde knoppes: which afterward
SU Ipzede abode into thoigges braun
REN WAw ches, and leaues ;the fede of ths
VN SINC Bynde of Sperage, when tt ts ripe,
Np aN\in tis rede. The wilde iperage inthe
ſtede of leaues bath nothynge but
pepbbes: tn other poyntes not vn⸗
9— ipke the other Sperage, :

ofgardine Sperage.
(Rss 4 De ponae ftalkes ofgardine{perage bꝛokene, and taken With
— the payne of the ky dnes:ſperage rotted
vohyrte wyne ſtanche
coꝛlodẽ, wageth and ealeth the ſtrangulione, the hardnesin
Key Sz making of water,and the blodyflyxe. The roote ſoden wyth
wyneo vinegre belpeth membres aute of ioynte. The ſame loden wyth
kygges, and cyches, and taken in, hele the taundes,itheleth alſo the ſcya⸗
tica, and the ſtrangurian. Che pꝛykkye Sperage ts good to make ones
belly lovofe takeinmeate: and itis good to proucke brine: it is allo good.
for the Hopping of the water, agaiutt the iaudis,
the dileales of bbitnes,z
E.ilij. Scpatics
ME Ceterache.
Seyatycaitis allo good loꝛ the tothe ache, Dperage ſcoureth aboay the
Ww pth out any manitett het e, oꝛ colde,

AE CLeterathe,
Afplenom ane

oy NEanata
POE AG Seay SHfplenum ‚„as Diol

AmigZ 0 (
OY) — \2) Splenium,and wee;

—7 (ZS HM \Olinionium:ethoughe
— Af 4 Eas Yemionites beafar
VCaVA CSiID? SleSe Abldde atin ee:
nnn t8,¢ it is called ofaſclepiades
* S
S @
elYe of Galenes woke
ofthe comp otittone of medecpneg
Ny GIASIA 6/4 alDwtemar ch
theugplacines$, taPememionboitkeesgiueanth
Sh CVal/ Al s»
“ean Ads! LAN * OS
—D PMS Ge Chefame nantes vnto atplena,
San. SON US CAS Galenetn the fir boke of limpleBus,t
the. py. chaptersfemeth cdtrarie
EY CR AY yaw
Sito 8! e th ECT atte

Ww restomatkte.ij.diuerſe herbes ofal
— plenum,a Stolopendriũ:whilſe he
AS SNe reherleth thele wordesvgreater
HH ſ re,fronger herbes: that is to wit,
a* the barkes of capers, the rootes of
Camarils, Stolopedats < Scilla
called fea anyon, the hezbe which
repzeſenteth the ſame thing by big
uame called afplenos, nohata man
Guld fay in this mater, itis not very redyat hand bnto almé
itbenredp bntome, ifthat J bad not fene nether had
J ventbp the Khene ſide. ij. miles beneth Binge:Fofcha atplenum . bobilfe
unled bpo great
picnty ofafplenosand ther dtd Fle one berbe,
Deperindented,c harper leaucs,thé the other had:inhad tohpter ieaueg,
fo muche(as J rez
inembze )itdzew bery nere dntothelikenes of a certai
nkpnde of alptle
thiftel whtch is indentedlike Aſplen Thiũ.
s (as J {uppole)wastheberbe
bobich Galene vid leperate fri {colopendgton. And pet ig trot ſcolopendziõ
& hartes tonge: which agreeth nothing nether in likenes, uether in deſctip
bas tion with ſcolopendrion. Aſplenos groweth muche tn Germante,
y in olde

moiſte wallesa in rokkes itgroweth allo in England

tS named tn Duche ſteinfarũe in french, Ceterach:as about Barltowhit
—8 the potecarte cal it.J

haue harde no Engliſh name oft hig berbe:but tt may be wel called in Eñ⸗
Geli, Ceterach,oz multwatte,ozfinger ferne:becautett
is nolonger ther
mannes ttnger:o2 fcalefetne, becaute it ig all full of fcales on theinner:
ſyde. Liplenon hath leaues lykeinkygure bnto Srcolopendea the bette:
whhych allo called Centppes,tnot
s bnipkea greate, and roughe palmers
wozme. Cheleaues are ſumthyng lyke polppodiuman
dare ind —
Of Altragalus,
that one indentpng is not right ouce agaynftanother:but agayntte euery
Dpuplpou,cuttpnge or inden t around balfecprcle, Che in⸗
yng, ſtandeth
ner ſyde of the lefe ts lumthinge yelowe, and roughe, wyth {mall thpnges
Iyke bran,oz velowe ſcales:whiche with a light occaſion fall of the outer
ſyde is hath nether flowre, noz ſeede.Ff this deſcription can not
euydently ynough declare vnto pouatplenon: take a bꝛanche ofpolypodi
um:and take afingerlenghte of the middes of it, the nether ende,andthe
\ high ende cut away:cut of both the fides, the toppes ofthe leucs alway ,z
; image then premaine round: a then Hal pe fee the very forme ofafplenon,

| The propertypes,
———7) 0 e lenesofceterach haue this bertue:tohen thep are made kote
= PAN ES tt Dpnegre, and dronken of foz the {pace of. rl. Daves, that thep
| : Vi oy] Woalte bp the mylt:but theleucs mult bebgufed and lapde bute
K Nea tthe mypite mith wine. this herbets allo good for the ſtrangury⸗
anand the tandes 02 ſtoppeth the hichcobe o2 pifkynge: and
‘ bꝛeakech ones tn the bladder .Autors wryte that this herbe isnot tobe
vied much ot ſuche wemen as wold fapne haue many chylder. Aſplenum
as Galene layeth is no hote herbe butithath ſubtyllpartes, and therfore
bꝛeaketh the ſtoneand
, maketh the mylt to melt away.
* Aftragalus.

~ —



— — ——

Ot Attragalus,
Stragalusisna ⸗

med about Colon, erdebelin:innether.

land, erdnutt, inouerland, ein erdnulſe:
FJ haue ſene it inEngland in Come par
ke, andon rychemunde heth, But Ine \
uer couldelearne thename of it ing
ECE) gipthhe.Jantcompelled forlacke of anos
ye in <> / thername,tocalltt peete carthnutt: be.


The vertues.
lee = Pe roote of Altragalus dꝛonken wythwyne, ſtoppeth the
S fluxe of the belly,andmakethamantomake Water, It is
“ye— Good to put the pouder ofthys herbetnto olde foxes. It
‘e — bloude: but it is fo harde, that it cannot well be

7 : nay Keche oz oreche is called inlatin atripler: in Greke, atra⸗
vphaxis and Chryſolachanon:induche moltenoz milten: it
* freuche arroches oz bones Dames. Areche is of two kyn⸗
—* —— one is garden areche, vohyche groweth onely

es— i* wm \O Gavopnes:the other kyndeis called in englyſhe, woyld ares
cher:and It groboeth abrodeinthecoznefeldes, Arech, is
moviinthe fecund degre
and coldeinthefyrſie.

iv, >a) Che hertues of aveche,

Atriplex, 7 Areche,
& Pathe
Yh ny

add Ih. \\
EN — *8X

9 A

*ey Age
>no⸗| b33

— Ee

— —
: yr
— a
45 \ys


Sy —
AZ —
——— ————

y toftayns —
7* —
>bg W
SS —

KSysfp — \ W/
——— — X

Py * SV) — yf



Uena is named tn Greke, bromos:in |

SQN) 2) EnglvHe Otes oꝛ Etes, o2 hauer:in |
Sow DUche, haucr,o2 haber, tn fréche auoine, |
Se Therare.iy. kyndes of otes:theoncis |
calin ledEnglth comonlp,oteszand the a
yO other ts called egilops tn Grebe, and ir
you) latin auena ſterulis, and in Engl wile
VER oles. Ptesare ofa could,zaltoppinge i
See Nature, Otes are fo well buowen, * |

2 SA nede nottodeſcrybe
the. Ther
tsanos |
SAUD thee kinde of otes calledpillot


Ve So, GUOin Suffer: it hathno hulk abp⸗

Wear S
Dpng vpon it alter that itis thaehenle
Ee Ad *

is lyke otemele. 4
WASH Ces ate Good to make emplatteced of asbarly is:pᷣ gruel
a OSmade of otes ſtoppeth the bellp: the iuice of ofes tn ſuppin⸗
i Ss | FES,02 bꝛothes: ts good foz thecough ,Gatene wepteth
i that otes Dodgy and mefurably Ditperteabrode, withoute

_ Pisathans funpoten to bene of Hieruſalem.

ar Accharis, tg atoel (auoring herbe,é
bled tobe putt in gariandes: whole
leues are Marpe and haue ameane
bygnes betwen tivebtoletieafe, and
tie leafe of mollen. Che ſtalke is fit
of creftes and cosneres aboute acu⸗
byt hyght fome thynge Harpe, not
withobot lytle branches grotopnge
out ofits the four ts purple, fome
thynge whyte, and weil ſmellynge.
The rootes are like black helle bore
rootes,and the ſmell of them is like
M E GHat charigs, the Latines
| Cinna mum Jhane fought much to kynde thys herbe which

re | calbaccharis.25ut J could neuer finde any that didfo welagree With the

delcriptione of baccharis as Doth the herbe that wecal in engliſlhe ſage of

Hierulalem < the potecaries pulmonozia.pfany ma can fynd any berbe to
iphom the Deicription of baccharis agreeth better to, then to this herbe,
foilJgine places ein the mean feat J toil take this for baccharis vntil J
fpnde abetter tage of Hieruſalem groweth aboute Coleninwoddes in
greate plentype .

The vertens of batcharis,


R=“ Heroote ofbacc{ode

a har tniswater doth helpe it that ts dra⸗
=) — wen together & burſtene, it is alfo good for thé that haue fal-
in | len fro aboueand are bruſed fo2 ,the thatar fort wynded, for
poe =
_ SP) an old coughefog thé that cannot make water weIt
Downe opmens ſyknes.Itis good to be gyuẽtnvyne again the bytin⸗
ges ofterpentesFtis good foz wymen in childebede to ſyt ouer· thele-
) Uesas thet be attringetargood tolayp tothe hede fog the hede ake:for the
‘inflamation of the eyes , 6breftes oꝛ pappes that ſwellto muche after
' the birth, forthetmpoftemes ofthe corners of the epes when hep begyn
firtandourmngesand tuflanationcs. The fauoure maketh aman ſlepe.
Ballote. b
é Af
Af af) ;

j i '
/ v J
p .

by ae
—— 54

Ofſtynkynge Howehounde,|
‘ be, | i

: Tynkynge Doehoundets namepin |

(aN Grebe Bailote,in fume grebe hookeg
—W re megapzation, and other melanpragg
: Wee ofthe LatinesMarcubiummagnap
& RO 9 oꝛ marrubium nigenm in Duchẽ ins
xkxn Andoꝛuxe, in Frenche marrubium
SOOO NY Noitett is called alſo in Engltheblake
BN bosehounde:Ballote hath fourtquare
Iſtalkes blake & {muthing roughe ma:
inp grotopnge intth of one roote,topth
greate therle
nes roughe
ae =>
and a {pace goyng betwene tum thing
rounde, like vnto apiaſtrũ wecalbau
. TY me, wherkor
ſum calit apiaſtrũ
that is
danme, white flouresDocõpaſſe the falbe about afters mance of wholes

CThe bertuc o£ ftynkynge Hozehunde, 7 .

———/| He leues of this herbe layd to w {altar good fo2 the bytyng of
adoge. Iithelenes be layd in aſſhes whilte rheifaive alitle thei
hj Top the (wellyngiump
ryſe in§fundament
with youp
Yi) allo they purge fylthy and foule woundes. |

eESe SWte
Barba hircina.

eA ih
u k k t s b e a r d e .
Okt b Motes bearde ts calledin Geese tta⸗
Bek f PR,
‘4 y, j ‘if
gopogon 62 heme in latin borba hirci
Pgh) Lgl in Buch Buklbart, tn French barbde

—2 —5
bouc, Diolcordesdelerpheth Gotis

berde thus: Cragopogon bath afore
LINN 7 ftalke,leaucsipke vntd ſaffron, anda
4) long roote whichets fete, out of the

8 \y)JNO the texte of Diotcozides, but J do tu-

Wye ipecte thatdiofcorides tert is corrup⸗
XN — a
J ed

“TD it *
fo2 Jthynke that be wolde neuer
fap that thysherbe & ld be called Bubbis bearde becaufeithathablake .
fede 02 frutte, fog what hath atobyte fruite o2 ablabe,to Do with the lyke⸗
nes of abubbes beardernothpng atall. Cherfore whereas Dioſcoꝛtdes
— tert is coꝛrupte, itis bet to amend it wyth the text of Cheophratius of
whome he bortowed all togetherthys deſcription. Then where as Dts
ofcoztdes ſayeth ont ofthe top cummeth out ablake fede where of Gotes
berde hath the name{Let bs rede as Theophrauus doth, Dut of thetop or

— cummetha
— bore tobptebearde, wherupon it is called gotes bearde: thes
bethe wordes of Theoohraſtus. Che herbe vohiche wecal gotes bearde
tu barune places bath but a Moxzt, ttalbe but in gardines < in ranke med⸗
Dos,ithath alonge ſtalke and ful of iopntes ike knees. About London J
Haue {ene inthe feld thys herbe wyth a ſwete roote and wyth blake fede!
and a peloww floure and after the floure ig gone with a great dele oflonge| “
whyte doune lyke tuftes ofwhyte here, but about Colon ‘J (ato tt wip⸗
che had tobpte fede and abytter roote all full of mylke ag tn otber places].
it Doth -ppere.

ses bearde
Joſcoꝛides wꝛiteth nomore of bubbes beard but that
to eat
it isgood
, the newer Logiters lap pitis good for the Difeates of
wes the
brꝛeſte €liuer for thepaines tn the kidnes & bladder and
= aceon ACHE in the {pDerbohe itciimeth firt furth ofthe groade the ten: fo2 the
dre buddes ar good &pleafantin a lallat, ¢ (oar alto the tendgeftalkes a-
great while after, till the knope in the topcumme furth. Chelen
es ar not
t afterward, both in fallate ¢ in potage, Thys herbe femeth
_ beofatempoza to
te warmnes.
_eee DalepisHf th e Pa le
called in Latin Bellis, in
y. Duche klein tsitloften,
A — ‘02 monatblumele, in French des magarites € pa
Gay ol the herbaries conlolida minoz oꝛ primuia ber
are twoo kyndes of Dales,one woptha reed flois, There
ure which
Ol gtometh tn the gardynes
and an other whyche grow⸗
aaa CCH abzode in euerygrene and hae wap the Nozthren
¥ . Wen
Ml the Daley,
Bellihlueiſri. wuylde Daley, Bellis ſolueſtris

men call thys herbe abantourt becauteithelpeth bones. toknyt agayne.

The leke ofthe Daley is lume thyng longe and tomarbe the ende round
and there are ſmalle nykkes in the borders oz edges of the leaues. lint
writeth thatthe Daley hath, Liy.and fumeime.iv, litlewhyte leues whi⸗
che go about the yelow knope:it apperech that the double Daſeys were
not founde tn plinies tyme whyche haue agreate dele mo then Pinima⸗
ket) mencion of,

Tbe bertues of Males,

commnemnegy aay, Liny tozpteth that thys herbe dꝛyueth awar greate
Neva \i-ag (ooellinges ant wennes,the coms furgeanes bie this
Reva) ig | herbe muche in helyng woundes, woherfore they calit
tad eofm | De
— pnketdam
confol vntominoz em,and diuerte gyue thpsherbe wm
theps pacientes thatare hounded and

Lea wecy Dothem muche good. The later wozyters holpe alle

— We de — 5— thatthe iuice ofthys herbe is good for the palley. foe

pmmmcaii daha The Gout and for the Setatica: Chps haue F pꝛoued
that thriuice of the rede gatdene Dalye put into a mans nofe daaweth
out water wunderkully out of the hede ;wohereby it can notbe couldea
herbeatter the Doctrine of Galene.
ss BC Betes,
Bellis minorfylueftris,

Etats named in Greke Teutlon

02 Seutlon in Englihe Abete:in
Duche Mangolt : in French poꝛ⸗
ree, oꝛ iotte Beteshaue a Calke
fullof creftes and corneres of. if,
CANE <TR cubites hygh t ipkeareche
aXe A] VAR Orl
{malett esand
pelo floures.
VaR Ae) alonge roote whyche bath many
. fmalifirynges Ipbefmall threnes
—— cummpnge furth oft, Chere are
Ri ah VPS)” trooo kpndes of Bete
Wee Wa bete wiyche is allo called ficula,
8 - and blake betes called in atin
Deta nigra,

He blake Bete
vertues of betes,
ts fodene wyth Lentillestoſtoppe the belly
‘uc pty all, bobpche thynge ts ſobone broughte to paſſe wyth
—98 the roote. Che wyyte Bete isgood for the belip sbut thep
hyaue bothe an cucil tuice by the reaton nitrotyte oe bytter
laltiſhnes which thei haucof theit like vnto — ae theyr iuice
liij. poure
poured intoamannes note wyth hony purgeth the bead , and it heleth
thepaine tn the eares. Che brothe of the roote and leaucs {coureth alway
icurfe and {caleg and nittes out of the bead.Ht{wagerh the paines of the
moulled oz bibed heles. Theſame helpeth frebellesand ſpottes tfthey be
tubbed ouct before wpth laltpeter notu all. Soit helpeth the boyde pla
ces , whyche the tallpnge ofthe here make pf they be fprredD bp toptha
Bopite.Ithelpeth runnpnge lore wh peje
s (pred. abrode and waſt bp the
fleth: as they goo, Ft heleth allo foodone tn water,theburſtynge out of
wheles ,the burnpng that commeth bpfpse the burnyng inflamationes
that come of choler 02 hote bloode. The iuice of Betes doth metely well
ſcoure awaye, and ſome tyme cauſeth the bellp to be ioute , and twicheth
and biteth the tomabke {pecially tu them that haue atomache redp to fele
a thpnge vedelp ,wobercfoge itt ts a meate noyfume vnto the ftomache , vf
itbemuche eaten. It nozytheth but iptieas othee pot herbes oz wurtes
Doo : petis it good w pth winegre
forthe ſtoppynge of the Ipuer and the
mult. Setes are of twoo contrarienatures. Che tice is hote ad
pech the belly and engendzeth thysttsBut bpsbody is ofgrofle partes,
wyndy, coulde,and hard
tion, | : 4
Ot Betonie, Betonye,.

r% 4 W

; 9
\ 2

Etonic ts called in latin betonica:in

greke keſtron o2 pſychotropon: ft
duche betonien:tn frenche betotne
o2 betoiſue. Betonye hath a fmall
ſtalke acubit longe oꝛ longer, fours
ſquared,wytha lſeke ſoft, longe, te
dented about andipke puto an oke
lefe, wel Cmelling and greater nere
therootte, In thetoppes of the
ſtalkes is (eDeinalonge hed like an
eare,as fume binde offauerap hath
a pa ſmalle vootes as hellebor
ath. |

‘TChe weetnes of beton
pe rootes of betony drꝛonken in
mede, drawe out muche
PON demeby bompt. Chelenes oughtte be lapoe onpartes b
Jag are burften and dꝛawen togtther, and thep ate good foz
| LAva yu op
mehavethe Difcateofthe moother, toreleite the
typ itrangipnge ofnthe moother, tthe quantite ofadzamumne

— Be ee —
Of PaulisBetony,
xvlij. vntes of vopne againt the bitinges offerpentes. The herbe is gooy
tobelapd ag anemplatter vpon woundes made by benemous betteg , x
dramme of this hecbe Dronken both voyne,isgood agatntt dedly poyſon
Ikthis herbe be taken afoze,and it chanceaman atterioard todginkepops |
fon,as Dioſcoꝛides writeth,it Hall not hurt hym. It helpeth to maketyg
ter.Itlooſeth the belly. And ifit be dzonken with water, it heleth the fa.
ipng ſyknes, andthem thatare mad, and with vinegre and hony tt helery
them that ave ſyck in of the diſeas the lyuer or mylt, Ikit be takeninthe
quantite ofa dzamme,Fthelpech digeſtiõ takenin the quantite ofabene
after (upper with Coden hony. Biter the fame maner it is good forthems
belche out afourchzethe, It is good for them that ave dileated tn theſto⸗
mache, bothtobe caten,and thetupee of ttto be dzonken ikthey depnkeafs
tertward wyne Delayed pth water. It isgyuen in the quantite ot a ſcru⸗
ple and an halfe in tdoo vnces ofcolde voyne dilayed with voater to them
that ſpytt blode. Jn water it is good fo2 the ſcyatica, and foꝛ the ache of ſ
bladder,and kydneys. Itis good to be taken tn the quantyte ol.ij.dram
mes with water and hony for the Deopley,tf the pactent haue an ague: Ff
he haute none tt ts belt to gyueitfo2the Dzoplepe in wyne myxed with hos
ny, Iheipeth them that haue the iaundys. Wetonp taken in the quans
tpte ofadzamme with wyne Dralweth Dotone abopmannis ſiknes. Foure
drammes takeninapynt a a halfe of mede o2 Houp water:maketh apurs
gacion,Jtis allo good for the tyſyc, and for them that {ppt mattero2 coy
tuption out of thelonges,tfit be recepupd with bony. Che leues ble tobe
dryed ani broken,and fokept in an exthen pot. Thus mypche doth Diols
coꝛides wꝛite of betony, and Galene confpameth thefame , borttpnge on
thps wyſe. Betony hath the power to cut in ſunder,as the tafte iudgeth:
fortis fume thyng bytter. and alptie bytynge. the tobiche thyuge hys
operacion partycularly Done, Doth teſtyfye. For tt DeupDeth tnfunder fo;
nes in the kydneys and tt purgeth and (coureth the lunges, bzeſt and ips
uct.Ztbꝛyngeth Downetowymen theyr ſyknes, and{uche other pera
tlones hath tt whiche Dioſcorꝛides hath made mention of . Plini wꝛiteth
that wpneand binegre made with betony are good foz the ſtomach, and
the clearnes of the epes,

— HE Paulis betony.
* Aulis betony ts myche dyſteryng
M from Dioſcorꝛides betony, as Pau⸗
lus witnelſeth
bys telfe . Ithathe
{mall bꝛanches lyke vnto penpryaill,
—— I vut lmaller whyche pf pe do tatteof,
Se x CNG | it hath almotteno quaipte that pecan
—S aN percepuc, Gelner luppolech that bez
tonica whiche is called tn englyſhe
fluciipn ts Paulis betonyp : Wut the
manifelt bytternes of it wyll not {ule
ker it lo tobe. But the herbe whpche
J do fet furthe here inthys fpgure,
: hauyng
Betonica Pauli,

hauyng both leues and ſtalkes Co lyke penerpall that many doth ofte gaz
ther tt forpeneryaland be yng without all qualyte vohyche can be perz
ceyued in tate ſauyngeonly a very lytell bytternes, after my iudgement
is the true Paulis betonye. (Chps herbe growethin Syon gardyn and
in dyuerſe woddes not far krom Syon wyth awhyte floure myxed with
blewe and wytha ſede lyke vnto burſa paſtoris. Good! eee

- The properties of
Paulis Betony.
Aulus Aginets, toho only wꝛyteth of thys herbe telleth ng
‘other good propertic of thys herbe, but that itis good fo. the
W dileales ofthe kydneyes.
PE HyBetula.rche,




Pacheis called in lattin betula, o

As ſum weyte betulla, in Grebe {ee
mydain Dutche birckbaum,tn fren
chebonlean ozbeula . Ifynd nos
thyng of the bpache tre in Dioſco⸗
tides, but thus DoF fynd toapten
of the byrcheinlint. Che forbog
Neo) (erince treloucth cold places, and
BS) vit Dothe the byrchetre loue colde
vbplaces better. Thys frenchetreis
O oxeł a toonderfull whytenes and of
eS volefletmaines, qreatip feerfullto
many, becaute the offpceres make
roddes of it. Thefameis good tomake hoopis of, and twygges fos bats
y' bettes,ttis fo bowing. Che frenche men ſeth out ofttacertain itice oz fue
othervorfe called bitume LFhauenot redofany bertue 6it hath in phpliks


| How be tt it ferueth i Good bies,and for none sith ate bes .

tynge of ſtubborne bopes, that ether lye o2 topll not learneflechers mabe
Prvbbe thaftes of byzche becauleit is heuier then efpe is.byzders take bos
wes of this tre and iyme the twygges and goa batfolynge wyt
h them.
fyitheres in nozthumberlande ppil ofthe ottermotte bacte aud put +in
f t blanditholdesit,atthewater ſydeandmake
he clyft okaſtykeand ſetitin fyze
yſhe cumthyther, which tftheple,they ſtryke with their leyſters oz ſam⸗
mon {peres. other bieofbpzche trecknowe Inone.

— tes
— 9
ot. “4—

Litun ig named ingrke

e bliton or ble⸗
tonin duche maier in Frenche dublyte

te but myche leſſe and iker vnto amas

== SAT rantho purpurco called in englpihe
— purple velued floure, pit mych⸗ grea:
—) ter then veluel flouze ts.the common blpte hatha grene lefe but there
another biyte which F hatte (ene tn Italy with the one halfofthe iefe redts

Oke of Hierulalem.
andtha other grene.the leues ofblyte are bnfaucrp Earcofno qualpte $4
{ede of blite is as betis ſede is,with a lkyne about tt,and very plentuong, 7
Blites haue mo rootes then one not going right Downe but a vꝛye. The
wyld blytes leues ave ſmaller then purple beluct fourisare, einthe top.
of the herbe, ther is toonderfull great plenty of {malle {ede hangynge to’
gether as it were in cluſteres lyke grapes,

The bertues of blites.

SAY ite (fapeth plint)femethtobe Dull ehotth
out alltanour
ay and (charpenes vohere bpon the hulbandes in menander
Use \imakearebube vnto the wymen. It isnougforhthetttas
Xmac he. Jt troubleth the bellyſo thatit maketh cholerin
hea A tum, Dirtuntfaye that itis good dronken intopneagaint
ccoꝛpiones and for agnayles
and for the mylt, and for the
~ — Igche ok the templelays d on wyth ople. Hippocrates {ups
poſeth that the blody iſſhyue otwymen map be ſtaunched wit
h thys her be
taken in meate,
Borris, obe ofhieruſalem.


a : 5 — WY,

— NYE:
LAS Fal : a ey
AWS ‘ 4,

* — A;

\ P Y —

x if ;



' SS —

9 Wah Nh

—* J
It = \ ES

it Re ter > ;

LAN «<@ RoE — ba . 8*


ath N W Fay yol e br an Th

ch e
es .
leu es ar lyb ecic hor t
* —

faut cauont wyetlore tt is apd amongclothes.


h e pꝛ op

er ti es o f O k t tet
iM ok hi ie ru la le m. Bi
why pase te ofpicrutalemfemett 0 peanhoteherbe,auddeyp. at Paulus
d ni
e do
s agr
, e al lt og et he rs th her
th drõ
J 7 AMIN wiolco r
ts go od fo r th em th at ar e ho rt wy nd ed ,
an d can⸗
Ren with topic ei r ne ck ri gh t Dp . Ot he r |
Deer) oe cate th ei r

be th er ce pt th ep Ho ld th |
propertics of this herbe haue Anotre d , inany good autor. Theherbe |
ow et h ab ou t wa te rt yd es ,
an d ma
in ny ga rdines tt england. |
gr Brafica prima, Brafica fecundas
| fy
— *

— 3
‘ = J ee
> 1 le
Zk | NG & _—

Gei. Cole
> ie te x 8 ¥ ;

> tO fe; i ‘ if —Be

Ole is named in greke krambe in

latin, bꝛaſſica:in duche Kol |
cha tofth
u eecomm
apothecharies canlis: h
other herit bhaethsthe
kevohiche is called inla
{pde the common cole
YAS OD 4 ¥
ther kynde:vohyt greße
xKrambe kephalot
\ \" 1 f >
SVRU BLM ET4, : /,
\ \ : “ { hese, , ie '

; 8 A Ly ~.
Se iN * Ag

great the
dhes black,

beveth the ttomache The

ecole of Egipt is fo bitter, hᷣitcan
Braſſica quarta,
~~, V A
eal NAT e < ; — —— ie fa Ms
\ é
a tee é — Hs ' >
⸗ — WF — * —— fee
4 VW od

notbheeaté. Cole catéis good forthé that fe not well, efor the trymblyng
of the membꝛes. Cole taken after meat, dzyueth away the euel,oꝛhurt, p
im cunineth of furffettyng and of drypnkpng of opne:tf the perfones bie not
he wurtett pug, but fall into it by achance the tender and yonge buddes , that
M aretnthetop,ar better for the ftomache, the other partes are:but they av
) Marper,toherfore they are the abier to prouobe vꝛyne. But theſame layd
bpinfoule, are euell for the tomache, and trouble thebellp. Che rovoe
i inice with erife, and fale peter , {pecially natural ,dDronben fofteneth the —*
belly. Che iuiceDronken wyth wyne heieth the bytynges of biperes. It

is alſo layd with the mele offenegreke,and bynegre, bute the membres:
at haue the goute, and the payne inthe topntes, It is good for fyl⸗
pandoldefores . Pitt be put inthe vole thaplies, tt purgeth the hede.

: Che faame put in with the floure of darncidiaweth downe wymens flow
tes. The leues layd toby them ſelues opbruled wpthbatip mele,ar good
foz allinflammattones and fofte ſwellyßges Tyey hele allo, burnyng in
poltemes:that cum offubtple,o2 cholervss biceDesand litle ſores itky “Gee
|W tes wobhiche broken fend furth blody matter:and lepze svohich arcda; Jes
wy ofthelapn.wyth lalt thep burl Carbtiticics, Chep hold allotieh, ep
n falleth of.Jfthey be foden, and mixe woles Hony thep ar good for cd,U⸗
J myng (ores, which watt vp the Hethe, Che toueg raw ate Good tobe caret
thy with binegre,forthem that are dilealed mith the mylt. It ye cheba the lee
ty ues aud ſwalovo over the tuice: tt wyl bayng agayn the voice that i⸗sloſt.
The bꝛothe of cole,both pꝛouoketh vꝛyne, a allo helpeth wymen totheyz
ſykneys. Che ſede of it, z efpeciailp which groweth in egypt, drzorken kyl
Jeth wormes,purgeth the ſkynne of theface, the frekylles thatare in it.
Che grene buddes whiche are in the tope of the ſtalke burne with 6 roo⸗
tes, and put into olde ſwynes greſ helpe the acheofthe {pde: ohyche
of longe t yme hath contynued. Cherarecertapne harmes that cuinof
this herbe:ifit be not taken in ryght tyme, and quantyte. Chis herbe to
anpche occupted in meat mgendzeth cucll and melaucholpke iuice. it dul⸗
AE eth thefpght,and it troubleth the ſlepe with contrary tbynges whiche
aredencinthedzeme . Che foure of colic, ofacertaynepropertpe that tt
j hath, deltropeth ſede:it hurteth alfo the lunges, cole is hote, and dzye in
thefyrſt degree.

Hf {ee Coole.
G Raflica ſylueſtris is named in greke;
vy, 9 krambe agria, Jt may be called inen
giphe,te cole: Becaule tt groweth na
turaily by theſce ſyde. Jneuer ſaw
if in all my lyfe, faupng in Douer
clpites. This ts mpche lyke the other |
cole: butitis whyter, and rougher, | :
and bytter with all. But the leues oF)
if that J latoe, were mych ieffe , and
narrower , then the gardyne cole,
O CTheophꝛaſtus delcribeth acertapne
SRA Te. kyndeofvoyld cole, that bath fmous
| ad the leucs : Whyche apperethe to
Oty me tobe
to metobeacertapne kpof
lv an el l,
e,that growe th inthe come,
tup ™
outher leues then the common carloke hath. Chelamets calledin North; %
oY berlande this day, topld kele Chere ave ptt, y.kyndes of wyld cole, wher,
ot JIlynd no mencioninany võꝛyter. Che one is awonderful great cole,
Pa | bath leucs thriſe as thikeaseuer Jſaw any other cole hath whys
te floures,and round berrpes,lpbe pup ; vohere tn the fede ts contepnep,

Chis berbe groweth at douer harde bp the lerfpd. The other kynde |
i’ a bopld cole groweth euer by water ſydes with aleate ind
Ae ow 18st taſte {nelle faſſhione of foure,and fede, ipke vnto the yd, asrokkes
gardyne cole,
' obthes Iname inlatpne bꝛaſſicam dobꝛicam tr englyſhe Douer-coles beg
canle J found it kyzſt beſyde douer.The fecund kynde J cal beallicam fy,
niatilem:a in engith water kole,becaulettgrovoeth euer by mater fides,

T h e v e r ee cole,
tuecoles areofnot Cbnpleata
aie tender buddes ofthis nt vnto mouth,
eH Aik they be Cobden inlpe, abe leues of this berbe layd to, aftrrp
A bpwoundes:and dꝛy⸗
maner ot an emplaſterdo bynd and cloſe
ase Ue awaye and ſcatter avzoDetnflammations, a {oft ſwelinges.

Soldanell. Wallica marina, ts called in grebe,

krambe thalaflta:in Duche, merekoet
in krenche ſoldana tn thelatin,thatp
apothecaries, acommon herbaries
bfe,foldanetla,tt map be called in en⸗
glpWe,foldancll,o2 fee folefot: ofthe
ipkues of thelefe,& the place boberitt
bee pe reeitin vi
— only beſyde Poꝛbet.

ik 4 Hokobett, Ithynke berelyp, that itis x +

: WPA) ttt other places,ingreat plentpe
W ‘

haue fene tt mychein eaſt frefelano, t

ee ent by oͤlee bankes, tlee diches.Frgro

eth myche in myddoes bp lee ſyde whiche areatcertayne tymes ofp

pere ouer flowene mith the ſee: and in the bankes of (mall crekes,
a dy⸗
ches:wherinto, not alwayes, hut at certayne tymes cumueth the falt
water. Sum call thys herbein frelelande leppell crout: becauſe wher
the leues cum kirſt furth , they appere vpon a metly longe ſtalke after the
lyknesofa leppell:which toc call in englyſhe aſpoone. Dioſcorzides deſcri⸗
beth braflicam marinam atter thys wyſe. Bꝛaſſica marinaisnothyng ly⸗
ke to bꝛallica hortenlis.Ithath long leues lyke vnto ariſtolochia rotũda,
called round aſtrologia, 02 rounde harthourt.Cuery lefe cummeth out by
tt {elfe,ofbranches bepng lum thynge red: and cuerpelefe hath but one
ſtalke ovot of whichhegroweth as ppuy lefe Doth. ithath vohyte iuice but
hot myche.It hath a laityhhtatte, etunithyng bytter, ia fat growing to
The herbe wohiche F taketo be ſoldanel:vohẽttcummeth fir bp,
bath bpd along alke very round leucs:alinoftas roũd as saat
— = ———— — - -——

HE Solvanell;
whiche is called alarun:and very fat and thick, and.brtterihtatte,chims (iu 14s
thyng ſalthyſh with amanifett hete. theleues that cum not freight wap
from therootes,as the fyzſt do but out of the ftalke , mych,then
the other:tovich Dioſcoꝛides femeth to haue conſidered in his Delcriptis,
the ſſours atwhyte, athe ſede is donnyſh blak, The herbe doth appere is
freſelandinmay, iune:and in auguſt the ſede ts rppe, Here arepreders
to be voorned:that vᷣtranflation of Ruellius inp deſcriptiõ of this herbe
hath moze,thẽ is foũde in our greke tertes. for voher our textes haue on⸗
Ip thes word CS 3Phyllaechoufamakra ta ftrongyle ariftolochie omoia: that is ; tt hath long
leues lyke bute the rounde ariftolochta:beaddeth, tenuia. that 1s, thyn:
twhiche is clene contrarp bute erperiences whiche teacheth bs,that thep
are bery thick,afatt:namely tobenas they cunt fyzſt furth.

Soldanell. am


ze herbe ts hole euell for the ſtomache,
and Harpe. it lows
Iſeth the belly behemently. Becaule tt is fo Harpe,ttisbled
ico beſodden with fat fete.It tsfounde by the erpertence

oktthe later voryters of phplike ,tobe bery good agaynſt

Wy ithe dzopeſy:becauſe tt purgeth mater wondertully.

| aa »
3 ie

— 2*

Ryon tyalatlion , is called in lattin

muſcus marinus, Bue mutcug marr


Hu s is of.ij.kyndes,asmuſcus is, one

kynde of moſſe ts bꝛode like vnto linge
wurt: which is named in Dioſcoride⸗
A moſſin thts woꝛdes. leichen brone⸗
ſechomennon tais endroſais petrais. And ⸗ there
is an other kynde of moſſe whicheig

2 (mall, lpke heres: Dioſcoꝛdes inthe



Delcription of this herbe,doth tettifie,

another herbe called bryõ,Woalefe algrene alarge:not vnlike vnto lettis

_ but fuller oftorpneles,¢ drawene in togyther. Plini in the. rrbi.booke,¢
Ditj. chapter hath plamedeleription. Chelearned men of Italy haueta-
benalptie thynge lyke mofle, that grotocth here comonlp bpon opfterg
Wwelles, which they cal corallinam
foꝛbꝛyon thalaſſion Dioſcoꝛidis:wohoie
opinion J can not vtterly refel, But Jbnowo alee herbe like moſtin dede
Bryonthalaion ſeemoaſſ. PBmonthalaſſion. slank.

arte y
ty A,
Nt { Ai—*fiats, 8 AN
Ml bora ne,
thithatatte playne aſtringent:whych femeth to me more like to be Brion
© thalaffion,and the potecartes calithpsherbe , binca marina: and it hath
woddiſhe matter, when aman byteth onit: butthe other called Corral⸗
lina,is made of Many lytle ony topntes connpngly knyt togethersand i
vebyte it wyth pour tethe,tttopl crathe vnder pour teth: ag lytle ftones
oꝛgrauelldo. Vſnea marina may be called tn Englive, fee mofle , Cozals
linã may de named in Cnglhe, Cozalline , the bryon thalaſſion of Theo⸗
phꝛaſtus,and Pliny/is calied inNoꝛthumberland ſſlauke:vohyche in lent
the poore people ſethe, and that with lekes,and oyniones. They put it in
apoot, and {moze it, as they calittsand then it looketh blake,and then put
they oyniones to it, and eat it.

The vertues.
— Kyon thalalſſion that ts fea moſſeismade of an erthlp,and wa⸗
tery ſubſtance:and boty could,fo2itbpndeth allo the tafte,and
SSA); is altringent,aud the lame layd bnto any hoote thyng,couleth
ws itand heleth it,itdzyueth babe the gatherpng ofhumozes to⸗
gyther:aud heipeth the gout, whpche had nede to be couicd, fume bie coz

— talline to kyllwormes:and hold that tt kylleth them in dede:whereot,as
pet Jhaue no experience, |
HT BHopage,
a} Fuerte toell learned
PAN) Mien, as Weontcenus
and Rucllius wyth
PLY Whase |other mo haue ſup⸗
——8—— wy Babes 2 poled:char the herbe
~ Ve — YES
— A yy <
whichyeiscalled ina

Wee 4 » SRY ae —peering ‘tin Borago Einengs
va on yk (Wi *
die, Borage, is Bugloſſum in Di⸗
oſcoꝛides: and thys opinion bathe

Z pi fetan Teg thoo Nore of
— Sty
ome, wꝛytyng vpõ melue, fap:that
J FOX thep haue found tn Spaine the true
\ Mess, suglofum, and that thys our Bo⸗
My) gow. one tage (8 not the true bugloſſum:their
Vow tefonesare thele Borage hath not
leues like vnto mullen(fap they) ne⸗
therlpbe Comfrep:but Dioſcoꝛides
%,. maketh bugloſſum lpbe them bothe,
% Therefore Borage isnot buglofiune
diolcozidis. Jaunſwer that mullen
SAAN whenit cummeth firtt vp hath leues
like vnto the bꝛode leues of Borage,
when theycume fyrſt furthe: but as
the leues of ntuilen that cũme outof
the ſtalke are longer then thep,that
cume ſtreyght way out of the rootes
Geliij, ſo
Wl horace,
fo are alſo the leues of Bozagelonger, vohyche groboe on the ſtalke then
they that cume from the rootes Therefore the vnlykenes of Mollen
of Bozage Hal not hynder borage tobe Bugloſſum. what pimullen hau⸗
longerleucs then bozage baths tt foloweth not pet but that borages lefe
may be lyke mulleng lete. Dioſcoꝛides, Igraunt,wayteth that theicueg
of Symphyton are ſumthynge longe drawyngenere buto Bugloſſum
thewordesof Dioſcoꝛides ar thele Phylla daſea. Stenahypomẽce pros taton bougloffou,
Chatis theleues of Comfrey:are ronghe,narrowe, and ſumt yng long.
ipke the leues of bugloſſum. Chys doth uot make Borage and Contrey
pulpbe,becaute comfrey hath longer leues the boꝛage hath, Mether Doth
Dioſcoꝛides fapy,that Comtrey islonger then Bugloſſum:but Comftep
hath ſumthyng long leues, like vnto thein of bugloſſom.
Chat buglofiun
nede not to haue ſo long leues as comfrep bath, Dioſcoꝛides Doth partly
fignpfte where he lapthe that Cirlion (vohyche Jtake to be oure langde
befe ) hathlongericues then bugloſſum. Dioſcoꝛides aifo maketh thole
jeues makra, that is longe vohyche are not voyth out compariſon longe
butlongemcomparifon of hoster, and rounder: foDoth he call the leues
“of Bꝛaſſicamarina long. tobyche ace not longe but incomparifon of other
rounder and ſhorter leues: therefore that realon wyll not lerue. Foie
v Hot poflible that there map, byndes of an herve, voheroſ Diol
» \Copltdes deſcribeth but one⸗Dioſcorides delcribeth but one bindofbꝛyon
Ncthalaſſis:and pet Theophraſtus maketh manykyndes. Diolcoztdes mas
» ¥ kethbut one kynde of Cornus: and Theophzaſtus makethtwoo. And
} ., Ibereas Dioſcoꝛides maketh mention but of one kynde ofherbe, other
dautozes haue founde out two, ſumtyme theee,and ſumtyme foure. Wher
boꝛe vfitwere fo that thys deſcription of Dioſcoꝛides dyd not throughlp
/ W dut agree in all poyntes wyth thys herbe: petit myght be a kynde oftt,
w\ fepng that it agreeth both tn tafe, and muche in lykenes wyth bugloſſe:
\ Lobpche can not be denyed but it isagreeyng wyth the deſcription ofbu⸗
gloſſi dioſcorides. How be it, Iwyll not graunt ag pet , but that Bozage
agreeth wele enought vnto the deſcription ofbugloſſi. Let learned men
iudge bothe mp iugement, and allo the iugement ofthe twoo freres of
Lomestobome J cannotlo.muche diſpzaiſe, for their hypreceitical kynd
olipnpng, bepuge in Babilon:as J can alovoe them, for theyrdtligentlas ;
vboꝛes tabenin tebpng out of{pmples, and reſtorynge of melue bnto bys
} epghtand truectert and fyrſt wzytyng Dtolcoridesdeleribeth thusbue |
gloſſus. Bugloſſum ts lyke bnto Mullen, and hath a lefe (pred bpon the
grounde out blakker, and roughe, muche lyke vnto an ores tounge,In
Che deſcription of Comfreybemaketh ttipbe vnto Bugloſſo. |

Thevertues of bugloſſe
‘92 Borage,
Ney Jolcorides doth not (poke muche moze ofbuglottum,
but that
| ZN it lemetheto make menmerty, pfthep dapnke of tie wyne,
ee that itis put into Symeon Sechy alatter torpteramongelt
ema Z| The Grectans ſayth that Bugloſſum prouoketh brine, quen-
== heh the thpzttand thatthe ſtalkes of thys berbe,ether rawe,
or ſodden and ſo eten ar good agaynſt the diſeaſes of the lxuer: thermar
be allo agood iulepmade of it, for Men that goby the way,
Ml Oxtey.
Uiphthalmus hath no other
bled name, that J know, ne⸗
ther in Latin nor Engliſhe:net haueher
Ileen it inEng⸗
·But it may be cãlled in Latin Ocuſus bouis and in
Ernglilhe Oxey. J haue leen it in Italy, andin hyghe Al⸗
iim BES any: Chere ts very iptle difference bethoenett,and pez
é Aw, Oude camomple, faupng that thys hath greater bnoppes
and longer leues then pelowe camomple bath, Diolcost-

Desdeleribeth Buphthalmus thus. Buphthalmus o2 oxey puttech furth

finall bꝛaunchesand
, ſofte and wath ſeues lykefenel and a yellowe floure
greater then Camomill lpke bnto an ey, wherupon tt bath the name, It
groweth about totones,and in great plapnes,

The vertues of oxey.

De floures of this herbe bzoken and miced with wex
,ina Calue
dzyue away ſwellinges and hardenes. Ftis alfo reported that
N pea man Dapnbe of it; afterthat he ts cume furthe of the bathe,


—ated —=— Incontinuance of tpme be Hall be deliuered fromthe taundes,

|: Dl Bulbubulbi ne oꝛ wyld e leeke .

; ‘ : ⸗ 32*

sfilnaitigt 2 aU tT A
SE a Reaves, Wr) mentio ofa bini
| See Hf : (Ss ie):C7 of Bulbus, tote
\ |< TBS Hey 22225 ) chebe fapeth.t“ s
CN WY) Wf (Vgy ; —— a 2 ee ee:
) — J | called of the gre
eaAV gy ro | OLS and hath
De — iyx kelekee s,leu es



whe fi abede o2 bnoppe, The herbe which
3 take to. be Bulbine, groweth az
monge the cozne , and hath floures
about the begynnyng of Aprill. Fe
Hath long{mall blades lyke leekes:
‘but muche {maller and harper, the
blades that cume fromthe roote ar
berp{mallandlonge: tacthey that
cume outof the top ofsye ſtalke and
grow bygher thẽthe ſtalkesarbro
Det. The flouresg ow out of 6top
of theftalke, a they are yellowthe
vellell holdeth o fred is.iij.ſquate
the ſtalkeis fall a not atpan longe
the roote is rounde lyke an opnione
NSA Lopth a dunne huſke and ſumtynge
) bedi with in, and alptle bytter and
— clammy.Itgroweth much in Ger⸗
many, about Bonand Colon.Pliny
wrzytethe that the propertie of thysherbe is to ele Woundes; and clofe
) the
a a — —
—— — — —— — — — ee — — — — See ate — — — —

“OF Parlelye.
i Bulbus,tohereofthisis one kynde bath many other good propertieg, ie
he hi

But J wyll not gpue no moze bnto the herbe,then my autoz Doth:ercepe
Fad experiencethat he had not leen op proved. Pome inDuchelande |
call thys herbe hundes bilich:and it map be called tn Engliſh Cogne leche
o wyldeleeke.
Ml wylde Parlelye or
ſquare parielpe,
4 y 1

JuUmium hath no other name that Iknobo:nother ina;

DY tin, Wuche,nozin Engliſhe: for Ineuer ſawe tt, netherin

2\| Coglande,noz in Germany, nether in any other place, (as

>= —

Ea zy Upnge only tn Italy, inthe vniuer of Vonon

ſli pettog
y: te
oy BESS tt Hulde be nameles, pftt huldebe here after founde oz
—— 7 4k)
Al ibrough
t hachtofinto thys realm
pa rf ſq ree:Jdo name tt,of thelpknes that
eual ppae
elye, o2 wylde parſeip
ofcorides deſcribeth Bumiũ thus: Bumium putteth furth a ſtalke ſquate
longe, of the thyknes of ones fynger: and hath leues lyke parſely,but
muche thynner and muche lyke vnto Coꝛiander leues:it hath flouresol
dyll, and (ete ſauorvnge fede, ie le then henbarne. |

The properties of Bumion


02 {quare Darielpe,
a E>, Cimion prouoketh beine and warmeth:
and Dipuethdotwnethe .
(esata kpducis. This herbeis bled to be takenwythalptie
bony, bothe moptt and dzpe , and ſumtyme the tuice ts tak waterand
en out botheok
the ſtalke and of the roote wyth a lytyil water and bony

Of buxus.
Vxus named tn Greke pyxos iscal
Jed in Englyſh Gores in duche bucks
bonme, and tn French Bouys. Chee
groweth tn the mountainesinGer⸗
many greate plenty of Bore wylde
wyth oute any ſettyng hut in Eng
WA) andettgroweth not alone by it felf,
in any place thatZ know.) How be
WASSER2) it there ismuchein Engldnde, and — fo boell know en
that it nedeth,node?
SS 7% | ASS
{cription. Thenphrattus fapth that .
: Wx / bore grotveth neuer to an hightre
RGN _and chat thelene fofBone ace iyet
— te — — —— — — Nw — ——

Burs, bute mpatttee: Wut he telieth

not of whrche Myzt tree he
meanethe of, Indede tn thyk⸗
nes of leues whyche are very
, ' Herve one Onto another, Bove
is lyke vnto thegardyn met:
but bygnes okleke, it is more
ke the wylde myrte How be it
theieucs ofbore are both rout
Dev, and greater then wylde
myzt leues ar. Bore hath roun⸗
Delptie veſſelles vohyche holde
blake ſeed tn them. The woon
of bore ts pelowwe and pale: and
lerueth for no ble in medecine
that Jhaue read of:the floures
of thys tree make bytter ony:
whereloze itis not good to be
planted, wher as bees are kept
This wꝛiteth Pliny in the. xvi
booke of hys naturall ſtory.

Of Lala-
shin mynte.

Joſcoꝛides maketh thꝛee kyndes

of Calamynte:the firſte zynde he
Delcribeth thus. Jt groweth co⸗
VANS” monlpeth mountapnes and bath
VAIN teuesipke bnto Balpll, wohpte in
Qo Unde dep bꝛanr,
ches:and {quared
We) ftalbes:a a purp
ndle floure, This
5 Ca) herbe groweth muchein Germa-
Keer) iy aboute Bon: and in Englande
MWC aboute Syon,ithathleucslete, J
WEVA then great Balyl, muche lyke vn⸗· / nine Wl
YF tothecomonozgane,oztopidmas |‘ fy a
ne te 593 tlerum:but thep are roughe ott | — Ga
bothe ipdessbutnioze coughe ofthe vnder part and whyte wythal,but | |! !
geene ofthe ouer pare: per not wythſtaudyng myxed wyth certayne ho⸗
| Ephes-ario the ſtal isbe
foure ſquuare, and all roughe wyth atohptehore,
bwohere about doth grewin equal ovder,one fromonother certapne bnop
pes lyke vohorlles ipwe bata them that at in hoꝛehounde:out of thehobt-
Che Do growe purple Houves :theleate ts hote sand holden vnder ones
fethe, bryngeth furth lauer and path allo a berp good {auoure: but fum⸗
Chong tron wipeba
ge liteye rootesare {mall muche lyke buto the rootes
ofthe comoneoigatic: thys kymay nd becalle
ed th Engliſhe roughe Or⸗
ganbuſhe Calamynt The ſecondekynde ts thug deſcribed of dase
| ¢
— ai é re
Seater 4 a hile
⸗— ——
: — ——

Calanithaaltera, Cornemyne, —
Calanitha, voughe Calanint.

Hes.It islyke penyzyall but grea

ter:and this haue fume called wyld
penpꝛvall: becauleit is lybe it inſo⸗
tore. The Latines cal it Mepitam
thpsbynde of Calampnce grotety
much in England among the come:
and itis called in Englithe comonly
coꝛne mynt:and of the pothecates
Calamentumot .o be tt attholeda
SHE, Fy IRS RV pes the Latines call ftnot neys:
NSAP RIES Ss but bie the Greke terme of Calls
AN— mynte. The thyrd kynde a8 Diol⸗
Saas Cordes tozpteth ,igipke bute
ZZ a mynt with longer leues: withove
We i oth then the
ter biauncesan, duett,albebutitsbat
: er bpndesha h!
nik hynve
esse treengthe, then the refi:thehpspo
Ky = ignobyadapes called oft te
SASS caries Mepitarin Engliſhe Mepew
uch Catsencraut , 02 katzenmun⸗
tes:in French herbe auchat thesde”
tescomeniy, tober asthep cal fin
itinany gardin, toileat it bp,WHE”
fore {ume cal it in Englth Catinyn
thrs herbe groweth farce ae f
—————— ——

ie 7>*

ae a


J *

ties and townes, in hedgesand, in ſtony grotides. Calamynt is hote and

dꝛepe,in the thpzd degree. Dioſcorides waitterh that calampnt growet
h in
playnes:hyghe and rokkye placves:and tn wateryplaces.

——— The vertues of Calamynt.
— Heleues ofall the kyndes of Calainpnt,are very hoteand
PN A tyng. Calampnt ether dzonkẽor layd to the place, tS good fox
}} Chem that ar byten of ferpentes,the broth of calampnt dronkẽ
+ Datticth Dotone wymens iycknes:anud prouoketh water:and
| belpect) places bꝛuſed, and burſten and ſhronken o2 drawen tog
themthat at ſhortwynded:and them that ar bexed wyth
choler, o2 with
MWakynge /it ſcorwethawaye the Janondies. Fit be taken afo
> wpthfandeth it be Droukenwyth zehande,tt
lait and bony,ttkylleth woz⸗
mes in the bellp:and that wyll ttDoo ag well rat
oe,as ſodden The fame
Herbe eten beleth the comon lazares: pf thep
| Cepupng ofthys fame herbe: the leues broſed And ke whapeafter the rez
lapd tn wolle, and put
into the place of conception, dꝛaweth Dotone wyme
ns ſycknes. Calaming
epther ttrewed on thegrounde, o2 fet on fp2e,Dapucth
Se it be ſodden avoapeferpentes,
in wyne, it maketh blacke (carres tobe whyte,
awapve the blacke colour of bzalpnge Calamp atid taketh
nt is lapd puto the Scia⸗
tica,to Dratoe humozes oute from thedepe boto
cer part ofthe fkpne, THe tuice pow2ed tn me, and burneth the vt⸗
ones eaves, bilieth the wozmes
there. Galen ſaythe pf tt be taken in fwete honyed wyne it provio
man to ſweate and that ſume bie to ſethe thys her keth a
ali the bodywyth it to be in oyle and anoynte
dꝛyue away the colde of agues and that it cutteth
&lundze groſſehumores, : |

(Ff Marigoldes.
gl a Althats called of the Herbaries CAs
Ee ACN KO) —‘lendulain Engitthe a Marigolde in
—94— OTN Du ce Sipngblomen: inFeency foul
WH D ie: itisnotpet {utelp knowne howe
Non LoS) ththa
is t
herbe Calwat
led a⸗
4 oe——
— ES monges the grectans for itis hardto
fynd any mentid of this herbe purpo

AK va
{edly diſcribed how be it Itynde mẽ

is tion of Caltha inthe deſcriptione of
chatlanthemon for Dioſcoꝛides after


Kuelliues tranſtation ſaythe theſe

woꝛdeschryſanthemon aut Caltha non nallis
SX, Byd
thalmos herbs eftfru cticoſa. that
is ca hriſan⸗
Farth cmd 02 caitha bit‘ebtum cal buthalmus is abu
Mere trew,wemyght be ſure to know agreke @p herbe tf this text
Chat tt were agreke name it fell,ic huid be called alſ foz caltha. Foꝛ beſye
my Grebe dioſcorides dohich cornarits ha o chadlantheimombtut
th (etfort) bath calcas wheras
Bucllins hath caltha which ching maketh me doute whether the
1D} hath
Ml M a
r i g o l d e ,
haty made any mention of Calths 7
: 02 n0, fox chzplanthemon o2 Golde.
foure map as well be called chal
of the bralen colour that it hath (fo,
chalcas in greke ts braſe in Englilh)
as it maye be called Buthaimug of
the lyknes that tt bath of the opeye
Calthats but ſclenderlye deteribep
ofthe Lattn authozes :for Virgill
_ Doth only callit reed pelowecaltha —
and pliny amonge pelow biolettes
and other pelotwe Houres maketh
~ mention of Calthaand fapeth that
it bath atronge fauour, oftobpehe”
places wee can onlp geile that oure
marygold Huld be the Latin meng

: of Marygoldes.
EBD? Arvyooldes floures drone
r¢ /UY \\\ 8 ve i‘ bert, drabo Dolone wymẽs
Me AN RAB libnes:@foDoth the ince
Ni ae of the herbe: bobpcheisa
? pꝛeſent remedy fo2 thetoothe abe,
the mouthe be waſſhed boith it: lumme die to mabe theyz here yelow with
the floure of this berbe,not beyng contét with the natural colour, which
God hath geuenthẽ. perfume made of the Dzped Houres of this herbe,
and put to the conuentent place, bꝛyngeth dovone the ſecoundes.

fot Hempe,
Annabis named ofboth of the Grecians and latines,1scalled meng
lithe Hempe: tu Duche hantfe:in French chanure.Hempe, fapeth Bt
oſcoꝛides,is profitable [oz many thynges in mans ipfe, and {pectallp
tomake fronge cables ,and roopes of , Ft hath lenes lyke an Ae tree,
Wpthatrongelauour: longe talkes,and round feed, !

The properties of Hempe,

Emplede tabeulargelpe itt mete waſteth bp thenatural feed, the
Bice ofgrene Hempe is qood agapnite the ake of the eare pf itbe
pouredin Symeon ſethÿ writet hemp feed, fitbe taken oul.
of mefure, taketh mens wpttes front the,as coꝛiander Doth: azofthe pour
Det ofthe Deped leues of vemp maketh men Dronken, Pliny waziteth that
thetutce of hemp put into ones eare killethvoormes ¢ al beſtes that ar in
the eare:but ttmabeth the hed ake,zthat bempts ofſuch a nature, bee

| 7

and that therlore it is

Mitcancongele the water) and make it go together:

Goodforbeftes mawes, drzonkẽ in water. ma⸗

Che roote lodden ts water
hethfofte the ioyntes that arethyonke togyther and gowtes, and lyke
burned places, but
Dileales he faycth, thatitis alfo good to be iayd vpon des
thatitmut be oft chaunged that it dꝛye not.Dioſcoꝛi maketh mentt-

‘ono another bynde oftoplde hempe: whiche fume recken tobe eupamar
fium vulgare:but that can notbe,fo2 ichath nother feedes like vnto
siftv e mal iow e , noth er may aman make ropesof the barke of it:whyche

thy png bei ong e vnt o wyi de Hem pe: whe rko re it can not be toyl de hem pe.
“Pt wploe Geloucr o2

7.2 ‘
. « : -

e d 14

Cantabrica, _ Gelouer. Cantabrica, uuylde Gelouer.



—— 4



— iff



AS ; £ to bp time other
to Dioſcorides: They haii
e no ture:
iP ate groundeof theyyoppupou. And wyereas tume alles
— ge, that Paule mabethe thooo kyndesofBeton;
1 Ue theps
theyr opinion myght take placeipg
—— it isnothpng tothe purpote,foth
by (eeeBer qe leuesofthe one Betony areindey, |

A ees ihe y OR ted lykean oke: and

the other igin
A el \ —

NY foul 2 be penprialle and theyz

4 by att 1

Nay jf eat

bath leues like alecke 02 brode ge
an We



fo that thepz betonica can benetige

cae —

2 fIS of Paulis BetoniAn




9. wd

‘7we5 \ tM ) Pltnpis alleged,tohaue twoo hin:
“hy te Des of Betonicaoz betonica: tay
\ Nt lL; not be founde fo in Pliny, that jg
Vig) J tight corrected: therfore thephane
YA], nofoundation to bylde theps opinig
LZ pon Ithynke that our Geloucrig
i Cantabatcain witny : for be deteri:
beth cantabstcam thus,Jn the telfe
Dpapne twas founde cantabgica of
the people of Cantabzia, tn thetime
of Auguſtus. It groweth cuerye
whet witharyſhyſtalke afot highes
wherevpon ar long floures,iniong
veſſelles after the forme ofa Lylp
floure, thatis totopte ,iptie atthe
fettingon,and boder euer toward
theende sand in thys is veryſmall
feed, Thys deſcription of Dliny {es
inet) butome, toagree bery well
buto the berbe called of the pothera
e Gelouer, fozithath atmall athe
ipke bnto a ryſhe, both in colozand quanctite:and bath ſuch alonge
Dpott the toppe as repzefented rhe forme of tt called in Latin bellell
Th ¢ gatdyn Gelouers at made {o pleafaunt and {hot
and oopttofman,an te wyth the labous
d not by nature, .

Fy (| De tutce of wylde Gelouer Ag the latuz

rrs Do bolde,is
aa) (Ga, OOD to beeke the ſtone:and to bryng furthe:and ts alfo good
Ff yi 02 thefaliyng tycknes . Che roote of the gardpn Gelotier is
< =) 9000 agapnit the plagesand therefoge {ume bie to make coll
ferucs of the floures, and ble itin the tyme of peftilence.:
they holdealto,
Chatitis good agapntt the hakyng of a quartaneague:and that the iuice
of ttts good foz the toothe ake , olden inones mouth fattynge: and
tS allo good for fpnewes thatare cy t;fo2 theach that
e the gobote,and for
the bytynge ofa madd Dogge, vfit be layd bpon the ofbytten place ,b2oled
02 the iuice of it, . | — *
—— Capnos, Capnios phragmites.

02 ep
* » re
Atay RY LOVER Bhi) Xe
BS? Pre Sees spAds fa xi Alig Ye — ‘ i *ds
4 G § vy;
¥ 7 — z=AS ANGE ES

rig| pn 4 22 INS — ——n

Ana Hy
I off ieMya
vy \ NmfAe
r. %
} . A ; 3 Ki jG NG Gy)
— ail
Zpe“s ?
nA 4 *
4 — 5
aé i wD
Sia eo ak

SS & a7

{x ——
* —— —8
Aa —


tet by.




Uuntitorpe is called in Grebe Capnogs

in Latin Fumaria: of the Pothecaryes
¢ Baie ie | e/3 3
Fumus terresin Duche Crudzauche o2
Duuenkeruell . fumptorpe ts a buſſhy
fal te : 7
au Ang! | oh
5 ‘
* Miva ty . N S'S , :— F

herbe, and beryp tender, and lyke vnto

Si J yp Be} Gl an r =
! WA AMY — 9
Bh WON aA — 2

Bip SOOO < * 2

* JA
eh, va Se
Coꝛiandze: but tt hath whyter leues
and them in greate number, whych are
X « AP 9
ps —Wh Se wy, —
SOW * = —
s Ss Y, —* r x

as thoughe it were of an aſhe coloure

aud purple ſſoures.In the toppe of the
berbe at litle roonde knoppes after the
floures begon. Jtgroweth in the cozne
ef i) 2
in gardinsinbiniardes,tn hedges and
in al plowed and dygged places. Fumi⸗
torve ts hote and Deve inthe ſecond vez
degree, cof amanifeltbitternes, Which is a witnes of the hete of thefame


Tbe hertues of sEumitory,


T Hetuice ofthysherbe , whichetndedeisharpe, maketh clere eyes

€teres to cume furth:wheclorze tt hath the name: layd to Pgũme it
Bly, . wplt
g t papers,
wyll notiet the doble heres of eye lxddes to groboe agayne:the herbe ett
Depuethfurth choierphe water:the later vozyters bie fumitory to purge I
and make clene mennes blood ,and gyue it in waye, o2 other liquozega,
pane cabbes, and fcoury dileles ,and fuche other lpke sto pehe come of
melancholep ,and burnt choler. Pliny maketh mentionofanother Caps
nos,whyche is named of Theophraſtus capnos fragmitis that ts to fay,
fumitozy of the hedges. Chis herbe bathe leues lyke cortandze,
but Greg
ter;apurple fourein the toppe of the falke,and ſumtime whpte,therog,
te is rounde,and hollow,and byt ter:wheretoze tt hath the propeetye fo,
to open,and to bese in fundze groffe humozes.Jtgroweth ingreat pig,
ty inthe hedges abo ut Bonin Germany: and itis called in Duche oil,
woꝛte:and it may be called in Cnglifh Howellwo2t o2 hollowe wot,

got Lapers,
Apparis is a Grebe worde:which
the latines ble as thett owne allo
and capparts, is called in Theodo
rus Gaza: in latin inturis: gitig
called tn Engliſh tapcrs in duche
Cappres:in Frenche Capres, Cas
persis a prickpbulhe, which ipmg
bpon the groundeſtretched turth
butoaround circle, and bath paice
kes as absamble,crokpngin,atter
“gly a the fahion ofa hobe:it bath roũde
er NO? leues lyke bnto quynce teee,anda
——“* fruite like an oliue: wohich tehantt
gapeth,andis opened ſheweth a bohyte ſſoure:and vohen it is ſhakaẽway
thet is a thing found in it.lyke along acorne which bohan it openeth hath
corꝛnes lyke vnto the comes of pomgranates lytle and red: the rootes at
bard greate and many. J haue leen Caperes grow in diuerte gardingof
Italy, but not nthe feldes that Jremembze of, fof

vers as Simeon lethywꝛiteth ar hote edape th the fecom

4 Degree: butthey ar of Diuerfe + ſundzy qualites: onig bpttet,
wberwith thepclenge.purge,« cut in fundze, Anothertsby⸗
=e ting, harpe, wherwith thep hete dziue abrodes make thinne,
thethird isaltringét,o2 binding together, wherwith thetdraw together
ebinde:voberfore thep belpe hard miltes both taxé in & alfo tatd without
wyth bynegte o2 oxymell. Caperes alfo prouoke.topmens (ycknes 206
fame ſodden topth wyne and bpnegre ar good fo2 the tothe ake,
toote But the
is ftronger in all thefe cafes, thenthe leues, the ſtalke andthe
frupte are. Capetes Do make foftthe hardnes of wennes , and beenelles
and fuche otheripke hardelompes:the iuice of Caperes kylleth the wor
mesof the cares wpth bynegre:thep do openthe ſtoppynge of the ipuet
and mylte and ofa certapne natural propertie; they ar
{peciallp good fos
themplte,thep are allo good foz the {iat yea : but thep burte che ar

MOf Arthy thockes :
; andthe kydneys. Dioſcorides waiteth that both the ſtalkes, ¢ alfo § fritz
' tesofcapercs, arclapd vp in pychelito be eten, athat thep troublepbelly:
ar euell for the fomake :and ingendz¢ thyzſt: and that the frute of thent
droncken in wyne fourty dayes waſteth, awaye the mylt, and dryueth
forth blody water. But they fay allo they ave good tobe dꝛonken againg
the palley, and agaynſt burſtyngesand, places Drawen together.

archichockes, Arduug, called ingreke Scoli⸗

mus after Galene: Aetius ãPau⸗
' ; pie

Beh VEN ð lus:igafundry herbe frd cinara,

But other authors make onelp

-# =
a Va
— —
— 9 —9 A Ds Sate

S—“Ss oe
> aw >
3 this difference , pcarduus Hould
RAGS be toplde archpchock, and cinara
— , - Gould be the gardyn archychob.·
S ANS phe sane3oats — —
Sean to ſhoꝛtly difcribed of Dioſcoꝛi⸗
Cher —— des.Foz he deſcribeth tt no large⸗
A A (aN (C A iver then thus , it ath leues of
(ES WA YF — chameicott , 02 blacker then the
* ad whyte thyſtel, ethycker. Ft hath
along ftalke,and fulle of leues with the hed ful of prtches and a black roo⸗
te,anda thick. Theophraſtus fapth thatarchpchock is markyd fo Have
this propertey by it {elf that the roote ts good tobe eaten,both rate and
ſodden:and that it ts alfo berp good, when tt flozyſheth:and that, when p
toote waxeth harde, itſendech forth a vohite iuice lyxkemylke. Plini wep,
teth,that itis ameruell to ſee how that in thekyndes of archychock ſum
bꝛyng kourth floures all the holle ſommer:ſum Do cõceyue: and ſum bang
e, it is very pong, it hath very ſharp prit⸗
forth fruyte. Archychockvohen
Kes: Gut when it ts old,ithath no pꝛyckes at ail. Thus far haue Ircher⸗
fed the woꝛdes of Dioſcoꝛides, Theophzattus,and Plini:whiche are luffi
cientto Declare, that our archychokets the berbe that they cal Scolimus
and cinara but beſyde ther diſcription for the better knowlege of thys
herbeit is to be added, that theleues ofarchpchock arc very deply inden⸗
tpd,euento the bery ſynewes whiche depart the mpdeleucs. Aud the fru
te ofarchpchocke ts mpch lyke vnto appneape nut:ll
ut the thpke leues
ofthe hed, whiche after the maner of fcales lye on bpon an otycr , area
then they that are inpyneaples.the wylde
great dele bꝛo der and thycker
archychock hath & great dele narower leues then theother and much lo⸗
thethe gardpnearchpchock bath, And the frup-
ger and Harper prickes
tets all prutkkyecand very Harp. |


he vertues of archpchock,
a Cting horiteththat the roote of archychock fodden th wy⸗
) + ne and drontzen dzyueth out muche ſtynkynge vryne. And
~itherfogtyacit heleththe ſtynkinge ofallthe boieboby., be
SAN) fapthivatrt is hot nthe begynnyng ofthe thyrde degrer,
—Nand Deve tn theteconde, wohiche qualites in the archpchocs
: == kes that we hauetn Cngland, J could neuer pit percepue.
4), WY, Galene
ME Laru iwapes, |
Galene ſayth thatarchpchock hathanoughty tuice, and geucthanding.
keth euel nouriſhement to the body: {pecpalipafitbebarde, for thenjg 7
hath tnitacholerpke humoze tn great plentye:and bath the hole ſubſtan
ce barde, info myche that of tt ts ingendꝛed amelanchoipke nouriſhemẽt;
And okthe inice of it isingendzed athyn and acholeryke humore. wher,
for itisbeſt to cate it ſodden wyth oyle and wyth wyne. Plini wepteth5
thys herbe taken in boyne ſturreth bpthelutte ofthe body. But he ati.
meththat heſyodus and Alſeus wytnes, that ykewyſe as thys herbe
prouoketh luſt is women,ſoit abateth theſame tn nen,

Of Caruwayes.

. 4

~ ce 1


7K Caruwapesis calledin greke karos

al \ and karon:the latin mencal it carum
aand careunt: the poticartes cailtt ca⸗
PNY y ruistheduche men call it mathumel
7 and the kreſes hot
on wythen kumell:
cumpne.It groweth in great plenty
in Frees lande in the medowes ther,
betwene marpen hoffe and hoerDoNe
hard by the {ee banke, Carumapes
“path many ſquared ftalkes and bol
lowe,corunpng out ofone roote.and
outofthetoppes of the fae
Of Seggoe orfhergres.
weth ſedes after the maner of fennell oꝛ dylle:and it hath white foures ¢
leues lyke Wylde carrot.the rootes ar long, ſmall, and yelovoe, and pleas
lant in tatte. the ſede is hot and d2ye,almofte in the thyrde degree.
roote, and the berbe are not ſo hote.

The vertues and properties

of Caruwayes.
Aruwaye wamreth the body:and prouoketh vꝛrine:and is
9good for the ſtomake: a maketh one haue a ſwette breth.
Nei Sots) Ft belpech allo digeſtion: and itis myxed amonges preter
— Uatpues,and ſuche as cafely goeth thoꝛowoe onc. It maye
.; Poa be bled inthe fede of Annis:and tt is good again wynde,
— =| both inthe tomake,and in the guttes. The Talkes when
theycomfyrſt bp ,arehoonderfull picfant eaten ina {alice
And the hrbe lerueth to make ſwete and well fauozed potage.

DE Segge or ſhergres. N⸗
SNe Areris the latin name ofanherbe, whi⸗
ys che we cal in engliſh ſegge, o2 herateffes
wherok 4 fpnde no mécton, nether amog
the grecianes nether among the latines,
faupnge that J haue rede of tt in Uergi⸗
le,andin Calphurnius., Calphurnius
loziteth thus ofthis herbe. tpl procul ftabo,
uel acutdcarice lectus, J wyllſtande fare aap
couct yd with the harpe legge. Uergil
alfo in bis Georgykes maketh thistheret
AWS | grelſe tobe ſharpe:and in hys egloges be}
fh) mK Wy maketh tito growe thycke to gether in
; buſhes th thete wordes. Tupoſt—— role Locum
thoulurkebdett bebpndthe e ſegge buſhes » This herbe , that Ido taketos
be-cater-groweth infennes and tn water {ides:and hath a fort
wythout,and many lytle fringes at tt. Che leues roote red:
as they cum out kyrſt,

| ate three cquare:af ter wardes thep Dogo abzode repretent

along imai
bupie, but not wpthontcertapne (quares. And the edges of thi s herbear
fo Harpe, that they will cut mannes hand: and baue acertatn ro
| Iohiche maketh them to cut thefouner. of the whiche propertic theugnor
men calltt Here hath along ſtalke and three ſquare and in the
| top of thatis afore ofiptic knoppes,tn {ede of (eedesiand flo
Ipbe bnto our gardpne gallpngal. J haue not redanp vie ures muche
5— paverof the kenne countreys bie it tafor footer and of thps in phy⸗
do beate os
uens thit.

(Of Doder. Doder


sf Dodtt,Caſſutoæ.

—*008 SSBUTS
—3 RS MU,

SAT Weta eae

[aXe Ahad WS 4 —

Oder is called of fome of the grmeee

cians caſſitas:of the later latin
calutha.It is calicth of the poteca
rics, and comms herbaries cuſtu⸗
ta, and podagra lini:the aucheme
callit fples kraut, Doder,and W299,
in frenche it isnamed Gowte de
ling. Doder groweth out ofhers. wit
ef bes, aud ſmall bubes, ag mifcelto ™
WRC) grotocth out oftrees: And nother.
WV ofbothe grow out ofthe ground
‘ . SSS : DSoder tS Ipbe a great red Herpe
| ” firpng: and it wyndeth about her
bes foldyng mych about them: and bath foures and kno pp s,eone from
(p ac e: Wh er in ts fe de . th is he rb e ha th no th er ic ue s, 10%
anothera good be s th at J ha ue ma rk ed Do ver
falke,nether root in th e gr ou nd e, th eb er
uery that ha
to growe moſt in ar flax and tares. we callin england la ame Laced Hy
Dodergrowinge s/t iaced tauery:ait nd tyme that hath thel
me,jaces that goo about tyme ig ep hymum meſues:but not the
mum wherof Sioſcoꝛides, Galene,and.other olde wzyters Have
sneution of,Jhaue lenge ttin Germany and in england tn plenty

Che nature of Moder,
Oderopeneth the toppyng of thelpuer,andimpit , Ft diffe
etd \ chargeth the vaynes of ficgmatpke and choleryk humozes
LAY WM iby thebzpne,It heleth the Jaundes,thatcometh ofᷣſtop⸗
7 Apyngofthelpuer. It is good fozrchyplocr,p haue the agwe,
EF But mypche vl[e oft hurteth the tomake, but that hurt is ta
pputtpngealptic Annys puto tt, pth wormwode tt purz

Ot Cheluut tree, Caftanes. >

; Wes \f's52 ed os


i aD,
I eh “a Lie ; |

| Aſtanea called caftonosingreke: &

: of fome dios balanos:is named in en
. Py NN Glpthe achetnut tree:in duche een
, > CEOS SSG) belten baum: inſrenche cattaigney.:
J ——2 The frute of itis called of ſom giaus
, fardiana, that is a ſardiane acorne.
Cheſnut tree is a great tree; and
i bath leues long and indentyd yhea?
| —— nettell the hucke of the frupte
ts all:
| BUT RAY) Cough without, and within tehatha:
CALC PS browne
bprowne tkpn
ſkynne, g vohyte meat with⸗
hi WG s in. Chelnut trees growepientuouts:|
| : lye in kent abzode inthe feldeg , and
inmany gardynes
in England./ Che

The vertues of Cheſtnuts

i JX So] mcon Sethi wꝛiteth that cheltnuts are hotcanydype |
‘fe ye inthe fet degree: andnourithe the body muche, Thepar -
. » longin gopng Downe, andin Digettpnge : and in Sender
x groſſe humozs:and are iull of wynde:and ftoppe thebelly 7
Lee //4) but ifthep be perched, o2 diyed the⸗ putawapeagreatde, |
— LIle ofthe hurte that they would haue done rawe. Ptolcort,
Mpghtelps ·
ofthe ber. 4—
be Ephemerum.

OE Nettelltree o2 lote tree,

rey Cltis is named iq
A aD yfgteke lotos, istal.
IIled tn frenche,ag
cf Jy-9| Geinere fapth,digs
YA BS Ls29d (tes 02 ledoinierbut
Vp) eee >—aen HOLE that tt ts cate
— eth in engtpihe and
induche J can not tell, Foꝛ Ineue
fawett,nether in germany, non
englande: but J haue (ene tt in Fa
39 ) Ip. Ithath alefe lyke anettelsther:
“, foztt may be called in englyſhe Pet
telltree oꝛ lote tree. Plini wꝛitetz
thus oflotus. Afftyca in that part
<*>. Ibert as tt turneth towardes bs,
- bapngeth furth an excelltree entcal
led lotus, oꝛ celtis whtche alfo gros
weth mpch in Italy. Feis ofthe
bignes ofa pere tree, Hotwobeit Cor
nelius nepos maketh it athoot tree
the lefeisindentyd mych : elles it
myght ſeme to be the lefe of ilets
Che frupte of this is of thebygnes
_ ofabene: a of the cotoz of falfowe,
beloꝛe it is rype. It hath many dy⸗
nyt J—— uerle colors ag grapes haute. It
os in Afkryta thyck as myrtelles doo:and not ag herpes do in Ita
It is ſo ſwete meat that itdyd gyue a name dito p people there whe
st growet
h. lap that the bellpes of themthat eat that hal feleno pk
no.ttis better without the inward kernelles:the whiche ina certayne o⸗
. therkpndefemeth as harde as aſtone. Chere iSallo pꝛeſſed out of thys
frtupt wyne lyke vnto honped bopnesthe whyche, as itis fayd , can not en⸗·
dure lenger then x.dayes
. . We haue redfapth Pitt, that hole hoſſes ot
men in Arica have ben fed with this tamefrupte, the wood hath ablack
. Color and is mpche deſyred of men foz to make pppes , to make kupite
$¢8,aud luche other lyke thynges , ofthe rootes ofit, Poin
ee |
y §=—s -—s HE centoyp,
WP beth another kynde of locus, whiche helapthis ofa wonderfull byg neg,

\ And bzyngeth furth a bery bygger then pepper, ſwete, and pletant in mez
» te,and ef fo2 the tomate. of thes authors toe Do gather, that there avc.y
hy Byndes oflotussofthe whitch Jhaue ſene but the one kynde, and Chat in
jy slauctia a litle cyty,as we enter in at the foote of the moũtaynes, belpde
| anoldcattell.
Che vertues of Lotus,
Hebeerypes ſtoppe thebeily,the broth ofthe Haninges oꝛ ſyyuers of
' QL this woode eitherinwyne,oz th inkulion heipet h6blody Ayre a the
Mm << fipre ofthe mother,ttmaketh ones beare rede,€ſtoppeth p belly.

(3 « » QE Lentozp,
hy Centaurium minus.
. <Any Citaucium is of two fox
i" oe tes :the oneis called cents
mM taurium magnum and it
— Salts called of the potecaries
My rupolticum:t inenglifhe rupontike.
it 2 t groleth onely in gardyns. Ine⸗
J itfauyng only tn Italy and
tier Tate
a germany. Chelecod kyndets called
mM tinlatin centauriũ minus:in englyſhe
th centaury:in duche Cufent gulden:in
3 frenche kelterre great cẽtaury other
wyle called ruponticũ hath leues like
— He i adkd cA aeSogng long,
} of Parene coloz ofcole indented roũd
We about tthathattalke like vnto adock
i of theo o2 theee cubptes of hyght in
Me thetobiche archeades like
Hh vnto poppy,round elong, the floure
i: isbletw. the feed is like wyld ſaſforne
a res he in rei — wole
g F eroote is thyck, heuy and founde,
3 ohio ae longe , and full of mice,
J — ytyng wyth acertapneattriction,&
on CZAR — fort ſwetnes ᷣcoloz ofit is ved, ther
- —— grovwoe many baltard ſtalkes out otᷣ
xoote beſydethe pꝛincipallſtalke. Centaurium minus that is theles cen⸗
taury whiche is our common centory in england,ts an herbe lyke Dnto o2
gane oꝛ wyld marierum oꝛ ſaynt Johnes worte. It hath aſtalke full of |
| comnersaſpanne long, and mozesboith a floure Ipke vnto role campyon, p
} isto wytt crymeſyne turnyng toward purple, Theleucsarelpke retue, |
trute of tt is lpke vntotoheate, Che rootetsberplinal,
!long, Flinalle:the |
E fnoth, and of no valewe:but tt is bytter,
— ah Che
— _—* = ae = . — ——
—— — —
— an

— — rn



Pe SS = =a
ie Giese =a iy po


re ietesbrofed when it is grene, fit be layd vnto woundesit

Doth iopne them together agayne,itſcoureth olde fozes and coz
Fluereththemwithſkynne it drzyueth out choler and grote humo⸗
Ares thozotoc the belly,iftt be fodden and dzoncken. the broths
it is ſodden in,isgood Co pooz in agaynſt them that haue the ſcyatyca foz
it dꝛaweth the bloode, and caleth the payne, the iuice is very good forte —
putin the medicines fo2 the eves,fo2 both honyttpurgeth awap the darks
nes of the eyes, the lame layed tn toith boooletnto the natural place,bypne
geth downe wymens ſyknes, the iuice dzonken heleth properly thedileas
{es of the ſynewes, cẽtoꝛyis good fo2 the Topping of the mylte and thelp
uer,forthe colltkeitkylleth wormes and heleth the abe of the mother;
ſom do wzeyte alfo,that tt doth let the {ppttpng of bloode,tt is allo goodte
lave woithout bpon a harde mylt tomakeitſofte agayne.

AOE cudweed of chafineede,

y/ Keng Cutunculug named in greke gnaphalion,isnamed in duche
1 EX es turkraut, and in englyſhe in fome places cartaphilago. How
| DsNiFe u be Ut thercan other herbe whyche is the true Cartiphyla
mxche Differpnge from thysfancherbe. Centunculus &
called in DoweHpre . Cudweede and in Morthumberlande Chatwede
becaule tt ts thought tobe good for chafynge of any mang flethe wyth
goynge oz tydpnge. Snaphalton whiche is diſcrybed of Dioſcorides aud
at the fyrit (yght ts lyke vnto the herbe whycheis called of the po?
ticharpes ſtechas citrinaand inducherpndblome . But nether the ſlou⸗
ves arclo bꝛight pell
ow er the
e, leues are fo longe,thelenes ofcentis
culus have both without atobpte wolle, o2 cottone.. Belpde thys kynde
that Dioſcorides Delcribeth thereisalfo another kynde, vohyche bathe
a rough thyng lyke vooole both without and within theleues, This hath
leues ipbe vnto roſmary butlonger, and ali the falke thorough ts fullo
browne floures growing thyk to gether inknoppes hauig leues al about
thembut (pecially in vnder the ſlouthere
former kynde groweth mpchin
heathes and mores, thefecondkpnd Groweth in watery places ¢fpeciall?
there wher as turites hauebene dpaced,
— a

The vertues of cudtwede

i" é
" x


—9 °


Lid Wort orchatweed is good ſodden in tarte voyne againſt the blud⸗
dy fipte,and againſt the common ſlixe.itſtoppeth allo wymens ſlou⸗
T res it is allo good tobe putin to the kundament againſt the voyd Des
fyere olgoyngto ſolle vhen that men can do nothynge, itis good alſo to
lay vpon rottyng ſores to hele them with ail,

Okthe kyndes of onyons.

Copa. Scalyon,





lone herbe dpd growe bpon one roote and now tt is called
F cepa,oz cepe, the grectanes call tt crommion, the Duche men
allit ʒwib oꝛell
Sepel,the french men cal it oignon therar
LAS 2“ Divertebindes of onpons ᷣ kyꝛſt kynde is our cõmon onyõ
which bath log hollowe leues lyke pyppaes round hollowe a moth talke
in whofe tope growetha great knope al ful offecdes , $rootis round like
arape but that it is not ſothycke, ãbath aredeſkynne aboutit,this kinde
iscalled commonly in latin cepa oꝛ cepe Thelecond kynde ts called in
Ali, greke

greke crommyon afkalonton, ing:
tine Cepa aſcalonia and in engipyy
a Scalion. Alcalpon difereth from
an onyon in that tt hathe a great
deale leſſe heade and alonger neck,
andthycker. Theophzattus inthe
bij. booke of the ftozy of plantes ¢
the fourth chapter w2pteth thus of
the kyndes of onpons cepe fifliles
(vobiche hath thetr name that one
is clouen froman other )and aſtolo⸗
nie whiche haue thety name ofattos
loma a place tn tebozy Differ amigeg
them (elfes both in deelhpngcing
gardyne ¢ alfo tu nature.the gardp
tiers Doleuc the clouen onpons it
wynter, as of no effect with theirie
ues. In the ſpryng tyme they take
of the outwarde Ieues and tryms
reſt, when that this is taken away
other do bude agayne and then are
theyclouẽ be nethe wherokthei ha
ne their name, tbe called clouen ots
pons, Thus far hath theophzaſtus
of whole wordes , we map playnly
| Gather that > herbe which ts called
ofhym cepa kiſſilis and in grebe Crommyon Schtiton ,ts it that toe call
enaturt of onyons.
fourth degrec,&
INpons as Galene ſayeth, are hote in the
Mſubſtance ts of grofie partes, wherfoꝛetheyopen the ents

thefodde oz the roſted. pit do they all byte and ingendre wynde the iuice
h sfonpous layd to with hony heieth the darknes of the eyes, a Duines of
fyght, the bawes and clowdes of the eves, ſhotyng ofbloode tn the eyes
n when thep begyn, they ar.good for the quintey, tf cic place be anopnted We
( ithe nice Depucth out wymens ſyknes, andpurgeth the hede, poozed in
" At the nolethevlics.Itis good to laye to the biting ofa dog. raw bony
| and bynegre;tt is good foz the chaipng of ones foote with bis ſhoo layd
‘ to with capons grece o2 bennes grece,it is good tolape bps their heaves
MY spbofe hear falleth of. Duyons eaten in meat largeip make the head.ake,
M tohenthep.are foddenthep prouobemoze plentuoully vryne they make
MN them forgetfullwhiche in the tyme of their ſycknes bie them ole. ofines
ly ture. Dupons fodden with rayſyns and afpgges make rype ſweuynge⸗
iy AND burite them very quyckly. | ; BO Eris
=a= Ceped,. . Brooklyme, Seeporcelline,
— — re YY,
é Z WA

1 ¥ *



f —
h, ‘ f f A bua , a



ry me, ne ;

aay : Beoocklyme
as Fudge, ig called iy
at —— Dioſcoꝛides Cepeaa whiche gg
—0 J Dioſcoꝛides wzyteth is lyke pnty
000 poꝛcelline.but tt hath blacker teugg .
an a tinall roote. lint ſayeth that
Cepeais like purcelitne but iths
J ablacker roote g nothyng wor
| —*8* growyngin ſandy (ce Hore, with
R abytter taſte. Dioſcoꝛides maker
Ars Cepealpke vnto purcellyne fan
H * in blacknes ofleues,
And Plinim⸗
, kyng Cepeam allo lyke Dato Pu⸗
— oa ial cellyne voryteth thatthe difterence
whiche is betwene themis in the blabnes of the toote wherfor ithe hp;
kes be trewe Cepea Dioſcoꝛides and Plintare notall one. J hauctenep
herbe that Plini deſcribeth oftin Fretlande, bp the fee ſyde within theres

bankes in luche places as the {cecommeth , to eueryſpryng tyde ttimay
be called in engliſh {ce purcellyne the leues ar very lyke purcelipne
and at
» Morefaltthen bitter as ofte as Jhaue pꝛouyd {3 found thefame bherbeot
|) Re
yr” Che vertues of tepea.
{ * latebelptie
the Ble of Porbek. :—

Heleues drzonken tn wyne help the ftraunguitone,« them that haue

T cabbes in their bladder , ¢ that doth tt cheflye tf it betaken in wyne
wherin the rootes of voylde ſperage is fodder,

ear Ni \ \ 1 if
\ = — *
9 rs

Hamaecypariſſus is ſuppoſed of
ſome men tobe the herbe that we
call Lauender cotton:whoſe opt


J }eo
nionas Ido not vtterlye vi fuie,
yet J found an other berbe tn the
ad mountapnes aboue Bon, whyche
bepng inallpopntes muche moze

lyke ã Cypres tree then lauender

cotten is:me thynke israther cha⸗
maecypariſſus then it is:it may be
called tn Engliſh hethe cypzes,be-
caule tt grooeth amonge hethe,oz
Dinarfecypees. Thys herbe that
Iſpeke of,islptle moze then aſpane longe, and hath leues as pe fee tn the
pycture bery lpbe to acypres tree,and lytle knopes inthe toppe lyke vn⸗
to acypres nutt vut fume thyng longer fog thepz quantyte, theleucs are
playne aſtringent wyth oute anp heate atall, thys herbe groweth tna

— beathe beyonde Bon, in the lyde of amountapnesbutJ neuce (awe tt any
my Ipfe;
where elles ſauyng there tn all |

‘The bertues of
: Chamacyp ariſſus.
== He herbe of Chamacppariflus which may be called grounde

Sapa Cypresozhethecppzes , dꝛonken in topne,ts good agaynſte
=| KGS all popfone ofallferpentes and ſcoꝛpiones, other pꝛoperties
KG oy) J fynde inno authourof thysbherbe wherefore dare not
| — geue vnto ttallthe propertpes ofthe Cypzes tree, as fume
men dobecauſe tt hath (ome qualttesipke Cpprestreeand hath the naz
me of cppres tree, and thys woꝛde Chamae, whyche betokeneth by the
grounde oz lowe for as Chamemelum bath the name of chamae and me⸗
Jon, and one qualite of an appell , that is to wytt,theimelleand pet hath
notthe nature of an appel. And as chame daphne, whyche bath the name
ofchamae and Daphne, that is alot bay treeand hath leucs ipbea bay tre
and pet hath not the bertucs ofa bay tree , euyne fo tt koloweth not, that
' becaule chamaecpparifus bath the name of chamae , and cppariffus whi=
che is acypres tree and bath fome qualptes of the cpprestreethat, what
focuer propertpes the cypres tree bath that chamaccppariffus hal haue
' thefame,thys therfoze haue Igyuen pou warnpnge of,to read all newe
wꝛpters voyth udgement and totrpe they ſaynges before pe put them
in pactyce.

Of Germander.
=a Ermander,whpchetsallo called in Cambꝛige ſhyre Eng⸗
a6 2\5| ipthe triacle,is called in Greke Chamedspszin Latin tru⸗
( preaeO 3)fagorin Suche Garmandeclin:in Frenche:gelmandge:ie
i \ AN (i iscalied of the pothecarpes chamedzpos.ermadergra:
M3 [fiweth in therockes of German oucragapalt yng, bes
= (yde CrenileldeJn
, England F lawe tt notohere,{aupng
J.iiil. only




= q=
"~ *


ra ‘
a ; 4 — f

X x. St Ce

aN Ct
- , ⸗ *

— PNChamedWoe
— .

iy 7X : yx =

Chanadrysuuloae famine rys uulgare mas,

4 cali
1 1 4 —*

— in gardines.Itis hote and the thyrde
daye in bath degree: itis alytel
ulbe, ofa ſpanne hyghe and mor e: and lytell| leues an dbytter: in
el and — the leafeykevnto an okeleale:the eed ts
) andalmofte ofapurple color.Ftis beſt tyme togattt, when as itistu
§of foures,redytobrynge furth feed. .

L be hertues of Germander.

=A Bene Germander fooden in water, and dronkents good for

” Wess 5 the coughe:for the hardnes of th emylte:and foz the ſtoppyng
" Weseeerr of the water:and Droplyes that are in the begynnyng. It pꝛo⸗
Pen iceth alfo omens ſycknes to come Doone, and the fame dzon⸗
) ken wyth 5* watteth awaye the mylte. It is alſo a ſpeciall remedy
and allo in maner ofan implaſter, agaynſte the
woyth wyne both dronken,


Hamelence called alſo populago,far⸗

andFarrannm,is not al one
herbe inDiolcowdes, a Aetius, and
Galene,foꝛAetius and Galene ſeme
tomake of Chamelence and Bechiõ

— X

all one berbe , and {pecialipe Aetius:

for be wꝛytynge remedyes againſte
the coughe, geueth thefame proper⸗
tes vnto Chainclence that Dioſco⸗
CNS tides geueth buto tuflilage 02 Be⸗
ea ae Y/WON chion. Pliny allo in bys tyme ſavyth,
AA WAY, p thatthere was fome that toke cha⸗
2 AN , ae maelence aud Tullilago tobe ali one:
7 — andinthe names that were added
> Suto Dioſcoꝛides tuſſilago was called chamelence: hotw be it, in Dioſco⸗
tides they are twoo contrary and dyuerſe herbes. Forhe wryteth cons
trary diſcription of themin t woo ſundry chapiters. Chamelence Hath le⸗
ues boroyng inwarde:and hath certayne bꝛaunches: but tuſſilago bathe
ayne and ſtreyght leues and wanteth all kynde of brannches for eucrp
| Aefecommeth out by it felfe out ofthe roote andnotofthe ftalbc. Dolce:
| Condes fapth that chameleuce ts agrene herbe wyth the leues bowyng
imnwarde, and wyth certayne bꝛaunches, wyth a fioure lyke a roſe:whert
vpon it folotweth that they cannot bothe be one herbe. Cops herbe bieth
_ Fogrowwe comonly about water ſydes. and in watery medowes, the pra-
_ Pozcid/of $ leffe ts much like vnto a water tote, othertople called
buttheletets harper and many partes leſte andthere grote manyle⸗

Pl Chamepeuce,
nesonone falke, and in the toppe ofthe ftalke ts a yelovo floure lite Dite
thebyngcuppe called Ranunculus:but the leues of the floures are thy.
Ker,and turne inwarde agayne inthe maner ofa buop pe 02 lyttell belle,
But therisone thyng, that wylinot fulter thysherbe, that ZFcaij lucken
gollande,to be galenis chamelence:and thatis, that thys herbe isco
tohenas Galenemabeth bys Chameleuce hot all
temotte in the cyprpe

The vertues of Khamelence,

Cm Cannotlynde in Diolcorides any other propertpes that Chames
J—lencehath, ſauyng only thatitis good for the ake olthe lopnes.

HE Khamepeuce,
Chanepenct. !
(ee hamepeuce aspiini
— =

vwꝛiteth.hath leues
Sey tree, whycheiscake
Nas 9a) led wn iatine lari.g
can (pride no menn⸗
on ofthys herbe in any authoure,
whyche hath woryten of herbes fa:
uynge only in Pliny and be delſcti⸗
bethit no largelyer then pereade
befozestoberctoze itis horde to tell
iobpen 1s the herbe that Plinyme⸗
nethbof. Geinerus reckeneth that
the berbe wohych is called in Much
and of other called pas
> tabsfpna, huld bechamepeuce,the
herbe that he ſuppoſeth to becha
mepente groweth in the top ofthe
Alpes: anDdit is ofa fpngerlenathe
anda hale, bewyngelumthynge
Doone Apkeafether that tandeth
tu ones cap: and it is ſet about cues
ty where from theroote yntothe
top wrth Iptle greneleucs : whers
BPtt pote wonderfip rewege —
— * re otcorne:but (lauyng Gemet
iugement) Iknowe an herbe, vohyche groweih in —— ——
Germany, whyche ts more lyke the Larcheboume agreet dele: aud
that herbe is called ofthe Pothecaries of JLouane {picacelt ic, Itrun⸗
heth dpon the groundelpbea Dpne,all roughe, and ful of iptie leues phe
ito theleues of afp2 treesand itis denided out in braunches:and eueey
taanche refembleth a crotoes foote, faupng thatthe toes comme nota
ipke out ofone place : and euery toc igipke vnto a grene cre of —J
at the

ME qroundDe Pyne, >
P atthe farthrett ende of the herbe, when itis growenas muche as it wyll
robe there cummeth out of the one of the bꝛaunches a lytle ſtalbe, lxtle
moꝛe then an ynche anda halfe longe, vohyche ts full of {mailtopntes:and
) every tointe hath iytie horre tuftes compng out:out of the end ofp ſtalke
) cummeth trooo roughe fruptes ,muchelpke bnto the longe blomes that
cunte forth of the hateil nutt tree in wynter:but thep ar agreat Dele tma-
|levaud pellower , then the nuttblomes are, and fume thynge roughe Jt
|map be callecd in Englyſhe hethe crotwfott, o2 bethe kyzu.

The properties of Lhamepeuce

| Pana fapthe that Chamepence , is good foz the ache of the loynes
| and of the ridgebone, thet vle it in Denmarke and tn Ealt freſeland
| wyth olde topne o2 mpike ,agapntt the {cuerbuch vohyche ts called
inthe Mozth cuntre the tcruby cil,


st groudne Pyne,
Aiugaprima® | Chamepitys fecunda.
eI yee SSA f Nf —

h fF 4
“74 Woe\
=f ae Laer

© ant Lf 7 =<
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— YW
Uw ~
Latine Aiuga, oꝛ abiga:
Sa} Hamtepites in Grebe is called in
; 7 and of the pothecaries Jua mulcata: in Puch eve lenger
vpelieber:and tn Frenche Jue muſcate:and tt maye be cals
SF we led in Englipe grounde pyne. It growethe muche tn the
and aboue Bon tn Gers
Nei 27g mount Appenine belpde Bonony,
many. Jhere allo that it is foundenowe tn diuerte —

Ml qrownde Pyne, inengiand chamaepitsig y oftiyey |

Aiuga tertid,
6 kindes. The kyrſt binde hath tenyg |
like vnto {tone crop, but much thin, |
ner,coughand e katt e he⸗
and thyc
boute the boughes and bathe the
ſmelle ol apyne tree. Thefloures
be yellowe oz vohyte:the rootegar |
ipke Succore rootes. Thysherhe
crepith vpon the ground and tune
thynge croked . Che (econdkynye
bathe beaunches, ofatubyt hyght
orlength bovoyngein aftertie fy
Hion ofan anker,and ſwalle wych
leues lyke the other, and awhyte
foure, anda blake ſeed. Che third
“9 Bpndets called the male,and isbut
alytle one voyth ſmal leues whypte
and roughe woyth aroughe anda
whyte ſtalke, wyth vellowe flou:
res,and a ſeed commyng out at the
ſetting on okthe leues altheſethje
kindes haue thelmelofappnetree
Q Che twoo fpr kindes ar not herp
comẽ:but the thy2d kynde groweh
very plenteoutipe in Germanyt,
grounde pyne is Dave in the thyrd
x Degrec,and hoteinrye ſeconde.

‘The properties of grounde

heleues dronken ſeuen dayes in wyne hele the Jaundes ao
thelame dronkexl. daxyes with meade made of hony and Wi
Cay gy) tev, belpe the Sciatica, they are allo good fo2 the ſtoppynge of
PZSPI the water: forthe dileales of the lyuer and kyndnes: and the
gnawoynge ofthe belly:ſume bfe the brotheof thys herbe, asa pꝛeſerus⸗
tiue againt the popfon of wwolfes bayne and leapardes bayne:ſum ble 6
putbarly meleand the broth of this herbe together,and kneadethem toe ~
getherand blethem kor the purpofes aboue reverted. Theſame herbeve
ten into pouder,and made into pplies wyth afpage ,and then taken, fof
teneth tye belly. Grounde pyne putinto the mothar wyth pony, dapucty
furth fuche thynges ag hurt the mother. It Drpucth away the hardnes
ofthe pappes,o2 the beettes:it clotety dooundes together.Ittopper) ae
{c,pficbelayd to with hony,fozes thatdorune at large,and contumeHe
ficthe. Plini alſo fapthe, that tt is good agaynſt the byrpng of a ſcorrio
Fit ve donbe, tt dratoeth out clopdy o2 clotted bloude. Ft maketh men
It isalfo good for anewe coughele”
to ſweatifthey beanopnted with it.
telpbegon. Some do trite that thpsherbe fopden wyth vynegre,
wyldzyue out adead chylde out ofthe mothers boombe.
—* Chondꝛillq
gu ne Hu cc oy
Ripe Hoda
, (8 not tn
| Vy Ge ne] Englande, that J
Y [g@aray haue ſen:i t
is much
i — ea tnhighe Germany
y NGS ano becaufe tt bath
: pri emetig 1eucs ipke fuccorp

, namedin Cngiphe epithe fuccory,

\ 02 gume {uccozp: becaulett bathe a
Ns clammy humo in it. Cher ts men-
J tion made of tooo kynde ofchor
hc Dapllain Diotcopides: of the which
—F the former kinde ts thus deſcribed
Chondgilla which iscaliedoffome —
J men ſerys and of other fuccozy : it
i hath aftalbe floures,and leues like
bh SHuccorp: Wherefore fome call tt
f wyldeſuccory: but tt ts hole toge-
ther {malicr,tnwhoſe ſtalkes there
, | cometh furty aguineipbe mpibe tn
alumpe like abeane. Chere is ano⸗

therkpnde of Chondzilla, wytha

longe icfe tuBentpd,and as it were
gnawen rounde about, ſpzedyng it
felfe bpon the ground the falke ts
full of mypiky tutce the roote ts {mal

wellpkpng peliow and full of tutce:
\ thelecondisit, that Jhaue teen in
| Germany :theleucs ofthis herhe are {prede bpon the ground, andar tue
dentyd much lyke vnto bande lyon: the fralt es and braunches ar ſmalle:

AND in the top of cueryp beaunche is a yellovo floure, which when tt fadeth
1S turned tuto whyte Downe.

The properties
OC leaues & the ſtalke of gume
gume Cuccory.
ſuccory haue the poour foꝛ to degeſt.
The wice bobbethe backe agayne the heare of the eve bꝛooes, that
Lande notin ordce. Ft groweth in ranke a mauoꝛed groũdes fome
Dorecken that tt is good againſt the byting of aferpent:becaule itis kno⸗
eM by erperience that when thefeld moulets hurte ſhe doth eate it.

ADE chaplanthemon,
ANG Piyfantth emon ts oft. bindes:one of themis ſpoken ofin the


* ves intreatpng of Camompll: and tt ts called in englpth pellow ca⸗ |
mompile. Che other bynde Sit ,whereof Fintreate nowe |
=2-| of, The herbe, ohyche F take to be Chapfanthemon groweth
plentuoutly bpon the walles of AndernakeinGermany, tt hath (male |
Jeues after the figure oftantep-but many partes leſſe & rinksindentid it
a ig |
——tw ————

M E ch yl an th em or .
: >


Chry fanthemon, is full of baaunches,and eueeptyay. |

om che bath yellow fioures ¢ —*

fully bright Diolcoꝛides,deſcribei
chrymo th
as. e
lant hems |
02 calchas vohiche tg called buprhal,
mus offome, is atender herbean
full of bꝛaunches and batngeth fopth
{mothe ſtalkes and leues cut opin,


Dentid. ithath floures wonderfully
a) 2 Hynpnge pellowe, and velembipnge
Sos the appellofanepe: tobere bpponie


vale x
+> bath gotten the name of oxep:it orp
Mi ineth belyde tohones:the herbe may
aa be called in Englyſh goldentfonre,

‘a sy Uy

of olden floure,


\ J

he kloures of goldé flour

*—— BN ES |broken and mpred twopth
are luppo⸗
B ] KS opleand waxe


ia ied to dꝛyue away thelat

thatis gathered vnder theſkynne
after the maner of a lompe:theihele
WO —
Le Ke6 =
AI VOSS W the Jaundi manto
| es ; ,and reftoaze
COE? WB S\N the
bpscoloz ſhoꝛtly yfa man after
longe vſe of the bathe, dꝛynke of them after he is come feathe oute ofthe
bathe. Chere ts ſuche agrement betwene the difcriptions of Buphthal⸗
mugand Chꝛyſanthemon, and the bertucs arefo Iptie dyſfferynge one
fromanother that Iſuppoſe, that althoughe botbe the Delcriptions be
had in Dioſcorides, pet the one of them ts put bnto Dioſcoꝛides by lone
other man, and not bp hym felfe. Foz too wolde thpnke Dioſcoides
fobnivple a man , that he wolde gyue bntotiwoo herbesall onedelcrp:
tion,and inall poyntes lyke propertpes, pe and bothe one name: andpet
mabe thooo of them, by fettynge them in dyuerle chapters z no bobps
thynke, that bnotweth thelearnpnge and top dome of Diofcorides,
fuze J do fuſpecte that one of thefame Chapiters, is none of Dioſcoꝛides
but {et to bylome other mans, but here itis harde to iudge whpcheol He
Chapiters ſhoulde ſeme tobe counterfept, and fet to, fepnge thatbotve
thc herbes are deſcribed in {uche placies , as the bnipkenes of them that
are deſcribed aboute thys twooo herbes cannot hynder any of themto
ſtande iuſtely tn ſuche places. For chzylanthemon ftandeth betwencely”
chzpfon and ageratum:vohyche haue bothe bery vellow floures a8 WHY”
fanthemon bathe. Buphthalmus ts deſcribed after anthems , and par’
thenium: and one kynde of anthemis hath yellovoe foures all hole:and
Parthenium hathe a peliowo knop and vhyte fouresaboute it.THe
fozeJcan gpue no certapne tugement inthis matter, butleuc itvntoth⸗
lugement of the readers, |




— odeln duche halen⸗

— uoel oꝛ gente diſtel:
— et
pyas frencye laterons
— — —it growethcommon

inoughe in all cuntries. Chere are

twoo kynd es ofſovothyſtel: There
J isone that is awilde one, and hath
woꝛe pꝛyckes vpõ it. and the other
Mh lh isbut loft and tender,much deſired
YK.’ tobe eaten in meat:wopth a ſtalke

as | —— the maner of atree:hauyng brode

3 —/ TN leues, the leues departe the ſtalke
NS a | VM wohych groweth out into branches

The bertues of Sowthpttell,

He bertue ofboth ts to coule
T and bynde therkore they are
good foꝛ the hoote ſtomake:
elayd vnto the place,the iuice of the ſwa⸗
e it itbe dꝛonkenFtpꝛouoketh alſo milke
woll,Ithelpcth the gatherynge together of mater that
ye mothet. Bothe the herbe ethe rootes

AE Lichorciche peale,
aaa ceris called in greke erebinthos,in buch bicherns kicherbs:
Sen aud zifferne in krouche ciche ou pots ciches . Cicer ts muche in
dere] Jralpandin Germany Jhaue (een them inthe garbine of the
barbicanin London and Jhaue tt inmy garden at keto Cicer
MRP be named tn Englich ciche o2 ciche peale,atter the french tonge: cickt
48 Deleribed nother of dioſcorides, nether of theophzattus nether of plint
/ faning§wlinifayeth, ciche hatha rounde cod, but other pulſe haue longe
and hodealter thekigure of the leedtheophraſtus laythe that ciche hath
the longest roote ofany pulle and thatcicer differeth from other pulled
| bp mauy properties, firtin that itis longinbringynge furth thetloure e
Dothbattely bryngforth che frutte, fowithin , afterthat it is co-
xl. dayes
ine Dp itmay be made perfit,as fome faye. It is allo bery falk eharde as
disvery tilfog new fallowid ground by the realo that tt ——
bpon it kylleth al herbes, and mpgs”
and foneft ofal other, ground thiga
euery grounde is Not fptt foa thyg
pulfesfoz tt requirethe a blake any
grofle ground, Ciche alfo ag Bliny
A layeth cometh wel bpe with faltneg
—* and therkoz ttburneth the grounp
Win — ciche ought not to be ſowene ercene
it be layd tn ſtepe adap before, there
ave dyuerle byndes Of ciches oneig
called cicer artetind tobich hath the
name of thelicknes ofa rames heap
and this is the moſt coms cicheany
moſte bled nowe adayes. Therig
another kynde whychetscalled qi.
cer nigrum that ts blake Cicheand
that haue Iſeen tn Germany but
felDome . There ts another kpnde
that ts called cicer albu that iswhite
ciche, muche leſſe and rounder then
thecomon Ciche : thys allo hauey
(een Dpuerle tymes tn Germany,
Therets another binde that
leD cicer columbinum venerium
whyche kynde Ido not rememne
thyhat J] haue ſeen. Chele be the frag
ee. maentes which FJhaue gathered
of Cheopheattus and Plinij to ſupplye partly the 8 ome of a detcviption,
But Jwyll delcribe it as J hauefeene tt.Che comon Ciche hath a herp
harde ſtalke and fome thpnge roughe,andat the fprtipabt,ttlokethlpke
apeate,but thelcues area great dele fmallerand lightelp indentyD.about
there growe of euery beaunche twoo orders of leties , but thep fand not
wyngewyle, that is one ryght againttanotber,but one higher thenane-
ther, thebeaunchesand the ftandyng and forte of the leues,av
not uly:
be bntolpchozes:the floureis motte comenlp purple, but ſumtime white
the code ts Hoste androunde, the roote islyke the coloure of the carthe
and not very longe.

- Pl the propertis of Liche,

Ache, as Galenetweptech, is atopndy pulte,and nourpt ieth muche
and good kor the bellye, conuenpent'to pꝛouoke water,an d toingen
fe mylte and teede.Itprouoteth alfo voymens floures, but it that
tS called rames Ciche, dothe moze effectuallpe peouoke bapne, thenthe
reſte:the bothoftt bꝛeaketh the tones that be tn the kidneys. Che other
Bynde of Biche hathe the fame power ot drawynge to, ofmakpnge tye
of cuttynge in fundze andinſcsurvnge atwaye, for they are hoote andme
{urablye moyſte and haue fome bytternesbythe whiche
frengthe ther
{covore the Myite, the Lyuer and the &pdneps , and —
_ Bete?
B Oiichelmacs |
Maboaye fcobbes. and, Lepresand fowie tcortethat is bypon the fhptine.
Warhepdipucalle cwapciinpoltemes aboute the earcs , Cot Upnges a
P harhenes of thef oucawpthbonpal(o they hele loozes almotte vncura
Pbic , Diclcoztdes wiyreth that Ciches amende amannes colo, ano oe
Wh Helpcaiio.the bythe tacome forthe Spmeon Sethi wrpteth —
Cishes.. Si byndes ofciches are hote aud moptt in the fyrſt degree ie i
h archardeofdcockpone aud ingendre fuperfluy ties . Chey prouase 14%
Picarire-cl the bodpe, and trozpihe moze then beancs Boos but thero
) Pettavd purge and Drpuc Domne bipmens floures, and they haue tome
h falcand fwete qualite wpth the faltnes. They lofe the belipewynd,
eve es
fy thuctnes thepproudbe a manto make water, they ingendze
fe mpike aid do (eoure, But the blabe Cicheisa goop medicine agaynſts
Henowicand poptone and moſte ofall pzouoketh bettie, and bzeketh the
| fonesatthebphineys mid blader, the whyche thynge to other pure vay
k Deolovoclhiand{pectally.the blake and lytle one and that thynge dothe
Me baothe ofthem more myghtely,thevohyche pulle forz all that, aboue ait
N other puileshurte the ſores and epulcerationes . uc the rede Ciche s
Y Hotter thentherobpte; and ingendacthagrotle humozes. Ciches ſtepen
H dnwateranpghtandthentaben,kplic wormes in che belipe. Burhe that
lh HatiPeakentyemilet bpm fat. vi.houres after:the bꝛothe ofciches is goo
h for tiie Janondes piblake Ciche be fobden wyth radiſhe and parfclpaud
| the bothebetaben voyth almonde opie it purgety effectually and dey⸗
Uethoutthe tones of the bydnes and blader. But pitt be tasen wyth
veanes it maketh a good plyte and fate ſleche:grene ciches ave very win⸗
Dy, bard of digeſtione and mabe men haue an euell coloz.

po . 9 | ME Luhelpnge & §} 9

Icercula ſemeth to be adiminit

of Cicera and not of Cicer for then
HS ithulde benained cicerculum.
i ra isfoundeinpalladius whyche
J fapeth that cicera dilfereth onely in
1— thys fromcicercula
that the colour
—3 is vnpleaſanter and blackber cicera
J— is called tn Greke of Theophraſtus
orhz03,and he faperh that it ishote
and drye, and therefore can prefers
ue tt ſelfe from corruption: Cicer⸗
[pre chia as Coinmella wꝛyteth bathe
un PD fedesipkeapeete but full ofconners
| , | | Pliny fapthe that cicercula to of the
Bond of ciche whichis not equal bur ful otcorꝛnersas a peele. Theophra⸗
Tasrebeneth cicerculamamong erulles.and peeſe whiche haue a ſtalke
Pillpng bpon the ground: othez markes or tokens wherby cicercula may
bebnowen, haue J not rede of: it is called In greke lathyros Ett nap be
7 AS Uf, called
ME Cicercula.
Homloke called
o2tnheml oke, 7
Cnglphea cChicheyn
—— C
(Lye “SQ / Ler fen . Lopni ce whirchecJha
u uel
g, bath becp longand harr
J A A. © reues anda ttaibe allfulotcomnee e
Ye — and creſtes,
and greater and J |
7 ter coddes ,foz the quantite oft,
\ J puite, then pele haue: theterderg

— wvhyre and full of toꝛners.

# wethmuch aboutmophedosp aboutgro s
ef “Os
thzee englilh mple from boue Bon,

VYe)| ___BEToke B0Soemiohme,:

* D> ~ If — la

\eA| M gener, Scula is called in groke

7 LER bonetousin engliih hom
locke or hemlocke
tndys |
sual F541 Che Hetrlingesthtrenche
| LS cigue o2 fecu. Cicuta,ag
Diaſcoꝛides wepteth , hath attalke
~ ful oftointes 02 kneas efen
\ \\ greate and full of bowes in the top
i) thcicues are ipke vnto fuel ayant
oy herbe lapapene called ferulabug
& 3

narrower and ttinking. Chergra:

SS kwe out ofthe top both braunches
2 NOSES and allo a lpoky top @feed whpter
then anple:but lint fapthe qroffer and thycker, the roote is hollow and
nothynge worthe. Dlintlapth that the Falke of cicuta ts {mothe and fulof
ioyntes and fumthing blake:bighet then two cubites and that the leues
at finaller thea cogtandar lenes:berre ZFthinke it worthy to be noted that
the herebe whiche wee call homlocke bath leues not bery tell agreynge
buto the deſcriptiõ of dioſcorides,foꝛ dioſcoꝛides wꝛiteththat cicuta,yat
leues like vnto kerula, which bath leues like onto fenel, fauing p thepare
much Harper a beoder,but our homloke hath leues like vnto perfelp,ein
al poyntes vnlike vnto fenel wherfoz diofcordeskneto an other kindeot
cicuta then we know: hobo be tt the deſcription of cicuta in Plini agreeth
in al pointes} our bomloke,
fo2linimakeththeleues of cicuta ine bate
r ſmaller ethinner vohich aragreat Dele bigger thé the leues
offerula, as ve ſhal woel percepue toen. pe compare them bothe togpther
therloz Ithynke that this holoke that tue haue hereisthe tretw ccutadt
glint, Sume wolde recken that therefor tt Huld not be the trewe cicuts
becaule tt bath not (uch perilus prosercics agauncient autors give buto cicuts
to whome J auuNocre that al herbes haue notlike bertues in allplaces,
fo2 aras in {ume plactesiseaté,zin other it is fo (harpe 6 tt cannot bec
tenas galene ſayth in his bobe De facultatibus climentora: hellebozus is
not altoates alike good in euery place ag dioſcoꝛides wꝛitethatheophes
ſtus wetting okcicũta ſheweth 5 in tum placies cicuta is much urogerth
in other ſum: icuta is ſtrongelt in lulis ,<inalcolpeand badowy es
ces 4 J ome ‘i + ,
4 (iver fy iy (“ W wae | f rHtsawe

— Of homloke or hemloke.
E> 89, —— Therloꝛe tte haue not all the hole
ae —— renght
that ithath in lulispic it
5 dught not therfoze Co be iudged for
any otherherbe thencicuta, Hoo
be tt this fame, tf that tt were orde⸗
red as Iknowe howe that tt might
be ordered, tt wold Do harme moze
then enough. Alini alſo boꝛyteth
that in ſum places men bieto eate
the pong ſtalkes of homlokkes in
fallattes . Bue Jwyll counfeline
Vos manto Dolo, for fere of tt, that may
J V Ry* Vase Th
-f folowe. : *
oy ese
IZ :
Mx eZ WAS ny

Che properties

— SAV ae ofPomloke, |
— — If that any man be
— — —

3 |aferd thathe bath

(Seaten og Dronken
—Mhomloke, let hym
Mdzvnke pure hote
= SLA bopne whiche ts
3 — === not to fubtple. the
maner of keppnae of the twice of.
— homloke ts this. Cake the toppes
ofhomlo’, before the ſedes and leues wer varde, and brufe them, e peefte
DUE Che iuice and (et it in the (on, let itharden wyth fonne and wove it is
———harde, lay tt bp and ble it, This is good ro put vnto eye medicines,toqué
| the theache with all.Jtquencheth the out ragyous het called laynt Anz
tontes fyer, and runnyng ſores whiche ſprꝛede abode bery mych. Che
herbe wyth the leues broken and layd vnto a mans ſtones ſtauncheth the

| imaginations and dreamyng of the bodely pleatur whichechaunce bpon

thenpght:but tt febleth the member of generation. Che ſamt layd vpon
alatciy Felpucred Womans Pappes waſteth away the mylke and ifitbe
layd vpon maydens bꝛeſtes in the tyme of cheir birginite,tc holdeth them
Dolone,and ſuſfereth them not to growe. homloke of candpig of mofte
ſtrength,and it okmagara alter them, it okathenes
and they that grovoe
in cio and in cilicia. v

ME the ſeegyrdell.
Yasin! ga whiche is a com mon name bnto a great parte of fee
Pa p berbes, aud ig commonly called inengiphe fee
7 - —* *

wrak. and
—* —
a4 4 2 mie
mal* ent,
Sin greke phycos is deuided into dpuerfe kyndes, and cue-
J A X Soir ——

2 id
eA \@yry onc hath afondzp fozmefromanother .
ſet wrake.
. 4.

ere ay Joſcoꝛides weyteth that all the kyndes of (ee vozake Doo
aie ee PA oleaid helpe tot onlp the gout, but allo hote burnynges
1 eo lealledinfammations « It they bee layde vnto the places
wis igveued, pitgrene and mopite aicer the maner of an emplaps
Etter,guthe bphopriche of Durram tye hulband men ofthe
counter thatDweilby thefce (pie, bietofate rheps Lande with (ee weake,
PE languebeic, cirſion.

* —94
ae ee —— Set
— he

PA me —

ue — —
By —* wes



A >
. *




us ny rm
APt *.


‘ .\
Dela nadebeke.
Frlium called ingrebebirlionas Diels

rides wapteth ,isatender ſtalke oftooo
cubptes longe,and. ti.ſquared the lptie
f e : leues that cum out benethe, relemblein
wf lyknes a roſe the corueres avefubot pꝛic⸗
A —

t bez
kes, it is lolt in the fpaces thaare
twene. Theleues are lyke vnto the leues
ofbugioffun, melurable roughe and lon⸗
ger whyte in vnder, fullof pꝛikkesinthe
extremyties og edges .. Thetope of the
ftalke is voundeaboutand rough, and in
that are purple hedes vohiche walt away
i ; : intoDownat the leng deſcry,
Plinith beth
‘ Cirlion thus, Cirlion iga tender lytle ſtalke of two0 cubytes longelpke
.pnto a tryangle cumpatled about with propkbyeleucs . Che prykkes are
fofte, theleues are ipke vnto ore tonge, but leſſe, whyte in buder and in
th thetop arepurple hedes, tohiche conſume tn todotone, we haue no herbe
My in Cnglande that Iknowe to vohome all thes hole defcriptions do agre.
Chey Do not agre vnto sure common buglote, forbelyde
thatthe foure
is not refolucd into dobone the oder ofpꝛykkes in the leke Doth not agre.
Ixnowe no herbe in england where vnto thes delcviptions do agre bet⸗
ter then vnto our lang debeke.
How be it, itwanteth certapn tokens that
» thedefcripttdoth
s requyze.that is purple foures. for ours barh pellotoc
Houres anda thre ſquared falke and as (um reken that the leucs that ar
vndermoſte refembie not arole.Asifor the color ofthe foure FJpatie not
fo mpche of, fepng § itis confumed into a Dotwn, for Iknow many herbes
whicheby nature ould haue, bletoe floures; ¢ pit haue vohyte floures
as Chychory biolettes and borage.
As for the. tj,(quared ſtalkeitnape
) belo that at ſumtyme ofthe groboyngeithath a, ty.ſquared ſtalke which
Diolcoꝛides hath marked, and not matty other , o2 tt map be. iij fquared
Whereas Diolcordes hath ſene it and not here in england,ashaue mars
) Kedinourenglpihe cbulo \in Cambrige Hyre that the ftalke voas rounde yy

F *

res ’ é&

and not four ſquare whiche thynge Dioſcorides requyreth in hys cunz

reebuloDioſcoꝛides doth alſo requyze in hys elder purple blakkyſh

berryes. Pit all theelder berryes whiche Jſawe in the aipes and in rhe
tia were as rede as ſcarlat Dioſcoꝛides requireth inhys les centory cte⸗
milyn floures turnyng into purple, Jhaue ſene an hole felde full ofvohyte
| centorp. Chen wher as al the other properties and tokẽs do agte, and no
> other kynde can be founde here fo lyke cirlion ag this herbe is : FJreken p
| thecoloure of the foure,and the (quares of the ſtalke (dohyche is pit (quaz
ted in Dede) ought not to putfurth our lang debefe; out of the kynde of
Cirfton, although ttbe not all the belt. As tovochyng the lptle leues which
| Hould repretent the forme ofarole, Ireken that wiotcozines meaneth 6
thelenes ſpꝛedyng on the ground ſhould haue acertayne lyknes bntothe
figuy ofa rote whiche thyng this our lang de beke Doth not want. here is
tobe noted fox themthat rede Dioſcorides in latine of Ruellius tranfla:
Hon that they trutte hym nottomyche without the greke text, forbe tra
ſateth in the defcription of Cirlion makrotera matora when in Other. iiij
we | verbes
pee ee — *

Ml Liftus, It
longioga. is alfonot tobe patted ouer q
(ame woꝛd
trãllatethhath here, whereas Diolcoꝛides hath makrotera
infplence Plini
azueciliug maioa,minoza,that ts leſſe leues, ſothat Plini meancth thats| |
fion bath lefle leues then bugloſſum bath,

‘The properties of cirſion.

Fay Jolcozides ſheweth that Andreas the herbary wrote thatthe
Tig rdote ofcirſion bound tothelpke place, ſwageth theache ofthe
SY egreat bepnes whyche beyng to mycheinlarged, fend to many
humoresto one place.

Ot tiſtus.
Iſtus is named in greke kiſtos bithas
ros and kiſſaros,ofthe commonherba
ries rofago and rola canina, and infrẽ
che rofe canine as getner faith,4haue
fencitin Italy in cevtapne gardpnes
and ones in england in mylordes gar
dyne at ſyon. But it that ZFfawe at
ſyon hath bꝛoder and longer leues the
it whiche J ſaweinItaly Jhaue not
heard as pit any englylhe name foptie
(ius, but for lab of other,ttmay.berals
K Wt led cpitbuthe oz cifte fage,of the lyknes
Se that ithath with ſage. Ciſtus as iol
corides wꝛyteth is athycke buſhe and full of bꝛanches and gꝛowethin to
ny places full ofleues but not bygh, the leucs are rounde and tart witha
certapne bynd ynge and rough. CThemale hathafloure lyke pomgny
nat,thefemalehatha whyte floute, Dliniallolapth that ther ate, yj. Kyl
ns2ciſtus the male keith afloureipke aroſe the female wit ah wyite

The properties of ciſ tus⸗

s dꝛonken tuple ong
PyKAA Situs is attringent , wherf oze his lloure
7 EX Soe Dape intart wyne ftope the blody fire, theplapD toby them
al 5p (clues, ftope fores whicheeat bp the fete , the yele
and made with wer after the manet ofa treate,, old {ore
and the places that are burnt with thefpre . Hypociſtus called of the po
thecaries hipoquiſtida groweth about the routes of Ciftug, andis
bnto the four of pomgratiar, tum of thé are pelowe,tum grene, wun ve
the iuice is melted, outand made thyk as acactals, but ſumdey it and ſte⸗
pe itwhen itis broken, and feeth it and Doall other thynges that is den
with licto.Jthath the trength ofacacia but it dꝛyeth Cumtbprig. more ¢
h,n and put in it is good foz the blody Apre batent
But dzonke
7 Fy ¥ " > 4

ieee —

SM cittus lavanifera.
— — — — —


3 cB Her 19 (as Dioſcoꝛides ſayth) an other

? Ss Ea D kynde of ciftus called offum leds whiche
AKC) SY NS is a buſheandgrowethas p other ciſtus
Si SGT OWN Doth butte hathlonger leues and biace
8 — ym ker, which in the fpapng of the yerehaue
Acertayne fatnes. Chenature of the les
lies is a ſtringẽt,ais ofas great ſtrẽght
AS ciſtus ts fof this,is made gum, which
is called ladanũ. Foz when as the gotes
and gote bukkes cat thelenes of ciſtus,
thep gather manypfeltlp the fatnes with
Y thetv beardes, ecery aboay with their
clammynes it that cieneth. bpon thet
Ciftus ladanifera,
heryand rough fete, Che whiche
| thetnbabpters ofthe cuntre combe
r of and ſtreyne te, and make it in lum
Pes to gether, and folap tt bp other
y) PUlropes thoꝛowe the bulhes, and
yy MOlth tyemtabe ofthe chainaunes,€ .
y Makeladanumofit, It is mofkecd- Ss
i Mendable that ſauoreth wei andis SAQre
‘ ſumthyng arene and is towne foite SOV SN
- and fat not full of fanie, 02 euell fa:
; uozed, and fuiiofrofinas it of Cp-
| prusis. It that cummeth out ofa-
: * and lybia is viler then the
| otherbe.
|. ‘Che nature
p of Ladanunt,
| Adanumas Dioſcoꝛi⸗
des ſaychhath the pro⸗
— 5 Al pertie to bind to gether
(Es Co warine,to make fofte
and to open the mouthes of the bey
“Nes, put mp2 and myꝛtell ople and
| wyne vnto ladanum a it wyn holde
ſtyll the here that goeth of, With
woyne layd vpon ſcarres of woun⸗
desoꝛ ſoꝛes maketh thé loke better fanoꝛed. Ladanũ poured into p care
with honyed water o2 role ople beleth payne of the cares, and thetame in
Afuinigation Draweth Dotone tye ſecoundes. Ladan put into che mother
in a peſſary o2 in a long faſſhion of a ſnppoſitoꝛy heleth the Hardnes of the
Mother , It is good to be put intomedicines kor the cough and in foftes


owe —— rg, pave pane —* old‘—* ſtoppeth thebelip, and

ety Dayne. Ladanumis tull hote tu the fyzſt degre, as Galene
and recheth nereyntothefeconde, cyte» —*9*—

Ot Perwyntle o2 perywyn
Se ae * ——— —

Clematis. Pervuynele.

aay fematis is fo named of Dioſcoꝛides without

any addſ
DP Goa ae
ton, efotherttis called clematis aegyptiabecauſe it G2
vetth plentuotly there.itis called of Plini in ſum plates

daphnoides tn other chamcedaphne

in other bincapers
You Saal uinca itis called tn Cugiphe perwyncle, oꝛ periopnde,
rlin duche ingrien andinfrenche Dulificrou. Clematis
— —named inenglpthe perwincle and it groweth tn fattand
wel beryng groundes ,ithath litle branches of the bygnes of arifheChe
kygure and colour ofthe leues are ipke vnto alaurell opbaylefe, butthey
are leſſe agreat dele. Thus Doth Dioſcoꝛides deſcrybe clematis.
prety blewe foures and the herbe crepeth vpon the grounde bery, thyae,
one branche wouene about an other,

The poperties of perwintle

7 Seleues and ſtalkkes of pertwinele dronken wyth voyne HOP
Nboth the blody and other flyxe with mylke and role oyle op PY

= pecin Englandein gardpnes and wyld

MiClemattigyls oO «
Eemais altera, ;

: < Al”
Lv ™ |

i {s
7 i— e Ai R ‘ *
2 J/ f\ pe—

. ny
: —

a. a


ALematitis puttethturth along branche, ſumthing rede, €

:Ne” GG DY totigh theleafe ts byting intatte, ¢ maketh blyſteresitcre

i WAS Peta beth vpontrees asimplar Doth.4 neuer {awe this herbe
f(| et ae netheringermanynoz in englad:boherfor FJ know nether
| ec Mr ebeenglph northeduche name of this herbe, but tt map be
i ies calledinenglyſh buſhe peruincleoꝛbytpnge perwincle. J
52 J 5*

=wakes == (atoe thisinagardyn in ferraria, ett had leues not vnlike

— —

nito theleues of clematis daphnoydes. But they were loger &Harper,

“Atthe ende & bery lyke ditto the inal tenes of the bytyng vynde called in
latin vitis ſylueſtris Kuellius ioyneth in his ttatlation of Dioſcoride scle
gither a ſe tteth them in one chapter t when ag my
——— æ clema to
Dioltoꝛides in greke deſcribeth clematis in the beginninning of Hfoncey |
) Boke and clematifs in the ende of thelame boke Whiche thpng Galene , |
MakeChmention ok inthe boke offpniple medicines voher as hechekketh
berbes together whoa
| Sainphilus the herbary,for confoundpng the

fenature were diuerſe. Furthermore ſeyng that the names ate allo dps
werle and the herbes ate deſcribed inDyuerie places, it Huld not belonge

— |
Hhtoatranilator to make of clematitis clematis: and to take an herbe out
ofthe place whereas Dioſcoꝛides hath (et it and bryng it by force into an
Other place, wher it huld not ſtande it he kolowoeth hys greke exrample |
led bp mito the whiche he dyd els excuſable: but ithe dyd it obhys ovone

hedeheis voorthybianie and not to be folowed. oh Iv
ii L. Ohe
4 as Rare er
—= eee

The nature of tlematitis, |

efede of clentatitis broken,and Donker tn honied wate, gaye
nettfurth thynne fleme and choler . Theleues layd —
licoure them aboay. Sum vle to condpte this herbe withpitty, |
Anp to eate it. Galene layeth that thys herbe is hote tu the beam
degr e. |
nyngeof the fourth

PE clinopodium.

pee) ! podtum, map be cal:

4 : 14*

a — Wi
i wt’ ARS
2 dine
— —

Uf 2 NE—

AN »
\f f


X F pbs

" eS Re << a
ae LS.

tlymenũ op water betony.

| oe =

9— i _
Thy |

| ‘) \ *

HG Oth Clinopodiumiteife, and thebsothe oftt is good to

a i 1
I \

HL) asp)beDzonkenagapntl the bytynges of lerpentes 3 agepntt

j | *

: 44 I places thatare buriten and (pgonke to.gether: and againſt


—*ithe ſtrangurp.It dzyueth turthwymens ſyknes and te
be Dronken certayne dayes it putteth awaye hang
| KS Jue wartes. Ztftoppeth the bellp fodento the waſtynge of the
=== thpad parte of the broth thatit is loden in inan ague taken
wyth water, without an ague in wyne. Galenelapeth chat clinopodium
i is hote and Dry inthe thyrde Degre, but our clinopodium, ig not allo hote
‘ 2 elles my taſte falcth me. ?

' ff clymenum o2 Water betony.

Clymenum Diofcoridise
yuater bervny. Clymenum plinij,



v\ ov




2 — —

‘. ie
furth a foure

oy Seay) talc turnynge one into anothenot

r vnlike bnto the cats

men name it bavonwourts:and the herbaries,{croftlariam matozem, But

Plini ſemeth to make an other kynde of Cipmenos , in thes wordes.
Leij. Clymenos
Ol battard Cation, 9
Clymenos is an herbe that hath the name ofa kynge, topth the letiegCt|
pup lul ol bratinches, with an empty ſtalke compaſſed abont with topes
ithath a ftronge fauour and (edes lyke yuy. It groweth in woddeg andy
mountapnes, Cher ts mal lpbues betwene playntayne and PUY, Dioleg,
rides fapeth, that bis clymenon hathe leues tyke vnto plapntapne ays
lint maketh hys clymenos wypth leues lyke puy, therfo2 tt apereth that
thep benot all one herbe, Plini allo confellith after the Decryption of
bys clpmenos that thegrectancs mabe theps clymenos lyke vnto playa,
tayne. Diolcortdes fapeth that hys bett clymeuon groweth inmountay,
nes wher bpon F gather that bys clpmenon groweth not alwapeg ip
mountaynes but in other places allo, Pit in thys heagrecth wyth Plini
that clymenos groweth mmountapnes,the common water betony arp,
meth commonly about water ſydes. Hoe be it: Jhave fene ttalfoinos
ther places, Cheherbe whyche Jtake to be clpmenos Plini,
and akpnde
of itp Dioſcoꝛides delcrpbeth , Egroweth mpche in germany in wodde⸗
Hedges, and hath leues ſumthyng lyke long puy leues but longer and in.
Dentpd, and therfor more lykeanettel the fauour ofthys herbe ts trons
ger the the otherand, hath redder colozindDpuerte places then the other,
Chis cipmenos of Plinimay be called in Englyſhe wode bꝛobonwurt.

The nature of clymenon

! oꝛ water Betony.
— Her is aiuice pꝛeſſed out of the holle herbe whyche igbee
ryoood in drynke agapnit the ſpyttyng furth ‘of bloode
<=| and the ſame ſtoppeth the rede iſſhue of wymen and the
Ea] EW five of thebelip by coulpng,
Jttopety alfo the bloode
eS r=
that burfteth out of the noſe. theleues bꝛuſed o2 the tebe
= ‘caleslapd bpon freſhe woundes, bipnge thei toaperipe
amendement and couer them wopth{kpn . Plini fayeth that hys deme
nos Deonken maketh enen men,barum, and tobe without chplder . Tye
common herbaries wait that (crophularia heleth rottynge ſores and Me
ſwoellynge lores of the fundament called kygges of (unt writers. Theme
ces allo good foz the detoꝛmytie of the face myche lyke vnto a laleres

Dk baltard Catron,
= each) Mecus oꝛ gnicus is called in greke knikos in Engiyhe
—*KS nA batkacd (attoone tn duche wyld faftron, in Frenche fatem
[Noe ar ro)battarde,it is named of the potecaries and common heros
—ries Carthamnus tt groweth mpchetnhygh germany
Dye Palit certapne gardings itrenglande, Battard tatteone
long leues , andendented about ,Marpe and prphbylaee
ithath hedesipke the great knopr
The ttalke is afote and a halt longe
that cum furth ofan olpuctree whenit bundeth fyrſt. Che flourctslP
fattrone the fede 18 whyte ſumthynge rede,longe and full of copnere
tee ae. — — — —

+ ae

ertues of ballard lalkrõ.

| ‘= ——

Ay :
) {\ :

" Ni { d 4

me ‘


Ag Al

good for the tomache. of battard fat

frone are made lptle cakes by put⸗
tyng to the tice of tt,almondes ni⸗
tre,atiife, and foden bony which als
hi lo louſe thebellye. Thes are, pars
ted in to.iiin partes whiche areof B
Ky, bygnes of awalnut,wherof itis fue
— ficienttohaue,og, iij. befog
Ni fupper. The maner of temperprigg
. of this contectionis this. Tabe of B,
be whiteſt fede of baſtard faffrone one
ſextary, of perched alinondes and
blanched. ij, cpathes , of anife one

— lextary, okaphꝛonitre oned2dme, ¢
the fleſheꝛied fygges. The
iuice of the fede maketh mylk gote
i - , Kether andtocrude and maketh tt
— <A moze mete to foften the belly , Me⸗
4 — {ue waꝛyteth that baftard ſafforne
purgeth thynnefieme and water both by bomypteand allo by purgattdif
it betaken inwarda that Doth it lxkewoyſe put intothe body by aclyſter,
a therfor tis good for thecolpke efucheipke dileales, it fcotoseth the brett
—amd thelonges {pecially with this electuary that followeth and bis vbone

che ſedeitſcowreth and openeth. The floure of it with honyed water he⸗
ie teththe Javwndes and becaule it hurteth the ſtomake pe mut myxe with
qe St;antie,or galanga or malyck, 02 {ucheipke that are comfogtable for the
Ky Gomabe, Suche thynges that be bytyng and Harpeas cardomomum,
Spnger,and lalgemmy, put onto tt maketh him woozke ſoner and ſaue the
| Quttestrombharine,fo.s. Dimes off kernelles ofbattarde ſafforne with
i adrame and a half ofcardDomomum made into pylles of the bignes of fmal
')peates,in the quantite of. b.dranunes purge fudiciently,the fame kpanels
jles bounde inacloth and put inte oxymell and {pecially of (quylla , wyilſe
itis ſoden maketh ttpurge well, Cake. xbiij.dꝛammes of the kysnelles of
MH baftard fafforne. bi.deames of pemdie ofs cardomomiof gpngerofeches
ff drameanda halfe,make of thes myxed together lumpes of the byanes of
f atoalnut.andgyuc onc op. ij. Che fame kyrnelles ſoddẽ in the broth of a
Cock o2 a henne with the forlayd (pices, haue the foꝛſayd ſtrength and ope
y tation, Thisledets geuen tn medicine from. ti. Dames to. bv. the floure
} tgeuenfromone dame to. it,Dalene ſayeth § baſtard {afforne is hote
) inthethird degre ifanp man will laye itwithout, Welue lapeth that tes
fp Hotemthefpatdegre aud Dep tn the {econde, :
! Leiij. Colchicon
a we ee ren ee —

HE middowlatforne, |
— —

Mylde fafron, — Wyld fafronvuith theflour and{ede,

Olchiton other wyle called ephemerũ

isnamed of the potecaries harmodacti⸗
lus in duche zeitlos and herbſtblumt
hundes hoden and wild fattran blome

ye) it frenche auchienitmay be talled inen


<S givhe meddowo fafforne oz doggeſto⸗
nes Jhaue lene tt myche in germany

bothin woodes and in medowes and

[Fhaue ene it growe in che welkeuntre
belyd bathe Tolchicon as itis deſcty⸗
beth in Dioſcorides brpngeth furthed
inh ptithe floure lyke vnto faffornc inthe
i Se endeofantumne,after that tyme thie
: — geth furth leues iyke vnto Bulbusbub
agreat deale tatter it hath aſtalkẽ a ſpan long beryng rede fede the root
is blackyſh rede whiche whenit is alytle bared and hath the vtter Mhyne
ſcraped of,is vohyte and fofte and ful of vohyte iuice and ſfwete in taſte
rounde roote hath in the myddes of it arpit out of the vhyche
the ſloutt⸗
commeth furth,it groweth moftein mecena & in colcus the floure of thys
berbe is whyte blewyſhe and not vhyte the huſkes that holde theleede
are lyke vnto Dogges ſtones wherfos the Duche men call this herbe hun⸗
Dis hoden, thacisdoggis coddes oz {tones, cents
@ t nature of wilde Saffront
Tis good to knowe thys herbe that aman mape eſchewe tt, it
— wyll ſtrangel aman and kyl him in the {pace ef one Dap euen ag
1G ſome kynde of tode ſtolles Do, the rooiste
ſwete and prouoketh
=| men therby to eate oftt, yt any man by chaunche haue eaten
I-* thys,the remedy is to Dapnke A great dzawght of tole mylke.

Bea ne afCop p.
. oy Diocalic called in
—6Grebe Cpamos e⸗

yey tyne faba egypt fa:

cua Mmape be called in
| r LAA Engle a beneof
| oo, Egipt. Jhaue ſeen
iy ous! Che ryght colocaliain Italy anda
~~ | Bendeofthelametn Germany and
ones growynge in Englande.Fe
A that J favo in Germany grew vpõ
C4 three Englphhe myles irom Bone
*hetpde Seberge. Beane ofeayppt
«ath large leueg Ipbe buto bugroe
* Hurt, called tngreke petalos or pe-
— “Halites:a falbe of a cubyt long and
Ze ZF an puche thycke 3a floure afterthe
— liknesof a roſe, toyeſeasbygge as
the poppy ſſoure bath. And vohẽ as
the flourc is begone, tt. bathe lytie
ateae* ae thehony combes |
of walpes (as Ruelltus tranſlateth —
thylakitsais)ozlpbe butolptie pia⸗ vhs 10H ANS
ces 02 caſkettes wherin any thyng
is layd. gn them is a lytle beaue a⸗
boue the couerynge comynge oute
ipke a lytle belle,ag ryſeth on the
W toater:ehe roote iS ſtronger then a rede roote is, thebeane, wyyles tt is
grene is eaten: and vohen itis drye itis blak and bygger then the coms
Mone beane.

The properties of beane

i Cgppt.
——A He nature of the BetteifEgiptistobe aſtryngent and byn⸗
drngoe.It is good foz the ſtomake:foꝛ the blody flprsfoz the o⸗
— cher liyt inthe bellye oꝛ the ſmalle guttes taken wyth beane
mele afterthe maner of grewelle:the barkes ſoddeninhonied
topue, pi thzeecpates thereofbe taken, profptt muche moze for the fame
purpote:that grenethynge and bytterin talt vohyche is tn the mpddes,
xfit be bꝛoken and fodden wyth role oyle and potozcd into the care, ts
! good for the ache of the care es My
a ——
— —— = — — = on

PE Lonisa,


⸗— p
— Zs
iy a—

— VS


yi é


e e

Oniza iB of tWoo fortes,the gress

terand the leſſe Jhaue feen bothe
the kyndes in Ftalp bethoene Cres
monia and farraria bp the pabus
banke , the leſſe groweth mucem
Germany, by the Khene, itmaybe
— ™ calledin Englphe Conyle: theldle
of them bathe the better fauoutte
ye PN
But the greatertsmore buſhy
bathe broder lenes ,borhesertl
uesaritke puto an oliue treerou
I —96 \
a iS Se, J _andfate the greater-bathealta’
) * 9 thooocubitesiong,, and theleliebut
theflourcis beittel and in colour pellowve 02 redelpe We
one footelonge,
che isconſumed at lenght intoadowne:the rootes are nothyng wozthe.

T h e pr op er ti es of Lo ni sa ,—
as] peas De hole herbe ether towed bpon the grounde, opin s0Ce
aaa) (care (ume wypth the {moke of tt, Dipueth away lerpẽt guar?
tes and vylle flees , the leues are good to be layd vpo the
7 ED) | bytpnges of ferpentes and vpon fwellpng
lumpesand me
fl be
Wy Dee. Men ble to tabethe leues and
re to ot .
Y) the floures and to geue théin wine
i tobe dꝛonken for to Drpue Downe
i) Mpmens ſycknes, and the bpathe
) allopt nede be stheypare alfo goon
t traungulpone,and the
my) agapntthe
i Jaundes and agapnile the gna⸗ j ei
Ne Dopuge of the belipe: the fame alfo —— 6
dꝛonken wyth vynegreis good as mA
4) gapnt the fallpnge fpckne,spfthe SS 7S
Hy berbe befoddenand wyme n in
{pee Mah Aa
| the toate that itis fodden in, itis ——
| good foz the diſeaſes of the mother,
i) Pitt be foddenit ople and fo layd
| Dnto: Jtis good fo2 the that hake
fy foz colle: the ſmalle one layd onto
i) ) thebeadets good fohe
rt head ache
Conila is bothe hotte and dive in
) thethp2de degree,


— —

Erekoote is called in Natine bothe of
plini € Columella cõſiligo the duche
Ne | mẽcal it Chat wouzte: the Frenchy mé
eh + a "f , calitpate delpone. Sumeabuled this
Le — herbefor branke vafine and fume haue
pve ay —8 taken itfoꝛ blake helleb butor
it isne⸗
— é/ Mon. ther ofboth ,fo2 bꝛanke define bath far
, other maner of leues then berefoote
ath; but the lycbues ofnamesin ſyg⸗
" nfycation, hath decepued them that
‘gels as fy) tobe betefotefozbranke bali,ne Cher
: aN oie bath tumben of thelearned forte wh
ia | . IJhaue tolowed tn opintone my telf fo2
atyme,tohyche haue taken berefootefoz blake helſeboz. when F was in
@ Actrariathebel learned that Icoulde metetoithall,ta meugh
» Budeofbercfoote that dpeth.cuery pere topth the pellower and broder
eefe was blake hellebor and that theſmaller was hellebouiHow
ne bet,
By thecomunication that J bad wythacertapne voyſe Germane petDi:
| learned in the latin tonge,and by moze diligent examyninge of the herbe.
| Mopth the Delcription of Dioſcorides.Jpercepucd that. nether ofbothe.
thofekpudes of berefoote was helleborus niger, but contigo, Fuchlius
allo talled hothe thele kyndes falle blake hellebo⸗ 25ut one Kiſffius not
ae “he, * * "content
— (CEE ec




LI 8
sey Ye
me ] SS

tonge chriſt wurtz 07 no.

perties that tthathe . Ihewed bp
tmellfaprhe be, Iknow moze propert
wpth tolpe me that apece of the roote:of th
chapites wurtz and we berefot,putinaftera botkpne into abeaſtestat⸗
arounde circle made aboute the hole heleth the beak ofanyp inwarde
eatetobote fapnge made me call to remembeauncett that Ihad readers
d reave itthat
Plint and Columeila of contiligo ,andfoatter that Thafume
Plini and Eolumella hadwꝛytof te igo and had
contn conferente
wyth learned men touchpng thys berbe:thought that it Huld be nomore
hellebozus niger, butconfilig o:thyg alfo; 0po contyzme mp —
‘us ca


Icame ih to Englande rhatJdyd hear that dyuerſehuſhand men

Ofberefoott. ca
pere wohomJſpake wᷣled to put the roote ofberefoot into beattes eares |T
Quand called the puttynge tt of it,(pterpnge ofbcattes and ti ſume place cal-
a) led the herbe ſyterwurte :
Wt aye 7% ah :

i “> ar
AUT “ : .

\ ii
le re 6 6UBDE
NO Saye gn ee 4.
—— F
—M er 4

_ FS
a —

© MY
i a
‘tay A d *

ir ’
8 Phe *
H Oo
“4 .
¢ ‘
A Ape a?

Thenature of Conlſiligo. ont of Plini.

—erooteokthe herbecalled conliligo wiyche wee ſaydtoad

coun butd
oklatee hathe hys propertietohele the. ditcatot
E> ae thelonges otallbeaſtes on put
y ow the beattes cate: it
— fa oughbe
tt droo
nken woyth water and tobe holden contpnuz
it eo See ally onder nethe thetonge. nocecannotte
hattche ouer partes of the berbebe profitable forauy thyng
Uchtius wayteth that chzvſt wurtewhyche wee callberfot,purgeth the
af vcd offieme aud choler;th at tt is good foz the fallypnge (yckhes, for me-
ig wucholpke perfones ,or made folke ; fog the payneinthe topntes andthe
Ha) Pally,ptitbe put ta luppofytozpefothe conuen place,ye
Hy Howhe wypmnens ſycknes:the wylde kynde, kylleih ſpeſſe and oneipe
y wellebut allo chepe and other beattespfthep do eatett :twherefore nen
a! Had nedeto take hede howe that they tabett Ja bate teen bothe the kyn⸗
des in Englande ?:theonekyndein gardynes whyche ts wylde in Ger⸗
many and the other kynde with the broder leaſffe vohyche is onely in gar⸗
i) DpnGer
e mans
y (as
i far
n reas Jcouldepercepue)in Mosthuinberlande | +
— {nthe tock parke beſpde Morbeth agood ſtone caũ fromthe water tyde |
inthe ſyde obthe hylle J/ —
* ſ a a Pal
ot (AR 14
i —T*
SAA Onnotinitug tangy)
in tebe he
beau AY (APC1OS,(8 thlvetinyoerrhi.
e |
NS —— whyche 18 Called of

SPY ©ery

<P *
— * — .

* —
= st
jos TH ify yt
EAN Vale
Nt Vee i
— LS * 9—
* WS”

+ ges ſchrubbes and bubesandhathe

ty fo fauorenether any iptle cipuesiy
WZ Be lattorhe as alplp hath ottlpree:
PAY @ > fentyng:aitp inwhitenes
Bm VNC _it wer an vnperlyt wozke ofnani
Ji 7 —
\ — erning tomakeliMet
— 4 mi SS
4 a *

hse TS
da TON beth diuerle kyndes of conuoluning
one kynd layth be is great anogay
mplke in it, and it is called lumg
boꝛum:with a vohyte foure ybebie
to abelle:the ſeronde bynde walitt
one, and hath bothe leſte floures andieues then the other andittrepe
bponthe grounde and the bꝛaunches okother herbes. Che thyrde kynde
is allo full otmylke, and hath leues ſumthyng whyte hozy vnmelurable
hooteitcutteth and pulieth of the ſkynne and tri purgationes brynge
out blood voheretore as avenemous thingitisto be ãboydedchisſon
kyndeishoppes. Chefrit kynde hathe a roote lyke brꝛionye Op rather
greater,as bygge as a greate goutde,; bys ſtalke is tvooo cubyttes long,
the leues arenarrowe and lyfie and hathe the fogme ofan arowe wth
fethberesonit, |

The properties of hyndweed

He iuice ofwcebbpuve, purgeth the belly. ·Hetue geueth fouire Dt :
ces of thebzothe, ofthe foittqcedbynde anda hole pourve
tufule ofthefame,tngovape, | ——

Of Coryandre·
wT acy

oꝛiandrum oy Corianum is called in Grebe Coꝛion and —8

rianoninEnglyſhe colander 62 coꝛiandre:inDuche opal?
> Dersin Frenche coziayhee. Coziandesyath leues lyethe —
SZ spnde ofcrowtodte
ai outo herbe tovart wpth the —

Otx Coꝛiandꝛe.



leues groweth tn the woodes, and

vnto thyzde kynde of Daucus,and to
the right venus herbe, called adian⸗
* p , x.

‘ay R
eae a be :

— 54 j


S tou:tieleues beneth ar ſume thyng

i ™ ,

to fumytorieſthe leues are wonder⸗
J J }

1 1 ‘
U\ Yee X


full» ftynkpnge when they ar grene
» the ftalke tga cubytt and abalfe of

Ww ry
hygh full of lytle baanches:the flou-
res ave obite and the fede ts round
— NS Wf) 2 lt 4
— ‘ ~~

* 7
AK and bare, and whenit is Daye, it is
ofa good ſauoure and a good tale.


Ob e ber tucs
PNW — —

Vier WY
of Coꝛiandzeout of Galene,
aoe OA OM 02 Coston 02 how

LP2a Cae, fo cuct pe wyll calitt, the

© :get
reed older Grectanes callit coz
Arsenal tiation that neuer philict-
ans call.cozton euen as Dioſcoꝛi⸗
Des Dothe: wohpehe ſaythe that the
herbe hatha coolpnge nature, but
— — there he myſſed, foz tc ismave ofcõ⸗
trary powers baupng motte of byt-

—— J—




Ot the Lormielltree,
Cornus fœmina. a — Pinus ig called in4
— SEB DP] Grebe, craniaindys |
che Thierlinbaume
Fe van Tench copiesop
Cia] Connter: ther ar thyg
- Sway bONDES of Comug
—— the male and the fe,
male, coꝛnus as Dioſcoꝛides faieth
is a hard tree,bepngpng furth long
berryes, lyke an olyue, whychfy
ave grene, and after when thepare
rype, are rede oꝛ ofthe colonreof
waxe, and thys is the male bynde
wich ts alſo Defcribed,oftheoping
ſtus:he woriteth of both thekpndeg
ofthys maner. Ther is one comel
tree vohiche is the male, ean other
the female: it hath leuesiike anal:
mond tree but that they be fatter
and thicker, ithathe a barkefull of
ſynewes and thyn, the body of the
tree,ts not berp thycke, butthefes —
male putteth furth {mall twygges
out of thelpdeas the ryght agnus
callus Doth, ettis fuller of beaches,
they hauebothe knottes asagnus
— dhatth both two one againſt another
nd one metyng with another. Che tooode of them ale hath no vythe
cali the fofte thpng thatis in any tree as inelder and {uche Ipbe) butitis
founde ¢ fat lise pntoabogne,both in thycknes a ſtrongnes. Chetemale
hath a ppthe in it,xts fofte,and made hollows, the length of the maletsat
the mofte of.rij.cubpttes , oftobpcebe length the longett huntynge Raurs
hocrof, that wer in Macedonia, the hoole bodp of the tree is nothynger
cellent,thep that Dinel in Ida belibe Drope,hoidep the male is barrone,é
that the female ts frutful, the frute hatha beenel ykean olpue,¢the fete
ts ſwete tn catpng and pleaſaũt in ſauoure the foure is ipke an olyue tree
and it bloemeth and bryngeth furthe' fruteafter the ſame maner,(o that
out of onc flalke growe many, theiagre allo in time, bnt the Macedon
{ay that they bring furth both frute,but the females frute ca not be tated
and that thep haue arong reote out of the daũger of corruption as ag?
Hus is.Itgroweth in moyſt places a not only indape places, both by feed
and alfo byſtykking tt,ofllippes vohich ar flipped of the tree. Ihaue tees
thefirtrornus tobiche is the male plentuouflyin Germany, @ theſecond
tobich is the female both ingermanyp. ein england,the male map be called
in Englpihe acoznele tree. Che female is called of fome Doge berry ttt:
{umecallit coon tree (ume begaufe bucheres ble to make prpbhes oftt
callit pꝛyke treestt were belt to call it with one como name wylſde coz
tree. The lenes ar much bꝛoder then thealmonde treeleues ar, a theyct
almoſt rouude, ſauynge that tomarde the ende thep are {mall and —



Mt herbe Fue.
ee bs

* bf

» Che malebathe as far as J remembzc, but onc very groboynge Hist

) She ttalbe, but the femaichath many. Chele wyych F haue reheried ſeme
‘Sobpnier the trees that Imeane tobe cognus. How bere Jam ſure that

the fyrſt cornus wyth the rede long bery, whyche grotecth by ttfelfe, ig
coꝛn usaes,
of Didtcort
The properties of the
p,and ate holtume bothe fo}
| ‘ He er, whether they be geuen in
ay be kept in bryne as oixues be
a rthe of the qrene treeos bowes
:y to lay vnto the {curfe lpke leper slini faz
ty ofcoznele tree,vecepuep bpon a burupnge
hy e woode tolochpth not, helethe thefcurup
Mth e tuttof the pron be layd ppon the teurke, F
hy ele tree very longeinthe tuice of corneles a
hy p that thers acorneltree at Hamp⸗
: SC herbe Jue,
Nah — — Oꝛonopus oꝛ coꝛonopodi⸗
Cae um is called in Englyſhe
(5 berbe Jue o2 Crowfoote
— ees plantne: tn Duche rappes
fules in frenche:cap.tole, on Dent on
chien}Theodoz Gaza, calleth it ſilago
it groneth muche aboute Shenein
the hyghe waye, and aboute thefea
ſyde tn the bankes whyche are made
:' bpmans hande] Cozonopt
?. long berbecre bponth
pp e gro
ng und
wyth out leues , it isfodden topth o-
vy ther eatable herbes, the roote is a⸗
| payee Tepngent and bynd yngeẽ:it groweth
Ly in vnmanerd groundes tt itt
BIW Why Zo of oferth oz ſtones,asar made to defẽd
— pllee bãbkes oꝛ the fre water bakes,
Fire fro outer flompnae ein highewayes
My greke Dioſcorides hath en doo⸗
matt it appereth by the tranflatis of
tuelliustbat his greke eraple bad ev
choomatl, thatipketh me better for
evperience teachethe me that herbe
Jue uether grotoeth aboute boutes,
net inh e
hou ſesr
,but very pletucufip
pon actificiall bankes and heapes
of cartheoz ſtones whycheare called
Meh. in


e Jueep
WME herbreherſet

in Greke Cheomata. Cheophzattugs hor:

h cozonopusamongthe


bes whiche haue only leues trom the voote and from no other patteagy 7
Cogrowethe herbe pucand the ſtalkeislxke plantapne and bathe ſuch⸗
“ ow

an heade ag it bathe. The maner of dzeſſynge thys herbe , and puttpnge

ittnto fallettes , when it is alytle ſodden, indurethe yet ſtyllinFranche,
and in lume placesof Englande.

The nature of herbe Fue,

+ Se
Ae— a=—- —




— Read of ro other medicin of this herb in dioſcoꝛides bug

that itis aſtringẽt aſtoppeth alaxe. Paulus aginetawy
teththatitis thought to be good. agaynſte the cholyxte
meh VE the tranflatton be true, whyche J do partly tulpecte
OE the Batell tree.
SOꝛplus ts called in Greke karya ponephe ;o2 leptobarpa

A} it Watin nur pontica, parua ec auellana,inEnglyſhean

Hm ||i baleli tree oz anhalelluut stn douche halell nus sw fren⸗
\ hrSa eon che notlette ouaneline, there {eme to bee twoo maner
a } ¢i\voea of bafeilnuttes rather then twoo diuerſe byndes:the one
| sea (othe gardpne nut tree calied the fplberde tree and. the
— — _~ otheris the mood nutt tree, Che haleil is fo well knowen
that wee nede trot any deſcription oftt. |

Ny! |
The popertics
nutt. ae )
iy Bieta Jiclinuttes as Diolcoꝛides fapthe, are evellfo2 the tomache,
|S fea ibut they baoken and drzonkene in honyed tater ; hele the olde
iAG Fars YI coughe,thetame rotted and beouken wythalytle peper make
hy. Eire sarppe the catar o2 reume. Cie aithes of burned nuttes wyth
thy Hogaes greſe o2 beares gvele,laypd vpon ahede from whyche the heare
\ fallerh of ; it wyll reſtore the beare agayne there ave fume that holde
\ that pinutt helices beburnt aud made Ipke alſhes yfthey belapd to the
©) bpnderbede of the chylder that haue grape eyes thatthep wyl make
)) blake. Galenc alfo guaunteth in bys booke De alimentozum facuitatibus
* that halell nuttes norvyſhe but lytle and that they are worſe for the foe
“i ih

) mache then walnuttes ave. The hafel nutt, as Galene lapty bath amore
©) evthip and colder fubitaunce then the walnnttes b auc,
we Arilmart orculerage,
KRatxogonum hathe leues lyke vnto (
melampprd and many ſtaik es lyke
coꝛne cũmpug forth o one roote and /¢
many knobby iointes like knees:and
aſeedlike milict,tt groueth inſhaddy
places and amonge buſſhes.Galene
alfofapth that crateogonũ is like bu
to millet & berp Harpe on the tounge
Crateogonum fapthe Plini tslpke
wobete & hath many ſtrawes 02 ftal-
‘ } | y bes cumming of one toote,and bath
> Sage Cy = :anata Aba titra
ae —— xeſnerus thinketh that this herbeis
it that we cal in Cnalithe arſmert oꝛ culerage with tie ſpoottes it lyke
hall mownes and the pꝛoperties and deſcription agree well ſauyng that
our arſtnert groweth rather in watery places then-aimong bulthes,

The vertues of Crateogonum

C Rateogonũ isbery bytyng g hotte, lume Do trite of this herb e that
a woman dzinke faſting aſcruple € an halfe of thps herbe thiple on
the daye in.ij. cyates oftopnetog the {pace of. cl, Dapesatter that He.
; Tig, D, tij, haue
Ol Sanpere
hatte hyrſyknes and the man do likewyſe before be lye wyth the wan 7
that the chylde vohyche Halbe gotten Halbe aman chloe, | 4

OF | Sa'mAmpere.
* 4

pere ts ca lled in Greke crithm

02 crithamon,the 1 atine ble the laine
UN termthe es com
,on berbarpes cai it
\. by’ cretam marina, fume recken thatitig
ng ny allo Batis th Plini, and J thynke
that this herbe is called in Columei⸗
SQW olus coꝛdum it ts called in French ha.
ANG Cilozfacnopll marine: in Ftalpan fer
S nechio marino [Je groweth plentoy,
f dpbefpde: Dover ‘and in Sullexeby
‘thetealpde] Samper is alytle bute
herbe, andofeuery tpde full ofleues
“hal motte a cubytt hyghe. Fe growe⸗
bpythe (ea ſyde and in ſtony places, gt
ys hath fat leues and manp, andfume
“2 thynge wohytylſhe ipbe the leuegot
S porcellapne, but broder andlonger
topth afaltphe tatte . The floutes
ave whpte . Che fruyte is, as roſe⸗
Mary fruyteis, well (melipnge,toft
» Lound and {uch as when it isdyped
Wyli burt, and it hathe wythinita
{led Ipbe vnto wheat , the rootes
: are ,a fynger thykein nombiea
bout three or foure: andthephane
{ 77> AGoodiy and pieafaunt fauoure

: ‘Che bertues
he roote leede
and eues
toddenin wyne and dio⸗
|— ‘ben, belpe them that can
12not make water ethem
that haue the iaundes. Chey bug
Adovone alſo totopmen theps (pbies
» Sampere both rawe and foven, i
Seatenas a wurte 02,8 coman ert
that is eateu in lalletoꝛother WP ‘
It allo kept inbypne . Thy⸗ a |
nerofkepynge of fampeve tate
-ofcozides fpeabethof here isatth
. daye kepte bp the (ea ſydem A!
lande. Galene ſaythe that ſampere is ialt intatte wyth a lytle — J
wherlore it hath the powertodziue and {coureatoay, pet both theſe
tues are weyker inthyse herbe thn they are in playne bytter Nott nt
ee ee


OFfaffron. |
Affron ts named in:
Gsoi Boi be krokos, in la⸗



Itin crocus, it duche

— fron, Theophzraſtus
deſcrybeth falfrone
— >) thenatureofthem, chat are as the
7 loxfaped kyndes of narciſſus are,
—A7 and cummeth furthe fo, But it
bath a navrowe lefe , forthe teues
cum furth ipke here, it blowmeth
lait te ,th late o2 els to epzip
—— howe ſoeuer petake the tpme, for tt
floureth at the falling dotwne of the
—== ſterres called vergilie thatisabout
the xv daye of october,and that but
for aſhort tyme and bp & by té put⸗

teth awap thelefe wyth the floure,
but rather fovwner , Che tootcts
manykold and thyck € well lyuyng,
it loueth to be troden on. and ſo tt
— thryueth the better ikthe rootebe
broken beneth. Cherfo2 it cũmeth
fareſt furth belpde patthes and kou⸗
taynes. Plini wꝛiteth theſame of

The vertues of ſaffron.

belſlalus was of that iudgement that he thought that fat:
aS —9 fron huld onely be well imellyng. Other reken that the
yeaa quantpte of. tif, daammes dronken Doth kyll a man, but

= we Doutles,it the ha
th tye to Dyactt,to ſoftentobynde
ae | ie CAN to gether; and to prouoke vryne it maketh
a good colour
“in them that dfe it ,myth womans mylke it oppeth the
runnyng or wateryng ofthe eyes. Itis conuenient to be put intothe em:
plaſters vhyche ar made for the mouther and fo2 the fundament.It pro-
uobeth to the pleature of the body’. It ſwageththe infamations tobpche
arem turnyng vnto ſaynt Antonis ſyre, it is good for the gatherpnges
t tt the cares. the roote dronken in ſak maketh aman make water
well Diint wꝛyteth thus of laone ff Salfr
ton dapucth aay all inflamas
tons, But (pecially the inflamations of the epes 16 the bohyt of au eg. At
helpeth the {uffocatis of the mouther.Itts ercelict good forthe e¢ulcera:
tons ¢gopng of of the ſkyn ofthe Komake of the breſte of the kydnes oF
thr Ipuer of the liges.and bladder. It is alto good fo2 the cough and piety
telpe,Ittaketh away iche . Jets good for weake braynes § cating Hell

brare deynkeitpzonoketh flepe, Symeon lethy wevteth thes wordes of
DH, Wi, fattron,
faitronc. Sattroncis hoteinthe ſeconde degre and drye th the fyrſt. a

though ſum haue ſayd that itwas hote in the third degre. Fis good loz

—— J —©

the omake ¢ helpeth the meat to be ſowner digeſted. It hath che pou
to open.Ithealeth flegiuatike diſeales a the dzouſy of the forgettuti ty,
nes called lethargus. It is peofitablefez the interalles 02 inward partes
and kor them that can not well take their bzethe. Sanp perfone te laffrõ
melurabiyitmaketh in them agood colour but thet bie it out of mefure
it maketh hym loke pale and maketh the hede ache. and hurteth the appes
tite. But ifte be mpred with opiũ og popy tice , mylche and tole opie any
the fetebe anopnted ther topth, beteleucslapd vpon themitſwageththe
=ts ee

payne of thefete. itts pertlious totake to myche of it atones. Auerroig

ayth alſo that ſaſfrone comfozteth the hert, and anicenna ſayth that ¢
ſcoureth themozphewand heleth bꝛode ſwoellynges.

Of cucumbers and ſucthe lyke frutes,

Cucumis. the cucumber. |
- ———— oe
J BR — a
° = - *

te &

H\ (cg ey .Oz cucumer, in duche

xuxucumerenin lrench
—cucumbꝛe. Dioſcoꝛi⸗
— —— pes maketh mention
of Pepones in the intreatyng oftu⸗
cumberes woherfor pepones are dns
PPA - 7 =. ber the kynde of cucumbzes. Theos
S phꝛaſt and lini mak e.
ty. kyndes ol
Le - A
iif 6 8 * Yt—
i X * vd 34 —*VANS
a Bh *

— . 4 8 ms
ae Hl
y Bose. j ANE

; a7

= aS}— = te
—2= \ = =

> — SFA *
NE — es
s ne
<tc Th
— at

/ — “



| ;
Cucumis turcicu⸗

s \



at% * *
be *
SS 7 BAZ — —
F ——— —
ö— — — — — *

Melones Pepones Cit rulles

and ſuche lyke of J
the ſame kynde,
out of Dioſcoꝛides. —
rary Cucumber is good koꝛ the belly and ſtomache, it
couleth /
rag, (Cis not fone corupted,ithelpeth the bladeritcaticr
ctheᷣm agai
e of
t tth
which Ate fallen into acwo
8 Rua O) The fede prouoketh Sryne meturadly, with mpi
LZ os tye
\ D|topn
e,eth the erulceration og ratones of the bladder
Seek Th e leucs layd to with voyne, hele thebytyngeofadge ¢
| Swith bony the ploukes 02 wheles that aryſe tomonly bys
the nyght. The Aelhe o2 ſubſtance of pepones taken in meat dapugt Olt
‘water and thefame healeth the inflamations of the eyes ifit
them. be layd vmg
Che ouer partes of pepones layd vnto the hynder part ofthe ead
ofachylde heleth his burnyng calied ſyriaſis. Thelame lapd bpon thefog

hed turneth an other wape the runnyng o2 pilus oftherves, Chery

roote Dronken with honped water inthe quantite ofa diamine Mabeths
man bomptetfanp man wyll vomite mefurably after lupper let hym take
no moꝛe but one {cruple.FEtheſame be layd to forces vohiche are growen
ipke hony combes tt wyllhelethem.

Mut ofplictuin
de ſim⸗
=z} De eatablecucuinbze pepon that ts to fape type, is of afpne fits
Yagil tance, But thelame vnripe is ofagrofler (ubfaunce, Thep hac
NF Pyle Poure to ſcour and to hynnynge but mpche mozeisthe tame
Re brought to pas tithe
ſe des be bꝛoken and bete in to potoderand
layd bpon the place that nedeth ſcouryng. There is anabundant coldee
mople temperature in them,but not fo mpche that they Doescede thelte
conde degre,

Mut of Galene ve alimen

toꝛum facuitatibis,

| urub thefoule
finesin the face or any
yn pepones ſcou

te which relemble moze the korme of aquince :are les then the peponesat
nether haue they fo cucllaiuice, and they pꝛonoke water les and go J

eer downe and thepdo not fo myche further vomite ag pepones Do, ips
My metople they are not fo fon cozruptedtn the ftomake , vohen as an euell
Jhumoꝛis gather ed in it oꝛ any other cauſe of coꝛruption taketh it. Fur⸗
thermozemen bfe to abſteyne fromit that is next the ſede inpepones ,
eate theſame in melopepones, and that is good foz them to pꝛouoke them
to the ſtole. They that eate only the melopepones flee , do not ſone put,
N furth bp the place of ercrementesit,as thep do the pepones fleſhe cucum⸗
iy bres alfo provoke water as pepones Do, but lefle thes they, becaufe thete
i)aubtatice is to moyſte and therfoz they arenot lo fone cogrupted in § ftos
n\make as they be,peHallfpndefum that can digel them as many other
yy) OvUges that other men cannot digeſt, by the reaſon of acertapne kami⸗
liavitie chat is bet wene their natures,

«=. of Sim eon |
(echt T°
. T
Acumbers are cold and moyſt inthefecond degre, and thep ma

hy, xke an euel iuice and nozphement in aman.pemutt chute leat

; rather thet the qreatett kynde. Chey whiche prouoke water if
ib they bc ſteped in vinegre and taken in to the body, wage 6 hete
| otan ague a ſpecially of the that cum haſtely. Che oft vſyng of thes frups
mM) tesminpheamans (ede and quencheth the lutte buto the plealure of the
body. But the ede of cucumbres Drped,purches there by acertapn heate
1) and Hath contrary operations to the moyſt and vndried partes and pro⸗
IW Moketh water myche moze, Cheris an other kynde of thefame whicheis
m thought to be languria that is cold vehemẽtly, tn thefecond degre ¢ ſum
iy teben ttHould be cold inthe thyzd degre, Thiskpnde tugendreth tough
th Heme tu the ſtomache vobiche ts (peede absode raw,by the bepnes. Ther⸗
iit) foz thep that eate oft ofthe great kynde called tetranguria o2 languria,
hi incontinuance of tyme haue in their bepnes and other hollow places evel
» Humores growen together, whiche ingendeelonge agues. Che (ede of
i) thes prouoketh bem but les the pepones fede, for tt ts fotoner coꝛrupted
iinthe ſtomache.
But the bette of thes is tt that hath the leftelede. They
Helpe dep and bote fomakes, and they be taken in aburnpng aque with
5 they are very good and hollum. pe mutt eat pinner part of this
Kpnde and not the ooter part foz they are ofenell mice and are hardeof

M colpkeand the diteate in the (pbes bythe pappes,

|| . pF thetopl
WE the wylde
ity Sey Cicumis ſylueſtris,oꝛ
cucumis anguinusiscalled ingreke
YT A Ca yy licis agrios
of the common berbaries cucumbꝛe atininus,
{ Ki i par ttmay be called inenglphe wylde cucumbze oz ieppng

— — cumbꝛe it gꝛoweth plentuouſly about bononyabꝛode alit⸗

8 hs Praleout of the towne, but in england it groboeth only tn gare
[pee | Dyns, wyldecucumbze Doth dyffer fro the gardpne cucũ⸗
ee bre onlptnthe frupte whiche tt hath agreat dele leffe, not
bnlyke bntolong acoznes, it islykethe gar dyne cucumbze, both ght
— HEtwple cucttinbee
And in long, runnynge branchesithath a whyte roote, itgrowethings
Dygroundes and infeldes neve vnto houſes, allthe hole bubeig bitep i

“ The propertiesof wylde

Cucumis anguinus,
var : Z\

i /s~ voap . FF ttbel


—— fy ‘¥ \ & S
ZEN ‘ — — F

¥ — — = tt tee
* : YZ oreth black fc
y —— YA tip
/ i ed L>
— —
an RAT — —
ee —
Vaal Ay ee

fe the yuimoz may bem

the frupte ofwylde tu
maner of makyng oft
nett let hym rede the
s man
he eweof the
he fruyt
frupt e ofwylde cucu
ipe one nyght and ott
Okthe gourde.
" . ae


bumoꝛr it the balin corner with alynnyng cloth and ſetitagainſt the lon ã
Mrayne thorow the water with thyk groundes butyl it ſtãde, and Do this
) oft butylithe water that ſwymmeth aboue fal tothe grounde, whiche al⸗

‘ ter that thou hak diligẽtly ſtreined out , beak ina moꝛter the groſſe grou
yy) Des thatremapne,and make trocyſkes 02 balles of it. The belt ts fmouthe
i Hotheup,fuin thyng moyſt, vith a certayne whytnes excedinge bitter,
iy Lohiche tfit be put into acandellburneth caſely. But that wbhicheisgrene
hy Wweealebe Harpe o2 rough on darke and full of aſſhes a lytle thynges lyke
M iptle peaces is greuous and noughty. Fromthe tyme that it be kept twoo
Meeres vntill it be ten yeare olde,ttis good kor purgatiõs.the hole meſure
oꝛ doſis that may be geuen is.xij. granes the leſte is. vi.granes. A good
byggrane is enough for a chylde foritit be taken in any greater quantite
) ttisrepardus.Itdrpucth out femedoth bpward and dounwarde. Jtis |
i AFood purgatyon for them, that are Horr winded. Frye wyllpurgethe

hi thatelatcriumis teped in, and ſtroke theintwarde parte ofthe tonge be⸗
iy, Neh, topth afether, whyche is Dipped inthe ſtepynge.
And ikanye man be
ly. harde to honipte vefoluc tt wyth ople oz voyth opntmente made of floure
hy Deluceand forbyd llepe. But voyne and ople are conuenpente to be gyuen
” vnto them contynually thatare to myche purged fo2 that helpeth thema
y Kayne, Sutil the vomyte topll not ſtay o2leue of,pemutte gypue,colde how
Ne ter barle mele, vynegre and toater,appelle s fuche ag in makynge thy
MN ee and fatte to Spther , doſtreyghthe. Clatertumbelpeth voymen vnto
N they2fpknes,yftt be putin the placeof conceptpon tt a ſuppoſptoꝛye. Ft
Mm Heleth the tandes o2 guelfought, yfitbepoured into the nolewpth mylke.
im Atts beryp good agaynſte olde hede akes. It is berye excellente good fog
i the quyutey,pf tt belapde to wyth olde opie ,and hony,o2 the gall ofa bul,
i) Wetuctapeth, that the tuice of wylde cucumber maye be geuen from. x.
14 granes vuto the thyzoe parte ofadramnte, that ts a ſcrupie. the pouder
of theroute mape be gyuen from fpftene granes vnto halfe adzamme, the
hothe that itis ſo den in maye be gpuen fromij. vnces
. vnto.iiij.Itis ho⸗
te and drye in the thyrde degre after Meſue. But Galenelapeth , that it
gertremelve bytter aud lyghtlye hoteſothatis hote , but in the {econde

* i E the Gourd
7} Gourde is called in grekekolokyntha.In latyn cucurbita. In
duche kurblz.infrenche courge. Agourde hath long runnyng
branches vohiche naturally indeuour bpwarde, but for lake of,
LOR ſtreynghte except they fpude ſumthynge to tape aiid bpholde
them felues bp they crepe bythe grounde. It hathe a rounde iefe,
Hot buipke the Iefeof Al bur oꝛ Afarabacca, The floure is whpte. The
ſruyte is fyrſte grene and after pelowe . After theipknes ofapeare. The
batkeofthefrupee, woven it sponge ,ts tendze , and fofte: but tohen tt
iae ishardand {ume tabethemeat out of tt,and ble tt inthe rede of

Ml, Che
Long gourde


yn nev of an emplatter,
)} AS, fwageth {wellingese
es impottemes, Chelle
kes of bꝛanchis of gourdes are lay
SMA bponthe moulde of chylders heney
\, torelefe the hete of them tobpchets
\) called {p2tatis.. Chey coule alfothe
inſlammations of theepes
and of the
. gotwte . The tutce of the bꝛanch⸗
| bruled by tt lelfoꝛwith role oyle
CAN 4 red tn:fhoageth the payne of thera
SF\ 108 It it belayd vpon the burnyng
ity cores in hote agues tthelethil
The iuice ofthe hole herbewarmed
HD and pꝛeſſed and dzonken with
7 me bony* — oth eee:
yf lo e the belly. Itany man make he
⸗ low
Dtthe gourde,
| lowarae gourd, and wyll put wyne into it and holde tt sbr
ode bnder
the ſkye ont of the houſe, and temper it,and daynk tt faſtyng it wyll lovoſe
(thebellpgentlp. The gourd ({apeth Galene) is ofacouide and moptte
Complerton,andismopRe and couldetn the teconde degre. wherfoze the
tuice of the branches ts good fo the payne of the cares, whiche ts with ars
inflammation fit be layd to with rote ople. And fo ifit be hole lapde to,tt
Couleth metely well hote intlammationWhen
s. as itis eaten it ts mopite
AnD dryueth thaptawaye. Che gourde whylle tt is rawe is bupleafant
and hurteth the tomache,and ts uerp harde of digeſtion info myche that
» Mamantozlacke ofother.neat be fayñe tocata gourde (as one pꝛeſumed
todo)beHall fele an heuy weyghtly in bys ftomake , aid Hall curne bp
hys tomake and be deſirus to vomyt from the whiche grekes aman can
only be Delpuered bp bomytyng. Therfore men ble to cate this (as they
DO With aliother bndurable fruptes ) ether ſodden 02 frped in a frping
| Pan o2 rotted, the gourde(as myche as lyeth tit) geueth puto
moptte and coulde and therfo2 {mall noꝛiſhement
the body a
but tt goeth eafely bute
| thebottomof eye ſtomake boty by the reafon of bps Ayperpnes and allo
| moptture. furthermore itisnot harde to be digeſted, ifit benot corrup⸗
tedbefoze. And that chancheth vnto tc when it ts noughtely dreſſed or
anveuell Humor ts gatheredin the tomake, and ſumtyme becaute it taz
a Tpeth to longinthe ttomach.vohiche thyng chanceth bntoall other vndu⸗
table fruytes that are ofa mop tomplerion, for thep putrefp quikly in
the ſtomake except they cum fyrſt vnto the bottum ofit Therkore euen
> astijegourdeas myche asis init. bath
a iuice that can not be Difcerucd
by ay tenc e what quaipte te ts of, andis eaſy to be Deltribute lato the
Hole body, fo when ag it is myngled with auy other thyng that Hath any
great nocable quaitte, it is made lyke te very eately , as tfit be taken wyt
muſtarde, che iuice vohiche cummeth of thes thoo myxed, and dyuyde
AUD lent into the body, (pall be harpe og bytynge with a notable hete .
| Cuewby thetame vefon ft be eaten with anp fale th ynge, it wyll ingens
dre in the body afait humoreAnd
. lo is it avery pleatauc meat ifit be dref
edwith the lait kyſhes ofpontus wyiche ave called in Grebe mela, wut if
it be lodden and ſeaſoned as tr ought to be with quynces , tt wyllhaue
excellent tarte taſte in the diſtrivution.Itit be frped o2 rotted , tt an
“Agreat dele away of bys owne moptttire.. Therkor becaute tt is fo movie
ilye wyll boyiciticis bet to boyle oꝛgan oꝛ wyld mergerum woyc
h it, fos
aliuche as toys fruptets;had nedetobe myced bth other thynges that
arebytyng, 02 four, og tarte; o2falt ;itpe would haue them delectab
eatynge aud not to make onetobe redp to vomyte, Spmeon
le in
Peth thatche qourde prouoketh vryn lethpta-
ande,maketh aman go to the Tole,
and it is good fox hote ahd diy complerions. St Kancheth the
Heat ofthe Homacheand lyuer. It hurteth them that are ſlegmat butuynge
yke and
e tt is euell forthe colyke. Bud ifitipnde euell humozes in
the ttomache., tt is corrupted there with, and is made holfum nozyſhe⸗
mentsItdꝛiueth awav che Delpre vnto lechery and myniſſhed fede and
tine thyn blode. It is good toy the breite fo2 the longes and the
v + ors: :

Aut Ccoioquintida

=~ balle excedyngly bytter whych⸗

pe multe gather when it begpn,
neth fpr to be turned nto apale
pelowiſhe colour, 3

upmyz and nitre o2 {alt petre. Che balics dapced and broken and pow
tedin by a clyſter ave good forthe palſey, the ſciatica and the colpb font
pulleth furth choler. and fleme and Haupnges and fumtime allo blode.I
taketh awape the tuth ach ik a man purge tt and couer tt wyth clayand
heteitwith vynegre and mtre and wate his tethe voith the bꝛoth that
this is ſodden tn. Itany man {eth inithonped water o2 ſwete wpne, and
drynck tt after that tt ig. couled without the Doze abode,
gro fic humozes of the belly and thyngesipke Maupnge or (crappagesit 4
the guttes, It is ercedpng hurtiulkonto the ſtomache. Ffit beputwmtes
{uppofttogy tt wyll pull furth theercrementes ofthe belly . Che tuieca
the grene.coloquintidals good fo be rubbed bponthe place that isveryd
mith the {ctatica. Pliny wꝛiteth thus of it. Coloquintida pourcd mby4
clyſter,heleth ali che Difeates of theguttes,of the kydnes loynes and He
palſey alforf the ſedes be caſten ont. Che fieſhe of coloquintida wyth at
and woꝛmwod.heleth the tuth ach:the iuice of coloquintida made warm
with bynegre, maketh fat louletethe.: Chelame heleththepapnect he ~
ryge bone lopnes &hyppes bone, ifthey be rubbed with it & with a phe
ople,let them that vſe the frupte ofcoloquintida,takebede thatthey bee
if tito berp fpne pouder o elles tt will frete the guttes very ſoꝛe.
Ot com



pape) IS cuntre.but he deſcribet ii.h. kyndes of wyld compn,6

grit kyzſt alter this maner. Wyide commyn bath but a ſmaſi
an long and ſmall out of whiche cum out foure
(hep were indented after the maner okgingidiã
Cuppoicd of rucilius tobe our cheruell. it bath tn the toppe fpue oz {pre
| tound æ ſofte lytle hedes, wherin ig chaftpe lede hote
dyn comyn. rin taſte then§ gar⸗
itgroweth iniptic hylles. Che ſecond kynde
is——SSeS not ot wylde comyn
vn ly ke vntothe gardyn commyn itputteth furth of

longeh oes wher in is ſede like bute git os nigella vom euery floure
kynde of wypide commyn hatte Junot ſeñe that ana, The formoz
4cant re mbze
| condkynde Jſuppoſe Jhaue fone, Sum there bein Itame but the fe-
ly whych thpnke
| the pale nigeliato be, the fecond kynde of wylde
commyn other reken the
Iytle black nigella whiche is common in the ſtobbie in ger
core be carizd awayeto be the ſecond kynde of wylde commyny after the
cherthe pale nigell . But ne⸗
a nether the other wylde kynde can be wyld co
eptept the gardyne nigella romana be alfo wylde cominpn , for mmyn,
are allofoue fygu tyep
in leue
re s and fede , and of Ipke ſmell. Chelecond
“Hynde of wylde commpn putteth furthe of every floure longe
wherin are ſede lyke vnto nigella, Che kyndes of nigella hau bones,
e hornes in
Debut de no ſed
,e tnthem for theyz fedeiscontepned in the mpddes ofthe
I Heve, owe nomoꝛe diuidedfroman other,bythyn partition
s, therfore ne⸗
ther the toploe nigella necher the pale can be cuminum
A rather hove with Conradus Hetnecus (pluettre alterum,
,whpche thynketh that the her
be called of the herbaries confolida regalis , ofthe
and in englyſhe larkys hele, is thefecondebynde duche, rydders ſporen
of wylde commyn, the
| eu
es ofthat herbe are lyke nigella, the fouces are blewe and there cum
|| meth furthot it alonge vohytẽ thpngelpke alptie home , tohen the foure⸗
Sgon,therecummerh out a lytie befell lyke a Morte
bozne, where in ig
black fede conteyned lyke vnto nigella. tt groweth th germany common:
ipamong thetubleand thecomne. butte tg not
type butyl! the cozne be
garied awaye AND a good whyle after, |

The bertues of compn,

—mwynas Diolcorides toriteth ,heleth , byr
ideth; and
Ma » g}Daveth.Ftis good for guawyng.and loꝛ wynde both fon s
mi den €purints ople oz layde to after the mtaner ofan oynt⸗
ment with varley meleit . isgyuento themthat are ſhort
CA a’ a wynded, in wyne and water: and in wyne to them that
are bytten of a ferpent. Commyn lapd to with tafines
— o the floure of Darnell , of with a lytle toex after the
manner ofa ſalue, helpeth che fwellpnge of the tones,
H. Uj, It ſtoppeth
MEthe Cypꝛes tre,
it toppeth the ouermpche abundance of wymens natural (pkneg, J
theſame bꝛoken and layd to in vinegre,tothe noſethzrilles ſtoppech blodes
it maketh the colour of them that ble tt myche, pale, Spmeon fethy ny.
tet bcompn,both dryed ¢ alfo ſpꝛyngeled wyth binegre , Davetha mopp
ftomache,and ſtoppeth laces, and thatit good to lap bpon bopmennigns
pes, wobhiche haue cluſtered oz clodded mylke inthem. pum Lozitetharty
mych bicofthps, tngendzcth the tone, and that thefmoke of ttDapucth a.
way gnattes. Plini ſayeth that comyn is good with honped binegre for
thefallpng ſyknes. Cumin ts hote and drzyin the thyrd degre. Thetecony
kynde of voylde cominis a remedy agapnt the bptpnges of ferpentes it
helpeth them thathaue the ftone,o2 ſtrangulian, and them that pps cop:
Ded blode but perflelp fede made hote muſt be taken afterwardes,

Al the Lppres tre,

Cypres tre,
(HSE. AS He Cypres
itn gr
eke Cpparifiog,
in duche eyn Cypes
baum, Dioſctodis

vdneiy the pro

ofa good bpght, butit isnot allof
one pece,as the fpr treis, buttdp
uydeth tt {elf into diuerſe branches
of this ſyde of the top , and it isnot
fireightas thefpris, but oft tyme⸗
croked, not with fandpngag ple
niboziteth and experience teachech
b9,the trefrom that part whereas
it hath kyrſt leues vnto the top,
bath the figure of a ſteple thats
great beneth, and the hygher bp
the ſmaller it is. Che leues ate

Thte vertue
thst o
trecoutof Galene and Diolcorides, ee
Fa aA Deleucs of Cyprestice,the buddes and the free and fofte
aay (cag, WPplestopn and byndeto gyther, great fores in harde bodies
FAR wiere vponit is euydent that it hath the pour to dꝛzye voyth
RED SD) out anp Harpies,oz bytynge hete,ascuen the tate doth teat
| ye. Foꝛ th eve apereth init acertayn lyghte bytynge harpnes,but much
| bytternes aud much moze harryſhe tartnes, Butithath fo much byting
Harpnes,and hete in it asis able to lede hys tartnes in to the depnes, &
| Per worbeth it no bytyngorhete inthe bod yes. Therefore it eateth oute
and conſum eth fafelp, and wythoute anpeteperdy , in rottpng dyſeaſes
moyltures that are Depein the bodye , But whenas thep that hete and
» Dave docontume thebumozes that are contepned in the bodye vet wyth
| there bptpnge Harpnes and here, they drawe onto them other, and ther
fozetthelpeth them that are burſteand n haue the guttes fallé into theyr |
Coddes:for it dꝛzveth and gyuethſtreynthe onto the partes ofthe bodye,
whycheare toloote bp the meanes ofto muche mopfture and that cum⸗
metheto palle becaule byndynge goethe to the grounde by the helpe of
| thebetethatis mixed wythit wbhycheleadeth it thyther,and kepeth tuch
| atteature that itcan hetewythouany
t bytyng. Che Cipꝛes tree (as Di⸗
| ofcozt0estorptcth)couleth and bpudeth,
the leucs of it dꝛonken with ba-
| Garde,and alitle myz helpe the tihue of the biader,and frangurisbut the
| cpresapples broken and dronken wyth wyne ar bery good fo2 the blodp |
| pr,toz the other lyx, andagapntt the iiſhue of blood, and againt the ftop-
| pynge ofthebzethe when as a man can nottake hys wynde excepte be
heolde his nek ryght bp,and agaynt the coughe. The broth where in thep
| are ſodden haue the ſame effect, Ff thep be bauled wytha fog, thep fofter
| hardnes, and hele theſtynkynge Dileate of the nolecalledpolppus, And
| pithepy be fodden tu binegre;and broken wyth lupines th ep bryng aboaye
ſcabbynayles. They dele alio the burſtynge that falleth into the coddes
| lapdetoas an emplalter the leues haue the famefirengthe, Theleucs
| brokcnandiapdetoin an emplatter iopn and dzatwe twoutides tocetber:
| thep op blood,and the fame ti they be myxed wyth wer, and lapde tothe
_ Somachdo ſtreyngthen it:Theophraſtus wryteth that the bordes orthe
~ Doze,ofDianas temple indure. iiij ages whereko eit is good for totake
ofthe wood of tt,toputinfuch hobles, o2 implementes as pe wolde haue
tolattionge tyme topth out corruption. lini alfo wꝛyteth that the Cpa
bres tree nether rotteth, netheris in any teoperdy of age and that the te-
uesofCipres bꝛuled andlayd vpon ſedes bepe them front the wormes.

WchE the blewbottell,
obottell oth
er wile called bletoblatw:is named in gre⸗
HTT Isa) ese} Be Byanos:in Latin cpanus, o2 cerulens: in
Buche blato
korenblumen: th Frenche aubfiow o2 blaucole; o2 bleuet:
fume herbaries call tt baptifecula. 02 blaptifecula:becaule
es (t hurteth ticles, whtche were ones called of old
iene ceculae. e wꝛpters
Blewobottelgroweth in the cogne, tt hatha ftalke
full of coners, anarrow and lounge lefe. Inthe top of the
Galkeisa knoppy head where bpon growe ble ak
PD ty, met
fof Sowelb rer e,
met the chylder bie to make Gap,
landes of the floure . It grote
muche amonge Rye: Wherefore
thynke, that good ty, in an eng
and vnſealonable pere Doth go ous
ofkpnde into thys wede,

Che proper:
ties of Biewbottell,
ewbottelis of a coup
nature,toꝛ it Hemerhng
A) toben of bete init:
Elater wꝛyters bold that
thys herbe ts good foz the tnfig:
imation of the epes,and other par:
tes, whyche are oute of tempiebp
the meanes of an tnflammacon,
other properties haue Jnotreay
that blewbottell Mould haue,

y : ee
— AZ
We) {2 f S Solel o

| brede,.
Owoelbꝛed called in Grekeciclant
uos is alſo tn latin ciclaminus tapũ
terrae umbilicus terrae, ã pang
pozcinus, offume tuber terrae,tt
duche,ſepobrodt:in French painde
poꝛtcianI have not (een it incng?
PONG lande:twh erefore Jbnowe no bits
wall name fo2 tt, but leaſt itſhuldebe
nameles ikit etherſhuld bebsought
in to England, oꝛ be founde in an
place in England, Jname it ſoweſ⸗
bꝛede, oꝛ tape biolet, becaule the
klour is lyke a bfolet and the roote
erein are Dp

as rounde as Blarum ath, but muche leſſe: and the floures draw neret
thelpchnes ofa diolet,then arole. There ar many decepued iN engian
| tobprlye abute O f S o t n e t i n e d e ,
tryllynge other herbeg fol Cyclamino as erthuuth aud

) “ftuchelpke whyche netyeragree with cyclamyno in vertue, nether tn de⸗

— ſIctip⸗ ion.
Cyclamenus. The vertu cs

Seta et24 of Sowelbzede

— he roote of folobsede
ae — ‘Daonken wyth Dede
3 made wyth hony and
| rey Ey peg water, Ozpucth out by⸗
h nethe, flemeand water
, —and ether Dzonben o2
‘ ee — lapde to, it dryueth Dotons wymẽs
fs} naturall ſyknes.
It is perillous for
— wymen wythchyĩdetogo ouer this
roote. Che fame layd vnto woman
— in a conuenient place, helpeth ber
S\ moze pedely to bepnge furthe her
byrzthe. It is dzonken ãgaynſt dediy


venom wyth wyne, and {pectalip a-

gaynſt thefyſhe whycheis called in
Latin lepus marinus that ts to fay,
the ſea hare. Ft is alſo a remedy as
gaynſt ſerpentes, yfit be layd vnto
the place. It it beput in bopnettmas
beth aman dzonkẽ, tdepueth away
*— Ae nada taken tn the
| of three Deammes wyth bas
| , ſtarde,oꝛwell watered bonied wyne
| es stig} — et —5 of this mnt
h wyth many clothes that be maye the better ſweate: fog ——
furthisof the coloꝛofgail. The iuice is put into the nofe with
donptopurge the head
It is
.put inwolito the fundamé
heexcrementes of thebellp, The ſame layd ——— eee
» ther parte of the bellp vnto the hokkelbone, Aoit
ene h the bellp>. Chetu
, Che iee
er ipa yenae a ned oꝛ haw of the ep, andthe Dulnes of
Pat, ice apd Co tye fundament bopth byneare re
P tothe naturall place, when ttisfallendotone. heoces is
p Wiceis taken out, made wyth ſethyng as thykas hony: the —— ———
root icou⸗
f tethand purgeth thecoloz ofthetkyn . Je holdech dotone the burſetyng e
out ofwhelesAnd . it heleth woundes wyth vinegre bp tt felfe 02 wyth
‘i hony.Ffit be layd to after the maner of an emplatter to the myit tt, wyii
ru taway:it amendeth the euell colored ſcurffines that is tn the face
rit ailpng of the heve wyth theredetcalles , It is alfo conuentent that
. rite 28 oute oftopnteand goute membres, the Iptle ſores of theheade
| athe ae be bathed inthe both ofthys root The root
e. e made hote in
| sayabpa (a Dp flores and bꝛyngeth themto alcar, pfthatople
es emt, Che rootem
ad oweets fplled wyth ople, and fetin
| hote
gis tonge,
Lithoughe Diolcozides wꝛyteth
butofone kynde of doggis tonge
pet itis enident by Dlint chat there
ate three kyndesofDoggis tonge,
Foz Dioſcoꝛides Delcriveth hyg
Doggis tonge to be wythoute anp

q ſtalke:vohych kynde F couldenctce

fee, that Jrsmembze in allmplptes
r: ' ;
a0 and Plini deſcribeth thooo kyndes:
— ; er
50" Boe which bothe haue ſtalkes and ſeed,
for he geueth ſtalkes and ſedes bu:
vb aepe 7ch 2 te themin the. xxv. booke and. viii,

4a' SC


Chapter:but the latter, kynde chat

he fpeaberh of ſemeth bntometove
odure common Boggis tonge:forhe
{apeth thug, Eft alia fimiliset equa fora
Zz lappas minuras. thatigs, Ther (san other
wohych bereth alfo lytle bur:
: tes, Che comme cpnoglollumbath
, long leues,lpke bnto a doggis tong
and along ſtalke: ta tohole top are
thee roughe thinges, that cleue bie
to a mannes clothes topned altoge
ther toalptle pryk, bohych is inthe
mpddes,thefogmofall cogetherss
ipbe b ntoatrueloue,ora wy. (cued
wopth a pꝛyke in the mydde⸗
The roote is tumethpnge red and
longe wyth al and aftringent. He
ais the fame herbe bohyche is called
in Dioſcozides 1 peoplis-twholede
thys. 1 peoptis bathit?
ues longer then lettres rougheran
broder, and thyke falipng doone·
apne vnto the hede of the roote
> fonge ſtalke Areyght and raugye
with many to growers acubitlong
‘thefloute is ivtie and purple. CHE
rooteis rede and aſtringent itgro⸗
meth in plapne groundes. abe
The vertues of Poy:
— a |e roote lapd to wyth oyle heleth woundes:wyth bar
RAVES it beleth laynt Antonies fyer .thefame plaman ly mele

i Mwyth itand wyth oyle prouoketh ſweate. Fuchſius gyueth
Dthele prꝛoperties vnto the common doggis tonge:whyche
recken to be lycopſis. Jt heleth the allmoſte incurabie fores ofthe mouthJ
andofother places. Fe is good for the bloudy fpr, therefore itoughte te
be bſed agaynſt allfozes and woundes, and agaynſt the Frenche pox and
{uchipie diſeaſes. Jthelpeth alfo the ifue of (eed, and catarrhe
s: where⸗
fore thys herbe is put in to the pilles whyche ave good foꝛ eue
ry catar,
Mo w ſey
om .ng thatthe pꝛoperties that Diolcordes gyueth vn⸗
to lycopſis are lyke vnto them that thecommon doggis tonge hath:a
theipknes Do very weil — — may the moze boldly pꝛonunce that
Ipcoplists our common doggis tounge,
i :
s PC Cglentine o2 Ciwete breve,
i hag ) 3.

; Buubis can Glentine is named

. F ep eave Grebe kyn orho⸗
I ¢ | ApeDOS
)) ge Canina ; tn Duche
: wyld rofen: infren-
Bn) | che rote fauuage:02
in “CP tineis' much likẽthecommonbiere —
ts "put theleues are wete and plea-
if | ~~, {aunt to ſmelto
1 as the beere o2 hep
tree leues are not. Chere is com⸗
monly a ſpongious ball founde in
the eglentine butbeas lint wy⸗

The bertues
of Egle ntine.
FJULini weyteth in the. xxv
boof ok erali hi⸗
bys natu
oy) Hoy that the roote of
Gee CGlentine isgood againk
the bytynge ofamad dog:and that
‘the ſpongious ball that groweth
inthe buſhe burned in to pouder,is
good tofp'l bp that is fallen from
the head by the red ſcal. Calentine
2 ~~" femeth to haue been fp2t called in
Grebe Kynozhodos becaule tthe roote heled them that were bytten ol
amaddog. OFS? | :

ME Adders gras,
4 Ynos oꝛchis ts called tu latine tetticulng
OY fe S ys canis:in Engliſhe adders gratle,osgou
—9— ANS kis meat, oꝛ doggis coddes:in Duche
knaben kraut: tn Frenche la coil au chien
Teſticulus canis hathe leues (prede fag
vpon the grounde, whyche grow abonte
the ftalke and the nether motte parte of
thys herbe lyke butothe leucs ofatofte
olpue tree ,butimother and narrower
and longer. Che Falke ts aſpan longe
| J\\) oute ot vohyche ſprynge purplefioures,
i NG OY » Therootes are rounde and umthynge
je. onge tooo togyther imailas an olyue:
the oneishygher vpwhych isthe fulicr,and the other, whych groweth
Che other teſticulus whyche
lower and is lolter and fuller of bꝛynkles.
is called ſerapias hath leues lyke a leke lumthynge long, but broder and
thyke, botopnge in the hollow places betwene the leues and falke, The
ſalkeis a ſpan ionge:the floures are ſumthynge purple , the rootes are
ipke vnto doggis {tones bothe thele kyndes wyth dyuerle other, not
muche dyſferyng fromthe grow plentuouſly inche myddowes ineue⸗
ry quarter of Englande. |
He vertues ofAnders gras,
is Saale (prt kynde oldoggis coddes bathe tho ſtones wheres


3 <a Poe ofthe oueritoze cten(as it tsfuppoled)ofmen maketh bopes

2-4 baland the nother moze eaten of wymen mabkebeth wenches.
noes SO: Che wpmen of Cheflalia cat the lott roote wich gotis mike
* —SS

to p2ouoke pleature to vemery, and the wythered one to froage the fame
— — —

appetite. Galene voryteth alfoas Diolcori de

Doth s thys herbe pe’
, that
uoketh the appetite of beneep. The lecunde kynde topth the ſmallet aud-
longer leucs as Diolcozides boꝛyteth: prouoket) allo the luſt of thebu
by. The rootes of thys herbe laydeto, after the maner ofan empla to
Depucty awaye (oft ſwellynges ſcowreth ſores, and hyndez h them
{orede any further:it waſteth away fiſtulas and pfitbelaped to inflakorto
tions it hageth them, the dryed rootes ftop conſumynge ſoze andthe
any furt her, and they hele putr efac tion es and rot tynges
{prede mouthe pi they be dronken in
gine and allimofte incurable ſozes ol the

MK Nea thynge longe lyke vnto an olyue op rounde, one cleupnge

a) P| buto ay other, blake in coloure and ſweteinlauourande
“=~ bptter intatte. Althou s com lang
eon Ga a⸗
pirus vet itantweretl notinal poyntes gute the —
— — * * ——

x Cyperus.
Cyptilus tree.
* tiott,foz althoughe
the rootes haue
MS a Inthemcertapn bnobbes lyke vnto
a — we olpues , petar they not ſuchasDi⸗
olcozides deſcribeth. Che true cy⸗
— — —
vs, * are

n e tober
) ?
pirus is now com in
68 vnto the hole deſcriptionofDiol⸗
conides agreeth.
The vertues
PTA pa thesof the vrines and
Wey Sez prouoketh baie, Je is
good to bedronkẽ againſt the ftone
athe dzopſe:it is remedy agaynſt
the bytinge ofa ſcoꝛpion: its good

—— for the coldnes and ſtoypyng ofthe
— moother ifit be bathed wopty it.It
MHA Hy duueth allo downe wpmens natu⸗
WA ralliknes. the pouder of this herbe

WA ._ 8 good for runnpnge foes tn the
( = mouth, althoughe thep eat awaſte

TWN the flethe. The rooteof thys herbe

\) whycheis onlp bled in phicik ts cus
\* ftomablp put puto vote foftenynge
emplafters and the thtknes of oynt
snentes. Chere groweth another kpnde of Cyperusin Inde, whych is
and itis lyke vnto ginger
fuppoted of Kueſius tobe thecomon curcuma:
‘and vhen it is eatenitis lyke fattron: in the taſte itis optter, and plithe
fayd to any place tt bath the powre to pull of heres.

pees Ol theLptilus tree,

(Presence Deilusas Diotcopides twryteth , isan ole whpte buthe
asrhamnus is ſpꝛedynge absode braunches louger
Vi Aa cubptiwbere bpon growe leucs lyke vnto the Fenegte⸗
fue AP |BC,O} three ieued lotus, butlelfe,, the beabe of the lefe ſtyk⸗
PAR Ca kpngeoute, theleues broben fauoure lyke tokbet, and in
Vaptis > ratte they refemble aciche. Ineuer ſawe thysbuihe any
(== perc elles growyng naturally ,faupagein the mount
‘Appenninedetpde Wononp : tobere as Iſawe greate plentye of tt. The


> ‘butes were lpbelptic trees, and wereas hyghe as amanne: the braun:
chesand trapages was whytive, andbad avohyte hope on them, there
groboe iptiecondes in the b,aunches lyke vnto tares: but ſhozterasJ
~temembge, i.
Te vertuts of eptifusout of Dioſcoꝛides.
Cytifcus. ; *


. * "

docoolerand in the begynnyng
dryueaway Cel
, *

ben EA ges, pi thep be broken, and lapdto mith bede. Cyc broth ory
dronken pzouoketh brine. Sume dofow thein belppebwy
tues becaule they allure beesto come to them, Warts, CVs,
{ 9

| RYYZ :

lint and Columell voꝛyte all wyth one content , thatcptitus is good fog
bees :but Columella wꝛyteth moze largelp of tytiſus altet thys manet
It is berp expedient to haue muche Cytilus in the feldes, becautettis
byounderfully.good for henbees,nes , s and all kyndes ofcattell,
baue mm
foxbp the eatyng ofit,thep wex ſhortly fatt, eitmaketh fhepe cattell
mplke:pe may bie tt. bit, monethes grene fo2 meatto poure aud
aftertoarde Dep. Wore ouer tt taketh roote Hozlp in any felde,beit ueuet
fo lene.Itcan norlpghtip be hurt topth any iniury.Itwymẽ yaulea e
nes.of milk pe mult tabe the Dep cytilu s ira night in wateré take
iis,pyntesof the water that it ts ſtepet in:and puttopne to it: thenetgy i
it todgpuss. Chen Hal che nurltu th yp
es be iuſtyathe childer trongypiuni
m t the. city. ofoctober. weeny .
ſowyng of cytiſus is in au e abou
almott the fame fentéce after thig maner. Cytilus allo is a bub oꝛ ary 4J
gretipcomende dof Ariſtomachus $ athentane to be fone for tyepe-t whé
(tisdzied,foꝛſwoyne.Itbath theſame profit6ozobus oꝛ bitter fich batts
Dut it killeth fooner,¢ the beltes wex fat Wa litle,to thecatel aaa >
: , ‘he h 4

Xau rie ll lop , =

erleytbarley, hey
andtake tummẽth e
it.Ther leu oknsothee
reate plenty andr better mylke then ofcytiſus:ne isther
thera d
D ermedicin then the ſame
e for cactell takenau manetof tapes he CS aaa |
J aMhauindeth alfo thetame to befondenin water :,whenitit isd:
is dzved, and—
ean d
tye Deroct
yech bzoth
that of
ther it
ed wyne vno nurtes vhen iey nore van
is Aenineta movroth rhoe zee ek Br tonite—— =
Jur ~- fr: 74 , *
a BS ——
MM. - Dafphnmdey Lamel
t a L th of a —— a frghe — w aa 4 os : *

ects four te A kere — ® ie : :* 4

J Wl Jo-fr ce cll a le At<Z x. phnofdes ig cals Poe

/\ —

ries laureola:in

Horde Aq atletg>< — Germanp'wmberfne e

F. Behy





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: fet ag?
vo Fd e ree oi

eas oie


— ——— — — tris
Pe NC Sa aaa A

e r t u t s o f e p t i t u s o n t 7
Te v of Dioſcozꝛides.

Faq He leues do coole:and in the begynnyng dryue siogy ſwellin⸗

laes yftheyr be broken, and layd to voith brede. mThcbelbroth of rhe
SS ss dzonben prouoketh bine. Sure Dofow the ydebepys
| 2.9 f ues becaule they allurebeesto come to them. Varro, Uirgtil,
lini and Columeil wzyte all wyth one content , thatcptilus is good foz
bees :but Columetia wzyteth moze largelp of cpritus after thys maner.
Ftis very expedient to have mache Cytilus in the feldes, becaulſe it is
ound erlully good forhenn jokkes and all kyndes of cattell,
e,citmaketh Hepe haue much
forbp the eatyng ofit,thep-toer ſhoztly fatfoz
mylbe:pe may bie it. biti, monethes grene meattopoure cattell and
afterkoarde Dzy. Moze ouer tt taketh roote ſhorly in anyfelde be itucuer
e ſkarle
fo lene.Itcan not iyghtly be hurt wyth any iniury.Itwymẽ hau
nesofmilk pe mutt take the Dep cytiſu s e ita night in water:e take
athen gyut
iij.pyntesofthe water that it is ftepet in:and put woyne to it:the tym̃e ot
it to dꝛzvuk. Then Hal che nurles be luſty,athe childer ſtrong
foupng oicytilus is in autu m t the. xiij. okoctober
eabou . i wꝛiteth
oꝛ aſhrub
almoſt the fame lentece after this maner. Cytilus alſo is a buh
gretiy comende dot Ariſtomachus $ atheniane to be fode for Hepe-t whe
(tisDried,foxſwoyne.Ithath thelame profits orobus oꝛ bitter fich bath:
had —
but itfilleth fooncr,¢ thebeltes wep lat Wa litle,to6 the catel
|Abarley OfforLaurt ell
they leue barley and
lop ,
wee. at ’ e:
other take it.chercummerhofneoth ie — :
poveater plenty and better mplke then of epritus:nether isther anp —
medicine then the fame fo2 cattell takenall i
: Undeth alio thefame to befondenin water ,tovenit is deped and —
DP Pe the decoct
orbroth of ittopry topnedntonurles whenthepwant —<, |
—. noUelapety that thereby the chylner grow greater andionger —
Dias seaincta wzotethz that cytitus isatwoacme and temperate naz | :
Petreniallowisanddothipghtipdypucaway, |
ny |
riell — gh , a —
| y fipt Rs oloimp: --— Aphnoldes ig cals oe ‘

ft => lich ofſume Berba⸗

WS Vties laurcolazin ens
BS, je | Sitelauriel de lo⸗ :
3" .>


Ne: Wꝛp. Aozell. Ine⸗ ——

genera Ur ſawethe trewe
AIxnob not histrew Zuche name.
my Waphnoiv isaesbuſhe ofacubpt
hrxght and hath manp baaunches
wy, ~ Lobichear toughe,andbotmuches ~~

ie . 2 ff>) * — bowes is excedyng toughe harde Pe aS te



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7 J —
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a ST Sr

Aucus in Dioſcoʒides ts of three
kyndes: in Plini offoure kyndes,
but dalene, Paulus Aegineta, a
iw Aetius, make but of thoookpndes
) Theophratus femeth tomate,tit
X kindes which he diſſeuereth onelp
KS eS bp thecologoftyerootebemabketh

ty one kynde grene: an other kynds
* 4

:\| |i
rediſhe velow:and the thyrd bind
blak. Spmeon Hethp
kyndes the pelowe,and the blake:
LOWER iW — and be putteth no other differéce
Lil betwen them, faupng onlp by the
» colour oftbe ro Symes Sethy leme to mg to brrz
© Derlland vnder thename of Daucus the kindes of cavor,
for iris eutdent
©) that at the leſte ther are tooo kyndes of carottes, the velow & the blab.
OGregorius Gpraldus tye interpretor ofSpmeonlethp turneth dankia
| tipaftinacam tuto latin whitch ts called.inEngliſhe acarot. Theodorus
Go3a the trantlatoz of Theophzaſt turneth dauconin to paſtinacam
lene fapeth thatfumcal Daucus, ſtaphilinos:and Paulus foloweth hym.
but alfo wey⸗
Jetius doth not onlp fap that Daucus is called ſtaphilinos
ting of ſtaphilinus ſayeth thac ſtaphilinos ts called daucus and although
altvele thre make t wo diuerſe chapters ofdaucus and paftinaca:pet thet
a libe bertues bnto bothe the herbes: that ts the nature to prouoke
oures and brine, wherforealthough Daucus a ftaphilinos ter.y.lũdzy
herbes and Diuerle informe : petfoz as much as they agre in bertue,the
‘ erroz of them can not be great, which take the one fo2 the other, {pecially
feing that Actius toztteth that Daucus ts called ſtaphilinos a ſtaphilinos
daucus. But itis out ofdowwt thatin Cheophisk efpmed paucus ts oure
carot:bowloeucr Dioſcoꝛides Do ſeperat ſtaphilinos ⁊ daucus. Daucus
but leſſe and ſmaller: aſtalke aſpanlong: a
creticus bath leues like fenel,
white flour bityng:hote (eed «that white.roughe ¢ ofa pleatant fauour,
when it is in eating the roote ts alinger thyk:a tt groweth aſpanlong.
At groweth tn Tony places, € wher as the fan cameth. Chere isanother
of thefame kinde like vnto wyld perlely,bpting, welfmelling hauing the
finel of ſpice,xhoteintate, Che heſt is in Candy. Che third ts fet furth
With leues lyke coriander:with vohyte floures:notth ahede:and feed lyke
dyelwyth aſpokytoplyke carote:with long ſeed as cumin hath and that
byting. Theſe thre kindes ar thusdelcribed of Dioſcorides. The fecond
bynde by the delcriptionis bery lyke vnto our wylde carot:and pf Dtol-
coꝛides Had not in an other chapter ſpokenofvoylde carot Jdurſte haue
talled the ſeconde kynde wylde carot:how be tt al thoughe be deſcribeth

> woilde'carot inthe thyrd bobe,and.L.chapter edau s er
pethegeueth lyke vertues vnto both, ¢ the deſcriptions of both do not
Differ onefrom another much tt were a {inal faut therfore to ble the one
for the other ſeyng pSymedlethy € Theophzaſt tabe carot for Daucus,
a3 ‘Jhauedeclared befor. Bullet any ma Huld lap onto dioſcoꝛides anp
fuperfiuous reberling twile of cnething,Z voll ſhew pouan other herbe
which Ireken tobet efecund kinde of Qaucus, pisitiebichiscalledin
— — — — ee

1 |) re
rts le eS
— —
a pee — *
es) *



Italiã tartfragasin tuch pimpinel o2 bibinel,b herbets much like our lari.
frage:but that the leues av greater ¢ rougher,the voote is hoter a faſter
then taxikrage roote is. It groweth in Dey and ſandy medowes, and in
ſydes of bylies, thatare ſandy oꝛſtony. It maye be called tn Englyſhe
roughe larifrage . Bs fo2 the fyrſt kynde of Daucus Jhaue not ſeenit
that Jwoteof:and Jamnot ture ofthe laſt kynde, but the herbe, whych
is caſied bilacutum femeth vnto me metly welto agree bute the delcrip
tonofthe thyrde Bpndeof Daucus,

he vertuesDtofcoofrides.Daucus.
gut of
— Say De leed ofall thebpndes dzonken heateth, pꝛouoketh fou.
eres and vrine and heipeth to bꝛyng furthe the bpethe:it he⸗
7 A ES lerh gnawyng tn the bellyrit ſwageth the olde coughe:it is
good drzonkeñũ in wyne agaynſt the vytynges ota felde pp·
ae Der, wpth the lapng to it Dapucth awaye ſwellynges. Men
=——— hfe onlp the (eed ofother kyndes, but they bie Che roote allo
ofitof Cand y, and that {pecially in wyne agaynſt benemous belles,

s of Daucus
Th: e vertoutofueGalene.
os! Sucus the toplde, bobome {ume call Gaphilinon that is cas
CRY, \\Tot,lsleſſe conuententto be eaten then the gardin Daucus
Somes |butinall other thynges ſtronger, but it of the gardineis
is moze fyt fo2 to be eaten:but it is weaker and bath the pos
ons * £oer tobeat:and therefore to ertenuat and make ſubtyle.

‘natureofmaucus, tg
SSSA Arotes whyche hecalled daukia are hotein the fecunde
25dbdegre and moyſte in the fpalte.. Thele nozpthe leſſe thes
* rapes:they pꝛouoke vzine and pleaſure of the vodye ane
eS —— ingend2e wynde and are harde of Digettion,and that {pes
cially towe
pithepb: eaten rawe. They moue the ellp
Ok dittany.
nyit bꝛyngeth dobone wymens ſyknes. It is good of {peciall propectte
but tt hurteth the bladder.
(as ſume menvoryte)for the legges

The properties of pimpinell/oz

rougheflartirage out ofthe laterwꝛypters.
; Gi) Impinellis wicets good to be dꝛonken agaynſte the by⸗
|) ie) tynge of ferpentes:and the ame dDronkenin wyne, brea⸗
UGE | i "
SB eg
beth the ftone.Itſwageth allo the ſtrangurye. Che was
ter of ptinpinellis good agaynſt the darknes ofthe eyes.
\, tee
‘Some doholde that che tuice of ptmpinell taketh frebels
me As J

Sa Shes and ſpottes oute of the face. Che vertue of thyshers

bi is fo Greate agaynſte alibenome and poyfon , that the roote onlp hols
Den ina mannis mouth Defendeth him wonderfullpe agapnite the poy⸗
fon of the peſtylenceasmen of good experience do teſtyfye. owe ſeyng
that pimptnell doth both agre wyth the ſecunde kynde of Daucus in Dez
ſcryptyon,and alfoin bertues (for bothe Dioſcoꝛides and che later w2p-
ters Do gyue lyke bertue vnto thes)imyp opynyon can notbe vayn, wych
do ſuppoſe that pimpinellatschefecond kynde of Daucus in Dioſcoꝛides.

SBE dittantof candy,

Ictamnus is named ingreke dictamnos, ofſume potecaries
Adptamus :it is called ofPlini dictamus. Ihaue not ſeneitgro
wynge in Englande,fo2 tt ggoroeth no where ellis that Jkno⸗
we of ſauynge only in candye: therfore Iknowe no engiphe
name lſoꝛ tt.4thpnke that tt ts befte to name tt Dpttany of cart
Dy. Dictanmus is an herbe of candy,
byt ynge fat, (mothe and lyke peny⸗
rpall.But theleues of it are greater , uhyche haucacertapn thyk down
vpon them like as gnaphalium called of (umcud
furth nether flour,noz fede, Dany haue abutet frarinellafo2 thys herbe
and {une hauc taken lepidium, whpobe the common people calldittany , fog
thys herbe:but thep2 ertozis manyfeſt.

The vertues ofdittany oftãdy

F tittanyokfcandy Doth all thoſe thynges that penyryall doth:but
F muche moze mpghtelpe,not onipe in drzynke, but allo layde to:
Hye and alto inaperfume wpth theſmotze of te, It caſteth furthe
dedechylder oute of the mouther. It is acomon fapnge,that us
candy when the gotes ar ſtriken wih arrowes, that bp the ratyng of this
herbe they Hake oute arrowes agapne. The iuice ether layde to,02 bꝛo⸗

ken with barlep mele, hath the nature to pourge. Che herbe wil pul furth
Agapte prikbes ofthe fete oxany other part ofthe bodpifit be layd to, Fe
s good £02 the parne ofthe mipite,foy ttmaketh ities, Chey cuit Dovone
infuminer and in autumne. The rootehath an hote talte, tt ſpedeth p de⸗
Ipneranceof chyldren that are tn the byrth. The iuice dzonken with wy⸗
neis aremedy agaynſt bytynges ofterpentes, The herbe is offogreat
vertue chat, itthe fell of cum vnto veuemous belies,itdzꝛvueth them
$y Ws aware:
“ MEthesayloetatel, —
itbehanged about them, it kylled them by touchpng of them.
The iuice poured into woundes,cther made with pron oz the bytpnge of
benemous beltes is a prefent remedy tf it be taken fitepghtwape in
drynk. Thekpndevf dittany called fale dittany is lyke thts forſayde
but ic is not lo bytynge hoteas the other is. It hathethe tame
properties thatthe other bath: butnotfompghty., There is brought
oute of Candpan other kpnde of Dittany with the leues of ſylimbꝛium
oꝛ baume mpnt, with greather branches, wherin are floures Ipke wylde
oꝛgan o2 wylde inerierum black and fofte . The ſauoure ts betwene
baum mynt and fage,bery plealant, It ts good for thefame thynges:bue
it hiuteth not bpin the noſe. Jt is mingled with emplatters and medici-
nes, whiche are made agaynſt the bptinges off{erpentes , and are called


Hl the wy ld e tat

wilere eel poll

LNG pps oe uP

Iplacos called in latin labstitt veneris: that is benus bale,

fe et it hol det h aiw aye s wat er, is call ed in eng lpt he wie
ft carder.
| MAY /talilsin Duche kacrten diſtel:in Freuche chardoa npaſop toris WP é
22 ig named of the potecaries ,¢herbaries birg ful of payhbre
otic of theprikky herbes. It hath a hyghe talk and
Sittoo euer toghyter vohich go abou
thyng tong aud haue as it —
fapne belles oꝛ wellyngh
wylde taſel. ©
es lyke vnto the bublynges that ryle in the Wa
ter. when it rayneth fore,inthe myddes of the bab, both within and

out they haue an hollow thyng at the cummpng out ofthe two leues,
whyche cum one furthe agapntte an other: tober in is gather
ed Wie
ter both of therapne and alto of the Dew.and here bponit tg called dipſa
tos that is thyrzſty. out of the top ofthe talk groweth furthein euerye
brancheabrykky hed, Harp, and ſumthynglong: and when it is wythe⸗
ted it apprarety whyte.Pfye cleue the hed in the myddes ve ſhall fpude
aWo2me in Itthis deſcription of Dioſcoꝛides agrecth alfo vnto our
dyn tatel whiche thefullers dres thep2 cloth with alilthe wylde tafel g20/ )
weth commonly about diches and watery places , the begynnyng
wynter the gold finches vile mych to haunt chis herbe for the leves lake,
wherofthey are perp Delp2us, the other growety in yardines.]

‘Che bertues of ple tatel,

= ie voote of toplde tafel foddenin topne, and bruſed whilfeit be
as thyk as an emplatter,layd vpon the riftes and fiſtulasofthe
fundament heleth them . Chis medicine ought to be kept in a
bor of copper. Ft tg allo a good medicine for all byndes of war⸗
tes. Sun hold that the wozmes whiche are found in § hede hongether
about the nekorarme hele p quartancague, Sui bie tolay the water;
thatis in the leues about the ſtalk,
vpon wartes. wylde talelas Galene
waiteth dryeth in the ſecond degre, and it hath ſum vertue, o2 pourof
ſcowꝛruge. Dragon, Wylde dragon,

V y—
e ——
y Was.
4 “te LAL
‘ ee ~

— — — renter’? — —


me —
eet ta fe Joſcoꝛides maketh but one kyn⸗
ACD: A, Kat,
De of dꝛacuntulus whiche he cal.

leth Dragontion: but Plini ma.

beth . tj. kyndes of the fame:ig
thes wordes lib. xxiiij.,
».\\ Idautem quod græci dracontium uocant,triplici
See effigic demonſtratum mihi eft, folijs beta, noy
= — fine thyrſo. ot. It that grecians cal

SCG) dracontion was ſhewed bntome

Kier, after thre Dinerie lykneſſes: one
with leues lke a bete zor with
D ly outa imouthe ſtalk anda purple
. FOE floure, This is lyke vnto arom
an other wewed me one, with along roote like as it were marked and ful
ofiopntes and it pad but.ifj.ipeettaikes. Che thyrde tohiche was ſhe⸗
ined me hada greater leafethen the cornell tre icfets, with a rootelphe a
rede.and thepfaydit had as many topntes in the roote , anDas manyle⸗
uesas it was peates olde. The kyrſt kynde that Plini delcribeth lemeth
to be dur comon dragon ,faupng that the leues of our Dragon are ſmaller
thenthelenes of a bete voherunto Plini compareth the fprt kynde of dra
contion:but Plini ſayeth thatthe fyrtbynde is lyke vnto aron whicht
thyng increaleth mp optntor | for Jhaue marked that the yonge Dragon
wheñ it tummeth kirſt furthislolpke aron that the one cannot be weil
knowen front the other: Dioſcoꝛides alfo maketh Dragon ipke vnto aron
in the Delcription ofaron. Galene alfo toriteth that dragon ts lpke aron,
bothinlefeand roote,woherfor Jdout not but that cur common dꝛagon
is the truedragon.Howw be tt tohen the ſtalke is great and redy wpthina
Tort whyleto bꝛyngfurth the foure and frupte,thelefe that is inthe top
ofthe ſtalk goeth away from the fyrſt lyxknes and hath manp leues togps
ther,but altopned to gptherin onc lefe,and not cumming furthofdiners
ftalkes 02 branches. And mofte commonly one of the leucs whiche is the
ouermoſte, andas tt were the matter lefe , Doth (umthing refemblean tap
lete. Wherfore Ireken thatit belongeth vnto the Drscontion Diolſcori⸗
Des, whiche holly agreeth with the deſcription of Dioſcoꝛides. Intuet
faye che ſecond kynde of dragon p Plini deſcribeth. wut the thyrzd kynde
is now adayes wellknowen, and it growenh in dyuerſe places of germas
Dp, wher as tt ts called kleyn ſchlanghen kraut. But FJ haue not ſene it in
England:and therfor J know no common englyſh name of it. How be tt,
it may becalled in englyſhe water drags. Dtofcorides delcribeth hts dra⸗
gon thus. Dragon hath alefelpbe iuy grete and notable mith whptelpot
tes and aitreyght ftalk , two cubites long of diuerſe coloures ſpꝛinkled
with Diuerle purple ſpottes,ſothat it Doth reſemble alerpent verynere,
itis as thyk as a ſtaf. Tye frupte groweth after themaner of acluſtet ⸗
the top of the talk kyrſt grene and afterward rede , Hote tn talte and by?
tyng. The roote ts ſumthyng roundeand hath arounde hede lpke pute
aroñ couered Myth a thyn lime og lepn, tt groweth in Dark and ſhado⸗

The vertues okdragon.
ae outof dalene,
fe | Ragon hatha certayne lykenes vnto aron, bothe tn the
i es YS Vilete and allointhe roote, but it is bothe moze bptyng and
we AA jbptterer thenaron is and therforets be boter and of finer
Pl K Ma> 9 fpartes. Fthath allo acertaynelpghtaftrictton,o2 byn⸗
Adpng,the wohpehe vecaule itis topned with the other qua-
Se lites that ts Harpe and bptter , it muſtnedes ve a ſtronge
medicine. forthe roote purgeth all the intoarde partes,
makyng thyn and brekyng toughe and gros humozes, and it is alpectall
) Good meditine agaynſt the almoftincurable foze called cococthe; It pur⸗
) gethandicoureth awape myghtely both other thynges that nede ſcow⸗
» tpng,aud alfothe frekelles with vinegre. The leues alfo haupngipke
qualitie are good foz freſye woundes and grenclores, and the les dry
) thepare,thcbytter do theyioynetogyther and clofebp woundes. f02
. thoie thynges thatare
dry, arehoter then that thep can be conucnient
) foz woundes. Sum ther be of that beleue that thep thynk if chele be co-
© Rered with dzagon leues that they prcferue tt from corruption by therea
) fonoftheird2y complerion, Che fruyte ts mpghtier then the roote, aud

tyeleues, The iutce ſcoureth

away the difeale of theepes,

~~ SPE Prpopteris,
os got = BR ————

Fei popteris hath the name of an oke, ¢ a lerne, becaule itis an

He \berbelphe a lerne andgroweth tnokes . Dioſcoꝛides deſcri⸗
beth dryvopteris thus:dayopteris groweth ta the moſſe of olde
fea lobes ipke'Dittoabrake but not fo myche cut o2 tagged tn theic
— des , Ft hath rootes wounde one with another, rougheand
Aitringent,and tartein kaſte turnyng ſumthyng into ſwetnes. Chebers “
» bewhyche ve ſe here intitied wiry the name of Dryopterts draweth nereſt
> Suto thedelcription ofdrpopicris ofanpherbe that Ixnovoe:howo be it
belpde diuetie other thynges therbe two, that make me thynk that it
© Huld notbethe perfptd2yopteris, oneisthatpgroboeth iu walles wyth
) maydens here,and in many buibe rootes and chefelp oi them that ave in
) Darklayn esan
notin d ofoide oketrees. Che other isthat J
the molle
tan not fynde the vertue that Dioſcoꝛides ſpeaketh of that to pull ofbere
“and toputrefy.Many haue died thys herbe for the.truc adiantum and
) namely the potecaries of Louan whenas Iwas there. It is proved by .
experience thatthis herbe vohoſe kygure ye ſe dzavoen, is very Good for.
the ſtone ether with wyne/ 02 wyth almone mylk, made wyth maydens
sol gS saat | |

lwurt is named in englpHe alfo danctourt,inGrebe

SeSaUeses Chameacteiniatin ebuius , induche attichinfeenche hie⸗
mao Wyeoy bie, Wallourtis agre Deel lower
at then elderisand moze:
lxyxxean berbe; it hath a foziquared Falk and full of topntes,

52% cor and grow,(cectapn goyng tpac

. rpiopnte ſtretched furth ſtandyng out lyketips wynges.
| Hf walwurt.
Ebalu. sf


we Ss

ma) LDer and danwurt

Jenvai bauc al one ttrength
S Aa es AND One bertutodsp
eee Lp.thepdzaw water
— Rfurth of the bellp ¢
are cuiell-foz the ſio⸗
*mache. Theleues ar
urtes, to Drain out
choler and fſeme. The tender fal-
kes ſodden in pannes oꝛ dyſſhes
bꝛyngtheſame thyngto pas. Che
roote boyled in wyne and gyuen tn
meate helpeth the drꝛopſey. Altero

aimee I atine agrepng in alpoyntes with the deſcription of

S Ieee Wtolcortdes is veryharde to be founde in England,
| ear eet and {o harde Ineuer law it as pit, Elatine of Diol
| ae oe, Condes hath leues lyke bnto with wynde, but les,r08
z Ni} Derand hozp with lytie botves ofa fpantengthetullot
(eT ON: ,leues fyue or leuen cummyng fromtheroote. But
‘POAT OY |thereis arunnyng
— and wyndethit lelleherbe which groweth inthe come
about the core, whiche ts in Ma
pke vnto elatine otDioſcoꝛides:ſauyng that the sir —

DE { m a l l a g e ,
Wee Wwarperat the endeand longer then thep Muldebe, agitdoth apere and
cheyarenot ſo rougheas the deſcryptyon requyreth, how
ie. Uesarenotbypthoutcall toughanes., Che flo e be it the leg
uresand ſedts whyche
ie avthee tquarear lyke vnto bukwheate, theſtalke is lyke vnto the fla
ie or wop lke
thwynde, orbyndwede and lumthpuge rede, J bane leene it ples
ie tuoutlpe bothethalimanyeand in Epagianne » Jhaue ſeene it mokein
ie Cuglandestionge thecoane, in Germanpe aboute hedges and paless
ie 2 Yale. Heatde:no name of it in Englande as pet therefore
iy se bukwheate becaule in thee thpnges tt refembletheF call

me. Ceere
b e r t u e s of r u n n y n g e
~ bubtobeate,
Nh Watine tapeth Galene covieth and byndeth. Ft| heap
at] Pulnyng and intlammatyof eth the
gee, vty barley mete; pithep belaontheepes,topth theleucs broken
baothis good fo2 the

pdeto, Che lame dronken ina

Of Smalige.
1) vLiolelinon after the
RV ee tranſlatyon of Theo
NY RNSSAle phealtus ig called it
SSIES, englive fnallage of
che, in‘ Duche epptch .and che
} _. pofecartes baue longe calledthps
_ peewee Perbe tnlatyn apium butvniunl
NY Se ve foxapiumis not fmallage but perye⸗
\w 7 #\Cec? Wy,tobpebe thyng FJ haue ſufficientet
epzowhyn—ed:where sJ haue weiten
“<> ofpertelpe, Diotcondes tozpteth
A ee

iy yr. hat eliotelinon is greater then a-

(ez Pumis, that it groveth inmove
J. places, tobherofit path thename,J
haue {ene it growe off tpines bp
book (ydesand in acertapn plan
Y/ Sze ;, stealFreteland called Nordenye
— bvpxrthelee lyde. The faucur oftmal
| ey See ligetS agreate dele Kronger and
: “SANA voꝛte fauourpnge then pertelpeis
v “SS and Dpuerle practpeponers holde,
that berbebothe felled ¢ eatéig
OY. leopardus
fo2 thein that are in dati
AS © ger offhe fallpnge ſyknes Forit
, NSS mabethe them fall ſtreyghte waye
— |
that they haue ſmelled 02 Cater'of
_Mbasthep vepozte,
-_* . eae

Dili Dioſcozides
fi j
. The verttue s of fmallage,
Noſccoꝛides wꝛiteth that perſely and ſmallage are all okne
ſIVsvertue and ſtrength.Howbeit for the caule aboue reherſed
9 Jwould aduiſe men rather to ble perſely then ſmallage.F
27 Althat pebe deſuous to knovo the hole properties of fmallage
— the properties ofperlelp ,and there Hall pefpn de the
— —

OF Oꝛchall otherwyſe called corxttzk.

Mpetron called alfo phacoides ag
Dioſcoꝛides wꝛiteth groweth vpon
hylles and beſyde the ſee· It hatha
ſaltiſh taſte and the farther that it gro
weth in, inthelande the byttererig
it perceyxued. Chists.called in tons
“Donarchalland the Dpers ble tttodp
withall. Che Horthenmen about
blakaintoze behereas it gtoweth cal⸗
lethit cork,it groweth ther like amos
vpõ ſtones.And tt that is boughtin
to Londonfrom beyonde the iee, tg
— — oft tymes kounde with lytle ſtones
en, The taſte
ofttchat Itaſtede
tu Londouwas

FJeElyde the bie that dyers put orchall to,Dioſcoꝛides wꝛi⸗

ceth thatic purgeth coler and lleme il it beDeonkenth a
9 bꝛothe opin mede whicheismade of water and hony. Pli⸗
ey Mibobhiche fayeth that empetronis called of the latinescal
Leah W479
gam Per cifraga wipteth that empetron grovocth inhylles bpthe
OD ur Ae (ee (poe,and for the motte parte bpo tones . the nerer the
— — Cee tttS,thelestaltpihers
tt. Itpurgeth water, ifitbebept
long :it leleth bys trength . When it is frehhe tt makethamanpys . Che a
broth of it oꝛ ttt bebꝛuſed and putin to water bꝛeaketh
the ſtone.Ther ae
that would haue menbelene thps that tsprompled : hold that tones
Lobiche are made warme in the broth of thys berbe,breake bp the bertue
of thrs herbe. We

PE Heth.
= Rica tscalled in grekeerice , in englyſhe heth hather and
lyng in duche hepde,infrenche bauper, Erica, fapeth iol
Icoꝛidesis a buſſhy tre lyke buto tamaritk but mpche leffe,
| oftobole flowꝛes bees makenoughty honp . Dioſcoꝛides
ANN calleth cricamatre whicheisrather fo named for the fon?
~ MIs labe then forthe byghe,foz tt neuer ryſeth op it he J
a a — — —— —

cna, OE HU. ty lengthe and hygnes of atre. Plini

3 Inthe.pi natural e
of ppsbook opp,
2 fapeth thatthe thpade bende of hoz
4 Ste np.istvod honp and notto be com:
SZ SAS mended dohiche és called beth ho-
ey as ws WY ny. Plintinthe, eb. chapter of the
2 a ‘ Sane. forfapde booke voryteth that erica

inplapnes and in voylde groundes,

Eand in moyſte places and vpon fun
ES wwodleshplles.
Ithynk pether (ph .
ua isfet for (um other woꝛde oꝛ els
y Plini (peaketl of thyn low buſſhy
Emoylle and watery woddes, where
—Simnitis poſſible: fo, hethe to grow,
LZhe hyeſt hethe that euer J(atv,
groweth in northumberland which
is fo hyghe that a man map hyde |
hymleit in

| of Heth.

ey] Deh the malleues a flowres hele bytynges of ſer⸗

Oiipentes Galene worpteth thatthe foures and leues :
) n
Codyn motte chefely to be Diedio,n wobiche haue pourd dibp⸗
ve ty at
out o2 tran(piv keth rype an
OED N I ocitcth, Jredein aul Aeginete,
lies tobiche are made agapnit the
Dilcates of the


q beth (who vleth to ſet herbes of lyke fallhon and propertic together)

re ſeyng quißboem hath no ſuche qualite in it as are conuenient for the

dilealts of the mylt.

Lucais named tn Grebe cusomos,in Englyſhe rocket, in
Bi toe JOuche roket,in Frenche roquette , Beer Dioſcoꝛides and
Bs cu an olintthere are thookyndes of robket . The one ts a gar⸗
Bes Ses Opnie robbet and that ts mpche greater then the other, but
9, We ipke
. @t rocket,
— Bracahortenfij, Eruca [yluestris,

/ *



bab! hy LigMate ae
iwVn tom
Ian RE

A £
— —
«* Wy

f a

ipke both in taſte ſmell and kalſhon of indentynge or cuttynge ofthe

leues onto tye comon rocket pty the pelowe floures .Chys greater
rocket bathe dohyte ſſo vꝛeswyth {mall blake. lynes lyke ſynewes go⸗
yvnge thorowe them. Che lecondekpndets. calied in Lat vne eruca ſyl⸗
, that is nowecomonts odore gardynes and is bfed for gat⸗
dyne rocket. Sume bie the great rocket for whyte muſtarde but chey
are decepued, foꝛ vohyte muſtarde is in all poynt es lyke vnto the other
moſtarde ſauynge thatithathe vhyte ſede but not allohpte, but ſum
thynge pale and velowyſhe. Cheieues- of greate rocket are not lyke the
teaues afmuſtarde, but vnt the o
leaues of the comon rocket. Pe Wall
knowe the Difference that isbetwene gardpne rocket and wplde rocket
by the figures whyche peleherelpuclp tet furth, - |
Cie hertucsof rocket, |

— —Erocket be eatẽ rawe tn Qreat quantite, it ſtirreth bpp

blealure of the body. The ſede is good foz the fame put
I Pofe, Rocket maketh aman piſſe, helpeth digeſtion and
Zu (8 Herp Good fox the vellp. Soume bie thefedeforfauce.
ae (ge Chewhicy that it may laſt the longer, thet knepert with
4 Fan MUlke O2 vinegre,&mabe tt in to litle —
witeththat the wylde rokket
Eru ili a, 86
ishoterthenthe other and pꝛouoketh wa
ter mozelargely,
and that ſum vſe it for muſtard fede . Rokket ag Plini
wryteth careth nothyng forthe colde, forit is ofa contrarynature vnto
| dettes,foz it ſtyzreth oprhyclutofthebody. ‘Cherfore is it iopnedinall
Meates with lettes thatipk ete mengled with tompchecold, ſhuld mas
kelpke the qualite ofboth. Che fede ofrokket remedieth the popfon of
{corplon and thefeld monte called a ſhꝛero It driueth from the body all
Kpndes otiptic beattes that grow there in, It healeth al thefautesin the /
facelapD to with hony and it taketh awapy trebles 02 fayntikics with bi- Youbet
negre.Jtmaketh blak ſcarres of bzuſes o2 woundes, Lobyte, with the
. gallofanore, a!

| pealectupic, — 3
Kuiala oꝛ eruilia called tn Grebe
okros,isapulleipke butoa peale
and Theophraſtus in the. by, box
ke of the hiſtory of plautes wꝛi⸗
teth that eruplics cichelynges an
peaten haue aſtalke fallpng vpon
the gronde Plini allo in the, xiij.
boke of his naturall ſtory compa⸗
reth eruilles and peaſen together
in lykenes of leaues and ſayethp
they haue lõger leues then other
pulſes. But this difference haue
4 marked betwene this and peaz

oe {¢ the cov c? hale of an eruulis

ARSE | “fmailer and rounder then thecod
ofa peafets, and the eruillis rough totthin, and the fedes bane lytle blak
Mpottes th themand thepare dunne and rounderand leſſe then gray peas
» Weare.Z neuer fain thispulle grow in Enclande but J bane fene itgro⸗
wongin germanybut there onlpin gardwies. Cyc properties of this her
beagrieth voith peafen and as for any qualite that it hath for phiſike true
IpZ haue rede none, Buc to what ſoeuer vie that phatelies willterue for,
eruilies will feruc for thetame as Galene witnellerh in the fpr book de
| alimentozumfacultatibus where as he ſayeth that phatelles and eruil⸗
» lesatetnameanebctiwene them whtchmake goon iuice andbad, and thé
| thatare of hard and lyght digeſtion on themtbat are wyndy and voynd⸗
les,and them that nozihmiche, and litle.
PBF bitter Fitthes,
PE Wuumis named ty grevke ozobos, it maybe called in En⸗
Vers 2| gly thebitterfiche of thelpknes that it bath with a fiche,
DAP xa we Dololcortdes bothe not deſctibe Eruum fo perfitly ag he

IR = dothe other herbes , and therefore tt is les bnowwen then

Dees. ig Many other herbes be . Foꝛ he fapeth onelp thele wor⸗
ip f— es oferuum. Cruumis a lytle thyn buſhe knowen of ail
men wWanarrowoleke,
andledeincoddes.motokẽs wher⸗
P.iij. byreruum⸗
HE hitter fitches.
Eruum fyluefite. }
4 ifby eruum maybe knowen fromo,
ther pulle, Dioſcoꝛides reherleth
5 hot. The germans cal pilum which
”, toe cala peate, cin erbs which worn
///) femeth tohaue cummed of oꝛobus
andthoughe piſum ts not oꝛobus:
it Doth apeare that they gaue the
ghaine of oꝛobus vnto a peaſe becau⸗
fethe one is folpkethe other. Ga:
lene, Paulus Aegineta,and Aeting
withone content , holde that the
blak oꝛobus is bitter, Galents woꝛ
Des are thes. Drobus depeth inthe
ferondDe degre and that far. Andit
is hote inthe fyrſt degre. As far-
WRutth as it Is bitter, fo myche doth
it cut, ſcoureth away, and openeth
eS (C it thatis Hopped oz bounde : Then
when as eruum ts bitter, the herbe
whiche groweth in woddes wth
long narrow leucs with floures ips
ke vnto a peale : can not be oꝛobus
Metheris therbe that Fuch{us ta:
keth for ozobus the true orobusbe
? caule it hath no bitternes tn tt. The
— — — lat tyme that Iſawe the true oꝛo⸗
bus wasabout ſeuen peares ago in the citte of Mpentle,ttwasipbea great
black tare o2 fiche but ſum thyng ies then apeaſe and greater then theco
mon fiche. Sumperaduenture wyll fap that erunm Fuchlij is the true
eruum,becaule tt bath narrotoleaues, that not withſtand yng that Oa
lene gyueth bnto oꝛobus the velowyſhe and the pale a bptter qualite: pit
he fapeth that the whyte ar notlo bitter as the other. where bntoF fap,
that althoughe ®alene wapte that the whyte eruabe les medicinable
then the pelowifhe and the pale, that isies like buto a medicine bp therea
fon of anp excedyng and buplefant qualite as bitternes ts: ptt Doth henot
take away all bytternes fromozobus. Therefore ſeyng that thereis no all in the herbe that Fuchfius ſetteth furthe for ertio: it cane
to be cicet
not be eruum. Itake the pul{that fuchſius taketh [oz oꝛobus
culas whiche ts called of Galenelathpris.

The bertues of hitter

— Itter fiche burdeneth the hede mych theſameeaten trou
QNRXbIledthe belly.JtDratweth out bloude bp the water. This
: ANupulle well fodden, maketh oxen fatt.cruum belpeth ams
| to pis well. Thelame maketh aman haue a good coloz, tt
S* Dapucth out bloud, with gnawing , bothe out of the bellp
que and out okthe bladder,itit be eaten out otmelure,oꝛso
Ml lea holly,
Hen moze largelythan is conuenient . It lcotereth forces with honep3 {6
Docth it lyke wyple ſcowze away the freckels of the face € other (pottes, &
it ſcowreth alfo the hole not deadly burninges and hard
twellinges to go any further, it maketh foft che hardneſſe of Woitens bye
ites. iticowreth away black , Iptleangryp Cores and byles it bꝛeaketh car-
buncles 02 plage ſ it bekneden With voyne and lapdeto, tt heaieth
thebptinges of bipers, dogges and menne, with bineareit healeth them
That can not make water, but with greate payne, and che payne appetite
togo tothe toleand candonothyn ye there, bitter fitches orbitter tares
are bery fit for them thatare in a conſumation and felenot thetenourtHs . -
Ment,tithep take of the bygnes ofa nut with honey, the broth of themis
i os * — ozmoulde helles, and koz itche o2 yeerok that goeth ouer

Erngium Keram.
ME Dea holly,
se holy. Eringium Fuchſq.
BE Wey»
| RN My 15 * Wigs wf y
Ws ve SAE As en os :
74 »CW
Ke hi
J Zz At] en. *
Ss ie aN TES SNS
ww Ss Z P| ae — jn \ es

3 |Kingium is aconund herbetsmany places of England by the | U.

re| featpde,
Ftiscalled of the cõmon people fe huluer o2 fee holly, | 4%’
bpcautert hath Harp leues lyke vnto an holly groweth hard |
=! by thelee {poe . Eryngium is of the — kynde of —
WY, >) and
plea holly,
and hath bꝛode leues Harp round about , and they taſte lyke bntoacer⸗
tayn kynde of (pice. Many crettes of lee holps baaunches when ag it ig
Qrowenbp.arerede. Inthe toppes of the branches cumfurthe knop⸗
py heades whiche are compatled about with many Harpe and hard Dice
kes after the falhion okaſtarre. Whoes colo. is ſomtyme grene,fomtpine
white and ſomtyme bleto.the rootetslong and brode, black without anp
whyte within an inche thicke and of a pleafant fauor, Thele are the pro,
pre tokens oꝛ markes of Eringiũthat Dioſcoꝛides wꝛiteth of the, whey
as theherbe whiche Killius ſetteth out for Cringiuma gree th
not wyth
an tops delcription itcame not be the trew Eryngium of Dioſcorides. The
vw" eautes of Eringium that Diolcorides Defcribeth ave round and trode, ¢
haue aplealant taſte butthe leaucs of Etyngium whiche Killius ſetteth
out ave bery narrow and are wythout all plealant ſauoꝛ. The herbe alfo
whiche Fuchſius letteth forth hath uot fo bꝛode leaues as Dioſcoꝛides
requireth of his Eryngium, for the leaues of Fuchlius Eryngium are in:
and ſmalland nothyng brode,as the figure {et out heare toil
teftifte notwithfanding that it can not be Dioſcoꝛides Eryngium petFZ
thynk itis on kynde of Erpngium whiche Plini deſcrybeth in the, xxij.
booke and the. bi, chapiter tn thele wordes, Erynge (fapeth lini) igg
buſhie herbe and hath leaucs full of prickes and a ſtalke of a cubite hyght
andfomtpmelonger , fomtyme wohit yſhand ſumt yme black, It hatha
ſwete fauozing roote and ts kept alfotn gardines ,hobobett it gromethof
bis owne bynde,tn roughe and (tony places and by the Cea bankes. Fis
hardevand blacker, than it that grotocth in the gardinthe
. lefets lyke bas
toperiely thus far Plini. Wherfor ſeing that the lefe ofthe herbewhpche
Fuchlius letteth out for Crpngium is moze like perlely, than the Erpns
gum whyche Diolcorides letteth outand groweth commonly in Eng⸗
land bp theflealpdes, Itake hys Erpngtumfoz Plinies Eringium and
not Dioſcorꝛides. Fuchlius Erpngium groweth by the Khene ſydeand
allo ts places far from both lalt ã fret voater. As for Eryngiũ riftijis an
tifatiozed prickye weed and grovoeth about tovones and dyches infuche
ipkeplaces as commotily benbane grotweth Actius maketh mentionofa
kynde of Eryngium whiche be called Eryngium montanum, and layeth
thatit hath narrowe leues and lytle floures of the colour of goloe which
inligure are lyke vnto aney. Jdonot remembze that Jhaue ſene an⸗
herbe greyng vnto thys deſcription. Meuertheles J haue ſet it furthe
bere that men it they happen bpontt, may by thys defeription knowit.
As {oz Kittis Eringium, there ts an herbe in theophraũ called phlei or
ſtoe whtche in all other thynges all mofte is lyke vnto Kiſffis Eryn⸗
gium ſauyng that phleum dureth all the pole yeare ã groweth in moyſt
tie , AND Eryngium Rij dieth eucrp peare and grooeth in daye
0 Ce. ¥

Thte vertuoe€steaholly, : et
Ol Chokewede. 88
yom oe CAbollp as Dtolcorodes voꝛiteth hath poboꝛe to hete:Pau
ON Gas er lus Aegineta (apth thatiea
hollp heteth, but not manifettz
C7 IpsAetius wꝛyteth thatlea holly vpftereth from tempes
WW SVG vate herbes ,inhete ether lptic oz nothpngeat all, Butte
—— Like is very drye and of fubtilland fpne partes as the (ame aus
ea) thoz witnelleth. The roote offeayuiner Dronken dryueth
furthe wymens ſyknes, and water oute of the bladder, Ft ſcattereth
awaye growynges and wyndesFt.isgood wyth wyne agaynſt the dita
> eales of thelpuer,the bytynges of ferpentes, and poyſon that is Daonker
Itisdronken wyth adam ofcarot agaynſt many evelles, Sume holde
that tithe hanged o2 layd to tt, Depucth away wartes oꝛ ſwellynges. FE
theroote bedronken wyth mede tt heleth them chat haue theps necke
| botwpnge bakwarde, and them that haue the fallynge ſyknes. The later
wꝛpters ble the roote of thys herbe,to ſtirre bp the lutte ofthe body, and
they ble to gyue it bothe tomen and wymen that ave delpres to haue
chplder, j2icolaus Alexandꝛinus in foure medicines, whyche he maketh
) toftirre bp the plealure of the body, and to make men aud wymen fruyt⸗
full bieth thysherbe wyth many other of the fame nature, Sune tn our
dayes condite oz bepe in {ugar the rootes of fea hulner fog the fame purz
pote. Hole beit they are notſo ſtronge alone as they are mpred wyth
other oflpke naturetnthe compofition called diaſatyzion nicolat,

PE Lhokewende,
* Kuangina is called in greke Mroban-z
che. Ihaue no comon Englphename jw
J bꝛthys herbe, nether any Frenche og |’
ire NGA CNTY 2auche uae. Howe beit,itmapyebe
=| vs) called inEngliſhe Chokefic 02 choke-
— “fede: Drobanche bathe the name in
greke of ſtranglynge o2 choukpnge of
_bytter fptches whyche are called in
greke oroboy hys herbe
. is called a⸗
bout Motpeth in Mozthumberland,
| Nebvochappell floure: becaule it grewe
“GANG & j tna chappel there tna place called bot-
J I, Sok va— ob as Eyeinc a
eople dydworwyppe the.Image offapnt Mary, andreckened that the
Bee prctortithat placeby the bertue of that Jmage \Diolcozides
feribeth orobanche after thys manet ,Oꝛobanche is a lptie talke ,fome-
thynae red boutetwoo ſpannes lounge ſometyme moze roughe tendze,
leues:the floure is ſomewhat vohyte, turnyng toarde pellotos
The roote is an inche thycke, and hollowe lyke a pype, when asthe ſtaltzeI
is wythered awaye wyth dryneſſe, beſyd ts that Dioſcoꝛides voryteth.
arked ny lelle that thys herbe grodeth muche aboute the roo⸗
—— “bobpehe it clafpeth aboute topthcertapne lytle vootes on
euery (rdelpke adogge holdyng bys mouth:notwythſtandyng
Ihaue not feen any broome choked wyth thys herbe ; howe be it Jhaue
(eens herbe called thacieucd gralſe ozclauer btterly ſtrangled,althe na⸗
P.b.— tural
VY. Neg ch fel hA cit DS bn Ver —— —— th
ANMhinte Wea Vea af
Vu 4 é

/3 —— Crh Biotin thaw

ag “aig ——
J) Ct Jer F1<”r Va fxthe 4 Sree hv * a —

SF tae ae ee Song BreoG ane hes

Of Eppmedum,

Eruangind turall iuice clene dꝛawen oute by

thys herbe.

The vertues
“of Chokewede.
— —

ioſcoꝛides g tueth np
4 | Dertue to this herbe
|to be le an y dp te at e
hovo beit helareih⸗
that it is good tobe

Cten rawe, and alfo fodden, after

che maner of {perage. Galene tyyi-
teth that tt is colde and Daye inthe
fyrſte Degree . Pliny fapeth that
it is called Cynomoꝛion of the Ips
kenelle that tt bathe to a dogges
\ | pꝛycke.

is DE Epime-
ip . Me ¥

~~ ot | Pimedu
is call
med of Theophzaſtus
7 Ui AIRS AN’) . epitnelin tr on
i epi men:o
idis, fThi
1G 8 aA ®§SAWS heisrſtr
b ange
e and pli to fyndeshow
~\ be tt J found ace taine herbe in Get⸗
SF many belpdethe Wphop of Colens
place :calledD 2 opel{dop, bp a brobes
PERAK fyde verywell agreepng tnall pop
See AS tes faupnginove with thedeleriptio
wy that Dtolcozides maketh of epimedũ
\ 8: WG Ju the monethofFulp Ftawe thys
ON WASE berbe,baupng, tr.o2.r.leues compng
PS Sh WSSU f/ out
biolofa nroote rpiiketo our mar)
eticues, ,be
nail poyntes faupnge
that the falbes thatbere the leues were thryte as long as btolct falkes.
be, The roote was blacke full of topntes and ofa ftronge fauour, and at.
that tpmeZ couldefpndein it nother floure noz frupte. Che
nerte vere
fololopnginthe myddes of Marche in the fame place,Jfounde the fame
herbe, wyth leucs ſtalke ann floure,lpbe vnto wylde valerian,
handbredes from that place JIfound tino ort heeicues lyke vnto viotwoo
tes commyng out ofthe fame voote,fothat out of the one let⸗
end of the roote
camelenucs lyke biolets,out ofthe other endeleues. falke , and floures
Ipbe Galevian, But Dioſcorides deſcribeth hys Epimedum thu
s. Ft
—— hath
hatha ſtalke not greate wyth le⸗

ues lyke yuy . x. oꝛ.xij.together,

Eit bereth nother floure no2 frute
the roote ts blab, final a otfaſtrong
| fauour ,topth an bufauery tat.Fe
- 777, Groweth inmoptt places, It appes
Ei rethbythys dDelcriptton pt thys be
iy — ,terdo epimedinm,as ZDdo take tt to
* be,that Dioſcoꝛides fawe not thps
: herbeinMarche: butin Pulp o2 a⸗
—, boute that tyme, but bere Jwoyll
AV) (FA) GSpueno occalion to other more dy⸗
ugently to ſeke thys herbe.Ffthep
| — canchaunfe bpon it. Ifthys herbe
\ were the trew epimedum it might
be called tn Engliſhe baren violet,
ofthe Ipkenes thatithath toa bi-
olet:and of the propertie ithath to
i: | make men and wymen baren,
The vertues
of Epimedum.
He leues broken wyth
— — —

eX fople and layde on after

B)) i) Emplaſter wyſe, make
vyr mpae ppesnto Grow
nobrgger. Che tootes hyndre conception.
Fib :

- WE Sppnodell tree,
Uionpinusis reckened nothpthouta
caufe tobe the tree tohiche t scalled of
; Matar ſome comon hexbaries fulago o2 fufa-
V—~ tia, althoughe J haue feen thys tree

JeS) S) oft tpmesin Englaude, andin mofte,
plenty betwene ware and barbiwaye?| "
——— —v
if ye

pet fo2z all that Icoulde neuer lerne an f a>

engiphe namefoz itithe Duche men 7 |
caliitin Pether lande {ptiboome, that
Ve VIKADON. is Spindell
tree: becaule they vic ta
f © oN, wa) thake(pindels
of it in that contrey, and
E— methynkitmayebeio well namedin
By: — q: Englyſhe ſeyng we haue no other nas
| me. Theoplpattus defcribeth Euonymus after thysmaner . The tree, |
Hamed cuonpmus,groweth bothe in other places, and allo in the Jie of, Well
Leflbus inthe orbin mountapne called Oꝛdinus:itis of the bygnes ofa |Hh
| pomegranate, wyth alefe ofthefame, but greater than ts the lete of pe⸗
| tpvoincie and foftelphe the pomegranate lefe. Ft begrunernto in
| eptember

rk heen
Euommus. Septembꝛre and bloffemeth inthe a
{pringe:the floure is like theherbe |
called viola alba,ofwhiche are ma:
np byndes , but the motte common
biolaalba ts the herbe thatwe cal
commonly hartſeale:the ſauouris
Dupleataunt: the fruite with the
cf hulbe tg ipke to the cod of fefamog
ovle ſeed:within it is hole e found,
—paot hollow, faupng that isdiuiden
into fourefqared rowes . Thys pf
ithe eten kylleth beltes, and theſa⸗

abap tree, Che fathton and the foft

neſſe is Ipke the pomegranate, but
thefloure ts wobpter, and by an by
Declareth the plage to come . Fe
Hath coddesipke vnto ſeſam, and
Loithin a cozne foure cognered fick
i ‘and dedty to beſtes. Theiefe hath
| W » athe fame might. Somtyme a batty
late is aremedy agaynſte thepotfonotthys tree. Thys haueFJmarked
beſide al that Theophraſtus and Plini haue voriten that the yong twigs
ges oꝛ wandes tyat growe out of the roote beſyde thetrec,arherp faite
Qtene,and fo well foure{quared as pit had been donewyth a plane: The
belicis, that che ſeedes arein, are red, and the tree hath muche hattos
pithinit. Che wood in coloz is ſumthynge pellooyh not vnlyke the tos
loz ofberberytree. Jknowe no good propertie that thys tree bathe,
upuge only tis good fo make ſpyndles and brid ofcages

Pt Agr imo nte .

(aman |Lipatoziumis name dinGreke eupatozion
| Neen) in Engle Agrimontes tn Duche Agrimonien;in
ay apn ee Srenche aigremoine, Che potecarpes have bled foe
cthe tretwe Eupatorium atoplde herbe wyth leues lt
Kkehemp whiche groweth aboute waters ſydes and
dyches:wohyche dyſtereth muche in bertue fromthe
ine Yoo Z| berbe named of Diolcorides Eupatoꝛium as ve Hall
\sootmmmomnen eet)KOTOfrthe properties of eupatoꝛiũ of Dioſcoꝛides
Melues maketh alfo mention ofakpnde of Eupatorium whyche dothe
udthynge agree wythit of Dioſcorides as pe maye lee in:Melues des
fcriptonsftyat herbe. Cher is noherbe that Iknowe, bohereunto the
Delcription of Meſues Cupatory doth bettte agree then the berbe 8*
PE Agrimonte. 9°

Eupatorium, wee call inEnglphe Waudelepr,

—Se Diofcorides deicribeth his eupato⸗
SERINE BFE tiuin after thps ntaner , Eupatozi⸗
Worn. Axe at unis a buſhy berbe,bepngpng forth
RR RETARD reg oy on ſtalk likewood, blackich, ſtreight
BETS ih \ eee — * {mali,roughe,a cubyt longe, and ſo⸗
PRY YE VY metyme moze. Ft hath leues lyke
Syn, 7/7 hy eG, fpue leued grafle: pet moze sper
eis YENez hempe, diuided in fyue partes oz
— B

FO i, 4 iKmoꝛe, ſomethynge blacke, indented

ius aboute the edges lyke a lawe. The
Ail im Y4 SS, See —R6Mleed commeth fourth of the mydle
Ae TN Ke az teh AY | ot So A
4 ——— >. \ bt

Non SSR .
—* R
of tye falkes and fo groweth bp
aS Oe HE VAISS Wye full of Dotone,and it boweth Downe
0 warde. The fame when it is drye
ES e cleucth
vpon mennes clothes,

of Agrimonte.
DFS Upatord is an herbe
Ef Pal ee tes,and ithath pore
cA aoe to cut intunDder, and. to
ee EN — — ſcowze away with out
any manifeſt oꝛ percepucable hete.
3 herefore it fcotp: eth awape the ſtoppyng ofthe lyuer. Chere ts alſo in
it acertapnbpndyng,tobere bp tt giueth fircingth vnto the lyuer Thus
© farbhath Galene {poken of oure agrimonie. And Diolcoztdes wapteth
thus of the bertues of agrimoni, The leucs of thys berbe broke and layd
totopth (bopnes greſe hele ſores that are harde to be cured and couered
wythaſkyn. Che herbe o2 the {ced dzonken ta top, delyuereth men fro
the blody Apre,from the diſeaſes of thelpucr and thebpting of ferpentes
| aguimony groweth amonge buches and hedges and in mpddowes and
woddes in all cuntricsin greate plenty.

Of the Beane,
|ye :tr
AAbais named in Grebe Kyamos: tn Englyſheabeane
: | Duche cen boen: m Frenchefebop. Tops pulfe ts fo well
SR ,that tt nedeth no deſcription.
Att bnowene in all countries

SY ck] Cherefoze the kygnre olit at thys tyme ſhallbe {ulfictent,

The vertues of
i* ’ LEE
87 v]»3

HE the Beane,
Canes mabe topnde and are harde of digetion,andimaky
troblefumbdzeames, Chey are good for the coughe: thep
ſ uagendze Hetpe ofameane nature betwen bote and cole,
a8 FitheybeCovden in water and binegre , and eaten wpty
ig they, Helles‘theyp top the bloody Ayre , and the common
y {lyre ofthe guttes. Chey are goodto be eaten agapnitte
y vomytyng. Chey ave leſſe wyndy tfthe fpzt water white
thep bein ſethynge be cate oute and be ſodden tafrethe Water agapne,
The grene bene troubleth the Lomach moze, andis moze wyndy than the
Dey beane. Che floure both by it telfe and alfolapdeto wyth barlp mele,
Cmageth the burnynges called inflammations, whyche cone of a wounde,
it maketh the ſcarres to be of one coloz voyth the reſt of the fietye aboutit,
It helpeth the pappes that finell tupth clodded mylke: pea though they
be vexed topth aninflamation o2 ete . Jttoppeth mplke, It drpucthas
waye ſwellynge empoſtemes: blewe brofed bloude: and ſwellynges be⸗
hynde the cares wyth the mele of fenigrebe and houey, but wyth roles
frankencenceand the whyte ofan egge the eves that fal outboard : fuel.
lynges bothewyndy and other. ar taped, the lame kneded Lopth wyne
Helpeth che eyes that hauc a perie, and the tripes of the epes, The beane
eten without any good te belaped tothe foxeled, to turne away
' the humoꝛs that falDowne into it. Beanes foddeit in boyne hele the fuels
ipnges gathered in the ftones, Sume ble to lay it bponchyplders nether
partes of aheir bellxes to Hoppe the commpnge furthe of the fyatte
here Heres whyche ſprynge oute agayne after that the kormer here
ispulled out, yfthey be anoynted wyth the huſkes ofbeanes, toere {mal
and fpne and receiue leſſe noriſhment. The barkes of beanes wyth barlep
mele,cloue alom, called offume aliom plume,and olde ople,depucth away
Hard birnelles, Wollis died wyth the barbes of beanes. Beanes the ſkin
taker ofan’ deuided in to thole partes vohere into they are deuded be
they: owne nature, bie to be laydtoſtopblood which is raled by an boule
lec, he
fog ttſtoppeth bloode, pfitbe balfe clotien and layde to, Aetiug 9
tprpteth euenas Gatene and Paulus torpte allo: thatit dravoeth herp
nerve vnto the mpbdle temper betwen hote and colde. The ſubſtan⸗
cesottyebeane as Golen writeth hath alitle bertue to ſcoure
away:asthelkpnne hath the propertye to bynde alptle,
beanes layed withouas t amedicine do Dive wopthout
Hurt. Galen writeth that he hath oft bled beanes
.f lodden in water and layd thé to with ſwines
NY grele dpon places dered with the goute,
—— Heallo vledᷣ leues againſt the bꝛuſing
aa, “ of fpnetves:and the wonndes of
es ( of the fame, and namely
; \" the mele of them
Vig) 4! with hory
) and
wt :
The Ladle, / F —
4 |
| Doers grafs. H. bi, CD DMrechal, wf, tes,
‘a Uffoldyilp rpabt, bri,Datep of of thegarbine, fij\Dees wplde,
. Hcieicnouie, p-bi,S Daſep wplde, Dil, cui, Debethiltel,
eet tte, adi,
>» 6,0, Dilt anp of Candp, 0,iiij @ po.
Almond tre, Canine
c.ij. Doggis tong 0.0, PalmaLhith, — ad d
Aloe. b. bi, mi. c.iij.« Doaver, .b, D1aggon,0.b .\ Pealeerth matt, e. v.
Auis.d.i. Archichoke. . itt.
m.iij. Eartheppue
Arechee.n, Aſtrologis, Earthuut. deiij. Eglintpueu tp whin
Alar« bacca. bi — “Di,
e.ij. Lpimedum, P-De Periwincle of the buſhe. ta
Eeruilia. p.ides Perlelp {quarev, g. v.
aum. d. iij. Bete Perlelp. d. nij.
fii, ffoxtapte, b.iiijdjd mperuell the male,
J= Betonp, ftii,~ ffumitorzt, cit,
{i Be etoup of paul, h.iij.\Pimpernell thefemales C,iit,
fiif, Pimpinell,
Mearfote. Ly. Weane, p.vij. \ @Salangal ofengland,
ie, eeane ofegppt, 0.4, Durcelline of the fee, f,ite
1,it9, Garleke
Wha «Seanetrptoip, | c.iiij Germauder.
tit, ¶
fii, Robket.
ies Hirche, fib, Gelouer, Liij. Kole perlelp.
ee IDitter fitches, p. tii laddon falte, b
7 . Slewbotteil. b ij. Fede,
a, ii),\ Goldfloure. kei
'Blewblaw, 4 ajnc % Gotrs beara, £4. * Cu, i, Saffron.
ie scipte. £,bi.\ iSorage, g.iij, Ground ek he 72. Saffron wplbde,
peeorg.b, Szank oefpur.b.i.s Ground ppue.§ Fa Datfrun baltard. :
Whe *222008 ipme,, Bumfaccerp, © Sage of Hitcaſalem. dvi
: JEpndewede. 1bi, @ §. Saynt Johãs wurt graet e iij
@ t, \ Batelrutt, m.ij. Sainpere. m in,\Seage. bn.
Wie Lapers, h ii, Sardtwurt,d.hi Genbain, b.vij Scetokfot, Ve
un Laliis {notote, holli. p. ni,
d.iij. Pemp bi, Beth. (; pit. SDlauke, Smallage. d.iiij pi.
i iS Zamomple, Neth crowfoote, | Logs}fed) 1,0, Soivera won,
i, Marutwapes, aut,
bij, Herbriue. m.5, da oldauel.g.ij Sow thpfkel.b.g
iia Lacottes wploe, 0.3, — dog b hiij Gomlok ki} ‘Sowbzeve,
wie wattistaple, B.D,
c.v.) Hollwart. (’ orydelia3 bin, Splerage,
Mem Hentori,i,i, Cheſmut. H.o1, Golleke hiij. Goritpine, awl i, \Sppuodel tree, e, ti,
mA SLirkwere, p.dt,
bvi. dHorehound ftpngkpng, £ i, \Straw berrp tre, dvi,
x hich.&,1. Cichſpugk.ih. Guluer of thefe, @ wallow wurt,
Hse D Bitrones. mb, Litterach. e.1ig £10.
@ £, :
WSS wilt fage. $6 ae,
fe, Lauander cotton, iij. Tafeltame, o iiij,
hokemete.p.b, Chyuer.d tj, Ladon buthes k. vi. Tafel wplde.
ie AoOloquindida, o iii,
11,1, \Lang debete, k.nij Cre trifolp,o.i, Tutfan, c.p, ;
qmemeouatiber, = =§s «Cf shi, eke ot the come, 40 cl gob,
Wee ommpute.-x (‘ov iu Hg.Si, Lonel, qi oe¢
o ij. Seluet flonre, c.f.
. Lornele tre, mi, @ 0. = Menus here, A
WS Some tre,wi.i, Conile. laij. “ MWarpgoloe, 1, D.i, \ MDater betonp,
We ole. q.i, Lolecabbege * Marit) mallow, b.viij. \Wal{wurt,
XS ole topide, Lovallineg, ij, Marierum gentle, big, \ WDithwpnde,
\Lun'veve, ii, Mos ofthe fee, \ WDolfis bapne blew,
SLukkows patel, D. dis Mugwurte.
€.i, Woꝛrmwod rom ane. aii, / A-
ttt, tit), @ MN. WDozmiwod pontik, auij
» Lucumber wilde,, Mep. gi, Metell tre, h.H1,8 yooonwond ot the fea,
»Lummin, Hit. CO.€D VWormwod comon.
a, D, 2

b —1 Eyppꝛees tre. 8, in. Obe of hierufalen, fi. Woꝛmwod at fuchfins, a,itg,
ppesotpᷣhethe. i,1y,\ Mnpons, 1,i, ffinis.
Deve endeth the table of the firſte parce’ God wyllynge xbe ucace
peate pe Halibauethe ſeconde

p> Pmprinted at Zondon/ pi e s !

Steuen Myerdman and thep are to be ſoolde in Paules
churchyarde at che ſygne of the (pede Egle bp
John Gpbken,
Bebe feconde parte ofVuil⸗
9 * rs

iam Turners herball /wherein are conteyned the

© ttames of herbes tt Greke / Latin / Duche / Frenche / and tt the
Apothecaries Latin/and ſomtymeinItaliane /wyth the vers
D tues of the fame herbes wyth diuerſe confirtationes ofno
ſmall errours/that men ofno finall learning have
committed in the intreatinge of herbes
Of late yeares,

P Here Onto is toyned alfo a booke of the bath of

/ and of the vertues of the fame wyth di⸗
Baeth it Englande
| uerſe other bathes moſte holſum and effectual, both
in Almany and Lrighande/ (et furth by William
Turner DoctorofPhyſik.

|Imprinted at Collen by Arnold Birckman.

| Inth e yeareofourLorde M. D. LXJ Ae
; Cum Gratia or Priuilegio Reg. Maieſt
fet ) : : hg

“A AAe)4 ’ . iH

we >)
E Lothe right hono rable and
> -

: s
RF —_


Thomas Wentworth

His Herne good Lorde Syr

Fright) lorde Wentworth; William Turner
wiſſheth helth andincreafe and contt-
nuance in all Findes of vertue
and Goodlines,
wey T is not vnknowen vnto a great forte of the that
as \|haue ben Delprous to knovo the natures and pro-
“Ay pertics ofherbes tu Cngland, and therefore haue
AN yer’ved the fpatt parte of mp berball : that J pzomiſed
<i to Lotte and fet furth the fecond parte alfo as fore
as J could get any conuenient leaſure and belpe
AYES thereto. Which promite Jhaue nowe perfogmed/
and haue let oute the feconde parte of my herbal
ns Shere FZ intreat of herbes as J dd tn. the former
/ and alfo eramin at large and do confute(foz the quantite of the lear
hing that God hath geuen me) the errours of them / wobiche haue voriten
» of late/and haue notably erred sand ſtifſy bate Defended thetv errours.
Mut ſom / am fure/votil arife which wil rot aloo my long difputations
and confutations/but will fay that tt bad beri inough foz me/onlyp to haue
ſimply Hevoed my minde / and not to haue ben fo longe and laborſum tn
ſuch maters.Dther/as certayn Dark Doctores/not bullatt / but boletarty/
wohich ſoddenly/lyke todeftolles ſtert vpPhiſiciones within twoo2 thee pf
xeares ſtudy /wil mifipke thys my boke/as they haue miſſyked befoge mp
kyrſt parte/ becauſe tt is no greater: foꝛ they are ſo erneſt in practifinge at
tie firt Day for money/that they will pare no tyme vpon the ſtudy of Di
. ofcorides/Galene/and Pliny: vhereby they might profite in knowledge
of thinges them ſelues / and alfo teach other: and therfore vohen as in all
© thepz'lines they neuer haue found agapn the knowledge of one loft herb,
© tre/fifhe/by2de/beatte/o2 metall/voill with great arrogancic and lofty loo
kes diſpiſe other mennis hort bookes/ requivinge of them muche greater
bolumes/ when as they foz ali their knowledge in voorde topned Loith be )
ry final knotoledae of thinges nether foz lack of learning ca nether wꝛite
long 1102 ſhorte bookes/nether for getting of mony will gyue any tuft la⸗
boꝛ at all to learne to vorite any good thinges thelelues.Dther perchance
will require /that J ſhoulde haue at the kirſt (et out mp booke in Latin
that they that J have diſputed withall might haue ben able to haue an-
fered for themfclues tn fuch popntes as thep are charged to exre in. Co
them that would haue only the mater {imply told without any further ere
aminacion and confutation of the errours that haue ben committed a-
gaynit the knowledge of berbes/that J wiite ot: Janſwere that Jwꝛite
not only this booke for vnlearned men/that as thep a but littel %it
ron if
truthfocan ſmall Chill of Difputationes vohich are ordened forthe defeng
of the truth/but alfo fo2 lerned men/asſurgeanes
/ apothecaries /andfom
/ whom |
Pbplictones (ed away from the truth by the voritinges of them
go about to cdfute/had as much nede to haue the ervours that they haue
dronkẽ in/to be pulled out by diſputationes/ as the ſimple ſorte haue nede
only ofthe matter playnly tolde without any difputation at all. Cherfore
ſeyñg that both the {imple vogiting of thematter ts neceſſary
/and the dig
putationes ave neceflary alſo/ Jam no moze wozthy blame fo2 voꝛiting in
one booke tn fom places {imply the bertues and deſcriptiones of herbes,
and in other places of the lame diſputationes and confutationes of er:
rours/then the poore matt is which bꝛingeth an hole ſhepe to the market
when as the clothter wold only by the wol/the glouers onlp the ſtin / and
the inkeper the feihe.Co themthat coplepne of the (hogtnes of the boke/
Janſwer /if they be Doctors and learned men let them vorite longer bo: —
kes and amend my (hoztnes with their long and great bookes. Ffthey be
viche and vnlerned welthy men/that complepn of the ſhortnes: tet them
command their tcolares/to vobom thep haue gyuen there exhibition ether
in England o2 beyond the Sea/to vortte greater bookes. For itis ſhame
fo2 them / tovequire fo much of me and other learned men/and to giue fo
litle as thep Do foz the mapntenance of (colares and learned men. Co the
that woulde that Jſhould haue voꝛitẽ inLatin: Janſwoer /that as Zam.
naturally bounde / Jhaue firſt (et out my bokes of herbes tn Engliſhe for
the profit of my contremen: and if thep that thinke thatJought to have
weiten in Latin /iudge that it were better to fet them by and by tn Laz
tin fo2 the profit of ftrangers: let them ether tranflate them their ſelues
out of Cnglifhe tn to Latino ellis tet them proutde fom good tranfator
of their coſte/vntill F can haue leafure to that my felfe. And in the meane
feafon ttfemethto me, that J haue in this cafe nothinge offended ercept
Tragus/Kembertus / andMatthiolus/honeſt and learned men haue al
fo oflended/ wherof the firſt wzote/inhygh Duch bis Herbari /theſecond
firſt in love Duche / and afterward th French his Herball the thyrzd in JI⸗
talian: and pet fom of thele haue not tranflated cheir bookes inte La
tin as pet/ and other haue not tranflatedD tna longe time after theit
kirſt workes into Latin. Moto tober that J haue anſwered thee idle o-
uerleers Daynfautfinders tn certayn popntes, robych feme to lye moſt opé
agaynſt the accufationes of them and ſuche lyke/ Ithinke tt mete to {eke
fom patrone and defender of my boke agapntt other fautfindersy and al⸗
lo ikit were any voozthy prefent foz any noble ma to giue tt vnto fom that
were moſt worthy to haue tt for the benefittes that he o2 bis haue befto-
wed byon me. Seking long for a Poble patron no ſmall tyme/ J coulde
find no man fo fit to be chofen a patron fo2 tt/as poure Lordfhipnot only
becauſe pe ave a noble man/and of a good auncient houfe/but alfo for that
pe haue ſuche learninge topned with pour nobtlite/that Jknow no matt
of pour degre that bath the like /vhether aman vequiveth an eract know
ledge in mannis learning 02 a wounderfuil fight and tudgement in holy
ſcriptnre.Mherein many can beare witnes/that pe are fo well exerciſed
that aman wold thinke that pe had Done almoſt nothinge ellis from com
; (4

a % '


Stender peares/but ſtudied the {cripture.
And who hath deſerued better to
sHaue mp booke ofherbes to be giuen to him/ then he / whole father. voith
his pearly exhibition did helpe ine, beyng ſtudent in Cambpidge of Phy⸗
fs and philoſophy. Whereby with fome further help aud ſtudy am com:
meD to thts pore knowledge of herbes ¢ other fimples that Jnowoe haue. |
Wherelore J Dedicat vnto pou this my litle boke/deſyzing pou to Defende
it againſt che enuious euel ſpeakers / which can alow nothing/but it that |
they do their ſelues:And the fame F giue bnto your Lord{hip / be-
ſeching to take it tn the ſtede ofa better thyng
/and for a token
of my good will toward pou, and all pour fathers hout

/vohich thing tf pe do / asſoune as J fhall haue
conuenient lelure / pe thall haue the third
and laſt parte of my herball aiſo.
J Almighty God kepe you
Woes +, | aud all poures.
\ amen,

\ )
iL The fautes committed in the printing of this booke, are in the
I ende ofthe booke/ which Iwould chou (hould correct/
; before thou ſhall begin to rede my booke,
The Table, \o te V)
Brecock tre. 48 Horfletonge or double aon15 Plumtre,
Agarick. 29 Horfle houe or bullfote /1s9 Poppye. » 10
av 133 Pomeranattre.’ 75.& 9
Alleluya. 74 Houlleke.
Alkaking oryvinter chirtes142 Hyfop. us AW’ 19 Pinke nedle or lark; bil 9
Afp and kindes ofPepler. fi 8.eet grafle. ox 18 Polipodium or wate —
Auenes. luniper — 25 Porcellayn. —
Boy 16 Idney beane. a 140 Prymprint. ia
Rafal. 66 Knot graffe. “V4, 97 Pflyllium ox fleafede, 7
Bay tre. 3 Kovve perinepe, gt 4) 145 Ptarmica. 9J
Bech tre, Ay via at \ ye 27 Pyne tre. 9
Bramble bufhe 118 Larix. Y Dy 28 Vickbeam a
119 Laferpitium. ‘(Cf alk 30 — pier kis 145
Brere buſhe.
Prionye. 166 &167 Lathyris. Pe Ges at Adice or radith; 4
& Brounie. 7 LauerorSion. \ ,\Y 32 Rape or Tur ni
Arobtre. 136 Leke. Wy tor Rafpis or hindb art Se
Carot. 80 Lentil or lentilles. ny :33 Rife. ee *
Cattes tayle. Aa
159 Lentifk or maſtick tre,5 | 34°Role, i
Cheruel 10 Lettes or lettuce.x iw) X 26 Rofemar Be
Cinkfoly.y 110 Liguftrum. + hada 3g Rue. es i. 3
Ciue or Ciuet. 8 Lily. Nienhs 38 Rye. \ ep Y a
Citrontre. 49 Limonium. \,Ng 39 CAge wr eke
Clate. 70 Linden tre. ¥,| * 1153 4 Satin ys *—
Clot bur, 370 Liuer vvurte. 36 Scala eli a4
Comfrey. 148 Lintfede. 3 39 Scandix add
Cottenyvede. 11 Lotus vrbana. 42 Seavn aa Ci
Cotton. 13 Lycores. 1z Sea bas ie *
Creſſes or karſſe. 64 Lyfimachia,x Sea * a
Ctovvfoot. 114 A Adder. as Sui” —9—
Cicory and Endiue, 21. Malloyy.x 4.4 Sett vate fi
— 41 Mandrage. aeSefaninen be
atetre. Ma
. Ded nettel. is— as yates ans ——— oh
Ditcanij. 35 Medler tre. * — peers *
Dock. 121 Meon or Meyy. * S nh wh
Lder or bourtre. 124 Mercury. dX ; Spik d —
Elecãpane or Alecãpane. 22 Mile or Millet- * — .
rnm tre. 169 Mint. & ‘ — 7
Enel or Fenkel.. 5 Miffel or Miffelto tre she —
Fenegreke. 5 Mulberry tre, ; —— 9
Ferne or brake,
3 Muftarde. 137 Stray eaeriein
Se Sumach. us:
Fiche — 169 MaAwmariſk 9
Lindetre 162 Nigella Romana. Titl les.
ithymales. 154
A — 2 Night ſhade. 142 Todesfl
;\ Fig beane. 43 Ketre — — 3
Fiftick nutt. 91 — * Iribuli —
French or Spanifh brome. 144 oliue tre : 56: Triacle muftard. *
23 Organ : 67 Turpentine. *
\ Blourdelice.
* aNvy f — Re) 69 Fruine. 16%
s ——— Ea 71 ¥ Vvallnuttes. 24
—— —— — 73 Vvall barley oryyaybent 17
Gia riſti. 116 Vvaybrede. 94
erent hae : 33pene : 76 Vvater perfely. 138
Gisunded - —— or Pilletorye of the ee —
Grummel or ęraymilo. — 14 Vvater roſe or vvatet ily:

— aioe
— ead,

es andikiryyurtes. Tee
138 Vvilde crefle,
20 n
4s 4
Aa CRUE Se, 14 Peate : 108 Vyilde grape.
92 Vyodbinde. x $m \
Herbe ferula,orfenel giante. 1 Penny rial
42 Pepper. ° 107 \)
51 Plain tre ti FINI. |
i; : 4 Y
a Jds Q \

dy Rf Of fy fe
. is)


SS — —


Of the bech tre. ;
ES SP) AgQuy iS named in Geeke Phegos/in Duch
PRES CQ igBuchbattin Frenche fau. Fagus ts thus detcrived
| OF Plinye: Che nut of a Beche tree beynge ipke
Se Ulto bpruels, is enclofed in a three cornerd fpr oe
PS S|hulbe, the leate ts thyn and ercedpnge ipabt lyke
MAY Ca vnto
an afpe o2 poplAt er eth pelotoe verye hal
NIS/N/ZE-SN |telpae
ofte tymes it bryngethe furthe tn the myd⸗
IG Vi des in the bpper parteaIptle gene berye tharpe in
| SSA the toppe, the nuttes are berpe ſwete. Thuis
p Ddelbre greatlye to cate of the beche nut, and myple cate gladlye of the
| Thus muche dothe Plinye wepte of the deleription of a beche ce ſame.
» Sillinbis Cgloges maketh beche tree to haue Vite:
agꝛeat and a bꝛoade toppe/
wohiche mak eth fuche a gecate hado we/ that bothe men and bettes may
be defended therbye frome the heate of the fonne: whiche thin e
ge toe fee to
be ttue by daylye experienc
/eandpecyallye in greate olde Beches.
I he propertyes, vſe,andcommodytes ofthe beche tree.
=] Jolcozides wꝛyteth that the leaucs of the oke a the beche tree
4 UD of fiche other ipke brufed and bꝛoken ave goad for fofre
ſwoelling/es and to ſtrengthen thofe partes that are weke. The
Ai leaues of the beche tree/are good to be cho wed foz the dyſeaſe
— of the gummes/and the pppes. The povodee burned of the bez
Che nut/is good wythe honye foz aſkalde a aſzuruye head, when
the heare
Goethe of/it it be layde to Plinye rekenyth che fame good fo2 the ſtone. Pal⸗
| lading weritith that the beche tree ts good tymbꝛe/ifit be kepte Dipe, but
that itis fone rotten /if it be in moptture op in weate places / in Virgilles
yme men bled muche to make cuppes of the beche tree as aman mape Gas
| Wer by bis Egloges.
Of the herbe Ferula. |
Crula is called in Greke narther/but howe that it i¢ naz
jmed in Cnglithe/as pet FJcan not tell/for FJneucr faye if

partes then fenellis. —

|) Ferula boyngith furthe a ſtalke of three cubptes lo/ e,
> hell/but rougher and toder.Jfynde no larger deferiptionnofgle
de aues of fe-
PHicoudes/ but Cheopipattus Dettribethttthus: Ferula ferula in De
hathe but one ftal-
P&e/and that full of topntes or knees /The leaues and branchis come oute
ofthe topntes/one oute of one ſyde of the topnte/e another oute of the other
Mpde/as the leaues of the rede Do. The leafe ts queate, fofte/ and muche de:
Uipded op tagged / fo that it that ts nert buto the grounde, Dothe muche re-
Kemble here. The floure ts pelowe/the fedeis Darke and ipke Dyll fede/ DUE
Rreater itis clouen tn the toppe /and is deuyded into finale ſtyckes which
pole the floures and the fede. The ſmal beanchis want not theyr floures
nor fede /but haue bothe as Dill hath. Che ſtalke lattet buh t for one pere. Ft
hath but one fingle root/eandthat goeth depe into the pou: The
Of the berbe Ferula.
he vertues of Ferulaoute of Diofcoride
yhe harte tabenoutcoanfd kerula Herbe Ferula, or Fenelgiante.
Aſcſhe geene ferula/
J KSA tpittinge of blode, tor
———— Cheflice: Wis geuen Dt- in
wyne againtte the bytinges of l⸗
pers. Thefame put tito p noſethꝛi
ies/ftoppith bloode there. The lede
Dronkeitis good forthe gnawinge

:N :

/when they are fod

} bd \ to be eatẽ
putes! Den they are the better take
sopth mufte and honie/ and fo thep
are good fo2 the ſtomake/ ik man
cake manye of then: thep brede the
Heade ake / Dranume of the roote
Dronken in two vntes/and a halfe
of wine /is dronken agapntt ſer⸗
pentes / and the roote is layed to tt |
felfe/fo is tt good fo2 the gna winge in
iu the bellpe: wyth ople and vinegre/it is good to ſtaye CwetingeDoteuen
y ftop
agues. The ſuyc e of keru la tak en in the qua ntp te of a bea ne
e to
che bellye.x graynes of the ſeed broken/are good to be Dronken in wyn
ftop blode. Che harte or the pithe of the herbe fo taker is good fo2 the fame
putpote. The nature of Ferula ts the coreſt enemie that canbe to Laprep
for pf it ones touche them /they dye therwyth.
. The vertues ofFerula oute of Galen.
He (ede of ferula beateth and maketh thyn oꝛ (ubtpll, but it that is
with inhe they cal the marye / the ppthe aud the hatte/hatha
Dyndinge nature in it. By reafon Loberof it ts good for the flire and them
that ſpyt blode.
Of the. Figge tree.
f- — |ICUS iS called in Greke lyke / in Engliſhe a figge tree / in
byl |vi) ¥Ts Wouche/Ein feig batt infrenche vng tigues.a figge tree places
big he tree /tox the mof te part e, but in lom e
re |Ly GQ yynſom
D— e ave founde as bigge and as high/as a pere tree The
ae leaues are cut or indentid, and eneryeleate hath tyre pat
Eltes /ofthe whiche euerie one reſemblith a finger. be r
Fics Figge. Of the F igte tree — 2
euerye ligge leale/ſemith as though
ithad thrẽ fingers. Che figge tree
is ſo well knowen/that it nedith no
farther deſcription.
The vertues ofthe Figgetree.
Ewoe ligges that are ri⸗
le} pe/as Dioſcorides wꝛi⸗
Rceth butte the ftomate/
VN a and lofe the beilyc/but
EI >comeeth ther
the flic
of ts fone ftopped. They prouoke
ſweat and dzawe Oute voheles and
pockes: they quenche thurſte and
abate heate / whẽ they are drye
/ theyr
nature ts hote/ they nozifhe the ſtren
ghth/ but thé they make a man more
Drie) & they ave good for the bellpe,
and are cotrarpe to. the rumes 02 flo
witiges of the ſtomacke /and the
bellie. Wet Galen vorytith that tye
fines both grene and allo Orped/
loofe the bellpe. They are verye good

g. for the throte /forthe wynde pipe/


- Den barlye. nayen they are fodden wyth rue / they ave good to be powred
AiVagayntt the quawinge ofthe bellpe. Figges ſodden and laide to driue

in to cr ud de s/ an d lo ul et h if to is
es gr ow en to⸗
Beth mplke runne together ij gether
Ofthe Brake or Ferne. ,)

/asdinegre: tt takpth the ſkynne of from the bodye/itopenyththe

pooꝛes/and lofith the bellye. The fame broken wyth an almonde a dronkẽ/
openpth the mother.The fame layd to wpth the yolke of an egge oꝛ Tyr:
tintcall ware, bꝛingith Doone womens {pcknelles. It is good to be put
into plapfters wythe the floure of kenygreke and binegre fozthe govoteFt
ſcowryth awaye lepres / frebles/ſkuruynes and the dileale of the face,
fables, runnynge fores tn the head / tf ttbe layed to voyth baripe meale:
It is good for them that ave bytten wyth a {compton o2 of anye other
Henemens beatt/o2 of amad Degge, iftt be Dropped tnto the hoounde. The
fame receaued in voulle and put into the holowe tothe/is good alſo for the
tothe ake.Ffit be layde to wyth fatt, tt taketh abvape wertes. Drye fyg⸗
ges are hote inthe fyrſte degree fullieas Galen vozyteth. They are hote
iti the beginnynge of the feconde Degree and of fyne and ſutil partes. The
figae tree a3 bothe the jupce/the leaues and the tree Dothe tettifpe/is berpe
Hote for thep Do not onlye byte oz vehementlye ſcoure awaye /but allo / do
pull of the ſaynne /and open the mouthes of the veſſelles / although figges
wyth other frutes haue ſome eupll juyce/pet this good propertpethey haues
that thep go quicklye thorough the bellpe /and ealelpe go thoꝛowe the bole
bodye / korthey haue a notable bertuc to (coure awaye /voherfoze tt chaun⸗
ſeth that they that are greued wyth the ſtone/after that they haue eaten
figges boyd oute fande in theyr brine:chep noꝛiſhhe moze then the commen
forte of frutes Do /but they make not faſt and ttpffe flethe as breade and
ſwynes flefhe Do/ but fomethinge lowſe and emptye flefhe as beanes De.
Figges are wyndye /but their wyndynes endurity not, if a man eate oute
ofmeature of rype figges / thep votil fill hun excedinglye full of lice. Thep
haue bertue to cutt tn foudge and to make fyne /by realon voherof they pros
uoke a manto foole and purge the kydnes.

Of the Brake or Ferné.

Ax,— — |slit stalled in Grebe Pteris/ inEnglithe Ferne or aBee
be / inDuche cin wait farne/ inFrenchefauchier. There are
(| ono kynides ofbꝛake/stheone kynde ts called in Latin Fé
ISN KC & = y liv macula / eit Geeke Pteris / yopthoute anye addiction.
it) BESSA | Ft qrowopth commenlye bpon Hones. It is all full of Iptie
| A bvinges ctien frome the wote. The ſeconde kynde is called
in Grebe Chelipteris / in Latin Filix kemina: this is the commen ferne of
brake wobiche the Hozther men call a bꝛaken / Je hath a thinge lyke a lon⸗
ge bare ſtalke and the leaues are onelye onthe top of that. Dioſcoꝛides
horptith ofthe Ferne o2 Brake thus, It bath leaues wythout anye talbe of
frut e leaues comme oute of a thinge lyke a falke/ and the ſame is a
cubite highe/the leaues are manye wayes Deutded and full ol branches lykt
kethers. The lauoꝛ oftt is fomenobat rauke/ the roote of it is black and that
gocth euen by the ouermoſte parte of the grounde: It is alfo longe
utteth furth inanye branches, the tatte therof is fometohat byndpnge.
a groweth in montaynes and in ſtonye placpes. The female brake
ath leaucs lyke vnto the male full of bꝛanchis byer from the grounde/
whiche growe not all vpon one herbes ſynnewe as it were /as the ub
Of the Brake or Ferne.
Ferne or aBrake.

Soa ẽ oS hw.
9g ay OVO, 7S



— ae ee * — —
: ; p⸗
= ; Sf.
os 2) > ‘A —A ay




doth/but vpon diuers and manye lytlen ſynnowes lyke ſtalkes. This
“bynde hath inanye longe rootes vorithen one by another /whiche beyng
ſomthynge yelow turn toward a black. Some allo are founde red.zt0fto-
) tides dDenyeth that the Ferne hath anye frute / and therbye that tthath alto
> no feede/but not onelpe the opiniow of thecommen people is/ thatthe Ferne
> bath fede, but alto itis the opinion of a Chriſten Phiſicion/named Hrerony
mus Cragus/who Doth not onlye faye that Ferne hath (ede / but vorytith
"that he founde vpon mydſomer euen fede vpon Brakes. Jhaue taken oute
) ofhisherbal his wordes concernynge that matter /g haue tranflated that
into Engliſhe after this maner kolo winge. Although that all they that bas
/that the Brake hath nether.
> uemniten of herbes haue affprmed and holden |
© tede/nor frute-vet haue Jdpuers tymes proucd the coutrarve /wohiehe ⸗
thinge J will teftefpe here inthis place forthere fakes thatbe ſtudentes in nag 4”
_ the Knowledge of herbes/ FJ haute foure yeres together one after an other
vpon the vigill of fapnt John the Baptiſte whiche we call in Engliſhe
nipdfomter cuert)fotighte for his fede of Bꝛakes bpon the nyghte /x in Dede
| % fomndeit earlye in the mornynge before the Dape brake, the fede was
finall blacke arid ipke vnto poppye. J gatherid tt after this maner:F laide
fhetesandmollen ſeaues vnderneth the biakes vohiche recepucd the fede,
that was by ſhakynge and beatynge bꝛoughte oute of the branches and
Jeaues. Wanye brakes in fore places had no {ede at all oein ane pi
9 Ces
‘i 2 if
A ae a) hn
: {14 vif : &
— y t ,
i] :
, i is }

} eh
el *

t | | Of the Male Ferne.
Ces agayne: a man ſhall fynde fede in euerye brake, fo that aman maye Qs
, 1
\ | f


| | therahundred oute of one brake alone? but Jwent aboute this butpnes)
_allfigures, coniurynges /launters charntes/ woptchcrafte / and fozleryeg
4 rh.
| + |

AT | | fetta {pde/tabpnge wyth me Choo 02 thzee honett men to bere me cdpanye/

when J foughte this ſeede/allthe billages aboute/Did fhpue wyth bouſyers
1} a

, ;
, ie ft

mith) W e that the people made there/ ſometyme vohenJſoughte the ſede/ Jſowude
| it/andfometyine Jfowude it not. Somtyme J founde muche /and fome-


; : :: i

tyme lytle: but vohat ſhoulde be the caute of this diuerſyte o2what nature
| }
h L 1


meaneth in this thinge/ſurelye FJ cannot tel. Thus farre hath Tragus

voryten of the brake ſeede. But ashe hath not tolde wherkoꝛe the fede is
good/ euen fo haue FZ no experyence as pet toherfore itis good, ſauynge
that J do gether by no bayne cOtecture, that in healynge of Dpuers.grefes
itisot greater poure and frengthe then ether the roote 02 leaues be:

with xij.graynes of Diagredy o7 Scamon /orb

yeacke Hellabor /but
dicine /had nede to take garivke before and it ig

Other woꝛtes oꝛpot herbes/to receaue them to: ſoften

Chel on : ve theAe ir bellpe wythall
+orotate ey bo atfirme that the jupce hobiche is preſſyd oute of a

Of Polipody. 4
ARR ek OfPolypodys or Vuall ferne or Oke ferne. |
Polipodinm.Filicnla —" Polipody or Vualferne,or Okeferne, : Bigs
Me licula ts called in
ne Be ſpyodiũ/inEnglplhe Polipo⸗
F J Ediumoꝛ walle ferne, tn Zou
a 4 Wares | che Engellaet
=... A Polipode.Fegꝛoweth in ake trees &
| \F : A — in olde waſles
Jt dryeth vohythoute
9 QW | bitinge. Dioſcorides fapethpPoli⸗
ay rea podium gꝛoweth in mofipe walles/
| ees LS * and int olde bodies or bellys of trees/
, wm < SSS SS and {pectalipe
of okes it isof a(pant
SEARED | length/ and lyke vnto a kerne /fome-
i Oy ie : thitighe roughe/but notfofinelye de
— a, uided,
the roothe is full of heaves
| 2S hee VW) » oberein are cõteyned certayne lige
55 * thinges lyke the fect or clalpers of⸗
J = fpihe/called Polipus /ethey are of p
I\ thicknes of a mans iytle fingve/gves
4 ne wythin and fomethinge ruffet.
38 “> T
hevertuesofPolipodium oute
J! SK AWE Jo ofDiofcorides.
. SZ 3 fine F P| Diipoditt hath the pou⸗
WHEN | Sia i=) fis) Fa te antDvertuetopurge
; | iN Sim. fe Re Ft tS Good tobe geuen
| (\\) Ch kine PPT ——
| NN Sgt: ESS) Tp he /02 wyth bez
— . * AGES tegonibmallotees to make a pure
| Gation.The poudze of roote myxed wyth mede/Dothe purge coler a fleme:
) it.isercedinge good. to be. laide one thofe membres p are. oute of iopnte7
» Bndagapntte the chappes oz ryſtes that ave in the fingers;

|5°... » sPhevertues.of Polipodiumoute ofMefie...

| Besy, Dlipodttt is the rootc of an herbe that groweth bpd tones
B=) vobiche Pp.Grecianes call endeoptertmy fis tree Ferne. Ft ᷣgro⸗
Exes’ wweth bpd the tones ts fullofluperlluous /rawe /andwyndye mop:
ſture/vohiche ouerturneth pftomacke. It is better p pect bpon trees/:
paanelie/Cuche asbare acerues.oz maſte/ſpeciallye pt tt be gueat/foronde/
freſhe & well faftened together, full of knottes voythoute blackyſhe reddes
grene wythin as kiſtikes be 16 a {ete taſte/aſtringent fomethinge bitter
and ſomthinge ſpicie. It ſto orethaway er ¢ tough buinors; it maketh: -
rype g dryeth bp. Ft purgeth ye cue from p totutes/melacholp o2 gꝛoſſe/oz
towgh fleme. Ftisgood for theſe caules fo2 all diſeaſes avvte of melacholt
_ > a8 the quartayne pf itbe taken Lopth mede/Doderof tymefale Indian. At
maner of wayes it isgood for the coltke andforp havdnes of the myltPo
opody drieth ¢leficth or thinneth the body. To anopde that, that (hall noe
bringe the ſtomacke to bomitinget mut be geuen wyth mede or barip
water/oꝛ the brothe of ralines/ ov wyth the broth of ane Henes/o2 (od:
* A tty. Det


* F 0)ifFene J

Der wyth whay.Ftis good to Drinck it, mired voyth well fauoginge ſede/




——J *


F —



| Of fenel. 90
— Eniculũ is called inGreke Marathꝛõ /in Engliſhe
CERN fenel oz fenkel, inDuche finche ll fenos
in Frenche
EMG nil. Fenel isda loge herbe ſomtyme higher
ot /the ſtalke is great and full ofioyntes/
then a man
: Sleaues are bery loge and {mall/the fiout ts yelow/
A top ts Ipke vnto the top.of Dill, the fede groweth
SIN/ZESN thie inthe top wythout any coueringe/it is fom
SA thitige craked yke ahorne, the outtpde of it is ful
SROANSIN pf gutters and creftes/the rout ts longe and white.

“The properte ofFenell ont ofDiofcorides,
pe Crell/ ifthe leaues be eaten on pi the fede be Dronken wyth a pty
B=" leaues (8 good to lap vnto pback for the abe tn idne
es/ foe it Dep

Mi) : Z D> for mans eyes. The tutce of feriell put into a mans eares bil
By OAc, leth the wormes therin:the ble of fenell topth topne is good
agatnt the ſwellynge of the dropſye We walt good
OF Fenel: 7 — )
Renicnlunt, Fenell
orFenkell. for Difeates of the liuer and the lon⸗
es. The broth that the rootes of
enell is fodden in /vheter tt be wa⸗
ther or wine/is good kor the diſea⸗
Mer fesof the bladder and kidnens.It
cee Depueth furth water /tf tt be layed
x" Dponthe belly alitle aboue the pri⸗
uites. The broth of the rote helpeth yp
ake ofthe vearde /ifit be therwyth
bathed.Ftwill do the fame put vnto
oyle and layde to:feth ferel and be
7. J
heger together/and it will lwag any
{wellinge that cometh fodelp bp by⸗

tynge. Che fede tirreth mankind to

the procreation of childer. And the
fame ts good for a pleuivetp/and fo ts
p broth of the herbe. Autours voryte
that {erpentes toate ponge agayne

by taftinge and eatpnge df this her⸗

be /wherkoze ſum thinke that the bie
of the herbe therforeis bery meté
for aged folke.
Out of Aetius.
Bree Cneillis fo bote that it may
ao pee be rekened to be hote in the
eS) (hprde Degre/ and it Drieth

gendzeth milke.

led frac’
Enum grecumiscatled in Greke Telis/in
Engliſhe Fene⸗
grekein uche Bucks horne/in Frẽche Fenecreke.Jtgꝛo
RY ene yy voeth in Italy and Germany. This herbe isalto called tre
ny a Grebe Keratitis/ ishornedy aigdkerog/> ts gotis horney
me) Wag) eg auld bonkeros thatis co wis horne/isit
alfo called in latin
hmliqua / ſilicia eMlicula. Fenegreke runneth bp wyth fnall
ett ftalkes/
alk esy it
/tobichewhic ave rede /plefeis| ipke but o foly tyrj e
aued gtafic. The flour is lytle & vohyte the fede ts rede a itis
in a long cod/lyke aborne,the rete is rounde and ſuthinge longe.
T be vertues ofFeneoreke out ofDiofcorides.
pam He flour oꝛ meale of Fencarebe hath power toloften/4 todriuea
Ae a way. The fame foode in mede/ifit be layed to/is good both againkk
imnwarde and outwarde inflamations og burnynges wyth we

Of Fenegreke.
Fenum Grecum Fenegreck.
— A
we * a

— E

and vineger:it miniſheth the milt:

themice of the broth is good for womã⸗
diſealesAtthey fit tn it and be bathed therwith
/ whether the mother ts {top
ped or ts ſwelled. The broth that it ts ſodden in ftreyned and layde to the
head / purgeth the here ¢ ſcoureth awaye ſcurka the runnyngh fores of the
beade/tf that the natural place of conception be harde and ftrepte (by rea-
fon wherof fum women bringe furth ther childer with great teperdy) tf
pe mire Fenegreke and gole fat / andput their together in the conuenient
placesaccordprige vnto the diſcretiõ ofan honeſt midwoyſff: enlargeth and
foftencth it. It itbe layde to grene with bineger, it is good for rato places
that haue the ſkynne of. The broth of tis goodagaynt the often baine
deſyze ofgotnge to ſtole /and agaynſt the ſtinkinge fpithe of the blody fiir.
The ople that is prefled out of it ¢of mpetilles/ {coureth away the farres
of the priuitees. | .
Of Strauberries.
exe oes Magrarta ts called in Englaiſ Stra he
AK] Fespeies ftute is called in Engliſhe ftratoberp,tobe rpe leafe whole
ain Latin Frage
S| Bei) tl douche Crdber/in Frenche Fraitue. Che ftravobery tu
1 GEMS ay lech bpon the grounde/and hatha litle roughe ttalke/and
ed Dua) we, tithe toppe of it growe whyte flores, after the whych

1 flouves be gone/ther gzowe berries /whiche are grene piss

le * ft ~~
HY ney / YP eve
— ers

| OfFenegreck, 6
Rragrarig Strauuberrie and alter ward rede. The leate ts in⸗
: Détid/e alwayes thee of them guowe
together/p rote is in ſom place diake
and fom place redyſhe.
The vertues ofStrawberries.
eos Crawberies leaucsta
pat caqpiken tnmeate, helpety
the that are dilealed tt
— SA the milt/ a fo doth alto
the inice Dronke wopth
bony. Thelame is good
obe geuen wythpeper ſorthem that
are {hort winded. Strawberryes
guenche thirſt and are geod for a
cholerite fomack. Cher ts a tnice
prefied out of ſtrawberries/ pohiche
by cotinuance of tyme encreateth ut
ftrégh, and thats apretent remedy
againſt the fores and wheaics ofthe
face/é againſt the blodſhotten eves.
Che mothe of the rothe ſwageththe
J heate of the liuer /dronken the mor⸗

allus wryteth there are twoo byndes of

LRä. ¥ *
raik tne
wERELE/ & LE 3

ther, after the manet of the ſorbe aple tree lea⸗

‘and they ate called in Englifhe athe kepes/becaule thep hangh in bunches
after the maner of keyes.
Of the hirbe called Gallion.
T he vertues ofthe afhetree.
Py a WE inice of the leaucs ofan alle tree /ether/in opntment/ o2 Donkey
WA Stin wyne /is good againſt the bitynges of bipers O2 adders. The
ce) aſhes that ave made of the barke/laped to 1b water tabed arwaye ie
pers. Sum rebe that the pouder oꝛ clippes, o2 (crapinges uf the wood/ yi}
Deltropea matt.
Out of the later wryters.
== H¢ water p ts diltilled out of the barkes of the athe tree,ig

AW) a finguler remedy agapntt the ftone and agayntt the jaun-
iyLita By: =e NW des: The leaues of the afhe fodden tn wyne /and dronken,


Ni Men! are good for them that haue the Difeate of the myite, and of

» ipuers/fum Do holde that the inice that is preffed ont ofthe
aſhen leaues, ik itbe Dronken voyth wyne/ts good to make
<= —

fatte men leane:but of this thynge as pet J haue no erperiens. There be

ſum alfo of that — that they iudge that the continuall Dipnbinge in
an aſhen cuppe, leſſeth the mylte as the olde Autors wepte /that the dain.
kynge in tamariſk Doth.
Galion Maydens heyre.
Of the herbe called Gallion.
=e AUlton.or Gallion i
7eeiage| Named in Cnglihem
metry the nosthe countrye
MAA {| Mapdens heire/ m
Were! Muche bufer iteuen
krawẽ betftro/in Frẽ
che/petit muguet. Ther are two kyn
Des of Gallion, the gveater. are the
lefic’ the leſſe kynde agreeth better
wyth the Delcriptid as here after pe
may &. Galion hath the name of
that propertye that tt hath in crud:
dynge of milke, tt may occupye the
placeof cheflope/ o2 a runnynge
Galliõ hath a braunche anda icaue
bery lyke vnto cleucr/oz gooſharech/
€ p ryght vp/ it hath a finall pelow
flovore in the toppe/thick plenteous
and Loell ſmellynge.
Ihe vertues ofGallion.
Pa iey e flour is good to layeto
x) NG burnt places, tt ſtoppeth the
S22 guilhinge out of blode/ mẽge
this herbe wyth acyr ope oꝛ oynte⸗
cin ment made topth rofeoplee ware?
and layed in the forme dntill it toare whyte
/and then it will refrefhe them
Hat are wery /the rotes prouoke men to the natural office of ea
Of Galiopfis.
J Of rede Archangell. 4 =
PAN | Altoplisfapth Diotcorides hath a leafe a ſtalkes in all popnites like
, Sa bnto anettell but ſmother
/ whiche pf he be bꝛuſed /hath a ſtrõge fin
= bing fauor, and it hath a final purpell floure/and tt groweth about
HP Hedges/and about hovoſes /andoftymes in gardpues amonge other herbes
oz ſowynge.
i) woythout ſettynge
T be vertues ofGaleopfis.
tS Bad Be leaues,the ftalkes/the fede /and the iuice of rede archangel!
catter away harde lunpes and caneres
/anddriue away /and
8 — diſperſe harde wennes/ a ſwellinges /called inLatyn Panos/
andthe inflamed ſwellynges behynde p cares. Pe mutt twyſe
ott the Dap lay the emplatter warme to +b binegre/ and bathe p
N) place wyth p beothe of tt. Ft is very good to laye it to rottpuge ſoores/etyn⸗
P Gc fores/andjto Deadly burnpnges/called Gangreues.

Of Browme.

Cnitta ts called in Englithe Browme/in Duche Genitt o2 Pfrim /

in Freche Dugenet. Many well learned mẽ haue iudged the buſſe p
Swe call bꝛow
me iscalled of p Latines Geniſta/to be Spar
® £0 ofthe Grectanes, and Plinye}noble clearke wrytyng of Genitta in the
) Pt.booke, ofhis uaturall Cories/in the w.chapter, Dovoteth voheter Gent-
i) Habe Spartiumofthe Grecians o2 no. But ifthey p of late haue cOfunded
| Genta wyth Sparto, and Plini/whiche douted whether Genitta were
i Sppartum 02 no/had fene borh our comen broum that grotveth in the fel
es / and it that groweth onlp tn gardines, vohiche becauſe itcam from
i beyounde }Sea/wy cal Fréche brovome: they would not haue cofounded
i) the/ nether Plinye woulde DoutedD whether pone had bene the other or no.
© Che Freche browt/which of late peres cam to bs out of Spayn/is much tau
p let/then the comen brome is: the twigges are long, grene /and fmothe/re-
© tembipng tn all thynges a vibe /ſauyng that in fom there appere litie leaues/
D€ fo litle that ſcarſely they deſerue to be called leaues. J thynke that becau
» te zaiofcorides ſawe them fo litle ef fewo that he would not call them leaz
» tes. The broum tobich is called in Latin Geniſta / hath cornered and row
» abe twigages/euen as the Poete Calphurnius in thys verſe witneſſeth:
| ~ Molle fub hirſuta latus expofuére Geniſta.
They haue ſtreched furth they, foft ſyde vnder the roughe bꝛoume.
Then when as our gardin frenche bꝛoume is {mouth tt can not be Gent
» Ga vobercof Calphurnius maketh mention. Che leaues of the brome are
oftwo ſortes/ they that are intheendes, ave very {mall lpke vnto thene
> that ave inp Spanifhe brome. But they chat are benethe, are ſomthyng ly⸗
| Be ruelencs/the twygges are roughe and fiuctquared.nobhich markes are
foz differpng both from the deſcriptivn of Dioſcorides / athe ipkenes of our
| Srencheor Spaniſhe brome.
The vertues ofBrowme.
B Brotuitte
Of Gentian.
Rath Rotome fede taken in the quantite of a dram /ozaDzamt and a halt)
‘Lis purgeth wateriſhe
+ t n o i a e t h humors.
{ It it be taken: voyth a Draught of }mene
Zoe 02 whay /itdꝛiueth luche mater from the topntes/boty by bomit any
purgation.It tuffercth not any towgh humors to abide in the bladder gy
kidñes. THe later wryters ble the water agaynſt the ſtone. Dther take the
leaues and twygges of itand ſtepe the a ftue ov fire dayes in vineger /ang
then brufe them and prefie oud a tuice /the vohiche they geue in the quans
tyte of two onces and a halfe to them that haue the Sciatica. Ithinbe it
were better to mive it wyth ople, ¢fo to laye it bpon the greued places then
to take tt in
/except the pactent were very ftronge/p bomtit p ts pꝛouo
ked by bꝛovome/isgood foz the diſeaſes of pgovot /}ſciatica a the difeate/g
the kidnes. Ft hurterh p omake ¢ } hert/wherfore if ye take it inwarde,
you mutt take tt wyth rofed honye /02 voyth rofe leaues /wyth fenell {ede
and anyſe (ede. Che floures of brovome fodden in the quantite of thie dra:
mes In whaye o2 in mede/purge as the {ede Doth.
{Me may take more oꝛ leſſe
accordinge to the ſtrenghe of the pacient. Bꝛovome is hote and deye in che
ſeconde Degree.

,_ Gention & oe sey Grebe

is called itit
—Endgliſhe Gentian /in
LUE ear [i]Suche Entiatyin Fee,
EWS was che/de la Gentiane.Gẽ
: tins the kynge of the Fl
lyrians o„kirſt kynder of this hers
be /whiche he of his name called Gee
tian:the leaues vohiche growe abont
the rote/ arelyke the leaues of a wal⸗
utit tree/ or the leaues of plantayne/
and thep are ſom thinge rede tn the
part vohiche ts aboue pimiddes of the
ſtalke /thepare fomthinge iaged. The
ſtalke isſmothe and emptie woythin
of the thicknes of a mans finger? full
ofioyntes at euery topnt come out
leaues. It isſom tyme two cubites
high: it hathe a bꝛode lyght ſede
le veſſeles
/lomthinge roweghe 62 chat
fpe lyke vnto the lede of the herbe cal
led <ppOdilion. The rote is lyke DA
top rovothe oflonge Ariftolochia /tt
is thicke and bitter, and it growethe
in p byghe toppes of montaynes ett
ſhadowe and wateriſhe places.F ha
ue feneitin the alpes growinge be⸗
i os eae : twene Italy and Germanp, tt gro⸗
weth alfo plentcoufly in many places of bighe Germanye as they tolde
me that fatoe tt ther. a
f é
Of Genttane.
T he vertues ofGentiane.
. Be bertuc ofthe roote is hetinge and byndynge together. Fe
(Py tt be Dronke tn the quantite of y.Drames wyth peper ruc and
4) wprie/it belpeth the bytinge of ferpentes.a dꝛame of the turce
*\ belpeth the {pde ake, them that are bꝛuſed wyth a fall/the pla
ces that are burften and ſhꝛonke together. It is good for the
=< that haue the dileale of the liner and ftomake, if tt be dꝛonkẽ

Geranium I. Pinke nedle. Geranium alterum, Cranes bill

Geranium 111.



Geranium Vi



Of Getion *
Of Pinke nedle and (ranes bill,
specs) Cranium after Diolcorides/hath leaucs ithe bute Anemones
2 | but the cuttpnge ts ferther tn and deper /the rowte ts ſom
chinge rounde and ſwete when tt is eaten. Chis kynde ts cal
ANE a [i le te Cuglifhe Pinke nedle o2 ſtarkis byll. Che (erode kynde
Exod] of Geranium hath a ſmall rowghe Kalbe a fote and a balfe lõ
———=— ge/and it hath leaues lyke buto a Mallowe tip high toppe
/orthinges lyke Crancs heades
Ofp herbe /ther dilles are lpke Dogges teche.
The vertues of Geranion. :

—— — M
of/but Ido not make mẽtion therot/becauſeJ dovot vohether
they haue ſuche properties og no/ as they geue vnto them.


( (>< -S uet ora Chpue-the Du

PS | che men callit Britses
TSS laucha {chnitlauchy it
is called tn Freche cpues e Ciuons/
itis calleD in Latyn Cepa Pallaca
na/ Fuchitus bath erreth muche in
cakinge of this herbe for Poꝛrro ſec⸗
tiu/oand menp other haue erced wW
him / torthis herbe ts not of bkynde
of lekes but of p kynde of an vnion/
foz it hath holloto rownd leaues of
an Diton/é not the brode leaues of
aleke/ but that herbe whiche ts cale

SN led in Lati / Poꝛrũ

n ſectium/is cal:
——— led in Engliſhe/ Frẽche/ lek/eand ts
well kno wen both in Cambridae < lombradey


in London and in many other plaz

ces of Englande bythat namesand
that hath the very leafe of the comẽ
leke/ſauinge tf ts ſmaller /and that
leke groweth not by ſeede /but by
the rote asin the deſcription of the
AN — leke Jſhal more plẽtuouſlye decla⸗
— —Ve. Thus herbe groweth not in En
Yj phVY PANN AS glande that
Jknow out of gardẽs/
: PAN i but th Germany tt groweth wilde
by the Renis ſyde alitic from Bonne /where as J haue “it———
Of Auenes.
T he vertues ofGetin.
F ve be Defprous to know the bertues of fpucs 02 ſweth /loke in the chy
pter of vnyons / and ther pe (hal kynde them holt at the leſt in the thirte
Deane foz it hath the lame propertie that bupons hath fauinge that they are
foi thynge greater a hoter as erperiece Doty teche bs/ and Pliny Both fap
alfo/wohereas he calleth a cyne a vnion /that it is fit fo2 to make fauce of.

Geum. — Auenes. sas Cun (8 called tn En:

Hie Ne|glifhe Auenes/in Du⸗
{fsevettnyan 4 Che benedicteé kraut, tn
EE Pama (yt Serenche falmondes, it
La a) is named ofthe herba⸗
tics / Gariophillata/
/ebenedtcta.Gett fapth
Pliny hath lytle final blacke votes ¢
well — ⁊ more cõterninge
deſcriptiõ of Geum / can Inot fynde
in any auncyent voryters/ the leale
of Auenes ts depelye cutt a iagged/
and it is rovogh / and blackiſhe/ gene
ina maner after p kalsiõ ofAgriony/
ſtalke is roonde/allhery arowgh/
p flower is yelowe/and in forme lybe
alitle eye/ vhen the floteer is gone/
ther rpleth bp agreat knop all fullof
iptle vovonde thinges lyke berryes of
apurpeil color.
T be vertues of the herbe
called Geum. :
pe Lorpteth that Geum doth
net onelp heale and take away⸗
papne of the brett and of tie fpde/out
alto taketh awaye rawones Lopth his
pleafant taſt.
T he vertues ofAuenes out of the later vryters.
He cõmen propertic and bie of this rote is fuche/that ifmen put itin
4h to wyne /that it maketh tt pleafant both tn finellinge ¢ tale. Manuy
2522 nev yorpters holde wyne voherin the rete of this herbe is fteped/
refreffeth the harte and maketh tt merrie/xthat tt openeth the Topping? of
p lyuer/a P tt helpeth p ſtomake tobiche ts hurt w coide a gꝛoſſe humoꝛs/ p
woyne alio wherin p rote of this herbe is lodden/clengeth efcovoreth worl
Desand namely fiſtulas and cankers/the fame ſcowreth out foule ſpottes/
4f the face bewaſſhed dayly therwyth.
| Of the herbe called Gingidion. .
PM Jrugidid 9 a lptie herbelpke bnto poilde carvet/but ſmaller and bit⸗
1(SS fever, the roote ts finalle, wobitithe /and ſomwhat bytter/this 8
Wthe fasion of Gingidis and the deſcription of tt after ae
Of the Herbe called Gingidion is
Cheruel. Rewollius/ Fuchllus and Gemerus /
thre great learned men holde in ther
bokes / that Gindion ts the herbe
which ts commenlp named of the
commen arberics Cerefolium /in En
gliſhe Cheruell / inDuche Keruel o⸗
der kerbel kraut/in Frẽche Cerkuile.
He » Wow be tt J dare not geue ſentence
ey =Lopth them/bycaule F cannot fynde
(ws — the bittenes and the aftviction 02
9 byubdpuge in oure cheruel that Dioſ⸗
avd : —

SYN inough wypth the deſcription of Gin-

ERS ie

gidion. Columeſla tn bis p.boke/ whi
AY che is de cultu hortorum, that ts of the
WS ssteimpnge o2 Deeflinge of gardens in
pee, this berfe, Iam breue cherephylum, &
— aR Pent grata palato. SHemeth to call
para" that herbe cherefilon: whiche tye coz
mẽ herbavies call cherephyllion
che is in Engliſhe our cheruell.

The vertues of Gingtdion oute of

a) Sean



MIEN Heleattes of Gingihion both rato and foddett/o2 kept in fucket of
/ and they are good to pꝛouoke brynesp
¥ fauce is/ good fo2 the ſfomatz
| prothe of it droncken woyth wopne is good fez the bladder.
T he vertues ofCharuell,oute ofthe later Wwryters.
7] We iuice of the herbe and. the water tobiche ts Milled, if itbe
| Sel Deonker Diffolucth and bꝛeaketh in founder the blode whiche
=F MOEN is tunnetogetber/ether bp the reaton of betinge o2 by a fall the
at Wy icaues of cheruel bꝛuſed and lapde to after the maner of an im
SS platter /dyyue awaye all ſwellynges and beules that come of
betinge 02 of falles/ euen as the herbe called {calaceli Doty,
Of NigellaRomana.
=] Ftotheriwple called Melanthion /and allo Melaſpermon is
‘4 Ne called tn Englifhe Migella romana as the apothecaries call it
PALS alfoinDuche /Schwartz kummich /in Frenche frielle. Git
RA ‘Chath fmall bꝛaunches fom tyme excedynge thoo ſpannis in
MESES lonahit hath ytle leaues lyke grovontell/but muche ſmaller:in
the toppe of the herbe ther groweth a iptle thynne heade lyke vnto popy/

but it is fomitbinge lounge there rynneth thoowgh the year certayne fpl-
ttij mes


Of Git or Nigella Romana.
mes orſkynnes/ voherin is conteyned Git or Nigella Romana
ablacke teede (harpeand well finel- ,
linge. All this deſcription of Dtolco-
rides agrecth well vnto oure Nigel⸗
la romana /fauinge that ther is no
fuche ipgnes betwene it a grovonſell/
a3 Drolcorides ſemeth to make by
comparyngeok thele twotogether
whiche two herbes nowe in oure fps
meare bnlyke oneto anothe / that
no man will fape Cher is anp lpknes
bet wene them at all /wherkore it ap-
pereth that ether voe haue not the
ſame Git that Dioſcoꝛides hath ſene
in bis tyme/oꝛelles this worde Eri⸗
gerõtos ts put in Dioſcoꝛides Greke
texte inthe Cede of fom other woꝛ⸗
De. How be it the properties of oure
Nigella romana doth agvee well
Wwythe tt Dioſcoꝛides deſcribeth/
and therfore jovo maye be bolde to
Die tt.

T he vertues ofGit or Nigella

OK A — JIgella Romana layde vnto a

HE mans foghead / releateth the


he ave — about
i) inegre ts good for the tothe
ache. Anoynt the nauell bopth the water that thts ts fodden in/and tet will
dryue out the rounde wormes of the belly. It heleth then that haue the po
fe/tfpe breake it and lape tt vnto pour noſe.Ffit be taken many dayes toge⸗
ther wyth wyne/itbepngeth dovne flovores / andcauſeth a man make wae
ter better /A dꝛa voeth furth mylke into the bzeſtes and it is good for them
that are ſhort wynded. ADram weyght of it Dronken wyth waters healeth
* —— ine oot je Leah of it/dꝛvueth ferpentes away.
Wase hede that pe take not to muche of this herbe,for t e
melure/it bꝛyngeth deth. siti inetye go ie he

Of Vuadde.
Bee, Uadde is called in Latin Glaſtũ/inGreke Iſatis in suche wayd
ip Whe, 02 wept/in Italien Guado/in Frenche Guelde: Ther are tio byte
I Deg of wadde / the garden o2 fowen wadde /and the wilde or bw
Of Vuadde;
Glatum. WVaddes

Den wadde/02 that kynd of wade:

m More chen Choo cubites longe, the wilde wadde is Ipke the ſowen wadde/
H andit hath greater baucs ipke vnto Lettyce, ſmall ſtalkes /and muche
Deupded/Aome thynge redyſhe/inwhole toppe ther hang certayne veffelles7
muche ipke vnto lytle tonges/wherin the ſeede is contayned/ithath a ſmall
eloww floure. This herbe ts called tn Englande/new aſhe of Jeruſalẽ. Tye
Ph forner kynde groweth muche in the countrey of Julyke / and tn fome places |
) dE CnglandexChe wylde kynde groweth not in England that FJ kuovw fas) 5, .4 |
uynge onlye iñ gardens but tt groweth genteoure wythout anye ſo⸗
wynge in high Germany by the Kenes (pde.)
Of the vertues of vadde.
oſcoꝛides/The leafes layde to after the maner of an empla⸗
7777 (tev Tooage all kyndes of ſwellinge. They iopne together gre⸗
ne woundes/ and ſtoppe py runnynge out of blod. Chey heale
Ny aayntantonies fyre/o2 cholertke inflamationes, confumpnge
ea (0209/4 rottynge foes that runne at large. The wilde wadde
~ both dzonken elapd to emplaſtre voyſe/helpeth the milt.
Of CottenWede.
=== Jottordes fayetl that Snaphalium, Cottenvieda,
4 Gnapbhaltum hath lptle Se wi fo
de |i (ofteleaucs/wbhiche fome
4 pfe fox do vone 02 ſtuſfin⸗
p=] ye of beddes, and other
Defcription of Gnaphaliũ /can J nez
ther fynde in Dioſcorides noe Pli⸗
nipe/but Jhaue fence the herbe ofte in
inany places of Germany, a in ſome
places of Englande:Ft is & (hort her
be not a ſpanne longe/aat the kyrſt
{taht it is lyke a bgautiche of roſama⸗
ty/ but that the leaues are bꝛoder &
whiter: inp toppeis afinall yeolowe
floure: leau es
/ when they are dꝛyed
and broken/are almoſt nothinge cis
but a certayne Downe /voherwyth
becauſe men in tymes pat did ftuffe
pillomes& quiſhions / itwas called
of the Latines Cẽtunculu /sand her⸗
ba Centtincularis. Jt maye be called
in Engliſh Downewed ele the
/ islyxke Dovone o2 cotton.
leafe bꝛokẽ
T be vertues of Cotten weede.
ES ae C is good to be geuẽ in tarte
: wh and bindynge wyne
/ tothem
iS! that yaue the blodye klixe 02 | ,
other commen flire, and it is good to ſtoppe the bloddy iffuc that voeomen
bic ſome tymes to haue. Itis good to be put into the fundament agapntte
the diſeaſe which pꝛouoketh aman oftentymes to go to the ſtole /andwhen
he commeth ther/can do nothinge.It is alfo good to be lapd bpon olde rot:
ten ſores. thinke that the herbe which is called tn Englande Carttfilago/
is a certayne kynde of the ſame herbe, for theyr propertics are lyke/¢ theit
figures are not muche vnlyke.
Of Sea tryfoly.
sey Laur /othertopte called Engalatton
/becaule it maketh good
ef. aie plentpe of mylke
fit thole weomen that take it, / groweihvy⸗
Zen) featpde, and in the leaues it islyke to the tree tepfalpe, cals
: i
at (ees
F led in Latin Cytilus /and to lentpiles, whiche leaues in the
ta — fy

OUCL Patt Are grene/and in the iether part vohite There com
Be at —
— 8 in, 2
: . *

Meth fourth from the grounde fine 62 fir ſmall braunches a

\y VAY a —

{patine high, and they come out of the earth from the rote: the floures ate
purple and lyke vnto a kynde offtoke gelauoꝛe floures/but they are leſſer.J
neuer fave tt in Englande/ ſauinge onipe in maifter Falkonners bokesand X
that had be bzo waht out of Italy/ except mp memory do faple me/Z faroe ;|
OF Seatryfolys
Glink, Sea trifoly⸗



desin Flaunders by >tea ſyde about thre myles beyvonde Dunkyrke / thee
Aan herbe in Englande
/which lome call Fenum grecum ſylueſtre/ whiche
unſwereth tn many thinges vnto the deſcription of Glaur in Dioſtorides⸗
howbeit J thinke it is not the trewo Giaur that Dioſcorides wyote of,

, T he vertues of Sea trifoly called Glaux.

| a ee herbe fodden with arly meale /lalt ¢ oyle in 4fuppitige, ig good
A tobzinge milke agayne to them that haue loft the plenty of it;

: Of Lycores: :
| Lyeperbisa in Grebe,iscalled in Latin Radix dulcis; in En⸗
glifhe Lycozes in Duche Swuels holts, og licozis/02 clarifly/
Plin Frenche Creultiie, o2 Rigolifle. It groweth tn the rockes
9 lof Germanye /wythout anyſettinge oꝛ ſowinge. J neuer
law it growe in England /ſauynge onely itt gardens. Lt
kas icozes groweth bery thicke and buſſhy and hath brꝛaunches
| tplinge two cubittes bighe, the leaucs are Ipbe vnto Maſtycke tree leaues/
thicke and fatt/ and full of gombe /Loben they ave touched: Che —
Of Lycores.
Radix dnicis. Licores.


Ni (1&6
Vy —

yke vnto the lloure of Hyacinthus/the krute is of the bignes of the pilles
of the playne tree, but rovogher /and tt hath lytle rede coddes lyke buto
Lentplles. The rotes are longe as Gentians bee of the coloz of boxesa
iptie tart ſwete.
T he vertues of Lycores.
ie He tuite of Lycores is good for the havifhenes 02 rotoghnes of the
oF thꝛote /but it mutt be holden vnder a mans tonge / vntill tt be mou⸗
ea / dꝛyncke
/bꝛe /and liue
ten/it is good fox the heate of the ſtomacke r
it wyth maluetp and tt will heale the ſrabbes of the bladder / and the
payneofthe kidnes /the fame mouiten quencheth th prit, it ts good to heale
Wwoundes/ilit be layde to/it healeth the mouth if it be chowed tnit/ the bro
/thepouder of tt is good
the ofthe grene roote is good foz the fame purpoles
to call bpon anguaples.
) Of Cotton.
SS] Ottoniscalled in Grebe Xylon in Latin GollipiuminBuch
i * | Baumwoll/in Frenche du Cotton: in barbarus Hatin Cotto
Of Grajfes fz
Coßiplum. Cotten. floures whiehe are ſome thinge pute
7 le tu the myddes/the fruis
itelyke a
elberdevall fullof one. FJ neuet
lawe itAauinge onelpe int the vniuer⸗
ite of Bonony. Jt groweth as F res
8 De in good autours In great plenty in
eS Egypt, tu Candy in Appuli
/a and in
ZS the pland Maltha. :

The vertues ofberbe Cotton,

KY eV igx De luice of Cotton leaues/is
ma Sh good fo2 the lav of ponge chyl
dien/ and for the gnawynge/
02 (as ſome call it) the grindinge of
the belly. Che (ede ts good for the
cough and the difealesof the brett.
The ople that tsmade of the fede of
cotton/is good to take awaye frekeb
les and fpottes out of the face. The
fede alfo bed inmeate asthe Phiſi⸗
“4 ctanes of Arabi do teſtifye ,multic
plteth and increaleth the fede of man.
Of Graffe. ;
4 Kalleisnamed in Gre⸗
Y ASos to] be Agroftis / in Latin


The vertues oftherightGraffe. .

£ar He roote of the right Grafle buted and layde toy byndetly woun⸗
#464 Des together an cloteth them bppe, the broth of grate dzonken/
healeth gnawinges tu the bellp/ prouoketh brine and bꝛeaketh the
Mong matter ofthe bladder. c of
Of Scorpiones tayle.
=aemMi Elio
: es trop iun the grea ter hath a flow er Ipke the Spcozpiones
tapley by reaton woberof he is called fcogpiuros/that t to
andbecaute tt turneth the leaues about
p1 Sasiee Ul Cape Acopptones tayle/
NRYEAR i vopth the fontieAtis called Heliotropion/that is/turned wyth
leaues lyke brito bail
Ha Wie faltye forte, 02 lonne tlower. It hath The
1 4i Yi f
Wa i
put rowoher and whpter/e greater. re com e thre braun⸗

e tymes fyue / tt hath a white
ches out of one roote/fome tymes foure/aſom yne lyke a ſcoz⸗
dower in toppe / oꝛ lome thinge rediſhe that turneth inaga
piones taple-Che roote is fall and good tor nothinge: tt growerh in tows
ghe places.Z neuer ſawe it growynge in Englande/ nether in Germany/ lande,
(auing onlp marty garden m Collen, gin mp garde at ndellis in Cng ony/thep
in Italy J haue {ene tt in greate plenty in the feldes about eBon
voryten that
ave far Decepued/e haue decepued many other, whiche hau
our Engliſhe Marigolde ts Helitropion/ fog the deſcription of Helitropion/
wwhichea Iptle before J have taken out of Dioſcorides and tranflatt ednomvnto
pow nothinge agreinge wyth our Marigolde. Wherlore trut
whic,he teache pou to calla Marigo lde
tie vnlerned citemadeqbilicianes
Helitropion. as
The vertues of Heliotropium.
qQ M9 handfull of this herbe Deonben /Dipucth Heme an choler bp
| COANSIE| cyc belip.Ftis good both Dronke voyth wyne/and alto lapde
SNE! to emplattervoite/for the bytinge of afcozpton. Some wate
WEE BAC that titi. granes of the fede taker an ho wꝛ before the ftt/
endeth a auartayne/ and that ti. granes heale a tértiane.
c The {ede layd to emplaſterwile /dꝛyeth avoay hanginge war
te s y fwellinges lyke toppes of tyme/and lytle running ſores/the leas
ues ate very good to be layde to/ for the diſtillation of childzery whiche 8
called theliriatig, it isgood alfo for the govote/ and fo2 places that are out
of iopnte itis. good to bainge Downe mens flowers, ifthe leaues be poe
Ker and layd to/thep ave good to Dypue furth the. birth ofa woman.
Of Parietori or Pillitore of the walls
Y ) GE eirine op pard itis (8allen in Englithe sparietéxie/
e of pwall/in Duche faint Peters kraut
oꝛ Piletoꝛi

Ioꝛ iag vnd nacht, ini Frenche du pariet aire. The hers



baries call it Parietariam. It groweth on wales?


it hath leaues iykeMe⸗

ERD) 2 2X
Zed the rootes of hedg
—kecuri / but rowghe:it hath lytle ſtalkes ſome thinge re⸗
Rdyoſhe/ and about them are as it were rowghe ſedes
which cleue vnto mens clothes.
The properties of Parietori or Pillitore of the wall.
— 4 1e leanes haue porto to coole and te make thick, bp reaſon
Pie) EAS wherof bp laynge of it to/ithealeth hote in lammationes /cab
SM GAN led laynt Aritonies fyre/ burnt places / Harde lumpes /inthe
EY furdainent wheles / calledPanos
/ vohen they are in the begin⸗
ninge/wellinges and hote burnynges/called — J—

Of Parietorior Pellitore oft' e ‘wall.
Parietaria Parietori or Pellitore of the yyall.

| \z BY be )

The tutte of itwyth white leade/ is good foz choleryke infammationes/

and for ſpredinges or runninge foxes. Ft is alfo good for the govwte to be
layd to wyth gotis ſewett/owyth the dintement made of ware and oyle
Of pꝛiuet. The fame Donker th the quantite of an vnce anda balfe/ ts good
{oz the old cough. It is good both to be Gargled, and alfo to be layde vnto
fo2 the in flammation and heate of the kirnelles vnder the tawes. Ff itbe
ahh —* the eare /itdaketh the ache therok /lo that rote oyle be mired

Of Hawke wede.
ITJeracium ts of two kindes /the one iscalled in Latin Hiera⸗
elEE clitmagnũ.
It may be called in Engliſhe greate hawke wede /
|oꝛ yealovo ſuccoꝛy. Che greate hawke wede putteth furth
Cn 4 a
en /—3 yoy
5 Oss AA
t i) r ot Z is
SZ — 8

HEN Aarovwgh falke font thinge redyſh

afulleofprickes/the leaues
are indented/but eucry cutte is agreate waye from another,

4 — atfter the maner of ſowthiſtell: it hath heades, and in them

pealow flotores. Jhaue fene this in greate plenty bothein Englavdeaud
in Gerinany tn the feldes about Borne/in Englande tn the medowe aiptle | 3 nL
froin Shene/ the lefle hawkewede hath leaues Handing a good way|
fiom anothers tagged in the edges: it bath ſmall lytle a hs ate
| C rene

— J
| p:
Of Hlorfztonge or donbietonge.
e u
/ e
an din th e to p of th em gr ow e ro vo nd e ve al ow e ll o wer s. Th is he rbe
gr enty, JIcan not
auc J ſeane boty tn Germauy and in Englande great pl
a h a v o/k ſeienge other her⸗
geſſe why th is he rb e fh ou ld e ha ue th e na me of
ue th e fa me pr op er ti cs th at th is ha th : er ce pt tt be fo 2 this caule that
bes ha e af te r th e fl ow er s be
the Downe that gr ow et h in th e to pp e of th is he rb
of th e ha vo ke to ma ke hi m cat t hi s go rg e Loyth it,
gone/be good to be taken
The vertues of Fdawke wede.
De na tu re of Ba to ke we de ts to cou le an d par tly to bi nd e,
=) e ſt om ac ke th at is berp
PY Sa woh erf ore it ig go od to be la yd bu te ih
pot e. Th e iui ce, if ttbe dz on ke n⸗ ſw ag et h the by ti ng e o2 the
EG GSN yde to Lopth the roote/
ry . e herbe ſa
4 gnanotnge of the ftomackeTh
healeth the ſtingginge of a ſcorpion.
NV) Mn. —
AW WUC \ 2
Dee LZ
Wa S

Of Hore tonge or double tonge.

Ippogloſſon iscalled of ome poticaries and herbaries Uuula⸗
L |
— rif
criaaDonttactay the buſhe Hippogloſſon hath leaues tn figure
Hf Hh‘4—

J} tke vnto the leaues of knee holme /otherwile called prickel

} (S: bore: the toppes of the leaues ave ſharpe and about ps
| Of Hor/fe tonge ordouble tonge.
D Bypogioffim. norſſe tongewrdoubléronge, ghelte part of the leaues come forth
| Ai certayne Iptie leaues ipke vnto ton⸗
ges: this bute is bery lyke vnto it
that iscalled Laurus Alexandrina/
but this hath tonges and (ede w the
leaucs/and the other only the frutte
amonge p leanes/ enot lytle tonges/
wherloꝛre thys lemeth to be ſome dif
ference betrwene them. 3 haue fone
Pippogloffon mary tymes beponde
the fec in high Germanye/ and in
Ftaipe, but Fheuer ſawe tt growin⸗
gein England.

The vertues ofVunlaria oF

horfe tonge.
ZA Garland made of the leaues
Sa of hors tong / & (et nert bpot~ .
YESS puto the bare heade as Diol⸗
corides voriteth / is good for»heade
ache. The rote and the iuice ts oft put
into (oftinge plaptters. Jthath bene
founde by the erpertence of Phiſicia⸗
ties of late peares, that aſpoun ful of
the leaucs of hoꝛſtong beate into pott
der /aregood againtt the ſtranglinge
>. | | ofkthe mother, and allo againſt bur⸗
fling? of chylder in the quantite of adꝛam and a half.
Of Selendiné.
Soon Clendyreis namedinLatin Hirundinaria/in Gre⸗
SOCAN ke ChelidontoninDuche Schelwurt/ ztuFrenche
: x * Chelidoine or Eſclere.The greate Selendinehath a
Ruy] (niall ttalk e a cubite hye /o2 bygher wyth many to-
, leaucs are lyße crow⸗
i growinges full ofleauesthe

We te eaues/but* — and blew stlh geayin cola ie

» —*

/ other wi⸗
NN RY flotoreisIpke the flowreofwall gelauore
xfae ee mm
Tre) ——

BES AL fe called hattes cate, vobiche cometh out about the



Of Selendine.
Chelidonion. Selendine Chelidonium minus, noe

y} |
Des and Galen require in their leſſe Chelidonio. Dioſcorides deſcribeth tt
thus.It is a iptle herbe hanginge bpon iptle twigges /vohiche come out of .
the roote. Ft hath no ftalbe/p leaues are Ipke put, but rounder, leſſe tendre |
and foin thinge fat/tt hath many rootes that come. fourth of one harde lone |
pevlitle and growinge together lpke voheate cornes /wherok ty. 02 iiij. gro⸗
welonge.Itgrovoeth beſide waters elakes. Fthath a bytinge pour euen
/iktt be layde to.
as Auemone hath/in fo muche that it will pull of the ſkinne
This herbe ofours called figwurt hath all theſe properties, ſauinge that it |
is nothings hote at all that euer J could finde / noberfone as this herbe bp |
the lyknes may teche bs to finde out the true Chelidoniũ minus, fo ‘Jcours
fell no man to vſe tt fog the leſſe Celendine, though be bie tt fox other purpo⸗ |
{es whiche the later nogpters haue voryten that it isgood for. | |
T be properties ofSelendine. |
I De tuice of Spelendine fodde in a copper deffel/ wyth hony maketh |
—* Rt the eylight ciere.Inthe beginninge of fommer ther ts a inice taken |
ke) out ofthe leaues, ſtalke/ and roote and the fame Dated in the ſonne⸗
is made by into lptle cakes. The roote dꝛonken wyth white wine /and |
anile fede /healeth the guellought o2 tatundes, Erunninge foes. Che ſame
chowed or layde to/ſwageth the tothe ache. of |
Cf Earley.
Hordeum polyſtichum.
, 54 * Aa

* Of Barley. :
macy Drdeti is called in Heke Crithe/in Engliſhe Barley/in Zu⸗
Abo ed at che GerB/in Frenche Orge/itts ofdiuers bindes. The firſt
| Rare |] kinde is called in Latin hordeum diſtichum / inCnglifhe Bar.
GOAN [Al lep. Theleconde kinde ig called in Latin hordeum tetralti⸗
chum in Engliſhe bigge barley e.
/orbeare o2bigge/alonThis
Che thirde kinde ts
——=— kind groweth muche tn Noꝛth country.
called in latin hordeũ hexaſtichum/ Jhaue not fene this kinde in Cnglade/⸗
ſauinge at Weilis in my gardẽ /butofte tymes in highe Germanye /wher
fore itmape be called in Englithe suche Barley. The fourth kinde ts cal⸗
led of Galene in the greke tonge Gimno chritho/in Latin hordeum nudum/
of other ſonie/ hordeũm mũdum/tt may be called in Engliſhe /wheate bara
lye; becauſe it hath nomoʒe bufkes on tt then wheat hath. It groweth in
Italye and alſo in certayne gardines in Crglande. Theophꝛaſt voriteth
thus of Barley and voheat in comparinge then together. Amongeſt the kin
Des of coꝛne/ wheat hath a narrower leafe then Barley hath/and afmother
ftrawe and tougher. nobeate is couered wyth many cotes/ but Barl ey ts
naked and bare and of all kindes ofcorne/itis motte deſtitute of a couerit
_ge.Barley will fom tyme chaunge into Darucll and fom ae ne
Wy é


Of Barley.
The vertues of Barley. :
Sebelt barly is wohpte and cleane/ but that no
Nrillhet leſſethen wheate:but foz all that the ptila⸗
Bays Sy ue by the reafon of the moptt iuice that comely to
aa ait in the fethinge, noriſſheth more then the perched
REE SON barley. Ft is good ſoz the ſharpnes and harriſhnes
Aur foo Sof the throte and againſt ran places) Itit be ſod⸗
CA ye ad| dent wyth fenelland fupped bp/t maketh milke en⸗

ge.Ftſtancheth the ſideache/laide to vopth Melilote and the cuppes of pop

py.Jtis good againſt the noindencs of pgutte s lint fede, fenegreke

;— ’

— bis feDeofbarley is muche bled amonge men 7 but tt hath

Foie WAS mot the fame propertie that wheat hath, for wheat ts eutdet-
peers Ling lp bote/ but barlep not only heateth not / but howſoeuer

.: —
— —

— Bw Falla pe bie it/pobether pe make bꝛcade of it/oz make a ptifaneofit/







— oꝛye make perched barley of it/alvoapes tt coleth, but accor
— DgDdinge vntothe maner of dreilinge, it moiſteth for polenta/


=— ———$———————

— —

whiche is made of fried 02 perched barley
/istried to be dry /asthe ptiſane
is knowen to moiſte.
Of wall barley or way bent out of Dioſcorides.
— —, Heit hath the leucs ofbarly/but (hoster and ſtreiter /wyth


Bad ea | an care like vnto daruell.The ſtalkes are fir fingers longe/¢
Pil Rey ci it bath ſeuẽ op eight eares.Itgroweth in feldes & tn howls
. lately coucrid. Chis herbe whych is called of Dioſcorides
I a Pheuir/is named of Bliny Whentcea/e he faith that tt is cal
-a ~ee
led of the latines Hordeũ murthtt/ p is wall bariep. Jmarke
Dioſcorides maketh bis Phenix like buto barley only in p lefe, «itt f cate





like vnto daruell/ g that his phenir groweth both th keldes /a alfo bpd how
{es latelp couered. Jmarke ppliny calleth bis Phenicea Hordeũ murinum/
wher vpõ J gather that Plines Phenicea trp eare ts like barleyloꝛtthath
not the name of the leafe alone/vohiche diffenereth not barly from — *





——— ~——

—— F

O f-wall barley or Way bent.
Hordeum murinum.

t p bar ley ear e an d the Dar uel l car e ave not lik e, fox
nes/but ofthe care. Bu th lon ge au ne s / the rfore tt appes
_ the one ts without au ne s / an d the oth er ha
co ri /
de s
an dPh en ic ea in Pl in y ate not al on e. If ther
reth Phenix in Sioſ to be th en Ph en ir Dioſcori⸗
be any Difference be tw en e the (as the r fem eth
he no ap ben t/e Ph en ic ea Pl in y is cal led nail bar⸗
des iscalled in Engliſ fe likegraſſe / groweth plẽtuo⸗
leyehowole barley. The wap bet hath a lea ca te tsli ke Da ru el l/ et t we re Ca mb id es h; ||Wh
“iflyein Cabridacihire }ab s ep
out highe wayede ie s as ba rl ey hath.
hath bu t tw o oꝛ /
rs it
if ha d au on
like thecomen barley ba ri cy wh ic he is ca ll ed ho rd eu m tes
The wail barley ts muche li ke t h o
et h co mm ẽl y bp on mu d wa ll es th at ar e latelp maz
traftichon/and tt grow y lo li ũ m u r i n /uwhmen as
hiolus re de th in hi s Pl in
Be.Jmeruel thecattedMatt
by Er al mu s an d pr yn te d by Fr ob en iu s /hath hordes
mi lint corr
nm murinuman / d not lolium murmur.
T he vertues ofwaybent.
h ta rt wi ne / ſt op pe th th e fl ir of th e be ll p/P
Eee, Ualbarlep dronken voyt th e bu rf ti ng e ou t of ma n or wo mans
—*5 ö runninge of the mo th er / an d
vo ꝛi te th at th is he rb e ho un d to /a nd ha ng ed vp in
ater Some do Be re
e. r \.
actemelin flece/ftoppeth blod Hla⸗
yey *

QO :
= s
= :
S :
_@ ‘ x
Hiacinthus ceruleus maior,
Of Hiacinthiis. 8
Of Hiacinthus. Borat.
. oolneek t hath
, ra Pacinthus hath leaues like vnto pherbe called bulberus/i
of grene
( a tt al be a pa n l o n
/ ſmgal le r th en a ma ns lit le fi ng
AS) pst
ge th do vo ne / ful l o purple fklo w⸗

7) coloz/the topp
ren!) e of th e he rb e
li ke vn to th e ro wo nd he de of a Bu lb us . The beet
~ |S res / roote is J ſ a w/wa
e s tt ta t Lu ca s Gynus⸗
ad ki nd e ofPi ac in th us s ett er
Di oſ co ri de s in Bo no ny he vo ed me ab ou ta xii ij. ye ares agoo/
Preader of all o co mm ne e iti En gl an de/
ac in th us ts
mount Appenniineit, isHicalled crowtawes/cronofote a crovoteles
sharde by the no /and
ough it be tofp beſt

er \ 3938:
‘ *

T be vertites of Fliacinthus. |
we He roteofthis herbe dronken⸗ ſtoppethingthe belly and driueth furth
em ed y aga int te th e byt es of afe lde (pi der . Th e
By (Gy, woater/ttiSar foz tri acl es, wop th wi ne if it
RZ (ede is mo re bi nd in g? an d Def ice d
n/it hea let h the aw on de s Th e bo ye s in No ꝛthũberlande ſcrape
be dronke ar ro we s an d bo ke s wyth that
e thsof the her be an d gl ew the yr

\ foo OfHiofyris, pe
is ts lik e vnt o fuc cor y/ but it igleſ ſe and rot ogh er/ the herbe
Dees Voll ae leafe/growotnge harde by >
hiesat that J take fo Hyoſiris/hath a r fuc cor y or da ndelio /nbutthe
E223 ground e ind ent ed, aft er the ma ne r
the ſt al /llo
ke wer
s s / a do wn e ate lik e vnt o thẽ that
dt fo harpe he rb /eandſmothe in
elia aui nge tha t the y are roug he in thi s
me tt roughe Dandelion. Fegroweth wi fan. dp ba
fen Diches that haue muche land in them

(ris be bruſed and laide to

SK ? Derfull well. Ft Doth appe
a low certayne qualities thatJ fina

9 OF
Of faint Iobans praffe. FS. HGDIO SET
led in Gieke Hipertcor/ itt
s grafic / oz faint Johans

to ſay /kenel gpant a ſpan iclong/ h⸗ r :

like brito wãil gelouer. wh ore fom haue cal
furthaviodi tutce/ woherf of p bignes of barley. C
cod that is roughe and round
Of S: Johans graſſe.
Mypericon, lohan⸗ graffe. of the finell of rofin-<Chisherbde eal
led of fome ofthe later wiyteis yer,
foratay that is throw holed, bycauſe
tfpetety leafe betwen porn and the
< lonne/ ther ſhall appere an infinite
i nombzꝛe of holes ithe leaueg,
— Ok Z he vertues of faint Yohans
3% graffe.
SN — Aint Johans guatte

a ls 4Driueth furth water, if

| yg it belaide to/ itbungeth
<G dovwne llowꝛeIt
orereth from tertũs. Delt
— F == quat ague
ts atft
ES ; wyth wine. The fede dione
1, ben the thaceof rl. Daves, healeth
: the (ctatica. Che leaues tarde to ent:
plaſterwiſe wyth the fede, heale

Pre s ——
oſcorides leueth Bitop
leueth Hiſ
Al GeeN\4 budelcribed / belibe- it
i pues i—* ſo on * in
⸗ — — Al bis Daves phe thouahtit
=e — neded not to be Deleribed
rea <<" butbp that meane itis note comme
to paſſe that we dowt whether this Hyſop that we haue/be the tru
ofthe auncient writers oꝛ no. Dioſcorides in Che deſcription e Hyſop
compareth organe in likenes vnto the bpfop/but tio organ of Ograne
wohether tt came ou that euerJſaw/
oft Candi oꝛ out of Spaine, of grew here in Ee |
Sland, like vnto oure Hyfop/for their ts bode leaucd) and our hyſ
op bath
longe leaucs, wherfope ether we haue not the trie byfop/ or els toe
favo the true organ. The plop that Meſna alloDefcribeth/is not agreinge
Lopth this oure pe map petcepue by this bis deftription that folo-
weth bere. Hylop ts of tivo fortes, theris one mountaine Byſ
other gardin Hyſop. The gardin Hyſop ts halla cubit hyghe/ op/and an
¢ bath fewer
ſtalkes and bꝛaunches the tine hath.Ithath lees like birto time but area
ter/the four ts purple/the wilde tg fhorter and hath leſſe leaues. Pe te here
that WDethe. mak eth his popes leaues like bnto P leaues of time, but we
haue no fuche hyſop and time that agve etherin figure oz bignes together
wherloꝛe tt ts to be futpect that ther is fom better plop, then this that we
haue. howbe tt/ 7 thinke in bertue € propertic thatit ditfercth
df from the hyſop of the olde wꝛiters noe haue in Sumerthire belide nothinge
\ | Bytop tha pchime
t groweth in allother places of Englande/a kinde
» J | Balroughe andhory/eit is greater muche and ftronger then of Hyfop that
the romen
VHxlop (3, font callit rough plop,
rae *





T he properties ofEdyfop. |
eS * Pop hath the bertuetomake fineand to hete. The brothe
1 (4 of plop made with figges/wa ter
/ hony /and rue /dzonken/
A lil helpeth the inllammatidn of the longes /the olde coughe/
Wl ZS Ithe ſhort winded / rheumes or poſes / and them that can not
| a ee A voell take thepr beth. It billeth noomes . the fame
It hath
— power if it belick wythhony. The brothe of tt dron⸗
Ken topth a drinke madeofhony and vinegre/ called oximel lth

dut groſſe humores thorow the belly, and it isgood to beeaten wyth
Ne figages to make. pow go to the ſtole / but it woorketh better if Aris
beput therto/oz Cardamome oz Ireo. Ft kepeth and maketh the coloz
of the body contineroe Til. north a fog and nitr/eitts good for the
’ mylt and for the dropte.Ftis bled tobe layde vnto burninge heates 02
iufamationcs voyth winẽ. It Druleth and ſcattereth awaye the blue mar⸗
Fes of bꝛuſinges. Ft ts good to be gargled wyth the brothe of figges a⸗
‘Kant the quintey.The broth of Hylop wyth binegre ſwageth the toth ache
eS mouth be wafhed ther wpth.Thebrethe or vapoꝛ of Hrlop drziueth ae
Say the winde that is in the eaves tfthey be holden ouer tt. — —
Of Gethfamine or Iefemin: :
—6eClem iti oz GethfaminesasJlupp
iaſ me /and it ts the tlowᷣer/voher is calle
old e inepg
of the ople cay
vedin Disleorides dleum tatnintim & made, wy
ve ypey 3 finde nether any defcription of iatneia Dinky.
mee fue, TIDES m in Alini nor in any other olde Writer
A ipaq Ulnge that Dioſcorides maketh a litle mention of
Va seq) ttas alle p Arabianes do. J think that pArabianes
—call this buſhe Jelemin/ ketchinge that name car.
a tuptlp out of Dioſcorides Fatwaino/for the fame vor.

tues that Zawico2des afligneth vnto the ople of Fate, the Arabianes ge:
ue vnto their Felemin.wut that ye may tudge p mater more plainely: Fill
reherſe Duco pou vohat Dioleorides waiteth of his ople called tatnminy a
what the Ara biane vorite of ther Jelemine.

wen) Se oft change/as

d we haue tolde before in the makinge of lily
ople.Ftts miche bled in the land of the Perllanes, Lohen men
greeth well wyth allp bole body/I.
then ſpecially when a man goeth mto a bath:but it ts beſt fo2 fich
e bodies
as had nede to be made hote, and to beloufed and {et more at large/ fo. tf

ſubtile,&proprie illud che fitexeo, cum oleo amygdalarum dulciuin,

& ceelefte,
eft debilis caliditatis,& album eft debilius propter zquitatem quzi
n illo eft, Wher⸗
foze tfthe autoꝛite of Serapio be to be receyned aud alowed/ Matthiolus
erre /th
whiche writeth Jaſminũ to one oyle made of Leucoio wyth p whys
tefourcs. It any man reply that our cdmen tefemirie is no violet. Janſwer
that Jthinke that Dioſcorides called that flo ore of Jeſamin a vioſet floure/
of tyclibenes that it hath wyth the four ofa violet /as he calleth of times
the prickp toppis of great theltelles echinos /thatis bachens, of the likenes
that they haue wyth anbrebert,

: Out ofthe Arabianes. | ‘

Elemin otherwile called rambach ts of twoo fortes the one
a me oS) ACG a pealow flower/and the other hat
a white
l floure, The
pala er | pealaw ts notfohote no2 fo myghtye in Operation as the why
17 | tects. The klowꝛe is alto founde tn fom place blewiſhe gray.
=e Jelemin is hote th the beginninge of the feconde beg
Of Sciatica creffe or wilde creffe. 26
PAN it is GOOD for moyſtenes and for falt fleme/ and fo olde men ofa cold
S Coplerion, a it ts good for aches that comofaclamy oz towgh humores/
SRohen as the very and right natural tefemin ether Dated 02 grene/ if it be
heoken and aide vpon any tetter o2 foule {pottes tt will Detue them away
and will vefolue all colde ſuperfluites. It is good for the pote/but tt maketh
AND engendreth the heade ache tn them that ave of an hote complerion/and
the ople of itis bery good in Lopnter/but itis to be ferde,tf that any man
ofa very Hote complerion ſmell of it/ leſt itmakehim blede at His nofe,
Compare thele properties wyth the that Dioſcoꝛides gene vnto iaſmino/
eye hall fynde that ut propertes, iaſme Doth agree very well voyth the te
famine of the Arabians.

Of Sciatica creſſe or wilde creffe.

Iberis. caule Dioſcorides

a: S! Deftribeth this herbe
ALN sberis, in luche place
cx Wa) 8S no herbes but trees
aA coy are Defcribed and tt ts
Sy Me ek i contrary vnto his cuz
ne ske {tome to mire pintreatiuge of herbes
— Soph trees: fom holde ᷣ this herbe ts
WZ \yrx,, NOt Iberis Dtolcortdes.Andfom gaz
gay. therp forthiscaute p this herbe that
ew Jwititreate of, (s not Iberis/becauſe
ther ts an other herbe called of aunci
ent voriters /namely / ok Paul and oz
thers Iberis / and itis cleahe cotraz
ty in proportion and likenes vnto the
herbe that Paulus ſetteth furth for
Iberis:to who Iberis Janſwere/⸗
although it were not Iberis Dioſco
ridis. Wet tt folowoeth not /but that tt
may be ſom other learned mas Ibe⸗
ris though it be nether Iberis Pau⸗
linoz Acti. Chis herbe out of dout is
Fberis of Memocrates/ wher of Gaz -
lene maketh manifell mẽtiõ in the/x.
boke De compoſitione medicamẽtorum
ſecundum locos, and ther he bꝛingeth
it in Democrates deſcribing after
] this maner.Chis herbe fateth Demo
érates/ groweth muche enerp tobet/ beſide graues and olde Loalles/and
about highe wayes vohiche are not commenly plowed.It ts alwayes gre⸗
ne wyth a lefe like gardin creſſes /and this leafe is leſſe then creſſes lefe/
and tt commeth furth inthe ſpringe time. Che ſtalkes are a cubite longe
/andfomtime fhorter. Che leaues grow on the ſtalke
amd ſom time longer
all fonuner euen vnto the Depe vointer, vohiche voyth the pot vxac -
. \
—bid ae
; *
— sf dh,
—— ay 8
+ 7 —J

Of Sciatica creffe or wilde creffe.

eaues awaye /and bꝛingeth thehole herbe vnto the likenes of atwig z
bully rod. Vetit groweth vnto p roote/ otherbuddes /vohiche makeanem 7
herbe againe tn the next ſpringe.
Ithath a ſmal white flovoze/thefedeistg 7
fnall thata man can ſcarſſie fe tt. Che roote hath a very hote and thatpe
nell muche like bnto gardin crefies. Thus far hath Bemocrates detert
bed his Iberis. Pow let vs ſe hovo that Dioſcorides oꝛ fom other inbig
name Deltribeth his Iberis. Iberis/otherwiſe called Cardamanticahath
the leaues of crefies, but in the {pritige grener. Che ſtalke ts a cubit highe
and ſomtyme leffeitgrovoeth in vnplo wedgrovonde.Inſommer tt hatha
whyte floure at what time tt hath moſt vertu/ tt hath two rootes like
dnto crcfies/ heatinge and burninge. pe map fe how that in the deſcrip⸗
tion of Iberis both theſe autoures Do agre. noberfore this herbe inutt
not therfore be {potled of the name of Iberis/ becaule other autours have
in their workes an other kinde of Jberis. This is the herbe as J tuppote
that Fuchſius deſcribeth for ſhlaſpi minort: tt is called in Duche beten:
kraut.Jhaue ſene the herbe in all pointes agreinge wyth the delcriptio⸗
ties aboue {hewed beſide the walles of Gon tn Germany and in cat Free
land in the (ea bankes. ButJ haue not ſene it inCuglande that Jre⸗
meniber of. Jt may be called in Engliſhe waycreſſes
/wilde creiles/o: ſcia⸗
fica crefles/becaule the herbe is good fo2 the (ciatica. |
T be vertues of wilde creffes.
“i dther in fomer good plentpe of this roote/ for then it hath |
moſt vertue
/ andbete tt harde/ fo2 tt requireth muche bes |
/andmic it wyth ſwines grefle/ and bete themina 7
moꝛter voell/ till they be both come into one body/ thenil
Spy J any man oꝛ woman haue any paine in the hauche oꝛ huckel·
binde thisoputment bpon the place that aketh: iftt
be ina woman, for the (pace of tooo houres:ifit be ina mati, foz the ſpa⸗
ce of ttty.houres nether {hall pe mive oꝛ put any oile to it. But it alone pro⸗
— uoke the patient to ſwetealitle / andthen let him go into a bath /and bid
* him abide patiently there the bitinge of the ointment continevoe a vohile
/ andvhen he is well bathed/ then let hym out
/ and after that be be
comed fourth / let hym put a good deale of oile to a litle wine and a⸗
noynte the difeated place withall /and afterwarde that the place ts made
clene and the fat is ſcoured avoaye /couer the diſeaſed place topth wats
me woole /and if any grudge of the fame Difeale chance to rife againe/
let hym bfe the fore faide medicin againe after the fame maner:manp haue
bene bought in by other mẽ into the bath/betnge lame/by the ſciatica
‘che after they haue bled this ointment aud bath
/ haue commed out bp thé
ſelues ſtronge and luftye.
T he minde of Galene in this matter.
FeEmoerates vled p fame medicine after the fame maner againit the —7


{£22} olde and longe heade aches and againtt all olde difeates of the bo-
Lo! dyad againtt palleis/a againk ſuche dileales as can not be *
wy —

Bees ft Pe a ee ea ;
2 ss OF Sciatica creffe or'wilde creffe. _ — 72
PMopth out blyſtringe muttarde platters, ahe faith that he healed ther wyth
ali that were ficke in that diſeale/ whiche he toke in hãde. Archigencs faith
aiid in bis conde boke of medicines after the binde, that Iberis Dhiche
© hecalleth Lepidium/ ts good for the }are ficke in the mil greued wyth
the ſciatica. Hipparcus alſo voryteth /that. Iberis ts good for p ſciatica ẽ in
» pertreme colde. After this maner gather pherbe Iberis /wohiche fome call
> Lepweumn o2wilde creſſe /andſtampe tt wth ſwynes greſſe after maner
of aii emplalſte r tt to the akinge place
/laye for the ſpace of ij. hovzes /and
© then let the patient go into abath atterwardes/ and this will h lpe bin
» vemay vle the fame remedy again the olde heade ache; ag Democrates
the Philiciane in bis berles Doth teſtify. :

Of Gcory and Endine,

Intubus, Intubum fatiuum anguſtifolium
! Wh
MAS yg
a &
! \
ts F — — esi
St We A is Se 7
Ah BNE 1 A |
HAN , ING Nz * Wa he
—8*' — A 4
| Ha 7

Whe ' |

v D
r ¥ \
> st — ay
ris ) *

—— V—

Py ouSlls
Tan | tb 7
tr : 3z

Of Cycorie and Endine.

Mal ‘ |

J —23
way 4
ie Hf


Mtubus wohiche isnamed tn Greke feris, fs of ting

\ |
— J | }

et fortes/ the one ts called Intubus hortentis/and the

; h
a J

MALS) other ts called intubus ſylueſtris. Jutubus hostentig

} iW
|| ‘
4 |

Vues ts alfo of two ſortes /the one is called Endiue op

a i.

q i

9) white Cndiue, andthe other ts called garden fue:

: Al
) J
iH) ,

4. , te corp. Intubus ſylueſtris ts of thoo ſortes/the one ig

iif ba


QA Called in Latin Cichorium /and in Engliſhe ſutcory

be WN R(t 02 hardew/ es
and the other is called of Cheophraz
| i

t 1


iftus Aphaca/of Plinie Hedipnois/in Englitheade

|| }!

1 we
e/in Suche pfaffenblat. Sevis/is oftwo kindes, the
Vita ia d
one is wilde as Dioſcoꝛides wꝛyteth /and tt ts called picris and cichort-
um / and the other kinde ts of the gardin /and tthath bꝛoder leaues/the wil⸗
! J |

De two
is bette r for the ſtomhath
thene leau
the gard en vnto
is, thelettigard en endiu e is alfo
: ; } | ee *

of bindes/the one es Ipke s and the other hath

{ } i |
: tal ,

narrower leaues /which ath a bitter tatte.

A it
| a *

| |
‘ i |
4 : \ »

Thevertues of(ycory and Endiues

‘ 4 ri

; I]
Me Pe a |

pei, Dth Endine and Cycory coul € binde together/ and are be:
J in)

} }
; aa

IGA BSA\sS| rp good fo2 the ſtomacke Che herbe fodden and taken wyth
Via 4J Hit
4 yal i

WAAL vinegre/foppeth the belly. Che wilde tsbetter fo2 the ſtoma⸗
ia ea yi a
iM || aah?

Hy 4 A Wve) Che/fo2iftt be cate, tt ſwageth the burninge Lomacke that is

1} J

Ae 1 fi
a b 9
Hy +f :
41 i

a hc ey Je feble.It is good to lay the herbes ether by thein felffe 02 wyth

4 J

p= === polenta perched barley to the place conuenient for the difeate
a ae {
thi i —1 |
: a Bi}
; -
, : i; ae

called Cardiaca paſsio. They. are good for the gout and the inflãmationes
iW >
| } ;
3 4) : ‘i

of the cies ifthey be latde to: The herbes laide to emplaſterwiſe wyth the
ie} | |
| :
;|g : J

roote/ave good againtt the ſtinginge of a ſcoꝛpion voyth perched barley

herbe is good againt the cholerike inflammationes calledof fom faint Bn

i :

tonics fier. Che tuice of thele herbes vopth vohyte leade & vinegre/are good
ht ata }

to be laide vnto fuche places to haue nede of coolpuge:

1 Ny
aie i
{ aa
'| ®
7) OT |
: 1 Bi) ;

Of Elecampane.
t | at :
| 4 ii

Hi 1h
re Lede det
ht |
|f aniit
—9 t
hea Fey Mula is called in Grebe Helenion /inEnglithe Elecampane
1 ial Be
, Oia
HON: a2 02 Aleeapane/in Duche Alantzwurtz /in Frenche and in p poz
it RV V (ee Diten!
5 rR ’ :
Bh Ne — \\
Ly kafe
a }
y —
NOS)teen Ap
AI p \

ian ae
a: a
— —18
D\ %& FE 4
— \GH
ao : fh PA)
gaia * ies —
| bi> bb—
iie—n —
| : {

hil Be ae
t i bh
; f
: ip :
Hehe y
3 i‘
: ae-—»= =——

—— —




: : |
th ’ —
k i

The vertues of Elecampane. se

ah , |
! 1 \:

Fe i 3¢ broth of the rote dronken Detueth furth brine and flotwers.

1 } : !

} Poe) Sa} Clecampane taken in an Electuary voyth houp ts good for the
S| GRY cough fo fhoztnes of breth
fez places burften and ſhꝛonken to
J WS} gether/ for windenes and for the bytinge of ferpentes.
Che lea
| \ |

: | ):

— Nuͤeg,/ikthey be fodder in wine/ ave good to be laide = iy

it a

Of Elecampane:
Enula. | Campana


— NN
⸗ - ¢⸗J
— A
— *»
\ |—

fciatica.Clecamparie lealoned and layde bp in maluateyisgood forthe fo

macke/the fuccot makers and faucemakers/take the roote and d2ve it a lyt⸗
le kirſt
/andthen feth it, and afterwarde ftepe it in colde water/ and Lape it
by tn lodden wine for diuerſe bles. The roote broker and dronken/is derp
good agatatt the ſpittinge of blode: |
| Of the herbe called in Latin Irie:
JJuerle learned men haue diuerle opiniones of the
PD yORS Sy herbe that is calledin Latin Jrio and in Grebe

QD ti Thę

| Of Trio.
Thbe defcription ofTria.
T a) Rio growoeth belide cy⸗
V4] ties and amongell olde
mAs rey tubbithe and vemnates
P& i erAlof olde walles and In Ae
ke wilde

T he vertues ofIrios
PSG Rio is good againtt the flowinges 02 iffues, that fall out of the
heade into longes /and againt that dileale /when as men coughe
SSA) out foule mater /itis good foz the iaundes and fos the ſciatica/tt is
Good to be taker in honye again poyſon it ts good to be layde to wyth
toater on hony vnto blinde cank /er s s behinde the cares) hardnes
/andthe inllammation of the ftonesy generally it maketh fine
Gfthe papes
atid heateth.
Offlour Delyce or flour Delutes 9 3
ANS AY] Wis is knoweẽ both
if ot the Brecianesã
Latines by thai na
Suche biaw Lilt
Aen /and blavo Gil⸗
| /( g gen /jinFrenche ou
—N ſga glaien /and dela
| Aambes in Engliſhe flour de lyce og
| floutdeluce, the poticaries aud bars
. \ barus vwoʒyters call it Irios in the ge
: netiue cale,
f fp Sein se
| ) ; LThe defcriptionof Iriox
3 Zar mlttishath
hisname of
4 lthenes that it hath of p
/| — = rapn Bow/fo
2 Fe ailed p rapnbow: Ithath
| — ! —— ——leaues like buto the her-
be called Gladiolus/that
is to ſaye/
| Y the gladdon o2 ſwerdlynge/
by += ter/broder/and fatter. Floures of Diz
(¥ § AT. uerfe colozcs ſtand in like {pace one
| MS: 77), : from an other, and come out of the
| — —9) ltalke /foꝛ the ſloures are ſene vohyte/
— ⸗ ‘ud yealow/ purple/og blew, by che
F iuerlite of the whiche coloresitrez
) tembleth a raynbovo. The rootes run in the grounde full of idintes /harde
> Weil finellinge/vobpche are cut in litle tues 02 cakes 7 and are dried in the
thadow/and then are put vpon athrede,¢fowept.- The belt floure de Lyte
| D2Arisin Slauonia o2 in Wacedoniay ether that isbetty that is theleſte /
| Hat we map call the Dwarf flour de luce/andcomenly hath a thicke roote,
| Yard to breake of afome thinge rede coloz/ of a bitter taſt and ofa ryght
| pleafant fauoze/fo that it fmelleth nothinge ofmouldnes /ethe fame whilſe
| tig in fampinge 02 beatinge/tt maketh the beters neele. Che nert prayſe is
> to be geuen to the Fris o2 flour de ipceofBarbaria / whiche ts ſome thinge
© twbite e bitter in taſt. The rootes vohen they are olde bie to bewoꝛme eate/
a > and then ble they to ſmeil belt. The floure de licethat groweth here in En⸗
> glande although it be not fo good as itthat groweth in Illxrico/x in Sla⸗
| Monia/and Wacedontaand in Barbarta/becaule this oure countreeiscols
) Derand inopttier then the other countties be/in thewhiche the flour de luce
| Siiugularly good: pet Aris is not to be deſpiced foztt hath itany good and
ercellent quaſites Ihaue ſenea litle four delice grovoyng woylde in Doꝛrſet
> fhpte/ but bole cartes full in Germany belpde Woꝛmis tn the middowes —
Whetdo ue %
fe *%

- hot far from the bene.7

The vertues ofAris or flourde Lyce,
t the Vual ut tree.
Of the Vualnuand *
SA L1 kyndes of floure delice haue the pzopertie to heate /and tg
mabe ſubtill. Iris ts good foꝛ the coughe.Itmaketh ripe grog 4
AC fe pumors whiche arẽ harde to be cali 02 auoyded outwmarde,
N=) S bij, Daamines of Aris pouder dꝛonkẽ voyth mede/purge color ¢
Sa == profi fleme. It pꝛouoketh flepe sand bamgeth out teares/it ig
good for the quawinges ithe belly, Che lame dronken wyth vinegre ig
good againtt the ftribinge of ferpentes/fo2 them that haue the diſeale of the
mtit/fo2 the crampe/foz them that haue take a thoꝛow colde, fog quiucringe
o2 fhakinge and foz them that fuller the iſſue of ſede. IfAris be Broken Ww
wine/itbringeth Downe weomen thei liknes. Che broth of Ireos is good
for to bathe a womans mother Loptly to {often t/and to loule the bre: h ho-
ies of the veynes of tt. It is good to be poured into aclifter for the ſciatica.
Ft filleth dp fittulacs and holo comers with fleſhe. Che roote of flour de-
lice dꝛeſſed wyth honp/and made after the mancr of a {uppofitory, and put
in the conuentent place /helpe to DoLone furth the birth tn tyme of labor. Ab
ſo the rootes lapde to foften harde wennes and harde lumpes. The dy pou.
Der fillety fores and with bony it ſco wreth then. Itftileth the naked bones
wth a kleſſhy body. It ts berp good to be lapde vnto »p heade/tor the head
ache wyth binegre and role ople. Fftt be layde to voyth vohite hellebor and
ij. partes of bonyttwill {cour out freckles /fpottes and ſuche other foulenes
in the face/that come by fon burninge. Matthiolus redeth exmavrnAmbhere
as my Greke Diolcorides hath exmavan, Dy tert meaneth that the floures
grow vpon the ſtalke: But hys 10020 ermavrAcn / ashe expoundeth tt / votllp
the floures ſhall only grovo tn the ouermoſt parte ofcuery Halk: whiche in⸗
terpretation, femeth to me contrary vnto the mynde of Dioſcoꝛides and to
our day xexperience / andto hys ovone figures vohiche be feireth furth. Cau
lis that is to ſaye/aftalt/is that parte of the herbe Loherby the norꝛiſhement
is cavied/aryleth bp fromthe grounde alone. Ji thys be true/then ſhoulde
there be but one flouve bpon cuerp ftalk of the floure Delice/o2 all ſhould
ftand together tn the top/and none {houlde by equall diſtance as Dioſcoꝛ⸗
— Des meaneth Mand one beneth an other. Matthtolus fetteth out tf. figures

| of Fris/the olpe is ofthe wilde, ¢ therein are bj.floures, tn the tame are iiij.
| foures/and in bothe the figures are but ij. caules 02 Latkes, ercept he take

pediculog/called in Grebe wooxous to be all one with caule

/which ts contratt
to all learninge/thevefore the floures grow not allwayes in the top of enetp
ſtalk alone/but fom aboue in the topp/ aſlom beneth/< com out of the ſtalk
and ftand fuper petiolos o2 pebtculos ſuos /that is vpon theyr ſtiles og foot
ftalkes. Therfore hys annotation ts nothyng woꝛrth.

Of the walnut and the walnut tree. wee


VUrx wythout any farther addition ts called a aMalnut or a

wvalnut tree.Fets called alfo Juglangs, nur perſica/glanio⸗
Fou Nie! UlS/tUL bilili ca/anur regia
/inGreke Capa bafilicay in Du⸗
cche Eyn nutz baum, oder ein Welſhnuſz/ in Frenche Ung
HJ ONE) Hotere. Che walnut and the walnut trees ave ſo well knowen
in all countrigszebat J nede not to deſcribe /
wherfore J en⸗
tende to leaue the deſcription and to goto the pzoperties of it.
T be et


Of theV? nalniit-andthe Pualnur tree, —
Iuglans. The vertues of theVualiut.
RX X LEP gE ames ea nuttes are harde of
—9 :vf digeſtion /not good for
ANG a RQ KE y orn VAN Aya the ſtomake /and ingẽ⸗
6 «BO bee chol /and
er they ma
YE LIN WUEPMANEE 4 be heade ache. They
* are euell for them that
7haue the coughe, Chey are fit tobe
taken fattinge of thent that pooulde
bomite.Jithey be taken afore hande
wyth rue and figges, and alfo after
_ neat by & by, they. wythſtande pot-
font. They do no lefic, ikthey be eaten
after that aman bath donke potfon.
FE thep be eate in Greate plenty thep
driue out biode wirmes. Fis boon
to lap them toy wyth alitiehony and
tue for the burninge heate o2 inflam
mation of the papes/foz tmpoftemes/
and places out of topnt. FE they be
lapde to wyth an ontory fait and ho⸗
Niy/ they ave good for the bytinges
— both of menand dogges Ff they be
__buent wych cheyr btter bitaes and
So WX Sy, latde nto the naueil/ they ſtãche the
2 Saw gna winge of p belly, The (hell burnt
and beoken in ople and voine/isgood
to anopnt childers heades wythall to make the bere groty the faine ts al⸗
7000fo flbp the bare — of {called heades, The kernels burned, if
| thep be bioken and laide to wyth voine/they will ſtay the blody yſſ
© ew that
tem tyme wemen haue. Tye fame ave good to iaye to olde carbuiicles and
crepin ſo
ge res tetters and impoſtemes that ave in the comers of the epe,
e ſame chowed and laide vpon the heade/are a pꝛeſent remedy fo. the
ti of * heare. Aman may make ople of the kirnels of walnuttes
, if
will pꝛeſſe th/e peci
mally when they areolde:they that are gren/earenot
dulltor the ſtomake as the side nuttes be /becanife they are Weter. Vf the
be mired with garieke/thep take away the ſharpnes And they Do ifthey te
D i; to emplaſterwiſe /dꝛiue awaye the bicwo markes thaͤt comeofſtri⸗
siya 3 — tree both in his leaues and buddes bath a certayne bin⸗
dinge/but the bindingetsmoſt euidently perceyued in the btter huſkes/
both moylt and Dape/and therkore fullers dorſe them
.J) faery Galen/
zeſſe out the tuice of the hutkes as J do out of the Mulberies 4 bamble-
es / and fet it wyth ſdd en hony/ ahd ble itin the ſteade of a moutl
Eeaince medicine / J bie the ſoꝛlaide iuice of mulberes and bꝛamble⸗
beres The kirnell of the nut /when itis wythered
/isof aͤwtili partesand a
Dipinge medicine wyth out any bytynge.
Out ofPliny;
Of Squynant. |
Ves =< He Eretians haucnamed the walnut of that, that it beingeth the
. heade ache for the ttrengthe of the trees and the leaues perche inte
HES) the brapnie/tf the nuttesbe taken a fore hand they beeake and quen
Che the mpaht ofpoplon. Chey are good tobe laide to the ſquynſie myth rue
eople. Cneius pompetus voben he had ouercomed the myghty binge My⸗
thypditeshe founde in his moſt ſecret treſerhouſe in aiptie boke by it ſelffe
wꝛyttẽ wpth his orone hade wyth this preferuatiuc/the cOpofition wherof
isthis. Cake tod Deve Walnuttes /and ij.figges and cr. leaues of rue/brea⸗
Ke thet together and put a corne offalt tho them / and ik pow eate thig me-
Dicine faftinge/ther hail no popfon hurt yoo that Daye: the kirnels of the
nuttes if they be cho wed / of aman faftingeis a prefent remedy if they be
lapde vnto the bytitiges of amad dogge. Som vſe to make fuccat wyth
pony o2 fugar of the pouge nuttes
/whiche are palled of the tvee about mid⸗
omea. Tragus voꝛyteth that the water tobiche ts deſtilled out of the grene
nuttes gathered at mitfomer, is good foz the inflammation of the pappes,
impoftumes, and foz places out of topnt the ople that ts pꝛeſſed out of the
/ſaieth Cragus/is good foz the purpoles aboue reherſed.

Of Squjnant.
Vncus odozatus fine rotundus, ts called in Greke
— A cxowos coopor mos/in Engliſhe Squynant /in Zůche
fF1 Kamelhewe, in the potẽcaris hoppis Squinantũ
Weyer 1 Squynant groweth tn Aphatca and in Arabia, the
—belt cometh
out ofPabathea
/thenert in goodnes
VA) pq 18 tt that cometh out of Arabie the tort cometh
74)EAS)EQ) out of Africa: the belt athe molt wourthieſt to be
choleti/ is that whiche is redde/ kreſſe and full of
— — floures 7but final and bath redde peces in it whe
che beitige robbed tna mans handes /will ſmell Ipke a role. It byteth the
tonge allo Ipke fyerMe. bie no part oftt/fautnge the ower, the ſtalke and
the rote. We haue not in Curopa ſuche ſquynant as Dioſcoꝛides deſcribeth
4 neuer favoe ſquynant growin /ſaui
genge only dryed.
T he properties of Squynant.


Of the luniper tree. Beatie can Rigi
Tuniperii. Pari | Uniperus is called in
Lu Se RAI Broke AckerhosinEnz
Wes2 Nom. Ad bey alithe Junipe r or Jene⸗
£ J AY pers in outchwachhold/
—— itSFrenicleDugenefure:
ijpire sy — oe ee
Hie S— The Deſcription. 4
ESAS REY Jolcozdes makethi.winded
KS G | Beg | OFJunipe
r r kinde
| GySy
TIS bibig
—,,——— NG Wes, nes,. Itniperper 6both—“
Juni the greatert Mi
G a s y eAW WG & theleffe(8alwoapes greg
| AK 2) Wi nhat
e h itt
WENN the tebe of lea ues prickes rather the
ir Wika. dziN tight leaues
/and eüery fuche leate or
|| AEN)
aw N |) tonge,
Pelcbe ts bery ike bute p ende ofthe
— of an butebollo2wodlpike,but
it is grene /the wod is rediſh whiche
TSS tf tt be put into the fyer/ maketha
ae ~ | verpy good finell. Che berries are firft
grene and afterwoarde black. Some
—7 holde pp berries areij.peare tu ripin⸗
me AK A758 Ge bpon the tree. This tree groweth
J — ee comtmenty ttt great waft wilde
a —— | tes¢baton groundes/ but fonttpme
gr arb dadgid ion ——
ae i , Lau England it groweth molt plenz
| eee es — — ere in Kent/it growech alo(np
bpihopeyche of Durram/ th Mozshiberlande se groweth ih Germany itt
| many places in greate plentp
e tn no place tt greater then a Iptic from
Bon / wher as/ at the tyne of peare the feldefares {ede only of unipers
decries the people eate the feldefares vndꝛawẽ wyth guttes and ail/becau

© tthep ate full ofthe berries of Juniper.

; _ The verthes of luniper. —
Eirey Der are ij. kindes of “Juniper the greater ¢ the leſſe /they are bothe
hote /a thir mer to make water/aif >they be lette afier, they Devuc
bd ‘

a4waye ſerpent s. Che berries do mealerablely hete & binde /gare

dod fo2 the ſtomacke. They are good to be Dronken againſt the dileales of
>| pentes
the brefta gapnit the cough,brine,
t winde /gnawinges
. Chey dryue fourth are good foz places & byting e offers
burit ¢ hronken
| together « for the frariglinge of themother. Che leaues
| pe.Cherfore boty thep/é alfo the tutce of them are good are bytinge ã hat
to be dionke wyth
wine oꝛ to be laide to againt the bptinge of a veper, |
| Of Labrufca. ae : |
) Abꝛulca /whiche ts called tn Greke Ampelos agria/ 02 Om⸗
Ld |J vais of if.foxtes/the one kinde ts fo wilde>tt hath onip flow
BS eH res and goethno fetther/ & this foute ts called Enanthe The
Fy aire Other bath floures ¢alto lytle grapes. J hauc fene of both >for
eespientuoully in Italy in diners places bp wefloude P —

Af Labrufea.
emdinhighe Almany alto. It may be calted in Engliſhe a wilde bine, A
thinges both leaues/floures and grapes, are leſſe in this Kinde then m the
/ozels in figure and kaſſhon they are all one.
gardin vinde
T he nature of the wilde grape.
ape |we leaues of the wilde grape/and the ſtalkes
/andclatpers haue the
—F es faine bertue that the other hath. Che flouresofthe wilde grape
pies ue a ftoppinge o2 bindinge power/wohetfoꝛe in Dzinke they are good
for the ſtomacke /andto dꝛzyue fourth brine. Chey ſtoppe the belly athe cas
ftinge out of bloudetfthey be dꝛyed and latde to, they ave Good fox the loth.
fomnes of the ſtomacke and fournes of the fame. They ave good to be lapde
vpon the heabe/ether grene 02 dꝛyed w vinegre a roſe ople. A platter made
oftheny healeth bioudy woundes /the impoftemes in the cegners of pepe
Loben they ave in beginnynge/the foxes of pmouth/e the fretinge ſores of p
prtuities. Ffthey be broken w hony
/lalfron & myrza role ople/they fane from
inflammation. They ave good to put tn peflaries to anche blode. Chey
ave good to be layde to 1b wine ¢ the mele of perched barley agarutt wa⸗
teritige of peyes/ p burninge of p tomake. The aſihes of thei, burned in
a veſſell w hote coles are good foz medicines foz the eyes and wyth hony it
Healeth whit flawes /aguayles ⁊goomes bledinge/a bered w impoſtemes.
Of Lettes.
Soidag... eS
Laftuce. Seidaniva nepaArne.
D DP > WK ‘ p
mG SN) M7 f On Fee bs SX GY he +e o = CY" ye :
A PAIByBa, A —7 Ly Oe . *fod —
— NY 3
We : en V —
aI WM, So s Ale: KT eS —
4 y ~ PWoOo"“U pom Ni
Apo NS
— 6 gif _ 9 ‘Tay 7 2 YA
(Ak = banal F * el J c is —<<)
=. BOQ ev*74 Teg . > C3 3
4, : 8 V4 )
8V⸗ NLA ke S TAI) Sn ” AAS oA
Doidag cf ci0¥. Of Lette. | —— 36
"4 | — Actuca is called inde
* gi< 2 —*
ery eT ae
be Thridar/xinEngli⸗

Es . WAN Pe
: on
— =| (he Lettes o2 Lettuce/
4 TT “cs * —

weal ii Fouche Lattich/ in

(Agae pes,‘
em —— F
*A *%\ HN,
ye iH

e Lactue.
French /bug
Nie & —539
J — ve — wa
¢ ‘ — mT? —*2?

pettis is of diuerle
we —* — DS” fait!

ES —
we ye 4
— 7

x kindes/one bindeis called Lactuca

_ we. hortenfis7 andinEngliſh gardin
a ie * Lettis/the other bindets called
tucad ſylueſtris /whiche ts called in
Englifhe grene endiue/ ¢ this is the
herbe that the Iſraelites eat wyth
thet palſouer lambe. Cher ave diuers
fortesof gardin lettes for oneiscal-
ledD Lactuca capitata, that is cabbaz
ge lettes/becaule itgocth all nto one
eade/as cabbage cole doth/ati other
kinde ts the tomon lettes fom kin⸗
Des of lettis haue white {ede/a other
kindes haucblack fede.



Thbe defcription of Lettice.

Pannay we commen gardin lettice
KI hath biode leaues Itke vnto
ES 2)tobpteendine
) . . ‘ sie a ———

| ryleth ſtreight vp /about the top are

SS diuerſe bꝛanches / whych haue yelow
ures The wilde iettesis live the
other after Wiolcorides,
but the roote ts ſhorter / the ſtalke ts longer / thelea⸗
ues are whyter
/ſmaller and ſharper and bitter in taſte and when as they
perfit/they are full of pꝛickel. |
ca gh The properties ofLettis. :
al He Gardin lettes
/whych is of aeoolinge nature/ is taken to be good
4 fos the ſtomacke:it bainflepe thieth the belly ecalled fourtly
aa miplke: but when it ts ſodden
/itnorꝛiſſeth more. But thep that haue
4 an eucllſtomacke / were bett to take itvnwaſſhed. Che fede were good to
be Dronker of them that are combꝛed voxth vncleane dreames: & tt ts good
it is
the rage of vener y. Much e bie of lette s/hur teth the epltahe:
agay nſt
Good agaynt infammationes and hote buthpriges: Itis lapde wp of fom/
and ſealoned and fauced in brine.

— Of Haris foot. eens —

IA go pu s maye be calle d in En glHari
[4 7) uer/the such call it Katsé ble, » Frenche foot/orrough clas
cali it Pede de leure.
compar T hé deſcription.
E yj Diot
Of Haris foot.
J Joſcoꝛides ſheweth

Ldgop WB.

— —2 if
Pay, 0),
‘ lj

C4 von, {8 F oth —— weth among the come,
lyf He ae A UObiche placeiscome to many other
WY is iy berbes. Wherefoꝛe we can no
— t a⸗
U ther bp that one woꝛde / what herbe
& t we NOF in out felis
(7 aS gs Se pus in Dioſco⸗
vides. But becaule tt hath the name
2 ws NY SH ofan Haris foote/ and noother her:
‘el yi3 —7 Drs ‘be gro wyng tn the corn
Wie ise “em /is
aris foot ag thys herbe is that
Mi Wt g fet furth /J] thinke notwouat
SKE Sue!
FV ’


The vertues of Lagopus,

i= pod we herbe Lagopus Donker tn wyne ſtoppeth the belly/but
Pisa Koda tf a man haue an agu/
ehemutt drynk it for the fante purpofe tt
Pua) water. Che fame ts good to be lapd bnito the (hare mben it is
53 OS) indammed ox brought into a great beat. Lagopusas Galene
=" fapeth/bath lo dꝛying a power, that it can dape bp woell the dir

Of the herbe called Lamium ov dede Nettel. 33
Lamij tria genera. JAmium is called alta
cee BL. Y,Cr prtica iners / 02 more
Bel ba 77) tua/betica alba/and of
A CRs fom Archangelicay in
S tee) Cnialifhe ed nettel/
in Buch tod Aeſſel/in

|| =< butoa Hettel/ but let

Pa poe (ec indented about; and
whyter. Che Donny
4 y ( eS a

iT —— N Page
a) —— S


The vertues offded. Nettel

out ofPliny.
ape at bynde of Mettel alto which among other J named Lamium /
> Reba bepuig mofte gentle of ail other and hauyng leaues that byte nots
| Bs pwpth a coine of ſalt healeth ſuch places as ave bruſed 02 beteti/ oF
burn/tand wennes /and ſwellynges /goutes and woundes·Ithath a why⸗
techyng in the myddes of the leate/nobhich ts a good remedy agaynſt ſaint
" Aihtonies fyer of hote burnynges. The later writers holde that the dede
> Pettel is good to ſtop blood,tfttbe layde ether vnto } loweſt partes of the
Neck/o} to p (houlder blades: They tape allo p tt isa good temedy agapntt
foule ſores and fiftulacs 02 falfe woundes.
Of the herbe called Lampfana.
es Amplana/ as Dioſcoꝛides wꝛiteh ts awylde woꝛte
‘ . {
— WAN es 02 catable herbe/and moze largely Doth not he deſcri⸗
27 7 beLampfariaPliny Buteth hys Lampla⸗
, | namch us.Am onget t p toplde boltgalfo
es Lampf
_ | naa foot hyg/vith rouge leaucs like vnto napo
) he
S Ea e77= | oa pelow rape: but pflour of Lamplana is whyter.

ME re )ere(e je) Mobent J wastt Bono ny

Lucas / the reder
Gs, of;aioftorides there themed me the ryght Lampla⸗
— nam/which after warde J haue ſene inmany places
bf Germany in the come keld e loner then carlok/but in taſte and in
—* E ij lalſhon
Of theberbecalled Lampfanas

fafhon oflefe much like tt. But it hath a tobpte tioure wyth a bery litte pur
ple in it/in fom places as ‘FZremembze/vet moſte comely tt is all clere vohite.
T hevertues of Lampfana.
Ries sofcordes maketh no other mention of any bertue/thatiLampfana

JES) bathAaupng thathemaketh it good for the pott /gſayeth that it no⸗ ===

riſheth more ther the Dock Doth/anp ts better fo2 the ftomacke. Ga
lene fayeth that Lampfana eaten/ingendreth euel iuice/it it be lapd to wyth
out/that it hath fom pour to {cour away /and to digeſt o2 make rppe.
Of the tre called Larix —

So a} FiGreat experience anid of no lefle learnpng, not beyng

Hy! eA) encumbied wyth fuch belines as Pliny was/ haue of i
wee AX late founde out. Pliny voriteth that the leues of the
—larche tre neuer decay noꝛ fall of/vohiche thyng both
— — Matthwolus ¢Bellonius haue found bp sa
Cf the treecalled Larix af
tobe vntrue. Foz they Lote both
that the lavche tree leaues falof tu
wynterBut . herein Jcan beare no
voptues/foz allthough in ſummer J
: VEZ haue fene infinite larche trees pet ¥
= ATI a vas neuerin wynter Lobere thep
NN erse< SAE Grew.But J truſt them Lobich haue
REA; wen, Mee¢) lene them both in lummer and wyn⸗
7% ter, and out ofthele mes vorytinges

; J haue gathered thys delcription of

Larir kolowiug.
ox — — Thelarchetree contenly islower
—— SSF then thekyrre tree but in fom places
BR ay Sy sae a8 it 8 koude as hyghe as pfirte tree ts.
Nokewlnl sec Trike The lovwett parte of the boli o2 body
— gf the larche tree/next vnt o
de/bath a harke very harde / and tt
isfull of ryftes agapynges /vohiche
appeare ipke certayn Depe furro wes.
It pe hew tt/and cut it /withan hat⸗
chet/ye(hall fynde ttberp rede, and
vntil pe come vnto the bunghes tt ts
roughe /but after Pye come to the pla
te wobete the bowes grote, thet itts
(mother € in colory ts out ofan aſſhy
whptifhe. The btinghes are leſſe the
F/I D7 IS | any other kynde conenitberpng tre
| "TAP SY MND bath, and they are tougher and mo-
) tebowpng/and thepr colo: is out of pelow rediſh e of a very pleſant fas
/tvoo fingers long’ a litle bꝛode/
| uoe.The leaues are blunt foft and bowyng
Gofp byaties of fenel leaues About thyrty grow together about one knop⸗
after tye maner of a beame.Intatte they ave not fo byndyng as other lea-
|) wesoftrecs of ipbe kynde be.Jufell they reſemble > leaues of a pyne tre.
Thelarche tre ts very lyke vnto the cppres tren the fruite o2 nutt. for the
larch nut ig asgreate as Cypres nut is/ andfomthinge longer/and hatha
wherby the kruite is ioyned vnto p tree. The nutt is
| Mhorte ftele 02 foot ſta/lk
compalſed about woyth thin bulkes one growyng ouer an othe r p ma
erdtfleales otakiſche and voythin ave ledes of the bygnes of aCypꝛes kyzr⸗
| nell. Ghys tree groweth largely in the mountayes th the land of Couv/and
| tnthe alpes that ave betwene Itali and the countre called Khet/ia where
is inthe dioceſe of Cour.
odefone parte |

he nature and vertues ofthys tree.

T as
<=) -Fynide great diuerlite of opiniones and deba bettwene the of
~CH (AP) De toriters and the new /cöcernyng the nature ofthis tree. for
TAA FA the tieme voꝛiters hold that wod of thtreis/wilburnaswell
: /isperfitlp kno⸗
ay as $wod of other trees. nabpch thing this day
Stead tog in many places bydaply expertéce,
Gut poldEvoriters oldP

ij the
— dx
—9 eu

oY w/, wi
; 4

Of the treecalled Larix ‘

thelarche tree will take no flame/and chat it will no moge burn thé 4 fone, a
Amõgeſt many old wrpters that hold opinion/Jwill bryng furth but tig
to beare witnes ofp mater.The one is Palladius /vohich writer) thus iy
hys boke of huſvandry of the Larche tre. Larix fapeth he, is bery ofitabig
to make bordes ot / to lap them vnder the tyles/th the btter parte of phou
(ec.Ifthou do fo/thou hat made a lure Defence againt al burning: Foꝛ iho⸗
fe bordes woill nether receyue any flames nether voill they inake any cole,
The other olde voriter ts named Uitruutus/ voho in hys ſecond booke of byl
Ding voryteth thele wordes of thelarche tree. Che larche trees, fateth he,
are touching the leatie /like
s vnto the pyne tree leaues. The tymbꝛe is tong
Has tractable for any inwarde voerck as Sapin i8.and it hath moyſte
liquide roſin of the colo2 of the hony of Athenes.And it ts good for the that
haue the trick intheyr lunges. Che Larche tte nobiche ts not kno wen / bur
only vnto the proper inhabitantes /that ether dwel about the banck of Pa⸗
dus food/and about the fee ſhores of the Uienetiane ſee/ notonly isnot hur
ted / wᷣrottyng or muldring / 02 wyth voormes /by the meanes of the Great
bitternes that tt hathy but alſo tt voll receyue no flame of the fire. Hether
can it burn any otherwyle the a {tone doth in a lyme kyll. Bet by other wod
it burneth. And pet not euen then Doth it receyue the flame, nether grueth
any cole/but in along tyme it is ſlo wolyburntAnd . thys is the cauſe/ there
is in it a mall
ſ temperature of the principales of the ayer and frre. Forthe
wod beynge thick and hard fattened together, with an earthly mopſture/
and not hauyn boyd {paces
g for holes/by the vohyche the fyre map entr ini S
tt putteth back the pour of the fyre/ and ſulkereth not it felfe tobe hurtof tye
reafon of pheupnesAt is not holdẽ bp of ptoater/ but when it is born ether —

in ſhyppes/ois fet abou the fyrr raft: ho vothat this tymbre was founde
there ts a caule to know it. Che renovomed and noble Cefar/ when he had =

att hotte about the alpes he cõmanded > inbabttantes there that were vn⸗
Dev hymn, to finde vitales. But there was a fal toun named Laringum/
and the me of the tovn truſtyng to thepr natural defence/ would not obey
the commandement ofCelar-Cherioze the chefe capitayne commaundedp
garilones to beledge tt. But there was before the gate of the towone/ a tour
made of thys tyinbre/made of diuerſe beames/one goyng croffe ouer an o⸗
ther. And ttvoas very hygh / and in faſſhon after the making ofa roche ofa

tteple/that ts great beneth and ſmall aboue /ſothat a man mpght put back
agyn them that came bp/both wyth ſtones and clubbes. But when it was
percepucd that thep had no other wepenes but tones eclubbes/and> they -
could not catt far from the wall/ by the veafone of the heuynes / the come
mandment was geuẽ/ faggoters made of fmall brꝛuſſhe/ſhuld be tet a kyre/
and layd to the holde. The fouldpers dyd that fpedelp. But as ſoun as the
flame had taken holde of the faggottes/belpde the typmbie, and went bp
in to the apre a loft/it made all menn thynck that allthe hole heap fhuid
fall by and by. But when the fame went out of it (elf/and fo was quéeched/ —

aud the tour appered vntouched /Cefar woundering greatly/commãded p

they fhould be compatied round about/ with out the cattyng of dartes. But
vohen the tobones mei compelled bp kere had geuen bp and pelded them
(clues/tt was Demanded of them from whence the toodde came, which
woulde notbeburt wp fore. And then they ſhewed thé thote trees —
Of w F


Of Agarik.
S—SCeLS Ellonius woundereth that any man dare hoive >
KIB, VGH) Algarik doth grove tn other trees then in the larche
SQ YAN tre/but bys meruelpng isagaintobe merueled aty
en NZI] fepng pgood autores wrpte/P it map be found alſo
— in other rolin bringing trees. But thys Do F thine.
* ane

of tg
the heade and ma :
Of Agarick out ofDiofcorides. : . ‘i
son Here are tooo kindes of Agarick/the one is the male/a the o-

el LYN) ther is the female, Che female whiche ts >better, hath right
/oꝛlpnes/of bepnes/gopng within it.The
Leer (7 Ul 02 itreygth orders
io Nl male ts roimde and fatter fattened together. Bothe pkindes
oS) PE bauc alwete tatte at the firt taltpng but alter warde / ittur⸗
* neth into a bitter taſte. The nature of Agarick is —

j Cf the herbecall-d Laſerpitium. 30
i together eto heate. It is good for} qnatoinges tn pbelly/ for ravones & fog
Pbuvkien places ¢ foz the are bꝛuſen ã hurt with falling, The ble sto geue a
ie/tothem that hauc no ague/and with mede to them
B fcruyiein honiwyed that haue pblody fli/xtothe that
that haue a feuer. It is allo good for them
Haue tye quelfoughe o2 iaundeſſe anid to tye
/tothem that are ſhortwynded
b that ave dilealed tu the lyuer and the bynes. nee bie to gyue a Hain whẽ
N Amans water is ſtopped/ik the mother be ftrangled/oz il man be tll colo:
) ved. Ftistaken with maluatet when aman hath cOfumption oꝛ tiſyck and
) with oxymel on honied vinegr e a man ts cumbꝛed with the diſeale of
/ when
Y the milt. Ifthe ſtomack be fo flaſhe and louſe that it can hold no meat
/ then
is itbeſte to be taken alone/without any moyſture. After thefame maner
Hh tStt gpuen co them that belche out afoure beth. Ifit be taken in the quan⸗
N titeoftwos ſcruples ¢ an balf/ with waterrt ſtoppech vomityng of bloode.
» Alit be taken with honicd binegre/in Ipke weyght /it ts good fog the ſciati⸗
f ta and the payn it fopntes and the fallpng ſiknes. It tapngeth alſo Doun to
wemen theyr ſyknes. Fn the fame quantite tts good to be taken againſte
hhe wyndenes of the mother. Ikit be taken before the ſhakyng of an ague/
» before the fit come/it taketh the fhaking away. Thefame taken in the quae
y bite Of a dzam O2 two with mede/purgeth the belly. It is a good remedp a⸗
) Sait popion taken about the quatitcofa Dram with a drꝛinck well dilaped
; with water. It isa ſpeciall remedy a aint the ſtyngyng of ſerpentes and
| fap diting of p fame tf tt be drꝛökẽ tp quatite sf one ſcruple a an Half with
® Wie. Gaicne writeth allo thatifAgaricke be lapd vnto with out, that tt ig
| Good for the bytyng and ſtyngyng of a ferpet. Meſue poriteth that Agarick
Pw hote ia dfivite degte edey inp {econde. Ft is gyuẽ tn pouder layeth Me⸗
| the; trom one dram ta tw/obut in both from ij.dꝛammes to kiue.
Of the berbe called Laſerpitium.
aue nether poker with anyman /norvede in any wꝛiter of
1 =} chis our tine, that Duct fay that he had (ene tyght Laler⸗
wberot Theophratt and Dioſcorides make mention
ell Of. But Kuellius iudgeth that the bertuous herbe called Ans
A aN gelica ts ‘Laterpitiumn gallicum Jfthere be any Laferpitiunt
DBS) ccher in Frauce oz Germany, F would rather take Pillitori
| Breypapn called of tye Duche meilter wurtz / tobe Lalerpitiũ then ange:
> dca becau tt bath leues mote like pertely the Angelica hath. Itkany man
tranayl in to farce countres & woulde learne toknow thenove ryght Lalerpiti⸗
" qin'let by swell marke thele Detcriptiones which Fcome traffate out
> ef diokorides and Theophra/ lthethall the foner by the true brow
| fedge of tt.Laterpitium groweth tn Syria/Armenta/Me dia/and Lypbta/
| ‘Suitha ftalck Ipke a ferula 02 kenelgyan t ttalck they call Malpetum.
| Ft hath ieaues lyke Perlely /anda bzode ſedeThe. tuice that cometh out of
Pftaick ¢ roote is called Water. The ſtalcke is called Silphiõ p roote Ma⸗
qtidarig/ fon call the leafe alfo Matpettt. Theoph ratt detcribety Laterpt-
fii thus. Che roote of Laler pitiũ is mani fold egthic keIt hath a ſtalck agp
etũ iphejbrito Pertely.’c he fede
~ Prulahath/4 ateate whiche thep call Maſpvohich
- Binode/z is of p-failhs ofa lefe fuch ag ts called the lefe. The oe
: ths
Of the tree called Larix
Lafer feuLaſerpitium. periſhed euery peare asthe ftalck of
| : gion, ferula Doth. The rote is coucred
yor adlack (inne. J can ſynd no mope in
thele thoo aunciét wꝛiters cScerning
\ the Delcriptio of Laſerpitiũ
<> few woꝛdes wiche F haue no w re-
NS Herledbnto yow. Bytheſe worwdes of
Diolſcoꝛides and Theophratt, Dats
© thiolus and al other that hold Ben
zoin is pCooete Later of Cyrene, are
tepzoued and founde fauty in a great
erto2r.F02Dioſcoꝛides & Theophraũ
inake Laſerpitiũ an herbe, and ſuch
,, One ag dieth euery yeare concernin
the ftalkes and top at the leſte /and
Laferto be the dyed tuice ofan hers
iw Bes Mohen as We know bp the ſtickes
apetes of wod P toe finde oft in Beri
SE Z0tn 02 Belsoin,by the expertécof
Lodoutcus Romanus (whome alfo
Matthiolus allegeth/gyruyngtherby
other men wepens to feight again
bymeif)> Belsoin 02 Bensoin tgthe
rofin of a tree and not the tice of a
: lip berbe. But as for afla fetiday J
Ewil not Deny, but Pit is Laler me
—b dicum orsSyriacu/a m s Matthiolus
Eother voriters haue taught tn thept

ates is hard of
apd one wyth o

pomgranat pill, itis

Stobo(0 inuche about the fundanidt,
wit maketh the mouth finell yellsfit
belt Later is rede thrown ſhynyng ip
nell/of a pleafant tafte and when itis
be tuice dryed and hardened it is bette,
and the thyrde the faick. Foꝛ it hath
/ tt healeth a ſcald heade, if the plaz
he and binegre. It fharpeneth the ep;
e cataract oftl

a Of Laferpitini. 3i
> AND hyfop ſodden with fygges in water and binegte. It is good to be put
> tito the wound ofthenv that are bitten ofanp wodo2z mad beatte. It is
myghtely good againſt the poyſon of arrotwes 02 dartes / and againſt all
beattes that catt out benem ether dronken oꝛ layd to with out.Itis Dabbed
“about the ſtynginges of ſcoꝛpiones /with ople well menged, 02 tempered:
) Bt iS layde vnto Deadely burninge/
sithey be a litle holde and conttrepned
together before, and with rue nite
and hony/02 byit {elf it isalfo layd to
carbuncies. Ff pe cut a circle roũd about aguayles o2 aup hard lumpes/and
make this medicines foft with the broth of figges oz menge it with a cerot /
cill pullthem away. voith vinegre ithealeth the foul furf ofthe inne.
It healeth aifo dutwaxynges o2 to growinges in the fleſhe and the wel⸗
| lpng lleſhe about the nofe thrilles which is called polppus/tfthat it be layd
o acertayn dayes with coperus oꝛ verdgreſe.Ithelpeth yold roughe ſcur⸗
p {feties of the iawes. Itit be take dilayed with vater/ithealeth quicly } hor
» dtenes of the voice. Itit be laydeto with bony/it healeth Nuula.
) = gargled agaputt p (quintey with mede. They that bie to cat of it loke
» much moze freſhly/ thẽthey had toon to do /and with a better coloz. Itmay
» begyuen with great profit agaynſt the coughe, ina {oft eg /and againſte
eepleureſi in ſuppinges /and againſt the iaundes and dropſey with dried
iigges. The fame dronken with wine peper and oltbane oz ryght frankin⸗
vente Drpueth away the trymlyngh and {haking ofagues. It is gyuen in
} palla ſcruple weyght to them vohole heade ſtãdeth back warde. Jfany hor:
S Herhesozlougheleches cieue toa mans weſand
/thys Afit be Dionken/ soil!
> ¢ Datue them doun
/ika man will make a gargle with it/and with binegre.Fe
> | ts good to be dronkẽ fo2 miick that is clodded and run together in umpes:
| Sti good fo; the fallpng ſicknes /dzonken with orpmel or honied vinegre.
, Sitbe dronken with peper ¢myz/tt apngeth DoLone foures, Fit be take
with the kyrnelles of grapesitſtoppeth the bellyFE . it be gyuẽ with lieghe/
ttis good foꝛ places that ave ſodenly ſhꝛonken together and burſten. It is
reſolued o2 melted with bitter al mondes/o2 with rte, 02 hoote brede for to
| makedzinkesoftt. Che iuice of the leues will Do the fame/but not ſo effecs
| tually. Jt is good to be chowed with oximell ox with honp and binegre
, tobelp thethzote, when as the voice ts horſeo2Dulle. Ft tsſayde that there
, tsan other Magudaris tn Lpbia/ and that the root is ipke Laterpis
| tio but that it isnot fo thyck {harp and (pongous, out of whiche no inted
> ‘doweth furth. Ft hath like vertu with Laferpitio. Jfa man vill compare
| thefe bertucs with them that the later voriters gyue to maiſterwurt 02 pil:
litori of Sppapn/he (hal kynde p there is a8 great agrement betwene theps
propertics/as is bet wene theyꝛ foxes & Delcriptiones. But of thys mater
Fintende God willyng to ſpeake moze largely ari other time.
Of the herbecalled Lathyris,
Itcthyvris putteth furt aſtal
hck of the length of a cubit/and a
kingre thyc/kand holow within. There grow in; the top thyn
ges lyke wynges / and thete grote out of the {taicke, lougeé
NS ae waz) (caucs lyke almondes leaues, but bꝛoder and {mother. Thep
ay Eee) that are in the byahett toppes /arefound lefie, in the licknes
— Of Areltolochia og ofa long Juy lefe. It bringer) dei
Of the herhe called Lathyris.
Lathyris. fruite in the top inthe hyghell bꝛan
nd ches/ whyche ts notable by the rea,

ea ) 2) «
Sty NY Pies
Na fon of if. cafes o2 veſſelles that the
RIPON7 hao ws WS {ede isin. Che fruiis teround a
9 R” oe
3 rs /where in ave, cOtepned—rou—nde
9 WW Fcomes diuided one from an othe/rby
—kilmes y rynne betwene. The ſedes
LA aly ate bigger thé greate bitter tarcs cal
AA” led erua/eroude. And whẽ pbarcks
is takẽ from the, they are vohyte and
fiocte intaſte. Ali the hole buſheis
full of milck
/asthe herbe called Cis
thymalus is. Thys deſcription agre⸗
eth well with the herbe whiche is
called in Engliſhe (purge, in Zuch
ſpringkraut /in Frenche eſpurge /of
the apothecaries catapucia minor/
not bycault tt is little, but becaufe if
islefle then ritinus /whiche ts cal
led catapucia maioꝛ. But the figure
whiche that Matthiolus ſetteth for
Lathyri / agreeth not noth this de-
ſeription. Foꝛ the leaues ave not bes
ty lyke almonde leues/ nether bꝛoder
SS then they be: But peraucnture hys
SSS, Baruer hath begpled hymas Kate| S

uers and papnters haue begpled oy|

ther men before this tpme.

The vertues of[purge out of Diofcorides.

exes Dre 02 feuen granes of Spurge takert tn pilles wit hfigges og
(© dates purge the belly. But he that hath taken them, multat
pees a terwarde dipnick cold toater.Chep diaw Down choler/flenie/
Xin del & Water. The twice taker out/asthe tuice of Tithpmal: is ta-
TaN ss) kent furth/and drefled Hath the fame workpng. The leues are
a fodden with a cock £02 the ſame purpole.

Out of Actuarins,
SAR] Purge purgeth thyrine fleme behemently.Fitterte of the gres⸗
EAC ter comtes/ ave geuen at one/sand xx. of the leffe comes. They
ithat wolde be effectually purged let them choo them. Let the
} that deſyre not to be fo gretely purged {noalo bo them bole ouer
—* ——
fpectallp ithe that taketh them haue a weke ftomacke. Actius
bath p fame woꝛdes and fentence of Lathpris that Actuarius saree
O/ the berbecalled Lauer ofSion, re
© Fefore itappereth
thatActuarius a later voziter ther Aetiut
wꝛote Hut of Aetius.
of theherbe called Laueror Sione ©
Foun /with
Jon otheriwife called laucr, isfoitd in waters
N \ afatbuthe ryght bp with bode leues /lyke vnto the
Syl berbe called Hippolelino / but leſſe & wellſmellyng
FNL Che herbe called int fom place of Cnglad belragges/
SiS | }

Be NCO JN) Hypotelino:beoock pine crepeth motte comely

Grounde and hatha lete nothynge ipke vnto hippolelino. npherfore Amatus

> Germany, 02 Itali/ had euer {ede ne¢ top after

the maner of Perſely/ with

T he vertnes ofwater Perfely.

— beleues OF Syon ether rato o7 lodden/ikthey be taken in/
itfurth. They moue ment
FTA aes) they beeabe the ftone and dryue
are good to help womentotheyr (pez
yee [oY] to mabe water. Chey
he ZN] bnes. They are alfo good fo2 to help the byrtl to come furth.

T he Lanrel or Bay tre.

a, Mrs ig named inGrebe sugn,in Englithe a Bay tre of:
a Laurel treyin douche
OP yr ar OT
etnlogben baum/inFrenche
bg lau⸗
Py Res | rier. Che leauesofthe Bap tre are alwaye grene s
/and in
4 Va Caalfigure and fafhon they
ave lyke vnto ſcala celi /and to peri
OS eel wincle. They are long and brodett in the middeft of the
——— jefe, They are blackifhe grene namely when they are olde.
‘Whey ave curled about the edges/ they {mell well: And when they are
caften vnto the fyre/ they crake wonderfully. The tre in England ts no
great tre / bitt it theyuethy there many partes better and ts luſtier then in
Germany. Che berries are allmoſte round, but not alltogether. Che
Kirnell is coveted with a thick black bark e may well be parted
/ vhich
from the kirnell. a
fF UY The
. Lhe Laurelor Baytres
The vertues ofthe bay tre, andit. that gros
weth out of it. PR re)
6e bay leaues haue the vertue and ſtrengthe to hete /and to
aes Bs X;loften/ whereloze the broth of them 1s good to ſit in /for the
Ue LNG Diteales of the mother and ofthe blader. Che grene leuesof
he hee talChe bap tee binide fon thyng.
and iftheybelayd to when thep
eV Neal ave broken / they hele the ſtyngyng of bees and voalpes. The
— ſame layd to with perched barley and brede / wage al inflã⸗
es 02 hodte burninges / but if they be drꝛonben / hep make all that

Ey Ssiilles | ,
Py Poe and thick pulle with leues lyke vnto afitch or a tare, but leſſe.
is) ose! Che floures are purple. in wobite, It bath litle coddes ſom⸗
— thyng
Of Lentilles. pe : 33
@ane's. Lenn. thyng flatt/ voherein are cotepned tit
. every one/about iij.oꝛUy.grancs tt
figure fat/ipke an halfpeny/but fom
thyng ryſyng in bignes toward the
/asa litle cabe 02 bannock is,
which is haftely baked bpd p harth/
are tar de⸗
the {ede is redifh. They
/ which haue vled p gre at gar
Ditto: Spanithe lentilles/ wherot
fome ave vohrte /foz vohyte Drobo,
fo2 they swat bothe figure ¢ alfo p ver

22, tuesofProbus. Lentilles grow ut)

“SS Qreat pléty in Cambridge ſhyre/ all
a Chote. Germany where as they are)

(44 husked and vſed for a meatꝰ

= The vertuesof Lentilles, —

1 ic ofté bie of Lentilies
AMin meate / maketh dull
Mey the eylyght. Chep are
| OM harde of digeftior and
Sa bere the ſtom̃ack killit
with winde. Ikthey be ſodden with
theyr ſhilles vntaͤken of, they ſtoppe
the belly. Chey are beſt to be eaten, p
ate motte eaſely digeſted/
and vohen
| thep ave feped make the water no⸗
SS thyng black. Thep haue a property
F 2a”, to bpnde together/by reafon wherof
they ſtop the belly, tithe thelles be taken away before and they be thꝛovoly
COdDC/e the fir water be caſtẽ away (fo2 the former brothe louſeth the bel-
lp.Chep make a man dreame troublefomdzeames. They ave euel for p eas
De/foz the ſynewes and the longes. Chey will worke better tn the topping
ofthe bellyrfpe put vnto them vine/gre Endiue ofporcellayn/oꝛrede betes
oꝛmyzꝛtilles / oꝛthe hell of pomgranates
/oꝛ Dried roſes
/oꝛmedlers/oꝛ ſerui⸗
/oꝛbyndyng peres o2 quinces /oꝛ ſuccoꝛy/oꝛ plaritayn /and hole galles/oz
berries of Sumach.and all theſe thynges muſt ve caſten away after the
ſethyng. But the binegre mutt be very foze ſodden ther vith, or elles it will
trouble the belly. Thyrtye granes of Lentilles ſhelled/aregood againtt the
duercaſtyng of the ſtomack.Jf they be fodden with perched barley mele <
be layde to /they fwage ỹacheofpgout/xglueth together comers ã hollow
laces of woundes lapde to with hony. Chey burſt bp cruſtes ¢ ſcour ſoꝛes.
kthey be ſodden with vinegre /they Dgtue away wẽnes and hard ſwellyn
es With aquince of Melilote/the helpe
y the infammationes of the eyes
aud fundament/fo that roſe oyle be put thereto. With fewo tater they are
j good foꝛ wheles /and foꝛ rynnyng and freting fores, and for the wyldefire
and foz the kybes. They are alfo good fog the pappes o2 breltes that haue
. Codded o2 cluttered miſck in thent/and for to much plenty that rynneth
but/ ikthey be fodden in water of the ſee
/andlayd to.Auicennia witteth that
E ij Lentils
Of duckes. meate.
Lẽtilles make groſſe bloode and thick/ andthat muche bſing and eatyngof
them bryngeth the lepze. |

Out ofGalene.

FE, D man maketh brede of Lentitles

lopthep are drye
SQ and bꝛitte /landhaue a byndyng hulke orſkinne
4 wohiche is as tt were theyr flefhe. And tt hath/q he
AY grofic g erthlp tutce, and a ſmall tarte qualite. But
| Che tutce that is within the Lentilles, is contrarp
4 bnito bynding. Wherelore il any
Nei] €ev and ſealon/the water with faitman et the tn/oztas
filhe bryne oy⸗
le/ and take that water /the ſame will make a nan




Of duckes meate.

sa ns palultis is called in greke phakos epttan

=| telmaton /in Engliſhe duckes meater tn Fouche

nm mer linfen. Lens paluttris, as Dioſcorides fa
peth/ is found tn waters that rynne not/ but



ſtand ſtill
/and that it is acertayn moſſe like bnto
a Lentil. Thys wede ts well knowen in Er
xB ||gland/ and {pectallp of them that haue pondes/
Gaza) f02 tn the later end of ſommer
/ ikmen take not great
paine / all the poudes will be coucred ouer with

T he vertues ofduckes meat,

could and mopt tn the fecond degre.

k tre’. 84
=e Lentilk tre is not
—deſcribed of Dioſcoꝛi⸗
des / noꝛ of Theophꝛaſt
—Athat J haue (ene as pee
mom ether Of Pliny. Ther⸗
J will Delcride it ag well as
tatty accordyng to the ſyght that
had of tt where as F {aw tt aros
wyng i Bonony. The tre thatJ
{aw/there was but a low tre/ athe
\leaues of it ſtand th fuch oidie as
athe afh tre leues Dov that is euerp
one, all motte rpght ouct in oder
agapynt an other, ſauyng that one
— ftandeth a litle beneth it that ane
beth ontheother ſyde. noith there
maãner ok ſtandyng euery pape rez
J \\— prefenteth a cople of byrdes wyn⸗
Rh 4 ges tretched furth redy to fiievand
| che elp then / when as they are pref:
| ied furth bpon a booke. The pꝛopoꝛ⸗
tion and color of the lefe is not bn:
ipke vnto the lefe of periwincle/ fas
upng that tt ts muche leſſe Pliny in
| the rotts. booke of bys naturall Pic
in * ſtor/yand th the ery. chapter, alled⸗
Hin: ah thele tif, betes of Cicero, whe:
te te by a matt may know fom propers
te tics of the Lentils tre,
qi, Bae wero femper uiridis femperq; grauata,
iby> Lentifcus triplici folita eftgrandefcere foetu, |
vig ceri Tuges fundens, tria tempora monſtrat arandi. — fee
i he meaupng of thet vertesis thys. The lentits tre which is allivaped
i! “grencand burdened, and bath died fo wexre greate with a threefold fruite,
WN Iwhille ic bepngeth furth krute thryſe/ it teacheth or ſheweth thre tymes of
D) Plowpng.Datthiolus the Ftaltane detcribeth the ſentiſk tre thus. Che leri-
) tile tte is thyck both inbowesa in leaues /and p Chopgges p are in the top/
) bow Downtwarde agayn towarde the erth. Che leaues are Ipke bute the
. eaues of the fiftis tre of a greuous finell fatand beucle and blackiihe gre⸗
py Ne.2But about the edges they are rede as it were wyth litle bepries. Itis
9 allwaves grene. The bark ts ſomthyng rediſhe / bowyng and toughe. Fe
i tapngeth furth after the maner of the turpentine tre, beſyde the berries title
fF coddes writhen inward after the fallhon of an home, where in is incloted
a cleve moyſture/which in continuance of tyne ts turned into litle beaſtes/
— og buto them that conte out of the coddes of the elm and turpentine tre.
{ Ui the bole tre hath an tll ſauoz.
Z he vertues ofthe Lentifk tre.
F if wh
| Of the berbe called Lepidiam or Dittant. f

* He hole Lentiſke tre hath a byndyng poure/for the leaues the hou.

DS” ghesthe (ede the bark and the rootes are all like tn propertic, eye
r —
— “
‘alesmppdeniuice of tt map be made thus. Che leaues
/the barke, and the
roote are fodden in water /vohen they are {ulfictently fodder, and couiep
afterwardes/the leaues ave catten away/the water is ſodden agayn vnti

itbeas thpck as honye. The maſtik tre wpth hys bindpng property ts good
agaynſt caſtyng outofblode/Agapntt the comẽ lare/and agayntt the blod⸗
flir/if it be Done. Itis good foꝛ prpunpug out of blood from the mother
and fo2 the kallyng Down of the mother/and of the fundaiment. In all thyn⸗
ges it may be take in the ſtede of Acacta o2 Hypociſtis. The iuice of the byo-
ken leaucs doth the fame. The broth by layng it to in bathyng/ filleth bp hot
low places/ and fatteneth together agayn beoken bones. It ſtoppeth fre:
tyng ſores/it Depueth furth water.Itfatkeneth p loule tethe, tf thep be wat
{hed woyth it. The grene twigges are good to pik teth wyth all tn the fede
of ftickes and ſtrawes and other tooth pickes. Chere is an ople made of the
/ whiche is good to be bled whe any thyng had nevde of ſtoppyng o2 bin:
dynge. The mattick tre bringeth furth a roſin which is called Lentitcina op
ofthe cõmen fort Maltix /02 maſtik. Maſtik is good to be dponke
of them that {pit blood4 fo2 an old hott oꝛcoughe. It helpech the ſtomack /
but tt maketh aman beiche. Itit be eaten, it maketh a mans brethe ſauor
twell/it byndeth well together the goumes that are to louſe. Che beſt and
the greateft plenty of tt/grotocth ti Chto 02 Sio as it ts now called. Che
befte is itthat is clere/and ſyyneth
/ and isvohyte as virgin war is/ bꝛitle/
well ſmellyng / andcrackyng: the gtene is not ſogood. Som vſe to conter⸗
fit maſtick voyth frankincenſe ¢ nopth the mirtur of the roſin of a pinaple.
Galene writeth thus of maſtick. That vobiche is vohyte and comenly called
Chio.oz of Sio/is made allmoſt of ij. contrary qualites/that ts to wet, ofa
byndyng and a foftenpng property. Bnd there foz it is good forthe inflam⸗
imationes of the ſtomack /guttes / and liuer/as athyng that is hote and diye
in the ſecond degre.
Of the herbe called Lepidium or Dittani.
epee Cpiditis called in Englifhe Dittani
/but foulihly4
PDI Wales) Ditlearnedlp/in Duche Pfeſfferkraut that is pepers
Ln! Wurt, becaule tis fo excedynge hote/ Lohiche namie
<; Gy. |were mote fitter in Engliſhe for thys herbe then the
7 name of Dittant, that the name of Dittany myght
pee: |abypde proper vnto p ryght Dittano / whichẽe begyn⸗



ah) Neth now to be fet and lowen in England. Dioſcori⸗


Npei —des leupng out the Defcription of Lepidium/ſayeth
SS thele wordes/ gnozinion batinton eft, > is to fap itis


a voell knowen herbelynge /whiche woꝛde herbelyng ſemeth to pꝛiuely

warne vs that
theherbe that Dioſeorides meaneth of here is rather >BL
beris Democratis /the p Lepidium Pliny deſcribeth. FoꝛLepidiũ Pli⸗
ny delcribeth is no herblyng /but a long a a great berbe. Wliny deſcribech
bis Lepidium thus. Exitin bicubitalem alticudjnem,folijs laurinisfed
, mollibus.
Vfus eius eſt, non fine lage. Lepidium goeth bp into the lenath of i. eubites/
ehath leaues lyke bap leucs but ſofter. It mult not be bled without vid
| ys
OP Refit NS — ——— 3
Lepidlum mignum. Thys deſcription agreeth very weli
ONES Sr ohe
. NF, Fg weS
~ ON 28 vnto our ittany. Paulus Caineta
Nis g ye & : * 6 calleth pherbe Hiberis/ whichẽ Pli⸗
ny calleth Lepidium as hys woꝛdes
| CNG, NG :
here folowoyng will bere witnes. In
totumhos (ſayeth he) ſanitati reſtituit,
Iberidis herbæ vſus, quam lepidium, alij
agrio Cardamum appeilãt. Quæverò apud
nos fruticofa naſcitur, fimilibus lauri folijs
& multo amplioribus, reſpondere, multa
experimenta teftantur, (hat is/the vſe
okthe herbe is Iberis reftoreth chee
men perfitly to theyr heith agayn⸗
thys herbe is called of fom Lepidiũ⸗
of other agrio cardamum.
But many
258 * experimentes 02 profes bere witnes
that the buſhy one that groweth wW
bs/ with leues lyke bay leues but
greater /anſwereth not only in the
I (ciattca/but alto in other old difeates.
hy [ Thys Lepidium that Pliny/x Paul
‘ deſcribe/ groweth plentuoutip about |
J the water ſyde that rynneth thorow
iy Morpeth in Northumberlandinfu
: the wate as * ſtones
J ave caſten together wyth the myght
ih Le . ace bfa great (pat 02 foode,7
| ae ate — vias
ag p\. | L he vertues ofLepidiam,
) BSA Medenot to voryte an moze of the bertues of Lepidi
that F ha
4 — i ue Done before, leyng >Pliny atid aul gyue the fame bertues ta
| ESSA V1epidium that Democrates /Palene and Archigenes gpue vnto
eris Cherſoꝛe they that toil kno wmoze of the bertucs of Lepidiumet
y ehemrede p chapter ofHiberis. The Germanes in fom places tage the tute
Set thysbherbe and menge it with vinegre ¢falty and mabe a fauce there
| of roroſtedfleſhe as in Freteland, fom make a ſauce of redco fer ſodden
ia Meat,

Of Rofinary:
SEOs Thanotis ephano matike called in Latite Koſma
rinus /is named tn Engliſh Koſemari. Koſemari (as
Dioſcoꝛides ſayeth) putteth furth ſmal baunches/
(QA) Z| and about them ſmall leues, thyck /long /whyte in
Neo) =: ||buderand grene aboue /with a ſtrong lauor.

T he vertues of Rofmary.
theherbe called Ligufticum.
ee] atDim ary hath an hetyng
In ure / Rolmarp hea
1 SY leth btaundes/tfpbroth
Bd (4 ANN Sa 02 woater that it isHDDE
Es i /be drzonken before a
man exertyle hym lelt/and after that
be hath exerciſed hym felt, entre into
a bath / and dꝛzynke vnwaͤtered wyne
after. Men vie to put Koſmari in me
dicines p Due doeriſumnes away/
and into che oyntment called Gleuci·⸗
num. The Arabianes as SHerapios \( pS
witnefletl gpue thele properties bri. Ny
toRolinari. Rolmarits hotes Dive =\
in the thyrde Degre/it is good for the
colde reum that falleth from >brayn/
it Heatett and maketh kyne or ſubtil.
Ft dreucth wynde away/ firzeth a
mati to make water /and bꝛyngeh
down weomens floures/ it opencth ,
the ſtoppynges of p liuer of the milt
and the bowelles. Tragus the Ger⸗
many voriteth that Rolemary ts a {pi
cc itithe kitchines of Germany, and
pea — 9 — (faz ——
veth he) of Rofinart/ taken of a wo ⸗
/ ikfhe will faſt ty. oꝛ iiij. houres
man SVJ ZR <=

Of the berbe called Ligufticum.

SS EREA Iguſticum which fome call Panaceam /and other
RUPE Welw) Panaces/ grovocth muche in Ligueta th the mount
Appennine nere vnto the alpes/Dohere bpon it hath
— — cai thename.Che inbabitantes there about call tf not
eee ||Without a caule panaces, becaute both in che roote
xen es; ||and talckttis lpbe Panaci heracicotico,ehath the
FE AG sakc|| fame bertues that tthath.Itgrowethin hygh and
= Adee) (harp oz rotigh mountapnes, & in ſhaddowy places/
and {bectallp about ryuers/02 as other tertes —9—
| Of Lymerworte: — 36
Pabout diches. Tt hath a ſmall talk full of ioyntes /lyke vnto dill
pit the goyng about yke vnto Weltlote, but ſofter/well —— ſmaller
about tie top
/ andmuch diuided. Jn the top there is a buſhy 02 a poky top/
where in hãgeth biack (ede found and ſomthyng long lyke vnto fenel /ſhar⸗
en tatte in (mellpng tyke type. The roote is white / and wel (melipng
, ) ipse vnto the voote of Panacis Heracleotict. Thys herbe dyd F neuer fe in
Crgiand nether in Germany/⸗but it that Jſavo in Italy / was not lyke tt/
that Matthiolus fetteth furth. Foxit chat Iſawe/had leues thriſe as byg
| asit pMatthiolus ſheweth. There grevo tn tt that’Jſaw/all motte ineuery
lace thre leues together /which were lyke vnto a kynd of lotus
/oꝛ clguct/
o2 a triſoly. As fãr as Jcan mark as pet the herbe that J ſaw/ agrheth
p better wyth the deſcription / then ttthat Matthiolus hath cauled tobe
p papnted/but let other that haue ſene rpght Melilote (where of J —
dat Pyatthiolus hath not (et out the figure as he Doth of other herbes) fF

I) Mwhich he qranteth that he Kno weth /betndges which of our two herbes ig :

p ipker vnto Melilote /and let that be the ryghter Yerbe that hath the ipker +
yp leaues vnto DPelilote, ——

The vertues of Liguſticum.

be nature of the lede is to hete and to make type. It is good
ſchoꝛ inward aches and ſweliynges /and for tnflammationes {pe
1 Ge) ctally of fuche as haue thepr ftomack ſwellyng bp, It reme⸗
ad Ke Dteth ſtyngyng of ferpentes. Jn depnk it dꝛa wethDoton weo⸗
———— mens ficknes/eflirreth a man to make water. The root layd
a) to/hath the fame effect. It is very good for the mouth / wherelor the inha⸗
yy biter there where tt groweth /vleit in the fede of peper / put it in meates,


© = a B —
44 LS
W mga.

4 lefe not only vpon ftones/but alfo vpon a moyſt ground, wyth certayů bel-
p Ue ſwellyng /aper
esyng aboue the rett of the lefe.There gro weth out of it
p Acettapi litle twigyipke as it were a ſtalke / in top where of are itie chyn
p Ges like frerves.Atche firſt ſyght the hole herbe loketh ipke vnto a lefe of the

T he vertues ofLinerwurt.
A om | F Livertoort be laid to /itſttoppeth blooditſtoppeth of holdeth
wey Asal back intlammationes o2 burnpnge where wopth the places bes
a ry Ortto ſwell. It tsa good remedy againtl the foul feurfe of the
os itind (itt/FEit be layd to wyth hony it heleth piaundesy and it top
eee noth p flotoynacsof humozes that bere the;tong «the mouthe.
Tragus voriteth that linerbourt fodder in wine is good fos the diſeales of
the liter and longes/and that the pouder of it taken wyth ſuggar/is good
/ and tt is muche better then the comé people thynketh agapnt
fox the ſame
great betes and burnpnges. |
Of the litle tre called Liguſtrum or Cypros:
eS as Pps (as Dioſcoꝛides fapeth) tS atre topth leues/
WS fowl =a G| about the bowes / lyke bnto the leaues of an oliue
2 Ar eared tre/but bꝛode /ſofterr/andgrener.Ithath white flout
PSN re8/ moflp 02a8 fom bookes haue growyng thyck
A pee] . frutte is black, ipke older
together ipke cluftersThe
Che leaues haue a certayn byndyng in the.
eats berries.
Seo) & Chpsdettription as Jthynk and tudge wyth many
= ZX other agrecth in all popntes nopth the herbe /which
— cts called in Latine Liguittunyin Cnglithe pee

Ney ‘Ni Pliny make Cypum a range tree/

\\ and ailignetottfar and ſtrãge coun:
Nh \ tres to grow tras tn Canope/inaica
YENI lonie and in Egypt. Wut Liguſtrum
E\ ) Grotvetheverp where, therefore Liz
guſtrum ts not Cypꝛos. Firſt Maſſa⸗
rxius ſayeth not truely in ſayng that
\ Dioſcoꝛides and lite make Typꝛos
a ſtrange tre/ik hemeane by ſayng ſo
that they meant/that tt grew not in
Foz allthough Dioſ⸗
thepr countrees.
coꝛides fapeth that the belt Cypꝛos
groweth in Canope, and tn Aſcalo⸗
ne: pet it foloweth not, that Dioſco⸗
vides Denyeth that there is any Cpz
J pros growyng in Grecia o2 in Ita⸗
— lp. The fame Dioſcorides voryteth
— that the bet Iris gro weth in Illyri⸗
S= CO anidtn Macedonia:doth it folovo
thereloꝛe that befapeth that Iris groz
weth nowhere els.but in Fliprico arid tn Macedonia. Chys fir argu:
ment therefore as ve {e/is of no effect. And vo here ashe fapeth, that Pliny
“maketh Cyprum a firange 02 foren tre /which groweth not th Italy: be res
porteth not truelyof Pliny /foꝛ Plinies woꝛdes of Cypros are theſe: Ligu-
frum eadem arbor eft quz in oriente Cypros, Liguſtrum ts the fame tre that Cy
D p20 is in the Calt.bow hala man then gather that Pliny fapetiy that
“there is no Cyp2rosin Italy / when as he fapeth thus playnly as pe haue
hearde that Liguſtrum ts the fame tre that Cypꝛos is tn the Cafte, then if
Liguitrum and Cypꝛos be all one ashe fapeth: then oben as Liguitrum
groweth in Italy / then gro weth alfo theve Cppros.26ut Maſſarius erpoun-
Deth thele voordes: Liguſtrum ts the fame tre that ts Cyprus in the Eatte,
after thys maner: Pe mutt vnderſtand that vohere Pliny fapeth the fame:
EE ‘that thys woorde the fame, is as muche to fay as the fame tn lyknes. For il
> he would that Cppios fhould haue bene Liguſtrum be would not haue
{apde in the ry. booke/ Cypꝛosisatre tn Egypt wyth leaues of iuiuba/
when as Liguitrum qroweth euery vohere in Italy. Aether doth he hold
‘in place/tharem,
thateffearbo /vohere be ſayeth: Quidam dicunt Cy
Cyprꝛos is Liguſtrum
t que

prum in Italia
Liguftrum vocatur. ome fay that Cyprus ts the
‘He wobiche is called in Ftalp Liguitrum: Chele be bys ee mei
Of the litletre called Liguftrum or Cypros.
With he toould haue pꝛoued that Cypꝛos and Liguſtrum were not all one,
But to anſwer vnto to bys realones/ Jare of hym o2 anp other that hols
deth hys opinion/where o2 tn vhat place Theoptratte, Dtolcozides og Pli⸗
hy/02 any other good waiters of herbes /bled any ſuch phꝛaſe o2 maner of
ſpeakyng as thys. The lete of Betony ts anoke lefe, o2 the lefe of berupn ig
an oke lefe/becaule the oke leaues ave lyke vnto the leaues of berupn and
betony. Who dyd euer fay that an ape was a mat/ becaule he is lyke vn⸗
to a man: furelp that Jremembꝛe /Jhaue not red any ſuche phate init
uy nether tn any other good autor. Wut what tC thys where a ryle phate
in Pliny /yetfor all that, tt (ould not foloby in this place that eademAhanip
betoken lyke. And that hall J proucby thys vealone. Pe grant that Li
gulſtrum ts very lyke Cyp2og/and fo lpke that the one may be named wyth
the others name /becau
sſe thep be fo lyke. Then tfLiguſtrum haue allo the
propertics of Cypꝛus as tt hath. Che perfit lykewiſe /where tn differeth the
One from the other, when as they agre tn all popntes both in yknes and in
vertues. Wut Pliny gpueth the fame vertucs onto Liguſtro that Dioſcoꝛi⸗
des gyueth vnto Cppzo: rede the places in the foꝛſayde autores, and pe
{hal fynde that J fay truc. Mherefore ſeyng that Liguftrum is Cypꝛos
both tn lyknes and tn vertue /the interpretation of Maſſarius is not to be
alowed. And as fo2 the meanpng of theſe woꝛdes of Pliny Liguitrumig
the fame tre that Cypꝛos ts in the Catte/it hath bys pꝛofites bles and come
modites in Curopa etc. Me thynke / that thys is the ryght vnderſtandyng
of them. The tre that ts called in the Eaſte Cypꝛos/is called Liguſtrum in
Italy. But alithough Cypros inthe Catt be much tronger tn operation,
pet our Liguttrum ts not alitogether without bertue in Italy/ fo2 it hath
thelc vertues foloLopngs, whiche in Dede Diolcorides as F ſayd before /ge⸗
ueth vnto Cypꝛo. But pet FJ mutt anſwer to an other reafon that Maſſari⸗
us maketh which ts thys:FfPliny had meant that Cypꝛos had bene Lt
guſtrum /then wold be not haue ſayde in the xij, booke/ Cpprosisa trem
Egypt/when as Liguſtrum groweth euery wohere in Ftalp. Tho whome
Janſwere/by thys quettion, /inwhat book writeth liny that Liguſirum
is Cypꝛos:noriteth he not fo in the xxiij. booke: Thys ones graunted that
Cypꝛos 13 Liguitru /mand that Liguſtrum growweth in Italyx/ Ftrow —
vohen as Witny holdeth both thele ſentences that he gathereth not truely
of Pliny that he hould mean that Cypꝛos were not tobe found in Italy.
Pliny tthe fant place where he fapeth that Cypꝛos isa tre in Eappt/he
ſayeth alfo: Quidam hanc effe dicunt arborem quz in Italia Liguftrum vocetur,
Some fay p thys ts the tve which is called inFtalyLiguitrum.
Then when =

— as to fape that Cypꝛos is tn Cgppt/ is not to Deny that itis in Italy and to

alledge that fom men fap that Cypzos is the tre pobich is called in Italy
Liguſtrum/ts much lefle to Deny that Liguſtrum is in Italy:thys reafone
- === of Wallartus ts found to be as wekeas hys former argumentes be. Fe
that any aſke of me how chanceth that Pliny ſemeth to Dout inp rip, booke
wheter Cypꝛos be Liguſtrum oꝛ no/and that in the xxiij.he pronunceth and

=* =


gyueth lentence of tt that he ſemeth to Dout of before. Janſwer that Pliny

Lohen as he wrote the rij. booke Douted wheter Cypros was Liguitrum
oꝛ no/ether becaule he had heard it ſo to be ether of fom vncertayn reporte/
62 had red tt in fom autor, vohoſe autozite Delerued not full ae
* Of the Lily, > 38
> tober he voꝛdoteagood ſealon afterwarde the xxiij. booke he had inthe
mean tpine learned of credible and learned men
/ oxred in credit voorthy au⸗
tores/that Cypros was Liguſtrũ. Betwene the tuoelft booke and the xxiij.
ten bookes sre conteyned
/andfome one booke coutepned in printe tr. large
ſhetes of papyt: What tyme willa refonable man gpue vnto Pliny for the
Tudping ſettyng in oꝛder /and vorytyng of theſe x. bookes:Ifye grant hym
& moneth for euerpbooke to perkfit it / aspe can grant hym̃ no leſſe: ſeyng
that he was the admirall oꝛ chefe rueler ofthe Emperoures Naui /and ſd
cuntbeed with. many weighty beſineſſes vohich belonged vnto hys office/pe
mult grant that in the {pace of x. monethes Pliny myght noot only baz
» uelearned the certapnte of Cypros/but of many other thyñges where of be
» Was vncertayn before. Cherfore thys ought to trouble no man that Pliny
in bps later booke Doth hold boldly
/ itvhereof in hys former booke, he
» Was doutiull. Che other teafones of Maſſarius Jpaſſe ouer as fo weik
) that euen the pong ſtudentes of Phylick are able thoughe to confut by
» them ſelues. Theſe reafonesJthought that it was mete /that Jſhould an:
» tooere to/leſt any mã by redyng of Maſſarius Cienctus who voriteth lear:
» nedipot fiſſhes /ſhould by his argumentes bring hym from the truth/ vohich
I Kuellius Fuchlius /andMatthiolus delend /inholdyng that Cypros is Lic |
© guitrumfrpuct groweth very plentuoully/inCambrich ſhyre in the hed⸗ | gh
D Ses/and almotte in euery gardin in London.)
The vertues ofPrinet.
— 19¢ legues haue a byndyng nature/woherefore they are good
Qu tobe chowed in the mouth to hele the lores of it. Ifthey be
4 NG lapd to emplatter wyſe/ theyare good agapntt greate bur⸗
ane Nwuges or intlammationes and carbuncles. Mhatſomeuer
AG Fya4 thyngts burned with the five, may be healed with the bꝛoth
sc. .... Piuet leues. Che flour of Pꝛiuet layd vnto the foryeade,
Wwageth the ache thereof. Che ople of Priuet /heateth and foftenety the
> tnewesif it be menged with thole thynges that ave ofan hote nature.
Of the Lily ‘
— =p Jliumis called tn Greke Krinon o2 Lirion/ in En⸗
TW) Boe ec ys) glithe a Lily/ inDuche wyſz Lilgeno2 Giigen/in
he Eee 7 Feenchedu Lis. Che Lily hath aloug talk and
dN PANS yal ſeldom moze then one / how beit tt hath ſomtyme ti.
It is Y. or ty. cubttes hyghe. It hath lounge leues
0/2 || and ſomthyng of the faſſhon of the great ſatyrion.
FAG ece|| The four ts exxedyng white/and it hath the foyme

floures are full of creſtes The ouermoſt endes of the leucs bowe a litte bach
Of the Lily.
Lilium purpureum

xh CAV |P ae
fes\\ U ZA

t Xi

round atid one pece groweth hard to an other allmofte after the maner of
of Gar lek e but tha t the clo woe s in the Lil y are bzo der . The re is
the roote es als
aifo aredith purple colozed Lilp betpde the vohite /vohere of Dioſcoꝛid
fo maketh mention.
The vertues and properties of the Lily.

Real Peopntment made of Lilies foftencth the ſpnewe s and alfo berp
e har dne s of the mo th er The
. leu es of the her be layd to / ate
vellth The ſam e mad e hot e / ate
Roe! good aga put t the — — — of ſer pen tes .
d for pla ces tha t bur ned . Itt hey be lap D bj. and fea fon ed in binegre/
they heale woundes. The tutce fodder with bony o2 binegre in a braten vel
goo d med ici ne foz old e ſoꝛ es and for gre ne wou nde s. The roote
(el cig a
Lopth the kyre.It
rotted and broken Lopth rofe ople, healeth places burned ereth
fofteneth p mother.Ftbꝛingeth weomen thewyrhon deſpred licknes.Itcou
Poundes va Cain. Fitbe bꝛoken g bzuled y, tt healeth out ſynewes
of top nte Ft
. hea let h ſt ur ty/ s
ne es fca bbe s and Lep ꝛes/eit
aplaces out It fcoure th p face andtaketh
foureth away the rynning fores tn the heade. h the leu es of henbayn ẽt
away the wrynkl es. It ts goo d to be bꝛa yed wyt
mel e/i n bin egr e to ſwa ge the inf lam mat ion oꝛ bur nyng wee x
Wheie one
Of theherbe Limontum. 35
ſtones. The (ede dꝛonken is a remedy agaynt the bytynge of lerpẽtes Che
oy nd4 ave Good to be layde onto the cholerik inflammation cate.
t ; | 7

<<a. 8 Dito abete butthptts

sm Pu bce-avaner and longer/ten in
F VA eee, = c= numbꝛe /and oft tymes
Riso (YS — —moze / athyme ttalck/@
—2 a ſtreyght‘IGS
lyke vnto a lip. aeIt is full
of red byndyng {ede. Some learned
Ye men hold that the Herbe called pyro⸗
lavofthe lyknes that it hath wyth a
pere tre lete and in douche Winter⸗
/ isthe ryght Limonium. But
hath not leues longer thena a
ete /nether x. 02 more together.
IW77 Meher holde/ that biftortais Limoz
[2 nium / but nether the leues are like
KS betes leues / nether hath it fuch a
\ (12 ſtalck /a8 cant ryghtiy be compared
) vnto aliltes ſtalck But he ſhoulde
bfe ether of both theſe for Limonio/
"ieee igh be fhuld not do anule.Fo2 all though
L > thep differ from Limonio in lyknes/
| | pet thep agre well itin properties,
Aue vl | Matthiolus tetteth furth tj. figures
mr. of Limoniũ/buthe
t former hath not
ww a ſtalck lyke a lily, wherkore it can
see notbeLimonium. And as fo2 the ſe⸗
; | cond/ allthough it agreeth metelp
Reng? Neth sina well wyth che Defcription/F cat noe
tell whether tt be Limoniũ 02 no /becaute he telleth not whether the fede be
byndyng or no.Ffhe wold haue taught bs the Ftaltane name of it, percha:
cefom of vs that here after hall go mto Italy /myght ſpere it out and fynd
ithy that name. But now have we nothyng to help bs wyth al /lauyng on⸗
em figure noberefoze we {hal come moze handiy bp the knovoledge of bys
T he vertues ofLimonium.
eal 29¢ fede of Limontum broken and Deonken in wyne/inthe mefure
NG Of tf, vnces 02 thereabouts good agaynſt all kyndes of flyres/both
blody flixes/ xother. Bnd the fame ts good foz the blody iſſhue that
omen are fom tyme vered wyth all. | ‘
G tw Of
Of theherbe called Flax or lines
somes Lat ts au herbe wyth
ac ſmall ſtalk /where
Jvpongrow inany final
ie eu) Icues lomthyng long€
es bac (harpe atthe ende. Fe
— * wath blue floures tty
top of the ſtalk /and after that they
be gone/ther come furth round knop
—— that ther isin the end a
arp thyng lyke a prick growyng
out. Theſe knoppes or heades are cal
led in Northumberland bowles
wythin theſe heades are long flat le⸗
Bes in coloz rediſhe /and eche fede tg
conteyned in hys proper ceil diuyded \
from the veit. te
The rooisbery (mal. he
Flax which is called of the Noꝛthen y
men lynt/ inDuche Flachs/inFfren· V
che Zuſlyne/inGreke Linon /and in
Latin Linu mrth very plentu⸗
/ grovoc
ouſiy in the Moꝛth parte of England/
and ſhould grove as plentuoutly alto,
inthe South part/ e itkmen regarded
not move theyr pꝛiuat lucre then the
kynges Lawes and the come p2roz
fit ofthe bole realm. Jhaue ene flar
oz lynt growyng votlde in Sommer⸗
{et fhpre wythin a myle of Welles/
but it hath fewer bo voles in the top. then the foiven flar bath/ and a greate
Detee louger ftalk.nobiche thynges are a fure token that flaywould grow
thevetfimen would take thepapntofow if. |
The vertues of Lint fede. .
[ Ty Vntſlede hath the fame bertue that Fenegrek hath. It cate
cterethabꝛode 02 Depueth away. Ft fofteneth any thyng that is
oe 2 or a inflamed 02 very hote/a Hath any hardues, whether tt be wich
bo) S317) itr/on wythout ait be ſoddẽ wyth hony /opland a litle water⸗
a! 02 fit be put into ſodden hony. Mhen it israw/ittaketh away
the defautes of the face and frebles, and litle ſwellynges there, tf it belayd
to cmplatter wyle wyth nitre oꝛ falpeter and allhesof a fpgtre. It Drpueth
away ſwellynges bebinde the eares/ahardneserynnyng ſores. And ifttbe
/whoſe matter ts lyke
fodden voyth voyne it ſcoureth away rynnynge ſores
hony.Itpulleth away roughe nayles with a like portione of creſſes a bony.
Fe drãweth furth the difeates of p breſterfit be taken w hony trp maner
of an electuari/ itſwageth the coughe. Ffit be taken in a cake plentuoully
with peper /itwill (Lire men to generation of chylder. Che bꝛoth of ynt (ede
is good to be poured in/ aga the gnawynges /and goyng of the ſkin
bot of the guttes & alio of the mother... Jt bꝛyngeth alfo furth the al 03
Of Grummel or Graymile. 40
dung of the bellp.Itis good for tocomeé to fit in water where ittlynt (ede is
Hooden againt the inflammationes and hete ofthe mother/F haue redin a
practicionet/ that vy, vnces of lynt ſede ople a good remedy again the pes
diulcrice tt be dzonken all at one tyme.In other practictoners Jrede that
the opie oflint lede ts good foꝛ to be Dronken about the mefure of two 02 iij.
Duces with bariep water agapntt the pleureli. Wut let the ople be kreſhe in
euphoplfor /m
e tt tt be old, it ts vnholſo and not to be take within the body.
0; Grummel or graymile,


ey ~'

/and it ſhould be called in Engliſh

BE Z — se in Frenche gremil
gray mile and not as it is now called grummell.

— a It is called milium of the herbaries /and in Freche

| 3 ==) colon that it hathtoput a difference betwene tt/and

the other mile 02 millet. The Duche men gpue the name of the hardnes of
the fede which is lyke vnto a ſtone hardnes. Wits: *
| G ity The
fi ow ts
ate ; ‘ df © bat
By Tae ot) i vi 9
8 OF treater it
Ball J VA Seco a8 , 2
R 2 AY)
Aor ew wey

Hi? Cheese fa

‘te OF Darnel “i
fle)He herb Hat Watthiolus tetteth kurth /isnot Lithoſpermon Pliny
Roe Hane ti England growyng among the come au herbe in all popnites ")
put o th at Mar thi olu s let tet h fur the . But tha t ky nd Dot y no man that
Ty Re a battard kynde of it.
J hauclene/tabe fog the ryght Lithotpermo/but for
The vertaes ofLithofpermon or gray mill.
> g2==1 He fede of Lithotpermy hath this peopecty that it itwat
be er,
Aut witns
4 a wvint wineitbꝛeabech the {tone and dzinety furty itbe bꝛoken
E2S4 woyte that it bꝛeketh chetelp the ftone inthe bladertf
fail and dzonken with voyne.
Of Darnel.
Ts or
Fofcorives deſcribeth not loli which thyng hath bene the
aoa ey caute that matty haue erred in Loli/oandtaken other wedes

hat \¥! fo2 it. For fom haue takẽ tares foꝛLolio/and other cocle.25ut
worꝛdes that Dioſcorides in other places and Theophraſt
—vꝛyte of Lolio/ willnot luffer that tares oꝛ cocle {hal be Lo⸗
==) lium, Dioſcorides in the Delcription of Phenix/ wꝛiteth that
henir hath an cace ipke vnto lolium. Butnether tares nop Thecocle haue anp
Ares at all, voherekore nether of tyem both can be lolium. ophraſt in
the fift chapter of bys fourth boke de hiſtoria plantarum compar png Loit
e eft)
am and ryſe together fapeth. Quodorizam vocant (id femini nũcupato fimil

s fimile &c,
piftumque tanquam alica, redditur concoctu perfacile, afpectu lolij
wherfore nether
But nether tocle noz tares ave in any poynt lyke Ditto ry/ſetheſe woꝛdes
pf thé ca be Lolitt Theophꝛalti.Saynt hierome vꝛꝛytyng bpdquod Lolium ap-
triticum & zizaniam,
ofſaynte Matthewis gofpel/ ſayeth. Inter
|, , quàm diu herb a eft,n ec dum culm us venit ad ſpic am, grandis fimilitudo eft,
pell amus
-&in difcernendo aut difficilis aut nulla diftantia. There is great lyknes betwene

tt tsan berbe, and

Hobete aiid ztzaniam /which we call lolium ag long as ible to diſcern the

‘the ſtalke is not pet commed to the ere /ether tt is not poſs
cocle aud tares come

> , one from the other 02 elies bery harde. But vohen as rkore nether cocle
‘i firtt furt /hthey may be ealely Difcerned from voheat. The / wh er e vp on it folo-|
the Lo li um of (ap ne Hi er om es ty me
no stares can be of Di oſ co ri de s /no z of Cheo⸗
d ta re s ave ne th er th e lol iũ
|i ‘sweththat cocle an ure . Bu t all the ſe ma rkes aboue reherſed a⸗
ph ra ſt
/ no ꝛpe t ʒi za ni a tn ſcr ipt
o the we de/ we cal in Eng liſ h dar nel / why che the Du ch men
gre well vnt is
el ltheryg ht Loltunt.
‘Falllulchsa nd the Fre nch e iur a/the for e our Da rn

T he properties ofDarnel.

8 | . nbd!
lepres. The fame fodder in wyne with lint ſede /and
= é 4 bineare
— —

‘tach places

8 — ;
ale —— Me ’
~ ;
RY eae
— Ped
iin BA i

Ofthe h.rbécalled Lotus vrbana.

. ban
, wan

Good to lay bpon the place diteated w the ſciatita. Ifthere be made of ite
perfune, with perched barley mel/eand mpr/o2 fafrone, it helpeth concep⸗
tion. It ishoote in the begynninge of the thyrzd degre and dep in the
of the fecond degre,

Oßche herbe called Lokchitis altera w\

= aq Duchitis altera/as Dioſcoꝛides waiteth/hath leues lyke bn⸗
b EPA) to ceterache which iscalled Alen, but gre ater, rougher,
and Much more Diuided 02 cut t1.Aud to more doth he write
a) bee weal ofthe Delcription ofLouchitis, J haue ſene berbe oft bot
=) Eeeoe| i Oermany/and in diuerſe places of Sommertet hhyre/andh
22 aS Doꝛſet ſhyze.It is muche longer then ceterach/and the gap⸗
pes that go bet wene p tethifa man map call thé ſo/are muche wyder then
the cuttes that ate in ceterach.And the teth are muche longer and harper.
J kuow no Engliſh name that it hath. But of the ipknes that tt hath ynto
a cobe and a ferne/it may be called combe ferne. Hieronymus Tragus ca
leth it Alplenũ ſylueſtre
/and inDuche walt alplend. Fe groweth muche in
darck lapnes about bulhe rootes /andout of the fhaddow oft tymes alone,
T be vertues of the fecond Loxchitis. —*

ey ©! groweth in gardines. Mhereloꝛe itis bery hard bp

=) 2hFa) | thete few woꝛdes to gather among fo many threle: J


End= ee —
£ :Cawé —
CP = Ce Wee =
= eA
aE 2
ed See

re /hewed me an other herbe differyig from both thetey and iad that it

— =—
=* —










5 OR

Of the berbe ealled Lotus vrbana. 42

Lotus Vrband, This herbe do J tudge rather to be
: the rpght Lotus brbana then ether
wod forell/ 02 meltlote, Foꝛ as mes
liloteis not fit to be catenand is a
wilde herbe/not therfore to be norif
{hed in gardines/ſothe wodlſoꝛel all
though it were mete to be in gardi⸗
ne/ sand ts berp good to make {als
lettes of; Bet it grovoeth not come
mẽly in gardines as the other Doth,
tobere fore it appeareth p this herbe
tobpch ts found as faras J know
no Lohere/but in gardines ſhould ra
ther be lotus bꝛbana the any of} os
ther tj. berbes.Fneuer ſaw thys ber
be/but twyle in all mp lyke /ones in
Ferraria tones in Claucna. wbers
fore Fj Bow no Cnglifhe name fog
it:hewobe it/it may be named in En
gliſh gardin clauer o2 four clauercog
fallat clauer. :
LThe vertueof gardin clauer.
rates J that pe totil take the iuice
cen ty— ofthys herbe and put hony
— Wuntdit / ik ye lap it to the ex
Pes it will Depue away pwohpte ſo⸗
res in the eyes called argemata/the
cloude ofsthe eyes &other darknes
| Of the herbe called Lotus fylueftris. ts
7 tus {plucttris that iscalled wylde lotus, which fomrallp
wi Seen! Peay-.\ lef trifoli/grotocth inLibia.Ithath a ſtalck tvoo cubites hy:
Wn aed ae SNC Elomtpme hygher / ithath leues lyke }medoww claver o7
BD as 6 S53) trifolp/a (ede lyke fenegreke, but much leſſe witha certapne
caalte lyke a medicine/Cheophratt in the vij. booke de hiſtoria
, Be ~ platartt tit pxiiij. chapter femeth to make agreate forte mo⸗
my ¥e tus the Dioſcoꝛides maketh
Foz.hevoꝛiteth thus of the kyndes
m oflotus.Certayn kyndesofherbes have many formes and falhones/and
i Outonename / as lotus. Foz there are many kyndes of lotus which are
i Difleuerand
ed differ one from an other/in lele / ſtalck / o vor/ andfruite Tae
i Bett that is called mel frugum/for an exampl e differeth from all the
m Other in bertue and in maner of meate that tt hath. But Theophraſt deſcri⸗
beth neuer one of the kindes of lotus /where ofbe maketh fo many kyndes:
y wobereforeamancan notlerne of him the Difference betwene one potus 1
| alan otherHe femeth to giue fom great difference to it that groweth in
y the corne/ which he calleth mel frugum. But pet aman cannot gather
y tWerby that itis the lotus ſylueſtris that Diofcortdes deſcribeth. But bee |
» eaule J haue ſene oure comen melilote both with a peloto and alto RSi |
_ a wypte |
Of Floppes. a
a Lobpte floure/grotoing amongett the come both belpde Borvbelpde Soy 7
Des/ and belpde Mormes in hyghe Germany and no other kynde of lotus: |
ſo growyng: J take it to be the kynde oflotus vohich he called mel frugum.
And becaufe the herbe whiche ts called tn hyghe Duchland ſtundkzaut /¢
itt Metherland wit nardus/is along herbe of two cubttes hyght, and hath
acertayn phylick talte inthe {ede by reaſon vohere of tt ts called vohyte nar
Dus in Frellat and hath leaues lyke vnto p medow claucr oꝛ trifolp/ / Itake
it to be otus ſylueſtris/ where ofDioſcorides voritethslet other men iudge
as they lyſt. Jt groweth not wilde nether in Cuglad Hor in German/yand
F haue not ſene tt wylde in the keldes in Italy/foꝛ tt that groweth in Italy
hath a yelow flour /when as thys that3 take to be lotus ſylueſtr/is hath a
pale blewiſh foure.
Tbe vertues of Lotus Sylueſtris.
F Ilde lotus heateth and byndeth alytle it fcoureth away the
Vbdeſloꝛmites and ſpottes in the faceifit beanoynted therewith
Rand noith hony. Che herbe broken by tt felfo2 with mallowis
WA A Ges El (eDe/and Donker with Malualy o2 any other voyne/ is good
MANS eZ a4 agatulte the payn of the blader. ‘,

JA Bossa HOppes in any olde au —

Botbea tor/fauing onlp in wle
ny. But he doth not de⸗
Kaige R v- —

Wi (crpbe tt. Joanes Me⸗

— 8 : E\
— — 8 4 sy:

MaagN fue & porger Lo2pfer /

i: Pars
— eee

M* \maketh our hoppes the fourthe Bde

‘Awof bolubilis/ &he Deltribeth tt thus:
i E& \pos The furth kynde of Dolubtlts hath te
Nee &)/) ues like acitrul but ſharp/ and pllou⸗
res. ate full of leues one grovopng o·
uer an other, after > maner of fcales/

vs a
2 (SS uptig that where be fapeth that the
Vis fourthe winde is colde/for after p lets

nyng of Galene becaute the rppe tow

A Wa)ves are bitter a bite p tong not alitle/
they are hote at the lefte in the begin⸗
ofp. Uptig nthe ſecõd degre. Let any ſear
& nediman that will tafte of it that gro
Kveth both in Italyand Germany/e
\< be hall fynde that F fap true. Where
: fore it isplayn that ether the fourth
a= topiide of Melne
is not our hoppes/
y WS whiche
Z voll not hold, o2 elles a
: | Of Hoppes.. oye me
phic meaned riot of the type floures vohẽ he ſayd that hoppes were cold/but
Sof the pog tedre knop pe
/ whic when they come kirſt furth Ipke ſperages/
he s
ave temperate oꝛ tather colde/as other buddes and vnripe fruttes of other
) Hote plantesbemany /as all (earned men can tell. Jneuer ſaw better hop:
» pes then Iſaw growyn wyg lde a litle from the wall that goeth from Cher
tofa to Pauia/by a litle riuers ſyde They grow alfo wyldẽ in many places
boty ofCrgland eofGermany: The hop huſhe tscalled of the later Gree ,
» tlanes beyon/of Pliuy lupus falictarius/ofp Barbarus writers humulus/
r s
> Of the later learnede writer lupulu/inDuche hopfen.
The vertues of Hoppes. VAN ie AE
> eee Opes purge oꝛ {conrthe blood mefurably of peloto choler/
DO oes and clenigeth tt/and tempereth itwells vohilfe they quéche the
el arse 11)beat of it.And thys do they motte chefely when as they are
Hl o7-N Pl tnfuted/ 02 ſteped in whay. The ſyrop made of Hoppes is
A ies fgGood agamntt the guellucht 03 iaudes /and fo2 agues }come of

= the beat of the blood 02 of choler. The hop with hys wice and

t ivy v=
—— —— — *a

ae barle is good fozthe buꝛnyng headache and foz the great heat of §
omack/and lpuer.noherefore ſeyng that it isfo holfom a medicines Jmer⸗
© uci the Phylicianes ofthys tyme / vſe it nomorze in medicine. Thus muche
> bath Melue voryten ol hoppes.

ee. | Ofthe pulfecalled Lapines. |

EGS; |they ave growen out, haue the Ipkenes of aruelofa

WE fre Bale 22 (yo2/02
ofaftere. Thefou iswhpte
re,in whote pla:
Bay We Age Cevohent tt is gone/commeth aftaer
long cod ober

| T hevertuesof Lupines, ——
Poem] pe mele of lupines/licked bp with hony/o2 ifit betaken with drin⸗
We a1 be/Drpucth wormes out of the bell·The y Inpines felues fteped/ and
Beeants Cate With theyz bitterne/saregood foz the fame ‘o — einen
: then
Ofthe pulfe called Lapines. a
Eupini abi. of them hath ipke vertue /dionken yh
| ruc and peppery andlois it good fop
the that haue the dileale of the mig.
With the fame iis good to bathe
and walhe wild loves, gangrenes)
and the ſcab/when itbeginneth firs
to come burftin es of it of wheles/
tpuinpug ſores of p hede, frekles any
(pottes. Lupines put into the bop
after the nianerofa Tuppotitori/with
bony and myzr/ all bepng wrapped
in woll / dꝛaweth both DoLon weo-
mens fourcs/and
alfo ys burden >
the goeth votth ifit be rype. The flour
02 mele oflupines with lynt fede, as
mendetlyp faitneand blew markes: HF
with perched barlep & water tt ſwa⸗
geth infamationces/and burnynges.
t eaſeth ſwellynge
s it is good
oʒ the ſciatita layd on with vinegre
$f it be layd to with vinegre whert
in it is ſodden it heleth wennes and
burſteth carbuncies. Lupines fod:
den in rayn water / vntill they were
towgh into a thick bꝛoth/ſcour and
make clene the face. Lupines areal
good for the ſcabboz maugenes of
—— cattell with the roote of black cha
meleon/ fo that ther be walſhed with the warm beoth that thepare hd:
Den tt. The rootes fodden in water / prouoke og tira man to make wae
ter. Luvines broken after that bp ſtepyng they wer ſwete/ tf they be dzon⸗
Ken in binegre take away the lothfomnes of the ſtomake and ingendreth
an appetit an luſt to eat. Che ſmoke of lupines burned, dzyue gnattes
and mydges away as Pliny voꝛpteth.


pees Bfimachia putteth furth ſtalkes of the lenahtofact

RGSS ths oes dito: fomtpme longer, buſſhy/ſma /ll
ãtheleues com
WS Be KF} out at pknees oꝛ knotte/soꝛioyntes of p herbe. They
N (ees) ey|ate thinne a in faſſhõ lyke wylow leues ſt in taſte byñ
NS beg
74ers |Deng. The flour is darck rede oz of coldꝛ of golde,
Bey: | Ft groweth in watery ¢ in marrihe & fermnifh grout
PLS) jac Des. Thpsis avery comen herbe in Germany € En⸗
‘ — — JF meruell Matthiolus could not kynd it in
7 siti ano 2Coe, vntil it was fent bpm from Rome by witcent
Caton to Goritia.But all though it be foisd in mani places of En poh |

a a

tl Real — 3
—_——— — :
* x
= ——— ne
* —

ſdnnenu Aichalben




=2 —
— —

= — we

Mis FJ coulde neuer learne any Engliſhẽ

i A4 name of it. Jt may be well called af⸗
| ter the etimologt of the worde /and
te, alto of vertue that it hatl lous ſtri⸗
fe/oz it may be called herbe willow.
The Suche men call tt weyderich.

T he vertues ofLoufftrife.
I He tuice ofthe leues/ bp ther
ie a byndyng poure floppeth the
aos cattyng out of blood. Ft ts
ether to be poured in/02 to be taker
invoard fo p blody fipr. ‘Ffit be put
ina mother fuppofitory / tt will {top
the excelsiue rynnyng 02 iſſhue of che
> mother.Ffye ftop pour noſe w thys
herbe/it voill ſtop the rynnyng out of
blood okit. It ſtayeth alſo the exceſ⸗
„v flue rynnyng out of blood out of
ij. Wwoutiz
Of the Mallow or Maw.
woundes It dryueth away ſerpentes and killeth fli
itis wonders Harpe tn finell. Che es with bystrike)h |
re ts an other Lylimachia belpd itthat

haue (poken of with a rediſh purple floure, that groweth

ter ipdes with an heade likan much avout wy
e cave: But Fred of no Other propert; thatf+ Ny
fhoulde haue then it which hath the yelow 02 golden floures,

Ofthe Mallow or May.

Auua isnamed in Grebe Malachi, in Engli 4 Mallow/
ſh fy f
AM yg }y uch pappel/iu Frenche maulue. Ther are two kyndeg of 1)
, Mallowes /the one is the gardin maliow,and the otherig1)
EAVAG | bye wilde mallow. and eche of theſ
e ag aDliny weitetty spell,
uided into diuerſe kinde Dfsth.ofe mallowes that are fore, 9),
the Grecianes call the greater/malopen. De thynek that the
othis ecal
rled malache, becaule it fofteneth the belly, Am
niallowes it that hath the greate onges the wotide | |
lefe aud the whyte
and of the excellent workyng that it bath, it is rot e/is called altheayy
called of fom aree
faltiea. The former kpude is now calledin Englithe ;french
it may be calted tre mallow of the great bygnes e mallow i\)
And itthat is called Malache that it groweth to,
of the Grecianes / and is after pling the
Malua hortenfis, Malua fylueftris pumila.

—9 “—
— J ip

— — —

Of the Malloy or Mav. 45

Nalaa fylucftris. lefle kinde of gardin. mallowes/ is
—“/0 called in Engliſhe holy ok in Zouche
HAR’ 2 Npititer tolen. The former kinde of
ZL. Yoild mallow / which as Pliny faz
Si pethviscalled allthea e Avittalthea,
HG Nose isaltocalled of pLatiti wiiters Hi⸗
\ay. e bifcus, in Engliſhe marſh matlow/
pao Ses 02marrith mallo
wo/ingel bonne
WAS SO oF Galene Anadendron1 ofHetius
Ata! Sy, Dẽdꝛomalache of the apothecaries
VS 2 maluabis malua and maluaniſcus.
TINA The other ynde of wilde mallow
SAAGSAS ” igit that groweth wilde about tow
SS 7 hes and hygh wapyes/and is com⸗
meniy called in Eugliſhe amallow.

Theophralt in the nynthe booke

eM: : Ss ene hiftoria plantarum voriteth that cerz
* Ve te \ tapn thynges bp dreſſyng and trym⸗
: myng Departe fro thep2 kynde and
— olde nature/as the mallo Doth, faz
37 peth he/ whiche when as it ts by naz
‘ture but an herbe/ yet groweth bp
into the greatenes ofa tre.Heſayeth
that the gardin mallow within fir
O2 (enue monethes groweth fo highe/
that the ftalck ofttwill ſerue fo2 a lã
ce tatt/and that therfore diuerſe bie
| | __ the fralkes of matlowes for ſtaues.
i) Whe leues df mallowes are knowen Of all men to-be round the fede is ina
I) litle round ſorme lykea chete fom mallobo foures ave rede
/ſom blew/ font
fh vobpte/ and tithep had the Ipke finell tn beauty, myght well be compared
ts very long and depe inthe qround and
i) With the roſe floures. The toote
) fomtypag ſhymy.
[ The vertues ofmallotve or mawes,
— e qgardin mallow isbetter to be eaten then the wylde male
1) PAS) lobo (9.32et is itil for the ſtomack and goeb foz the belly. But
i oie a Ng p ftalkes ave muche better. It ts good fo2 the inward partes)
and for the blader. Che leues chowed rai, and layd to with
O/ the Mandrage.
fundament, ifitbe put in boith a clyſter. The broth; of the mallow leues fon.
Dent with the roote/is agood remedy agapnt al poyſones/ ifit be Dronken
by and by after/and be vomited out agayn. It is a good help agaynſt tye
bytyng of a felde {pydev. The ede of mallowes dzonken in voyne with the
fede of wilde lotus fwageth the fmerting of the blader.Galen and the a.
rabianes agre not in the complerion ofthe mallow, for Galene gyuetha
warm qualite bnto wallowes/as thele woo2rwWes folotopng do playniy decla⸗
re. There is acertayn tough and ſhlymy tutce in mallo wes / which maniz
feltip Differeth from coldnes /whith thyng pe may perceyue euen before pe
eat of the mallow/for if ye lay tt toa fyrie Inflammation after Chat pe haue
layd lettice vnto it/ye ſhall fynde/that lpke woyſe as the lettice bath cooled,
that euen fo the mallotecs ware the place that (hep are laph to. But Abẽ
Meſuai in Serapione/ layeth thele nodes folompug of pbertues of male
lowes. The mallow is colde and moyſte in the fick degre, and ſpecially the
gardin mallovo / and tt ts evel for the ſtomack. And whille itis moyſte/
it ts good foz the blader, but pet the (ede is muche better there to /and itis
good foz the roughenes o2 payn that commety by going of /ofthe Ceiny
and of the blader. Itis good foꝛ the roughnes of the lunges, and breſte. It
is good to make a platter of tt with vole oyle /and to lay it to the impoſte⸗
mies of the kydnes and blader. |
Mandragoras maſc. OF the Mandrage.
| peers Hereare two kindes of
SIM FS} Wandrag / the black
vvbhich is the femaiey
LO} es tohich ts cailed the lettts
SS! cer/woith leile leues and
narrower then lettices /whiche haue
aſtrong (auoz, and are ſpꝛed Byon p
eS grounde. And this kinde bereth aps
. ples ipke buto forbapples / pale in
coloure and well ſmellyng
/ wherein
is contepried ſede lpke vnto the bits
nelles of peres. It hath vootes of a
good bignes fj..02 tf. one folbpng tt
{elfwithin an other. Chey are biack
without/and hobpte voithin
/ xthep
Wi,, are couered with a thick barke, Bnd
A pe thys bynde hath no talke. Che other
Bac’ Wy bynde ts the wbite Mandꝛrag /and
WEN NWZS it igcalled p male. The lenes of this
are byg/white/bzode and ſmouth ag
the bete lefe is. Che apples of thys a⸗
ve twyſe as byg as the applesof the
other be / w a coloꝛ turnyug toward
faffron. They ſmell plefantip, ioyned
Wacertayn greuoufies. This binde
ofMandrage J haue oft tymes fene
in England/a it is y herbe that =
‘ti | Of the Mandrage. 46
call conienily MandzaThe
g rootes whiche ave couterfited x made like litle
puppettes amammettes/ which come to be fold in England in bores woth
heir/afuch forme a3 a man hath ave nothpng elles but folithe feined trilles/
eof naturalloz
. they ave ſo trymmed of crafty theues to mocke the poor
people with all/ to tob them both of theyre wit and thepr money. J haue in
Mp tyme at Aiuerſe tymes take bp the rootes of Mandꝛag out ofthe groun⸗
de /but 3 neuet favo any fuch thyng vpon or in theny as are in and vpon
thepedlers rootes that are comenly to be foldein bores. The Mandrag is.
named in Latin Mandzagoras /inDu/ch alram. Jtgrovoeth onlp in gardi⸗
hes it England and in ermany/ but (tis more comen in England cher)
it is there. But it groweth not vnder galloftes as a certayn
dotyng Docto2'
of Colon in hys phyſck lecture dyd tech bps auditozes/ nether Doth it ryſe of
the ſede of man, that falleth from hom thatis banged, nether ig tt
Mandrzagoras/ becaule tt came of mang fede ag p foz fapd Doctoꝛ dremed.
be vertues of Mandrage,
eq rag) We tuice of Mandrag /dronken in the quantite
of a ſcruple in
oO bonicd
wyne/ draweth furth Welancoly and fleme bp voz
mitynge/ afterthe maner of Hellebous.But tfa man
es take to
anh) Muche of it/ it will killbym. It is good to be menged wit
Bed (574) the medicines and fawhe as fuege ach. h
Men vie to take the
...__ batbes of the frethe rootes and to ſtamp them and to pretee
the tuice and to fet ft inthe fon Dnt it be growen hard, and
Dp into erthen beflelles,fo2 to be vſed when nede fhall requyr cher to put it
(0 f0 take of the
e. Chey bie al-
bark of the roote and fo put a theede throw it, and {foto
hang tt bp, and afteriwardes to wile them. Chere ts a tutce alfo
taken out of
the apples/butthat is not fo quick in operation as the other tuice is. So
take the rootes and fet them: ta wine bntill the thprde m
parte be ſodden
away / and wohen the broth ts purified kepe tt/and gyue one cpat o2 an vnce
and an balfof it/to them that cannot flepe/ and to them that ave
payne to tuch as mult be burned o2 cut tn fom place, that they fhoin great
Tele the burning o2 cuttyng.Itts good to be put into the motije uld not
r to foftenit,
If tt be put into the fundament after the maner of a fuppofitozyitvoil
eaman flepe. Som wꝛyte that the roote hath the vertue to l mas
ſoftene euery/
ifit be ſodden fir houres with tt, and that tt will make tt fit to recepue cate:
Apany figure 02 form that a man will graue in tt. ‘The grene leucs are goo
Tobe lapd to the inflammationes of the eyes, and to gatherpneesy irredd
Dy by foxes 1 perched barley mele. Fe refolueth 2 tcattereth away wen
Wwellynges and hardnes. The fame dothe away ſcarres o2 markes of wa nes/
Des without teperdtoffretyng of the ſkin/tfthey be tubbed inchivablp thenr.
W loꝛr the fpace of bj.02 ſeuen Dayes. Theleues ave kept th bryne for the fame
pburpote.T he roote broken a lapd to w binegre is good for cholevik burnyn⸗
ges 02 inflamationes.Ff it be menged W ony o2 ole, it is good aga
ſtyngyng of ferpentes, 16 water it Dapueth away 4 relolueth hard Wwellythe
ges/ with perched barley mele/itlaketh the payne of the ioyntes. Myne
nugy be made ofp roote of Mandzag wout any lethyng after thys maner.
“Che poundes of the rootes mutt be put into a fall fickin of foxete wyne/
» uy there
Of the Mandrage.
t lye lo lon g tog eth er vnt ill the ber tue of the roo tes is gone.
there they mut
t be
into the wyne.Be may gpue ty. cpates of thps wyne / to them that mut ebut
cut burned 02 fered.Ffthep dꝛynk thys Depnke thep ſhall fele nolespa yn/
they thal fall into a foꝛgettull and a flepithe dꝛowſinesTh . e app , il aman
hei m wil l ma ke hy m ſl ep e/
and alſ o tf the y be eat en. And ſo both the
Cinell oft muche of the ap⸗
l to
iuice that is ſtreyned out ofthem. But they that {me th the mother /andto
nles/becom Dum. The (ede of the apples dꝛonben fco ure
ovi f it be lay d to wit h qui cs bip mit ton e. It ſto ppe th the rede iſſhue
Doth it alf e & pꝛyck the rootes in
of weo nte n. FF ye wi l hau e the iui ce/ pe mul l fco ich
and the n (et vel lel les vnd er it/ and ſau e it. Ch e iuite that is
many places
prefled out, isbetter then that vohich dzoppethcolur th after cuttyng oꝛſcot⸗
chyng. But that commeth not kurth in euery untreasexperiece teacheth
auſ e thy s her be diu erſ e wa ye s tak en / is ver y iep ard us fo2 a many a
vᷣs Bec ue no remeDp for
may kill hym ikhe eat it / oꝛdzꝛynk it out of meafure /and ha Ma ndragbe
it:Jwil l (he ns po w alf o rem edy aga ynſ t the poy ſon oft . If
taken out of meature, by and by llepe in ſueth /and eth a great loutpug of the
eth e wit h a for get iui nes . wu t bef ore tha t com / it were wildome
ftrepn mw od Lith
to bomtte wity mede and afterwoarbe to tabe nitre and wo
Cwete wine 02 Aalualep:ye mutt allo poure vinegre and rofe ople bpon the
patientes hendeIt is good tho fire the boby and io finicll ofIg
per / muſtarde / coſtoriu m rue/ bruſed in vinegre. It is alidigood to ſmell
t ts put out,
— oftarr/o2 of the ſtyngkyng that comineth from acanbdle tha

ſuch other
But ifthe patient cañnot be ealelp waked again/it is mete to bie
s berbe?
comen remedies. Auicenna wold that they that are hurt with thy de tha ta
fho uld vom it wot th bon y and but ter . Wh er e as Zi oſ co rd es wol
mans beade ſhouid haue Role clic ¢ binegte poured vpon it when a ma
hath taken to mucheof Mandrag. Matthtolus fapeth that it ts agaputt
as the caule
rcafont that it (huld be lapd to the heade which ts colde d/whehen cat

eal es alf o col de / and to tak e to bor es in one wo cheth Ga⸗

of the dif
e pour ro⸗
{enc aud accifeth hym for a ipke faute/that ts for confclpng ment
{v opland binegre vpon them that haue the Deavoly o2 forgetful! evel. Bnch

tocafute Galene he aledgeth Acting / Paulus/ and Trallianu s / whi

Do tot admit ople binegre alone/but vooulde hoter medicines asIsertfo,
qilde tyme/penin ail/caftoriumiand fuche lyke to be put theer. moz to. Ga ——

m vnd eke nde d at thy s tym e vn tu ll Iſha ll ban e lealure /

iene F leu hy
but for Diofcorides Janſwer/that if tif. later vziters then Galene /weve
inough to cõſute hyen:as many myght bp good reaſon be ſufficiẽt to Defend
spiotcorides from that faut that Matthidlus layeth buto Dioſcoridilles
charge. Dut tf. of the witneſſes that he ailegeth to coufute Galene with all/
that is Jetius aud qaulus/a with them a learned laterweptet of the Gre⸗
cianes Actuariu n ethat role ople with biucgre (hould be poured bpd
the hedes of them that haue eaten or dionken to much of Mandrag. wut
Matthiolus alptle after wi the fame chapter faaggettyng what he Gad accu
fep Diolcorldes/and Galene of before, wzytethe the le wozdes folo wynge:
Tametfi Mandragore poma matura,&c. the rppe appics of Sans
Allthough Oe

mag the ſedes taken out/be eaten diuerle tymes with out any grefe at s.all:
HYet the vnrype apples eaten with thepr fede / bapng dedely withfalle aie
— a
There ryleth after vnſullerable heat ech burneth all the outer parte a
Of the Mandrage. 4
Cie thine. The toung and the mouthe withere aud
they that are ſo vexed/ waret dr
are feue allwayes gapyng with theyr mout
dawyng in colde avre. Thus fare Matthiolus. Mow ſeyng he/and
fet) openly here that men are in fuc thache confels
he beat as haue eaten of the burppe aps
ples which are muche colder then the rppe
coꝛides acculed a litic befoze for countelipngapples be:how luillpy was Dioſ⸗
they were colde/ to be pouted bpon the head rofeople and
es of them that had taken to
MUCHE Mandzag? Andhow well doth thys hys ſayng of the hote withka
les that came of the eayng of the vnrype l⸗
Mandꝛag app
whiche he fapd immediatip before the reherlall of the les, agree with tt,
CHE eatyng of the rovp apples in the hete/that aryleth of
fe wozdes
Jar) caput nullo afficitur calore. ‘Che .Ab aflumpta Mandragora (nifi fal
bead is not bered with any hete
Ibe except
deceyued) after Che takyng of Mandzage. Mo
forgetful man as thys tS ought fo boldelp w vobether that fuch a
to chek anciant AUTOS 02 NO as
he Goth at diuerſe tymes let wyſe men & ler
that he geueth only hete vnto Che fruite ned be iudgesBu.t ifbe anſwer
Pay be layd vnto hym/that fo much be / andnot to the roote, befyde that tt
as tye hote withfalles come to/that come of th Dioſcozides vnwozthely /
iSagapntt bys accuſyng of Di the vnrype applies erpertence/
the fame experience alto, Foꝛ in the bodeokse and the autozite of bym that had
Kalis/ſayeth theſe wordes: Dixerunt
that Serapio note of limples /
quidam ex antiquis Babyloniæ, quòd
puella quædam &c.Certayn of the anc
ientes oꝛ old men of Babplon/haue
de me that a certayn mayde eat fiue Mand tol⸗
rag apples, and that fhe fell ina
ſwowon /eandthat the becam all rede/and that aman
ty/ ered ſnow water ſo long vpon her heade vntillconunpng by at that
Jhaue fene men my felfe whiche bid eat of the the rote agapn.and
tent ſelues fat th roote of Mandrag to make
erwith, and tt chanced onto them/as it chan
mou that go out of the bath and deynke muche wy ceth onto
ne after the
‘HOt thele faces was excedyngiy rede and (welled. pr outgoyng.
Thele wordes Both Kã⸗
liswrite tn the piace aboue alledged.2Bp which aman
bilp the vnrype appels of Mandzagora driueth a ma may learne that not
put wardly n o a Great heate
/butallo the rootes/fo that itis euidently nowintpe
bp autozite and erpertence/ that Datthiolus wag rcepued both
tyat nomans head was vered with bete after theDecaceyued when he fapd
ta. Chele haue writen fom thpng at large to caufe tyng of Mandago-
old and worthy autore/ them that are to bold to
be aduiſed befoxe they Do fo vnaduiſediy aduen:
ture to do tye fameagapn. Serapio and Auicenna
Mandꝛag taken in dzy woꝛyte that the fede of
k th the mother, and fowzote Dioſcorides
bf the fame ſede many peares before them, Lobereby it app
chel knowyng the nature of the fruyte of sPan ereth that KRa⸗
drag before all thefe wꝛi⸗
ters/for thps int/ edeſ
nt pred to haue the fruite of Mandꝛa
clenge hee mother therwith / and thereby myght be made / thgat the myght
cepuie copibe bor felte as well as Lia her yter and Spilfa the fitter te con:
Warnhag a3 Paulus Egineta togiteth cooleth in the thy her mapd dppd.
ples ot it/ ſeme to haue fom hea and moptture / by teaton rde degre. The ap
may bꝛyng a man int where of thep
o an heup flepe. But the bark of the tootisſtron⸗
gett of all, and cooleth not alone but alfo Dypeth. Th
woeyker. e inner parte is

] | Du ch e ei t Ap ii el /o de r Aplf ewau m / n }
o eso
1 Finer. Chere are ij generall and principal kynt
ca ll ed Ma lu s hortenlis /ut
Sy appel tr ee s / Ty e on e is
tre ; Th e o t h ise iled in Lata
= uthe countre/
\X in En gl iſ he in p So
IV Ar) co un tr e a ſcarbtre. Inede not
a Cr ab tr e / in Ho ꝛt h
© to de ſc ry be th ys tre /b ec au le it IS BOLE poell ine
== pughe in all countres.
of the Ap pl et re an d of App les . 4
The nat ure
flo ure s/a nd the Hu dd es /o f eue ry Ap pe lt re and.
=== 19¢leucs/ the
the y of the qui nce tre , to p an d byn de. The tarte and
{eM mofte t th e ty pe ap pl es are
ue to b y n / bu
: * Ne four ar appels haue the bert rig appl/ethsep that are taken in
AY Wee of af other nature. Al an d hu rt al l th e ſy newes /¢ thep
ge nd ze ch ol er
Es the ſpꝛynge / ti es o2 hote burnynges.
HreDe inammation
Ontof Galene.
(ha lt ble tar te Ap pl es voh en as the ft om ac k is weyke by the
=== ou mu ch mo yl tu re / but very
Ca meanes of an hot e di ſt em pe ra nc e / oo f
app les wh en as the ſt om ae k ts bot h to hot e an d moyſte. Tie
2} tarte
app les voh en as th ou thy nck ett p the re ig. gro ſſe iui ce in thy ſtomake/
foure fy nd any gro fie humor
that is not ver y col de. sro z fou r th pn ge s vo he n the y
he ſt om ac /ke
the y cut it in (un der , an d car p it do on warde. Apples are
y haue an euel iuite.
harde of digeſtion and colde/ago ſlovorydovone/ẽthe
| Out of Symeon Setht.
m an other What
J er are Diuerfe kindes of apples one Differyng frothey haue acoid¢é
AOS focuer apples are byndyng 02 Drawing together
Oh an erthly nice. But they that are ſharp 02 bytyng /haue a Cold tuice/
ile 02 fyne . The Wet e appl es are of a mea ne 02 mid dle cõ⸗
but the ſame ſubt pe mutt bie byn⸗
ple vio n/a nd turn e ſom thy ng moz e to hot ene s. T here kore
ſte diſtempe
dyng apples as oft as the ſtomacke isveted with a hote or moy
ie humoꝛe /but not
rance. But fharpe apples are to be geuen as oft as a grofinſ p
hery colde/is gathered tithe ſtomacke. Foꝛ thele cut under /and car
But wete apples are to be geuen vnto them that haue colde
they are good forthe
ftomackes. For /mand lfor fiche as are bitten of vene⸗
mus beattes. All apples whatloener thep be ofa certayn naturall propertp
It is repoꝛ⸗
hurt the ſynewes Chep alſo that ate vnrype are berp noyſum.
ted that ifa man eate bys filtofapples that they ingend re the fone in hym.
But they are good for them that fuounteand haue a weik hartte.
oS Of the Quince tre:
ay 7)lus Cotonea ts cated in Greke Malea bydonia/in Engliſh
a Quince tre,tnZuche etn Quitten baum / inFrenche bn coig
rer. Tyhystre hath leues bꝛoder and ſhorter then a medler tre/
Bea the nether parte of the lele towarde p grovonde ts white, and
Of the Quince tre. QO 48
Blalus Cotoneds the outer parte is grene. It hath fou
R ves lyke an apple trey but they grow
| AV) \ Alone and not many together as the
SAY ees De Toures ave twother trees. The Quin
GIS - IES ¥ ce apples ave how without/and has
IAN if J ue an other forme motte comẽiy then
KZ) YN QOm Fapples ¢ peareshaue, Het avethey
gr more lyke peaves then apples/ and
se \eS eS they haue certayn gutters and bnz
US YR euettoutgrowoprges ipbe half coluat
VO SESS SY neg which as they are leidom fene
Aw ANON Gilt applesto are they neuer lene in
9wn ‘ SSA
AA N 5
Z he vertues *ofthe Quince tre
Lm —2 — and hysfruite.

J CT wiit ees
are goodfor a
ſtomack / a they makethe
Aico) | MA pifle well. But wobhe
INC they are rofted 7 they
— aire tounted to be gent:
lev: Thep are good for both § flires/
. both for the blady fpr&for the other
a —— ii /and for en *
— coughe out foul mater /and for them
— that ave tick of chol/ſpeci
er ally when
i ss theparetaken rats. Che iteppria of
thei is good to be geuen to them that haue the flix of the belly o: ftomack.
The iuite df rovo quinices is good foꝛ the thaare
t fhozt wynded. The broth
SB good to bath the mother with allafit fall Down. The Quitices chat are
condited in hony /ſtirr aman to make water. And the bony taketh of the
| Quinace ſtoppsyng and thyck makyng pow. They that are fodden in
Honp/are More plefant to the ftomack/but ep bo hot make thick fo muche.
| ‘They are good to be put raw into emplatters, to ttopp p belly, 02 ifthe ſto⸗
ff inacke be eta fpre/o2 be turned with bomityng. Thep are good fo2 the in⸗
| ſammationes 02 burnpnges of the pappes /and for bard miltes/and foz
fwellpnges about the funDament. Be may mabe wyneofthem if pe bꝛuſe
them and ſtreyn the/mbut tt will not laſt ercept pe put One quatte ofhony
torh. ofthe tuice. Foꝛ without the bony tt will turn intbertuice. Che wy⸗
hefo made is good fo2 all the thyngesaboue named. DF Quinces aito ts
Made an ople/which we ble as oft as we nede any byndyng o2 ſtoppyng
ge mutt chuele out the Quince apples that ate round/lttle and weilfinels
ipng. The loures both grene and dry are pitt into emplatters7 and are
000 fo2 all thynge that ede byndynge and for the inflaimmationes of the
eye/sand vomityng of bloode. Chey are alſo good to be Dionken Agapnt a
loule belly and the biolent rynnyng furth of weomens ſicines of
Of the peche tre and the abre cok tre.
See S Aus Perlica is called inGreke Melea perftke/iney
Spee) & glithe a Peche trey in Duche ein Plerlich baumin
WAG, EYFrenche bi wechiers. Che peche isno areat trein
\ SAYA és Cngland that J could fe, it hath long ſeues. Che
GS WD wa © peche tre floureth with the almond tre/bu }t
: | y IS veder Chen the almonds flour is/ The peche trereig
= the vnto the allmond treyin p body 02 bole/in$ guny
= itt the leues and floures, fauyng that the leuesand
— af ae ——
qcures ave bitterer. The appies ave foft and flethy,

when thep are type ſomthyng hory without. The ttone ts very gvete/an
fullofcrettes and gutter/sandwith tn that is ther a kirnel lyke an almond,
Of the'Abrecok tre. |
Fay 4)Vlus Armeniaca is na Malus Armeniaca.
Soy, Mimed in Greke Welca *
armeniake 7 in hygh
Ducheland ein Amaz
rell baum as Getter
layeth: but in the dio⸗
olen where as J dweit/itis
called ein kardumelken baum. It is
called in Frenche vng abrecottier.
Galene /Paulus and Aetius imme⸗
diatly after the pech tre
/make men⸗
tion of Armeniak tre/ and Dioſcori⸗
des kepeth the fame manet/but he =
fapeth further. To & UlKeoTEpa KaACUME-_. taal .
vo SLxppeviance pcrprctiss dé MeaiKOnic eusd=
PAKaTEge TAY TeoceMevap eoip. Chat is }
to fap altmentaca,
that is abrecoc: i jl
kes which ate called tn Latin Preco- HY
cia, that is rype befoze, are leflethen &
the other peches and are hollummer
fo2 che ftomack then the korſayde pez
ches are. Pliny alfo a Latin wiiter/ —

calicth thys kynde ofpeches Precocia

mala, and rekeneth tt amongett the
kyndes of peches. But there ts thys
Difference betwene the abzecok / or
batty peche tre a other/ their frut-
tes. The hatty pech tre hath much
bꝛoder leues then the pech tre a =
kruite is agreate tyme ſoner rype then the peche is. And where as the pe⸗ —

che ſtones ave rough, furroed & guttered/ {tone of the boty peche is playn
and fmothe/and the hole kruite ig much leffe thet the peche fs. Fhaue fene
many trees ofthys kynde in Aimany a fon in England nowthe fruith iS
called of fom Engliſhe men an atyecok, but J thynk that an hatkp peche ts
A better and a fitter tame
fo2 it.But fo that the tre be toell knowen J pate
enot gretely what tame itisknopenty. of

O/ the Pomoranat tre. a 4h | 49

aC Of the vertue’s of peches and hafty peches. ati le
\ Bepeches vehen thep ave rype
/areboth profitable foꝛ the ſtomaek and
belly/but haſty peches are better for p ſtomack aS Dioſcorides voriteth.
Be | Out of Galen.
earne thotw thys now that the iuice ofpeches
/euenas the flee

<a! (he 18/18 foon corrupted oꝛ rotten, andiseucl. Mhereſore they


=e) OUGHt not to be eaten after cat as fom ble to Do/fo2 they rot
2) aD ate corrupted / vobilfe they ſwymme aboue other meates. -
= And thys ruel mult be holde in all thole meates that are of evel
| J fuice/and ave moptt and ſlippery and go eaſely down thiowahe the belly,
that thep be taken before all other meates : for ſo ſhall it come to patie that
» they map moze ealely paſſe and prepare the wap to other meates. But if
| they be taken after meate /they corrupt both them {elves & all other ineates
> that ate neve vnto them.
Of the Pomgranat tré. |


SSF He Poingranat tre hath many fall twygges

=a, |)|vobich haue leues grotopng bpon them ftrepabt &

AES ipke bnito voylow leues

/but ſmaller and fomthyng '

~— IRS

lanid.Ch Pomgranat tre is named in Greke Rota in Latin Malus punt

. T he vertue ofthe.Pomgranat tre and hys fruité.

Perey Be Pomgranattsall full of good futce/good fo the ſtoma/ ek
and it

IG Geueth but ſmallnoꝛiſhmẽt. The wete ave counted to. be better fog
be 2) the ſtomack / but thep ingendze a lytle heate / abeede-Lopnde/where-
fore they ave loꝛbidden in agues. The four bynde/xare good for the. bur⸗
nyng ſtomack / andthey doko much moꝛe together/ prouoke brine. They
The Pomegranat that hath the winiſhe tatte,
burt the mouth a the gumes.
hath a nature betwene both: Che kirnelles of the our omgranat Deed =—
az -

Inthe fonne ether ſprynkled in meat, 02 ſodden therwith / are good to ſtopp ——






the belly and flomackAfthey be louſe @ to much rynnyng. Fithep be ſteped

> ihvapn water/e dronken
/they ave good fo2 them }(pitt blood. and they are

— —————


goodit a man make a bath of thepr broth

/forthem that haue p blody fliv 4


——-4> ——


—=: =



_ allo fox the iſſhhue of awomans mother. The tuice that is preſſed out of the ———







| Bprneilesiggood to be fonder
1 bony fos the fores ofthe month/of the prt
| phiites/eofthe fundament. It tsgood for the whit flay ¢ fo2 fiche thynges
a for the DL:
| * appare out int the body tyke lumpes /for the ach of the cates,
feafes ofthe notethtilles. The foures of the Wommranat tre called Cytini/
pnd dry/hold in / ioeyn woundes together. And the floures are of the fame
; eT

—= PS



effect that the ny is of.Che moyſt gouines z louſe teth are helped, ifthep
be waſſhed with p broth of thele flouves. Jf the fame — be put aie
Of the (itron,Orenge and Limon tre.
einplatter/thep are good fox the burſtyng > commeth by pfallpng do wne of
Che guttes. Foz they dꝛyue the guttes back agayn. Malicoꝛiũ isp rough hel
ofa Põgranat /vohich fom call Sidion. Chat hath p vertue to make thick/
& ferucrh for the fame purpofe that the floures do. Che broth of the roote of
the tre ſodden Depucth furth brode Doozmes out of the belip.Balanttrum ig
the foure ofthe wild pome granat/and it is Ipke vnto tye flour OF the gare
Dine Pomgranat /and there ave diuerſe kyndes there of. Som white, fom
red like goſde
/ſom of pcoloz of a role. Chere map a tuice be take out of it/ag
iS ofHypoquittida, « it voill ſerue for the fame purpole pHypoquiſtida Doth,
Out of the comen herbaries and pratticioners, 2 ey
rapa] He four Pomegranat ts good foz phart burn /foꝛ the ſwounyng that
Ld sl —ayPO COMMetiy of choler. Jt is good fo2 the inflammation of the lpuet/and
amas CO prouoke appetite. Che fyrop of Pomgranates ts good fo weo

men woth chplde/and fo2 the heat of the ſtomack and lyuer.

Of the (stron, Orenge and Liman tre.

Alus medica which is called malus Aſſyria/ ts allo called Cis
Ultrus /in Engliſhe a Citron tre. Under the which tres ace alto

et mm YAN
re i TR

HENSy) | I contepned the Drenge and the Limon tve/as perteynyng bute
4 Ca aA .
Vie —W

Nora wag Wi Chefamekinde. Che Citron tre as Dioſcoꝛides wꝛiteth bꝛyn⸗

— — goth furth fruite all tpmesof the peares ane whilſe fom are

pee haue menged herbes ¢ hurtefull wordes together, foz it dꝛyvuech


reo t ofPliny. ©
oun aad
x Ofthe Cittr
eel He Aliprian apple tre which is named of fom medic apple, ig a tea

Of the Citron, Orenge and Limon tre. 50
Out of Theophraft. |
D Pea be plage oꝛ parte of the noorlde
to ward the vpſpꝛyng of thefon/and
\ aes ne toward the fouth/as tt bꝛyngeth furth certayn beattes, fo (as tt ap-
E BY retiy) it bꝛyngeth furth beſyde thenatureof other quarters/ certayn
H peculiar oꝛ proper herbes. The land of Media and Perlis befpde many
other thynges
/bꝛyngeth furth the apple tre which fom call the Perſik tre,
» and fom Wedie tre.Chys tre hath a lefe ipke and almoſte equal vito the lez
fe of the tre called Adzachne / and ſuche prickes as the pere tre hatl/o2 as the
{harp thorn tre hath /butſmouth / andexcedyng ſharpe /and ftrong. Che ap:
ple ts not eaten /but tt ercelleth wn ſmell/thelefe alfo of the tre is wonderfulz
) ip woelifmellpng. And ikthey be put amongett clothes / they bepe the clothes
) harmles.Itts good wohen ag a man hath dronken a dedly dzynk ttis good
) ailfo fo2 to make a mans beeth fauoz well. Foꝛ ikany man take the in
i ofit/and ſeth it in any broth oz moyſture
/and put it into the mouth&digeſt
it/it will make bys byeth fauo2 ſwete.
The fede istaken aboay and fowen in
che ſpꝛyng /inforrowes very diligently trimmedit ts voatered every fourth
o2fitt day/and when tt ts alytle greater/itis remoued. In the ſpryng of the
Wy cate it isremoued agayn Into a moyſt grounde but not very thime: for
© fucheonedefpreth tt. It bꝛingeth kurth apples all tymes of the peare/fom
» falipng of fom growyng tn vnder / andother waxyng rppe. The fruite gro⸗
» iwetl only out of fuche floures tohiche haue tn the myddes of them/athyng
pike vnto a rok ſtreched out. Chey that wãt that, are comited dnfruitefull:
Ft its allo ſowen in erthen pottes full of holes as the Date tre is. Thus fare
y vane old ancient autozes Lote of the citron tre. And they that haue ſene the
wy Drenge tre ¢the Lemon tre/thynk truely that thep may well be contepned
onderneth the Citron tre as kyndes of p fame. And J wolde that they vohi⸗
1 che thynck that Orenge tre is fo far from the Citron tre, ſhoulde vede the-
" fe woꝛrdes of Nicander in Alexipharmacis. roundop UnAop esi ro uedinop,7d
i) ¥eurr op: AND J rekẽ they will be better content to let the Oꝛenges
/ whiche
" fontcall poma auvantia/be a kynde of Citron.
¢ T he vertues ofthe Citron, Orenge,and Limontre and
si of theyr fruites.
fayfel Be Citrone appel/ as Ziatr oꝛides twritetly, Deonken itt wyne with⸗
bigs * ſtandeth poyſon /moueth the belly and maketh the mouth ſmeil
ea 3) well/ilit bewaſſhed with the tice 02 broth of it. It ts good foꝛ grez
uyng weomen oꝛ fuch as luſt and long for ſtrange meate.Itis thought to
| Maue clothes from beyng gnawed of mottes if it be layd amongett clothes,

Out ofGalenzs booke de fimplicibus medicamentii.

Pa Ae M2 the tede of the Citrone/is a four and Deve qualite that Doth erceli
=a all other/fo that it is inthe thyrde Degre Dep and colde. The hel og
= barck alfo dꝛyeth/ but tthath alfo muche bytyng ſharpnes/therefo-
Pe it is Dp in the fecond degre /but pet not colde / but temperate o2 a litle
Bf thys ſyde. But the fleſheofthe Citron is ofa groſſe — ears
* y an


of the (itrow,Orenge and Linton tr és | a

and therfore colde. The lleſhe is eaten ag the ſhell is but the fede is no moa:
te to be eaten. Che leaucs haue pour to dep and to make rype.
Ont of G ilenes boke de facultatibus alimentorum.
=i pene Deteare iij partes ofthe pome Citton/ the firtte is the four
‘pos Chpng that is inthe myddes. The ſecond is it, that relembleth
Tn Goyal the flethe of the kruite/dohich gocth about if that ts mn the mpp:
og Ke Des. Che thyrde parte is the fhel o2 pill that coucreth the hote/
and it finelleth well/ and ts (ppepe/ Hot onely tn ſmell
/hutalto in
taſte By all reaſon that fame is hardeof digeſtion/ becaule it ishard ant
kull of bzavan.Ifany man ble it as a medicine/it Doth fom thyng help dige⸗
ſtion as all other that haue a ſharp byndyng qualite by the fame reaton, tf
it be taben melurablyttſtreyngtheneth the ftomack. Therefore ſom ble to
breake tt in peces and to preſſe out all the tuicesand to meng the peces tity
medicines, wobich are taken tu at the mouth, to four the bellp Ortopurge Fy
the Hole body, } |
Out ofSimeon Sethi a later Grecian. |
2 Hhe bar
k oꝛ {hell of the Citron /is dep and hote inthe thprde des
gre hole out/but the delhe tscold.and moptte inthe fick degre. Che
eco four gear thatis within/ ts coldeand Dep ttt the ſecond Degre:
the fede ts hole and dip in the ſecond Degre. The flelhe ts comenty eaté With
honp/ is harde-of Digeltion and maketh groffe ſeme The pillig
goodin mete to help digeſtion / agaynſt the Melanchelis humor. and all
fuche thpnges as. ave made thereof are good agaynſt ſadues and good fog
the ſtomac ifyektake them in mealure. But ifthey be také out of mealure/
they ave harde of digeftion. They that are conditeoz {proped in houp/help
the ſtomack and catt out bys moyſture.
monies Des “Ont the Arabianes J——
Vy ay De lhell of Citron ishote in the lirſt degre and Day inthe ende of the
Vs NG (econd. The lleſhe ts hote in the kirſt degre and moptt in the fame de-
gre Che iuice is colde and day in the thyrde degre. Che ficthe of
Citra pulieth bp with vopnde/and the lenes dryue Lopnde away. And the
lour is moze ſubtile and the fournes of it is byndyng and holdeth dovn
bene choler And the (ede and barck of it/ave ofa refolupng nature And the
of tt/amendeth the ayre
/and the infection that bredeth the peftilence:
The ſournes ofit ſcoure away euel fauoꝛed coloꝛes and frekles. And the
roote burned /isgoon forwhite ſpottes a morꝛphe wes. And the bioth there
Gi Holden in the mouth/ts good fox the impoſtemes of the fame, The ole
of Citrones is good foz the Loeiknes of thefynemes/and for the palſey. And
the oyle ts made of the ſhelles. Che four tuice ts cuel for the ſpnewes. Che fa
me tulce is good fo2 the hole trymblyng of the harte/but tt is enel fo2 the lun
ges. The fleſhe of it is nought for the ſtomack. But the leues comfogt the tte
mathe. They that would eat Citrories 02 ſuch ipke fruite to haue the aboue
reherled profites: mutt nether eat meate immediatly before them /nor ſhortly
alter them. The lleſhe of the kruite brvng them that cate it, into a coin
Out of Athinens.
4) thpng/fhould tabe apeceo
* OfHorehounde.
called in Greke pratio/ninEngliſhe Hoe
7 dorn /in Frenche du
E| revourid/ inzauche wyllen ig. Aua wh itiſhe bulhe fullof
The bratiches ave iiij.
isa thumb Aomthpng
svand with a bitter tatte. The DS

ſk /and the foures which

by certayn equal {paces
=== one frontan orles/
oth er. And they ave lyke vnto awh(pp
horle goety rounde about ndcl.
ere haue bene hovoſes /¢ about

aces as the bourifhe woꝛnnwod groweth.





chert in ſuche as ave aboue named. / ae

T be vertues ofHore hounde. *

— ö—





⏑ —— — —2——

Of torebounde.
Gi He Deve leuesof Hoxchounde Marrubium. J
Ks e intuicwat
ther: e er
of the h the
witgreu {e- dy
e Ie: Wy
ar §WN

So cy A |

| 6goa
} dto be geue
tht n wit
rgh bony —
—%, (Hi.
oie : '

hem that ſyghg muche aud ares a 3 —6
os -
te .

By? q 8 L; ,

twynded /forthe cough, and the 4

aren r) SAK


ills. Horehound with the pouder of eg

VF (fF

9 —
* *
: — *

dzye Avis 02 Ireos /maketh grofica _._ 9

Bs ree Vo, iF. al 8

tough lleme come out of the inges —


It is good to be geuen to weomen Een SN

after theyr delpucrance /. to Draw * ai AN
DOWN the ſecondes ethepr foures LN se enc



— a =
SS ka = 7 —
yZ LSNed ee - y f=

= {SG = ie —
pp ma 5 4

«st — ——
= Pasa = E te
2 =
we = : x
i q soe seh,
~ hi YYz 3
= 4
is *
Y fs »
—— ~ is

= ae
sy * :
54 = rs : *Fs
A—— LE =

, =

fi —

IIMA Edi |ca

arany tfit ts
UAV AD and lyke vnto
Ppa the kelde clauer os
2 ‘wilde trifoly
wilde im fo eno cea ,
trifoty in!
full of topntes, So muche a8 the alk Pehi oertebits’
rzessthat eT
BUDE tHe mate ,desand Pliny
Dioſcori gene h ay

as ai iu
Ofthe herbe called Medica: : 3
| myddes bet voen} efi.other leues/
pball wayes grow about tt/hath a
ger footitalk o2 ſtele the pretthaue,
End thefame lefe from the gopng
Down of the fon vntillit ryſe agapuy
foldeth it (elf inwarde / then gocth
abzode agapn when the fon rplety
agayn. Alter that the yelow flovoz
falleth away /there groweth a litle
thyng to contepn the fede in /which
at the fivit is ipkep endofa wꝛithen
gymlet/but after that tt begynneth
Co be rype/itdzaweth him felt toge-
ther /and is made Ipke alitic water
{naple or a crooked rammis borne,
wehen itt groweth muche crookedly
in warde/athe end of it adeth not
out ofogder. Som ofthe coddes or
fede velſelles ave ſmouth and fon:
are roughe E pricky. Che aveatelt
Medica comenly hath fnouth code
de/sandp lefle roughe. Che fede is
ſomthyng Ipke tn figure and color
vnto fenegreke. Thys herbe gra-
weth nowhere in Englãd that cuer
J coulde ſe faupng only in gardin.
But J haue lene it growyng wylde
| ~ .
Germany within anbhalf myle of in
MOMICs in the hygh wa toywarde Spyer.It is called of them of Aphrica
Wwicena layethinthe chapter of Cot, Ailãlalaan
t dlom woryte that it is
named in Spaniſhe Alfalſa Ihaue found no name as
but it may be called yet in Englãd for tts Lah ‘
horned clauer oꝛ medic fother.7
4 . T he vertues of Medica out of Diofcorides.
He (ede Of Wedicay ts good to be menged swith lpyted fait to
J — V VV —

Wit aN
i? 4 BSS
Hah 5

ithaue apletant tate.
The fame arene is good to conl (¢ that ne⸗
q == eth coolyng. Chey that are gqvalt
} rs hii

ersy bie the bole hevbe inthe

ſtede of graſſe and hay.

Tbe vertues of Medica out of Plin ).

isHe grottd where in medic fother Mallve co wẽin/ muſtbe delt
Quered frõ flon
K Pepe 2 . Se =

es/a mane
= ale 2
=i ——

clene/e the turned bp in p latter end

« AN i = =

m1 14) \y of plat harueſt. But it mutt be owẽ in WMap/ep

is A Veni toboid out wedes: when very thyek
239 | S24) gétlp wedeth wW handes a no is an inche longitmutt be dili⸗
t wa weding pron. Che time of
$ Mmo woyng of tt is vohen tt beginueth to floute
lou beth again/a chatech ſirtymes in a vere /aud asoft as it

/orat p leſt iiij tymes:ye muſt

J iy noe
Of the Medic.
notfhifferitto war cype bntill it bryng tfurt h (ede. For it isgood fother brs |
tillit be tij pere olde. The beatles mut not be ſuffered to cate fo muche ag
leſ t we be com pel led to put ba ck the blo od ag ayn. Ft is beſt
thep wil of tt,
gre ne: whe n tt wit her ed and dr ye/ itwa re ch ful l of ſtickes /and
when it is
isturned in toDutt. :

ANA Mas it ig one s fov ser it wil l aby dex .pe ce, fo tha t it ma p be cut
the pere. Ft Dongeth the ground well. Alto
MAW AG \uititj.o2 vi tymes tnlene beattes into flefhe, and tt helpeth the
SEN Aes git byvngeth the

moze ſcarſely/ rh
pe will. Let it be geuen vnto beattes but at the firit tyme
we n tt/ noa ter the nie dik tha t is pet in the gro und e oft tymes /
thovohaſt mo n e out all
bp ãgay
and after a fet Daves vohen it begynneth to ſpryngper / ved
other herbes/ fo (halt thou moto tt fir tymes tn the e/ and it hall be

Columella of horned clauer.

71 Cdic foother is a bevy excellent herbe/becaule vohen it is ones
IRogod wen/itDureth fo2 the (pace of.x. veres and becaule after /that
Ritislowen/ itmay be well mowen iiij tymes euery yere and

4 ies

fom pere (pr ty /

me s
beca ule it fatt eth the gro von de /and bes
+ fy

Gas caufe it fatteth euery lene beatte, and yeteth euery fick bealtee/

vecauſe euery romiſh iugerum oꝛ acre of itis ſuſficient foꝛiij.hoꝛſe/tos gyu

chem meat inough foz one yere.Itmutt be ſo wen as herafter Jſhallteacht ee


poro.Dlowe the place vohere in pe intend to ſovo Medic foother the next ee

pryn g the fic Dap of Octobre that gocth beforesandlet the ground ©
rott al wynter:a then about the fir Day of February, plow it well agayn/
and catt out all the ſttones and breke the clottes. Aftervoarde tn the moneth
of Marche / plot it the thyrde tyme and bebe the clottes aud make the
grovond plapn. wohen thou hatt plowed the grownde/mabe beddes as the |
maner is it a gardine: ofthe whiche euctp one {hall be th bꝛedth x. foote/
and in lengthe b. foote that pe may go in patthes to water the herbes / and
that of eche ſyde the weders may haue a way tO come to wede the herbes.
Aud atter warde caſt old donge vpon the grovonde/and in the laſt end ofp
moneth of Aprill ſow fo muche that euery xiij.drammes anda {cruple map
occupy x.foote in length, and b.foote in bredth. noben thou haſt done a ¢
a 88
+ S58
‘ *R

9)firhepulfe called Linpines, 53

j the (ene be couered by rakyng /with voddẽ rakes/for that is bery fit forit:
for ifit be not couered/it will be fo Lone burned with the fon, After that he
is fower/the place ought not to be touched with pron. and as J haue ſayd/
J it muſt be roked with wodden rakes/a voeded agayn /leſte any other kynde
otherbe deſtroye the yong tẽdze medic foother. Ae the firſt tyme of cuttyng
ofit/pe muſt tary ſomthyng longer / then pe ſhall nede to do at any cuttyng
afterwarde /vñntill that it hath brought furth fom ſede. Af⸗
/that tt is to wet
tetiwarde pe may cut tt dovon as pong as pe voil /and gyue it to pour beat?
tes. But at the begynnyng/pe mutt geue it ſcarſely /bntillthey be aquayn-
ted worth itlette the nevones of the fother Do hurt. Ft puffeth bp the cattele
ſilleth them with blood. When thou haſt cut tt Doune/ water it that ſtan⸗
deth in the grounde oft tymes. When tt beginneth to fpapng bp agayn /we⸗
De out allother herbes frõ tt.Ff tt be trymmed thus/itmay voel be cut dowu
> fie tymes in the yere/and it voill increaſe foꝛ the hace of ten yeres. Aud thus
fat haue J writen to you the myndes and experiẽce of old autores that thep
Hane had of medic fother o2 horned clauer. Mowo it that Jhaue proued inp
ſelfe/ Jwill not refute to ſſevo vnto pou my countremen. J haue ſowen ity:
kyndes ofmedic fother/the lette kynde/p grete (moth kynde and the great
rougy binde. The let kinddo J alow lefte of all other, becaule tye le⸗
ues and ſtalkes are al bery litle and therfore tn fedyng of cattel can do
but litle ſeruice. Che grete ſmoth kynde as J haue proued/ groweth into
a meruelus greate buſhe. As forthe greate roughe kynde /how greate it
will be/ Jhaue not as pet proued / for Jneuer fowed it before thys ſummer.
But by all tokens that Jcan fe as yet/itislxke to be ag good and greate as
pgteate ſmoth kynde. Ffye haue but a buſhe or ij.of medic/and would fayn
patie much (ede rype before the cõmyng of wpnter/becaute the medic buſhe
isberp thyek
/ and thereiore hath many flovores and {ed veſſelles that the
{on can not come to/it is beft to take the mofte parte of euery buſhe at the
topnt of the berbe/about the tyme that the floure is redy to come furth, and
ſomtyme vohen the four ts commend furth/e then pe muſt {et the bꝛaunches
that pe haue plucked of/ Depe tn the grounde
/ andwater them twyle on the
Day/and they (hall bꝛyng furth (ede aswell as them that ave ſowen /and
muche better then thep that ave ouerſhaddowed ti the buſhe
| thebelp of the fon. Thys haue F proued diuerſe tymes woberefore JDar be
bolde to voꝛite tt.
| Of Mint. —
— —Joſcorides deſcribeth not Mint /and maketh but of
Ba Sy one kpnde of gardin mint. Mherefoꝛe vohen as there
Oso wi are Diuerfe kyndes of myntes growyng now only in
ee ey © gardines/tt is very harde to know which ofthem is
ene pyr & it of wbiche Dioſcoꝛides wꝛiteth. Fuchlius maketh
EA ek) £ four byndes of gardin mintes, and theti.
HARE? AX kyndes
Olligently. And Matthtolus maketh

/vhomne he taketh in hand to

the ryght kynde that iofcortdes deſcribeth


Mentha fatina alterd.



es rs
OK \ —

if <S




Of Mink. sk.
erpound; The fick kynd of Fuchſiuſſis gardin mynteg path a four fqua-
ved (talk from the roote/a litle btolet rediſye with fom hoꝛpues. Che lefe is
alimott reund/ indented about lyke a ſawo/ ſoft and voell ſmelling. It hath
e cvemifin foures in the buoppes that go about the taputes after the maz
Hys ſecond kynde is Ipke the, former in althpnges/faupng p
net of vohorles
itbath ip top of the falkes a purplifhe flour after the fallho of a.cozi care.
The thyrde bynde hath a longer lefe and ſharper /and, purple floures in the,
His fourt
| toppes of the ftalkesyof the. figure of eaves of coꝛn h bath allo lou
© gerieues/ and knoppes about the topntes where in are purplifhe fours as
) pitt bath. be calleth the firſt minte inDuche deyment o2 krauls deiment.
Theſecond he calleth kraus balſum. He ſayeth that p thprdeis called in Du
che balſammuntz / andvnſerfrawen munts 02 fpitsmunts /and of the herbaz
a agaMentha Satracenicaos calleth the fourth; herts kraut
2 balla sraut M5 atthiolus deſcribeth bps thee gardin myntes thus; Due
ath fhorte aud curled leues / an other hath a rede alk and a rede floure/
ad au other Hath a whithiſhe flour. Now will FJ hem por mp mynde⸗
Whych of all theſe mintes ſemeth vnto me to be it that Dioſcorides voryteth
Of. Che tooo firſt kyndes that Fuchlins (etteth furth can not be the gardin
wmynte tyat Dioſcoꝛides wꝛiteth ofbecanfe they haue both rode leues Foꝛ
ioſcorides in the deſcription of fiueleued graſſe/ wzyteth that it hath eues
yee buto mint. But the cinfoly og fiueleued grafle hath not rounde lenes7
but long and indented. Theriore nether ofthemcan be ttthat Dioſcorides
> Rontteth of. But ſeyng that bys thyrde mpnte hath long ſharpe indented iez
tes lyke vnto the leucs of cinkfolt/ J reken it tobe the ryght gardin mint.
a8 {02 the figures of Matthioltis 7 mutt nedes contfetle that they are fayre/
aud fo ipke one to an other that a mati ca not well diſcerne the one from che
» Other.Out pet Jreken that the ſecond agrecth better then the former with
) theleucs of Cinkiolp. Thys herbe is called with bs gardin mynte and as
Jre mem bre /it is calle d ſp er e my /
nt and
e ifit
lar as called ſo of the (harpnes of the lefe that tt not nam ed lo / itmap
wyell be - —

T he vértnes ofgardin mynt.


pes nt hath awarmyng/byndyng and a drxing poure. It will
won, } |Copp blood, tfthe iuice of tt be Dronken worth dinegre. It kil⸗
4 wiieth round wormes itt the bellp, It pꝛouoketh man to the ge⸗
HEAVY Witicration of chplder. Chee brautiches taken with the inice of
| Sey Ake — 8

Of the Medic.
— e (itiell of pnt ſtreyngthteneth thebrayne/and hepeth
oye] ANAL mencory and increateth tt. APine
ititbe put tito milk /wũ
Ree land) not letttcrud. It ts good fo2the iſſhue of blood.
Ftis good fop
mA katy the colth with the graynes ofa pomagranat. It hat aſingu⸗
oA) fuga! lave bertu agayntty bytyng ofaimad Dog. Spetapio woꝛitet
eat that mint preferucty chete from rottyng/oꝛcontuption. utp
inice is belt foz that purpoſe Macer fayetl that iklmynt be layde vnto a wo⸗
that i¢ will Diflolue and bꝛeke infunder cruddeth mylk.
mans bꝛeſ/te
Oxtof Symeon Sethi. —*
ara aut ishote in the thyrde Degre/ and Dep inthe ſecond and it
. Wa7 6 hath tom mopttenes moze then the totlde mpnte, ttis good fog
Ne 'a cold liue/andr tt ſtreyngthteneth the ſtomack /and beipety
TAG |i digettion. Ft Hacheth pecbrekpng and the bitch cough,Febel
aN ea e peth the gnavoprges of the fomack and ſtirreth bp an appe-

Ofthe wild mynte called mentaftrum. : -

— ee

a F

— xe] —

Cutaltrum called tn Greke hediofinos agrios hath
a rougher lefe/g in all popntes greater the spifpms -
— —
re ES be = Bs’ ——
i —— fe}: a Y=

3 =~ <=
Ut 9. Pe <
O be La ey

ome NY he 1 ya
LO! Vinge —
= B,= arr —— =
7 2 ae
* =
= *

* = fo? *

[GAB _—)
h= us

T be

f t h e vilde Minte.
— —E
Brentha ſylueſtrisne, l di rum.
en ta ſt
Vee ~”


—— lar alf o much e Delp red to


\. IN ae bve viled of holemen as

—— Ithe gardin mint is/
Yi ae nrenous becauleit hath & more faz
Be, ior. .Galene mzpting of thys herperbe
. LZ vnder pname of calamintinp pro
\" Slee chapter of mint: wꝛiteth > thys mint
TE ADDS as thegardin mint is/
isnot ſo moyſt
but that tt ishoter and dryer/a ther⸗
fore that it ts not fitfor diuerſe purpo
(es that pother mint is fit for. linp ”
Lotiteth this ofpwilde mynte / Mẽ⸗
talitit isa wild mint, Differpiig in
kynde ot leues /for they hauep ligur
of Bali/lx colog of peny ryall. her
fore ſom calle itwilde penny ryall
koũd in the tyme of Põpeius
greate/p pilepre called Clephantia-
{isis healed woith thefe chowed and
layd on / by } ecpertence 02 profe ofa
certain man >forfhamte coucted bys
fate therwith. Che fame ate layd to
and are drꝛonken again ſtyngyng
ies vinde
of ſcoꝛpiones with falt/ople/an
) Ste/and agaynſt fcolopendzes ¢ ſtynginges of ferpentes in the quantite of
, U.drammes tn if. cpatesof bopne. The leucs are keped in pouder agaputt -.
allpopfones. ‘Jfthey be ſtrowed bpd the grounde atid (ntooke madeofthé/
| thep will dꝛyue away ſcoꝛpiones zc. Pliny femeth to take forbys metattro
| Mother then wrofcorides Doth, whille he geueth the proportioof n the leucs
| ofbani bnto ttand colour of perp ryall / whiche thynges agre not with the
| Deleription of mentattrum in Dioſcorides. It appereth that the comen res
| De filth mpnt > groweth about water(pdes with whouniſh civcles gopng
" about the ſtalck/isthe mentattrum that Pliny weiteth of. But as J baue
| fapdatore/ it chat Diolcorides ſetteth out / bath long thynges lyke cares
coꝛn /in the toppes of the ſtalke /sandlong roughe leues and hory nether
Ve aifigur to Balti/noz in coloz to perry vpall/ercept FZ be farvdecepued.
ei Of Mercury. ©

a freutialis is named in Greke ermou batanid/and linozoſtis⸗

AEA Hit Cngliihe Mercury, in gauche rekraut/o2 bingelkraut /in
renche mercurall.Apercuty (ſayeth Diotcorides Hath the les
lies of Balil/but lelle / much like vnto arietorto Pilletori
— Ggf⸗ wall with litle bꝛanches compalled about with a dubble
The ſede of the kemall is very —— and
knot of ioyntes oz knees.
Of Mercury.
— Mercurialis fœmina. | Mercuriatis mafes



of Germany without any ſettyng og fowypng/And it beginneth now to be

knotwen in London/and in Gentle mennis places not far from London. J
neuer ſawttgrovo moze pleutuoufly in all my lyfe then about MBomes i
Germany, ) —
T he vertues ofMercury.
— O St) the Mercuries are eaten in fallettes o2 mouſes to louſe
the belly. Ff ye drynke the water that Mercury ts fodder ity,
itr draweth choler and water.Itis perfitly knowẽas Dioſto
4 [ve yea vides wiꝛiteth/that
the male herbe dꝛonken /maketh men chil⸗
2 ie) M Deve Pthe female maketh females, ifthey be ‘taken after the
— > {courpng oꝛ purgyng
/ and be layd to the places conuenient.
* Out
Of the Medler tre. 56

BR unl
T is wonderfull that is
tolde ofboth ỹ
8 1 7 Sais
mercuries that is / the
AG] APS) male maketh mé childer/e }femal vocomen chylder. Chey fay
Aa my \ Pthys cometh fo then to patie/if by and by after the conceptio/
F@ J EVA) the nice be dꝛonkẽ in malualenozifthe leucs be fodden ¢ cate
— dwvith opl and lalt
/ozifthey be eaten rato with vinegre.
Of the Medler ty. ne ee eee
Sees Chhilus is named in greke Melpile /in Engliſhea
/einnellels >}
Sees] &| Medler tre oꝛ anopen arfstre/in Zuche
baun/ inFrẽche meſplier. The mefpil o2 medler tre⸗
—— —

N/A FA is full of pricke s ipke vnto oxiacantha·Jt

with alefe
Ws & batha plefant fruite, but ſma llhath iij. ſto⸗
1V£ev\ (x nes it tt/Loberefore fom haue called tt iij.ſtones. It
aq Es is long tu waxyng rype/ain eatyng tt byndeth. It
eS) &= is plefant to the ſtomack/aſtoppeth the belly. There
— — izs an other kynde ok medler which groweth in I⸗
taly/called of ſom Setaniũ/ of other epimelis. The tre hath leues lyke an
apple tre/ but leſſe.Itbereth a round apple/good to be eaten with a larger
» navel. The fruite byndeth and is long tn rypyng.The fir kinde of mefptius
) groweth not tn Cngland nor Germany that ever J could {e/but Matthio⸗
) lusfapeth that tt groweth about Maples in Italy and that itis called tn J⸗
) talian Asarolus(Che ſecond kinde és that is comen in Ftalt/Germany and
) €ngland/and is comenly called a medier;)
— | The veriues ofthe Medler. on
Peay Jolcozrides belpde that which Jhaue reherled of the properties of
ie) |} medier before/Loziteth alfo p tfmedlers be condited/thep ave good tit
LEA fommer agapntt the hote Aires of the belly.
| | Out of Galene. Sere
Fas Cdlersforbapples /oꝛſeruices ave byndyng and aſtringẽt /but med
PAYAL lers ave more aftringe/ ntthẽthe foxb apple is.Therefore the eatyng
Cees’ of medlers is good foz the » haue tlix. But pe mull not eat to much
ofthe fe byndyng fruites,fo2 tfpe do /they will ſtopp pour liuer and milf,
Oftbe herbe called Meon or Mev. A hms
— 77on tohiche they call athamatictt groweth plétuoully in Ma
ae cedonia ¢ittSpayn. Ft is lyke vnto Dill in ptalk e lefe /but
RV AN o7a (nit isthicker then dill.Itgroweth vnto the hyght almotte of i.
HEAVY aicubites. Che rootes are lõg/ſmall /weil ſmellyng /and fo hote
DONA |?they hete >tong.and
they ave ttattered abzode fom ryght·
— —ccoma Lory. Thus far hath Dioſcoꝛides voriten of the deſcrip⸗
ton of Mew. a Gage ee
J The deſcription ofMew out of Pliny. |
, Mss iSnot ſowẽ in Ftalt, but of bpliciones/e }but of a feto. There
EY Late ijkyndes of it.They call pexcelleter eth fort becautea
. & YY wa
| Ofthe berbecalled Meon or Mew.
was foitd of Athamãte/xother becaule motte excellẽt isfotlde in Athama
iia.Fehach leucs lyke anile(here ſhoulde we rede dilly ts anethit ¢ not ani.
Cite a ſtalck ſomtyme ij.cubites hygy.Fthath many ¢ loge a black rootes
e font of thé very Depe. The athamatth is not fo rede as pother is. Hetherto
Pliny. J would gladly cõſẽt to the p holde p p hetbe wich ts called of the a.
pothecartes feniculũ tortuoſum /of HNoꝛthẽ Engliſhe me ſpikne/lofthe Bu
che me berwurtz /isp true mevo/ik Jcould fynd any ſpicknel or bervourts
⸗ were of ij.cubites hygh. But allthoughe Jhaue ſene tt many tymes/pet J
neuer coulde ſe it one cubit hyghe/ wherefoze ether this can not be the mem
athamaãticõ Dioſcoꝛides/ oꝛ Englãd e Germany voi not beare fo log mew
as Macedonia ¢ Spayn Doth. Buc though tbe not Mew Athamaticttt
nrap voeil be the other kynde/ where of Pliny maketh menttou.Che freresp
wrote of late peres chmetarics bpdMetue/fay p they fotudtnItali in pmov
tapnes of Hurlia b rpght Dew/ah d herbe ts called of p invabitates there
aveut not Mevo but fpicula: where of we haue belykeour Cuglifhe name
ſpicknell. Thy layalſo pthep fottd tt in Spapue p tt ig called chere Spittra g
hot Wen. Che fame alege Symõ Lanuentis & p padectaviy to prouc p ſiſtea
is Dew. Watthiolus one of the cõnygelt herbaries p wogiteth at thys tyme,
twriteth alltough he were of late of another udgemet/p noo he iudgeth⸗
thysherbe whole figure F {et out/ts ryght Mevo tn Dioſcorides. But bes
ſyde bys come maner he gyueth tt nether any Italiane name no2 any name
ofp asothecaries oz herbaries. Amatus Lulitanus taketh feniculũ tortuo⸗
fun zifo to be Mev but he laieth/ herbe vohich ts called of p Suche roote
pedles.2 of Anwerp/berewurt/ zisnot the true Mew. nobere at J meruel
mucheleyng moſt parte of allbpothecavics of all Germany both in ouer
Gallo Metherlande/know p right Mewo well ¢ call it Meto)pp root cremer
of An werpe Ihewed hym an herbe was called berehourts/4 was nat pet p
ryght Mew, wWelpke he was fom Deceptfull felovo which falde falfe ware/
O2 clics Amatus tudgeth not well of berewurt/oꝛelles there ave thoo Hiibes
of ber vourts tn Germany. Alle p herbaries apothecaries of Germany call
fom of tye tase berwurt for
thepe bere wurtz keniculũ torꝛtuoſum allthough
Hauco/e other fo2 tordilio. The berehourts Fuchlius xTragus do let furth
are not ipke bere vourtze > Jlooked vpõ /vohẽ as J wꝛote thys chapter of
mevo Foz p vootes of they, bere wurtz as they both Delcribe thẽ/ payne the
hatte no worythẽ voctes/as p berwurte had p Jlooked bps. Foꝛ although te
had one greater root goyng right Donon fo there grewo out abouepfreight
roote certapn litle rootes writhẽ in / one w in an other lyke ſwynes taples.
soberefore cther there root gottherers digged not theyr roothes hole out of
grotide:o2 elles theps berwurtz is not tt p J haue (ene tn other places of Ger
mary & Englad. But p berbey Amatus Luittanus deſcribeth /in p roote is
not only much vnlike vnto it Matthiolus paynteth/but to all other peuer
J coulde fe ether in Cnglad og Germany for where as the Mevo of Mattio
ſus/ bev vourts ofGermany ¢ pſpiknel of Cnglad which peraducture was
ones called Spiknard) haue a rough thyng like to the Judiſh Spiknarde
inthe hygheſt parte of the root / out of whiche the ttalke cometh firſt furth:
/ ashe writeth
che mevo ofalmatus hath p fame rough tubt lyke Spiknarde
ininfimaparte, th the lovoett parte of the roote /wich thyng ikit be ſo/nether
Matthiolus noz JJ know the ryght mewo: And FJfor mp parte Jwoulde
gpuc place Suto hym tthe knowledge of Adewo fhe couid (hew metuche
iarkes gtokens in hys Dew as be ſheweth to be in his feniculo tortuobo.
Of Mew." eagle.
» Marhe meane tymeFpartelytutpect that he tooke the ouer parte of thehet
/ozelles Jam far Decepued. nabich
/andfb voas deceyued
/ fox the nether
d Co ,
fF (hall heve after perceyue/ woill be contét to grant to call agaprvanvot
butech my errd whiche Jhaue taught before. Feniculum tortudſum |
"che J take at the leſte to bea byndofMew fitbe not Athamãticu / m gro⸗·
/andbuy, mys | as°c ~ ~~
weĩ in the billhoprk of urvam in wild mores/called felles &
/and a title fromp |
/inGermany in a countre called taltland
les aboue Bon
coun ofBatheinhyghe Germany. F law tt alfo ones iu Anwerp / inApo⸗
is it peu⸗
thecavies gatdin / but the pothecart named Petrus de virul
redanũ/notwithout a greate erroꝛ. Iſaw tt alfo growyng in Nevo cattel
where as J learned that it was called ſpicnell.
ina Gardin in greate plen/ty
Bnd the root of this pichkneil/ vohen it is dꝛyed is Spongius and not hard
' compact together as Arists,
= _. Lhe vertuesof Meb- | |
/oꝛbꝛokẽ voith out lethyng/
Ga rx’| He rootes of Mew made hote tn water
Ris Ear AUC geod for the ſtoppyng of the kydnes and blader. They dzyue ae
saad Way the Lopndenes of the ſtomack. Che rootes taken with a {prop
made wyth honip/are good foꝛ the gnawyng of the mother, foz the ache of
) thetopntes/and fo2 the flowwyng of humores Doun to the brefte, they brꝛyng
wherein the rootes
Dowoi toweomen they: ficknes/if they fit in the water, /
ave(onde.Ffthep be layde bnto al }loweſt part of pbelly ofa pong childe/
thep will make hym put furth water. Ff pe dꝛynk to muche of thys herbe
/ſomthyng bitter and ofa
Will make pour head ach. The rote ts hote in taſte
icie fauoz. Mev as Galene weiteth is hote in p thprd Degre and dry wp
' fecond. Be haue now bearde how good Aer ts fo2diuerſe diſeales of p
mouth. Mow herken what the uche voryte ofthepr bere vourts. Cragus
/ether becaule tt ts
fapeth thus:Our rooteremers call tt m Zauche berwurtz
fuill of heyr/oz elles becante ttis ſuppoſed that the ache of themother (nohich
is alfo called bermotert) is filled therby / ikweomen hold it in they mouth.
Fuchiius wirteth alfo theſe wozdes: Itis called in auch berwurts fo2 p her
red votes ſake the diſealesofP mother, which ts
/oꝛelles becaute tt healeth
Alf called bermuder. Chele thynges cõpared together, Lotll geue occaſion
to a wiſe man to cõclude/that berwurtz of the Germanes Mould rather be.
Mew in Dioſcoꝛides then ether Daucus oꝛ Toꝛdylion. :




Tra Aliet in brede norifheth leſſe then other comes doy and inpottage tt
AVA 4 toppeth the belly/and dryueth furth water. Millet is good to be per
ched 02 put in to a frying pann/eand there to be — heated/and —



ij be pu
[Nie > vee
‘ “ ,
tee4 C*
ri /
ie 7 ae.
- a Ae
Ci ~~ tA
¢ —5

OfMile or Milet.
be put in a bag /and to be laydẽ tofie-
che places ag are bered 1b gnawinge
op achyng. :
Ont ofGalene de facultatis
bus alimentorum.,
[ospe|He brebde thts
atmade of mit
ator let and panth/is colde ¢ hard
Dof digeltion. “Ft tsplayn that
the bred
iseDey and bypttie/and hath
in it nether clammpries noꝛ fatnes.
Therefore t¢ ſtoppeth a voaterifhe
belly, Millet istnall popntes better
then panik ts,
Out ofGalen de fimplictbus.
hee 4 dllet cooleth inp firſt degre
AVA H &D2veth in the thyrde fhlowlp
actor much inthe ſecod. It hath
aifo alytie finenes. Then whileit
bath thys cõplexið /vohẽ it is take as
a meate/it noꝛiſhe leſte of all other
kyndes of kom. But it dzyeth bp allo
the bellp. But ik it be laydew out in
isa good fomẽt
foꝛ all ſuch
J partes as require to be dꝛied woui
ANSE y bityng. And ifit be layd to after the
ASS. ataner of an eimplatter/it can well
Dry bp.But iis bery brytle or bauble and therefore tt is hardeto make au

turaor ofbufbandri.
pee Urtel Doues Loar fat with the eatyng of millet and panik
Rose PEN! alfo 16 large Dink. They toue allo to haue whete e clene twas
EOE (Zany ter.2ut quales are made fat with vohete /millet ecleve was
VA feertal Cev/e Darnell Foz as much as quales eatyng hellebor/ 02 nes
AW Eye (pig pouder, ave not fafelp inough take in meate:becaute the
— 3eeatyng of thẽ/bꝛyngeth botha crampiſhe ſtrechyng out off
line wes /zalfo the Dulines of the heade/foz thys caule it igmete to feth mls ,
let 16 thẽBut ifanp mã/bythe eatyngofquales fall tnto theſe forenamed
grefes, ifhe dzynk the broth of Millet tn tyme/itwill help hom. And for the
fame purpote ferue }berries of the myꝛtel tre Foꝛ thele ave good take euẽ its
oz after dedly muſhꝛũmes o2 todſtooles. But Millet hath a certayn other
naturall propertp/that is/ hethat eateth of brede made ofmillet:[hall neuer
ryn in to any Danger of popfon. Thus far Conftantinus Cefar. Millet is mu
che bied at thys tyme tn Itali to cra caponesWwall, tomake fat byrdes 1
it. The germanes hulk millet & eat tt milk after which fafhon when itis
taken as Symeon Sethi faicthrtis much moptter and efeper of a OF

— —

i nf Geant ey


ere A ‘ btn) ~

Poon G| mot truite furth of all other kyndes of cogne. Pliny femeth to
take culmushere
not foz calamo as it is comenly takẽ/but fog
the beanchie and thick 4 buſſhy thyng >grotoeth in millet tn redes /where⸗
fore Ireken that noe Mould not rede in Pliny lobas /which ſignilieth cod⸗
Des 02 ſhales vohere in the ſedes of pulſes grow, but phobas which betoken
the top or thyng ipke a buſſhy lock ofheare/ groweth in} toppes of redes/
33ſuch lyke water herbes. Matthiolus ſayeth that thys herbe ts called in
ſtalian Melica o3 Welegaye in other partes Sorgo/e in Hetruria Saggi
Na. Som pore men bie to grynde thys corne eto mabe breve of it.Other vie
| tofede hennes a doues with tt other bie & vertue of it: know none.Som
p callit in Gerinany Curkilch conefom call tt in Cngiad wheat of Turky/
| howbeittyereis an other kynde of cogne/ which ts the ryght Turkiſhe
) inbeate, wherefore ttwere better to calitin Engliſhe
/Indiſhe millet o2 ried
) myillet/then to geuettthe fo2 fayd name.¥hauclene tt growyng in Italy in
) the feldes/but only in gardines in Cngland. ‘
| Of the Malberry tre.
AOꝛusis named inGre- Ayr Se. Sy
ise Moꝛea
/inEngliſhe a RS Sans he
AeA eye] [| ADulberrp tre/inzouche A {S
aA — * ae te Boe i 6 NAY
—— frenche bug Meurier/ R
ecaries mous celſi. Che QR

er A )
’ bath how douves, ¢ a fruite tn pꝛopoꝛ ’ sal
| —6

b p t/ei cõ
n ti nu ã⸗ g — — ( Se
) | ac t ku rt h w o
thmefirſit wareth rede, and aft e r 9 | ae





_ The vertues ofthe Mulberry tre.

ria We frutte of}Mulberry tre ||
Hela louleth p belly ais good foz |
| Be’ flomact, but it is eafelt coz- —







| €uptoz rotten. Che tuice of Mulber⸗ }

ties Doth the fame.Ffit be ſoddẽ in a
l,fetout in the for it is
> trafen beffc¢ :





made moze byndyng / a it tsgood for

the flowoynge of huinozes/ {oz eatyng | Ses



foxes/ and foz the inflammation of —=

the kirnelles vnder the chin / with —\
Iptle bony. But bys ſtreyngthe
the fede of
/myr n
crealeth/ifpe put vnto hym alum de pluma/galles, ſaffro

a BU Tama⸗ —



Ofthe Mulberry tre.
Ireos 02 Aris and FrankincenleThe . vnripe berries of thys tre
Ave Good to be Dyed and bꝛuſed/ and put into mete in the fede of ſumach
berries, for them that haue theflir. Che barke of the rvoote of thystre fod«
Den in wat/er
louleth the belly. It dꝛyvueth brode woꝛmes out ofthe belly,
t is allo good fog them that haue dꝛonken the poyſon called aconitum pare
altanches oꝛ libardis bayn. Che leues ave good to lay. toa burnyng. The
iuice ofthe leues taken in the quantite of a cyat /is good remedy ãgaynſt
the bytyng okthe kelde ſppper. It is good to waſhe the achyng teth mith
the broth of the barck and leues Hote, to Depue the payn avoay. The roote
beyng cut nicked /ozſcotch /about
ed the laſt end ofherueſtpemutt makea
furron round about it/ and it will put furth a tuice nobiche pe map fynde
tn the next Dap after/clumpered 02 growé together. Thys tuice is eccedpng
good foz the tuthach
/it{cattereth and Dapueth away ſwellyng lumpes and
purgeth the belip.
Out of Anicenna. 7
Srey Ye leues of the mulberry tre/a a luſſeran
ve medicine fos the (quint
FO % 02
ſginanc/yandagapntt ſtranglyng. The bark ts a triacle agaym
the popfon ofhenbayn. 3
Out of Galene defacultatibus alimentorum.
—4 He type fruite ofthe mulberrp/Doutles foftencth the belly. But
te Soa the vurype fruit after that tt te dived
Asa bery byndpng medi>
aS cine /wherefore tt is good fozthe blody flir oz for any other fiir.
2) WY But it mutt be bꝛayed g calt into pour meat/as ye Do with font
— t rach: 02 Ifa man will
/hemay drynk it with wyne & water But
that the iuice of the rype mulberries ts a good mouth medicine / by reaſon
ofp bpndpng that it hath / euery man knoweth But burppe mulberries bes
(pe theyr tartnes /they haue allo a fournes. Hea the hole tre in all bys pars
tes/bath a mixt o2 menged pour/made of a foppyng and a purgyng qualts
te. But in the barck of the roote/ purgyng vertue ercelleth with a certayn
bitternes/tn fo much that tt can bill a brode woꝛmJn other partes the bins
dyng oz ſtoppyng qualite pafleth the other qualites. Chere is in the leues
and buddes a certayn mean complexion o2 temperature.
Of Tamarifk.

ha |

Of Tamar ifk 59
Myrica... , and mouth. Thele ijkyndes ave nde
_, largelier deſcribed of Dioſcoꝛides.
£2 The lecdd kynde J quant that Ine⸗
Vv yy ver fabo/and thatts no meruel ſeing
ah Ke

A AV ONSEN GN BES that Dioſcoꝛides appoynteth Syria

LX WES WEN and Egypt for bys naturall places?
INAV INVER Vice tubere as J haue neuer bene, 25ut ag
Yh Sa W touchyng the foxmer bynde J haue
Yee -~_ __ fene tt iñ diuerſe landes in Italy in
aan yland bet wene Francolitio g Uie-
Nes niſh in Germany in diuerſe places az

ae bout Ren not far from Straſburg/
and in Khetia in a Tony place fom ty⸗
me of peare bled to be ouer flovoen w
the Ryene. Theophraſt voriteth that
Myrica hath a fletihy o2 fat 02 thick
lefe. And Pliny vorityng of lenes of
plantes in generall/ fayeth that v Cy⸗
pres tre and the Tamariſk haue car:
noſe o2 fleſſhyp leues. Which fayng is
not foto be vnderſtãd that euery lefe
by it felf were fat o2 fleſſhy: but that
they ave called fat/becaule thep grote
| fo thyck together bpon the twygges
mn ee | The leues of the Tamariſk ave tyke
ed the leucs of Samin o2 of the Cypꝛes
((~ : tre/but they ave fom thyng leſſe. And
Me NN I both Dioſcoꝛides and Pliny woꝛite
hhat Erica whiche is called in the Hozth parte of England hather oꝛ tyng/
| and in the South countre yethe/is lyxke buto Tamariſk. Wherefore feyng
| that there ts no liknes at ail betwene the rountre 02 quikbem/ the hethe oz
| Hather/they haue ben far deceyued in London / which hate comeniy vied
f the barbes of quickbeme fox Tamariſke as here after J intend to declare
» moze atlarge. Che Tamarils bulh e in Germany ts about viij.
) tootlong/and comenly itis not greater then a mans thum.The colo. of the
bark th the vttermoſt parte of all is gray/and next brito that/itis rede/ but
> Nett onto the wod it ts yelow/asthe wod is wohilſe it is grene. The wod is
Dery holow and hath very great pith/oz hart / fomthyng tn that popnte ly⸗
‘ C oh eh bourtre; Che tafte ofthe barck is berp byndyng /as the
| teues are alio.

e vertues oſ Tamariſ.
= pd He frnite ofCamarifé which islyke a gall /isvnequally byn⸗
si 5Sel Dyng in taſte /andwe may ble it tn the ede of galles /both fog
5 GEN the difeates of the eyes / andmouth.Itis good tobe geuen vn⸗
— RE) Co thei in drynk that (pit blood /and to them that haue the flix/
"and to weomẽ that are bered with thepr vnmealurable iſſhue.
/andthe bytyng of the feld ſpyder. Kus
It is allo good agaynſt the iaundes
oe ſams
Of the T amarifk. |
fame lapdto/after maner of an emplatter wageth wellyngesthe : bartk
is good fox the fame purpoſe. Che broth of the leues Dronken with Lopne,
watteth bp the milt and is good to walhe the teth with all/for the tuth ach,
And it is qood for weomen that haue a louſe og weike mother which ts oft
in ieperdi of kallyng. Ft is good fog them that haueplouſey evel. The alihes
alto of the wod lapd to in a conuentent place/ſtopp alto the outragius floz
Loprig of the mother. om make drynkyng cuppes of the body of thys tre/
may be the hollommer fog the milt.
that the dꝛvnk dzonken out of the/m
Out of Galene.
mariſk / without
bath a ſcouryng and a cuttyng propertiec
anpy manitett Deping. It hath alfo fon byndyng /by reaton of
SS GAN whiche poures and qualitees/the lenes oz rootes o3 bppermott
/are good
TJ KO) branches 02 thoigges fodden with Lopne o2 binegte
— — for the hardnes of the milt.Jthealeth alfo the tuthach: but the
fruite and the barck bynde muche. Tamarils hath much finefle inthe pars
tes/and ts able to fcoure awa y bertue the gall hath not. Then vohen
as the quikbem tre /which is a kynde of ſorbus / hath only a byndyng pour
and no kineſſe of partes noz pour to {cour away noꝛ to cut, but only a byn⸗
dyng 02 ftoppyng pour. F countell that from hencefurth the phyliciones of
/that they bie no moze the bakes of quick-
Englad/and namely of London
beine/ for the barkes of Tamariſk:that thep ble the barkes of the rootesot
eth in the ttede of Tamariſk rather then the barkes of quickbeme.
Outof the Arabianes.
Pairel be afthes of Tamariſk Day bp all foes and properly them that ſpryn
PASS ge of burnpng. Alchanzius an Arabian fapeth thete wo2rdes of Taz

mariſk. Tamariſk tg good fo2 colde apoftemes, tf thep be perfumed


therewith. a certapn faythfull man told me, that there was a certayn wo
man inwohome appeared alepre, and the broth of the rootes of Tamariſk
was geuen vnto her off with ratines, and fhe boas healed of herlepre. and
FZ proued thys my ſelt in an other tooman: and ‘FJfay that the cafe chanced —
thus. Per diteale was the impoſteme of the mult: and bp the reaton of the
ftopppnig of the mil t was the caule that tt could not dꝛaw Melan⸗
cholp vnto it/ nether clenge the blode/ made the woman to appere fo/as the
had bene a lepre. Therefore when as the impofteme was refolued / and the
froppynig boas opened/by the worzkyng of this medici/ne whole bertue was
to cut in funder humoꝛes and to bꝛeke thent/é to {cour away:theſe weomen
Loas rettozed vnto theyr former helth agayn. Thus far the Arabianes Oi
pohotefapriges and experiences Matthiolus gathereth well in my iudge⸗
ment/that Tamarilk wold Do well to be dzeſſed after the maner ofGuaia⸗
/ andſhould be ipke in vertue with Guaiacũ.But
cit/for the Frenche pockes
J wold not only that Tamariſk ſhould be fo prepared foꝛ the pockes/but for
All other dileales that aryſe of the milt. But mp countel ts furthe r, that they
‘that are dicealed itt the milt/og in any Dileate that ſpryngeth out of the milt,
fhould caule a voyne to be made of Tamariſt for fuche dileales. And Jdout
Hot but they (hall kynde grete eale a belpe of the bie of that wyne. ——
d Of the herbécalled Mytrbis. 60
© tutynye Germany about the places tohere agTamarits grower} i gree
© plentpyaue thys yere made voyne of Tamariſk which isnot ouly pleatane
) inthe mouth/(forJhauc tatted it) but alfo holſumfo2 the body as reaion
) Dothteache/and experience beareth witnes.
:| Myrrhis, Of the berbe called Myrriit.
Ba Gaon) Brabis/as Dioſcoꝛides
if —A BY Caieth/is like phomlok/
NA YNa (iboth atbit and Ls lez
SAV ANG Blues. It bath a root ſom⸗
ENS thing loge foft/round ¢

y po
elfinelling/a not bnplefant in mete.
& *
¢ NS Be
eh wht 2
& —W


—%— —


: *
r :———
is : ;

So. ero oY RL”

— 8 &

on ——
. ee er


On im Vi


* J

T he vertues ofMyrrhis.
Of the Myrt tre.
= Be roote of Myrrhis dzonken in wyne/helpeth the bytynges of fel
a xi Defbpders/Ft bꝛyngeth to weomẽ dovon theyr fiknes and the ſecon⸗
wa Des if they flop. Ft purgeth allo weomen after thepr Delpuerance,
It helpeth them that hauethe tiſik /ſodden ina daynk. Chey fap alfo that
the fame dꝛonken in wyne tvoyſe o2 thaple byon a day/isgood foz the peſti⸗
lence and that it fauct) a man from infection,
— Of the Myrttre.
— —oſcoꝛides toriteth of tj: kyndes of myrtus/of the
Payee > Sy one in the firft booke/ and that is the gardine mytt/
CHP Toy Wi and of the other iti the fourthe and it isMDyrtus fyls
aiscwas) ¥ucttri which is
s/ called in Latin Rulcus. Howbeit/
een ew Bibelemeth to mene there tsalfo an other wilde myrt
Aw eA) Litre befpde Kuſcus. Dioſcoꝛides maketh tj. (ogtes of
A cſowen oꝛ fet mprtel trees/the one be called the whyte

S Se es en Sens—
>a = — —
_ Aa and the other the black. But other wogiters make pee
Far is AE — oe

be¥F woas ttt Wonontsit hath fiue tymes as litle leues as tt that ts (et furth

The vertues ofthe Myrt tre,

— Le vertue of the Hyrte tee, eof the (ede of $fame/isto bynes
ped PO De.Che gretie/oz dep {ede / is good to be geuen in mele to the
aaa TAG Chat (pit bloode,& ut helpeth the pꝛickyng of the blader. The
iuice petted out of the grene leucs/haty the fame vertue. It
bbis Good fog felde ſpyders.And in wyne ttts good for the ſtyn⸗
gyng ofa ſcoꝛpion. The brotheof Myrtelles ſoddẽ in wyne/
es Chat aryſe in the vttermoſte membꝛes. Che fame laydeto
Loith the four of perched barley, ſwageth the ndamationesof the eves.Gt
is good fo belapbe to agaynſt the tmpottemes of the comers of the epe. FE
pe put the ſede into wyne and hete it cher in /itwill be good for them that
haue weyk bzaynes to faue them from donkennesAo that the wpne that is
F if ſtrey⸗
Ofttheherbevalled Napus. — Ct
D> fteepned,be taken adore had. Che bathe made with the tede of the mp rt tre
p ts go0d for the falling Cowon of the mother
/lorthe Difeales of the fundamet/
for the iſſhue > weomẽ haue fom tyme to muche plenty of. It(coureth away
ſcourf oꝛ (calles th the hede/ Athe rynnyng lores in the hede/ and the wheles
chat burlt out th the hede.Ftſtayeth the heyt that falleth of. Che bath that
: leues of tythe
y is made of the e spyrte tre/is good to fit infor them }haue mem:
bres out of ioynte/ whiche fatten and grdw together verp (lovely, Alſo ifbo
hes be broken /andwill not eatelp be iopnedyand fattened together agayn/
itis good to bath them with the bꝛothe aboue mentioned, It healeth the
whyte mozpherv, and tt is good to be poured into materp cares that rpn
The tice hath the fame vertue. The leues broken and lay .
d to wit
at good fo2 moyſt ſoꝛes /and fo2 ail partes of the bodp hauyng h watet/
» and foz them that baue the lar. FE ye pu any iſſhue/
t to tt the oyle made of vnrype olps
uesoꝛ a lytle rofe ople with Line /thep av good for-tctters.o2 crepin
forthe wildfpre, fo2 the inflammatione of the ftoncs, € foz the ſore ge ſores/
s iſſhue
| mthe eyes/that darken the ſyght a for harde lumpes. Che pouder ofo2the
thered leues /ts good to be catt bpon the tohitfaw / aguaples. Ft
fs good
“agapntt the ſtyngkyng that commeth of to muche Cheete/in the dankes and
arinboles. ItTapeth the ſwetyng of them that haue the difeate which is cal
led cardiaca paſſio The raw leues/ozelles burnt with a tret
e made of woer /
heal burnyng whi t kllawes and aguaples.
Out of the later writers, :

we brothe of Myrtilles o2 WM yrte ſede /with

s butter ſtoppeth to mu⸗
—* che ſwetyng The Myrt leues comfort the hart /and take awapy
af trymlyng ofthe fame, The iuice is good fo2 the burnyng of the bla
Hy DerakydneesIn emplatter made of Myrtelles is ⸗
good for the pyiesz the


» fallpug out ofthe fundamẽt. Let the apothecaries phiſicione /and

s tur
hes of Cugland take hede / that they bie no moze aS thep haue Don in geas
> pattey the litle buſhepgrowethin the ſennes in the ſtede tyines
re /but let the caule p right Myrtelles ¢ Myrt igues be. broughryght Myrt
gali /where as isof them plenty t vnto them
p cates of Germany hauc erred an other inough tobe had. Many ofthe apo:
way mn the Myre tre, in takyng the
7 bleberries 02 burtel berries in the Cede of the My
rte tre.
Of the herbe called N apis.
Deeg Jotcoxddeshath not deterived onto vs Sherbe called Hapug/
CIN iether Plinytuany place Jhaue red as yet, He inaketh v.
HA 2) I] bynes of Papus: but Matthiolus ¢ Fuchfius ech
4 kethe no mo but ty. kyndes Met they Diuide thepr of thé maz
| a— kyndes di⸗
uerFoꝛ le Matl
olus diuideth Napũ into whyte and the
yelow. And Fuchſius diuideth it into the tee 02 foLor/é into p
wilde. Napus is named in Greke Lowes but
rubsitt Frenche nauet/¥ know Ho Englithe na not bunton in Duche Steck-
me for
| Mepnig that ]J neuer taw the rpght Pape growyng in tt, ag it ig no mevuel
v / |
| called a Napeo, ayelow rape bntill toe fynde out England. Fe maybe} 7
. riKathe Hape hath leues lyke vnto a rape but (mo olde Engliſhe name

ges after the maner of rocketItbath a round talk ofindented about
a cubit miata
| } om
O/ Nareiffus ont ofDiofcorides.
: Napus agreftis.

coddes 03
fom tyme hygher/aa yelovo flour lyke vnto Cole/aa fede in long rap e
(mall long hufees. The root ts fom thing long and fo rounde as a e root
is /and comonly tn Germanp it ts pelovotfh.Itwith the whpte roote ts nota
gretely bled in Gerinany.
| The vertaes of the Napes nee Ha)
Bijey He voote of Pape 02 Prauct asthe Frence men call it / oddẽ poy
vwonde/ noꝛiſſheth but litle. The fede of the Hape lon il
Sz it be dꝛonkẽ. Itis muche vied to be put into triacles & preferuatines.
Mapes ar hotetmopite/@ they bꝛede vopnde a raw fleme. They tharpe the
{che/a fmootbe p bectte, a theote, thep hete Phydnes. Galen femeth to
teyn aves vnder rapes/for J cau fpnde no mention of Napes tn Galene
in bys booke de fimplicibusmedicamentis. AnD Paulus iopneth rapes and
PLapes together tn thete wordes. The pape e the rape tithey be twoſe ſod⸗
Dé ioriſhe no leſſe then other herbes do. But ifthey be cõtinually eter they
make agroſſe tuice. | nt
| Of Narciffus out of Diofcorides.
=F /asa lily,/lirium. It hath cues
der ar fom that call Nareillum
1 FS), Ibe bnito a leke
thyn and muche teller & narro wẽerThe Hak
cf WEAN is emptt and bare without leues/and it is hygher thera tpati.
CThe flour ig wobpte and rediſhe velow within /and in fom ie.
Of Narciffus out of Diofcorides. 62
Narciſſus. ple. The roote Win istobpte
/ rounde
eebnoppy after the lyknes ofa bulb.
The {edeis as tt were in a filme og
cote/blak and long. The motte excels
lent groweth tu hylles and bath a
\\, Wwoete favor. The other relembiaeles
Ly, \ ke and haue an herbiſhe tink.
! | —
ER Of Narciffus ont ofPliny.
-f NY yl a He Phyſcianes ble ij. kyn⸗
— LING Des of Narciſſus /where of
| SO} one bath a purple foure and
} the other hath the coloz of herbes.

Ih f-- herbes / whether when they be fivlk

* /oꝛGrow agayn/after theyr fal⸗
— 9 lyng/the lefe commeth in bys tyme
A) WSs firſt furth/ and afterwarde the ſtal⸗
H\Ws ke. Wut in theltalk
e cometh furth
! : before the other partes, andof Nar⸗
riſſus the Balk of the four commeth
only furth with (pede / for tye flour
a. | haſteth fopvoarde berp muche. Pars
Ahus hath a narrow lefe /many togetherafat. Out ofall thete deſcriptio⸗
nes J gather that our comen daſtadil is one kynde of Narciſſ /us
whete of
Diiny maketh mention /vobhen ashe ſpeaketh of it with the herbiſhe color,
The talihon of the lefe/flour and talks of our daffadil agreeth well with the
Deicription both of Diolcorides / Theophratt, onlp the coloz of the floure
| Weontrary oꝛ befpde the deſcriptiou of Dioſcorides. But neuertheleſſe F
Wdge that itis a kinde of Nartiſſus which Dioſcorides had not fene when
& .

ashe wozote of the vote floured Narciſſus. The detcription of Dioſcorides

agteeth well vnto the herbe vohich voc call in fon places of England white
laus tibi/let them that iyſte eramin the mate/randthep Hall fpnde tt as Z
haue ſayde. Som take thys herbeto be diolam albam Theophraſti with
Loyomeyzwill not ſtriue/exceyt they fay that tt agveeth not with the deſcri⸗
ptton of Parciffus in Dioſtoꝛides. As for the lpbnes that it ought to haue
(as fom men tndge) with the foures of the lily/ whoſename tt may feme to
Hane had fom tyme fo2 the lyknes p it had with the lily, & hath it not / korthe
levies ar nether tn faſſhon lyke the other Narciſſus no2 the lily four, for it is
not hole as the lylies flouris but deuyded: Janſwer that Pliny ſheweth
| that the difference betwene the kyndes of Marciflus cof lilics Handeth ty
that/that bpon the ſtalkes of the lilies grove leues/z bpon the ſtalkes of the
kyndes of Harciſſus grove no leues at all Dioſcorides woziteth of tj.fortes
Of Narciſſus /one p grovoeth in the mountapnes, & an other kynde in —
| Yo ple
age Of Spikenarde.
Fayyn/but alle
kynde in any moChaunt ta
plates.nobere of J neuet law the former kyn
wapes in gardines. And as foz the other de Jreben it is agceyng
én fru021bour coment Daffadill/eccept mp memozt de faple me/eh of. Jam ſuere
that the white laus tibt hath the ſtynk that Dioſcorides ſpeket
Tbe Propertieso the daffadill.
b e r e ote ſo /
dd en
voheth er tt be eate /nordrz onk ẽ h a man Los
(al a yma
roote bꝛoken with a litle hon/
“4 NM mit. Jtis good fo2z burnptig. ‘The
keth the cut ſynewes to grow together agayn/ if tbe layd to em⸗

platter wopte, The roote laydeto worth hony belpeth the ankles out oftopnte,
and the old aches ofthe topntes. With binegre and nettel fede / ittaketh
away the ſpottes and mozphew tn the face. With fiches it ſcoureth away
the matter ofwoundes, It bicketh impoſtemes that poill not vppe, laydto
with Darnel mele /and honAtdraweth out of the body / ſuche thynges ag
flick kaſt init.Itmaketh ficthe grow in a wounde. Che roote bruſed lapd: +te
to/isgood foꝛ weom és bꝛeſtes p ar ſwelled a agayntt all inflaimmationes. .

pet for
be handled |
them, As for me Jthynk that the ear groweth not in the top of p vie vo
Sk. —

, Of Spikenarde. > 63
ie Hard by the roote/cther partely in grotmde oz berp neve vnto the grounde/
but Ithynk rather that fom parte of the ear groweth within the ground.
Pct forall thys, J cchen }the (pike can not be properip called a roote. And
) as ſor the place > they alledge out of Galene de antidotis tn Galenis woz⸗
) des they mutt ether bndetitand Galene to calle the thike of Mardus vnpꝛo⸗
perly a roote /oz ellis they muſte in other places not only deny the autozite of
Galene/ but alld of bilo, ¢ Dioſcorides allo wobhich make an open diſtinc⸗
tione and ditkerence betwene
theroote of Nardus an the eare of the ſame:
oz clits playnly Deny that the ſpik ts a root. Galene inthe. de compo-
fitione medicamentorum fecundum locos alledgeth in p pꝛeſeruatiue 02 antidot
of Philo ij berles amongeſt many other) vohiche leme piapniy to Deny that
Hard is a voote.
usThe verſes are thele:
| Etdrachmam dite falfo radicis,ab ipfa - 7
Terra, piſſe que Ioue clara manet. PKR TF AIRE — pe
_ And Galehe expoundyng thele berfes, {apeth thete wordes folowynge:
Quin & Nardi ipſius drachmam vnam conijciendam cenfer, quam radicem falfo diam
" appellat, quandoquidem {picanard
i ver¢nominatur. Alp be tudgeth
|) df Hardus mutt be put there to, robich be calleth afallely named roote/bez
that a dean
cauſe it is truclp named the ear 02 (pike of Mardus, Dioſcorides alfo in the
Defcription of the Parbus whiche is called gangitisfapeth that many {pi
bes 02 cates com out of one roote where bpon tt kold voeth playnip by the
jy atttorite of Dioſcoꝛides that the cat of Nardus is not the root of Nardus.
ThereforeF veken that it is playn that the (pica Hardi Can tot be properly
q ealled a voote, without the gaynfaping of Phil
orides and Galene.
4 Sratthiolus layng to other mennes charges erneftly many errours
4, wus vpon Hardus /isnot bery far from. a mantfet erro; ifhe be not wrap:
| ped within it all redy. Foꝛ he ſemeth to iudge that Mardus hath no talk at
| eat that therefore the (pike 02 ear can not grow in the top of the ftalks
© wpbicl ts not/oz can to where be fold. bys wordes ave thefe:Ego tametfi nar-
| diquam plurimum &c. Although J haue examined epicked out bery mich
m goarbus, mthe hoppes of wients/ pet could Jneuer fynd any thyng of
oardus there-faupng only the care. naberefore Jthynk there can be found
| Ho Hardus which biyngeth furth the eares in the top. But what reaton is
HF thysvhe ſeeth nothyng of Pardus but the ear/e ergo Hardus bath nobel
| ellis/becaute be hath feneno more. Ifthys be Watthtolulles argument a
i Hefemeth at che lette to go toward thys end:then it appeareth that Prats
H dus hould haue nether anp ſtalk/ nether any other root befpde the care,
j Which is clene contrari bnto Dioſcoꝛid
/ whome
es he taketh in hand to erz
pounde/ who appoynteth both a Falk vnto Hardus/ and alfo an other
g toOte befpoe the (pikes oz cares to the fame. And allthough in Gerinany
j there is not fuche chopfe of implesineuery place as is inVenis /pet in thy
pere of out lowe 1557. J found in the hop of Jacob Diter the Apothecari -
| biudileburg on pece of Pardus whiche hath a talk a iigetlong holow/ =


y auld of the bygnes of a metely byg ſtra

wh Jhaue to Hew at thys pres
, Ment daye. 45 touchpngp roote of Mardus if that Matthiolus could fynde eee

nothing of tlaupng peave at Venis/Z merriel where he found plitle roote


_ that tye cares grow one in bys figure whichehehath tet out in bys come
mentaries dpon Diotorides.Amatus holdety allo tifsy on iy(ppbhy.
. pW ae
ii +. "
a" mp

J Sh
te2 ee
‘em 4

Of Spikenarde. #

PAC Of Nardus is alſo the roote. Wut it femeth by hys voꝛityng both inthe
chapter of mewo /and alto in Mavdus/that he ſhoulde meane that the ear of
Hardus{hould be the nether parte ofthe roote of NMardus / for in both the
chapters he compareth the root of fpibnard with the roote ofmew. And in
bothe the piaces ye ſayeth that the tultp rootes that ar very ipke tpthnarde
in Mewo/ grow ininfima parte radicis/in the loweſt parte of the rootes.In
the later place befapet thus. Where as Dioſcorides fapeth that Pardug
putteth firth of one roote manp cares that ſexueth fo2 our purpos, Lobe ag
out of one pꝛincipall roote as the mother of the reſt many reotes ag hary
eares growyngone hard to an other/Do ſpryng out/as man may ſe the ips
ke in the rootes of Mew, whole infinite rootes were diuided tnto edres
that all that ſaw them /tudged them to beSpiknard. Anda litle after he
fayeth, vobereforc voe ought to conclude that ther is no other roote found
in Pardus /ſlauyng the ſpike o2 care. If he mean thus as bp hys waptyng he
ſemeth to Do,he to very far Decepued Foꝛ beſyde that Jhaue ſene a ſtalk im⸗
mediatly commyng from the {pike (the Tals conuncth neuce immediatiy
froiit the loweſt parte of the roote) Dioſcoꝛides Heweth thatthe Spikes
com from one roote. Che rootes all wayes tn all plantes ar the iokwett ¢ hes
ther mot partes of thenrthen vhen as the Spikes com out of one voote/
that roote mutt be lower and benethe the Spikes. Chen the Spikes can
not be the lowell partes of the rootes, as he fapeth that the tufty endes and
loweſt partes of the rootes of Pet be. Wut where ashe fepeth chat there
is no other root faupng the Spike F als them vohether tt ts che maner of
Dioſcoꝛides to geue one thpng in one place tj. fundep names /and to diſſeuer
one thyng with ij. names vohen as the thyng is but one. Ifit be not hys
maner fo fo Do, then is bys glofe brought tn vayn /vhere as he lapety the —
the fapng of Dioſcorides that many Spikes com out of one roote, is to be
vnderſtand /that many tootes com out of one principal o2 mother tootes
when as Dioſcoꝛides in ail bys hoie worke neuer calleth a voote a Sptke/
noz & Spike a roote. Als for theother error whiche he holdeth ( 02 at pleſte
he femethto hold) with Matthiolus / that Pardus hath nether talk nes
ther other roote then the eare nede to make no other contutatione then it
that a lptle aboue J haue made vnto Matthiolus fo2 p fame opinion. Chen
thys is my opinion of Mavdus/ that it hath a lytle roote inp grounde /out
of the tohiche the Spikes 02 cares ſpꝛyng outvand Jthynk that the oweſt
partes of the eaves at the leſte touche the qround/and that the falke (as J
haue ones lene tt) commeth out of the middes of the Spike 02 eave of blak
rediſhe coloz/ thin and holovo within. .

The vertuesof Spiknard.

FArdus hathe pour to bete and to dep. It dzyueth furth water
Pale cep] and mabeth aman piſſe wel. Fett be dronken/itſtoppeth the
fey eo a bellp/Ffttbe layde tott ſtoppeth the rynning out and matter
— „8 ofthe mother. Wit be taken with cold water /it helpeth the
gnawyug of the ſtomackeitheleth wyndenes /tt helpeth the
. ltuerebeleth the iaundes and the diſeaſes of the kydnees. TE
pe willfeth Mardus tn water and fit tn tt: iis a remedy agaynt the ttt
Aammation ofthe mother. It isgood foz bare eplyddes that want —
ian Ne \
“th <a

Of Nardus celtica ea
Di ifbryngeth heare againg.Itis good to be cat vpon bodies that av to
moptte orfuocte ta muche.Itis put into antidotes and tviacles / anid iis
comenip layd bp in a new erthen veſſel for ep medicines.
But it is fir vet in

topouder/and afterwarde made in to trochiſtes 02 rowd Bales with woyne.

Nardus is hote tu the fick degre and fully day in tye fecoud degre.
Of the herbe called nardus celtica,
:— he celtick Nardus groweth in} alpes of Ligurta
PHASES) see Nand tt ts called tn countre name thereAliuggia

— ——— seed
Ss is

. - The vertues ofFrenche ſpichnard. >

En ble only the falkes and rootes of this herbe. It is comm
Ded foz p belt which is frethe and hath agood ſmell /and hath
many tootes cleuyng together, full, and not brukle or eafp to
jee y Deke. It is good fo2 the fame purpoſes that the other Mardug
— isgood (02/ tt dziueth water furth muche morempabtelp/and
ishetter for the ſtomack. It helpeth the inflammationes of fhe liuce and
the iaundes.Itis good to be Dronké agapntt the wpndencs of the Komack
with the bꝛotheOfworm wod. It is alfo good to be Dronken with wyne az
gaynſt the diſeaſes ofthe milt/ kidnees and blader, and agapnt venemus
bytinges.Jttsput into fofteriyng emplatters, into deinkes eheting opnts
mentes Thys Frenche Hardus as Galerie fapeth ts of lyke proper with
The other/ſauyng that tt isweicker for all purpoſes /ſauyng for prouokyng
Of brine/foz tt ishoter and ts leſſe bpndyng. Galene allo i bys booke de
compofitione medicameiitorum fecundum locos fapethe, that theFrẽche nardus
iSthe bette medicine/ and woꝛketh whatloeucr the Indiſhe nardus Doth
but thatit is a litle weyker in voorkynge seijcrefor when the truthe ig:
fo/ Fcountell that apothecaries ble rather thys Frẽche foikuard free and
od/a8 allwayes ttmay be had cut bothe of Germany and Itali/ ch the
iisnach of Judiait tt be olde rotten as muche of it ig beldꝛe it cummety
vnto vs Imeruel that Tragus and Watthiolus folowyng the coms igno⸗
Vance of thepr countrees call lauender ſpi
| /kDuch Nardus and Italiã nar⸗
dus /eyng that in lozme and taſſhõ they haue ne yhnes at all with nardus.
| And howe muche they differ in qualites/they that with iudgement eramin
| ‘both/ can well tettifi.Jfthe woꝛide continew long, thepr naming of land:
Der with the name of Mardus map bꝛyng ſom fimple men in belene, thatia
) uander is a ryght bynde of nardus gro wyng in Germany and Italy /whys
as it is much lyker to be akinde of fechas thenof Mardus, .
Se % ye iiij Naf ur⸗
Ofgardin'creffes. —
Naſturtium bortenfe, FAſcſturtiũ is named in
*2 | oe * v
: ey) Grebe kardomõ
rica Nia! oltihe crefles o2 kars /in

FiLa Sawhi Zouche kreflich/in Fre

Ba WON fa Che crello. Gardin cref
ae — ſes grow no wohere el-
les J know, faving only in gardi-
nes. Che creffeis but aſmall herbe of
afoot and abalf longe/the leues are
ſmall and tagged about, the floures
ave whyte. The blackifhe rede {ede
is conteyned titlitle rounde fede bef
(elles. And it isHarpe in take and

0; the tr: called Nerium. | :

—— Erium ig alfo called rhododaphnus and rhododendzro/ninIta
MNine Dieddz0/0f Barbarus voriters Gleander tom Duche me
RE callit Oleander /the Frence men call it rofage. Ineuer lawit
X out of Italy voheretoꝛe FZbnow no Engliſhe name fog tt. Hut .
Poo) it map well be called in Engliſhe after the Grek e r tole tte
oꝛ bay role fre /o2 Mleander after the comon herbaties.
The bay rote tre hath leues lyke an almond tr/ebut lotiger/fatter/ and as
Gon tertes ave /broder rougher. Che lloure ts lyke a role. Che fruit an!

all 8 »
Ka \4
Af y

i AY Vp
9 \\ 3 ZEM, é —3

i |

Wee! <i

ipke bnto an almond after thefatihon ofan horne which when as it opes
asRuellius trãſlatiõ
m nethfheweth a wollyſhe nature pee an thyſtel Do/wn
i hath, itſemeth 6bys greke tert had chavdwor ramos. Wut mp greke tert
ath tdnidwois tomo. And fo ſemeth the old tranflatoz to haue red/foz he

i he tranfiateth thus:lanam deintus habens fimilem hyacintho. Net fo2 all that J
P ipkethuelliufles Grebe tert better then mpne / forthe do vn ts whyte and
phe theftel Do von / nothynge [phe hyacinthus
/ nether in coloz/toz tn Down
1 whichic hathe riot.
The roote ts longy ſharpe and wodiſhe faltifhe in tatte.
Altgroweth in plefant places/by the ſe ſpde and about rivers.
| | The properties ofOleander. WE AINS
yhe flotires and the leues of oleander atportiontomules dogges
/ al⸗
ees /and to many other four footed beattes. But tisbite ama a vez
ees medy ifit be Dronken with wyne / agaynſt the bytynges of ferpetiz
tes/ and fo much better it is ifrue be mired therewith, roetke beatles ag
fhepe and gotes, ifthep dꝛynck of the water vohere in ar fallen the leues
or flonoresofoleander/die ſhortly after. Galene voriteth that Oleander iit
be taker ty thatit billet bothe man and the mofte parte of beftes alſo:
therefore let no man thinck that Diolcorides meaneth that Diedder ſhuld
be tas
_ Of the herbecalled Nymphea.
bet aken of animan lauyng only of ſuche as hath bene hurt voith the pop,
loned bytyng ofa fcrpent:foz ifa man take tt in/except he haue bene poptos
ned before/itwillpopion hym. But vohen as p poyſon of ſerpẽtes may well
be healed bp.many other medicines that ac no poyſo/nasoleander is / my
take in any oleander/if
counſel is thatno man thatis bitten with a ſerpe/nt
there be any triacle oꝛ other Good Herbe may be had by and by after that he
is bitten. J haue (ene thys tre tn Diueriv places of Italy/but J care not ifte
neuer com into England/ſeyngit tu all poyntes is lyke ap harelep that is
beuteus without /and within /arauenus wolfe murderer. Che later wets
ters fap that Dicander ig good fog the (cab and ich /aNd that it is good fog
the olde aches okthe knees and kydnes/ikit be lapd to after the maner of an
empia ter, They voryte that the broth of the leues buleth Hees and ſuch ipke
vermind ikit becall vpon tye tloꝛe/vohere as they be.
Ofthe berbe called Nymphea.
Nymphæa candida. Noymphealutes, :

Ta te pi
RY — i ave as
WA at we 5

FVmphea is named of the avothecaries nunefar/in Enoliſhe

Beery! voater roleoꝛwater ſiliinouch fe blumen. Nymphen isof
FR Nal if, Cortes the one hath a whyte fotere and the other hatha
bg Xd WpHlvelo
ESO flout-thep waters.
{tillo2 andyng grow both
Thein lene
meres arlourhes, TakesofEappt/
and tn
* phe} bene
yut they ar lelle gligerfomof them lw
ym aboue — J
: : Of Bafil. 66
one rote
WP fom ar vnder the toater/and many of thé com out oflpae The one bath
a wivic foure as lili/the other hath a yclow dour a roſe/inp mibdes
D ofp white floure is a thyng Ipke vnto fafron. Dut of the flour whet withe>
roth awar/ commer) furth a roũd blak apple lyke vnto a poppt hede
Hatha blak (ede and a clamp tatte. Che talk is ſmothe/blak and not thick/
i ipke bute the bene of Egypt. The roote of the whyte Aymphea tsblack, €
) rougye and lyke vnto a cub. But the roote of the yelow nenufaris whpte.
r and Nouẽber /Oy in
/ October
\ Whe vootes ble to be cut doun in Septembe
the lait end of the harueſt.
The vertue of both the kyndes ofnenufar. —
— e wohyte leued water liltoz nenufar Died and dronkenb
Avwvyne/isgood fo2 the comon lax/and fo2 the blody klix /and It
Vs ae val woalheth avap the mylt. Che roote is good to be layde to the
fe a?\\)blader ¢itomack. notth water it tcoureth avoay white lpot⸗
ee ey! tes tyke lepies.Itit be layde to with ptche/it voll Hele a ſcal⸗
Ny . 4 ied hede when the hey: goeth of. The fame is good to be drõ⸗
h be of wiuries gentlemen/oz huſbandles gentle Locome agaynſt the vnclene
demyng of benery and filthy pollutiones that they haue on y nyght. Foz
) ifit be dronkẽ continually fo2 a certayn tyme/it weykeneth muche the fede.
| Zhe fede of the herbe hath the fam propertt. The fede a roote of it with the
ii peloiw floure Dronken with rede ſtopppng atid tart voyne argood agaynſt
the rynnyng out oz iffhues that vocomen ſomtyme haue.
| OF Papi He 22s
— Joſccoꝛides deſcribeth not ocimũ / butaman may ga-
De “enh ther by hym tn the deſcription of other herbes vohere
Say i bute hecipareth ocimum /what mane of leuegs ocis
: — ymumbath. Che tyght Mercurie Heliotropium as
eg Diolcorides poꝛyteth/haue lenes lyke Ball. Chenhe
A aN LF zB that knoweth the ryght Mercuri ¢ Heliotropium/
Er ule 2s may eately know what maner of leues Bail hath.
fi — — and ſedeth fir benethinthe ſtalk
/aud after. aboue.
\ ‘The flouristo

Frence du Balik. — oe are


ioe et T he vertues of Baſil. 3

peewee Alii it be taken to pletitiioutly in mete
/dulleth the eylyght/
p(pirites, Edrpueth out pile
57) FS\) S| Tt fofteneth the belip, moueth
But tt shard to be digeſted.

Ay ar. and bꝛyngeth milk to bꝛeſtes.

7] |e Nes But ifit be layd to voith the flout of perched barley and with


vinegre and rofe ople/it helpetl the inllammationes of the




= longes. {tis good foz the ſtrykyng of afe dzagon/“Iethe


lige SNE





—— =

— —
Of the Oliue tre. 67
— ea whiche is lamytme called alto Oliug /is named in Greke
LAcie ft is called in Engliſhe an Oliue tre/inuch etn Oelbaũ/
n Frẽce bug Oliuerer. The Oliue tre hath leues lyke a wilow
trey but thep av lmaller narrower and harder / tn color pale é
— fefan atiby hue. The wilde Oliue tre vohich is named in Grebe⸗
erateinLatin ſylueſtris Diea oꝛ Dleatter 02 cotinu s tefl and ſhor
/ hath
13 alfo much leſſe/
4 ‘ter Ieucs the the gardin 02 fet Oliue tre hathe. Che frutte tre
gid the bowes ar full of pritkes. J haue ſene the Oliue both in Italy ¢
in Germanp.
The vertues of the Oline trees. | *
=a $e leues of the wilde Oliue tre bynde/and the fame broke
A} lapd to emplatter wyle ſtay and hold tn cholerik impoftemes
| HANG andindammationes, creping o2 rpnnpng ſo/re s es
about the comers of the ey/ carbun cl
a vohi esAnd the
BeNk WAY (ame layd to with hony take away the cvuttes that ar about
= ſores 02 woudes. Thep ſcour alld fiithy woottdes. They dryue
Away inflammationes and ſores called panos. Chey topn together agayn
© thefsin that is plucked fro the hede. Chey at good for p fores of the mouthe
) ad ipectally of pong childertfthep be chowed in the mouth. The tuiceoutand
i) the trothe haue thefame vertu. The tuice layd to ſtayeth burſtynges
)) blood and wopmens iſſhues.Itis good fo2 the dileates of the ep called bua/
and for wobheles {ores and old falling dovon of humozes. heretoꝛe it isgna ⸗
o che medicinesofthe eyes called collyria. It isvery good fo2 the
wyng o2 bytyng of the ep liddes. Ff ve votli haue the tuice to ferue yow all
the veare thorotn: ſtamp the leucs/and put voyne 02 water vnto them and
dey che moyſtur in the fon and make tt bp in litle cakes. But the tuice that
W tSmade with the vopne ts ſtronger and fitter to be layde Dp/ then it that ts
jy wave wich water.Ithelpeth the eres/bothe if they be ſor/eandthe fein be
yy, be/and alo Wany mater tpn out.The leues at good to be layd to with bars
mM icp mele, for them that haue the flix. The leucsar burnt with the floures
m tyat Cocafihes may fill the rome of podium. And thus ar they dreſſed. Put
iM hei into and bubaked pot that was neuer inthe Fyre belore / and {top the
Mm mouth ofit perfitly with clay/and let the pot ſtand fo ong vntill that all the
BH) other pottes be baked thoughe. Cher quenche the whille they ar pet hot
with wynesand knede them together and burti them after the fame maz
Her ois agayne. Then waſhe them and make them into litle cakes. It is
well knowen that this medicine is as good as {podium ts tn the dileales of
) theeves. The tenes of the fet oliue haue the fame bertw faupug aiitle wei⸗
) ker. Whereloꝛe they ar fatter for the meDicines of the epes by the refon of
thepe gentler nature. The froete o2 water that commeth furth of the tre
f' Sobenit is in burnyng in the fyre helpethe, tfit be layd to foul {curt tcalies.
Whe fede of the Oliue tre layde to/ helpeth ſcurk and frettyng and waſtyng
foxes. Ft that is within the kirnel with fat and mele, driueth of ſcabbed og
/bzokẽ and
i foule voughe reayles. The Dliucs that haue ben condited tn lalt
layd buto burnt places will not fuffer any blader torpfe. Chey ſcour foul
woundes. The byyneof Ditues fafteneth the goumesikthep be waſſhed
theretwith/and maketh fat loule tethe. Che pelow and freſhe oltue isbeter
/butit is hard koz the belly. The blak that o
for the ſtomack is diſpoſed
to cor⸗
Of the Oline tre.
focopuption/andis euel for the ſtomack. And itis euel for the eye/sanden,
Gendycth the hedach. Ititbe Daped it Hoppeth frityng 02 waſtyng fores/and
ueth abrode and (cattereth carbuncles. It is good to waſh the goumeg
that ar vered with a filthy moyſture with the opie of tye wild oliue. Ft ma
keth fatt loufe tethe. Take p ople and put it into toll /o2 a kyne cloth, e lap
> bote vnto the wateriſhe goumes vntil thep be whyte/ and tt Lotll help the,
Out of Galene de fimplicibus.
gaa ebughes ofp Dipuetre/as much as they haue of binding,
—9 aN fomuch coldnes hauc they allo. The fruite tft be trowiy rpp,
Ree LAE) (3 mefurably Hote. But ifit be not rppe, the it couleth mores
vyndeth moze. Dliues noꝛiſhe but a litle/ ¢namelp they that
4 ne 4 |

ꝛ rypenes fal
oflthetre.Mhich p comon peple comõly ete th"
~~ te
beede gotherwhyles with bꝛyne before other metes /toloule
the bell
y thefe Dliues ar called almacies and colymbades. As the very
type haue muche fatnes in thẽ/ſothe vnrype haue a byndyng iuice bp refon
Where of they ſtreyngthen the ſltomack and make a man haue an appetite,

Outof Alexander, 7
Raa Se | Dolo wing the autorite ofimp matersef whomeJ
CRN | learned firũ ⸗knowledge of herbes /voho were Añ⸗
Atonius Mu/la Fuchlius/a Buellius wout any ernetk
rriall/ iudged matters thatourcomõ Alexãder wag
SH eS pppolelinon tn Dioſcorides.But after that J had
Ay fog a ved Watthiolus wꝛityng Spon Hippoſelinon/Jloo
O/ Zee bed moze diligently bpon the Defcription
and found
— there were cevtapn pꝛoperties d*¶
Dioſtorides gaue
SAN SN pnito bys Hippotelino/ which ar not to be found in
rander. Foz Dtolcoudes vorytyngofHippofeline ſayeth > it bathea
Lobite reote/and a ſmal/land that the herbe is whyter then perieip; ¢ that
icucs turne a litle to
warde a cremeſin coloz.But our Alexãder hath a great
blak rote/and to looke to the hole herbe is much blacker then perfelp, and
leues haue nothyng ipke cremiſ
in g ſuch a coloꝛ appere in fom places
of the buddes /whẽ as they com bp kir /Vherek
ſtore our Alerader can not be
Hippoſelinõ in Dioſcoꝛides. But neuertheleſſe /J think $itis Symyprniunr
but not it Dioſcorides deſcribeth as Matthiolus iudgeth/ but >Som
nion that Dioſcoꝛides refuleth as Dnpzoperly named Smyrnion / and pet
other Grecianes as Galene and Aetius call Smyzniõ. But that spmpmio
AS tt is Differprg from Hippoſelino Dioſcoꝛidi/
sidF reken it to the Hippo⸗
lelinon ofTheophratt/a Aetius 2 the herbe whiche Galene in bys booke de
alimetort facultatibus witnelleth to be called Dus atrũ in Rome in histy
me.Firtt that our Alecander ts not Smy niũ tu Diolcorides: theſe tokens
that our Alexander want and ar requyred tn Smypmis Diofcoridesdofut
fictentlp declare.Smyꝛniũ in Dioſcoꝛides bathe pale/oz faynt yelowoleues/
and our Pleranders leues ar blak. Smyꝛnium hath ſede ipke kole round
blak. But our Hlerader hath long horned fede nothyng ipke cole, but in all
poputes lyke perſely ſed e > it ismuche bygger & blacker. pe root
of Sinpe
Gf Bal. 68
of Smirniũ ts ether grene within, o2 clies ſomthyng whitithe. But our A⸗
lerandets root ts not grene withinercept my memoꝛi fale me/nether a litle
whitiſhe but playn vohyte/as vemembee. The herve Sinyinitt of Dioſco
rides groweth in rocky places/and ſtepyng Down hylles /and in Diy places/
anid about pathes. ut dur alexander groweth in ſhaddo voyplaces and in
mopſte places/and in Ilandes compatled about the teas itt a certapit Ilãde Ww
betivene the far parte ofSommerſet (here a udaleslnoherefore our Alexa⸗
Der can not be Smprnid Dioſcoꝛides. But >out Alerader is Simyrnion of
Atius ¢ Galene /and olus atrum > Galene maketh mention of wobich the
Homanes bled muche tn meat/e allo Hippolelinon Theophraſti: crutt thete
| refones folovoyng fhall pzoue ether in parte 02 in hole. Actius voriteth thus
of Hmypznton. Sinyrniũ whiche other calic Hippoſelinũ is of fame kynde
| that pertelp ts of and petroſelinon
/but ithath a biak fede and much greter.
) Sp thete wordes may J gather >Smirniũ is a kynde of Spelinon or Opiũ
which we call pertelt/ and leyng that it is the greteſt kynde that it may be
uſtiy called hippoſelinõ. nde may alfo brio that it ts therefore a kynde OF
ſelinon be caute it bath ipke (ede in proportion a figure with other properties
| belongyng therto / g it cannot be a kynde of apium 02 felind wich hath
| holpanes inp {ede with Apio Selino o2 perſely
/where bps we may gather
plouage whiche hath ſedes tn no poynt lyke Selino /nether to Drcolelitta
| Moz petrotelino ca notbeany kynde of apiũ of ſelinon and ptherefor oit can
) hether be Hippolelind Dioſcorides/noꝛ Smyꝛniõ Aetij/
norpet Simienis
Diolcorides.Galene tn hys ſecõd booke of the properties of norifhmétes o2
meates woriteth thus of ſelino/hippoſelino /
Sid a ſmyzniõ. Wie thefe make
ainan piſſe
/amõgeſt vohich periely is mofte vſed/a plefaut tothe fomacke,
| But Hippofelinum and belragges ar bnplefanter.nsmyprnium is alfo mu⸗
| the died, foz tt ts folde tn bery grete pléty in Rome, anditis much fharper
then perfelt and hother/and tt hath alfo a certayn ſpicie tate. And therfor it
ſtirreth aman more behementip to make water, then perfely Wippofelinet
aud belzages/o2 water perſely/ anditmoueth the floures of wocome. But in
the ſpyng tt bryngeth furth a ſtalke (we call the ſtalkes vohẽ they com firſt
> Tarth in England tu the ſpryng with litle kroppes gro woyng bpon the Aler⸗
ander buddes) whiche is good meat to be eaten as the leues/ twhiche only
» Mebherbe had tn woynter /vohen tt had no ſtalk /euen ag perlely /at that tyme
Hath none.But after that the talk beginneth ones to conv alle the hole her
bets more pletanter arid ſweter /whether ama lit toeat tt raw /02 fodder,
Thele wordes of Galene declare playnily p the herbep he calleth Smyzniũ
(Sout Alexãder. But by it that immediatly tolowethe in Galene thall poue
bothe thys mater mote clerly/¢ alfo proue } there ts one Hippotelind (wohich
Itake to be it of Dioſcoꝛides & not tt of Theophratk)p catiotbeour Alexan⸗
Det/eP our Mlerader is called ofthe dol latines olus atcum } is blak wurt.
Galene wordes be thele. But Hippotelinum ¢ Sid ar eaté ſoddẽ:for they ar
both vnplelant
/when as they ar raw. Som men dle to ethe perlely a ſmyr⸗
nion menged with lettuce leucs. Foꝛ voben as lettuce is an eatable herbe
bery vnſlauery /and hath a colde tutceAt ts made not only plefanter/but alſo
moꝛe profitable tfpe put fom {harp herbe vnto tt. Foꝛ whitch cauſe fom meg
the leües of rocket/¢lekes a othe/the leucs of Ball. Wut too in Rome ail
men cal that wourt 02 eatable herbe not Spmprnion but ger ee: was
9 We
Of Orminum.
blachourt. Thus far Galene. Mowo after that J haue proued that our. Alerg
Der is Smyrmniõ of Acting ¢ Galenese the Olus atrum of the oid latines,
Lill looke now if F can proue that the forfayd Smpruton oz Olus atrũ is
Hippotelind p Theophratt deſcribeth. Theophraſt deſcribeth ys Hippotei.
— no thus hippoſeiinon hath leues lyke vnto march o2 Gnalache, but roughe,
It hath a grete ſtalk a thick root ipbea radice /butblak. It bꝛyngeth alto
furthe a blak frui tenes bygger the Mrobus.LHelay p they ar bothe
/in grete
good foz thé that cã make no water if thep be dꝛonkẽ Ww vohyte Cooete vopne/
and to dꝛyue out ſtones.Itgroweth comonly euery vhere. And a iuice flo»
eth out of it lyke vnto myzre. Soin holde p it is holly mirre alitogether/¢
not lyke it we ſe nothyng inthys defeription/but that tt agreeth well to
our Alecader.Che leues of Alexader av lpke vnto the leucs of ſmallage in li⸗
gure, but they ar greater ¢ not fo ſmoth as ſmallage leues ar. The ſtalk of
Alerader ig allo queate/a p roote is as thik as a radice roote 19/e blak. Che
{ede 02 fruite is biak/anas byg as Orob ushe it haue an other propor
/itgrowoeth in euery
As for the naturall place of growyng
\tion and figure.
ſmyrr ofe ůgland in pient whereloꝛe J ſe no caule but ¶Hippotelind Theo
And becauſe many were of y opin myzt which

phoattiig our Alexader

is called in Greke Sinyzna cam out of the rootes of Hippoſelinõ. J thynck
that it was afterwardes called Sampaio that is myz herbe. Ik any man
Dout wheter learned men haue iudged pa thing like myr commeth out ofp
roote of HippofelineActhym rede Plini of Hippoſelino and Theopyratte, ¢
But ik any man repli/a fat >Theo-
he (hall ſhortiy J truſte leue of doutyng.
phꝛaſt and Galene make Hippolelinon and Symprnio0 to haue grene leues
all the hole yere: Janſwer that as Theophralte ſayethe that Hippoteinon
bath grene leues/ that be ſayeth euen thefame of perfely and ofthem that
they ar grene in the very top, that ts tn the ouermoſte parte of the lefe (for)
ftalkes that haue borne fede/perilh tn winter But whẽ as there ar ij.ſoztes
of perfelp/ one that ts a vopfe, which ts fruitfull abꝛyngeth furthe finite ẽ
an other kynde is called a mayden o2 of ſom a widow /wohich ether Hath ne
uer borne {ede/o2 hath begõ to haue ftalk and hath bene cut Down before tt
brought furthe rppe fede. As tn perſely tt that hath had fed in ſommer 02 Har
uelt hath no lenes in vopnter/but onlp the maydẽ perlely/fo is tt in Alexan⸗
- Der/ foz alithough not eueri vote of Mlerander hathe guene leues in wynter:
pet in warm places } rough Alerader hath leuesin wynter as weilas võg
perlely. Pow at the lengthe JItruſt Jhaue ſuſficiently proued/ our Alexã⸗
/Olus atrũ of platines, aHippoſelinon
Det is Smpinid of Galene aAJetius
of Theophratt but uot ofDioſcorides /and by P way that nether louage is
Hippoſelinon Dioſcozidis nop} Sompzmiitt in Dioſcoꝛides ts our Alexãder.
- Thevertues ofAlexander.
maces C{pde p propertics aboue reherled Galene ſayeth without aup grefe
—ay tt Dapeth fores/and maketh rppe ſuch as av harde /and that p vetot
BLES ys pout is lyke vnto Petroſelino. nohere fore ſayethe he we ble the
lede /tobyyug dovon floures and to prouoke vri/nandagaynſt the ſtoppyng
of the breſte and ſhort vyyndines. Aetius voriteth that it is hote and oy in
the chprd degre.
Ofthetre called Opulus.
Of Organ. 66
gaaees Diumella in the vbooke of hulbadry fayeth >Opulus is like
Wer ny | Dito a copnel tree firther FJ rede not of pDefcription of Opu⸗
eZ lus in hym. here as Columella cõpareth and lykeneth toge
VAY) ther Dpultte Cornũ. Jthynk phe dothe it not foz p lphenes of
SZ] plenes ofp tj.tvecs for therein /they ar very vultke/but kor p Ip
~ __kenes of gretenes a maner of tpinbre. The tre p was ſhewed
mein Italy of the learned men there to be Opulus path alefe ſomthyng ly⸗
ke amaple lefe/ forit was indent/but the poyntes of the leues wer blunter
the themapletreleues are.Conradus Geinerustolde me that it is called in
— * Teeson hn it in meety it may be called in engi)
; ertue noꝛ vſe that it ba ng only that it wil
ſerue well foz tymbre. tin fut Shey
Of Organ.
9 Kiganum may be called
SA, Or | in Englifhe Organeas
Qꝛiganũ ſylueſtre ts na
——— name/dinſom places of
England. But Ineuer
fato Ptrue Oꝛgã tn Englãd/ſauyng
in mafter Kyches gardin tn Londo/
where as Iſavo many other good a
ſtrange herbes tobich Jneuer ſaw
any where elles tall England. J
haue ſene Driganti Cretenſe both in
Itali a alſo inAnwerp/ where as it
ſmay be had in metely good plenty of
Deter Codenberg a faythfull ¢ a ler
nedapothecari.Biolcordes maketh
ti. kynde of oꝛiganũ: the fir kynde
of oꝛiganum is called heracleoticũ /€
thys kyndeis it pF have made men
tion before.Jthath/as Diolcortdes
layeth alefenot vnlyke vnto bplop/e |
a ſhaddowy top/not rode after the ,
kaſſhon of awobeles but manp wapes ©.
Diupded. Che fede is in the top of
the twygges not bery thpck. Dioſco
rides maketh origanũ very ipke hy⸗
| = fopin the leues/butin Dede thep ar
much rofider a ſhorter the our comd hyſopes leues be. Ft piscaled Onitis
hath a vobpther lefe a is moze lyke hyſope. It hath (ede lyke berries topned
together. Thys kynde haue J alfo fene Dty/tones tn Germany growyng
toil in tohich p people called there/as 4 remembꝛe wild matora. Che wildeis a
Mriganit hath p leucs of organ/a tmall braches a {pa byghe in whiche
fpoky tope ipke Dilla wohpte floures. The voct is nal a ofſmall price. Dur
{wild Merierit in Englad which fom call Dega/and p Duch Doſt/myght
quell be Driganum (iluettre/if it had not a purple flour ¢ branchesMarũ
log, Meuer thelefli it may be a baſtard kynde of ai o2 of but
iij _nether


~ Of Orminum.
—— noꝛ pet Driganum ſylue
p pertit
ſtre /whereof Dioſcozides
9 ryteth.

The vertues ofOrgan.
Kaan heteth,voherefore bꝛothe of it dꝛokẽ 1b wyne fs good forthe




— — —

Hh HP ar bitten of a ſerpẽt.
But if man haue dꝛzõken homlok
02>tuice of
os poppi/ye mutt Depnb it wᷣmaluaſey. And if a mã haue droken alabas
mpddow ſalfrõ/itmul be Oke 1 Oxymel made of binegre hony.



fa man take an alitable of tt p is about ij.bnces a an half whe tt is dryed/

€ Dapnk tt w mede/it dzaweth out blak humozes throw p belly. Ft bryngeth
weomẽ thepr lloures/ iftt be licked iv hony
/itts good fo2fcoughe.
Mẽ bie
to geue it to ete Wa kyg to them p haue any place burſtẽ a ſhꝛõken together;
& to thepyaue the dꝛopſey. Ik aman bath hym in the brothe of it, tt isgood
fo2 the > haue the iche or pueke/oz any (curflines ¢ foz p taundes. The grene
iuice healeth p ſoꝛes of the mouthe /pfuelled kirnelles buderp chinne ethe
vuula. With milk tt ſwageth p ach of the care. And Ww ople of flour Delice ifte
be put into p noſe/itdzaweth much Dounwarde. A certayn vomityng medi
cine is made of tt/opnyones & ſumach vohich ts bled ww metesſetin p fon x,
Dayes in a coppre veſſel /whilſe } planet of }Dog burneth. It ᷣ herbe be but
ſtrowed bpd the gꝛound /itDepucth lerpetes away. It pis called Onitig /is
weyker the thys firk kinde is. The wild kynde ts pꝛoperly good foz the » av
ſmitten of ferpentAfthe leues o2 floures be Dronken with wyne.
— Ofthe berbe called Orminum
Horminum ſylueſtre. Horminum ſatiuum.

thyng in
fj.cudites long/but Horminum ſhoulde haue a ſtalk but half a cubit long/

< be vertues of Horminutik

eEn Will that Oꝛminum tirreth meri to the gettyng of childer/
I with hony it ſcoureth away the haw tithe ey oz the pin and
r -t


gre. Ff ye will put Clare into new mult, and let it lp in tt a couentent tyme/
dꝛ fit be fodden Loith the multttvoll! make a geod twyne and holſum for
them that haue cold ftomackes. The fame wyne as the later practicioners
wapt/ eisgood to cut lleme/ @ fog berun voeomen and fo2 fiche as at muche

Of the herbecalled Ornithogalon. —*

cumbꝛed with theyr vohite floures. Che pouder of clareputintoa may 7
nis nofe maketh hym neſe
/ and bayngeth Doun much water out ofthe hede,
The tame clare is good to bathe weomen with, that want theyr floures,
when tt ts fodder. in water with penny ryall and other herbes of lyke
Of the herbecalled Ornithogalon.
— Knithogalũ isa ten⸗ Ornit hogalon.

a a foote ean half lige

Ac Nee With y.02 thre togro-
vvng bꝛauches in p
top vobich ar toft out
of the which come furth floures /w⸗
out of an herbifhe color but whe as
they gape & av opened furthe/thep
appere white /amongett the whi⸗
che/alitle hede og knop, lyke a hatel
A Ea floure/wbhich in the ſpꝛyng appea⸗
BE veth before the leues/ cometh furth,
Wii Thys delcription of Dioſcoꝛides
agvecth well in all popntes withp
herbe which ts caliedD tn Duche in
the city of Colon/Hundis vllich/ but
that it neuer growethe aboue the
hyght of one ſpan / and ts ſeldum fo
long. But tt map chance that where
as out comon Greke tert hath Som-
Coxprcciop / that fom bath put to’ thys
ſyllab di. For Pliny delcribyng the
fame herbe /ſayeth that it isbut ofp “ SSS
lenght of haifa foote as mp tert of | 9:
lint hath. So that tt ſemeth that ioe Se —— 9
Plini red in hys Greke Dioltorides ft SF WK
- S.,{ (foritisplapn that he bad Dioſco ne
' \ | vides hovofomeuet the a falllying good leſſe mary he pretedeth as thoughe
f heneuer ſaw Diolcorides of whom he hath conueyed fo much learned fink
Into bys omnigatherum) arbdaycios and HOt doridenoion,becaute there ts
grete Difference betwen two ſpannes and halfafoote/whichehath but bh
Romane inches, when as ij pannes conteyn xviij. inches oxa foote and
an half. But tt makethno grete mater whether wwe know it 02 noAepng
that it ts good fo2 nothing elles/but to be baked In Rede as Mirella Roma⸗
na 02 blak comun is / and to be eaten Matthiolus ſetteth furth an herde
for Oꝛnigalo Dioſcorides /which tf it were ij. pan long /and had all other
thynges agrepng with the delcription of Dioſcorides: Jwold not Deny but
it were the ryghtOrnithogalon /butbecaute he telleth rether ofthe lenght)
of bys herbe, nog of the qualites that it hath, / out moꝛe ofit che of tt that
Jhaue hethertotaken for Oꝛinthogalo. of
O ithe trecalled Ornus 74
Sera] Dete is fom dinerfite of opiniones about thystre
EH | Ni Dattus. gum hold that ttis tre whiche voe call in
As the Porth countre a quicken tre oz a rovon tre/e in
| Vee BSc? South countre aquikbeme /{um old > it isOr⸗
| VSS B-ULIN) tus but not frarinus of pmountaynes as Cragus/
— who calleth it in
Duche Han buchen o2 Hagen bus
chen /Other Duche men aà namely Jacob Detter
ory \ the ApotivecartofWiſeburg told me that Danus is
BSS SES called intpght suche Walt efchern oder Wilder

— Se 388et— D Ss]be© oo~ © —

o> — © eepa© ayDD <2= eeFaycas)— ex,
n e?an& ——one. pact = ——
et —2eS= & aeoe enSS"= 4 >32et g = & eeSS

fpluctiris. and Theopinatt voryteth of bys (cond kynde of athe thus. The |

| Wafcuntur fteriles faxofis montibus Ornt. :

is /the Barun Dentog wild athe trees grobo in the rooky oz cragat
Iknowo allo by experience that J haue of the wild o2 rocky aſhe here tt
| Germany, and by tt that J had tn the alpes of Khetia /that the wod ofthe
wilde aſhe ts Dery fapr pelow and that the Germapnes make fayr tables
| ‘AnD cupbozdes and {pounes and many other thynges belongyng to the
houte of the fame aſhe tre. Then when as Columelia ſayeth that Oꝛnus ig
Fraxinus montana, and Theophratt fayeth that the rockiſhe alhe ts of a

peloiw coloz/ and the Germapnes walt alther / that qrowet tip mountayp
nes is yelovo/ Ithynk that Z may well conclude that the Germaynes rock
aſhe orwod athe is Oꝛnus of the Latines/and Fraxinus ſylueſtris Cheo-
ꝓhꝛaſti is for the quicbeme/it groweth not in hygh and voild mountapries/
but in lovo and watery places/voherefoge tt can not be Oznus/o2 che ſecond
Bynde of alhe in Cheophzatt.

The properties Ornus.

Of Orobanche.
ZT | Buono other dle of the wilde afhe but that tt (8 good to ma
me ee ke cupbardes/ tables, ſpppones € cuppes of. And that fom bie
TAG tco make Dagaer hefters of the roote of it/ for it can ſcarſty be
Padi fs knowen from dudgyon / and Ithynke that the motte parte of
— dogion is of the root of the wilde afhe. Novatloeucr bertue the
other ale hath thps mutt haue the fame a moꝛe effectually /ſauyng in ſuch
maters as more moyſture is requyred in. Foꝛ then the como aſhe is moze fit
for ſuche purpoles.
oY Of Orobanche.
SS Robanche/as Wiotcortdes toziteth / isaredithe
ie SONI talk tooo ſpannes byghe/and ſom tymes hyghery
Sa X49 tendre/roughe without any leke/hath
/with a four
) fomthpna vobitifbe, but turning. toward velow.
CThe roote tsa fynger thick. And vohen the talk
a7 Li thayn bethe foz dryues /itis like an holo pype. Itis
A) playn that thys herbe groweth amonge certayn

Se 4] pulles/e that tt choketh ¢ ftrangleth the m of

/ where
— J tt hath the name of Orobanch e is chokelſitche
\° 02 ſtrangletare. Thus far Diolcorides of Oꝛobanche. The herbe vohiche F
haue taken and taught rb.peres ago to be Drobanche, which allo nowot
‘ late peares Matthidlus hath fet out fox Drobanche/ groweth in many plas |
ces of Engl/ãd bothe in the Horthe countre belpde Morpet he it is
/ whereas
called out lady of neve chapellis flour/and alfo in the South countre alptle
from ſheue tn the bꝛoum cloſes. But it hath no name there. Jhaue ſene tt in


Diuerfe places of Germany, and fir of all betnoene Colon and Kodekirch.
Che herbe is comenly a fout long and oft longer, / Jhaue marked tt many
peres/but Jcolde never ſe any lefe bpontt. But J haue lene the oures in
Diuerfe places of diuerſe cologes / and foz the motte parte vohere fo euer J
ſaw the/thep were redilhe oz turnyng toa purple colo tn fom places/but in
figure thep were lyke vnto to p foures of Clare with a thyng th them repze⸗
fentyng acockis hede. The roote ts round and much after the fallhouofs
grete lekis hede/andthere grote out of tt certayn long thynges yke ſtryn⸗
ges which haue in them in certayn places ſyarp thynges lyke tethe /where
with tt claſpeth and holdeth the roote that it ſtrangleth. F haue found it oft
tymes claſpyng a holdyng meruelloully foft the rootes of bꝛoũ / ſo that thep
looked as they had ben bound foulde oft about with ſmall wyre. And ones
J found thys herbe grovopng belpd the comon clauer oꝛ medoro trifolp/
tohich was all wethered / andwhen FZ had Dyaged bp the roote of the tre
foly to.le what {houlde be the caule that all other clauers o2 trifolies about
wer grene and frethe/that that tvifolp ould be Dede. FJfound the rootes of
Oꝛobanche fatt claſped aboutpᷣrootes of the claucr/ which as J Did playn⸗
ip percepuc, dꝛaw out all the natural moyſture from the herbe that tt (hould
haue lyued with all, and fo billed it as put and dodder tn continuance of
tyme do with the trees and herbes that thep fould and voynde them felues
about. They that holde that cufcuta oꝛ Doder is Oꝛobanche in Dioſcoꝛides/
FoꝛOꝛobanche ts a alk and not a lace as Doder ts. Mo⸗
av far Decepued.
banche is but a fout and an balf long: but the laces of dodder will . *
Of Orobanche. 72
tyme iff. 02 tiff. foote ong. Drobanche hath a root? a fynger thik /but there
is none fuch in Doder/fo2 pe (hall hardly fynde any ryght voot at al tn doder.
Tie ſtalk of Drobanche is hollow vohen it is withered, but fo ts not the
ſtalk 02 rather the lace of Doder, Che ſtalke of Drobanche ts roughe/but
tyelace of Doder is bery ſmothe. nabherefore thep were very far ouertene
which novo of late have wꝛiten that Doder ts Drobanche in Dioſcoꝛides.
Soin other without any caule haue of late put thys herbe which J take to
be Dobanche/amongett the kyndes of Satyrion.

The properties of Orebanche.

Sen Robanche which may well be called nour tong chokefiche
: | oz ſtranglewede/ts eten comoniy in fallates, rave 02 fodder
4} after the maner of fperage. Drobanche as Galene wꝛiteth is
coſlde and Dey in the firtte Degre. Matthiolus ſayethe that
D pe Drobanche ts called inItalian lupa/that ts a wolfe and aifo
. — herba tora, that ts herbe bull/becaufe that ifa cove chante to
P eateofit,fhe rynneth ſtreyght wap after to the bull. wut it that Matthio⸗
» us wꝛyteth agaynſt Theophratt/becaule he fayeth that Drobanche kylleth
p Dprobus and ſtrangleth it with bys prefipng in o2 thꝛyſtyng together, and
p that Drobanche billeth pulles only with bys prefence/pleatcth me not/asa
| fapng agaput refon autozite and experience. It is agayntt vefon that
» only the pretence of Drobanche fhould kill pulſes /ſeyng tt sno benummusg
» herbe, when euen venummus herbes bill not them amongett vohome thep
p Gtow etcept they touche them/o2 be fo thyk amongett them that they take
) the nozthmet from them/vohereby thep ſhould ipue.Itts alfo both agaynſt
» theantoztte of Theoptratt no liyng vorite /androf lat agaynſt Dioſcorides/
whome he taketh tn hand to expounde.Foꝛ Dioſcoꝛides fayeth. Ft ts playn
» that Drobanche groweth amongett pulls, and that it chowketh o2 ſtran⸗
F gleth them / where bpon tt hath gotten the name Drobanche/ that is
| Doditrangler. PowJ pray poo how can Drobanche ftrangle tt that tt
| fouchcth not? Belyke Matthiolus ſaw no leues in Oꝛobanche nor anp
| caters aboue the grounde, a therefore he thought that there was no other
thpng that Drobanche had, wohere with it colde ſtrangle/ neuct marked p
litie ſtrynges in the roote/vobiche not with out a faut bps Drobanche wane
| eth and fo cam into thys erro, that Drobanche frangled only with bys
{ prelence.Tragus paynteth well Drobanch vnder the name of Satrpry-
) Hont/ with fuch lytle ſtrynges as it billed herbes with. And as touchynge
| Experience / Iknovo that the frethe and pong Drobanche hath commypng.
> Outofthe great roote/ many Iptie ſtrynges fuch as we ſe in apone or fe
ſerr /butlonger/ vovere with it taketh holde of the rootes of the herbes that
gow nert vnto it.ndherefore Matthtolus ought not fo lyghtly to haue de⸗
| Faced the autozite of Theophraſt fo anctent and fubftantiall autor /with
Jaiyng ignorance vnto bys charg
/ ſeyng
e that Theophraſtus inthe fame
place where be {peaketh of Drobanche telleth playnip that tum herbes
at firſt ſtrangled by the roote /and that not the only preferice
of fuche
wedes bill herbes and pullesy but the tabyng away of theyr —
oP that
that commeth partly out of the erthe and partly from the apr and fon. The
woes of Cheophraſt ar theſe.Orobancha vocata, eruum necat amplexu compref
ſuq; fuo,& linodorum foenumgrecum interimit,protinusradiciadnafcens. Lo bere
may pe fe that awede may kill a pulle by the roote alone. But Theophꝛaſt
ſayeth farther, Ompnia idcirco interimunt, quia pabulum tollunt,tam quod terrami-
niftret,quam quòd àſole & aere veniat. That is all kyndes of wedes do kill / be⸗
caule they take away the noꝛiſhmentag well it that the erth geueth / as it
that commeth from the ayre and the ſonne.
Of Rife.
Kiza is named in Cit
Hee Senyy glib and Duche Kil/
IAlin Frenche rise. ioe Ss
AS / war ia CORDES wꝛitethe nos f
eee moze of the deſcripti⸗
~ — on ot Ry put that it
growes in wateriſhe and marrifhe
groundes. But Theoplatt deſcri⸗
beth tt moze largelpafter thys tople.
Kyl is to looke to lpke vnto Lolium
o2Darnel/ and forthe mofte tyme of
bys growyng/ it ſtandeth in water.
But tt putteth furth no eare /but a
mane after the maner of millet and
panik. Thus far Cheophratt, oho
maketh alitle aboue Kiſe alfo lyke
ze a is called {pelta of the her⸗
/ vohich
baries/t ii Duche Speltzſperk.It
Hath comonly an ear witch ij. cheſſes
oꝛ oꝛders of coꝛne/as barley hath /cal —
led in Greke Diſtichon. Whiche mar | :
kes all together agre with our Kyle / : :
ercept that wheve he fapeth that opts
sa bath a mane and no care/oz (pike.
Wut F iudge that he taketh an ere
very ftraptip here, fox that which ts
gro wyng harde to the top ofpfro
& is not {pred abwode for
/ andwyde
from the ſtrovo that it commeth out
of/and that therefore be denieth that panicum bath any eare/ whiche altet
the comon takyng of an eare /hath an car as well as barley 02 fperlts hath.
Foꝛ Theophratk in hys eight booke de hiftoria plantarum Defcribeth iubam

that ig amane/fuch as he geucth puto Ryſe mile and pantk after thys ma ⸗·
ner. Effuſam illam harundinaceam comam iubam appello: that is J call that Kie⸗
diſhe buſhe o2 look that ts ſtretched furth abrode / a mane, fo» Theophraſt
meaneth that che hede of Ryle is not properly to becalied an ere/becaule
the cannes ar ſo far from the ſtraw. Thys ones out of al dout/that lolinun A
aid sea haue eaves/but Theophratt maketh Ryle ipke vnto thefetwo/and |
not for the leues fake 02 ) ſtrawis fake/but only foz the cares oe
\i O/the berb called Ofyris. | 73
Wy pre Theophraſt meanctl not that Wile ts without all kynde of eave but
i ehat it hath no ſuche compact ere ¢ growyng harde to the hede of the ſtraw
95 other byndes of com haue / but loufe and goyng abrode after the fatlhon
D ofan horſes mane. J lan Ryle grovoyng in plenty beſyde Mylane.
Thevertuesof Rife —
bese) sie noꝛiſſheth menely/but it ſtoppeth 9 belly /Rife as Galene ſayeth
vvrndeth ſumthing
/ and that therefore it ſtoppeth the belly. Symeon
Scthi woriteth that Wile is hote in ylirſt degre a Dey tn the ſecond.
RKile ſayeth he prepared with milk maketh a man looke weil
/ and bryngeth
> agood coloz/and increſeth ſede. 3
| Of the herbecalled Ofyr's. Ry. ‘a
RS er Pe herbe which ts taben of pmofte parte of lerned
Pree men to be Diprisiscalled of the apothecaries linaz
ria / becaule tt is lpke vnto line o2 Gatain Buche it
—is named kroten fachs, that is tode flar. But ails |
JPW! thoughe tt groweth plentuoufly in England /pet F |
ewer neuer heard any Engliſh name foe it. fthere be tio |
rergca a

e Sah | other namefositit

may be called tn Cughithe tunavt ©
RY OOO ry o2todes far. Diolſcoꝛides deſcribeth Dipris thus:
i SASS SENS Mipris is a blak lytle bulbe/berpug ſmall branches
i) toughe and bard to beeke/and tn them grove four leucs together, 02 fpueso2
i) fir yee onto lint 02 far, blak tn the begynnynge/athe colog changed aiters
vardes redilhe.Jbusi no herbe that agreeth better with the deſcription
i ofDipris then linaria doth / pet fo2 all that/p certayn nombꝛe of leues groz
topng together hyndereth tt to be the rpght Dipris foz our linarta hath the
» branches all full of leues without any certapn numbe growpng together,
) €at no tpme rediſhe that J colde mark hitherto. Watthiolus weiteth chat
» fumtudge the fayr berbe that ts calledinItalian belutdere to be the rpghe
Mipris/ where buto he ſemethtoconſent. But at thys pꝛeſent Jhaue not
Pherbe/ voherefore Jcan not examin itwith the deſcription of Dioſcorides/
nd therefore can giue no iudgement in thys matter.
* meres |” verties'of-Ofyitinn: 08, :
Joccoꝛides wꝛiteth »the bꝛothe of Dipris dꝛonken ts good agayntt
ae) | Piaundes 02 guel fought. Galene wꝛiteth that Dipris hath a bitter
Li qualite/and therfoze pour to open ſtoppynges/ſo that it can hele the
ſtoppyng of the lyuer.
ia Of Oxyacantha. —
7yacantha whiche ig named ttt Latin Spina acuta, fg a tre Ipké
D4, 2A) vuto a wilde pere tre/ very fuil ofprickes/but leſſe
It bringeth
He AGE H furthe beries ipke Myrtilles/ fullrede, beeble/e a kyrnel wath,
PN 74)in a roote diuded mauy wapes /which goeth depe into the
a" grounde. Hytherto Dioſcoꝛides. Che moſte parte of lerned
men tn thys parte of Curopa haue tudged of late peres that our berberes
hould be Oxyatantha. Wut the delcription of Orpacantha irrall popat a
| Of Oxyacantha,
Doth tot agre 6 our berberis. Sirk Berberis Oxyacanthas
our berberis bulhe looketh not ipke aay oe
wilde pere tre/for tt is rather a buthe CEN
then a tre, for in allthe places thaty
cuer J fa it in tt never role bp to p
bygues of a tre. Che berries of bar-
beris and of the Myrt tre ar noc in 4
proportion a figure lyke. Foꝛ the ber- .
beris bevis av great th the mpddes eV 1g
(mail at bothe pendes
/after the mazar an
ner of a logea. Suche taiſhõ of figu-sg NAMA
re is not tha Mirt berry. Dioſcoꝛides Re
_ femeth to geue one berꝛy Oxyacãtha /
but one ſtoneoz kirnel but euery berrid AX
of berberies hath iiij.atp lefte/wobere “Ya
fore it ts not Ipke that our berberis
ſhould be Orpacantha. Thus muche
4] had marked before J favo Mats
thiolus.But after that FJfan Wat
* thiolus J learned of bym an other
relſon to proue that our berberts cold
not be Drpacatha, which was thys.
~iolcortdes deſcribyng the former
kynde of Meſpilus o2 medler tre
fapeth that it bath a lefe lyke bnto
Mrpacantha. Wut the foꝛmer kynde
of Melptlus/as Theophraſtus wits f 7 3
neſſeth bath indented leues/atn the — ee Fe
Htter motte parte lyke vnto the leucs of perſely.
But there is no lpkenes bes
twene the leues of berberis ¢ of perlely: wherefoꝛ berberis can not be Oxy⸗
cantha. The foꝛenamed Matthiolus holdeth p our hate tre o2 whyte thome
tre is Orpacantha. But vohen as our haw thoꝛn tre leſeth bys leues euery
vere/xTheophꝛalt tn bys firſt booke De hiſtoria Plantarũ a in p xb. chapter
reherleth Oryacantham amongeſt the trees p haue grene leues all the yere.
J can not ſe how p our comõ havothoꝛn ſhoulde be Oxyacantha. Hovo that
Matthiolus will anſwer to thys J can not tell/ but Jhaue no other ſhiſt
ſauing thysInSummerſet ſhyre about firmyles from Welles/inp parke
of Gaſſenberry there is an havothoꝛne which ts grene all the wynter
they dwell there about Do ſtedtkaſtiy holdeJE}Orycantha be any kynde
of hawthoꝛn/it mutt be p bynde vohich abpdeth grene all phole pere throw.
But ikthat our hawthoꝛne be not Oxyacantha /as J {uppole playnly chat it
is pdt of it / itig Spina alba in Columella as Godwillyng here after J ine
tend to pꝛoue.
The vertues of Oxyacantha.
ian ex | We berries of Orpacantha taken ether in meat o2 drynke/ſtop >}fit
pediany of the belly and the iffhue of weomen. The roote of the fame laide to
emplalterwyle pulleth out prickes and ſhiuers.
Out of Galeue sn bys booke offimple medicines.

Of the herb called Oxys. 4
a wilde pere tre,fotthath pꝛo⸗
Paw Evacanthos as itis atre lybe vntoof the
ae }pertics not bnipke. But the kruite wild pore tre 18 throw out
| Be bpndpng and very tarte, pet the frutte of Oxyatantha ts of fpne o⸗
I fubtile partes and a lytle cuttyng. But the kruite of thys tre ts not lyke vnto
Va * *— —a wilde peretre/ but lyke vnto myrtilles / that isto wet rede

O/ the herbe called Oxys.

xvs / as the motte parte
ar \|of tered ment iudge/ is p
herbe nopiche ts called in
re ‘



7 = ish re,

Engliſh Alleluya bet/au⸗

— —
26RE Ei,
{ce tt appereth about Ea⸗
{ter when Alleluya ts ſong agayn/o⸗
woodfore:but it ſhuld be called vood
four 02 ſoꝛell in uch Halen ampfer/
in Frẽche Dane de coquu.Pliny wet
teth thus of Oxys. Orxys hath thre
leues growing togetherAnd. further
hate toe of no other writer that ¥F
could pet fe thattelleth what Drys
is. By the name we map brow that
‘te mutt be four, and by the forme o2
faffhon thre leued. Where bpon we
ather that Oxys mutt be a four tri⸗
— oly /and when as there is no triloly
g | that is four ſayuyng thps/and Lotus
fr \ brbana//aitcannot be Lotus vrba⸗ (| >

” wm Ala/becaute it Qo weth alwaies wilde Le.

it in the woddes / and comonly about
i Uo : tre rooteswwe/ gather that thys Alle⸗
— —* leluya oꝛ wodſour ſhoulde be Oxys

T he vertues ofwodſour out ofPliny.

Ixys is geuen vnto a llaſhe/loule or weike ſtomacke. They rat of it
) alfo that haue the burſtyng of the guttes. Che practictoners of Bers

SS many write that the diftilled water of Ailelupa cooleth well ¢ coms
| fogteth the hart/and quencheth thir/ ſtand that ttis good tn all hote diſcaſes
| and infammationes.They hoid aifo that the Diftilled water of wodlorel/ is
mkorthe woundes and lores of fhe mouthe.
F goodto be tempered with alu/
Of the Nate tre.
in Alma ig called in Grebe Phenirx/in Engliſhe a wate tre in
I / inFrenche bu Palme arbre.
Duch ein Dattel baum
cid Sea a The defcription of the Date tre out of F liny.
ntre of Jewry is honozably commended, then
a y £32
Of the ate
D tre.
forwate trees/of tohole nature F vill Speake nove, There ar certayn Date.
trees in Curopay and in many placesof Itali/ but they bꝛyng furthe ng
fruite. They beve fruite well tu the (eecoltes of Spapu/but vnpleſlant. The
Date trees bꝛyng furth afwete frutte in Africa but it vaniſſheth away by
and by, But it chanceth contrary wyle tu the Eaſte partes of the wozld/fog
there fom peple make brede of Dates, and fim make wyne of then é fon :
nationes make fother fo2 cattelof Dates. udherefore it{hall be motte com⸗
mendable to fpebe of them are in (range & far cuntres. Ther groweth no
Date tve otit leif in Itali without lettyng oꝛ fowwpng -netherm any other
partes/but in abote ground. But it bꝛyngeth kurthe no fruite but ina bur.
nyng hote grounde. Che Date tre groweth comonly in a lyght and fandp
ground/ tog the motte parte in a falti o2 nitrifhe ground. It loucth well
watery places/ wobere as it ts Defprus to dzynk allthe pole pere/tt is motte
deſyrus in p Drought o2 Dep tyme of Pyere. Sum iudge dungyng burteth
Date trees.And ſum of the Aſſyrianes rekẽ that it is wl for the Wate trees/
tf thep be not fet in watery places. There ar diuerſe kyndes of Date trees.
The fir kynde excedeth not > bygnesofabulhe. Thys kynde infum pla:
ces bꝛyngeth furth kruit/eandtifum places it bꝛyngeth furth no fruite. And
thys kinde ts full of leues/ bath a round circle of bianches growing about.
Sum ble p branches a leues of thele to coner walles w/agayntt } fallpnof
water bpon them in many places of thys countre.
Che buſſhy lok /inp wild
kynde is tp top / a fo ts the fruite/not amongeft the leues as it is in other
kyndes. But thys wild kynd hath hys kruit/eas it were many berries toge⸗
ther i bys bzanches /among the fmaller bughes /a is both of thenature of
a grapt of an apple, The leũes haue the falihon of a fharppopnted kupfe,p
ydes beyng deuyded & turned inwarde into them lelues. They did {hew at
tive firſt goodly, perles / but now the lenes ar bled to make bandes of to bynd
bindes ¢ to make ropes of. They ar alfo clouen then ther av made certayn
lyght thinges of chem/fo ſhaddo wyng ofmennis hedes. Trees / ve all other
thynges p euer the erthe bꝛyngeth futthe/ pe euen the herbes alfo both the
males the female as the motte Diligent ſerchers ¢markers ofnature haue
taughte tn thepr wzytynges. And thys thyna 18 in no tre more manifeſtly
tryed then tn Bate trees. The male floriſſheth in hys bꝛanches
but p femal
buddeth wout any flour, only after maner of a thiſtel.Inbothe the kindes
p fleſhe of fruite groweth before the fone, gthat is Zate fede. And chy⸗
is pꝛoued to be ſo p ther arfound in the ſame branches litle ones tout any
ftones. Sut that is long ¢ not rounde as the oltue ones be.It ts alſo cut itt
che bak w a long rift o2 cleupng after the maner of a pillow. And the motte
parte haue a naueltnthe mpddes of thepr bellies. And from that place com
meth firſt furthe p te diuideth it felf into a roote. It is beſt to favo it groue:
ipng. Chere mutt be euer two lett together a as many about: for euery one
foie alone/fhould being furth to wetke a plant. Four of thé grow together.
The flethe of p ate wareth rppe in a peare. Fu certayn other places as in⸗
Cypꝛus allthough tecomi neuer to rypenes / pet it is ſwetiſhe with a pletant
tatte.aind there ts p lefe bꝛoder/ the fruite is rounder thé other be, frether
iS it take pthe body of it Mould be eté/but }tuice prefked out / the other pars
tes may be (pitted out agapn.Date trees loue to be cemoued.nde haue {aide
before pDate trees louca faltifbe groitd. herefoꝛe wher as there ts none
— J

— i.
’ 7*

* Of the Date tre.
hem en ſtr ow falt the re not eue n vpo n the roo tes / but a iyt le further of.
Y fuc
They vere even in the firſt yere /anon after theyr plantyng. But in Cyprus
DB and in Spyeia/and Cgppt/fom of them byyng furth en fruite when they ar ty,
N pereoldesand fom Loven thep arfpue pere ibe, wh itis ofthe hy ghofta
) man. Andas long as thetre is very voug /thefruite hath no ſtone within
W pimand therfore tuche ar called gelbynges. There ar many bindes of wate
NW trees. Men ble the barun trees for tymbet/inaffpria/e all the lande of Per⸗
| figand namely foz the finett and perfiteit worbes. Chere ar alfo voddes of
h gatetrees whiche bie to be cut dowon/ whiche ſpꝛyng agayn of the rootes.
i Andtherets a ſwete mary o2 pithe ithe top wohich they call the bꝛayn. And
b when that is take furt h y live ſtill asother Do tot. There at ſum that ar
hy called chame ropes, and they haue abgodelefe and ſoft. And thep at mole
mete to bynde vyndes with. They grow plentuouſly in Cadp/but moze plez
© tuoufly in Sicilia.The coles that ar made of the Date trees, Do ly log a are
log in dying/athe fper thereof/is a very flow fyre. Chere ar ſum Date trees
Wein vohole fruite is a one bowyng after y faffhon of an half moon. And thys
Phan poliſhe with a toothe with a certayn religion /agaynſt forfpebpug and
bewitchyng. Chere isone kynde of wate trees called MWargaridesa theſe
ar fhor te
/whi te/ rounde/ and moze Ipke vnto round berrie /thes toacornes/
by reſon where of they hatie thepr name of perles. Som fay that there is a
Hyude ofth/e Incmhora and alto that there ts one of thenr/ which ar called
Sypacti. vobere of we hauc hearde a grete wonder, that is to voete / that
that fame kynde dieth elpueth agayn by it lelk/ as the byrd called Bhenir
Dothe/wobiche is ſuppoſed to haue recepued hyr name of thys Kinde of Bate
tre / forthe caule aboue reherled. And whille as J wrote thee thynges that
Pr now rede nard/ roughe €
/itbrought furth fruite. The fruite of tt is gret/e
Glfauszed to looketo/and differcth fromall other kyndes by a wild rammi⸗
fhe and tank tatte that it hath. The which ſame thynges toe haue allmoſte
i ‘percepued tobe in bores/ and thys ts the moſte euydent cauſe of the name of
“tt. There ar other Dates that grow about the bygher partes of Ethiopia,
H ‘called caviote/ which haue in them muche meate and muche iuice /where of
the men of the Eaftenake thett chefe wines. But they ar euel for the head⸗
fach/ where of they have thepr name. But as theres grete plenty /and the
‘ground bereth berp many/fo moſte evcellet ¢ noble Dates grow in Jevwory/
‘enot euery there / but moſte about Jerico. There ar ſum kyndes of Dates
‘called dactyl i they av of the Deper ſort/eandthey av long and ſmall and
ſomthyng crokedD. Dates in Cthtopta ar broken into pouder (tach is the
r maner of mele they ar thicked bp and of thent
Drought there) and aftethe
biede is made. The wate there, groweth in a buſhe that hath branches/
cubit long/abꝛode lefe/a vound frutte / but greter then an apple. 7 they call
themeycas. Chey wat ripe in thre peres/and there ts allwayes one Bate
“Dpou the butheaother groweth buder the fame. Chey at fittctt to be kept
- that grow in laltiſhe aid ſandy groundes/as in Jevory and tn Africa about
EpreneBut s they can not be kept in Cappt/ Cyprus, Syvria / Seleucta/e
|. therefore they fede ſwoyne and other beites with thent Many ofAlexandres
. -fouldpers was ftrangled with grene Dates. And that chanced in Gedrotis
> bp acertapn kynde of fruite/but in other places it chanceth bp the reſon of
| the grete plenty. The leues of the ate tre. neuct fallof. a 8
} pa W ue
Of the Date tre.
Oat ofTheophraftus. sate
a4 We Date tre is allwayes grene/ andthe lenes haue the fatthon
ay " ofa redis lefe. It Defpreth a ſaltiſhe and afandy ground and of
ten wateryng /and aboue all thynges oft to be reinoued. Ffye
wy 8) will ſow Dates/yemuſt bynde two together, and other tng
together abouc the fit cople/ aud lap them all grouelynges

toward the grounde. And as ſoun as they begyn to com kurthe

lold in one about an other / a ſo grow together that they make but one tre,
Ind thus do thep becauſe tf one were alone, / tre noold be to weike when
It is firſt remoued and tranſplanted /and alfo euery tyme aftermarde, men
bie to caſt falt about the rootes of the pong Date trees.Fla wate tre be top
ped o2 lopped it will ipue no longer after.

Out of Plutarch.
ig) 17¢ Wwod of the Date tre, ilpe lay a weight bpon it/an
d but
F F —

fy Doz Co pꝛetle tt downpet it wil not bow dovnwarde / ch la⸗


to the contvary/as thoughe it withſtod the burden


/that violently
prefied tt. Che very fame thyng doutles chanceth in the trying of maſtries/
vnto weattiers/¢ championis,foz they bovo Doon them by peefipng/ which
by daſtardnes / andweiknes of mpnde gyue place bnto them. But they that
continew mafully in that befpnes, go not only forwarde /and increate in bo
Delp ſtreyngthebut
/ allo in wiſdome of the mynde.
Out of Aulus Gellius,.
A AS] Ulus Gelltus allo famous wꝛyter/ſayeth in hys thyrde booke no-
7-2) Cium atticarum,that the Date tre hath in it a certapnfingulares and
lſgyeciall properti that agreeth with the diſpolition and maner of bas
liant bold men for tf ye layAapeth he/grete heuy wepghtes /and prefle and
burden tt fo fore that tt is not able to abyde the gretnes of the weyght /Atge
ucth no place noz boweth dovonwar/ devut it rpleth bp agapry agaynſt the
burden and loboreth to grow bp ward, it boweth back warde. Chet plas
ces haue J gathered out of the mofteancient and woꝛthieſt voriters for
thepr fakes/to whome tt belongeth to ope the (cripture vnto the comon peo
pie/becaute tn diuerſe places of the holy ſcripture/a{pecially in the 3Bfalter/
is mention made of the Date tre and diuerſe eramples ar fetched sand mo
map be fetched out of the nature of the fame tre.

T he vertues ofthe Datetre

esr en'| Be Date tre ts four, tartesand byndyng. It is good to be Dronken
el tact vyndyng wyne agapntt the tite and iſſhue that twcoiné haue.
eae tſtoppeth the emrodes. Fit be lapd tovit heiech Dp woundes.
ates bynde more then they that ar dry. ‘They ingendre hede ache.
they be taken plentuonfly in meat they make them that eat them dronken.
Che Dey fruite of the Date trees
/arGood to be cate of them that {pit blood/
o2 at Ditealcd tn the ſtomak/and of them that haue the blody flir. They ar
good to be layed to with an opntment made of quinces and of the floures
of the wilde binde/ fogthe difeates of the blader.Dates ifthep be eaten
3 Of Panik. | ihe As
J Od for theharriſhenes oꝛ roughnes of the thꝛote. The Tones of dates
\ Bend in an vnvaked pot, e quenched with voyne/ikthe alles be burnt,
Y wwillferucin the fede of Spodium.
Out of Galene.
res tfthey be taken in grete plenty at harde of digeſtion
Fi ir a Ducde the hede ache. Che tuice that ts made of them which ts
Pa | le caried In tothe body/isgroſſe. The mache ble of Datcs flop
the milt/andthe lyuer /and they ar euel fo2 then that haue a-
nyinflammation oꝛ hard ſweilyng inthe boop.
om Dates as Simeon Sethi voriteth, ar hote inp fecond dez
» Sreanbd moptt in the firſt. Beſyde the incommodites that Dioſcorides and
i ©Galene write to com of Date/the foꝛnamed Sethi, ſaieth that Dates fil p
i omack full of wynde / and that thep ar hurtfull for che that haue euel gou-
ie iNeS/02 ar diſpoſed to thetquintey/the eyſore
/ andto the tooth ache. Where⸗
ye foze Our ſwete lipped Londoners a wanton courticrs/Do not wyſely to ſuf⸗
fer fo many Dates to be put in to theyz pyes and other meates, to the grete
it tharge of they2 puries; and to no lefle vndoyng of the helth of theyr bodies.

Panicum. oOf Pan ik.

| : — sAnicum is Named ttt

sl Ra, Grebe Avot pedivos,
RA! ttt Srenche pants, in
st Louch fench o2 kenich/
Sa on hepdelfenich. But it

the toppe growetha lone thyng lyke

an ear /which tS ali full of litic yelow
ſedes/as litle as fom muftarde ſede /
but not ſo rounde. Panik growech
plétuoutly inItaly and in hygh Gers
many ain ſom gardines of Englãd.
Theophzaſt weiteth that wWante if
it be much watered, that it votil ve
ſweter/the fapeth that Miller and
Panick becaule they ar coueveth 1b
many codtes/ aud are dry /will Dure
wel Lohen they ar layd vp.
Z be vertues ofPanik.
A ij Rig
we ~

Of diner{ Rindes«f Poppy.

VKH Jolcorides writeth Panic hathe the ſame hertue Milleth
re vee Hache, but that i noriiſheth e byndeth leſſe. Galene fayeth
pA ONY panic is ofthe kynde of pulles /and in Ipkenes ipke vnto mil.

if they be ked there tive } (mall byrdes ar muche delprous

of the fame.nober
fore if any man were Defprous to fat oꝛ fede. in cages any ſmall byrdes/ it
were good ta foro good plenty of panic a millet to. fede and fat them thers,
Ofdierfekyndes of Poppy.
IIpauer 18 named in Grebe pinoy in Engliſh poppy
Py Nai} 02 chelboule/in Buch maglamen /inFrenche pauot,
Ny'5| Chere ar diuerle kyndes of poppy. The irk kynd is
talled inGreke uxxopdvepos inLatin papauer latiuũ/ —

cS tn Crigltth whit poppy oꝛ gardin poppy. Thys kynd

hatha long hede and a white fede, as Dioſcordes
poppay moze ouer
ts wyld e ana dwhyte
it hathfour. The ſecond kynde
a hede ſittyng as De
SETA SY Ofcortdes wꝛyteth and blak fede in it. There is pet p
Papauer erraticum primum, | Papauer erraticum alterum.

—— ME
: Of Pop.
papauer fatiuum purpureum Papauer⸗ coyniculatum luteum.

PF fhynde kynde that is wilder atid moze apoynted kor phyſik /and longer then
/ > the other/and it bathe a long hede.There is allo the fourth kynde vohere of
Diottorides writeth in a leuerall chapter alone. And tt ts called paparter er
ratict/in Latinsin Grebe rheas becaule flour falleth away haſtely· Thys
I) byndeis called in Engliſh copivole og tedcornroſe/ and with vs tt g roweth
© Dioſrorides deſtribeth tt thus. Jtbathe |
muchamongett the tye and bar·ley
t organ/oꝛcicori/oꝛthym/ebutlonger diuyded
© ietes Ipke rocke/oz /androu⸗
gvhe. Tie ſtalk is ryſſhye/ ſtreyght / acubit long /and ſharpe. The flour ofit
) ‘ipkebnto wilde anemone/ota cremiſin colo fom tyme whyte. The hede
H) tslog but ieſſe then it of anemone. The (ede ts rede. The roote is long fom-
Y thpng whyteof the thyknes of one litle fingve, of a better tall. Beſyde all
I thee vndes there ts an other kynde muche difteryng from all the rett:It
| 4 is named tn Greke anxop xeparivis, Wi Latin corniculatum papauer; thi Duche⸗
/ dꝛgehoernter mag ſamen. It may be named in Engliſhe hor
gel magſam
(ce pop py/ yel
oꝛ o pop
vo py. It gro wet h ver y plẽ tuo uſſ y about |
ned poppy 02 allo tn Dozlet ſhyre / th many
pfee (poe in England both beſyde Douer ¢ ed pop py thu s, Hor⸗
other places of Eng lan d Dio ſco rid es deſ tri bet h hom
h wob pte le ue s/ ro ari
ug d
helyk evnt o mal led ind ent ed abo ut
ned poppy bat
the edges lyke wyide Poppy. Thẽ ſtalke is not bulpke thefame. Che flour
ig peloo.Che lede veuell is phe Fenegreke /and boweth inwarde aornatl e
Of Pop‘y.
/whereupon ithath the name. It hath a ſmall blak fede lyke bnto pop
py. The roote ts blak and thyck /and tt groweth not depe inp groũde /but
in the ouerparte of it. Itgronoeth about the ſee ſyde and roughe places,
T be vertues of the gardin or Whyte Poppi.
=< 24 Pe comon nature of all kyndes ofpoppy is to coole:noherefore
“paca Se tf the hedes and leues be bopled tn water/will make ama ſlepe
oy KOA) ifbps hede be bathed there with. The bꝛooth is good to be dro⸗
We ken agaynit to much wakyng and want of liepe. Tie be:
=<" Des broken with perched barley and menged with emplatterg
ar good for inflãmationes both cholevik and other. Che grene hedes mutt
be bzayed and faffhoned in to litle cakes and dyped.and layed bp vntill nede
{hall requyre the ble of them, The hole hedes ar ſoddẽ in water alone/vntill
the half be fodDden aveay/and then afterwarde the brothe ts fodden agayn
with hony vntil the hole bꝛoote be commed vnto the thyknes 02 toughnes
of an electuari. Thys medicine is good foꝛ the coughe/⸗ᷣ catar that floweth
into the pypes /and for the difeas of rvynnyng of the belly. Butthe medicine
will be muche ſtronger tfpe put vnto it hypoquiſtida & acacia. Ft is good
to Deink p fede of black popy broker with wyne.agayntt the flpr of pbellp,
aud alfo agaynſt wymens iſſhues. Itts alfo good to lay to the temples. and
for hede of hym that can not flepe. The tutce of blak poppy called Dpium
cooleth moꝛe/thicketh moze, and drieth more: if tt be taken in the quantite
of a bittes fich/called eruum o2 oꝛobus:it ſwageth ach/and bryngeth ſlepe /it
belpeth them that haue the flix. But tfa man take to muche of it, it ts hurt:

full/fo2 it tabetl a mannis memoztaway and killeth hym. It ts good fo be —

poured vpon a mannis hede with rote ople forthe hede ach. noith almond
oyl itis. good to be poured mn to the cares, with mp2 and fafron fo2 the ach of
them. With the poke of an eg hard rotteditis good foꝛ the inflammationes
Oz burnynges of theepes. With binegre it is good forthe cholerik inflam:
ination called eriſipelas/it healeth woundes allo. noith voomans miick tt
wageth the papnof the gout.It tt be put in to the fundament after the ma
i nev of a ſuppoſitoꝛi it bringeth flepe.

The vertues ofPoppy out-of Galene. )

— He ſede ofthe gardin Poppyisgood to be menged with byed
ae UW tofeafon tt. But the whyte is better then the blak. Che pꝛo⸗
S754 (Ai s\G! pertt of it is to cool/e
and therfoze it ſtirreth a ma to flepe.6ut
tO Ketel tf pe take tt out of meſure/it will bryng the Dull ſſeping cailed
HAD Chel] Cataphora tit voill be hard to digeſt. Ft ftoppeth chow hu⸗
mores that ar {pitten out with coughynge out of the beetles oe


_ lunges. The ble of tt is very good foz that haue afubtil aud thinne moyſture
flowyng out of thepr hedes tn to the partes that ar in vnder. Poppy geucth
no ſpekeworthy nozifment vnto the body.
Out of the Arabianes.
A | Clerroes Lorteth that Poppy is cold and moyſt / and that pwhyte
igene (9 colde in p thprde Degre / and that the blak ts cold in the fouriye/
and that the white bꝛyngeth a pleafant flepe/ but that p blak is euel
and maketh a dul or ſſuggiſh ſlepe.
Of dinerfe kindes ofPoppy. 7
QutofSymeon Sethy alater Grecian. |
Sa neon Sethp voziteth ppoppy is cold a dry inp fire degre /ethat
Vig wohpte poppt take with hony increaleth (ede, The fame voriteth that
the blak is colder then the otherva that opium ts popfou. noherciore
) men bad nede to take hede how they occupy it, Foralityoughe ſum be verp
Hold in occupying of tt: FJ]taught by experience how teperdus it is/dare not
Wout gete warnes geue tt into p body. Foz ones in Catt Frietlad/ when as
Jwaſſhed an achpug tooth w a litle opto mired with mater/and a litie of p
Rime bnawares Went Doun: tn an hour after my handes began to ſwell
about the weſtes /and to itch/ my breth was fo ftopped/that if bad not
> taker in a pece of the roote of maftervourt/called of fon pilletory of Spapn
with wyne / Ithynck that it wold haue kylled me.
he vertues of red corn roſe.
= 1 F pe take v. oꝛ bj. hedes of rede comvofe/a fethe them in ti. cias
thes of wyne vntill the half be fodden away
/ and geue thys bit
ayy CO man itt will make hym flepe. An acetable of the {ede ſoddẽ
Ea) tr mede oꝛ honped water/if tt be dzonkenitwill (often the bel:
- ly gently.For the fame purpoſe fom bie to put the ſedes into ho
nicd akes.The leucs and hedes byuled together ar good againſt infama-
Hones and burnpnges. The faine av good to bath theyz temples 1 all that
wold fayn flepe.a cyate vohere of Jmade mentiõ before as Agricola de mé-
iy furis &ponderibus writeth /holdeth two buces/one dzam and one ſcruple/
) andanacetable holdeth two vnces and an half.
Matthiolus voriteth that fom vle to gather the floures of redcorn role
) fo geue the pouder of them to the that at fike in the pleurelt. Som aifo ſa⸗
pety Matthtolus, take the foures ¢ make a Syrop of the by puttyng thre
_d2 four tymes frethe cures into warm water/a afterward as much ſugar
/ aS hall be enoughe to kepe pSyrop frõ mouldpng. Mhich Syrop ts verp
good for p aboue named fapeth furthermore » about Trẽt p peple
tabeth the yog leues wohẽ they com firſt furth a (eth the e make potage and
» Stuelofthe/et meng the with butter a cheſe. Theophꝛaſt vorytyng of p fame
> Herd fapethy p itwas vſed tn meat in bys tyme/a}gathered ſomthyng grene
tpurgeth dounward.Ffany ma were diſpoſed to make a rede colored buts
ter eholfom,/foz the Dileates aboue named:hemayw greate profit meng the


luice of the redcorn vote floures with the butter/the fame put tn to the chele,

Wold coloz chele well €prouoke a mato flepe. The tuice of p lenes mired vo
butter o2 chele will mak the grene/e profitable for ᷣ purpotes before nained,

T he vertues ofhorned Poppy. —

He root of hoꝛned poppy ſoddẽinwater butill he halt be fod
ya 3 8
J Wy

Of dinerfe kindesofPo ppy.
Remedies agaynft the poyfon of Opium —
— Ecaule mẽ inectreme aches and paynes ar by extreme nede
} ANAS of times cpelled to fie for help to the bie of Optum sit hath



(o muche teperdy as is before fapdeAt ts nedefull thatwe haue
(weal tra redpnes fom remedy agaynſt fuche ieperdy. Therfore J
a4 Bey A intend tc tell both the tokens and remedies agaynlt the pop.
a= ——
fon of Dpiun. Thele ar the tokes where by a mã may know
who is poyſoned with opium.He that hath eaten opium bathe a great flug:
giſhnes and a Difpofition to flepe, and all the body is combꝛed with a frye
iche. Che remedies agaynt the poyſon of optum ar thele. Firſt if any man
haue bdken opiũ pe mutt pꝛouoke hym to bomit 1 the dapnbyng of warme a

oplesand pe mutt ferue bnto bpm a ſharp clyfter. Foꝛ the fame purpote ori.
mel that is honied binegre/ts very good to be dꝛonkẽ withalitie fait. Hony
wᷣ roſe ¢ rong woyrte Dronken with voormvood o2 cinnamu ar allo good. It
is alfo good to Drpnck peper 6 cafForto vohich is pcod ofa beuer tn honied
binegre. Ff the pacient be to much flept put ſtyngkyng thynges vnto hys
note to Waken hym therewith.Ffthat bysich continers Till put hym tu to
a bath of warm water. After the bath itis good to geue hym fat meates¢
Malueley oꝛ ſuch lyke hote vyne. And thefe remedies ar not only good a⸗
gaͤynſt Opiu/mbut againt the hurt that cõmeth by takyng of any kynde of
poppp/ 02 any other medicine of the fame natur that they ar of. :
Of fenerfew. Fe
ASIEN G7 Arthenitt as Dioxcorides layeth called offom Ama:
(DI racus hath thin leues lyke vnto Coꝛiãdze. Che flour
RUN W'S tspelow in p part goeth about p peiow knop. Fe ¢.*

thie :hath a finel ſumthyng greuous/e a bitter take. Fit

— be diied & drꝛoken Lith honted binegre 02 fait, tt pur
Kalbe geth choler and fleme / as epithymum Dothe: and tt
— Vü

VES an iS a good remedy fox them > ar {hortvopnded, and

IY A for them that av greueth with melancholl.
FINS SS Permolaus Barbarus and Buellitis with dinerk

ae is.
wa : ‘*
s re)! = ?
we, *
) *ie ras!
a, ,

he. tie
4 *


, *
iW 4

ay) 4 ; Of Parthenium
Parthengium 11. |

—F A —
) AS
Nal \
i) fr
Wh, ws) SS
f ¢
— *

* 4

Ww *

“it “A |


P { “4
4 - th


— —



ot isthin allthoughe it be brood. Foꝛ Dioſcoꝛides voriteth p p arbut tre/p herbe

But all me pnovo theſe plaz
Ne called teucritt/4 hedera helir haue gxAAaAerra.
i teS knovo well that they, leues ar metely bode, forteuchrion hath alefe
WP ipke buto aciche: the arbut tre hath cues almofte as byg as a quince tre
5 hedera helix
/ norany of p other aboue named is any thyng at all
We ipke nto ſmalleſt leues of coviader/but much bꝛoder the the bꝛodeſt leues
We Ofcorander. Therfor Fuchlius hath proucd nothyng by thys worde lepta,
i Che argument alfo that he bꝛyngeth of the placyng of parthenitt amongett
& the berbes }haue litie ſmall navroto leues/is not fuffictent to proue bys pur
i pos. For tfthe herbes ar next together deſcribed were allwayes lyke in le
i ues: the ſhuld Peoni /Grummel ã Phalaris haue lpbe leucs/foz they ar de⸗
/ therkor the argumẽt folotoeth
yw tribed together. But theyr leues av not lyke
dot And as for the argument ¶he maketh of the baſtard names ar falfelp
MS fopped into Dioſcoꝛides/it mulk nedes be fuche argument as the truthe ts
) ofthe ſettyng in of ſuch falle names: where tn when asp truth ts not/ who
) till quant inthys mater the argumẽt of Fuchltus to be truc. To his latt ar
y gumet vohere he vefoneth that none of the late/wꝛiters
r hath geuen any pur
gpg bertue vnto Matvicaria/e Partheniũ purgeth/ergo tt ts not parthe
> mum: anſwer that/as the later voꝛiters haue founde bp we a puray
| ertu
Of Parthenium. |
vertu in diuerle herbes vohere of isfound no mention in the old writers/ heth
haue the old autores gyuen vnto diuerſe herbes apurgyng vertue/whic
herbes as the later voziters neuer kneto/fo haue neuer proud wheter theyd,
haue any purgyng vertue 02.10. for if the later wꝛiters wold haue prouc
woheter matricaria purgeth oꝛ no:they myght haue found that tt
(0. For this an J fuve that matricaria purgeth namely weyke perfones an
that ar weik perſones. Sor vpon a tyme when J was withaſike womthere
in Galt Frelland, and the prefent necelſite reguired purgation/and
was no potecaricd {hop at hand }(fog there ts but one citie in all CatJt went
laud where there ar any potecaries in and that ts called Emden)
/where of Itooke
into the gardin and found there feuerfew in good plentp e pbroth
an hadful anid put it in to water a fod it/ andafter that J] bad mad
a few houres
drynkable with a litle hony/Ahad geuc hyr it / doutles with in
after ſhe had thꝛe metely good ſtooles of the both of that herbe.Wherefoꝛ
antfure that it purgeth woeik lolk /allthoughe tt worketh nothpng o2 berp
oreF te
litle in them that av luſty and ſtrong as FZ haue proved alfo. Theref
nothyng that betherto berout that byndercth feuerfevs to be partheni

he vertues of Fener few.

— —heherbe without the four is very good tobe dronken of the
Ce PAI N § ax ſhor t win ded/ alfo of the n tha t hau e The broth
ſtone ·
di of the herbe is good to {tt tn forrocome that haue the hardnes
17 Al — |i )

2) of mother/and agayntt inflamationes oz burnyn

*, g heates.
Jweith the flour it is good to lay tt vnto choleric k inflãmatio⸗
=! nes/and to fuch gatheringes of humozes together. Sum lear
ned men tot without a caule tudge that our taley is a kpnde of partheniſto⸗
The vertues where of ar thele. Tanley ts good foz the wyndenes of ty⸗
macke and belly, /wherelore it voas well diuiſed of Philicianes of old e⸗
me /wat after Catter men ſhuld dle tanſeyes to dzvue away the wynd es
vies} they haue gottẽ all the lent befoze with eatyng of fiſh /peaſene bean
and diuerle byndes ot wynde makyng herbes /where of thep. mak at that tan⸗
tyme theyr ſallettesBut . ifment wold kolow my counteil/they ſhuld vſe
(ep all the lent throvo/e not after Gafter alone. And thé ſhuld they kewer be
h the colt s and fton e/ that vſe com onl y to be hurt ther e by .Che ſa⸗
hurt wit
wormes in
me tantey is good forthe fone / to prouoke water and to kill
the belly. The new writers hold that taney is better for men and that Fe⸗
‘uerfero ts better foz weomen.

Of the gardin and wilde carots

4 Attinaca is called in Greke supa, €as J tudge in/a⸗ Engliſh

Pa} a cavot in Duche geel rube/nand tn gFrẽche paſtenad Kem⸗
vertus waiteth, Dioſcorides deſcribeth not p gardin carot but
NY Za the wilde cavot. After thys maner. Che wilde carot hathe the
= GAY icues of gingidij butbꝛoder & lomthyng bitter/a ſtreyght {tals
vhyt ſſoures
erougye/a ſpoky 02 beamptop lyke vnto dill where in av e
Of the gardin
Paſtinaca 1.




—ẽ —

— ———

| Of Carob. .
vnto the gardin carot in leues
/taſte a ſmell /euen fo is there found 4 wilde
kynde of periiepe like buto pgarbin perſnepe /both in leues/fede/roteAmelt
X &ataſte Chys wild perfirepe groweth plẽtuouſſy beſyde Cãbꝛydge in a lane
4 |not far fro Mewina apilles’3t groweth plétuoully alfo in Germany beſyde
Woꝛmes/and J Dout not but tt groweth in many other places both tn Ens
gland ¢ Germanyand peraduentur in Itali alfo/thoughe Matthiolus ne⸗
tier favo it noꝛ marked it: Which ifhe had ſene € well confpdered/ hewold
not haue erred as he hath in pattinaca hoztenſi.he confuteth the opinion of
/ Rembertus ¢ J hold alltogether, onlp w merue
/whych Fuchſius
lyng a wlayng that he hath not ſene nether in wrytynges of p Grecianes
oz Arabianes/ > pattinaca Domettica fhoulde haue fuch a vede or fanguin
colo? ag the carottes haue. But JIthynk be hath red/p alithoughe be haue
forgotten it.Foꝛ Theodorus Gasa a learned mã both in Grebe. in Latins
and an excellent tranſlater/ vahome J donut not but he hath ved tranflatyy
xv.chapter of Cheophratk de hiftoria plantarũ. Mhere as he reherſeth Theo, .

phraſtis wordes /(peketh after thys maner. Naſcetur apud eos vterg; elleborus,

videlicetalbus & niger, isem paftinaca,{pecic lauri, colore croci, in p ſam chapter.
Paftinacain patréfi agro preftantior ceteris huic vis calfactoria,&radix nigra Simeũ
“Sethi allo a Grecian as he ts traflated makethe one kynde of paltinaca to
haue blak 02 rede rootes/ an other kynde with yelovo vootes. If any maw
luſpect the tranſlator the wozdes of Symeon tn Grebe av thele: ra deorbee
Tip ovoaproe/rroveFe - p the trãſſatoꝛ be ſuſpected agayn foz turnyng daukia
| into pattinacas,vobere hath any man red in any other. Grecta o2 Latin au⸗
to2z/ that Daucus hath rede a pelovo rootes. Ff that ca not be founde in any
, good autoz/Daubia ar well tranflated pattinace. Therefor there is ho caule
“nobp/but that our comon gardin carrot fhulde be paſtinaca ſatiua.

hes v3: Nai them that can not ealelp make water. It is allo good fo2 the

Out ofGalen de fimplicibus medicaméntis. :

nay We Gardin carot ts the weiker/ wilde foz all purpofes ts myghtier.
ASAI NG The herb and (pecially root & (ede/Drpucth ont water and floured.
cS)3) Ft hathe alfoa certapn ſcouryng nature, noberefore >Surgeanes
die tolay to fretpng forces the arene leues with hony to ſcour them.
Ont of Galenes booke ofthe poures and proper ties
0fnorifihmentes or meates.
— —— —



Of Peplis.
+. ,

= We rootes of carot /Daucus and caro wayes ar bled comonly to be

Se eaté, but they noꝛyſhe leſſe then rapes eavon of cyrendo. Thep heat

notablelp/and ſhevo out a lpicie thyng /butthey at hard of digeſtion

agotherrootes be. They ſtir aman to makẽ water, and ilthey be vled in
NY ery qreat piety they will mabe a metly euell nice. The root of coꝛo wayes
’| sofa better iuice then cavotis. Sum call the wilde cavot Daucũ / vohich
qidede moueth a man to make water moze mpghtelp/ but tt 1S moze medi⸗
cinable 02 lpbe a medici/


andifaman olde cat it/ hehad nede to ſethe it
Herp muche.Aueroes wꝛiteth that the gardine carot is good koz them that
2 ——

tFar flow to the noogke of increatpng the woꝛld with childer.

‘ Of the berbe called Peplis.
\j Peplis.

a a


a Elis whome font call wild poꝛcellayn e Hippocrates calleth

J J GEN pepiidfo2the moſte parte groweth by the fee ſyde/it hath a
brode ſhaddowyng buſhe which ts full of vohyte tuice. The les
i Zi ues at iyke vnto porcellayn rounde and rede benethe. Under
” == tye leues ts a rounde fede as there ts in pleplo with a burnyng
which ts empty and ſmall. Jhaue ſene
taſte. It hathe but one fingle roote /
ch ys herb e in Jlan des abou t Vent s. It is very lykvnto our Engl iſh wart ⸗
wurth /vohich ts tudged of learned men to be tithimalus ——
| W ti

— — — — — i .

* *

Of the herbecalled Peplus. *

it ismuch ſhorter athicker, and ſpredeth it. {elf vpon the around i
Called in Engliſhe ſe wartwurt. He seea
The vertiies ofPeplis.
Eoplis taken tn the quantite of an acetable with one cyate of me
1S) purgeth out choler and fleme: thys berbe haue J lene in an 7a
belpde Venis. : |
Of the herbe called Peplis,
P eplos°
pent — —
SN is Qua, SS

=f SS

A Qa
— Eplus is abullby herbe full of milky iuice /litle leues lyke
W Ey yy tue/but alitic bꝛoder/ Ww a round buſhe of herbes in top/al⸗
All Kea motte a ſpan lõg/ſpred bpon the grounde.The (ede is roudes
groweth vnder p leues lumthyng lefle thé whyte poppy fede.
ENeo) Jtis full of many helpes. It hath but one roote ã that void
= Hothprg woꝛthe. Jtgroweth amongett } bindes & in gardi⸗
nes.Jnener fato thys herbe tn any place ſauyng only in Bono/ny
where as
my matter Lucas aboue rbj. peres ſſewed me with many other ſtrange
perbes which J neuer law fence FJ cam out of Italy. Jknow no name for
thys berbe but for lak of a better name/tt may be called pety ſppurge. Thys
herbe hath no other bertucs as Dioſcoꝛides mgiteth then Peplis hath. e
Of Vuod bynde.

Of Vuod bynde.
“7 Criclyménon ts named of the comon herbaries matvifyluay in
a1 Englithe Wodbynde /o3Honyſuckle in fom places of Englad/p
Si duche men call it ndaldgugen/the Frenche men call it, cheure
xueille. Wodbynd Doth bulh bp in one talk alone and hath litie
5" lees wohiche ttande by lyke {paces one from an other / imbra⸗
» tpnge the talk white tn vnder Ipke vnto Juy. And ther grow litle twigges
- Spamongett the leues where on grow berries lyke bnto Juy berries. The
four ts white like the faba floure/which
s men take for our beaneAomthpyng
round /asthoughe tt leaned Doton toward the leafe.Che {ede ts harde, and
hot ealpe to be plucked away. The roote ts round and thik. Je groweth in
—— —


ieldes and hedges/and windeth tt (elf about buſſhes.

The properties of wodbynde,

Bara J ve gather the fede of Wodbynd when it is rype/ yy it in aſhad⸗

Fob Dowy place will geue a dꝛam oft in wyne fog pace of cl. Dapes/
| ee! it wil melt away p mylt/dzpue away werines/ it well
be erceilétip
good medicine for fhoxtnes of wynde/zfoz p hitchcoughe o2 yiſkyng.Itwill
dꝛyue furth water/ but vpon the ſixt Day after the cer bie oftt ;will
iiij zyue
caine —— —— OE
— —

A be
ree wa
ae las

| "
4 ¥ i

Of the Great bar.

dryue out blody water. The ſame is good foz a woman that hath an hard
. fom Lopite that if g
laboꝛyng of childe. The leues haue the fam vertuesAnd
man Dapnk the leucs xxxvij. dayes togethers that they will make hym that
he fhal get no mo childcr.FEpe (eth the lenes of wodbynd tn ople/é anopnte
them that haue the ague comming bpon then bp certapn courtes and coms
mynges about/and they will cafe them.
Lappa mdior,Perfonatia.

PV pe l

EY 1 AG 4
\) MT\ 4a NY


e tt is found fom tyme wo
/ hovobeit
ftalk is fom thyng vohytiſh
out any ſtalk at all.Itgrowoeth comonly about tovones and
JES aa 424.

billages/about Diches and hyghe wayes € DOYS hylles & ſuche bile places. YY |
The vertues ofthe great bur.
wm He roote of the bur taken with pinaple birnelles, in the quantite of
aleeya dzam⸗ is good foz them that coughe out matter oz fyithp gear/o2
bloode.The roote ts good to be layd to/foz the ach that i
Of the herbe called Petafites. 83
the wrinchyng 02 ſtreuyng of any ioynte. The leues at good to be layd byon
olde ſozes. :
| Of theherbecalledPetafites.
Etalites hath foft tiele
4 ie) Vi 02 footitalk, acubtt lig
and fomtpme longer, €
Wi — : “seit tig(8 OFofthe
the thicknes
thicknes O of

ny Ua UNE a mannis fingers and
S| — — ti the top of it gꝛoweth
M alee which hath pfalihon of an hat/
m7 Kit hangeth doun after the maner of
INOS atodettool. Diolcorides maketh no
; cA AS } Mention nether of the mafteritalke
aad ANS nether of the flour of thys herbe, but
J haue {ene bothe. In the myddes of
/a oa

Marche in watery groundes beſyde

riuerle /and bꝛookes that ryn ail the
pear/and ar not dzy in ſummer: thys
herbe bryngeth fir furth a hore
ſtalk /where Spon grove manp flou-
tes as thep were in a clutter, tn colog
purple tn tobyte.aiter that the ſtalke
and floures av faided & gone away/
then com bp the lenes / even ag tt
chanceth vnto the herbe whichis cals
led tn Greke Bechion / andin Latin
Tuffilago. Ft hath a grete and long
/ bitter roote with y a very yſtrong
ſtrong ſmeſ.
=. CThys herbe iscalled in Mowthumbres:
\adag land an Ehin/in Cambꝛidgeſhyre a
BvButterbur /in Duch Pethilets wurtz
T he vertues ofPetaſiter. 40:
wed Utterbur is good (as Dioſcoꝛides mriteth) foꝛ fretyrig foxes €
ex 7 /2\ fuche as ar extremely harde to heleifit be beten and layd to afs
2) ter the maner of an emplaſter. The later wꝛiter and namelp

ZN Hleronymus Tragus wꝛite that the root of thys berbe ts good

— agapntt the peftilence. They gyue alitie of the pouder of thys
herbes roote invoyne to the pacient, about the quantite of a dzam /and pro⸗
woke hym to ſweate there with /which thyng it Doth berp myghtely. Chey
Hie the fame roote beaté into pouder agaynſt the ſtranglyng of the mother.
They gpue it allo both to men and beaſtes foꝛ voormes/ to Locomen that ar
Hered withthe vpzyſyng of the mother, and to any that ar ſhortwynded.
The herbe ts without all Dout hote and dꝛy muche aboue the ſecond degre.
Matthiolus without all reſon o2 fufficient profe reproucth Kuellius and
/ worthy more to be reproucd hym
Fuchiius in the tettingfurth of thys herbe
felf for fo vnwoꝛthely repꝛouyng of them. Amatus Lufitanus the ape of
Matthiolus wziteth much moze bulearnedly and moe lyingly then ys
* cthlo⸗
Of thé herbe called Peucedanum.
thiolus Doth. for he wꝛiteth thus. noe can uot tell what Petalites ts/ifit he.
Hot akpnde of ronitoole:Ruelling ſayeth that tt groweth tn France. Forthe
whiche Fuchlius in bps herbart hath fet furth the greter but which we
haue in the laſt chapter belore thys Deferibed. Mark how thys man fapeth
phe knovoerh not Petalites / except tt be a binve of todettoole, & pet he nas
med it in Duchc Petkilents wurtz /as thouahe he knew tt. Is not thys a
woꝛthy man to vozyte commentaries vpon Dioſcoꝛides: Fuchlſius {et noe
out Lappa matorem for thys herbe as Amatus beareth hym tn hand, {02 he
/callyng it gros kletten /diſſeueryng
fet out the ryght xpreoy 02 perſonatam
it from 4etatites many voayes. Let Matthiolus and pps folower Amatus
prone that Diolcorides maketh ij. kyndes of perſonata. Ft they can not
as Jam tures they cannot all thepe ſpeakyng agaynſt Fuchlius/ts in vayn.
Matthiolus alledgeth Plini to proue that there ar ij. kyndes of perfona:
ta: weil let itbe fo. et fo2 all that tt fold weth not that the herbe that Fuch⸗
fuse ſetteth furth fo2 Petali/tes ſhhoulde be the fecond kynde of perſonata in
Plini /northat Dioſcoꝛides maketh ij.kyndes of Petaſites. Foꝛ Plini ma⸗
Kety oft mo kyndes of herbes then Diolcozides DID. But how vniuſtly he
maketh tf. kyndes of Arcion, not onip the excellent clerk Leonicenus / but
allother learned men may fe that there is no ſuch caule geuen hym of Di⸗
ofcozides to DO.Wow wellthat Plini is Defended of Watthtolus agaynſt
‘Leonicenus. Allmen that av learned a tot partial, may well fe to no greate
put /that there ar ij.kyndes of Artion:
But the cale
honeftic of Matthiolus.
rhe fir cannot be Petaſites Fuchſij/ becaule tt. hath burres growyng in
Ptop as Petalſites Fuchſij hath not. Mether can the ſetond kynde of Becton
of Plini be Petaſites Fuchly/fo2 p (econd kynde of Arcion Plinij as pe may
rede playnly in Plini/hath blacker leucs then the gourde hath. But Petali⸗
tes Fuchſij /hath much whyter leues then the gourd hath as all men that ba
ue fene thent can iudge namely benethe buder the lefe toward the ground.
Therefor Petalites Fuchſij wo hich isthe truc Petalites Zioſcoridis/Ruel⸗
lij/and Rembertes Detalites and inyne is not the (econd kinde of Arcion in
/andAmatus the
Dlini/for all the gaynlayng of Matthiolus the Italian
Spanparde/who wold face outicarned men vw tout checkes without any
/but in diuerſe
ohcient profe og learned arguinent, not only in thys herbe
ine SVs

IBS SOY 0 —8


| Dar ſtrang /andbecauſe we bane no other name fog

‘it in Engliſh that FJ koto as pet, it may be called
Ofthe herbecalled Petafites, oe
w.)But it was nothyng fo great as ttof
Vincentis rock a litle from Bꝛilto
The vertues ofFlarftrang.
Sa SS N Kl En bie to cut the roote with a knyke/
gtogather ,
= %—28
} iuice outofit/e Co lay tt *dꝛoppeth out / by 4 by inp (haddorn:

VAY Wh fox it will mele tn the ſun. But it voill mabe bys hede acheand
EAA |:be Dulp/that gathereth ttercept aman anoynt hps noſethil⸗
Devas & les before with roſeoyle /and pour not fom role ople bpon bys
~ _ bedbefore. The roote ts nothpng woꝛthe after that the tice
> isdsawen kurthe of it.Chere may be taken out ofthe falke and roote both
» atuice by gaſſhyng and an other by pzeſſyng
/asis taken out of Mandzag.
J But it pyDroppeth furth by gaſſhyng/is not fo ſtrong ag tt that ts dꝛawẽout
by prelipng/and tt faydeth away ſouner. Chere ts alfo founde a thyng lyke
M tolti/ 02 franbincente/cleupng onto the ſtalk and roote. DF the thices that
commeth out ofthe root by gaſſhyng it /ts be that grovecthin Sardinia
) €Samotheacta, that is of agreuous {mell/rede and hetpuge the tong. Che
i) fameis geod to be layd to voith binegre and rofeople /agaynſt the dDrouflep
Wy. atid forgetfull eucl/foz the Dufpnes of the hede/foz the fallyng ſiknes
/and for
& theolde hedeach/for the ſtiatica and for the cramp.alnd tn all Difeates of the
) tuewwes it is good tc be layde to/ with ople ebinegre. Ifawoman be ſtran
iy ged with the vpryſyng of the mother/it ts good to ſmell it /and fo tt calleth
chem agayn/ that ar brought in to an extreme Depe ſſepe. The ſmote of tt dep
Heth away venemus beſtes. It helpeth the achof che eare if tt be poured
in with rofe oyle. It is good to be put into the hollow tothe agaynſt che
tothache. Che fame taken with an eg /is good for p coughe. Ft is alfo good
for them that ar ſhortwyndedand fo2 all gnawyug a voyndy paffiones and
* It ſoftenech che belly gently / andwaſteth away pfgret ſwelled milt.
It is an excellent remedy agaynſt an hard and long laboryng of chylde. FE
itbe dronkẽ it is good fo2 the ach and outſtretchyng of the blader and kyd⸗
nees.Jtopencth alfo the mother. The voote tsgood foz the fame purpoſes/
butit is not fo myghty.
Che broth is alfo dꝛonkẽ The fame broken {coureth
ſtynkyng and foul fores/ and dzyue the {cales of bones and couereth {ores
With aléin. Itis died to be méged with tretes and foftenyng platters that
heteNe mutt chute it that is freſhe not freted with gnawyng /loũd and it p
Hath a great ſmell. Che iuice mutt be refolued og melted for drꝛynkes wo bit.
ter allmondes 02 hote bred 02ruc.Galene nortteth that the mice p ts drawer
) out bp guſſhyng oꝛ cuttyng/ts ſtronger then that vohich ts prefied out, and
1 Helapeth that the roote ts fully hothe in the fecond Degre/and Daye in the be⸗
| Spnnyng of the thivde Degre. :

Of bothethe kyndes ofPeonye. |

Eomy otherwylſe called in Grebe Glycilide atid offon Pento
— ay boron
/hath a ſtalk twoo fpannes long.Ithath many byſpꝛou⸗

AA tynges The male hathe leues lyke vnto a walnut tre leues.

(| Sut che femal hath clouen leues ipke Smyrniũ.Itbꝛyngeth

% 4)furthe certayn coddes in the top of the talk like onto allmon⸗
des. Mhich wohẽ they ar opened /haue many litle granes rede
in coloz lyke b nto the kirnelles of a pomgarnat, and inthe myddes une —
Of bothe thekyndes ofPeonye.
k fiue oꝛſir. The voote ofthe male ts a finger thick/ and a ſpan
long/bpndpng in tafte/and vohyte tn Colog. To p roote of the female grow
the ryght Afo.
certayn thynges lyke acornes bij.o2 biijinnumbeeAuche as Germa
Dili hath. (The femall is comon thoꝛowo out all Cngland ¢ ny and
in diuerle places of Englad/and in fom partes of Beabat / as in eter Cop
Denberges gardin in Anwoerp the male groweth alſo Wut Z could neuer le
it in byah Germany. The faret euer Jſavo/ was in Qevwoberri in a rych
clothiers gardin. Diuerſe haue bene {orc Decepued in takyng the comon dic.
tamum foz Pzonia mafcula.

T he vertues of bothe the Peonies.

T—— —— He root of Peoni is geuen vnto weomen that ar not purged
Py acd Eel after thepr Delpuerance. Ff tt be dꝛonken in the quantite of an
Sq OLA almonditwill yng Down to weomen theyr floures. And if
Ly eM it be dronken with vopne / it will eale the payn of the belly. Fe
ig alfo good for the taundes/foz the payn tn the kydnes and in
the blader. The fame fodden in wyne and dronken ſtoppeth the delip: but
ten 02 twelue rede granes 02 comes of the fedes/Donke tn rede tarte wyne /
ftopp the rede tues of weomen. The fame tfthey be eaten help them that
haue the gnawynges of the mouth of theyr ſtomackes. But i childer eat
them they will take alway the begynnyng of the bꝛedyng of the fone. And
/they ara
ifone take rb.of the blak coꝛnes and drynk them tn mede o2 voyne
good remedy agaynſt the ſtranglyng of the rpght mare, and agapnt the
ftrangipng and paynes of the mother.
Out ofGalene.
ramen 15¢ roote of Peoni byndeth alitic with a certayn ſwetenes/andif
Ped taxi pe will chow tt a litle moze with your tethe/yeſhall percepue that it
Zou (8 ſomthyng bytyng and bitter. Therefore if pe take the quantiteof
an almõd of it Lotth honted woyne/tt will bꝛyng Dovon floures. But indede
ye mutt bete it well and fift tt diligently /aſo cal che pouder tn to p dzynke.
Ft ſcoureth allo the bydues/and the lpuer that ts topped. It hath pour allo
to ftop/ ifit be fodden with tum tarte and byndyng wyne. Che roote hath
alfo a dꝛying poure. By relort vohere of J wold not bout, but > tfit be han⸗
ged about childers neckes/ it wold hele in them the kallyng fiknes. I faw
ones a boy Delpucred bits. monethes fromp fallpng fiknes / by the hangpug
of the roote about bys neck:and Loken as by chance it fell of, he fell into the
ſiknes agayne /and the fame after the roote vaas hanged bp agayn / hewas
weil agayn. But J thought fo2 a ſurer trpall to take the roote ones agayne/
eas foun as J had take p roote of agayn /he fell ſtreyght way into hys olde
fiknes. But then FJ tooke a greate roote ¢ typedittho p bopes neck agayn/
and after that tyme be fell no moze, but was quite Delpuered of that {iknes.
Thus far Galene. Thys that Galene pzoued tn one childe / Jhaue proued
in two childer /p one vohere of dwelled in Loudon & the other at Syon in
my lord of Sommerſettes boule vnkle/a Pꝛotectoꝛ to Pinott ercellét kyng
Edwarde thelict. But when as J proued the fame in them that were of
perfit age /allthoughe ttdyd muche good pet tt neuce wzought any ſuch ef,
/astt dyd th the childer.
fect in them of
Of theherbecalledPhalaris. MAY 9g
ata 7 Dalavis putteth furth many (mall ftalkes / out of
IſmallWSS; and vnpꝛokitable rootes. Che ſtalkes ar two
EAN \V5| bandb2edthes long, full of topntes /lyke ſtrawes 02
Ni7 <4 vedettalkes /muche ipke vnto the ſtrawes ofſpelt.

It hath a {ede in bygnes of mtl oz millet /whyte in

kallſhon/fomthyng long. The firit tyme that euer J
1lav thys herbe / was inthe citieofCome / where as
FAY R/C vA chefe wbpticianeof}citt no leſle gentle thenwell

Sse PANN DY learned ſhewed vnto me, and my feloiw. matter

Jovan walker. Miterwoarde F {ato it in England take for mil/foz thep that |et.
prought Canart burdes out of Spay n of p{ede of Phalaris alto to
/ bꝛought
fede them with.) uabhere of vohen F ſowed a litle / Jfound that tt was the —
Epght Phalaris which J had fene in Itali before. “J haue as yet heard nod
/but foz lak of a better name tt may be called pect
Eñgliſh name of Phalaris
of the likenes that it hath voith the ryght panik.







- =*




Of the pulfe called Phafiolus out ofDtofcorides. :

es HANS is wyndie and moueth 02 ſtirreth bp wynde. And
2)1 ES V1 tobe tt isqrenc it (oftenetthe
h belly/
RSI AI Coniarius and Matthiolus make ij.cit ts ttt fox bomitprge.
kyudes of Phaliolus/
1 INS é{pecialli Matthidlus / who ſayeth that Smilar hoztentis is
NY Nea) us
the gardin Phaliol/and the woild ts the Phaliolus whiche
— ig deſcribed in thys place of Dioſcoꝛides And Coenartus to
pou that Sinilar hortenfisaPhaliolusbe all onesalledgeththewordes
of Aetins / which in dede found ashe meancth. And Matthiolus ſayeth
further that Smilax hostentis ¢oltchus in Galene / and in Tyeopheatt
atallone. Alithough thele great learned men and of no {mall autozite in
theyre coutitres / vohere as theyDodwoell: pet in thys matter J Do hot agre
With them. The irk caule that maketh me dilſent fromthem ts thys / that
Diolſcorides vleth riot inall bys booke thatJremembze/ to vorite in tooo
chapters fav onc from an other/of any gardine and felbe herbe o2 plant
eur where as he maketh mention of the gardin herbe/he maketh mention
alſo of the felde herbeinthefame chapterozin thenert foloropng o2 there
about.2But he tozitcth of Phaſiolus tn the 101. chapter of the ſecond booke/
and he woriteth of Smilar hortenlis in the +40. chapter of the fame booke;
Hohich thyng he wold not haue Done accordyng onto bys aoe yi
| er
Of the pulfecalled Phaftolus out of Drofcorides.
nev ifbe had thought them allone in kynde / and to differ in no other thyng
but in the place of growynge. Jfthys argument be not good/the argumen
tes oMatthiolus maketh ſecacul ts not eringium/g that laurus Alexan⸗
Daina a Hypogloſſon
/arnot all one/ av euel argumentes/Wwall other >ar byl
Ded bpon p fame fundation.aln other cauſe ts p the puile » Jtake fo2Phaſio
lus in Diolcerides/hath {ede vtterly vnlyke vnto p {edes of Smilax hoꝛten⸗
(is. Foz the pulle b Jtake fo2 Phaſiolus/hath along vohyte fede ſomthyng
booed inyafter p maner of font topners mallettes, in faſſhõ € liknes Ipke vñ
to a gray peate/but ſmaller ¢ longer, 10 a blak {pot in the end of it. The fede
ofgardin Similar is lyke a flat kydney
/ where foge euery man map fe they
av very vnlyke inform a faſſhon. Chey fay that Dolichus th Theophnatt/
Smilax hoꝛtenlis/aPhaſiolus tn Dioſcoꝛides ar all one, vobiche ſayng ifJ
can confute/then haue J au other cauſe to diſſent from them. nobich thyng
F trutt to do after thys maner. Dolichus in Theophraſt aPhaſiolus in Ga
lene will periſhe & thatue euel tf it be not vnder proppcd.25ut Phaſiolus Di⸗
ofcorides as J haue fene tt by experiẽce my (elfnLumbardp/a Matthiolus
confeiicth the ſame:thꝛiueth well inoughe without any vnder pzoppyng ag
other pulſes do.Therfoꝛe Phaſiolus Dioſcoridis ts not allone Yo Dolichus
of Theophraſt/aPhaſiolus of Galen. The laſt cauſe p maketh me diſſent frõ
them /isthat their ovon autozites whiche they bring foztheir purpote in ſom
poyntes/is quyte againſt them ſelues.Foꝛ tt ts waꝛiten tt p chapter de Bolt.
chis in Galene>}by the autozite of Hippocrates,» Dolichi av iefie wyndier
then peaſen ar:ther ts alfo Diocles alledged to fay theſe woꝛdes: Dolichinon
minus quam Pifa nutriunt,preterea fimiliter flatu carent. Chat is/ Dolichi noꝛiſhe
no leſſe then Peaſen do / Ipbe wyle they ar Wout wynde. Where as Aeting
faieth p Lobt were called ofall old wzꝛiters Dolichi and Phaleoli/aof fom.
Suuilar hortentis/he hath theſe woꝛdes:Nutriunt nõ minus quam Pifa, céfimili-
terd; flatus expertes ſunt. Chat is/Phaſeoli gpue as muche noriſhment as Pe⸗
len Do/and liketople ar Wout Lopnde. But phattoli Dioſcoridis are not onlp
windy/but allo ſtir bp winde
/fortheſe ar bys woowWes:qacioaos puoeoddus ave
parop xvsTin@-Cherefore J map noell coclude } Phaſiolus inDioſcoꝛides ã
Phaliolus/t Doltchus tn Galene/ Acting a Diotles /arnot all one/not onlp
becaule they haue Diuerfe matters ingrowyng/xdiuerle likneſſes /but alto
becaule thep haue diuerle propertics/p ts to.noet/> it of Dioſcorides is wyn⸗
dy / bredeth winde/xy other ar flatuũ expertes $ ispoindleſſe o2 Wout winde.
FO let men of learnyng a iudgement gyue ſentence /vohether Jdiſſent fro
theſe men before named without a tauſe oꝛ no. Galene euen in fame place
where as he maketh Dolichos x Phaſeolos all onc, /wout all Dovot maketh
two kyndes of Dolichus/a fo maketh ij.kyndes of Phaſeolus:for where as
he had ſayd tn pbegynnyng almotte of che chapter after p autozite of Theo⸗
phzaſt p Doltcht wil rott acom to nought, except they be {et bp vpõ moppes
to hold them fro the ground / inthe bery end of tye fame chapter he ſheweth
that ther ts allo an other beſyde that /which nedeth no vnder pꝛoppyng. Ga⸗
lenis wordes ashe is tranflatedD av thefe: Quidam amicorum meorum Rome
agens, mihi nartauit in Caria,in patria fua quam Ceramum appellabat,in agrisDolichos
non aliter quam alia legumina feri,figuram quam habere cicerculis lon giorem. and
thete do Jreken ar Phaſeoly Dioſcorides
/which differ muchas tufficientlp
is pꝛoued befoz/ſfrõ Smilace hoztenſi
/notwiandpng J will noe mai
‘ 4 —*
= ay *
8 ae ~

xg ay
» | 3

Of Set wall. $6
vA ;

other autores call that pulſe that Dioſcoꝛides named Smilacem hoꝛtẽſem/

olichuin a Phaſiolum. et for all that Phaſiolus in Dioſcoꝛides tSmis
lar hoztentis ar tvoo diuerſe pulfes, Phaſiolus map be called in Engliſhe faz
Riles, vntill we can fynd a better name fortt. — |

Of the berbe called Phu.

Phy magnum. Phu ualgare.





Of Setwall.
taxen Of the moſt parte of them that inzite of herbes at


AED ¥ thys tyme/and of them that haue writen of late/to be the hers
BY] ey A) be tobich is called of the comon herbaries/ Valeriana maior, of
He <td the German esan oder groſſz baldrian/ofour countre-
By | Me) men Setwa ll/an d of fomrc apont s lotple.25ut whether Set⸗

ypalldo agre inallpoyntes with the deſcription of Phu in
Piolcorides ox no: pe map iudge by the Defcription whiche koloweth here
afte hur.which fom call alfo wild Spiknard / groweth tn yontus / and
ithath a lefe ipke bnto Elaphoboteo/ oꝛ Alexander /a alk a cubit hyghe or
byaher/fmothe/hollove aud foft/turnpng to purple /andfull of topnites. The
floures ar much iybe Marciflus, but they ar greater and tenderer /andpur⸗
pleina whytyſhe coloz.Che ouer root is about the — of a mannis litle
ij fingre/

Of Hartis tange. )
fingre.2Sut ithath litle rootes grovopng to ouerthfoart/and one wounden
1 it an other ag (quinant / 02 blak hellebor hath, in color ſomthyng peloy,
well ſmellyng/ reſemblyng Spiknard / yetwith a certayn oupleatfane lauoz/
hythertd Dioſcorides.
In thys deſcription is nothpng that J can mark that diſagreeth with
our Setwall/ lauyng that the leues ar not altogether ipke buto Alerander,
and the floures ar not bery lyke vnto the floures of Marciflus. But witha
gentle interpretation the leues may be mterpreted lyke Alexãder leues, and
the floures lyke vnto the flouves of Marciflug, noberefog ſeyng that the ret
of the herbe with the bertues Do well enoughe agre: J thpnk thata man
may lavofullp take our Set wall fo2 hu in Dioſcoꝛides.
d he vertues of Set wall.
Etwall hath pour to heate/and to dryue furth water / if it be Dron
“Ay yg Kent after that itis Dped/the brothe of tt is good foz the fame purpos
ſe. It is alfo good fo2 the ache of the ſyde /anvd tt Dratweth dovon vn⸗
to weomen theyr naturall ſiknes. Galene woziterh that Phu hath aroote
tn vert/u yke vnto Spicanardi/but for many purpoſes wepker/and that it
pꝛouoketh water moze then Spiknard of Inde oꝛ Syriak a as muche, ag
Spica celtica Doth. 3
Phyllitis. Of FHartistunge,
| Pare Lithoughe diuerk of

OSTANEH the bette hervaries of


our tyme haue iudged

"e e ek ARTA \g]| that hemionitisisour
me BB (We Vea NOs G| artis tung/and
J hae
EG EWING uc folowed thema lég
— J— 7 tyme in theyr iudgemẽt:yet admonié
—— ſhed by Coꝛdus many peares before
oa ON y — — er Matthiolus had ether wꝛiten in
ZN NZ Italian/oꝛ Latin / that our artis
a AN y Ff tig fhuld be Phyllytis/J left my for
12 \ANZ _ Mer opinion and held as J do now/
2 \ ASIe that the berbe whicheisnamed of ⸗
— herbaries linguaceruina, ofother (but

Phyllitis putteth furth leaues/ly⸗
hze a Dock/butlonger/ grener oz fre
ſher fic oz leuen together /and them
— ER in the inner parte
av imouthe/
butbpon ỹÿzbak ſyde/they
haue ag it wer ſnial wormes hãgyng
On. It groweth tn ſhaddowiſh pla⸗
/andbath a byndyng taſte with an bacrihnes on hartnes. Zt groweth
alfo in gardines. It bath nether ſtalk (ede noe floure Ithynn
OfthePyndtheandother ofthatkyide = 89
» Fehpns that thys deſcription agreeth much better with our hartis tung
then the defcription of Bemionitis dothe. The leues ofHemionitis ought to
be very harriſh /byndyng voith bitternes. But there ts no ſuche bitter tatte
| itthartis tung, therefore tt can not be Hemionitis. The work thyng that Z
N inifipse nour hartis tung/isthat me thynk that it hath not with bs here
J uch a byndyng harriſh take/asziolcdpides ſemeth to require. Hovobeit ex⸗
§6ceptmyp memory fale me / J haue found it mother plates tarte and byn⸗
dyng inoughe.
i F
Aded fa

Of the Pyne tre and other ofthat kynde.

—Jolcozides writeth pthe tre called in Grebe Pitys, &
Wee) Sy,
Wy] tt that 8 named Werke, av contepned bnder one ge⸗
nerall bebe kynde
/butthat they differ in theyr proper
Fe) (4 aud particular kynde of fpice. Wut he telleth not for
MS<s UG a ail p/vobere in thep Differ. nobiche thyng hath made
— eM p that learned men cold not roel tell nolether of} two
— =e
PAU eey AS DAs our Pinus in Latin/and hobich of them ſhould
ya >_< A be dur Picea. Therfore ſeyng the right difference can
— <==not be found in Dioſcorides:it isnedefull that we fet

— —

it out of other autentib and {ufficient old voryters. Firſt tt is nedful to ſeke

dut in wohat properties Pitys of PGrectanes differeth from pence/zwherin

Sinus ofthe Latines dittereth front picea/and then co ſe vheter Witps be
Sinus 02 nO in Latin
/ andwheter Pence in Greke/be our Picea 02 no/and
Aphether hele woꝛdes ar diuerlly taken ol diuerle autores ne.
Theophꝛalt a noble voziter amongelt the Gretianes
/ maketh thys diffe:
—rence betwene xrrve and srevun. mirve isfatter and hath a (mallet lefe, and
is lefie in bignes/ groweth not fo ſtreyght bp. Ithathe a leſſe con 02 nut
appell/and rougher o2 moze vnpleſanter to look to /and a fruite more pitchye
Ozrolinie/revne alter that the rootesbe burned Doth not ſpring bp agapne.
> But they fay that Pitys/ pryngeth agay/ nastt chanced tnLeſbo/vohen as
the mountayn Pyrrheus was fet afyre. The Ideanes hold, not only the
| harte/but allo the outter parte of the bole Doth turn into a tede 0% wob⸗
P tosche/e that then after a maner that tt is ſtrangled. And the fame thyng
chanceth of it elf bp the ercedprig greate plenty of the treittelf/ as aman
| Cant contecture.Fot itis altogether made a tede oꝛ woddiſh torche o2 fre
bzande. And fo thysis the peculiare ſiknes of zrevnn: ig fame ma
iij inaket
Ofthe Pyne tre and other ofthat kynde.
‘maketh thys differtce bet wene the fyrre tre and wevnnp. reas (8 Of & Notable
Hpabt much tauler then peuce. The firre tve hatha wood full of ſynewes/
foftand ipght. But the wod of peuce/ is full of tedes 02 woddiſhe torches
Heupe and full of fleffh ozthik. The peuce hath mo knottes, but the knotteg
ofthe fprr av harder. Pitys ſerueth in Cyprus to make ſhippes ofttbecaute
that pland hathe tt.alnd it femethto be betterthen peube. The firr tre and
peuce ar fittelt fox howoles/and ſhippes /andfox the motte parte of ſuch other
thynges. The pitys/is fit fox bothe the woꝛkes /and eſpeciali for thippes,
but it beginneth quibly to root. Deuce in no Lople can cum furth in low and
ſhaddo voy places/ areven & Fut can not grow in hoote places,e peuce is a tre
Of P mountaynes a8 xiro⸗ alfo is /about Macedonia. Peuce is of ij. fortes p
oneisthe gardin peuce, and the other isthe wilde peuce. Che wild peuce
is deuyded into the male, and female. zevxn groweth not in Syria, Thus
much baue FJtaken of Theophratt. Povo will FJfewhat the other Grecias
hes wapte of hele foꝛnamed trees, and ofthepr kruites /pꝛoperties /andopes
vationes / and vertues. Galenc in the viij. booke of the bertues of {imple
medicines / wpiteth thus of the frupte Pitys. witpides ar named the
fruytes Pityon. Wut font by a milule / call alfo the frupte of Peuces Pi⸗
tpides. ‘They haue a menged pour / that ts both byndpng, and hauyng
a certapn (harpnes voith a bitternes / by vefon vohere of they av good fog
the ſpittyng out of mater out of the bꝛeſte andlunges. Theſe ar Galenes
wordes. But now let bs le Lobat the Latines weite of Pinus/and picea.
Mirgil che noblett Poete amongett ali the latines / vorteth in hys Egloges
that the Pyne tre. is goodlieſt in gardines. Che fame tn p fecond of hys Ge-
ozgikes 02 huſbandry maketh the pyne tre fit and profitable to make (hipped
ofinthele modes. *
Dant alios aliæ foetus dant utile lignam
Nanigijs Pinos, domibus cedrosq́; cupreſſsos.
The fame thyng doth he alſo in the fourth Eglog after thys maner.
‘Cedet ex ipfe mart uector,necnautica Pinus oy"
Mutabit merces. er ceria Acl Sore Ag 3 a
{lint nogiteth thus of the pyne tre/The Pyne tre hath alefe lyke a hear/
Dery (mall beforelong and Marp, with a pricke. Che Pyne tre bꝛyngeth
furth very litle roſin The Pyne tre is gretelp tobe voondered at. It hath
a kruite waryng rype /which (hall com to rppenes in the next pere/ and after
ward in the thyrde. ether is there any tre that moze aredelp putteth it lell
out alengthe then the Pyne dothe. The Pyne tre and the Cypꝛes tre at
furett agapntt rottyng oꝛ mouldayng and agaynſt wormes. Plini voꝛiteth
thus of the tre called Picea/which may be called the pitch tre or the rede firz
tre. The pich tre loucth mountaynes / and cold and it geneth berp muche
vofin.Itis not fo hyghe as the larche tre is. The leues of the piche tre at
/maller /andmore. colde.And the hole tre is moze horwible o2 vnpleſant
to looke to, then the larch tre / and itis all poured over with rofin. The wod
of it is lyker the wod of the fic tre. The piche tre after that > rootes ar burnt
ones, will pet ſpꝛyng agapne. The leues of the piche tre / ar diuyded com
Lopte. Picea hath very (mall and blak kyrnelles thovow out in all the long
tagges that hang dovon which ar finaller and ſklenderer. noberefore the
Grecianes call tt a Loulberer?
| chet
Of the Pyne tree 83
» het haue Jgathered out of pbet Grek and Latin voryters that men
myoht fe clerely vohat the oldvoꝛyters mote of the abone named trees. But
now finn will requyre my mynde of thele trees, becauſe F profetle > Kno wo⸗
ledge of herbes Etvecs. Therefore J mult fay my mpnde what Jgather of
thele foecited places out ofpauncient voryters. ais farasJcan te/Theo-
phratt called p tre peuken/ theLatines call pinta } tre v the Latines calle
piceam/he called tt ppn. Foꝛ be maketh bys peucéto haue a greter Hut 02 ap
. the thys pitys bathe. Alſobecaute he maketh pityn to be ſeſſe ¢ moꝛe cro⸗
edthen peuce. Dut toꝛ all thele/ peuceof Theophraſt agreeth well wpicea
ofp latinesAn ſundzye properties.zdeute of Theophraſtũs as p laine Theos
peat voziteth
/cãnot cum furthe in very lov places a inſhaddowy places/
Peuce is a tre of the mountapnes/and nether tt nox Juy ca grow in bue
nyng hote places. And Plini voꝛiteth that picea amat montes atq; frigota, a in
an other place/fitus eiuseft in excelfo montium ceu maria fugerit, Peuce ahd pi⸗
cea do alfo agre in bzyngyng furth of plenty of roſlin.Foꝛas Theophraſt wi
teth peuce refina copiofifsima and ponderolifsima eft (0 Plini fateth/ Picea

plurimam refinam fundit. Che fame Plini wꝛityng ofthe pyne fateth pinus
fertminimum refine. The pine tre bringeth furth berp litle rofin. Ottheſe
woꝛdesof lint J gather that peuce in Theophrak is not pinus in Plini.
And that polint taketh pityn of the Grecianes fox pino Ff gather thys out
Aplinies woꝛdes in p xxxij. book and pſecõd chapter. Hys woꝛdes ar theſe.
Che ble of oximeli oꝛ honied binegre / is good agaynſt the grene trees cal⸗
_ ded cantharides agaynt bupeſtrem / andagaynſt caterpillers of the pine tre
which they call pittocampas. Bere may aman playnly fethat lint curneth
pityn in to pinunvand not to piced as Theodoz Gasa and Diuerfe other Do,
ButJ tudge that Theodoz hath much utter caule to Do ſo/thẽ the interpre-
toꝛes of Galene haue/foz as pitys in Theopheatt may ſeme to be our picea/
| Opitys in Galene
/isour pinus
/asit appeareth bnto me, by it that Galene
Jwwꝛiteth ot the frutte of pityos in theſe woꝛdes folotopng.The fruites pituap
) accaliedDpitpides. But for call alfo by a miſuſe/the fruttes of sevens, pityi⸗
desBy thele wozdes of Galene a man may learne that Galene tooke pt
} ‘tytn to be the tre vohich bereth the greatett and motte principal kirnelles/
] and not peucen. Wut wohen as the greateſt and motte principal kyrnelles
j Brow vpon the pyne tre/asdayly experiẽce teacheth we may gather iuſtli
y . bpthys eother caules aboue reherled/Galene tooke pityn for our Pino/ẽ
therfore tt is lyke } pGrecianes of Galenis tyme, « they that ca after byny
| fooke allwayes pityn pro pino. Ws fo2 the tre that is called in Greke
mera and it Latin picea/is called inhyghe Germany vohere tt groweth⸗
tote dannen baũ. Itgroweth not abode in England that J haue heard |ich.
tell of / nether bath tt any name in Engliſh that J knoto Mherefore
ſeyng it mutt haue a name, itis belt ether to call it a piche tre/Hecaufe much
| pichis mad of the rol of tt, ° ellis after the Zouch tung, front whence
| Our Engliſh fpeche came, a red firre tre. tnatter which as Plint voriteth/
| nihil aliud eft, qua pinus fylueftris mira altitu ine, p pinaſter ts nothyng ellis but
a wilde pyne tre of ameruclus hyghttsnamed in fom places of Suchlade,
Aoerenhoits wild kinnenbolts/and in fom places biffer baume.Ftgroweth
erp pietuoully in hyghe Germany. The leues grow in tuftes wey *
wy ilps
Of the Pyne tree
vnlyke vnto a litle rounde heary biuthe }isthyn/02 to fom great pinlelles
that paynters vle Euery lefe is at the lette ii inches long, grene/furvo wey
oꝛ guttered as ſum kynde of pong grafle ts. Cher comme allwaye two le⸗
ues out of one footſtalk/ both in the bꝛuſhy tult
/and alfo a litle benethe the
/where as the leues grote thynner. Plini putteth thys dillerẽce be⸗
/that as the pine tre is buf
twene the pine tre and the pinatter o2 wilde pyne
fhy 02 full of bovoghes tn the toppes, fo the wild pyne tre ts full of boughes
euen fromthe myddes ofthe tve bpwarde. Thys tre may be called in En⸗
gliſhe a wilde pynetre. Ffany ma alledge againſt me the authozite of Theo
Dorus Gaza/to prone that our pinaſter ſhuld be peuce becaule he turneth
oreunny in diuerſe places pinattrum. 3] anfooer that Gazas autozite helpeth
phe totehere/ that bys turnyng of peuces into pinaftrunt maketh againſt
hym lelf and reproueth hym ether of buftedfattencs/o2 of ignorãce.
Foy it ig
/yet tn di⸗
euident that althonghe motte comoly he turn peucem tn Co pinum
verte places be turneth ſame voord in to pinattrit/as who fay there tobere.
no Differéce bet wene pinus and pinatter. Ik any do vot vohether be turneth
oreunay in to pinaſtrum
/lethym vede the bi.chapter of the fourth booke de hi-
ftoria plantarum, and the fourthe chapter of the thyrde boke/and the vj. chap⸗
tet of the fir book de hiftoria plantarum,
and he fhal fpnde/thatJlye not:But
not only thefe places/proue ether hys ignorance /oz vnſtedtfaſtnes/02 elles
Doutfulnes in tranſſatyng of reven AND mires into pind piced snd pinaſtrũ:
but allo bys turnpng of pitpos tn to laritem. Foꝛ tn the ſecõd chapter of the
fecond booke de hiſtoria plantar he turneth theſe Greke wozdes évice decra
OTEPUATOS DUEToU LOvOH, O1op EARTH TeURK Ti Tus hus Sunt queex femine tantũ naſcã-
tur, vt abies, pinus, larix, Che fame Cheonoge in the fir chapter of the we.
book de hiftoria plantarum, turneth thys voozde pitys tn to laricem and piced/
makyng thao fundep trot to haue but one comd name /Lobich differ one fr
an other in diuerle properties. Che fame thyng doth he agayn in the neve
chapter vnto it which Jhaue reherſed here before. sfo2 where as Theo⸗
phraſt hath tn Grebe/Sevrepa de hernia xamrrvim. Cheodore bath tn Latin:
fecunda quz ex abiete,larice,&pica. Beholde as he maketh here itj.cofines of jf.
names, foz he turneth eAcrimp in to refinum abietinam, and wituvey in to
reſinam ex larice
and ex picea, Then wher as Gaza is thus waueryng and
vnconltant /itis not to be allowed for ſufficient autorite »he Doth in tranſſa
tyng ofthele ij. Greke voordes wevnup and wirue, Therfore F pale not, of bys -
autorite and holde that pitys pinus €peuceAs Pitea in our autores of Phy
lick/as in Galene /Dioſcozides /Aetius /and other that vozote alter Galene.

be dron⸗
San ta?

— Va ee
NSS, 5
’ a

Of! Pyne tre. 89
q de dwonkenitwoill ſtopp che belly /andmaketh a man pile toell.But leues
of them alfo bꝛokẽ & layd to ſwage inflamationes o2 hote burnynges. They
Repe/and ſaue alſo vooundes frd inflãmationes.Ifthep be bꝛuſed ¢ ſoddẽ in
viegre/they av good agaynſt the tuth ach/ilthẽ teth bewaſſhed wp broth
ofthe whille it isvery hote. Ifthey be taken tn the quantite of a O24 in wa
ter/or mede / and dzonken they ar goo? for thé ar difeated inthe liucr.Che
bark of scoBiAov,and the leues Deenken/ar goood for pfame purpoles.But tt
S not verp ealp to know perfitly vohat Dioſcorides meaneth by thys word
seoprAG>, vohilſe fom interpeeters/takettfoꝛ a tve of a ſeuerall kynd by tt {elf
as Coꝛnarius Doth, a other as Ruellius turneth it into the pineapel. J rede
in no olde autor » Stvobilus fhuld be p name of a tre/but altvoapes fo2 p nut
G2 appel/o2 kirnel of p.appel fom tyme-ercept that vohere as my Plini coꝛcec
ted and (ct out bp Erafinus, after > Hermolaus Barbarus/ Micolaus Be⸗
toaldus/Guilbeimus Budeus ¢ Johãnes Cefarcus had dõ to Pliny / what
Hey could do /hath Tibulus a ma ought to rede Strobilus.And thoughe it
Were Strobilus in Dede in Plini/a not Tibulus/it were no ſtronger ãrgu⸗
| Ment to reſon thus. Plini maketh Strobilus a kynde of tre by it ſelf/ & not
only a kruite
/ergo it isa tre/then thps were, Plini maketh Tedam a ſeue⸗
rall kynde of tre by it ſelf therfore Teda is a tre by tt ſelf. But it that Dioſ⸗
CORDES wꝛiteth / voillmoue a mã much moze the that autorite of Plint/woho
ſe woꝛdes ar theſe:roie dere auTa XaroTHS SPORIAOU PAoiOS [
that is the bark of the Strobil and the leues make fog the ſame
/oꝛſerue for
the fame purpoſe. Mow a pine nutt bathe no leues
/vohere fore tt may appea
ve that by the word ſtrobilus he vnderſtandeth a tre of the fame kynde that
ginusisof, But thys lemeth fom thyng tobpndze that vnderſtandyng/
that in the begynnyng of the chapter Diofcozides (et furth afore of vohãt
thyuges be wold intrete of only mention of pinus and picea/anot of Stro
bilus. But voheter Strobtlus here betoken the nut of the pine tre/ and the
leues of it betoken che leues of the fame pine tre, /where ofDioſcorides had
immediatly made mention before/ it maketh no great mater becaute all
the trees there together mentioned, ar ofalpke vertu and woꝛkyng. The
fede allo that commeth of them (atede is a fat and roſeny pece of a pyne oz
| pieltre/vabich hewen ofſerueth for torches) cut in to fmail peces and fon:
with binegre/fhoageth the tuthach, tithe broth be holden about che
font) that achẽth.Aſticryng tik may be made of them fit to prepare peſſes
and medicines to ſwage voerines.Som bie to kepe the fout of thent/to ſer⸗
tefomake inke there of. The fame {erueth for medicines to trym the hey⸗
res of the ep lidde/sand for the comets of the epes/that at voorne o2 freted/
and foz hard ep lyddes and {uch as want hearand foz wateryng eyes. Che
frnites of pynes and pich trees vohich ar within p pine nuttes, av called pi⸗
tyides. They haue a byndyng pour, and fomthpng hetynge. Chey ar good

for the coughe/and foz ſuch Diteate as ar about the beette/ Lobether they be
take by them felucs of with hony. Moreouer tfthe kirnelles be made clene
and then eten /orbeDronken with Malueley a thefede of acucumbre /mo⸗
uc a mato make water/and make Dull o2 blunt the bytyng that is about
blader oꝛ kidnees.
And ikthey be takẽ 1 iuite of poꝛcellayn /they fwage
gwavwoynges of pmouth of p ſtomack. They take allo away ᷣweyknes of ⸗
Of Pyne tre. A
body a hold doton the corruptiõ of humoꝛes.But the hole nuttes lately phik
ked from the trees /and buled/and fodde in Malueſey /ar good foz the oip
coughe /and fo2 a conſumptionAfa man drynk euery Day/thre cpathes of the
brothe that they ar ſodden in.
Out ofthe viij. booke ofGalene offimple medicines.
= =) We barke of the pyne tre hath a byndyng pour excedyng the os
/lomuch pit can heal bery well chafinges /and can flopp
Sy GAY belly ifit be dꝛõk ẽ. h dp alfo places pav burned. Wore
LA) WE Our the bark of the piche tre is lyke to the other/ but the pous

Out of Symeon Sethi.

— bebirnell ofthe pyne appel ar hote in the fecond degre and
cre |a . Dape inthe firſt. Chey noriſh plentuoutly/e thep ar of a grofie
if iuice /and they av harde of Digettion/and greue the hede, and
YZ Wary make good bloode. They Gnouth the harrifhnes oz ſharpnes

HON EVE ? ave inthe bꝛeſte. They ar good foz the ſores o2 blifters of the

fo2 them that av Difpoled to trymble. :

Of Pepper out of Diofcorides. |

ar eps) Ciilay that Pepper is a {hortetre that groweth in
wate] kea| {udve, Ftbꝛyngeth furthafruite at the kirſt loõge
Wee, bh it vobere long coddes whichts called long Pepper.
BA SSA By aAndit hathe within tt a lmall thyng lyke to mule 03
TK By Sa Ei millet/vohich groweth to perfit Pepper at p lengthe.
Apea\ WVA71 WS Chys when the tyme commeth ts ſpred abode, and
ix Vee & bipngcth furth berries fuch ag all me knovo. partelp
5 ESSA L ) & oneppe(and therfore harvilhe vohich ar pvohite Pep

and triacleg. But the blak ts plefanter and moze harp then the se
a Of the vertues ofPepper out ofDiofcorides, 90
better fo for the flomack and moze ſpycie/becaule it isrype/and it is fitter
7 opment all.Bemutt chute the pepper that is heuieſt /and kul /blak/not
\ full of wzpncies/but frethe and without Dutt o2 chatlp filthines. Chere is
hy oft ford in blak pepper a thyng without noriſhmẽt/lene, empty /and lyght/
and that thep call bꝛalma.
Out of Plini.
=a De trees that bear pepper in euery placesar like vnto duriuni
AWAY vers.otobept there ar fom that holde that they gzow only in
Lea Aid) » fhonte of Caucalus plxñeth agapnit pfonne. The fedes differ
A Wty from tuneper by {uch litle coddes as Loe fe in fafelles. Chele
DA Aye plucked before they gape and operand be heten in the fonne/
J — — nmabe tt which is called long pepper. But vohẽ as by litle and
litle they begyn to open foz rypnes / they ſhewovohyte pepper / which after⸗
ard hete with the fonne itis chẽged with color ẽ wꝛyncles. Out the fame
ty,al ioe without theyz iniuri
/andthey ar perched cinged with the intempe⸗
bate woether /andp (edes av made emptie and voyde. Mhich thyng they call
wibechmatin: which betokeneth in the Jndiane tũg/bryngyng furtly of fruite
;) betoze the tyme of all the hole kynde/itis the roughelt and lyghtelt and paz
‘a lem color. Che blak pepper is moze plefant / but the vohyte islightber then
—» both the other. Ginger is not the roote of pepper as fom hauc iudged.

fthe ix. book of Theopbraft de hiſtoria plantarum.

YS | Cpper indede is a fruite /and thereof ar tooo kyndes, p one tg
me) Fo] tounde as the bitter fithche called ogobus/e tt hath a coueryng
— Nes at and fletihe/as the bay berries haue /and tt is ſomthyng tn buz
= der rediſhe. The long ts blak/xhath litle ſedes lyke poppy. And
3 thys ts much ſtronger the the other. They ar both hote/ wheres
pi; fre they at good agapnit che poyſon of the homlok as Frankincente ig,
: Out ofthe viij. booke of Galene of bys fimple medicines.
i —— =) Ve root of the pepper tre in vertu ts much lyke to coſtus. The
Sed Posy ttutte that was but growoyng of late/is the 16g pepper/vohere-
Se OA) fore it is moyſter then itthat is rype. And thys is a token of
Bj 4 bys moyſture:hen tt is layde bp, it will be hortly full of hoz
— leg, and Doth not byte by a by/ but beginneth a litle after bug
M tt dureth a litle more. But the frutte that is agit were an vnrype grape, ig
i) iepataan {harper tn Dede then the blak. Bothe they do bebementip
aye and heate. —
Hytherto haueJbrought it that the old wꝛyters haue voꝛittẽ of pepper/
— who /asa man may eſely gather oftheyz weꝛytyng /had only by bearlay it p
they mzote/concernpng >}defeription ¢maner of growyng of peper. Where⸗
§ fore becaule ther av many thynges found out of late peares by the ſaylyng
| ofthe Portugali/and es diuerle other aduenturus traualers tn far cuntres/
— and fpectally diuerſe kyndes of fruites and trees vohich were neuer perfit
Wknowen before:Fwill bꝛyng in vhat the later wzpters baue found out/
concernyng pepper which was not knowen before,
— * ———
Piatt Bi
— The *

Of Pepper out of Dioſcorides.

Of the vertues ofPepper out of Diofcorides.

Mejia We bertue of allpeppers tn commun /isto heat/ to moue a mato ma
yes S ke water /toDigelt/to dꝛavo to/to dꝛiue away by vefolutions and to
<—— {cour away thole thynges p darken the eylyght. Ft ts alto fit for to
be taken agaynſt the ſhakyng of agues/ vohich com agapn by courte at cet
tapn tymes
/whether it be dꝛoken 02 the body be thervotth anopntad. Ft hel
peth them that av bitten of benommus bettes. It bꝛyngeth furth alfo the
bpathe. It18 good foz the coughe and fo? all diſeaſes about the bꝛeſte whe-
ther ttbe licked in 02 be recepued in Diynk. Je ts lykewyſe good for p ſquyn⸗
fey iftt belayd to with hony. Ik it be dꝛonken voith the teñdze leues of the
bay tre tt dꝛzyvueth aboay gnawyng
/ and quite Diffolucth it. Ft it be mate
= : Of Pepper out ofDiofcorides. ol
Wy dpith ratines it will dꝛaw doun thynne fleme out of thehede, It ſtantheth
My acheand itis much died in helthe/itmaketh an appetpte. And tfit be men⸗
Ny ged with fauces it helpeth digeſtion.Ffit be menged with pitch /itOrpueth
h) anoay by relolutio wẽnes.with nitre oꝛ natural falpeter it ſcourcth away
i mozpherwes and fuch ipke fouities in the fein. Itis burned in a new erthen
i pot/ſetbpon the coleg/and is ered as tentilles ac.

Out of Symeon Sethi.

Epperishote and dzye inthe thyrde degre. The nature ofits
fo cut ti funder groſſe and toughe humoꝛes/ and to breke and
Si Deuce away wynde /and to waſte bp the moyſture ofᷣbrett
lunges / belly and ſtomack. But it ts euel fos the kydnees.
9 There ar fom that hold p pepper ts hote and dzye tn the fourth
My Degre.s5y thele woo2rdes of Spmeor/e by the autorite of Theophralt Dick
mM conydis/ Galene and Plyni /isthe old erroz playnly reproued of diuerſe Gui
We Glihe men and of many weomẽ /that tify haue holden that pepper is hote
ie mthe mouth and cold it operatto.Galenc teacheth that hole pepper heteth
iy not fomuche as broke a poudered peper dothe. Hys wo2des ar tele: There
i abnone of thole thpuges which ar manifeſtly kno wen to be hote /which
ppere to be hote vnto bs before the be broke in to ſmall partes. Foꝛ though
we amatilay hole pepper vnto bys ſtzin
/yet(hall he fele no heat of tt. Momoꝛe
uo Wallaman feleanyp heat, though he taſte vpon itwyth bys tong o2 ſwal⸗
My tow tt oucr/d2 bie it any other wayes hole/and vnbeten/and lifted. But if}
mS pouder of tt be layde nto the {ein/itwill heat/e ſpecially tf the Chin. Be rub:
in DED Hard therwith. And the pouder woill heat quicly both the tong and the
mh tomacke. noherefore vohen a man wold haue pepper to heat much and {pez
i Oelp/he mutt bete it in to ſmall pouder after the learnyng of Galene. But if
i He voold haue it to beat but litle and Roulp/the let hym ble it hole, og litle bro
i) Ben. And alithoughe pepper be good foz p (hakpyng of angue, pct for all that
H tis very ieperdus to take ether peper o2 any {uch hore medicine before the
me ODP ifthe pactent be Locl prepared and purged/ and the mater of the DY
we teale be made rppe. For ifſuche remediesbetake before the Devo tyme, chat
ts before the (tate o2 chefe rageofthe diſeaſe/ afingle ague will turnin toa
> Double/oz ellis at the leſte the ſiknes will Bejituch worl to heale as Galené
waiteth of the quartayn ague in bys booke ad glauconem.
Ofthe fiftick nut.
— Iſtacia tamed ſo both of the Grecianes and La⸗
GO Uta ines/ar namedofthe potecaries ¢barbarus voꝛy⸗
WY) Kis ters fittict. 3) haue fene them tn Bononi growyng
£3 bpo they tre which was but ſhort. Che leucs av
KS nothprig ipkebrito
the lentiſk leucs ag Matthiolus
voꝛyteth/ſauyng p they grow in fuch oder as they
Be do SS (ig : /loꝛ they differ boty in fafhon and korm
/and alto.
BAS aS, oY \) in greatnes and color. The fittik lefe that F favo &
| YS OWISA RAM SSE mefured/is thrple as bꝛode as } létilis lefe ¢ beodet,
Q aii
Ofthe fiftick nut.
Pijacea. and it (8 but thople as long&about
a grancloger. The figure ofpfiltic
tre is almott rounde:) figure of the
lentith lefe ts fuch/that in that parte
that ts next vnto p footttalk/is berp -
ſmall and wareth greater and grea
ter vnto the mpd lefe @ krõ thence
it groweth ener leſſe and leſſe vn⸗
till itcom vnto a poynt all moſte
ſharpe. The coloz of the lentiſk ig als
fo grene /vhen as the coloz of the
kiſtik is nothyng fo grene /but pelos
wer wlitle rede ſpottes in them. In
thys lyknes @ bignes haue J (ene
the lẽtiſk o2 maſtik tre and the fiſtik
tre in Bonony/wohere as J learned
a practis
the knowledge of berbes
of phyſik of mp matter Lucas Gt
nus/the veder of Dioſcoꝛides theres
of whome Matthiolus in bys tome
mentaries bpon Dioſcoꝛides olty⸗
mes maketh honorable mention.Je
may chance that Matthiolus hath
fene the leues of the foꝛſayde trees
of greater o2 leſſe bygnes and ofos
ther fafihon ¢coloz then thep were
of that JZ favo in Bonony /where
of J baue certapn at thys Day to
| /well kept in abooke atỹ leſt
thele ſeuentene yeares/ikany man ſhulde dout of my truth tn the rehertall of
theſe maters. The fittik nut at the leaſt bath twoo notable couerynges/
one that is without all the other as a wallnut o2 an almond pathy an
other harde and toughe and in coloz vohyte woithin the vohich ts a grene
xkirnell/full of opie. |
The vertues offiftickes out of Diofcorides,
Pay he filtic nuttes av good for the ſtomack. They ar alfo a good remes
—* cup agapnit the bytynges of crepyng beaſtes /wheter they be eaten /
oꝛ whether they be bꝛoken and dꝛonken in wyne. |

Out ofPliny.

he kiltickes haue the fame pofittes and voorkyngthat the pineap⸗

SM peg ple kirnelles haue/ and beſyde that they ar profitable nobether ther
2%) be eaten 02 Dronken againt the bytynges of ſerpentes. 7
Out of Galene de alimentoram facultatibus.
Ofthe peafe. 92
PN wletie tt thegecõd booke De alimentorzum facultatibus tweiteth that
ees (Ubickes noriſhe but a litle/and they ar good to ftrepnathen liuer
A mus
and to [couratoay the humoꝛes that ar (topped th the canales ofit.
The fame Galene wpiteth of them thus in hys bookes of ſimple medicine.
The fruite ofthe liſtic tve ts of a finer ſubſtance or complerion, and ft hath
a litle bitternes and a good {nelle therfoge it fcoureth avoap the oppyng
ofthe lyuer chekely /andalfo of the bꝛeſte and tunges.
Out ofSymeon Sethi. :
pee ee Jitickes as Symeõ Cayeth(after tranſlatiõ of Lilius Gre⸗
Be fees GOzUS) nogi{h litlesand ar hote dry in the fecod degre. They
ood Pape At Good foz the lpuer/ and ſumtyme they ftepp and ſumtyme
dau kere) they driue away/ becaufe they haue iutces of ty. lortes / where
otthe one is ſomthyng byndyng/and the other lonthyng bit
er /and of a picie ſmell. Galene writeth > they nether greatly
| Help noꝛ burt the ſtomack.
Butt the later writers yold, that they ar good £42
the ſtomack. They help them p ar bitten of benummus betes. They make
the blood fpne/and thep make thynne groſſe and thoughe humozes.The opt
bf fiftickes 13 good fo the brette/-kyDnces/and lunges, |

Out of S erapio and other Arabianes. fi

a eae) 2¢ ople of fittickes/is good agaynſt all benemus bytpnges, for
| SIP ach of the lyuer
/which cometh of moptture.Itts hote 4 drye/
CSS4 Kyay
Pry | -
and of a greater beat the the walnut and yalel nut be of. Auer⸗
A) OX toes wepteth liſtickes ar temperatly dep and hote
/and f they

Of the peaſe.
PAT Se D Diolcorides defcribeth not p ſabam /Lobere of
he maketh
Avon mention and ſheweth the bertuesfohe nether delcribeih nes
veraia| ther maketh any mention of the tlt. Mherefoꝛe it is as
= A\4)| meruel that men haue erred in the pilo ag well as in the faba litle
pee G| Sum herbaries of Germany hold that cicer anetinum is the,
. pifumn of the latines led by thys refon. Cicer is called in Gre⸗
Ke Crebinthos and ppiſum ofthe Latines is called in fom places of Duch⸗
lad erweilen /lothat they gather that, that the Zouch erweylſen cant of the
Greke worde eoeBwrO-. Dther gather eve by tach an other refon Pp Duche
er/ bs
which is called in Engliſh a peate is the eruumof) Latines/é orobus
ofthe Grecianes/ becaute erbs ſemeth to come ether of erutt o2 orob
us, by
reſon of) lyknes of p wordes bet wene one ean other. Wut ail thefe geſſin⸗
ges at but vayn and openly agapntt the truth/as God willyng J (hall
ue her after.5ut before FJtake that pro
mater in hand/ZF thpnk it bet to ferche
out what old waiters hane woriten of theyz pitts.
Theopheatt in the feuenth book of the hiſtori ofplantes/and in | thyrde
chapter wꝛyteth that piſum cicercula and cicera/ andfucy other baucion
Ger leues then the faba. Tye lame wꝛiteth that pilu
m s and lathyrog
Quy haue

Ofthe fiftick nut.

Pifum, haue a ttalck >fallech op6 the groũd
| Theophꝛraſtus allo in p fourth booke
ATEN \ SSX r AD ot the caules ofplantes writeth thug
‘fi — Kr RS of peaten, Piſum ts mot frapl ofall
(0p K XY / 5 other/foz it is mofte fubtect puto mil
ie) LN O due, becaute it hath many tenes, bez
Reh —— 7 caule tt groweth by the grounde,
aS = Ip |. large am ed rynnyng abode,
:I * > . 9 Foꝛitwill li p hole placesallthough
/) one fede. be {et a grete way from
we another. and the fame ts much in
—F 7 dangerof colbe and freſyng/berau⸗
SHG {ei a weyk reote. Pliny wets
hath at —

\ CASS. / tong of other pulles, tpeaketh thug

s f of Pild in the ry. chapter of the
VF rbiti. booke. Thepitum ought to be

\\ fog in places lying againſt the ſon⸗

“ne/becaute of all other, tt can tefte



| aa colde. ay therfore ietas

Trinity and in a toughe aper, tyey fom
REN it not but in the ſpꝛyng tyme, man
" =} eaty and louſe grounde. Chere ig
: si \) i cicercula — — whith
S is not euen /and full of coꝛners as p
VA DEW J pifuin is. The coddes of the ciches ar
— MS rounde/ other pulfes coddes ar long
L re XS > and brode after the figure of p fede.
: A. a5 The pilum hath coddes after the fab
fhon of a rool that the grounde ts playned with all. ;
Here be all che places that FJcan fynde at thys tyme in the old toriters/
which Declare any thyng the formeo2 faſhon ofpitt. But firſt before Jbꝛyng
itt whatis my iudgement of the pitt, F thynck tt mete to confule the errores
which av committed tn thys pulſe pth. Firſt that they erre foroly/that
hoid that Cicer arietinum in Dioſcoꝛides is our comon peaſe/and the pi⸗
fon of the Grekes / berauſe the Duches erweyſen is lyke in found to ere⸗
/ andthey that hold that peaſe called in ſom place of Duchelande
/isthe eruum of the Latines oꝛ oꝛobus of the Grecianes
erbs / becauſe theſe
wordes oꝛobus and eruum ar ipke vnto Che Such woꝛde erbs.Ftmay be
eaſely pꝛoued by that it foloweth not, becauſe aDuche woꝛde ſoundeth
ipbe a greke oꝛ Latin woꝛrde /that therfore tt that the Duche word betoke⸗
neth/that p latine and Greke voordes betokeneth the ſame. For tfthat were
a good mancrofargument, then carabus, which foundeth ipbe etn krab/
fhould not be a lobſter oreyn mer kreuet/ but a krab and bulpes vohich
foundeth lyke bnto ein wolk/ſhuld not be a fore but awolft /where puto tt
path alpber ſoũde and name. Cunila ſhuld not be ſaueray
hyghe Duche call tyme quendell.duligium ſhuld uot be pennpriali/but poz
lium/ becaule the Buch cail pulegium poley. all
Of the peaſe. ! 93
Pow may ye te how Calender the argument is whichts fetheyed out of
ptiones and proper,
the ipkenes of wordes tn Dinerle tonges/ercept p Delcri
) ties doagre allo ther with. But >the Defcriptio and properties of pift do not
agre with Drobus and Crebinthus, J {hall ealely 5 —it/ ek—
/ andvoith other be yde them.Erebinthus /
) tesoftthe autores aboue reherled
> asTheophratt voriteth falleth not bpon the — but groweth a ſyde.
But the peale falleth vpon the ground therefoz erebinthus ca not be piſum.
) Che piium hath long ieues/but Erebinthus hath none/ luche. Therlor Cre-
binthuscannotbepitum. —
Galene voriteth de Cicere Arietino/ and de piſo as of ij. diſtinct and di⸗
/Pliny alfo in one chapter Dinideth cicera fro piſis/therloze ere⸗
Y werle pultes
) pinthts which is called in latin cicer is not pifum.
Theopinatt maketh orobum to grow ſydlynges. But allour kyndes of
peaſen ar emrytioxavAc, that is they2 ttalkes grovo by the grounde/and Gale
ſauyng the whyte av playn bitter and ta
I Sniteth p all the kyndes of ozꝛo/
> keth not all bitternes away from it dtterlp/but maketh tt gentler then the
other as Theophratt Doth allo. But all our kyndes of peaten Eallp kyndes
/arplayne ſwet
iy oferiwepten o2 erblen in Duche e all bitternes. Ther⸗
be there can none ofour peaſe nether ofthe Duche erblen be any kynde of
© probus, faupng the tobyte/and p (agit is pꝛoued before) can not be orobus
» agone that mzote vpon the Georgikes of Nirgil dyd lately teache.
That the motte part of our comõ peaſen can not be piſum of the old wꝛi⸗
) tevsit Dothe appere by bothe }defcriptiones of Theophraſt and pint. Foz
Theophraft maketh bys peate with a long lefe/e Plini giueth corners vnto
D bps peate.Then when as the comon vohrte peate is altogether rounde and
tout comers/and the leucs of fmofte parte of our comon peaten ar roũde/
) thecomon white peafon and other lyke vnto them in korm and faſſhon caw
i not be pita ofthe old wꝛiters. :
s is not round, but cog
The comon gray peate with the long leue
a neredAs ether the plum of theold voriters o2 ellisJbnowit not all,
T he vertues ofpeafen out ofGalene. :
—Ealen ofthepr hole ſuhſtance haue a certayn lyknes with fa-
Ey i bis woich ar called of the motte parte of learned men and ta
$1) Re Ker fo2 our beanies and av after the fame maner take in that
Pal VV fabe av. But they differ in thele twoo poyntes /fd fabis both
ON GE Ned in that they ar notſovoyndy
/ andthat thep haue not fuche a

Sunt inflatiua cum pellibus atq; noctua,

Pellibus ablatis [unt bona pifa [atis.
Q WwW Chat
Ofthe peafe,
That is pealen with theyrſkinnes av voyndy and noyſum /but when ag
ſkynnes ar take away:they ar good inoughe. Thus do they fay. But lor
ail they. ſayng/Jvoull aduite all them that haue ether wyndy ſtomackes/o
miltes/p thep vie not much peale at any tyme hovofoeuer they be dacfled/
excent there be ether anis {ede/oz cumin /o3mpnte/ o2 ſomother (ede o2 herb
of pe propertie put thereto.nohercfore J mult nedes commẽde the honetk
and lerned Phyſicianes voho of olde, tyme haue taught our cookes to pug
tye pouder of mynte tn to peate potage/ {02 that taketh away for the motte
parte the noyndines of the peale /which might els hurt all men difpoted
Dito any wyndines ether tn the milt og ſtomack. The caule why J do
commend them ts/becaule thep haue Don bothe accoꝛdyng vnto teafon and
to the learnyng of Galene voho vorytyng of peatenyand other voyndy mea:
tesfayeth > vobatfoeuer topndines is in any kynde of meat, the fame may
be amended by ſuch herbes ag av hote and make fubtile and fyne.



naria/and therfore they haue made a verſe wohereby aman map learn to
Diicern the one from the other/but the verſe is thys:

The vertue of pitiufa out of Diofcorides.

Zora) HOO dꝛrammes of pittufas rote with mede purgeth/ & fo Doth a dꝛam
4G of the (ede, a fo Doth a ſpountull of the fap made in pilles with flour.
CThre drammes of the leues /
may be taken loz a purgation,
— a SS Ee
gg Se es ge ge eg
eg = a
— — — en ee

Eee —

Z * aS.
: Nh

Plantago I, mindy.
Plantago mator,

; ‘Qs





Plantago Aquatica.
Of plantayn or weybrede.


T he vertues ofbothe the Plantaynes or waybredes

out of Diofcorides,
— beleues of plantapn/haue a deping pour and byndyng toge⸗
Se RAVEN cher. nohertore tfthey be layd to/thep ar good fo2z all perilins
ANG foxes and hard to healesand ſuche as draw towarde the coz
4-1 mon lepze / and fo2 {uch as ar fovopng o2 rynnyng and full of
Wea eee foul mater.Chep Topp alto the burſtyng out ofblood/carburt
— — ctleg fretyng fores/creppnig lores /ryght blaynes/oz ploukes, €
Chey couer with a (kin olde ſores avneuen / and ſores all moſte bneurable,¢
they heal bp corners / andhollovo ſoꝛes. They heal alſo the bytyng of a dog/
and burned places / andinflammationes o2 burnynges/and the inflammã⸗
tiones oꝛ apoſtemes behind the eares and ſwellynges /hauyng blaynes in
them alter the colour of bꝛede. They ar good to be layd to hard ſwellynges
02 wennes and wateryng of the eyes/ with a loge diſpoſed to fittelies / with
lalt. But the herbe tftt be eaten as a Lourt tn meate / with ſalt/and binegre/
it 8 good for the blody Atv and the other fitr wotthout bloode. Ft is alfo geuẽ
fodder in the ſtede of betes’, with pentilles. It is alfo geuen to them that
haue the dropley vohich hath the name of vohyte fleme, after the bie of Dp
thyngesAo that the herbe fodder may be taken inthe myddes. Ft its alfo
ood fo be geuen to them that haue the falipng ſiknes /and to them that ar
o2t wynded.
The tuice of the leucs ſcoureth ſores that ar tn the mouthe, tf
it be oft waſſhed therwith. with Cimolta and vohyte lead oz cerufietthea⸗
let the inllammation called fapnt Antonies fyre. The fame ts poured into
the cares foz the ach of them, and foz the eplore, it ispoured in to p ey / and it
is menged with ey falues.Jtts Deonken of them with profit, that haue blo⸗
Dy gounics/ and of them that caft out blood, It ts good to be poured tn vn⸗
Der agaynſt the blody flir. It ts alfo good to be dꝛonken agaynſt the ptilik.
It is alfo good to be lapd to agaynſt the ſtranglyng of the mother in be
oa J

“Ay “Soe Soe

Pa a re) .
*.% bi

Of the Playntre 95
nd fo iS it good fo2 a wateriſh oꝛ to moyſt mother. The fede allo dzonken
i with wyne h ſtoppet the belly and the ſpittyng of bloode. Che toote odden
) Hancherh the tuthe ach tf they be waſſhed there with/and it cho wed tu the
mouthe. The roote and leues ar good againt the ſores og bliſters that arin
the bladder and kydnes/ſothat they be taken voith ſwete wyne. Som fap
Chat tine rootes with thre ciates of wyne with lyke postion of water will
help atertian/e the four vootes help a quartyn. Chere arvallo fom »ble the
poote Hanged tn a band/to dꝛyvue Away voennes and hard ſwellynges.

Out ofGalenein the vy. book offimple medicines.

Sy Lantaprisof a menged comiplerion oꝛ temperature/for (hatha

=) Certapn colde wateriſhe thpng/and alfoa certapn byndyng tartih

ee" thynag/the which is erly Dap andcolde. And therfore it colech arid
Dyeth/ ais in bothe in the fecond degre from the myddes Wut ſuch medics
Nes as cool ¢ bynde/ar good for {ores that ar hard to be healed, for tſſhues &
ii fomypnges and rotten humores/a ſo at they good for the blody fic. Che
Poote and ſede ar not fo cold as the leues av/but Deper.Actius confivmech it
that Galene aud Dioſcorides haue wꝛittẽ and fapeth alfo thus: Che ſede ts
Di motte fubtil o2 fyne partes /but the rootes av af groffer partes. And the ic-
“Hes Dayed/get vnto them the pour of {ubtiler partes/but net ſo cold as thep
Had before. & . :
©) wdhen as thele be the true bertues < properties of the hyndes of playn⸗
fapnAtis a follh ſayng of fom onlearned perlones / vobich hold ſtiſtſy chat
plantapn Dravocty Humozes out of fores: Mhen as the properties of it/ig
father to Drpue bak humozes “and to dey bp them / that ar Ro wen to the hurt
| Plates/then to dzaw any bute the place. Foꝛ al ſuch medicines as fhal Dave,
mut haue an Hote oꝛ warm propertic/and not a colde and Dap/ag all the kin
des of plantayn haue.
Of the Playn tre. —
a4 Lithoughe Dioſcorides wꝛiteth of the vettues of
i) jlapn tre/pet he deſcribeth tt not. noberefore erp
SR A \ Mane in Cugland and Germaty haue erved ih ta⸗
Es Beng of dinerle trees for the Playn tre 7 where of
nono of then all/was the ryght Playn tre in deve,
SV Sun take plpnd tre (which Fw many other take
NaN for the ryght tilia) for Platand: becaute it ſhutteth
MINS WY furth long branches, &boiwghes and is able to coz
rN CEA Neel| Le Argrete numbꝛe of men budertt. Sum takeq
tre wh ich femeth to me/to be a kinde of acerto be PlatanumAnd . chat tre
Wealled iu uch Ahorn. That the lynd can not be Platanns/ it may be Dac
thered by diuerle places of Dioſcorides /where as he maketh certayn well
Bnowen herbes lpke to Platano. Dioſtoꝛides in the fourth booke andras,
chapter / wꝛiterh of ricinus
/ vhich we call now in England pelmachrifti,
fapeth that tt bath leue/s
like bute a Playn tre/but greter
/ſmother and blac
Ber. Wut the lynd tre hath lenes Ipke an alp tre / 02 to ſom Juy leues that
haue no indentyng o2 cuttyng/a nothing lyse vrito the leues of palma Chrifti,
Which ar cut out after the maner ofa mannis hande, Pliny alto in the xby.
Of the Playn tre.
Platanw. book and xxiiij.chapter
/wziteth that

taynes that av fom thpng moptte;

amongeſt the afhe trees. But Theo⸗
phraſtus makech the Playn tre to
grow in merriſh groũdes with wil
= lowes eby voelics and water ſydes.
and the fame w2iteth thus of the
Playn trees naturall place berp cles
rely in the thyrd booke of the Hiſtozy
of Plantes/é tn the ſeuenth chapter,
Hom trees grow cally ¢ increaſe
with ſpede
/ asthey that arple bp by
ryuers oꝛ waters/as the elm tresthe
plapn tees the water alp /and the
roplow tre. Cherior the Platanus
and the ahorntre agre nothpug tn
theyr natuvall place of growing.
| : Both Plini and Theophraſte vote
alfo that Platanus groweth not naturally in Ftalp. And Plini voriteth
that the Playn tre was fetched out of a ftrange voo2!De/ only for the ſhad⸗
Dowis fake.It is lpke tf abo had bene Platanus /and the Italianes had
knowen /that it bad growen fo neve band them/ inGermany, (ag tt ts berp
like they beyng fo much a fooft inGermany / dydknow what grevo there/)
they wold neuer baue ſent in to a ſtrange wald to fetche them / leyng thep
myghe haue had it fo neve home. They alfo that deſcribe the ahorn tre, maz
ke it not to haue any {uch addowing boughes and byanches as Plini and:
Theophratt write that the Playn tre hath. |
Foꝛ thele and diuerſe other lyke cauſes / J reken that the tré called in
Douche Aor o2 wild aſſhen /can not be Platanus. J haue fene the leues
of that Platanus that grovweth in Ftalp/and two bery pong trees tn Eng⸗
land which were called there Playn trees. nabole leues in all poyntes woes
ve lyke vnto the leues of the Italian Playn tre. And it is Doutles that theſe
two trees were ether brought out of Italy /oꝛ of fom farr countre bepond.
/ where vnto the freres monbes and chanones voent a pylgrimage.

The vertues o {the Playn tre. |

pe| Pe pong leues of the Playn tre/fodden in wyne /ar good to be layd
diary buto the eyes to Topp the rpnnpug and wateryng of them. They —
ee ; a
F Of theherbecatled Polium out of Diofcorides. 96
W Alo good for ſwellynges /and inflammationes. The bark fodden in bine-
Wy grevis good foz the tooth ach, tithe teth be woallhed therewith. Che yong
H Kuoppes Donker in wyne/ heal the pbytyngof ferpentes. Jithep be bro⸗
h ken and menged with grefe/and there of be made an opntment/heal it that
Wy ts burnt of fyre. The hoꝛynes that cleueth vnto the leues/is perillus both foz
‘theepesandearesalfo. r

Of the berbe called Polium out ofDiofcorides.
Polium. a Her av two kyndes
ee] FAWN of oltum/ the one


9 E 9 di of the mountaynes
\ 4 Kah vobich is named teu-
a Ay Aeay crion/and thys isit
YS ~~ that ig comoniy
J It is a bulhipng Amall/wbyte, and
hh Aa Afpanne long /fullof fede. Ft hath
‘ in the topp a litle hede lyke
Mm ofberries
/butthat litle ano lyke an
J hory heat. And it hath
a ſtrong o2
y greuous finelliopned 15 a certapn
My pleafantnes. The other kynde is
| moꝛre buſſhy / and not of fa ftronga
/ and weyker in worzkyng.
ther to Dioſcoꝛrides.
The firſt and nobler kinde haue
Ilene growyng in the mount Ap⸗
pennin / but neuer in England a
bꝛode. Therefore Jknovo no Eng⸗
liſhe name of it but itmay be weil
called after the Greke and Latine
name poly. The ſecond kynde dyd
fe (ercept Jbe Decepued) a litle
tom the citi of Cour in the land of

Khetia/but tt grow rot fo ſtreyght
vp / as tt that Watthiolus painteth.


J Pliny geueth vnaduiſediy thoſe pro
perties vnto Polio that belong to

> tripolio. Therfore all ſtudentes had nede to rede hym warely
ece and in many other plates /leſte hegyue them full caute of erroꝛ Here is
> the reder to be warned that where as it is tn p tranſſation of Coꝛnarius pal
mialtitudine,ft (Sin Greke andaplaiop/Dohich Greke worde betokeneth not
> the length of four fpngers, ag palmus Doth, but a ſpanne
/vohich conteynety
init tr. inſhes 02 rij. fingers. Thys thoughtJ neceſſary to warn the reder
© of/lette he leauyng vnto the autorite of Coꝛnarius /ſhuld thynk that Poly om
F Shuld be no byaber then i, xnches oz four fpngres longyag palmus motte eo. ‘lrde

| Monty in all good autozes that J haue ved dothe fignifp, ſauyng in a places” ta
| O2i). ofPliny /vohich leme to agre with the iudgement of Cornarius.
The al
Ofthe berbe called Polycala or milk lentill,
T he vertues ofPoly ont of Diofcorides.
He broth of the herbe Donker, healeth the ſtyngyng of ſerpentes/
7s (Sw them that haue the dzopley and the iaundes
/andalto them that ar
greued in the mtit/fo that ttbe bled with binegre. Fe vereth the fto-
mack/ and ingendzeth the hedach. It lovoleth the bellp, and bryngeth
‘Down floures.Ffit be ſtro voed bon the growtide/og tfit be burned/and ma
De to fmooke, it dzyueth away lerpentes. Fit be layd to emplatteriwple, it
byndeth woundes together. Poly by the refon of hys bitternes as Galene -
weiteth, a becaule he is metelp ſharp/Delpucreth all inwarde partes from
ſtoppyng. When as tt ts grene as the fame Galene worziteth / it topneth to-
gether great woundes/e (pectally the buſſhye kynde. Mhen as IC 1S dryed/tt
will heale old foes bevy hard to be healed. Wut the lefle kynde is for pur⸗
poſe moze effectuus o2 ſtronger inwoꝛkyng. The leſſe Poly /which we ble
in preleruattucs and triacles/is (harper and bitterer then the greter is, So
that tt dꝛyeth in the thyrde degre /and heateth fully out inthe fecond degre.

Ofthe berbecalled Polygala or milk lentill.

ea Dipgala/ fapeth Diolſcoꝛides/is a bulbling, a {pan long and
a bY Vath leues after the kaſſhon of lentill leues/ with a tafte ſom⸗
Ly) KSA! thyng bpndpng & tarte Dioſcoꝛides wꝛiteth no moze of Poly
‘ Fed Yani Gala, Che herbe > J take for Polygala / is a bery (hort herbe,
J JY Ne) andlic groweth tt woddes and in wilde places, and in hed:
SI Ses befpde woddes/and tnlaynes: the four is in fom places
purplesand tn other places allmott vohite Allthoughe J bate fene thys her⸗
be oft in Cnglad/pet couldJneuer heave ofanp mat the name of tt.Jt map *——

be called vntill we fynde a better name, milke lentill/becaule tt hath leues

lyke lenttlles/and the propertie to make muche milk. 7
T he vertues ofPolygala.
; JOlcortdes reherſeth no other bertue of Polygala/ſauing that it ma
iT et h much milke. And Galene voriteth not much
e more of it. Forhe
vpꝛyteth only thys of tt. olpgaion leues ar a litle byndyng. Thep
feme to make mil, ik itwere Dionken. Cherfore bete and moyſture mut
bere the chefe ruel in it. Paule hath nothyng of thps herbe but it that Dtow
cortdes and Galene worote before hym.srether kynde J any moze of it in Pi
ny /then is voritten tn Dioſcoꝛides.

Of kuot gra/Sor ſwynegraß. and of the medow ſehauigraſi,

| ‘ont of ioſcorides.


Se Joſcoꝛides maketh ij.byndes of Polygonum. The

A Feo QS |one be calleth the male /and the other be calleth the
nd EXSSOR temale. Polygonum the male (fapeth he) is an herbe
SN Cpt) § that hath tẽdie branches and foftſetabout with lit⸗
AY (ety bay Ele ktiees oꝛ knoppes about the topntes/andthep bre-
Winey Zi pe bpon the ground like grafts. Che leues ar like rue
we AIS Ay but they ar longer
¢fofter. Ithath ede beſyde euery J

Wa AE lete/mberofit ts called the male. Che four is whyte

Og pur⸗
Of knot grafor /vyne grat, and ofthe medow ſchauigraſi. |
Polygonum 1, Polygonum 11.

—— = —— y : .
Op purple.Bolpgonuim the female is a litle bulhling o2 buſſhy herbe /hanyng
, :

but one ſtalk/ tendre and lyke vnto a rede/and it hath many knoppy toyntes
called of fom men knees / one bepng allwayes ftopped inte an other, after
the maner of a trumpet. And ithath certayn thynges about the ioyntes, (a. Go
Sopng round about/lyke vnto the leues of aPyne tre. The root is nothyng
Worth. It groweth tn watery places, BR 2
The former kynde is named tn Greke TroAvyovop xpeens in atin Poligonũ
mas.O2 fanguinalis,in uch WegbꝛetinEngliſh knotgrals o2 Svopnegratte.
The female is called tt Greke Polpgorion sav, in Latin Polygond fomiz
-ha/in Engliſhe litle ſhaue graſſe ozmedow thauegralle becaute it groweth
much in moyſt and merriſh medowes,
The vertues ofknot graſſe out of Dioſcorides.
He inice of knotgraſſe/ifit be dzꝛonken /hatha abyndyng and a coo⸗
a er hee
hear per

Ky = Gia
ig) 3

Bata UG pꝛopertie. Jt is good fos them that {pit blood/and fo2 the flix
a nd for luch as choler burfteth out ofboth aboue and benech. Fis
“Good for the ſtrangurian/ for it doth manifertlp bryng furth water. It is
“Good to be drzonken with wyne /agaynlt the bytyng of benemus veſtes. Fe
zallo good to be taken agapnit the fittes of agues an hour before theyr cs
myng . slit be layd to it well/ſtopp the iſſhues of wocomen: a,ygood to be

Of the berbe called Polygonatum or ſcala celi.
put in agaynſt the rynnyng a mattery cares.
It is excellentiy good acayntt
the fores of the priuites, tfit beſodden voith wopne and hony. Che leueg at
ood to be laydetofox theburnpng ofthe ſtomack fog caſtyng out of blood
2 crepprig fozes/foz hote inflammationes called ſaynt Antoñies fyre / oz of
/ſorimpoſtemes and ſwoellynges and grene woun⸗
fom other the wilde fyre
Des. The femall which F call medodo ſhauegraſſe
hath a byndpng poures -
/ and it is good fo2 all that the other kynde is good fo2/but it ts in all

poyntes wepker. Galene belpde thele properties, that Dioſcorides geueth
vnto Polygono/aſſygneth alfo thele p folow here after. As knotgraſſe hath
a certayn byndyng / fo doth a wateriſh coldnes ber the chefe ruclinit. So

thatttis tn p ſecond degre colde/o2 allmofte in the begynnyng of the thyrde
Degre. It ts good to make a repercuſſiue 02 backdzyuyng medicine of it/to
dzy ue bak agayn {uch humoꝛes as flovo vnto any place. :
Of the berbecalled Polygonatum or ſcalacæli.
Polygonaton. Polyganatum anguftifoliang.

ai} — A
a 4 * yy .

\ ‘alWee
n groweth in hylles oz mountapnes. We isa buſhe
ES hyghe/ithath leues lyke a bay tre/but bꝛoder
and {mothers which in taſte hath a certayn thyng Ipke a quin⸗
———6a— \\iCe/
Theroꝛe pomgran
ar whrtat. Foz they fend furth a certayn byndyng.
e oures about the out hynges of cu
ery eter mo Ut
0; the Afp and kyndes of Popler. 98
> Fito in nombꝛe then the leues ar / ifpe begin to tell from the roote, It hath a
i tobpte roote/foft/long full of knees 02 opntes/coughe(as fom trantlate thys
D> 020e dactiap) O2 thyk voell compact together/(as other turn the fame woꝛ⸗
I De) andit hath a greuous ſmell/itisabout an ynche chick. ;
i Chps herbe ts well knowen bothe in England / andin Germany. It ts
b calledin Engliſh ſcala celi. The Such nen call it Weiſz wurtz /the herba⸗
tiescalle tC figillumSalomonis. It were better to call it by an Engliſh name
taken out ofDuch (from whence our Engliſh ſprang ficlt) vohyte wurt
then ſcala celi/fog fo Hall men lern better to know tt/and to remembꝛe the
\ name of it.
\| : T he properties of Polygonatum ar vhytevurt.
Kaa~ © ts herp good for woundes and to fcour away fpottes and fre:
ees bies/out of ones face, Som dle to make alhes of the root of thys
Seale. berbe and to make ley of tt/fo2 to {cour avoay frekles out of the face.
Of Afp,and kyudes of Popler.
populus I. Populus 11.

= Jotcorides maketh but two kyndes of Populus / that is the

| /andPlin
Wohyte and the blak. But Theophꝛraſt y thre kin
des / Diofcorides and Theophzaſt call populum nigram aryeeop,
Ah SZ, AND populum albam Acunap-But inTheophzaſt —— —
Of Afp,and kyndes of Popler.
kynde called in Grebe xepuis of bpm. But wobp that it bath that
not perfitlp perceyue/ aconas is as name/F can
much to fay inLatin as Radius/wohich beto.
keneth in our ſpeche aveam/a ſpoke ina whele/ the
leſſe bone ina mannig
arm and a weuers inſtrument named a Mhittel, But F
fe no caule that xton⸗
Che thyrde popl/ er
ſhuld haue hys name of any okthele. But if that ther had
bene in the ſtede of xepuis nengn O2nexgis,(Dobtch woꝛd it is poſ
Ones bene in the tert of Cheophatt, and afterward changeſib le that it bath
into nepruis tt voere catpe to tell/of what properti it were calledd by fom waiter
xenon. STOLxengn
in Grewe ts as much to fap in Engliſhe/atpytefull noyſe and xoxo tn Greke
is/iound agayn. Therfoge if y¶woꝛde had bene xeexx to p thprde kinde of pos
pict (huld haue had the name of foundpng 02 of makyng of anopfum no e
Vohiche propertte Pliny tn diuerſes places geueth buto che popler tre, and
we fe that in ÿwod popier, that it hath leucs euer trpmbling and moupng
€ 10 in but afmall wynde crackyng. Theodore Gasa the tranflato2 of Chea
/outof Greke in to Latin turneth kerkin into populum alpinam, that
13 an aſp 02 popier of the mountapnes, called the alpes. Pliny called thps
thyrde kynde populumlybicam, voher of F tntend to mtreat here after.

Of the kyndes ofpoplers out of T heophra/t.

He whyte poplec/ and the blak /ar of one kaſlſhone /thep grow
=3¢¥ Ol rpaht pp bothe. Wut the biak popler is longer and mother.
phi Chey ar bothe like in figure of iefe/ They haucalto bothe white
: 4 WOOD / when as they ar cut dovn xexpis 02 populus alpina (gsnot
= Onip ke vnto the ehpte popler, bothe in bygnes and by > it ſpre⸗
— a

deth abzode wity vohite boughes. It hath the lefe ofan uy but mthe one
dailf with out a comer,on the other fide a long coꝛn /er
goyng to a fharpnes,
with one color allinolte both bpon the ouer parte and nether parte alt
bath a long footſtalk and ſmall /ã therfore it is not ryght out, but bow o.It
in. The bars ts rougher then the vohite poplers bark is/and yng
move {cabbed/
ag he bark Of axes⸗ is / whiche Theodoze curnerth a wilde pyne.
Thus wꝛyteth Theophralt in the thyrd booke de hiftoria plantaru
m and ttt
che xiiij. chapter.And tn the rbj.chapter of the firft booke dehiftoria plantaré
he woriteth thus of the whyte popler/and not generally of euery popler (as
Gaza ttanſlating Acvnup not very we/ll poppulum with out any puttyng to of
whyte o2 blak Doth.) The leues (fapethe he) in ail other trees ar in all popus
tes lyke them ſelues /butthe leues of the whyte alpe /of the Juy tre, and of
palma Chrilti/ar not Ipke them felues/that is thep haue fom tyme one fatthon >.—
= =

of icues/and fom tyme an other fallhon. Foz when as thep ar pong, thep ar
rounde / but when they ar olde / thep grow into comers. But tt is not fo
withthe Juy. Foꝛ the Juy whille tt is pong, hath more coznered leues /and —

wohen tt commeth to perkit age /then ar the leues rounder. And thys pros
pertte belongeth ſeuerally to the oltue tre to the lyndeyand to the vohyte pos
pler tre fo. thep turn Dovone theyr bpper partes by and by after lolſtitium a—

(xobpehe ts after Acting the xxv. of Juny aatter Pliny the xxiiij. of
and Funy)
by that token the Hulbaumen know that the folttitium of fommer
is patt. Theophraſt voriteth m diuerk places that the poplers gro by was
ter ſide/sandin mopſt places/as the noble Poet Virgil doth aio, —
wits | ut
O} the Afp and kyndes ofPopler. 99
a * ad
Outof Pliny.
Here ar thre kyndes of Populus/the vohyte/theblak, and it that is
., —“*
Cot. an Veer
*F Weil
i — *

called lpbicay which is lefte and blatkeſt in the iefe /and moſte com:
) "

saa mended of all other, fo2 berpng of todeſtooles (0245 the Qorthum⸗
~ perlanders call them vꝛuche Ches.
white hate a lefe of twoo colozcs white
aboue (which fayng of Plinyisnot trac butill the foltitit be patt fo2 a fo2¢
that tynie/the bpper parte isgrene) and the vnder parte is grene. Che reſt
" that Pliny wepteth of the poplers /fauyng where as he taketh any thpug
gutotCheopirattis not worthy the wiytyng, )
Populus nigra which is called in Grebe aiyere-, and in Italian Piopo
nero /in Frence Du trembleo2Pepleur in Duche Aſpen /is not fo comonin
England / as tt is in Italy ehyghe Germany. The Popuitisigcalled with
“DS by two names /fom callita wWodppier/and other an Alp o2 an efp tre. But
noteucry tre tt Cngland called Popler 02 Elp/isthe rpght Popuius nigra:
Hort that groweth in the hylles and dep woddes both in England aGer-
many/18 not the Populus nigra, but rather kerkis 02 Populusalpina, of Theo⸗
pyraik/ 02 populus lybica tn Pliny. Foꝛ bothe Theoplpatt and Wirgil ap-
popnte the water ſyde a merriſhe
s groundes vnto populo nigre, Cie po⸗
/alſo that groweth in the woddẽs of England (ifmymemory fale me
not) Haue no tuch blak tagges a8 the blak poplet hath /which grovweth in
Germany by the rene ſyd/e hard by the city called Lauterburgh. inp aly
rekenech the popler amongeſt the other trees vohiche haue crurled veynes in
theſe wordes. Tarde ille fenefcunt quarum crifpa matertes,vt acer, palma, popultis;
| Whatisthole trees ar long in commyng to age/ whole wod oz typinbie, ts
curled/as the maple tre/the Date
tre /andthe popler tre.hyther to Pliny.
Thaue (ene in Germany many wcll kauored thynges perteynpng vnto
houſhold ſtuffmade of the blak popler, which growethby the water ydes/
BS ipovones/tables/Dores and chiltes/ with. 9 meruelus tyne curled grayn⸗
/ and pleatant to looke to. But the wodofdur comon popler is nothyng
Ipée vnto tt that Jhaue (poken of, for ithath no ſuch grayn og curipngy
therfore it is not»rypght blab popler of Pliny and Theophiatk. Therefore it
were bette to calle populumnigrim a blak popler 02 a blak alp /o2 water
‘Alpand not by thys voord popler/02 aſp alone. a —
As touchyng the vohyte
Aſp / Jremembꝛe not that euer J fat it in
anyplace df Cngland. But Jhaue ſene it in great plentye in Italy by che
Tpuet ſede of Padus /where as it tscalled albera / andin hyghe Germany
bp the rene ſyde /where as it ts called ſaurbaum. Ff it be found in Eng⸗
Tandy it may be called a whyte Ath og a whyte popler/becaute the vnder⸗
(pde of the lefc is as whyte asany paper: The vohpte Alp differeth not only
froin the blak in the vohytenes of the one ſyde of the leke /but alto in the
form oftheletc. Foꝛ the wohpte Alp hath a lefe ſomthyng indented o2 cut
After the maner of palmaChrifti. But tf any man cal agapntt me / itthat
Theophꝛaſt wꝛiteth ofbothe the poplers in ther4. chapter of the thyrde
HOOK de hiftoria plan tarum. To de Zan Tap PvAAwp Te poLolop. That is the figure
02 faſſhon of the lefeis Ipke: Janſwer that thys ipknes is only voben as
the leues com firſt furth sand not afterwardes / for tf they thuld ‘be lyke
aftervoarde /then fhuld Theophzaſt be contrary onto a in the,
iij fir

: Of the afp and kyndes ofPoplers
firft book de hiftoriaplantarum,
and in the xvj. chapter voriteth there woꝛrdes:
ToL Ly orpvex wepipeet,Tade warniorepe yavoedu Che leues of the twbhpte po.
pier of the Jus and oftt that is called palma Chrifti, qr onipbe and Diuerle in
figuve.Forwhen ad they av yong they ar round, but when ag they ar older
they haue comers there may pete playnly that the leues-of the wbhpte po⸗
piewhe n as they av old, ar comeréd. Which thyng tf it be true as F
tiRicientlp proved to be ſo/the erre they very much and gpue other occafion
Of error vohich ſet out in thepr herballes the vohyte popler with a round lefe
Without anp comers at ail. —
The thyrde kynde of popler which is called of Theophraſt neous or as J
Qelic rather xcuen,andtranſlated of Gaza populus alpina, andnamed ofPliny
populus lybica,isourcomonatpin England /oꝛcilis 3 kuobo not vohat it is,
The caulls that mase me to thynke that our comon alp tg populuslybicaty
Pliny/and populus montana in Theophꝛaſt av thele: Fick bothe the lyknes of
lentes that tt bath with the blak popicr aud in many other fo reſembieth the
other poplers that Jthynke that there is noe man that hath fene the other
tos Kindes of popler/that wil Deny but that thys is a kinde of popier.Chen
when as it is nether the firſt kinde no2 the feconde/tt is very lyke that it is
tye thprde kynde when as no other tre can be founde as pet torthe thyrde
Kinde. Cheol: Sasa being a man of much reding, volo not cal thys kinde
populum alpinam evcept ether fom reſon 02 autoꝛitie that he had red pad mo;
ued hym therto. Then when as thys comon alp tre is much in hyghe moun:
tapesye ſemech in calipng the thyrd kynde of the popler populumvalpinam,
fo meane that Cheophraſt vnderſtãdeth bp xcoup that popler that groweth
in bpiles and mountapnes. Chen vohen as the comon alp groveeth in fuch
placesitis Ipke that our comon aſp ſhuld be kerbis/the thyrde kynde of Po
pulus.Cheophratt maketh the thyrde kynde / ybevnto the vohite popler in
bygnes and in ſpredyng abrode of boughes / whych theo thynges map be
found in our comon alp with the ſcabbednes of the bark in old trees /except
amp memoꝛy fale/may alfo be founde: touchyng the propertie that be E

geucth onto the foot ſtalke ofsegui7s/
am fure agreeth wel woiti our comon
ajptre. Wut vohether the leues that Theophraſt geucth onto hys xeen ar
agreyng with p leues of our alp 02 no/ Jleue that to be iudged of them. that
av learned /but JIdovot fem thpng that thep Do not in allpopntes wel agre/
o2 ellis Jdurſt geue fentence that our comon aſp were there neces in Theo⸗
phꝛaſt. Wut though it be not xeexe of Theophraſt/itſemeth vnto me that it
may well be tye thyrde kynd of Populus in Pliny vohich he called populum
lybicam. Pliny maketh one kynde of Populus to grovo th the mountaynes
and that is nether the vohyte nor the blab woberfore tt ſemeth that wis the
the thyrde kynde of populus. Pliny alfo maketh bys thprde kynde of popu
ius to baue grete todeſtoles gro voyng bpon tt, and he maketh the pople tre
to haue a trymblyng foot Falke and leues one crackyng agaynſt an other.
Then when as (he comon popler hath thele properties moze then any other
popler tte hath/itis very lyke that tt ſhuld be the thprde kynde of populus/
which be called populum lybicam.

The vertues and complexiones of the Popler or aſptreet.

Of the Asp and kyndes of Popler.’ 100
eae) Jucrie men av of diuerle iudgementes /concernyng the degre
el fee ea auld complexion of the blak popler. Foꝛ diuerſe reker it Hote
Pa | Cov ses Unt the thyzde Degre/and other reken tt hote only in the fick des
yA ote. And fom holde that itis playn coolde and nothyng ote
Pe eveecaa) At All. Aetius after the tranflation of Comariug ſayeth that it
yee is hote in the thyrde degre. And in ſom textes / Galene was
Ker} it alſo hote in the thyrde degre. Bůt tn the belt greke tertes and tranl⸗
lationes that toe now haue /itts rekewed to be hote only in the firſt degre.
The wordes of the tranſlatoꝛes of Galene av thefe: Acgyri flores facultate
guidem funtin primo recefluatemperatis. Sed & retina eius foribus fimilem fa-
cultatem obtinet,atq; etiam calidiorem. Then when ag al thee autores make p
blak popler hote:fom mone Degre/and fom tn an other:if ſuſficient autoryte
/ then is Amatus Lulitanus cofu-
Of aAlicient voryters may confute anp man
fed/by the autorite of the fore named autores Lobere as he boldeth iit that
the blak popleris cold. Chele by the wordes of Amatus/leſt any man (huld
toynk that J reporte faliely of hym voguentum populeum , prope teértium
sradum frigiditatis, sdoctifsimis iudicatur. Proinde populum frigidam vel falrem
non calidam eſſeneceſſarium eft. And a litle after he alledgeth Galene/ Paul
and Contlantinus,vobhich torite that the popler ts but hotein the tirſt de⸗
pte. And whe as he hath alicdged they, autorites/he maketh thys vnhede
full confequent. Natura ipfaarboris,& proprietates,fatis iudicat calidam nonefle,
| quibus magis credere debemus quam omnibus de ea hucufq; {cribétibus. AInd after:
Ward He maketh an other concluſion of thele forecited autores ãproperties:
dtaque populum adfrigiditatem potius quam ad caliditatem inclinare in conteflo eft.
| spon becauſe fon take hym for a man of grete autorite /andworthy cre:
Diticte men ſhulde be led from the truth by hym / and the opinion that they
Hare of bys learnyng /Jwill aſſay if F can for the defence ofthe truthe cõ⸗
fute bys refones vohere with he goeth aboutto pꝛoue agaynſt the autozite
— > ofthe noble voriters whom J haue before reherſed that the blak popler ts

—— 010/02 at the lette not Hote. Hys firſt argument ts thys populcum ts tud-
Hep ofthe mov learned men to be colde avout the thyrde degre/ ergo the po-
pier is colde. Thys arguinent ts not good/becauſe a lytle postion af an hate
thyng may go tn to a colde compoſion/to lead the colde medicines fo the di⸗
ſeaſed places/oꝛ to correct o2 tempere the behemencie of vnho ſum cold Nin
ples/and pet it is not therfore neceflari that the bote medicine ſhuld be colde
402 beyng mẽged with many cold medicines. Mether is it neceſſari that the
<Oid compofition ſhuld be made hote with a ſmall portion of an bote ſimple
medicine Hihe had refoned thus:the beft learned men iudge/that the po⸗
pler is cold about the thyrde degre /ergo they erre that hold that p popler is
Hote had bene a good argument. But the voold Jhaue denyed bis antece-
Dent/ahaue fapd/that Galene/ Aetius / Paulus / Oꝛbaſius/Serapio ¢ Aui⸗
enna /wer better learned then euer they wer that hold that the popler is
fo cold. Foꝛ it is a falſe fallacte and a fophifticall argument to arque from a
‘parte tothe bole. As thus there is ſum parte of the hoꝛſe iswhyte/ ergo
iphorle is vobyteor all vhyte. And euen fuch argument ts thys. Iſpopulus
Were hote then ſhuld populeum be hote:but tt ts cold/ ergo popuius ts cold.
When as ther go tn to the opntinet populeum only xviij. vnces of the pople
vudes/there entre in xxxiij. vnces of all verycold Were which bp many
iy btices
Of the Asp and kyndes ofPopler.
vnces ouercom the weike hete of the popler buddes and ſo abyde cold ill
namely when as the poplers hetetsbut tn the kirſt degre, and the coldneg
of the other/is cold foz the mofte parte oftyenvall inthe fecond o2 thyrde
degre/and four of them be colde almoſtinthe fourthe degre. And therefore
ttfolowetl not. Populeum ts bert colde/ergo populus which is a parte of it
is alfo colde. But thys1sone great cpaule of his crroz/that he dyd not conſy⸗
dre/that learned men O10 put ſumtymes ſum portiones of hote ſimples into
medicines that take ache away, not tomake the hole compofition hote, but
to conuey the other colde fimples into p groũd of p diſeaſed places. nobiche
thyng Galene teacheth in the ix.booke ofthe compolitiõ of medicines after
the places tn theſe woꝛdes. Ex opij & hyofciami mixtura, fomnum fopori-
ferum,& fenfitiug partis ftuporem inducere voluit.Quo vero citius diftribuerentur,&
totum affectarum paftium profundum penetrarent:calefacientia admufcuit, pyrethra,
euphorbium & piper, que nocentes humores difcutere pofsint, & extergere vifcofos,
& fecare craflos,& ventofos flatus,attenuare Then were not the poplers buddes
put ity to make the hole medicine/called populeit hote 02 colde, but for thys
purpole now reherſed. Hys ſecõd argumẽt goeth furthe thus.Galenc/pau
lus and Conſtantinus voꝛyte that the popler ts but hote in the fit degre/er
go tt is colde oꝛ not hote:but thys argument is fo bniearnedly made /that tt
nedeth but (mall confutatio. When as he ought by good logike to haue rez
foned/the olde voryters hold that populus nigrais hote tn the firſte degre/
ergo it is hote / andin nowyſe colde Foꝛ to be hote in the firſt degre/is to be
one Degre (op o2 oder Departed from ttthat istemperat oꝛ colde.alnd ther-
fore Galerie vorytyng of p heate of thys ttefapeth in theſe expreſſed wordes.
The foures of the blak popler av hote in woꝛkyng /in the firſt departyng og
gopng away / ordegre from temperat fymples/that is to fay from {uch as av
in aineane tẽpꝛe bethocne hote and colde. Therefor, ſeynge that be maketh
bps conclufton/coutratt buto bys antecedent, that isan hote antecedent /€ |
a cold confequent/his arguinent is woꝛthy to be refuted.
Hys thyrde argument ts thys: Che popler tre hathe nether any notable
ſmell noz taſte tn it vhere
/ by tt may be iudgedto be hote
/ ergo it is no wyſe
hote. Here Jdeny hys antecedent o2 ground of bys argument / and J take
wytnes of all learned men that haue taſted and ſmelled of the pog buddes
of the blak popler /wheter they haue bery pleatant fmell and an hote tatte
02 no. Janſwer that the popler buddes, which J haue taſted and exami⸗
ned /boty in England/ Germany and Italy/arhote, and that the gum that
cont neth furth of the endes of buddes/is hote about the ſecõd Degre/e thys
ſhall any ma that will try tt/fynde true
/ namely at the kfirſt commyng furth
of the buddes/about the myddes of marche/a tn ſum contrees foner. There⸗
fore fox all the ſaynges and argumentes of Amatus, p blak popler abydeth
ſtill hote in the fit degre at the lefte. ti OUtA sian
Coꝛnarius percepuyng thatthe blak popler was fo hote:he thought it
bette to take the knoppes of p vohyte popler. But whether he cofelled ryght
oꝛ otherwayes /if we had Picolaum Alerandsnum in Greke/we fhulde
ealelp iudge. For the Grectanes haue not one Greke wore to betoké both
the poplers/but they call the blak aſp «ryeop and the withe Acuxup. J wold
wiſh both for thys caule and fo2 diuerſe other that they that fynde any old
Greke examples 02 copies of old autoresyand intend to tranflate i
Of the kyndes oflekes. 191

z3 ‘te
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x | sey Deru is named in

i Bl BY] Brebe weecop, tn En⸗

hy Ay) Sey Gltlh a lek/


. mention but of
m klekes
/ and that tn ij.
thre kyndes / Theophratt maketty
Y cond kynde is called porrum /@inum Por + iat
f in Latinvand tn Greke meacop netpoxee: — u ie a


efedes about Woꝛmes in bygh Germany. Foꝛ they were much larger in
the leues and greater beded then thep were thatZ(ato about Bon.
Of the kyndes oflekes.”
The moſte parte of the writers of herballes in Germany teach that our 1

fine which thep call ſchnit lauch/is porrũ ſatiuum. But they ar all fary de⸗
ceyned for thep2 ſchnitlauch is gethium / which ts numbed of lint amen:
geſt the kyndes of vnyones/ and is therfore no kynde of leke. For as all the
kyndes of vniones haue round holov leues:ſo all the kyndes of lekes/haue
Open leues bovoyng it agapn from /agtt wer a rydge /orꝛbak /porra ſectiua
AS Plini wꝛiteth haue litle creſtes tu theyz leues
/andhe ſayeth that they dif,
fer only from other lekes /inthe maner of dreſſyng and ſettyng / andtherfore
be ſayeth/ikthovo woill haue thy lekes/ ſectiua foo the thicker together out

of thys place of Plini. Jgather that of one kynd of leke ſede

/ may com both
capitule & ſectiua porra. But there is no kynde ofrpght lekes ſede vohych will
bꝛyng furth fines oz (chnitlauch after what (heuer faſhon ye ſovo oꝛ ſett it.
Therefoꝛe fevng that our fine hath nether theleucs of poꝛri ſectiui /nether .
groweth of the fede of any Ieke/itcan not be any kynde of icke, alithough p
Puche nameot (chnttiauch dꝛaweth neve vnto name of poꝛri ſectiui. Theo
phraſt alſo ſemeth to make mention of poꝛri ſectiui in the vty. booke de hiſto⸗
. ria plantarum,inthefecond chapter in thes woꝛdes after the tranflation of
Gasa.Gethiun (that is a ſyne) ſpꝛyngeth front the ſyde and the leke /bryn⸗
geth furthe alfo Rom the ſyde benethe ag it wer around knoppy hede from
nobence the leues ſpryng out/but they {papng not out buttll the Talk bewi⸗ —




thered and thefede be taken away. And becauſe thepe hedes ar litle worthe/
therfore nen gather. them not to Day the /and therfore they ar neucr ſowen.
Thus far Theophak. It appereth that Theophraſt ſpeaketh here not of ⸗
comon leke which ts called pogrum capitatum fo2 that is ſowen/a groweth
of the ſede/and ether neuer oꝛ leldum out the to waxynges /that grove Ipke
litle knoppes/ outof the rootes/ but p po2vo ſectiuo which gro weth bypul⸗
lyng away efettpng moze comonly then by ſo wyng. Thys poꝛrũ ſectiuum
which is called in Engliſh a French leke forthe motte part allwayes gro⸗
weth offettpng and not of ſo wyng. But J thynk ik mẽ wold let theyz leues
and ſtalkes grow kurth / and wold not cut thẽ /andwold ſetſthynner: that
they wold bꝛyng kurth ſede and wold grow ofp (ede as other lekes Do. But
the wold they grow out of kynde /and (huld be no moze feſtiua porrayercept
they wer aftervoarDd cut let thyk to gether as Blunt whome F haue aboue
reherſed/ teacheth there ryght playnly.Bythele places and refones, that J
haue (ufficiently proucd that our linet called tn douche ſchnitlauch is. not
poꝛrum fatiuum but gethium. : oy Se

T he vertues of the lekes firſtofDiofc rides.

moe EC HEDED leke that isour comon leke
/ bꝛedeth wynde/a euel
Gey PAV) iuicevand maketh heuy dzemes.It ſtereth a md to make wae
Jace Lf Ng ter/and it isgood
foz the belly (to loufe tt as fon vnderſtand
Dioſcoꝛides. Jt maketh fone but tt dullety the ſyght/it dza⸗
PAG Peay wety doun flowres. It hurteth the blader p hath ptbin of ¢

good to fit ouer fo2 tye ſtoppyng and hardnes of p mother. Ffpe will fethe a
icke in two waters and afternoarde Mepe ttn cold water/ it will be ne
Of th: kyndes oflekes. op
4 and leſſe vyndye then tt wale before. The ſede is ſharper 02 moze bytyng/a
| ithatacertayn byndyng poure. noherefore the inice of it w vinegre ſtop⸗
pet bloode/and tpectallt tt that commeth furth of p nofe if Frankincenſe og
the fine flour of tt be menged therewith. It ſtereth bp allo the lult of a mã⸗
nis body. And tt is bled agayntt all the difcafes of the baefteAicked in w ho⸗
ny after the maner ofan electuari. Itivalfo good again the ptiſik /whẽ tt
istaken in meate. Itſcoureth alfo the vopnde pype. But ifit be eaten/itdul⸗
© deth the ſyght and hurteth yftomack. The inice dronken with hony ts good
againſt p bytyng of venemus beſtes. Bee the lyke layd to tt ſelfis good foz
the fame purpoſe. The iuice of the leke poured in to the ear with binegre/
dirankincente/e milk o2 roſe ople/healeth the ach a foundpng there of. Che
) icues layd to v6 funach of the bitchin, take away varos (that ts litle harde
wwelled lumpes in the face) and cpinictidas (that is, nobeles that com out
on p night
/ which fomtpme bepng rede/if they be broken put furth blodi ma
> tet/sf they be lapde to 1 falt they beynge away the cruftes of foxes. Two
> Dranunes of the fede with lyke weyght of mpzttll berryes /tf they be dꝛonkẽ
they at good foz the caſting out of blod of the brefte. The wild leke oꝛ wyn⸗
> pard leke / ts moze hurtfull for pomack them the como lebe. Buc it heteth
moze/and ſtereth ama moze to make water.It bꝛyngeth alfo Doun floures.
And the ble of tt ts good for them that ar bitien of benemus beaſtes.

. Out of Simeon Sethi.

Pr a4 De Icke ts hote & dep tn the firſt degre asSymeon Sethy wow
aa vel tet but J reben that it is hote at the lefte in the feconde Deare
4 Corny vecaule tt hath ſuch bertucs and workpng as one} is but hote
ew i the firſt degre cannot haue. And as many as ar folo wers of
— Galenes learñyng in the boke of ſimple medicines /ag ſoun as

cuer they taſte ofpleucs o2fcde/ will indge } leke is ether hote inp thyrde
Deore allmoſte/ o2 at the iefte in (ecdde mvp atremite Beſyde } properties
Sioſcorides geueth vnto p leke/ Symeon wꝛiteth p tt maketh hede ach
hurteth p linet, a oitis good for) emrodes/a for {uch as haue colde oma
thes. and Galene generally writyng of vnyones a lekes/ a of all fuche hote
> Herbes coũſelleth all the ar of hote nature to auopde ſuche/aothey ar only
good foz them that haue colde wateriſh humozes 02 toughe/o2z clammp hu⸗
; moꝛzes in theyz ſtomackes.
Out of Aetius.
tyfe. Bebheded lekes ar ok a harp tafteas dnyones av. By refon where
ies se ofthey beat the body/ andmake thin oz bꝛeke groſſe humores and
cut in peces toughe humores. They purge p blader, Baulus Egine⸗
tatecheth > the (ede of the leke is vſed to be put in medicines for kydñees.
Out of Plini
eq Pe porrumfectiuum ſtancheth blod tn p nole/ ifpe bzeke the
Ce] AWA leke and meng it with gall oz mynte
/ikpe Hop the nole thrils
Ui A) \M ies therwith. Che tutce of the leke take with weomẽs milke/

Of porcellayn.
the iaunde /s
andfog the Dropley.
Che iuice takẽ in the mefureofan atetable
that is abo
ut two vnces and an halfe with honp/{cotoreth the mother. It
quencheth thurttand depucth avoay Dronkennes and fofteneth ỹ belly. The
* heded leke is ſtronger toz all theie purpofes. The vie of lekes is good
oꝛ the that wolde haue chylder.Ftis allo good for the clerenes
of the boice,
taken with a ptilan /oꝛWit be taker euery other Day rat in the monpn
laſtyng. The lekes hedes thople foddeand the water changed, top Pbellp,
Ont of the Arabianes. )
Pana ta) we Icke bapngeth weomẽ theyz ſyknes /and (coureth p
OSSACOS, and taketh away four belchynges/ and fofteneth the belip,
YE7| The leke dettcopeth the tetheyand the goum
A \g]| Natural propertie isgood fo
es . The lekeofa
eon G| (ede of the leke is good to
rptt a fymie mother. The
makeaperfume of/to perfume the
t undament therwith agayntt fittulas that ar init,

Of Porcellayn.
Portulaca, ° Portulaca agreftis.

ont) \\

See aes

e as 9 ——ñe


aS a AG


Rept, Decellapn is named in Gꝛeke andrachne/it Latin, Poꝛtulaca/in

yrs) Puch purl of burtell. Chere ar two kyndes of porcellayn. The one
DDis Che come poʒcellayn that groweth in gardines 1
the bode "Coe
0fPorcellain. 103
\ | The other groweth wilde in the wynypardes of Germany. They ar both fo
> well bowen in All countrees that they nede no further deſtription.
T hevertues ofporcellayn out ofDiofcorides.
— Ortꝛcellayn bathe a byndyng pour. Af it be layd to emplaſter
I Re V2) Wee with percheth barletAt is Good foz the hedeach, and
RZ! the burnpnge heate of the eyes and for other tnflamina
2 and fo2 the heat ofthe fomacke, and for the eryſypelate cal
| led of fom/fapnt Antontes fre, It healeth the payn of p blad⸗
Nose rder The fame fit be chowed after the manecof meat helpeth
"h the teth/ woven as thep aranedacd/ the heat of the ftomac
k guttesy and
yy ttitilleth the fowpng. It healety tye fretpnges 02 erulceration
Mp ByOKes and bladder. And it quencheth the outragius Defp es of tye
re to the luſt
p dtthe body. So is the tuice alfo good if it be Dronken tn agues. It
) G000 foz round wornes and agaynſt the ſpittyng of is allo
blode, and the blody
hy) Giraud the emrode /s
and the burſtyng out of blode / ifitbe muc
iS allo good agaynſt the bytyng of a venemus beaſt/ called (epsh ſodden. It
not vnlike
)) brio tt that ts called in the north parte of Cuglad avopfte. Itts
verp good
) tobe menged withe eymedicines. Men ble to pout tt in/agaynſt the fiprof
Dy the guttes and the gnawyng o2 fretyng of the mootheWe r.ble alfo to pour
> tebpd the bede for p hede ach that cummeth of pete, with rove
oyle 02
| comoI Opie.Ftis good alfo to rub the hed therinith ¢ with voyne agayother
i) He plou nſte
kes 02 blapnes that av in the hede. Itis good to be layd bnito rotten
y) MOUNDES that ar num with perched baricy,

Out of Galene:
7 Dacellapn is of amoyſt and colde completion where bnto 1S
Jioyned a litle tartnes.
And therefore tt Dipucth bak flompnges
=<) Of humtozes, and (pecially (uch as av choicrik and hate. Belpde
jt \\) What it changeth thẽ /and turneth them in to another qualtte,
a" colpg wonderfully. For it is in the thyrde Degre o2 departpng
HW tom medicines of mean and temperat complexion, coolyñg: ¢ itis moytte
N tthe fecond degre.By refont where of it helpeth thé that haue agreat bur:
NW Hpng heat fitbe layd bpon p ſtomac / and
k alfo ouer all the places about p
a) MpDHE{pectally in conſumyng agues which ar called hectice. Che iuice ig
v0 much ſtronger then the reſt of the herbe. Galene in an other book that he
| Mote De alimentozum facultatibus, wꝛiteth that allthough
fom vſe poreet-
) lapn asa meat that it ts but of very fall noxthment/and P tuice
that com⸗
| theth of it ts moyſt colde and clammy.
| Out of Pliny.
— tettrepneth the poyſon of venemus arrowes of the lerpẽtes/
allo called hemorrhoydes/ and of them that at called pretteres: ifit be ta
) Benin meat. And ifit be layde vpon the wound /itdzaweth the poyſon out.
Hoven as they can net be gotten, the {ede is asgood toto be vied agit. It
fF Mithtandeth the vnholſommes of waters. Ft healeth ſores if it be chowed
pF With hony andlaydeto. And ho is tt good to be layde bpon
poug childers
P dedesand vpon } nauclies >goto fart out. It it be —— i
: ~ the
OfPlumb trees.
the loꝛes of the mouthe and ſwellynges of the goumnes. Ft is alfo good fo»
the tuth ache. Ztis good to fatten louſſe tethe.Itſtreyngtheneth the iuicea
dryueth thyrſt avoay.Itſwageth theach ofthe new with lyke quantite ofa
gall and ipnt fede. The fede ſoddẽ w hony ts good agapntt the ſhort wynde.
When it ts taken tn fallatesttſtreyngtheneth the ftomack. Poꝛtellayn ig
good to ſwage the ache of woundes with ople and perched barleyFt . ſofte⸗
neth the hardnes ofthe ſynewes. It dꝛyueth away the vnclene dremes of
Uienert.Wlint voriteth alfo that a certayn noble man bp wearyng of p roote
of poꝛcellayn about bps nek / was Delpuered from the vuu
/ wherewit
la h be
had bene longe before greuouflp dered. Theſes and many other properties
Doth Plinie nogite that poꝛcellayn hath.
Ont ofthe Arabianes. |
= Oreellayn hurteth the epiyght/cooleth the body and ſtoppeth bomp
=) tyrige.orcellapn pulleth Doron the luk ofthe body/itis colde in the
Eos! thyede Degre/and mopite in che ſeconde/imyniſheth a mannis fede
if be fe it muche. —

Of the plum trees,bulles trees and flotrees. —


ger, Huns tobich ts called tn Grebe aonnvat

aas isnamed in En⸗
a Gay, olthe a plum tre/in Duche ein plaumen baum
/ inFrenche on
eal) KOR) prumer, Dlint vogtteth thus of the diuerſite of plum trees and
ead NOs “ plumes, Ingens turba prunorum&c.
, Ther at a great ſorte of Dt
IA Gaal uerfe byndes of plumbe/sonewith a Diuerfe coloz, an other
~~ black an other vohytiſhe. Chere ar other that they call bariey
plumbes of the folowyng ofthat coꝛn. There av other of the faire color laz
ter and gueter. They at calleday alle plitmes of they2 vylenes. There ar alfo
fom that av blak and more commendable, the wexy and purple plumbes. fi
Thele kyndes of gardin plumbes (tfaman nee Cru Pliny) were not
kno vee in Itali in Catoes tyme. Dioſcoꝛides maketh mentid alfo of f wilde
plitbes/é fo Doth Galene and Pliny. Galenelapeth that noxnvperce wyere 8
called in Aſia meovpvos, and the frutte reoumwop. The Latines calle the plum
tre ſpinum moze then Pꝛunum as far as 3) have red. Foꝛ ZFrede ouly men
tion of pꝛunus for a plũ tre in lint. Foz Ciirgil callethe
the tre o2 bull that
bearetlh plumes ſpinum it thys verte folovopng/Georgicor iiij. —

Eduramg; pirum & ſpinos iam pruna ferentes.

Palladius alfo in the thyrde book of huſbandzie calleth the plum tre thi
num / and voriteth that the apple tve may be grafted in to the ſpinum
/that is
in to the plum tre. But vohen as ſpinus temeth to haue the name of pꝛickes/ —

that tre that hath mant pꝛickes and beareth plumes / map weil be cal⸗
led ſpinus /whether ithe wilde 02 tame. Alo as therear many kyndes —

of gardin plummes as Pliny hath tolde bs befoꝛe:and experience doth tea

che:fo ar there alfo diuerſe kyndes of wilde plumbes and plum trees. nober
of Jknow two feucrall kyndes at the leſte. The one ts called the buls
ies tre o2 the bulleſtertre and the other ts called the flo tre o2 the blak thout
tre. The bulles tretsok two ſortes /the one ts remoucd in to gardines/
and grovoethto the bygnesof agood byg plun tre. The other groweth ——

in hed⸗
Of the plum tre, 104,
Hedgesbut it never groweth in to }bygnes ofany grete tre/ butabideth
betwene the bygnes of a tre and a great bulhe. g neuer ſaw in all my ipfe
moze plenty of thys forte of bulies trees/then in Sõmerſet ſhyre Thys letle
Hulles tre hat mo prickes then the greater hath, noherefore tt Delerueth bets
fer to be called ſpinus fo2 the names fake then the greter bulles tre Dothe.
and fo the flo tre haupng pet mo prickes, then ether of bothe hathe map
better be called fpinus then any of them bothe map be namely. voher as w
HY rheother/it beareth plumbes in form and taſte lyke to the other ſortes. But
©) Comarius holdeth contrary to the tudgement of all learned men of our age
Pout comon flo buſhe is not fpinus oz prunus ſylueſtris /becauſe it is not a
} oe tre able to be grafted in. Foꝛ Palladius fayeth he maketh ſpinum to
a tre able to be grafted in. But ſeyng that the flo buſhe ts not byg tnough
to be grafted in it cannot be ſpinus. Thys argument doth folow very
a entel/for alithoughe Palladius tudgethe one fpinum mete to be grafted it?
™ yet foz all that he maketh not euery ſpinum able to be grafted tn. For nether
> He N02 Wirgill deny ỹther is any wilde kynde of ſpinus which may not be
aſted inloz litlenes. Pay it appeareth by Virgil he taketh our flo buſhe
athe wild ſpino
/whilſe he vriteth che ſpineta do hyde the lyſertes in the
hete of fommer. But (pinett hath not} name in thys place of aivgtil nether
of {pina that is a thiſtel /for lplertes ble not to hyde them amongeſt thyl-
belles & ſpina fignifterh not avhyte havothoꝛn tre in good wꝛiters / except
alba be put vnto it, pe athat onlp in Columella that ‘J remembee. Spine⸗
him can nether com of the gavdin {pinto /norof the great voild/ ſpino for thep
bie not to grovo it any place fo thyk together that the numbre of them map —

© becalled ſpinetum and fo can not hyde the lifertes from the beat of the fort.
/andts nether of the ſpi⸗
) Therfore ſeyng that {pinctum ts a thicket of ſpinis —

fis herbacets nether of the plumb trees, nether of the great wild (pints, ft
isipke that he maketh his {pinetunt ofour {pints ſylueſtribus minoribus/
Dovich ar flo bulhes.alnd thys my opinion may well be confirmed by the cd
Foꝛwohere as Uirgil/a great folo⸗
, patyng of Theocritugs ¢ Uirgil tooeether.
h fpineta lacertos,
/ occultant
wer anid a tranflatoz of tymes of Cyeocritus hat
| 1 that is the thicket of thornes hydeth the lyſerdes Theocritus hath after the
tranflation of Cobanus Heſſus. ;
Etuiridesrecubant fubter confepta lacertt.
: That is the grene (plardes lp vnder the hedges. Marke tobere as the trac
late: of Cheocrytus hath conlepta, Theocrytus bath bys ovontelf in hys
Greke berle cmecwms, Virgil hath (pinetwumt.Butapece properly ſignifieth
anhedge made of thoznes and notof trees. noberefore it appeareth that
Giraill taketh alfo ſpinum foz p blak thorne which in motte places ferueth
tomake edges of. And Pliny femeth alfo to call the flo tre which isfocos
Men in ail places, /pꝛunum ſylueſtre. Fo2 be voꝛyteth thus of pruno ſylueſtri.
Certum eft pruna fylueftria vbiq; nafci,thatisto fap (ttswell knowen }wilde ————

plumbes grow tn eueryp place vohiche ca not be very fied of the bulleſſe tre.


Thele ones well conſydered: J can {eno caule vohy but our ſſobuſh og
blak thon is one kynde pruni lylueſtris/afofpinus in old latin wꝛiters And
where as Cornarius holdeth Hai that our blak thoꝛn is poterid in Dioſco⸗
rides/and ſemeth to bzyng in there vpon
/that tt ca not be eae 3/
y elts






Of} the plum tre.
leſte Diolcoꝛides ſhuld intreat of one thyng in ij. places, contrari Onto hys
maner: J will ealely prouc that poterion can not be for diuerſe caules our
ſlo buſhe. Firſt the branches of the blak thorn av not long nether foftee⸗
ther bowyng lyake band for althoughe there be many branches vpon
the ſtalk of the top ofthe blak thogn, pet ar they not longy but Mort and
hard /and byeble. :
The flocs ar of no fingulare good ſm/
when ag they ar finelled
haue ether bery litle og none at all. Mether ar thep harp or byndyng and
tarte/far from all ſharpn
es ore fepng Dioſcorides requireth all thete
thpnges ti poterto/and they can not be foundin our blak thorn
/itcan inno
wyſe be poterion, | nate
And where as he holdeth that our floes ar brabyla/ifhe will vecepue te
autorite of Dioſcorides and Pliny/he mul nedes grant that bps opinidig —

not true. Foʒ Dioſcoꝛides voꝛiteth that the fruite of poterion/is good for no-
thyng sand Pliny wꝛiteth that the brabilla (fox fo bath mp 3 limp, and noe
brabpia ) vim habet {piflandi cotonei mali modo: that ig brabplia bath the
pourto make thick as the quince bath. Then can not the fruit of poterion
be baabpla. Thys maketh alfo agaynſt Comarius, that Pliny wiiteth of
beabyi la in theſe woꝛdes: vim {piflandi habet, nec amplius de ea tradunt autores:
is /it hath pour to make thyck/nether do old autores wryte any more of

brꝛabylla. Foꝛ Pliny wꝛiteth tn tooo places moze of poterion, folowpng the
autorite of olde voziters/therfore after the autovite of Pliny/poterion o2 the
fruite there of / andbzꝛabyla can not be all one. And fo can not out flo bulh be —

poterion, aud p fruite of tt bzabyla.

And vohere as the {apd Cornarius tuds
geth that the plum tre
/ where ofTheophra maketh mention in the chyrde
chapter of the fourth booke de hiſtoria piãtarum
/isthe bulles tre: he erreth
as much there in / ashe Doth in pꝛuno ſylueſtri /inbrabylla and poterto. Foz

the tre that Cheophratt maketh mention of/is of a notable bygnes/and the
leues fall neuer from tt.But the leues fall from our bulles tre and fromthe
Duch ments villen/and the tre is of notable bygnes, therfore our bulles tre
called in Heſſia bilfen, can not be pprunusp Theophzalt wꝛiteth of. Thets
fore Coꝛnarius deſerueth no credit in thefe bys geilpnges, thoughe others
Mapes he be well learned tt kno wlege of the Greke tog/and a berp good
Grammarian there tn.

T he properties ofthe plum tre and hys fraite out ofDiofcorides,

Daa] Lunibes av euel fo2 the ſtomacke/but they foften⸗
NH Ugg belly. Che plumbes of Syria/a (pecially they that
grow tn Damalco /when as they av Deped they ar
Ni7 2 5\ goon foz the ſtomack and bynde the belly. The leues

aw © | A AX tavoes. The wild plumbes ‘coil Do the fame when

Xess SCANS 8.thep ar Daved after that thep be rppe.Ff they be
‘ i7Jx.a

fodden votth they av better fo2 the ſtomack and fitter to

ſwete ſodden wyn/e
a ee

T he propert esofthe plum treand bys fruite out ofDiofcorides, 105

Prunus fylueftris, {top the belly. The quin of the plunt
0 yy _treglewwetl together. Feitbedꝛon⸗
9. — 2 — JR 88 A ben with wyne
/itbꝛeketh the ſtone
Gp anes Foo, audhealeth the ſkurfenesof childer,

> —V, Ont Ontof
ofGaleneGalene dede fimplict
lass medicamentts. :
: Se | eae 10 fruite ofthe plũ tre
a S) doulſeth the belly, but
GN e/a A/G nore when as tt is
Ann | * Wied Mien] Move g fretty@ leffe
: nd —— La Eee vohen tt is dy. Wut
jess 3 can not tell what
WA J (Des to voryteydryed
CHEN Damatcene plumes Bo ftap>beily
/butthey p cd outof Spayne ar
ſweter. The trees anſwer it propos
tto of qualite Ww p fruites. Che truite
of the wild plum tre is manyictip -
byndyng and ſtoppeth the belly.
Out ofGalene of the coures of
norifhmentes or meates
leo pe |Orn halt leldum fynde the
ivea plũb tarte o2 four oꝛ to haue
ae | = any vpplelſantnes/ whe itis
> hilly rppe. Foꝛ plumbes before they cum to that rypenes /they haue almotte
up alvether afournes o2 atartnes. And other av as tt were bitter. Che body
| getteth but {mall norifhment of the eatyng of plumes, but thep ar good fo}
» them that ntende mefurably to moyſte and cool theyr belly:
fogthey loute
» belipt they: moyltnes ¢ gymines Plumes whe as theyardzyed may ſerue
i @beprofitables as dꝛyed figges be. Wen lay p of all plũmes they arp bert
) which grow ina city of Syria called Damaſcus. They gyue } {ecdd pᷣrayſe
) tothe that cum out of Spayne.But thet hew out no byndpng. Sut font
> ofthe Damalſcenus bynde very muche. Chey ar the belt amdg thé that ar
) gteat/with a meſurably byndyng and ar loute. But they that ar litle ones
> andharde and harriſh tarte/arſterk noughts. nobether ye wold eat then
) ee loute the bellp with them
/which loulpng of the belly kolo weth them / that
F comout of Spayn.Ffplumbes be fodde tn honied water/ wher in is agrea
) tevdele ofbony/they loute the belly muche allthough aman take them by
them ſelues alone. And that do they muche moze ifa ma ſup mede o2 honyed
Water after them.It is playn that tt helpeth much to the louſyng of the bel
ipvafter that pe haue taken them to drynke ſwete voyne to themvand to leta
certayn tyme go betwene
/ and not by and by after to go to Dinner. And pe
mult remembꝛe that thys maner mult be kept in all other fuch lyke as ar ta
kentofoften the belly, :
: S iy Out
= = Lars oe ee: =

Of Pfillium or fleafede out ofDiofcorides:

Out of Plini lib.r3.cap.7.
gegee==tees) Ylueftrium prunorum bacce, &c. the
berryes of » wilde Pꝛunus
ozplumtre/oꝛthe bark of the roote/if they be ſoddẽ in tart byn
oA, Shaye Dprig voyne/fo that of x. vnces/thꝛe remayn /ſtopp obelly
Pepe aa the gnavoyng there of/ (tis tough to take one cyate thatis and
an vnce and ant half/awd a Drain tone ſcruple of the brothe at
— —g]netyme. Hyther to Plin/ iofwohote woꝛdes tt ig playn that
Coꝛnarius erreth tn denying the floes to be the frupte of the wild Plum
tre. Foꝛ if that only great plumes had growen bpon prunum fpluettreny
as Cornarius ſemeth to meane/Plini wold heuer haue called the plumbes
of Brunt ſylueſtris baccas, that is berries, which woꝛde agreeth not vnto
fo great fruites as the great bullefies ar,

Out.of the Arabianes. |

He plumes bothe the whites blake when thep ar rppe they ar colve
| a aud moptte, they ſwage the beat of choler: the
aaae Hurt lomthyng the mouth ofthe tomack and y loute p belly, Chey
take away a mannis
Of Pfilliumor fleafede out of Diofcorides, :
Phyllinm. 2 Ree plliũ hath a lefe lyke onto
bX Fs)
. AES the berb Jue /e

called corono⸗

Hs ES! pus/roughe ¢ lOgev/zit hath

Sy boug he
afpanl og:;sChe hole herbe
way ly Stull oftwopgges/Ipke hay. Hys buf
<a [by leues and byanches, begin from
Ay VA the mpd ſtalk vpwarde /It hath
EWA WES two o thze litle hedes dꝛawen toges
Neth g therinptop. Where in is an harde
7 blab fede, lyke vnto a flea. Ft gros
4" voeth in keldes and vntilled grouns
sf Des. Thus far Dioſcoꝛides.
⸗ ‘| panefene pl De
Wie” be oftin. Germany and in Englad/
— pet Jneuer ſaw tt grovo wyldẽ but
onli in gardines. But hither to F
: could neuct learn the Englifhe oz
suc name of it. It may be well
called fleatede 02 fleawurt /becauſe p
(cde ts bery lyke vnto a fle,
T he vertues offlefede out
of Diofcorides.
= ea) De nature of the fle fed
bcsto coole. Ititbe layd
<5 oe —* re tb/ cules
7} WA 02 boatersit healeth the
: — ach of the topntes, the
* ſwellyng about the cares, hard -
2 a ae
— — — Se .

Of the herbe called Prarmica. 106

foft ſwellynges both, and places out dt ioynt / and it wageth the hed ach.
Py fieatede layd to with vinegre healeth the burſtyng of chyplder, a the goyng
putof tye nautl/pe mult take about twoo vnces and an half of the fete and
hule tt and ſtepe it /and lay tt intwo quarte of voater and when the water
D is thick/then lay tt on.Itcooleth ercedpngly.wut if if be caſt in to Hote wa⸗
ter/ then. votll tt anche the heat bery well. It is good for) burnyng beat
called ſaynt Antonies fpre/and vote cholerik inflammationes. Som hold
that ifthe berbe be bꝛought into the howle/it will let no flees bꝛede there/
» the fede bꝛuſed with grele/ ſcoureth ſtingkyng & greuous ſores. The tuice of
D itis good Ww hory fo2 the rynnyng of the eares'¢ agapnft wozmes ther in.
Out of the Arabianes.

hy :4 y Sat 13 good fog the hed ach that commeth of

hete. Che tuice of the

i tunvig remedied with hote medicines. 42fplitum loboteth the belly taken in
gy raw.2ut tfitbe perchedo2toſted at the fyre/tt fLoppeth the belly
/two dram
i anes ofthe (cde of Pſylliũ is inoughe to be put in water: when tt hath bene
ie tOUug woughe in the water / take the water aput vohite {ugar vnto it / and fo
m vecepuc ttct all men take hede }thep take not to muche of it / kozit wil bill a
) man as well as many other poplones 00. Galene voziteth that Pſyllium ts
Me colde in p{econd degre/ethat it is tn a mean tempꝛe betnoene moptte a day.

Of the berbecailed Ptarmica. :

— 7 Tarmica (as iolcorides Myiteth) isafmall buſh⸗
C& ASea lpng/aud hath many ſmall rounde twigges not ons
A) kos phe vnto ſothernwod /and about then grow leues
E lyke olpue leues /long amany/ and iti the top.a hede
ees Whe vnto camomple / rounde and litle, which with
SS finel ſtereth a mat to neeles where Dpon it hath

che wilder bertram / isPtarmica tn Dioſcoꝛides /whole dt-

Iigence a iudgement ar rather to be cõmended / then diſpꝛayſed. Allthough
der be tio thynges in the deſcription of Ptarmica/wohich can not be well


» found in notider bertram.The one is a lete pke anoltue/p other is to grow

| Mmountapnes and rockie places. Foꝛ p wilde bertram hath not a lefe like

J y Atroliue /but much harper, {maller/e longer, for the bygner p tt hath, they
) avalfo indented all about } edges of the lefe/e therfore ts itvnlyke vnto the
lefe of an olive And noylde bertra
/ groweth
m vohereſdeuer J haue {ene tt/
| only about water ſydes/ ainmeraily medowes
/ and neuer thãtJcould ſe/ in
rockes aã mountaynes/woherefoꝛe J Dare not geue ſentence 1 p fore named
learned men/ the wildbertram/is ryght Ptarmica of Dioſcoꝛides/all⸗
though it differ very litle o2 nothing at all/from zright Ptarmica in voor⸗

kyng/and fo litle that a man may woll Die the one in the fede ofthe other.
uij Ptarmi-

Of Penny ryall.
d 9 9— d Athy, ne
— — fi F AR 7p w\@
e 9 9

y a, \ —X Pe
.4 * “Ny la

— LY(Kh)WAN y

Vial we id, The vertues ofPrarmica.

leues of Ptarmica layd to with the fruite /haue a propertie to «—

ry Depue away fwellynges and old hard lumpes /and to purge vruſed
Be) niaces. The floures make one neeſe excedingly: Galene voziteth that
Ptarmica bepng grene ts hote and drye inthe ſecond degre, and vohen itis
/that it ishote and Dep nthe thyrde degre,
dryed — ZS

Of Penny ryall. ,
GREE — — Ulegium ts named in Greke Auxop 02 Rauxep/ in
A CB Vag OR Cragitlh penny rpall ox puddyng grate, in Suche a

MSARY You's) Poles, ti Frenche Poultot. Dioſcoʒides deſcribeih
not Penny ryall where as he intreateth of it/but he.
é iSSS Delcribpng dictamnum/maketh tt to haue leues ly⸗

Of Penny ryall, 107 \i |
pulegium. / byequall (paces one
certayn ioyntes
any Deupded from an other. Where asp i
leucs grow in litle tuftes bpon the i
ouer partes of the bꝛaunches/ tf the 4a
lower partes touch the groũd/righte -1
Cuce agaynſt the tuftes of the leues
they take rootes in the gtounde, and
grow as well as the kirſt rootes bo:
Durgomon Denny rpall hath purple
floures/but there is an other kynde
mentioned in Pliny/vohych hath a
wohite flour, vobich be talleth the maz
uy leas he talled the comon one the fez |
“¥ male .}
Denny rpall grotoeth much} Od El
with out any ſettyng beſyd hundſſey a
a watery place
vpon the beth, beſide Ba
Ft groweth alfo much wylde tn Ger | |e |)
many in ſuch pooles as av full of wa⸗ i,
tev in wynter/xav al02 foz the motte °
parte dryed dp in ſommer
AY Nara

The vertues of Penny ryall Bi

. out ofDiofcorides. aa i
Sep Cty ryall maketh fubtil/ eH |
2 =) heateth a maketh ripe. When
eS it is dronkẽ/it dzaweth furth
floures Aecondes/ and the birthe. Pẽ⸗

ft toater/it ſwageth the lothlomnes /and the bytpng of the ſtomack. It bꝛyn⸗
t Hood foz the bytyng of benemus beſtes.Itrefreſſheth them that ſwovone/if

f" butill the fein wer red. The brothe of it taketh awap ach / ifthe place that

4 Out of Pliny.
4 —Emp ryall droweth furth dede chplder, it is Good forthe kal⸗
.y al ipug liknes geuen tn the mealur of and vnce and an half, in vi⸗
( SK neare, Ifthow mutt nedes dzynk vnholſum water/then put
ii Denny rpall into it. Che floures of the grene herbe feta fyre/
j/ SY ipileth flees woitl the (mell of it.
Out ofthe Arabianess —

OfPyrethro out ofDiofcorides.
=a Cnny ryall that groweth about watery places, is hote and dey in
Sy the thyrde Degre / becaule tt is made of afprie ſubſtance with fom
esl! Hurnt erthly part. And that Doth the ſharpnes of tt ſhew with alitie
bitternes. The fecond workpnges of tt av to Diflolue/ to make fubtil, and to
Dye. The thyrd arto prouoke water. Som bolde that tt is good agayntt
the lepꝛe and for them that arbittch of venummes bettes, chefely, ifit be
layd bpon the bytynges. And tt killeth allo worzmes /which brede in the ea⸗
res, And it of the mountayn
/isfrronger and better then the other.
Of Pyretbro out ofDiofcorides.
~aSS 8 Vrethzum is an herbe Pyrethrum.

= bvoche bath a fialt ¢
fi MSZ leues like vnto fenell


re Nw \ O02 wilde daucu/sand a

NUEGINSNeal (haddotop 02. ſpokye
a j
Ptr ¥ i
hin wenn = WN


top with a roid circle,
as Opll. Che roote is as greatasa
mannis thumb. It is excedyng hote
& dzaweth out wateriſh fleme. Chus
far Dioſcoꝛides/ NMether tt that Fuch ——


fius € Matthiolus tet furth, /koꝛ Py⸗

retino/nether tt that ts comenly fold
for Pyrethzo / agrecth hole with the
deſcriptiõ of Mtofcordes. For it that
thep {et out/as theyr figures ſhew/
bath only atop and floures lpke to
camomple/and no ſpoky top like dyl·
and nether the rout of thepr herbe,
nether of it that is comoniy folde is
fo byg as a mannis thumb. There⸗ —

fore the other newo kynde of pylletori/

refuted of Matthiolus /for bys great —

excedpng beat /ipketh me better, tf

ithaue leues a other partes agreyng —

with the ref ofthe deſcription /then —

thepr phat ls Doth. What meruel

is it tf the latelp found Pyrethzum
be bery hote whe as Galene geueth
a blyſteryng and burnyng nature onto Pyrethꝛo.
And Diolcorides writeth
that the root of it is fernidifima/that is motte hote oꝛ burnpng. Therfore J
feno caute toby that Matthiolus ſhuld refute tt/for the great heates fake/
other markes and properties beyng prefent.and therefore Jwiſſhe that we
myght haue the other prethzum. Foꝛ tt agreeth better with the deſcripti⸗
on of Dioſcoꝛides/as far as Jhaue heard o2 red of it, then comon pilletori
: I he vertues ofPyrethro out of Diofcorides.
P Plletorisis good for the tuth ach if the tuth be waſſhed with vinegre
L wobere init is ſodden.Itbꝛyngeth furth wateriſh deme if it ve Chom
Of Pyrethro out of Dioſtorides.
Sethe body be therewith anopnted & with ople, it ftereth a man to ſwete.
| atis good foz long cold (hakprig.Ftis excellently good fo2 any parte of the
hoody p 13 fundied o2 foundered or made allmoſt num /with to much colde/
> and fuch as ar ſtycken woith the palſey.
Of diuerſe kyndes ofPear trees and Peares.
Brum isnamed in Grebe wmop/in Engliſh aPeare tn douche
/inFreche bn Popre. Dioſcorides wꝛiteth oftwo kin⸗
Ain Byr
Sai} es of pear trees of the oꝛtiard Peartre / which ts comenlp
J alled tt Greke arioe
/ undof the wyld were tre o2 chouke Were
‘| & cre/oꝛwoꝛry ear tre/whych is called tn Greke axveas,tn Latin
MW oprus (plueftris/02 Pyraſter. Bothe theſe kyndes /ar ſowell knowen that
Ny thep nede no defcription.nde haue many byndes of gardin Beares with bs
NW inGuglande/and fom kyndes better then euer J fav in Germany for hols
fomnes/ and fom in Germany more pleafant and greater then ener F favo
) menglad.F hauc red tn no old voriter fo many kyndes of peares/as “frede .
afin lini where of J will How certayn Latin names, @ compare thent
i) swith our Engliſhe peares and Duche peares/as well as Jcan Pyra ſuper % 4
/and theſe are calied
LW) |bathat is tolay/proud peares are litle and fonett rype
HF tiCambꝛidge
/ midſummer peares Falerna pita haue they, name (fapetiy
i apliny)ofdrnck/becaule they be ful of iuice. Chele are called infom piaces
)) Soatery peares/oz moptt peares.zolobelliana ave the peares that haue the
i tong footttalkes. Jremembꝛe not howe they be named in England. Fauo⸗
i) miana are rede peares/a litle bigger then the midſummer peares. Autumna
i) haptra/that is the peares of the autumne/ vohiche beginueth tn the Sep⸗
i) tembzesare pleafant with a four taſt. Volema wherof Virgil makerh mene
© tion in the {econd boke of bys Geozkes 02 husbandzy/in thys verle:
) Cruftumijs Syrijsq, piris grauibusq́; uolemis. ae
i They ave nained alfo of Cato/as Pliny wꝛiteth Lementina and muſtea.
h There becaule they are very heuy as Uirgil ſheweth /and berp greate / as
) theprname betowenetl, fo2 they feme to haue thep: name of Viola that ts
the holov place oꝛ loofofa mannis hand/becaule thep be as big as a mar
> can grypein the palm o2 loofe of his bande. Theſe ave comenly called in En
A gil) wardens /ikthey haue a bynding / and be rede / vhen as they ar roſted/
i andindure vnto Marche orꝛ Febꝛuary. Ft appeareth that they haue theyr
i) tameoflong keping, for warden tn Duche / lrom vohẽce our Engliſh came/
iS to kepe Serotinã pira/ave they that hang vpon theyr mother vntil win⸗
cer /and were rype with the kroſt. Theſe ave partely our wardenes /and par
celyother long During peares /which are called tn Zouch winter biren /and
thep may be wel called in Engliſh / winter peares. Pliny maketh mention
4 Of Diucrie other fortes of peares/whereunto becaule ‘J can not compare any
, ofourpeares/Z thinke tt beſt to paſſe the ouer in {tlence/lette Jſhould talke
i ooffuch thinges/as J haue no perfit knowledge of.
i T he vertues ofpere trees and peares out ofDiofcorides.
cauſe they ar vſed
Ter av many kindes of peares/e al av binding:a foꝛ p¶
which ſtoppcourte of humors that rin to any
to be put into emplaſt/ers
place. Che broth of dgied peares/ftop the bellpe. Chey ar euel tfthep be eaten
fatting:} tuice of peare tre leaues /isgood foz » biting of benemus —*
Of Pyrethro out of Tiofcorides.
Wild peares ar more ftoppyng and byndyng / the
n the gardin peares ar,
An {0 lykewyle ar theyr leues more byndpng. Che aſſ
hes of the Peare tree:
at good agaynſt the ftranglyng that commeth of todeft ooles o2 mufhrums
mes. And vohen as wilde Peares arfodden with toodit
oles they will not
burt them that eat them,

j eae) He leues and twigges of the Dear tre, ar byndyng an tarte,

SMA S| Che frute hath acectayn wateriſhe (Wetenes
<9 GYR) man map learn to know that / wohere bya
the complexion
— WE in allpartes. The {eaves ar good for the of it is nota like,
ftomack, a quenche
————= thpette, tithep be taken in meat. But when as
Peares av put
Dape and coull mefurablely/ fo that Jknow that a

Out of the Arabianes.

HX eat eaves haue moze fivetngthe og bertu then litl
And Peares nozilh mo e Peares haue,
; Lu
re then quinces do {prope made ofthe iuice
\. 5
Of Peares ſtoppeth the iſſhue of cholev/oz cholerik

be fein tn the ſtomack tfit be gone of. Peares of thept flir. And they ma ,
ue/ brede the colike.Cherefore they that cat Peares/m properticthatthep ha’ |
utt dꝛzvnk wyne ¢
den with hony and {pices (02 any good hppocras made
other warme {pices.) Vnryp Peares ar colde an of wyne fugar and *
d Owe. Wu
at temperat /in mean betwene heat and cold, o2 they bowt aryp e Peares
litle to colds
nes.Peares par bevy ſwete (aS Kaſis noziteth) cool not |
/ neuertheleſſe thep |
bynde all . But tf thep be taken after meat/ thep belp to Depu
is in the guttes but pet lor ail that/ they (opp aiterwardes. e furthe it that

Out ofthe Phifictones ofSalern,

Adde pyro potum nux eſt medicina neneno,
Fert pyra noſtra pyrus fine uino funt pyra uirus: {
Cum coquis antidotum pyra funt,fed cruda uenenum,
Cruda grauant stomachum,releuant pyra cocta grduatum, i
Poft pyra da potum, poft pomaq́; uade ca catum. (
After eaves Depnk a walnut/isa remedy agaynſt poyſon. Dur peartre
bryngeth furth Peares / but peares ar poyſon with out wyne. When as
thoto ſetheſt Peares/they ara triacle/oꝛ preſer
uatiue:but raw/they ar poy⸗
ſon. Kaw Peares burden the ſtomack/ butrotted
the ſtomak. After Peares gyue dapnk but after oꝛ ſodden/ relefe & lighten
apples go to the {rool
| Out of Symeon Sethi.
Gay Cares ar colde in the firtt degr/eand ;
© oes Chat av ſweter/ and ripe Daving in che ſecond: wut they
/they haue fo
BVut they that haue amenged nature,m parte of heate and moyuure.
whether they be ſwete and
byndyng/or ſouriſog h vhether they haue a litle depnes/if they be taken bez
foze ineat/thep ſtopp the bellp.If aman fill hy
thep byebe the colik but they ar good fo2 ho m (cif with peares of tpmes/
te ſtomackes. The granes that
ar found in Peares/of acertayn pꝛopertie that the
kydnees. y haue /argood fo2 the
Of the oke tre,
Quercus. ‘@ —
Aithoughe quercus tr
; \ Sel Lati benth: tre which
ASA is calledtt Engliſh ar
. WEP Dke tres oꝛ inp froth
Wass — countre an Cike trein
VLE 1NadyBuche ei Cichbauny pet seveand
Pea Neg CxAcvor in Greke/ and glans tn La
S tin: are comon vnto manp mo trees
—— then vnto the oke and to bis fruite.
ay We? S02 Dris is comon nto Divers bins
| J * SA? Des of trees/as Diolcorides e Theo
AANA phralt beare witnes. And balanog
OLAS 18 comon to al their fruites / and (0
Low! ig glans comon bnto many fruites
of trees/firtte to the fruite of the oke
and to the frutt of roboris/eſculi/ cer
ttt (uberis. Foꝛ all thefe trees bꝛyng
furth glandes/and are called tn Laz
tin /arbores glandifere. But none of
all thefe grow in England, faninge
Only the oke whoſe frutte we call an
Acoꝛn /oꝛ an Eykoꝛn/ that ts $ come

02 frutt of an Cike. pom make two
kindes of okes/the one that beareth
only akornes /and oke apples. And
PCY att other kind that is much leſſe (ag
x NS) they fape) then the comon oke, that
De viv co noniy to vy wig of youles.4 have not fene any galles in Englãd
growing vpon oke leues. But Jhaue ſene them growing byon oke leues,
» Notonlp in Italy/but alſo in very great plenty in Eaſt Frefland, ina awod
alitle from Aurike.
Thegalles of Italye come to perfection/ and are at leyngth harde/but
| they of freflande/bepng ones taken with cold wether
/ andmoyſteare
/ nes
er hard but foft. rot withſtanding J haue pꝛoued that they ſerue well to
» Make pnke of. Indede the okes that haue the galles growpnge vpon theyr
ues in frefiand ace leſſe then our okes be. But Jthynk that the caute is
_- ether that they ave but pong trees/and haue bene but oflate fet o2 thep are
» fo oft hewen Doune(fo2 there ts very ſmall ſtore of wod tn all Frellad) that
© ep can not come onto anp perfit greatnes. Ffthere be fuch Diuerfite of o⸗
) Bes/that fom will beare galles/and fom will beare none:tt Loere wel Done/
tofetche fom from Frella/
) and to plant them in ſom hote ſunnye place of
© Cngiland/to ſe whether the ayz of the countre o2 kind of tre oꝛ no is cauſe
Wat galles grow bpon fon oke leucs/and not vpon other fon.Fewas told
me by a learned man/afrende of mpne/that in the pear of our ſoꝛde 9.2.
WU J. that there was a great plentye of galles found vpon oke leues in
; Byeorth countre of Cnglan
d//and namely about » Ballpfac. nobeappe
re lit
Ofthe oke tre.
th e he at e he lp et h mu ch to th e br in ge fu rt h of galles. But
anpeareth that her p Freſe obe wolde
— matter is itLoeve good to pꝛoue whet eleland. Ifthey will
alfo wth b3 dung kutth galles or no / as tht eyproDo in Fr
/ h
the n (ha ll th ey be in g gr ea fit to th e re al m: it they bꝛing
bring furth ſu lo ſt an d ex pe ri en ce wo rz th thze
not furth there is not pa tt an ha ll e cr ow ne
crounes fhould be learned therby.
T he vertues ofthe oke tre andthe fruyt thereof.
ing and (topping nature /and
woeth vetvwoene the bole 02 body of

nes greſe fo very fore hard lumpes and forces bery hard to be healed. A gall
ig the fruite of an obc/and ſpecially ofthe lefe. Dt galles fave two fogtes/the
one is called ompbacitis/and it ig but litle/and hath the form of mannes
knockl/oꝛ e of the ioynte of aman:and it is found € yath no hole. The other
is imooth and hath no hole in it. But it that is called ompbhacitis / is to be

icchues of the mouth that childer yaue motte comontye. Che inner parte of
the gall within the ſheil put into the holes of the teth/fwage the ach of the.
Tie fame burnt bpon the cooles / and queriched wyth voyne o2 Hinegre/oz
vbꝛyne made with binegre/foppe blood. It is good for weomen to fit in the
moti of them agayut the fallpng of the mother and agapntt the iſſhue of
the ſame. They are good for the biody flit, and the other alfo/ether layed to
with wine o2 water.To conclude ye may die galles ag oft as ye Haue nede
to ſtop and to Daye.
Out ofGalene.
ag Ll partes of the oke are bindinge o2 ſtoppinge. Jremembꝛe
SOL that ones Jhealed a wounde/ that was made with an hat⸗
chet /vhẽ as ther was No other me⸗
/with the leues of an oke
3] Dicine at hand. Jground yỹleafes vpõ a ſmoth ſtone/ã Jlaid
JEN GAG ? bruled lefe bpd wounde/aabout euery place about it.he
frutte of the oke hath lyke pour with the leues. Som vie the
ke agaynſt inflammationss at the lirſte beginninge of a
Of Cinkfoly or finefingred graſſe. fo
for ſuch inflammationes as are berp great nede not bindin
The gall is Dape in the thyrde degr g? medicines,
and colde in the ſeconde. The aail, i fe
be fodden bp itſelt/andafterwatde broken/ and made alter the maner of
ancmplatter/is a good remedy agaynſt the tnflammation oz bur
of tie fundamen ning heat
/ and
t fo2 tye fallpna Downe of the fame. When as ye will
feth the gall/it the diſeaſe requyre ar®at adſtriction
/oꝛbindyng / then ſethe
It in vyne. Jit requyre but litle/then ſethe it in water, And
it pet moze bindinec if pe will haue
gh it in rough of harriſh wyne.

Out of Sumeon Sethi,

us Contes are harde of digeſtion and noriſhe bery much. But

GA) 90 flowly Doune/ thep
and they make rap humozes. Hoyerefore we
SP v4 forbid the vie of them foz meates.

Of Cinkfoly , or ſyuefingred graffe.


Qyinguefolium primum. Quinquefolium ſecundum.

*J4 a




*:—=—— :


Of Cinkfoly,or finefingred gtaffés
Quinque folium luteum minus. : ii
sh aE sts, See ee Cinquefolid
Eais named in

:* vi Greke rwre

aI Ae
< RS gred graſſe
YQ 02 herbe fue
—E = lefe/in uch
Ske funftinger kraut/ inFrenche quintes
Fog wee fuille. Berbe fyuelele /as Dioſtorides
writeth /hath ſmall ſtrawiſh brꝛaun⸗
ches a ſpan longe. And in them gro⸗
WEE seth the fruite o2 ede(as fon trane
pres late here in this place xup7ev)Fthath
leues lpke minte /fine gro boing oute
of cuery lefe ſtalk and ſeldom moze/
diuided o2 grapped lyke a ſa/wand it
hath a floure whitiſh pale /with the
lykenes of gold. Ft groweth in wa⸗
tery places/befpde Diches and condi⸗
tes:it bath a log rediſh roote, thicker
then itofblack hellebor Thus far Bi
* Dioſcoꝛides maketh buf ove
=< kinde of Cinkfoipe/ but other after
bim, haue founde out foure kindes, ae


Wherokthey make fantcle one binde/

Hut without reaſon in my iudgemeét.F know thre notable kindesChe . firk
és the comon fyucleued grafle that grovoctl euerp Lohere. The fecond kind
iS many partes greater/and groweth onip tn pooles, and merrifh groudes
commonly ouerflowen with water. The thirde kinde is it(as FJgefle) that
Pliny eaketh oft/where he maketh cinkfolptobere (trauberries Jfound
ones this kinde(except Jbe Decepued growing bpon the alles of acitve
called Cour/in the land of chetia /alitie from the Mayn alpes. The leues
and ſtalkes were all rough/the floures were pelow. And where asp flous
res were falle of/there favo J in fom litle knoppes lyke vnto ſtrawberries/
which bpon the one ſyde were whitiſh and bpon che other ſyde redilh yas
far as J can rememb /vohyc
ꝛe h as F thought bp the tokens} Flatwe ther
appearinge, tfthey mighte haue crommed vnto theyz ripenes/fhoulde haue
bene ether ryght ſtrawberries /ozellis akruyte much Ipke the, But becaute
‘J law not the fruite rppe in his perfection: Dave not geue fentence that it
MAS a ryght ſtrawberry.
But it is very lykely that the oftenfyaht of fuchy
gnade Pliny iudge
/that Cinkfolp dpd bring furth ſtravoberries

Z be vertues ofherbe ſyue lefe out ofDiofcorides.

Of the herbe fyue leue. ww
1 He broth of the rote ſodden vntill the thyrde par
te be
away/ and ſtanche the tuth ache ifit be holden int fodder
he mouth.
Thelſame ſtoppeth the rotting ſores of the mouth/if it
hed therewith. It healeth the roughnes oꝛ ſharpues be wa:
Jwindppype if of the
pe gargle with it.Jtis good agapnt the blodye
~ te and other flives. Xie tf it be drꝛouken / it is
good for the
ofthe ioynte/sand in the huckelbone / called Sciatica. Thefame ſod⸗
in bitedte and broken and layd to, ſtayeth and holdet
h back crepinge
hres called Herpetas:it driucth away wennes and hard
ſwellinges and
mindy ſwelling/es and healeth the enlarginges of wind o2 puls vepnes/cal
led aneur/i imp
ast/a hote inllãmations called eryſipelata / agway
Mes ini
the fingres/o2 toes/hard lumpes that put furth blood in the
ment Oz mother/and alfo fcabbes and (curumes. The fundaz
tice of yong roote
1$G000 for the Difeales of the liner and lunges, and are alfo good fo2 dead⸗
. icucs are Dronken with mede/o2 honpe/ water
/o2 with wa⸗
/ and alit le peper agaynſt agues that come agayne at certayne
—— layeth further (but me thynk/ that it finelleth of fupers
fon that in a quartayn /the leues of four ftalkes ought to be
fertian the leues of thre/and in a quotidiane the leues of one talk. ensina
Dioner xxx. dayes together:it ts good for the falling fines. Ff it be
Che tuice ofp
leues dronken in the meſure of thre ciates that isin. vnces 02 thereabo
Healeth quickly the iaundes 02 guelfought.FE it be layed to with honye ut:
fale it is good fo2 fiftules and woundes: ft is alfo Good fog the beekinge oz
» buriting of the bowelles both layd to without and alfo
drꝛonken / andſo is
it alſo good fo2 the burſting out of bidod.
Out cfGalene:
pe eroote of the fiucleucd graſſe depeth erced ingly/and is berye litl
Ratan Watpe. Whertoꝛe it tsgreatly vſed/as all other é
herbes be/ which bee
ipnge of fpne and fubtil partes pet deve with all o

Ofradice or radiſb.
7) Ae herbe whiche is called in Engliſh/ radice or radiſh/ in Du⸗
he Kettich /in Frenche, Kaue o2 Kelort /is named in Gre
We) a cagous AND eopaves/andin Latin Radic, andof ke/
—A fom radicu:
But fom ofthe old Greke wꝛiters bleD this HoowWe
| cadaver
{02 cole/ /
wherof Pliny toke occation of etror/gpue vnto radice
that tobich belonged vnto cole,
L he defcription.
ADice hath leaues ipke vnto rapes leaues/ muftarde
there are moze {pred bpon the grounde: the ak is
, YOuND:the foures are whyt/ethefede which greata
Sy Mtg a littel to reddiſhe /is conteyned is bꝛovone andor
in litle coddes, there are
= tio bindes of gardin rad/
ce reof one with alonge rowt/
Abich 18 bery cOmon in Englandsand in lato wuche lan
desand this bind
Bealled of fome Radix cleomia/and of other Kadirx algidenti
s / and } other
C itj wyth
: —— avie: ——
ee adit wien —
Barn as we
F eal

Radix primum. ai

bnto a rape. Thys kinde is more com⸗

mon aboute Strasbourgs in highe
Germany then in an other place that \
euer F came it: this kinde is called of
fon Radic Weottas and of other Ka⸗
Dic Syriaca: it is ſeldom {ene tn Ene
glande/but it maybe,named tounde
iene Ot rape radice7o2 Almapne ras .
ice. |
There is pet another kinde of radi⸗ |
ce /wherotf Dioſcorꝛides/a Pliny mabe
mention of/ and it is called in Grebey
papas eyen/ It Latin Armoratia
in Jtalian/as Wathiolus ſayeth Ras
moracia. Diolcorides voꝛiteth p wilde
Kadice hath leaues lpke onto the gar⸗
Din radiſh /fauinge that they. are moze
ipke the herbe called. Lapfana: 33f
this be truc/all they haue erved/whicy
haue taughte that the greate herbe/
whiche kath leaues lyke vnto a great
dock /and a verye ſharpe /and bitinge
toute /called inDuche Mer rettich/
and in Engliſhe redcole fhould be He
moracia or radir ſylueſtrig/fo2 —
Wea no sens betwene tye lefe of a dock/ end tat ne or gardin radice.
Therefo ze ſeyn Ge that Dioſcoꝛiides
inabeth the leaues of the wilde ra⸗
pitylyke onto the leaues ofthe gardin radice andto lampfana/ whyche
\V take to hea kynde oi carlok/thys herbe wyth the dockeue Wales cai net
eradic ipllueftris, Theſame Dioſcozides writeth that the wilde radice
or dite route, andD fomebinge fharpe 02 biting?as the
amale tender
Bmmon Grebe tert: —— better tertes haue in ede of malache / mu⸗
eeis onge But thered role /vhyvch munye ofthe Germaynes tabe
p roilderadice/ and —**— ciaha tha great anda very ſharpe o2 hytinge
ipantesteneriozeiteeeae radix ſylueltris Dioſcorides.
i ga0tes si toilbe requyred of me/ishat J dotase for the wilde radice:
ripe Jtase {02% Rohan which issnared aboute Weiſſenburg/ woneee
J—DPD Divsell/weifenb sedericy sand of fom Wildt rettich: this herb:
—— alwapes in that countrey ———— the rapes:it isberppies ibe
Migariock/but it ts awer/ and it hatha white alouce/ and aſmale routte/but
of the tale,and fomtbpng: ofthe forme of the|sabenradiſhe:
e len — ——— nbdente — arn vadice leaues ate/ and font
Agppnae (motger/then thecarlocks leaues. It appearet that Pliny toke
fggys herbe ft
A a libxx. cap.i ah kalſely tt it among the kbyndes ag
7 1 as
ashe ought to haue ſet itamongeſt the bindes of radice/ fo2
jeoiinythdiue feeplaces mamctd it rabice/ that be Mou!Dename cole / asye
nee inth bec’lenenth boo
onc/and thre and twintigeſt chapter sand in the
{i eerie * oooke/ and four andd twintigelt chapter and ig tt appearety
at be Bet) cole aifo in the ſtede of rabice, and confoundeth the ong
) mith s5e0
Gye wordes of Pliny that make me indge thus ofhinyare thee, Inter
Wvekiecs be aſſicas =lap fan effpedals alritubisis/etut iS oly
| nia I
| Umilaris niſi candid oz eiet doen ouch with thefe modes with Pliny
ba great voytle
toke wilde rabice o2 hederick/t in aenay butaiter more Dit
hresKeir eramin⸗acion/F sounde that it was rad ivineltvis in za iolcozibe;3/
® Shatiau
tiaulana was an other yerde.
A The vertues ofradice or radiſh.

itis pleſaunttothe
He rabice bredech wynde/and heateth:
+moutt/and evel fo2 the ſtomack. It monet belchynge/ anv
God maketh aman make water / and318good fog tyebeliiv/ther is
A Aral yo mabe Aman go to che ftoole. It it be taken before ments i
doldech vp/ whertore tt is good forthemthat wo De bomites
if it ho taken beioreit quickenety 2 be wittes at (nies/tt i

ae * Cou wey

ye S500 fo:ban 31D cougivandfor themtthat bebe gtsile humozes in therz ote!
ie -” ba 3 at * ‘ ‘ % 2

ed vine⸗
Bent with honi

enddenandeaten, It the Davi eof —

Reet § rc * SOomit tye more et ‘oa the Soneey, It is alſo googra

* i 7 A

On > Ise ™ aBY 4a * 3*

a —
rey 23* * —
OPiGyo pp them rhat are — — non itfiapern irene
44 aig that Uz
69/and faszth zwaee blewe markes. As oe pee them
* * 7 2—— * —E— waits OTe te oe +4 — *
—— “eS
Ae 2 = oe

! LORY 7
Of radice or radi,
— 8 biper 2 Adder. Tt iti itth jVvp wi fi)bepee ays
a —
— wichtaidnes and with fhe mele of darne
FeicSclles.2Soth in meat and drinckeitis goodfor them ‘that
hem that *
Trangleb with todftoles/and baingeth tecomen dDotwne theyy —1—
a ſtereth on te vomit /and maketh one piſſe we’ th
ſtetht be mut it is Good for the ſqwinſey/ 2 fame} monde
tfpeſeth itwith bonted
snogargle with the broth ofit/bepnee. hoteiin —
agapnlt ‘tigaAten yg
the bitingof
* e fame layed to the beatt called Ce raſtes /ifitbed — wwith
«Ch aeMcp mightely ſtawre aboape gan /
oa grenegy
6 cttreme hote ſres ft 9 f
oy 3e wide radice!beatttivent ae
a man to make ater
iS iullof 3¢ rootes and leaues ave ſodden And eate
n gfterch il shy 5,

“‘OxtofG alene.
J—— eae is Hote inthe roeabe
begee/and drye in thefeconde ,2
4 mid eis Stonaece in both thole qualit
aut in fhetert of si es, toberefoze th
there ie omeon
cteoxines, there as behath uT
Dioſcoꝛid eS ſayethdis telf afterwat odouuis/ Decanio git
D/ SepuaT ina OS! HSE} — AS.
_Ghetebe ait is —
ame ty

then the he roesit bath the powre to make

— tS Good fo2 bꝛruled /and ſuche ſyk
e bletoe plates i Cate

eS ess
at zens biz to eat ukefe ra
w/ wᷣ al al te fa
ui :

e lps e fa ite&

™7} C> r¢* bi

i negre/at the begianting of they:22 dynn fifhe be*
er ou Upper TO mabet chen

23fla“ble:4 marnel not onelp at onie


eat radices alter ſupper and that raat ne/ dbut alfo at Philicioucs
hd 7
* “¢

ty to delve pe digeſtion: hey
XS So op ba Ug experience that it toil dah O: ve
t for al ifhat then bath

“tenooman whichh ath olowed t them Mibouti burtbetge oc

Taha! alene.

Oj therabe or turnepe
— S—
s —a ApSpun named in Greke yoyyua
As/ and is talled n
MSS RAE er ‘Zz
SS g
ent — — — it/r
nepe/ af
Le be/T Douche rhe it
— —— _&Daly aueau/ inSpaniſhe Meee geeStalian ra— pe
Tdere arechre kindes of vq es/ one Gar
— whiche isroundeand berpecreat in rape
— tes CA ie apes wobiche goeth oute ‘and —
HUGS ——— Pliny irks
Neyethvand the thyzde which is called the wilde
— ee sai) Ai) rt rinneth Au
f rth a long.
Ahcophaſt ont DOE
—thehat cher TD300!Fotbof on intothe mateya nothe male and wꝛi⸗
e fearSat th e rapes faw
aen / & fetthicke
sooe ortStor al intemales ar if thep be thynne
sii el bpona man may —
n r i2t/thev growintefe:
at thDE Gr
— — onger AND maler peaded a eat je adedon es/are the
— — ed taut v2 Fommonlp ma teche males/ becaule thicke
ker thenmall/ andthae tine ſet⸗
~iMgamaserh them wreateryaa3 the fatgr
g oundalſo mateth greater⸗ and the
eaner grounmd Sheletsandchs vo? Sw 1 ee

} +?
4* iedTy2, fcriptionset

Be. Hanil¢ J pene (Apa, Poom y — —

se oud mh ayia ; 1422 re
47% bles {Oi 1414 13
2 tg tr
aces Lhe A bfican Ie, RY 4tet oY
wy texranuncg
Me th

— — oer! v7wzyre FIs AA

ds Ww wWHewbrwsy 4 ibisitLS
— a

ye sap ~?
cles —
ae offs Pan on

. «gs

3vot } *
fy ~
aw 548 os Heo! ** —

al > 4 5337*
Y Asati {
63 hd ch a>

a haty
& Sa

ntm ‘
654% mf bab de


rh orn
he 4 RRL
9? a pte
Prt cP* —*
bey he 8


Toi? pe ae 97"
Spe 1%
— —
As iy 9 te Se ee
IP rns i. a
Ay i
nad oe
w vad a « Se Pot ~f
arr &® aw

125 OF mser
ret aAMatrO OP Ha 7 — ey ters

eerste aw, db tatsi 44

v Si} Snip
teag 5 — ty —
Aas — oe oe ey Ly

*le +
te ~ ant +} %

nee & iẽs mã

“ % — heal

EF Cr? 1D 40
x TE*
U— **

sib be wey Bet require ch ong ie thingy * }

and itt: be cons*
Sa |
— > + VY

LS tip feioo D emit
‘be faken fom Seb, 44 4b -~
ray 9 »
Fa § Sef

Vit is full of winde

/and hurtful tot
8diteth the ſtomack.
OutofS eon Se
s MM,

tye ſecond Deg g/ # mopſt i rv)

Y theyne

enobe mines: F4 2dre much ſede /

4 & Cf
* rou {
if thepbeea

n apvet

vo falt +binegret 5ey


* w *

OND 2 }|
pay OM JU
LS ¢ theHa
rhiw yy
9 VIOOk s.» GE x
££’ r ~
* ~*s
7 —⸗ ⸗
—— <>
woere ba with {calt
frickell te thin me
Trangled with todſto
peleortyon te bom
both toe milt:it isgoo
an gargle with cheb —

— lk the biting of
“Che fame laped te vol
shettreme hotee {o2e8.

| diceis
Py Hera it
: wilde is Sronger a
aut in tetext J ee a
— wouwhe
fayvetygis teiarTe
t rWatb/s Sepuetins 631
Theſed Palla iS ſtronnger then the jyerbenit bathte

Th nauparead AS *—
832 po we 0 Mabe cong
anb thereftt oriSgoo
e d fox bu le an
d/ dfar he
iph e blo woe plac/es

Hiei Atizens ole to eat radice raw/ vO a

a iiss

without vinegre/at the beginnting of theyzefalte tance lpkefalte fhe

i bepyep
dynnerozfupperton aße
bellies —— J maruel net oneiy at vniea ned

/ but
which cat radices aiter upper and tat rato to hel altoal Philicidacs
lepe that— pauseexberience that it will Do lo: vetpefi
their Digelton
0? &lithat therr : roy
wohich hath doio wed them without hurt: heth

erto SGen
else eshl ihe—

Oftherape or turnepe,
ce Un Tamed in Steke yoyyras/
VAS GES A Engliſh of and is talled in '
them ofthe South com nite /turnepeso
SH othercountre men a rap/ f 9
— na — in Spaniſhe einDuche rubẽ/ in Ftench
nabos/in INtauan cape,
— Lax ..Cyereate th2c Bindes of 3cape

hea ERA CS Sywhich is roun s/ one gatdin rape thy

ie | geass de and verye Ieat/ and an other ga
: a Din ra/p
iche goeth oute abꝛo r
de / as Pliny trie
cethand tyet topabe tobich tscalled the toilde raves
SL es] and if rinneth firtha
wi ig OnnDeth the tape into the inal g,
e, anat be kemale/ and tosis.
t arow both of one Be, and tjatthe va
al into mal/ nes ſawen, & ſet thicke
35 ean
thep be thynnervict/thev ayatn inte
3543 25/3 beret
Sp on
aman Map Ba th fes7
females, and the longer and imdler
erthi atthe oresat bead
ed Ones) are the
cca 1G ofwe ; -4pe¢ yeaded/are cue males, beraule tithe
s rout3 commonly ma + Ae
oly, ' rm ; * *

Ice, te ythben
sf ma
lt y
d th
757 fea
fed ?
are bee
gfe *
if >
e to
e¢ 4
ct/as} the fe
ay res —— *
da oe a Cu
ey AA ma tele Teanh+ chin
‘he te
grou ndalſo matketh greater / zndth
QW F94 949 OH Stet a :
° ye
* —
and 702 eabout London,

be ut the lon grodted ra
ed a

3 { ne; Dorjere 38 Mil Lei

ai *

rapeis ifo 3

oth Bi wy tala
Lat o

otek wi tapuntel Fale ed
rf es
ioF LH
a ee oo lee ¢ oo

eranumnatcqâò aed

OVOB T ola “—⸗

a —
—— J * 4 as 7 Cc ae

yy aad° ye


a rm
n>> wD
Cc 2.

mt 32


+3: ea BBY pions “ay J

“7 <
28 > — ws

- Se we

2 28
oo fetes


b ise fi
> 4%
/ ¥ L v

ieae I
rie rated

wa 4 74 3*

*ioD in tz ) 44% — %
* * 52 mY ty ay *

14> t + -
act hed YAY SPS
a+ 4—A7 Ry yet >% $4
5 ee vy °
w ash

a tes:
$y Livan ae + Bde

os we SS tproik
— 4
zyBed snig
— weet 4 /‘D \Ie —ORE
11 ad a
— —

[FT 4 IP HS roe reli -s


Rin 3473634 o/ > be oad 1355505014

nirech! ignig fe thingy and it:

it be mp exkeit
4 J on
M4 >

at ist 4
if it be taken fomtht Dem


eo 2G


dit is full of winde⸗ nd burtig | toth
8 *—* i 3

ot pe ſtomack.
* 4



cr, 2 Tc?

* * sey

Out of Seon Setht,



2h oteme —9 efecond Beg 2/ 4 moyſt in;

? ⸗


ouoke mine ing dre much ſede / ſ

Latinpo S| +*

iiffthe vbera té w [ait vinegre/t 5ey $




eeopetty vat TD ey haue op them

— 8 —

good Fay


= SF

4 a

Outo ⸗

4 a



+i ud (
ele Ai

ty — NOB *


PA aah



: — — .ne

Ranunculam gaintun.




— —


Crowioa' ;
Se kingeur /otin _
Sc} foniotyet plas
Ay) 688 a golladez
S a, iS named ny
enfutg, Ther
t vette but thee haue ad
onebrepngbythat isbetting and very
yitring:one ot them bat bieaaug lyke
Hrnts Coiander
/ but b2oder fomtbinng
hitiſh and fat/ ayeldweHoure/ and
oeitymie purplea ſtalke nat thick /but

/ whyte/
acubite heyght/alitte route
— hath litle hinges, lyke ſmale
hredes /cominge out after the maner
t Hellebo2/02 nefeboozte, it groweth
TY eſyde ryners: there 1s sito “another
re spndeytobped igmoze Hor aand wich
Rees CG vec ais
SS,ger ride fish ing
Te Ataae . g78/ 92 fagginges |n the leaues
/¢ if
groweth much —— it isber
— c
I o*/ Od⸗

—* gi0% rth BPD *?

C9 re

ath here deſcri⸗
i1D. Yat hroum

i "92 }
with 2 oote v etye bs
ah SY

ẽ ry
& h eaOUND Ipbeg
f> 5

?Bo vynce

I= 744
> te oF cue4f isedear
— 4

BLAMSERS| op where


* >? 8

<2 ,
a» 4
PROPss Fs "2
L.4.3 — te he 4

if44 ‘a peurrifei

zs ⸗
roves by
3 % i
Peers —
'g of — Ce
t td? ry

i rz

— 0

bE oeS/H
32.2 * — ed

TY Oe1 S

— *
pebuf, 7
c vadeled Rhamnys.


(he that groweth about hedges/

2 re) tha Pr 4 row rig Ot vp / and
rt 7


10:nha thy tryhath irf? le aues/



+ .

22 —

Qnue me


{D mtn ge icfa Camb ſpfte/


> 4 7

‘4 ‘




NN ‘
bk =
A, 8

— Ee
eae nn Sah ok LI—2

9 8 >» se Dn ee
Tp eds
sb CLE alyi’De



df Roamans. 5

eas: Di thele the BinksiS 0Sham:

e — ap/ Jſawe
i sii yetyr kind/
peri Oo} eaues wher
path the
a8s7] LTO? it/ it was tailedL——
thorne as thoughChꝛiſte ba oer
cronned with rhamnus / Fl —
awe it in¢Englande/and therefore
yy J J bio Wwe iid Engliſye name foꝛ it.
a i WG & But it lape becalled etter Chris
WEi aa”, shozne/ontCURIS thorne/ of the fas
i— * os thon of the frupt oz rounde ramnes/

Boe ASS : tye brownies ot the leaues inom⸗

CS iran area patiWon af the other trea kindes/it
7 Iroweth in the mounte Alppennine
SENT . Ve => litle from 2Sonanye: Matthiol ng
i aS anes
———— two kind 3furth that 3
3 I 4
4 — J Mer lawe.
A 2 The verines of RAamnght us—
| Bie
Wy | — ——
oe Hele Nes they be lain
nih 5 —
— —— — 02 wild TR
res and greate hote ine
9 matianes. fom volde
Re 3 jh Seems that foe Domes obieiee
. — gt mennes doies / windo wes/ta
-_— dryue awape foreerpy and nthante⸗
geeeta/ioat wyrhes an fo
cometsdo bie asgaynſt men. —
* Of the
dSumach oue ofDiofcorides, .+>

Te 1 Bus is cal iedof the Arabtanes and aporheca

Sinmac /ithmay be called inEngliſh aly. Che Sy
Macy which is bledfo2 a fauce vñto meates/ which
ſom call rede: is the frupte of the lether Sumac?
4 -Tobiche hath thenameofl lether/becaule men vſe it
= thick tether— Sal— tre — |
Hay al 121ws fomebtngersbib indentDrowa— inke’
sbi — Apse vnto mallcluſters of ara⸗
itheb inne:Sofa turpen ne and a litle boobed. + 2

q : 2
| Onrof Galens :

J nee

mnacyh 1S TOUS 192d /atndd— togetHe} znd Bethe “ rthel ts
Bo Mhex
3392 Dupes 5 biehfe this
vers /03 tannarés t Fe eto
fame buſh £9 Dye and to Linde toges
77 ee 7
ty 3 43he
Of Samach,
togetversthe obrilciones bie chops
x _

be berrpes theceot /andthe ivee

Loppihe (3 Of a Oerpe tarte tate and |
bindinge mMithall it is dape inthe
Copy degre
/and coi tit the leony Uf
: Thys Sumach that Sieſc i
¢5 and Galen maketh mentiongy yl
Gro te t) in No place of Snglandygy
Oermanze that euer
: POT: en

fata) bye a
~ — —

baw {ene tt inItalp/litl

ã efro see wy
‘nonpe in the mounte Sovennine gp
-1 Map becalledin Cnglih Sumady Hi
oi &S theppoteraries ant-arapigg a J

SRS W820, F ESees ee

+ . 4
— —— — — ü⸗—
| *
— a,a

, +o— +* *

* J— — Oe

— ae - 5 2 oe ~~ ey
* ⸗ * . 5 ⸗

The vertaes ofSumach, | |

— =

| ie leaues haue a bindings |

rq poUre/ and ferne ior) fame”
purpoſe that Acafisferuey |
102. The brorh of tyem makech ones
heyre blackyand they are godine
ouredin / oꝛ to beiitten ouero to
~*~ De dronken fo2 the bloody fice they i
— 77 good to be poured into che earee⸗
? * ~~ = -

sheets 48 pha Ko dee

j rH

aig ce hat baue water runninge outcast


Suen i they be laped to with: binegre or bonve, thep fave and hol
“ Deablp burnfores
ing /ralledgagrenes:but the tupce op boi) A
orsge withered leaues ſodden in water/ontll they come to the thicbnes of
panpe/toep ſerue fo2 the fame purpole that Lictum doeth: the fruptecanda

454%‘tog tame thin/ geandstsfit tn fauces foꝛ meatyfor them that bauethetts
mon Give 93 bloody direst detendeth from ndammation 92 bur
pete with wate ning ifithe
/ tWuſe
r d places/and the bttermoit pates are/ whych pas y

. £20 Sana bles places alla.Itfcoureth aap the roughness ofth

be Te

e tou |
nengeo with ho /ny
itſtayeth allo the whyte doures/ and bealeth the ems 3
oddes /oꝛdoting of the bioad of the findament/laped te with the
cole.ct Wl
3 Oke tre/beaten inte pouder:but the broth of this is fodden ann conc eled we
/OGtber/and afteramaner doeth better the fame thinges then the ini .
Bot}. It brngeth allafurty a gum whiche is geod to be putin ayollome ‘
octo ſtanche the abe thereobs <tr e segue eo t - wri
eee ve ©? —
- — —

= a *
* t * .
*8 -*, se
= 42
aa \ — an
se 4 re + 4 see -~_- i
& ef ¢ }
ts ? ;
; ; : : ¢ asd \,
a:& =“ —— oq X —— 7 : : . } a
a 4 8* ~ * a Ml
uel ake fap a e * ean,
ar . 4 a yy “ 2% at F
— — 27 41 2° * zuike
¥ —
* A
5 oy . dR" ‘ ? i
! . a
i) aera

neh ⸗

7 ——
an Pare,
are or °
* * —
e—e ** >
2 .

ge Awe $f
Ofthei herbe calledin Eiglifbe palin:
p aC brit
Ricinus. ig = Icinus is
cailedi Gre —
Croton ti — |
ma cheiti
oticke —*
becauſe —
a Aira ew) [182 atycke
tiscaliedt: — Sonder bay
stents baume/ and zekkẽ omer it LO se
Feeench Palma C sift It arate th :
neliye in gardines ſo far as ener J
“conde fe. 7
Palma Chꝛiſti whiche naEDthe
name of a Manes hande / with the
fingers retched out
/ when it is are
wen vpꝛit is lyse tts a vponge figge
troy bathleanes
ipke putaaplapae
dee nnd poll wits ates lykea riede/
the ſede growech in cluitars wh;PIU
are roughe and}theave without:“but
soben the bufbeise fr then tt oobeth
pte a dogge laui ——— is cal
mS DaAtpaesit
OK Gea wech oftenttvines fo
ar ae
. asthough— —
ater butag

ms—— 3 fet Deny,Som ta— on

—— fot Des ma —
g vane

= En blets meie outofthefedeoof Dalita Chit aan apt) eat. ;

AN ted inLatnoleum eich and ricininu Which. Nothing -
Oy 4 mete ing meat/but forlampes and cir nlaliers) REL.cOMeS pila | -
é leD/biohen an Donker, driue theo ah by the belivitteeme (Os 8 2
— — let and water/t Hep prouode a if aman fo vomit 7 butthis pur strap ingens
Biiges tery onpientant and paynfullland ouer thꝛo weh the
ſtomacse the—
ne Birnelles bute Dand layed to,* eawaye freckelles andlitte parce
Weeſiinges / andſuche ſpottes as come bp theh — lame: but the kas |
9405 Moen AND brzuſed/ and layedto with the mel cched barley / ſwa⸗
2 the ſwellingesand indammationesafthe eves)hetane layed ta other pons
BD? thenrfelues,op wyth vinegre/ {wege the breſtes oꝛ pappes ſweltinge
Sah |
meeccepl enty otTae. theecuous in lanunation
n / talledſaint:
pentonizs tye. i —
. ;

£ - - ees / =é ¥ Ey « +; « — *8- 8 ? .
“a < * I OF b F

: Pa . * ; > *
moe ;
° ‘ ‘

ge — tee7 * ¥ .

- 4
ee See
2,@£028 “U(fS
) C
AMEE —* fs ld

> w
la Cbo2x one
s 8 ach
OF —— 2. Se x — se
D *
A wee*
aroenke r :
d —

— — rte o —* 7
© y41 C
N fw
— > ⸗ re —
;* 0 . — —
faa a e ss as,
eaoe e wa C
— o
t a, $T2y - a Di X we "r=iS >
es tT ON a) +7 * wi hee OSoe "see, ap
Noot SA A *
j oy
Fe Ca ts. rr - +: —— —— e,
~ = Wes
ae ok
Sewu — — * At
Ca; ea,
l res
—Drie wr LAS
ve —
—8 Ala to [> 5 fe —— rre *. « *
lt Ae
Maonneny 70 — ae ⸗
f-h) 4 rt
agus E; P
2 A—
> 3— — HY 1— — Sf.

e o fe A) $p2a 4 ¢47. a—S SEs
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——if 7 —
— Ss —

s noee
5% CY now, vet — ~ ts e
4bBes ——— e n
> ES fa) a3 ‘ OE
3* ad— ——
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— Ah

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oafd j 3 —
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s : MES enE 844 Ea

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/anddDaye in the —
two diuersan/ d ſeparable
mealurab le/t OF an erth
Band foi oiev1— iol t much matter ont ly
M2, Pete -cg
ot an acrifh fwete
VMs nt: 4 te

— the leetyco and

a fyne/ot whychcor nmeth the bitters
pute> tubitan 45 id ion and the torm ozbeautye. But pᷣ
erthen ittthat bese oe
9 PathDatesen inthe beats
t itpe the rednesy Be

i Depinige: thisiS prover eee

: 3 he 2 P rope ts ieſte/whichb the other:abyde he biteernes andfoxthis caule with ons f 2
Weenie tt hallbenomowar ise bai
un betes
SHIL moꝛe bitter the A bitin
die Ehen a de—— aman /ot hoge
opie :
‘ripe any * ai eng OD the real oftpis } erneg
— cat be ge/andett oar thee pe toith 3th ssiuicen ——

> —— enthe

whiche maketh es bitternesyt he

+) ap
they at

ngtoget thheCy |ham

err. drawi
. Theipre oF:rons is02
dohabs 3
— iJ cy
INS tbited and fondee
d fray: ates R-
—8 34

oo 86 —

3 Cowpe
lolueth /apeneth, acee:
qt Dobeneth/ and ſcoure5th/b—ut the ‘D— ave te

35 °C C9 8
wre mares ren the redeoreye t m whiiche was not per cullp —
FBi aut} ore
pw inet tJ see
: there e? *
te ng
— CHE RRS thenech and bin ‘binge together
4 if
. D tre: tes
Pp tage!
eine hee
⁊ >
ret ety and 9*

» r “.

F3 A
4 : Pa
as ’ 3 et 44
> ap
44 7 ee

O chere at
a 28d Lu
J * t=
t ar,e

e rede roles and whyt /

— 9
om 2 1 * t

z — ‘o itt fewe
a SQ
+ ~~

—FX red’deeeé-4Sp gy
sf/om Day adi

a ty
'“ery “—
He 8AEDES, rat is. better

|bantC) —
% . 4 ri bab te —
CF4 dj
ge ——
— at gil
otA Oy
+ —
cay] = es P 2 Whe
bs vy
F /
i Opel!
a At od te
meas ire fs] 7
vberyet ow * whyte
J ? —

—3 z/buLS adtt
they——2 ; yond

8 | Cher :—
— ry *

vee ‘ *
4 te *
5 thi
ater bette
rivhber ZtBtThe
— ey
e betetty and.
OO OFthe brynes and arrer::S/fram pip ſt
dd ae t — 2) 4a oc
er——a CG|be .

cyey 2*2 *8
xy +— ‘> R
i cta tt—
. S *y a a) 7
a CF

5} ee
— t.*

ey * CQ’cry 3

<> hs
8 aR
“SScot ty|Lam Cy
— ta
~, Ay
oF wr ‘⸗

Tee ors Ln i _ bee— m4snliV

—’ aed
3 2 %
— aoe|oe
z 4 5 7
— A— oD —
~oe* —


— *
Bitte the h * —eea
+4 alaiaf Su ——


petee that com 4 —*

rine a
|— — ct“>
bw hore bak
8Rh bate

hay >

/alaud ſtere a7 man 7Rednal «3ae
motioke am i,1
aot” th fte)afBt
ta thevof oli.+
rev LaeyY9. la
tte nt+he bu445ul $
Ny aa rtCV« Mort * it

—* n mati ße ne
+) a3 444
514 anno
Mi ee Be ts

G/ any |trenghte
1? tai2* Nr 3 r bet — —*
t 4 N a — |
P= ~
— My

2* sennes J
+ .⁊
P —
ea sy S7ed
+} Bs 13 * >> PT > i i be
e aS it hatt
—5— > it{
Agb bet reatecicines but
hlice of;
O:¢S/D ithtwo 0 the bnices of ti Ds foran bnce of the
HI wae —

— not 7 De ioe

“yi , aD Ty
a rf Sith Ail
; tie fichnarbe, iitie ſhickn

Doty 2—

we TY 4
Bt rg8




© Ati
Y a=
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at, , —
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yee of
oN. LF ;

it —
ANY 78 h * thattreu deth * dettttn 1 igh

. t¢ AW ao)
Diol B19
Smae Me eptieit a sh
n Slit
— J Ae = er “Ag4 F—


— | : etl tn
mooinbbea/that fsotthe—
if aii te be? but fence Melues tpn
fA therearefonad Diuuers ott
7 N
* damaſke res—
ros =

25 muske coles3/3with cert apn other

2 7

we Rot Anhec *
ae — Ja

Bey waereo Tis pg mentlhn ite
WESe Tia % ; <
uty Niue roster,

Ge |
The pro:
ober t32 ofthe rofeou
of Diofcort les.

deca cae|er oercodleth and bine,

— “Buttheaese roſes Do binde
* “ty moꝛe/t heiuyce oughte to be
— * ort oj tterender cores,after
that whiche is named the naple / de
nti — — ittwbicheis’whyte in thelleaf
e s, the reite of it Mm
épouVEE preſſed and bruſed in a mozter in the ſhaddow vric it be grote a
gether, and fo ſhould it be lard bp for epe medicines ioar ethe leauegalla ‘ —

zyed inthe {oatDoto/fo that they be oft turned that they —

cited out ofthe drꝛyed roles ſodden in wine. It is good fox phead ache/
ache of the epess/0ftbe eare /ofthe
s gummes/ ofthe fundament/ ofthe
regute,and of themother/it itbe laved to with a fether/o2 poured on.

ge oH

Sit ifthey be layerta aiter that thep are beufedtoithout.any pening thee |

BO),oodfo2the dutragous heat ofth
$14 midepfand againtt the ionfenes.of
the omacs that commety of
c mopfturevand agaynſte faint Intonies. ues
wzen as they ate driedt ——— are (brenched amongeſt the chyghes
vigares/they are men gledwith medicines called anthera and prelertias
snemedtcines es 193 woundes.
But thefloure thatis founde inthe middes of
the roſe/ is good agaynſtthereume 02 Hoboing ofthe gummes /it it belaxed
on dxe Sut the heades Donkey ſtop the bellpan callingout ofroca
Res 3 Ola wateri
liuitees/that isto wete mbar ——
a) hy Hae £
£2d5 the
mo £95 n ao rioes
foc roſ tOfe
wet e bin ding and bitter/the foure ismore bindina
sue s OG
<= ine

b D therefore
x > ‘ 1281 i” pa a

tt Detect 111022,
E > 1

| : Out of Mafia,
é bs

me { —

tj 2
, Sy
oO —7
Soweek 6

3 Sead
— TY = /SD Dy
D e in
: bel
a ſeconde⸗
eA 8 SiR £3223

Haese om 13—
Amp 5>eae
Beit pai Ao * wo miners ty ieparaple
ane es Ota wats ih ohyche oe
Lt is meaturabiese of an erthly
sad Synding/geuin gontot much

=» t>. = land ſpiye and i?
mp marter,fist
dut Oy
ot teks
an aeriſhfo
2 go
i tone ottp Tee
Re, sies/the lenues the perfection2~mb thete, — —
— fpete tnbttaneembprh b Aer Sighs snipe hee P

c yo wsi 4
acy Diu
D patsoe A atpe th
7 rennes/

—— ge — this3 caute Lith ons

—— 9 “pb fi Bs

posilde/it fhall be noimore

a rolethen a ~X
inecaweeine Pe me New ⁊

ot the arene
— Ay » se & 5 3

bales ace so2e bitter thon bindingy

bp the reafon o
cft : bittern es / grene +

ae bite pulrge/eSubthat chedye with ch

gn foe Heat Beng relblued / whiche eyr iut at whenthep are
maketh tye bict teres they fhewea
59) a Ng et. Che tuvee ofroſens
ale n is(pited ani fondzed from is hote — —9

the earth!vacate.
nb refol*peneth/ and ſcoureth/bu
tthe ‘Dee woe
ces ehh 43)
— j~
> ——
t petm
t orm
e bit wadi ot pet fuilpe gros
Je DOYLE emore⸗ Sete

— 2* 34 h03 4 *

re ethand
eth WF dquen⸗

oro viß— ,
iy wis ht sani STL
$ wild — Lee 2 UL dte mperott sl
te: cy
& 1.
0 Inge together.

ditae)=e 1
* et “ge
— arene, *
3h —— ; * $4 : *4

chaik are founde

vay ENGin
73 Cere
ava PORE 247
wee ee Eh heed
tB Sg; TDIdats
oi} wad
ah ot

tebe val FS and whyt/ cit 15 is3% wh ERLE i


haue manpeeeaues/an i fan fe

<< & y & Lo

e/atont bane 3
Li ig
bd yauie curbeb/in both the Rindes thar ie
aoii ities,
—* in dothtthe kind RY,
fn rag >

f oat 1S.bei .
BROCK eTle; 63 andyblarnner, The tri '
spurge nochen 182 8 t all oꝛ elſisberve iitie but thee \innow Peewee
Z * es ; 1%) J

ei + thenJ *the
43 reDe205
he tuice
tnice O¢eorit
af henceare frit
hat eee— dindeee&grenghten
hpetter > :
ve 7 ahd oe bP seas fF C2.
* 3 Bree tober
tes te fhe Tyne roies EM 1 {f matt th ee
aye i * an

blood of vetnes

eS/ftoin &
nosartwant pee ) Exe

bao choler of——
aaa ey

galley tt tsa ao0b

P tee EAS Sis At teourravere

Beye tardBee)02 it * emery 22n0 tsefoo 3

i be * *i it
tugshteneth the yart Mii itamack.

17% ~
Bi i , — Pho CHL SY
> — X
chk 3— I oie 17
it 1 7
AA ade liad td Li tie oe } ’⸗

‘2 ople co
SA rs
antosoeteyhas the ame paUG Se ‘Harte:
bay Mise —
(32 ition warpoles :
ahh ris doth, ep itteingth
| if ei ye theh 5!Di

eOe iOule Ubltante
thy dauine
iste 8 iA “ : Ae »4i GL ++) 4 Tien Water n?
r TAD 4 Fos rhe es ico zrher/
eo ere 8 OGD
ethep DUE out al Got! hry
mache Sbatcom noth —— Pthep make aman flere we avn te 3
oe unche the sae} yeild PYeytv TGS




ee aud ie
tere a man to the not
m pinnae
/ Ct
tbe 02
DAOUOR? a man

ore DOt2/ F210 ney ire
Tey éaften thes U als and the thrꝛophe oot Aba
ae mt, —
: / L. a EE DELS >” 7* 4 4444) ; 44443 Be 1% ci 1? ye > 3 ro * * J

rath sake dronkennes atoap* —

* —— ee ole /and ſtrenghten they
\ ALi cs 4 aE i PIT . r? & +h * * oa * 7*

ein du *— sg pe roie wpng that —— ) hony:gẽtle medicin e /Ong

44 24 “lag nede
s oder my wha?
Wile obras, * * yy ibs ve Laytd for;ay; roneeoteof th
ayy with alitte ftchnacbe
* —*





* ——

*— ——

* OT

fra 5 theinte !

oth purge alia

4 Phd
4 weig 14 ? Fa a
25 be

tou /pur 3 gana: tr ~ BGrynei:36 TD te


pare’ BD

> S>

G feVE.

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be ee 9 iP

leq 1% ‘t4
* emt“?

Nit 0 n
ater; baw
re] —
ti he / * 54 Ane & ft 49 ass A

31iſt aii



Gand irCuringPe p i


14* a %
bd od

ued awaye ko ihthe £12 ? ieee

et xe ee
Beets 3 te dite 4

7 ‘ef a8
® Be
td %

imariont 5 and hot vy wil unges / f cu

* *

* Aye

ndcon 102 * a3 0 od $027 at

4* pf
Ea i 4o%
zthinog: 03ztheyr eur
2 erat


fy) ere
Ig And ou nage ow
+? >


dk to
¥ mea} ur AG ie A n CoS |
2 ti8m i Leary ncx
* “a *

i Pe
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yeyie. ‘

S/0 i
vent Saw


1 +F4
39 132*

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i ives Ue

‘17> #15 f
& ye dpe 799 e >

; ‘
5 3

4pe æ«*YRJ Vi;S03cé7,.





Seyp FR












A are.





BS ry ”

é -

~ ay

* ts


- . 7 aN
& —2

i > 2 ~~ “ —— ——

\ :


—— ‘
2 -

& —


te he


a* We — —


a wet

ee *

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ore A



eo oa

()) ——————
—— 7

4 9. ,


roy he

OFM adder;
— che
pee] Ubia is named in Greke Grithzovanon)sinGn te
| — glſhe madder/ in Duche rate aut⸗ farber vote,in
A ke 8) Ftenche ga rance.
Se a4 ubiais axede dyiingrout wyhereot one kinde
is * by and:an other kindis fet and trimmed:the

Sy | Hales of madoer are foure quaybed/longe/rouga/

cA Y,
= pe bnitotheſtalkes of goo hareth/butin all pom
& ie XSiftes greater
i and iroger/yauing [canes bp certaing
utp — eeres/goyng betwene one oder ofleauesyand an

LY on tie xbe vnto ſterres goyng rot mdabout. Che ede

viteboreene/and after redee/and lat when it ts rppesbi
— uea ig/redevand pousketh a mante mabe ack. The
%A atBe demabber tobpeh bier to be fet/and planted, eoater. Che grea⸗
tye soa aces ot Germany/ vut in ¢greateſt groweth verye
i, eater i THe Dou be kinde Gro wery pllenteduſly plery that JIᷣnow
pia AA is A Aa
eae es/ and allo in Englandevand ; inthe molt that ener J fate,is inth
brJ ee But the fared and arcateit that euer favo
qroweth in the
ane ely! ib isan— WAP foSouth hampton.

— yertueofMadder.
t Se
2 rta aut aman to mabe tater: wherto
Ben wyth mede /it healeth the guelfonghts. ta nde
eae :

BE Bey

#26 he led alto theſciatica and thepalſevBR s., thes

.J DU ueth outm
=a4 |sollose an fomtynme blood: Butthepl in e


that drinke it
eis se
tor a BEPIP/OUGHE tobe walhed ina bathy anto dfethe Difference
bi thole eopnges that ave emptied kurth/ the tup
4 #
4 iB G0 an—— ‘that —
re dzonkenwW
of benemous beaſtes. ‘The


— called — th awarethen
rth both the ovethy and the Aouresy an
itbelapedtomythvinegre /it—— tol gpte —
LES Ear — — “Wee * ——

1 oe + Gee owe #

Bramble ba
6 pe or bblak, berrye buf.
27 7

abtngidaltseatled in Latin SentHis
i sin Geekesatos/inen
guih4bramble bufhe/o2 a bi acs be
ꝛomber /in French Rou te
} repe bull De/ in Duche ein
e tine Gindes ofthis bam le/ Ne that+ arat OTeo

commontseinthedges and with other buß

4* ——

ed ld
— eres net
tS a

Ts ethat
— ——

aro weth in ſmall vlandes of frethe waters/and


he — es/ and alfo incane ‘eldes. This iS calcD 0 ffom

a, “Sees eee
ibe be
hatha MALS |biack eae 1%: pen tlBEV
a 1221) OF
— ipDescin eS (Ci? ——
Ale Tpve/

Ph er
i 3/ wh YLhſomt b pmert
we rineand ont a fete tees But that type bUE 3 e assth
t vy
tho crear: ow
diwiin uch sleatatiter ta Ba se
ty 23 o>
— iyhe
cantvy Ge ad ¥ Si mS 1 Sm ; .¥ 2

ity The ⸗
Ofthe Bram: le bufe.
T he vertues.of the bramble bufhe and berries.
— YC bzamblelz bindery

—*Sm —X Door
Zieth al iD die th iheyxxe.
a3) Che broth of the braun
(Im, * * —9

— —7 —
COT Se fi ayy ONS i chesifit be Montene
J *

ae ſtoppeth the delly

/ and
Cah a Gapeth the iliyeto that meome haue /
YAP ge BND AIS good for the biteit ſer⸗
Stee, & pent railed pzeſter: they itrveingthen
the gaumes: and the nes Iewed⸗

ahs EFAS —8 IN |
penle tie Sheaesott ye moutote
Sie ee (lav
ye rinninge fores/ thep healering
—— De
ENIN atlUg sre
Hinggzes in the heaythey4 allo

4 ERY LAG "ree Hees

ye I Yt i2 wa a remedy for toe.eyes that fal fall Lgunes
AS (Rey SOR $4) BA iCal
— * tah
— the leaucs wie good bas Be apD2 ipoy
AieA ee ELE
——— N — AY
— 33
a poAb ard Tovell inges # +3
oftthe fumd
f ament
Ee —— — — 7
TENS els
— F* $0752 abieses/ the lex —* be iali

(3 v2 Y a “ LET
ek —— TS go oDt Send
oo 4
agarnf the ache of
ot A
het 9

AS ne
: : ——

re —

the ftomact, and {02— Dilvalestals

ae Mant 20 2 —532 *

—PN < oN


ia ¥/DS ay a = —

cD Cardiaca vailis. The Galeesoy * a

Som, SE
— “ IS
RX ¥ pf . —
BP bya
aunches bie ts bonnied toirh the.
ad 4

Perc ge" leanesanbbiupce tobe pretted ony

FR UEN aS: and to be bys op tn the tonne inte
Za fa , - anbarblumye/ which is fingularely =
— UL,
goodagaynttthedials betoge nas
a LY : tif _, eo... .
— AN J zam⸗
The upce ot the dertp ofa hy
— vbie bulſhe/itit be full eppe/is at ‘fox
~ medicines of the month. Che bellpe-

Maye be flopped byeating ofthe berry hate rppe /an G allo with thegone
donk en in wine Galene befpbe: allthete peopertiesthat ye conteſech/ thas
t!32bꝛamble Hath, writeth alſo chat theba the oftheroute of the bramble
Pꝛeal — the (fone. | ea ay
z > - >> wm

OftheBrere bifheor oatreor Brersire,

TE Ee bus canis ox
o tantrubu Sis named in GreksBy
fF aw Ae

— A Brere buſhe/ of‘otHer lo

3 JA : — aS a *
*’ we gree ———

, Aral AY Dep teen Te iche Maude roſen/ o3heckrole. +

1k‘ .
( ,
wi be defi riptio nt of tbe Heptre,

16 — oy SRL
Is P éi De sen tre
A; buſheJ se at
3 re/ much greter
———— rs eee ~

pd $5808 black berry/o2 dram 123 uſh/itbath leas

: —— ‘ues muche binder chen the myztell batay with irog
AF eee om 1" Sas
58 20 WIE 19B/E 38t
Sa mohy yy hana
h 3Whyre AouJagye
ee/ me
sia< long tuyr
te / lyse dria
Ofthe Brere bufhe or Hep tre.
Rubus canis.

— = — “

the kyrnell of an oliue/whiche Loven as it ts rype is fayre rede and within

tt hath Doune lyke flackes.

By thys Delcription of Dioſcoꝛides maye diuerſe errores be confuted,
: fprtt thers that take rubum canis/foꝛ the bramble and theres alfo holde
that holde ſtyllye/ thatrubus canis is our hatothor/foz nether the fruyt of
the biack berry buſhe ts longnether hath any do wue in it, nether bath the
fruyt of the hatothoun any dovone 02 flockes with in it/noherfore ſeyng that
the fruyt of rubi canini hath downe in it / andnether the feuyte of the black
pe tresnether-of the hawe tre hath anp in it /nether of thele canbe ru⸗
bus canis.
AIstouchynge the Eglentine F take itto beafenerall kinde fromthe
breve / and reken it to be the buſhẽ that is called of good vozyters Kynorro⸗
001/02 rola canina. 3
: L he vertues ofthe Brere tre,or Elep tre.
Sppeta of the bꝛere called an PepAfit be Depedy and the Downe that
A, 18 within taken out/ſtoppeth the belly whe
/ rebama
y map gather that
| It bin⸗
Of the bufbe called Rafpiss
. the leaues binde weykely. Me mult beware thae
itbindeth ſtronglyBut
pe eat none of the dovone that is Loithin. For it is bery perilous foꝛ p throte
and winde pppe. Let them therfore take hede that make tartes of Heppesy
that they purge them well fromthe dovon. The tartes made onlye of Heps
pes ſerue well to be eaten of the that bomit to much/oʒhaue any lli/re
ther tt be the blody five 02 the common fire.
Of the buffhe called ragpis or bindberry. =
Rubus. |

sl rune



i —





: ——

pꝛickes at all.
CThe buſhe
that J take for the ryght Kubo deo / groweth i the greate
hygh hilles a littel aboue Bone
/and in Galt feetlauid ina +A bebe a
Of Rhamnus- | 120
vik/anDin many gardines of England. Fthath much ſmother ſtalkes thers
the bramble /and no great howky prickes at all/the berviesare rede,
Matthiolus weiteth chat there is inthe mountaynes of Crent /akinde
chat hath vede berries and bery pleafant/and without birnelles/ which fom
Of the later writers haue tudged to be bdubum Deum, Wut he fapethbecan
not fe hovo/that it can be proued to be fo, Foz vohen as Dioſcoꝛides lapeth,
that tubus wWeus hath the name of idea/he ſuppoſeth that ther Dpon it map
be well gathered/perchance not puaduifedly that rubus ideus groweth
where ellis no
/but in Ida / as radir idea doth, and ag dittant, the righte gro⸗
weth only in Candyp/ercept aman take this i020 idam
/ korgrowing vpon
e mountayn. Becaule this kinde of argument is oft vied of Mathiolus/
Ithinke nowe that is mete, eraute the place requireth to cOfute this kind
ofargumente, becaule he bleeh tt in con iting the trut / whic
hhe other mer
{ound that he could vnderſtande and content onto.Ffthis be a good argue
me /rubus ideus groweth in pléty in Jda/therefore it groweth no where
ellis:then this is alfo a good arguinent, Stechas groweth onlp inthe plan.
des of Frenche agaynſt Maſſiſ/ia which ave called Sptechades, vwohervpon
it hath the na/ therlkore there is no Sptachas/but it that groweth in tho⸗
ſe plandes. Therefore it that grovweth in Arabia and ttthat Groweth in
Spayne and Ftalp/is no Stechas. This mutt alfo be a good argument.
Dioſcoꝛides ſayeth that Aconitum pcoctonon groweth plenteoullp in Ita⸗
lp in the Juſtine mountapnes:ergo/Doberefoeuer anp berbe hauing the fo2-
me And properties of Aconiti lpcoctoni/be founde ifit grow not in $talp, tt
18 not Aconitum lycoctonum.
But ſeyng that theſe be noughty argumẽtes
fo is it that Pliny and Matthiolus make aif noughty. Rubus wWeus bath
pname/becaute tt groweth very pléteoufly in the hill Fda: ergo it groweth
oulp in Ida.Foꝛ Dioſcoꝛides ſayeth not/that rubus ideus groweth only
Ida:but that tt groweth there in plentye /and therefore denieth not, but
if may grow alfo tn other places ag well as there.
Conradus Geſnerus writing of ſuche herbes as are in mounte Fracto/
fheweth a buſhe to grow there which be calleth Kubum Deunv and He ee
ſcribeth tt thus. Kubus ideus is there almott with a frupt of a black berrie
without any prickes/low with a woddiſh o2 hard roote, with leaues lik
brabie/o; ſtrawberr/ywWlitle kirnelles tooo together o2 thee together, 02 one
alone tn one berrie. The taſt of tt is foureitgroweth vpon a rock.
The vertues of Raſpis.
— he— Kalpis hath the lame vertues that the common: bra

primum genus.







Rumicis tertium genus.






Ofthe kindes ofDockes. |
eS .


Umer is called in Greke Lapathon in Engliſhe a

Dock /in Duche Menwelworts/in Frenche de la

Qs: a NASR

AN parece. Dé thekindes of Dockes/they cailone


QOrxilapathon / and inthe vppermoſte parics / it ts

Edarde and ſomching ſharp /and tt groiweth tn poo⸗
Aees and diches: the ſeconde is tt of the garding
vvyxe vnto thys. The thyrde is a wilde kinde / and it
B COA NY ts finall/and lyke onto plantayne ſofte and lowe.
— seh Sires} Chere ts alfo the fourth kinde / whiche is called of
in Dralis 02 Anaravis/o2 Lapathum agreſte / whoſe leaues are Ipke vnto
tye leaues of the littel wild Dock the ftalke is not great, {ede is ſomthinge
ſharpe /round rede/and byting /and tt ts found ia} ſtalke and outgrowing
twigges:hetherto hati) Dioſcorides yoritten. To whoſe vorꝛiting ſom of the
dater Grectanes Oo not fully content / and namelye in the delcriptiones of
Oxilapathi and Draltdos/for fom of the later Grecianes feme to take Ori⸗
/ asthough tt had the name of the four and (harp tafte aud not of
the ſharpnes ofthe ouermoſte part of the top of the leafe. Aetius inthe bea:
) tngofthe talling ficknes/wziteth thele wordes after the tranfiacion of Coz
) hatiusof Oxalis:Oxallidem fiue rumicem acutum /vicidem pꝛeſertim quo⸗
idie Dato a pzimo luna vſque ad trigeſimam / in vhiche woꝛdes be ſemeth
to contound and mate all one of Oxilapathum and Oralis. Thelame Je⸗
Hus voztteth thusofOxalis in the healing of the taundes.Dralis cit rumex
acct ſapoze /folijsranulis ct folijs caude quadzangulari/ac. 2e may te that
_ adetius geneth here vnto the tatt of Dralis harpnes, wyth bytinge as this
woꝛde Acris Doth ſignifie/x four coꝛnered ſtalke whereof nether of beth
Dioſcoꝛides geucth vnto his Dralis nether to his Drilapatho. alg for my
patie 4 do not remember that ener Jſawe anye fuch forel as Actius Deters
i beth owe as concerning the kindes of Dockes whereof Dioſcorides vori⸗
» teth/4 am fure/we haue the fame/and alfo more then be made mention of
| we haue the great kinde of ock/Lobhich the vnlearned tose fox Rebarbe /x
> scalled offom Kubarbarum monachoꝛum / and this do the common bets
» bavies of this tyme take fo2 the garding Bock of Dioſcoꝛides we haue a
© &mndeofsockes that groweth in hallow Diches and watery places/vopth —

© avery harp leafe/vopth a tafte lyke vnto other Dockes and thys Do J take
© tobe Dralapathum in Dioſcoꝛides. There ts an other bind of ockes that
© groweth in moptte and waterp grounde, with a leafe muche rounder then
) = tt that J tpake laf oft bath a very foure taſte lyke foreland this do F take
, fo2 Dralapatho of Aetij and other of bys tyme.
We haue thoo kindes of voild Dockes/the one with the font and lyke⸗
nes of plantayn/wobych gro weth in middo wes and in bare grenes / andan
other bind with a leafe not much vnlyke the leafe of Aran:and ſo many kit
Des haue we allo of Oxalis 02 Sorell/for the one hath a rounder leafe/ and
p other harper/1b tharpe thinges refembling abode arrow ohead.
Me haue
allo an other kind of Dock growing in orchards a gardines/a about tounes
eluche places as kye & oxen/aother beattes ble cõmonly — a eS as

Ofthe kindes ofDockes.

Thys kinde for the korm that it hath with the garding Dock/ maye ſeme
to be a kinde otit. But bp it that groweth without ſettinge /oꝛ foropnge,it
mape ſeme to be abinde of wilde Docke. Wutttmaketh no great matter of
what kinde it be of ſeynge it is knowen by experience to haue the vertue
that other Dockes haue.

T be vertues ofthe Dockes-

PL pau oc leaues of all the kindes of Dockes/toben thep are (DDE fot
PASAY eos ten the belly. Che leafe lapd to raw with role oyl oꝛ ſakron /dꝛi⸗
St EN eth atwape melicirides/ which ave apoftemes, which haue an
C=) Ey Oplifh thyng within them lyke bnto honpe. The fede ofp wilde
<i Dockes/and of the Diche Dock with the Marpe leafe, and ofthe
forrel/ts good to be Dronken in water o2 wine agaynſte the bloodye flire 02
other flires / and agaynſt the lothſumnes of the ſtomack and agapnt the bis
ting of a ſcoꝛpion. ff anp man dꝛinke any of thefe ſedes /and after chaunce
to be bitten,hehall haue no hurt of it. But the routes of thenv/lodden wyth
binegte/and alfo though they be raw/ ikthey be layd to/ heale lepzes /ÿ foule
ſcuruy euell /andrough ſcabby nayles. But the place mult be rubbed before
in the ſonne with nitre and vinegre. The broth allo tf the itchinge places be
bathed theriwith/Driueth avoaye the ttche. They froage alfo the payn of the
teth/ikthey be fodden in wyne / and p teth be waſhed there with/thep ſwage
Giio the payn of the eares they Dypue alto away harde lumpes and wennes
tf they be fodden in wine and layd thertoChe . fame lapd to ftop the iſhewe
of voeome/
niktheybefodden in Lopne and dronk/
enthey heale the taundes;
and beeake Tones m the bladde/randprouoke Doune floures/ and they are
good fo2 them that are bitten of a {cozpion. Che great Dock called in Greke

- *—

Hippolampathon /which grovocth in meres and great pooles/ hath the fas
ine nature that other haue. The old voriters appopnt no certayn degre vnto
the kindes of Dockes/but Aetius weiteth that the Dock is partaker ofheat/
naminge no certapn kinde. But Ralis bnder the name of Acetiſa/ wobpche


—Pe -

worde the Arabianes interpretes without all diſcretion bie for al kindes of
— —

Docke s that acetofa ts cold and dzye / but he telleth nor in what des
gre/ but J luppole that Ratis voriteth of fozell rather then of any other bind.
But np iudgement is that forell is colde at the leatt inthe fie degre/ and


* *—
that the other kindes are not manifettly hote /but rather bowynge to colds


nes/then to any notable beat.

Ofthe bufhe or fhrub,called Knebolme,

or Buchers browme.
eon Uifcus is named in Greke mynfine agri /tha
i, acy Fa) Ucttris/in Barbarus latin brzuſtus/inEnalitht is myrtus {pls
Aneholme /02
Bnehull/andof other Bucher broumte/ and of fom
oy ANS reuer lawe it in Germany/therfope wetigre/
AY eae Che name of it. J know not the wue
I eae



— — > ws

we) Ciflcus called of Dioſcoꝛides Myrtus (pluettris /hath a leafe

J Pke buto a mpetell tve/but broder/Apke in kaſhon bnto a lances
AY arp inthe top. It hath arounde frupte in the middes of the
NE Jleke rede
/when tt ts ripe with a harde kirnel within. Che twig
— ges are bowing Ipke binde braunches/nobich come out of the
route/ theyare toughacubit high /full of leaues the routes are lpue buto
Static bindin /tarte
g tn taſte/and ſomt hing bitter. This buſhe groweth ve:
tye plenteoufy tn Eſſex and in Kent /and in Barke ſhyre/
butF could nenee
leit in Germany.

The vertues ofkneholme.

Head BC leaucs and the berries dronken in wine/domoue a manta
Fs eal Make wate/rand bꝛing weomen theyz flouresyand beeake
baone of tye bladde the
r heale allt the taundes/the Strangu⸗
A riã / phead ache the broth wherin proutes are fodDen/cani do
———— the fame. Che pong ſtalkes ble to be eaten for fucrage after p
maner of a wozte oz eatable berbe/but they are bitter arid PAOUSHE vrine.
* Y Oi .


— — ninEngliſhe Rue oz herbs

Vita is named in Greke Pygano/
Buch Weinraut. Cher ar
We ee V1! ovace, in French ruc De gardin/in
| GEOZAGI tivo bindes of Buc/the gardin Kue ts fo well bnowen in all
A) EAVCH countrecs that tt nedeth no Defcription. ut the wilde Rue
ie) Koo :ig fo geſſen and {eant/that J could neuer find tt in all my life
eS ime nether in Germany nog in England Aauing one tyme in

/ was ſent me from Zurch by doctoz Gef

Meilſenburg / and the fede of that


/then the common Rue hath/og

nevitpath much (maller and longer leaues
ellis much lyke in other poyntes vnto tC. La

T he vertues of Rue out ofDiofcorides. —

=e He Wilde Rue that groweth in woddes and mountaynes /is

4 PAM more (harp o2 biting/ then the gardin 02 ſo wen oꝛ fet Rue/
| Vat it ig tot fit to be eaten. Amongett the bindes ofgardin Kue/
oon bei Nal io motte fit to be eaten that groweth belpde a figge tre: thep
Pa Feead| bauc both a burning propertte:thep heat a bꝛing of the tu/
— mouoke water/a driue lloures. And both thep/ —
O/ Rue. 123
be taken itt meat / o Drinke:thep ſtop the belſy/itis foferapne medicine og
preferuatine agaputte popfon/ifan acetable of the fede of tt be taken with
wine:pea the leaues taken afozehand by themfelues/and with nuttes / and
with Dried figges / make popfoned medicines to wante they, ftreingth. If
thep be taken after the fame manev/thep are good agaynſt ferpentes. Bue
both in meat/and tn drinke / deſtroyeth the naturall (ede. FFit be foDDe with
Dyed dyll / and dzonken tt ſtauncheth the gnawinge in the bellype. Hf it be
dꝛonken as ts ſayed before:it is good for the ache of the ſydes and of p bꝛeſt/
agaynſt purfines a ſhortnes of bꝛeath /agayntt coughes / agaynſt the inſſam
mation of the lunges/agapnit the (ciatica and the ache of the ioyntes /and
agaputt the colde that commeth agayn by certapn fittes 02 courſes. Ffit be
poured in with opleAt is good fo2 the windines of the great qut/ and of the
mother/and of the ſtreyght gut. Che fame broken with honye / and put into
the fecret place a good waye vp/deliuereth wocomen of the itranglinge of p
mother. Ititbe heated with ople and dzonken / itkilleth wormes.Som ble
to laye it to with houpe for the ache of the ioyntes / and fom vſe to laye it to
with fggcs agapnit the Dropfep:pea tfit be dꝛõken/itts good foz the fame,
sito if tt be fodder tn wine to the conſumption of the halfe/and rubbed on/
it will Do thefame. Itquickeneth the ſyght both ravo/and condited / if it be
receyued in meat: tt ſwageth the ache of the epes/ifit be layed to with the
floure of parched barlye.With role ovle and binegreithelpeth them p haue
the Head ach:if it be bꝛuſed and put into the nok thꝛilles/it Toppeth the burs
fring out of blood out of the nofe:if it be layed to Loith bay leucs, it ſwageth
the inflammation and ſwellinges of the ſtones / and it heleth voheales with
myꝛt / and a treat made of ware:it pe rub the place totth wine /peper and nt
trevt healeth the vhyte moꝛphewo. But if it be layd to emplatter voile, with
the fame /tt taketh aware litle rede lumpes like knoppes of tyme/and war⸗
tes alfo ipke pyſineres:if tt be layed to Lotth hony and allome, tt bealeth the
fouie ſcoꝛuy euell. Che iuyce of hue made hote in the pyll of apomaranat/e
poured in/is good for the ake of the caves. The fame healeth duil earesAapd
to with the tuyce of fennel and hony: ik it be layed to with binegre / whyte
lead and rote ople/tt healeth hote and cholerick tnflamationes and riuninge
forces /and tetteres/and the rinning fores of the bead.
PF rue be eaten afterwarditdilayeth and ſtancheth the biting o2 harp
nes that commeth of the eating of garlpk and onyones.
The Kue of the mountapnes tf it be eaten /it kylleth a man.But the {ede
of the wilde Kue drꝛonkẽ / isgood fo2 inwarde diſeaſes /and ts fit to be mens
ged with preferuatiues and triacies.
Thefede alfo of Rue perched/tf tt be geuen ſeuen dayes to dzinke to him
that piffed his bed/he (hall Do no moze fo.
The root of thys ts called molp of the mountaynes.
The wilde rue ts lyke buto tt ofthe gardin /and it is good tn drinke for
the falling ſiknes
/and fo2 the ſciatica/it dꝛiueth Doune floures, but it killeth
the byzth /fo2 it is {harper then tt of the garDin/pet tt map not be eaten / bez
caule tt ishurtfulinmeat. |
GW Mut
Of Rue.
| Out ofGalene.
— Ilſde rue is hote in the fourth Degre/a the gardin rue is hote )
AC Vee tn the thpzde:tt bath not only a biting taſte /but alfo a bitter,
wherby tt map mabe rppe and cut infonder groſſe and tough
/and foꝛ that propertye tt may Daiue brine, it ts good
9— Nawal fox windines /and therfoꝛe reſtreyneth and bꝛidleth the appe⸗
— — titeand delyze of the pleaſure of the body/it maketh ripe and
dryeth migytely.
Out of Simeon Sethi.
PED, Ae C (8 good fo2 the windye and waterye dropley:it ts good fog
Bon (ores Chem that haue dronken the iuyce of poppye called opium / og
a the poyſon of Aconitum oꝛ Liberdis bape, ifit be Donker / it
lis good fo2 p colic and fo ts tt good alfo ina clifter, mẽ holde
Py EO) that tt quickeneth the epelpght/and therefore papnters vlſe it
~~. Muchestf pe teth tt with opie and bath the bladder thertoith,
it is aremedpe agaynſt the flopping of water. Both take tn aboue in drinke
ant beneth ina citer. It is good fo the lithargie o2 forgetfull diſeaſe:it is
alfo good foz them that baue the gouteor papne inthe knees of wateriſhe
humoꝛes:it ſtrenghteneth the guttes not by the heat alone, but of a natural
propertyeBut . they that are cholerick of nature and ave ſyck of cholerick dt
ſeales /ought to ablfepne from rue/for tt heatcth them to much, and melteth
away the fyne blood /and leaneth the groffe/and maketh tt melancolick:the
iuyce of this herbe ts eucll fox weomen with chplde/he that eateth cue tip
morning hall be tre all the Day after from benemand popion.
Of Sau.
aun) AINA is named in Grebe Brathys /in Duche Ses
SSA, Uenbaumein Frenche Sauinera o2 Sauiner.
ni. Cheve ave tooo kindes of Sauine as Diolcozides
hy) Lositeth:the one hath leaues lyke a Cypꝛes tre, but
MMS] MtOze patckyp with a greuous fmell/ bpting and burs
Nill ning:foꝛ it is a Mort tre ſpꝛe ding it {elfe more out in
AWAY breath:and fom vſe the leaues for perfumes: p other
WAY bath icaues Ipke Tamariſk. J haue fene both thele
pesos kindes in Germany/and the one plenteoully in Cris
glande that is the ielie/and the greater J{ano in Moꝛmes in Germany tt
& preachers gardin.
The vertues ofSaniu. | |
Te leaucs of both the Sauines ftaye and ftop tooundes that fprede
fozabꝛode and conſume flefhe as thep go/ aud if they be layed to, thep
wage inllammationes. Alto ifthep belaped to with honye /they ſcoure ae
., *

hoaye blacknes and filthine /sandthey burfte carbuncles. Wut if they be

dronken voith wine they dzyue blood by the vrine /anddrpue furth allo, the
byath:the fame thynge votll they do tf thep be layed to/o2 miniſtred in a pers
fume they bie to be menged with heating opntmentes, and namely woyth
the opntment called vnguentum gleucinum. : out

BS — i
~ Ke ta (Pie

ING : —


>PA A's:


I fe’



Out of Galene.
CAutn is of the nomine of chem that dꝛye myghtely /and that accoxdinge
vnto thee qualites/ /whiche it ſheweth tu tatte lyke vnto the Cppzes tre/
but that it is more bitinge, and as aman vooulde fape moge fpicpe o2 better
fmeliing:therfore it hath the qualite that Jſpake ofthat is a byting ſharp⸗
nes Atanding in an hote complerion aud bitternes/ anda Darcker 02 moze
bufelable binding /then the cypzeſſe tre hath:foz in atinuche as tt excedeth in
thatfomoze mpghte'y Doth it make rppe/and therefore tt can not glew te-
ether woundes for the ſtrenght of the drynes /and the heate, that tt hatiy
O2 ithath fo much of both che qualites/that tt doth ſtretche out and bꝛinge
inflammation o2 burning:it may as well be occupped aboute vottenes as
the Cyprꝛes maye/ foeciallye vohen they are fronger and longer /forthete
without anye auo rance can abyde the ſtrenght of medicines ; it louſeth o
Diffoluct) carvbuncics. | ——
This is amedicine chat ts hote in the thyrd degre /andDaye in the ſame/
and hath berpe ſubtil partes/and for that caule tt ts put tn to opntementes,
Some vle to put tole ag muche of tt in the fede of one parte of Cinnamu
nit:!loꝛ ifit bedꝛonken/rypeth and maketh fyne and sae
iiij DE the
Of the elder tre,and ofthe bufbe'called Vualworte or Daynwart,

UN Ambucus 8 called in Grek Abevin Engliſh Cider

g Age | 02 Bourtee/tn Duche Holder/o2 Hollẽder/inFrech
a. op
Wha Hus 02 Suit. Ther ar tivo kindes of ActeAapeth
Y, Hil
yy Diolcoꝛides/the one ts called Acke/and it riſeth bp
Ville WM:
I) into the fafhion of a tre and thys is named in En⸗
VC REDD NIWA glifh Elder
/and it ſtretched out twigges like redes
Ne sed NV \ vounde/iom thing hollow/ſomthing Lobptilh ¢16g/
— nen there qrowe tij.o2 titf.lenes together bp certayn ſpa

ces goyng betvoene
/ yxkethe Malnut treleaues of
ſtinkinge ſauorz / aNd moze indented: in the top of the ſtalkes 02 bowes are
round ſhaddowye clufters/hauing vohyte foures/a ruyt Ipke the Curpens
tin tre fomtying purple in black/full of bervics/ful of iupce/and of wine
Tye other kinde ts called in Greke Chameacte/and in Latin Ebuluse
in Engliſh Wallwurte oꝛ Daynworte
/andtn Duche Attich. Chis ts low &
leſſe /andit hath a fouve ſquãred alkeyparted with
/andmoze like an herbe
many iopntes/the leaues grow voith certayn ſpates goyng betiwene / han⸗
ging about euery ioynte afterthemaner of fethers/ipke bnto the leaues of
an almonde tre/ indented roundaboute /but longer, evel — aoe a
a 4
Ofthe willow or Sallow tre. 12 5
clu tte red top Ipb e the oth er ki /
ndand eue n fo a flo ure ¢ a fr upt.It
fhaddowsy :thus far Dioſcozides.
ath along rout/of the bignes of a mannes fingerd ‘grominge tn the aipes
sBelpde thete tio kindes / founde the thitd kin mer kind called Cider.
with rede berrie/ sinother popntes lyke brto the for
: The vertueg ofElder.
p Dp
Biv the kindes haue one propertic/and ferue foz one purpote, the and
and Dpue noater/and are cuell for the ſtomack/the leaues fooden
nd the pong
eaten as an eatable hevbe, Depue out choler/and thynne feme/a
/ and geuen
ftalkes fodden in a pot do thefame. Che root ſodden th Lope it
mance /
in before meat /yelpeth the dropleyitit be Deonken after the fame Wat er / ifa
is good fox them that are bitten of the biper/the fame fodden in amendeth
woman fit ouer it/ itfofteneth the mother and openeth it and tt
fuche hurtes ag ave commonly about it:the fruyt dꝛonken with wine, fre Doth
the ſame:the fame layd to /maketh the heyze black. The tendze and
leaucs {mage inllammaciones layd to emplattertoife with per ched barley /
and thep ave good foz burning and the bitinges of dogges: theſame
together hollowe foxes. that gape alter the maner ofa fiſ tula:they are alfo
m tha t hau e the gou t, if the y be lay d to wit h bul les tal lom e og
good fox the *
gote buckes ſwet.
Ofthe willow or Saliow tre. —
ee Salicis primum genus. Salicis alterum genWfy
S\N |


Of the will
Sallow tre.
Salicis tertium genus.

iris named inGrebe Itia /in Engliſh aWyllowe tre o

iia ead Dallovotre/e in pHoꝛthꝛen (peach

e a Saugh tre in duchy

Ein weiden baumy in Frenche bn Haulge. Salir as Colu
ere ya) Mella wꝛiteth is deuided in to two principal kinds: th
led pecticalis/} other ig ca led biminalis. werticalis eSa
one is
— — OP GveEAL willovotre, which bath long rodes grow
Viminalis ts an opfier tre Auch as bꝛyng furth ro ing on it.
ddes/ kattes ar made
Of. Litminalis ts of Diners toxtes. The fire iS called Salir*baf

Raluca: the thyrde Syabing. Sali greca the ſccond

x greca wobich ts pelowe in colog/qr
Wee) much in Cat Freflaud avout acpwve called Anti, Sa
Mi ch Hat h ced e tuo li r gallica
marty alto. Sali ſabinaigg es gre wet l in many placee of Englande and Gers.
say and in Cal Frelland/tobich is alto called amerina/ growet
fae as Jvaue founde hetherto. h onelp ttt
Th e vertues ofthe willow tre.
venpe |13€ (eDehe leaues and the barkevand the iuyce
paue poure and vertue to bind of the will weotre
e together
— Che leans broken and with a litle pepper
good fo2 the Iliaca paſſio/oz the gnawing dronken in wine are
of he finall qoutes,
Che lede bzok en
/isgood fo chem that itte blood / €the barket
Of Sage: 126
for} ſame purpote:the fame barke burned knoddẽ 16 binegre/ xzlayd to em
platterwile taketh awaye harde lumpes/e litle ſwellinges like naple hedes.
The iuyce of the leaues and the barke made hote inthe pull of a pomara
healeth the ake of the eaves/the broth of the fame ts good
nat with role oy/le
to bathe goutye places/and to be poured bpon the ſame: thefame driueth a⸗
pape icurfe and ſcales:the tyne of tasing of the tuyce of tt is /
when thatit
Goureth by cutting of the barke:this hath poure to fcoure awaye thoſe thin⸗
ges /which brꝛinge darcknes vnto the apple of the eve.
Out of Galene.
A Wan map well ble the leaucs of the willows tre for to glew woundes
together/the motte part of Phyſiciones vſe the we iesof the willowe
tre moft of all for the preparing of a dꝛying eniplatter/fak the poure therofts
to drv/efozbefpde that tt byteth not/tt hath alfo a certayn binding/ther are
certayn allo /whiche prefie out the tupce of it/a kepe it ag amedicine with⸗
out ail bpting and drzying bp bery profitable foꝛ many thinges/foz ye cã not
finde any thinge moze profitable foz many thinges thẽ a medicine is /which
Drieth without byting / aDoth binde a litle/but the barke hath p like poure/
with the foures and the leaues ; but that itis of adsper complerton as ail
barkes be. Som men do burne the barbe and bie the aſhes of it / lozall thin⸗
ges that had nedeofa mighty dryer. Tae
: Of Sage.
- Saluia.Veronicd fæwina. alu iamaior.



—8 —— >

5 - 4 ; AN) 5

SS 5 ( .


AR ¢



Of Saoe.
Saluia minor. ——

J |


i F

Pawn DALuta is called it Grebe Eliliſphacos / in Engliſh

SOLA Hage 02 Sauig /in Duche Salben o2 Selue/in
NI Frenche Sauige.
ZA Spage ts along bulbe full of botves and braun:
ches/hautng twigges four ſquare fomthpng vwohp⸗
tiſh / and leaues ipke the Quince tre, but longer/

rougher /thicker/and priuely refembling horenes of
NV) & Looe cloth / whyte bnder, fmellinge wounder⸗
Oe <P mma fullp/but the ſmell is greuous / tt bath fede lyke the
a; ——

wilde horminum in the top ofthe ſtalke tt grometh in rough places, He⸗
therto Diofcoztdes. ,
Dioſcoꝛides maketh but one kinde of Sage, but Theophraſt mak
thoo kindes of Sage/one wpth a rougher/and the other wyth a fmoother
leate/but nowe are there founde moze bindes/ the vobpche though thep difs
/ andſmoothnes tu greatnes and
fer one from an other muche in roughnes
and tn diuerſite of coloures/yet tn ny iudgemen
/ they
t do agre al
in one bertue and propertpe sand although fom be ſtronger then other
fom be. ah
Of Sage. 7.
be vertues ofSage.
He broth toberein p leanes and branches ave ſodden /dꝛyuk fourth
water / andbing furth floures/and dꝛaweth furth the byzth /and
it healeth the pricking of the fifhe/callzd in Latin paſtinaca mari⸗
na/whych is Ipke vnto a llath
/with venemous pꝛickes about bys
tayle:It maketh heyze blackitts good fog woundes/tt ſtoppeth the blood,
and {coureth wilde ſores / the broth of the leaues and the baaunches wpth
wine ſtancheth the iche of the pziuites/ ikthey
bevoaſhed therewith.
Out ofGalene. |
Galene toriteth that Sage ts of an euident hote complecion / and ſom⸗
thing binding.
T he vertues ofSage out ofAetius.
a heating poure of fage is euidently knowe/nbut the binding bertue
tS but {mall but fom bozpte that ifa perfume be made of fage ouer the
coles/that tt will Top the exceſſiue flo
wing of womens foures: But Agrip⸗
pa wꝛiteth that fage bepng a holy herbe / is eaten of lioneſſes bepnge voyth
pong / fo2 tt holdeth and ſtayeth the liuelp bysth. noherfog ifa woman dꝛin⸗
Be a pounde of the tuyce of tt wyth a litle falte, at acertayne tyme, wbhiche
| obiitctones cantelliffhe do ipe topthherhusbande /vndoutingly the {hall
_ ConcepuTheye. ſaye vohen as the peftilence was ina place of Egypt, called
Coptos/that thep that remayned alpue after the peftilence, compelled thepz
wiues to Drinke much of thys iuyce:and fo they had in (hort tyme great en⸗
create of chyldꝛen. Oꝛpheus fapeth that two cpates of the iuyce of faire withh
one vnce of honye/if it be geuen bnto aman with dink faking, will copys
the {pitting of blood: but tt is good agaynſt the tpfick and evulceration of 6
lunges: Hitbe dꝛeſſed thus/takeofpiknarde too Dames of the ede offa-
ge perc
hed / and ſifted xiiij. dzames / ofpepper rij. Drames, meige ail
thele together in the iuice of fage/and make pilles thereot and gene a dzam
b atatymesin the mozning to the patient faſting
/andfo much againg night/
> and dpinke water after the piles.
Of Sanerye.
pe en |Atureia or Cunilais called in Grebe Thymbea / in En⸗
er Ata foe F Sill) ſauerye/oꝛ ſaueraye/in Duche faturey sin Feenche
Ye) jGarvtettestt isote and drye in the thyrde Degre / as the
BAN, ray calle will teache vou /whenloeuer pe will trye it/foz it be
N ven eth the tong myghtely. Although diuerle and great var.
— ned men haue made one herbe ofThymbra aud farures
MNya /yet tt 18 playne by the autozite of Columeiia/ and o⸗
Ide weiters/that they are too ſeuerall herbes. ;
_ .and becaule Dioſcoꝛides maketh two kindes of thymbra/it is not bite
ipbe/but that the one istt that ts called thymbza/ofthe Grekes and ſom La
tines/and the other is tt that ts called of the Grecianes thymbza/ and of the
Latines fatureia, | |
Miso | p Che
Satureia fatiua,

Che tilde kinde is greater and hotet

/andthe gardin thymbꝛa is leſſt
then the other and moze gentler
/ andtherfoze moze fit to beeaten as Diol⸗
corides wꝛiteth. ; ;
The wilde thymbꝛa after the tudgemet of MatthiolusisSatureia hog
tenfis of Columel.nabercof he maketh mention in bys beries.
As for the fyelte kinde that Dioſcorides deſcribeth
/Jthinke tt thall be
harde to fynde any fuche tn Englande / vhenas Matthiolus complepneth
that be can fpnde none fuche tn Italy. iar |
And alithough we haue here in England two bindes of fauetpe, one that
Opeth cuerp peare/and ts commonly called faucrepand an other kinde that
is called winter ſauerye tn Engliſh /andclofter hyſope inZuche / which Dus
reth both ſummer a wainter. Bet nether of thele anſwer vnto the deſcription
of Dioſcoꝛides/foꝛ tt Dioſcoꝛides deſcribeth it thus / deſcribed it grovoeth
in rough places / and tn a bare grounde
/a it is like tpme/but leſſe atenderer /
it beareth an care full of foures/e thep of an herbiſh oꝛ grene coloz.
The vertues of Sanerye.
Dioſcoꝛides wꝛyteth no moze of the bertues of fauerpe/ut $itferueth
fo2 the ſame purpotes that thyme ferueth fo2r/noberfoxe if yewil know what
vertues ſauery yathlobe them out in the chapter of thyme, otthe
— =


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OfRYe Re aS
Silige. Nec nostanquam optabilisagricolis, fallat.
— Siligo: nam hoc tritici vitium eft. Et qua-
GES J uis candore preftet,pondere vincitur, Ve-
—— rum in humido ſtatu cæli, recte prouenit:
& ideo locis manantibus, magis apta eit.
Nec tamen ealongé nobis, aut magna diffi
cufetate requirenda eft. Nam omne triticũ
ſolo vliginofo,poft tertiam fationem con-
--uertiturinfiliginem. fo2 thps 4 do
know that tna countre nobere as J
haue be n n the Dukedom of
the Dube of Cleue/called Sourlant /
that woheat if it be fo wẽ in that ſour⸗
lande/as tt is truely called, the fyrſte
peare it Loill bring furth voheat /and
| in the ſecond vear/ e ilthe voheat that
+. greta there/be fowen tn the fame pla

ceagapne / that tt turneth tnto rye,

a 1
‘ and that the fame rye ſowen tn the
eS Ly)
NI J fame ground / within two peares go
NN | eth out of kinde into Darnell, & fuche
f _ other naughty tocdes/as rye/ſowen
| iti ſom place of Sarony / as FJ beard
= ſlay / when Jwas in Germany / with
in fewo yeare ſowen in ſome feldes/ts
\ turned into good wheat.
IX Bet foz all thys/there ave two pla-
Ss ces in Columella/that will not futfer
7), filiginem to be our tye. The fret pla-
ce isitobere as be ſayeth:quamuis candore preftet,pondere tamen vincitur. (hat
is/alithouah it ercelle in whytenes /pet in heuynes or weyght other ercede
Who Dyd ener (e rpe whyter then voheat e is tt not molt commonipe
(ene/p rye bread is heuper then the wheat. Therefore ſiligo vohyche ts wohy⸗
ter then the common and belt voheat / andkghter alſo / can notbeour rye.
Tbe econde place ts tn the ſeconde booke of Columella /inthe lixt chapter,
tohere as he voryteth theſe wordes: Me know many kindes of voheat / but
that is mofte to be ſowen of all other/that is called robus / becaule tt Doth
ercelle both in wepaht and in ſhyning 02 clevenesBe . ought lecondely to re⸗
garde ſiligi/nem vohoſe chefe kinde Loanteth weyght tn bꝛeade. Pliny alſo
inthe cbij.boke of bys naturall hiſtory voryte thatSiligo fpicam femper ere-
/ {iliga hath the ear euer ſtan⸗
ctam habet,& pariter nunquam maturefcit. Chat is
Ding ryght vp/and it neuer wexeth rype alltogether. But whether oure rye
groweth voith the cares dounwarde oꝛ no/and whether it be rype al at one
tyme 02 10/7 reporte me bnto chem that are housband me/nand haue ſkyll
in cor/nandboth ſowe it and movoe it. re
Bp thele places J trult/that Jhaue ſuſfficiently proued that ſiligo of the
olde voryters /isnot our rye, as the whiliciones and Grammariaus haue
- taught certayn hundged peares.
p ii But
: O/ Rye.
But fort will are of me /leyng that ſiligo is not rye/ what thynbett thon
was it called of any old w2pter.Co them Janſwer/that J fpnde nothinge
lyke vnto our rye/ thẽ it vohych ts called of Sicale: voherot ye writeth thug:
The taurines that well vnder the alpes/cal ſicale Aſiane:it is woꝛſt of aj
other/and is onlp mete to Dipue hungre avoaye. Ithatha plenteous / buta
mmall ſtalke/it is vgly to be ſene {92 the blacknes, but tt paſſeth in heuynes.
Then wohen as our rye hath hele propertpes, and the Italianes in fom nla
ces call rye Segale/e the French men call tt ſegle whych
/ countremen hop
certayn remnantes of the old Latin tonge: Ithynke J gather not amis 5
our rpe was named ſecale of the old wꝛyters. Thys alfo maketh ſomthing
for the fame purpoſe /that ſom of the Hoꝛthen men call rye bzeade
bzede / asthough if bad the name of aſſius.
The nature of Rye.
MBcomon erperience we fynde that rye bꝛead is cold, Windy, and
|‘By bard of Digettion/a a beder of melancholy/namelye in al fuch per
i E52) ones/aswant exercile of body.But it helpeth to kepe}body fp.
LAE _luble Auch as ave diſpoled to be hard belted . But the medicine ig
groſſe / andbꝛzingeth as much harm and moze then tt Doth good all thinges
well confidered. Som of the later wꝛyters have taught that the yong blas
Des of rye diſtilled/aregood foz the ſtone and fox great heat in any parte og
membꝛe of the body. But here of/becaule Jhaue no experiẽce as pet/Z dare
not warrant anpe man/that they haue that bertue and propertye, FHwere
good that font man that hath leaſure /ſhoulde ones proue it,
: Ofthe berbe calledScandix. ©
Scandix. ~

es } >=
Ofthefeavuyon called fquilla: te
4 Candir is luppoled of fon to be p herbe vohich is called in Engliſh
Pinke nedle/o2 forkes bill. And 7 have iudged tt to bean herbep |....45 }
Sri grovoeth itt p come with afapre vohyte floure & leauesipbe Dnto
r qs cheruel.Che later herbe in my iudgement dzaweth never vnto the
pittertics & heat Dioſcoꝛides requireth of ſcãdix.But becauſe nether of the
hoth /hath fo much heat and bitternes /as Dioſcorides femcth to geue bute
ſcandir: FJDave not certapnly geue ſentence /that ether of them Mould be
ſcandix in Dioſcoꝛides. Of the vertues of Scandix.
Rede no other bertue p{caddie hath but p itis good for p kidnees
wy} bladder/ lpuer Aauing that Galene layth p it is good to pꝛouoke
By ainiati to pifie/e to Deltuer alp in
ward bo welles from foppinge.
Thelame Galene waiteth pit is hote a daye tn} (econd degre.
Of the feaynyon called fquilla,

—--— Cilla is named in Grebe Sbilla of pApothecartes Squilla/of che

a's [bygh duch meus zwoybel:it may be called tn Engliſh fea vnyon og
a |Squilla or Squill vnyon. Che rote ofthe Squilla ts like a great
ef _lpnyponscouered with a thin fhin as an vnyõ ts. Within that arma
Uy pilles one growing aboue an other/but rot hole as vnyones be: p ttaike
cometh fir furth of roote/ſ after ward commeth a four wobyte epelome.
And along tyme after }come out p leues/after >maner of an vnyon /bots

Pug Douniward the grounde.Ftgroweth much in Spapn and Apulta/by p

/butno other vohere /ſauing tn ſuche like places without tettinge og
{ea ſyde
Foz it greweth not fromthe fea of hym ſelle.
B ij Che
Ofthe fea vmon called fquilla.
The vertues offquilla.

ay |Quilla hath a ſharpe and hote nature / but vohen it ts rotteditig

3 ——


SWS made profitable fo2 manye thpriges.and it ought to be rotted af.
“SV ter thys maner.Cabe the ſquilla/andcouer tt round about wyth
| “= clay og paſte/and put tf into an ouen /oꝛ couer tt in the coles 02 at

{hes butill the patt be bawed inou

gh. When as pe haue taken that away/pf

the (quilla be not tendze /androtted inough/couer tt with neve patte/o2 nem

clay/and rofte tt ag pe dyd before.Jtthat isnot thus dreſſed/is euel for the
inner partes. ‘Jt mape be allo baked by ſettinge it tn a pot voell couered /vſe
only the tiner partes/and catt away the outer partes: Itmap allo be ſoddẽ
in water after that tt ts cut in peces/the fyatt water catten oute/ and frethe
water put bnto it /vntill the water be no more bitter. Wen vie it alfototkle —
le it / and to hange it on a theede/fo that one pece touche vot an other/and fo
drye them tn the ſhaddow. and we ble tt that is cut/to make ople of it /and
wyne and vinegre. One parte of the rato {quilla heate in ople og melted ro⸗
len/isgood to be lapd bpon the riktes of the fete. Ifit be ſodden in binegres
and laydtoemplatter wyle/it ts good foz them that are bitten of a beper og
adder.We ble to take one parte of the rotted (quilla/and to put vnto tt viij.
partes of bꝛuſed falt/and here of yoe bie to geue a ſpoun ful o2 (hoo to aman
fafting/to Soften bys bellye.
We put it alfo into Dginkes and ſpicye compoſi⸗
ciones /and tito fuch dzinke / where swoythhoe prouoke water / and infuche
Drinkes as woe wold helpe the drꝛopſey voith /and help them tn vohoſe oma
kes the meat ſwimmeth aboue/og ſuch as haue the taundes or geelfought,
and haue gnawynge inthe bodye /and them that ave vexed wytha longe
cough them that av ſhoꝛt voinded and them that {pit blood: one feruple and
an half ts inough to be taken at one tyme Lopth honpe. ude ble to ſethe it
Lith honye /and to geue it to be eaten foz the fame purpole
/and ſo dreſſed
is good to help digeſtion.ItDepucth away ſſymye mater lyke ſhauinges of
the guttes. Ititbe rotted and layd to/tt is good for hangpng wartes /and
foz kybed oꝛ mould heles. The fede taken ina fpg 02 Lopth honye/louteth the
belly. They that haue any erulceration o2 place that hath thefkinne of and
raw /had nede to take hede that they vſe not the {quilla. Som autours wri:
te/that tf the tqutlia be hanged bp hole aboue the Doze/that no wychecraue
noz fogcerpe (hall take any place there.

Out ofMefue.
He {ea vnvon oꝛ {quilla is two wayes profitable / both becaule it
maketh rppe and redy the matter to be put furthy adxyxueth furth
{uch maters as are made redy. It is belt that grovoeth wyth an
Other g rot alone. Foꝛit > groweth alone & betpde hote bathes/ is
Hetiemous. The bett ts bitter and ſharp /andhath ſyyning pilles /and itgro⸗
weth in a fre felbe.Itprepareth thick and tough humozes/and melancholy
by cutting of thé emabing of the lubtile/x by ſcouring /othey may more ea-
lely come furth/e > doth moft {pedelp>orpmel o2 bonted vinegre /made of P
fquilla:e thefame purgeth out >fostayd humozes. noberforedt is good
diſea for »
les ofp bead/as b head ach
/kor>falling tikes) for Dutines of p* a
Of water Germander. fos
fox the Difeates ofthe ſynewes /ioyntes /longes and bꝛeſte. And that dott {3,
ar §

fpeciallpe/the clectuarpe made of the tupce of it with honye

/ittt be licked in.
ache fame maketh a clere voice /and fo Doth the honyed binegre/made with
ſquilla/andthe vinegre alone made with the fame. Che fame helpe the ttop
ping of the milt and the ſwelling thereof and it hindzeth putretaction to be
ingendred in amannes body. And therefoze tt hepeth a man in heath / and
maketh a mannes body continew ſtill in pong ſtate but they make aman
leane. The (quilla helpeth the loufe gcomes/and the binegre of it maketh
fatt teth that are loutetfthe mouth be toathed theretopth. Fttaketh awaye
the ſtinking of the mouth / andmaketh the breath ſwete. It ſtancheth the
ache of the ſtomack
/ithelpeth digeftion/and maketh a mat well colored.Fe
maketh a loute body faft and compact, hovoſoeuer tt be taken. The fodder
Danck of it /may be geuen from ten dꝛammes vnto thee vnces. Dele maz
heth the lea vnyone hote tnthe thyrde degre
/ anddape almoſt in the fame.
Out of Pliny.
Pe ibe bt of fquilla quickeneth the eplightifittbe taken with vinegre
462 aC) land honpe.Itkylleth wozmes inthe bellpe.Ifit be frefhe layd vn⸗
le By... |Dev the tongeitquencheth the thyrſt of them that haue the drop⸗
Gs — — fey.It is good tobe layd to with honye agaynſt the payne of the
Out of Galene,
al — (quilla hath a metuelous cutting pouve/but tot fo? all that berp hos
te/fo that aman may tudge tt tobe hote tn the ſecond Degre. It ts bette
to be taken ſodden or rofted, and not raw /and ſo ts tiv greate vehementye
o2 fireingth abayted. Auerrois alfoan Arabian, wetteth that Squilla is
hote in the ſecond degre though Meſue Loppte that it is hote in the thyrde
Degre:uoherefore ſeyng that Galeneand Auerrots hold, that ttis no hoter,
and Jhaue by tafting founde tt no hoter: Jhad leuer holde with Galene/e
that tt ts hote onlpe in the ſecond degre /then With Melue /that maketh tt
h vote inthe thyzde degre.
Of water Germander:
TREN | Cordiumn is named in Grebe feordion/in
Zucht Waſſer
3 ‘bettenichtt maye be called in Engliſh /
Mater german:
‘Der/oz merrily germander oꝛ Garieke germander.
Fane Pes Fe grorocth in Oxlozthſhyze and tn Cambꝛidge Hire
—— in good plenty.

The de[cription ofthe noble berbe called Scordium

ont ofDiofcorides.

Of water Germander,

= —


* 7ae





c(ey Cordium greoweth in momtaines and in merrithe grounde: It


Saxe bath leaues lyke vnto Germander/but greater, and not fo muc
PAD ye Mndented about.Inhnell fomehing refembling Garleke/binding,
Av and in tafke bitter. It hath lit
grote lloures fomthinge rebithe, ule Calliesfour (quaved/aobeeebpon
The vertues ofwater Germander out ofDiofcorides.
— ——— Iter Germander hath the pour to heate /and to make aman
PAN make water. The arene herbe and allo dried/if it be fodder
vwith wineisgood to be Deonken again the bitiuge of fers
MN INAN petites /and agaynt popton, Ff it be taken in the quantite of
E, 4\ Hoo eam es with mede
/itisgood for the gnawing of the fo
sinter eat mack agapntt the blody flive/and fog them that can not make
af nah y. Jtſtoureth out alto thicke and watery gear out of the heft.
ae “take the Daye herbe/and menge it with gardin crefles honpe and
A ae : mabe attelectuarp therofand geue tt to be leked bp
of the patiét,
é ; li belpe the olde cough
/and fuch places as ave burſte/nandfhronke tos
gether. Thelame gerbe mengen With acerat og trea / made
t of ware/and
“ys le

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Of the ber:
B Cal led Securidaca.

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oe Be e nature ofSecuridaca-

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PES Sedumm inus.

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——— — ee
Of Houfleke. 131
/and in Grebe Jei⸗
Nfo o inLatin Semperuiuum
roy Edunris called alt is cals
soon. Chere.are ilijkindes of lemperuiuum:the yrſte kinde
Rize av led in Latin spedun imagnum Grebe We izoon mega / inEng⸗
Ye EAS ih Houtlebbe/ gad oF fo nt Singre/nbut it dught better to be cals
WP ted AporeneyinTDuche idiscalicd Gros hauſwurtz/inFrench· Fubar.
ache ſeconde kinde ts called in Engliſh/thaift tone crop sin Latin Sedum
P minus. Che thprde Kinde 1S calcd of fom late wpters
Vermicularis /in
P Guglifh Mous taple o2 litle ſtone crop/an din Duche Maurpfetter.
The defeription ofthe kindes of Semperniuum.
le ke ha th th e na me of S e mperu . in Latin/and of Aeizoon tt
Ho ul ynke th at Aygrene as ‘JIfaped
Grek/ethe leaues ave grene:wherioze merethne . fyrſt or great kinde hati!
pefore/is a better namie ytor tt/then Sing
afialk a cubit hyg, h os h pgher as thyckeas pour thu nb/ katt /kayre grene/
" pauinge litle cuttinges in thas Tithiu naius characias hath : the leaues are
fatto2thyck of the bignes of a mannes thumb, at thepopnt ipbe a tonge.
) The nethermotte leaues lye wyth there belipes vpward /and thether / tes
¢ that| are toward theottop/bepng dzawen toge
| bownioarde:but they 4

© gible aciccle with the figure ofanepe. It groweth in mountaynes/and


bpllp places fom bie to fet it vpon theyz houles.


But the leſſe Semperuiuu m / that toe call thrift o2 great Cone
weth i walles/ rockes / mud wa Hesand ſhaddovoy diches tt bath man pe
ſtalkes comming from one root, finaltiné l/ full of| rounde leaues /fat and ſharpe
in the ende/itbaingeth furth a ſtalk in the middes a ſpan long/ vohyche bath
a buſhye and ſhaddowy top an Dimall grene floures.
Chere femeth to be a thyrzde kinde okAygrene /ſom callit Porcellayne/
) 02 Teliphiuthe m Momapnes ca NitIllicibram /ithath leaues thycker and
© rough dzavoyng neve vnto tye leaues o kPozcellayn /thys Kind groweth in

T he vertues ofthe kindes ofaygrene.

— 1 great kinde hath a cool ing nature and binding ; the leauc s bp
pCs \them felues/and layd to fopth perched barlep meſe ave good foz
1X \the burnyng beat of ſwe led places/called Erifpilata, nge oꝛ of other
fapn t Anto nies fyr e / aga pn {t crepi nge fores and freti ſore/sa⸗
‘| a —.—
daynſt the inflammationes ofthe ey/ esagaynſt burning and hote goutes.
f ig good to poure bpon the he ad that aketh / the tupce of Pouflewe Lopth
WP perched baviep mele and rolopt e e/thefame to be geuen in Drinke vnto them
© that are bitten of the felde ſpider. Ft is alfo geuen vnto them that of the
reat lar/orthe blody flixe. Ifitb e Donker wopth wineitDriueth out
ellpe bꝛode wormes:it it be ſeruc Dafter Pmaner of afuppofitory vnto weo
alfo ts
men/as the place mquirethttſtoppet h the iſſue ofweomen: the tuice s of the ſe⸗
good for them that ave blare eyed/ it tt come of blood. The leaue
/hath tye ſame nature that Houlſleke Hath. |
cond Binde/cailed fone crepe
aa The

Of Spelt.
The thpade kinde called Wermicularis/hath an hote nature, and tharpe

anid bliteringe /and power to dꝛvue awaye wennes/ifit be layed te woyih


’ y

ſwynes gree, |
: :

: Of the corne called Spelt.
1 i |
Zeæ primum genus. Zezalterum genus,
} \

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PD eee7 Cineniscalled in Greke Zeia/inItalian Splelta pir:


— WAR y: sit biada and alg/ ainZDuche (peltsitmay in Engliſh be

— TaN es called ſpelt:howbei Znever
t ſawe tt in England. There
: iy ate two kindes of sea/ whereokthe one is called fingle/
Mand the other two corn /becaule
es it hath the fede topned

wa |ogether in two chaffp coucringesThe . fyrſt bind is cal
leD in Duche Tinkel. Che feconde kinde ts called ſpeltz/


and is comon about Weiſſenburg in hygh Almany/viij. duch myle of thys

—=- ipde of Strasburg.And there all men vſe it in the fede of stbi‘ for thers

groweth no wheat at all. Bet FZneuer ſawe fayrer and pleafanter bread tt

any place in all my ipfe/then Jhaue eaten there

/made onlp of this {elt the
cost is muche leſſe thers wheãt
/andſhorter then rye, but nothing fo black.”
J he vertues of Spelt. 4
Of Groundfell. *
Ioſcoꝛſdes voꝛiteth /that ſpelt is good foꝛ the ſtomack /and that if
ictcbetaken in bꝛea/ ditnoriſhheth nore then barley/ and lefie then
wvheate.Itany man deſyꝛe to knoweany moze ofthe falhou and
~~~ properties offpelta/let him rede Galene of the poures of wheates
and noꝛiſhmentes and Cheopheatt in the euenth booke of plantes/ there
he (hall haue ity that he deſyreth. |
~ “Of Groundfell,

isnamed in Greke Erigeron
/ inEngliſhe Groundſel oz
Groundiswoil/inDuch kreutzwurtz.
Grounl bath ael
ſtalk acubit hygh /ſomthyng rede/litle leaues
AIgro wyng toget/her indẽted in the outermoſt patte/after
s the ma⸗
ger ofthe leaues of rocke/ but muche leſſe. Ithath pelowe foures, wbyche
thoztipe ryue and wyther tito Doun/mberbpor tt hath the name. in Greke
Erige/ron becaule the floures after the maner of heare ware hory in Pring
ofthe yeare The roote is nothinge wurthitgroweth molt in nud walles
amid about cyties.

ese ¢ iAPf GM *34

Atl ta ofatt
ThAé be?PPesg
⸗ Sova’ a
Of wild thyme.
Te e leaues and the foures have a coolutge nature/ wherefoze ifthey be
bꝛuled and layed to topth a litle wyne / they heale the burninge heat o2
inflammation of the ſtones
/andof the fundament the fame thinge wil th
Do/if they be laped on alone: but laped to voyth the fyne pouder of Frankin:
cenle/it healeth both the woundes /and of the ſynewes /and other places,
the do vone alfo of it/layd to wyth binegre alone
/isgood for the fame purpa
ſes/hutthe frefhe Dotoneifit bedzonken /ſtrangleth the hole falke ſodden
topth water/ and dzonke voyth malualey/healeth the ake of the ſtomack
that ryſeth of choler.
Of wild thyme.

{Oth Diokorides and Blinve Make two kinofdSee

that is ofcrepinge thyme. But thep Do not agre in the Deftrips
tion of them: fog Dioſcoꝛides Delcribeth Sperpiltum thug / one
Aq kinde of Serpilium groweth tn gardines/ and refembieth Mei⸗
gerum in {nell/and it isbed to be putingarlandes:it hath thename offer
pendo /that is of crepinge becaufe whatſoeuer parte of it toucheth
the grounde/ tt fafkenetl cootes therein. Jt hath leaues and brautic
tyes xbe Drgane/ calles of Ont wilde Wergerum , put —
ces, : ute
Of wildeT hyme. : #3
but {fit be fet about hedges/it
groweth moze luſtely:theother bind istoild,
and is called zigis. This Doth not crepe /butLandeth right bp / and it pute
tet’) furth ſmalſſtalkes/ after the maner of a bind/whych are full of leaues
ipke vnto ruc/but the leaues are narrower /longer and harder /the floures
haue a bytinge tate, the finell of itis very pleafante/the roote ts nothynge
wurth. It groweth more ſtronger in vocses/and it is hoter /then it of the
ardine/and is fitter for phyfick . But Pliny weyteth thus of Serpillum:
seni thynke that tthath the name of (erpendo, that is of crepinge/whyche
thynge it chanteth tn the wilde /and ſpeciallye bpon rockes/the gardine ſer⸗
pillum crepeth not /but groweth vnto the hyght of a ſpan:it ts fatter that
growethothys ovone voil/land hath whyter leaues and boughes
/and tt is
good agaynſt ſerpentes:hetherto Pliny. Nowe pe fe the contrary iudge⸗
ment of theſe tvoo greate learned men /wherok the one ſayeth che gardin fer
pillum crepeth not/out groweth ryght bp. Ftis harde to tell to whether of
theie a man ſhould ſtick:the authoztte of Zioſcoꝛides moueth me to fande
of bys ſyde/but fom experience as FZ fhall declare hereafter /maketh me ra⸗
) therieane vnto pliny, for as Jhaue {elDom {ene anye {erpillumthough tt
had ben brought furth of the feldes/and (et inthe gardine crepe and take
toutes from the topntes of the bꝛaunches: ſo 7 neuer ſawe anye in the felde
that grew alltogether ſtreyght vp /from the ground (pecially /ititwere of az
lp age/but dyd alwayes crepe and grow along by the grounde:howbeit J
Grant that euen the wiſde ſerpillum/ when as it bungeth furth bys top and
foure/hath alitie ſtalke aboue the ground about vj. inches longe/o2 therab-
> Outstt ts poflible that Dioſcoꝛides loking bpon the wilde ſerpilſlum / about p
tyme of fouvinge/and not confidering tt at other tymes/dyd therefore geue
fentence that the wilde ſerpillum dyd not crepe, but that it ofthe gardine
ſhould crepe/and take routes tn the grounde at the topntes, itis contrarpe
to my experience /ercept he mean of fuch as ts brought from the feldes / and
is planted in the gardin,fo2 alithough it buſheth largely/andgroweth fonts
thyng alpde/vet it faſtneth very ſeldom any rootes in the grounde/ whereof

| the caule maye be/ that the gardineres will not let it growe fo long / that it

mape crepe bpon the ground/and fo will not {uffer it to take roote. Ft ts al-
fo lye it that Pliny calleth the {mall kind oftyme
/that is comon in out gar
dines in Englande
/ſerpillum hogtente, and ik that be his meaninage/then ts
hys opinion very true/loꝛ that neuer crepeth. And that there are two kyn⸗
Des oftyme
/and not one alone as ſom holde
/wherof Pliny map call the one

—*ſerpillum hortenſe/ theſewordes of Dioſcoꝛides in Epitimo beare woytnes.
Epithymum ts the lloure of an harder thyme /and lyke vnto ſauery. Plinye
allo maketh two kindes ofthyme / buthe diuideth them not as Dioſcorides
doch / but he diuideth the one into the whyter / and the other into. blatker/
wohere as Dioſcorides diuideth thys thymes into the harde /whych
r is area
cer /and into the ſofter and leſſe kinde /woherefore the leſſeand fofter binde
may be the gardine ſerpillum of liny/eno kinde of Plinyes thymes. and
theleDoJſaye rather by the waye offerching for the truth/ then fo2 any de⸗
ee nmatonyieutns the mater to the iudgemente of the learned and diſcret

Serpillum that is in gardines

/iscalled in the motte parte in Cnglande
a W crepinge
Of wilde T hyme.
/ andabout Charde pulimountayn. Ft that is absoade tithe -
creping thyme
feldes/is called wilde thyme tn Engliſ/hand inZuche Quendel/ tn ether.
land /vnſer lieuer frawen betitro/in Frenche Du Serpolet/ in Italian ſerpil
lo/in Spani /ſerpolho.
T he vertues ofwilde thyme or rinning thyme. |
Inning thyme dronkem brꝛingeth doun a Womans ſikenes/and
2)Bdꝛueth furth water. Itis allo good foꝛ the qnatopng and win
vows | gig it ⸗ beilpe/foz burften places and Draven together / againſt
are S/ the infammationes of the lpuer/and againt ſerpentes /bothnon
. fodder hopth vinegre / and afters
The fame
ken and alfo lapd to wythout
ward mired with role oyle /will lwage the head ache/if the broth be poured
Hyon the head. Itts meruclous good,foz the forgettull euell called offom ies
thargeand for the phꝛeneſye. Che iuyce of itDgonken tn the quantite of iiij.
drammes / wyth binegre/Moppeth the bomiting of blood. Serpillũ ismoze
then hote in the (econde Degre agreate Deale. J] take tt to be hote in the
thy2de degre.

OfMelilote or Italian Melilote. ==

Erta campana oꝛ Sertula campana/is named th Grebe Detiios
ere 'tos/but howe itis called tn Engliſhe /J cannot tell/ for Jneuer
£6 VY fate tt in England / but tt may be called right meitiote/o2 Italian
“= melilore fom Duche men though tt grow no more in Duch landy
then it Doth in England/call tt in Suche Meſſch ſteynklee.
Shave fene tooo bindes of Meltlote/wohere of the one came out of Ita⸗
ip/wobych Jreken was the true Melilote /and an other binde whych came
outof Spayn/ vohych Matthtolus maketh his Scoꝛpioides /voyth fede in
longe hornes
/thzo vothe Lobych a man myght ſe /hovo euery ſede dyd ive.
Of Melilote out of Diofcorides.
| He belt Welilote groweth about Athenes/and ih Ciſik /anid Chal
iRecedonia /and tt reſembleth ſaffron/ats voell finelling. Ft grometh
alſo in Campania / aboute ola/ of the coloꝛ of a quince/but ofa
Wweyk finell.Jfynde no larger deſcription of melilote tn Dioſcori⸗
Des/ wheretore toe multe gather the deſcription bp other meanes, then bp
bys Delcription.ItDoth appeare by the name of Melilotethat it a hinde
of Lotus/and all the Bindes of Lotus hauc thee leaues together, lybe a cla⸗
uer /where vpon J gather that melilote ought to haue leaues lyke to clauet
oꝛtrifoly. Dioſcorides alſo intreatinge of Liguſtrum oz appennine: louage
maketh the leaues of it Ipke vnto the leaues of melilote. But the iguſticum
Hath leaues ſpeciallye thein that are outermofte
/thee grotopnge togethet
lyke vnto a clauer o2 tvifolpe /but longer, /
whereby and by the former der
ſcription/man may playnely gather/that the comon herbe that is bled for
melilote /isnot the ryght meltlote. For the ryghte melilote mutt haue longe
leaucs lyke Liguſtik /whyche the comon melilote hath not, and alfo itmull
relemble ſallron
/andhaue a good (nell, /whyche propertyes /berate *
Of Melilote or Italian Melilote. -
be the ryghte
cannot be founde in the comon melilote /therefore it can not
/whereof Theophat maketh manpe
melilote/but abpndeof wilde lotus
The vertues ofMelilote.

Tang] /andto foftert euery inllam

Clilote hath a pouretobynde together
J mat/
ion /themother/thefundament and
petiallye about the eyes
flones/with malualey /andfo layed to / fomtyme there mutte be
menged withall/the polke of an egge voted, o2 the mele of fenel⸗
/oꝛ lintlede /oꝛ flowve/oz the headesofpoppy /oꝛ ſuccoꝛy/oꝛ endiue ſod⸗
den in water, tt bealeth newe Meliceridas /that is tmpottemes/haupnge
wythin them an humoꝛ lyke bony. It healeth alſo the rinninge ſores of the
head/if it be layed to wyth the earth of Cio /and wyne/ wytha galle/both
/ and alfo rato/layd to voyth any of the foꝛnamed/tt ſwa

Odden wyth voyne

geth the ache of the ſtomack. The rawe tuyce pzeſſed oute and poured in
myth maluatey/jealeth the ache of the cares. Ft healeth alfo the head ache
ifitbe menged voyth vinegre and role ople/ and ſprenckled bpon the head.
Galeue vorÿteth that meitiote ts of amixed qualite/and that it isſomthyng
Hyndynge, aud that it digeſteth therewyth / andmaketh ryp/eand that the
nbſtance of it ig moze hote then colde.
Of the herbe called Sefamums


We. Wien:
. —_ 8
i }s * Y.
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souckhinde of (efama that is vohyte/he wyteth allo that no beat will eat
ele tt ts (o bitter. Hliny alto inthe xbiij. boke €
fefama when itis gren
_ pij.chapter voriteth that ſeſama bath a ſtalk lpke ferula / andthat the fede of
it is kept itt litle veſſelles and in the x.chapter of the fame boke he wryteth p
fefarta was fetched out of Inde /and that the {ede of it ſerueth to make ople
pfand thatt:e chatofmilium panicum and leſama /iscalled Apluda. and
Pliny layeth that ſeſama ie leaueg blood tede.
as touching the leau/es

Ofthe berbe called Seſamum.
Ithynke that tobere as there are two herbes/that are notwe taken fi
leſa /ma
nether of them haue all thele properties that Theophraſt and Pliny
geue dito ſelamaChe . fyrſt herbe whych is of long time hath ben taken fox
eſam /hath
a ſedes in litle veſſelles /andthe {edes are full of ople/but the lea:
ues anid ſtalke ave not lyke ſelama / nether isthe hole herbe ipke vnto mili.
um oꝛ panicum. Thys herbe ts liuely let furth in Matthiolus and. in Piero,
hips Bock.Itis called th Du/ chllackes totter/the leaues ar lpke a bꝛode
arrow head/ ikthe endes were not croked and to fmal/but thep are not rede
but grene /and the tede tS rediſhe pelow.Itgroweth in Germany common:
lp amongelt Aachs/and men fede byrdes wopth the fede of it there/namelye
yskennes / and linnettes /and golde finches/and byrdes of Canaria, But
foz the caules aboue reherled/itcan not be fefama of the old wꝛyters
The other kinde of herb /whyc
e h is mofte commonly taken for the right
and true lelama /haue F allo ſene grotopng as well as the former kinde : It
bath leaues lyke baltl/and a yelo wiſh rede fede/all full of opie. Tisroellfee -
oute in the ſeconde editionof Matthiolus /but nether the leues of it/ nee
cher the ſtalke /nether anye ipkenes that it bath) vopth panicum o2 milium
DO Agre topih the markes that Cheophpat and ylinp Do geue bnto they.
(efama/noberefore F can not fe hove ether of thele can be the ryghte tefama
of the olde wꝛyt/erallthoug
s h the fede of them both be berpeoplihe, and in
many thynges voll ſeru e tn the fede of the ryght fefama. : Se

T he vertues ofSefama.
Cama tobpche maye be calledin Cniglifh ople fedeis euell for the
ſtomac/k andmaketh ones beeth Finke /when it Hicketh in teth
} woile tt ts in eating/but if it be layed to/it Depucth away the grof
nes of the {pnetoes, and it helpeth bzuled eares tiflammationes) s
burnt places/the paynes of the topntes/and the biting of the lerpent/call
cevalies north vole oyle it dwageth the head ache that commeth of beat, ed
The herbe fodden in voyn /
e thefame. It ts moſt fit fo2 the infammas
nee andache of the eyes
/there ople made ofit wohyche the Egyptianes
OfSiler mountayn. |
Cieli maffiliente is named of the Apothecaries ler
Me mon


ALY EN tanum / itmaybe called in Engliſh liler

ARAN ce ga CORDES Delcribeth itthus: Seteli of mountayn Diol
Malſilia hath lea
WY gees ues Ipbe vnto fenell/but geofier and a bigger ſtalke alfo/ —
Ube ou ‘and a ſpokye Cop lyke vnt o dill /wherein tg long fede cos
pen lV7 uered and vyting ſtreyght wap after triseaté. The

= iSlong and tocltfinellinge, rote

T he vertues ofSiler mountayn. ,
Heroote and
thefede haue an hote pour
e be Dronkertthep
tye frangurianyand the thoxte woinde / thep ave alfo good ir heal
Of Siler monntayu. BF
\ginsof the mother /and fo2 the falling tiknes/thep Depue out floures/and al
W fothe byzthyand they ave good for all urvoavd diſeaſes and they heal an old
pycough.Che ſede dzonken voyth wyne /helpeth digeltion and taketh awaye
e gnatoyng of the bellye. and it ts good for agũe s a mat tS both
Ny Hote and cole at one tyme.Itis good tobedonken wyth wyne and pep;
per agaviit the coldnes tn a iorney. Itis alfageuen to gotes in Dein’ / and
My co other beattes alfo to make them bring furth moze ealely. |

OfHartis wart.

Te a Ethiopicum groweth in diuerſe partes of hyghe

NEL Oe AALS / wohere J haue ſene tt both grene and drye/
/butIJneuer ſawe it tn Eng⸗
and ſom call tt hart
/ voberefore
lan / wyth the
we maye call it Hartwurt
Duche men vntyll we ſynd e name fos tt.
es CS) Jt bath ieaues lyke NAuy /but lefler, and louge of the
yy, ase ee falhon of Modbinde leaues. It is a great bulbye herbe/
iy) 2a black buſhe as mp Greke terte bath foritbath melas andtwo not megas/
\ ANd it qroweth tuo cubites hygh / wherein are braunches ſpannes
Hong/aud a top ipke dyll /thyck as voheat / but moze byting
/the {ede ts black
Hud better {nelling/and berpe pleafant.
Eleli Peloponenſe bath leaues lyxke vnto Homie’ but bꝛoder and
groler/ꝛ thycher.Ithath a greater ſtalke then it of Hallilia /of
Ve we lipkenes of fernla.alnd in the ouermoſte parte of it / isaſpokye top/
vMwherein is bꝛoder lede /and thycker /andwell ſmelling. Jt grow⸗
n rough places/in moyſt places/an tn hygh places/and alſo th Bda / it
ath the fame vertue wyth the other.
The figure that Matthiolus fetteth out/ loztetelt pPeloponnente / in mp
ihWOgement agrecth not vopth tye deſcription of iofeozides: fog the leaues
/inthe figure ave not lpbe homloke nether in one poynte no2 0»
P of hys herbe
iPsherChe icanes of it that I ato gro oyng about noeillenburg in bygh Ger
wherefore fom haue taken tt {02 petroſelino
P many isfomthinge lyke pẽer/ſely
‘Prapio montano /t
the roote is bery long and grea /but
and of a ſtrong ſmell
naot btterlp vnpleaſant.
Athe thre kindes of Sideritis.
Ideritis vohyche iscalled offome Heraclea / is an herbe vohyche
(Q/ hath leaues phe vnto horehound but longer dzawyng neve vnto
i “| the Ipkenes of fage or an obe/but lefler and rougher: it hath fours
gp te?" (quared ſtalkes a {pan hygh/oꝛhygher / and
/notvnplealant in taſt
lter a maner ſomthyng binding/e in them are round thynges lyke whor⸗
/and ther ints black
) te8/certapn {paces goyñg betwene as horehound hath
| be.Ftgro weth in places fomthpug rockye. Thys herbe that Diolcorides
and alfo about the fels
, Delerivety here /growechinthe old walles ofColo/n
‘ Bes of Mormes /not fav from the barnes mylles. xt bat
Of the thre kindes of Sideritis. 4g
Sideritis prima, : — To nia


It hath longe ſmall mdented leaues

/with agood fnell, And J ſuppoſe that
Fuchſius detcribeth the fame herbe /and although Matthtolus doth revro-
ue Fuchlius tr taking of thys herbe foz the fpr kinde of Sideritis / pet be
ſetteth one for the fyett kinde tobych is much lefle agrepng wopth the Deleri:
ptton of Dioſcoridthen es it that Fuchſius tetteth furth. Fox except J befay —
begpled/as J think
e FJ am not he letteth out foz the fyrſt kinde of Sideric
tis/marrubium paluſtre Cragt/that is water borchound. That herbe gros”
wet) alwapes about water fpdes/and it hath a inking fmell of garie
it is a cubit hygh/and for the mofte parte hygh ke/€
/ wher
er kore it can not be the
kyrſte kinde of SwWeritis/whyche qroweth in tockpe groundes / and hatha
ſtalke but a ſpan long/oz not nuiche'aboue. Thys
kinde is called in Duche
Glitkraut/it may be Engliſh Mrontourto2 Rock
e ſecond kind hath brautiches two cubites hygh / but fmall.
many leaues in long footitalkesApke vnto the leaues ofa bꝛake /and Zeint
ouer parte clouen of eche ſyde. Outof thehpabett winges come furth cers
teyn outgrawyng/es angand ſmal/land th the hgh top of al reprefenting
a rounde bowole/hauinge a tough heade/voherein ts fede, Ipke the fede
bete/but rounder aud harder:
ar Jhaue
Othethre kindes of Sideritis. 136
Jhaue fene no herbe more agreyng vnto thys defcription/then the her⸗
be that gro weth in ſenn/es
called of fom Ofmunda, but J am afrayd chatp
top of tt arid the (ede will not fulfer it to be Sideritim ſecundam.
| Of the thyrde kinde of Sideritis.
J ke thyrd kinde groweth in walles and wyneyardes /and it hath many
leaues/commyng from one roote lykovnto the leaues of Coꝛiander/a⸗
bout ittle ſtalkes/ beyng a ſpan hygh /ſmotendre
th/ /andſomthyng sobptifh.
Bt hath rede floures/iñ taſte bitter and clammye. Afherbe Robert had had
| tobpte floures as it hath rede, it myghte haue well ben the thyade kinde: of
> Anideritis.Sut the other kinde that hath the Lobptith ſtalkes
/after my tud-
ment ts the thyrde kynd / vhyche
e maye be called in Engliſhe Coriandze
wounde wede.
| The vertues of the kindes of Sideritis,
The leaues of the fyrſte winde layd to/do bynde woundes together, and
delende them from inflammation. The leaues of the feconde kynde ts alfo
| GO0d for woundes. The thyrde Kinde is allo good for blodye and grene
Of the Carob tre,



Ofthe (arob tre.
Be fruyte ofthe tre that ig calledin Breke Keratonia/
wea iS named in Grebe Keration/inLatin Satiiqua, of the
MAE liater Grectanes Eploceraton/ in Jtaltan Carobe /i
be | ee |Seenche Carouge Spaniſhe Farobas /in Buch fant
) | Johans bot: but hove that is named in Engliſhe/
ANSE AY 71) cant not tell/ fo? 4 neuer ſaweitin England/yet J bane
iste (S|had the tre of it/ gro wing in mp gardin at Colon tn Ger
manpe/ and J baue ene the frupt in dinerfe places of Italy/ vohere as it is
called Cavobe. Bet allthough tips frupte be not nether hath ben in Eng⸗
land that J have beard of for all that all the interpretours that haue inters
preted the neo Teſtame/nt haue Engliſhed ſiliquas coddes /notvoythout 4
greate error. Foꝛ ſiliqua allt hough it ſignifye fom tyme acod o2an butke of
beanes or peatenoz ſuche other like pulſe/ vetit ſignifieth in the xv.ofLuke/
the frupte of a tre /and not ſimply a cod oꝛ a huſae voythoute anye addition,
whereof it ig a cod/ſoꝛtt isnamed in Greke of Lube Keration. Che tre twa
talle tre/and it bath leaues tn ſuche oxdze as the aſſhen leaues grotoe in/ but
they are muche rounder and (hogter/and tn Dede the braunche of the Carob —
— n

tre is lykelt bnto a bean/both in frupt and leaues ofany tre 02 pullethat J
know. Che fruyt is lyke alonge dat beane/in coloz rede /intaſte vohen tig
tipe and Doped Tusete/but dupleafant whylle it isgrene. |
Thele thynges beynge for tt were better to Engliſhe ſiliquas /Carob
coddes/then coddes alone. Che tre map be named in Engliſhe a Carob tres
and the frupt a Carob/oz the tre maye be named a bean tre, and the fruyt a
Carob beane,Ffany man cau fynde anp better o2 fitter name/Z (hal be wet
content theve wyth.
The vertues of the (arob.
Keecſhe and grene Carobes ave euell fox the ſtomack/hutOe loute
KB ue | che bellpe-the fame Dated Top the belly / andbecome better {oz the
five) | tomack. hep prouoke allo bgine/and {pecially ſuche as ave layd
bp in the ſtones of grapes.
Out of Galene.
The Carob beane ingendreth but a noughty iuyce
/ and it ts full of wod
by reafon whereot tt mult nedes be hard of digeſtiyn /and thys ts aneuell
propertpe that it hath /that tt will not iightlpe go doune. Mherefoze it wert
better that they were no more bꝛought from the Eaſt countrees, vohere as
they grow hyther into thys countre.e wꝛyteth alſo: The carob tre called
Cerotontats of a binding and drying nature /asthe kruyte is /whych is cal⸗
ied Ceratium / and it hath ſom ſwetenes in it. The carob hath one thyng lps
kevnto a chirrye/for vohylſe tt ts grene/itlouſeth the bellye moze/aud when
it is Oped tt ſtoppeth the bellye moze/becauſe the moyſture is ſpent awaye/
and it that is of a groſſe ſubſtance
/ dothonlye remayne. of
Of Muftarde.
Sinapi primum genus. Sinapi hortenſe.

< — —

A Uittarde ts nether diuided into kindes nether deſcribed of Dioſco

e/a rides / becauſe it was fowell knowen in hys tyme. And now it is
ſo toell knowe /that
n ttnedeth but a ſhorte deſcription /whiche is
— metelp well fet furth in Pliny. Foꝛ he in the xix. boke and viij. chap
ter toriteth thus of muſtarde. Muſtarde is of thre kindes /vohereof one kin⸗
| Bets berye ſmall. The other kinde hath leaucs ipke a rape. The thyzde kind
» ath leaues lyke rocket. Chys is the diuiſion topned wyth a fhorte deſcrip⸗
p HON. Chere maye be made an other diuiſion of muttarde by the fede / wher⸗
» ofonekpnde is whyte /and the other blackiſh bꝛoune oꝛ rediſh. It that hath
che wyhyte fede/is muche ſhorter /then the other kindes that haue the bꝛoun
my fede.Ftthat groweth inthe gardin /grovoeth vnto a greate hyght /and it.
dath verye manye and longe beaunches. Ft that grovoeth in the corne in
— — alitle from Glalſenberrye /ismuche ſhorzter then the gars
Pp dine muftarde is/but nothynge behynde it tn biting and fharpnes. Deut
a tarde ts named in Greke, Mapio: linepi/02 ſinapi in Engliſhe /Frenche, |
Gud Lowe Duche moftarde /in hygh Duche Senlle/in Latin Sinaptos |
7 Sinapis.
Xa The

Of Muftarde.
>. 1 The vertues ofMuffardes —

We belt muſtard ts it that is not Loethered ride vorincled/

— WRM and is rede and full growen / and vohen it isbrokeritig
agrene within / and ag tt were ful of tuyce/ and as ttwere
iP mei graye in colo27foz fuche itis frefhe and ofa perfect age,
(CEN |The bertue of muttavde is to heate to make fubtil and
Co Draw vnto it / and noben tt is chowed, to dzaw doune
— thynne deme from the head: but the iuyce of it menged
th mede/ikit be gargled wopth all/it is good fo2 the diſeaſes of the almon
des aboute the rootes of the tonge/and fo2 longe roughnes/and hardnes of >~‘

the bopnde pypes. Fit be broker and put into the noſe thrilles / itmaketh a

mai to rele: itis good fog them that haue the fallinge ſikies /andtt Kereth e

bp weomen that ave ſtrangled ofthe mother... -

Jt is alfo good tobe layd bpon the heades of them that baue the dꝛow⸗
fey euell/oforgetful fiknes/called lethargus /after that the heareisſhauen
of. Itit be menged woyth a fpgge, and layed vpon the place vntill that tt be
rede/itis good fo2 the {ciatica and for the mtite / and to be ſhorte fo2 euerye
olde ache/where as by the greffe ofan other parte / hoe will remoue anye
thynge from the depe/vnto the feinneithealed alfo {called heades / where
as the ſtalke ts rede /and the beare falleth of. If it be layd vpon
the fore pla⸗
ce/itſcoureth alfothe face/and taketh atwaye blevoe markes that come of
bruſynge /ilit be layd to wyth honye o2 fat/oz voyth a cevote mayd of tare.
Att be layed to voyth binegre/ttis good foz tepres and votlde {cabbesy and
rynninge {curfte. gt ts good to be dzonken foz agues vohyche returne a⸗
gayne by courte at a certayne tymefo that it be ſpzenkled o2 put into the
dzynke alter themaner of perched barle mele. It 18 alfo good to be mens
gled voyth dra wpnge emplatters/and voyth fuche asare prepared agaynt
{cabbes. and thefame broken wyth frgges / and put into the eaves, tt is
goon for them that ave hard of hearinge.
And itis good foz theſoundyng oz
nople of the heade. The iuyce of it {fit be layed to voyth honye /is good for
the Dulnes of ſyght / andfor the roughnesofthe epbrecs . Men bie to prefie
out the iuyce otit /whylſe tt is grene/ andthen to drye it in the fut. Galene
apeth that muttard ts hote and dave in the fourth degre,

OutofPliny. |

IIthagqoꝛas dyd iudge that muſtarde was motte princi⸗ ‘

MB) bree) WAY Pall of all thoſe chynige s bertue were carted vp
— 3 into the head / becaufe that there is nothynge that per⸗ —— —
— —

emg Cheth moze the nofe and the brayne thenit Doth. And it
f ,
cetteth furth bis poure and ſtreyngth bery far anode. Ff.
tia that to greate a flepe bere them that hane the forgetfull

ſyknes/itis good to be layd to emplaſter woyle ether bpd


the heade
/orthe ſhynnes
/wyth a fygge and binegre.Ithealeth by making
of bititeres bp the realon of the burning heat/anye parte of the bodye ou ak
— : ie
Of the berbecalled Sion. 138
she vohych euel humores and faultes of the body ought to be dꝛawen oute/
from the depe vnto the ſain
/ and taketh awaye olde aches ofthe bzeſte/ loy⸗
nes and ci a the forclapd meanes. In a greate hardnes tt is layed on
wythout a kygge / but if greater burninge be loked ſor / it islayd on a double
cloth/ goynge betwene.

Of the herbe calitd Sion.

Pama De herbe that isnamed in Greke Sion/and tn Latin

— Sium /isluppoſed to be called of Pliny lauer. The fame
al. s called of ſominEngliſh/
wal but falſely
/water creſſes
of other belragges:but to haue ſom ſure and comon naz

4 me/itis beſt to call it water perſely/o2 ſallat perſely. Fe

| 5

: | Ni [is named tn Duch Bꝛunnen peterlin /oꝛwalter merk /in
[atime talian Gozgoleſtro/as Matthiolus ſayth
/and in Spa
niſh Kabacas/in Frenche Beric,
Sion as Dioſcoꝛides deſcribeth it/groweth in the water, and is a ſmal
buſhye herbe /
growynge ryghte bp and fatt/it hath brode leaues lyke vnto
/and of a ſpicye ſmell.By this deſcription they are con⸗
Alexander/but leſſer
futed/that bold that bꝛooklen
/called in
Duch Bachpung
en be (yon
when as it bath nether leaues lyke vnto Alexander/ nether groweth ryght
bp/but groweth lovo by the ground {pdelinges/fo are they alfo confuted to
/ vhen as tt Hat's no leaues lyke
take water kreſſe o2 burn kreſſe to be ſyon
vnto Alexander. Ether Matthiolus knoweth not the ryght {por o2 ellis J
Kuo woe tt not. Foꝛ the Sion that Jknowoe /hath not (ede in litle coddes/but
inthe toppe after the manet of aniſe/and the roote is rot lyke the rootes of
water crefles.Jam far Decepued/ercept the figure that Matthiolus ſetteth
m ©out/be not ipke the monſtre that Horace maketh mention of/ vohych hath a
im mantis head let vpon a horle neck /andmany diuerſe fethers vpon them
i £02J haue gone thoꝛow England/hygh Germany and lovo Germany /and
agreat deale of Italy/where as J ſought diligentlye allkindes of herbes/
viñt] could neuer fynde pet any ſuch herbe/asMatthiolus ſetteth furth for
* flon/ fo2z bis tion bath the verye true rootes and coddes of water creſſes/
i © LObpch neuer man
/ as Ithynke dyd ſe tnſion. Let men that ave learned in
> the hiftozy of herbes iudge
/ whether J iudge ryght oz no.
There ave two kindes of herbes beſyde this, /vherofthe greater is in all
thynges / ſauinge the bignes is like vnto ſion /theother kinde is ofa cubite
hyght / and bath leaues verye lyke perſelye in figure /ſauinge that they area
great Deal bigger. Jiudge that thys Kinde ts called ofPlinyſilans
/ vhyche
as he ſayeth
/naſcitur inglareofis & perennibus fluuijs, apij ſimilitudine.
T he vertues of water perfely, called in Latin Sium or Lauer.
The leaues of water perlſely / whether they be eaten rawe
/ oꝛſodden do
breake the ſtone
/and dziue it out
/and they allo pouoke a man to make wa⸗
ter /and they dꝛvue oute ef a womannis bodye
/both her burdin and her flou
res. Galene graunteth alto that Sion is fo muche hote
/asit is well ſmel⸗
/ when it istaſted.
Aa ij Of
Of Perfaeper and Skirwurtes.
Sifarum fatiuum magnum. Sifarum fatiuum minus.
yy }- 20

—8 WeyRec bay,

—— \ —



eae VS d
*a= Wk

By }lus fet furth two kindes of

: i523 Sile/rbutag they agre in p
A= feconde kind; which is oure 2a

ſkir vourt / lothey differ much in} for

mer kinde: for wher as Fuchlius ma:
keth the kormer bind of fifer, to be our
perlne / Matthio
pe lus ſetteth furthin
bis figure a kinde of car/ot whyche he
layethiscalled in Suche/guelin eger
gelim / inFrench cheruc ¢ gyroles/dut
bis deſcription afterwardes /agreeth
not wyth the figure of the herbeỹ he
Vises, palnteth for liſer/foꝛ he Delertbeth fiter
5 cthus
. Siſer haber folia olus. A tre/ac. Si⸗
' fer hath the leauesofAlexander with
a ſtalke and a ſhaddo wy top Ipke bn-
to the herbe / called pattinaca, myth
rootes a {pan long / hauing wyth init
a ſinewilhe pith /fomthpnge bitter in
talte /and tn coloz ſomthing of faffrou
and pleafant onto the mouth. This de
(cription agreeth with nether of the fi
gures of Matthiolus that he hath {et
furth and vot he made the Defcription
yym ſelfe. xt
Of Per{nepes and {kirwurtes. 439
Ft agreeth not topth the {pitte kinde fog it hath not leaues lyke vnto Mes
pander/nether any fuche lyke leaned herbes /but it hath leaues lyke onto a
Carot. and it agreeth not vopth the fecond figure, fox the rootes of the her⸗
de / that is oure Skyrwurt /bath not rootes a {pan longe/foz they are not
fout inches tong. Cherefore the Defcription that Datthiclus maketh /a⸗
greeth wyth nether kynde of the herbes/ vohyche he letteth in ys pictures.
pliny thoo kyndes of Sifer/and ſayeth thus: Si⸗
fer erraticum fatiuo ſimile elt et effectu. Chat ts Siler the wilde is lyke vn⸗
to the tame
/and alfo in woꝛkynge.
And in the xix. bokẽ and fyfte chapter he
partelp deſcribeth Siſer thus:Ineſt longitudine neruus, qui deco@is extrahitur,
amaritudinis tamen magna parte relicta: neruus idem & paitinace maiori, duntaxat
aniculz. Chat is/there goeth a ſynevo o2 appthe alonge thozowe the Sifter,
wyyche after that it is ſodden/itisdzawen oute sand pet a greate parte of
the bitternes abydeth till, the greater paftinaca hath the fame finevoe / but
onlye after that it ig a peare olde.
Chele be Plinyes wordes /whoſe autorite / if te toere bounde to geue
credit to/then ſhoulde nether oure Peſnepe/ netheranye kynde of oure Ca⸗
rotes be Siler/loꝛ Jhaue diligentlye fatted both oure perſnepe and oure
carot votes/but ‘Fjcan fynde no bitternes at all /nether in the oute parte of
/ nether
m in the pith o2 ſynewe
/asPliny calleth it. Jhaue alfo taſted the
lrirwurte roote /and in it Jhaue founde verye litle vitternes/ not wyth-
landynge ſom / vut not fo much asPliny ſemeth to require, and wohplle J
talted it/ Jfound it heter then bitterer /but Jfounde tuche popertycs in tt
that gf Dave vecken {urelpe/that thysis a kyñde of fier.
But as foz oure perſnepe/as itcari not be filer of Plinyefokuowe Ino
cauf/ eiohy that it maye hot be liſer in Dioſcorides /lauynge thatthe greate
wetenes mape ſeme to hinder it / foz tt that is verye ſwete /isnot wont to
ouose an appetite/but rather to take tt awaye.

The vertues of Sifer.

| a ieroote of Siler ſodden
/ispleafant to the mouth sand p2ofitable for
x —* ſtomack.Jtdoth tye a man to make water / aud it ingendreth an
Of the berbecalled Sifon.
if Nw F ys Iſon wyche igcalled both of Plinye and diuerſe both
lea) Gan aes netoe anD olde Grecianes /Sion isno otherwyſe de⸗ 5
— 4 NG pa (cvibed
of Dioſcoꝛides/but thatIthath (ede ipke perfely/

asitwere litle
Ny longe and hote intatte/ and that tthath

EY connes in the top. fpnide no herbe tn any place that ever
“9 Jhaue ben in / ſowell agreynge vnto thys {hort deſcrip⸗

tion/ asthe herbe vohyche ſom haue abuſed fox Amomo/

Aa ti aud ig
Of the Lerbecalled Sifon.





and ig called of fomtbla


black pertelpe. , It groweth : aboute hedges and! a


rete leaues
lyke aperfhep/a longe ſwete roote/ —— —


/andblack ſe/ dewhyche in Dede is warm but not berye hore thers
fore J Dave not ſaye/thatthe herbe ig the righte fifon, o2 elli
| s Jdurſt haue
*ay 2haue pronounced that it had ben the ryght {ifort /But it map be

The vertues ofSifon:

my © iSGood to bE dronken agaynſte the diſeales of themilte
them Cha t car not well make toater/and for —— tafox
te theyrz naturall ſiknes. Che inhabiters of Sppria where as it gros
weth / ble tt fo a ſauce recepuinge it woyth a fodder gourd and —

Of the kindes of Siſimbrium.

Wea J
—V g a houibes maketh| two windes) oklilymbriumtutt/
/ bobereof wherok one
one gro⸗
iN ‘ — con peb e ie laniBe /and the other in the tnater echfe bine
— groweth in the lande /is named of fon as Rete
2 writer
Of the kindes ofSifimbrinm. rae 4 it
wyeterh fecpilluim tpiuetire/and it groweth in lande that istot plowed 9
It ts lyke Dito minte of the gardin/ebutit hath bꝛoder leaues and
petter ſmellyng. tolcozides in the Detcription of menthe (pluettris, O2 men
thaltri/makethitto haue leaues greater then liſlpmbrium. Of thys Ddelcrips
tion of Dioſcoꝛides/a man maye gather that ſitÿ mbrium is lpke vnto pens
upe tyall/ether both tn leafe/and the maner of crepyng and grotoynae / OP
at the leat in crepyn /gand that tt mufte haue greater leaues then gardine
minte/and lefler leaues then the wilde minte called mentaltrium Pate
thiolus in bps later edition fapety /that ſiſymbzium ts called in Duche
VBachmuntz /oꝛwaller muntz / whyche cau riot agree wyth the deſcription
thathewoziteth thus ouer bys ſilymbꝛium hortenſẽ. Foꝛ howoe can voaſ⸗
fermunt /z
thatis water mint/o2 bachmuntz /that is book minte /be gar⸗
dine ſiſymbrium.
Howe alo can ANymbzium be called well hortenſe /leynge that Dioſco⸗
rides weiteth that it groweth tn places onmanered 02 plovoed / 02 vntrim⸗
med/ when as gardines ave maneved and digged. Therefore J doute tohes
ther Matthiolũs knovoeth the ryght ſiſypmbrium or no. J take ſiſymbrium
fo2 a binde of mint
/that is called in Engliſh baum mynte /whetheritgrow
in the felde
/oꝛbe bꝛoughte into the gardine/itis of amiddel bignes betwe⸗
ne horſe minte
/andfone gardin miũte.
The leconde kynde of liſymbrium is called tardamine alfo /in Engliſhe
water creſſes
/inDuche brun kreſſen
/o—waſſer kreſſen /inFrenche creſſou
The water creſſe is a water herb/eandgrovoeth in the fame places that
fion 02 water perielpe gro weth in.Itis called cardamine/becaule tt refems
bleth cardam/um that ts gardin crefles in talte. Ithath leaues fyrſt round;
but after they be growen kurth/ they ave indented Ipke the leaues of rocket.

a The vertnes of both the herbes called Sifimbria.

He ſede of the herbe called ſiſymbꝛium primum in Latin/ and in

guy |Cugltth baum mint:it it be dꝛonken wyth wyne /itis good forthe
Ae |D20pping out of the wate/r and it is good alto fox the ftone/tt fans
—= aes

> — thet allo the gnatopng02tozinging in the belipe / and the hich⸗ —


Coch) other wayes called the yilkinge. Che ſeaues are good to be layed to


) the temples and forhead, for the head ache:they ave alfo good for the ſtyn⸗
| Synge of walpes and bees.
FEitbe dronke/
nitſtoppeth perbzeakynge. Chis
perve is of an vote natu
rehoteand drye in the ſecond degre / whpile ==
bts grene/hote and Deve in the thyrde degre: when it is dzved /and in the
ſame degre is thelormer ſihmbriumnmn. 67
oe ; Ha iiij oi
Ofthe puls called ſmilax hortenfis,and in Englifh Kidney beanty
Smilax hortenfis,

Milar of the gardin tohole fruptes are called lobia⸗

BS A oa aaah Chat is coddes 02 huskes 02 ſhal

pela Gene

called fhe e.. It

A DAC leaues lyke bute Buy, but fofter and finrag


aller Fab
Vee] bes/and clatpers tounden in butthes/ tohereunto thep
Y srey are (et, whyc
WBN, AY) acbores and hthy increale to that greatnes that they make
nges ipke tentes.Ft batha frupte ipke
: — <= Fenegreke/but longer and moze notable /vohere in
anephevnto kydnes are
/notall of one coloz/ but ave for aparte fomthpnge

L he vertues ofKidney beanes.

Ee feupt is fodden wyth the fede, and itis eaten after the maner
of a wurt oꝛ eatable herbe / ag ſperage is eaten, it maketh aman
| Wake Mater and cauleth heuy dꝛeames
Of thefharp Smilax.
Smilax aſpera.

He (harpe ſmilar hath leaues Ipke vnto wodbin/
many final beauniches,full of pꝛicke utus
s vnto pali
oꝛ the bramble. It voindeth tt {clf aboute trees/crepinge
vp and Doune. Itbeareth a fruyt full of berrye/sasa lit⸗
lleclut teyng
/grow r out ofthe top of the tinal byaunches/
I wyhych isrede /and biteth alitic in taſt.
/when it ts rÿpe
It hath an harde roote and thyck. It groweth in mer⸗
tif) and in rough groundes.
T hevertues ofthe [harp Sinilax.
6 hh cafe and fruyte of thys /area preferuatiue cz triacle agaynſt dedlye
t tf a-
popfones whether they be taken before or after. Som wozite tha lde/
ne chp
‘ye man geue allitie of thefe bꝛoken into pouder vnto a newe boꝛ
that be (hall neuer after be hurt wyth anye Deadlye poyſonIt . is allo put in
to preferuatine medicines to helpe agaynſt Deadly poyſones.
Of theſmooth Smilax or great arbor wynde.
Oftthe [harp Smilax,
The (moth tinilar/wyrche maye be calicd in Engliſh Arbor toinde /oy
great winde /owithwinde/hath aues lyke to Juy /but ſofter and ſmoo
ther/and thynner / and longe bzꝛaunches/as the rough ſmilax /vohyche are
wythout prickes. Thys doth alfo wind it ſelkaboute trees as the other. Ft
bath a fruyte lyke a Lupine / black and litle. Ithath aboue manye vobpte
floures / androunde thorowoe oute all the baaunches:and there of ave made
arbors 02 ſummer houles. Gut tt Autumne/the leaues fall of, Chus far Di
oſcoꝛides.As foz the ſyarpe ſmilar/ J haue ſene tt diuerſe tymes /and ZF am
ſure the deſcription of Dioſcoꝛides agreeth well wyth tt: hetherto haue J
kounde no herbe / wherewyth the bole deſcription of ſmilax leuis doth agre,
Foz allthough the greate voynde topth the great bell floure be in ail other
“partes agrepnge pth the deſcription of Dioſcoꝛides:yet the fruyt agreeth
‘« Not/for it ts not Ipke vnto the frupte of Alupine. Aetius alfo tn the healinge
‘of a droplepAapeth that the ſmilar /vobpche groweth in the hedges by the
water ſyde/bzingeth furth coddes as the kidney beane Doth / called gardin
ſmilax. But Z neuer fave anye kinde of wynde / oꝛwyth voinde /oꝛarbor
woinde/haue anye luche cod /wherelore F mutt confeſſe/ that J neuer ſawe
the rygt herbe /whyche is called ſmilax leuis. The herbe that Matthiolus
letteth kurth in hys figure fo2 ſmilax leuis/ hath nether a {ede lyke Lupine/
noꝛ pet coddes lyke vnto the puls/called ſmilar hortenſis: voherefore tt can
not be ſmilax lenis in my iudgement / excepte that there be other kindes of
Lupine/then enerJhaue fencvand other bindes of coddes 02 hulkes of the
gardin ſmilax/ thenhaue cummed to my ſyght. The herbe that Matthiolus
fetteth furth fo2 ſmilax leuis/isinmy tudgement the fyette kinde of Volubi⸗
lis int Melite /where of he Loziteth thus:
_ There ts one great kinde ofhopnd 02 voythvoinde / whych hath mylke in
it /and ts called th Latin Funis arborunv that ts the rope of trees it hatha
vohyte floure lyke vnto a bell. Dioſcoꝛides taketh it foꝛ atemporat herbe/oz
sellis a litle hoter/then tempozate/and to be Daye in the ſecond degre. It rez
Glueth/rypeth /troureth, touteth and openeth the mouth ofthe beticllesof
the bapnes/and therefore tt isgeuen voyth tragagant/maſtick/{picknard/
and whaye /itdeliuereth men from the ſtoppinge of the liuer and the vay⸗
nes/that goeth betwene
the liuer and the guttes /and therefore it healeth
_laulides wyth the iuyce ofperlely /andſicorye oꝛ vohaye/itpurgeth gentely
burnt choler / and therefore tt helpeth rotten agues / andſpeciallye fuche as
‘are longe cholerick agues/tt ſcoureth alfo avoaye the excrementes and out⸗
Afaebreſtes and lounges/and therefoge tt is good foz them that ave

Of Nighte/bad.
Cian Jaghte fhad oz Wetemorell is calledin Grebe Strich-
Amnos/ inLatin Solanuny in Barbarus latin Solatrũ /
ET wae Ui Duche Macht ſchad/
in Frenche Moꝛelle. Might had
ENN) alts a buthy herbe/ whyche ts bled to be eatenitts not ve⸗
ry great /it
hath many holes lpke vnto Arne holes at the
(etting on of the bꝛaunches and the talk. It hath
Of Nyghte fbad.
Solanum fomniferum.
. xX rxOa

7 > aay S fro 4

* ] /, . > t \ fs f 8*

" ws yy

| Ft hath black leauts and greater then balil and broder: it hath a rounde
| oy berrye /the berrye is ether black o2 tede / when tt isrype /theherbs
agentle tatte topthout hurt.
T be vertues ofNyghte bad. ~
Henature of itisto cool e the leaues layd to hopth per⸗
a ched barley mele/is good fog faint Antonies fyre/that ts a colerick
inflammation:and it is good againtt tetters.Ifthe leaucs be layd
t= theinflammation in the
Ito by them felues / they ave good to heale
| tomer of the epe/called Egelopa /whyche tsdiſpoſed to bꝛede a fiſtula /and
alſo the head ache:they are alfo good for an hote oꝛ boplinge fomack. They
dzyue awaye the hote intpofteme behynde the eare/called Parotis / tf they
be broken and layd to wyth ſalt. The iuice is alfo good for the hote intlam⸗
/ and tetters and fuch lyke rinnyng {ores 02 Hote ſcurt oꝛ ſcabbes
/it tt
be layd to wyth whyte lede role oyle anid litarge/and wyth bzead/ttheleth
/called Egilopa. Itis good foz childꝛen » haue p burning in
diſeaſe of veye
Pheadafoz v mAamation of thebrayry ¢fylmes aſkinnes that go wat
e) :

' 4 .

Of Alkakinge or winter chirrer
f . i

Slit be poured topth role ople vpon ones headitis menged wyth ep medi⸗
cines tn fede of water o2 of an egge
) /whyche are layd to agapnti harpe go.
Lopriges of the eves. Jett pe poured in/ it
is good for the ache of tye carey sé


it be lapd to voyth wool/itſtoppeth the hue that weomen haue.

Of Alkakinge or winter chirres.
Halicacabum vulgare.




— EN

¢ ‘ GE

AREA Here isan other bindof Soimucal

mled Palicacabu
and Philla lisithath leaves ipke buto nici thabeAut
S| Yet bꝛoder hen
. hys ftalkes are fully gro oen thep bo-
Doe Co the ground: tt hath the fruyte in litle fede beficiles
) — 99 au rede a golde/and allo
Cu e a grap02e wynberry / whyche the aari;
makers ble in making of garlandes. ha dase
T be vertues of Alkakinge.
It hath the tame bertue
, that gardingardi nyghtſhad hath /but thatot itistis not
to be caten/the frupte of it dronke n the taundes/and —— wa
Of the kindes of Sorbus. 143
ter. The inice of both the herbes called Solanum / is bled to be prefled furthy
Oud Lohen tt is Datedttis fet bp tn the ſhadovoe/andvohen it is dzeſſed after
this maner/itis good for all tyefe purpofes aboue named.
Of the kindes ofSorbus.
Sorbum ouatum.

YEXS gaa —
os etVa —
oe SS \, COAG


dere) ito myremembꝛance. The two fyrſte kindes whycheJ

th oe eau, |KO we/haue icaues (0 lyke as can be/ſet wynge wyſe as
——ccthe alſhe leanes grovo/ indented / but they differ in §fruit.
‘The former of them hath rede berrpes lyke cozall bede /gros wyng in greate
clutters/Lobpch the byrdes eat inthe beginning of tointer/the tre groweth
Urimoplt woddes /and it is called tn Noꝛthumlande/arotwne tre/oz awhit⸗
kentre/inthe South partes of England/aquick beame tre.
The ſeconde kinde hath a kruyt of the bignes ofa si aaae 02a wild
Of the kindes of Sorbus.
WN’ peare/alitle longer then a crab
/but not full of the falhion of a pear. Chis tre
Igroweth —— — in hygh Almany /where ag the fruit ts called ſor
bere 02 forbepfie Land ſpierlin:it may be called in Engliſh ſorb appel.
The thprde kinde vohich is called of Pliny forbus foꝛminalis/hath a lefe
\ much Ipke onto a playn tre leafe. Thys tre ts called tn Cngith a lerupte trey
as though aman wold fay a oe tre. The fruyte is almolt as ſmall as are
haw / incoloz bꝛoun/ in taſte bindifig/as the other Choo kindes are. And thys
Kinde euen as the ſoͤrbappel is berye pleafant to be eaten vntill t¢ be rotten,
but then itis very pleatant but not ſo piealant by a greate Deale as the fob
appel is. —
The vertues ofthe thre kindes ofSorbus.
The forb appels beyng yeloto in colour befoge they be full rype
/ikthey be
Cut it peces / and Dyed in the ſonne /ikthep be then eaten
/they will top the
belly. Allo the pouder of them
/after they be beten 02 ground
/ifit be taben in
4 re of perched barley mele sand taken in and the broth of them doth
e fame.
Of the herbe called Spargansum,
Parganium hath leaues tyke vnto the herbe hobpche ts called in
(SAS Lat in gladiolug/and in Grebe riphion/and that ts fnall after the
1.5% mane of a fall ſege oꝛ ſheregraſſe/called tn Latin caver; but the
== leques ave pet narrotoer/then the leaues of tt that is called gladio
lus/and moze botopnge:in the top of the Talk are rounde knoppes lyke bes
/ where in is (ede. Thys herbe gro weth moſt commonly tn waters and
/theknoppes are full of litie tuftes|Chys herbe is comon in England
and in many places of Germanyp/but Jneuer heard anye Suche noꝛ Eng-
liſh name of tt:but vntill we can happen vpon a better name, it maye be cat
led bede {edge 02 bnop ſedge.)
T he vertues of Sparganium.
- ny roote is good to be geuen voyth voyne agaynſte
the poyſon of (ery
Of French or Spanifb brome,
partium iscalled in Greke {partion/in Engli
paniſh brome oa
¥ |Sreuche bome:that hartium is not ginifta of the LatinesJhas
ue lulficiently pꝛoued befoge intreating of the brome bulbe.
Tbe deſeription of Spanifb brome.
ee ete Ppattium is abuthe /hauinge tonge thoigges withoute
a ful oom lCaues ſounde/very tough /and fom binde byndes wyth
ene agthem
It beareth
. coddes lyke vnto phateles, tober in ave
24 {edes lyke vnto lentilles. Ft hath a floure iyke vnto wall
]cgelouer /called offom Hartis eale. This buthe groweth
Hee Wy in Diuerle gardines tn Cngland/ein Spayn /——
ai ed hie N=

: ~
n c h o F S p a ? ’ ifbrome
Of Fre


* ae





Re ay

wylbe.Itgroweth tt mp Lorde Cobhammes gardin at Cobham hall/ and

als at Shene in the gavdine.Jthath leues in ded/ebut fo fall that I tape
Be that Dioſcoꝛides toke them foe 110 leaucs/becauk thep were fo litle and
{etoe/that thep Deferued not the name ofleaues/oz cllis Dioſcoꝛides looked
Spon the braunc/ whych at that tyme had noleaues, And that thys is
ipke to hauc bene (o the aflirminge of Dioſcorides that ictammus of Can
Dy had no Hloures nog fede/ may bring credit vnto my geffinge. For tt is well
tg it bath bothe doures and ſedes thoughe Dioſcorides neuer
The vertues ofSpaniſb brome.
|e fede and Aoures of the Spaniſh bꝛome are good to be Dronken
| wyth mede in the quantite of (woo {cruples and an halfe / to pours
Ge fronglp/but wythout iepardye vpwarde: but the {ede purgeth
4 dounward.Ffthe thoigges be ſteped in water/and iuyce be pref
| fedoutvatter they be weil bruted/a ciat of it will heale }Difeates of the ſcia⸗
fica a pfqupnantte o2 chokes,ifit be dronken fatting fom bie to fepe the in |
bipne / and poure them in by a clifter/to them that haue the ſciatic/abythis
meanes it Detucth Furth blodye matter and full of fringes 02 ragged peces.
6b ij Df
Of the herbecalled Spartum or §

Elide the buſhe that iscalled in French bꝛome⸗

whych ts called ſpartum. There ts an herbe ala
Vive: fo called ſpartum
/ and of fom writers fparta/as
ANT WH ttt thys prouerbe: Spartam naGus es,hanc adornas
Ceuta a for Pliny in the xix boke and fecond chap. mas
BHM beth mention in thele wo2des foloroyne of the
berbe ſpartum 02 ſparta: Herba & hic fponte na-
{cens,8 que non queat feri,tuncus quod proprié aridi
Ee Y Eyed Aoli:vni terre dato vitio,nanqueid malum telluris efts
is— ee sz.81 necaliud ibiferi aut naſci poteft,&c. And a litie afs
— — tet/in ſſccopræferunt cannabi funes, ſpartum alitur
demerſum, veluti natalium ſitim penſans,&c.And a litle after: Iunco Gręcos ad funes
vſos nomini credamus,quo herbam eam appellant, poſtea palmarum folijs ; philuraque
manifeftum eft: & inde translatum à poenis,perd; fimile veri eft. Thus farre Plinye.
Mut of thele woꝛdes J gather that the herbe that he wꝛiteth of isa kind Of
fea bente/o2 fea rilhe/nohereof the frayles are made/that figaes and raſines
are caried hether in out of Sypapne.
The fame bent 02 {ea rihe hate J fene

int Mozthumberiand/belpde Ceton Dalauale/e ther they make hattes of it.
| Jhaue alfo ſene it in great plenty in f.plandesofEaſte Freſſande /whereot
the one is called the iuſt / andthe other mordenie: there men ble thys J—
| . Op
Of the herbe called Spoudilion. 145
onelye for to make ropes of it(as Pliny writeth andto couer houtes wyth
it. Itmay be named in Englithe Sea bent/oz fea riſhe/oꝛfrayl vithe.7yaue
not rede in anye Good autor/that it hath anye vertue to heale any diſeaſe.
Of the berbe called Spondilion.


7 Pondilion ts named in Greke Sphondilion/in Duch Ber e klaw

nepe or
iW —J wild Paſteney / ttmaye be called in Engliſhe ovo perſut hed⸗
middow perſlnepeßIt groweth in moyſt middowes/ xabo
| ges ydes /but not Inthe hedges.)
f T he defcription of Spondilium out of Diofcorides.
i Sees hath leaues after a maner lyke vnto a playn tre lea⸗
ues drzawyng very nto the ipkenes of the leaues of Ponax. The
ftalke is a cubit long 02 longer Ipke vnto fenels ſtalke: it hath fede
a ipke vnto {elt dubſe / bꝛoder / vohyter / efuller of chaff ofa ſtronge
greuous ſmell. It hatha voote lyke a radice it groweth in merriſh and
watery groundes.
‘a : Bb tif The
T he vertues ofSpondilium.
He fede ofcotwe perfiep dronken/ſcoureth oute fegmatike mater thos
_ vow the belly and guttes. Itbealeth allo them that are diſeaſed in the
liuer/the taundes/tyem that are ſhoztwinded/ thefalling ſiknes/ the tray
glinge of tie mother. Ika man that ts failen in to Depe a tlepe/recepue fpers
fume ofitAt wil waken Him agape. Ita mannis head be anoynted mpth
the opie wherein tt is ſodden /itwill help them Chat haue the pyrenetye the -
dro wſey o2 forgetinlieuct and the heade ache.Ff it be layed to wyth rue, it
Holdeth and ſtayeth creping fozes and tetters.Che root allo is goad for the
Difeate of the lyuer/ and fo2 the taundes. Che fame ſhauen /aud putin, wat
teth away the hardnes of fiſtules o faite woundes.Che iuyce of the flemes
eynge grene / is good for matterp caves. Thys iuyce mape be Deped in the
/and layd op ag other iuyces be.
Of certayn kindes ofthifteiles.
Ta eG) DinainLatwris proverlp call athift
edel/ and in Greke
Fer ARE; | Acantha.orobeitis called vnpꝛoperly after a metapho
ricall maner(pina ts taben fo2a prick, becauſe thiſtelles
—oꝛlpine/are molt full of pꝛickes. Firſtthat acantha fiants
ee Id tieth a thpftell/and not an hawthoꝛn /oꝛa thorne wyth⸗
ASL LT) out anye addition/as the moſt part ofſcoolmayſters and
bog: a media Cranflatours Engliſhe tt:3]am able to proue/not only bp
000 Gr eke authours, but alfo bp the belt Latin vozyters
/that acantha in
Greve lignikieth a thyſtell t mape be proued by the autozite ofArittotel in
tye bij. boke ofthe hiſtozy of liuing and lenſible ſubſtances
/and in the thyrd
chapter/woho voryteth thele voordes: is,
THK Gia cnowope-ya,cngvO's Seow7ris
,n——— uC Sst TH0p TortektTap
cnoap veneru. Chat is ta faye thele are {pintuoza/that ts thiftel eaters and
ber the name of the thyſtell/hevnderſtandeth the {ede of a thiſte/ laswhẽ
Wwe fape/a man eateth moze wheat then rye, /we meane nether the blade of
wheat nether the ſtraw noz chaff, but onlpe the {ede of voheate. Ffacantha
ought to be Engliſhed a thor o2 an havathorne/letbs fe vohich byrdes thep
be/that Ariſtotel calleth acanthophagas/and as diuerſe interpeetours Enz
gliſhe them thon eaters . alriftotell fapeth that Linetes and Goldfinches/
and Grene finches /are acanthophage: who ener fawe any of theſe thee kitts
Des of byzdes cat thornes /oꝛthe fruptes of thoꝛnes? Cherefore Jmaye faye
vnto them/that Engliſhe acantham and ſpinam/ thoi 02 an haw/ whych
is the fruyt ofa whyte thoꝛn. Erratis philof ophiam & plantarum hiftoriam igtio-
rantes. Foꝛ belpde this place now alledged:Ziglcorides in the chapter tober
as he intreateth of the tre called Kododend/ron wzyteth thus: Merion brits
geth furty a fruyte lyke an Almonde /astt were a certayn home/vohen asit
is opene/
ditts full of a woolly natureApke vnto the dovn of thiſtelles. The
Gretze hath ramzois cnevbivorr. NYO heard cuer tell/that anye thon tre, had
any dovon oꝛ anye wollye nature, lyke vnto the Dotone of a thiftells Plinye
alſo wozitynge of the herbe called Erigeron / whyche toe call in Engliſhe
Groundlell /ſayth thus: The head of Grounteil is Diuerfelp dinided woth a
n eft {pina Nhat ts {pina here:an hawthoꝛne o2 a thyſtel? when
haue pe fene the thozne tre haue anp Dotont? by thele places tt ig plapne that
acantha in Grek/eand hina in Latin ſignifye a thiſt/el
and no ar Ht
Of certayn kindes of thyftelles. 144
ſcoolmaiſters tranflatours vit to Engliſh it now a Bayes. Thefane word
acantha Doth Sp. Luke bie tn the parabie of the ſower in the biy.chapt. «all
the tranſlatours turn acantham ſpinam / butthe tranflatozs of the Latin tn
to Engliſh/ notvoythout a great erroz/turn ſpinam into a thoz whe as ſpi⸗
na betokeneth not a thorne
/ but a thiſtel.
ForLube voriteth thus: Aliud ceci-
dit ſuper ſpinas,&ſimul enatæ ſpinæ, luffocaugrunt illud. And ſom fell vpon: wyat?
the thornes/oꝛ vpon the thiſtelled ſede:and wared o2 grevo bp wicth it /and
chouked it. Mho biethtofoo vpon thoznes/wwhether thornes ſignifye chorn
trees/ orthe {ede 02 fruit of the thogne tre: ho dare ſaye that a thorne tre iu
one peat can growe fo hyghe/that it maye be able to choke the come? Is a
thorꝛne able to grow voyth the corne/as Lube fayeth/fo hygh in one pear? J
trow nap. Therefore let men carne to Engliſhe acantham oz ſpinam a tote
tel /when as there is nothyng put to them.
Of two other kindes of thy/telles.
9) soiconides twriteth of twa herbes wobpche haue phe names/but
gave \ fox all that/Diier in deſcription
/ and tn (ubfance/the one is called
lag oy itt Greke acantha leutze: and the other ts called leucacantha.
Ako former called {pina alba/groweth in Ftalpe, and in fom places of
Germany/ebeipde Sionin Cugland.Z know no Engliſh name for it /but
it may be called in Engliſh vohyt thiſtel Che other kind called tn Grese leuz
cacanthasa in latin {pina alba
/isſuppoſed to be the herbe named of p comd
Herbavics Carduus marie/and in Engliſh/milk thiſtel oz maries thyſtel
The vertues of thefe two kindes ofthyſtelles.
The vohyte thyitel called (pina alba/hath a root good for the (pitting of
blood for them that ave diſeaſed in the ſtomak and guttes.Itprouoketh wa
ter /and itis good Co be lapd Co emplaſter wyſe foꝛ ſwellinges. The broth of
itis good to waſhe the teth wyth /fozthe teth ach. The fede of it dronken/is
good fo2 chylder that haue the crampe / and fo2 the byting of ferpentes.
Leucacantha or (pina alba/named in Cnglifh milkthyſtel / path a roote
good to be chotocd in amannis mouth fo2 the teth ache, the broth of tt / ta
ken in the quantite ofthee ctates wpty wyne /isgood fog longe pleurelics/
fox them haue the ſciatica/xfo2 partes }are buriten ¢ ſhꝛonken together.
: Of the bawthorn tre. :
He havothorn tre ts called in Grebe Oxyacantha /in Latin wing
acuta/in Duche agen dorne. Many haue iudged that Orpacan
tha o2 {pina acuta boas the berberyp
tre / otherwyſe called a pirtdge
©} tre.But Matthiolus hath brought good refons to prouc/p Dryas
canitha is our havothorn /and not berberies
/and Jhaue nothpnge to faye az
gaynſt his argumẽtes/ſauing that Theophzaſt rekeneth Orpacantha amd
gett the trees/vohoſe leaues fallnot of in winter:odure hawthoꝛn Icaues da
fallofin tointer then it ſemeth p our habothor ts not orpacantha tn Theo⸗
phꝛaſt. Ifthys were anſwered to/then durſt Jmoꝛe boldly pronunee }ouve
| hbavothoon were orpacantha.Itappeareth by tt} ts written in Columella
our hawothorn tre whych hath berp whyte floures/ a rede frupte /vohyche
ſwoyne deſpre bery much to eat for he voꝛiteth thus:Suibus nemora fant conue-
quæ veſtiuntur quercu, fubere, fago,corylis,pomiferisd; fylueftribus,ve
| duntalbe {pinz, Grace filique,iuniperus,lotus,prunus
& achrades pyri.
Bb. iiij That
Of the hawthorn tre.
That is the great woddes ave fit for ſwyne/ wohpche are anozned wyth o⸗
kes/ cozke trees /beche trees /andwyld trees /that bung furth fruytes wyth
ſtones in them /asave (pina alba/that ts as Jiudge vohyte thornes /Greke
carobes/the Juniper
/ thewilde lote tree and the flo trees and the wylde
eave tre.
‘ In thele hordes F vnderſtand vnder the name of {pine albe / the hats
thorutre/ whych hath a frupte/ as all men knowe
/ verye fit for ſwyne. And
ere is alfo to be noted that there is avould — agaynſte ſom that haue
holden the contrary / whyche pzunus ts the ilo tre 02 black thozne tre/o2 the
wilde builes tre, |
Of the berbe called Stachis,



— 8
Tachis is a litle buſhe lyke vnto hore hounde /but longer. It hath
‘Many leaues rough
/ one far from an other/harde/horve/of a plea
fant ſmell sand many thoigges/ cumminge furth from one roote/
—~— tobpter ther hore hounde:it grotocth tn hygh hilles /and in rough
places. Jhaue (ene one kind of this herbe/grotopng tn London .—
Of the berbecalled Stachis. sis
Kichardes gardin
/butno vohere ellis tn Crigland.
The other kynd dyd mp
> Frenide maptter Fauconer ſhe voeme after thathe came oute of Italy. Thys
) date binde agreeth better wopth the hardnes of the leafe that Dioſcorides
f{yeaketh ofbut it wanteth the {nell that the fame Dioſcoꝛides requiveth in
tachivercept the age tobe away the fell from the herbe that he ſhewed
ane. Thys may be called in Engliſh long here hounde, 02 wilde hozehounde,
T he vertues ofStachis. X

' Stachis hatha bpting and hote nature/by realon tohereof the brothof
the leaues dzonken
/ dzawe Doune to weomen theyz Aoures/aud Depucoute
the ſecondes. : :
| got Of Stanisakera
ba 2». Staphis agrias
= Ns
| —
os ; wf EK



Taphis agria/is calledinDuche Weis tune oderLanskramt⸗

Rſm̃ Englithe/ Stauis aber. Jneuer lawe itgrovynge out ofIta⸗
(9k) ip/but only in gardines. Htauig
OF Stanis akers
Hanis akte hath leaues cloucn lyke vnto the wilde wynde “it bath
litle ſtreyght ſtalke/sloltand black /and a lloure yyke wadde / anda eden
litle grenẽ coddes /or(ede veſſelles as the cich hath/in figure theetquared¢
rough /inblack lomthyng dunne re/ dewhyte wythin /andſharp tn taf,
The vertues ofStauis aker.

Fa man geue to any body
ten or fpften of che ſedes of it in mede
O: honyed water / they will bꝛinge oute groffe matter by bomit,
‘Thep that haue dzonken them mut walkeafter the takinge of
— them: and thep mutt tabe hede/that they geue oft tymes medey
becaute thep beige a man in ieperdy of ftranglinge and burne thethote,
The herbe ttfelfe brokers and layd to wyth ople/is good fog the loufep cuel/
Agapntl itchyng or yvuking and ſcabbes. Ffit be chowed, tt bꝛingeth Doune
muche wateriſhe Heme. Ititbe ſodden wyth binegre and the teth be toate
{hed theretopthitis good fox thetethathyand it fatteneth loufe goumes.It
healeth the hote foxes of the mouth topth bony.
Of the herbe calledStichados ofthe apothecaries.
— Kix ‘iterChere ave two kindes of Stechados/for there ts an.
r Beaune Other binde called Stechas arabica/belpde tt that Dict
cores maketh mention of.Ftof Arabia ts leſſe then the
) Other/and blewer in the foures of the ear 02 top. The Stichas of Pꝛouince
oof the plandes of France is greater and bouncer. F haue {ene beſyde thete
Ai the mount Appennine an other kinde of Stechas /which ts called in Bo
) tony Stechas montanaithath ſmall ranches all full of litie leaues /amon
NH gelk tye vohyche grow oute diuerſe very long ſmall leaues/nothing Ipke the
other. And becaute that all the kindes of Lauander are both lyker in faſhon
aud figure/and alſo in properties in ftechag/then other vnto {pike celtik /02
i) tpike of Fnde/F had tence call thein pſeudo ſtichades /and to britig them bit
» devthebmbdes of ſtichados /thento name them{picas germanitcas / oꝛItali⸗
as / asFuchlius and Matthiolus do/ folotopnge rather the rude fort e too
ye Vath geuen then that name of (pikes/becaute they hauc (picas/that is long
| tptkes 02 eares. Stichas is named tn Oreke ſtechas o2 ſticha /sandthe Was
tines ble the ſame names / and the apothecaries call it ſtichados. The ſte⸗
das that Dioſcoꝛides twriteth of, is very plenteous in the toune of Poule/
Gnd in diuerſe places of the Weſt countrep/ where as tt ts called Caſſidonia
| Sean) lauandar /andabout London it is called Frenche iauander. q |

Lhe vertues of Caßidonia oute 6f Diofcorides.

1 iw

4 like broth of flichados/as the broth ofhylope/isprofitable and good for



the diſeales of the brꝛeſte.Itis allo good to be menged Lopth trtacles «

! 4

| — from ſtoppinge. It maketh fyne/fcoureth and

| ii

epugtheneth all the bowelles orin warde partes

1! |

/andthe hole bodye/and

| i}

) thebole complerioChey

n. that.are diſpoſed to know moze of the nature of

Michadog let them rede Detue de limplicibus/ather thep thal kynd tnough. 1

| Of ( omfreya.

a) |

Joſcoꝛides maketh two kindes of ſymphytum

/wherok the kormet

X kinde is called ſymphiton petreon / andhereof Jintend not to Lore

Ite/becauſe tt grovoeth not in England that FJknow of. The other
DExinde is called ſymphyton alterum in Duche ſwartz wurtzel/in
Engüihhe comfrey/ ol the comon herbaries conſolida magna.Th
| Gale two cubites hygh o2 hygher / ſmoth / thicke / kull of comers/hoys hath a
lovs emp
asð talk of ſowthiſtel is/about the which ſtalke /arerough leaues(great
baces goyng
bettoen narrow long//anddrawyng nere bnto the likenes of
winter boꝛrage.
The ſtalke allo hath certayn appeãringes out of thynne lea
Hes cleuing about the corners ſtretched furth from the holo tettinge onof
| ucep leate.Che floures are pelow/the {ede is about the talk as
P B.Che bole fale and leaues haue molieu fede
alitle harp horynes /whych when it is
duche /mat
d e aman iche oz puke. Che vootes are wpthouteblack/toby
in mmp/ and thep ave allo profitable and muche to be bd, te
“4 — — J
HE rootes are good if they be broken and dronken for th
that ſpitte blo
ode/ and are burſten The fame layd tovare cane
glewe together freſhe woundes.
They ave alfo good to belapd to
intlamma tion/es
and (pectallp ofthefundamentwpth thee leaues
of groundſell. ’ — * Vv

Of theVobetre
rusis called in Grebe {milar, in Duche eibenholtz
OX Prag
|Criglith Uahe.Che Ughe tre is of the bignes of a fre
aay cec/and hath leaues lyke vnto the fame. t grotoethin
VG. Italy and in Narbone of France/whyche tsnexte vnto
Ts |pap.The byrdes that eat the berries of the Italian
UZ) W774! Uighe ave made black: and men that eate the famevare
— —*caattinto a fire. Che Ughe of Marbone is fo full of poy:
lon /that ifany ſhepe nuder tt/oz fit vnder
the(haddote of it / arehurt eofte
tymes Dye. Vherefore FJ haue weitten thele wozdes of the Vghe tre/that
met ſhould beware ot it. Chus far Dioſcorides Virgil alto in bys —
Of the Turpentine tre. 5 agt
) anifieth chat the Vghe tre is full of poyſlon/ voher as he voriteth thys verte:
Sic tuacyrneas fugiant examina taxus.
@alene allo vopiteth that the igh tre ig of a poyſoned nature.
Ofthe Turpentine tre.
Crebinthus is named in Grebe Terminthos/Jhaue not ene the
tre in Eugland /and therfore J haue heard no name of tt: but leſſe
it ſhuld be without aname/Z call tt Turpentine tre, becaute Cur
| pentine cometh oute of it.Jhaue lene both the leaucs and berries
) ofturpentine/wbhpcl grow in Ftalp/but J haue not ſene the tre it felfe.
Becaule Dioſcoꝛides deſcribeth not Eerebinthum / andTheophraſt de⸗
Aribeth tt at large. J will tranflate vnto you the deſcription of p turpentin
tre out of TheophraſtDf . Turpentine trees one is male/aan other ts p fe-
male. The male is baru/nofp females one bꝛingeth kurth kruyte by g by cede
ofp bignes of a lentiſl/whych can not be made ripe/the other bringeth furth
Agrene one/xdieth after rede/a maketh tt at the lat black /when as tt war
| ety ryp e
/ wyth grape/xit is of the bignes of a beane full of roſin/ bꝛimſto⸗
> np. The tymbze o pturpentine tre ts tough, & the rootes are mighty in the
» ground: thys tre is taken hole to be vncoꝛrupt. Itbath a floure like bite p
/but of a rede color. Che leaues are fo2 p moſt parte all about ove lit
dliue tre
ic falke/Ipke vnto bay lea/ growyng by payres together one agaynſt an
) other/as the ſoꝛbapple tre leaues grow/ſt tt pis inthe outermoſt ende of tye
) papres of leaucs/is od/but the leaucs are not fo cornered/as the ſorb tre is /
and in the goyng abou they are moze lyke vnto the bap tre leale/ then the

| hob tre leafe. . :

| The vertues ofthe T urpentinetre, and ofthe Turpentine.
Che leaues/the fruvte,athe bark of the turpentine tre haue a bindinge
_ “poure/a ave good for all hinges p the maſtik tre is good for E they are pre-

M pared after the fame maner/é ave taken after the fame mane. Som eat the
Mh frupte/but it is euel for the ſtomack/amaketh a man pifle bocil ¢ heatech /
© doth herp much fir a man to the procreation of childer. AE it be dronken wW
) wwpne/it is good foz the biting of the feld ſpeder. The roſin o2 turpentin P eG
> meth out of tt/is brought fron Arabia Petrea.Itgroweth allo in Jewep/
S Cppus/in Africa tin Ciclad plandes/ which is better ther all the reſt/eis
© elere/ethorow feable/wohpt e a glaſſe € biewilh gray
like /well ſmelling/and
b tefembling in ſmell the turpẽtine tre. Amongeſt all rofines/profin called tur
© pentine/is principal mattics deferueth pcond place. Cye roſin of the pyne
tre foloweth mattikin goodnes/after the which folow the roſines of p rede
five tre/zofit} is called ſtrobylus:ſom take ſtrobilus fo2 a tre /other as Ga
lene/take it for the pyne apple. But enerye rofin ſofteneth / heateth/ poureth
© abpodelcouretha ts good in clectuaries by it (elfen2 w honpe for coughes.
> Ft cſcoureth alto avoay it }flicketh in p brette.Itſtereth aman alfo to make
water/ amaketh rype/afofteneth the belip/a tt ts good foz lepres /voyth bert
© greffecoperus/anaturall falpeter.noith honye and ople tt te good fo, mats
> terrinnitige cute of the eares/andagaynſt the itche of the pꝛiuye partes. if
» ttbelayd toby it(elfe/it is good for tye ache in the ſyde. —
c |
Orchis mas anguttifolia. Orchis foeminaanguftifolia,

Triorchis mas minore

WeC\\\ —
EN ,
5 XQ Vig
Of Adders graſſe and other ofthat kindes. 4
THE G|Clticulus is called in Greke orc his is: tt hath
a) PraN| the leaues fpredebythe ground /abont the Talk and the
S| MARN Fe|bottoivinuchipke bnto a foft olyne ſeale but narro wer
Aand ſmother/and longer.Che ſtalk is a ſpan long /woher
—1 a in are putple floures/and a knobby roo t loge/
WZ : Nn theo. gro wyng together /narrow lyke an oliue bervp/the
| | — pale
8 ote oueam the other beneth / andthe one of them is
» fulvand the other foft/and full of wrinkelles. | a
There are Diners kindes oforch isch are called in Latin teſticulus/
)) that is a ſtone One kindeofthem hath manp{pottes intheleafcyandiscaic
IP ied adder grafic in Mozthitberland: p other kindes av tn other coutrees cale (olor orod)
ied for {tones o2 hear ftones/e they map after »pGrebe be called dogſtones. bis

Cf the verties of Adder graffe.

4 roote of it/tohen it is ſodden inough / is eatable as bulbus is/they

write of thys herbe/that tfthe greater roote be eaten of merit maketh
» men chyidzen and if the roote be eaten ofweomen / itmaketh hocomen chil
der And mozeouer/thisis alfo tolde of tt/that the nocomen of Theſſalia ge-
© neit wyth gotes milk/to prouoke the pleature of the body /vohylſe it ts ten⸗
I) Dev/but they geuc the dre one / to hinder and flop the pleature of the bodye.
I) And it groweth in tony places andin {andy groundes. There is an other
A kinde wohych ig called Serapias /asAndreas ſayth for the manpfolde bie of
/butbeoder and fat /bowynge
hath lgaues Ipse bnto a leke/long
the root/it
/ and
I) inward about the ſetting on of the leaues/and litle ſtalkes a ſpan hygh
ſoures ſomthyng purple:there is a roote in vnder lyke vnto ſtones.
Dee > oe Dhevertue of the fecond kinde ofTeſticulus.
Thys iayd toshath the propertve of Depuing awaye ſwellinge and (couif
) ving offozes/and to {tay running tetters.Itputteth awaye filtules/and
) Atbelapd tovit ſwageth places that are inllamed a (et afpre. Theſame deye/
oppech eating fores/and rottẽ ſozes /and tt healeth the greuous foes that
) ateinthe mouth. It ſtoppeth alfo the bellpe, if it be Daonken wyth voyne.
| Men geuce all the properties Onto thys/y are geuen vnto the former kindes.
Of triacle muftarde called T blaspt.
» Pe Hlalpiis a litle herbe wyth ftrapte leaues/akingre lo/ turned to
es the ground/aboute the edge tagged / andſomthynge kat. It
hath a ſmãl ſtalke / ofthe hyght of two ſpanne s h bath a fewo
/ vohyc
J furth growoynges:and about the hole/ thefruyt isfomthpng bode
/oto ligure of a diſſhe oꝛ copte
) “from the top wherein ts fede lyke vnto crelſles
it were chyru together/alter turnyng of Cornarius ¢ bzoken ol/ where⸗
bpon it hath the name.Jthath a lloure ſomthynge tobpte/and tt growech
us is nes
in wayes and about hedges after the tranflation of Kuelli
ferthe Greke. Thialpi is namedtnLatine thlaſp /in
ium Duche bauren⸗
d s muſtard / oꝛ diſhe
enttitmay be named in Engiſh triacie muſtar
“muttarde.Itgroweth much in the cogne both in ons and ut ara
. c Uf an
Oftriaclemuftard called TThlaſhi
f oe win e

amd J haue (ene it belpde oꝛmes growyng befpbe diches and atFrrane
fort about the walles of the cytie
/inEngland in mofte plentye aboute Si⸗
on. Jn London tt groweth in matlter Riches gardin and matter Morgai
nes og in matter Hambzidges gardin in Summerledſhyze as F vee
The vertnes oftriacle muftard.
6 Bie(ede of tis ſharp
/oꝛbiting/and heatethy and it purgeth choler bps
. Warde and dounwarde/ tftt be dzonken in the quantite of tooo vnces
and an half. Itisalfo good to be put in by a clifter fog the diſeaſe of the ſcia⸗
tica. Taken in Dinkitdziueth allo blood and it bꝛeaketh inwarde impottes
mes / and bzingeth Dour to weomen theyz douresand it is euell foz weomũ
whych ave wyth chylde.

CutofGalene. . |
The Thlalpt that is bꝛought out ofCandy /and groweth there / is be⸗
twene rediſh yelow/ and pale yelow /infigure rounde/ſolitle fom tyme that
it is leſſe thet p come of millet. Che Thlalpt » cometh out of tire
O/ she Linden tre. 153
/ and the ſede is not fully rounde, and it is muche greater
toward blacknes
then the ſorenamed is /and vpon one ſyde tt hath a litle thyng/ like as tt wer
where vpon it haththe name. Chat ig rekened to be the bette
a bruſinge in /
groweth in ſaurot /and it is nether lyke tt that groweth in Candy/nor tt
groweth commoniy in other places. Theſewoꝛdes hath Galene wꝛitten of
Thlapi.Matthiolus compleyneth that ye thlaſpi in Italy bath no inden⸗
ting about/butin Englande we haue no ſuche cauſe. Foꝛ tt hath litle cuttin⸗
ges oꝛ iaggynges about the edges of the leaues /and ſpeciallye of them that
are next vnto the roote.AnDd as touchyng the fede/F could neuer fynde te tn
auy place as pet fat/but euer round and rede, and tt chat is written of the
bꝛeakynge of tt/and of the fon of a Difhe/after my tudgement ought rather
to be vnderſtanded of the {ede veſſelles then of the (ede it ſelle. For the fede
/andthe fame a litle bruled/is bro
vpelſell bꝛinge hole/hath the form of a diſhe
ken into Choo partes as into two halll diſſhes. Let euery man folowe tt that
be fyndeth to be moſte truc/both by realon and by erperience/in this mater.
Of the Linden tre.
Of the Linden tre. :
Pog |sltais named in Grebe philyra tn Duche cin Linden baume / m
Engliſh a Lind tre. Itgroweth very plentuoullp ti Eſſekes ing
parbe within tooo mile from Coltchetter, inthe poflettion of ong
mailer Bogges /itis alfo berp comon in High Germanya it gro:
weth fo far abode cher/that men tet tables aboue in tt; yohereof tom are {5
long that ten men maye fit well adone table/andpet roume remaynyng in:
ough foz many other belpde the table... |
L he defcription oftilia out of Theophraſt.
Ther ts one bind of ttlia that is the male/and an other that is the femal,
Thep differ intember / ain all the fatihon of theyz bodies /becaute that
the one of them beareth fruy/tandthe other ts barren/ timber of the male
‘Ag harde and yelow fuller of knottes and fuller of pricke/sthetymber of the
female is whyter/the male hath a thicker barck/and when tt tg drawen of
tt is not bowyng by realon of the hardnes. The barck of the female is moze
whyte and moze bo wyng /and therof thep make cradellesChe . bark of the
female ts better fnelling/the male is barren and bath no floures: the female
bringeth furth both feupt and fouresChe
. foure ts couered wytha litte co:
uering. Che frupt is long/rounde of the bygnes of a great peaſe ivke bnito p
berrye of an Juy/ diuided into fone comers as it were fpneiwes/appearinge
ſomthyng furth abouc the re /ſt
dzawyng themſelf into a harp popute. The
ee lpbe Juye tn figure/fauing that they ave vound/and haue a (hats
per ende.
Thecommodites and properties ofthe Lyndetre.
The later wꝛyters hold that the diſtelled water of the fours of
tre/isGOOD fo2 the grotopng and griping of the bellp/and bLind
fo2 the blody fire;
foin bie the fame agapntt the falling fiknes. The coles of the
ten into pouder/emenged wyththe pouder of the epes of
Linde tre bea⸗
clotted biood/ creneffes, aiffoine
and ave good foz them that are bruted Lopth a fail. THe mids -
Delo inner bark layd in /ltepe in water hath a flymye moy
ſture/whyche is
Gio ver by experience to be good agayntt all kindes of burnyn
cole ofany tre that lerueth better to make gun pouder of the g: ther isna
the Linde tre. n the coles of
| ?
Of the kindes of Tithymales or Rindes ofSpourges.

Ofthe kindes of T ithymales or hindes ofSpourgs. 154

lowe places lyke vnto baſynes /and there nis fede. It growetl in roughe
places and in mountaynes. Thys kinde hance ſene tn diuerſe places of
England. fpr tn SHuflock tn my lorde Wentfurthis parte beſyde Nettel⸗
ftede/atterward in Sion parke, aboue London it maye be called woode
fpourge. :
‘ The ſeconde kinde is the kemale
/ anb ts called myztites /and it hath teas
ucs lyke a inp2tel tre/but greater and founde, at the poynte (harp aid pric⸗
kye/itbaingeth furth long brawiches a {pan longe.Itbringer furth euerpe
orber pear a fruyte ipke anut that gently biteth the tonge. Chys groweth
alfo in (harp places, Thys kynde haue J neuer (ene growynee oute of gar:
dines. Jknowe no Engliſh name fo2 it/but it may be called myrtel ſpourge.
Che thpwWe kynde ts called Paralius / and it grovoeth aboute the fea ſy⸗
De as Diolcorides wꝛiteth /but FJ haue fene the fame not onlye tn the Weſt
countre beſyde the ſea ſyde
/butalfo tu Germany about the Rene ſyde
xgreat plenty Dioſcoꝛides allo voꝛiteth that ithath boughes a ſpan hight/
ſomthing rediſh
/v.obj.from the root
/about pwhich ar narrow lig leaues
ſtandinge in o2d2¢ like vnto the leaues of far, the head is round in the top/
Tithymalus Heliofcopius,
Of the kindes of Tithymales or kindes ofSpoiroes.
where in is lede Ipke Drobus 028 bitter fic
he, of diuerſe colores.Febath
vohyte foures. wut the bole buſhe and the roote/isful] of whypte tive.
Thys bind in deve hath leaues lyke flare/ but they are much bebder and
longer, and growe thycker together vpouthe bꝛaumches. Jkuowe us Ex:
gliſh name that this hat/hbut vntill we get a better / tt maye be called ether
(vatpourge/orflarfpourge. = +
The fourto ts called Helioſcopius.Fthath leaues lyke vnto porcellayne,
but thinner/ and rounder. It baingeth furth from the roote iiijoꝛ v.bꝛaun⸗
ches/ lmall/ aſpan hy/gh rede fullofmuch whyte licore. The top ts lyke vn⸗
to dyl/l and the ſede ts as it were itt litle heades
/theouermoſt bulſſhy top of
it / isturned abou /wyth
t the turnyng of the ſonne: where vpon it is calicd
Helioſcopius /that islonturner.Itgroweth moſt comonly in olde watteg, -
and fallen dounwalle /sandabout cities. This kinde is called in Diverte par
tes —— nc oh ae aebe called fon fpourge/o2 fon folow-
ynge ſpourge. It groweth muche in the grounde
/ whereas flare bath aro.
nely atter that tt tspulled bp. — —— i?:
: Cyparifsias.

WK" Nets.

x Ces
— ike Sif A
Soy bey
(GAS 9
Gs >
CY wa

The fitiscalled Cppariffiag, and ithath a ſtalk a ſpan tone or longer

omthyng rediſ/houtofthe whych grovo ieaues Ike hs theponetee/but
Bat | tenderer
q Of the kindes ofSpourgess 15}
fenderer and ſmaller /andto be ſhort/itislyxke a poug pyne tre/ lately ſpꝛong
vᷣp/where vpon tt hath the name:thys hath allo very much vohyte iuyce.
Thys kinde groweth much in the ſtuble after the cone ts carted in / itis
/that fa man take not hede/he maye be ealely Decepued
fo lyke Chamepitis
in taking the one foz the other. Jhaue het yerto learned no Engliſh name of
thys herbe/ but tt maye fo2 lack of a better name be called /pyne ſpourge. . ae
The lirt is called Dendꝛoides/it groweth in rockes /aboue it ts berp lav >. pajgdo4 des |
if ||

ne/and full of buſſhy leaues full of iuyce.Jtbath beaunches ſomthyng vede/ | i

about the vohych ave leaucs phe vnto a final mpetel. | | |
FJneuer {awe thys kinde that
The {ede is lyke the {ede of wood {pourge. on
Iremembzꝛe of,

Tithymalus Platyphyllos.


/and it ts lyke vnto mullen/J

The ſeuenth kynde is called Platyphyllos
remembꝛe not that ence Jſawe thys kinde. ee
** — Of the kindes of §pourgess |
T be vertues of the kindesofSpourges, «

— The kyzſte hath a iuyce wobych hath the nature to purge the belly by neth
driuing out fleme and coler/taben t the quantite of a {ccuple wyth vinegre
and water. But ikit be taken Lopth mede
/itpꝛouoketh vomite, Fe taketh az.
waye wartes that ave lyke vnto piſmires hangyng wartes/ and great

thyck ones
/lyxke the headesoftyme and ſcurfines. Itit be layd to, it is alto
good foꝛ aguayles and carbuncles and freting ſores and fiſtels. Che fede tg ’

— gathered in Autumn /eand Dated th the ſon/and lightly bꝛuſed /clenged, and
itis layd dp clean. The (cde and the leaues do the ſame /that the iuice Doth:
if thep be taken tn the meafure of an half aceptable. Che rote caſt into mede:
in che quantite ofa dꝛam / and dzonken /driueth furth by the belly.
The ſeconde binde hath lyke bertue wyth the kormer kinde /butthat the
former kinde is ſtronger in pꝛouoking of bomit. :
The thyrd kinde ts of lpke bertue wyth the former kindes.
The fourth ts of the fame nature wyth the foxmer/but not fo ſtrong.
The frft kinde and the firt kinde is Ipke the vette: and the leuenth kinde
killeth kiſhe
/asall the other kindes Do.
Of Thyme.

a *
Wf '
—— 6s
i ee —— BPA 2
ap? * 4!

ee ———
OF etn ae
er ae

kinde of thyme pet writing of epithpmunt he femeth to make tooo bindes

T he vertues of T byme.
Thyme hath the poure to Detue furth fleme throto the bellyifit be taken
popth vinegre and fait in a dꝛinke. The broth of tt wyth hony helpeth them
that ave ſhortwinded and it bungeth oute wormes / and both floures and
the ſecondes / and the chylde alfo at conueniente tyme receyued/tt proud-
eth water alfo . But tithe menged wyth honye and licked tit maketh
good auoyding oute of a mannis brett.FE tt be put tnto an emplafter/ it dꝛi⸗
ueth away nevoe ſwellinges.Itlouſeth in peces the lumpes of bꝛuſed blood
if it be taken wyth binegre.Ittaketh awaye banginge wartes/and thole
that ave called thymi
/ofthe Ipkenes that they haue voych the toppes of thy -
nc. Ftis good fo2 them that haue the {ciaticalapd to Lopth nopue aid —
Of the rwokindes of Tribult. «
shed barley mele. Theſame taken wyth meat/isgood forepes that are Dull
ofſyghte. And in the tpmeof HealthAttg good for a fauce 02 a ſeaſoner of
meat. Thyme ts hote in the thyrde degre.
Of the berbes cailed Tribuli.
. Tribulus aquaticus. @
Tribulus terreftris.

— here are tino kindes of herbes that haue the nate of Tribu
a C4
PAWN lus: the one that groweth bpon the lande / and the other in
Jena the voater oz bpon the water. z

moh *
Che fyrlt kinde ts called tt Grebe Cribolos cherica :this



{oe SERS
aS er
7AS .>:
| ee kinde as iolcorides deſcribeth it / hath leaues lyke vnto
4 = =! nozcellaprie/but ſmall /andlitle braunches ſpꝛede bpon the
py: eae

gro in them are berp tarte(meaning peraduenture by tart fharp)

© alfo prickes and harde. Ft groweth beſyde waters and aboute olde houles
) ad wayes. )
i Thelecond kinde groweth in waters /voyth the top grotopnge aboue
the water/but it hydeth the prick:the leaues ave bꝛode /and they haue a log
) footttals.
Che ftalk ts great in the ouer part and finall beneth. It bath litle
talielles iyke heaves growynge bp in the lykenes of eaves. Che kruit ts bard
wmotheother ts. The
Of.the herbes called Tribuli.
The former kinde groweth tn Italy aboute Bonony in plentpeAnhete

as J haue lene it. And in Dede the leaues ave moze lyke the leaues of ciches
as Theophraſt deſcribeth Tribulus// then vnto the leaues of porcellayn /but

— they haue foi lykenes vnto the pong leaues of poꝛcellayn. Nowe wohen ag
the one ſayeth that Tribulus hath leaues lyke vnto porcellayne /and the o⸗

—— ther leaues lyke vnto a ciche / they vere verye ſore that ether Engliſhe tribu⸗
lus/athtitel og a bꝛamble/ſeyuge that nether the leafe of a chittel nop of a

bramble/is ipke vnto the leafe of a ciche 02 the leafe of pozcellapne. And ag
for the fecond kinde Of Tribulus/nether can it be a bramble noꝛ a thiſtel /ex⸗
cept there be thiftelles and brambles / that gro voe in and aboue the water;
whych no man betherto hath ſene. Ifanye man woulde knowe 02 alee me
howe F would Engliſhe in Matthewes golpell thys woꝛde Cribuius: Ff
men vol trult mp tudgement/in englithing of thys wozde / Jaunſwere /J
Had leuer Engliſh tribulus/atribie/oz a ciche chittell/then engliſhe tt ether g
thiſtel oꝛ abaamble.
The mater tribulus ts called inDuche Maſſer nuſs: and therefore we
maye engliſhe it awater nut /oꝛclub nut/becaule the kruyt of it is lye a club
full of greate pykes. But fom perchance will faye that Theophraſt an older
autour maketh tooo bindes of grounde tribulus, and therefore tt is poſſibe
that though a thiftcll 02 a bꝛamble haue not a leafe lyke vnto ciche /vetit
mape be lyke vnto the leaues of a thittel/and fo maye tribulus be a thiftel,
For Theophꝛraſt ſaveth: Tribuli duo ſunt genera,vnus folio exit ciceris, alter ſpino-
ſus conſtat foliatusambo terreni. Lo here Theophraſt maketh one kinde of tris
bulus terreſtris that hath pꝛicky leaues:therefore tribulus alithough it can
not be a bꝛamble /yvet tt may be a thiſtell.
Co thps F aunfwere / that Theo⸗
phꝛaſt tn the ſixt boke and fpft chapter nogiteth: Serius germinat qui {pinofus eft,
{emen præcoquis fefamz vicinum, ferotini rotundum nigricans feptum in filiqua.
That is tribulus that hath the prickes in the leaues Doth ſpruit o2 bud oute
later. The fede of them that ave battelp rype/islyke vnto the fede of Seſa⸗
ma/but the fede of tt that waxeth rppe late/ts rounde/blackthhe/clokd bp in
acod. Jipe voill then haue the (econde kinde of tribult terreftris of Theo⸗
phꝛaſt to be a thiſtel oꝛ abꝛamble/ye mutt ſhewe fom thittel 02 bramble that
hath round fede ttt acod
/ozellis J mult thynke that pe erre berp much that
Engliſh tribulum ether a thiſtell o2 a bꝛamble.
The vertues ofthe two kindes of Tribulus.
A Dev are both bindinge/and do coole/and are good to be
mag |ade plapflers of/foz anye kinde of inflammation/with
aye |bony they heale the hote ſores of the mouth/the fore bye
a |ticlics about the vootes of the ton/gand all rottinginthe
mouth / and the fore qoumes. There ts alfo preffed out of
EZ Nes
We them iuyce fox epe medicines. Thegrene frupte of £33
— —Ddionken is good for the ftonesa Dram of tt of the lanbe
n layd to/is good fox them that ave bitten ofa biper o2 aber.Te
18 alfo good agapntte popfoned drinkes / if it be Dronken wyth wyne.Tis
both of tt ſprinkled vpon the grounde/killeth lees. There és an pron wept
Of Englifb Maydens beare.
four pykes called as Jremembꝛe a calltvop that is alfo named tribulus / of
the lykenes that it hath wyth the frupt of tribulus. Chis inſtrument ts cal
) ten inthe way to hinder the enemies that folow flyers very ſoze/tt ts called
) tn Latin Murer.
Of Englifbe Maydens heare.
k Sei

GaliRichomanes groweth in the fame places that Adian⸗

rawed |thuiit/o2 right Lumbardy mapdens hear grotoeth.
It ts
ava pbe vnto a Ferne
/very litle inquantite
/andit hath final
fxs leaues of eche ſyde growyng in orꝛder:in figure lykebnto
E the leaues of aLentill/one agaynſt another bpon {mall
V7 twigges fhyninge tarte /andſomthynge blackifhe. This
E herbe ts called of the Grecianes and Latines both Tri⸗
chomanes / andoffom Grecianes allo Calliphylion /and of other Politri⸗
chon/and offom Cellitrichon:the comon herbaries callit capillum veneris/
whiche name is moze agreynge voyth the ryghte Adiantho. It is.calied as
Maybeng hear oʒ3
Duch widertod /and Menus hare/in Engliſh we call it
Engliſhe maydeng heare. ote
Of Englifbe Maydens heare.
T be vertues ofMaydens heare.
PER AYHol corides Lortteth that Trichoma(th
Glifl) Maydens heareis{uppoted to haune atstsour Ep,
e the fare ber,
SEN) Wy tue that the Lumbardy Maydens heare hath, therefore
PKR) FEturne to the herbe called Adianthum o2 Lumbardye be,
Z rus heave op mapdens heare/and there pe ſhali fyn
4vertues of it at large. Pliny wꝛiteth that the broth of d tye
nmaꝛdens heare dꝛonken Lopth voyne /and a litle tilour
Cumin /healeth the <ptranguric.The tuice ſtayeth the heave thatfallety of
And ift hey be fallen of tt reftoreth themagapne.
Ofthe berbe called Trifolium.
Trifolium odoratum, Trifolium pratenfe purpureum,

“Fagen | Rtfolium isnamed allo triphillon /oxyttiph

anthnes and }
cutcion.Itis a buſſhye herbe, and hath inal twigge
s k ipke
riſh /wher
es ein ave ieaues Ipke vnto the lote tre (whiche J Cuz
glilhe/anettel tre) in eucrpe furth buddinge thee. Che nell of
Chem when thep come tyzlie fuctl/ is Ipke vnto rue /but toben .—*
Of the herbe called Trifolium,
Trifolium pratenfe album, Trifolium luteum.

are full growen /they ſmell of earth piche/called in Latin bitumen. Fe bꝛin⸗
Heth furth a purple foure/a fede fomthyng trode/and a litle rough /hauiuge
AS it were on the one ſyde alitle cop. Che roote ts fall longe and ftronge.
The fyrtt that euer Jſawe of thys kinde/greme in Doctor Generus gãr⸗
din in Zurich. But afterwardes F haue fene it oft in mpne oune gardines,
aud of late in matter Riches gardin inLondon Ft maye
. be named tn En⸗
giſh Trifolpe gentie/o2 fmelling clauer/oz triacle clauer /oꝛ clauer gentic,
Ozpiche trifoly.
There ts a common trifolp og clauer that groweth in myddoes / ſomty⸗
Me wyth a whyte floure/and fomtymes wyth a purple, Lobich is called tri⸗
foliuin pratente in Latins whereof Dioſcorides maketh mention in his
fourth booke, wzyting de loto ſylueſtri.

The vertnes ofClauer gentle.

: D
Of the berbecalled Triſolium.

; i
Trifolium V.
} " 1

i 1

— :


AHe lede and the leaues of triacle clauer Donker in water/help the
[Pe] pleurefpe/the topp ing of water/the fallinge ſikenes the dzople
CF) Wythe beginninge/ and the ſtranglinge of y in
the mother.
~__ Doune alfo foures . e maye geue thee Drammes of They diyiie
the fede and
foure of the leafe.The leaues alfo boken and Dronken wyth hon
gre called Oxymel /hel yed bine:
p them that are bitten of benemous beaftes. Som
voryte that the hole broth of the roote bufhe and leaues
/ikit be poured bpon
the bitten place/taketh awaye the papne.<pom ailo geueth e leaues o2 tire
fedes to be dronken in wyne in a tertian/and ina quartapn fou
thynges whych make an ende ofthe returnyng of the agu re ledes / as
{o commoniy put inte pꝛeſeruatiues and triacles. e.The root ts als

Ofhorfe houe or bulſoote.

ms .

—NUſſilago isnamed in Greke Bechio/ninEngliſhe Hoꝛſe hou

fF:Sulltoote, in Duche Kolzhuff / huff battich, in Frenche Pase/ or
Tuſſilago hath leaues lyke Juy /but greater bj. or bij, —
Ofborfe bone or bulſoote.
Tufsilaga., 4

¥* 4

‘rote inthe ouerpartes whyte /and grene beneth full of comers) ita hath a i |
a{pan longe and a yelooefloure. ut wythin ſhorte te |
Nalke in the fringe
tymerticteth both bys ttalke and bys flowee. The roote ts ſmall and fit to
groweth aboute riuers and watery places.
be vled/it

Thbe vertues ofborfe bone. ee i"f

/ andlayd to topth hony/

He leaues of thys herbe bꝛoken
heale the hote inflammation/called faint Antonies fpre. Hi |
SAN | The perfume of the fae leaues dryed taken in bp a tim it
Vp pe \me/fol that aman gaippnge tecepue tn the fnooke/and
Pes om
Dawe it tit deliuereth men frthe Dipe coug/h and |
HENS | feomnthe fhoztues ofwynde. hep breake alfo mnpotte-

mes inthe brefte. Che roote Doth thefame in a perfume.

/anddzonkenttwill caſte + dead chylder.
And tit be ſodden in mede
gd W '
Of Cattis tayle or riede mace,


CThys growethinmeres/and flandinge waters. Jhaus

Si fene ttgrowe mofte commonly amongeſt redes and fede

- The vertue of Cattes tayle. |

Te flotmre of rede mace menged wyth olde ſwynes greſe nell waſſhed
healeth burned places wyth frre oꝛ ſcalded vyyth water.

Of the two Kindes of the herbe called Vera-

trum and Helleborus.
Of thet wo kindes of the herbe called Veratrnmand Helleborus. 160
| Cratrumis named tn Grebe Hellebozos/and ther of are
I two kindes/the wyyte and the black:the vohyt hath lea
rues lyke vnto plantayne o2 wilde betes but (hoster aud
a blacker/and vede in coloz/a ftalk a {pan longe /o3 as ſom
en AN ge Ouderitand the Greke woyde rij.inches longe/hollowe,
Pas) py) Dobich Doth caſt of thevttermoſt barke /vohen it begin⸗
rechto be Dayetthath many rootes/ſmall comming out
ofa litie bead / and foiniepat longe/lpke an vnyon/ itgroweth in mountay⸗
nesand rough places. The rootes muſt be gathered avout harueſt. That is
bette in Lohpte hellebore/ that is meatwably ſtretched fucty whyte/brukle /
hyck /lharp/
riihy /oꝛputting furth duſt
/vohylſe it is bꝛoken
/ hauinge a ſmall
y th andnether durninge in taſte / extremely nether dzawynge out ipattell
clauer in great plentye together:forz ſuch will choke fore. It of Cyrene is
hhe pꝛincipale/but it of Galatia and Cappadocia ts vohpter and full ofdutte
and choketh moze.
This kinde of Hellebozus haue J ſene very oft
/not only in gardines
)aifo ini tiye top ofthe aipes where as J neuer law one hoie
/vutalvoayes the
toppes Were bitten of/and as ZFdo remember / thettalbes were muche lou
P gerthen a fotelonge: woherfore J Doute that paleſtieon be not well trantla-
ted here of Coꝛnarius palmt sititudine/as he Dothe motte comonipe vſe alt
thiough in bps tranflation thys voord palmus fo2 p length of ix.inches long,
Vercept be bie here contrarp to his comon maner palmus fog moze the a ſpan.
) Chis herbe ts called in Suche ndeils nies wurtz:the roote of it is called
tM Englifh neſing pouder
/ theherbe maye be called in Engliſh nelevourte og
| The vertue ofwhyte Hellebore. -
Sing Clnge pouder purgeth by bomite/and bꝛingeth furth dinerfe thin⸗
CMa ges.aeis allo menged wyth epe medicines /whyche mape {coure
P Pion |aware fuche thynges whyche bringe darknes vnto the aple of the
> epe,Jtbꝛingeth Doune flouresitprouoketh neſynge:it kylleth mies
Pee knodven wyth mele and honye. Ftis geuen falling bp ttſelt
/owith ſeſa⸗
/owith mede/o2 with potage/oz with
ug antefe0e/02 the broth of ſodden barley
iam entill bzoth/o2 anye fuche lyke ſuppynge.Som Do geue this vopth a great
Meale of broth oꝛ muche {uppinge/and fom geue a litle meat immediatly bes
mieaore the paticnt take it/if tt be Co feared that be ſhoulde be tn anp ieperdye of
/maye ta-
Me atrangipnac/oz ithe be weyke. They that take tt after thys maner
Beit topthout teperdy.It aman make a ſuppoſitoꝛy of thys / and put tt into
shys fundament/itwill mabe hym vomit.
Of the black Hellebor. |
MMEratrum nigrũ is named in Greke Helleborus melas / Melampo
iC WA dton.Ithath grene leaues lyke p leaues of f playn tre/ but leſſe dza⸗
vvyng nere bnto p leaues ofſphondiliũ / which Jcal cot perftep oz
| middow perlnep/ mo ful of cuttinges/e blaker/xfomthing rough.
eS od ti See
Of the black Hellebor.
The tals is ſhatp:the Poures ave tohpte/purple tit figure of manye berries:
the &de is lyke vnto Spaniſh ſaffron:the rotes are {mall black bangynge
vpon a litle head lyke an onyone / and theie are commonly bled.Ftqrotver
in rough places and bygh and daye places. Che bette is it that ts fet fram
luch places ag is it /that ts fet from anticyꝛa.
Foꝛ the black that is bett /gro.
weth tr tt. Chuſe it that ts full and thy/ck
hauing a litle pyth
and (harpein tat: Hetherto Dioſtorides. |
Men haue ben long of that opinion / that the herbe wohpche is called in
Caglilh Bearfoot/and of other Citterwurtis Hellebozus niger /whom |
haue folowed vntill J founde that the defcription of Hellebowus niger dyp
not agre wyth tt. Dur Bearfoot hath not leaucs lyke bnto a playne tre/but
lyke vnto hemp. Che ſtalke allo (8 not ſo fharp 02 roughas Dioſcoꝛides m⸗
keth the ſtalke of his Helleborus. Foz theſe and other cauſes ſhowed in the
chapter of Contiligo/¥F confente not vnto Matthiolus/otherwayesawell
learned man/ who agapnt Fuchſius and other learned men, holdeth that
‘our Beartoot ts Hellebogus niger Dodoneus ſetteth furth an herbe fo blak
Helleboz/ whoſe leaues agre verp voell with the deſcription /but becaule the
ſtalke is ſmooth /andnot tharp og rough /and the fede ts ipke anis {ede /full
of iwzinckies/and not Ipbe vnto Spanithe {affron fede: J can not thpnke
Chat it ſhould be the ryght Helleborus niger. Bud as foz me/F dave not faye
Chat euce ZF founde the righte blacks Helſeboz /but thys J Dare holbe/thata
man to2 Defaut of it/ maye ble berpe well that kinde of bear foot that goeth
| euerp peare into the grounde / whereof groweth greate plentpe in aparks
belpde Colchetter/and in the welt parke beſyde Mozpeth a litle from the vis
uer called wanſpek.

T he vertues ofblack Hellebor.

RZ NS falt/oz one ſcruple and an halt

alfo ſodden wyth |: ntilles atid
bꝛothes/ whyche ave taken foz purgationes.Itis good for them that hate

Of Mollen andfuche hke berbes
Verbaſcum. Verbaſcum ſylueſtre.

i 8

mn Here are two principal kindes of Verbaſcus /whyche is cal⸗

led Gohlomos th Greke. The one isthe vohyte
F *

—— /andtye other
Aang ts the black
/otthe whyte the one is the kemall/ and the other
AW hehe (Ss the male. Che female hath leaues lyke vnto cole/but rou⸗
ipa ace gher and broder/and wohpterithe ſtalke is a cubit ionge and
i . __ fombobat moze/whpte and hove.
The floures are whpt/ and
) fom what pelotwe
tt hath a black ſede/ alonge roote/tarte/and of the byg⸗
m Mesofafinger. It groweth in playne feldes / but the male kinde ts fon
chyng longett bath vohyte and narrow leaucs, and tt hatha ſmaler ſtalke:
Suttheblack mollen is lyke vnto the whyte in all poyntes: but tt hath bꝛo⸗
eer and blacker leaues. And there ts alfo a wylde kinde that beareth ionge
twigges like a tre / and it hath leaues lyke vnto ſage
/ andhyghe twigges /
and woddiſhe/and about them litle boughes as hore hounde hath/ and tt
Hath velovoe floures Ipke vnto golde. Che whyte Verbaſcum ts called com:
monly in Engliſh mollen 02 bickis faper/and in fom places longwurt. Che
black maysecalled blacks mollen Che wilde one groweth no where in Enz
eile sardines.J haue fene tt oflate in matter Wiches gardin.
tmay becalled in Engliſhẽ Sage mullen.
| T he vertues ofMullen,
» Of Versines ve.
= poie vootes Hf the two fyatt kindes /arebinding/toljerefore they are
good fo2 a lax/if they be taker in the quantite of the bone, called ix
Greke altragalos/and tn Engliſh cok all, / wyth wyne. The broth
of them /helpe places that ave burſten /ſhꝛonken together and bu:
fed/and the olde cough. Chey heale the tuth achetfthe teth be walhed with
their broth. The leaves of itthat hath golden floures fodder inwater /are
good foz ſwellinges / andthe inflammation of the epes/ and fo2 fores that ar
full okrottennes
/ wyth bony o2 wine.
But wyth binegre they heale woun⸗
Des/and they ave good foz them that ave bitten of aſcoꝛpion. Che leaues of
thewylde ave good to be put in an emplatter agaynſt the burninge of anye
Of Veruine.
~ Verbenaca,
| Sacra herde:
2 *

* J
oie \ SZoop 2ate
2 2



aeHer are two kindes of herbes named periſtereon in Dioſco

Ithe one properly periftereon/and the other/Pterobatene properly;
: 2 and fomtymeaifo periſtereon.And Pliny maketh tino —5— of
Cierbena/oz Verbenaca.Matthiolus Loziteth that ther isno dil⸗
Of Veruine. 162
ference betwene thefe two herbes Periſtereon and Hicrobatone /but that
the one hath bys ſtalkes / growyng ryght bp wyth few leaues /one far from
an other /and the other lpeth wpth bys ttalkes bpon the grounde/turnynge
| alitie vpwarde wyth moze leaucs.But the tert of Dioſcorides that Mat.
thiolus taketh in hand to expound
/deelareth fav other difference/then Mat
thiolus ſpeaketh of:fo2 Periſtereon as the tert of Dioſcoꝛides Declareth/is a
pan long 02 longer/and Hierobatone haty braunches a cubit long/and lonz :
S get.iLo here ts great difference betwene
the length of Periſtereoñ and Hie⸗
p tobaton.The leaucs of Periſtereon ave indented and fomthynge vohytiſhe/
© theleaucs of Hierobatone are fo cut in and indented aboute the edges as P
) obcleate is/and they are in coloz grayſhe blewe. Be maye fe alfo that thep
» Differ alto in the coloz of the leauc,if thep Differ not alto in the Depnes of tag:
J amgRindenting as F thinke a man may gather by.Dioſcorides that they
| 00.F02 the former hath but a lyghte cuttinge aboutemade mention of/and
) thelateris declared to haue much deper indentinge/ wherefore thete herbes
) differ much more then only tu the lying 02 Handing of the berbe. And Pliny
) mMpting of the two kindes of Werbenaca, maketh them after che repozte of
wꝛiters to be both one kind not becaule they haue one liknes in leaues /ſtal⸗
» Bes anid Houres/but becaule as he wꝛiteth: quonia veraq; eofdé effeatus habeat,
» decaule they hane both thefame bertu /cs
which fauing as it is cõtrary to it
) that Zotolcozides witeth ofthe bertucs ofthele two herbesAo is bis Defetts
) ptton of them contrary vnto the deſcription of Dioſcoꝛides:foꝛ he maketh p
to be aſpan long amore/e the fecond a cubtt long/and ſomtime longer.
Thelength ¢ the indenting of }leafof p herbe which we comonly call Ver
uine/xthe Duch eilenkrauwold
t/ moue me moze to thinke } our comd Wier
it}Aoures were not fovohy⸗
uine fhould be Hierobatono then Periſtere/on
y) tilh/but coloz is a Decepuable figne, fox in many places a groundes it chats
© Geth/foz all other thinges the defcription of Hierobatone mm my tudgemente
)) agreeth better white our Uieruin then the deſcription of Periſtereon doth/ 1"
i) tetother men tudgein this matter/that ave vniuerſalye {ene in all kindes of
) philofophy/and in olde voryters.
J bevertues ofthe former kinde of Veruine called properlye Periftereon.
AI ii leaues layd to wyth role ople, an freſhe ſwynes greiſe / take awaye
| & the payne tn the mother.The herbe layd to wyth vinegre/ſtayeth burs
uing heates and faint Antonyes fyre/and ſtoppeth rotting/and topneth to⸗
iP Gether wounde
/sand coucreth topth a ſkinne
/ and filleth, voyth flefhe olde
& des. 3

) Dhevertues ofthe fecond kinde of Veruine properly called Hierobatone:

, ale leaues of thys and the rootes dꝛcuken wyth wyne/
| Pag |and alto layde to/are good agaynſt crepinge beattes, as
&fuch like. Che leaues taben tn p quantite of a
Idiam / wyth a ſcruple and an halfe of Frankincenſe
Va drꝛonken in x. vnces of old wyne
/faſting fox the ſpace of
S74) xi dayes agapnite the iaundes. Thelame layd to wage
= MS) longe Coosilinges and inflammationes/and they fcoure
» tHithye fores.25ut the hole herbe it (elfAoddenvwwine /breaketh bp atte
Of the Fiche.
02ſtalkes in the almondes
/and it ſtoppeth the freting ſores of the triouth i

* tt be gargled
there voyth:lom fave that the broth of it be ſprinkled in ab
oꝛ bankettes that the geſtes o2 Dainkers therebp are made merticr. The

thyzde topnte/from the grounde wyth the leaues that grote about it, is gee.
uen in a tertian
/and the fourth (3 fo geuen ina quartayn. They call tt hie⸗


— =* ———

vobatone, that is an holy her
becaule it is berp good fox to be hanged d⸗
pon men /agaynſt tnchantementes and to purifp 02 clenge wyth all.

Of the Fiche.


8 Wit Ips

é Ht


: >. 7


Fcia ts named in Greke Bikion/inEnglith a Fiche oe

Jotſom aTare /inDuche uaickery /in Frenche. la ete |
Hy, Che Fiche ts ſo well knotwen thatit nedeth nodes -
— ſcrigtion all men knowe that the leaues growe by pay⸗
j Wi bes wyngwyſle / on agaynſt an other /and that the fede

|BSS\ Ledet|'Stot(oround as a whyte peate is/but much flatter. Fe
Sal ai. 3G|1SCull to be cater okme/nloꝛit oppepth belly tomuchy
; and tngendzeth a groſſe and melancholike humo: inthe «
ody of aman/but it isgood fo2 beattes/as experience bath taught bs thele
| CEE SE S EE Ss eer
Of wll gelouer and ſtoch gelouers. : 163
manye veares Plinye wꝛiteth that the Fiche fatteth the
there are thre tymes of lowyng of it.Tye kyrile tyme is about the fallinge of
Breturus/that itmaye fede in DecembThe ern isit bet [owen to make 02
ather fede of ty loz tt woill bainge furth ipke-weilafter that ttigones cutte
oune/oꝛcater Dp to the rootes. Che feconde tyme of foLopng ts in Janua
rpe. Che thyzd tyme ts tn Marcan hde
chat whych ts fovoen ther ts motte
fit to bꝛinge firth ſtalkes and bꝛaunches.Itloueth belt dꝛynes of ail thyn⸗
Biethat are fowen:and it refuiech not ſhaddo wy places. The chaffe of tt ts
ſt ot all other/if the {ede be gathered vohen it ts type.

Of wall getoner and flock gelouers.

Viola alba, Violamatronalisalba,


ovc a abba isnamed in Greke Leuc/o

nugh the worde
| FAAZ/q| bet
oben a vohyte biolet / pet Dioſcoꝛides maketh foure kindes of
—4— —4 js)Leucoi /wyeonreof he maketh but one kinde wyth a whpte four,
_ and Chat is the fprte kinds. The feconde kinde hath velowe ſidu⸗
Che third bind hath blew lloures The fourth kind bathpurple atte
J | 4
Of the Violet. |
Viola alba Theophrafti, Viola Punicede


Ft that hath the velovofoure/tohyche Dioſcorides wyiteth to be mete to be

Dled forphyſik/iscalled of the Arabianes Keiri /in Duche geel violetten/in
Engliſhe Wal gelouer o2 hartis eale. The other thre kindes ave called {tock
— there names actoꝛding bute the coloure of the floure that
ey beare.
The vertuer ofthegelouers.
D he diye floures ofwall gelouer fodder to {it in ar good
Waa Wed |for the inflammation of the mother/and to bꝛinge Doune
Meryl doures.Ffthey be recepued in a cerote/thep heal the rin⸗
ninges tn the fundamente. Chep heale topth honye the
Pec! burninge {ores of the mouthe. The fede of it in the wey⸗
7 a| abt of two Danes / dzonken voyth wine
/orlapd to with
2) bonpe/Dzpueth Dounce floures, fecondes and the bythe.
The rootes layd to topth vinegre / miniſhe the bignes of the milte
/and are
good fo; them that haue the qoute. ottye
Of the Violet.
Viola matronalis purpurea.

I? See |

ef asDioſcoꝛide
Jupe / but blacker. /and
the roo⸗
a litle ftalke in the middes from

T be vertues of the Violettes.

re . Ch e le au es of ar io le tt es la yde to
ge natu
| Roya solettes haueacoolinnd alfo wyth perched barley mele / are goed.
Xs&bothby them felues/a ammation of the exes and the tals
mack/the infl
bꝛaburuingeofthfteorfa ri da me nt ; fo me tr it e th at it th at is p u rplein
i tngedoune S go od fo r th e ſq ui na nc ie 02 chou-
wopth wa t e r / 1
P the floureifitbe dzonen in ch il de r. ——
Bepvand fog the falling ſiknes to f M e ſ u e
The vertues o fV .‘ o l e t c o
e n

v4 gl ae
Me 3?
Ofthe Miffel or Miffelto tre.

he twhereag byrdeshaue deuoured the fruy/tandhaue Mitten out theyrz ercre⸗

ihmhentes tn the tre. hh
wirgil allo declareth thefame in thete twooverſes lolo wynge. |
i «=»Qual folet fyluis brumalisfrigore vifcum
i Pronde virere noua,quod non ſua {eminat arbos.

’Fi,vatthete places rehearſed/man mape learne to vnderſtande

this pros. ...
' 4 ’ r 6 \ | :

Bat: Turdus ipfe fibi malum cacat,

D2) Whe thurte ſhyteth milchete her telfe: She ſhiteth out the mifcel ber
) Mell prepared inher ries
bodpe/and lapeth thent bpon the tre, the bervies grow
into a buͤſheand
/ the buſhe bꝛingeth kurth berrie —4—
er maketh byzde ly/
s of the berries the fou
mewhere voyth afterward he taketh the thzuſhhe and
Sthe thꝛuſhe bath ſhitten oute her oune deſtruction. Jneuer ſawe moꝛe
entye of rig hte oke milcel then Hugh Morgan ſhewed me in London, It
Was lente to hym oute of Eſſer· where as there ismoze plentye then in anye | Wl
pbiber place of Englande that3haue ven in.| i
1 ti
Ce ty Che
Ofthe Miſſel or Miffelto ive.
T he vertue of Mifcelland mifcel byrd hme.
IIccl burde ime / hath the poure to driue awoape /tofolten/to
AK2/1 | Deawe /to mabe vipe impoſtemes/ called pinos tmpotlemes bez
SAA yinde the earcs/and other impoftemes wyth like quantite of tos
eV" tn and ware.nopth Frankincente itfofteneth old foxes and rebel

lius impoſtemes.Itmelteth a ſwelled miit/tfit be fodden and lapdto wyth

a gete {tone oz the Aliane ſtone.



Oute ofGalene.
a7 Fteum ig made ofan aeriſhe /wateriſhe hote nature
MA earthly Cubitance/foz the (harpnes of tt/ercedeth the bitternes. It
) dravoeth oute humors myghtely from the grounde/and tt ſcatte⸗
= reth abode {uch as are grotie/and rypeth them.
The maner oflyme ofMiffel berries out
— ae

7* ae

of Diofcorides.
DroDlcordes luppoleth that no byzde lyme is made ofany milcelta




Singe only of tt of theobe:but other haue proucd/ that it maye be


made alfo of the milcel of the Fyꝛe tre.Ft is made thus: Brule


OA, Aiym the berries /and then voaſhe the/m and aftertoarde (eth them
in ‘water . Some ble to make the lime by chobopnge of the berries in theps

1 mouty. :
hit | \| Out of Plinye. —
A mera Ftel byrde lyme ismade of the berries which are gatheredinthe
—90 darueſt typine:fog tfthe rayn come bpon them/ indede thep growe
HOY A greater / but that rotteth awaye that ſhoulde become lyme. After
AMA | ASE that they be gath Deed and then beater/¢they
mult beed
/tyep er
Nae | letthem rot rij. dayes in water. Chis thinge alone getteth goodies by tot
MT || tinge. Then brule them in a running water wyth a male/butill the ſkinnes
00— of the berries be all gone/and the Ipme ware tough.
tre called Vitex.
apm |Iter is named inGrebe agnos op ligos /fom tranflate|+
/ asCheodoze/and oure Linabet |
agnon into amerinam
—do But amerina ts a kinde of falicis biminalis in Colus
LUA Why isalfocalled ſalix ſabina. Che apotheca⸗
A NPA riees call Witicenvagnum caſtum.Infom place of Gers
8 5 many the apothecaries vſe priuet fox agno /andin eng:
Of the tre called Vitex.
: Out of Diofeorides.
=erzyy Tter is a buſhe lyke a tre.Itgroweth beſyde rivers, rough places/
- 9 isand balees.Sthath long boughes hard to bꝛeake. The leaues are
Theone kinde hath a whyte Loure
ath 7 ipke oipue leaues/but tenderer.
se yypth a thinge vefemblinge purple. The other hath a lloure only pur
ple, The {ede is lpue peper:ſo far Dioſcorides.
he vertues of Chafte tre.
oa T hath vertue to heate and to binde. The ede of tt dronken
ALIN good for the bitinge of venemous beattes/fo them that haue the
y the ſwellinge of the milte. Itincrealeth alto milke / and
2) BN dzople
Wvwingeth doune foures. Ititbe dronken woyth voyne ii the quan⸗
tite ofadꝛam/itreſdlueth and waſteth awaye the (ede. It bereth the heade
and maketh a man flepe. The bzoth of the leaues and fede made to fic in/Hel
peth the inllammationes and Difeafes about the mother. It it be dꝛonken
with pennye ryall /and the fede made after the maner ofaperfumesandalio
/it ealeth alto the bead ache.
lay) to/ftereth bp a purgation.Ffit be layde in
Ft is good to poure tt bpon the head / when aman bath a phrenelye / 02 lor⸗
, getfull eue/ll vernge menged wyth vinegre and oyle. The leaues of tt made
) inaperfume/and ttrowed vnder bpon the ground
/driue atwaye ofvenemous
the fame.
bealtes/and ifthep belapdeto / they ave good foz the bitinges
Hovth the leaues of the vynde and butter/thep foften the hardnes oftye ſto⸗
nes. The fede allo layd to wyth water fmageth the papne ofthe niches / of
epuinae of the fundammente, Sut wyth the leaues tt healeth tt that is oute of
iopnte and Looundes.Itappeareth alfo to hegood for chanſyngtsincha a iozney/
ifaman carpe arod of itin bis hande:ttiscalled aguos/that /be⸗
caule tocomen kepinge chattite/in the lacrilices of Ceres/ bled tc ſtraw this
buſhe vpon the ground/and other places. atis called ligos, that is a twige/
becaule the twiges of it are fo ſtronge. ae
®alenefaveth that aqnos is hote and Daye inthe thyrde Degre : ttisofa —
Mubtil fubltance/fharp in taſte /and alfe binding.The fede of chate tre boty
fried and not fried Nayeth the detpre to the pleature of the body. THe leurs
quid floures of it/ can Do the fame:but ſom beleue that the leaues and fiou-
n to kepe the chattite/ but allo tf they
res not orely eater and dronke
be ſtrowed all about wher lolke trede.
Of Brionye. Rirgoviced alt

—9 Itis alba is alto called in Latin Brionia/ and in Greke ampelos

| feube and alfo brionia: itis called in Engliſh Briony / inZuche
Hunds kurbs 02 kurbs wourtsel: it groweth comonipe in all coun⸗
buſhy /pong Guptinges, and
trees. Briony hath long braunc/
leaues Ipke vnto the gardin og manered vynde/ but all thinges roughersit
wWꝛappeth tt {elfe aboute the next bulhes/embealpng them wyth bis buſſhye
amnches or ciaſpers·ithath a kruyt full ofbervtes/ in coloz rede /and there
topth Caines haue the heare taken ofthem. |
q Ge iti The -
0/ ‘Brionye.
Vitis alba.

ay 7 ’

[CB < Be —

—— —* 4 —
igs 1 YY Mr, <a
(| lage

Lhe vertues of Brionye,

— Gaal 2° feel twigges that comme furth Ipke Suto Sper
Ae PWV (odden and eatenvand they peou age are
| La aiid aud allo to the foole. Che teauokeseaman to make tater)
the frupt/and the roote

poſtem/es and if it be dronken and lapde tot bringeth

furth bones /and
medicines, The fame ts good to be it
is good. to be menged wyth Cozofiue
dzonken inthe quantite of a Daam euer
ye dave foz the ſpaceof a peare/ te
Of Brianye,
the falling ſiknesI. tis good
Dufpe or haue a ſwyminge tnfo2 tye?
But tit be Dronken in the qu the heade/ ifi
ave bitten of a viper Rad antite of ty
troubleth fomtyme the mier. It is peri
make water:it it he layd e a litic,
‘em that are almo
at haue the coug

tth fo thinne A
e places be an
weth mtlke fo
Ofthe black Briouye.
Of the black Brionye.
ac k Bꝛ io ny e ha th le au es ly ke Ju y/ bu t ip ke r to the:
7a Hebl ea te/ an
r d fo are th e ſta lkes.
cea ues of <o nl ay / bu t at
e ai fo em br ac e au d cl eu e ab ou te trees Lopth
SAA | Chys do th uy te is ful l of
be au nn ch es an d cl at pe rs .
Th e fr
Ou bys buſſhye wa re ih bl ac ke when it
berri /
e s
gr en e at th e Hũ e bu t tt
. Th e ro ot ? isbi ac d ofthe coloute
ke voythoute / an
NE S Gy ) is ri pe
wythin. *
Emi’) of bore

Thevertues ofblack Brionje.

Br io ny e pꝛ ou ok e wa te r/ dr yu e doune
ddes ofblacke is go od fo r th e Du li ne s of th e
offe the mi lt e It palley.
m th at ha ue th e ta um se fi ke ne s/ fo z th e
a the ‘B ri on es ro ot es /b ut tt
ipke vertue wy th th e no hp te
to wy th Lo pn es at e go od fo 2 th e ch atpnge

itr It al y no ꝛ in Al ma ny e no in En gland:
ch no t the p20-
ma ti fe tt ly co ld e ha
/ th
at thys herbe beynge

dg es t h a g
t oab ou te th e cloffe/
it ha th in ta tt e. I t g r o w e th inthe he
chat is nette vnto them, Som

tis nigra.

e fy rf te Ri nd e o fwi ld e V i n d e s .
Of th
t i o n an d vu rt et h itnw o pl ac es of a to ll de
mee mabett men
he s as a vy nd e/ wo dd iſ he ro ughe wyth a
@) bꝛingeth furth bꝛaunc eu il ſe s/ ſe au es iy ke vñ to ga rd ine
ae and hauinge cr he ar es/a me
lo ng /
er a ur e ly ke a smo ll ye
night ſhad/ebutbꝛoder anid
| Of the black Brionye. 168
Dy final cluiters cede vohen it is rype:the ligure of the &de is rounde.
‘ T be vertues ofthe fyrft kinde of wilde Vinde.
\a He roote of thys herbe heated itt twine, and merged wyth fea wa
» a ter/and dꝛonken wyth two ciates of water/purgeth wateriſh hu
Ff moꝛes / and it 1s allo geuen to thew that haue the Droplep / but the
. ~icluiters clenge the ſpottes that are made by the ſonne /and all o-
Dy ther (pottes. The litle braunches that come fyzſte furth /are ſeaſoned a layd
by bp itt bypne for meat. Chere is diuerſite of opiniones betwen Fuchius anv
im spatthiolus what herbe fhoulde be this Uutis ſylueſtris / Ffuchſius woulde
i that the rinning buſhe grotweth bpon lining hedges /and crepeth vpon tree
iy eo Lopth an horp fruyte/voyth a leate lyxke nyghtefhade/but a litle indented
iy avout/hould be Vitis ſylueſtris.But Matthiolus ſetteth out for bite ſylue⸗
iy dettan herbe vohyche is called of the comon Herbaries amara Dulcis, and it
nn mape be called in Engliſhe bitterſwete.Hfit bad rede berries/then would J
we waue confented vnto Fuchſius / but becaule it hath none fuche that euer J
. peould fe/F dave not geue full content vopth hym. The herb that Matthiolus
Metteth furth fo2 bitis ſylueſtris/which groweth only about diches and wa⸗
eripdes/can not be vitis ſylueſtris / becaule nether the Deftription netherp
Wertues of vitis ſylueſtris agrecth vnto it. Foz his herbe hath leaucs muche
PM tonget and much (harper then the comon nightihad hath:and belpdes thaty
ie about the fettinge on to the ‘falke of euery leafe/yath oneche ſyde a thynge
ie Grovopng furth lybe an care. Ihaue {ene fom Heades of leaues and boꝛeſta⸗
ie ues muche lyke Buto thys leafe. Dioſcoꝛides maketh mention of no ſuche tes
sip te/but of one that tsipke onto nyghteſhade. Theophꝛraſte voriteth chat thys
ie woy ide byiie is bery hote and biting tn fo much that it is bled to pull of hare
mand fuche frekels 02 ſpottes that come by the beat of the ſun. Loke in p
de be Of tiie tori of plantes o2 grotopng thinges/and there pe Mall fynde thys
lg eo ve true. Chen when as amara Dulcis ts uot hote aboue the fyꝛſt degre /as
| erietice catt iudge:Matthiolus in my tudgemet erred much more in this
H tthen Fuchfius dyd / vhom he went about to confute. The duche men
We calithe herbe that Matthiolus ſetteth furth for viti ſylueſtriFelenger te lies |, Sait
Me ber/that is the lounger p plefanter/o2 Dever/becaule tohen aman tafteth fir | .
We Of the bark /it is fomthing bitter/and > longer pe hold it in poure mouth, the
ie Suoeter waill tt be / ilithad ben an hote herbe/the longer that he had holden tt
ge ti hys mouth/the vnpleſanter wold ithaue ben by the reafon of byting ofp
tonge/as all berbes that ave de pilatiue o2 burners of/of hare Do.
“i Of the feconde kinde of Vitis fyluesiris called wild vynde.
» Spel
ES solcorides intreateth of the ſyꝛſt bite ſylueſtri inthe fourth boke &
. ix.chapter:but he intreateth of the ſecond kinde in the fyrſte chapter
Fy (Akthe v.boke /alter thys maner. There are two bindes of ampes
— lon agrias 02 labꝛuſce/the one bꝛingeth neuer the grape furth to ri⸗
nes /but vnto the floure which is called enanthe.Che other maketh perfit
grape/but bath (mal berries/black and binding. Thys ſecond kind haue
ene both in Italy a in Germany.
The leues & new twiges v6 their bꝛaun
thes & ſtalkes/ haue like pour v6 ycomon vin d }thes ar mo ane

Of t! efeconde kinde uf Vitis fylaestrisjcalled wild vynde.

d vynde, |
Tbe vertues of the gardin or manere
he leaucs and yonge twigges tfthey be lapde to/
the heade ache they ſwage
/and the burnynge or intlammation of the fia:
o [Md mats vopth perched baclep mcalz/and fo de the
Rt WA Rha! becaule they haucth leaucs alone,
e poure to coole and to binde. Che iuyce
ofthem aiſo donken/isgood fo2 the
blody llire/the ſpittinge
aie ~~ Of bloode/the dileaſe of the ſtomac/k and the longinge or gtes
kweomen. The ponge bullhpe boughes ſteped in water and ©
Dronken/poiil do the fame:the dropping of tt whyche(8lyk
and warxeth thi e vnto a qumme, |
cke aboute the bodye ofthe vinde:ik it be dzonken dr
oute the ſſtone. And tf the place be prepared Lop iueth
th nitre/itwill bealetcuruts —
tics/(Cabbes and lemes. Ffit be lapde vpon the ſcabbed places
. Ff it be con:
tinually lapdeto wyth oples it voalteth awaye heare.
And that thpnge doth
{pecialive the frothy matter/that cummeth futh of
(it isin burninge. Che fame ts good to Gill wartthe grene branche this
es alfo:but the alfhes of —
the bindes boughe /s
and thedzoſſe that remaineth after the grapes
CO out: ifthey. be layd to wopth binegre/they Cwage /arepref
hard lumpes and&nop
pes about the fundament. Itis alfo good foz memb
biting of a beper oz adder/and for the mAammationꝛeof
s out oftoynt/ and the
o the mult; ik it be layd
wpth rok oyle /rueand vinegre.
The vertues of rafynes oute of Diofcorides.
— — Tae called in Latin bue paffevand of other paſſule /#
a= ay Va rea they be whyt /e
they binde moze. Che Fell o2 pulp ofthe
vp #18 good to be eaten fox the roughencs of the throoie/foz
the coug/hfor the kidnes and the bladder/they arealfo
f. “Sy good for the blodpe fiire/tf they be eaten Leith the
sep. we AND if they be vecepued th meate after they be fortes)
— wvyththe mele of millet and barl
oo ae cy i fi
ey and an egge/and be
—8 4 3s

kryen ina frying pan. . : *

The ſame ether bp them ſelues and wyth Be thon they be
| ) chotwed inthe
f they be lapde to wyth pous
Der of comin and bean meale/as fom tranflate fabany
flammationes ofthe tones. Ffthey be layd to with they ſtaunche the ite
rue withodut the ſtones/
they heale rede angri nyght ploukes and ſores that hau
ke honye/ tarbuncũles/ rottennes about the topntes e matter in them lps
~ grenes.The fame are good fo2 the qoute.It and fozes called gan⸗
they be layde to wyth the inice
Of panicis. Alſo tfchep be lapde nto loute nayles / they make them come of

Of wall penny oraffe

Ws Wbilicus veneris is named in Grebe koty
—X 8 balion.Htbath a leafe lyke vnto the ledon ſcytalion and cym
ende of the huckel bo/
hole that receynech the rounde
eche hath the forme ofa — J—
> Of wallpennyeoraffe. 169
lp holowe/ a hort halk in the middes / wherein groweth (ede. It
) anddarb and di⸗
i) path avoumde roote iphe an olpue. Thys herbe qrowmeth in welles in
W) uersplaces of Summerlet hore in moze plentpe, then euer Jlawe anye
all my lyke. 7 buowe no Engliſh name for tsbuti e tt Mould be
) ather place
Ny wpthout aname,Z call tt wall penny grafic. To puta diſlerence betwene
We seandthe ſhepekyſlinge penny graſ/ſe that groweth in meriſhe and waterye
\ 7 roundes. As for the other kinde/ Jneuer ſawe it that J mote of excepteJ
it paynted in Matthiolus/ buthis ſeconde kinde is ſet oute wyth leſſe
MW feattes then the kozmer is /whych agreeth not wyth the deſcription of Dioſ⸗ |
‘\ ides /voho maketh the feconde bind? bigger then the lormer.
i « + wo T be vertues of wallpennye graſſe.
an He iupyce ofthe leaues layd to Lopth wyũe/ozpoured tt / louſeth the
AIſtoppinge of the prtuities.The fame layde to/1s good foz the inflam

mat ion /and

es faint Anto nies fyze for kybe d heles and wennes/g
Loans But theleaucs taken in meate wyth the roo⸗
= nurniige fomackes
a tes,bꝛeane the ftone/prouoke water aud they are geuen wyth honied
My tothe tbat haue the dropſey. |
| area bet Of the Elm. tre.
‘ ) - ae , 3 Vimus.
ie & cS"; 31

i y ? Ry

iy $f ° Whoys
OF the Elm tre. | :
Lmus is tamed ittGreke wteleavin Duche etn ilm baum / inEu⸗
Sin SUulh att Cin tre/ it
groweth comonly in all countrees, Cheopheatte.
Veg Maketh two kindes of eini/the elm of the plapne
and mount cline,
Ve plapne eline ig moze braunchie oz full of braunches* the mount

eline ts of greater qrouth:the leafe ts not Diutded/lightly tagged about/lon:
Ger then a peare tre lefe/rough and not finothe. This tre is not
greatnes and in leingth. Itlouetlymopie groundes: the tymbꝛeable both in

— 4

ts yelowe/
ſtrong/kull of lynewẽ /sandeuel fauorefor
d it ig al hart. Virgil al maketh

the elman hygh tre in thys berle;Nec gemere aeri
aceflabit curturab vlmo. J
~~ The vertues of the Elmtre. 7
He leues/ theboughes/and the barck of the clin fre/hauca binding
tue:} leanes are goon foꝛ p lepre/layd to wW Dinegre/athep bin ber
Des together/but the bark ts better/therfore fit be bound to as a Cwa d twouns
ae Hand. But the thicker barck Dronkert with wine o2 water in the qua dling
Hy gn bitee/Drtueth out fleme.Ffbroken bones be ſprengled a wathed ntite of
Wd broth of the leanes/o2 the barke of the toote/thep votll foner be with the
A coucred wiih
an hard cruſt g grow together. But iuyce bis in broppes o2 bud
Hs | | | me fp2tt furth iftt be layd to/it maketh des }co
MW |) tet Pitts Dated bp / is refolued intolitle>flie
face bery cleve:} fame moptture afs
s like ganattesThe
Wan Hit . fztte gene .
eaues are lodden fo; bichin 02 ſowell as other catable berbes be,
. Of the Nettell. :
VrticaRomana, Vrtica maior.
Of the Nettell.
Vrtica minor.

¢ ’

—— LSS —

Ktica is named in Greke acadyphe

/andknide: in Engliſh a net⸗
Ne tel/ inDuche cin neflel/in French ope. Chere are tooo kindes of
nettels:the one ts wilder (harper and broder, and it bath blacker.
leaues:the (ede ts Ipke lynt fede/but leſſer. This is the kinde that

iScalled Uirtica Romana sand tt grovweth in Englande onlpe in gardines:

/ and inMentz tn Germanpe:it grovoeth wilde as our comon
but in Italy
petteidoth The ſecond kinde bath ſmall fede, and is not fo ſharpe as the ns
ther is / and this take F to be our comon nettel of Englande.
T hevertues of Nettels.
| He leaues of both p kindes of nettels/layd to wyth lſalt
are pet wnthe biting of a dog/ſoꝛes called gangrenes
/ andother cãkred
Bee 12} a@ foxes anid foule ſoꝛes and partes out ofioynte
/lumpes /ſwel⸗
liinges behind the eares/fwelling of kirnelles lyke breads and
ea veal iiipoftemes.
Che fame ave good to belapde on the milt wyth

they binge doune lloures. The qrene leaucs layde to/fet the mother inher
i> : | St yo place
| a Of Clot bur.

place agapn /vohen it is fallen Downe. The (ede dzonken with maluaty tee
3 mat co the pleature of the bodye / andopeneth the mother:the ſame licked
bp wyth hony/is good foz the topping of the pipes, for the peureſy and long
fougit or inflammation of tye lunges.Ftbeingeth out tough fleme vohyche
cleucth fat in the brett o2 lunges.
The ſraues fodden wyth fheil fithe / ſoften
the beily,loufe winde
/andmake ama pile. Wut then it bꝛꝛingeth deme bette
out of the breſt when tt ts ſoddẽ wyth a tpfan. The broth of the leaucs that
ave fodden wyth mypre: ttt be drꝛonken/itwill baing Doune weomens fou
tes:) nice fa man garale with itt isgood forthe inflãmation of} buula.
Of Clot bur.


I Anthium ts named in duch beticrs leuſz oꝛ Klein kletten /in French

glouteron/inEngliſh clot bur or Dich bur/igroweth in fat groun⸗
SAN Des and in Diches/that ave dꝛyed vp:it hath a ſtalk a tubit long, fat
= and full of corner/sandtherein many winges 02 holo places like
. leaues ar like bnto a reche cut about the edge, Lopth a finell
ipke crefles:the fruyt ts roun/ dasa big olpue/full of prickes, as the pilles of
the playn tre ar/ eand thep will ſtick bpon your clothes/if pe touche Mai
Of Xyris or Spourgwurt. ui
T be vertues of Diche bur.
He Dich bur is good to be layd vnto ſwellinges. The broth of the
|| /waſteth away the ſwelling of the milt/
eisof the roote Donker
and the broth of it/if it beſodden wopth vopne/falteneth ioule teths
ifthe mouth be walſſhed therengpth. | |
Of Xyris or Spourgwurt.

" f/_ =

/but dd
Wicks ate

Of Xyris or Spourgwurt.
fo ‘well wyth the delcription of xyzis/asſpatula fettda Doth. But the roote
is lallely paynted in ail the figures that cure Jlawe {etoute ag pet. Foz the
voote is not {et oute wyth long topntes as J haue lene it oft growynge but
fo a8 though tt had no topntes at all. This herbe ts called in the ple of Pu⸗
ch/Sppou wurtrg
/becaeule the iuyce of tt purgeth as the iupce of the roote
Of foure De Lycee Doth.
T be vertues.
PF] eM e toote is good for the woundes and breaking of the head
Sy Pe] voeth furth pꝛickes /and tt dꝛaweth furth anpe flyinge poeapon ag
6 dartes and arrowes wopthout any payne/ifpe put vnto it thethiry |
y parte of lloꝛis eris
/and the fyett parte of Centogy/and fom bony . FE
it be layd to wyth binegre / tt bealeth ſwelliuges and infammationes,
Itis good to be Dronken agaynſt bꝛuſyngẽ and (hainkinge toge⸗
ther of places/and agaynſt the ſciatica and the ſtrangurye/
and the fliref the roote be buted with malueſey. The
fede ts moft myghtye to mabe a man piſſe / if tt be
Dzonken th the quantite of afcruple and an
balfe wyth voyne. The ſame don
ken Lopth wine /mel⸗
teth awaye the
great miit.
thys booke,nedefull to be corrected, The firft figure betokeneth
the leafe: the fecond, the fyde: the thyrde, the line.

‘rleafe 2 fyde 36 line, for batt rede hart.

aleafe 1 fyde 1 line, for femith rede femeth line 37 for pauos rede panos, 2 [yde 7 line, rede forfta
bles [ the fame [yde,rede Northen men,rank and herbishe.
3leafe 2 fyde rede bonefyresiline 16 rede with medeslifit the zo red bellebor. |
4 leafe rfyde'9 line,rede boles for belles:rede in the fame fyde for bar aceruessbear acornes, and thys
me and falt Indiane:on the fecond fide rede for heun dreame, heuy dreames.
5 leafe and in all other places, wherfoeuer thou feeft wheter, rede yphether? fift line red for kidnens
kidneys:line thre and thyrty red for bonkero boukeros.
6leafe firft fideline 20 for rothe rede roote:fecond fide 4 line, for clip rede chipp.13. red liner, and
for iunce rede iuice: 25 rede for art and 4.0 for cyrop rede rerote. ,
aledfe firftfide 9 line rede lumpes:t7 rede buf he:26 for would douted,rede wold haue douted.
9 leafe, firft fide,23 linesrede erred: fide rede fines.
10 leafe firftfide, 23 line, rede cherephyllon: fecond fide,21line,rede ye for iow.
) urleafer fide 5 line, rede for banesleanes.lin.8,rede for neve nowꝛ Jide, lin. 36 rede eugalacton for
engalacton. |
13 2 2y for mensrede wymens.
15 1 43 redechelidonion for chelidion.
16 118 darnel for daruel:2 10. rede fethe for fet.
18 2 31 rede for lyke, is lyke. |
19 1 14 rededriueth for drulethsz fide,line 3 4.rede aquictatem for æquitatem.
© 201 39 rede defcribing it.feconde fide and the feconde line,rede yet grow. .
Be 23 1 28 isin Slauonia:fecond fidelin. 4 rede choler for color. 32.rede one ts,for olye is.
© 24 2% pulled for palled,
25 12 rede arkeuthis.liv-sowcde fede for fede,
26 1 33 redcallethfurth or bringethfurth.
28 116 rede bole for boli.fecond fide, line24 rede hurt ofit by: rede tobe burt by.
29 1 22 de deale for olial. lin.A3.isthat which is for them,to them.
33 1 4.4. rede fea water. 34 leaferede for gnorinion gnorimon,
36 2 rede for older elder.for herbe bufhe, in the last line fauing one,
2 28 rede in Macedonid,and yet it doth not folow.
38 2 8 cis rede is. 13. red cut.
39 1 26 red for handly hardly,
40 1 3redeoyleisa good remedye,12.rede milium folis. fecond fide, the third line, rede left: line16.
) rede Fuchfiuffes.32.rede for )
41 2 30 rede fayd for layde, 42 fyde,lin.43 red lotus for potus.
431 34 rede iagges.fecond fide, lin. 8. to the bursting out ofwheles,
45 1 line the laft gnawyng. ,
46 1 20 red ey medicines, and fuch as fooage dke.21.rede preß.
line 29.rede two for to. 30.rede
drouſey. |
47 11 wax. I1. raw. 35. haue 1.36. ad to chek and coutrole,for to old, 45.rede heat for hea. feconde
Side.lin.7. ſcrab tre. 48 leafe 1fide lin.39. into Verinice.
49 1.39 rede draw 2 5 balauſtium. 50 I 35 greuing.37.rede mouthes for mottes.
§1'1 38 rede wrinkles §2 1.44 rede wedede.2.fide 15.rake it. 42.fifty foote for fyue foote.
1 541 4 finotheth.2 fide, 9.crudded 19 whayif he.
D956 put out greuus and rede,becaufe it hath a more greuus ſauor. 22. was for is,
“$6.2 18 conningeft:19.allthough 37 rootegatherers.45 tuft.
97 1 27 moother:28 rootecremers or roote pedlers,
§9 1 26 fauin.29,lyng.29 elder.
60 1 26 had 61 1:30 rede fennes 63 2 32 redeInede not
S41 4 citkes.2 fide 33 rede byles for bytes. 33 olednder.
6617 clubbe. 13 wafteth.2 fide 2 dryethup.
67 12 eleia 2 17 ofAlexander.itrede tryallof my mafters iudged.
68 1 14 rede apinum gx not optum:28 hoter: 43 eate:48 otherizfide2ztwhether —
69 12 furtherig indented:28 tij.kindes: 45.widd for will:47 the leff'z 7 acetable.
76 2 ornithogalo. 71 2 10 for dryues,rede drynes.35.faſt:43drew,
7211 roote for roteniz 15.but36 ſtraw. 37 farr: 44 lock,
73 2 putout Oxyacantha inthe figure,for it inot Oxyacanthd. ?
74.131 redecat andnot rat. 2 grape; haue dlfo. 76 1 39 couered:2 1 millet.
77 118 mullayn. 2 14. brothe. 78 2 22 feuerfew.
79 2 whether:8 a purgation. 82 2 Dungholles.
82 23 burr:41 plentuus: 84 2 22 night mare. |
86 1 11 capones tayle: 16. elaphoboſco. 87 1 32 whether peucer 2 1 for peukircde abies.
88 1 22 flles. 2 15 where: 27 trees: 31 picea:32 refinam 36 pitys ispinus,
89 2 1 plucked. 9029 felfe. 92 2 32 confute: 4.4. fox, not for:4.6 pulegium.
93 2 41 fpourge. 94 227 nyght blaynes. 95 1 12 erthly.33 none: 2 3.4 world.
* I 33 arc, 97,1 10 weg tret not wegbret.
98 1 2» rough, 10 tofounde. 4. hufbandmen,not hußbaumen.

100 I 33 compofition.2 22 flep, notftop.

1OL f 46.2.2 five.11 capitata. 12 fines.13 fiue. 31 fet them.33 ſectiua. 36 finet.
102 1 28 extremite 103 5 perched. 2 10 thefe.25 called.,
104. 13 hath. 35. tyfardes. 2 but binding,
106 1 40 bignes. 43 merrifh. 107 138 draweth,
109 2 1redc bringing,and not bring, 24:red an bole, and not no hole.
110 2
ww18 rede gapped not grapped.
4 rede cummed not crommed.
111 2 2 redeftancheth, and not,and ftancheth.34 for gyue rede gyuing. 37 rede they. 39 veditig
in the fecond fyde,put out the falfe latin,and fet radix eleonia, radix Syriaca.and Armoracia.
112 I 22 rede twenty, 2 9 rede ſcour, not fioure 113-1, qu red whit flay. 46 kingeup.
114 1 6 Kingcup.2 12.fort 16 ſhaddoiſh.28rough.31 pifmyres.
115 £28 alfo fiumache.2 1 put out the figure.for itisfalſe.26agnayles,
116 1 34 fleme.217 rofes.37 {pringkled.
117 10 for leaues rede redencs.13 whilf. 22 inbinding, 23 that doth.27 curled. 43 helpers.
119 1 2 rede or for aut.119 ther ar alſo that holdftifly. 3
12017 thehillida.14 could not underftand.
121 1.23 caulo.41 drone.2 29 acetoſa.40 butchers, 1222 5 gelen.7 Zurich,
123 126 pifinyres, 2 31 bredeth, 124 1 26 Cinnamum.2 1 acte.4 atte.
125 1 29 fuct. 126 22 fauge.8 warne. 127 2 13 rede isthus,forit thus.
129 125 red yeares for yeare.2 3 rede lyker for lyke, and called ofPline Sicale for called Sicdle,
130 1 22 rede groweth for greweth. |
132 1.2 rede fame for lame. 16 red candy for candis.25 redaxfiche for axfiche.2 rede Sedi tertium ge
nus for Sedum tertium gents,
133 1 2 rede ti.for iiij-4 rede rather for better.10 rede in Greke becaufe the leaues are grene, for
in Greke the leaues are grene. 134 1 4 redemeatesfor heates.
135 1.42 rede his for this.2 32 redeligufticum for liguſtrum. |
136 1 6 redefenegreke for fenelgreke, 137 1 21 redeof the liftenes for oflykenes.
138 1 2 rede fennes for ſennes and put out te figure that is falsly fet for filiqua. !
139 2 19 rede fcalle for flalke. 140 1 36 redefilausfor filans. 2 red olusatrifor olusatres
141 1 12 rede annicule for anicule.23 rede hoter for heter,
145 2 4 red torminalisfor forminalis.7 red hawes for haw. 8 red is not pleafant for is uery plefant
1462 20 red Nordenie for Mordenie. 147 2 37 red nerionfor merion. 4.4 {pine for fpinde
148 1 33 rede pipridge for piridg.41rede to eate isfina alba Columelli.
149 11 rede Rychis gardin for Richardes gardin. 150 2 13 rede Slepe for fhepe.
151 128 rede fpyder for fpcder.31 rede feable for feable,

⸗ i it

15413 pallkefor purts >

2 3 rede Colc heft er for Col ich eft red
er. 9 e ty mbre for tember.
153 lem. A .
fleme for
155 2 9 rede acetable for acceptable. 30 rede *
157 1 13 rede callitrichon for cellitrichon, 160 1 41 rede more for'mo.
161 1 2 rede phlomos for Gohlomos.
162 1 12 rede leaffor leaue,26 hierobatone for hierobatono.32. and for an. 21. {calles for flalkes.
ing of lime, for : ;
» 165 19 rede to her felffor her felf.22 rede panos for pinos.rede the maner of mak a
\ the maner oflime.21 rede then for they.23 rede make for male,
166 1 22 chafing for chanfing.27 rede wrinkels for winkels.
167 2 30 rede fheene for them.
168 1 9 rede the rinning bufhe that groweth, for the rinning bufb groweth. 13 rede ifit had Ride
then woiuld!. 21 red ſum
berries that Fuchfius fetteth furth,then would 1,for ifit had red berrics,
heades oflance ftaues,for ſum heades ofleanes.38 red ampelou for ampilon.43.rede more for mos
9 2.35 rede panacis for panicis. 44
170 1 1 rede acaliphe for acadiphe.4.rede lef for leſſer. ——
inthe chapter ofRuſcus put out the figure,for it ts nothyng agreyng With Ruſcus. ara

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