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Dosen Pengampuh: Dr. Harisma

Materi Kuliah
• Pertemuan 1: PENDAHULUAN
- Ruang Lingkup
- Hukum Stratigrafi
- Jenis Microfossils
- Skala Waktu Geologi
- Sejarah & Pustaka
- Tinjauan Umum
- Cara hidup & Klasifikasi Foraminifera
- Metode & Tahapan Penelitian
- Biostratigrafi / Ekologi
- Observasi & Determinasi
- Morfologi Genus/Spesies
A. How much time?

 Oldest meteorites and oldest moon rocks are 4.6

billion years old.
 Oldest rocks found so far on Earth are zircon
grains from a sandstone in western Australia,
dated at 4.1 to 4.2 billion years old.

B. How do we know?

 Radioactive materials serve as geologic clocks

C. What happened on the Earth during this long period
of time?

Many natural events:

 meteorite impacts  slow movement of continents
 volcanic eruptions and (plate tectonics)
lava flows  formation and destruction of
 mountain building ocean basins (plate tectonics)
 earthquakes  glaciations
 erosion  climatic changes
 etc.
D. What do you mean by geologic record?
 The geologic record
consists of rock units,
each of which
records some event
or series of events
that occurred in the

Oborogawa Fm: alternating beds mudstone and thin bedded

sandstone intercalating tuff bedded
E. How do rocks form?
 By cooling, hardening, and crystallizing from hot, molten lava:
Igneous rocks
 By forming from the compaction and cementation of sediments:
Terrigenous, clastic or detrital sedimentary rocks
 By forming from the precipitation of dissolved chemicals in water:
Chemical and biochemical sedimentary rocks
 By forming from accumulated organic matter: Organic
sedimentary rocks (coals)
 By the alteration of pre-existing igneous or sedimentary rocks by
heat and pressure: Metamorphic rocks
Dua Cara Menentukan Skala Waktu Geologi

Ditentukan menggunakan Prinsip Steno, Prinsip Inklusi,
Suksesi Fosil

Ditentukan menggunakan Radiometric Dating (K/Ar,
Ar/Ar, rb/Sr, U/Pb, carbon, zircon, apatite)
II. Fundamental principles of Geology
(7 principles to establish the relative ages of rocks).

 Most sedimentary rocks occur in the form of layers

called beds or strata.
 Each layer is the result of the deposition of sediment
during some natural event (such as a flood or storm).
A. Steno's Laws Named for Nicholaus
Steno, a Danish physician living in
Florence, Italy in the 1600's.

1. Principle of Superposition
Oldest rocks on the bottom
Younger rocks on top

2. Principle of Original Horizontality

Sediments are deposited in flat layers

3. Principle of Original Lateral

Sediments are deposited over a large
area in a continuous sheet
B. Other basic principles of Geology which we can use for
relative dating (or determining which rocks are older or younger)

4. Principle of intrusive relationships

The intrusion is younger than the rocks it cuts

5. Principle of cross-cutting relationships
The fault is younger than the rocks it cuts.
6. Principle of components or inclusions

 Note the irregular erosional surface. This is an Unconformity.

 The clasts (in the bed above the unconformity) are derived from the
underlying (older) bed.
 The gravel clasts are older than the layer which contains them.
 The layer containing the gravel must be younger than the layer from
which the clasts originate.
7. Principle of fossil succession

 Fossils occur in a consistent vertical

order in sedimentary rocks all over
the world. (William"Strata Bill"
Smith, late 1700's, England).
 This principle is valid and does not
depend on any pre-existing ideas of
evolution. (In fact, Charles Darwin's
ideas on evolution did not appear
until 50 years later - 1858).
 Geologists interpret fossil
succession to be the result of
evolution - the natural appearance
and disappearance of species
through time.
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