PHYSICS - (Paper - 1) (13th)

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Question No. 1 to 3 (3 questions)

In figure 1, the winch is mounted on an axle, and the 6-sided nut is welded to the winch. By
turning the nut with a wrench, a person can rotate the winch. For instance, turning the nut clockwise
lifts the block off the ground, because more and more rope gets wrapped around the winch.
Three students agree that using a longer wrench makes it easier to turn the winch. But they disagree
about why it is so, all three students are talking about the case where the winch is used, over a 10-second
time interval, to lift the block one meter off the ground.
Student 1
By using a longer wrench, the person decreases the average force he must exert on the wrench, in
order to lift the block one meter in ten seconds.
Student 2
Using a longer wrench reduces the work done by the person as he uses the winch to lift the block
one meter in ten seconds.
Student 3
Using a longer wrench reduces the power that the person must exert to lift the block one meter in
ten seconds.

(Wrench turns winch clockwise)

Figure 1 Figure 2

Q1. Which of the following student gives correct explanation

(A*) student 1 only (B) student 2 only
(C) student 3 only (D) student 2 & student 3 only
[Sol: Longer wrench => For same torque less avg. force is needed.
But work done & power does not change. (A) ]

Q.2 If several wrenches apply the same torque on the nut, which graph best expresses the relationship
between the force the person must apply to the wrench, and the length of the wrench?

(A) (B) (C) (D*)

[Sol: Fr =  = Constant => F  => Hyperbola (D) ]

Q.3 In the position shown, the spring is at its natural length. The block of mass m is
given a velocity v0 towards the vertical support at t = 0. The coefficient of
friction between the block and the surface is given by  =  x, where  is a
positive constant and x is the position of the block from its starting
position. The block comes to rest for the first time at x =
m m m
(A*) v0 (B) v0 (C) v0  mg (D) none of these
k   mg k
[Sol: Work Energy theorem
1 1
mv 02 = mg  x dx + kx 2
2 0 2

Solving we get, x = v 0 ]
k  mg

Q.4 n moles of an ideal gas undergoes a process A to B as shown.

Maximum temperature of the gas during the process is
3P0 V0 4P0 V0
(A) (B*)
nR nR
6P0 V0 9P0 V0
(C) (D)
nR nR
[Sol: From graph P =  V V  4Po

PV = nRT => T =
T is maximum when PV is maximum.
d d  Po 2  2P V
=> (PV )    V  4Po V    o  4Po  0
dV dV  Vo  Vo
=> V = 2Vo
PV 4Po Vo
There for Tmax = (at V = 2Vo) = (B) ]
nR nR
Q.5 A plane wave front travelling in a straight line in vacuum encounters a medium of refractive index . At P,
the shape of the wavefront is

(A*) or (B*) or (C*) (D)

Q.6 Two forces of magnitude F are acting on a uniform disc kept on a horizontal rough
surface as shown in figure. Friction force by the horizontal surface on the disc
(A) is in forward direction (B) is in backward direction
(C*) is zero (D) depends on the magnitude of F
[Sol: 2F–f = ma
1 a
(F + f)r = mr2 ·
2 r
 solving f=0 (C) ]

Q.7 The order of magnitude of the number of nitrogen molecules in an air bubble of diameter 2 mm under
ordinary conditions (pressure = 1 atm; temperature = 27°C) is:
(A) 105 (B) 109 (C) 1013 (D*) 1017
[Sol: PV = (No/N)RT No= No of molecules.
Solving No = 1017]
Q.8 The following diagram shows the electric field lines between two opposite charges. The positive charge
is indicated by the black circle, the negative charge by the white circle . An electron starting from rest at
the indicated position (X), and accelerated to high speed by the electric field, will most closely follow
which trajectory?

(A) (B) (C*) (D)

[Sol: Trajectory will be tangent to electric field (C)]

Q.9 Path followed by two rays through a thin lens in air are shown. (Assume value of  of lens same for both

Optical path followed for two rays from A to B is

(A) Greater in case 2 than 1 (B) Greater in case 1 than 2
(C*) Equal in both the cases (D) Value of  is needed to compare

Q.10 Deviation for a ray at the interface of two media from denser (1) to rarer (2) with angle of incidence 30°
is 15°. What maximum deviation a ray of same wavelength can undergo at the interface of two media
when entering from medium (2)
(A) 90° (B*) 45° (C) 0° (D) 60°
[Sol: 1 sin 30o   2 sin 45o
1 2 2 2 1
 ; 
2 1 1 2
When ray enters from medium (2) for max deviation angle of incidence  90o.
  2 sin 90 = 1 sin 
  = 45o
 deviation = 45o]

Q.11 Two blocks of masses m and 4m lies on a smooth horizontal surface connected with a spring in its natural
length. Mass m is given velocity v0 through an impulse as shown in the diagram. Which of the following
is not true about subsequent motion

(A) Kinetic energy is maximum in ground frame and centre of mass (COM) frame simultaneously
(B*) Value of maximum kinetic energy & minimum kinetic energy is same in COM frame &
ground frame
(C) Minimum kinetic energy is zero in COM frame but non zero in ground frame
(D) Maximum and minimum kinetic energies of m in ground frame is respectively mv 02 and
[Sol: In both COM & ground frame, Kmax is when x is zero in spring, which occurs
m( V )  0 Vo
Vcm = =
5m 5
2 2
1  4Vo  1 V  2 2
 Kmax cm = m    ( 4m) o   mv o
2  5  2  5  5
 Kmax ground = mv 2o
1 2 Vo2
Kmin cm = 0, Kmin ground = (m  4m)Vcm 
2 10
Kmax m = mVo2 (ground frame)
Kmin m = 0 (ground frame when energy is shared by spring & 4m only)
Hence (B) ]

Q.12 A uniform rod of length l is placd symmetrically on two walls as shown in figure.
The rod is in equilibrium. If N1 and N2 are the normal forces exerted by the
walls on the rod then
(A) N1 > N2 (B) N1 < N2
(C*) N1 = N2 (D) N1 and N2 would be in the vertical directions
[Sol: About CM,
 
TN1 = TN2 => N1 = N2  N1  N 2 (C) ]
4 4

Q.13 A system of uniform cylinders and plates is shown. All the cylinders are
identical and there is no slipping at any contact. Velocity of lower & upper
plate is V and 2V respectively as shown. Then the ratio of
angular speed of the upper cylinders to lower cylinders is
(A) 1/3 (B*) 3 (C) 1 (D) none of these
[Sol: Vreletive (upper) = 3V = Wu R = Wu = (For no slipping)
Vreletive (lower) = V = WlR = Wl = (For no slipping)
 W 3 (B) ]

Q.14 An automobile of weight W is shown. A horizontal pull P is applied at C. The

reaction at the front wheel (location A) is [floor is smooth & C represents centre
of gravity]
(A) (W/2) – (Pb/2a) (B*) (W/2) + (Pb/2a)
(C) (W/2) – (Pa/2b) (D) None of these
[Sol: W = NA + NB (i)
Torque balance about A,
NB(2A) + P(b) = Wa (ii)
Solving (i) & (ii)
W Pb
NA =  (B) ]
2 2a
Q.15 If I represents the MI of a solid uniform sphere about an axis parallel to the diameter of the solid sphere
at a distance x from it, then which of the following graphs represents the variation of I with x

(A) (B) (C*) (D)

[Sol: I = MR 2  Mx 2 , Hence (C) ]

Q.16 A rod of length l with thermally insulated lateral surface and cross-section
area A consists of a material whose thermal conductivity varies with
temperature as K = where K0, a and b are constants. T1 and
a  bT
T2 (< T1) are the temperature of two ends of rod. The rate of flow of
heat across the rod is
AK 0  a  bT1  AK 0  a  bT1  AK 0  a  bT1  AK 0  b  aT1 
(A) bl  a  bT  (B)   (C*) bl ln  a  bT  (D) bl ln  b  aT 
 2 b  a  bT2   2  2

dT K A dT
[Sol:  =  KA
Q  o
dx a  bT dx
dT  
     AK o n  a  bT1 
 a  bT K o A  dx Q
b  a  bT  (C) ]
1 0  2

Question No. 17 to 22 (6 questions)

A spherical insulator of radius a is concentric with a conducting spherical
shell having inner radius 3a and outer radius 5a as shown in the figure.
The charge Q1 is uniformly distributed throughout the volume of the
insulator, and the net charge on the conductor is Q2.
Q.17 What is the magnitude of the electric field a distance of 2a from the
center of the insulator?
(A) (Q1  Q 2 ) / 40a 2 (B*) Q1 / 160a 2

(C) Q1 / 40a 2 (D) None of these

[Sol: Electric field at 'P' r = 2a
  q
E·dA = 0

E 4(2a)2 = 

E = 16  a 2 ]
Q.18 What is the flux of the electric field through a Gaussian sphere of radius 4a that is concentric with both
the insulator and conducting shell?
(A*) 0 (B) Q1 /  0 (C) (Q1  Q 2 ) /  0 (D) None of these
  q
[Sol: E·dA =
Here E = 0 (at r = 4a)
 q=0
(A) ]

Q.19 What is the surface charge density on the outer surface of the conductor?
(A) Q2/100a2 (B*) (Q1 + Q2)/100a2
(C) 3(Q1 + Q2)/100a2 (D) None of these
[Sol: Change on outer surface = Q2 + Q1
Q 2  Q1
 Surface charge density  =
45a 2
Q 2  Q1
100a 2
(B) ]

Q.20 What will be the electric potential at the conducting shell?

1 Q2 1 (Q1  Q 2 )
(A) 4  5a (B*) 4  5a
0 0

1 Q1 1 (Q1  Q 2 )
(C) 4  3a (D) 4  5a
0 0
[Sol: Potential at the shell
V = Vdue to A + Vdue to B + Vdue to C
1  Q1  Q  Q1  Q 2 
    3a  3a  5a 
0  
1 Q1  Q 2
V = 4 
0 5a

Q.21 What will be the electric potential at the centre of spherical insulator
41Q1  6Q 2 20Q1  12Q 2
(A*) 120  a (B) 4 0 a

Q2  Q1
(C) 5  a (D) None of these
[Sol: Dot at centre of spherical insulator
V0 = Vdue to sphere + Vdue to shell
3Q 1  Q1 Q1  Q 2 
= 8  a  4      
0 0  3a 5a 
41Q1  6Q 2
V0 = 120  a ]
Q.22 If outer conducting shell is earthed, then amount of charge flown to earth is
(A) Q2 – Q1 (B*) (Q2 + Q1) (C) Q2 (D) Q1 – Q2
[Sol: After earthing the
let potential at outer
shell = q
Q Q q
Vshell  K  1  1  
 3a 3a 5a 
0  q=0
Charge flows to earth
Q = Q1 + Q2 – q
Q = Q1 + Q2 ]

Question No. 23 & 24 (2 questions)

Two identical conducting very large plate P1 & P2 having charges +4Q & +6Q are placed very closed
to each other at separation 'd'. The plate area of either face of the plate is A. Then
Q.23 Potential difference between plates P1 & P2 is
Qd  Qd
(A) VP1  VP2 = A  (B*) VP1  VP2  A 
0 0

5Qd  5Qd
(C) VP1  VP2  A  (D) VP1  VP2  A 
0 0
[Sol: Potential difference between the plates
VP1  VP2 =  0 A 
 d 
 Qd
VP1  VP2 = ]
0 A

Q.24 If plate P1 & plate P2 are connected by thin wire then amount of heat produced is
Q2 5Q 2 2Q 2
(A) d (B) d (C) d (D*) None of these
A 0 A 0 A 0
[Sol: Heat produce
H = Ui – Uf

 Q2
H = ½ –0 ]
0 A

Q.25 Waves are produced by two coherent point sources S and S' vibrating in
phase. In moving at right angle to line joining S & S' starting from S, we
come to a point X where destructive interference for the second time is
encountered. The path difference (S'X – SX) is 4.5 cm. The wavelength
of the waves is
(A) 1.5 cm (B) 1.8 cm (C) 3.0 cm (D*) data insufficient

[Sol: SX – SX = (2m – 1)
For to decide the 'm' distance between SS should be known ]

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