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Study Habits Affecting the Academic Performance of HUMSS Students at Pablo Roman National High



Education is considered as the first step for every human activity (Battle & Lewis, 2002). It has an
important role in human development related to opportunities and well-being. As individual account
produces a workforce for economic and social development, the learning process happens. It is a way
for how a student responds to environmental, social, psychological, and physical stimuli to understand
new information. This process of learning ensures the acquisition of knowledge and skills to increase
productivity and create a better quality of life for learners.

However, due to the increasing disposition of unsatisfactory academic performance, experts anticipate
study habits as one of the elements that affect the productivity of students. Good (1973) defines Study
Habits as the “tendency of students to study when opportunities are given”. It has two implications:
both positive and negative. Taking notes, practicing tests, advancing reading, and setting study goals are
a few positive study habits. While cramming, poor time management, pulling all-nighters, skipping
breaks, eating unhealthy foods, and the mañana habit are examples of negative study habits. In
addition, study habits are learning preferences that enable students to learn systematically, efficiently,
or inefficiently. Meaning, a positive study habit delivers good assets for learners while the opposite
constitutes restrictions to learning and accomplishment leading to failure academically (Azikiwe, 1998).
This quantitative research sought to assess how different study habits have a significant influence on the
academic performance of Senior High School (SHS) students from the Humanities and Social Sciences
(HUMSS) strand in Pablo Roman National High School (PRNHS) regardless of their demographic profiles.
This includes quantifying variables such as students’ perception, experience, and awareness of how a
particular study habit affects their academic performance.

Indeed, students have the freedom to choose any study habit they would like to perform even though it
impacts their performance in school. Hence, the vulnerability of outside performance should be
addressed and afflicted. Although students are striving for better academic performance, their study
habits will likely affect their primary goal. Many HUMSS students from PRNHS have been struggling in
completing their undertakings in a given time as study habit affects their behavior. This is why it is
appropriate to pursue and brings the researchers to put the study into a thorough analysis.

Statement of the problem:

The primary goal of this research is to determine how the different study habits such as (a) mañana
habit, (b) setting study goals for each session, (c) notes taking, (d) self assessment, and has a significant
influence on the academic performance among Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) students at
Pablo Roman National High School.
Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:

1. How may the profile of HUMSS students be described in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

2. What is the study habits of Humss students be described in terms of:

2.1 mañana habit

2.2 notes taking

2.3 self assessment

3. What is the impact of study habits in the academic performance be described in terms of

3.1 mañana habit

3.2 notes taking

3.3 self assessment

4. Is a student’s particular study habit has a substantial relationship to his/ her academic performance?

Significance of the study

The findings of the study provided valuable information to the follwing.

Students . The findings of this research would allow the students to acquire useful study habits. They
will learn several approaches to applying these study habits to their performance and overcoming the
negative study habits as a result of continuous research. Also, students can perform satisfactorily in
school if and only if they can acknowledge the diverse productive study habits that they can incorporate
into their learning process. Students, therefore, can perform sufficiently academically in that regard.

Teachers. They would see the result as a valuable instrument to measure the present undertaking of
their learners in academics primarily in terminating their responsibilities in school. In addition, teachers
can instruct their students to practice study habits that fit into their preferred study pattern. Meaning,
an assessment would be acceptable if facilitators find suitable study habits for their learners. However,
the possibility of a response also depends on the accuracy of the information that will be embedded in
this analysis.
Parents. This research would become an advantage to them. It would assist parents to synthesize their
children (students) in building up different useful study habits that can be taken up by respondents.
Their basis would be from the finding that can be found in the conclusion and recommendation
selection that would be formulated once this study has been completed.

Future Researchers . This study can help other investigators conducting any study analogous to or
comparable to the present analysis by serving as their background. The validation of this study with
similar variables is instructed to be able to strengthen the outcomes of the study as it will serve as a
rationale for future relevant contemplations.

Scope and Delimitation

The primary goal of this study is to define the impact of study habits on the academic performance of
HUMSS studen at Pablo Roman National High School. It will be focused on the different types or styles of
students study habits. It will also discuss the positive and negative impact of the different types of study

The study is limited to the 50-100 students only from the HUMSS strand. The study will be conducted
with the start of third semester ( March – May ) of this Academic Year 2022-2023.The study will be
conducted only in pablo Roman National High School, particularly in senior high school students.

Notes in chapter one:


Azikiwe, U. (1998). Study approaches of university students. WCCI Region II Forum. Vol. 2, Lagos.

Battle, J., & Lewis, M. (2002). The increasing significance of class: The relative effects of race and
socioeconomic status on academic achievement. Journal of Poverty, 6(2), 21-35.

Good, C. V. (1973). The Dictionary of Education. New York; McGraws Hills Books Co.
Yadav, D., & Premendra, H. (n.d.). Good Study Habits: An Underpin of All-round Development. Education
in India Journal.

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