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Activity 2

Fluid Mechanics

Names:_____________________________ Student ID:_______________ Date:________

______________________________ _______________

1. The diameter of a glass is 80 mm, and it is filled with water up to a certain level, as shown in
the figure. An ice cube with sides of 30 mm is introduced into the glass. Find out the new height
of the water surface. The density of water is ρwater =1000 kg/m3, and the density of ice is ρice = 920
kg/m3. Once the ice cube has melted completely, what will be the new water level h?

2. Suppose a utility company is selling electric power for $400/kWh at night and is willing to pay
$850/kWh for power produced during the day. To take advantage of this opportunity, an
entrepreneur is considering building a large reservoir 50 m above the lake level, pumping water
from the lake to the reservoir at night using cheap power, and letting the water flow from the
reservoir back to the lake during the day, producing power as the pump–motor operates as a
turbine–generator during reverse flow. Preliminary analysis shows that a water flow rate of 2 m 3/s
can be used in either direction, and the irreversible head loss of the piping system is 4 m. The
combined pump–motor and turbine–generator efficiencies are expected to be 80 percent each.
Assuming the system operates for 10 h each in the pump and turbine modes during a typical day,
determine the potential revenue this pump–turbine system can generate per year. Is it a good
business? Can you apply Bernoulli’s equation in this case?
3. You and your partner must design and construct a small system consisting of two tanks
connected by a tube, and observe the siphon effect in action. Using Bernoulli's equation, explain
how the pressure difference between the two tanks causes the liquid to flow from the higher to
the lower tank. To provide evidence of your findings, document your experiment with photographs
and a short video, highlighting the various stages of the siphoning process.

1. Design and construct a small system consisting of two small tanks (they could be a pair
of glasses), one positioned higher than the other, and connect them with a tube.
2. Fill the higher tank with liquid and leave the lower tank empty.
3. Observe and record the siphoning process as the liquid flows from the higher tank to the
lower tank.
4. Apply Bernoulli's equation to explain how the pressure difference between the two tanks
causes the liquid to flow from the higher to the lower tank.
5. Document your experiment with photographs and a short video, highlighting the various
stages of the siphoning process. This evidence must be attached to the activity link.
6. Write a detailed explanation of the siphon effect and where you can find it in real
applications at your home.

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