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Francis Michael Marcelo Aristotle

Jaztin Lyka D. Inting Archimeds

Comparative Study on the Daily Calorie Intake Between Male and Female Senior High School

Students of Davao Oriental Regional Science High School (DORSHS) During Pandemic.

Question #1: Which gender is most likey to intake more calories? Male or female?

The term “gender” refers to the characteristics of woman and men which is socially determined as

this strongly influenced by psychosocial and cultural factors. “sex” refers to the biological features

which is determined by various physiology characterizing men and women. This only means that

everyone is born male and female and by time becomes men and women, as each will learn and adopt

through various behaviors that identifies each own gender roles (Masella & Malorni, 2017)

Gender differences in food intake and selection will first appear as soon as they reach

adolescence. Men are found to consume a greater number of calories than women, also they have

different styles in eating, which indicates that woman have been socialized to eat in a manner that is

more feminine. In early adolescence, pressure to be thin tends to arise that is why very young girls starts

to have dieting behaviors. Women are more dissatisfied with their body weight and shape than men do (Rolls,

Fedoroff, & Guthrie,2015).

Moreover, women eat low caloric food and tend to avoid eating too much because they are

engaging into self- care diet in order to keep their body shape, as they are too concerned about

their looks and appearance. Hence, woman prefer smaller meals than men. Due to unsatisfied

body size and the need diet to lose weight, women most likely to engage dieting behaviors and

disorder eating just to acquire an ideal body shape. Whereas, the reason behind men who have

high BMI scores that are engaged with dieting behaviors are all because of their needs to gain

weight for physical appearance in accordance to the societal norms (Chan Sook Wah, 2016).
According to 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines a 15 to 18-year-old male with light- to-

active activity needs an energy intake of 2,200- 3,200 kcal/day, whereas females with the same age and

activity level needs an energy intake of 1,800- 2,400 kal/day (Dietary Guidelines, 2015). Meanwhile,

according to the survey of Statistics Canada in 2015 males with sedentary activity level aging 14 to 18-

years-old consumed 2,400 calories more. On the other hand, females with the same activity level and

age are said to consumed 1,800 calories less. The survey results show that within sedentary activity level

in the year 2015, teenage boys aged 14 to 18 consumed 20.6% more calories above its recommended

calories intake per day while teenage females consumed 4.3% less than its recommended calorie intake

per day (Statistics Canada, 2015). Therefore, it is evident that men or males consume more calories than

women or females.
QUESTION #2: What are the factors that influence the increase of calorie intakes?

There are many factors that influence the increase of a person’s calorie intake. Number of

calories a person should intake depends on its purposes such as the need to gain weight, lose weight or

even in maintaining its weight. Moreover, other factors involve are the activity level, basal metabolic

rate, as there will be an increase of calorie intake depending on the age, sex, weight and body

composition and stage in life, as pregnant women and growing children needs to have higher calorie

consumptions as it is needed. Also, Changes in weight indicates whether a person is consuming an

appropriate number of calories (Burso, 2018).

Activity level are subdivided into 3 which are sedentary which refers to a lifestyle that includes

physical activity of independent living or in other words this level of activity involves only typical daily

living activities; moderately active which combines the independent living and physical activity that is

equivalent to walking about 1.5 to 3 miles per day at 3 to 4 miles per hour; and active level which

includes physical activities that is equivalent to independent living plus, walking for more than 3 miles

per day at 3 to 4 miles per hour (Dietary Guidelines, 2015). This factor affects the increase of calorie

intakes since increasing your activity level would also requires an increase number of calories you

need to consume in order to maintain your weight (Burso, 2018). On the other hand, there will be an

increase of calories intake for sedentary people as they burn fewer calories and they are the people

who is most likely to gain weight due to the lack of exercise or physical activities or too much

consumption of calories (Braverman 2018).

Furthermore, diet is big factor in gaining weight which can be associated with the increase of

calorie intake of a certain individual, as consumption of highly processed food like sugary cereals, fast

foods and microwave dinners are said to be loaded with calories and also devoid essential nutrients

like fiber and protein (Kubala, 2019). Therefore, activity level and diet play a vital role in calorie

surplus (Braverman 2018).

A person’s body is like a seesaw, if the number of calories intake is in equilibrium state with

the physical activity expenditure then, the body is in balance. On the other hand, if this becomes

imbalance, a person is more likely to experience a domino effect. Because eating more than enough

calories increases fat storage resulting to weight gain. Being overweight or obese increases the

susceptibility of a person to be at risk of developing gallstones, sleep apnea, reproductive problems,

certain cancers, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease and stroke (Rene, 2018). thus, showing the

importance of knowing the factors that influence the increase of calories to avoid calorie surplus that

could imposed health threats to each individual.

Question #3: In what way does COVID-19 pandemic affect both male and female’s calorie

consumption? Does changes in calories intake reflects to their body weight?

New coronavirus or also known as CoV-19 or SARS-CoV-2 emerged on December 12th 2019 in

Wuhan, China that causes a global pandemic of acute respiratory syndrome in humans. COVID-19

pandemic brought a tremendous impact on human health that causes sudden shift of the lifestyles of

each individual, through isolation at home and social distancing, with economic and social consequences

(Di Renzo, L., Gualtieri, P., Pivari, F. et al., 2020)

Works, going to gyms or parks just to exercises or even doing at home has been compromised due

to the presence of COVID-19 pandemic, thus resulting to the decrease of physical activities. furthermore

many individual become depressed, stressed, unable to do any exercise and others tend to eat more foods

without any kinds of physical activities resulting to gaining weight or worst becomes obese due to the

consumption of too many calories which are more than the body could use. (Abbas, Fawzy, Salem, &

Shawky, 2020)

In addition, Stress and anxiety are also known to influence eating habits, during the pandemic,

there was a marked rise in telephone calls to youth mental health organizations, with the majority of

young people aged 19-25. Females tend to be more likely to "stress-eat" and consume hyperpalatable

"comfort" foods which are usually energy-dense, in line with the current research. Energy-dense comfort

foods' addictive properties can contribute to long-lasting changes in eating habits. Energy consumption

in women, but not men, was ~20 percent higher during the pandemic, and the frequency of snacks and

energy density of consumed snacks also increased relative to snacks. For both sexes, physical activity

was impaired during the pandemic. (Gallo, Gallo, Young, Moritz, & Akison, 2020)
In fact, a prospective cross-sectional case series study that has a total of 765 patients,302 of this

were females and the remaining 463 are males, was out that 73 females (09.54%) and 138 males

(20.65%) are able to sustain their weight after the outbreak while the remaining (n = 554, 72.41%)

wherein there is 229 females and 325 males has showed an increase of their weight. Moreover, results

showed that females (n = 8, 01.45 percent) outnumbered the males (n = 4, 00.52 percent) while gaining

3-5 kg. The females (n = 2, 00.26%) outnumbered the males (n = 1, 00.13%) by gaining more than 5 kg.

In fact, they remained at home all the time and did not set up a meal and snack schedule. In addition,

sedentary habits were prevalent among women, and they were more vulnerable to stress and worried

about their lives and the lives of their families, expressing social stress, which is positively associated

with gaining more weight across different mechanisms of behavior, psychology, and physiology

(Ahmed, 2020).

In July, according to public health England estimated that an individual with BMI of 35 to 40 is at

risk or chances of dying from COVID-19 by 40% while persons with BMI of greater than 40 has greater

risk for about 90%. Because obesity could bring disturbances to one’s metabolism, these disturbances is

associated with range of abnormalities including inflammatory cytokines and reduction of adiponectin, a

molecule that protects the lungs (Mahase, 2020).

Question #4. What are the adequate physical activities that male and females do in order to burn

all excess calories?

Regular Physical activity and exercise can help you stay healthy, energetic and independent as

you get older. Exercise play avital role in preventing health diseases and stroke (Mohammed Abou

Elmagd,2016). According to Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020, for the human body to

remain alive, it needs energy. Around 20 percent of the energy we take in is used for brain metabolism.

Most of the rest is used in basal metabolism, the energy we need when in a resting state, for functions

such as blood circulation, digestion, and breathing. Here are some tips for burning calories/energy and

losing weight more effectively.

1. Eat breakfast: A protein and healthy fat breakfast can keep you full for longer and help prevent

snacking during the day.

2. Eat regular meals: This can help you burn calories more effectively and helps prevent mindless


3. Remember your “five-a-day:” Fruits and vegetables can be a tasty snack and they can bulk out your

meals. They are high in nutrients and fiber and low in calories and fat.

4. Eat slow-burning calories: High-fiber carbohydrates, such as legumes, and healthy fats, such as

avocado, take longer to release energy, so you will not get hungry as quickly.

5. Exercise: This can help burn off extra calories, and it can make you feel good. A brisk daily walk is

easy for most people to do and costs nothing. Challenge yourself with a pedometer. For people who use

a wheelchair, there are exercises that can boost heart health and strength.
6. Drink water: It is healthful, has no calories, and can fill you up. Avoid alcohol and sodas as these can

easily provide far too many calories. If you crave sweet drinks, choose unsweetened fruit juices, or

better still, get a juice maker.

7. Eat more fiber: Fiber, found in fruits, vegetables, and wholegrains, can help you feel full and

encourage healthy digestion.

8. Check the label: Some items have hidden fats or sugars. “Ten percent less fat,” might not actually

mean very much less fat, and it does not necessarily mean that you can eat more of it or that it is really

more healthful. If you are counting calories, the label will help you keep track.

9. Use smaller plates: Research indicates that portion sizes have increased over the last 3 decades, and

this may contribute to obesity. Using a smaller plate encourages smaller portions.

10. Slow down: Eat slowly and rest between courses or extra servings, as it can take 20 to 30 minutes for

your body to realize it feels full.

11. Make a shopping list: Plan a week of healthful meals and snacks, list the ingredients you need, and

when you go grocery shopping, stick to it.

12. A little of what you fancy: Banning foods can lead to cravings and bingeing. Spoil yourself

occasionally with a favorite treat, but in smaller amounts.

13. Get enough sleep: Sleep loss affects the metabolism, and it has been linked to weight gain.

14. Avoid eating 2 hours before bed: Eating within 2 hours of sleeping can interfere with sleep quality

and promote weight gain.

Here are some examples of activities and the calories they can help you burn in 30 minutes;

lifting weights, aqua aerobics, walking 4.5 miles an hour, general swimming, running 6 miles an hour,

computer work and sleeping (Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020). If you want to burn all the

excess calories on your body you need to aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic

activity each week. You don’t have to do that all at once break it up over the whole week, however you

like. If you can’t do this much activity right away, try to be as physically active as you can. Doing

something is better than doing nothing at all.The benefits of exercise aren’t just about weight. Regular

exercise can make it easier for you to do daily activities and participate in outings (National Institute on

Aging (NIA) 2019). Finding the right physical activity depends on how much calorie you want to burn

on your body. Here are some moderate to vigorous intensity level of physical activity you can use to

burn calories and lose weight, moderate excersises; brisk walking, light to moderate calisthenics, low

impact aerobic dancing, jogging on a small trampoline, weight lifting, and light to moderate workouts on

gym. For vigorous exercises; walking uphill, heavy calisthenics, high impact aerobic dancing, jumping

rope and stationary bicycling (Healthwise Staff, 2019). If you want to get the most calorie bang for your

buck, you might want to take up running. Running burns, the most calories per hour. But, if running

isn’t your thing, there are other calorie-burning exercises like, high knee running this exercise is a

vigorous cardio workout. It raises your heart rate while strengthening your lower body this burns 240 to

355.5 of calories in just 30 minutes, next is butt kicks this exercise is a cardio workout, just like high-

knee running this burn 240 to 355.5 calories. You can quickly burn calories within 30 minutes by doing

butt kicks, then mountain climbers this exercise is a cardio exercise that doubles as a full-body workout.

Since you need to use your entire body, you’ll burn a lot of calories this burns 240 to 355.5 calories as

well in just 30 minutes (Nunez,2019).

Question #5. What are the health risk a person can get from having excessive calories intake?

A wide variety of diseases and health conditions are associated with excessive calorie intake.

These diseases are more likely to occur to those people who excessively eat foods with high calorie

level, diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cognitive impairment (Sheehan,2018). That

extra slice of pizza or late-night chocolate biscuit might not seem like it is doing you much harm, but the

truth is our daily intake of calories has reached dangerous levels, leading to a slew of health problems.

Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, Dementia, Osteoarthritis and cognitive decline including dementia and brain

shrinkage have all been linked to a lifestyle of high-calorie food and minimal exercise. Around 30% of

the world’s adult population is overweight or obese with more than 10% expected to suffer from

diabetes by 2030 (Perth Weight Loss, 2019). Eating to many calories in the form of trans fat and

saturated fat raises the level of total cholesterol in your blood and, in particular, low-density lipoprotein,

or LDL -- the harmful form of cholesterol, more so than other dietary components. These matters

because elevated levels of LDL are linked to a significantly increased risk of coronary artery disease --

the leading cause of death in the United States. CAD occurs when the main artery that supplies blood to

your heart becomes hard and narrow from a buildup of cholesterol. Because of their structural

characteristics, LDL promotes atherosclerosis more than other types of fat (Rivera, 2019). If you eat

more calories than you need, the body changes extra calories to fat. Too much fat can lead to being

overweight and other health problems. Only your doctor can say if you are overweight, so check with

him or her if you're concerned. And never go on a diet without talking to your doctor! High-calorie

foods such as sugary sodas, candy, and fast food quickly add up to too many calories. Instead, eat a

healthy, balanced diet. Exercising and playing are really important, too, because physical activity burns

calories (Gavin,2018).
A high calorie intake can induce the appearance of the metabolic syndrome (MS), which is a serious

public health problem because it affects glucose levels and triglycerides in the blood. Recently, it has

been suggested that MS can cause complications in the brain, since chronic hyperglycemia and insulin

resistance are risk factors for triggering neuronal death by inducing a state of oxidative stress and

inflammatory response that affect cognitive processes (Trviño,Alonso,Flores, et al., 2015).

(Masella & Malorni, 2017)
(Rolls, Fedoroff, & Guthrie,2015).
(Dietary Guidelines, 2015).
(Chan Sook Wah, 2016).
(Statistics Canada, 2015)

(Burso, 2018)
(Dietary Guidelines, 2015)
(Braverman 2018).
(Kubala, 2019).
(Rene, 2018).

(Gallo, Gallo, Young, Moritz, & Akison, 2020)

(Di Renzo, L., Gualtieri, P., Pivari, F. et al., 2020)

(Abbas, Fawzy, Salem, & Shawky, 2020)

(Mahase, 2020)

(Ahmed, 2020)







Date Submitted: 04/12/20



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