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Aplaya, Jasaan, Misamis Oriental


October 17,2019

TEST-1 Choose the letter you think is the best answers.

______1.In a plot of the story, the logical arrangement of events is presented. It

has five essential parts except.
A. Denouement b. exposition c. atmosphere d. climax
_____2. Setting is one of the elements of a short story. It refers to the time and
location in which a story takes place. It may be the following except.
A. Mood b. climax c. atmosphere d. social condition
_____3. Which of the following is considered one element of a short story.
A. Character b, denouement c. exposition d. climax
_____4. element of the story shows the logical arrangement of events, with a
beginning, middle, and end?
A. Exposition b.character c.plot d. conflict
____5. The author may reveal a character’s traits and attitudes by
A. What he/she says , thinks and does
B. What he/she does or does not do
C. His/her views and opinions
D. All of the above
___6. The following are examples of coordinating conjunctions except
A. And b. but c. for d, while
____7. which is the synonymous to mood or atmosphere in the story?
A. Climax b. denouement c. setting d. character
____8. In preparing an outline from listening text, the initia step is..
A. Listen to note details
B. Listen to extract information
C. Listen to get the central idea
D. D. Listen to get the summary
____9. Conflict is the opposition of forces. It maybe a conflict between man and
A. Man b. circumstances c. society d. internal
____10. The point of view is defined as the angle from which a story is told
A. First person b. innocent eye c. omniscient d. static
____11. who is Confucius?
A. Great thinker b. great teacher c. great philosopher d. all of the above
____12. Analects is a…
A. Consist of twenty books
B. series of discourses
C. collection of teaching
D. all of the above.
____13. Confucius is more popularly known as
A. Master kong b. kong Zi c. k’ung Fu-tzu d. a,b & c
____14. benevolent
A. Careful b,. showing respect c. charitable d. all of the above
___15. filial
A. Good b. steadily c. showing respect to a parent d.all of the above
___16. amiability

A. Lawfully b. existing c. friendliness d. all of the above


A. Carefully and steadily b.good nature c. existing naturally d. all of the

___18. legitimately
A. Charitable b. carefully c.lawfully d. all of the above
A. Good nature b. carefully and steadily c. charitable d. a & b
___20. Confucius lived from
A. 441-551 BC b. 551-479 BC c. 479-110 BC d. 451-551 BC

Test-II - Supply the missing Conjunctions on the following sentence below:

1. ______ the basement flooded, we spent all day cleaning.

A, after b. although c. before d. even if
2. I don’t want to go to the movies________ I hate the smell of the popcorn.
A. Although b. because c.whenever d. so that
3. I paid Larry,________ garden design work top-notch.
A. Whenever b.whose c. after d. if.
4. _______spring arrives. We have to be prepared for more snow.
A. Because b. until c. although d. now that
5. I have to go to work at six, _______ I’m waking up at four.
A. But b. so c. yet d. nor
6. Well have _______the cheesecake _____the chocolate cake.
A. Either/or b.both/and c. neither/nor d.not only/but also
7. I want _____the cheesecake ____ the chocolates.
A. Either/or b. both/and c. neither/nor d. not only/but
8. I didn’t know ______you’d want the cheesecake _____the chocolate cake, so
I got both.
A. Either/or b. both/and c. not/but d.whether/or
9. Oh, you want _____ the cheesecake ____ the chocolate cake? No problem.
A. neither/nor b.whether/or c. either/or d. both/and
10.I’ll eat them both________the cheesecake______ the chocolate cake.
11. Write this down_______ you forget.
A. Or b. when c. lest d. if
12.The musicians delivered a rousing performance______ they had rehearsed
A. Though b. as c. once d. when
13.Pay attention to your work________ you will not make mistakes.
A. So that b. unless c. or d. unless
14.We are leaving Wednesday___or not it rains.
A. if b. whether c. though d. if
15.You won’t pass the seat,_________ I came early.
A. When b. if c. unless d. once

16. A fair weather friend always tries to fish in troubled waters of his friends
and benefactor.
A. To barrow money
B. To steal belonging of
C. To extend a helping hand
17. His arrogant behaviour with others has left him high and dry.
a. To be penniless
b. To be very sick
c. To be very famous
d. Isolated
18. All the residents of the colony painted the town red on the eve of festival.
A. To white wash buildings
B. To renovate buildings
C. To celebrate noisly in public places
D. To create nuisances
19.The chairman pulled a long face when the house did not accept the
suggestion put forth by him.
A. To look disappointed
B. To get annoyed
C. To be agitated
D. To make a quarrel
20.The fair and square policy of the chairman of the committee has made him
very popular among the residents of the town.
A. Clever and deceitful
B. Honest
C. Ambiguous
D. Relevant and practical

Test-III- Answer the following:

1-3 What are the three most important philosophies that can be grasped through
the “Analects”?
4-6 give me at least three customs in Thailand
7-10 give me at least 4 idiomatic expressions with meaning only (2pts)

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