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Path to Sueess KOTA (RAJASTHAN)J


S.No. 167

1. Newton's law ofgravitafion 171

Gravitational field
and it's
2. 174

3 Acceleration duetogravity

Gravitational potential energy

4. 182

5. Gravitational potential
Escape velocity and
7. Kepler's law of planetary

8. Satellite motion

Geo-stationary satellite& polar satellite


10. Weightlessness
Exercise-I (Conceptual Questions)
Years Questions)
Exercise-II (Previous
Exercise-II (Analytical Questions)
Exercise-V (Assertion & Reason)

NEET SYLLABUS and its variation with

law of gravitation. Acceleration due to gravity
Kepler's laws of planetary motion. The universal Escape velocity, orbital velocity of a satellite.
Gravitational potential energy:
gravitational potential.
atitude and depth.
Geostationary satellites.


-overy of the law of gravitation scientiic

of niversal gravitation was discovered is often
T h e

considered a s the

ue. The major steps involved were
echnique. The m.

The hypothesi
about planetary motion given by Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543 oy
and the
The caretul experimental measurements of the positions of the planets
Tucho Brahe (1546-1601
sis of the data and the Johannes Kepler
Analysis formulation of empirical laws by
The development of a general theory by ksaac Neuton (1642-1727

Negton's law of Gravitation rtional

force which is
statesti that every particle in the universe attracts all other particle with a distance
of the
the p product of their masses and is inversely proportional to the square

Enl-Fal=F, then

and F
Fc m,m
*******I ****

s o F am

Fmmg IG = Universal gravitational constant)

formula is applicable only for spherically symmetric masses or point
Note: This
of Newton's law of Gravitation:
12 Vector form

Position vector of m, w..t. m,

To- Position vector of m, w.r.t. m, =


F Gravitational force exerted on m, by m,


Fo Gravitational force exerted on m, by m,

Gmma 21

Negative sign shows that:

6) The direction of Fi2 is opposite to that of 12

is attractive in nature
Gi) The gravitational force

Similarly Fa Gmm2, or Fa Gmm2

F Fa a =-a

equal in magnitude and opposite in directions.

he gravitational force between two bodies

Pre-Medical: Physics
ALLE tration2.

kg and 2
particles their muthual
particles are kg are placed at a that the only

Pre-Medical: Physics
1.3 Universal Gravttational Constant
cting on
gravitation. findseparation
e itial
of 50
cm.I ofmirng
initial acceleration the heavier partice
Soltion acce
Uritversal Gravitational constant is a scalar qua
exerted by one particle on
Value of G SI: G 667 101 N-m*/hgr
Dimensions: M L T 9
Force is F
-Gm,m6.67 101x2 5.34 10N
CGS: G 6.67 x
10* dyne-crm/g
n ature
and size of the
bodies: it

t s value is sarme throughout the

not odies. Acceleration
on of heavier
of heavier particle
not depend even upon the nature of the

help of
Balance" experime
rsion Balance 267 10 m/s
uith the
Cavendish" This example shows that
Its value was first found out byt h e
scientist "Henry Note
and also
gravitational forte is quite
also the untverse qufte weak but this is the onty force keep binds

stem ony
comprising of alls qalaxies and other intersteia
GOLDEN KEY POINTS ustration 3.
er ationary particles of masses
Two M, and dstance
M, are d distance o n the ine
Gravitational force is always attractive Hence they obey
they obey Newton's thir he
articles, expenences no resultant gravitational AAthethird
force. What thirdistance oflying
particle this particle from M
ction pair.
oravitational forces are developed in the form of action rea

Let m be the mass of the third particle

law of motion.
two mass
t is independent of the nature of medium between of the two
the line joining
the centre of gravity
bodies Force on m towards M, is F, GM,m
Gravitational forces are central forces as they act along
torce does nor aepends on patth.
ravtational forces are conservative forces so work done by
force then the work done by this

If any particle moves along a dosed path under the action of gravitational Force on m towards M, is F, GM,m
force is always zero for round the trip.
forces. Since net force on m is zero. F, - F,
Gravitational force is weaker than the electromagnetic
and nuclear
between Earth and any bod
force and force
developed between any two is calied gravitational
rorce masses
is called force of gravity.
(d- d
h e total gravitational force on a particle due to a number number of particdes is the resultant of the forcos
of attraction exerted on the given particle due to the individual particles i.e. F= FitFz+ F3+ lustration 4.
Three masses, each equal to M are placed at the three corners of a square of side a. Calculate the torce
means the principle of superposition is valid.
of attraction on unit mass placed at the fourth comer
Gravitational force holds good over a wide range of distances. It is found true from interplanetary distances
to interatomic distances. Solution

It is a two body interaction ie. gravitational force between the two particles is independent of the presence
or absence of other bodies or particles.
Force on m = 1 due to masses at corners 1 and 3 are F, and F, with F - F,
A uniform spherical shell of matter attracts a particle that is outside the shellas if al its mass were concentrated
resultant of F and F, is F, v2
- and its direction Is along the diagonal
at its centre.

- Illustrations Le. toward corner 2

llustration 1. Force on m due to mass M at 2 is F

GM F, and F act in the same direction.

Two spherical balls of mass 10 kg each are placed 100 m apart. Find the gravitational force of attraction
between them.
Resultant of these two is the net force:
2GM,GM. | . t is directed along the dlagonal as shown in the figure
= 6.67x 1013N F a 2 2a?
(100 169
ustration 5.
Two partides each of equal mass (m) move along a circle of radius () under the actionm

tio M isi
mass (M)
split into wo
Find the speed
ot each particle.
parts (m) and Pre-Medical: Physics
gravitational attraction.
m will maximise
M the (M-m). which are
Solution gravitational force then
separated separated by a certain distance.
b What rati
Gm solution
between them?
For the circular motion of each partide,
v2v distance betweern m and (M
m), the

Hustration 6. gravitational force will be

Three particles, each of mass m, are
situated at the vertices
o1 a n equilateral
It is intended
triangle of
that each
side .

The o
For F to be maximum d
dm and F
the particles are their mutual gravitational dm? O as M and
orces acting velocity that shcle m
the initial

along a

to e a c h
circle while maintaining
particle and the time
their original separation
period of the
circular motion.
a. Determine
2m) = 0
i.e. M -

2m -
are constants. i.e. -
Solution or i.e., the torce
T he resultant force on particle at A due to other two particles is will be maximum
when the two
parts are
Gm° |
F =VFA Fc +2FFA cos 60°= v3 a2 (1 Fa-F a
our identical point masses, each BEGINNER'S BOX1
force of attraction on anotherequal to M are placed at the four
point mass corners of a
square ot sue alculate
Three identical particles each m, kept at the centre of the
2 of
Radius of the circle
r mass m
"Find the gravitational force exerted are
placed at the three
corners of
3. Three identical pomtmasses, eaxch of one body due to the other two. equilaterar

tangential velocity v, that the resultant force acts mass 1 kg

f each particle is given a so as the centripetal i.. The gravitational torce on the mass he in the
xypane at points (0,0)0. 0.2m) and (0.2m )
force, at the
origin is - respecnvely
(A)1.67 x 1011 + ) N
then = V3 mU .-(i) (B) 3.34 101
(C) 1.67 x 10° (i+j) N
(D) 3.34 x 10-1-)N
(i)and (i),
VmvGmV3 Gm
2.1 Gravitational Field
Time period T The gravitational field is the space around mass an assembly of a or
v masses within which it
can exert gravitational forces on other masses.
stration 7. Theoreticaly speaking, the gravitational field extends up to infinity. However, in actual
the gravitational field may become too weak to be practice, tationa i t e

Two solid measured beyond particular distance.

spheres of same size of a certain metal are placed in contact with each other. M

M 2.2 Gravitational Field

Prove that the gravitational force
acting between them is Intensity (i)
to the fourth
directly proportional The
power of their radius. gravitational field intensity ata point within a gravitational field is defined as the gravitational force exerted
on unit mass placed at that point.
The weights of the spheres may be assumed to be concentrated at their centres.
Gravitational field intensity is a vector quantity whose direction is same as that of the gravitational forca
Its SI unit is 'N/kg.
Dimensions of intensity
FcR m M
oint Mass): ALLE LEN.
tmportant conclusions
Pre-Medical: Physics

Due to
2.3 Gravitational Field
m - 1 unit

o n unit

GVitafional field

IGM-)-G found.
is to be
which intensity
due to
particle GM

of that
M is the mass distribution

due to spherical
Gravitational field intensity ss
the spherical mass can be
surtace then
surface or
outside the taken
on the

t h e observation point is located

which is situated
at the centre of
the sphere. ie. point
5) centre
as a particle min centre
rRr-R r>R
() For solid sphere the distance of
the radius of sphere
Let M be the mass of sphere, 'R
centre of sphere. Graph between T and T for a solid sphere
from the
the point under consideration

Case I When r > R, ie. outside the sphere

then | mGravitational field intensity due to a Spherical Shell

Case I: If r> R, the point is outside the shell then

at the surface then

Case I : When r = R, i.e.

Case II When r<R, i.e. inside the sphere
Case II Ifr = R, the point is on the surface then |urtceR-P

We know,
is inside the shell then I
Case Ill : If r < R, the point
4 Iv/s r graph for hollow sphere
M_V'xp 3TXp 3 M3

M Vxp nRxp
r<R r=R rR

Putting the expression for M in eq. (1), we get

I GMr()

172 173
GMedical: PhYsiCS Mass of sphere of raditsr-M
3.1 Gravity
between any
two bodies is gravitation. If o e oi
M 3 4
M, Pre:Medical : Physice
In Newton's law of gravitation. the force of attraction

Hence. graity
is the torce ch F
by which attractsthe
Eartha e
bodies is Earth then the gravitation is called gravity.
case of gravitation
body towards its centre. h is a special
3.2 Acceleration due to gravity near

M and radius
The of the
magnitude of the gravitationa valid for
uniform sphere of
Ler us assurne that Earth is a any depth
from its is
distance r fron centre, is
force of Earth on a partice of mass m. located
outside the Earth at a F
GMm Due to shape of the
Earth. (Taking direction towerds
centre of enrth as positie)
Now according to Newton's second law F - ma,
From the diagram

Therefore a, -

At the surface of Earth, acceleration due to gravity ga=-9.8 m/s a

RR-R,+21 km) polaraxtis

However, any g value measured at a given location will

differ from the g value calculated accordina calaulated according to t

equation 9, 9 ,
g,-&3-210007 GM
due to any three reasons
) Earth's mass is not distributed uniformly.
By putting the values
g9, - 9, 0.02 m/s 1m
6) Earth is not a perfect sphere and
Due to Rotation of the Earth: inot to scale

Net force on particle at P

(ii) Earth rotates. GM mg mg mracosA
3.3 Variation in Acceleration due to gravity (R+h d- g ro cosA. from, AOMP
R, cosA
Due to Altitude (height) : where Latitude
From diagram
GM, Substituting for r, we have gg- Ro
At the equator
-Rh R 1 Earth

9-9 o? Rcos(0 E
9or S 9-oR
By Binomial expansion lf h At the poles ( 90):
i1 << R, then higher power terms become
9 9-o* Rcos90) -

g - oR() or
99R, It means that acceleration due to gravity at the
poles does not depend upon the
Note: angular velocity or rotation
i) This formula is valid ifh is
upto 5% of earth's radius. (320 km from earth's
surface) Condition of weightlessness on Earth's surface
lf apparent weight of body is zero then angular speed of Earth can be calculated
i) If h is greater than 5% of the
earth's radius we use GM as mg mg - mRf cos

Due to depth: Assuming that the

9R+hf 0 .
density of Earth remains same
throughout the volume. mg -

mRcos-À» 9 cosA VR
Earth's surface g IGRp)
At a
depth d inside the Earth
But at equator 0° o rad/s 0.00125 rad/s -1.25 10 x rad/s.

For point P only mass of the inner

sphere is effective 9 GM Note: If Earth will to rotate with 17 times ot its present angular speed then bodies lying on equator
woukd fly off into the space. Time period arth s rotaton in this case would be 1.4 h.


fustration 10.

a t depth below the Earth's Pre-Medical: Physics

g3 surface the celeration
acceleration due to
due to
gravity is decreased by 16
In terms of density

d d
f pis constant thengrR R 100 6400 d 64 km.
in g' upto 5%, 2
For % variation 9
Msconstant then g
r Mustration 11.
AM and AR occur in (M) and
small changes
correspond to a planet and if especti Which of the
h of the following statements are
mass (M) and radius (R true about
then AN' decreases
(A) in
moving away from acceleration
due to
GM the centre of
B decreases in earth ifr> R
by R moving away from the centre of
earth if r < R
g is zero at the centre of
constant then
IfM is
If R is constant then - p)'g decreases if earth
stops rotating on its axis
decrement in g with small height

Ag,99, of g
Variation with distance: f r > R then
g* (A) is correct
Ifr<R then g o r
B)is incorrect
Ag,9- decrement in g with depth g

s &(C) is correct
variation of g with o
g g- -Rcos
If Earth stops rotating about its own axis, then the apparent weight of bodies or effect
acceleration due to gravity will increase at all the places except poles.
fective If o-0 then g will not
change at
poles where cosk 0. while at other points g increases
(D) is incorrect.
- Ilustrations
llustration 12.
llustration 9.
At what height above the Earth's surface the acceleration due
Infinite particles each of mass 'M are placed at positions x = 1 m, x =
Zm, X=4m.. c, Find the
gravitationa Earth's surface ? (Radius of Earth is 6400 km)
to gravity will be 1/9 th of its value at the
field intensity at the origin.
Acceleration due to gravity at height h is g
Z m
3h-28, 12800km.
4 m
8m llustration 13.
Determine the speed with which Earth would have to rotate about its axis so that a person on the eqator

pa=+h+h+4 +. terms weighs t h of its present value. Write your answer in terms of g and R.

42 . terms
GMi| 14+ Here in the GP a=1 and r= Solution

W mg - mo-R 2g
Weight on the equator =
W mg

So, I GM
Pre-Medicol:Physics from arth to moon
ALLE Pre-Medical: Physics
Ilustration 14. of a

in weight

Drawa rough
sketch of the

The annituides ofof ththe gravitational field


R and mass M are F and at

distarnces r,
F, and r, from the centre aditus
M respertively then cet of a uniform sphere of

M ifr<R and r, R
r , >Rad r, > R

weighF,-F, - ifr,<Rand r, <R

(D r, <R and 7, <R
stone dropped from
A stone a
height h' reaches the Earth's surface in 1s.
ped freely trom the same If the same stone is
s 1/6 times that of Earth)
height then it will reach the surface of
the Moon in a the
t Moon

J A 6 seconds
(B)9 seconds
C seconds D) 6 seconds
The radius of Earth is
about 6400 km
and that of
An object weigns z00 N on Mars is 3200 km. The mass of Earth is IO hmes
earih distance Mars. the surface of Earth. Its weight on the surface of Mars will be
lustration 15. AY80 N (B) 40 N
C) 20 N D)8N
exerts a gravitational toroe of attraction F, on a n a .
A solid sphere of uniform density and radius R partice Weight ofa body decreases by 1% when it is raised to
P. distant 2R from the centre of the sphere. A spherical cavity of radius R/2 is n o w formed in the sr height h above the Earth's surface.
a If the body is take
phere to a depth h in a mine, then its
now applies a gravitational
force F2 on the same particle p . weight will
as shown in figure. The sphere with cavity Firnd
the ratio F/ (A) decrease by 0.5% (B) decrease by 2%
(C)increase by 0.5% (D) increase by 16

A t which height trom the

earthi's surface does the acceleration due to gravity decrease by 1%

6. Find the percentage decrement in the weight of a body when taken of 16 km above the surtace
to a height
ofearth. (radius of earth is 6400 km)3
1. What is the value of acceleration due to gravity at a height equai to hait the radius of earth, from surtace
GMm of earth? [take g 10 m/s* on
earth's surfacel
F, - force due to whole sphere force due to the sphere forming the cavity
At which height from the
earth s surface does the acceleratlon due to gravity decrease by 75% ot its vaitue
atearth's surface?
GMm GMm 7GMm
4R 9. At which height above earth's surtace is the value of 'g
18R 36R same as in a 100 km deep mine?

llustration 16. 10. At what depth below the surface does the acceleration due to gravity becomes 70% of its value on the surface

The maximum vertical distance through which an astronaut can jump on the earth is 0.5 m. Estimate the
ofearth? d
corresponding distance on the moon 9 2 Y
Solution . A t what depth from earth's surtace does the acceleration due to gravity becomes times that of its vaiue

at surface ?
mgh =constant h h- h 059 3 m.
g/6 12. lf earth is assumed to be a sphere of uniform density then plot a graph between acceleration due to gravity
g) and distance from the centre of earth AIPMT (Mains) 20061

ecial cases: Pre-Medical: Physics

l ffield is def
W mgh mgh
4.1 Gravitational Potential
Energy (0 situatedat
a point
in some

its kinetic
of a particle

that point h R.
The gravitational poter potential energy to then w mgR
from infinity mgR
amount of workirequiredto bring it

Gmm2 1 2
W U - -
or U - - The velocity required
ning'COME on the surface and particle height h from the surface of earth.
of the to a
sign shows the
ere negative
at a
height h
It is a scalar quantity.
ff's SI unit is joule and
Dimensions are
on the
surtace of earth of
mass M
(K.E.Ute(KE. U
particle of
mass m and 2GMm
= Mm
h e gravitational potential energy of a
radius 'R is given by
R R h
three particle system
4.2 Gravitational Potential Energy for
then the net gravitational
potential energy of tha

If there than two particles

in a system.
in that system.
are more
all the possible pairs
energies of
system is the sum of gravitational potential 2 2gh 2gh
Note: If a body is released from a height h' aboue the surface of earth, then its veiocity on reaching the earths
surface is also given by:

For eg
* * ommmpun amo V:

4.5 To find the maximum height attained by a body when it is projected with velocity
Gm, m2 Grm, m2 GmmGmma v from the surface of earth.
Uysten Osystem
4.3 To find the change in potential energy of body or work done to raise a particle of mass From v = g n
'm' to 'h' height above the surface of earth.
W - aU U,- U * U OMm

R+h R
R R+h

m . . U U-GMm
W=gR'm h :GM gR] M
h R
24 R
W- mgh vR
h 2gR-v
180 181
Pre-Medical: Physics
s p h e r i c a l shell

Pre-Medicol:Physics tntensity ii. but Case
foutside the sphere) v. -
onty by

also by a
done by eexternal
by vt
agent Case
R (on the sirface) GM
a r v u n d e
material body c a n
s the
ot work

kinetic enerqv. V _
Case I r<R (inside the sphere)
the its
. without
Potential is same
every where and
point is
from inftnity to that
equal to its vahue at the
O o y
of umit mass
V.- -
mass at (P) wi e
GMI *****
force unit
Velocity (v)
**** X

Grevitational on

dx is Escape
unit mass is displaced tis the mnimum veocity reqauired for an object iocated at the plane's surface so that it just escapes
when the
OK done by this forae gravitational field.

GM system
dW Fdx - x

from infinity to
point (P) is Consider a Proyecleotmass
of radiusR and
m, leaving the surface of
mass M
with escape
a planet (or some other astronomicalbody

the body of unit mass

speed v
otal work done in bringing
When the projectle just escapes to infinity. it has neither kinetic energy nor potentai eteg

From conservation of mechanicai energy mv 0+0>v,


at point (P) V, =
the of gravitational potential
work done is

maximum at intinity (as it is a negative aant: The escape velocity of a body from a location which is at height 'h' above the surtace ot planet. we

Ifr =
then V.
o =
0. Hence gravitational potential
is ntity can use:
at point P)
Ifr = R, (on the surface of Earth) V, - GM
r - R hi

Where, r =
Distance from the centre of the planet.
Relation between intensity and potential gradient
h Height above the surface of the planet.
Escape speed depends o n :
V- -

fi.dr = dV- -i. dr I = -

v e potential gradient.
Mass (M) and radius (R) of the planet
Gravitational Potential due to solid sphere and spherical shell: (i) Position from where the particle is projected.
Solid Sphere Escape speed does not depend on :

Mass (m) of the body which is projected

Case I GM
R(outside the sphere); V r<R R
Angle of projection.
Ifa body is thrown from the Earth's surtace with escape speecd, it goes out of earths gravitationai tiekd and
never returns back to the earth's surface.
Case II r= R (on the GM
surface); ae 6.2 Escape ener9 surta
Minimum energy given to a particle in the torm of kinetic energy so that
2R t can just escape the Earth's gravitational field. Earth
Case II r<R (inside the
sphere); V = GM
-93 3R -

GMm the Earth's surface)
Magnitude of escape energy ve ot PE on
It is clear that the
potential V will be minimum at the
centre (r =
0) but maximum in
magniruu the escape velocity GMm 1
3 GM V Escape energy =Kinetic Energy coresponding
R mv
V. 2R t be any planet tor that matter
2 e in the above discussion it can

Pre-Medical: Physics GOLDEN KEY POINTS ALLEW Must
L E N .

ation 18.
Pre-Medical: Physics
maximum value is zero at
infinite separation
infinite. Fourbodies each of
of mass m are
potential is a
-ve quantity
onthe system to take
any one placed at the
Onal potential energy or
body to infinity.different comers
come of a square of side a. Find the work done
Relation between Force & Gravitational potential energy

Initial potential energy of the

dr PE PE+ PEzs +PEm
Above relation is valid only for all conservative forces. PE2
2GM If M = constant then R
R After taking any one 0oay (say the
mass placed at comer 4)
Final potential energy the system to infinity oniy three
v 2gR fg constant then R is

constant then v R
PE- P12+ PEi3+PE23 2GM GM
-R 3
p =


Escape velocity does not depend on the mass of the body being projected, angle of projection or dirn
of projection.
W.-PEPE, -|- GM a2
a av2
m lustration 19.

Escape velocity at Earth's surface v, 11.2 km/s, Moon surface v =

2.31 km/s. A body of mass m is placed on the surface of earth. Find the work lift this body
required to by a
Atmosphere on Moon is missing because root mean square velocity of gas particles is greater than

escape velocity. i.e., Vr

) h 1000 i1) h -
R. (M. -
mass of earth. R, - radius of earth)

Due to absence of atmosphere on moon, atmospheric pressure is zero. Hence, reading of a Barometer is Solution:
also zeroO.
) n 1000, as h < R, , so
fa hydrogen balloon is released from the surface of earth, then it moves upward because the upward buoyant
force dueto surrounding air exceeds its downwards weight. But if the balloon is released the surface of moon,
then it will fall with g/6 acceleration under the influence of gravitational attraction of moon R GM,m
(upthrust is zero we
can apply W -
mgh; W -
(m)RJ1000 1000R.
due to absence of atmosphere).
h R., in this case h is n o t very less than R , s o w e cannot apply AU = mgh
If a bomb blast occurs on moon then its sound cannot be heard because sound is a mechanical wave which
requires medium for propagation, which is absent there on moon. GM GM W GM.m
w.-U,-U- miV, V): W mR-R, R 2R
Illustrations lustration 20.
lustration 17. times the escape velocity then what will be
surtace of the Earth is n
If velocity given to an object from the
Three solid spheres of mass M and radius R placed in contact shown in Its residual velocity at infinity ?
energy of the system ?
are as figure. Find the potential
lution mv 0
then trom energy
Let the residual velocity be v,
PE PE2 +
PE23 + PEg1
GM GM GM vns -1
niv -v-(n 1). v-{

2R PE =-3GM -nv-

2R 2R 2R 185

Pre-Medicol:Physics MR ALLE tration 24,

Pre- Medical:Physics
A mass of 6 x 10" kg (
ustration 21. earth,anda
o mass

along the diarmeter ofthe

velocity from its
sturface is 3 10 m/s i s to be compressed in sphere in such a way that the esap
*a7OW tunnel dug
is the a
speed of stentral to the
centre. Find the escape (A) 9 mm
B8 mm velbeity af of the sphere?
light) What should be the radius
distance from the
m, is
placed at (C) 7 mm
partide from that place Sobrtion D)6mmn
reaches intinity (r m)
so that it just
v .R-
p O e

e project
the particle with speed v,,
R26 67 -106 109-10m-9 mm
Applying energy conseration principle
ustration 25.
at t->®, V->0 Cravitational potential difference between
nV- n sidering the
Considering the gravttational
field to be pot
on the
of a ispianet and point 10 m above is 4 J/eg
the surface to a
point m above the
uniform. how
how much
much work is done in moving a mass of Z kg rom
done in mog
11GM (A) 4 J B) 5 J
4R (C)6J D) 7 3
ustration 22.
starts from rest at a large distance from the planot Gravitational field / g - m
The escape velocity for a planet is v, A particle reaches
the planet only under gravitational attraction, and passes through a
smooth tunnel
through its cont.
centre. ts
speed at the centre of the planet wil be Work done in moving a mass of 2
kg from the surface to a point 5 m above the surtace.

(A) V1.5v (C D) zero (4 J

W mgh ( z
kg)10 kg- m m) - 4 J

Solution A
ustration 26.

From mechanical energy conservation, 0 3GMmv 3GM

0-m2R R 15 v. A body of mass m kg starts falling from a distance 2R above the earthiss
surface. What is its kinetic energ
when it has fallen to a distance 'R above the earth's surface? (Where R is the radius of Earth)
lustration 23. Solution
A partice is projected vertically upuards from the surface of the earth fradius R) with a speed equal to one
fourth By conservation of mechanical energy
of escape wlocity. What s the meximum height attained by it?

+0 GMmK.E.
KE.» KE- Mm1! GMm
KER2 3 6 R 6
R mgR
A15R (D) None of these
llustration 27.
(B) With what velocity must a body be thrown from the earth's surtace so that it may reach a height 4R, above
the Earth's surface ? (Radius of the Earth R, 6400 km. g-9.3 m/s)
From conservation of mechanical 1 GMm GMm
energy. mv Solution
=R R

By using conservation of mechanical energy m - GMTo 0R.GMmo

Where R =
maximurm distance from centre of the
earth AlsoV v126M

4 8 GM gR
2 mv
m,5 Gmg
R. - 5R, 5
12GM GMm GMm
mT6 B R RR R, =h -R-R, 5 . 8 x 6400
x9 x10 105 V
10 km/s.
a particle moves with
Pre-Medical: Physics BEGINNER'S BOX-3 noints is aways constantrespect to two
then the
fixed points in
Pre-Medical: Physics
focal points. path of the sucha way that
that the sum of the distances from
increase in
potential atial energy
energy in in particleI is an ellipse and the two fixerd points are ca
an ellipse and

1. the surface of earth

is g. Find the Hfting According fo Fiqure
acceleration on

Ooject of mass m toa height equal to the radius

ot e a r n

(K/r) (Where
r 1s trom a f
the distance froma
is the distance
fixed PF,+PF,- AF,AF, - BF, +BF,- constant
given by I= oirt

But in ellipse
of space gravitational fiekd to atr ro with V = Vo
is F n d the potential at
2. at aa distarve AF,
dGErtarn region
point be
= BF, (minimum
nIs constant). Taking the reference the gravitational PF,+P BF, +
AF, distance from both focaB is
by I m
distance. Find tial at the
potentisi =

BF, AF, 2a
- same
3. o masses of 102 kg and 103 kg
are separated
r,+ 2a length of major axis
mid point of the line joining them
distance S000 km from the
he magnitude of intensity of gravitational
field at a point
situated at à

point in N-m/kg will be

a (Mean distance)
at that
of gravitational potential
6.0 N-kg The magnitude
of Earth is

C)8 x105
(D) 4.8 x 102 Second Law (Law
of Areas):
A) 6 (B) 4 8x107 Aline joining any planet to the Sun
of the planet remains constant sweeps
p s outout equal
equal areas in
in equal intervais of time. i.e.. the areal spee

he gravitational field due to certain mass distribution is E =in x-direction (K is a constant

the x-direction
constant). Taking
a areas equal intervas
. a

at infinity. its value corresponding to distance x is According to the

second law, ifa
tne gravtational potential to be zero

the same time interval, then the moves from A
areas ASB and CSD
to Bin a
given time interval. and
will be
(A) D)2 A area of the curved triangle SAB

Two bodies of respective and M are placed d distance apar.

masses m
Ihe gravitational potential an.
V) at
-5AB SA) - 5tr der)-de
is zero is
the position where the gravitational field due to them

A V--tmM (B) V=- e

CV=-GM D) V--Nm+M¥
Thus, the instantaneous areal speed of the
planet is

A body of mass m is situated at a distance 4R, above the Earths surface, where R, is the radius of
Earth where is the angular speed of the planet.
What minimum energy should be given to the body so that it may escape ?
Let L be the angular momentum of the planet about the Sun S and m the mass of the planet
(A) mgR (B) 2mgR C)g (D) mgk Then L lo mr'o = mvr
whereI (=mr) is the instantaneous moment of inertia of the planet about the Sun S.
From eq. () and (ü). dA (123)
Kepler found important regularities in the motion of the
dt 2m
planets. These regularities are known as 'Kepler's
three laws of planetary motion. Now, the areal speed dA/dt of the planet is constant, according to Kepler s second law. Theretore. accordhng
to eq. (ii), the angular momentum L of the planet is also constant, that is, the angular momentum ot the
First Law Law of Orbits)
planet is conserved. Thus, Kepler's second law is equivalent to conservation of angular momentum.

All planets move around the Sun in elliptical orbits, having the Sun at one focus of the orbit. Applying conservation of angular momentum between points A and B

semi minor

Perihelion Aphelion
(Orbital point
(Orbital point farthest from V,a
closest to sun) ****
semi major Sun)
mamin nman mas
mun ma
max min

Pre-Medical: Physics
axis a d eccent
andeccentricity e
semi major
orbit o f Alight body revong round a heavier plane
Pre-Medical: Physics the in an
satellite of Earth. gavtationalattraction, is called
a sateilite. Moon 1s

serni minor


Natural Satellite
(eg. Moon revolving Artificial Satellite
around earth)

as Polar Satellite
For an ellipse its general
equation t5 Geo Stationary
8.1 Essential Conditions for Satellite Motion
where The centre of satellite's orbit should
axis and
e is eccenticity
coincide with the centre of Earth.
is sermi minor
" a o e n a 15 semi major axis, b Plane of the orbit of satellite should pass
through the centre of Earth.
b-a(1- e
at the perihebon
and aphelion mvr
of angular momentum (COAM) m,
Applying the conservation

F. sine

Unstable orbit Stable orbit
Perihelion (Due to F, sin 0, orbit will shift)

Sem major It follows that a satelite can revobe round the earth onily in those circular orbits whose centres comcie
with the centre of earth. Circles drawn on globe with centres coincidemt with earth are known as great
circles. Therefore, a satelite revolves around the earth along circles concentric with great circles.
Fal1+ e): r all -e) .(1)
8.2 Orbital velocity (v)
moving in an orbit of radius r with speed v, The required centripetal force provided
By conservation of mechanical energy A satellite of mass m

by gravitation.
2 mv 2a 2) GMm GM GM

R, R,+h)
By solving eg (1) and (2), For a satellite very close to the Earth's surface h << R, .. r=R.

a1e, a 1-e o 8 km/s
and given a horizontal velocity of magnitude 8 km/s then
(c) Third Law (law
of Periods): The square of the lf a body is taken to s o m e height (smal) trom Earth
proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis ofperiod
of revolution of any
its eliptical orbit.
planet around the Sun is directy t becomesa satellite of Earth.
Radius ot the circular orbit of satellite
T a3 depends upon Mass of planet,
(or increased by 41.4%o) or K.E. is doubled then it escapes
Note: For a lt orbital velocity of a satelite becomes v2
circular orbit semi major axis =
Radius of the orbit
from the gravitational field of Earth.
Pre-Medical: Physics ALL
ALLEN In thegiven uen graph of
At point A
energy v/s position Pre-Medical: Physics
8.3 Time Period of a Satellite
« r -R+h) At A, B& C KE + PE KE
System is -

R y g T = G M = T

Vo At point D :* |PEl E
GM8 km/s So, the system is
TE -
KE + PE -0
For a satellite close to Earth's
surface , y R, unbounded. PE
=1.4 h 5063

84 minutes
1 hour 24 minute
2 KE = GMm
2r E
2n(R,) E
In terms of density T, =

Gx 4/3TR, p) x

on the density of the planet.

ume period of a near by satellite only PE =-GMm
27 days
380,000 km
and T =

For Moon h
Geo-Stationary Satellite
2r(R, +h) 27(386400x1071.04
Polar orbit
Vo Tm 27x
6024 x 60 x It rotates in an
equatorial plane.
Its height from the Earth's Equatorial
surface is 36000 km. ( plane
Its angular velocity and time
period should be same as that
6R) = Equator
8.4 Energy of a satellite
of Earth.
GMm L L = mrv, = mVGMT Its rotating sense should be
same as that of
Earth (West to East). Equatorial
Kinetic energy K.E. 7mvg2r 2mr* Geo Stationary/Telecommunication/Parking/Synchronus/Satelite orbit
(Parking orbit)
odstsq are always projected from
GMm -mv
- - =
equator (for example Singapore).
Potential energy P.E. =
- =

Its orbit is called parking orbit

and its orbital velocity is 3.1 km/S.
Polar Satellite
P.E. + K.E. =
- _GMm L"
Total mechanical energy T.E.

2r 2mr2 It is that satellite which revolves in the polar

orbit around Earth. A polar orbit is one whose angie o and south
with the equatorial plane of Earth is 90° and a satelite in polar orbit will pass over both the north
Binding energy: geographical poles once per revolution. Its time period is 100 min. and height is between 500 Km to 800 Km.
Total mechanical energy (potential kinetic) of a cosed system is negative.
energy is known as the binding energy of the system. This is the energy due to which system is bound or
The modulus of this total
mechanial Polar satellifes are employed to obtain the cloud images, atmospheric data, information regarding ozone layer
in the atmosphere and it detected the ozone hole over Antarctica etc.
the different parts of the system are bonded to each other.
Binding energy of a satellite (system)
When the apparent weight of a body becomes zero, the body is said to be in a state of weightlessness. In

GMm L a satellite around the earth, every part and parcel of the satelite has an acceleration towards the centre of
B.E.-T.E. B.E. mv= 2r 2mr?: Hence B.E. =
K.E. =
- T.E.= PE the earth which is exactly the value of earth's acceleration due to gravity at that position. Thus in the satelite

Escape energy and ionisation energy the practical everything inside it is in a state of free fall. If a body is in a satelite (which does not produce its own gravity)
are examples of binding energy.
orbiting the Earth at a height h above its surface then
Work done in Changing the Orbit of a Satellite
mGM mg and Apparent weight = mg, - a)
W Change in mechanical energy of the system but E :
GMm True weight =
mg, =

GM GM mg, 9) 0.
But a weight = - =

W-E -E, 2 r R+h 9h APparent

Note : Condition of weightlessness can be overcome by creating artificial gravity by rotating the satellite

in addition to its revolution.

E E 193
Hp is
GOLL A launched ntoa
is given byT
= 27
/ 84
34.6 minutes. arted
be imparted to tthe
spaceship circular orbit
the surface of earth so
that close to the Earth's surface.
overcomes ne
it n
ofthe longest
is also 84.6 minutes Solution
the surtace What additional speed should
ne time period of a satellite orbiting close to

earth's surtace

is same as that of earth. I means that a

Let AK he the additional kinetic
gravitational pull
gravitational puu of the Earth.

The angular
velocity and time period of
of a

in 24
G.SS. energy imparted to
the paceship
O m p l e t e s its revolution around the earth once
36,000 km. Tho
K -

(total energy of spac to overcome the gravitation pul then

satellite) from
the surface of earth
is about

km 7R erefore, its spaceship) =GMm

eight of a G.S.S. (Geo-stationary + 6400 =
42,400 =
of earth is about
R+ H =36,000
nce rom the centre
known as parking satellite, telecommunication
tion satellite or Total kinetic energy GMm
s used as a communication satellite. It is
synchronous satelite. 2R R, thenmv- R , -R
nearty one-third
surface area of earth. Theretore a minimum of three
ree G.S.S.are G.S.S.
But So aditional velocity
.2GMM. (2-1)
One G.S.S. can cover

to cover the whole earth.

radius (distance of satellite Alternate solution required-V -V R R
the central body and orbital from he
Orbital velocity depends upon the mass of
the orbital velocity (v.) don
centre of the central body). If the distance of satellite increases, then
ases. Additional velocity Escape =

of satellite.
velocity Orbital velocity
Orbital velocity does not depend on the mass

a horizontal velocity
of 8 km/s, it will start revohin
f a body is taken to a small height and given g aroun
the earth in a circular orbit which means that it will become a satellite close to the earth's surfacnd
face. 2GM
If a body is released from a revolving satellite, then it will continue to move in the same orbit with tho
satellite close to the earth.
will also become a
orbital velocity
When the total energy of
which means that it

satellite is negative, it will be moving in either a circular or an eliptical c

orbit. llustration 30.
When the total energy of a satellite is zero, it will escape away from its orbit and its path becomes paral
f the gravitational force is inversely proportional to the power of distance r, then the orbital n velocihy of An astronaut, inside an earth's satellite
experiences weightlessness becau5e
(A) he is falling freely
a satellite , « r andtime period Ta r (6) no external torce is acting on him
The total energy of any planet revolving around the sun is negative (: it is bounded). (C) no reaction is exerted
by the floor of the satellite (D) he is far away from the earth's surface
First Satelite of Earth is Sputnik I. First Geo-satellte of India is Aryabhatt I. Solution
(Ans. A, C)
First Geo-stationary satellite of India Apple lI. Example of other Satellites of India
is are
Bhaskar- - 1, As astronaut's acceleration =
g,; so he is falling
Rohini-, Bhaskar- I (Geo Satellite): Insat-I (A), Insat I(B) (Geo freely. Also no reaction is exerted by the floor of the satelite.
Stationary Satelite) llustration 31.
Illustrations If a satellite orbits as close to the earth's surface
Mustration 28.
as possible
(A) its speed is maximum
Twosatellites S, and S, are revolving round a planet in coplanar and concentric circular orbits of
and R, in the same sense respectively. Their respective periods of revolution are 1 h and 8 h. TheradiiR, (B) time period of its revolution is minimum
of the orbit of satelite radius
S, is equal to 10 km. Find the relative speed in km/h when they are closest. (C) the total energy of the 'earth plus satellite' system is minimum
(D) the total energy of the 'earth plus satelite system is maximum
By Kepler's 3d law, Solution (Ans. A, B,
Rp =constant o n0Ror R, - 10* km 4x
Distance travelled in one revolution, S, GM
2rTR, =
2n x 10 and S, =
2TR, =
2m x 4x 104 For (A): orbital speed v,= anR so V maximum

S2x 10-2rx10* km/h and v, S-2mx4x10 =

For (B): Time period of revolution T «
= nx10*km/h
Relative velocity =

2n 104 GMm
v, =
x x
10 10* km/h
n x For (C/D) : Total energy
194 2
srevolving around the
is r e v o l y r

from the Sun

Sun in an
Pre-Medical: Physics
elliptical orbit. Its closest distance from the Sun
Pre-Medical:Physics shown
in 1igure. Select
altemativ Hctance
henorbital angular
the orbital angular velocity
orbital anqudl Is
gular velocity of the distance
is rThe
planet when it isnearest to the Sun is
lustration 32. orbit as
, at the
A planet is revolving round the sun in an
point ewhen is at
n tit is at the
the farthest distance from the Sun s
negative at
(A) Its total energy is

(B) Its angular momentum

is constant
w C)max o (D)mino
(C) Net torque on the planet about sun
time period of
of 2volution
reunl.. min

tG 6.67 x 10" Nm/ka? t moon around the earth

(D) Linear momentum of the planet is conserved
(Ans. A, B, C) hen find
the mass ofearth
is 28 days and radius of its orbit is 4 x 10° km.
the earth.
Solution negative. speed of the planet
is always Let the at the
For (A): For a bound system,
the total energy

to the correspon perihelion P in Fig. be, v and the Sun-planet distance SP be Relate
field, angular
momentum is
quantities at the r,
For (B) For central force
- 0. BACand
CPB ?, aphelion (rA V.Will the planet take equal times to traverse

For(C) For central force field, conserved.
momentum is not
force, linear
of external
For(D) n presence

Illustration 33. speed equal

peed equal to half
to halt the
the earth with

ina circular orbit around magnitude

An artificial satelite is 2
of escape velocity from the surface.
satellite above the earth's
(a) Determine the height of the the earth, find #h
and allowed to fall freely on
in its orbit Peed
If the satellite is stopped suddenly eart
surface of earth. Given M = mass of earth and R =Radius of
with which it hits the

Solution met orbits the sun in a highly

A comet
surface = h then 1. elliptical orbit. Does the comet have a consta nt
(a) Let height above the earth's (a) linear speed, (0) angular speed, (c) angular momentum, (d) kinetic energy, (e) potential energy () total

G 12M
- /RV2R R+h -2R h = R energy throughout its orbit ? Negect any mass loss of the comet when it comes very close to the Sun.

'onesR+h A satellite moves in a circular orbit around the earth. The radius of this orbit is one half that of the moons
(b) If the satellite is stopped suddenly then it total energy E, 2R
orbit. Find the time in which the satelite completes one revolution.
Let speed be v when it hits the earth's surface then its total energy
on earth surface
A small satellite revolves round a planet in an orbit just above planet's surface. Taking the mean density or
planet as p, calculate the time period of the satellite.
E, - - R
GMm 10. Two satellites A and B, having ratio of masses 3: 1 are in circular orbits of radius r and 4r. Calculate the
mechanical energy yields E,
-GMm 1
conservation law for
E, 2R R * 2 mv>v= ratio of total mechanical energies of A to B.
llustration 34. 11. A satllite orbits the Earth at a height of 400 km above the surface. How much energy must be expended
Is it possible to place an artificial satellite in an orbit such that it is always visible over Kota ? Write doun to rocket the satellite out of the Earth's gravitational influence ? Mass of the satellite = 200 kg; mass of
the reason. Earth 6.0 x 102 kg; radius of the Earth = 6.4 x 10 m;G = 6.67 x 10-1 N-m/kg?.
Solution 12. An artificial satellite orbiting the earth in very thin atmosphere loses its energy gradually due to small but
No, Kota is not in the equatorial pBane.
continuous dissipation against atmospheric resistance. Then explain why its speed increases progressivety
as it comes closer and closer to the earth.
13. Write the answer of the following questions in one

1. The mean radius of the earth's orbit around the sun is 1.5 x 10" m. The mean radius of the orbit of mercury
around the sun is 6 x 10i0 m. Calculate the a) What is the orbital speed of Geo-stationary [atelite ?
year of the mercury.
lf earth describes an orbit round the sun of double its present radius, what wll be the year on earth b) For a satellite moving in an orbit around the earth what is the
ratio of kinetic energy to potential energy?
3. f the gravitational force were to vary inversely as mh power of the distance, then the satellite distant 7R from the centre
in circular orbit of radius r around the Sun
time period of a planet 14. An object weighs 10Nat the north pole of the Earth. In a geostationary
be to wil proportional of the Earth (of radius R), the true weight and the apparent weight
are respectively-
(A) rm/2 (B) ram/2 (C)m1/2 (D) m+1}/2 (C) 0.2 N, 9.8 N D) 0.2 N, 0.2 N
(A) 0, 0 (B) 0.2 N, 0
196 E 197
SE-I (Conceptual Questlons
Pre-Medical:Physics Pre-Medical:Physics
GRAVITATION & Build Up Your Understanding9
rour particles of masses m, 2m, 3m and 4m are
BEGINNER'S BOX-1 wton's lawof gravitation p t in sequence at the corners of a square of side

a. The magnitude of gravitational force acting on

2. 2N2 years ) s not applicable out side the solars
3. 1 . years
(2) i s u s to goverm the motion system à particle of mass m placed at the centre of the
of satellites
1 Zero 2.
the rotational onk Square will be :
3) control motion of satellites
4. (D) planets and
(1) 4 G 6m'G
BEGINNER'S BOX-2] 6.47 x 10" kg control the rotational motion oft electrons in a
5. (4)

1. A,B 2. (A) 3. (A a n g u l a r momenturn s n p Tp Vp = m

(3 4/2Gm (4) Zero

6. 0.5% Mass particles
of 1 kg ea are
4. A) 5. 32 km placed along x-axis
7. 4.44 m/s2 8. h R 6400 km VA p
Since T TpVp> VA 1,2,4,8,..
mass of 3kg placed
Then gravitational force
at origin is The tidal in the seas are primarily due to i
10. 1920 km
(G =
9. 50 km The area SBAC bounded by the ellipse gravitational constant) (1) The gravitational effect of the sun orn the earth
radius vectors SB and SC is larger than SBp
Fig. From Keplers second law, equal are (2) The gravitational effect of the moon on the earth
(1) 4G (3) 2G (4)o
swept in equal time intervals. Hence thare
11. d-R 12. will take a longer time to traverse BAC thare t (3) The rotation of the earth
CPB Caitational force betvween two masses at distance
All quantities vary over an orbit except ano 3. (4) The atmospheric effect of the earth it self
7 H apart is 6N. If these masses are taken to moon
momentum and total energy.
and kept at same separation, then theforce between8. During the joumey of space ship from earth to moon
themwill become:
9. 37t and back, the maximum fuel is consuned
8. 9.7 days
Gp (1) 1 N
2)N (1) Against the gravitation of earth in returm joumey
(3) 36 N (4) 6 N (2) Against the gravitation of earth in onward joumey
.ma 2. 10. 11. 5.89 x10°J
4. The value of universal gravitational constant G (3) Against the gravitation of moon while reaching
12. Kinetic energy increases, but potential energy
3. -2200 x667 x10-11 J/kg depends upon: the moon
decreases, and the sum decreases due to dissi.

4. (B) 5. D) 6. (D) pation against friction. (1) Nature of material of two bodies (4) None of the above
7. (2) Heat constant of two bodies 9. If the distance between the centres of earth and
13. (a)3.1 km/s; (b) moon is D and mass of earth is 81 times that of
(3) Acceleration of two bodies moon. At what distance from the centre of earth
14. (B) gravitational field will be zero :
(4) None of these

5. Three identical bodies (each mass M) are placed at 2D 4D 9D

vertices of an equilateral triangle of arm L, keepingg
the triangle as such by which angular speed the
( (2) 3
(3) (4) 10

bodies should be rotated in their gravitational fields 10. An earth's satellite is moving in a circular orbit with
so that the triangle moes along ciraumference of a unifom speed v. If the gravitational force of the
earth suddenly disappears, the satellite will
circular orbit:
(1) vanish into outer space
( ,3GM GM (2) continue to move with velocity vin original orbit
(3) fall down with increasing velocity

(4 31
GM (4) fly off tangentially from the orbit with velocity

198 199
valueof 'g',
of 'g on earth
Pre-Medical:Physicsthe Assume that
a tunnel is dug throuo The
an surface depends
earth's structure Pre-Medical: Physics
of intensity
of 13.
south pole and that th h (1) only.
North pole to
11 wing curve shows

the centre non-rotating. unitorm sphere of densit." Is (2) only an earth's rotational motion The acceleration due to gravity g and mean density
with distance
from above both Oearth p are related by which of the following
gravitational field (*) ona
gravitational force
particle of massPTh (3) on
4) on none these and is same relatlons ?[G- gravitational constant and R radhus
of solid spherelr): intothe tunnel when it reaches a
distance r earth]
the centre of
earth is from ualue of 'g reduces to
earth at a height 'h',
half of its value at 5urface
then a
(1) p 4ngR?
(2) P 47TgR
amGp (1) h (2) h- 2R

(3) p - 3 39
(4) P4GR
(3) h -(V2+1R 4TGR
(1) (4) h-(2-1}R
25 More amount of sugar is obtained in 1kg weight:

ome planet'ofg is 1.96 m/sec?. If it is safe to (1) At North pole
(4)mGp rom a 2m on
froonding safe heightearth,
then what
should be
(2) At equator
jumping that on
planet (3) Between pole and equator
14. Mars has a diameter of approximately

(2) that of earth, and mass of 0.1 of that of e 0.50 (1) 5m

(2) 2m
(4) At South pole
The surface gravitational field strength Z6. When you move from equator to pole, the value
mars (3) 10m (4) 20m
as compared to that on earth is a
factor of of acceleration due to gravity (g):
f the earth stops rotating suddenly, the value of (1) increases
(1)0.1 (2) 0.2 at a place other than poles would g
(2) decreases
(3) 2.0 (4)0.4 (1) Decrease (3) remains the same
15. Three equal masses of 1 kg each are placed at (2) Remain constant (4) first increases then decreases
vertices of an equilateral triangle PQR
and a mae (3) Increase 27. When the radius of earth is reduced by 1% without
of 2 kg is placed at the centroid O of the
triangle changing the mass, then the acceleration due to
which is ata distance of v2 m from each of the (4) Increase or decrease depending on the position gravity will
of earth in the orbit round the sun
vertices of the triangle. The force, in newton, (1) increase by 2% (2) decrease by 1.5%
(4) on the mass of 2 kg is Diameter and mass of a planet is double that (3) increase by 1% (4) decrease by 1%
earth. Then time period of a pendulum at surface
(1) 2 (2) 2 of planet is how much times of time period at earth 28. Weight of a body of mass m decreases by 16 when
surface it is raised to height h above the eath's surface.
12. Suppose the aceleration due to gravity at the (3) 1 (4) zero f the body is taken to a depth h in a mine, then
earth's surface is 10m/s and at the surface of mars
in its weight will
it is 4.0 m/s'. A 60kg passenger goes from the 16. One can easily "weigh the earth" by calculating the a times (2) 2 times
earth to the mars in a spaceship moving with a mass of earth using the formula (in usual notation) (1) decrease by 0.5% (2) decrease by 26
constant velocity. Neglect all other objects in the (3) Equal (4) None of these (3) increase by 0.5% (4) increase by 1%
sky. Which part of figure best represent the weight 23. Gravitation on moon is 1/6h of that on earth. When
(1) 29. Acceleration due to gravity at earth's surface
(Net gravitational force) of the passenger as a g
a balloon flled with hydrogen is released on moon
is 'g' m/s. Find the effective value of acceleration
function of time : then, this: due to gravity at a height of 32 km from sea
(4)R level: (R, - 6400 Km)
Weight (N)
(1) Will rise with an acceleration less then
18) (1) 0.5 g m/s? (2) 0.99 g m/s*

400 (3) 1.01 g m/s (4) 0.90 g m/s*

(2) Will rise with acceleration
17. Acceleration due to gravity at the centre of the
240 earth is 30. The mass of the moon is 1% of mass of the earth.
200 The ratio of gravitational pull of earth on moon
3) Wil fall down with an acceeration less than
to that of moon on earth will be
(1) g
4) Wil fall down with acceleration (1)1 : 1 (2)1 10 (3) 1 100 (4) 2: 1
0A (2) B (3) C (4) D (3) zero (4) infinite
E 201

expresses th is launched with velaocity

Pre-Medical:Physics 37. Which of
the tOOWng
curve A missi

31. a new planet having

the s a m e density

of gravitational R distance
potential with distance ftor a
ation escape velocity. Sur of less than
its kinetic the Pre-Medical: Physics
that of earth but its radius is 3 times bigger

sphere of radius holow potential energy is
energy and
artificial satelite mov
An artificial satellite moving in a circular orbit round

the earth in size. If the

acceleration due to
R (1) Positive the earth hasa total (kinetic+ potential) energy Eo
on the surface of earth is g
and that on the lts potentlal
energy is -
(2) Negative
of the new planet is g, then :

be negative or
(1)-E (2) Eg
(1)g 3 (2)g'- g/9 (3) positive (3)-2E0 (4) 2E%
(3)g' 9g (4) g'-27 g
initial velocity depending upon its
(4) Zero paridle of mass m is in a horizontal ciricle
R of radius R under a centripetal force equal to
a height
h' above
32. The change in the value of 'g' at
as at a depth height equal to the
A body
the surface of the earth is same (2) A =
constant). The total energy of the paticle
radius of
th when radius of the
smaller than the
Ifd and'h'are much the following is correct? projected from earth' T
dy with stsurface surface. The
S :

earth, then which one of velocity of the body with which it was
(1)d h (2)d 2h "R**7 is projected Potential energy at very large distance is zero)

(3) d-2 (4)d h/2
3 (2).26M (2-R
33. the rotational speed of earth is increased then
weight of a body at the equator **R
GM 3)
(1) increases
(2) decreases R
(3) becomes double (4) does not changes (4) The gravitational potential energy of a bodyat:
r trom the center of the earth
of the earth. distance is U. The 49.
34. A body weighs W newton at the surface force at that point is :
Potential energy of a 3kg body at the surtace ot a

Its at a height equal to halí the radius

of the planet is 54J, then escape velocity will be:
weight 38. Gravitational potential difference between surfaro
earth will be :
of a planet and a point situated at a height of
U (1) 18 m/s (2) 162 m/s
W 4W W
above its surface is 2 J/kg. lf gravitational field
(1 (3) Ur (4) U2 (3) 36 m/s (4) 6 m/s
2 (3) 9 4) 4 is
2 uniform, then the work done in taking a 5kg 44. A particle falls from infinity to
the earth. its velocity 50.
body Escape veloity of a 1kg body on a planet is 100
upto height 4 meter above surtace will be: on reaching the earth surface
35. The imaginary angular velocity of the earth for which is m/s. Potential energy of body at that planet is:
the effective acceleration due to gravity at the (1) 2 J (2) 20 J 3) 40 J (4) 10 J (1) 2Rg (2)Rg
(1) - 5000J
is equal to (2) -1000J
equator shall be zero

(1) 1.25 x 10- rad/s (2) 2.50 x 10 rad/s

39. If M, is the mass of earth and
Mm is the
mass of
(3) Rg (4) 2Rg
(3)-2400J (4)-10000J
moon (M, =
81 M). The potential energy of an
object of mass m situated at a distance R from the 45. Aprojectile of mass m is thrown vertically up with 51. The ratio of radii of two satelites is p and the ratio
(3) 3.75 x 10-3 rad/s (4) 5.0 x 10- rad/s
centre of earth and r from the centre of mo0on, an initial velocity v from the surface of earth (mass of their acceleration due to gravity is q. The ratio
Take g 10m/s for the acceleration due to gravity will be: of earth = M). If it comes to rest at a height h, the
of their escape velocities will be :

if the earth were at rest and radius of earth equal

change in its potential energy is
to 6400 km.] (2)
(1) GMmh/R{R + h) (2) GMmh/RR + h}?
POTENTIAL (3) GMmhR/R(R + h) (4) GMm/hRR+h)
36. Twodifferent masses are droped from same heights.
()-CnmM (4) GmMR
46. Two small and heavy spheres, each of mass M, are
52. Escape velocity of a body from earth is 11.2 km/s
Escape velocity, when thrown at an angle of 45°
When these just strike the ground, the followingis from horizontal will be
placed a distance r apart on a horizontal surface.
40. The gravitational potential energy maxima is (1) 11.2 km/Vs
Same : The gravitational potential at the mi-point on the
(1) infinity line joining the centre of the spheres is* (2) 22.4 km/s
(1) kinetic energy (2) potential energy
(2) the earth's surface GM (3) 11.2/ 2 km/s
(3) linear momentum (4) acceleration ) Zero (2)
(3) The centre of the earth
(4) 11.2 2 km/s
(4) Twice the radius of the earth
3) r
(4) r
202 EE 203

are revolvingn
nd the earth satellite
e of
of ea
earth ot mass m is
Pre-Medical: Physics
earth is 11.2 km/s
59. Twoordinary

same elliptical
orbit, then which o
the toloving
radius2R to 3R, then minimumtaken from orbital
Pre-Medical: Physics
vebcity from the
work done f If two
two bodies
bodies of mass M and mare revoving around
e escape of eartn quantities is conserved
GMm is of mass
m a s of another
is 100 times
of mass
Ihe GMm 28
(2) 12R the centre of mass of the system in circular orotO

and its radius is 4 times


of earth. (1) Velocity

(2) Angular velocity

is plotted
between T
radii R and r
respectively due to mutual interacton
Which of the following fornula is appicable :
escape velocity for fa gra
be ;
and r' for
(2) 280 km/s
(3) Angular momentum

6then its
slope will a
(1) 56.0 km/s GMm
(4) None of aboe GM (1(R++2mo'r
(3) 112 km/s
(4) 11.2 km/s

second law is a consequene

4 24 (3) 4T GM
4) Zero
from the
60. Keplers

54. Body is projected vertically upward of kinetic energy anet is volving round the sun. Its (2 m =
mo'R GMm mør
t and that at distance from
halr conservation 4)
Surtace of the earth with a velocity equal to (1)
the. at Apogee is R+
If R is radius of the
earth, the
(2) conservation
of linear momentum
mass of planet ands is m Perigee is. 72. Two satellites of same I5s m are revolving round
the escape veocity.
i the and M
maximum height attained by the body
:" (3) conservation of angular momentum
Vand v
isthe velocity of
planet at respectively
Apogee and
of earth (mass M) in the same orbit of radius r.

(4) conservation of speed Perigee respectively

and T is the
volution of planet round the sun. period of
Rotational directions of the two are opposite
(4) R 61. One projectile after deviating from its path s therefore, they can collide. Total mechanical
(1) (23 moving round the earth in a cinular path of energy of the system (both satallites and earths
PLANETARY MOTION& WEIGHTLESSNESS equal to nine times the radius of earth R. a T2Gm *6T is (m << M):

period will be
55. Binding energy of moon and earth is (1)-GMm

(2) 2GMm
(1) a, b, c (2) a, b, d 3) b, c, d
GM.M (2) 27x 21, (4) all
( 1 ) M M

(2) ( 2 Asatellite launching station should be : (3))-GMm

2r (4) Zero
R (4) 0.8x3x (1) near the equatorial region 3. A panet of mass m is moving in an eliptical orbit

(3) GM, M (4)

2 em
(9 (2) near the polar region about the sun (mass of sun M). The maximumn
62. In adjoining figure earth goes around the: and minimum distances of the planet from the sun
sun in (3) on the polar axis
56. and B are at a distance r
Two artificial satellites Asurface. elliptical orbit on which point the orbital speed is are r, and r, respectively. The period of revolution
and r, above the earth's If the radius of earth maximum (4) all locations are eqauly good of the planet will be proportional to:
is R, then the ratio of their speed will be :
(1) On A 68 A space shuttle is launched in a circular orbit near
(1) 2)
the earth's surface. The additional velocity be given
to the space- shuttle to get free from the influence
+R (2) On B A
of gravitational force, will be: (3) (5- (4) (+
(3) On C 74. The relay satellite transmits the television
(1) 1.52 kms (2) 2.75 km/s
programme continuously from one part of the word
(3) 3.28 km/s (4) 5.18 kms to another because its
(4) On D
57. The average radii of orbits of mercury and earth 69. A satellite is moving in a circular orbit around earth (1) Period is greater than the period of rotation of
around the sun are 6 x 10' km and 1.5 x 10 km | 63. Potential energy and kinetic energy of a two partice with a speed v. If its mass is m, then its total energy the earth about its axis
respectively. The ratio of their orbital speeds system under imaginary force field are shownby will be
(2) Period is less than the period of rotation of the
will be curves KE and PE. respectively in figure. Thissystem earth about its axis

(1) .V2 (2) 2: 5

is bound at: (2) mv2
(3)mv(4)-mv (3) Period is equal to the period of rotation of the
70. f the length of the day is T, the height of that TV earth about its axis
(3)2.5 1 (4)1 25 (1) only point A
satellite above the earth's surface which always (4) Mass is less than the mass of earth
58. Abodyisdropped by a satellite in its geo-stationary KE Distance
(2) only point D appears stationary from earth, will be
orbit : 75. li the satellite is stopped suddenly in its orbit which
(1) it will burn on entering in to the atmosphere (3) only point is at a distance radius of earth from earths surface
(4)h4GM 4r GM R and allowed to fall freely into the earth. The speed
(2) it will remain in the same place with respect to
A, B, and C E (2) h=T
the earth with which it hits the surface of earth will be :
(3) it will reach the earth is 24 hours (4) All points A, (1) 7.919 m/s (2) 7.919 km/s
(4) it will perform uncertain motion B, C and D 3) 11.2 m/s (4) 11.2 km/s
204 205
ALLE nication satellite of Pre-Medicoal: Physics
are a t the heioh!

ch theof t h n d
omplete one cirauarearth
rs. to comp
which takes 24 93.
satellite ofof mass in circular orbit o
Pre-Medical: Physics If T, U., E | 82.

from theearth's
Then which of
folowing ced by another satellite
t o b erepla eventually
of double has
mass m
revolves a

planet of mass M. Its total

statement is incorrect: satellites also has mass. acus Ra round a
A planet is moving in an
f t h e r ew an
orbital E is-
potentialenergy, tor

o f24hrs, then what is the ratio o

tirne period
and Lare its kinetic energy, the earth)
of angular moment
magnitude (R

ew orbit
to the original orbit ? dhus of the
(1) -GMm GMm
energy and
respectively, then
which ofthe

(1) Ratio
of total energy of both is 5
(2)2: 1
(3) 2:1
2R (2)3R3
S true energy of both is 4 (4) 1:2GMm GMm
(1) Tis conserved (2) Ratio
of kinetic
of both 4
Escape velocity for
velocity aa
at earths
surface is
(3)-R 4)
15 Proected fom earth's surfacece with 94. otAAsatelite
of potential satelite
(2) U is always positive (3) Ratio
V A body2 V, The velocit of the
isorbiting earth at a distance Variations
its kinetic energy, potential energy and total

(3) E is always negative L wil Ratio of total

energy of both is 4 velocity
body when
(4Lis conserved butthedirection
of vector (4) nite distance irom ne centre of the earthit isis at energy, is shown in the figure. Of the three curves
projection velocity of a boct, f shown in figure, identify the type of mechanical
continuously change 83. The minimum (2) 2V. (3) 2V.
is surface s o that it becomes the satellit e 4) 3V energy they represernt.
two bodies earth's
77. The gravitational
force between

(R, 6.4 x 10°m). 90

For satellite moving in an orbit around the Epergy


to not ) ,
R (2) 8 x 103 m/s the ratio
of kinetic« anergy to
potential energy is
directly proportional 103 m/s
bodies. Then
the (1) 11 x

between the
is the distance (4) 4 x 103 m/s (2) 1/2
force in circular
orbit (3) 6.4 x 103 m/s (1) 2 (3) (4) 2
orbital speed for this

proportionalto: 84. Geostationary

satellite :-
Th orbital velocity of an artificial satelite in a
(4) 1/R 91. dircular orbit just above the earth's surface is v
(2) R° (3) R (1) is situated at a great height above the si
(1) 1/R2 surtace The orbital velocity of satellife orbiting at an altitude
satelite revolving around of earth (1) 1 Potential, 2 Kinetic, 3 Total
78. What will be velocity of a of half of the radius is
surface of earth if
the earth at a height h above (2) moves in equatorial plane (2) 1 Total, 2 Kinetic, 3 Potential
radius of earth is R (3) 1 Kinetic, 2 Total, 3 Potential
(3) have time period of 24 hours (1
9 (4) have time period of 24 hours and moves in
(4) 1 Potential, 2 Total, 3 Kinetic
(1) RVRh (2) R(R+h The earth revolves around the sun in one year. If | 95. The mean distance of mars from sun is l.5 times
equatorial plane distance between them becomes double, the new that of earth from sun. What is approximately the
(4) R
R+h 85. The maximum and minimum distances of a comet timeperiod of revolution will be number of years required by mars to make one
(3 RRh from the sun are 8 x 1012 m and 1.6 x 10" m revolution about sun ?
and are
(1) 4/2 years (2) 2/2 years
79. Two artificial satellites of masses m, m, respecting. If its velocity when it is nearest to the (1) 2.35 years (2) 1.85 years
orbits of radii r,
moving with speeds v, and v, in sun is 60 m/s then what will be its velocity in (3) 4 years (4) 8 years
then which of the (3) 3.65 years (4) 2.75 years
and respectively.
r, >r, If r, m/s when it is farthest ?
statements in true
(1) 12 (2) 60 (3) 112 (4) 6
EXERCISE-I (Conceptual Questions) ANSWER KEY
(1), (2) ,> A satellite of goes round the earth
86. mass m
along Que 1 o 11 12
(3) v, , (4)v/, a circular path of radius r. Let m be the mass of
the earth and Re its radius then the linear speed
Ans 3 1 4 32 4 3
80. Orbital radius of a satellite S of earth is four times
Que 16 17 18 21 22 23 2425 26
of the satellite depends on.
that of a communication satellite C. Period of
Ans.2 3 3 2 |3
revolution of S is (2) m, Re and r Que. 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44
(1) m, m and r
(1) 4 days (2) 8 days
(4) me andr
Ans 1 2 2 |3 1|4 3 1 3 12 12 4
(3) m only Que 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 6 7 58 59 60
3) 16 days (4) 32 days
87. Near the earth's surface time period of a satellte Ans 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 1 1|
81 lfa satellite is revolving very close to the surface of is 1.4 hrs. Find its time period if it is at the distande Que61 626364 65 66 6768 2
earth, then its orbital
velocity does not depend Ans. 2 2 13134 1 1 4 3
4R from the centre of earth 5 86 87 88
upon ue 7 7 7980 8182 83 89 90
(1) Mass of satelite (2) Mass of earth (1) 32 hrs. 2) hrs. Ans. 3
3 1 1 | 2 |4 14 3 1|4 2
(3 Radius of earth
Que. 93 94 95
(4) Orbital radius Ans.
(3) 8/2 hrs. (4) 16 hrs. 3 132
206 207
Pre-Medical:Physics AIPMTINEET& Al ALLE
MS (2006-2018 A9
y satellite is
orbiting the earth at a
SR above that surtace
the radius of tne earth. The
of the
earth, R
Pre-Medical: Physics
Year Questions) The dependence
of acceleration due to
AIPMT 2007
on the distance r trom the centre of gravity
the earth, another
in hours at
time period
height of 2R from
of 14.
Ablack hole
nole is
is an
object whose gravitational field
assumed to be sphere of radius R of
a surface of the earth is
moving in is So strong that even light cannot escape from it.
and S2., are density, is as shown in figure below . O
1. Two satellites of earth, S1 is four
times the
lowhat approximate radius would earth
of S, () 6 2
the same

The mass

one of the folowing

(2)6/2 mass 5.98 x 1024 kg) have to be conpressea
of Sp.
is true
(3) 5 4) 10 to be a black hole?
of the two
satellites are
a b)
kinetic energies height at which the (1) 10-9 m (2) 10-6 m
(1) The The
weight of a
p becomes
1/16", its
welight on
the surface (3) 10-2 m (4) 100 m
earth (radius R),
four times that of S2 is
(2) The time period of S,
Dependence of intensity of gravitational field (E)
and satellite in
(3) The potential energies ofearth
(1) 3R
(2) 4R of earth with distance (r) from centre of earth is
the wo cases are equal
(c) (d)
13) 5R (4) 15R correctly represented by
moving with the same speed
and S are
(4) S AIPMT Mains 2012
The correct figure is

(1) (a) (2))(6) (3) ich one of the following plots () o (2) C

2. The figure shows elliptical orbit of a planet

m about (4) (d)
variation ol gravitational tield on represents the
the S. The shadedarea SCD is twice the shaded
6. The additional kinetic energy to be provided t
particle with
distance r due to a thin spherical shell of radius R?
the time for the planet to move satellite of mass m revolving around a planet of
area SAB. If t, is
Iris measured from the centre of the spherical E E
D and ty is the time to move from A mass M, to transfer it from a circular orblt of shel)
from C to
to B then R to another of radius R2R2 > Ri) is - E (3) (4)

(1) t-t (1) GnMRR 2) 2GmM ()

12 APMT 2015
(2) t<t R Ra
16. Kepler's third law states that square of pertocd ot
(3) 4t2
(4) t 2t
GnMR4GnME R) (3)
revolution (T) of a planet around the sun, is

proportional to third power of average distancer

AIPMT 2011
12. If v. is escape velocity and vo is orbital velocity of between sun and planet
A planet moving along an elliptical orbit is closest
a satellite for orbit close to the
earth's surface, then
3. The radii of circular orbits of two satelites A and to the sun at a distance ri and farthest
away at these are related by : i.e.T K3
a distance of r2. If
B of the earth, are 4R and R, respectively. If the v and v2 are the linea
speed of satelite A is 3V, then the speed of satelite velocities at these points respectively, then the here K is constant.
(1) v, =

2v (2) v, = 2 ,
B will be V
ratiois (3) v =2. If the masses of sun and planet are M and m
(4) Vo Ve
(1) 3V/2 (2) 3V/4 (3) 6V (4) 12V (1) (r/r 2) Ta/ (3) (r/r (4) / respectively then as per Neuton's law of graitation
4. AlIMS 2012
A particle of mass M is situated at the centreof AIPMT Pre. 2012 torce of attraction between them is

spherical shell of 18. A particle is thrown with

a same mass and radius a. The 8. escape velocity v, from F-GMm
A spherical planet has a mass M, and diameter D, h e r e G is gravitational constant.
the surface of earth. Calculate its velocity at height
Mgravitational potential at a point situated at A particle of mass m faling freely near the surface
of this planet wll experience an 3 R The relation between G and K is described as :
distance from the centre,
will be aceleratilondue
to gravity, equal to: (1) =
9.25 km/s (2) 5.6 km/s (1) GMK 42 (2) K G
(1) 4GM 23GM (1) GM/D,2 (2) 4GM,m/D,
a (3) - (4)GM 3) 11.2 km/s (4)= 4.3 km/s
(3) K = (4) GK = 42
(3) 4GM,/D, 4) GM,m/ D,
ReAPMT 2015
22. Starting
the centre of thee eearth havin
LLA Two astronau

auts are
having lost
iloating in
contact withgravitational
17. A satelite S is moving in an elliptical orbit
the earth. The mass of the satelite is very small

R, the variation of g (acceleration due tto ad The

two wil : thelr free
Pre-Medical: Physics
is shown by gratj 1)Move towards each
other. A
AlIMS 2018
compared to the mass of the earth. Then,
2) Move away from each satellite of mass 2000
kg is revolving in elliptical
( t h e acceleration of Sis always directed towards (3) WIl become stationary
other. path around
earth. If mean altitude at and
ing at the same perigee
the centre of the eartlh apogee are 1600
distance between them.
km and 5600 km
(2) the angular momentum of S about the centre (1) (2) AIIMS 2017 then the
energy required to send the satellite in
of the earth changes in direction, but its
the angula this orbit will be
Find momentum ofs (Radius of earth is 6400 km)
magnitude remains constant. 400
moving around the satellite of mass
(1) 7.2 x101J
(2) 7.8 x 1010 J
(3) the total mechanical energy of S varies 4 x10' m.

(1) 50 x 1012 kgm?/s

radius (3) 8.5 x100J
(4) 5.6 x10J
periodicaly with time. (2) 512 x 10 3. A satellite of
(4) the linear momentum of S remains constant in (4) (5 x 107 kgm?/s (4) 512 x 10 kgm?/s mass1500 kg is revolving arounnd

magnitude. NEET(UG) 2018 kgm?/s earth. The radius of earth

is 6400 km. Minimum

18. A remote sensing satelite of earth revolves in a

8 f the mass of the Sun
were ten times smaller and and maximum
distance of satellite from surface of
the niversal gravitational constant earth are 1200 km and
circular orbit at a height of 0.25 x10 mabove 23. A satellite of mass m is orbitin
er in magnitude, which of the were ten time 2400 km respectively. The
the surface of earth. If earth's raclius is 6.38 x10° m (of radius R) at a height h from its surface. following is not approximate time period of satelite is
The t correct?
and g-9.8 m/s, then the orbital speed of the energy of the satelite in terms of (1) 2h
90, the valo (1) Raindrops will fall faster (2) 11.5 h
satellite is: acceleration due to gravity at the
earth's surface (3) 19.2 h
is 2) Walking on the
ground would become (4) 4.07 h
(1) 6.67 km/s (2) 7.76 km/s difficult more 32.
Ageo synchronous satellite is
(1) ZmgR2
revoling around the
(3) Time period ot a simple earth. What will be its
(3) 8.56 km/s (4) 9.13 km/s R+h (2)mgR pendulum on the Earth orbital radius? (Radius of
R+h would decrease
earth 6400 km)
ARMS 2015 (4) 'g on the Earth will not
(3) mg0R2 change (1) 42440 km
19. Find the velocity of a satelite at height 80 km from
(32R+h) (4) mgR 9. The kinetic energies of a planet in an
(2) 36000 km
earth, if the radius of earth is 6400 km 2R+h) elliptical orbit (3) 32000 km (4) 38400 km
AlIMS 2016 about the Sun, at positions A, B and Care
Ka, Kg 33. A satelite is
(1) 7 km/s (2) 8 km/s and Kc respectively. AC is the
major axis and SB revoling around the earth such that
24. Find out energy is perpendicular to AC at the
3) 7.84 km/s
required (in Giga Joule) to escape position of the Sun
its minimum and
maximum distance from earth's
(4) 11.2 km/s a space shuttle of 1000 kg S as shown in the
mass from surface of figure. Then surface are 800 km and 2400 km
NEETA 20 earth. (R, = 6400 km) respectively.
Calculate velocity of satelite when its distance
(1) 20 from
20. At what height from the surface of earth the 42) 64 O00xd orla earth is minimum
50 (4) 28 A!o9J
gravitation potential and the value of g are 66
-5.4 x 10' J/kg and 6.0 m/s respectively ? NEET(UG) 2017 given radius of earth =
6400 km)
Take the radius of earth as 6400 km 25 The acceleration due to
gravity at a height 1 km (1) 7.91 x10 m/s (2) 7.91 x10 m/s
above the earth is the same as at a (1) Ka < Kg < Kc (2) Ka > Kg> Kc
t1) 2600 km (2) 1600 km depth d below (3) 6 x10 m/s (4) 9 x10 m/s
the surface of earth. Then:
Y(3) 1400 km (4) 2000 km (3) Kg<Ka <Kc (4) Kg > Ka > Kc
(1)d 1 km
21. The ratio of escape
velocity at earth (v) to the
escape velocity at a planet (v) whose radius and 3
EXERCISE-II (Previous Years Questlons) ANSWER KEY
density are twice as that of earth is (2)d km Que
Ans. 4 34 9 10 11 14 15
(1) 1: 2 A21: 2/2 (3) d 2 km 32 4 3 2 3 1|1
Que 16 3
(3)1:4 4)12 Ans. 18 19 20 21 2223 24 2 26
292 30
14)d-kom Jue 231|2|4|4|2 K 4 3

Ans. 33
ALLL satellite orbiting the earth
L L E N .

Pre-Medical: Physics Check Your Understanding Consider

EXERCISE-Il (Analytical Questions) the figure below. Let L and as

shown in Pre-Medical:Physics
Masses and radi of earth and moon are M, M, and5
ual radi R
Two solid spherical planets of equal rad
ular momentum of th
angular Lo represent 9. A
article falls
masses 4M and 9M their centre ares
are separated by when at aphelion satellite about
and perihelion
the earth
on earth
0 from infinity, (ti) frorn a height 10 times the radhus
. R respectively. The distance between
to mass
a distance 6R. A projectile of mass Consider the
following relations. of earth.
The ratio of the velocities gained on
centre is 'd. The minimum velocity given
centre the planet of mass 4 M towards the reaching at the earth's surface is
M from the mid point of line joining their ver
so that it will escape
What is the distance r of the point from the alaphelion) (1) 1 :10
(2) 10 11
planet where the gravitational force lighter (3) 10 11
on the (4)11 10
4G M,M projectile is zero?
()4G(M +M,) (2)d (M, +M) (earth
N (1) 1.4 R (2) 1.8 R
(3) 1.5 R (4) 2.4 R
(M, +Ma 2G
MM,) (4)M+M)
ItR is the average radius of earth, o is its angular
6. Read the following statements :
0 L =L 6i) L, =-Lp
velocity about its axis and g is the gravitational S: An object shall weigh more at pole GHi) i,xL, =ip xLp
than at
acceleration on the surface of earth then the cube quator when weighed by using a physical
alance. Which of the above
relations is/are true ?
of the radius of orbit of a geostationary satellte will S,: It shall weigh the same at pole and
be equal to when weighed by using a physical equato (1) 0) only (2) 6i) only
: balance.
(3) (ti) only (4) (i) and fi)
S It shal weigh the same at
pole and equator
when weighed by using a
spring balance.
3. A geostationary satelite is orbiting the earth at a
S:It shall weigh more at the pole than at
height of 6R from the earth's surface (R is the equator
when weighed using a spring balance.
earth's radius). What is the period of rotation of
another satellite at a height of 2.5 R from the earth
Which of the above statements is /are
surface? (1) S, and S
(1) 62 hours (2) 10 hours (2) S, and S

(3) S, and S
3) hours (4) none of the above
(4) S and S4
4. A planet revolves around the in
sun an elliptical 7. A small planet is revolving arounda very massive star
orbit. If v, and v, are the velocities of the
planet in circular orbit of radius R with
a period d
at the perigee and
apogee respectively, then the revolution T. If the gravitational force
eccentricity of the elliptical orbit is between the
given by planet and the star were proportional to R-52, then
T would be
proportional to

(2)+ (1) R3/2

(2) R3/5
(3) R7/2 EXERCISE-III (Analytical Questions) ANSWER KEY
212 (4) R7/4 Que 9
Ans. 1|4 1 |1

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