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Exhibitions and Demonstration: A Tool for Improving

Student’s Performance in Science

for Grade 7 Learners

Chapter 1



             The demonstrations and exhibits are broad, contrasting students'

experiments with professors' demonstrations, spanning a wide range of topics and

concepts; nevertheless, few of the research address the efficacy of demonstrations and

exhibitions. Few studies have shown that effective demonstrations may improve

students' learning, motivation, and attitudes. In science, demonstrations and exhibits are

pedagogical events that aim to demonstrate a scientific subject. Exhibits necessitate

students speaking publicly, using evidence, presenting interesting visual displays, and

generally demonstrating proficiency to instructors, classmates, and others beyond the

normal school community. Exhibitions ensure dedication, engagement, and high-level

intellectual success as high-stakes, standards-aligned exams, and they act as a fulcrum

for school reform. The concept of exhibition and demonstration is one of the key

concepts taught and learned in science in the Grade 7. The use of teacher

demonstrations significantly improves students’ understanding of redox reactions

compared with control group counterparts who were not exposed to the demonstration

and exhibition (Basheer, et al.,  2016).


Authentic evaluation metrics by Abdallah Ghaicha (2016), explained that the

performances are related to real-world events and difficulties. Demonstrations, exhibits,

goods, and portfolios are examples of such performances. The school evaluates

learning for exhibitions and the presentation of actual comprehension through student-

created interdisciplinary exhibits. George Brooke and Heidi Andrade (2013) stated that

an exhibition is a high-stakes show of mastery that takes place at a culminating

academic event, such as the conclusion of a school year or graduation. Exhibitions are

summative examinations, but the process of preparing for one includes constant

evaluation, feedback, and adjustment. This easy approach can assist any teacher in

starting to use this practice in their classroom. Genuine evaluation, as stated on

Formplus Blog (2021), replicates real-life scenarios. Students are required to complete

real-world projects and activities to demonstrate their understanding of the course or

topic area. In real evaluation, there are no right or incorrect responses. It is all about

demonstrating how the student can apply the course information in real-world

circumstances and scenarios. One of the most practical techniques of course evaluation

is exhibitions and demonstrations. In contrast to theoretical evaluation, exhibits and

demonstration assessments include students in practical circumstances in which they

apply what they have learned during the course or program to solve a problem. The

teaching demonstration is a process that teaches learners how to complete a task using
actual materials. The audience level size can impact the effectiveness of the

demonstration (Smith, Wenderoth,& Tyler 2013).

             The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of exhibition and

demonstration assessments to traditional teaching strategies in the old curriculum. The

researcher’s role is to assess students’ progress by utilizing exhibition and

demonstration as a new learning tool  

Research Question:

             The goal of this study is to look into how science is taught and learned

using demonstration and exhibitions have an impact on students’ understanding of the

subject. More especially, the following are the two research questions of interest:

1.       What are the pre-test and post- test scores of the learners during the implementation

of exhibit and demonstration strategy?

2.   How is exhibition and demonstration implemented in the Science class?

3.       What suggestion can be taken to improve the strategy?

Theoretical Framework

          This research is based on the Experiential Learning Theory, which emphasizes

learning by doing. Students are encouraged to learn through experiences that can help

them retain information and recall facts using this theory, in which exhibitions and

demonstrations are aligned because exhibitions and demonstrations are real-world

approaches in which the student learns while observing the model and imitating the

task. People witness behavior either directly through social connections with others or

indirectly through observation of conduct, according to this theory. In this evaluation or

theory, students apply their newly acquired abilities to a new setting or environment.

This technique, however, is practical in that it needs judgment and inventiveness, as

well as testing students' abilities to successfully use their knowledge or skills to execute

a task via presentation and demonstration (Olivia Guy-Evans,2023).

David Kolb is most recognized for his contributions to the experiential learning

theory, sometimes known as ELT. Kolb presented this model in 1984, drawing on the

work of other notable theorists like as John Dewey, Kurt Lewin, and Jean Piaget.

Concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active

experimenting are the four stages of experiential learning theory. The first two phases of

the cycle are concerned with comprehending an experience, whereas the latter two are

concerned with altering an experience. Kolb contends that successful learning occurs

when the student moves through the cycle, and that the learner can enter the cycle at

any time (2005.html#close, 2020). While considering experiential learning, "Experience

and Education" (John Dewey, 1938) serves as a foundational piece of literature. A

mental model was created to help with comprehension. Everything happens in a social

setting, according to John Dewey's experiential learning theory. Knowledge is socially

created and experience-based. This knowledge should be arranged around real-life

experiences that give the information context. The function of the instructor is to arrange

this content and assist the real experiences. The experiences are tailored to the

learners' abilities and preparedness. The key component of the idea is the quality of the

experience. After completing the experience, learners will have the knowledge and

capacity to apply it to a variety of scenarios (Grady, 2013).

Conceptual Framework

         This study is suggested to provide the appropriate assessment for the

enhancement of grade 7 student’s performances in Science. The different stages of

implementation are done by the researchers with the teachers, staff, and a pre-service

teacher to report and orient the respondents about the outcome and impact of this

assessment to the learners.

Review the
Exhibition and

Modify or replace Agree upon

Exhibition and Exhibition and
Demonstration Demonstration
Strategies Strategy

Cycle for
Review Exhibition Exhibition and
and Demonstration Demonstration

Use data to assess  

the effectiveness of
Exhibition and

Figure 1.
Figure 1 shows the cyclical process of this research, the review of the “Exhibition

and Demonstration” stands for the collection of related topics that can support the study.

Agree upon “Exhibition and Demonstration Strategy '', is where the intern or teacher

agrees with the integration of exhibition and demonstration strategy as a learning tool.

Implement “Exhibition and Demonstration” as a tool for learning that can help students

to engage in real life activities. Use data to assess the effectiveness of Exhibition and

Demonstration to evaluate the tool if it is effective or not, and we use posttest and

pretest score to evaluate. Review Exhibition and Demonstration if this tool is effective in

the classroom setting to improve the knowledge and skills of every student in Doña

Carmen National High School. And to modify or replace Exhibition and Demonstration

Strategies if this tool is not an effective tool to achieve the gaps in learning process in a

classroom setting.

Significance of the Study

  This study will be conducted to discover the exhibition and demonstration

performed by the education teachers at Doña Carmen National High School, as well as

to assess its effectiveness using pre-test and post-test scores of the learners during the

exhibition and demonstration strategy's implementation. The following sectors will

benefit from the study:

         Students are one of the immediate beneficiaries of the research's outcome. They

engage individuals and it inspires them to link what they have learned through their

experiences. In other words, it gives meaning to the learning.  Student's parents are

also benefited within this study. As parents enroll their children in this school, they gain

confidence that their children will receive more education that will enable them to

operate as productive members of society. The produced study will be extremely

valuable to instructors and general education teachers, particularly those who are fresh

to the teaching profession. Teachers may actively investigate how classroom

management promotes learning using this study. This research will also benefit those

people who plan for the curriculum in changing through time it is examined, evaluated

and revised to meet the different and changing learning styles of the students. This will

also be used as a basis for implementing the raised curriculum and on how to enhance

the learning process for the 21st generation of learners.  This study will particularly help

to assist society since it generates a responsive approach that will cater to the

requirements of society, eventually making them a functional individual. The outcome of

the study is beneficial to neither present researchers nor future researchers. This study

may be one of the bases that a new theory in learning will arise.

Definition of Terms

Exhibition. It means that it is a spatially organized and visualized expression of

thoughts, things and systems of knowledge, originating in the time of Enlightenment,

and to a great extent based on the display of material objects (Smeds, 2014).In this
study, it refers to a strategic tool used for a classroom setting to organize the collection

of selected items to display publicly, and it gives a chance to present the lesson clearly

using a model.

Demonstration. It means  that, it  serve to illustrate teacher instructional behaviors or

thinking and decision processes related to planning and reflection; a step in the

development of desired teaching behaviors;  to illustrate how to assess cognitive

processing skills of pupils; it illustration of the integration of theoretical, research and

practical knowledge;  an opportunity for candidates or professors to critically question

the rationale for use of and/or the effects of ideas demonstrated; to develop professor

credibility; and, as a means for professors to explore ideas and remain current about

pupils (Putnam, Joyce, Johns, Betty, 1987). In this study, it refers to a strategic tool

used to assist in teaching with multiple steps and help to engage the student and

encourage student’s participation.

Students Performance. It defines as  the extent to which a student, teacher, or

institution has attained their short or long-term educational goals and is measured either

by continuous assessment or cumulative grade point average (CGPA) (Mestin Tadese,

Alex Yeshamen & Getaneh Baye Mulu, 2023). In this study, it refers to measure the

progress of learners achievement using exhibition and demonstration.

Science. It is defined as a field of study concerned with discovering and describing the

world around us by observing and experimenting. Biology, chemistry, and physics are

all branches of science (, 2023).In this

study, it refers to a student's subject which uses an integration of exhibition and


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