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Electrodynamics and insulation materials B

Multiconductor transmission lines


University of Nairobi

November 2020

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

The TEM mode of propagation is characterised by unique voltage and

current waves with a …eld distribution similar to the static case

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

The TEM mode of propagation is characterised by unique voltage and

current waves with a …eld distribution similar to the static case
The transmission line can hence be regarded as a distributed
parameter electrical network

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

The TEM mode of propagation is characterised by unique voltage and

current waves with a …eld distribution similar to the static case
The transmission line can hence be regarded as a distributed
parameter electrical network
Per unit length shunt capacitance, C 0 and series inductance, L0 account
for energy storage in the electric and magnetic …elds resp.

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

The TEM mode of propagation is characterised by unique voltage and

current waves with a …eld distribution similar to the static case
The transmission line can hence be regarded as a distributed
parameter electrical network
Per unit length shunt capacitance, C 0 and series inductance, L0 account
for energy storage in the electric and magnetic …elds resp.
Per unit length shunt conductance, G 0 and series resistance, R 0
account for losses in the dielectric and conductors resp.

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

These parameters can be determined from the …eld distribution on

the line but for the moment, we satisfy ourselves with the following
expressions for the parameters

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

These parameters can be determined from the …eld distribution on

the line but for the moment, we satisfy ourselves with the following
expressions for the parameters
The energy storage parameters L0 and C 0
0 µ ! ! 1
L = H H dS, where I0 I0 L0 = Um
I0 I0 4

e0 ! ! 1
C0 = E E dS, where V0 V0 C 0 = Ue
V0 V0 4

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

The loss parameters R 0 and G 0 expressed as

Rm ! !
R0 = H H dl
I0 I0
S 1 +S 2

and Z
0 ωe00 ! !
G = E E dS
V0 V0

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

For the analysis, we consider a short section of line of length ∆z as


I(z) L’∆z R’∆z I(z)+∆I(z)

v(z,t) C’∆z G’∆z

V(z) V(z)+∆V(z)

A short transmission line model

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

Let the current and voltage at the sending end be i (z, t ) and v (z, t )

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

Let the current and voltage at the sending end be i (z, t ) and v (z, t )
Let the corresponding quantities at the receiving end be given by

i (z, t ) + ∆z i (z, t )

v (z, t ) + ∆z v (z, t )

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

From Kirchhof’s laws, we can write

∂v ∂i
v v + ∆z = i (z, t ) R 0 ∆z + L0 ∆z
∂z ∂t
∂v ∂i
= i (z, t ) R 0 L0
∂z ∂t

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

From Kirchhof’s laws, we can write

∂v ∂i
v v + ∆z = i (z, t ) R 0 ∆z + L0 ∆z
∂z ∂t
∂v ∂i
= i (z, t ) R 0 L0
∂z ∂t

∂i ∂v ∂ ∂v
i i + ∆z = v + ∆z G 0 ∆z + C 0 ∆z v + ∆z
∂z ∂z ∂t ∂z

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

From Kirchhof’s laws, we can write

∂v ∂i
v v + ∆z = i (z, t ) R 0 ∆z + L0 ∆z
∂z ∂t
∂v ∂i
= i (z, t ) R 0 L0
∂z ∂t

∂i ∂v ∂ ∂v
i i + ∆z = v + ∆z G 0 ∆z + C 0 ∆z v + ∆z
∂z ∂z ∂t ∂z

Or with ∆z su¢ ciently small to ignore higher order terms,

∂i ∂v
= v G0 C0
∂z ∂t

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

We di¤erentiate the voltage equation w.r.t. z and the current one

w.r.t. t to obtain
∂2 v ∂i ∂ ∂i
= R0 L0
∂z 2 ∂z ∂z ∂t

∂ ∂i ∂v ∂2 v
= G0 C0
∂t ∂z ∂t ∂t 2

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

We di¤erentiate the voltage equation w.r.t. z and the current one

w.r.t. t to obtain
∂2 v ∂i ∂ ∂i
= R0 L0
∂z 2 ∂z ∂z ∂t

∂ ∂i ∂v ∂2 v
= G0 C0
∂t ∂z ∂t ∂t 2
And on substituting,

∂2 0 0 0 0 0 0 ∂v
0 0∂ v
v = R G v + R C + L G + L C
∂z 2 ∂t ∂t 2

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

Rearranging, we obtain

∂2 ∂ ∂2
R0 G 0 R 0 C 0 + L0 G 0 L0 C 0 v (z, t ) = 0
∂z 2 ∂t ∂t 2

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

Rearranging, we obtain

∂2 ∂ ∂2
R0 G 0 R 0 C 0 + L0 G 0 L0 C 0 v (z, t ) = 0
∂z 2 ∂t ∂t 2

This is in the form of a wave equation in terms of the voltage at z

down the line and is called the telegrapher’s equation for line votage

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

The general solution is a propagating voltage wave of the form

v (z, t ) = Re [V (z ) exp (j ωt )]

V (z ) = V + exp ( γz ) + V exp (γz )
is the line voltage phasor at z down the line

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

The general solution is a propagating voltage wave of the form

v (z, t ) = Re [V (z ) exp (j ωt )]

V (z ) = V + exp ( γz ) + V exp (γz )
is the line voltage phasor at z down the line
And q
γ= (R 0 + j ωL0 ) (G 0 + j ωC 0 )
or s
p R 0G 0 1 R0 G 0
γ = ω L0 C 0 1+j + 0
L0 C 0 ω L0 C
is the propagation constant on the line

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis
If R 0 and G 0 are small as would often be the case, we have
p 1 R0 G 0
γ j ω L0 C 0 1 j + 0
ω L0 C

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis
If R 0 and G 0 are small as would often be the case, we have
p 1 R0 G 0
γ j ω L0 C 0 1 j + 0
ω L0 C
Using binomial expansion and keeping the …rst two linear terms, we
p 1 R0 G 0
γ = j ω L0 C 0 1 j + 0
2ω L0 C

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis
If R 0 and G 0 are small as would often be the case, we have
p 1 R0 G 0
γ j ω L0 C 0 1 j + 0
ω L0 C
Using binomial expansion and keeping the …rst two linear terms, we
p 1 R0 G 0
γ = j ω L0 C 0 1 j + 0
2ω L0 C
r r !
1 C 0 L0 p
γ = α + jβ = R0 0
+ G 0
+ j ω L0 C 0
2 L C
1 R0 p
= + G 0 Z0 + j ω L0 C 0
2 Z0
where r
Z0 =
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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

The line current phasor at z is given by

I (z ) = I + exp ( γz ) + I exp (γz )

= V + exp ( γz ) V exp (γz )
R + j ωL0

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis

The line current phasor at z is given by

I (z ) = I + exp ( γz ) + I exp (γz )

= V + exp ( γz ) V exp (γz )
R + j ωL0

The parameters I + , V + and I , V are the incident and re‡ected

wave amplitudes resp.

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis
We de…ne a characteristic impedance of the line as
V+ V
Z00 = =
I+ I

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis
We de…ne a characteristic impedance of the line as
V+ V
Z00 = =
I+ I
R 0 + j ωL0 R 0 + j ωL0 V+ V
Z00 = = 0 = =
γ G + j ωC 0 I+ I
since q
γ= (R 0 + j ωL0 ) (G 0 + j ωC 0 )

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A distributed parameter circuit analysis
We de…ne a characteristic impedance of the line as
V+ V
Z00 = =
I+ I
R 0 + j ωL0 R 0 + j ωL0 V+ V
Z00 = = 0 = =
γ G + j ωC 0 I+ I
since q
γ= (R 0 + j ωL0 ) (G 0 + j ωC 0 )
In the loss-free case p
γ = j β = j ω L0 C 0
and r
Z00 = Z0 =

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Transmission line parameters: Capacitance per unit length

Consider the two-conductor structure shown below

Two-conductor transmission line for computing line parameters

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Transmission line parameters: Capacitance per unit length

In the loss-free case, the charge on the conductor surfaces can be

determined from the normal component of the electric …eld as

! ! ∂Φe
ρs = eb
n E = n r t Φe =
eb e
once the potential has been determined

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Transmission line parameters: Capacitance per unit length

In the loss-free case, the charge on the conductor surfaces can be

determined from the normal component of the electric …eld as

! ! ∂Φe
ρs = eb
n E = n r t Φe =
eb e
once the potential has been determined
The total charge per unit length of line on one conductor say S2 is
Q0 = n E dl

and that on S1 is then Q0

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Transmission line parameters: Capacitance per unit length

Since the potential di¤erence between the conductors is V0 , the

capacitance per unit length of line is then
e b
n E dl
Q0 S
C0 = = S2
V0 Z1
! !
E d l

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Transmission line parameters: Capacitance per unit length

The total current on S2 is

! ! 1 ! Q0
I0 = H d l = b
n E dl =
η eη
S2 S2

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Transmission line parameters: Capacitance per unit length

The total current on S2 is

! ! 1 ! Q0
I0 = H d l = b
n E dl =
η eη
S2 S2

This holds because

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Transmission line parameters: Capacitance per unit length

The total current on S2 is

! ! 1 ! Q0
I0 = H d l = b
n E dl =
η eη
S2 S2

This holds because

! ! !
H = E /η = b n E /η at the surface S2

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Transmission line parameters: Capacitance per unit length

The total current on S2 is

! ! 1 ! Q0
I0 = H d l = b
n E dl =
η eη
S2 S2

This holds because

! ! !
H = E /η = b n E /η at the surface S2
The tangential component of the electric and normal component of the
magnetic …elds are separately equal to zero on a perfect conductor

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Transmission line parameters: Capacitance per unit length

The total current on S2 is

! ! 1 ! Q0
I0 = H d l = b
n E dl =
η eη
S2 S2

This holds because

! ! !
H = E /η = b n E /η at the surface S2
The tangential component of the electric and normal component of the
magnetic …elds are separately equal to zero on a perfect conductor
The characteristic impedance of the line is then
V0 V0 e
Z0 = = 0 eη = 0 η
I0 Q C

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Transmission line parameters: Inductance per unit length

! ! ! !
Ht =bn H and E t = b n E are orthogonal and hence the
magnetic …eld lines are coincident with the equipotentials

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Transmission line parameters: Inductance per unit length

! ! ! !
Ht =b n H and E t = b n E are orthogonal and hence the
magnetic …eld lines are coincident with the equipotentials
All ‡ux lines from the Φe = 0 equipotential to Φe = V0 /2 in the
two-conductor line link the current in S2

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Transmission line parameters: Inductance per unit length

! ! ! !
Ht =b n H and E t = b n E are orthogonal and hence the
magnetic …eld lines are coincident with the equipotentials
All ‡ux lines from the Φe = 0 equipotential to Φe = V0 /2 in the
two-conductor line link the current in S2
Hence, any path P1 S2 or P2 S2 orthogonal to the ‡ux lines coincides
with a line of electric force and the ‡ux cutting such a path is then

µ ! ! µ V0
Ψ= µHt dl = Et d l =
η η 2
P1 P1

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Transmission line parameters: Inductance per unit length

The inductance of one conductor is hence

magnetic ‡ux linkage Ψ µ V0
L1 = = =
total current I0 2η I0

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Transmission line parameters: Inductance per unit length

The inductance of one conductor is hence

magnetic ‡ux linkage Ψ µ V0
L1 = = =
total current I0 2η I0

The inductance of both conductors then twice this value, i.e.,

L0 = Z0

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Transmission line parameters: Inductance per unit length

The inductance of one conductor is hence

magnetic ‡ux linkage Ψ µ V0
L1 = = =
total current I0 2η I0

The inductance of both conductors then twice this value, i.e.,

L0 = Z0

From which
µ C0
η= Z0 = Z0
L0 e

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Transmission line parameters: Shunt conductance per unit

The dielectric has a complex permittivity e = e0 j e00 , where e00

includes the e¤ects of a non-zero conductivity of the dielectric,

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Transmission line parameters: Shunt conductance per unit

The dielectric has a complex permittivity e = e0 j e00 , where e00

includes the e¤ects of a non-zero conductivity of the dielectric,
The total shunt current then consists of the displacement and
conduction components

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Transmission line parameters: Shunt conductance per unit

The dielectric has a complex permittivity e = e0 j e00 , where e00

includes the e¤ects of a non-zero conductivity of the dielectric,
The total shunt current then consists of the displacement and
conduction components
The current leaving S2 per unit length of line is then
! ! !
n dl = j ωe0
I = Id + Ic = j ωe E t b n dl + ωe00
Et b Et b
n dl
S2 S2 S2

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Transmission line parameters: Shunt conductance per unit

The total shunt admittance is given by

Id + Ic
Yd = j ωC 0 + G 0 =
Ic Ic Id ωe00
G0 = = = 0 C0
V0 Id V0 e

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Transmission line parameters: Series resistance per unit

The …nite conductivity of the conductors is accounted for by a series

resistance per unit length of line R 0 as long as this is so chosen that
1 0 2 Rm ! 2
R I0 = Ht dl
2 2
S 1 +S 2

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Transmission line parameters: Series resistance per unit

The …nite conductivity of the conductors is accounted for by a series

resistance per unit length of line R 0 as long as this is so chosen that
1 0 2 Rm ! 2
R I0 = Ht dl
2 2
S 1 +S 2

Thus I
! 2
Ht dl
Rm S1 +S2
R0 = 0 12
2 I
@ ! 2
Ht dl A

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Transmission line parameters: Skin e¤ect inductance per
unit length

A further e¤ect of a …nite conductivity is to increase the series

inductance of the line since
Zm = = Rm + jXm

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Transmission line parameters: Skin e¤ect inductance per
unit length

A further e¤ect of a …nite conductivity is to increase the series

inductance of the line since
Zm = = Rm + jXm
The imaginary part of Zm comes from the fact that the magnetic …eld
now penetrates the conductor

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Transmission line parameters: Skin e¤ect inductance per
unit length

The magnetic energy stored in Xm is given by

Xm ! 2
Um = Js dl

S 1 +S 2

Xm Rm
Lm = =
ω ω

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Transmission line parameters: Skin e¤ect inductance per
unit length

The magnetic energy stored in Xm is given by

Xm ! 2
Um = Js dl

S 1 +S 2

Xm Rm
Lm = =
ω ω
I 2
Rm ! 2 Rm R 0 I0 R0 I
Um = Ht dl = = p0
4ω 4ω Rm 2ω 2
S 1 +S 2

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Transmission line parameters: Skin e¤ect inductance per
unit length

We therefore de…ne a skin-e¤ect or internal inductance Lm per unit

length through
Lm I02 = Um
so that
ωLm = R 0

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Transmission line parameters: Skin e¤ect inductance per
unit length

We therefore de…ne a skin-e¤ect or internal inductance Lm per unit

length through
Lm I02 = Um
so that
ωLm = R 0
We see therefore that the series inductive reactance of the line is
increased by an amount equal to the series resistance

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Transmission line parameters: Skin e¤ect inductance per
unit length

We therefore de…ne a skin-e¤ect or internal inductance Lm per unit

length through
Lm I02 = Um
so that
ωLm = R 0
We see therefore that the series inductive reactance of the line is
increased by an amount equal to the series resistance
We illustrate these ideas using the coaxial and the two-wire lines

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Transmission line parameters: The coaxial and two-wire

For a coax line, we have

ln (r /b )
Φe = V0 ,
ln (a/b )
Z2π Z2π
0 ! ∂Φe
Q = e br E t a d φ = e a dφ
0 0
V0 2πeV0
= e dφ =
ln (a/b ) ln (b/a)

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Transmission line parameters: The coaxial and two-wire

For a coax line, we have

ln (r /b )
Φe = V0 ,
ln (a/b )
Z2π Z2π
0 ! ∂Φe
Q = e br E t a d φ = e a dφ
0 0
V0 2πeV0
= e dφ =
ln (a/b ) ln (b/a)

e0 Q 0 2πe0
C0 = =
e V0 ln (b/a)

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Transmission line parameters: The coaxial and two-wire

The magnetic …eld is given by

! ! b
φ V0
H = H t exp ( j βz ) = exp ( j βz )
r η ln (b/a)

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Transmission line parameters: The coaxial and two-wire

The magnetic …eld is given by

! ! b
φ V0
H = H t exp ( j βz ) = exp ( j βz )
r η ln (b/a)

And the current by

! b 2πV0
I0 = H t φa d φ =
η ln (b/a)

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Transmission line parameters: The coaxial and two-wire

The magnetic …eld is given by

! ! b
φ V0
H = H t exp ( j βz ) = exp ( j βz )
r η ln (b/a)

And the current by

! b 2πV0
I0 = H t φa d φ =
η ln (b/a)

V0 η 60
Z0 = = ln (b/a) = p ln (b/a) Ω
I0 2π er

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Transmission line parameters: The coaxial and two-wire

The ‡ux linking the center conductor is then

Zb Zb
! b V0 dr µ
Ψ=µ Ht φ dr = µ = V0
η ln (b/a) r η
a a

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Transmission line parameters: The coaxial and two-wire

The ‡ux linking the center conductor is then

Zb Zb
! b V0 dr µ
Ψ=µ Ht φ dr = µ = V0
η ln (b/a) r η
a a

Ψ µηV0 b µ b
L0 = = ln = ln
I0 2πηV0 a 2π a

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Transmission line parameters: The coaxial and two-wire

The ‡ux linking the center conductor is then

Zb Zb
! b V0 dr µ
Ψ=µ Ht φ dr = µ = V0
η ln (b/a) r η
a a

Ψ µηV0 b µ b
L0 = = ln = ln
I0 2πηV0 a 2π a
ωe00 0 ωe00 2πe0 2πωe00
G0 = C = =
e0 e0 ln (b/a) ln (b/a)

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Transmission line parameters: The coaxial and two-wire

The power loss in the conductors

1 0 2 Rm πV02 1 1
R I 0 = Pc = 2 +
2 η ln (b/a) a b

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Transmission line parameters: The coaxial and two-wire

The power loss in the conductors

1 0 2 Rm πV02 1 1
R I 0 = Pc = 2 +
2 η ln (b/a) a b

Rm 1 1 R0
R0 = + , Lm =
2π a b ω

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Transmission line parameters: The coaxial and two-wire

The power loss in the conductors

1 0 2 Rm πV02 1 1
R I 0 = Pc = 2 +
2 η ln (b/a) a b

Rm 1 1 R0
R0 = + , Lm =
2π a b ω
µ b 1 1 1
L0 + Lm = ln + +
2π a 2πωσc δs a b

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Transmission line parameters: The coaxial and two-wire
The capacitance per unit length of a two-wire transmission line with
wires of radius a and separation D, is given by
C0 = , Fm 1
cosh 1 D/a

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Transmission line parameters: The coaxial and two-wire
The capacitance per unit length of a two-wire transmission line with
wires of radius a and separation D, is given by
C0 = , Fm 1
cosh 1 D/a
The inductance per unit length is
µ D
L0 = cosh 1
π a

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Transmission line parameters: The coaxial and two-wire
The capacitance per unit length of a two-wire transmission line with
wires of radius a and separation D, is given by
C0 = , Fm 1
cosh 1 D/a
The inductance per unit length is
µ D
L0 = cosh 1
π a
G0 =
cosh 1 D/a

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Transmission line parameters: The coaxial and two-wire
The capacitance per unit length of a two-wire transmission line with
wires of radius a and separation D, is given by
C0 = , Fm 1
cosh 1 D/a
The inductance per unit length is
µ D
L0 = cosh 1
π a
G0 =
cosh 1 D/a
If D/a >> 1,
1 D D
cosh ln
a a

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Transmission line parameters: The coaxial and two-wire
Assuming a surface current density Js ‡ows in a very thin surface
layer of the conductor and uniformly distributed, the current in each
wire is given by
I = 2πaJs

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Transmission line parameters: The coaxial and two-wire
Assuming a surface current density Js ‡ows in a very thin surface
layer of the conductor and uniformly distributed, the current in each
wire is given by
I = 2πaJs
1 2 Rm
Pc = I
2 2πa

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Transmission line parameters: The coaxial and two-wire
Assuming a surface current density Js ‡ows in a very thin surface
layer of the conductor and uniformly distributed, the current in each
wire is given by
I = 2πaJs
1 2 Rm
Pc = I
2 2πa
From which s
Rm 1 πf µc
R0 = 2
2πa πa σc

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Transmission line parameters: The coaxial and two-wire
Assuming a surface current density Js ‡ows in a very thin surface
layer of the conductor and uniformly distributed, the current in each
wire is given by
I = 2πaJs
1 2 Rm
Pc = I
2 2πa
From which s
Rm 1 πf µc
R0 = 2
2πa πa σc

Js is not uniform over the circumference of the wires in the strict

sense as the proximity of the two wires will tend to distort current

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Transmission line parameters: The coaxial and two-wire
Assuming a surface current density Js ‡ows in a very thin surface
layer of the conductor and uniformly distributed, the current in each
wire is given by
I = 2πaJs
1 2 Rm
Pc = I
2 2πa
From which s
Rm 1 πf µc
R0 = 2
2πa πa σc

Js is not uniform over the circumference of the wires in the strict

sense as the proximity of the two wires will tend to distort current
This phenomenon is called the proximity e¤ect
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Wave characteristics on an in…nitely long transmission line

On an in…nitely long line, the z-directed wave components must


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Wave characteristics on an in…nitely long transmission line

On an in…nitely long line, the z-directed wave components must

Hence, the line voltage and current are given by

V (z ) = V0+ exp ( γz )

I (z ) = I0+ exp ( γz )

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Wave characteristics on an in…nitely long transmission line

On an in…nitely long line, the z-directed wave components must

Hence, the line voltage and current are given by

V (z ) = V0+ exp ( γz )

I (z ) = I0+ exp ( γz )
In this case, the voltage-current ratio is independent of position on
the line and is called the characteristic impedance of the line,
R 0 + j ωL0 γ R 0 + j ωL0
Z00 = = 0 =
γ G + j ωC 0 G 0 + j ωC 0

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Wave characteristics on an in…nitely long transmission line

Example (1)
Demonstrate the analogy between wave characteristics on a transmission
line and uniform plane waves in a lossy and unbounded medium.

Solution (1)
In a lossy medium, e = e0 j e00 and µ = µ0 j µ00 . Maxwell’s curl
equations are then modi…ed as
! ! !
r E = j ω µ0 j µ00 H
! ! !
r H = j ω e0 j e00 E

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Wave characteristics on an in…nitely long transmission line

Solution (1 continued)
We assume E = b x Ex , then

dEx (z )
= ωµ00 + j ωµ0 Hy (z )
dHy (z )
= ωe00 + j ωe0 Ex (z )
Comparing with
dV (z )
= R 0 + j ωL0 I (z )
dI (z )
= G 0 + j ωC 0 V (z )

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Wave characteristics on an in…nitely long transmission line

Solution (1 continued)
Then the equations governing Ex and Hy are similar. We combine to
d 2 Ex ( z )
= γ 2 Ex ( z )
dz 2
d 2 Hy ( z )
= γ 2 Hy ( z )
dz 2
with q
γ = α + jβ = (ωµ00 + j ωµ0 ) (ωe00 + j ωe0 )
and the intrinsic impedance of the lossy medium for a wave propagating in
the +z-direction is s
µ00 + j µ0
e00 + j e0

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Limiting cases: Lossless line

For a lossless line R 0 = 0, G 0 = 0

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Limiting cases: Lossless line

For a lossless line R 0 = 0, G 0 = 0

Hence p
γ = α + j β = j ω L0 C 0

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Limiting cases: Lossless line

For a lossless line R 0 = 0, G 0 = 0

Hence p
γ = α + j β = j ω L0 C 0
From which we deduce that
α = 0, β = ω L0 C 0

ω 1
vp = =p
β L0 C 0
and r
Z00 = Z0 =

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Limiting cases: Low-loss line

In a low-loss line, R << ωL0 , G 0 << ωC 0

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Limiting cases: Low-loss line

In a low-loss line, R << ωL0 , G 0 << ωC 0

Hence, we can use binomial expansion to write
p R0 G0
γ = α + j β = j ω L0 C 0 1+ 0
j ωL j ωC 0
p R0 G0
j ω L0 C 0 1 + 0
j2ωL j2ωC 0
p 1 R0 G 0
j ω L0 C 0 1 + + 0
j2ω L0 C

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Limiting cases: Low-loss line

In a low-loss line, R << ωL0 , G 0 << ωC 0

Hence, we can use binomial expansion to write
p R0 G0
γ = α + j β = j ω L0 C 0 1+ 0
j ωL j ωC 0
p R0 G0
j ω L0 C 0 1 + 0
j2ωL j2ωC 0
p 1 R0 G 0
j ω L0 C 0 1 + + 0
j2ω L0 C

From which we have

1 R0 p L0
α + G 0 Z0 , β = ω L0 C 0 , Z0 =
2 Z0 C0

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Limiting cases: Low-loss line

The phase velocity on the line is given by

ω 1
vp =p
β L0 C 0

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Limiting cases: Low-loss line

The phase velocity on the line is given by

ω 1
vp =p
β L0 C 0
And the characteristic impedance by
r 1/2
L0 R0 G0
Z00 = 1 + 1+
C0 j ωL0 j ωC 0
1 R0 G 0
Z0 1 + Z0
j2ω L0 C0

since the frequency dependent imaginary part is negligible when

R 0 << ωL0 and G 0 << ωC 0

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Limiting cases: Distortionless line
A distortionless line is one in which
R0 G0
L0 C0

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Limiting cases: Distortionless line
A distortionless line is one in which
R0 G0
L0 C0
R 0C 0
γ = α + jβ = (R 0 + j ωL0 ) + j ωC 0
= R 0 + j ωL0
R0 p ω 1
α= , β = ω L0 C 0 , vp =p
Z0 β L0 C 0
R 0 + j ωL0
Z00 = = Z0
R C 0 /L0 + j ωC 0

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Limiting cases: Distortionless line
A distortionless line is one in which
R0 G0
L0 C0
R 0C 0
γ = α + jβ = (R 0 + j ωL0 ) + j ωC 0
= R 0 + j ωL0
R0 p ω 1
α= , β = ω L0 C 0 , vp =p
Z0 β L0 C 0
R 0 + j ωL0
Z00 = = Z0
R C 0 /L0 + j ωC 0

In general, a lossy line is dispersive

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Wave characteristics on an in…nitely long transmission line:
Limiting cases

Example (2)
It is found that the attenuation on a 50 Ω distortionless line is
0, 01 dBm 1 . The line has a capacitance of 0, 1 nFm 1 (a) Determine the
resistance, inductance and conductance per unit length of the line (b) Find
the velocity of wave propagation (c) Determine the percentage to which
the amplitude of a voltage travelling wave decreases in 1 km and 5 km

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Wave characteristics on an in…nitely long transmission line:
Limiting cases

Solution (2)
(a) For a distortionless line,
R0 G0
= 0
Thus r
Z0 = = 50 Ω
0C0 1 0, 08 1
α = R = 0, 01 dBm = Npm
L0 8, 69
= 1, 15 10 3 Npm 1

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Wave characteristics on an in…nitely long transmission line:
Limiting cases

Solution (2)
(a) Thus
R 0 = αZ0 = 0, 057 Ωm 1

L0 = C 0 Z02 = 0, 25 µHm 1

R 0C 0
G0 = = 22, 8 µSm 1

Solution (2)
vp = p =2 108 ms 1
L0 C 0
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Wave characteristics on an in…nitely long transmission line:
Limiting cases

Solution (2)

= exp ( αz ) = 31, 7% @ 1 km
= 0, 32% @ 5 km

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Wave characteristics on an in…nitely long transmission line:
Attenuation from power relations

We note that for a travelling wave on a transmission line, the

attenuation constant is given by

α = Re [γ] = Re R 0 + j ωL0 G 0 + j ωC 0

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Wave characteristics on an in…nitely long transmission line:
Attenuation from power relations

We note that for a travelling wave on a transmission line, the

attenuation constant is given by

α = Re [γ] = Re R 0 + j ωL0 G 0 + j ωC 0

This can be obtained from a power relation as well

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Wave characteristics on an in…nitely long transmission line:
Attenuation from power relations

We note that for a travelling wave on a transmission line, the

attenuation constant is given by

α = Re [γ] = Re R 0 + j ωL0 G 0 + j ωC 0

This can be obtained from a power relation as well

We note that the line voltage and current on an in…nitely long
transmission line have the phasor representation

V (z ) = V + exp f (α + j β) z g

I (z ) = exp f (α + j β) z g

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Wave characteristics on an in…nitely long transmission line:
Attenuation from power relations

The time-average power propagated down the line across the plane at
z is given by
1 1 jV + j
P (z ) = Re [V (z ) I (z )] = Re [Z0 ] exp ( 2αz )
2 2 jZ0 j2

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Wave characteristics on an in…nitely long transmission line:
Attenuation from power relations

The time-average power propagated down the line across the plane at
z is given by
1 1 jV + j
P (z ) = Re [V (z ) I (z )] = Re [Z0 ] exp ( 2αz )
2 2 jZ0 j2

From the principle of energy conservation, the rate of decrease of

P (z ) with distance down the line is equal to the time-average power
loss Pl per unit length at z

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Wave characteristics on an in…nitely long transmission line:
Attenuation from power relations

The time-average power propagated down the line across the plane at
z is given by
1 1 jV + j
P (z ) = Re [V (z ) I (z )] = Re [Z0 ] exp ( 2αz )
2 2 jZ0 j2

From the principle of energy conservation, the rate of decrease of

P (z ) with distance down the line is equal to the time-average power
loss Pl per unit length at z

∂P (z ) P (z )
= Pl (z ) = 2αP (z ) ) α = l
∂z 2P (z )

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Wave characteristics on an in…nitely long transmission line:
Attenuation from power relations

Example (3)
(a) Find the attenuation constant of a lossy transmission line with R 0 , L0 ,
G 0 , C 0 using the power relation (b) Specialise the results in (a) to obtain
the attenuation constant for a low-loss and a distortionless line

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Wave characteristics on an in…nitely long transmission line:
Attenuation from power relations

Solution (3)
(a) For a lossy transmission line, the time-average power loss per unit
length is
1h 2 i
Pl ( z ) = I (z ) R 0 + jV (z )j2 G 0
V02 n 0 0 2
= R + G j Z0 j exp ( 2αz )
2 jZ0 j2

1 n 0 o
α= R + G 0 jZ0 j2 , Npm 1

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Wave characteristics on an in…nitely long transmission line:
Attenuation from power relations

Solution (3)
(b) For a low-loss line, Z0 L0 /C 0
( r r )
1 R0 1 C0 L0
α + G 0 R0 = R 0
+ G0
2 Z0 2 L0 C0
and for a distortionless line, Z0 = L0 /C 0 , R 0 /L0 = G 0 /C 0 so that
0 C0 R0
α=R =
L0 Z0

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

The general solutions to the Helmholtz equations governing the

voltage and current waves on a transmission line are of the form

V (z ) = V + exp ( γz ) + V exp (γz )

I (z ) = I + exp ( γz ) + I exp (γz )

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

The general solutions to the Helmholtz equations governing the

voltage and current waves on a transmission line are of the form

V (z ) = V + exp ( γz ) + V exp (γz )

I (z ) = I + exp ( γz ) + I exp (γz )

γ is in general complex and both terms of the solutions are present

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

The general solutions to the Helmholtz equations governing the

voltage and current waves on a transmission line are of the form

V (z ) = V + exp ( γz ) + V exp (γz )

I (z ) = I + exp ( γz ) + I exp (γz )

γ is in general complex and both terms of the solutions are present
The characteristic impedance of the line is de…ned as

V+ V
Z0 = =
I+ I

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

The general solutions to the Helmholtz equations governing the

voltage and current waves on a transmission line are of the form

V (z ) = V + exp ( γz ) + V exp (γz )

I (z ) = I + exp ( γz ) + I exp (γz )

γ is in general complex and both terms of the solutions are present
The characteristic impedance of the line is de…ned as

V+ V
Z0 = =
I+ I
The re‡ected waves V (z ) exp (γz ) and I (z ) exp (γz ) vanish when
the line is terminated in its characteristic impedance

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

Consider a load ZL connected to a sinusoidal generator Vg of source

impedance Zg through a …nite-length line of length l as depicted

Vg Vi Zi ZL

-l -z 0
A terminated …nite-length transmission line

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

For convenience, we assume the load to be at z = 0 so that the

source is at z = l

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

For convenience, we assume the load to be at z = 0 so that the

source is at z = l
Thus, at the load, we can write

V ( 0 ) = VL = V + + V

V+ V
I (0) = IL = I + + I =
Z0 Z0

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

By Ohm’s law,

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

By Ohm’s law,
Thus, we can express the wave amplitudes in terms of the load
current by writing
IL ZL = V + + V
IL Z0 = V + V

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

By Ohm’s law,
Thus, we can express the wave amplitudes in terms of the load
current by writing
IL ZL = V + + V
IL Z0 = V + V
From which,
V+ = (ZL + Z0 ) , V = (ZL Z0 )
2 2

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

At any z from the load, we can write

V (z ) = (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( γz ) + (ZL Z0 ) exp (γz )
2 2
= IL ZL cosh γz IL Z0 sinh γz

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

At any z from the load, we can write

V (z ) = (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( γz ) + (ZL Z0 ) exp (γz )
2 2
= IL ZL cosh γz IL Z0 sinh γz

I (z ) = (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( γz ) (ZL Z0 ) exp (γz )
2Z0 2Z0
= Z0 cosh γz ZL sinh γz
Z0 Z0

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

The ratio of the line voltage to current at z is given by

V (z ) Z cosh γz Z0 sinh γz Z Z0 tanh γz

Z (z ) = = Z0 L = Z0 L
I (z ) Z0 cosh γz ZL sinh γz Z0 ZL tanh γz

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

The ratio of the line voltage to current at z is given by

V (z ) Z cosh γz Z0 sinh γz Z Z0 tanh γz

Z (z ) = = Z0 L = Z0 L
I (z ) Z0 cosh γz ZL sinh γz Z0 ZL tanh γz

This is the impedance seen looking toward the load at a distance z

from the load

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

The ratio of the line voltage to current at z is given by

V (z ) Z cosh γz Z0 sinh γz Z Z0 tanh γz

Z (z ) = = Z0 L = Z0 L
I (z ) Z0 cosh γz ZL sinh γz Z0 ZL tanh γz

This is the impedance seen looking toward the load at a distance z

from the load
Hence at the generator end source-end of line, z = l

V ( l) Vi Z Z0 tanh ( γz ) Z + Z0 tanh γl
Zi = = = Z0 L = Z0 L
I ( l) Ii Z0 ZL tanh ( γz ) Z0 + ZL tanh γl

and is the impedance the generator would see looking toward the load

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

Thus, as far as the generator is concerned, the terminated

…nite-length line can be replaced by this impedance as shown
Zg Ii

Vg Vi Zi

Equivalent circuit for …nite-length line at the source-end

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line
The input voltage and current can then be computed as
Vi = Vg
Zi + Zg
Ii =
Zi + Zg

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line
The input voltage and current can then be computed as
Vi = Vg
Zi + Zg
Ii =
Zi + Zg
The time-average power delivered by the generator at the input
terminals of the line is given by
Pi ,ave = Re [Vi Ii ]

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line
The input voltage and current can then be computed as
Vi = Vg
Zi + Zg
Ii =
Zi + Zg
The time-average power delivered by the generator at the input
terminals of the line is given by
Pi ,ave = Re [Vi Ii ]
And that delivered to the load by
1 1 VL 1
PL,ave = Re [VL IL ] = RL = jIL j2 RL
2 2 ZL 2

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

If the line is lossless, the PL,ave = Pi ,ave

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

If the line is lossless, the PL,ave = Pi ,ave

If ZL = Z0 , the impedance seen by the generator at any distance z
from the load is Z0

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

If the line is lossless, the PL,ave = Pi ,ave

If ZL = Z0 , the impedance seen by the generator at any distance z
from the load is Z0
In this case, the line voltage and current at any z is given by

V (z ) = IL Z0 exp ( γz ) = VL exp ( γz )

I (z ) = IL exp ( γz )
and no re‡ections occur on the line

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

If the line is lossless, the PL,ave = Pi ,ave

If ZL = Z0 , the impedance seen by the generator at any distance z
from the load is Z0
In this case, the line voltage and current at any z is given by

V (z ) = IL Z0 exp ( γz ) = VL exp ( γz )

I (z ) = IL exp ( γz )
and no re‡ections occur on the line

On a …nite length lossless transmission line is terminated in its own

characteristic impedance, the voltage and current distribution on the
line is as though the line were in…nitely long

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

If the line is lossless, the PL,ave = Pi ,ave

If ZL = Z0 , the impedance seen by the generator at any distance z
from the load is Z0
In this case, the line voltage and current at any z is given by

V (z ) = IL Z0 exp ( γz ) = VL exp ( γz )

I (z ) = IL exp ( γz )
and no re‡ections occur on the line

On a …nite length lossless transmission line is terminated in its own

characteristic impedance, the voltage and current distribution on the
line is as though the line were in…nitely long
In this case, the line is said to be matched to the load
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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

Example (4)
A signal generator with a source resistance of 1 Ω and an open-circuit
voltage vg = 0, 3 cos 2π 108 t V is connected to a 50 Ω lossless
transmission line. The line is 4 m long and the measured velocity of the
wave on the line is 2, 5 108 ms 1 . For a matched load, determine (a)
The instantaneous voltage and current at an arbitrary location on the line
(b) The expression of the instantaneous voltage and current at the load
(c) The average power transmitted to the load

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

Solution (4)
(a) We have

VG = 0, 3\0 , Zg = Rg = 1 Ω, Z0 = 50 Ω,
ω = 2π 108 rads 1 , vp = 2, 5 108 ms 1 , l = 4 m

Since the line is matched, Zi = Z0 = 50 Ω. The voltage and current at

the input are thus,
Vi = Vg = 0, 294\0 V
Zi + Zg

Ii = = 5, 9\0 mA
Zi + Zg

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

Solution (4)
(a) Since only the forward wave exists on the lossless line, we have
ω 1
γ = jβ = j = j0, 8π radm

V (z ) = 0, 294 exp ( j0, 8πz ) V
I (z ) = 5, 9 exp ( j0, 8πz ) mA

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

Solution (4(a) continued)


v (z, t ) = Re [0, 294 exp fj (ωt 0, 8πz )g]

= 0, 294 cos 2π 10 t 0, 8πz V

i (z, t ) = Re [5, 9 exp fj (ωt 0, 8πz )g]

= 5, 9 cos 2π 10 t 0, 8πz mV

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Wave characteristics on a …nite-length line

Solution (4)
(b) At the load, z = l = 4 m. Hence

v (z, t ) = 0, 294 cos 2π 108 t 3, 2π V

i (z, t ) = 5, 9 cos 2π 108 t 3, 2π mV

Pi ,ave = Po,ave = Re [V (z ) I (z )] = 0, 87 mW

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element

At ultrahigh frequencies (300 MHz-3 GHz), lumped-element

components are di¢ cult to fabricated as e¤ects of stray …elds become

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element

At ultrahigh frequencies (300 MHz-3 GHz), lumped-element

components are di¢ cult to fabricated as e¤ects of stray …elds become
Sections of transmission lines can be used to

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element

At ultrahigh frequencies (300 MHz-3 GHz), lumped-element

components are di¢ cult to fabricated as e¤ects of stray …elds become
Sections of transmission lines can be used to
Simulate capacitance and inductance

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element

At ultrahigh frequencies (300 MHz-3 GHz), lumped-element

components are di¢ cult to fabricated as e¤ects of stray …elds become
Sections of transmission lines can be used to
Simulate capacitance and inductance
Match arbitrary terminating loads to the source impedance of the
generator for maximum power transfer operation

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element

In most practical cases, short sections of line of length l << λ can be

considered lossless with γl j βl,

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element

In most practical cases, short sections of line of length l << λ can be

considered lossless with γl j βl,
Z0 is then real and tanh (γl ) = j tan βl

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element

In most practical cases, short sections of line of length l << λ can be

considered lossless with γl j βl,
Z0 is then real and tanh (γl ) = j tan βl
Hence the impedance seen at the input of the line section looking
toward the load becomes
ZL + jZ0 tan βl
Zi = Z0
Z0 + jZL tan βl

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
Open-circuited short line

If ZL = ∞,
Zi ,oc = j = jZ0 cot βl
tan βl

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
Open-circuited short line

If ZL = ∞,
Zi ,oc = j = jZ0 cot βl
tan βl
Thus, depending on the sign of cot βl, Zi ,oc can have either inductive
or capacitive characteristics

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
Open-circuited short line

If ZL = ∞,
Zi ,oc = j = jZ0 cot βl
tan βl
Thus, depending on the sign of cot βl, Zi ,oc can have either inductive
or capacitive characteristics
If βl << 1, tan βl βl and
Z0 1 L0 1
Zi ,oc = p =
j βl j ω L0 C 0 l C0 j ωC 0 l

i.e. a capacitive impedance

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
Open-circuited short line

If ZL = ∞,
Zi ,oc = j = jZ0 cot βl
tan βl
Thus, depending on the sign of cot βl, Zi ,oc can have either inductive
or capacitive characteristics
If βl << 1, tan βl βl and
Z0 1 L0 1
Zi ,oc = p =
j βl j ω L0 C 0 l C0 j ωC 0 l

i.e. a capacitive impedance

In practice, ZL can large but remains …nite especially at high
frequencies due to coupling to nearby objects and radiation at the
open end
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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
Open-circuited short line

The variation of the input impedance of an open-circuited short line

section with line length is illustrated below


λ/2 3λ/4 λ
0 λ/4 5λ/4


Input reactance of an open-circuited short transmission line

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
Short-circuited short line

If ZL = 0, we have
Zi ,sc = jZ0 tan βl

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
Short-circuited short line

If ZL = 0, we have
Zi ,sc = jZ0 tan βl
For very short lines this can be approximated as
p L0
Zi ,sc jZ0 βl = j ω L0 C 0 l = j ωL0 l
which is an inductive impedance

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
Short-circuited short line

If ZL = 0, we have
Zi ,sc = jZ0 tan βl
For very short lines this can be approximated as
p L0
Zi ,sc jZ0 βl = j ω L0 C 0 l = j ωL0 l
which is an inductive impedance
The input reactances of open- or short-circuited transmission lines
are the same if their lengths di¤er by (2n + 1) λ/4, n = 0, 1, 2, . . .

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
Short-circuited short line

The variation of the input impedance of an short-circuited short line

section with line length is illustrated below


λ/4 λ 5λ/4 l
0 λ/2 3λ/4


Input impedance of a short-circuited short transmission line

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
Quarter-wavelength line

If l is such that
l = (2n + 1)

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
Quarter-wavelength line

If l is such that
l = (2n + 1)
2π λ π
βl = (2n + 1) = (2n + 1)
λ 4 2
tan βl = tan (2n + 1) = ∞

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
Quarter-wavelength line

If l is such that
l = (2n + 1)
2π λ π
βl = (2n + 1) = (2n + 1)
λ 4 2
tan βl = tan (2n + 1) = ∞
In this case,
Zi =

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
Half-wavelength line

For l = nλ/2, n = 1, 2, . . .,
2π nλ
βl = = nπ
λ 2

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
Half-wavelength line

For l = nλ/2, n = 1, 2, . . .,
2π nλ
βl = = nπ
λ 2
tan βl = 0
so that
Zi = ZL

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

We can determine Z0 and γ of a given line by measuring the input

impedance of the a section of the line with open- and short-circuit

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

We can determine Z0 and γ of a given line by measuring the input

impedance of the a section of the line with open- and short-circuit
We note that for

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

We can determine Z0 and γ of a given line by measuring the input

impedance of the a section of the line with open- and short-circuit
We note that for
ZL ! ∞, Zi ,oc = Z0 coth γl

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

We can determine Z0 and γ of a given line by measuring the input

impedance of the a section of the line with open- and short-circuit
We note that for
ZL ! ∞, Zi ,oc = Z0 coth γl
ZL = 0, Zi ,sc = Z0 tanh γl

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

We can determine Z0 and γ of a given line by measuring the input

impedance of the a section of the line with open- and short-circuit
We note that for
ZL ! ∞, Zi ,oc = Z0 coth γl
ZL = 0, Zi ,sc = Z0 tanh γl
Thus p
Z0 = Zi ,oc Zi ,sc
and s
1 1 Zi ,sc
γ = tanh
l Zi ,oc

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

We can determine Z0 and γ of a given line by measuring the input

impedance of the a section of the line with open- and short-circuit
We note that for
ZL ! ∞, Zi ,oc = Z0 coth γl
ZL = 0, Zi ,sc = Z0 tanh γl
Thus p
Z0 = Zi ,oc Zi ,sc
and s
1 1 Zi ,sc
γ = tanh
l Zi ,oc
These expressions hold regardless of whether the line is lossy or not

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

Example (5)
The open- and short-circuit impedances measured at the input terminals
of a lossless transmission line of length 1, 5 m less than λ/4 are j54, 6 Ω
and j103 Ω resp. (a) Determine Z0 and γ of the line (b) Without
changing the operating frequency, determine the input impedance of a
short-circuited section of line that is twice as long as the one given. (c)
How long should the short-circuited line be in order for it to appear as an
open circuit at the input terminals at this frequency?

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

Solution (5)
Z0 = Zi ,oc Zi ,sc , (Ω)
= j54, 6 j103 = 75 Ω

1 1Zi ,sc
γ = tanh , m 1
l Zi ,oc
1 j103
= tanh 1 = j0, 628 m 1
1, 5 j54, 6

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

Solution (5)
γl = j0, 628 2 1, 5 m = j1, 884 rad
Zi ,sc = 75 tanh (j1, 884) = j75 tan 1, 884 = j231 Ω
1, 5 m < < 3, 0 m

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

Solution (5)
(c) For a short-circuited line to appear open at the input, it should be an
odd multiple of λ/4 long. We have
2π 2π
λ= = 1
= 10 m
β 0, 628 m

λ λ
l= + (n 1) = 2, 5 + 5 (n 1) , n = 1, 2, . . .
4 2

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

When a lossy line is terminated in a short-circuit, the input

impedance seen at the input will not vanish when l = nλ/2

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

When a lossy line is terminated in a short-circuit, the input

impedance seen at the input will not vanish when l = nλ/2
In this case, we have
sinh (α + j β) l
Zi ,sc = Z0 tanh γl = Z0
cosh (α + j β) l
sinh αl cos βl + j sin βl cosh αl
= Z0
cosh αl cos βl + j sinh αl sin βl

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

For l = nλ/2, βl = nπ, sin βl = 0

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

For l = nλ/2, βl = nπ, sin βl = 0

sinh αl cos βl
Zi ,sc = Z0 = Z0 tanh αl Z0 αl
cosh αl cos βl
since for αl small, tanh αl αl

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

For l = nλ/2, βl = nπ, sin βl = 0

sinh αl cos βl
Zi ,sc = Z0 = Z0 tanh αl Z0 αl
cosh αl cos βl
since for αl small, tanh αl αl
We therefore have a series resonant circuit when l = nλ/2

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

Similarly, when l = (2n + 1) λ/4, Zi ,sc will not be in…nite

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

Similarly, when l = (2n + 1) λ/4, Zi ,sc will not be in…nite

With l = nλ/4, n odd, cos βl = 0 and

sin βl cosh αl Z0 Z0
Zi ,sc = Z0 =
sinh αl sin βl tanh αl αl

for small αl which is a parallel resonant circuit

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement
The quality factor of the circuit is determined by …rst determining its
half-power bandwidth

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement
The quality factor of the circuit is determined by …rst determining its
half-power bandwidth
We let f = f0 + ∆f2 where ∆f << f0 is the shift from the resonance

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement
The quality factor of the circuit is determined by …rst determining its
half-power bandwidth
We let f = f0 + ∆f2 where ∆f << f0 is the shift from the resonance
2πf 2πf0 ∆f
βl = l= 1+ l
vp vp 2f0
nπ nπ ∆f nλ
= + , n odd, l =
2 2 2f0 4
nπ ∆f nπ ∆f
cos βl = sin
2 f0 2 2f0
nπ ∆f
sin βl = cos 1
2 2f0

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement
nπ ∆f
Zi ,sc = Z0 αl + j
2 2f0
2 nπ
2 ∆f
) jZi ,sc j = jZ0 j αl + j
2 2f0

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement
nπ ∆f
Zi ,sc = Z0 αl + j
2 2f0
2 nπ
2 ∆f
) jZi ,sc j = jZ0 j αl + j
2 2f0
The magnitude of the input impedance at the resonance frequency is
given by
jZ0 j 2
jZi ,sc (f0 )j2 = jZi ,sc ,max j2 =

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement
nπ ∆f
Zi ,sc = Z0 αl + j
2 2f0
2 nπ
2 ∆f
) jZi ,sc j = jZ0 j αl + j
2 2f0
The magnitude of the input impedance at the resonance frequency is
given by
jZ0 j 2
jZi ,sc (f0 )j2 = jZi ,sc ,max j2 =
The magnitude of the input impedance normalised to its magnitude
at resonance is hence,
" # 2
jZi ,sc j2 nπ 2 ∆f 2
= 1+
jZi ,sc ,max j2 2αl 2f0
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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

Therefore, the half-power frequencies f1 and f2 , f2 > f1 at which this

ratio is 1/2 are given by

nπ ∆f β ∆f
= = 1, n odd
2αl 2f0 2α f0

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

Therefore, the half-power frequencies f1 and f2 , f2 > f1 at which this

ratio is 1/2 are given by

nπ ∆f β ∆f
= = 1, n odd
2αl 2f0 2α f0

The Q of the parallel-resonant circuit is hence

f0 β
Q= =
∆f 2α

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

Therefore, the half-power frequencies f1 and f2 , f2 > f1 at which this

ratio is 1/2 are given by

nπ ∆f β ∆f
= = 1, n odd
2αl 2f0 2α f0

The Q of the parallel-resonant circuit is hence

f0 β
Q= =
∆f 2α
Assuming low loss,

ωL0 R0 G0
Q= = +
R 0 + G 0 L0 /C 0 ωL0 ωC 0

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

For a well insulated line, G 0 L0 /C 0 << R 0 ,

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

For a well insulated line, G 0 L0 /C 0 << R 0 ,


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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

Example (6)
The measured attenuation of an air-dielectric coaxial line at 400 MHz is
0, 01 dBm 1 . Determine the Q and half-power bandwidth of a
quarter-wavelength section of line terminated in a short-circuit.

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Finite length transmission line as a circuit element:
parameter measurement

Solution (6)
At f = 4 108 Hz, λ = 0, 75 m, β = 8, 38 radm 1

1 0, 01 1
α =, 01 dBm = Npm
8, 69
β 8, 38 8, 69
Q= = = 3641
2α 2 0, 01
∆f = = 0, 11 106 Hz

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A line terminated in a resistive load

Recall that the voltage at a point z from the load is given by

V (z ) = (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( γz ) + (ZL Z0 ) exp (γz )
2 2
= (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( γz ) 1 + exp (2γz )
2 ZL + Z0
= (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( γz ) f1 + Γ exp (2γz )g

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A line terminated in a resistive load

Recall that the voltage at a point z from the load is given by

V (z ) = (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( γz ) + (ZL Z0 ) exp (γz )
2 2
= (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( γz ) 1 + exp (2γz )
2 ZL + Z0
= (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( γz ) f1 + Γ exp (2γz )g
Γ= = jΓj exp (j θ Γ )
ZL + Z0
is the voltage re‡ection coe¢ cient at the load

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A line terminated in a resistive load

Similarly, for the current wave,

I (z ) = (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( γz ) (ZL Z0 ) exp (γz )
2Z0 2Z0
= (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( γz ) 1 exp (2γz )
2Z0 ZL + Z0
= (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( γz ) f1 Γ exp (2γz )g

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A line terminated in a resistive load

Similarly, for the current wave,

I (z ) = (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( γz ) (ZL Z0 ) exp (γz )
2Z0 2Z0
= (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( γz ) 1 exp (2γz )
2Z0 ZL + Z0
= (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( γz ) f1 Γ exp (2γz )g
Note that the current re‡ection coe¢ cient de…ned as
∆ I V
ΓI = =
I+ V+
is equal to the negative of the voltage re‡ection coe¢ cient

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A line terminated in a resistive load

Thus at z from the load,

V (z ) = (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( γz ) f1 + Γ exp (2γz )g
I (z ) = (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( γz ) f1 Γ exp (2γz )g

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A line terminated in a resistive load

Thus at z from the load,

V (z ) = (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( γz ) f1 + Γ exp (2γz )g
I (z ) = (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( γz ) f1 Γ exp (2γz )g
For a lossless transmission line, γ = j β, hence

V (z ) = (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( j βz ) f1 + Γ exp (j2βz )g
I (z ) = (ZL + Z0 ) exp ( j βz ) f1 Γ exp (j2βz )g

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A line terminated in a resistive load
The current and voltage phasors are obtained as

V (z ) = VL cos βz jIL Z0 sin βz

I (z ) = IL cos βz j sin βz
where VL = IL ZL

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A line terminated in a resistive load
The current and voltage phasors are obtained as

V (z ) = VL cos βz jIL Z0 sin βz

I (z ) = IL cos βz j sin βz
where VL = IL ZL
If ZL = RL ,
jV (z )j = VL cos2 βz + sin2 βz
jI (z )j = IL cos2 βz + sin2 βz

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A line terminated in a resistive load
The current and voltage phasors are obtained as

V (z ) = VL cos βz jIL Z0 sin βz

I (z ) = IL cos βz j sin βz
where VL = IL ZL
If ZL = RL ,
jV (z )j = VL cos2 βz + sin2 βz
jI (z )j = IL cos2 βz + sin2 βz
These represent standing wave patterns with minima and maxima
located at …xed planes along the line
WM (UoN) Multiconductor transmission lines 07/05 88 / 173
A line terminated in a resistive load

The voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) is given by

jVmax j 1 + jΓj
S= =
j min j
V 1 jΓj

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A line terminated in a resistive load

The voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) is given by

jVmax j 1 + jΓj
S= =
j min j
V 1 jΓj

jVmax j and jImin j occur together at z = zM when

θΓ 2βzM = 2nπ, n = 0, 1, 2, . . .

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A line terminated in a resistive load

The voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) is given by

jVmax j 1 + jΓj
S= =
j min j
V 1 jΓj

jVmax j and jImin j occur together at z = zM when

θΓ 2βzM = 2nπ, n = 0, 1, 2, . . .

jVmin j and jImax j occur together at z = zm when

θΓ 2βzm = (2n + 1) π, n = 0, 1, 2, . . .

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A line terminated in a resistive load

Example (7)
The standing wave ratio on a transmission line is an easily measured
quantity. (a) Show how the value of the terminating resistance on a
lossless line of known characteristic impedance Z0 can be determined by
measuring VSWR. (b) What is the impedance of the line looking towards
the load at a distance λ/4 where λ is the operating wavelength?

WM (UoN) Multiconductor transmission lines 07/05 90 / 173

A line terminated in a resistive load

Solution (7)
(a) If there are voltage maxima at z = 0, λ/2, λ, . . ., RL < Z0 . If
RL > Z0 , θ Γ = 0 and jVmax j, jImin j occur at βz = 0 and jVmin j, jImax j at
βz = π/2. Thus

jVmax j = VL , jVmin j = VL
jImin j = IL , jImax j = IL
jVmax j jImax j R
= =S = L
jVmin j jImin j Z0
RL = SZ0

WM (UoN) Multiconductor transmission lines 07/05 91 / 173

A line terminated in a resistive load

Solution (7)
(a) If RL < Z0 , θ Γ = π and jVmin j, jImax j occur at βz = 0 and jVmax j,
jImin j at βz = π/2.
jVmin j = VL , jVmax j = VL
jImax j = IL , jImin j = IL
jVmax j jImax j Z0
= =S =
jVmin j jImin j RL
RL =

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A line terminated in a resistive load

Solution (7)
(b) λ is determined from twice the distance between to neighbouring
voltage (or current) maxima or minima. At z = λ/4, βz = π/2,
cos βz = 0, sin βz = 1. Thus

λ λ VL
V = jIL Z0 , I =j
4 4 Z0

λ V (λ/4) Z2
Z = Zi = = 0
4 I (λ/4) RL

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A line terminated in an arbitrary load

A voltage minimum or maximum cannot occur at the termination

when ZL is complex because θ Γ 6= 0 or θ Γ 6= π

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A line terminated in an arbitrary load

A voltage minimum or maximum cannot occur at the termination

when ZL is complex because θ Γ 6= 0 or θ Γ 6= π
Let ZL = RL + jXL

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A line terminated in an arbitrary load

A voltage minimum or maximum cannot occur at the termination

when ZL is complex because θ Γ 6= 0 or θ Γ 6= π
Let ZL = RL + jXL
If the standing wave is extended by an extra distance lm beyond the
load, the wave will reach a minimum

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A line terminated in an arbitrary load

The voltage minimum is hence where it should be had the

termination been replaced by a section of length lm terminated in a
resistance Rm < Z0 as shown below


m z’=0

Z0 Rm

m z’=0

Finite-length transmission line with an arbitrary load termination

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A line terminated in an arbitrary load

This does not change the voltage distribution to the left of the actual
termination where z < 0

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A line terminated in an arbitrary load

This does not change the voltage distribution to the left of the actual
termination where z < 0
Using Rm in place of ZL , and lm in place of l, we have

Rm + jZ0 tan βlm

Ri + jXi = Z0
Z0 + jRm tan βlm

WM (UoN) Multiconductor transmission lines 07/05 96 / 173

A line terminated in an arbitrary load

This does not change the voltage distribution to the left of the actual
termination where z < 0
Using Rm in place of ZL , and lm in place of l, we have

Rm + jZ0 tan βlm

Ri + jXi = Z0
Z0 + jRm tan βlm

The real and imaginary parts then yield values of Rm and lm

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A line terminated in an arbitrary load

This does not change the voltage distribution to the left of the actual
termination where z < 0
Using Rm in place of ZL , and lm in place of l, we have

Rm + jZ0 tan βlm

Ri + jXi = Z0
Z0 + jRm tan βlm

The real and imaginary parts then yield values of Rm and lm

Experimentally, ZL is obtained by measuring the standing wave ratio
and the distance zm of the closest extremum of the voltage wave to
the load, i.e.
zm + lm =

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A line terminated in an arbitrary load

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A line terminated in an arbitrary load
1 Determine jΓj from VSWR as
S 1
jΓj =
S +1

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A line terminated in an arbitrary load
1 Determine jΓj from VSWR as
S 1
jΓj =
S +1
2 Determine θ Γ from zm as
θ Γ = 2βzm π, n = 0

WM (UoN) Multiconductor transmission lines 07/05 97 / 173

A line terminated in an arbitrary load
1 Determine jΓj from VSWR as
S 1
jΓj =
S +1
2 Determine θ Γ from zm as
θ Γ = 2βzm π, n = 0
3 Determine ZL as
1 + jΓj exp (j θ Γ )
ZL = RL + jXL = Z0
1 jΓj exp (j θ Γ )

WM (UoN) Multiconductor transmission lines 07/05 97 / 173

A line terminated in an arbitrary load
1 Determine jΓj from VSWR as
S 1
jΓj =
S +1
2 Determine θ Γ from zm as
θ Γ = 2βzm π, n = 0
3 Determine ZL as
1 + jΓj exp (j θ Γ )
ZL = RL + jXL = Z0
1 jΓj exp (j θ Γ )
4 The distance of a voltage maximum to the termination, zM could also
be used for which
θ Γ = 2βzM , n = 0

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A line terminated in an arbitrary load

Example (8)
The standing wave ratio of a lossless 50 Ω line terminated in an unknown
load impedance is found to be 3, 0. The distance between successive
voltage minima is 20 cm and the …rst minimum occurs at 5 cm from the
load. Determine (a) The re‡ection coe¢ cient Γ (b) The load impedance
ZL (c) The equivalent length and terminating resistance of line such that
the input impedance is ZL

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A line terminated in an arbitrary load

Solution (8)
(a) The distance between successive voltage minima is λ/2. Thus

λ=2 0, 2 m = 0, 4 m

β= = 5π rads 1
S 1
jΓj = = 0, 5
S +1
θ Γ = 2βzm0 π= 0, 5π rad
Γ = jΓj exp (j θ Γ ) = j0, 5
1 j0, 5
ZL = 50 = 30 j40 Ω
1 + j0, 5

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A line terminated in an arbitrary load

Solution (8)
Rm + j50 tan βlm
30 j40 = 50
50 + jRm tan βlm
Equate real and imaginary parts or recall

λ Z0
zm0 + lm = , Rm =
lm = zm0 = 0, 15 m
Rm = = 16, 7 Ω

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A line terminated in an arbitrary load

Solution (8)
(c) Note that
lm0 = lm = 0, 05 m
Rm0 = Z0 SWR = 150 Ω
are also valid when we use the locations of the maxima instead

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Transmission line circuits

We seek to express the voltages on a line terminated in ZL in terms of

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Transmission line circuits

We seek to express the voltages on a line terminated in ZL in terms of

The source parameters Vg , Zg ,

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Transmission line circuits

We seek to express the voltages on a line terminated in ZL in terms of

The source parameters Vg , Zg ,
The line characteristics γ, Z0 , l and

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Transmission line circuits

We seek to express the voltages on a line terminated in ZL in terms of

The source parameters Vg , Zg ,
The line characteristics γ, Z0 , l and
The load impedance ZL

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Transmission line circuits

At z = l, we have
Vi = Vg Ii Zg = (ZL + Z0 ) exp (γl ) f1 + Γ exp ( 2γl )g
Ii = (ZL + Z0 ) exp (γl ) f1 Γ exp ( 2γl )g

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Transmission line circuits

At z = l, we have
Vi = Vg Ii Zg = (ZL + Z0 ) exp (γl ) f1 + Γ exp ( 2γl )g
Ii = (ZL + Z0 ) exp (γl ) f1 Γ exp ( 2γl )g
IL Z0 Vg 1
(ZL + Z0 ) exp (γl ) =
2 Z0 + Zg 1 Γg Γ exp ( 2γl )

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Transmission line circuits

At z = l, we have
Vi = Vg Ii Zg = (ZL + Z0 ) exp (γl ) f1 + Γ exp ( 2γl )g
Ii = (ZL + Z0 ) exp (γl ) f1 Γ exp ( 2γl )g
IL Z0 Vg 1
(ZL + Z0 ) exp (γl ) =
2 Z0 + Zg 1 Γg Γ exp ( 2γl )

Zg Z0
Γg =
Zg + Z0
is the voltage re‡ection coe¢ cient at the generator end of the line

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Transmission line circuits

Thus, at any point z from the load, we have

Z0 Vg 1 + Γ exp (2γz )
V (z ) = exp f γ (z + l )g
Z0 + Zg 1 Γg Γ exp ( 2γl )

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Transmission line circuits

Thus, at any point z from the load, we have

Z0 Vg 1 + Γ exp (2γz )
V (z ) = exp f γ (z + l )g
Z0 + Zg 1 Γg Γ exp ( 2γl )

Vg 1 Γ exp (2γz )
I (z ) = exp f γ (z + l )g
Z0 + Zg 1 Γg Γ exp ( 2γl )

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Transmission line circuits

Example (9)
A 100 MHz sinusoidal generator with Vg = 10\0 and source resistance
50 Ω is connected to a lossless 50 Ω air line 3, 6 m long and terminated in
a 25 + j25 Ω load. Determine (a) V (z ) at the location z from the
generator (b) Vi at the input terminals of the line and VL at the load (c)
The VSWR on the line (d) The average power delivered to the load

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Transmission line circuits

Solution (9)
(a) We have

Vg = 10\0 , Zg = 50 Ω, f = 108 Hz, Z0 = 50 Ω,

ZL = 25 + j25 Ω = 35, 36\45 , l = 3, 6 m

2π 2πf 2π
β= = = radm 1 ) βl = 2, 4π rad
λ c 3
Γ= = 0, 447\116, 6 , Γg = 0
ZL + Z0

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Transmission line circuits

Solution (9)
(a) Since the distance from the load is z = z 0 and the source is at
z = l, then the point of interest is at z 0 from the generator with z 0 = 0
at the generator and l at the load. Hence
Z0 Vg
V z0 = 1 + Γ exp j2β l z0 exp j βz 0
Z0 + Zg

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Transmission line circuits

Solution (9)

Z0 Vg
Vi = V (0) = f1 + Γ exp ( j2βl )g
Z0 + Zg
Z0 Vg
= f1 + 0, 447\ 27, 4g
Z0 + Zg
= 5 (1 + 0, 397 j0, 206) V
= 7, 06\8, 38 V

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Transmission line circuits

Solution (9)
(b) and

Z0 Vg
VL = V z 0 = l = (1 + Γ) exp ( j βl )
Z0 + Zg
= 5 f1 + 0, 447\116, 6 g exp ( j2, 4π ) V
= 5 f1 0, 200 + j0, 4g exp ( j2, 4π ) V
= 5 (0, 894\26, 5) exp ( j2, 4π ) V
= 4, 47\ 45, 5 V

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Transmission line circuits
Solution (9)
1 + jΓj
S= = 2, 62
1 jΓj
1 VL
Pave = RL = 0, 2 W
2 ZL
If ZL = 50 Ω, Γ = 0 and jVL j = jVi j = Vg /2. Maximum power would
thus be delivered to the load and is
Pave,max = = 0, 25 W
The re‡ected power is hence

jΓj2 Pave,max = 0, 05 W
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Transients on transmission lines

The concept of reactance, wavelength, wavenumber, phase constant

lose meaning under transient conditions or non-sinusoidal line

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Transients on transmission lines

The concept of reactance, wavelength, wavenumber, phase constant

lose meaning under transient conditions or non-sinusoidal line
Important practical situations where signals and sources are not
time-harmonic and the conditions not steady-state, include

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Transients on transmission lines

The concept of reactance, wavelength, wavenumber, phase constant

lose meaning under transient conditions or non-sinusoidal line
Important practical situations where signals and sources are not
time-harmonic and the conditions not steady-state, include
Line excitation with digital pulse signals in computer networks

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Transients on transmission lines

The concept of reactance, wavelength, wavenumber, phase constant

lose meaning under transient conditions or non-sinusoidal line
Important practical situations where signals and sources are not
time-harmonic and the conditions not steady-state, include
Line excitation with digital pulse signals in computer networks
Sudden surges in power on telephone or power lines

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Transients on transmission lines

We consider lossless lines and start with the simplest situation where
a DC source is connected to a line terminated in its characteristic
impedance at t = 0 as shown below
Zg t=0


z=-l z=0

DC excited terminated line

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Transients on transmission lines
The impedance looking into the line from the source-end is hence Z0
and a voltage wave of magnitude
V1+ = VDC
Z0 + Rg
propagates down the line in the +z-direction at vp = 1/ L0 C 0 with
a corresponding current
I1+ = =
Z0 Z0 + Rg
at z1

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Transients on transmission lines
The impedance looking into the line from the source-end is hence Z0
and a voltage wave of magnitude
V1+ = VDC
Z0 + Rg
propagates down the line in the +z-direction at vp = 1/ L0 C 0 with
a corresponding current
I1+ = =
Z0 Z0 + Rg
at z1
The plot of V (z1 ) as a function of time is a delayed step function at
t = z1 /vp and the current has a similar shape

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Transients on transmission lines
The impedance looking into the line from the source-end is hence Z0
and a voltage wave of magnitude
V1+ = VDC
Z0 + Rg
propagates down the line in the +z-direction at vp = 1/ L0 C 0 with
a corresponding current
I1+ = =
Z0 Z0 + Rg
at z1
The plot of V (z1 ) as a function of time is a delayed step function at
t = z1 /vp and the current has a similar shape
When the voltage and current waves arrive at the load end (z = 0),
no re‡ections occur since the line is matched

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Transients on transmission lines
The impedance looking into the line from the source-end is hence Z0
and a voltage wave of magnitude
V1+ = VDC
Z0 + Rg
propagates down the line in the +z-direction at vp = 1/ L0 C 0 with
a corresponding current
I1+ = =
Z0 Z0 + Rg
at z1
The plot of V (z1 ) as a function of time is a delayed step function at
t = z1 /vp and the current has a similar shape
When the voltage and current waves arrive at the load end (z = 0),
no re‡ections occur since the line is matched
Steady-state is established with the entire line charged to a voltage
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Transients on transmission lines
If both Rg and RL are di¤erent from Z0 , then when the switch is
closed at t = 0, the source-end will send a voltage wave of magnitude
V1+ = VDC
Z0 + Rg
in the +z-direction which propagates at v = 1/ L0 C 0 proceeding as
if the line were in…nitely long

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Transients on transmission lines
If both Rg and RL are di¤erent from Z0 , then when the switch is
closed at t = 0, the source-end will send a voltage wave of magnitude
V1+ = VDC
Z0 + Rg
in the +z-direction which propagates at v = 1/ L0 C 0 proceeding as
if the line were in…nitely long
At t = T = l /v , this wave arrives at the load end and a re‡ected
wave travelling in the z-direction is established and has a magnitude
V1 = ΓL V1+ , ΓL =
RL + Z0

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Transients on transmission lines
If both Rg and RL are di¤erent from Z0 , then when the switch is
closed at t = 0, the source-end will send a voltage wave of magnitude
V1+ = VDC
Z0 + Rg
in the +z-direction which propagates at v = 1/ L0 C 0 proceeding as
if the line were in…nitely long
At t = T = l /v , this wave arrives at the load end and a re‡ected
wave travelling in the z-direction is established and has a magnitude
V1 = ΓL V1+ , ΓL =
RL + Z0
The re‡ected wave arrives at the source end at t = 2T where it
su¤ers re‡ection again and a new wave propagating in the
+z-direction established with a magnitude
Rg Z0
V2+ = Γg V1 = Γg ΓL V1+ , Γg =
Rg + Z0
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Transients on transmission lines

This goes on inde…nitely with re‡ection at both ends of the line at

t = nT , n = 1, 2, . . .

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Transients on transmission lines

This goes on inde…nitely with re‡ection at both ends of the line at

t = nT , n = 1, 2, . . .
Some of the re‡ected waves may have negative amplitudes since Γg
or ΓL could be negative

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Transients on transmission lines

This goes on inde…nitely with re‡ection at both ends of the line at

t = nT , n = 1, 2, . . .
Some of the re‡ected waves may have negative amplitudes since Γg
or ΓL could be negative
Unless the termination is a short- or open-circuit, Γg and ΓL are less
than unity so that the re‡ections grow weaker with time

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Transients on transmission lines

At any location z1 on the line from the source, the voltage and
current on the line at a given time interval are

V (z1 ) = V1+ + V1 + V2+ + V2 + . . .

I (z1 ) = I1+ + I1 + I2+ + I2 + . . .

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Transients on transmission lines

At any location z1 on the line from the source, the voltage and
current on the line at a given time interval are

V (z1 ) = V1+ + V1 + V2+ + V2 + . . .

I (z1 ) = I1+ + I1 + I2+ + I2 + . . .
The ultimate voltage across the load as time progresses will be

VL = V1+ 1 + ΓL + Γg ΓL + Γg Γ2L + . . .
= V1+ 1 + Γg ΓL + Γ2g Γ2L + . . . + ΓL 1 + Γg ΓL + Γ2g Γ2L + . . .

1 + ΓL
VL = V1+
1 Γg ΓL

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Transients on transmission lines

For example, if RL = 3Z0 , Rg = 2Z0 , Γg = 1/3, ΓL = 1/2 and

V1+ = VDC /3

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Transients on transmission lines

For example, if RL = 3Z0 , Rg = 2Z0 , Γg = 1/3, ΓL = 1/2 and

V1+ = VDC /3
Thus VL ! 9V1+ /5 = 3VDC /5 as t ! ∞

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Transients on transmission lines

For example, if RL = 3Z0 , Rg = 2Z0 , Γg = 1/3, ΓL = 1/2 and

V1+ = VDC /3
Thus VL ! 9V1+ /5 = 3VDC /5 as t ! ∞
1 ΓL V1+ 3 V1+ 1 VDC
IL = = =
1 Γg ΓL Z0 5 Z0 5 Z0

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Transients on transmission lines: Re‡ection or bounce

The re‡ection diagram illustrated below is useful tool for visualising

the voltage and current at a given point z1 on the line measured from
the source as time evolves

t5 P5
Γ2g Γ2L V+1

t4 ΓgΓ2L V+1


t3 P3

t2 ΓLV+1

t1 slope=1/v

z1 z
0 l

Re‡ection diagram
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Transients on transmission lines: Re‡ection or bounce

The re‡ection diagram can be used to determine the voltage

distribution at a given time as well as the variation with time at an
arbitrary point on the line

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Transients on transmission lines: Re‡ection or bounce

The re‡ection diagram can be used to determine the voltage

distribution at a given time as well as the variation with time at an
arbitrary point on the line
To obtain the voltage distribution at t = t4 say, we note that
3T < t4 < 4T

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Transients on transmission lines: Re‡ection or bounce

The re‡ection diagram can be used to determine the voltage

distribution at a given time as well as the variation with time at an
arbitrary point on the line
To obtain the voltage distribution at t = t4 say, we note that
3T < t4 < 4T
We thus, mark t4 on the time scale and extend a horizontal line to
intersect the directed line below t = 4T at P4 which has a value
Γg Γ2L V1+

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Transients on transmission lines: Re‡ection or bounce

A vertical line drawn from P4 to the z-axis intersects it at z1 ,

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Transients on transmission lines: Re‡ection or bounce

A vertical line drawn from P4 to the z-axis intersects it at z1 ,

Note that in the range 0 < z < z1 from the source, the voltage has
value V1+ + V1 + V2+ = V1+ (1 + ΓL + Γg ΓL ) and in the range
z1 < z < l, the value is V1+ 1 + ΓL + Γg ΓL + Γg Γ2L

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Transients on transmission lines: Re‡ection or bounce

A vertical line drawn from P4 to the z-axis intersects it at z1 ,

Note that in the range 0 < z < z1 from the source, the voltage has
value V1+ + V1 + V2+ = V1+ (1 + ΓL + Γg ΓL ) and in the range
z1 < z < l, the value is V1+ 1 + ΓL + Γg ΓL + Γg Γ2L
The voltage discontinuity is hence Γg Γ2L V1+ at z = z1 from the source

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Transients on transmission lines: Re‡ection or bounce

Hence, at t = t4 , V (z, t4 ) has the form shown below

ΓgΓ2L V+1

t4 l

Transient voltage on a lossless transmission line

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Transients on transmission lines: Re‡ection or bounce

Hence, at t = t4 , V (z, t4 ) has the form shown below

ΓgΓ2L V+1

t4 l

Transient voltage on a lossless transmission line

Now consider the line excited by a rectangular pulse of the form

vg (t ) = V0 fu (t ) u (t T0 )g

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Transients on transmission lines: Re‡ection or bounce

Hence, at t = t4 , V (z, t4 ) has the form shown below

ΓgΓ2L V+1

t4 l

Transient voltage on a lossless transmission line

Now consider the line excited by a rectangular pulse of the form

vg (t ) = V0 fu (t ) u (t T0 )g

The transient response of the line is the superposition of the two step

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Transients on transmission lines: Re‡ection or bounce

Example (10)
A rectangular pulse of an amplitude 15 V and duration 1 µs is applied
through a series resistance of 25 Ω to the inputs of a 50 Ω lossless coaxial
line. If the line is 400 m long and is terminated in a short-circuit at the far
end, determine the voltage response midway down the line as a function of
time up to 8 µs. The dielectric constant is 2, 25.

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Transients on transmission lines: Re‡ection or bounce

Solution (10)
ΓL = 1, Γg = 1/3. We have
vg (t ) = 15 u (t ) u t 10
v = p = 2, 0 108 ms 1
T = = 2 µs
V1+ = = 10 V
Z0 + RG

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Transients on transmission lines: Re‡ection or bounce
Solution (10)
The diagram below illustrates the solution process. The values indicated in
brackets apply to the 15u t 10 6 function applied 1 µs later.

9 +1/9



+1/3 6

5 (-1/3)


+1 2

1 (-1)

0 200 400

Re‡ection diagram solution

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Transients on transmission lines: Initially charged line

Any disturbance or change in a transmission line circuit will start

transients along the line even without external excitation as long as
initial voltages or currents exist on the line.

Example (11)
A lossless air-dielectric, open-circuited line of resistive characteristic
impedance Z0 and length l is initially charged to a voltage V0 . At t = 0
the line is connected to a resistance R. Determine the voltage across and
the current through R as a function of time. Assume R = Z0 .

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Transients on transmission lines: Initially charged line
Solution (11)
The diagram below illustrates the situation
Z0 t=0 t=0
IR I+1


z=-l z=0 z=0


t=0 t=0



z=0 z=0

Charged open-circuited line and its equivalent circuit

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Transients on transmission lines: Initially charged line

Solution (11)
Since the voltage across R is initially zero (no current ‡ows through R),
we can model the situation as shown in (b) which can be redrawn as in (c)
and (d). The line is assumed to be uncharged with the initial charge
represented by a voltage source.
When the switch is closed, a wave of amplitude V1+ is sent down the line
in the +z-direction with an amplitude
Z0 V0
V1+ = V0 =
Z0 + R 2

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Transients on transmission lines: Initially charged line
Solution (11)
At t = l /v , this wave arrives at the open-circuit having lowered the
voltage everywhere on the line to V0 /2. A re‡ected wave V1 is sent back
to the sending end where
V1 = ΓV1+ =
and arrives here at t = 2l /v and lowers the line voltage to zero.
The current through the resistor

IR = I1

V1+ V0
I1 = I1+ = =
Z0 2Z0
in the time interval 0 t l /v
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Transients on transmission lines: Initially charged line

Solution (11)
At t = l /v , I1+ reaches the open circuit and the re‡ected current must
change sign to make the total current zero as required by the open circuit.
I1 = I1+ =
This arrives at the sending end at t = 2l /v reducing both I1 and IR to
zero. Since R = Z0 , no further re‡ection takes place and the transient
ends. This circuit is useful as a pulse generator with the pulse duration
adjustable through l.

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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in an
inductive load

Consider a line terminated in an inductance L as shown below

Z0 t=0 Z0 t=0

iL(t) iL(t)

2V+1 Z0 2V+1 vL(t) L vL(t)

vL(t) L

z=-l z=0 z=0


Inductively terminated transmission line

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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in an
inductive load
When the switch is closed at t = 0, a voltage wave of an amplitude
V1+ =
travels towards the load arriving there at l = l /v = T

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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in an
inductive load
When the switch is closed at t = 0, a voltage wave of an amplitude
V1+ =
travels towards the load arriving there at l = l /v = T
A re‡ected wave V1 (t ) is generated due to the mismatch and at
z = l, we can then write
v (t ) = V1+ + V1 (t )
for all t T

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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in an
inductive load
When the switch is closed at t = 0, a voltage wave of an amplitude
V1+ =
travels towards the load arriving there at l = l /v = T
A re‡ected wave V1 (t ) is generated due to the mismatch and at
z = l, we can then write
v (t ) = V1+ + V1 (t )
for all t T
The current through the inductor is given by
iL (t ) = V + V1 ( t )
Z0 1

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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in an
inductive load
When the switch is closed at t = 0, a voltage wave of an amplitude
V1+ =
travels towards the load arriving there at l = l /v = T
A re‡ected wave V1 (t ) is generated due to the mismatch and at
z = l, we can then write
v (t ) = V1+ + V1 (t )
for all t T
The current through the inductor is given by
iL (t ) = V + V1 ( t )
Z0 1
And the voltage by
vL (t ) = L
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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in an
inductive load

V1 (t ) = vL (t ) V1+
iL (t ) = V1+ vL (t ) + V1+

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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in an
inductive load

V1 (t ) = vL (t ) V1+
iL (t ) = V1+ vL (t ) + V1+
vL (t ) = 2V1+ Z0 iL (t )

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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in an
inductive load

V1 (t ) = vL (t ) V1+
iL (t ) = V1+ vL (t ) + V1+
vL (t ) = 2V1+ Z0 iL (t )
At the load end, the equivalent circuit for t T is of the form shown

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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in an
inductive load
We can therefore write
L + Z0 iL (t ) = 2V1+ , t T
2V1+ Z0
iL (t ) = 1 exp (t T ) , t T
Z0 L
iL (T ) = 0, iL (∞) =

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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in an
inductive load
We can therefore write
L + Z0 iL (t ) = 2V1+ , t T
2V1+ Z0
iL (t ) = 1 exp (t T ) , t T
Z0 L
iL (T ) = 0, iL (∞) =
The voltage across the load is hence
diL Z0
vL (t ) = L = 2V1+ 1 exp (t T) , t T
dt L
Z0 1
V1 (t ) = vL (t ) V1+ = 2V1+ exp (t T) , t>T
L 2
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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in an
inductive load

At any z = z1 along the line, the voltage is V1+ before the re‡ection
from the termination reaches this point at
l z1
t T <

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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in an
inductive load

At any z = z1 along the line, the voltage is V1+ before the re‡ection
from the termination reaches this point at
l z1
t T <
It then equals
V1+ + V1 (t T)

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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in an
inductive load
The voltage function is as shown below
iL(t) vL(l,t)

2V+1 /Z0 2V+1

t t

V1- (l,t)
z1 l

Transient on an inductively terminated line

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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in an
inductive load
The voltage function is as shown below
iL(t) vL(l,t)

2V+1 /Z0 2V+1

t t

V1- (l,t)
z1 l

Transient on an inductively terminated line

Note that
l z1 z1
t1 T = ) 2T
v v
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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in a
capacitive load

For a capacitive termination as shown below

Z0 t=0


V0 Z0 C vC(t)

z=-l z=0
Transient on a capacitively terminated line

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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in a
capacitive load

We have at z = l,
iC (t ) = C

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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in a
capacitive load

We have at z = l,
iC (t ) = C
For t T , we need to solve

dvC 1 2V1+
C + vC (t ) =
dt Z0 Z0

where V1+ = V0 /2

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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in a
capacitive load

t T
vC (t ) = 2V1+ 1 exp
Z0 C
2V1+ t T
iC (t ) = exp
Z0 Z0 C

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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in a
capacitive load

t T
vC (t ) = 2V1+ 1 exp
Z0 C
2V1+ t T
iC (t ) = exp
Z0 Z0 C
1 t T
V1 = 2V1+ exp , t T
2 Z0 C

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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in a
capacitive load
The voltage waveform on the line is illustrated below
vC(l,t) iC(t)

2V+1 2V+1 /Z0

t t

V1- (l,t)

-V+1 z
z1 l

Transient on a capacitively terminated line

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Transients on transmission lines: A line terminated in a
capacitive load
The voltage waveform on the line is illustrated below
vC(l,t) iC(t)

2V+1 2V+1 /Z0

t t

V1- (l,t)

-V+1 z
z1 l

Transient on a capacitively terminated line

l z1 z1
t1 T = ) t1 = 2T
v v
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The Smith-Chart

The re‡ection coe¢ cient at the load ZL terminating a lossless

transmission line of characteristic impedance Z0 is given by
ΓL = = jΓL j exp (j θ Γ )
ZL + Z0
where r
Z0 =

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The Smith-Chart

The re‡ection coe¢ cient at the load ZL terminating a lossless

transmission line of characteristic impedance Z0 is given by
ΓL = = jΓL j exp (j θ Γ )
ZL + Z0
where r
Z0 =
We can normalise the load to the characteristic impedance of the line
and de…ne a dimensionless quantity zL 1 as
zL = = rL + jxL

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The Smith-Chart

Thus, if Γr = Re [Γ] and Γi = Im [Γ], then

(rL 1) + jxL
Γr + j Γi =
(1 + rL ) + jxL

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The Smith-Chart

Thus, if Γr = Re [Γ] and Γi = Im [Γ], then

(rL 1) + jxL
Γr + j Γi =
(1 + rL ) + jxL
Or equivalently
(1 + Γr ) + j Γi
rL + jxL =
(1 Γr ) j Γi

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The Smith-Chart

Thus, if Γr = Re [Γ] and Γi = Im [Γ], then

(rL 1) + jxL
Γr + j Γi =
(1 + rL ) + jxL
Or equivalently
(1 + Γr ) + j Γi
rL + jxL =
(1 Γr ) j Γi
From which we see that
1 Γ2r Γ2i 2Γi
rL = 2
, xL =
(1 Γr ) + Γ2i (1 Γr )2 + Γ2i

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The Smith-Chart

For a given value of rL , the locus of the re‡ection coe¢ cient describes
a circle speci…ed through the equation
2 2
rL 1
Γr + Γ2i =
1 + rL 1 + rL

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The Smith-Chart

For a given value of rL , the locus of the re‡ection coe¢ cient describes
a circle speci…ed through the equation
2 2
rL 1
Γr + Γ2i =
1 + rL 1 + rL

The centre of r -circle is located on the complex Γ-plane at

1 + rL

and has a radius

1 + rL

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The Smith-Chart

xL forms another family of circles

2 2
1 1
( Γr 1)2 + Γi =
xL xL

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The Smith-Chart

xL forms another family of circles

2 2
1 1
( Γr 1)2 + Γi =
xL xL

x-circles are of radius

and are centred at

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The Smith-Chart

xL forms another family of circles

2 2
1 1
( Γr 1)2 + Γi =
xL xL

x-circles are of radius

and are centred at
The Smith-chart is thus a graph of r - and x-circles in the complex
Γ-plane forjΓj 1

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The Smith-Chart

An example of the impedance Smith-chart is illustrated below


phase angle of reflection coeff


r=0.5 r=1.0 r=2.0


x=-1.0 x=-2.0

unit circle
Simpli…ed Smith chart

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The Smith-Chart

The fractional distance from the center of the chart to a given point
relative to the radius jΓj = 1 of the circle is a measure of the value of
jΓj at that point

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The Smith-Chart

The fractional distance from the center of the chart to a given point
relative to the radius jΓj = 1 of the circle is a measure of the value of
jΓj at that point
θ Γ is the angle the line from the centre passing through the given
point makes with the real axis

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The Smith-Chart


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The Smith-Chart

A jΓj circle intersects the real axis at two points: at PM towards the
open-circuit point at (r = 1, x = 0), and Pm towards the short-circuit
point at (r = 0, x = 0)

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The Smith-Chart

A jΓj circle intersects the real axis at two points: at PM towards the
open-circuit point at (r = 1, x = 0), and Pm towards the short-circuit
point at (r = 0, x = 0)
PM and Pm represent a case of pure resistive loading on the line with
PM representing RL > Z0 and Pm representing resistive loading with
RL < Z0 .

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The Smith-Chart

A jΓj circle intersects the real axis at two points: at PM towards the
open-circuit point at (r = 1, x = 0), and Pm towards the short-circuit
point at (r = 0, x = 0)
PM and Pm represent a case of pure resistive loading on the line with
PM representing RL > Z0 and Pm representing resistive loading with
RL < Z0 .
For RL > Z0
S= = rL

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The Smith-Chart

A jΓj circle intersects the real axis at two points: at PM towards the
open-circuit point at (r = 1, x = 0), and Pm towards the short-circuit
point at (r = 0, x = 0)
PM and Pm represent a case of pure resistive loading on the line with
PM representing RL > Z0 and Pm representing resistive loading with
RL < Z0 .
For RL > Z0
S= = rL

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The Smith-Chart

A jΓj circle intersects the real axis at two points: at PM towards the
open-circuit point at (r = 1, x = 0), and Pm towards the short-circuit
point at (r = 0, x = 0)
PM and Pm represent a case of pure resistive loading on the line with
PM representing RL > Z0 and Pm representing resistive loading with
RL < Z0 .
For RL > Z0
S= = rL
The r -circle passing through PM is numerically equal to the standing
wave ratio

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The Smith-Chart

A jΓj circle intersects the real axis at two points: at PM towards the
open-circuit point at (r = 1, x = 0), and Pm towards the short-circuit
point at (r = 0, x = 0)
PM and Pm represent a case of pure resistive loading on the line with
PM representing RL > Z0 and Pm representing resistive loading with
RL < Z0 .
For RL > Z0
S= = rL
The r -circle passing through PM is numerically equal to the standing
wave ratio
The value of the r -circle passing through Pm is equal to 1/S

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The Smith-Chart

For a lossless line therefore, the impedance seen looking toward the
load at a plane z from the load is given by

V ( z) 1 + Γ exp ( j2βz )
Zi ( z ) = = Z0
I ( z) 1 Γ exp ( j2βz )

where like before, we locate the load at the origin of the z-axis

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The Smith-Chart

For a lossless line therefore, the impedance seen looking toward the
load at a plane z from the load is given by

V ( z) 1 + Γ exp ( j2βz )
Zi ( z ) = = Z0
I ( z) 1 Γ exp ( j2βz )

where like before, we locate the load at the origin of the z-axis
Using normalised impedance, we can write

1 + Γ exp ( j2βz ) 1 + jΓj exp (j ϕ)

zi ( z ) = =
1 Γ exp ( j2βz ) 1 jΓj exp (j ϕ)

ϕ = θΓ 2βz

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The Smith-Chart

Thus keeping jΓj constant and subtracting (rotating clockwise) from

θ Γ through 2βz = 4πz/λ locates the point jΓj exp (j ϕ), the re‡ection
coe¢ cient of the input impedance a distance z from the load zL

Example (12)
Use the Smith-chart to determine the input impedance of a section of a
50 Ω lossless line that is 0, 1λ long and terminated in a short circuit.

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The Smith-Chart
Solution (12)
We have zL = 0, Z0 = 50 Ω, z = 0, 1λ. On the Smith-chart, mark Psc
at the intersection of r = 0 and x = 0. Move along the circumference of
the chart (jΓj = 1) a distance 0, 1λ towards the generator in a clockwise
direction to point P1 as shown below


Smith chart solution

At P1 read o¤ r = 0 and x 0, 725 or

zi = j0, 725 ) Zi = zi Z0 = j36, 3 Ω. Con…rm this result using
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The Smith-Chart

Example (13)
A lossless transmission line of length 0, 434λ and characteristic impedance
100 Ω is terminated in an impedance 260 + j180 Ω. Determine (a) The
voltage re‡ection coe¢ cient (b) The standing-wave ratio (c) The input
impedance (d) The location of a voltage maximum on the line

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The Smith-Chart

Solution (13)
l = 0, 434λ, Z0 = 100 Ω, ZL = 260 + j180 Ω
(a) We have
zl = = 2, 60 + j1, 8
zl 1, 0
jΓj = = 0, 60
zl + 1, 0
We plot on the Smith chart, the point P2 = (2, 6, 1, 8) and draw a circle
of radius OP2 = jΓj centred at the origin of the chart ((0, 0)). We then
draw the line OP2 and extend it to the point P20 on the unit-circle and
read o¤ the length of line toward the generator as 0, 220. Phase angle of
re‡ection coe¢ cient is hence
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The Smith-Chart

Solution (13)
4π (0, 250 0, 220) = 0, 12π = 0, 38 rad = 22
Multiplication by 4π is because angles on Smith chart are in

2βl = l
Γ = 0, 60\22
(b) The jΓj = 0, 60 circle intersects the positive real axis OPoc at
r = SWR = 4 so that voltage standing-wave ratio is 4

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The Smith-Chart

Solution (13)
(c) For the impedance, advance P20 at 0, 220 through l = 0, 434λ towards
generator to point P30 , …rst to 0, 50 equivalent to 0, 0 and a further 0, 154

0, 50 0, 220 = 0, 280

and then
0, 280 + 0, 154 = 0, 434
since a complete revolution around the Smith chart corresponds to a
length of λ/2.

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The Smith-Chart

Solution (13)
(c) Join the origin with P30 which then intersects the jΓj = 0, 6 circle at
point P3 and read o¤ the value of r and x at P3

zi = 0, 69 + j1, 2

Input impedance is hence

Zi = Z0 zi = 69 + j120 Ω

(d) Going from P2 to P3 , the jΓj = 0, 6 circle intersects the positive real
axis OPoc at PM where the voltage is maximum. Hence, maximum
voltage occurs at
(0, 25 0, 22) λ = 0, 03λ
from the load.

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The Smith-Chart

Solution (13)
(d) The Smith chart solution process is illustrated below


P2 P’2
toward generator

Psc Poc
toward load

Smith chart solution

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The Smith-Chart

Solution (14)
The input impedance of a short-circuited lossy transmission line of length
2 m and Z0 = 75 Ω approximately real is 45 + j225 Ω. (a) Determine α
and γ of the line (b) Determine the input impedance if the short-circuit is
replaced by a load ZL = 67, 5 j45 Ω.

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The Smith-Chart

Solution (14)
(a) For a lossy line of a su¢ cient length l such that 2αl cannot be ignored,
the expression for input impedance must be modi…ed to

1 + Γ exp ( 2αz ) exp ( j2βz )

zi =
1 Γ exp ( 2αz ) exp ( j2βz )
1 + jΓj exp ( 2αz ) exp (j ϕ)
1 jΓj exp ( 2αz ) exp (j ϕ)

and we must therefore perform extra calculations to account for the

exp ( 2αz ) factor. A short circuit on the Smith-chart is represented by
the point Psc at (0, 0).

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The Smith-Chart

Solution (14)
(a) Thus, plot
zi = f45 + j225g = 0, 6 + j3, 0
on the chart as point P1 as shown below

P1 P’1




Smith chart solution

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The Smith-Chart

Solution (14)
(a) and draw a straight line from the centre of the circle through P1 to P10
on the circumference of the chart. Now measure
OP1 /OP10 = exp ( 2αl ) = 0, 89. Hence determine α as

1 1 1 1
α= ln = ln 1, 124 = 0, 029 Npm
2l 0, 89 4

Record the length of the arc Psc P10 in wavelengths toward the generator
(i.e. clockwise) which gives the number of wavelengths l /λ = 0, 20 and

2βl = l = 4π 0, 20 = 0, 8π ) β = 0, 20π

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The Smith-Chart

Solution (14)
(b) Plot zL = ZL /Z0 = 0, 9 j0, 6 on the chart as P2 and draw a straight
line from centre toP20 on the circumference of the chart and read o¤ the
number of wavelengths towards the generator as 0, 364. Now draw the
jΓj-circle centred at the centre of the chart having radius OP2 . Move P20
along the circumference by l = 0, 20 in wavelengths toward the generator
to point P30
0, 364 + 0, 20 0, 5 = 0, 064
and join P30 to the centre of the chart by a straight line. This line
intersects the jΓj-circle at P3 . Mark on OP3 a point Pi such that
OPi /OP3 = exp ( 2αl ) = 0, 89. At Pi read o¤ zi = 0, 64 + j0, 27. Hence

Zi = Z0 zi = 48, 0 + j20, 3 Ω

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Transmission line matching: The quarter-wavelength
impedance transformer

We insert a λ/4 impedance transformer to match RL to a line of

characteristic impedance Z0 (real)

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Transmission line matching: The quarter-wavelength
impedance transformer

We insert a λ/4 impedance transformer to match RL to a line of

characteristic impedance Z0 (real)
The characteristic impedance of the λ/4 transformer is then given by
Z00 = Z0 RL

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Transmission line matching: The quarter-wavelength
impedance transformer

Example (15)
A signal generator is to feed equal power through a lossless air line of
Z0 = 50 Ω to two separate resistive loads of 64 Ω and 25 Ω.
Quarter-wave transformers are used to match the loads to the 50 Ω line as
shown below.



B’ 25Ω


A matching scheme using a quarter-wavlength impedance transformer

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Transmission line matching: The quarter-wavelength
impedance transformer

Example (15 continued)

(a) Determine the required characteristic impedance of the impedance
transformer sections (b) Determine S on the matching line sections

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Transmission line matching: The quarter-wavelength
impedance transformer
Solution (15)
(a) The input impedance at the junction with the main line looking into
each load must be 2Z0 since they are in parallel. Thus, we must have
Ri 2 = Ri 1 = 100 Ω and
p p
Z01 = Z0 RL1 = 80 Ω, Z02 0
= Z0 RL2 = 50 Ω

(b) Under matched conditions, there are no standing waves on the main
line. On the matching lines however, we have

RL1 Z010 1 + j Γ1 j
Γ1 = 0 = 0, 11 ) S1 = = 1, 25
RL1 + Z01 1 j Γ1 j

RL2 Z020 1 + j Γ2 j
Γ2 = 0 = 0, 33 ) S2 = = 1, 99
RL2 + Z02 1 j Γ2 j
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Transmission line matching: Single-stub matching of
arbitrary loads

Consider the single-stub matching scheme below


Z0 yB

yi yL

A single-stub matching scheme

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Transmission line matching: Single-stub matching of
arbitrary loads
We seek to determine l and d such that the impedance seen looking
into the junction is Z0

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Transmission line matching: Single-stub matching of
arbitrary loads
We seek to determine l and d such that the impedance seen looking
into the junction is Z0
The parallel combination of a line terminated in ZL and a stub at the
points B B 0 suggests use of admittances for convenience

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Transmission line matching: Single-stub matching of
arbitrary loads
We seek to determine l and d such that the impedance seen looking
into the junction is Z0
The parallel combination of a line terminated in ZL and a stub at the
points B B 0 suggests use of admittances for convenience
We have
1 1
Yi = = YB + Ys = Y0 =
Zi Z0

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Transmission line matching: Single-stub matching of
arbitrary loads
We seek to determine l and d such that the impedance seen looking
into the junction is Z0
The parallel combination of a line terminated in ZL and a stub at the
points B B 0 suggests use of admittances for convenience
We have
1 1
Yi = = YB + Ys = Y0 =
Zi Z0
In terms of normalised admittances, then

yB + ys = 1

yB = Z0 YB , ys = Z0 Ys
with YB and Ys the admittances of the load section and
short-circuited stub respectively
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Transmission line matching: Single-stub matching of
arbitrary loads

The short-circuited stub is purely susceptive so that the normalised

admittance is satis…ed only if

yB = 1 + jbB , ys = jbB

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Transmission line matching: Single-stub matching of
arbitrary loads

The short-circuited stub is purely susceptive so that the normalised

admittance is satis…ed only if

yB = 1 + jbB , ys = jbB

Thus, we seek d such that yB looking towards the load at the

junction has unity real part and …nd l for the stub such that its
susceptance cancels that of the load.

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Transmission line matching: Single-stub matching of
arbitrary loads

The short-circuited stub is purely susceptive so that the normalised

admittance is satis…ed only if

yB = 1 + jbB , ys = jbB

Thus, we seek d such that yB looking towards the load at the

junction has unity real part and …nd l for the stub such that its
susceptance cancels that of the load.
Analytically, we can write

(rL + jxL ) + jt
zB =
1 + j (rL + jxL ) t

where t = tan βd

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Transmission line matching: Single-stub matching of
arbitrary loads

The normalised input admittance to the right of B B 0 is

yB = = gB + jbB
rL (1 xL t ) + rL t (xL + t )
gB =
rL2 + (xL + t )2
rL2 t (1 xL t ) (xL + t )
bB =
rL2+ (xL + t )2

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Transmission line matching: Single-stub matching of
arbitrary loads

The normalised input admittance to the right of B B 0 is

yB = = gB + jbB
rL (1 xL t ) + rL t (xL + t )
gB =
rL2 + (xL + t )2
rL2 t (1 xL t ) (xL + t )
bB =
rL2+ (xL + t )2
Perfect match requires simultaneously satisfying

yB = 1 + jbB , ys = jbB

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Transmission line matching: Single-stub matching of
arbitrary loads

2xL t rL rL2 xL2
gB = 1 ) t 2 + =0
rL 1 rL 1
( r )
1 h i
t = xL rL (1 rL )2 + xL2 , rL 6= 1
rL 1
= , rL = 1

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Transmission line matching: Single-stub matching of
arbitrary loads

d 1
= tan 1 t, t 0
λ 2π
= π + tan 1 t , t < 0

l 1 1
= tan 1 , bB 0
λ 2π bB
1 1
= π + tan 1 , bB < 0
2π bB

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Transmission line matching: Double-stub matching of
arbitrary loads

Consider the double-stub matching scheme below


B’ Z0

lB lA

A double-stub matching scheme

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Transmission line matching: Double-stub matching of
arbitrary loads

d0 is chosen arbitrarily e.g. λ/16, λ/8, 3λ/16, 3λ/8, etc. lA and lB

are adjusted to match ZL to the main line

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Transmission line matching: Double-stub matching of
arbitrary loads

d0 is chosen arbitrarily e.g. λ/16, λ/8, 3λ/16, 3λ/8, etc. lA and lB

are adjusted to match ZL to the main line
Total admittance looking into the terminals B B 0 looking towards
the load must be equal to the conductance of the main line, i.e.
Yi = YB + YSB = Y0 =
1 = yB + ySB
where ySB is purely imaginary

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Transmission line matching: Double-stub matching of
arbitrary loads

d0 is chosen arbitrarily e.g. λ/16, λ/8, 3λ/16, 3λ/8, etc. lA and lB

are adjusted to match ZL to the main line
Total admittance looking into the terminals B B 0 looking towards
the load must be equal to the conductance of the main line, i.e.
Yi = YB + YSB = Y0 =
1 = yB + ySB
where ySB is purely imaginary
This hence requires that

yB = 1 + jbB , ySB = jbB

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Transmission line matching: Double-stub matching of
arbitrary loads

On the Smith-chart, yB must lie on the g = 1 circle and is translated

by d0 /λ wavelengths towards the load

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Transmission line matching: Double-stub matching of
arbitrary loads

On the Smith-chart, yB must lie on the g = 1 circle and is translated

by d0 /λ wavelengths towards the load
This means that yA must be on the g = 1 circle also but rotated
through an angle 4πd0 /λ counterclockwise

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Transmission line matching: Double-stub matching of
arbitrary loads

On the Smith-chart, yB must lie on the g = 1 circle and is translated

by d0 /λ wavelengths towards the load
This means that yA must be on the g = 1 circle also but rotated
through an angle 4πd0 /λ counterclockwise
Since ySA is also purely imaginary, the real part of yA must come from
Re [zL ] = gL

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Transmission line matching: Double-stub matching of
arbitrary loads

On the Smith-chart, yB must lie on the g = 1 circle and is translated

by d0 /λ wavelengths towards the load
This means that yA must be on the g = 1 circle also but rotated
through an angle 4πd0 /λ counterclockwise
Since ySA is also purely imaginary, the real part of yA must come from
Re [zL ] = gL
Solutions are the intersections of the gL -circle and the rotated g = 1

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