Bone Tumors

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 Benign tumors  Secondary  Tumor-like conditions of bone

 Malignant tumors carcinoma of
Bone is a mesenchymal Tumors of bone are BENIGN TUMORS
tissue. Thus tumors of bone commonly benign and Osteoma
may arise from different metastatic deposits in - this is a benign tumor composed of
tissue components-osseous, bone are commoner than sclerotic, well-formed bone protruding
e.g bone, cartilage, primary bone tumors. Of from the cortical surface of a bone.
periosteum and nonosseous, the primary bone
e.g fat,fibrous, tissue, nerve malignancies, multi[ple
tissue, vasculaar tissue, etc. myeloma is the
Indigenous to the bone. commonest.
Most primary malignant
bone tumors occur in
child and young adults.

Classification of bone tumors

Benign Malignant
1. Bone forming tumor - osteoma ( from Osteosarcoma
- osteoblastoma
2. Cartilage forming tumors  Chondroma Chondrosarcoma
 Chondroblastoma
(from cartilage
 osteochondroma
3. Giant cell tumor ( GCT) - Benign GCT Malignant gct
4. Marrow Tumors  Ewing’s tumor (from
reticuloendothelial cells of marrow)
 Multiple myeloma (from plasma
 Malignant lymphoma(NHL-Non
Hodgkin lymphoma)
5. Vasular tumors Hemangioma Angiosarcoma
6. Others ( other connective - lipoma - liposarcoma
tissue and nerve tissue - fibroma - fibrosarcoma
tumors) - neurilemmoma( from - malignant fibrous histiocytoma
nerve sheath) - undifferentiated sarcoma
- neurofibrosarcoma
7. Tumor-like lesions - bone cysts-simple or
- fibrous dysplasia
- reparative giant cell
granuloma(e.g. epulis
1. Ivory osteoma - arises Chondroma Osteochondroma
from the membrane bone of This tumor arises from ( syn-exostosis)
skull. precartilaginous cells of the bone, This tumor consists of normal
2. Osteoid osteoma- it can which fails to become ossified. It bone covered by a cap of
arise in any bone except the usually involves the short long cartilage. It is one of the most
skull bone, the commonest bones viz. Metacarpals, metatarsals common benign tumors.
bones affected are the femur and proximal phalanges of hands It is truly a hamartoma,
and tibia. and feet. arising from the growth plate
X-ray will confirm the Pathology of the developing bone. As
diagnosis. X-ray shows a It is usually solitary. the bone grows in length, the
small round or oral tumor gets left behind and
radiolucent area with Types thus appears to migrate along
sclerosis at the margin. They are two types:- the shaft towards its center.
These tumors do not a. enchondroma-growing within It grows outwards from the
undergo malignant the bone bone like a mushroom. The
transformation. b. Ecchondroma-fracture is lesion stops growing when
Treatment common due to thinning of the the growth of the skeleton
Excision of the osteoma cortex.Occasionally chondroma ceases.
malignant change becoming a
chondrosarcoma Clinical features
- Age- usually present in
Clinical features teenage and adult life.
- the tumor usually presents with The most common site of
painless expanded swelling of the osteochondroma is the
affected bone. growing ends of bone
- an ecchondroma may interface includeing the diastal femur,
with joint and tendon movement. proximal tibia and proximal
- the patient may present with a humerus.
The tumor is bony hard in
consistency and fixed to the
bone but not the muscle or
skin. X-ray shows mushroom
like bony tumor but not the
cartilaginous cap.
Excision of the tumor if it
fracture after a trivial injury. causes pain or pressure
- X-ray shows a rarefied area on the symptoms on the adjacent
cortex with a clear outline. structures, but one should
wait untill the cessation of
Treatment skeletal growth, I.e after
Excision of the tumor epiphyseal union.

OSTEOSARCOMA Primary osteosarcoma
Excluding multiple There are no known premalignant
myelomas these are the most conditions related to it. It is
common primary malignant commoner and occurs in the age
tumors of bone, derived from group of 10-20 years. It is much
the pluripotent mesenchymal more malignant than the secondary
cell with bony propensity. one.

Secondary osteosarcoma
Classification This occurs in the older age On examination
Osteosarcoma has been group(45 years onwards). it arises The swelling is usually
subclassified as follows. from preexisting lesion or in bone located in the region of
that has been irradiated. metaphysis, firm to soft in
1. Depending on the feel and highly tender.
Pre-existing lesions are paget’s
presence of preexisting Local temperature is raised
disease, multiple
lesion- (i) primary due to high vascularity and
enchondromatosis, fibrous
osteosarcoma- no pre- the skin over the swelling is
dyspiasia, irradiation, multiple
existing lesion present. red, tense and glossy with
osteochondroma, etc.
(ii)secondary osteosarcoma - prominent veins on it.
developing in presence of a Spread
pre-exsting lesiom. All osteosarcomams are aggressive
2. depending on the dominant lesion and metastasize widely
histomorphology the through the bloodstream, usually to
following are the subtypes.(a) the lungs. Lymph node involvement
Osteoblastic osteosarcoma- is unusual. Osteoblastic type.
with alot of new bone
formation. Clinical feature
(b) osteolytic type or - pain is usually the first symptom.
telangiectatic osteosarcoma- Soon followed by swelling. The
which is predominantly a pain is constant boring and
lytic tumor. Hence becomes worse, as the swelling
pathological fracture is increases in size
common. - the bones commonly involved in
© fibroblastic osteosarcoma, order of frequency are distal femur.
the basic cell being the Proximal tibia, proximal humerus,
fibroblast. pelvis and fibula. Over 70percent of Origin of osteosarcoma from
(d) chondroblastic all osteosarcoma as occur in the the metaphysis of a long
osteosarcoma, the basic cell lower limbs bone. It is to be noted that
being a cartilage cell. It is osteoclastoma is epiphyscal
common in the pelvis. -
and Ewing’s sarcoma is
displayed in origin
be a

history of trauma but more often it

is incidental and draws attention of
the patient to the swelling.
Sometimes the patients presents
with a pathological fracture.

EWING’S SARCOMA Osteoclastoma(syn-Giant

X-ray It is one of the most lethal primary
- local X-ray shows the
cell Tumor, Gct)
malignant bone tumors in the These neoplasms probably
following features ( fig.61.4) pediatric age group.
a. The growth is at the arise from the mesenchmal
The tumor usually involes the stromal cell and may be
metaphysis. diaphysis of long bones as well as
b. Usually but not always benign , locally malignant or
flat bones such as scapula and malignant. Malignancy may
there is evidence of new bone pelvis.
formation. Tumor bone is be a transformation of benign
It arises from the stromal cells of tumor or it may arise de novo.
laid below the periosteum the bone marrow be round cells and
especially along the stretched this tumor is called
the spindle cells ( fig. 61.5) osteoclasoma becouse of he
blood vessels and at the
junction of bone and lifted presence of multinucleate
periosteum. These are Pathology giant cells in the tumor which
prominent in X-ray plates as - femur is the most common bone resemble osteoclasts.
sunray spicules and codman’s involved followed by tibia, fibula,
humerus, pelvis, and scapula. Pathology
trioangle respectively.
c. There is a big soft tissue - the tumor is soft and may Giant cell tumor is a
shadow. resemble brain tissue cut surface is neoplasm found maily in the
grayish white. epiphysis of long bones most
- X-ray chest- metastasis may commonly at the lower end of
be present in the form of femur. Other flat bones like
multiple deposits or as a ribs, scapula, mandible, etc.
solitary cannon ball deposit. And fibula, lower end of
CT SCAN AND MRI radious may also be involved.
these are important Grossly, the lesion is soft
investigation modalities to gray to red and hemorrhagic
know the extent of tumor in appearance and produces
spread within the medullary thinning and expansion of the
cavity. The soft tissue cortical bone. These are bony
involvment is best delineated trabeculae, passing through
with the MRI. Histologic features are;- the soft tumor mass. On the
i. Undifferentiated round cells in X-ray these give a ‘soap
sheets bubble appearance’ which
BIOPSY ii. There are hyperchromatic cells though diagnostic of
Either a core biopsy or a with scanty cytoplasm. So this osteoclastoma is not
biopsy is done to confirm the tumor is called round cell tumor. necessarily a constant feature.
dianosis. Sometimes, the fine There is alternate deposition of Microscopiccally two types of
needle aspiration cytology tumors appearance, best cells are found viz.
( FNAC), a relatively quicker appreciated in X-ray. a. Spindle cells- these are
and easier method may - spread- hematogenous spread to basic mononuclear stromal
establish the diagnosis. lungs and other bones is very quick cells, the exact nature of
and more common than in which is still unknown.
osteosarcoma. b. Giant cells of foreign body
The aim of treatment is to
confirm the diagnosis from - prognosis is worse- if untreated, type- these are either products
the clinical features, X-ray death is usually within 2 years. of basic mononuclear cells, or
findings and biopsy, to derived from osteoclasts or
evaluate the spread of tumor Clinical features modified megakaryocytes.
from CT scan and MRI of the Age - 5-15 years.
affected bone and chest X- Sex - it is more common in males. Clinical features
ray and to execute adequate This is pain and swelling in relation Age- 20 to 40 years.
treatment. to the affected bone, associated Sex-it is more common in
The different modalities of with local heat and tenderness. females. ( fig 61.1)
treatment include:- This may be accompanied by fever - swelling is usually located at
1. Surgery and malaise so that osteomyelitis is the end of long bone
2. Chemotherapy suspected. Moreover, incision on gradually increasing in size
3. Radiotherapy the swelling , based on this and duration may be more
diagnosis often brings out semisolid than a year.
gray material looking like pus and
a. SURGERY this further confuses the diagnosis.
A limb ablation or a limb Thus, as for all bone tumors, the
salvage surgery may be done importance of jointly considering
depending on the spread of the clinical , radiological and
the tumor. pathological evidence cannot be
1. Early presentation of overemphasized.
tumor: when the tumor is
diagnosed in the early stage Investigations
neoadjuvant chemotherapy is 1. Local X-ray shows:
given to down size the tumor a. Onion peels appearance due to
and its vasculariry. Limb alternate layers of reactive new
salvage surgery is performed bone formation and the tumor
subsequently. The bone tissue.
defect of the excised tumor is b. Extensive destruction of the bone - pain at the site of lesion is
filled with bone grafts. as shown by widening of the not unbearable and is much
Custom made prosthesis or medulla as well as gross rarefaction less than that of
intramedullary nail can also of the cortex. osteosarcoma.
be used depending on the 2. Tissue diagnosis is obtained by
situation. needle or open biopsy. On examination
2. Locally advanced tumor: 3. MRI scanning is very useful to 1. Surface is smooth, skin
in patients with locally determine the extent of temperature not raised and
advanced disease, amputation intramedullary and soft tissue usually there is ni venous
has to be performed with involvement and aids in surgical prominence over the swelling.
complete removal of the planning. 2. Tenderness-mild
tumor. Pain relief is also 4. X-ray chest and CT scan of 3. Pathological fracture of the
obtained with amputation and abdomen and chest are additional affected bone is common as
is an important indication for imaging studies to determine the cortex gets thinned out.
palliative amputation metastasis. 4. Joint involvement is mor as
the tumor arises from the
b. CHEMOTHERAPY Treatment epiphysis.
Preoperative neodjuvant There are three modalities of Features of the malignant
chemotherapy decreases the treatment: variety are akin to those of
size of the tumor and also a. Radiotherapy osteosarcoma.
ablates the micrometastases b. Chemotherapy
that have already c. Surgery Investigations
has made possible the 1. Local - X-rays shows the
concept of limb salvage Ewing’s sarcoma is a highly following features:(fig.61.70
surgery. radiosensitive tumor. In most i. It occures at the end of a
Drugs that yield best cases, distant metastasis has long bone and is usually
response include occurred by the time diagnosis is eccentric in situation.
methotrexate, endoxan and made. ii. The long axis of the tumor
cisplatin. Thus treatment consists of:- is long the transverse axis of
i. Control of the local tumor by the bone.
c. RADIOTHERAPY radiotherapy (6000rads) and control iii. There is destruction of the
This may be indicated in of the metastasis by chemotherapy. bone substance so that the
cases where the tumor is ii. The chemotherapy consists of cortex is expanded and
surgically inaccessible or VAC or vincristine , adramycin and thinned out over the tumor.
patient refuses surgery. cyclophosphamide in cycles iv. There is often a ‘soap
repeated every 2 to 4 weeks for bubble appearance’ due to the
about 12 to 18 cycles. presence of trabeculae of the
After radiotherapy, the tumor is remnants of bone transversing
excised and the gap is filled with the tumor.
bone and the segments are 2. Biopsy- this must be done
supported with plate and screws or in all cases to confirm the
nail. dianosis. Fine needle
Amputation is done in selected aspiration cytology (FNAC)
cases only. may show the multinucleated
giant cells.
3. X-ray chest - to detect any

Treatment Clinical features

- treatment is essentially -age - 50years or more.
surgical. The ideal surgical -sex- it is more common in men
treatment is total excision of than in women.
the tumor which is readily - the common presentation is
applicable to dispensable increasingly severe pain in the
bones like the fibula or ribs. lumbar and thoracic spine.
- for lesions at juxtaarticular -there may be general weakness,
sits,e.g. knee joint, the choice anemia and infection.
rests between through - Occasionally patological fracture
curettage and filling of the occurs and presents with a
cavity with bone chips or the deformity.
more major procedure of Renal failure.
prosthetic replacement.
- amputation is occasionally Investigation
required for a frankly 1. Local X-ray - multiple punched
malignant GCT or a recurrent out areas of destruction in the skull
GCT of the limbs. and other flat bones(fig.61.8)
- radiotherapy has been tried 2. Other tests to support the
for lesions either nonoperable diagnosis of multiple myeloma
or at inaccessible sites such are:-
as spinal GCT. a. Urine- bence jones proteins are
found in 30percent cases.
MULTIPLE MYELOMA b. Blood- low hemoglobin with
multiple myeloma is the most very high ESR,increased total
common primary maliganant protein and Albumin/Globin ratio is
neoplasm of bone in the older reversed. Increased serum calcium
age group > 50 years. and serum alkaline phosphatase is
The tumor arises from the characteristically normal.
plasma cells present in the c. Open biopsy- and open biopsy
bone marrow. Hence it is also from the leison may sometimes be
known as plasmacytoma required to confirm the diagnosis.
when it occurs as a solitary
lesion, it is known as Treatment
solitary plasma cytoma, - the main modality of treatment is
and when multiple, it is chemotherapy and the drug of
known as multiple choice is melphalan. Other drugs
myeloma(fig. 61.8). used are vincristine,prednisolone
Pathology and cyclophosphamide. The
Grossly, the tumor is soft, treatment cycles are repeated every
gray and friable. 4weeks for 6 to 12 cycles.
The bone is simply replaced - radiotherapy in addition to
by tumor and there is no chemotherapy is given to relieve
reactive new bone formation. pain.
Microscopically, there is dull -complication like pathological
monotony of plasma cells fracture is prevented by splinting
and intercellular matrix is the affected part. In case of
little or nil. pathological fracture, surgical
fixation may be advised.
Spread -antibiotics are given to control
There is hematogenous infection.
spread to lungs, liver, spleen -blood transfusion and hematinics
and other bones. are given to correct anemia.
Pathologic physiology
- there is hyperpoteninemia,
with an increase in the
globular fraction, kown as M-
protein or Bence jines protein
in the serum or urine. In
60percent cases, the M-
protein is 1gG type.
- abnormal proteins are
excreted through the kidney
and may cause renal failure
due to tubular block.
- bone is decalcified, so that
there is rise of serum Ca++and
fall in serum phosphate.
- due to bone marrow
depression, there is anemia
and intercurrent infection.
-there may be collapse of the
vertebral bodies to cause

Sites Of Affection TUMOR-LIKE

SECONDARY 1. Bones rich in red marrow are CONDITIONS OF BONE
CARCINOMA OF commonly affected, e.g. vertebrae,
BONE skull, pelvis, sternum, ribs, upper SIMPLE BONE CYST
Secondary metastasis account end of femur and humerus. it occurs in children and
for the majoriry of malignant 2. Unusual sites are below elbow adolescents. The ends of the
bone tumors and far more and knees. If there is such lesion, long bones are the favourable
common than primary possibility of multiple myeloma sites, the commonest site
malignant tumors of bone. should be excluded. beign the upper end of the
The sources are from primary humerus.
malignant tumors with Clinical features The cyst itself may not
affinity to metastasize to - pain, swelling and often a produce symptoms and the
bone, eg. Carcinoma of pathological fracture are the usual patint often presents with a
breast, prostate, lung, kidney presenting features. pathological fracture through
and thyroid. - a vertebral metastasis may present the cyst.
with back pain, compression X-ray shows a well-defined
In some cases no primary site fracture, root pain or paraplegia. radiolucent zone in the
can be found at the time metaphysis or diaphysis plate
when the secondary lesion is considere ‘active as against
Investigations the one away from it e.g. in
1. Local X-ray. the diaphysis.
2. Biopsy in doubtful cases.
Types of bone lesion 3. Bone scan with radioactive Treatment
The majority is osteolytic isotope. It is the optimal it is treated with currettage
but a few, mostly arising investigation for bone pain and and bone grafting in selected
from the prostate cases.
detection of early lesions. Asymptomatic bone cysts
stimulate new bone 4. All investigations are done to need no treatment.
formation and are then detect the primary tumor. The
called osteosclerotic. breast, prostate, kidney, Aneurysmall bone cyst.
Routes of spread bronchus and thyroid should be It is an expansile lytic
especially investigated. lesion usually occurring
 Most commonly
metastasis occurs through
before the age of 20 years.
hematogenous spread. Treatment It consists of a blood
 There is a direct a. Curative: this is out of question filled space enclosed, in a
communication between excepting when the primary growth shell, ballooning up the
the pelvic venous plexus is suitable for radical surgery and overlying cortex - hence
and the vertebral veins. there is a solitary bone metastasis, its name.
So carcinoma from pelvic e.g. hypernephroma, thyroid A gradually increasing
organs may directly reach carcinoma, etc.
swelling is the usual
the pelvic bones and b. Palliative presentation. There may
 Tumors of the oral cavity
1. Drugs be mild pain often it
may involve the jaw a. Analgesics- are given for relief presents with a
bones and those of the of pain. Habit forming drugs are pathological fractures.
rectum may involve the avoided as far as possible. X-ray shows the
sacrum by direct b. Chemotherapy- combination following features.
contiguity. chemotherapy is preffered. 1. eccentric well-defined
 In thyroid cancer, Hypercalcemia of malignancy
whatever is the requirs rehydration and IV bi
radiolucent area at the
histological type of the phosphonate therapy. ends of long bones and
primary tumor, the c. Endocrine treatment, e.g. in case dorsolumbar spines.
metastatic lesion is of orostate cancer. 2. Expansion of the
always of the follicular
variety. 2. Radiation: it is one of the best overlying cortex.
ways of palliation. External beam 3. Trabeculation within
radiation is the treatment of choice the substance of the
for localized bone pain. tumor.
3. Surgery: the role of surgery is Treatment is by currettage
limited. A fungating growth from a and bone grafting. In
bone may require amputation. For some cases surgical
pathological fractures, internal intervation is needed for
fixation provides good results. the treatment of
pathological fracture.
FIBROUS DYSPLASIA 2. POLYSTOTIC- multiple bone Craniofacial bones are
This is a disorder in which involvement is seen in this variety. almost always involved in
normal bone is replaced by This type of presentation is seen this form.
fibrous tissue-hence the with with precocious
puberty(Albright’s syndrome) and
X-ray will show sharply
The mass of fibrous tissue other endocrine disorders such as defined, centrally placed
thus formed grows inside the acromegaly, Thyrotoxicosis or lylic areas with
bone and erodes the cortices cushing’s syndrome. homogenous ground glass
of the bone from within appearance. Diagnosis is
confirmed by biopsy.
1. MONOSTOTIC- only Treatment
single bone involvement is The fibrous defect is
see. This form affects the thoroughly curetted out and
femur,tibia,ribs or the the gap is filled with bone
craniofacial bones. Children grafts.
in 5 to 15 years of age are
commonly affected. Pain,
deformity or fractures are the
usual presenting features.

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