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Failure Mechanism of Helical Anchors in Sand by Centrifuge

Modeling and PIV

Hossein Salehzadeh1; Hamed Nuri, S.M.ASCE2; and Ali Akbar Heshmati Rafsanjani3

Abstract: Helical anchors are receiving more attention these days due to their economic and environmental advantages. However, the
behavior of these structures requires further investigation. One of the critical areas requiring further attention is their failure mechanism
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under monotonic loading conditions. This study presents the results of centrifuge testing of half-models of helical anchors behind a
Perspex window, performed to visualize the failure mechanism of screw anchors using particle image velocimetry analysis. The density
change that is a result of installation disturbance was simulated by a novel technique. The results showed that embedment depth
had a great influence on the failure mechanism of the anchors. The critical embedment depth ratio determined was H/D = 4–5 that sep-
arated the shallow and deep behavior of the anchors. Soil was mobilized as a reverse truncated cone in the shallow mode, while a flow-
around mechanism was formed in the deep mode. The inclination of the mobilized zone on both sides of the helix was close to the critical
state friction angle (29°) in shallow mode. The inclination of the failure surface was related to the dilation angle of the sand in the deep
mode. A minimum distance of 3D was recommended to minimize the interaction of adjacent helical plates in a multihelix anchor. In ad-
dition, a distance of 4D was suggested to minimize the interaction of adjacent helical anchors in a group. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)
GM.1943-5622.0002422. © 2022 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Helical anchor; Screw anchor; Centrifuge modeling; Failure mechanism; Installation disturbance.

Introduction finite-element (FE) methods such as Pérez et al. (2018) and Cerfon-
taine et al. (2021). Despite various pieces of research being con-
Various types of anchors have been introduced and used over time ducted, the current understanding of the failure mechanism of
as onshore and offshore solutions. Helical anchors are a relatively helical anchors is not satisfactory and there is debate on the critical
new type of anchor that have gained interest in recent years. These embedment depth ratio where the failure mechanism transitions
types of anchors are screwed into the ground using the torque and from shallow to deep mode (Cerfontaine et al. 2019b). On the
crowd force of the installation rigs and include a central shaft with other hand, almost all previous studies investigating the failure mech-
one to six helices attached to it. These anchors can be used to resist anism of helical anchors are either conducted in 1g conditions or have
compression, tension, or lateral loads. shown the failure surface after the loading stage. The problem with 1g
Helical anchors are currently considered as a potential offshore models is their inability to correctly model the role of soil weight in
foundation for mooring systems and offshore wind turbines the pullout process and the problem with the latter is that only the
(Spagnoli et al. 2015; Spagnoli and Tsuha 2020), and the tensile ca- final failure surface is observed, and the sequence of progressive fail-
pacity is an important factor in the design of these systems for such ure and effective mechanisms cannot be observed.
applications (Ullah et al. 2019). Previous studies have focused on Consequently, establishing a deep understanding of the failure
determining the behavior of these structures installed in clay soil mechanism of helical anchors under different geometries and soil
while fewer studies have evaluated their behavior in sands. Since conditions seems necessary. This study reports the results of centri-
offshore renewable energy structures are installed in the nearshore fuge tests performed to study the failure mechanism of helical an-
and soil strata in areas that usually comprise sandy soils, studying chors under monotonic uplift loading. The soil disturbance is
the behavior of these anchors installed in sandy soils is essential. simulated in the current study to increase the accuracy of the re-
Several researchers have tried to present a simple and reliable sults. The geometry of the failure surface is studied for different
method to calculate the uplift capacity of these anchors using embedment cases to include both modes of shallow and deep be-
havior for a comprehensive conclusion.
Associate Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Iran Univ. of The failure mechanism of helical piles under tensile loads has
Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran 1684613114, Iran (corresponding not been studied extensively. However, existing failure mecha-
author). ORCID: Email: nisms for plate anchors have been proposed and evaluated for these anchors and effort has been made by several scholars to de-
Ph.D. Candidate, School of Civil Engineering, Iran Univ. of Science termine the exact failure mechanism of helical anchors under dif-
and Technology, Narmak, Tehran 1684613114, Iran. ORCID: https:// ferent conditions. Depending on the spacing of the helical plates Email: and the soil conditions, the failure mechanism of multihelix
Assistant Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Iran Univ. of Science screw piles under compressive loads can be categorized as either
and Technology, Narmak, Tehran 1684613114, Iran. ORCID: https://orcid
individual bearing or cylindrical shear (Nasr 2009; Mortazavi
.org/0000-0002-2681-2280. Email:
Note. This manuscript was submitted on May 18, 2021; approved Bak et al. 2021). Single-helix screw piles also exhibit an individual
on February 8, 2022; published online on May 26, 2022. Discussion period bearing failure mechanism under compressive loads. The individ-
open until October 26, 2022; separate discussions must be submitted for in- ual bearing mechanism was first introduced by Trofimenkov and
dividual papers. This paper is part of the International Journal of Geome- Mariupolskii (1965) and consists of a truncated cone with side in-
chanics, © ASCE, ISSN 1532-3641. clinations that differ based on the sand properties. The cylindrical

© ASCE 04022111-1 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2022, 22(8): 04022111

shear failure also introduces a cylindrical failure surface that is of helical anchors. These authors reported a change in tensile fail-
formed between the helical plates. The failure mechanism of multi- ure mechanism of helical anchors as a result of the alteration in the
helix screw piles under tensile loading can be categorized as cylin- advancement ratio (AR) of the anchor during the installation. This
drical shear or individual bearing, provided that the anchor is change in failure mechanism was attributed to the sand density var-
deeply embedded (Livneh and El Naggar 2008). Further, single- iation due to different anchor ARs in the sand. It is noted that the
helix screw piles under tensile loads experience either shallow or relative importance of the two effects of installation (stress varia-
deep failure with conical, cylindrical, log spiral, or arc walls for tion and density change) in the adjacent soil has not been evaluated
the failure surface. Despite various studies, the failure mechanism up to this date; however, it is noted that numerical studies con-
of single-helix anchors under tensile loads is not well understood ducted by Pérez et al. (2018), Garakani and Maleki (2020), and oth-
due to the effect of installation disturbance. As Mohajerani et al. ers have only modeled the change in soil physical properties as a
(2016) explained, the bearing capacity and failure of helical piles result of installation disturbance. Therefore, it is deduced that soil
under compressive loads are determined by the soil conditions be- density change is of higher importance.
neath the helix, while for helical piles under tension, the ground con- The current study investigates the failure mechanism of helical
ditions above the helix (which is highly disturbed) determine the anchors under tensile monotonic loading to improve the current
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uplift capacity and failure behavior. In fact, the installation disturb- state of knowledge around the behavior of helical piles. Observa-
ance is the very reason why the failure mechanism of plate anchors tions of the progressive failure mechanism and the movement of
cannot be directly applied to helical anchors (Schiavon et al. 2016). sand particles around the helix and the shaft are presented for fur-
In an attempt to improve the body of knowledge around the failure ther application by future research. The embedment depth effect on
mechanism of helical piles, a shallow wedge failure mode with an the failure mechanism, which is the primary parameter in the deter-
inclined wall at the dilation angle has been proposed by Giampa mination of the failure mechanism and uplift capacity of the an-
et al. (2017). The flow-around failure mechanism was also recently chors, was also studied. The outcomes of the current study
proposed for deeply embedded helical anchors by Sharif et al. coupled with the results of studies on stress variation as a result
(2021) after conducting discrete-element model (DEM) simulations of anchor installation (e.g., da Silva and Tsuha 2021) can contribute
on single-helix anchors. These authors mentioned such failure to better prediction of the uplift capacity of helical anchors in sandy
mechanism for single-helix anchors under tensile loads and perfect soils. The paper is divided into four main sections: (1) previous re-
installation conditions but did not elaborate on the observations. search, (2) materials and methods that describe the installation
This failure mechanism was probably first discussed in detail by method and tested soil and model anchors, (3) the verification sec-
Hossain et al. (2005) to describe the failure mechanism of spudcan tion in which the validity and repeatability of the investigation
penetration into the clay soil. method is presented, and finally (4) the results and discussion sec-
The effect of the installation of helical anchors in the surround- tion, which elaborates on the findings of this study and presents rec-
ing sand can be classified into two categories: (1) stress variation, ommendations and suggestions to improve the understanding of the
and (2) soil density change. The stress variation causes the anchor behavior of helical piles under tensile monotonic loading.
pullout capacity to increase (Bradshaw et al. 2019; Thorel et al.
2019; Nagai et al. 2018) mainly by increasing the lateral earth pres-
sure around the helix and the sand density change lowers the pull- Previous Research
out capacity of the anchor by weakening the mechanical properties
of the sand (although in loose sand, an increase in sand mechanical
Critical Embedment Depth Ratio
properties could be expected). Observations of the stresses around
the helix during the installation have reported an increase in lateral Critical embedment depth ratio is the depth after which the failure
and vertical earth pressures during the anchor installation. How- mechanism varies, and the bearing capacity factor (Nq) is relatively
ever, these observations are limited to their corresponding testing fixed. The transition depth is determined by many factors including
and geometry conditions. The stress variation was not modeled sand density, friction angle, helix diameter, shaft diameter, helix
in this study due to several unknown parameters and physical mod- pitch, surcharge amount, and effective stress level. Much research
eling limitations. Unknown parameters include the exact percent- has been conducted to determine the exact critical embedment ratio
age of the stress variation, stress variation distribution, and the for different conditions. A summary of the findings of previous
extent of the influenced zone around the helix and the shaft as a re- studies is listed in Table 1 together with the main testing conditions
sult of anchor installation. It is noted that different geometry and including D/d and pitch. According to Table 1, the transition from
penetration rates of the anchors affect the in situ soil stress differ- shallow to deep failure mode occurs at H/D ranging from 3 to 14
ently during the installation and further research is needed to clarify depending on the testing conditions and geometry of the anchors.
this effect. Ghaly and Hanna (1992) showed that soil stress varia- For instance, 1g or Ng modeling and taking installation disturbance
tion during installation depends on the geometry (i.e., pitch and into account significantly influence the critical embedment depth
D/d ratio) of the model anchors. Another limitation that prevented ratio. Table 1 also indicates the discrepancy in the results of transi-
the reproduction of stress variation as a result of anchor installation tion depth that necessitates further investigation to increase the ac-
was the physical modeling limitations, that is, inability to manipu- curacy of the transition depth determination.
late the horizontal stresses around the helix inside the strongbox
within the centrifuge basket. Since the geotechnical centrifuge pro-
Failure Surface Shape and Inclination
duces the prototype stresses, it is uncommon to add a stress
reproduction facility similar to those used in calibration chambers. The failure mechanism of helical anchors is determined by the em-
Therefore, only the density change was modeled in this study to bedment depth of the uppermost helical plate (Rao et al. 1993).
observe the effect of installation disturbance on the failure mecha- The anchor is considered shallow if the failure zone extends to the
nism. The effect of disturbance on the failure mechanism is not soil surface; otherwise, the anchor is considered deep. Despite in-
very well known, although recent studies using the DEM method creased interest in helical piles, not many studies have been con-
such as Sharif et al. (2021) have provided insight into the effects ducted to determine the failure mechanism of single-helix piles
of installation disturbance on the tensile and compressive capacity under tensile loads. A summary of the previous findings along with

© ASCE 04022111-2 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2022, 22(8): 04022111

Table 1. Comparison of the transition depth in sand and testing conditions for available studies in the literature
Study Anchor type D/d p/D Sand density Transition depth (H/D)
Clemence and Veesaert (1977) Plate — — Medium-dense 5
Ghaly and Hanna (1992) Helix 3.1 0.2–0.4 Loose, medium, dense 9–14
Zhang (1999) Helix 1.6 0.2 Loose, medium dense 5
Ilamparuthi et al. (2002) Plate — — Loose, medium, dense 4.8–6.8
Liu et al. (2012) Plate — — Dense 4
Rasulo et al. (2017) Plate — — Loose, medium dense 6–13
Hao et al. (2019) Helix/plate 2 0.25 Very dense 9
Al Hakeem and Aubeny (2019) Plate — — Loose, medium, very dense 3–7

Table 2. Comparison of the failure mechanism and testing conditions of available studies in the literature
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Study Anchor type Surface type Surface angle Testing conditions

Meyerhof and Adams (1968) Plate Conical/conical φ/3 Small scale-1g
Murray and Geddes (1987) Plate Conical/log spiral φ/2 Small scale-1g
Bobbitt and Clemence (1987) Helix Truncated cone φ/2 Medium scale-1g
Ghaly et al. (1991) Helix Truncated cone 2φ/3 Medium scale-1g
Ilamparuthi et al. (2002) Plate Conical φ/2–0.8φ Large scale
Liu et al. (2012) Plate Conical φ/4 Small scale-1g
Giampa et al. (2017) Helix Truncated cone ψ Medium scale-1g /FE
Pérez et al. (2018) Helix Cylindrical — Small scale-Ng/FE
Nagai et al. (2018) Helix Bowl-shaped N/A Medium scale-1g
Motamedinia et al. (2019) Helix Conical φ/3 Medium scale-1g
Cerfontaine et al. (2021) Helix Truncated cone ψ FE
Sharif et al. (2021) Helix Wedge/flow-around ψ DEM

Table 3. Mechanical and physical properties of #161 Firoozkooh sand

USCS grade Mean unit weight (kN/m3) Mean density Dr Cc Cu d50 (mm) emin emax Gs C (kPa) φp φcs ψ
SP 15.70 60% 0.88 1.87 0.25 0.55 0.87 2.658 0 35 29 7

their testing conditions is presented in Table 2. According to Table 2,

the most commonly observed failure mechanism is a conical/trun-
cated cone failure surface for the shallow mode of failure. The incli-
nation of the failure surface is different and includes a wide range
according to Table 2. For the deep embedment failure, fewer studies
have been performed and the proposed failure mechanism is the cy-
lindrical shear failure by Pérez et al. (2018), bowl-shaped failure sur-
face proposed by Nagai et al. (2018), and flow-around mechanism
proposed by Sharif et al. (2021). Therefore, further studies are re-
quired to increase the reliability of the proposed failure mechanisms.

Fig. 1. Grain size distribution of the #161 Firoozkooh sand.

Materials and Methods

The tests were performed using a beam centrifuge of 14 t · g capac- Model Soil
ity. The centrifuge is capable of reaching 200g level. Previous stud-
ies have been conducted using this facility such as Sabermahani The tested soil was #161 Firoozkooh sand, which is silica sand.
et al. (2018) and Baziar et al. (2018). The half-models of helical an- The sand has a critical state friction angle of φcs = 29° and peak
chors were fabricated out of aluminum to match the test models internal friction angle φp = 35° at a relative density of Dr = 60%
used to verify the results. The technique of modeling half-model (Ashegh et al. 2014; Hasanlourad et al. 2018). The physical prop-
of geotechnical structures such as spudcan foundation and plate an- erties and grain size distribution of the sand are presented in
chors has been used by many researchers such as Hossain et al. Table 3 and Fig. 1, respectively. The sand samples were prepared
(2005) and Kong et al. (2015). This technique has also been used using dry pluviation technique by a manual pluviator in a strong
to study screw anchors by Chen et al. (2018). These authors tested box with dimensions of 500 × 280 × 240 mm (L × W × H). Sand
half-model of screw–shaft pile under compressive force behind a density was measured using two small calibration boxes placed
Perspex window (1g gravity) to evaluate the soil deformation at the bottom of the strongbox.
around the screws and verify the DEM. It is noteworthy that testing The dimensions of the strongbox were selected according to the
half-models behind a Perspex window (and the model-Perspex in- design charts presented in Ullah et al. (2017) to minimize the boun-
terface friction) does not influence the failure mechanism as Liu dary effects on the load-bearing of the anchors. The closest lateral
et al. (2012) showed. boundary was spaced at 7D, which is farther than the recommended

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distance of 5D. The distance from the helix midpoint to the bottom reliably avoid scale effect on the shaft friction. Other studies such
of the box was 1D. This distance was deemed enough to avoid as those conducted by Nunez et al. (1988), Garnier and Konig
boundary effects since the anchors did not penetrate the soil during (1998), and Foray et al. (1998) have reported d/d50 > 45 and 100
the installation. A similar distance (1.5D) was used to avoid boun- and 200, respectively, to avoid scale effects on the shaft friction.
dary effects in the centrifuge tests of Hao et al. (2019) where However, this effect was shown to be limited in the centrifuge tests
wished-in-place plate and screw anchors were tested for uplift. performed by Heshmati Rafsanjani et al. (2021). Furthermore,
To further investigate the effect of the bottom boundary on the since the model dimensions and the sand properties used in the cur-
soil–displacement field, separate centrifuge tests with a different rent study are the same as those used in Heshmati Rafsanjani et al.
distance of the helix to the bottom of the box were performed. (2021), then probable scale effects on the shaft friction are not ex-
The helices were spaced at 2D and 3D from the bottom of the pected to influence the conclusions. It is noteworthy that general scal-
box. The results (not shown here) indicated that soil movement ing laws were respected throughout this study according to Garnier
beneath the helix during the uplift was negligible. Therefore, et al. (2007) and are presented in Table 5. Therefore, scale effects
the distance used in the current study was deemed enough to were deemed ineffective on the results of the current study.
avoid boundary effects.
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Installation and Pullout

Loading System
Considering the important effect of the disturbance on the load–
The anchors were loaded in tension using a 1D actuator. The details displacement behavior of helical anchors, the half-models of helical
of the actuator are elaborated in Heshmati Rafsanjani et al. (2021). anchors were prepared by taking the installation disturbance into
A SEWHA-CNM SM603 Loadcell with 200N capacity was con-
account. This was achieved by separately pluviating the sand adja-
nected to the screw jack tip and anchor head to measure the applied
cent to the model using a half-cut tube. The technique of using ma-
forces. The displacements of the models were measured indirectly
terials with weaker mechanical properties has been used in
by converting the revolutions of the screw jack. The test setup is
numerical modeling by previous researchers such as Cerfontaine
shown in Fig. 2.
et al. (2019a) and Pérez et al. (2018); however, this technique
has not been employed in the physical modeling of helical anchors
Image Processing to this date. The half-cut tube had a diameter of 24 mm (1.2 times
the helix diameter), a height of 70 mm, and a thickness of 0.3 mm.
The images of the models were recorded using a SONY DSC-TX30
Pérez et al. (2018) suggested that the diameter of the disturbed area
camera. The illumination was provided by a row of (low energy
was 1.54D during the penetration of the helical anchor in very
devices (LEDs). The fisheye effect was not present in the cap-
dense sand. Nagai et al. (2018), on the other hand, reported that
tured images. The images were analyzed using GeoPIV-RG
the disturbance radius did not extend to the surroundings of the he-
code (Stanier and White 2013; White et al. 2003). Twelve control
lical plate whatsoever in loose and dense sand (disturbed zone di-
markers were printed on the Perspex to calibrate any camera move-
ments. The selected patch size was 20 × 20 pixels (3 × 3 mm) to ameter = 1D). Therefore, considering the medium dense
provide a compromise between accuracy and the number of mea- conditions of the tested sand in this study, an overall disturbance
surement patches (White et al. 2003). radius of 1.2D was chosen to represent the disturbed zone experi-
mentally. It is noteworthy that this method of disturbance simula-
tion was chosen to have a reproducible and repeatable testing
Helical Anchor Model procedure and results throughout the experiments.
Furthermore, since the installation disturbance below the helix
The half-cut shaft and plate were affixed using a strong epoxy, sim-
is limited to the soil stress variation and the stress variation was
ilar to the method used in Heshmati Rafsanjani et al. (2021) to fab-
ricate full models of helical anchors. The pitch of the helix was not modeled in the current study, the installation effect on the
simulated in the half-model to consider the effect of the pitch on soil below the tip of the anchor was not considered. It is noted
the developed failure mechanism. The model anchors were made that since the anchors were loaded in tension in the current study,
of aluminum to ensure that the roughness properties of the models the soil conditions below the pile tip would be of small concern, al-
matched those used in Heshmati Rafsanjani et al. (2021). All mod- though this would be of paramount importance when modeling
els had a helix diameter and shaft diameter of D = 20 mm and d = helical piles under compressive loads (Mohajerani et al. 2016).
10 mm, respectively (wing ratio D/d = 2). The relative embedment Furthermore, for engineering purposes, the soil beneath the helix
depth of the anchors varied between H/D = 3 and H/D = 7 to eval- is considered undisturbed (Lutenegger and Tsuha 2015). Saleem
uate the effect of embedment depth on the failure mechanism. The et al. (2021) studied the effect of the installation of a single-helix
specifications of the models are listed in Table 4. A half-model of anchor on the soil stress regime in dense sand by small-scale phys-
the helical anchor is shown in Fig. 3. ical modeling. They installed the model anchors by torque and
The model dimensions were selected such that grain size effects wished-in-place methods to compare the soil stress around the an-
were negligible on the helix uplift bearing. Here, D/d50 was 80 for chor due to torque installation. The results indicated that soil stress
the helix, which was greater than 48 reported in Garnier et al. changed negligibly below the pile tip. Da Silva and Tsuha (2021)
(2007) to avoid particle size effects on the helical plate. The ratio investigated the soil stress state during helical anchor penetration
of W/d50 (effective helical radius W = (D − d )/2) was 20, which by calibration chamber. The results indicated that radial stresses
was greater than W/d50 ≥ 16 recommended by Heshmati Rafsanjani that were increased during the helix penetration, returned to
et al. (2021) to avoid particle size effects on the net helix bearing roughly the same values as the anchor passed the stress gauge
(considering that helical anchor uplift capacity is the sum of the level. Sharif et al. (2021) also reported increased vertical stresses
shaft friction and helix bearing). It should be noted that shaft fric- beneath the helix during anchor installation, but they asserted
tion probably experienced minor levels of scale effects since the that this would influence the compressive stiffness and bearing ca-
shaft d/d50 ratio was 40, which was not completely beyond the pacity. Therefore, the installation effects on the soil beneath the an-
limit of d/d50 > 30–50 recommended by Fioravante (2002) to chor was not expected to influence the results of the current study.

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Int. J. Geomech., 2022, 22(8): 04022111

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Int. J. Geomech., 2022, 22(8): 04022111

Fig. 2. Schematic test setup.

Int. J. Geomech.
Table 4. Specifications of tests
Shaft Prototype Helix Prototype Wing Helix Helix Helix Prototype helix Embedment
Test diameter (d ) shaft diameter diameter helix diameter ratio pitch thickness embedment embedment depth depth ratio g-level
case (mm) (mm) (D) (mm) (mm) (D/d ) (mm) (mm) depth (H ) (mm) (mm) (H/D) (g)
HA3 10 150 20 300 2 4 1.2 60 900 3 15
HA4 10 150 20 300 2 4 1.2 80 1,200 4 15
HA5 10 150 20 300 2 4 1.2 100 1,500 5 15
HA6 10 150 20 300 2 4 1.2 120 1,800 6 15
HA7 10 150 20 300 2 4 1.2 140 2,100 7 15

Chen et al. 2018; Sabermahani and Nuri 2021) to minimize the fric-
tion at the anchor-Perspex interface.
After placing the half-model, the soil was pluviated from a cer-
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tain height (i.e., 25 cm, which resulted in an average relative den-

sity of Dr = 60%) until it reached the helix level. The half-cut
tube was then placed on the soil surface around the model, as
shown in Fig. 4(b). The half-cut tube had a lid to prevent soil plu-
viation inside the disturbed zone. After 2 cm of additional pluvia-
tion outside the disturbed zone, the lid was carefully opened and
the sand was pluviated using a funnel (with a similar spout diameter
to that of the pluviator) from a shorter height (fall height for the dis-
turbed zone was 15 cm, which produced an average relative density
of Dr = 45%). This process was repeated three times and then the
Fig. 3. Half-model of helical anchor. half-cut tube was vertically pulled out very slowly. Colored sand
was pluviated in 2-cm intervals to facilitate visualizing the failure
surface and increase the accuracy. After the pluviation was com-
pleted, the anchor head was installed to the anchor rod to avoid
Table 5. General scaling laws in Ng modeling the umbrella effect influencing the sand density during the pluvia-
Parameter Unit Ng model Prototype tion. Next, the actuator and the loadcell were connected to the an-
chor head using a hook. The lower part of the hook was 5 mm
Cohesion (C ) kN/m2 1 1 below the anchor head before the test started to allow the anchor
Internal friction angle (φ) degrees 1 1
to settle freely to avoid negative skin friction. The connection
Length m 1 N
Area m2 1 N2
setup is shown in Fig. 4.
Displacement m 1 N The anchors were pulled at a constant rate of 0.25 mm/s, similar
Strain % 1 1 to Heshmati Rafsanjani et al. (2021). Simulation of the anchor in-
Unit weight kN/m3 1 1/N stallation disturbance was performed several times with different
Stress kN/m2 1 1 fall heights (10 and 15 cm) for the disturbed zone (i.e., inside the
Force kN 1 N2 half-cut tube). Every model was then pulled and the best fall height
Breakout factor Nq — 1 1 was selected by comparing the load–displacement graphs of the
half-models to that of the full model, obtained in Heshmati Rafsan-
jani et al. (2021).
It should be noted that soil density and mechanical property var-
iation due to installation have been reported by many researchers
such as Pérez et al. (2018) and Schiavon (2016). A recent study
Verification of Testing Method and Results
by Sharif et al. (2021) simulated helical anchor installation with
different ARs using the DEM technique (AR = Δz/P where Δz =
The method used to simulate the pullout of helical anchors is ver-
vertical penetration per rotation of the helix and P is the helix ified by comparing the prototype load–displacement graphs of the
pitch). These authors showed that AR = 1 (which is equivalent to half-models with that of the full-models reported in Heshmati
pitch-matched installation) reduced sand density (Dr) in medium Rafsanjani et al. (2021). These authors installed full-model helical
dense conditions by 18%. Since the helical anchors were installed anchors in 1g gravity in pitch-matched conditions (AR = 1) and
in pitch-matched conditions (AR = 1) by Heshmati Rafsanjani et al. then tested the anchors under increased gravity ranging from
(2021), it was assumed in the current study that sand density de- 12.5 to 25g. One model anchor was selected for verification. De-
creased during the installation of full-model helical anchors in tails of the verification tests are presented in Table 6.
Heshmati Rafsanjani et al. (2021) and, therefore, sand density The dimensions and embedment depth of F-HA-10s20h (F
was reduced inside the disturbed zone in the conducted experi- stands for full-model) were similar to the HA6 test. The difference
ments of the current study. was merely in the installation method. The VFM models had differ-
The installation of the anchors was as follows: the anchor- ent fall heights for the disturbed zone (10 to 15 cm) from that of the
Perspex interface was coated with a film of silicon oil to reduce fric- rest of the model (i.e., 25 cm). This resulted in different densities
tion along the interface. The silicon oil was utilized to: (1) minimize and therefore different load–displacement graphs. The verification
the friction between the model and the Perspex sheet, and (2) fur- tests results are plotted in Fig. 5 along with the graph for the full-
ther prevent the ingress of soil particles between the model and the model test from Heshmati Rafsanjani et al. (2021). Fig. 5 shows
viewing window. Silicon oil has been used effectively in several that VFM-02-15 replicates the full-model graph with reasonable
studies (Raisinghani and Viswanadham 2011; Stanier et al. 2014; precision. This is particularly obvious for the linear part of the

© ASCE 04022111-6 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2022, 22(8): 04022111

(a) (b) (c)
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Fig. 4. (a) Connection setup; (b) pluviated model and half-cut tube; and (c) pluviated disturbed zone.

Table 6. Specifications of verification tests

Shaft Helix Wing Helix Helix Helix Prototype Helix Embedment Disturbed Average
diameter diameter ratio pitch (p) thickness embedment embedment depth ratio zone fall sand relative g-level
Model case (d ) (mm) (D) (mm) (D/d ) (mm) (mm) (H ) (mm) (mm) (H/D) height density (Dr) (g)
VFM-01-10 10 20 2 4 1.2 120 1,800 6 10 cm 38% 15
VFM-02-15 10 20 2 4 1.2 120 1,800 6 15 cm 45% 15
VFM-05-15-R 10 20 2 4 1.2 120 1,800 6 15 cm 45% 15
F-HA-10s-20h 10 20 2 4 1.2 120 1,800 6 — — 15

that the obtained fall height to simulate the lower sand density as a
result of installation disturbance is consistent with the results of
Sharif et al. (2021) in which 18% reduction in sand relative density
within the disturbed zone was reported for the pitch-matched instal-
lation in medium dense sand.

Results and Discussion

Shallow Failure Mechanism

Sequential images of the HA3 test (H/D = 3) are shown in Fig. 6 until
the peak pullout load was reached. The load–displacement graph of
this test is also plotted in Fig. 7. The measured loads are multiplied
by a factor of 2 for all models to compensate for the cut half of the
anchor. Every image is associated with a point on the load–displace-
ment graph. All of the loads and displacements reported here are in
Fig. 5. Verification of the testing procedure and repeatability results. prototype dimensions. The displacement vectors obtained by particle
image velocity (PIV) analysis (GeoPIV-RG) are plotted on the im-
ages of the deformed model for better appreciation. The following
graph up to the peak point, which is probably the most important conclusions can be drawn according to Figs. 6 and 7:
part of the graph. Consequently, it can be concluded that instal- • The initial failure surface corresponding to Point A (U/D = 0.04)
lation of the full models by Heshmati Rafsanjani et al. (2021) in Fig. 6(b) was local and did not extend to the surface.
caused a decrease in sand density and so the assumption made • The shape of the failure surface was a bulb.
earlier is valid. • The angle of the inclination of the bulb sides with vertical was
The repeatability of the testing procedure was also tested by re- roughly βR =10° and βL = 20° on the right and left sides of the
peating the VFM-02-15 test, codenamed VFM-05-15-R. This test helix.
was performed to reproduce the load–displacement graph of the After further uplift (Point B, U/D = 0.1), the failure surface
VFM-02-15 model. The results of VFM-02-15-R are plotted in reached the soil top. The failure surface can be delineated by two
Fig. 5 as well, and the repeatability of the testing procedure is con- lines on each side of the helix, as shown in Fig. 6(c). The inclination
firmed. Therefore, the fall height of the VFM-02-15 model (15 cm) of the failure surface was increased compared with the previous
was selected to simulate the installation disturbance for all half- stage, implying that a bigger mass of soil was mobilized. At Point
models and the results and images of the VFM-02-15-R test are C (U/D = 0.16), where the maximum capacity was mobilized, the
presented as HA6 test results in the current paper. It is noteworthy failure surface (dashed line) was transformed into an unsymmetrical

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Fig. 6. Sand deformations above HA3 model test: (a) at Point 0 (U/D = 0); (b) at Point A (U/D = 0.04); (c) at Point B (U/D = 0.10); (d) at Point C
(U/D = 0.16); (e) comparison of assumed failure mechanisms at Point C (U/D = 0.16); and (f) shear strain plots at Point C (U/D = 0.16).

reversed truncated cone [Fig. 6(d)]. The inclinations of the failure reaches the critical state over a specific length (2D) of the failure sur-
planes with vertical were βR = 26° and βL = 28°. Interestingly, the face. Pérez et al. (2018) also assumed a constant volume friction
obtained values of inclination are close to the critical state friction angle on the failure surface. The failure surface shape was fixed
angle φcs of the tested sand (Table 3). This confirms the assumption after Point C, and no sensible change was observed until the anchor
made by Cerfontaine et al. (2021) where it was assumed that soil reached 0.5D displacement.

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(f )

Fig. 6. (Continued.)

The zone of intense shearing is shown by solid lines in Fig. 6(e). line. Clearly, the intense shearing zone is wider than the disturbed
This zone was obtained according to the displacement fields and zone. Fig. 6(f) depicts that obtained results are in good agreement
colored sand layers. Fig. 6(f) also shows the maximum shear strain with the findings of Cerfontaine et al. (2021), although a deviation
plots. The failure mechanisms proposed by Cerfontaine et al. from the dashed line is observed as the mechanism nears the soil
(2021) and Giampa et al. (2017) are also demonstrated as a dashed surface. Roy et al. (2021) also reported a similar inclination for

© ASCE 04022111-9 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2022, 22(8): 04022111

the plastic shear strain band after performing FE analysis on circu- slipped over the helix with minimal resistance (due to gravitational
lar plate anchors in shallow embedment. pull). On the upper edge, however, the soil particles had to move up-
Therefore, the formed failure surface was not identical on two sides wards to slip over the helix, because of the pitch. This resulted in an
of the helix during the uplifting. It is believed that the observed soil increased horizontal pressure near the upper edge of the helix, leading
flow around the anchor (not shown here) was the reason for different to increased inclination of the failure surface (Fig. 8).
failure surface inclinations. On the lower edge of the helix, the soil Three separate gaps were formed (beneath the anchor shaft and
flowed in the opposite direction of the pullout and the soil particles helix wings) and the gaps infilling started at a normalized displace-
ment of U/D = 0.09, which equals U/d50 = 7.2 (uplift displacement
to average grain size). The U/d50 is an important factor in modeling
of helical anchors under cyclic loading, which affects the accumulated
displacements under cyclic loading conditions (Schiavon et al. 2019).
These authors reported that U/d50 > 14 resulted in a similar volume of
soil that moved inside the gap below the helix under cyclic loading.
Horizontal displacements of the surrounding soil due to anchor
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pullout spanned 1.5D on each side of the helix, as shown in Fig. 9,

thereby affecting the in situ soil stress. A similar observation was
reported by Cerfontaine et al. (2019b) where they reported in-
creased horizontal stresses at 2D distance from the helix edges
due to anchor pullout. Therefore, a minimum distance of 3D is rec-
ommended between adjacent helical anchors. However, separate
studies on the load-bearing capacity of a group of helical anchors
are required to prove this statement.
The obtained results are in good agreement with the findings of
previous researchers. Cerfontaine et al. (2019b) reported a similar
failure mechanism to the observed mechanism in the current research
for H/D = 9 after conducting FE analyses on sand with Dr = 50%.
Fig. 7. Load–displacement graph of the HA3 test. Cerfontaine et al. (2021) also performed axisymmetric FE analysis
to predict the load–displacement relationship of the helical anchor
while considering the installation effect. They reported the formation
of a shallow wedge from the helix level with inclination close to the
dilation angle of the sand as the anchor was pulled. In this cited
work, the displacement fields were local at first and then propagated
to the soil surface with decreasing inclination. Liu et al. (2012) also
reported the sand deformation above the uplifting plate anchor in
dense sand (1g) for shallow conditions (H/D = 3) as a reversed trun-
cated cone. Interestingly, in this cited work, a bilinear reversed trun-
cated cone failure surface with smaller inclination near the soil
surface was recognized for H/D = 5 embedment ratio in dense sand.

Deep Failure Mechanism

To study the failure mechanism of deep helical anchors, results of the
Fig. 8. Soil flow around the anchor.
HA7 test (H/D = 7) are presented in Fig. 10. The disturbed zone is

Fig. 9. Horizontal displacement plots for the HA3 test.

© ASCE 04022111-10 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2022, 22(8): 04022111

shown by the vertical dashed line on the images. The load–displace-
ment graph of the HA7 test is presented in Fig. 11. Careful examina-
tion of the pullout sequence gives the following results.
The initial failure surface was a reversed truncated cone with
small inclination of the sides with vertical, almost equal to the di-
lation angle of the soil (Point A in Fig. 11). As the pullout pro-
gressed (Point B), the inclination of the sides increased to about
10°, and two blocks of soil were formed on each side of the
helix (Blocks A, B, C, D). The blocks are shown in Fig. 10(b).
The majority of soil particles in Blocks A and C moved upwards
while the soil particles in Blocks B and D moved outwards horizon-
tally. The uplift force increased until the maximum uplift capacity
of the anchor was reached (Point C). The inclination of the failure
surface increased to βR = 17° and βL = 19° on the right and left
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edges of the helix, respectively. Hence, it can be concluded that

the failure plane changed until the weakest plane was located. It
is interesting to note that inclination of the failure planes with ver-
tical (βR and βL) were close to θ + ψ = 11.5 + 7 = 18.5°, where θ
was the inclination of the helix with respect to the horizontal (a)
plane. It should be noted that failure surface was located according
to the colored sands deformation and PIV analysis. It is interesting
to note that previous findings on inclined screw and slab anchors,
reported in Ghaly and Clemence (1998) and Frydman and Shaham
(1989) suggested a similar relationship between failure surface incli-
nation and plate inclination. Although it is not true to compare an in-
clined anchor to a vertical one, the similarity is intriguing. This
implies that the inclination of the plate anchor could be considered
as an extreme amount of pitch for the helix of a helical anchor.
Therefore, one would expect that if the pitch of the helix was re-
moved (i.e., horizontal circular disc), the failure surface would
then be inclined close to the dilation angle (ψ) of the sand. This state-
ment was studied by Giampa et al. (2017) where numerical and ex-
perimental studies were carried out on medium-scale circular helical
anchors with H/D = 1.8–7.1 installed in different sand properties.
They concluded that failure surface was inclined close to the dilation
angle of the tested sand. A similar observation was reported by Liu
et al. (2012) for small-scale tests on half-models of circular discs em-
bedded in dense sand. These authors observed a combined curved
cone and truncated cone as the failure surface of deep plate anchors.
After reaching the peak pullout load (Point C), a flow-around
mechanism was observed. A closeup view of the soil flow around
the helix is presented in Fig. 12. The displacement of the soil par-
ticles in the vicinity of the helix and shaft were nearly vertical,
while a majority of the displacement vectors were horizontal at a
1D distance from the helix edge. At further vertical and horizontal
distance from the helix, the displacement vectors diminish in size,
which indicates a reduced effect of the helix pullout on the surround-
ing soil. It is also clear that soil particles moved downwards and were
inclined toward the anchor center line, causing the formed gaps to fill
instantly. Similar behavior was noticed for HA5 (H/D = 5) and HA6
(H/D = 6) test results, shown in Figs. 13 and 14, respectively. This
observation is in agreement with the findings of Sharif et al.
(2021). In this cited work, the authors reported a localized flow-
around mechanism for the pitch-matched installation (AR = 1) of he-
lical anchors in sand through DEM analysis.
It is interesting to note that failure surface transformed into a
roughly symmetrical bulb as the pullout progressed. This is mostly
because the embedment ratio increased, and, thus, the difference in (c)
embedment (caused by the pitch) for the lower and upper edges of
the helix became negligible. Minor differences in failure surface
Fig. 10. Sand deformations above the HA7 model test: (a) at U/D =
shape are attributed to the horizontal soil pressure buildup during
0.08; (b) at U/D = 0.11; (c) at U/D = 0.13; (d) shear strain plots at
the pullout which was described earlier.
U/D = 0.13; (e) displacement contours and failure mechanism at U/D
Fig. 10(e) shows that sand deformation extended 2.5D above the
= 0.2; and (f) displacement contours at U/D = 0.25.
helix and sand particles had very small movements above this zone.

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Fig. 11. Load–displacement graph of the HA7 test.


Fig. 12. Closeup view of the flow-around mechanism for the HA7 test.

distance of 3D is required between adjacent helices in a multihelix

anchor to minimize the interaction of helices. The flow-around
mechanism also influenced the sand to a horizontal distance of
2D from the helix edges, therefore suggesting a minimum lateral
(e) distance of 4D between adjacent helical anchors. This is in agree-
ment with the recommendations of “A. B. Chance technical manual
of helical foundation systems” (2014) to keep a minimum distance
of 3D to 5D between adjacent helical anchors. Livneh and El
Naggar (2008) reported 2D distance from the helix edge as the in-
fluence zone around the helix for tension anchors. Da Silva and
Tsuha (2021) also reported increased lateral pressure at a distance
of 1.3D to 1.9D from the helix edge as a result of anchor pullout,
which agrees well with the current results.
Three gaps were formed beneath the helical anchor and the
angle of repose of the sand was close to the φcs of the sand. The
gaps infilling started at U/D = 0.04, which equals U/d50 = 3.2,
which is smaller compared with shallow embedment conditions.
This is due to higher confining stress near the helix compared
with the shallow embedment case. This indicates the necessity of
investigating scale and grain size effects when modeling shallow
and deep helical anchors under cyclic loading.

Embedment Depth Effect

Fig. 10. (Continued.)

Fig. 15 compares the images of all tests after reaching peak pullout
load. Table 7 also provides the peak pullout load and its corre-
sponding displacements as well as mean sand density. The failure
A similar deformed zone was observed in the results of HA5 and surface is also plotted on each image in Fig. 15 as a dashed line. It
HA6 tests. Therefore, as the mobilized zone did not extend to the can be seen that the failure surface for H/D = 3 reached the ground
soil surface, the deep behavior of this anchor with the embedment surface, while for H/D ≥ 4, the failure was local and did not extend
of H/D = 7 was confirmed. This also implies that a minimum to the surface. Fig. 15 also indicates that as the embedment

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Fig. 13. HA5 test results (H/D = 5): (a) at (U/D = 0); and (b) at U/D = 0.14.

increased from H/D = 4 to H/D = 7, the inclination of the failure suggested H/D = 5 as the transition depth for the helical piles
surface with vertical slightly decreased. This was due to the de- under compressive or tensile loads. Ilamparuthi et al. (2002) re-
creased dilation angle as a result of increased overburden pres- ported H/D = 5.8 for medium dense sand as the critical embedment
sure (Bolton 1986). The dilation angle was previously shown ratio. Liu et al. (2012) reported a change in failure mechanism at H/
to be related to the inclination of the failure surface in the deep D = 4 for dense sand. Giampa et al. (2017) concluded that the crit-
failure mode. ical embedment depth for mechanism transition was H/D = 4 to H/
Categorizing the failure modes based on the failure surface ex- D = 10 for loose and dense sand, respectively. Al Hakeem and Au-
tension leads to a distinction of the deep failure from shallow fail- beny (2019) performed FE analysis and stated that failure mecha-
ure (critical embedment ratio) at H/D = 4 in the current research. nism transition occurs for a circular plate anchor at H/D = 3–7
Previous studies on helical anchors in sand suggest a critical em- for loose and dense sand, respectively. Sabermahani and Nasira-
bedment ratio of 4 to 10 for the friction angle range of 40° to 50° badi (2020) also observed a transition from shallow to deep behav-
(Cerfontaine et al. 2019b). Clemence and Veesaert (1977) sug- ior at H/D = 4 for an opening plate anchor under 1g conditions.
gested the critical embedment of H/D = 5 in sand. Zhang (1999) Therefore, the results of the current study are comparable with

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Fig. 14. HA6 test results (H/D = 6): (a) at (U/D = 0); and (b) at U/D = 0.14.

the previous studies and these results contribute to a more exact de- was observed with small displacements. In the post-peak phase, os-
termination of the critical embedment ratio of helical anchors in cillations in loads were produced with increasing displacements.
medium dense sand. The flow-around mechanism was observed Such load-bearing behavior was reported in Liu et al. (2012) for
in all tests with deep failure behavior (H/D ≥ 4). In shallow condi- dense sand conditions.
tions (H/D < 4) however, a general shear failure above the helix was The transition of the failure mechanism from shallow to deep
formed. mode in the range of H/D = 3–4 is obvious according to Fig. 16.
The load–displacement graphs of the tests are presented in The uplift capacity of the HA4 anchor was nearly 32% greater
Fig. 16. In general, two phases were recognized for all test graphs: than that of the HA3. However, the percentage of increase in the up-
pre-peak and post-peak. In the pre-peak phase, a rapid gain in load lift capacity was around 12% on average for H/D ≥ 5, therefore

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Fig. 15. Different embedment ratios and resulting failure surfaces: (a) H/D = 3; (b) H/D = 4; (c) H/D = 5; (d) H/D = 6; and (e) H/D = 7.

indicating a failure mechanism change. The reason for the mecha- required to uplift the heaving soil (which increases with depth) ex-
nism change might be investigated by evaluating the active forces. ceeds the force required for the soil to flow around the spudcan
As Hossain et al. (2005) showed, the flow-around mechanism in (which is nearly constant with depth). This change in failure mech-
spudcan penetration into the clay soil is formed when the force anism occurs at a depth called the transition depth. The same theory

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Fig. 15. (Continued.)

can be applied to the current problem: the force required to uplift the wind turbines, therefore the results of the current study indicate that
soil above the helix exceeded the force required for the flow-around shallow screw anchors can provide the required stiffness for such
mechanism to develop near the helix with increased embedment. applications.
Therefore, the transition from shallow to deep failure occurred and Table 7 indicates that the normalized displacement required for
the failure mechanism with lower resistance was activated. gaps infilling (U/d50) showed a consistent decrease with increased
It was also observed that the initial tangent stiffness (up to embedment. This illustrates the importance of studying the scale ef-
U/D = 0.05) of all anchors were similar, but secant stiffness fects on the cavity development in the centrifuge modeling of helical
started to diverge with increased displacements. The stiffness anchors under cyclic loading. It is interesting to note that in all cases,
is an important parameter in the design of foundations for offshore the displacement required to mobilize the maximum uplift capacity

© ASCE 04022111-16 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2022, 22(8): 04022111

Table 7. Peak pullout load of tested anchors and sand density
measurements (prototype scale)
Mean Ultimate
sample unit Mean uplift
Model weight relative capacity (U/d50)gaps
case (kN/m3) density % (QU) (kN) (U/D)peak infilling

HA3 15.76 64 12.8 0.15 7.2

HA4 15.70 62 16.9 0.15 6
HA5 15.65 61 19 0.14 4.6
HA6 15.53 57 21 0.14 3.6
HA7 15.74 64 24.7 0.14 3.2
Average 15.68 61.7 — 0.14 —
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Fig. 17. Comparison of the predicted and measured prototype uplift


Fig. 16. Effect of embedment ratio on the load–displacement graph.

of the anchors was higher than U/D = 0.1. This is consistent with the Fig. 18. Comparison of the predicted and measured prototype dimen-
results reported for full-model helical anchors in Hao et al. (2019) sionless breakout factor Nq.
and Cerfontaine et al. (2020), indicating that the assumption of
U/D = 0.1 to mobilize maximum anchor capacity might lead to un-
derestimation of the anchor capacity. by analytical methods for small embedment depths (H/D ≤ 5). A
close agreement between the predicted and measured results
was also noted for H/D = 5 embedment. However, a deviation
Comparison with the Analytical Methods from the analytical predictions was observed for deeper embed-
ment. This is probably due to different assumed and observed fail-
Further analyses on the obtained results were performed by com-
ure mechanism for deeper embedment depths: the deep failure
paring the obtained results with the analytical approaches in the lit-
surface was observed at H/D ≥ 4 for the current study, while
erature for plate anchors and screw anchors. The results were
deep failure for the analytical methods investigated was observed
compared with the analytical methods in terms of ultimate uplift re-
at a greater embedment. Another reason for this deviation could
sistance and dimensionless breakout factor Nq and are presented in
be the installation disturbance that loosened the soil and resulted
Figs. 17 and 18, respectively. The analytical methods used to pre-
dict the uplift capacity include the methods presented by Meyerhof in smaller uplift capacity measurements that were more pro-
and Adams (1968), Saeedy (1987), Vesic (1965), and Giampa et al. nounced in a deeper embedment.
(2017). Meyerhof and Adams (1968) assumed conical failure sur- Fig. 18 depicts a comparison of the measured and predicted break-
face starting from the outer edge of the plate anchor and inclined out factor Nq. It can be seen that measured Nq values initially reduced
at φ/3. Saeedy (1987) presented a semianalytical approach for and were almost fixed after H/D ≥ 5. On the other hand, all analytical
plate anchors and considered a log-spiral failure surface. Vesic methods except for the Meyerhof and Adams (1968) method had in-
(1965) solved the problem of plate anchor uplift resistance by cavity creased Nq for the H/D range tested. The Meyerhof and Adams
expansion modeling theory and presented bearing factors against (1968) method, on the other hand, showed a decreased Nq with in-
relative embedment charts to predict the uplift capacity of anchors creased embedment up to H/D = 5 and Nq was nearly fixed after
in cohesionless soils. Giampa et al. (2017) investigated the uplift ca- that. The fixation of the Nq factor indicates the change in failure
pacity of screw anchors in sand analytically and assumed a trun- mechanism and was noted in previous studies at different embedment
cated cone failure surface inclined at a dilation angle ψ of the depths (presented in Table 1) as Al Hakeem and Aubeny (2019)
sand. Fig. 17 shows the measured uplift capacity and those predicted showed. Therefore, considering that Nq factor fixation indicates the
by the mentioned analytical methods. It can be seen that the results critical embedment depth, a range of H/D = 4–5 is determined as
lie within the upper and lower bound of the predicted uplift capacity the critical embedment for the current study. This is consistent with

© ASCE 04022111-17 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2022, 22(8): 04022111

the displacement field and failure mechanism observations of the cur- tests with stress measurements at the bottom of the box are required
rent study, which indicated a change in failure mechanism at to verify that such interaction is limited or does not exist.
H/D ≥ 4. Therefore, the critical embedment depth obtained by
observations on soil displacement fields was approved. Finally, the
test results are comparable with the analytical methods, hence the Data Availability Statement
quality of the testing procedure and conditions are acceptable.
Some or all data, models, or code that support the findings of this
study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable
request (PIV analysis results and load and displacement measure-
Concluding Remarks ment data). GeoPIV-RG code, which is a free MATLAB code,
was used in preparing the PIV analyses results of this research.
A total of seven centrifuge tests were performed to visualize the
failure mechanism of half-models of helical anchors in medium
dense sand with fixed helix-to shaft diameter ratio (D/d = 2) and Acknowledgments
pitch (p/D = 0.2). The anchor models had embedment ratios of
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(H/D) = 3–7. The installation disturbance was simulated using a The second author would like to thank Dr. C.H.C. Tsuha from Uni-
novel technique. The following conclusions were drawn: versity of Sao Paulo and Dr. A. Askarinejad from TU Delft for their
1. Helix embedment depth had a great influence on the failure support and contributions to this research.
mechanism and load-bearing of the helical anchors as well as
gaps development and infilling in the surrounding sand.
2. In the shallow embedment condition, the initial failure sur- Notation
face was a local bulb. As pullout progressed, the failure sur-
face transformed into a reversed unsymmetrical truncated The following symbols are used in this paper:
cone with side inclinations close to the critical state friction C = cohesion;
angle (φcs = 29°) of the soil. The intense shearing zone was Cc = coefficient of curvature;
inclined at nearly the dilation angle (ψ = 7°) of the sand. Cu = coefficient of uniformity;
The reason for asymmetry of the failure surface was the D = helix diameter;
pitch of the helix. Dave = average helix diameter;
3. For the deep embedment mode, the initial failure surface was a Dr = relative density of sand;
reverse truncated cone with side inclinations close to the dilation d = shaft diameter;
angle of the sand. With continued pullout, the failure surface d50 = average grain size;
transformed into a roughly symmetrical bulb and the flow- emax = maximum void ratio;
around mechanism was formed as the anchor reached its ulti- emin = minimum void ratio;
mate pullout capacity. The intense shearing zone was inclined Gs = specific gravity of solid particles;
H = helix embedment depth;
at (θ + ψ). This indicates the important influence of the helix
h = vertical distance from the soil surface;
pitch angle on the failure mechanism of deeply embedded heli-
Nq = dimensionless breakout factor;
cal anchors. Further research is required to determine the true
P = geometrical helix pitch;
extent of the helix pitch effect on the failure mechanism.
Qu = ultimate uplift capacity of the anchor;
4. A minimum lateral distance of 3D and 4D is recommended for
U = vertical displacement of the anchor head;
adjacent helical anchors in shallow and deep embedment
W = effective helical radius;
modes, based on the observed displacement fields. A minimum
x = horizontal distance from the anchor vertical axis;
distance of 3D for adjacent helices in a multihelix anchor is rec-
βL = inclination angle of the failure surface with vertical on the
ommended as well. These recommendations need separate stud-
left side of the helix;
ies on the load-displacement behavior of helical anchor groups
βR = inclination angle of the failure surface with vertical on the
to be approved. right side of the helix;
5. The ratio of U/d50 (uplift displacement to average grain size) re- θ = inclination of the helix with respect to the horizontal plane;
quired for the gaps infilling commencement was different (3.2 ≤ φp = peak friction angle;
U/d50 ≤ 7.2) for shallow and deep modes, and it decreased with φcs = critical state friction angle; and
increased embedment. ψ = peak dilation angle.
6. The inclination of the failure surface with vertical decreased
as the helix embedment increased, although the change was
not considerable in the tested (H/D) range. This was due to de- References
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