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Class : XII (ABCD)

Time : 3 hour Max. Marks : 240

1. The question paper contains 60 questions and 10 pages. Each question carry 4 marks and all of them are
compulsory. There is NEGATIVE marking. 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
Please ensure that the Question Paper you have received contains all the QUESTIONS and
Pages. If you found some mistake like missing questions or pages then contact immediately to the

2. Indicate the correct answer(s) for each question by filling appropriate bubble(s) in your OMR sheet.

3. Use only HB pencil for darkening the bubble(s).

4. Use of Calculator, Log Table, Slide Rule and Mobile is not allowed.

5. For example if only 'B' choice is correct then, the correct method for filling the bubble is

For example if only 'B & D' choices are correct then, the correct method for filling the bubbles is

The answer of the question in any other manner (such as putting , cross , or partial shading etc.)
will be treated as wrong.

Atomic Mass: Al = 27, Mg = 24, Cu = 63.5, Mn = 55, Cl = 35.5, O = 16, H = 1, P = 31, Ag = 108, N = 14,
Li = 7, I = 127, Cr = 52, K=39, S = 32, Na = 23, C = 12, Br = 80, Fe = 56, Ca = 40, Zn = 65.4, Ba = 137,
Co = 59, Hg = 200, Pb = 207, He = 4, F=19.
Radius of nucleus =10–14 m; h = 6.626 ×10–34 Js; me = 9.1 ×10–31 kg, R = 109637 cm–1.
Take g = 10 m/s2 where ever required.
Select the correct alternative(s). (One or More than one is/are correct)
There is NEGATIVE marking. 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.

Q.1 A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 200 F is charged by a battery of emf 100 V. The battery is
now disconnected and temperature of the plates is equal to atmospheric temperature. The plates are
now connected by a thin wire of negligible heat capacity. Assume 50% of their stored energy increases
their temperature till the capacitor gets completely discharged and energy equally distributes over the
plates. If thermal capacity of each plate is 0.5 JK–1 and coefficient of linear expansion is 2 × 10–5 °C–1,
percentage increase in the volume of the plates is
(A) 0.001% (B) 0.002% (C*) 0.003% (D) 0.004%
1 1 2
[Sol. 2 × S × T =  CV  ; where S = 0.5 JK–1 (for each plate)
2 2 
 T = 0.5°C
Now, = (T) = 3(T)
 Percentage change = 3(T) × 100% = 0.003% ]

Q.2 The graph shown can corrospond relationship between

(quantity quoted first is plotted on y-axis.)
(A*) The distance of object from the focus of a convex mirror plotted against
the distance of the image from the same point.
(B*) Pressure plotted against temperature for an ideal gas undergoing process P V = constant.
(C) Electric field due to charged conducting sphere plotted against distance from the centre of the
(D) The tension in a string plotted against its fundamental frequency.

Q.3mo Two small bodies of masses ‘m’ and ‘2m’ are placed in a fixed smooth horizontal
circular hollow tube of mean radius 'r' as shown. The mass ‘m’ is moving with
speed ‘u’ and the mass ‘2m’ is stationary. After their first collision, the time
elapsed for next collision is: (coefficient of restitution e = 1/2)
2r 4r 3r 12r
(A) (B*) (C) (D)
u u u u

Q.4mo In the figure shown the system is at rest initially. Two persons ‘A’ and ‘B’ of
masses 40 kg each move with speeds v1 and v2 respectively towards each
other on a plank lying on a smooth horizontal surface as shown in figure. Plank
travels a distance of 20 m towards right direction in 5 sec. (Here v1 and v2 are
given with respect to the plank). Then the possible condition(s) can be
(A*) v1 = 0 m/s, v2 = 10 m/s (B*) v1 = 5 m/s, v2 = 15 m/s
(C*) v1 = 10 m/s, v2 = 20 m/s (D*) v1 = 2 m/s, v2 = 12 m/s
Q.5mo Inside a hollow sphere of mass M, a rod of length R 2 is released from the state of
rest. The mass of the rod is same as that of the sphere. If the inner radius of the
hollow sphere is R then find out its horizontal displacement with respect to earth in
the time in which the rod becomes horizontal.
(A) R/2 (B*) R/4 (C) R / 2 2 (D) None

Q.6wpe In a clock what is the time period of meeting of the minute hand and the second hand
60 59
(A) 59 sec (B*) minutes (C) minutes (D) none of these
59 60

Q.7nl A bob B of mass 1kg is suspended form the ceiling of a toy train as shown in the
figure. The train oscillates simple harmonically in horizontal direction with angular
frequency =5rad/s and amplitude a=0.1m. What is the ratio of maximum and
minimum tensions in the string AB during the motion (g=10 ms–2 & tan 37°= 3/4 )
(A*) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 1

Q.8kin A stone is dropped from the top of a tall cliff and n seconds later another stone is thrown vertically
downwards with a velocity u. Then the second stone overtakes the first, below the top of the cliff at a
distance given by
2 2
g  n (gn / 2  u )  g  n (gn  u / 2) 
(A*)  (B) 
2  (gn  u )  2  (gn  u ) 
 (gn  u ) 
(C) g   (D) None
 (gn  u / 2) 

Q.9kin Two particles are projected from the same point with the same speed in the same vertical plane at
different angles with the horizontal. A frame of reference is fixed to one particle. The position vector of

the other particle as observed from the frame is r . Which of the following statements is/are incorrect?

(A*) r is a constant vector

(B*) r changes in magnitude and direction with time

(C) the magnitude of r increases linearly with time, its direction does not change

(D*) the direction of r changes with time, its magnitude may or may not change depending on the angles
of projection.

Q.10 String #1 is connected with string #2. The mass per unit length in string #1 is 1 and the mass per unit
length in string #2 is 41. The tension in the strings is T. A travelling wave is coming from the left. What
fraction of the energy in the incident wave goes into string #2?

(A) 1/8 (B*) 4/9 (C) 2/3 (D) 8/9

Et A
  2V2 
 2 
2  2 
  t    =   = 4/9]
Ei  Ai  V V   1 =   2 1   1
  1 2  V1 V2 
Q.11 and Q.12 are together
Q.11 The curve of angle of incidence versus angle of deviation shown has been plotted
for prism. The value of refractive index of the prism used is
3 2
(A*) 3 (B) 2 (C) (D)
2 3
[Sol. = i + e –A
dmin = 60° when i = e
 60° = 2i – A = 2(60°)–A
 A = 60°

 A   min  60  60 
sin   sin  
 2 =  2  =
= 3 ]
A  60 
sin   sin  
2  2 

Q.12 In the given curve of above question. Find the value of angle i1 in degrees is
(A) 40° (B) 60° (C) 70° (D*) 90°
[Sol. When angle of incidence is i1, e = 40°
(from reversibility of ray)
also  = 70°
 70° = i1 + 40°–A
 i1 = 90° ]

Q.13 A wire has linear resistance  (in Ohm/m). Find the resistance R between points
A and B if the side of the "big" square is d.
(A*) (B) 2d (C) 2d (D) None

Q.14 A solid sphere of mass m, suspended through a string in a liquid as shown. The string has some tension.
Magnitudes of net force due to liquid on upper hemisphere and that on lower hemisphere are FA and FB
respectively. Which of the following is / are true.
(A*) Density of material of the sphere is greater than density of liquid
(B) Difference of FB and FA is dependent of atmospheric pressure
(C) FB – FA = mg
(D*) FB–FA < mg
Question No. 15 to 17 (3 questions)
Two satellites A and B are revolving around the earth in circular orbits of radius
r1 and r2 respectively with r1 < r2. Plane of motion of the two are same. At
position 1, A is given an impulse in the direction of velocity by firing a rocket so
that it follows an elliptical path to meet B at position 2 as shown. Focal lengths
of the elliptical path are r1 and r2 respectively. At position 2, A is given another
impulse so that velocities of A and B at 2 become equal and the two move
For any elliptical path of the satellite time period of revolution is given by Kepler's planetary law as T2
r r
 r3 where a is semi major axis of the ellipse which is 1 2 in this case. Also angular momentum of any
satellite revolving around the Earth will remain a constant about Earth's centre as force of gravity on the
satellite which keeps it in elliptical path is along its position vector relative to the earth centre.

Q.15grav When A is given its first impulse at that moment

(A*) A, B and earth centre are in same straight line
(B) B is ahead of A angularly
(C) B is behind A angularly
(D) none of these

Q.16 If the two have same mass

(A) A would have more potential energy than B while on their initial circular paths.
(B*) A would have more kinetic energy than B while on their initial circular paths.
(C*) Relative to Earth's centre, angular momentum of A when it is in elliptical path would be less than
angular momentum of B.
(D) During the whole process angular momentum of B would be more than angular momentum of A.

Q.17grav If r2 = 3r1 and time period of revolution for B be T than time taken by A in moving from position 1 to
position 2
3 3 T 2 T 2
(A) T (B) T (C*) (D)
2 2 3 3 3

Q.18 A horizontal rod AB which is held by frictionless bearings at its ends, can rotate freely around its horizontal
axis. Two equal masses held in position, as shown, by rigid rods of negligible mass are symmetrically
located relative to the centre of rod. If the system is rotating with angular velocity  in absence of gravity,
then choose the correct alternative(s).

(A) The angular momentum of system about point O is along axis of rotation.
(B) The reaction force at bearings is upwards at A & downwards at B.
(C*) The reaction force at bearings is downwards at A & upwards at B.
(D) There would be no reaction forces at bearings.
Only 13th
Q.19nl If wedge is moving with acceleration a as shown in the figure and friction coefficient
between two blocks is  then value of net force on m is
(A) ma (B*) 2 ma (C) mg – ma (D) zero

Only 12th
Q.19 The switch in circuit shifts from 1 to 2 when VC > 2V/3 and goes back to 1 from 2 when VC < V/3. The
voltmeter reads voltage as plotted. What is the period T of the wave form in terms of R and C?

(A) RC ln 3 (B*) RC ln 2
(C) ln 3 (D) ln 3
2 3
V 2V
[Sol. = V(1 – e–t/RC)  = e–t/RC ....(1)
3 3
2V V
= V(1 – e–(t + T)/RC)  = e–(t + T)/RC ....(2)
3 3
dividing equation (2) by (1)
gives T = RC ln 2 ]

Only 13th
Q.20 In two experiments with a continuous flow calorimeter to determine the specific heat capacity of a liquid,
an input power of 60 W produced a rise of 10 K in the liquid. When the power was doubled, the same
temperature rise was achieved by making the rate of flow of liquid three times faster. The power lost to
the surroundings in each case was
(A) 20 W (B*) 30 W (C) 40 W (D) 120 W
[Sol. Let power lost to surrounding is Q
 dm 
 60 – Q =   S (10)
 dt 
 dm  
& 120 – Q = 3   S(10)
 dt  
120  Q
 =3
60  Q
 Q = 30W ]
Only 12th
Q.20 Half lives of two isotopes X and Y of a material are known to be 2 × 10 9 years and 4 × 109 years
respectively. If a planet was formed with equal number of these isotopes, estimate the current age of the
planet, given that currently the material has 20% of X and 80% of Y by number.
(A) 2 × 109 years (B) 4 × 109 years (C) 6 × 109 years (D*) 8 × 109 years
[Sol. Let total sum of number of isotopes at the formation of the planet was No and currently is N
 N0 
 Nx =    1t = 0.2 N ....(i)
 2  e
 N0 
Ny =     2 t = 0.1 N ....(ii)
 2  e
Dividing equation (ii) by (i)
  ) t
 e( 1 2 = 4
 (1 – 2 ) t = ln 4
ln 2  1 1 
  t = 2 ln2
109  2 4 
 t = 8 × 109 years ]

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