Some Important Points/Submissions by Contractor As Per Document of Somnath Station

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SN Requirement Items to be checked Yes/No Remarks

Article 11 Quality assurance, monitoring and supervision, EPC Agreement

1. 11.2.2 Whether QAP, MTP & MS

submitted by Contractor in time.
The Contractor shall, within 30 (thirty) days of the Appointed Date,
submit to the Authority Engineer its Quality Control Mechanism, Whether QAP, MTP & MS
“Quality Assurance Plan” (QAP), Material Testing Plan (MTP) and approved by AE in time.
“Method Statements” (MS) for execution of works.
Whether Controlled copies of
The Authority Engineer shall convey its comments to the Contractor QAP, MTP & MS available at
within a period of 21 (twenty-one) days of receipt of the QAP. site office of AE and Contractor.

2. 11.3
Whether MS for all construction
The Contractor shall, at least 15 (fifteen) days prior to the commencement activities submitted by
of any construction activity, submit to the Authority Engineer for Contractor in time.
review the Method Statement proposed to be adopted for executing
the Work, giving details of inspection checklist, quality parameters, Whether MS approved by AE in
equipment to be deployed, traffic management and measures for time.
ensuring safety. The Authority Engineer shall complete the review and
convey its comments, if any, to the Contractor within a period of 10 (ten) Whether Controlled copies of all
days from the date of receipt of the proposed method statement from the MS available at site office of AE
Contractor. and Contractor.

3. 11.7 Whether MPRs are being

submitted by Contractor every
During the Construction Period, the Contractor shall, no later than 10 month in time.
(ten) days after the close of each month, furnish to the Authority and the
Authority Engineer a monthly report on the progress of Works.

4. 11.8.3 Monthly Inspection Report

The Authority Engineer shall submit a monthly inspection report (the submitted by AE in time.
“Inspection Report”) to the Authority and the Contractor bringing out the
results of inspections and the remedial action taken by the Contractor in
respect of Defects or deficiencies.

5. 11.9 Manufacturer’s test reports and

standard samples of
The Contractor shall submit the following samples of Materials and manufactured Materials
relevant information to the Authority Engineer for review: submitted by Contractor.
(a) manufacturer’s test reports and standard samples of
manufactured Materials; Samples of material submitted
and by Contractor.
(b) Samples of such other Materials as the Authority Engineer may

6. 11.10 Schedule for performing tests

submitted by Contractor to the
The Contractor shall submit the schedule for performing such tests to AE well in advance.
the Authority Engineer well in advance and not less than 7 days prior to
conducting such tests.

7. 11.11 Contractor has given notice to

the AE whenever any work is
In respect of the work, which the Authority Engineer is entitled to ready and before it is covered
examine, inspect, measure or test before it is covered up or put out of up.
view or any part of the work is placed thereon, the Contractor shall give
notice to the Authority Engineer whenever any such work is ready and
before it is covered up.

8. 11.16 Whether video disc of 3 hours

for progress of work is provided
During the Construction Period, the Contractor shall provide to the every quarter.
Authority for every calendar quarter, a video recording, which will be
compiled into a 3 (three) hour digital video disc or any substitute
thereof, covering the status and progress of Works in that quarter. The
video recording shall be provided to the Authority no later than 15 (fifteen)
days after the close of each quarter after the Appointed Date.



keep, on the Site, a copy of this Agreement, publications named in Whether all documents
this Agreement, the Drawings, Documents relating to the Project, available at site?
Change of Scope Orders and other communications sent under this
Agreement, and provide access to all these documents at all reasonable
times to the Authority Engineer and its authorised personnel;

Schedule N

10. Insurances (Clause 18.1) Whether all applicable

insurances taken out by
Contractor timely.

Whether all applicable

insurances are in correct name
and in order.

Whether copies of all

insurances available with AE
and Contractor.


11. 8(2) Works Programme and three

month rolling programmes
The Contractor shall prepare and submit its Works Programme and submitted timely and as per
three month rolling programmes and the detailed requirements specified requirements?
contained in Authority’s Requirements, Appendix 1 and 2 of Part A of this


(1) The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer three copies of a MPR in proper format being
Monthly Progress Report (MPR), as described in Authority's submitted?
Requirements Appendix 3 of Part A of this Schedule, describing the
progress and status of the Works. The MPR shall address the matters set MPR being submitted timely?
out in the Works Programme.

(2) The MPR shall be submitted by the end of each calendar month. It
shall account for all works actually performed from twenty sixth day of the
last month and up to twenty fifth day of the current month.

(3) The MPR shall be divided into two sections. The first section shall
cover progress and current status relating to design and the second
section shall cover progress and current status relating to construction.

13. 11. SOFTWARE SUPPORT Full support to the Authority or

11.1 GENERAL Engineer for all computer
programs provided?
(1) The Contractor shall provide full support to the Authority or Engineer
for all computer programs provided by the Contractor under the Software support plan
Agreement. submitted at least 90 days
(2) The Contractor shall submit a software support plan at least 90 before commencement of
days before commencement of software installation. This plan shall software installation?
require the Contractor to provide all changes, bug fixes, updates,
modifications, amendments, and new versions of the program as required All tools, equipment, manuals
by the Engineer. and training necessary for the
(3) The Contractor shall provide all tools, equipment, manuals and Authority / Engineer to maintain
training necessary for the Authority / Engineer to maintain and re- and re-configure all the software
configure all the software provided under the Agreement. provided?
(4) The data generated during execution of work under the Agreement
shall be owned by the Authority and the Contractor shall be permitted to All new versions, if any,
use the same for its own purposes only with prior permission from submitted?

(5) The Contractor shall submit all new versions to the Engineer for
review at least 2 weeks prior to their installation.

14. 11.2 SECURITY OBLIGATIONS Two backup copies of the

software submitted?
Within 14 days of the installation of any software into the Permanent
Works by the Contractor, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer
for retention by the Authority/Engineer two backup copies of the
software, which shall include, without limitation:
• All licenses in favour of Authority for their use.
• All source and executable code;
• All design documentation relating to the software; and
• Any specified development tools required for maintenance of the
software, including, but not limited to, editors, compilers and linkers.

15. 11.4 TRAINING Training for the Authority’s staff

The Contractor shall provide training for the Authority’s staff to enable
the Authority to make proper use of any software and its new versions.


The Contractor shall devise and utilise a PMIS such that all documents Link provided to Authority/AE?
generated by the Contractor can be transmitted to the Engineer by
electronic means (and vice versa) and that all documents generated by
either party are electronically captured at the point of origin and can be
reproduced later, electronically and in hard copy. A similar link shall also
be provided between the Engineer office at site and the Authority’s Office
by the Contractor.

17. 16. CONTRACTOR’S PROJECT ORGANIZATION Competent team of Managers,

Architect & Engineers, technical
(1) The Contractor shall have a competent team of Managers, staff etc. of Contractor is
Architect & Engineers, technical staff etc. so as to complete the work available?
satisfactorily as per various requirements of the Agreement and all
associated documents. Control room with required
facilities available?
(2) A control room with round the clock radio communication or
telephone switch board links with all safety offices, works sites, site The designations of the various
offices, batching plants, casting yards, workshops, fabrication yard, off project team members have
site offices, Engineers site office, Resident Engineer’s office, testing labs been approved by the
etc. shall be maintained and manned round the clock. Residences of all Engineer?
senior project team members shall also be linked with the control room.
Vehicles for emergency use should be on stand-by at the control room
round the clock.

(3) The designations of the various project team members shall

have to be approved by the Engineer before adoption so as to avoid
any duplication of the designations with those of the Authority or the

18. 18. MAINTENANCE REPORT AND MANUALS Maintenance Report submitted?

(1) The Maintenance Report shall be submitted as part of the Inspection and maintenance
Definitive Design and shall include full details of the long term inspection manuals for the civil, structural
and maintenance operations for each major component of water supply, and building works provided?
sewerage system, water treatment & ETP cum STP plants etc.
(2) The Contractor shall provide inspection and maintenance manuals for For each area an inspection
the civil, structural and building works. checklist has been provided?
(3) For each area an inspection checklist shall be supplied giving
inspection frequency, items to be inspected, criteria for acceptance, All instruments necessary to
criteria for remedial works and details of the remedial works, including carry out the inspections and
proposed materials and method statements. The recommended regular monitoring provided?
maintenance regime of each area shall also be given including cleaning
methods and frequency for different surfaces; removal of leakage borne
salts from concrete surfaces; cleaning of drainage channels, sumps and
pipes; repainting of metallic items;
(4) All instruments necessary to carry out the inspections and
monitoring that are identified in the report shall be provided by the

19. 1(4) The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary Has the Contractor obtained all
approvals from the relevant Public/Government/Local/Statutory or any the necessary approvals?
agencies in the design and construction of the works.

20. 14. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS During construction, the

requirements for Environmental
The design of the Permanent Works shall be undertaken with high Protection and Impact Mitigation
environmental standards. During construction the requirements for as approved by authority are
Environmental Protection and Impact Mitigation as approved by ensured?
authority shall be ensure at all times.

21. 15(3) The Contractor shall submit applications for permanent Applications for permanent
connections for utility services i.e. sewerage and drainage and water connections for utility services
supplies to relevant local authority/agencies. i.e. sewerage and drainage and
water supplies to relevant local
22. 15(4) Fire clearance applications shall be made by the Contractor to Applications for Fire clearance
relevant local authority/agencies. made by the Contractor to
relevant local Authority?
23. 15(5) Requests for temporary power supplies for the construction of Contractor submitted the
the Works must be submitted, by the Contractor to the relevant requests for temporary power
authority/agency. Alternatively separate power supplies may be arranged supplies for the construction of
by the Contractor independent of these agencies, subject to compliance the Works?
with any necessary statutes.

24. 15(6) In addition, a number of agencies are involved in the Are all the required relevant
reinstatement works, permanent road accesses, temporary road approvals in place?
accesses, refuse collection accesses, street lighting, traffic management
and fire hydrant positions. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining
the approvals for these other works.
25. 16.4 Station Site Perimeter Security Proper Station Entrance
Protection & Pedestrian access
The boundary of the station operating area is typically at the street level with barrier separation has been
where access is provided, and is determined by the separation of the provided?
station operating area from any adjacent structures. This shall be defined
as the Station Perimeter. Security provisions for the Station Perimeter
shall be as follows:

(a) Station Entrance Protection – All station entrances and pedestrian

access ways that are adjacent to vehicular pathways must be provided
with vehicular barriers and high security screens that can be closed
and secured.

(b) Pedestrian access – All pedestrian access either from the street or
other exterior areas/sections of the station complex shall be designed as
to permit barrier separation from the station operating area in the
event of an emergency.

26. 16.5 Path of Pedestrian Travel Proper arrangements i/c

signages as per requirements
Security provisions are required at each part of the passenger’s provided for pedestrian
movement through the station. The following are the features required at movement?
each juncture.

(a) Station Entrance – provide adequate station information signage in

such a way as to not result in passenger queuing at entrances.

(b) Provide in the direct area of passenger travel with the following:
• Door Frame Metal detectors; and
• Luggage scanning machine (i.e. x-ray scanner on conveyor)
(c) Entrance to paid area is to be configured so as to permit the operation
of this security point without impact on the movement of passengers at
the other entrance gates.
27. 16.6 Awareness and Training Proper awareness and training
programs are implemented?
Public and station staff awareness of the security provisions and
requirements of the station’s operation is essential in maintaining a viable
security program in large and dynamic public facilities like a station.
During commissioning and initial operations the Contractor shall provide:

(a) Awareness Program – Development and implementation of a

public safety awareness campaign for staff and passengers at station
regarding the safety requirements and features; and

(b) Training – development and implementation of safety training

plan that includes drills and the monitoring and response to life safety
emergency conditions.

28. 16.7 Emergency Preparedness Has the Contractor developed a

security plan in conjunction with
As part of the planning and design process, the Contractor shall develop other relevant Security agencies
a security plan that addresses the static and dynamic security for the station?
concerns identified by the Indian Railways in conjunction with other
relevant Security agencies for the station and is responsive to the
operational requirements of Indian Railways and any other government
agencies having jurisdiction over the facility. Below is a diagram that
highlights this process for a transit system.

29. 16.13 Management Has the Contractor developed a

distinct program that addresses
The management should have a distinct program that addresses security security and fire and life safety
and fire and life safety. There should be dedicated staff to oversee this and dedicated staff is available?
operation that will ensure that:
• Extensive testing and monitoring and certification protocols for all
equipment and systems are established
• All staff is adequately trained for the operation and assessment of this
equipment and procedures.
• Emergency preparedness plans are developed and maintained and
that all appropriate staff is properly informed and hierarchy of
responsibility is clearly defined in an emergency.
• Adequate communication channels are maintained with the local
security and fire safety agencies that can respond in the event of an

30. 17. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT Has the Contractor prepared his

traffic management plan based
The Contractor shall carry out the Works so as to minimise disruption to on his proposed construction
road and pedestrian traffic. The Contractor shall prepare his traffic methodology in co-ordination
management plan based on his proposed construction methodology with Engineer and the same is
in co-ordination with Engineer and in conjunction with local Traffic Police. being followed?
He shall comply strictly with the approved plan during construction of his
works. Is the wheel washing facility
The wheels of all vehicles shall be washed before leaving site to avoid
depositing mud and debris on the adjacent roads.

31. 19. STANDARDS Has the Contractor provided

copies to the Engineer of all
(1) Equipment, materials and systems shall be designed, manufactured codes and standards he intends
and tested in accordance with the latest issue of International and/or to use for the Works?
National codes and standards. The Contractor shall submit copies to
the Engineer of all codes and standards he intends to use for the


32. 1(3) The Contractor shall engage the Lead Detailed Designer who shall Has the Contractor submitted
undertake and prepare the design of the Permanent Works and 03 (three) names of reputed
Temporary Works. The Lead Detailed Designer may be separate for firms who have suitable
structural, MEP works, Green Building etc, however a single designer experience of designing
shall work in one area. The Contractor shall submit 03 (three) names of projects of similar
reputed firms who have suitable experience of designing projects of scale/complexity for
similar scale/complexity for appointment as Lead Detailed Designer and appointment as Lead Detailed
the Authority shall choose one name from these for appointment as Lead Designer and the Authority has
Detailed Designer. Provided that, the Authority may not appoint any of the chosen one name from these
firms as Lead Detailed Designer if they don’t have the requisite for appointment as Lead
experience and the Contractor shall suggest 03 (three) fresh names in Detailed Designer?
such a case.

33. 1(5) The Contractor shall appoint a suitably qualified person(s) to act as Has the Contractor appointed
the Lead Design Checker for structural and/or MEP works. Provided an IIT as structural Lead Design
further that structural Lead Design Checker for all works (buildings, Checker?
retaining walls, subways, over bridges etc) which have the potential to
affect the existing/future tracks shall only be an Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT). The Lead Design Checker shall not produce any of the
design or temporary works designs nor work directly for or report to the
Contractor’s Project Manager.

34. 1(6) The Contractor shall ensure that at the end of each month, the Is the Lead Design Checker
Lead Design Checker shall issue a written report to the Contractor’s issuing the monthly report to
Site office, with a copy to the Engineer, covering the status of all designs Contractor and Engineer?
checked during the preceding month. The format of the Design Checker’s
monthly reports shall be one to which the Engineer raises a Notice.

35. 1(7) The Lead Design Checker shall undertake design checks on the Two original copies of a Design
Contractor’s designs. All design documents, drawings, plans, calculations Certificate as set out in
and reports produced by the Contractor and Designer shall be checked Attachment – 2, signed by all
by the Design Checker, accompanied by two original copies of a parties are submitted?
Design Certificate as set out in Attachment – 2, signed by all parties
when the design is submitted to the Engineer.

36. 1(10) The Contractor shall submit his Design Quality Assurance Plan Has the Contractor submitted
as required in Appendix 4 of Schedule DA, Authority’s Requirement for Design Quality Assurance Plan
the design required by the Agreement. as required in Appendix 4 of
Schedule DA?


37. 1. Contractor's Superintendence Has the Contractor submitted
Staff Organization Plan to the
(1) The Contractor shall submit a Staff Organization Plan to the Engineer in accordance with
Engineer in accordance with Clause 16 of Schedule DA, Authority’s Clause 16 of Schedule DA?
Requirement, part 1- General. This plan shall be updated and resubmitted
whenever there are changes to the staff. The plan shall show the
management structure and state clearly the duties, responsibilities and
authority of each staff member.

38. 1(2) The Project Manager and his site team shall have experience and Has the Contractor submitted
qualifications appropriate to the type and magnitude of the Works. Full full details of the qualifications
details shall be submitted of the qualifications and experience of all and experience of all proposed
proposed staff to the Engineer for his Notice, which shall be as a staff to the Engineer as per
minimum those given in Clause 16 of Schedule DA, Authority’s Clause 16 of Schedule DA?
Requirement, part 1- General.

39. 2. Checking of the Contractor's Temporary Works Design Has the Contractor submitted
Design Certificate for
The Contractor shall, prior to commencing the construction of the Temporary Works Design?
Temporary Works, submit a certificate to the Engineer, based on the
‘Design Certificate' signed by the Lead Designer and the Lead Design
Checker, certifying that the Temporary Works have been properly and
safely designed and checked, and that the Contractor has checked the
effect of the Temporary Works on the Permanent Works and has found
this to be satisfactory.

40. 2.1(2) Rock crushing plant shall not be provided on the site. Has the Contractor provided
Rock crushing plant at site?
41. 2.1(4) Entry to and exit from the site shall be controlled by 24 hour Is the Entry to and exit from the
security and shall be only available at the locations for which the site controlled by 24 hour
Engineer has given a Notice. Notice will only be given after the Contractor security?
has provided evidence that he has obtained the necessary approvals
from the relevant authorities.

42. 2.3 Survey of the site Has the Contractor carried out
the survey of the site?
A survey shall be carried out of the site to establish its precise
boundaries and the existing ground levels within it. This survey shall
include a photographic survey through still/video photography at
ground level as well aerial using drones sufficient to provide a full record
of the state of the site and adjacent areas/buildings before commencing
the Works, with particular attention paid to those areas where
reinstatement will be carried out later on. The survey shall be carried out
before the site clearance and in any case prior to the commencement of
work in any Works Area. The survey shall be carried out by the
Contractor and will require a Notice from the Engineer.

43. 2.4 Barricades and Signboards Has the Contractor erected

barricades with gates around
(1) The Contractor shall erect barricades with gates around his areas of his areas of operations and
operations to prevent entry by unauthorised persons to his Works and/or necessary identity cards
site Areas and necessary identity cards /permits should be issued to all /permits to all of his workers
of his workers and staff by the Contractor. The Contractor shall submit a and staff?
proposal for barricades/gates around the complete perimeter of all
Works areas for which the Engineer shall give a Notice. Painting of the Has the Contractor submitted
barricades shall be carried out to the design and colours as directed by proposal for barricades/gates
the Engineer and the Contractor shall carry out re-painting of the entire around the complete perimeter
barricades on an annual basis or sooner as required by the Engineer. of all Works areas?

44. 2.4(2) No work shall commence in any Works Area until the Engineer has Has the Engineer issued Notice
issued a Notice signifying that he is satisfied that the barricades installed signifying that he is satisfied
by the Contractor are sufficient to prevent, within reason, unauthorised that the barricades installed by
entry. Project signboards shall be erected not more than four (4) the Contractor are sufficient?
weeks, or such other period as the Engineer has given his Notice, after
the date for commencement of the Works. Is the Project signboards
erected within four (4) weeks as
per types, sizes and locations
agreed with the Engineer?
45. 2.6 Casting Yard Has the Contractor requested
for land for CY?
(1) The Authority may provide an area of land suitable for use as a
casting yard/works area near to the site upon request by the If area for CY is provided then
Contractor. annual rent is being recovered?

(2) Should Contractor elect to use this site then the Contractor will have
to remit an annual rent equivalent to an amount of 1% of the
“Guidance Value” of the property for the period of occupancy of the
area of land. The Contractor shall be responsible for clearing the site
of all debris, vegetation and buildings, providing access into the site
and providing any utilities or services which may be required for the
Contractor’ operations. In case the land cannot be handed over to the
Contractor, the Contractor has to make his own arrangements for a
casting yard/works area(s) and other facilities without any liability to
the Authority.

46. 2.6(4) A Mechanical Type Washing Plant shall be installed by the Is the Mechanical Type
Contractor for the use of all vehicles leaving the casting yard area to Washing Plant installed by the
avoid any contamination or spillage on the connecting roads. Contractor?

47. 2.7(5) The Contractor is responsible for obtaining the requisite Whether proper permission is
approvals from the concerned local authorities for his Lorries’ obtained by Contractor for
movement plan and their operation. Lorries’ movement plan?

48. 3. Survey
Detailed survey carried out by
(2) The Contractor shall carry out detailed survey to check the levels. Contractor?
In case of any differences from the Authority’s drawings or data, the
Contractor shall bring these to the Notice of the Engineer immediately
and submit his proposals for correction.---- all such
differences/discrepancies/conflicts in survey data of the Authority and
shall not entitle the Contractor for any claims or extension of
Agreement schedules and all the necessary works in this regard shall
be done by the Contractor without any cost or time implications to the
Authority. Survey reference points are
(4) The setting up of the accurate Contractor survey reference points maintained by the Contractor?
and maintaining them shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
The Contractor shall check the survey reference points every three Survey reference points being
months to ensure that these survey points continue to remain checked every three months?
consistent with the bench marks.

49. 4. Occupational Health Safety and Environmental Requirements OHS&E manual submitted by
Contractor before start of work
The Contractor shall comply with the conditions and requirements and approved by Engineer?
stipulated in the Occupational Health, Safety & Environment (OHS&E)
manual to be prepared by the Contractor and got approved from OHS&E manual being complied
Authority before start of work. by Contractor?

50. 4.1 Other Safety Measures Entry/Exit being controlled?

(4)The Contractor shall be responsible for the security of the Site at all I card issued to all
times during the term of this Agreement. The Contractor shall control workers/staff?
all entry and exit to and from the Site for his personnel, personnel from
the Authority, Engineer, Sub-Contractors and suppliers, by pedestrians Visitor Pass are issued to
and for all vehicles. All of the Contractor’s personnel shall be required others?
to carry an identity/security card or pass which provides a positive
photo identification and they shall be required to show the pass when
entering or leaving the Site. This shall apply to all personnel on the Site
including, but not limited to, the Contractor’s staff, Sub-Contractor staff,
Suppliers, Consultants, etc. and the staff of the Authority and Engineer.
Provision shall be made for issue of visitors’ passes for other
personnel authorized to enter the Site as visitors. Visitors on Site shall
be escorted by appropriate Site based personnel at all times.

51. 5. Care of the Works

All Works are executed in dry
(1) Unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer all work shall be carried conditions?
out in dry conditions. Approval for discharging water
obtained from relevant
(3) The discharge points of the temporary systems shall be as per the authority?
Notice of the Engineer. The Contractor shall make all arrangements
with and obtain the necessary approval from the relevant authorities for
discharging water to drains, watercourses, etc. The relevant work shall
not commence until the approved arrangements for disposal of the
water have been implemented.

52. 7.1 Damage and Interference Details of Heritage structures, if

any, provided?
(6) Heritage structures shall not be damaged or disfigured on any
account. The Contractor shall inform the Engineer as soon as
practicable of any items which are not stated in the Agreement to be
removed or diverted but which the Contractor considers need to be
removed or diverted to enable the Works to be carried out. Such items
shall not be removed or diverted until a Notice from the Engineer to
such removal or diversion has been obtained.

53. 7.1.3 Access

Has the Contractor taken
(a) The Contractor is not permitted to cut or fell any trees without first required action for trees?
obtaining approval from the appropriate authorities and then
obtaining a Notice from the Engineer. The Contractor shall identify all
trees that require cutting or felling and make applications to the
appropriate authorities and the Engineer for the necessary works at
least 6 months in advance of the required date for the cutting or
felling works.

54. 7.1.4 Removal of Graves and Other Obstructions Procedure for removal of graves
and other obstructions
If any graves and other obstructions are required to be removed in followed?
order to execute the Works and such removal has not already been
arranged for, the Contractor shall draw the Engineer's attention to them in
good time to allow all necessary arrangements and authorizations for
such removal, and the Contractor shall not remove them without first
obtaining approval from the appropriate authorities and then obtaining a
Notice from the Engineer.
55. 9. Pre-Construction Surveys of Adjacent Buildings and Structures
Separate pre-construction
The Contractor shall submit details of the measures he intends to survey report prepared for each
take to protect those buildings or structures, as identified in the building/structure in required
reports compiled under Clause 4.3 of Schedule DA, Authority’s format ?
Requirement, part 3-Design, as potentially susceptible to damage during
the construction of the Works, to the Engineer for a Notice for the Two coloured copies of all of
proposed measures. The Authority will make available to the Contractor, the pre-construction survey
for information only, the Building Condition Survey information available reports provided?
with him. The Contractor shall supplement this information, by way of
carrying out his own Building condition Survey, to the extent
necessary to ensure compliance with the Authority’s Requirements,
Specifications and Conditions as set out in the Agreement.
The Contractor shall determine the potential influence zones for his
Works as per the stipulations contained in Outline Design specifications
and prior to commencing any work within the zone of influence of the
buildings and structures (EBS),
Prior to commencing any work within the 50 m zone of influence of the
buildings and structures, the Contractor shall complete a pre-
construction survey to identify and record any existing defects in
the building structure and fabric. A separate pre-construction survey
report shall be prepared for each building/structure, in a format given a
Notice by the Engineer. The report shall include sufficient key plans,
sketches and photographs to enable easy location of existing defects and
comparison with possible future ones. Two coloured copies of all of the
pre-construction survey reports shall be provided to the Engineer.

56. 10.1 Traffic Management Plan Detailed Traffic Management

Plan for the Work prepared?
The Contractor shall develop a detailed Traffic Management Plan for
the Work under the Agreement. The purpose is to develop a Traffic Detailed Traffic Management
Management Plan to cope with the traffic disruption as a result of Plan for the Work approved by
construction activities by identifying strategies for traffic management on Traffic Police?
the roads and railway station impacted by the construction activities,
which shall be submitted to the local Traffic Police for their approval and
to the Engineer for his Notice of No Objection. The Contractor shall
implement the Traffic Management Plan throughout the whole period of
the Agreement and shall comply strictly with the approved plan during the
construction of his works. Also See Schedule DC, Outline Construction
Specification, sub-section 1.3 Road Works Requirements and
All costs associated with Traffic Management shall borne by the
Contractor and this shall include for the construction of diversion routes,
or upgrading of existing roads for diversions, and the maintenance,
including cleaning, of the same and the existing roads within 150 m of the
Works for the duration of the Agreement.

57. 10.3 Integrated Traffic Management Plan Integrated Traffic Management

Plan prepared?
The Contractor shall prepare an integrated plan showing the
arrangements to be made for accommodating road and pedestrian
traffic, at individual construction sites, to smooth traffic operations and for
the safety of both construction workers and road users.

58. 10.6 Approval for Temporary Traffic Arrangements and Control All arrangements for Temporary
Traffic Arrangements and
The Contractor shall make all arrangements with and obtain the Control made and necessary
necessary approval from the transport authorities and the local approval from the transport
Traffic Police for temporary traffic arrangements and control on public authorities and the local Traffic
roads. Police obtained?

59. 10.8 Particulars of Temporary Traffic Arrangements and Control Proposed temporary traffic
arrangements and control on
The following particulars of the proposed temporary traffic public roads submitted to the
arrangements and control on public roads shall be submitted to the Engineer?
Engineer for his Notice of No Objection, at least 28 days before the traffic
arrangements and control are implemented: Engineer has issued NONO?
(1) details of traffic diversions and pedestrian routes;
(2) details of lighting, signage, guarding and traffic control arrangements
and equipment;
(3) any conditions or restrictions imposed by Traffic Police or any other
relevant authorities, including copies of applications, correspondence
and approval.
(4) Where concrete barriers are used to separate flows of traffic, the
barriers shall be in a continuous unbroken line. No gaps shall be left
between any sections of the barrier.
(5) Site perimeter fencing and barriers along the roadway, shall have
flashing amber lights positioned on the top of them every 50 metres
apart and at every abrupt change in location.

60. 11.1 Reinstatement of Public Roads and Footpaths Design for the reinstatement of
Public Roads and Footpaths
The Contractor shall submit his design for the reinstatement to the submitted and approved?
relevant authorities and obtain their prior approval to carrying out the

61. 12.1 Engineer’s Site Accommodation Engineer’s Site Accommodation

provided within 30 days of
(1) Within 30 days of the Commencement Date, the Contractor shall commencement date?
provide and maintain site accommodation for the Engineer’s staff as set
out in Appendix 9 and at a location given a Notice by the Engineer. The Engineer’s Site Accommodation
accommodation shall be retained until 90 days after the issue of a being maintained?
Taking-over certificate for the Works by the Engineer.

62. 12.2 Site Laboratory

Site Laboratory as per Appendix
The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain in a clean, stable and 10 provided?
secure condition a laboratory, equipped for the routine testing of
concrete, soil and rock samples and for the storage and curing of
concrete cubes or cylinders. This laboratory shall be located at the
Contractor's principal work site or at a location issued a Notice by the
Engineer. Detailed requirements for this laboratory are set out in
Appendix 10 of this Schedule DA, Authority’s Requirement.

63. 12.3 Contractor's Site Accommodation Contractor's Site

Accommodation provided as
The Contractor shall provide and maintain its own site per requirements?
accommodation at locations issued a Notice by the Engineer. Offices,
sheds, stores, mess rooms, garages, workshops, latrines and other
accommodation on the Site shall be maintained in a clean, stable and
secure condition and shall comply with the requirements of Attachment -
C1 of this section. Under no circumstances is living accommodation to be
provided on the Site. The Contractor shall comply with the requirements
of Appendix 9 of Schedule DA, Authority’s Requirement.

64. 12.4 Latrines and Wash places Latrines and wash places
provided and being maintained?
The Contractor shall provide latrines and wash places for the use of
its personnel and all persons who will be on the Site. The size and
disposition of latrines and wash places shall accord with the numbers and
dispositions of persons entitled to be on the Site, which may necessitate
their location on structures and, where necessary there shall be separate
facilities for males and females. The capacities and layout shall be
subject to a Notice from the Engineer. The Contractor shall arrange
regular disposal of effluent and sludge in a manner that shall be in
accordance with local laws/ regulations.

65. 13. Submission of Particulars

Drawings as per requirements
The following particulars shall be submitted to the Engineer for his Notice submitted within time?
of No Objection not more than fifty-six (56) days after the
Commencement Date of the Works:

(1) drawings showing the layout within earmarked area for the
Contractor's offices, project signboards, principal access and other
major facilities required early in the Agreement, together with all
service utilities;
(2) drawings showing the details to be included on the project
signboards and diversion boards.
Drawings showing location of stores, storage areas, concrete batching
plants and other major facilities and their access roads/paths shall be
submitted to the Engineer for his Notice as early as possible but in any
case, not less than twenty-eight (28) days prior to when such facilities are
intended to be constructed on the Site.

66. 15. Testing All testing procedures submitted

in time?
15.1(2) All testing procedures shall be submitted at least thirty (30)
days prior to conducting any Test. The Testing procedures shall show
unambiguously the extent of testing covered by each submission, the
method of testing, the Acceptance Criteria, the relevant drawing (or
modification) status and the location.

67. 15.4 Testing All in-situ tests conducted in the

presence of Engineer?
(1) The Contractor shall be responsible for all on-site and off-site
testing and for all in-situ testing. All appropriate laboratory tests shall Outside labs, if used for testing,
be carried out in the Contractor's laboratory, unless otherwise are approved by Engineer?
permitted or required by the Engineer. Where the laboratory is not
appropriately equipped and/or staffed for some tests, or if a Notice
has been issued by the Engineer, tests may be carried out in other
laboratories provided that:

(a) they are accredited for the relevant work to a standard acceptable to
the Engineer; and
(b) Particulars of the proposed laboratory are submitted to the Engineer
for a Notice.

(2) Unless agreed otherwise by the Engineer in-situ tests shall be done All equipments are maintained
in the presence of the Engineer. and calibrated?

(3) Equipment, apparatus and materials for in-situ tests and laboratory
compliance tests to be carried out by the Contractor shall be
provided by the Contractor. The equipment and apparatus shall
be maintained by the Contractor and shall be calibrated before
the testing starts and at regular intervals as permitted by the
Engineer. The equipment, apparatus and materials for in-the situ
tests shall be removed by the Contractor as soon as practicable
after the testing is complete.

68. 15.6 Records of Tests Record of tests kept at site and

report as per requirements
(1)Records of in-situ tests and laboratory compliance tests carried out submitted to Engineer timely?
by the Contractor shall be kept by the Contractor on the Site and a
report shall be submitted to the Engineer within seven (7) days, or
such other time stated in the Agreement or in the Quality Assurance
Programme, after completion of each test.

69. 16.1 Drawings Produced by the Contractor Required no. of copies of

Drawings in proper format and
Drawings produced by the Contractor including drawings of site layouts, size are submitted?
Temporary Works, etc., for submission to the Engineer shall generally be
to ISO A1 size. They shall display a title block showing the information
detailed in Appendix 5 of Schedule DA, Authority’s Requirement. The
number of copies to be submitted to the Engineer shall be as stated in the
Agreement, or as required by Engineer.

70. 16.2 Progress Photographs Monthly progress photographs

as per requirements submitted?
(1) The Contractor shall provide monthly progress photographs which
have been properly recorded to show the progress of the Works to the
Engineer. The photographs shall be digital and taken on locations
agreed with the Engineer to record the exact progress of the Works.
The number and size shall be as required in Appendix 3 of Schedule
DA, Authority’s Requirement.
(2) All photographs shall be taken by a skilled photographer using a
digital single- lens reflex camera of at least 6 megapixels.

71. 17. Materials Certificates of tests by

manufacturers submitted?
(2) Certificates of tests by manufacturers which are to be submitted to
the Engineer shall be current and shall relate to the batch of material
delivered to the Site. Certified true copies of certificates may be
submitted if the original certificates could not be obtained from the
manufacturer. Samples of materials kept
(5) Samples of materials submitted to the Engineer for information or
Notice shall be kept on the Site by the Contractor in a secure dry
storage room and shall not be returned to the Contractor or used in
the Permanent Works unless the Engineer has issued a Notice of
No Objection.

72. 18. Disposal Excavated Material including Waste Contractor has submitted land
plan for fill or dumping sites as
(1) For fill or dumping sites, the Contractor shall prepare a land plan with per requirements?
details of surface drainage requirements, spreading and compaction of
the fill during dumping acceptable to the Engineer. The Contractor NONO for dumping sites issued
shall also provide security for such sites. The dumping sites to be used by Engineer?
by the Contractor shall be identified and provided by the Contractor
and with the approval of the relevant authorities and having obtained a
Notice from the Engineer.

(2) All excavated material, excluding waste material shall be disposed of

at appointed sites only. This material shall be placed and compacted
in accordance with the Construction Specification for Earth Works or
as otherwise directed by the Engineer.

73. 19. Restoration of Areas Disturbed by Construction All areas reinstated as per the
(1) Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, any areas disturbed by the
construction activity, either inside or outside the Project Right of Way Contractor has carried out
or Site Areas, shall be reinstated as follows: design and construction of
(2) All areas affected by the construction work shall be reinstated to their landscaping for all works areas
original condition, or better, with new materials, including but not and submitted his proposals to
necessarily limited to, sidewalks, parking lots, access roads, adjacent the relevant authorities?
roads and landscaping. Grass cover shall be provided for any bare
earth surface areas, along with proper provisions for surface drainage. Approval of landscaping?

(3) Landscaping design must be submitted to the relevant authorities

and match the remaining areas. In addition the Contractor shall carry
out the design and construction of landscaping for all works areas and
will submit his proposals to the relevant authorities, having obtained
approval before commencement of landscaping works

74. 20. Demolition of Existing Structures Necessary permits and

approvals for undertaking the
(2)The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the necessary demolition works obtained by
permits and approvals for undertaking the demolition works. Contractor?
These will require the Contractor to undertake a structural inspection of Demolition MS submitted?
all structures and prepare a demolition method statement.

75. 21. Reinstatement of External Areas Inventory of affected features

including a photographic/video
(1) The Contractor shall reinstate the external areas as affected by the record covering the area that
Works to same condition as at the date of hand over. The extent of will be affected submitted to the
reinstatement shall be at least 150m in all directions from the edge Engineer for Notice?
of the station, subway, shaft structure or ancillary buildings. At the
commencement of Works the Contractor shall take an inventory of Notice from the Engineer before
affected features including a photographic/video record covering the the commencement of
area that will be affected which shall be submitted to the Engineer for reinstatement works obtained?
Notice. The details of the reinstatement works shall be agreed with the
appropriate Authorities and receive a Notice from the Engineer before
the reinstatement works commence.


1. Contractor’s Labour Camp
77. Appendix 1 Project Calendar

Appendix 2 Programme Requirements

Appendix 3 Periodical Progress Reports

Appendix 4 Quality Assurance

Appendix 5 Drafting and CAD Standards

Appendix 6 Work Areas and Temporary Power

Appendix 7 Approved Makes/ Brands

Appendix 8 Utilities

Appendix 9 Site Accommodation

Appendix 10 Contractor’s Site Laboratory

Appendix 11 Design Consolidation Unit Requirements

Appendix 12 Manufacturing, Installation and Testing

78 Appendix 4 Quality Assurance

i. 1. INTRODUCTION Contractor has submitted his

Quality Management System
The Contractor shall maintain and implement a Quality documentation for review and
Management System that shall remain in effect during the NONO by the Engineer as
execution of the Works. Contractor’s organization is required to specified?
operate a Quality Management System based on International
Standard ISO 9001: 2008 for its scope of Works and in compliance
with the requirements of the Agreement. The Contractor shall
submit his Quality Management System documentation for
review and Notice of No Objection by the Engineer as specified in
this Section. ISO certification obtained?

ISO 9001: 2008 Certification of the Contractor's organization is

required for this Project. The Engineer may consider the
alternative use of ISO 9001: 2000 Certification at his discretion. ISO
Certification is a requirement of this Project for the Contractor’s
sub-contractor, consultants, sub-consultants, suppliers and


----.The Contractor shall designate a Quality Assurance Manager QA Manager designated?

(QA Manager) who shall be classified as one of the Key Personnel
and shall be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the
overall Quality Plan for the Contractor. The Quality Assurance
Manager shall not report to the Contractor’s Project Manager, but
shall be directly responsible to and report to a joint venture board,
senior management or similar level of the Contractor’s organization
that is not directly responsible for design or construction.
Training to all personnel in
The Contractor shall be required to provide appropriate training the operation of the QMS
to all personnel in the operation of the Quality Management provided and record
System and maintain records to demonstrate competence in its maintained?
Contractor’s Quality Management System documentation shall
include, but not limited to, the following:
(a) Quality Plan, identifying its Quality Procedures;
(b) Manufacturing Quality Plan;
(c) Design Quality Plan;
(d) Method Statements;
(d) Inspection and Test Plans;
The Engineer shall designate, if necessary, Quality ‘Hold Points’ Any Quality ‘Hold Points’
into the Contractor’s Inspection and Test Plans for the Contractor’s designated?
Quality Department to adhere to, or for the Engineer to attend, on a
case-by-case basis at his discretion.
Hold Point (H)
A point in time when a notice of permission, consent or No
Objection by the Contractor Quality Assurance Team (or that
the Engineer may elect to witness), is required before the
Contractor can proceed with an activity.

--- All non-conformances are to be documented and resolved, NCRs status?

before final acceptance of the Works or any section of it.


The organization of the Contractor’s Project Plan shall comply with Contractor’s organization
ISO 10005 (2005): Quality Management-Guidelines for Quality comply with ISO 10005
Assurance Plan. (2005)?

All on-Site and off-Site testing sampling in India is to be carried out Tests conducted in NABL
by laboratories accredited by NABL (National Accreditation accredited labs?
Board of Testing and Calibration Laboratories) or internationally
accredited laboratory to ISO 17025: 2005.

A fully equipped concrete laboratory shall be installed at Site Site lab established?
along with laboratory technicians and support staff. Testing Technicians and support staff
machines shall be periodically calibrated in accordance with NABL available?
requirements. Details included in clause 14.1. Calibration of machines done
Within thirty (30) days of the Commencement Date, Contractor Quality Plan, Design Quality
shall submit to the Engineer for his review, comment and Notice Plan and Delivery Schedule
of No Objection the following, as appropriate: and Manufacturing Quality
(a) Quality Plan; Plan and Delivery Schedule
(b) Design Quality Plan and Delivery Schedule; and submitted within 30 days?
(c) Manufacturing Quality Plan and Delivery Schedule. NONO for above documents
The Contractor shall promptly supply the Engineer with six (6)
controlled copies of his Quality Plans, Inspection and Test six controlled copies of his
Plan(s), related procedures / instructions / forms upon such Quality Plans, Inspection and
documents being reviewed and approved by the Engineer. The Test Plan(s), related procedures
Contractor shall maintain such controlled documentation throughout submitted?
Controlled copies available?
the duration of the Agreement.


Quality Plan has
No design, procurement, construction, installation, commissioning been submitted to Engineer?
or maintenance activity shall commence without a suitable Quality
Plan that has been submitted to Engineer for review and comment,
consent, approval or Notice of No Objection.
Required Quality Plans as
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the following per requirements submitted?
Quality Plans for his review and approval:

(a) A Quality Plan for the control of all management related

(b) Design Quality Plan(s) for the control of all design related
activities for the Permanent Works or Plant and/or
Temporary Works;
(c) Manufacturing and construction Quality Plan(s), for the
control of activities within each category of work or discrete
element of construction, manufacture, installation,
commissioning, maintenance or servicing of the Permanent
Works or Plant and/or Temporary Works or for the control of
outstanding work during the Agreement Period, as the same
may be required by the Agreement and/or directed by the
Engineer; and
(d) Method Statements and Inspection and Test Plans, for
the control of all inspection and test related activities as per
clause 10 and clause 11.
v 5. Care of the Works


construction Quality Plan(s)
The Contractor shall prepare construction Quality Plan(s) for the submitted?
construction, installation, testing and commissioning activities.
Separate construction quality plan(s) shall be prepared for other
Contractor’s or sub-contractor’s off Site activities. Each construction
quality plan shall identify the scope of work to be controlled.

The Quality Plan shall define the Contractor's management The Quality Plan as per the
structure for the execution of the Works and for the control of the requirements submitted?
quality of the Works and shall, without limitation, define:

(a) The organization of the Contractor's managerial staff with

particular reference to any Joint Venture partners and main
sub-contractor. An organization chart is to be produced to
illustrate the subdivision of the work into elements for effective
technical and managerial control, the reporting structure and
the interface relationship between all parties involved;
(b) The specific allocations of responsibility and authority given to
identified personnel for the day to day management of the work
with particular reference to the supervision, inspection and
testing of the work;
(c) The interfacing or co-ordination required with the Contractor's
other related Quality Plans;
(d) The specific methods of construction to identify any relevant
Method Statements and develop those Method Statements to a
degree of detail sufficient to permit the Engineer to understand.
Refer to clause 10;
(e) The appointment of a Quality Assurance Manager and Quality
Control Manager in accordance with clause 12;
(f) The audit procedure, audit schedule for each type of quality
plans and list of proposed auditors including details of their
authority, qualifications and experience in accordance with
clause 9;
(g) The procedures for the control of receipt and issue of all
correspondence, so as to ensure traceability, shall be defined.
Correspondence shall include letters, internal memoranda,
facsimiles and electronic transmittals (i.e. CompuServe,
Internet, Share Point, Expedition etc.);
(h) The procedures for recording Project related oral
communications shall be defined, i.e. records of telephone
conversations, notes of informal discussions and minutes of
(i) The procedures for the selection, indexing, filing, disposition and
maintenance of Project records for storage in the archives shall
be defined. A list of items to be archived shall be submitted for
review by the Engineer on periods of retention. In addition, the
Contractor’s and sub-contractor’s filing systems shall be
compatible as far as is necessary;
(j) The procedures for the identification, production, verification,
approval, distribution, implementation and recording of
changes to all drawings, reports and specifications shall be
(k) The procedures for the evaluation, selection, engagement and
monitoring of sub-contractor / suppliers shall be defined
together with the means of application of quality assurance to
their work including audit and acceptance;
(l) The procedure for the regular review and revision of each type of
quality plan and its supplemental individual specific quality
plans, to ensure their continuing suitability and effectiveness
shall be defined. In addition, the method to be used for revision
and issue of revised documentation shall be defined;
(m) The procedures for the control, calibration and maintenance of
inspection, testing and measuring equipment shall be defined;
(n) The procedures for identifying training needs and for the
provision of training of all personnel performing activities
affecting quality shall be defined; and
(o) The quality control procedures to be implemented to verify
conformance with the Agreement specifications. Verification is
accomplished by examinations, tests, measurement and
inspection and by verifying records including those of his
consultant, sub-contractor and suppliers by uses of forms to be
applied to manage and control the following:
(i) The purchasing of materials and ensuring they comply with the
requirements of the specification, including purchasing
documentation and specific verification arrangements for
Contractor/Engineer inspection of material or manufactured
product prior to release for use/installation;
(ii) The construction process including Temporary Works so as to
ensure compliance with drawings and specifications;
(iii) The construction and installation process so as to ensure clear
identification and traceability of material and manufactured
(iv) The inspection and testing activities of incoming materials, in
process and final product;
(v) The identification of the inspection and test status of all material
and manufactured products during all stages of the
construction and installation process to ensure that only
products that have passed the required inspections and tests
are dispatched for use and/or installation;
(vi) Record of non-conformities and the disposition of non-
conforming material or product, supported by applicable
documentation, agreed remedial action instituted prior to the
initiation so as to avoid unintended use/installation. Contractors
Non-conformity system
(k) The procedures for the evaluation, selection, engagement and
monitoring of sub-contractor / suppliers shall be defined
together with the means of application of quality assurance to
their work including audit and acceptance;
(l) The procedure for the regular review and revision of each type of
quality plan and its supplemental individual specific quality
plans, to ensure their continuing suitability and effectiveness
shall be defined. In addition, the method to be used for revision
and issue of revised documentation shall be defined;
(m) The procedures for the control, calibration and maintenance of
inspection, testing and measuring equipment shall be defined;
(n) The procedures for identifying training needs and for the
provision of training of all personnel performing activities
affecting quality shall be defined; and
(o) The quality control procedures to be implemented to verify
conformance with the Agreement specifications. Verification is
accomplished by examinations, tests, measurement and
inspection and by verifying records including those of his
consultant, sub-contractor and suppliers by uses of forms to be
applied to manage and control the following:
(i) The purchasing of materials and ensuring they comply with the
requirements of the specification, including purchasing
documentation and specific verification arrangements for
Contractor/Engineer inspection of material or manufactured
product prior to release for use/installation;
(ii) The construction process including Temporary Works so as to
ensure compliance with drawings and specifications;
(iii) The construction and installation process so as to ensure clear
identification and traceability of material and manufactured
(iv) The inspection and testing activities of incoming materials, in
process and final product;
(v) The identification of the inspection and test status of all material
and manufactured products during all stages of the
construction and installation process to ensure that only
products that have passed the required inspections and tests
are dispatched for use and/or installation;
(vi) Record of non-conformities and the disposition of non-
conforming material or product, supported by applicable
documentation, agreed remedial action instituted prior to the
initiation so as to avoid unintended use/installation. Contractors
Non-conformity system provides for the monitoring and
tracking of all Non-conformities that occur within his scope of
Agreement, regardless of who identifies the Non-conformance;
(vii) The assessment and disposition of nonconforming material(s)
and product(s) and approval for reworking or rejection as
(viii) The identification of preventive action so as to prevent
recurrence of similar non-conformance; and
(ix) The handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery of
(p) The list of Inspection and Test Plans and Method Statements to
manage and control any test and inspection activities;
(q) All particulars of materials submitted for review by the Engineer;
(r) Where required by the Agreement, the quality control
requirements for major components in accordance with clause
16; and
(s) Lists of forms and formats to be used to record the activities
under the construction Quality Plan(s) shall be attached at the
end of each section or reference included to existing standard
The Quality Plan(s) shall ensure that conditions adverse to quality
such as failures, malfunctions, deficiencies and defects in materials
and equipment shall be promptly identified and recorded as Non-
Conforming Product and specific procedures to rectify non-
conformities raised. This includes systems non-conformities
raised as a result of both internal audit by the Contractor and
external audits by the Engineer.
The Quality Plan(s) shall address the controls to be applied by
Contractor’s organization to his sub-contractor, suppliers and lower
tier Contractors thereof, both directly and by identifying the quality
system documentation that sub-contractor, suppliers and lower
tiers thereof are required to produce. The Contractor shall ensure
that sub-contractor, suppliers and lower tiers thereof agree to and
implement the applicable controls specified in the Contractor
Quality Plan and the identified Quality Management System


The Contractor shall be responsible for the management of the

design of the Works.

The Design Checker shall issue a certificate that design can Certificate submitted by Design
meet Contractor’s all obligations under the Agreement to the Checker?
Engineer in the format to be got approved by the Engineer.

The Design Quality Plan(s) shall define the Contractor's policy for Design Quality Plan(s)
the design of the Permanent Works or Plant and/or Temporary submitted as per
Works and shall, without limitation, define: requirements?
(a) The organization of the Contractor's design staff;
(b) The specific allocations of responsibility and authority given to
identified design staff with particular reference to the review
and verification of design drawings and calculations by the
(c) The specific methods of design to identify any relevant Method
Statements and develop those Method Statements to a degree
of detail sufficient to permit the Engineer to understand;
(d) The procedures to be applied to manage and control the quality
of the design work, with particular reference to the following:
(i) The design and performance requirements which shall be
defined in terms of basic data and design assumptions made;
relevant codes, standards and regulatory requirements; safety,
security and environmental requirements; and commissioning
(ii) The design methods. Software applications to be used in the
design, both proprietary and public domain, shall be identified
and any requirements for physical and mathematical model
testing and validation; It is desirable that any design done on
proprietary software of the Designer be independently verified
using another software.
(iii) The preparation, checking, issue, distribution, indexing and
filing reports, calculations, drawings and specifications along
with the means of their revisions;
(iv) The formal design review, authorisation and approval of design
(v) The design verification and validation;
(vi) The design checks by the Design Checker; and
(vii) List of examples of the forms and formats to be used to record
the activities under the Design Quality Plan shall be attached at
the end of each section or a reference included to existing
standard procedures.
(e) For the following, the Engineers review and Notice of No
Objection is required before proceeding with the next stage of
the works or design;
(i) The design of temporary traffic arrangements shall be reviewed
and approved by the Engineer before submitting the same to the
relevant authorities;
(ii) The design of excavation and lateral support systems for
underground excavations shall be reviewed by the Engineer
before the excavation commences;
(iii) The design of formwork and false work for cast in-situ and
precast concrete works shall be reviewed and approved by the
Engineer before the erection of the same commences;
(iv) The implementation of temporary traffic arrangements shall be
reviewed and approved by the Engineer before the associated
works proceed.

viii. 8. MANUFACTURING QUALITY PLAN Manufacturing Quality Plan

submitted as per
Each Manufacturing Quality Plan shall identify the scope of work to requirements?
be controlled. In relation to such scope of work, it shall, without
limitation, define:
(a) The organization of the Contractor's staff directly responsible for
the day to day management of the work on or off the Site;
(b) The specific allocations of responsibility and authority given to
identified personnel for the day-to-day management of the work
with particular reference to the supervision, inspection and
testing of the work;
(c) The interfacing or co-ordination required with the Contractor's
other related Quality Plan(s);
(d) The specific methods of manufacture to identify any relevant
Method Statements and develop those Method Statements to a
degree of detail sufficient to permit the Engineer to understand;
(e) The procedures, instructions and forms to be applied to manage
and control the following:
(i) The purchasing of materials and ensuring they comply with the
requirements of the specification, including purchasing
documentation and specific verification arrangements for
Contractor/ Engineer inspection of material or manufactured
product prior to release for use/installation;
(ii) The manufacturing process so as to ensure compliance with
drawings and specifications;
(iii) The manufacturing process so as to ensure clear identification
and traceability of material and manufactured parts;
(iv) The inspection and testing activities of incoming materials, in
process and final product;
(v) The identification of the inspection and test status of all material
and manufactured products during all stages of the
manufacturing process to ensure that only products that have
passed the required inspections and tests are dispatched for use
and/or installation;
(vi) The review and disposition of non-conforming material or
product so as to avoid unintended use/installation;
(vii) The assessment and disposition of nonconforming material and
manufactured product and approval for reworking or rejection as
(viii) The identification of preventive action so as to prevent
recurrence of similar non-conformance; and
(ix) The handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery of
manufactured product.
(f) The Inspection and Test Plans to manage and control any test
and inspection activities;
(g) All particulars of materials submitted for review by the Engineer;
(h) Where required by the Agreement, the quality control
requirements for major components in accordance with clause
14; and
(i) List of forms and formats to be used to record the activities under
the Manufacturing Quality Plans shall be attached at the end of
each section or reference included to existing standard
Plan of Audit and reports of
Contractor shall submit with his Quality Plan a schedule of such audits submitted?
internal, consultant, sub-contractor and supplier audits that
are to be conducted by his personnel at least every six (6) Audit of consultants, sub-
contractor, sub-consultants and
months. The schedule, scope and method of the audits shall be
suppliers conducted as per
sufficient enough, such that the Contractor can verify that all requirements?
aspects of the Works are being conducted in accordance with the
Agreement requirements. The schedule and any amendments are
subject to the acceptance by the Engineer. The schedule shall be
reviewed every four (4) weeks by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall ensure that audits of all the activities in each
quality plan are carried out to ensure the continuing suitability and
effectiveness of the Quality Management System. Reports of each
such audit shall be submitted promptly to the Engineer for his

The Contractor shall audit his consultants, sub-contractor, sub-

consultants and suppliers.

The Contractor shall allow the Engineer to observe/participate in

these audits and to conduct additional independent audits, as they
consider appropriate to provide assurance that the Works are being
conducted in accordance with Agreement requirements. The
Contractor shall provide the facilities and access necessary for
these audits to be carried out effectively.

All audits as described in this section are to be carried out in

compliance with established ISO 9001 auditing principles and in
accordance with ISO 19011. Management Reviews of quality
system conducted at least
Plan reviews and updates: annually?

(a) The Contractor shall conduct Management Reviews of its Any revision to Quality Plan?
quality system, at least annually. As work progresses, the
Contractor shall update the Quality Plan to reflect current
conditions. The need for revisions to the Quality Plan may be
identified by the Contractor and/or the Engineer. The Contractor
shall submit any revisions or updates to the Quality Plan to the
Engineer for his Notice of No Objection within thirty (30) days of
the identification of the need for a revision.

(b) In addition, the Contractor shall submit its Quality Plan for
review by the Engineer annually even if no revisions have
occurred during the preceding twelve (12) months. The
Contractor shall submit a certified copy of the updated Quality
Plan with revisions highlighted.


Contractor shall prepare Method Statements for each area All MS as per requirements
and/or type of activity conducted, and submits them to the submitted?
Engineer for his review, comment and Notice of No Objection prior
to commencing construction on any Temporary or Permanent
Works. Method Statements shall be prepared for all Temporary and
Permanent Works and shall be specific to the work being
constructed and to the location of work.

All Method Statements shall be consistent with Design Drawings

and Works Specifications that have been subjected to checks and
reviews as specified.

Any deviations from the requirements of the Design Drawings or

Works Specifications shall require written agreement of the
Designer, certified by the Design Checker and shall be submitted to
the Engineer for his review and Notice of No Objection.

Approved Method Statements shall be available for examination by

the Engineer upon request at site.

Method Statements shall address the following items:

(a) Scope of work covered by the Method Statement;
(b) Relevant drawings and Works Specifications;
(c) Hazard analysis and the precautions to be taken to eliminate or
mitigate identified hazards;
(e) Methods to be used and programme for the work;
(f) Resources (plant and labour);
(g) Supervision to be provided (by name);
(h) Safety provisions;
(i) Environmental provisions;
(j) Traffic control and temporary diversions to be implemented; and
(j) Inspection and Test Plan.
The Contractor shall reference applicable portions of previously
prepared plans, such as the Safety Plan or Quality Plan, in its
Method Statements.


The Contractor, and through him, his consultants, sub-contractor ITP as per requirements
and suppliers engaged in supplying, manufacturing, construction, submitted?
installation, commissioning and testing or any other service
connected with the Works, shall maintain Inspection and Test
Plans (ITP) appropriate for the services they provide that are
accepted by the Engineer. These accepted ITP’s will stipulate the
necessary level and frequency of tests and inspections for each
aspect of the Works, and also stipulate, without limitation:

(a) The personnel responsible and/or involvement of various parties

for undertaking and certifying the inspection and/or testing;
(b) The procedure or instructions for the inspection and/or testing;
(c) The test method or a reference to the relevant standard of
(d) The inspection and/or testing required prior to commencement
of an activity;
(e) The inspection and/or testing during an activity and its
(f) The inspection and/or testing required for the completion of an
(g) All Quality ‘Hold Points’ (H), ‘Witness Points’ (W) and
‘Observation Points’ (O) shall be identified by the Contractor for
his Quality Department to inspect and verify its acceptance;
(h) The Engineer can place additional Quality ‘Hold Points’ (H),
‘Witness Points’ (W) and ‘Observation Points’ (O) for the
Contractor’s Quality Department on a case- by-case basis; and
(i) Engineer may designate additional Quality ‘Hold Points’ for his
inspection on a case-by-case basis.

The Contractor shall conduct inspections and tests in accordance

with his detailed plans as stipulated in the ITP. Records shall be
kept of the completion of the inspections and tests that identify the
record of the results which shall be made available for review
during Engineer audit.


The Contractor shall appoint a suitably qualified and CV of QA Manager submitted?

experienced person(s) as the ‘Quality Assurance Manager’ to
be responsible for the task of ensuring that the requirements of the
Quality Management System are implemented and maintained. The
Contractor shall, at the time of submission of the proposed
management Key Personnel, shall submit for review by the
Engineer details of the qualifications, experience, authority and
responsibility of the proposed Quality Assurance Manager.

The Contractor shall ensure that the Quality Assurance Manager is

able to discharge his duties without hindrance or constraint. In
addition, the Contractor shall make available any such resources
that are necessary to ensure the effective implementation of the
quality system and all quality plans. QC Manager appointed?

The Contractor shall appoint a suitably qualified and

experienced person as the ‘Quality Control Manager’ to lead
teams of Quality Control Engineers for carrying out, independent
from other teams, inspections of the Works as identified as the
Quality ‘Hold Point’, ‘Witness Point (W), ‘Observation Point (O). The
Contractor shall, at the time of submission of the proposed
management Key Personnel, submit for review by the Engineer
details of the qualifications, experience, authority and
responsibility of the proposed Quality Control Manager.

The Contractor shall ensure that the Quality Control Manager is

able to discharge his duties without hindrance or constraint,
including but not limited to the authority to suspend works as
considered necessary. In addition, the Contractor shall make Quality Control Engineers for
available any such resources that are necessary to ensure the each shift for each
effective implementation of the quality system and all quality plans. location/activities where work is
being performed are available?
12.1 Quality Control Engineers

The Contractor shall assign Quality Control Engineers for each

shift for each location/activities where work is being performed.
Each lead inspector shall be qualified by training and experience in
all the construction activities being conducted at the Site.

Quality Control Engineers shall have a minimum of ten (10) Qualified materials technicians
to conduct the sampling and
years construction / installation experience with at least five
testing of materials, goods and
(5) years’ experience in the inspection, sampling and testing of supplies appointed?
works of the type being constructed. If required on the request of
Engineer additional inspectors shall be appointed, at no additional

12.2 Materials Technicians

The Contractor shall assign qualified materials technicians to

conduct the sampling and testing of materials, goods and supplies
for the Agreement.

12.3 Staffing Levels

The actual size of the Site staff shall reflect the complexity, needs,
shifts and composition of Quality Control activities consistent with
work in progress. The staffing levels shall be consistent with the
Contractor’s Quality Plan and the Project Baseline Programme, the
relative locations of work in progress and the nature of the work.
The Quality Plan shall identify administrative/clerical support for the
maintenance and management of records/documents pertinent to
Quality Control activities.

The Contractor shall continuously monitor the performance of his MPR as per requirements being
Quality Management System, which shall be included in each submitted?
Monthly Progress Report (MPR).
13.1 Quality Certifications

The Contractor shall submit a written certification by the Quality

Assurance Manager certifying that:

(a) The Quality Plan and all of the measures and procedures
provided therein are functioning properly and are being fully
complied with, except as specifically noted in the certification.

(b) All work, including that of the Designer, and all other designers,
sub- Contractor at all tiers, suppliers and fabricators, has been
checked and/or inspected by the Contractor’s Designer and Weekly records are prepared
Design Checker, except as specifically noted in the certification, and maintained as per
conforms to the requirements of the Agreement. requirements?

13.2 Weekly

Weekly records shall be prepared and maintained that provide

factual evidence that required activities and/or tests have been
performed, including the following:
(a) Type, number and results of quality assurance and quality
control activities, including but not limited to reviews,
inspections, tests, audits, monitoring of work performance and
materials analysis;

(b) Qualifications of personnel, procedures and equipment used;

(c) The identity of the Quality Control Engineer or data recorder, the
type of test or observation employed, the results and the
acceptability of the work and action taken in connection with any
deficiencies noted;

(d) Nature of nonconforming work causes for rejection, with

photographs etc.;

(e) Preventive actions;

(f) Proposed corrective actions;

(g) Corrective actions taken and with whose authority; and

(h) Results of corrective actions.

The Engineer reserves the right to inspect and audit these

documents at any time.


The Contractor shall, in accordance with the quality control Quality item lists maintained as
requirements of the Specification and other documents included in per requirements?
the Agreement, prepare and maintain quality item lists which
establish the criteria for control of each major component or activity
during design, construction and/or manufacture and installation,
commissioning and servicing in accordance with the need to ensure
the desired quality requirements of the Works.

All inspection and testing shall be the responsibility of the

Contractor, at Contractor's cost. In all cases, the cost of materials
for such tests shall be borne by the Contractor.

The work shall conform to high standards of material, design and

workmanship. The Contractor shall conform to the Quality
standards prescribed in the Agreement document(s).

At Site, the Contractor shall arrange the materials, their

stacking/storage in appropriate manner to ensure that the quality of
the materials is not compromised. The Contractor shall provide all
the necessary equipment and qualified manpower to test the quality
of materials, assemblies etc. The tests shall be conducted at
specified intervals and the results of tests properly documented.

The Engineer shall be free to carry out such additional tests as may
be decided by him at his sole discretion, from time to time, in
addition to those specified in this document. The Engineer shall
also be free to appoint any third party for inspection and testing of
important items like stay cables and steel work including welding
etc., at his own cost. The Contractor shall provide the samples and
labour for collecting the samples. No extra payment shall be
payable to the Contractor for samples or for the collection of the
samples. The results of such additional tests and third party
inspection shall be binding on the Contractor.

The test(s) shall be conducted at the Contractor’s Site laboratory

which shall be established by the Contractor or at any other
standard external laboratory selected by the Engineer. The
Contractor shall transport the samples to the laboratory for
which nothing extra shall be payable. In the event of the Contractor
failing to arrange transportation of the samples in proper time, the
Engineer shall have them transported and recover two times the
actual cost from the Contractor. All sampling and testing shall be
performed in the presence of assigned Contractor Quality
Personnel. Testing may be witnessed by the Contractor or his
authorized representative if permitted by the Standard External
Laboratory. Whether witnessed by the Contractor or not, the test
results shall be binding on the Contractor.

The Engineer shall have the right at all times to inspect all
operations including the source of materials, procurement, layout
and storage of materials, all equipment including the concrete
batching and mixing equipment, and the quality control system.
Such an inspection shall be arranged and the Engineer's approval
obtained prior to starting of the particular item of work. This shall
however, not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities.
All materials tested comply with
All materials which do not conform to the Specifications shall specifications?
be rejected and shall be removed from the Site immediately. The
Engineer shall have the power to cause the Contractor to purchase The testing machines
and use materials from any particular source, as may, in the recalibrated periodically?
Engineer's opinion, be necessary for the proper execution of

14.1 Field/Site Laboratory

All the materials to be used in the work and tested in the laboratory
shall comply with the Engineer or such recognized specifications as
acceptable to Engineer.

The testing machines shall be recalibrated periodically as per

Contractor’s Quality Plan and applicable regulatory Standards. The
calibration shall be from an authorized laboratory and approved by
Engineer. All materials being tested as per
the requirements specified in
The Contractor or his authorized representative shall assist in the the Contractor’s Quality Plan?
collection, preparation, forwarding and testing of such samples. The
cost of such samples and tests shall be borne by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall give not less than seven (7) days’ notices for
all tests in order that the Engineer may attend and witness testing Any unsuitable material found
at the external laboratory. Two (2) copies of all test certificates shall and action taken?
be supplied by the Contractor to the Engineer for approval
immediately after the completion of the tests. Test certificates must
be supplied to the Engineer before the materials or components are
used in the works, unless the Engineer directs otherwise.

Frequency of Testing

All materials shall be tested as per the requirements specified in the

Contractor’s Quality Plan. All test reports shall be documented
in hard copy as well as soft copy.

Unsuitable Materials

If at any stage of execution of work, Engineer finds that the

particular material is not suitable to be used in any component of
the work, the Engineer may order retesting of the material from any
approved laboratory at the cost of the Contractor. The rejected
material either after the initial test or after re-testing, as the case
may be, shall be immediately removed from the Site by the
Contractor at his own cost. In case of default on the part of the
Contractor in removing rejected materials and any work executed
with such unaccepted materials, the Engineer shall be at liberty to
have them removed and/or dismantled by other means at the risk
and cost of the Contractor.


If the Contractor has used or proposes to use or repair any item of NCRs status?
the Works which does not conform to the requirements of the
Agreement, he shall immediately submit for review by the Engineer
a proposal for rectification, and supply full particulars of the
nonconformity and, if appropriate, of the proposed means of repair.
If the Engineer issues nonconformity reports, either product based
as a Non- Conformance Report (NCR) or procedural through
quality audit as a Corrective Action Request (CAR) or similar
documents to notify the Contractor of any item of the Works which
does not conform to the requirements of the Agreement, the
Contractor shall promptly investigate the matter and submit for
review within fourteen (14) days of notification by the Engineer of
the remedial measures to be taken and stating the reasons for the
measures and the corrective and preventive action.

The Contractor shall maintain a Non Conformity Register to

indicate the status of all nonconformities which have been identified
by the Engineer and the Contractor.

The Engineer reserves the right to inspect and audit these

documents at any time.



The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of the places of Source of supply of all goods
manufacture and/or the source of supply of all goods and and materials intimated
materials to be incorporated into the Works and shall give timely to Engineer?
reasonable notice (which shall not in any event be less than fifty-six
(56) days) to the Engineer before the start of any manufacturing
and/or the supply of goods and materials.



In relation to all Quality Control points and Quality ‘Hold Points’ Notice for all Quality Control
involving inspection and/or witness testing by the Engineer, the points and Quality ‘Hold Points’
Contractor shall give the Engineer notice of when the relevant given?
work will be inspected and/or tested. The period of notice shall
be as follows; unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer:

(a) In the case of on-Site work, such notice shall be given not less
than forty-eight (48) hours of normal working time before the
work is to be inspected and/or tested;
(b) In the case of work carried out off the Site, such notice shall be
given not less than fourteen (14) days before the work is to be
inspected and/or tested; and
(c) In the case of work carried out offshore outside of India, such
notice shall be given not less than twenty-eight (28) days before
the work is to be inspected and/or tested.


In relation to all Quality Control Points involving inspection and/or Details of Tests not witnessed
testing by the Contractor, the Engineer may elect to witness such by Engineer?
inspections and/or tests but, on expiration of the period of notice
pursuant to clause 17, the Contractor may proceed with the
inspections and/or tests notwithstanding the absence of the
Engineer or of any response to the said notice. Witness by the
Engineer shall not discharge the Contractor of the responsibility to
provide acceptable product, nor shall it preclude subsequent
rejection by the Engineer.



The Contractor shall obtain certificates for each batch of Certificates for each batch of
manufactured goods and documentary evidence that goods, manufactured goods
supplies and materials and Contractor’s Equipment conform to the provided?
Agreement requirements for incorporation in the Works. Each
certificate and/or proofing document shall include all reports of
inspections and/or tests carried out at the place of manufacture.
The Contractor shall make available at the Site no less than twenty-
four (24) hours prior to installation or use of such goods, supplies or
materials and Contractor’s Equipment all certificates and/or
proofing document(s).

The Engineer reserves the right to inspect and audit these

documents at any time.

Materials Certificate of Compliance:

Within seven (7) days of the issue of a Completion Certificate

for a Section or for all the Works, the Contractor shall submit a
Certificate of Compliance signed by the Project Manager and
the Quality Assurance Manager indicating that all materials,
goods and supplies incorporated in the Works conform to the
requirements of the Agreement.


The Contractor shall compile reports of each inspection and/or Compiled reports of each
test. Such reports shall show the results of all the inspections inspection and/or test and
and/or tests carried out and shall certify that the work has been compliance with the
inspected and/or tested in accordance with the requirements of the requirements of the Agreement
Agreement and that the work complies with the requirements of the
Agreement. Any analysis of the results required to confirm that the
work complies with the requirements of the Agreement shall be
compiled in accordance with clause 21 and reported to the
Engineer in accordance with clause 22.1.

Each report of inspection and/or test shall be signed by a

representative of the Contractor who has been allocated the
requisite authority under the relevant Inspection and Test Plan and
signed by the Contractor’s Quality Assurance Manager.

The Engineer reserves the right to inspect and audit these

documents at any time.

xxi. 21. TIME LIMIT FOR FILING OF REPORTS FOR INSPECTIONS Signed copies of reports kept in
AND/OR TESTS office timely?

The Contractor shall ensure that a signed copy of report of each in-
situ and each off- site inspection / test is filed in his Records
Office within 3 (three) working days and within seven (7)
working days of the date of completion of the test process


The Contractor shall provide and maintain at all stages of the QC Registers maintained as per
work a quality control register or registers to identify the requirements?
status of inspections, sampling and testing of the work and all
certificates. Each register shall:

(a) List the certificates received for each batch of manufactured

goods or materials incorporated in the Works and compares this
against the certification required by the Agreement and the
Contractor's Quality Plan(s);

(b) List the inspection, sampling and testing activities undertaken

by the Contractor on each element of the Works and compare
these activities against the amount of inspection, sampling and
testing required by the Agreement and the Contractor's Quality

(c) Show the results of each report of inspection and/or test and
any required analysis of these results and compare these
results against the acceptance criteria, including:
(i) Standard deviation and coefficient of variation for each grade
of concrete;
(ii) Summary of trial mix for each grade of concrete;
(iii) Summary of sample type and quantity that has been sent for
third party testing;
(iv) Summary of third party testing reports;
(v) Summary of calibration, status of monitoring and measurement
equipment, batching plant/s; and
(vi) Summary of in-process testing for routine dynamic pile load
test, static pile load test, lateral load test (if required) and pile
integrity test etc. that have been conducted that month.

(d) Cumulative quantity of each grade of concrete produced from

RMC and/or dedicated batching plant/s;
(e) Summary of Non Conformance Reports (NCR), raised
internally by Contractor in its Quality Management System and
as directed by Engineer.

The Engineer reserves the right to inspect and audit these

documents at any time.


summaries of tests?
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his information
summaries based on each quality control register showing the
type and amount of certification received and the sampling,
inspection, and/or testing undertaken on each element of the
Works during the previous week as part of the Weekly Report, in
accordance with clause 13.2. The summaries shall identify and
demonstrate the compliance of such certification, sampling,
inspection and/or testing with the requirements of the Agreement
and shall identify any item which does not conform to the
requirements of the Agreement.

xxiii. 23. SAMPLES Samples are controlled as per

The Contractor shall ensure those concrete compression test
specimens are controlled as followed:

(a) each sample is identified in accordance with clause standard

procedures (b) all samples are protected, temporarily stored,
handled and transported to the laboratory under the direct
supervision of a suitably qualified representative of the
Contractor’s laboratory;
(c) no samples are mislaid, damaged, or contaminated, and
(d) the properties of the sampled material are at no time adversely

All samples for testing shall be fully prepared for transportation and
testing by the Contractor and shall be delivered by the Contractor to
the place of testing.

The Contractor shall ensure that concrete test specimens are

identified by a unique reference which, at a minimum, shall
contain at least four fields of reference. The sample reference shall
be in the form of ‘LLNN / LNN / NNNN / LLNN’ where:

(a) ‘LLNN’ is the alpha-numeric Contract number;

(b) ‘LNN’ is the alpha-numeric concrete design mix, for example
M25 (‘M’ refers mix and the number ‘25’ represents the
characteristic compressive strength of 15cm cube at 28-days in
(c) ‘NNNN’ represents the date of sample with ‘day-month’; and
(d) ‘LLNN’ is the alpha-numeric Transit Mixer, for example ‘TM01’
For all test samples, the Contractor shall ensure that all samples
are identified by a unique number in accordance with its quality
control procedure for inspection and test status of materials and
manufactured products and shall contain the required identification
for traceability. At a minimum, the identification reference shall
consist of:

(a) Contract number;

(b) Test identification code assigned by the Contractor;
(c) Date of sample with ‘day-month’; and
(d) Unique sequential number of the sample under the particular
test identification Code.
Additional fields may be added by the Contractor with the consent
of the Engineer for the control of the laboratory activities and
analysis of test results.

xxiv. 24. ADDITIONAL SAMPLES Any additional sampling

The Contractor shall provide additional samples for testing if in
the opinion of the Engineer:

(a) The material previously tested no longer complies with the

specified requirements; or

(b) The material has been handled or stored in such a manner that
it is no longer represented by the previously tested samples.

xxv. 25. TRIALS Details of trials carried out?

Trials shall be carried out as stated in the Agreement to

demonstrate that the proposed materials, equipment or methods of
construction comply with the Agreement.
Trials shall be carried out before commencement of
construction or manufacture of the relevant work in order to
ensure that proposed methods and materials comply with the
specified requirements.

Trials shall be carried out using types of materials and methods of

manufacture, construction and/or installation which have been
reviewed and approved by the Engineer.

Unless permitted by the Engineer, the materials and methods of

manufacture, construction and/or installation used in the trial to
produce work complying with the requirements of the Agreement
shall not be changed unless further trials have been carried out to
demonstrate that the proposed changes are satisfactory.
All references to ‘tests’ and ‘testing’ in the Agreement shall, where
the context so permits, include trials and commissioning.

xxvi. 26. TIMING FOR INSPECTION BY THE ENGINEER Tests carried out during day
and in the presence of Engineer
The Contractor shall allow the Engineer a reasonable time to carry after proper notice?
out any inspection and/or witness testing and to assess the result of
any inspection and/or test before proceeding with the Works.

Unless the Engineer’s prior consent has been obtained, all

inspections and/or tests to be witnessed by the Engineer shall
be carried out between 0800 and 1800 hours, Monday to

xxvii. 27. FAILURE OF CONTRACTOR TO INSPECT THE WORKS Any work rejected/uncovered
due to non-testing?
The Engineer may reject the work in question, or require it to be
uncovered, in the event of any failure by the Contractor to inspect
and/or test at a Quality ‘Hold Point’ by Contractor’s Quality

xxviii. 28. FAILURE OF THE CONTRACTOR TO TEST THE WORKS Third Party Inspection required?

If the Contractor fails to test, either type test or routine test or qualification
test, for each batch of goods or elements of the Works, then the Engineer
shall arrange for third party inspection. The Engineer shall recover two
times the actual cost associated with testing, including the services of any
specialised personnel or independent assessors, and will deduct such
cost from the Contracor.

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