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Project on Formation construction


Designation- Executive (Civil)
Course No. – 23903
Submitted to Course Director
Shri NK Mishra Sir (Professor/Track I)
S. No. Content

1. Objective

2. Introduction

3. General terms and definitions in earthwork

4. Soil classification

5. Formation components

6. Execution of formation work

Project Report on Rly. Formation construction

1. Objective
 The objective of this report is to understand the construction of formation
for DFCCIL as per the RDSO guidelines and specifications for Design of
Heavy axle load up to 32.5 t.

2. Introduction
 The report is based on formation work carried out in sachin-vadodara
section of Vadodara unit of DFCCIL.
 Formation to be provided for 32.5 tonne axle load and the track
structure for 25 tonne axle load.
 In this project it has been decided to apply two layer system (blanket
+ prepared subgrade on embankment fill) according to the report
no.RDSO/2007/GE:0014(Nov 2009).


Commonly used terms in context of the subject and in this document, with
their specific meanings are mentioned as under.
Embankment Fill: It is that part of Embankment which is constructed with
borrowed soil and compacted to the stipulated level.
Sub-grade: It is the upper part of Embankment fill/cutting constructed by
borrowed soil of suitable quality up to bottom of blanket/prepared
subgrade. For Embankment, subgrade may be of borrowed soil whereas in
cuttings it can be the naturally occurring soil of sufficient strength.
Prepared Subgrade: In case of two layer system, it is provided over the
subgrade and below the blanket layer with a view to economies the
thickness of blanket layer.
Blanket: Blanket is a layer of specified coarse, granular material of designed
thickness provided over full width of formation between subgrade and
 Formation: In a general way, collectively refers to the layers comprising
blanket, prepared subgrade and Embankment fill.
Formation Top: Boundary (interface) between ballast and top of blanket or
prepared subgrade (where blanket layer is not provided).
Track Foundation: Constitutes ballast, blanket, prepared subgrade and
Embankment fill, which is placed / exist below track structure to transmit
load to subsoil.
Cess: Portion at top of formation level, extending from toe of ballast to
edge of formation.
Ballast: Crushed stones with desired specifications placed directly below
the sleepers.
Subsoil: The soil below natural ground level.
Weak/Unstable Formation: It is yielding formation with continued
settlement including slope failure, which require excessive maintenance
Shear Strength: Shear strength of soil is its ability to resist shearing at a
shearing surface (plane) under direct stress (vertical pressure).
Deformation Modulus (Ev2): It is modulus of elasticity (also deformation) in
the second cycle of loading in the plate load test. It is to be determined by
Plate Load Test on top of compacted blanket layer/prepared
subgrade/Embankment fill.
Suitable material - Shall comprise all that is acceptable in accordance with
the Contact for use in the Works. For Embankment fill (Two Layer System)
CBR Value >= 5 generally but not <4 in isolated cases. The use of material
with CBR Value<4 shall not be considered suitable. The required CBR Values
shall be on soaked samples of the Embankment Material compacted to 97
% MDD as per IS: 2720-1983 (Part-8).
Unsuitable Materials- Shall mean other than suitable material and shall
a) Material from swamps, marshes, highly organic clay or silt.
b) Organic clays, organic slits, chalks, dispersive soils, poorly graded gravel
and sand with uniformly coefficient (Cu) < 2, peat, logs, stumps, perishable
and toxic materials.
c) Materials susceptible to spontaneous combustion.
d) Material with a CBR (California Bearing Ratio) value of less than 4 and
CBR shall be tested in accordance with IS: 2720-1987 (Part 16).

4. Formation Components: Formation comprises of Blanket,

prepared subgrade and Embankment fill. Depending upon availability of soils and
economic considerations, it can be Single layer or two layer construction. In our
project it is two layer construction as shown below.
5. Soil Classification

 Soil Classification (Ref: IS: 1498 – 1970, Reaffirmed 2016)

 Basis of Classification- According to BIS classification system, soils are
primarily classified based on dominant particle sizes and its plasticity
characteristics. Soil particles mainly consists of following four size fractions.

 Gravel : 80 – 4.75 mm
 Sand : 4.75mm – 0.075mm (75 micron)
 Silt : 75 – 2 micron
 Clay : less than 2 micron
 Particle size distribution of a soil is determined by a combination of sieving
and sedimentation analysis as per procedure detailed in IS: 2720 (Part 4) –
1985 (Reaffirmed 2015) and its plasticity characteristics are determined by
Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit as per procedure detailed in IS:2720 (Part 5) –
1985 (Reaffirmed 2015)

 Symbols used in Soil Classification:

Symbols and other soil properties used for soil classification are given
Primary Letter Secondary Letter

G: Gravel W: well-graded
S: Sand P: poorly graded
M: Silt M: with non- plastic fines
C: Clay C: with plastic fines
O: Organic soil L: of low plasticity
P: Peat I : of medium plasticity
H: of high plasticity
Other soil parameters required for soil classification:
 CU : Coefficient of Uniformity = D60 / D10
 CC : Coefficient of Curvature = (D30) 2 / (D60 * D10)
 D60, D30 & D10 are particle sizes, below which 60, 30 and 10 percent soil
particles by weight are finer than these sizes.
 Plasticity Index, PI = Liquid Limit (LL) - Plastic Limit ( PL)
 Coarse-grained soils: Soils having fines (particles of size less than 75 micron)
up to 50%
 Fine grained soils: Soils having fines( particles of size less than 75 micron)
more than 50%

Based on above, soils encountered in India are classified as under (as per IS
Coarse grained soils:
 GW-Well graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures; little or no fines.
 GP-Poorly graded gravels or gravel-sand mixtures; little or no fines
 GM-Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-silt mixtures
 GC-Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-clay mixtures
 SW-Well graded sands, gravelly sands; little or no fines
 SP – Poorly Graded Sands or gravelly sands; little or no fines
 SM-Silty sands, poorly graded sand-silt mixtures
 SC-Clayey sands, poorly graded sand-clay mixtures

Fine grained soils:

 ML-Inorganic silts and very fine sands rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands or
clayey silts with none to low plasticity
 CL-inorganic clays, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays of low
 OL-Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity
 MI-Inorganic silts, silty or clayey fine sands or clayey silts of medium
 CI-Inorganic clays, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays of
medium plasticity
 OI-organic silts and organic silty clays of medium plasticity
 MH-Inorganic silts of high compressibility, micaceous or diatomaceous fine
sandy or silty soils, elastic silts
 CH-Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays
 OH- Organic clay of medium to high plasticity
 Pt-Peat and other highly organic soils with very high compressibility.

Soil Quality: Based on %age of fines present, the soils for their use in
Embankment have been grouped as under:

Table - Description of Soil Quality Class

Description w.r.t. Fine- Soils as per IS Soil Quality Class, if

Particles (size less Classification (1) & (2) met with,
than 75 micron) Conforming to then classified as
Referred Soil Quality
(1) (2)
Soils containing fines > CL, ML, CL-ML, CI, MI, SQ1
50 % CH, MH
Soils containing fines GM, GC, SM, SC SQ2
from 12% to 50%
Soils containing fines < GW, GP, SW, SP, GW- SQ3
12% GM, GW-GC, SW-SM,

6. Execution of Formation Earthwork-

In formation construction basically we required two type of drawing

1. Plan & Profile drawings- This will give us the details of

 Horizontal alignment & vertical alignment (gradient).
 if there is IR track running parallel then distance b/w DFC & IR Track
as per design
 location of bridges structures with chainages
 Details of water or gas pipelines crossing the alignment with
 Details of canal diversion/nala diversion/road diversion.
 Location of safety wall, earth retaining structures and other utilities.
2. Cross sections drawings-This type of drawing will give us
 Proposed formation level, Ground level, offset with chainages.
A.Soil survey & investigation for embankment design–
 The main objective of soil survry and investigation are as follows:
i. To determine soil type with a view to identify their suitability
for earthwork in formation and to design the foundation for
other structures.
ii. To avoid known troublesome spots, unstable hill sides,
swampy areas, soft rocks areas, peat lands, etc.
iii. To determine method of handling and compaction of
iv. To identify suitable alignment for embankment and cutting
from stability, safety, economy in construction and
maintenance and cutting from stability, safety, economy in
construction and maintenance considerations.
v. To identify suitable borrow area for desired quality of
subgrade and blanket material.
vi. To determine depth of various strata of soil and bed rock level.
vii. To determine ground water table position and its seasonal
variation and general hydrology of the area such as flood
plains, river streams, etc.
viii. To determine behavior of existing track or road structure
nature and causes of geotechnical problems in them, if any.
Based on the Field Tests conducted during the Geotechnical
Investigation for Embankment design will conduct field tests on sub-
soil strata, such as Plate Load Test for determine of Elastic Modulus
at secondary loading (EV2), Standard Penetration Test to determine
N-value and Unconfined Compression Test or Vane Shear to
determine Unconfined Compressive Strength of Undrained Cohesion
Cu. if valued of these test parameters as specified hereunder are not
achieved, then ground improvement will be required:
i. EV2 value less than 20 MPa, or
ii Undrained Cohesion(Cu) < 25kPa,or
ii. N-value (determined from Standard Penetration Test: SPT)<5.
I. Survey -Survey and Establishment of Working Benchmarks and Alignment
a. Working bench marks tied with reference bench marks (GTS
Benchmarks) will be established, for the entire alignment and also at
or near all drainage structures, bridges & underpasses, crossing &
junction stations and all other important facilities. The working bench
marks / levels will be got approved from the Engineer. Lines and
levels of formation, side slopes, drainage works, bridges, stations and
other facilities will be carefully set out and frequently checked to
ensure that correct gradients and cross sections are obtained.
b. Centre line of the alignment @200m c/c and full construction width
will be demarcated with lime powder. The center line pillar with
working Benchmarks will be provided at 200m c/c distance, 15 m
away from the toe where ever ROW is beyond toe line is more than
15 m otherwise it will be at ROW. Care will be taken not to disturb
the pillars during construction, Pillars will be painted for
identification. Demarcation of the center line of the railway
formation with reference pegs will be done on the top surface of
subsoil, finished embankment, prepared subgrade and Blanketing

B. Clearing and Grubbing and Stripping

Clearing and grubbing:

 Clearing and Grubbing will be performed on the areas of full formation

width at ground level plus additional extra width of 1m on both sides
and will be cleared of all the obstructions viz. vegetation, trees (having
girth 300mm or less), bushes, fences (if any), etc. and thereafter it will
be dresses and levelled. Depression if any will filled with suitable with
soil & duly compacted.
 The work shall consists of cutting, removing and disposing of all
materials such as trees, bushes, shrubs, stumps, roots, grass, weeds, top
organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness, rubbish etc., which are
unsuitable for incorporation in the works.

 Stripping will include removal of Topsoil to a depth of 150 mm below
original ground level.
 Stripping will consists of the removal and disposal of topsoil, stumps,
and roots to a depth of at least 150mm below ground level.
C. Identification of Expansive soil
Expansive soils like black cotton soils(BCS) are inorganic clays exhibiting
high compressibility and characterized by high shrinkage and swelling process due
to changes in its moisture content.
The expansive soils shall be identified based on following parameters.

a. Swelling pressure (SW) : 0.5kg/cm2 (5O0KN/m2) or more

b. Clay Content (2 micron) : 25% or more
c. Differential Free Swelling (DFS) index : 30% or more

 Test for parameter (a) shall be carried out as guiding test at all the locations
for Black Cotton Soils (BCS) assessment.
 In case, test for parameter (a) could not be carried out then test for
parameters (b) and (c) must be carried out as alternative tests for Black
Cotton Soils (BCS) assessment.
 Strengthening of the Black Cotton Soil sub strata shall be carried out using
appropriate remedial measures.The following remedial measures may be
effective for strengthening of Black Cotton Soil sub-strata:-

1. To provide cohesive non swelling soil (CNS) layer, below the bottom layer
of embankment fill in case of embankment, of suitably designed thickness
and width, compaction to 97% of MDD at optimum moisture content
2. Each compacted layer should be of 200mm thickness.
3. As per IS 9451:1994 thickness of CNS layer as per swelling pressure of soil:

Swelling Pressure of Soil (KN/m2) Minimum Thickness of CNS

Materials (cm)
50 to 150 75
150 to 300 85
300 to 500 100

 Geotechnical investigation is carried out at every 500m under the

embankment stretch.Soil treatment is proposed based on basic parameter
observed in a borehole at a particular section is applicable 250m on either
side of borehole location.

 Case-Natural CNS material treatment

For stretches where swelling pressure more than 50Kpa
then CNS treatment shall be adopted.If natural CNS material with
defined properties as per IS:9451 is available at the site location,than
the natural CNS material shall be used for treatment of expansive soil.
 For CNS material test to be conducted –
1. Swelling pressure for every 500 cum(shall be less than 0.1
2. Free swelling index for every 5000cum(shall less than 50%)
3. Field compaction test should be carried out every 500 m2.
4. Grain size analysis and Hydrometer analysis shall be carried
out for every 5000cum of soil.If any variation in grain size
analysis further testing to determine remaining parameter
of soil.
5. Liquid limit should be between 30to 50%.
6. Plasticity index b/w 15-30%.
7. CBR >3 generally but not less than 2.

D. Requirements of different layers of formation

1. Embankment fill( SQ 1)

 Free swell index(FSI) limit not more than 50%.

 Grain size analysis(GSA) for every 5000 cum.
 Modified proctor test (Heavy compaction test)
 CBR>3.
 Liquid limit b/w 30 to 50%.
 Plasticity index less than 15.
 For field compaction test every 500 m2 one will be conducted.
 Compacted thickness of every layer should be 250mm.
 Field Compaction should not be less than 97% of MDD done by
sand replacement method.
 EV2 shall be conducted for every 1KM,one test on embankment
till top.Limit shall not be less than 30Mpa.
 Tolreances(+ - 30mm.

2. Subgrade material.(SQ 2)
For subgrade materials following test to be conducted.
 FSI limit is not more thsn 50%.
 GSA for every 2000 cum.
 Plasticity index shall be less than 12.
 CBR value minimum 8.
 Liquid limit b/w 30-50%.
 Field compaction test for every 200 m2 to be conducted.
 Ev2 on subgrade top shall be not less than 60Mpa.
 Compacted thickness of every layer should be 250mm.
 Field Compaction should not be less than 98% of MDD done by
sand replacement method
 Tolerances + - 25mm.

3. Blanket material(SQ 3)

 Grain size analysis for every 500 cum test.

 Cu not less than 7
 Cc b/w 1 to 3.
 Los angles abrasion value less than 35%(LAV<35%).
 Plasticity index less than 12.
 Minimum CBR Value 25.
 Field compaction test shall be carried out for every 200 m2
 Compacted thickness of every layer should be 200mm
 Field Compaction should not be less than 100% of MDD done by
sand replacement method.
 Ev2 test on blanket top the test value should not less than
 Tolernces +25mm.

E. Compaction of earthwork

Performance of the embankment would depend to large extent on the

quality of compaction done during execution.

a) Advantages of the compaction- Compaction of earthwork is necessary

condition achieved by increasing the density of soil by mechanical
means to achieve a stable formation as desired.

1. Compaction procedure for different soils :The embankment will be

constructed with locally available soils provided it fulfils the specified
requirements. Procedure of compaction to be adopted will depend
on the type of soil being used for the construction.
b) Factors affecting the compaction in the field
Compaction of a particular soil is affected by following factors.
 Compacting effort
 Moisture control
 Soil type
 Thickness of layer
 Number of passes

 Embankments will be constructed in layers of uniform thickness as

specified. The spreading of material in layers of desired thickness
over the entire width of embankment will be done by mechanical
means and finished by a motor grader. The motor grader blade will
have hydraulic contro! suitable for initial adjustment and maintain
the same so as to achieve the slope and grade.
 Each layer sloping out 1:30 and compacting it mechanically using
vibratory rollers.
 The rate of progress will be uniform so that the work is compacted to
the final level almost at the same time.
 Each layer will be compacted with recommended type of roller up to
required level of Compaction, commencing from the sides, before
putting up next upper layer.
 Each layer of the embankment fill will be compacted to a dry density
equal to at least 97% of the maximum dry density of the material as
determined by Heavy Compaction Test as per IS: 2720 (Part-8)-1983.
 Each layer of prepared subgrade fill will be compacted to dry density
equal to at least 98% of the maximum dry density of the material as
determined by Heavy Compaction Test as per IS: 2720 (Part-8)-1983.
 Each layer of blanket material fill will be compacted to dry density
equal to at least 100% of the maximum dry density of the material as
determined by Heavy Compaction Test as per 1S: 2720 (Part-8)-1983.
 Top of the formation / prepared subgrade / top of embankment fill
be finished to cross slope of 1 in 30 from one end to other towards
cess as per drawings.
 Embankments will be maintained to the grade and cross-section
shown on the Drawings.
 During construction of formation there may be rainfall to the extent
that rain cuts may develop on the surface of the formation due to
erosion of soil. Care should be taken that these rain cuts are not
allowed to develop wide and deep otherwise these locations will
remain weak spots. If any rain cuts are observed the same should be
repaired at the earliest as reqular measure.

F. Tolerances and Acceptance Criteria

Soil Formation should meet the following requirements:
a) ‘The cross fall slope to be at least 1:30 or 3% with tolerance of 0.5%.
b) The finished top levels of soil formation should be within +/- 30 mm.
c) The finished top of blanket layer will be permitted to have variation from
design level by +25 mm.
d) The ballast will be placed only on level formation without ruts or low
For Compacted earth and Bianket Layer:
a) Course grained soils which contains fines passing 75 micron IS Sieve, up to 5%,
will have the Density Index (Relative Density ) a minimum of 70% as obtained in
accordance with IS: 2720-1983 (Part 14).
b) For other soils, field dry density will not be less than maximum attainable dry
density obtained in field compaction trail. However in field compaction trail, the
maximum attainable dry density will not be less than 98% of MDD value for
Embankment fill and 100% of MDD value for Blanket Layer, as obtained by Heavy
Compaction Test (1S:2720 Part 8-1983) in the laboratory.
c) Formation width will not be less than the specified width.
d) Sides Sloped will in no case be steeper than designed side sloped. Provision of
Berm Width should not be less than the specified width.
e) All the material will conform to the specified requirements.

Quality Check on Earthwork: Quality of execution of formation earthwork shall
be controlied through exercise of checks on the borrow material, blanket
material, compaction process, drainage system, longitudinal & cross sectional
profiles of the embankment.
Quality Assurance Test on Compacted Layer: Assurance Tests are required to be
conducted on part completion stages of formation, prior to clearing for further
earthwork / blanketing work, track linking work etc. in-situ density is measured in
the field by Sand Replacement Method as per IS: 2720 (Part-28) or Core Cutter
Method as per |S: 2720 (Part29).

Tests for Selection of Soil:

 For selection of soil to be used as embankment fill CBR Test shalt be
conducted on material CBR is conducted on ground soil, embankment fill,
prepared sub-grade & blanket materiat to ensure the minimum specified
CBR value of these materials to be used in construction. This test is carried
out on soil sample in Laboratory as per procedure given in IS-2720 (Part-
16}- 1987.
 Other tests to be conducted are Soil Classification / Sieve Analysis, OMC,
NMC, MDD etc. as per IS-2720.
 Heavy proctor Test is required to be determine the Maximum Dry Density
of soil as per 1S2720 (Part-8).
 In case of slope stability analysis, tests will also be done to find the effective
shear parameters.

Tests for Blanket / Prepared Sub-grade Material:

The source of the blanket material shall be identified based on the tests &
studies conducted for conforming the material to the required specifications
i.e. Particle Size Distribution, % fines, Los Angeles Abrasion, Cu, Cc, CBR,
Fiter Criteria, OMC & MDD.
Tests on Compacted Layer: Quality Assurance tests are required to be
conducted on part completion staged of formation prior to clearing for
further earthwork / blanketi rktrack linking work etc.

 In-situ density (F.D.D) is measured in the field either by Sand Replacement

Method as per IS-2720 (Part-28) or Core Cutter Method as per IS-2720 (Part-
29) or the method as approved by RDSO such as NDG (Nuclear Density
Gauge) may be used in consultation with RDSO. This shall be determined in
laboratory as per the procedure & at the specified test frequency of the
earth work quantity.
 Second Step Plate Load Test is required to be conducted in-situ for
measurement of Deformation Modulus EV2 of compacted layers of
embankment, blanket, and prepared subgrade etc. as per the procedure
detailed in DIN 18134-2001.

 All materials should conform to the specified requirements.

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