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Time : 3 hour Max. Marks : 210
1. The question paper contain 7 pages and 2-parts. Part-B contains 6 questions of "Match the Column" type and Part-C
contains 18. All questions are compulsory.
Please ensure that the Question Paper you have received contains all the QUESTIONS and Pages. If you found some
mistake like missing questions or pages then contact immediately to the Invigilator.
(i) Q.1 to Q.6 are "Match the Column" type which may have one or more than one matching options and carry 8 marks
for each question. 2 marks will be awarded for each correct match within a question.
ThereisNEGATIVE marking. 0.5 Marks will be deducted for each wrong match. Marks will be awarded only if all the
correct alternatives are selected.
(ii) Q.1 to Q.17 are "Subjective" questions. There is NO NEGATIVE marking. Marks will be awarded only if all the correct
bubbles are filled in your OMR sheet.
(iii) Q.1 to Q.2 are "Subjective" questions. There is NO NEGATIVE marking. Marks will be awarded only if all the correct
bubbles are filled in your OMR sheet.
2. Indicate the correct answer for each question by filling appropriate bubble(s) in your answer sheet.
3. Use only HB pencil for darkening the bubble(s).
4. Use of Calculator, Log Table, Slide Rule and Mobile is not allowed.
5. The answer(s) of the questions must be marked by shading the circles against the question by dark HB pencil only.


For example if Correct match Ensure that all columns Ensure that all columns
for (A) is P, Q; for (B) is P, R; (4 before decimal and 2 after {1 before decimal and 2 after
for (C) is P and for (D) is S decimal) are filled. Answer decimal with proper sign (+)
then the correct method for having blank column will be or (–)} are filled and columns
filling the bubble is treated as incorrect. Insert after 'E' used for filling power
P Q R S leading zero(s) if required after of 10 with proper sign (+) or
(A) rounding the result to (–). Answer having blank
2 decimal places. column will be treated as
(B) e.g. 86 should be filled as incorrect.
0086.00 e.g. – 4.19 × 1027 should be
(C) . filled as – 4.19 E + 27
(D) .
USEFUL DATA: Atomic Mass: Al = 27, Mg = 24, Cu = 63.5, Mn = 55, Cl = 35.5, O = 16, H = 1, P = 31,
Ag = 108, N = 14, Li = 7, I = 127, Cr = 52, K=39, S = 32, Na = 23, C = 12, Br = 80, Fe = 56, Ca = 40,
Zn = 65.4, Ba = 137, Co = 59, Hg = 200, Pb = 207, He = 4, F=19.
Radius of nucleus =10–14 m; h = 6.626 ×10–34 Js; me = 9.1 ×10–31 kg, R = 109637 cm–1.
Take g = 10 m/s2 where ever required.
MATCH THE COLUMN [2 × 8 = 16]
There is NEGATIVE marking. 0.5 Marks will be deducted for each wrong match.
Column-I and column-II contains four entries each. Entries of column-I are to be matched with some
entries of column-II. One or more than one entries of column-I may have the matching with the same entries
of column-II and one entry of column-I may have one or more than one matching with entries of column-II.
Q.1 On a capacitor of capacitance C0 following steps are performed in the order as given in column I.
(a) Capacitor is charged by connecting it across a battery of EMF V0.
(b) Dielectric of dielectric constant k and thickness d is inserted
(c) Capacitor is disconnected from battery
(d) Separation between plates is doubled
Column I Column II
(Steps performed) Final value of Quantity (Symbols have usual meaning)
C 0 V0
(A) (a) (d) (c) (b) (P) Q=
kC 0 V0
(B) (d) (a) (c) (b) (Q) Q=
k 1
kC 0
(C) (b) (a) (c) (d) (R) C=
k 1
V0 (k  1)
(D) (a) (b) (d) (c) (S) V=
[Ans.(A) P, R, S; (B) P, R, S; (C) R; (D) Q, R]
[Sol. Q C V
(A) C 0V 0 C0 V0
C 0 V0 C0
2 2
C 0 V0 C0
2 2
C 0 V0 KC0 V0 (K  1)
2 K 1 2K
(B) 0 0
C0 C0
V0 V0
2d 2d
C0 C0
V0 V0
2d 2d

C 0 V0 KC0 V0 (K  1)
2 K 1 2K
KA 0
(C) 0 0
KC0V0 KC 0 V0
KC0V0 KC 0 V0
KC0V0 (K+1)V0
K 1
(D) C 0V 0 C0 V0
KC0V0 KC 0 V0
KC0 V0 KC0
K 1 K 1
KC0 V0 KC0
V0 ]
K 1 K 1

Q.2 Column I has some conductor accross which battery is connected as shown. Variation of resisitivity  is
also indicated. Which of the quantities in column II remain constant throughout the volume of conductor.
Column I Column II

(A) (P) Magnitude of electric field

(B) (Q) Magnitude of current density

(C) (R) Power dissipated per unit volume

(D) (S) Drift speed of free electron

[Ans. Bonus]
There is NO NEGATIVE marking.

Q.1 Find the kinetic energy of pulse travelling in a taut string. Given T = 10 N &  = 0.1 kg/m. [Give answer
in millijoules]. [Ans. 0.15 mJ]

[Sol. at given time y = m1x 0 < x < 0.1 m

= m2 x + C 0.1 m < x < 0.15 m

10 3  T
m1 = = 10–2  V  
  
0 .1  

10 3
m2 = = 2 × 10–2

1 1  y 
dK = dm VP2 = dx   V 
2 2  x 

1  0 .1 0.15 

 dK = 2  V   1 0 2  dx 
2 m 2 dx  m 2
0.1 


 m12 (0.1)  m 22 (0.5) 

T 10  4 (0.1)  4  10 4 (0.5) 
= [10–4] (0.3) = 0.15 mJ Ans. ]
Q.2 A sample of ideal gas is taken through the cyclic process shown in the
figure. The temperature of the gas at state A is TA=200 K. At states B
and C the temperature of the gas is the same.
What is the greatest temperature of the gas in kelvins during the cyclic process?
[Sol. At B and C (TB = TC)

PB = 3PC
for line AC P  V (straight line through origin)
so P = V = V
 PC = 3PA
Thus PC = 3PA ; PB = 3PC = 9PA .....(I)
VC= 3VA ; VB = VA
TA = .....(II)
from A to B ; sochoric P  T 
so TB > TA
for C to A ; both (P, V)  so T 
Thus from B to C ( we could have maximum temperature)
P = aV + b
 6PA  3PA V
 P =   2V  + 12 P
 A  P=– + 12 PA
 A  VA
PV = nRT
 3PA V 
  12 P 
 V A  V = nRT
 A 
for Tmax =0
 6PA
VA V + 12PA = 0
V = 2VA  P = 6PA
6PA (2VA ) 12PA VA
T= =
nR nR
Tmax = 12 TA = 2400 K ]

Q.3fl Two objects of equal volume V=1m3 and different densities d1= 500 kg/m3 and
d2 = 1000 kg/m3 are glued to each other so that their contact surface is flat and
has an area A = 0.1 m2. When the objects are submerged in a certain liquid,
they float in stable equilibrium, the contact surface being parallel to the surface
of the liquid (see the diagram). How deep (H in meters) can the contact surface
be in the liquid so that the objects are not torn apart? The maximum force that
the glue can withstand is F=250 N.
[Ans H =3m]
[Sol. At the "critical" depth H, the equilibrium condition for the compound object suggests that the density of
the liquid is d = (d1 + d2)/2. For the top and the bottom object taken separately, the equilibrium conditions
are, respectively:
d1Vg + F – (dVg – dgAH) = 0
d2Vg – F – (dVg + dgAH) = 0
(For each object, the term in parentheses indicates the " effective" buoyancy force.)
Combining the last two equations yields the answer : H = [(d2–d1)Vg – 2F] / [(d1 + d2) gA] ]
Q.4 An inclined plane is placed on a horizontal smooth surface. The plane is
struck by an elastic ball whose velocity is horizontal just before the impact.
The ball bounces off the inclined plane and then lands on it again at the
point of first impact. Find the ratio of the masses of the ball and the inclined
plane. (Angle  = 30°)
[Sol. This happens of after collision both ball and inclined plane have same horizontal velocities say V 2 say
V1 be initial velocity of ball Vy be vertical velocity of ball after collision, m1 – mass of ball , m2 – mass of
inclined plane
Conservation of linear momentum in horizontal direction
m1V1  (m1  m 2 )V2 ....(1)
coffeicient of restitution = 1
[ V2 sin   ( V2 sin   Vy cos )]
1=– 0  V sin 

Vy cos   V1 sin  ....(2)

Component of velocity of ball along the inclined plane remain same
V1 cos   V2 cos   Vy sin  ....(3)

Vy sin  = (V1–V2) cos  

using (2) & (3)
Vy cos  = V1 sin   
V1  V2
tan2  =
V2 = V1(1– tan2) ....(4)
(m1 + m2) V2 = m1V1 ....(1)
m1 + m 2 =
1  tan 2 
m 2 = cot  –1;
2 cot2 30° –1 = 2 Ans. ]

Q.5 A radio receiver is set up on a mast in the middle of a calm lake to track the radio signal from a satellite
orbiting the earth. As the satellite rises above the horizon, the intensity of the signal varies periodically.
The intensity is at a maximum when the satellite is 1 = 0.01 radian above the horizon and then again at
2 = 0.03 radian above the horizon. What is the wavelength  (in meters) of the satellite signal? The
receiver is h = 4.0 m above the lake surface. [Ans. 0.16 m]
h h cos 2
[Sol. PR = ; QR = PR cos 2 =
sin  sin 
X = PR – RQ +
h h h
X = (1–cos2) + = 2 h sin +
sin  2 2
X  2 h +
sin  = 
Maximum to maximum
 = 2 h (2–1) + 0
 = 2 (4) [0.03 – 0.01]
= 2 (4) (0.02)
= 0.16 m ]

Q.6 Initially switch S was closed for long time. Switch is opened at t = 0. Find the current (in amperes)
through battery at time RC ln2. Take V = 12 V, R = 4 ohm, C = 1.0 F. [Ans.1.5 A]

[Sol. ]

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