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XIII Paper-2

MATCH THE COLUMN [2 × 8 = 16]
There is NEGATIVE marking. 0.5 Marks will be deducted for each wrong match.

Column-I and column-II contains four entries each. Entries of column-I are to be matched with some
entries of column-II. One or more than one entries of column-I may have the matching with the same entries
of column-II and one entry of column-I may have one or more than one matching with entries of column-II.
Q.3 Column I Column II
(A) (A) CH3–Cl do not give ppt. with aqueous AgNO3 (P) both (A) and (R) are true and (R)
but it gives ppt. with alcoholic AgNO3 is the correct explanation of (A)

(R) In water NO3 is more solvated so it is less reactive (Q) both (A) and (R) are true but (R)
than alcoholic NO3 . is not correct explanation of (A)
(B) (A) HCHO has sp2-hybridised carbon and the following (R) (A) is true but (R) is false

geometry: (S) (A) is false and (R) is true

(R) The bond angles are changed due to greater multiple

bond-single bond repulsion, then single bond- single
bond repulsion.
(C) (A) p-amino benzoic acid do not exists as zwittor ion
(R) Acidic and basic groups in this compound are too far from
each other to react, so they can't form salt.
(D) (A) The Friedel-Crafts alkylation of nitro-benzene gives meta
alkylated nitrobenzene
(R) Nitro group is meta directing during aromatic
electrophilic substitution as it decreases electron density
at o & p position
[Ans. (A) P; (B) P; (C) R; (D) S]
Q.4 Column I Column II
(A) Precipitate with KCN, which is soluble (P) Fe2+
in excess of reagent.
(B) Precipitate with NaOH & NH4OH, (Q) Hg2+
which is insoluble in both excess of reagent
(C) Coloured ppt. with KI, which is soluble in (R) Pb2+
excess of reagent
(D) Black ppt. with H2S, which is soluble in (S) Ag+
hot & dil. HNO3
[Ans. (A) P, S; (B) P, Q; (C) Q, R; (D) R, S]
There is NO NEGATIVE marking.
Q.7 Three ideal gases A, B & D were taken in a vessel of constant volume in molar ratio of 1 : 2 : 3
respectively causing the reaction : A (g) + 2B (g) C (g). After a long time when the equilibrium (1st)
is established the total pressure was th of the initial total pressure. At this point volume was reduced to
half and a catalyst was added starting the reaction.
2C (g) + D(g) 2 F (g).
If at equilibrium (2 ) moles of A & C are equal then find the ratio of equilibrium total pressure at 2nd

equilibrium to equilibrium total pressure at 1st equilibrium [9]

[Sol: A(a) A ( g )  2B( g ) C(g)

B(2a) Initial moles a 2a 0
D(3a)  V Equal moles a–x 2a–2x x
ninitial = a + 2a + Inert gas
= 6a
nfinal = a– x + 2a – 2x + x + Inert gas
= 6a – 2x PV  nR T
Pinitial n initial

Pfinal n final

Pi 6a

Pi 6a  2x
6 6a
 ; 6a – 2x = 5a
5 6a  2 x
a = 2n
x = a/2
After Ist equal established
A(g) + 2B(g) C(g)
A (a/2) Equal moles (Ist) a/2 a a/2
[ C] ( a / 2) / V V 2
B (a) KC    2
[A][B]2 (a / 2)V  (a / V) 2 a
C (a/2) V
D (3a)
a a
ntotal   a   3a = 6a
2 2
A (a/2) A(g) + 2B(g) C(g)
B (a) Ist
a/2 a a/2
a a
C (a/2)  V/2 final  y a–2y  y  2 y'
2 2
D (3a)
2C(g) + D(g) 2F(g)
 y  2 y' 3a–y' 2y'
nA = n C
a a a
 y   y  2 y' nC   y  2 y'
2 2 2
  y  2y
2y = 2 y'  y  y' 2
V2 [C] nC  y
KC  2  2
a [A][B]2
a 
  y
2 
 V/2
 a 
  y 2
2   a  2y 

V / 2  V / 2 
2 2
V  V/2 
K C      
 a   a  2y 

a 2( a  2 y )
2(a – 2y) = a
2a – 4y = a
4y = a  y = a/4.
nfinal = nA + nB + nC + nD + nF
a  a  a 
   y     y     y  2 y'   (3a  y' ) + 2 y'
2  2  2 
a  a 
 2  y     y  2 y   (3a  y)  2 y
2  2 
a  a 
 2  y     y   3a  y  2 y
2  2 
a  3a  3a 
 3  y   3a  y   3y  3a  y    3a   2 y
2  2  2 
9a  
a  
a a 8a
  2   9     4a
2 4 2 2 2
nRT (6a )  R  T
Pequal first  
nRT (4a )  R  T 8a  R  T
Pequal second   
V V/2 V
Pequal sec ond 8a  RT / V 8
   1.33 ]
Pequal first 6a RT / V 6
Q.8 There are two part of this question (a) & (b). If Answer question (a) is X and question (b) Y present
answer of this question as X + Y.

(a) CH2 = CH– O + CH2 = CH – CH2 – Br acetone   (A)  
(B). Product (B)
Molecular weight of compound (B) is X.
(b) An alcohol (A) on treatment with conc. H2SO4 gave an alkene (B). The compound (B), on reacting with
Br2/CCl4 and subsequent dehydrobomination with NaNH2 produced a compound (C). The compound
(C) with dil. H2SO4 in presence of HgSO4 gave a compound 'D'. The compound D can also be obtained
by oxidation of A by acidified KMnO4 or from dry heating of calcium acetate. Calculate molecular
weight of 'C' (Y).Find the value of X + Y. [9]
[Ans. 124]
. .

[Sol: (a) CH 2  CH  O  CH 2  CH  O
. .
Ambident nucleophile, since solvent is polar aprotic acetone CH 2  CH  O more nucleophilic.
Mechanism S N 2

. .

A  CH2=CH– O
. . –CH2–CH=CH2 

Molecular weight of B is (X)

& X  60 + 8 + 16 = 84

Molecular weight of C (Y)  36 + 4 = 40
Molecular weight of X + Y = 84 + 40 = 124 ]

Q.9 An inorganic compound (A) reacts with water to form two acids (B) and (C). Compound (A) also
reacts with NaOH to form (D) and (E) two salt solutions. (B) and (D) gives yellow ppt with BaCl 2
solution and (C) and (E) gives white ppt. with AgNO3 solution, insoluble in dil HNO3. Calculate the
molecular weight of compound (A). [5]
[Sol: A – CrO2Cl2 B – H2CrO4 C–HCl
CrO 2 Cl 2  H 2 O  H 2CrO 4  HCl
(A) ( B) ( C)

CrO 2Cl 2  NaOH  Na 2 CrO 4  NaCl

(A) ( D) (E)

CrO 24 –  BaCl2  BaCrO4 

( B or D ) ( yellow )

Cl   AgNO3  AgCl   NO3

( C or E ) Inso lub le in dil. HNO3

Molecular weight of A(CrO2Cl2) = 155 ]


(a) Gas (C) is passed through water first and then gas (D) is passed, white turbidity is obtained.
(b) The aq. solution of compound (B) + (NH4)2SO4 cool
 pale green crystalline solid, calculate the
molecular mass of pale green compound. [4]
[Sol: A–FeS, B–FeSO4, C–H2S, D–SO2
FeS H 2SO 4  FeSO 4  H 2S
(A) ( B) (C)

FeS + O2  Fe2O3 + SO 2

( D)

H 2S SO 2  S   H 2 O
(C ) ( D) ( white )

FeSO4(aq) + (NH4)2SO4  FeSO4 · (NH4)2SO4·6H2O

Pale green crystalline solid (Mohr's salt)
MW of Pale green crystalline solid = 392 ]

Q.11 The reaction

CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) CO2 (g) + 2H2O (g) ...(1)
comes to equilibrium at 2.7 × 105 K under standard state condition. Assuming H° and S° to be
independent of temperature and using given data, find maximum electrical work obtained from
reaction (2) (in kJ/mol).
CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) CO2 (g) + 2H2O (l) ...(2)
at 300 K.
Given : H ocombustion (CH4(g)) = –890 kJ/mole at 300 K
H ovap. (H2O (l) ) = 40 kJ/mole at 300 K
Sovap. (H2O (l) ) = 118.5 J/Kmole at 300 K [9]
[Sol: CH 4( g )  2O 2( g ) CO 2( g )  2H 2 O ( g ) ....(1)
CH 4( g )  2O 2 ( g ) CO 2( g )  2H 2 O ( ) ....(2)
for 2 Rn :
G  H  T S
Wmax   G  ?
for Ist Rn : G  H  T S
O  H  T S
H  T S
 (890  2  40)  103  2.7  105  S
 810  103  2.7  105 S
810 103
S    3 J/mol/k
2.7  105
SIst rn  S2nd rn  2Svap. of H 2 O( )
 3  S 2 nd rn  2  118.5
 3  S2 nd rn  237
S2 nd rn  3  237  240 J/mol/k
for 2nd Rn : G  H  T S
 (890  103 )  300  (240)
 890  10 3  72  10 3
 818  10 3 J  818 kJ
Wmax   G 
= – (–818) = 818 kJ/mol Ans. ]


Q.1 Solid AgNO3 is gradually mixed with equimolar solution of NaBr and NaCl, each having molarity

0.02 M. Find relative equilibrium concentration of Br to Cl– just before the precipitation of AgCl.
Given: KSP (AgBr) = 5 × 10–16; KSP (AgCl) = 1.0 × 10–10 [9]
[Sol: AgBr(s) Ag+ + Br–
K sp AgBr  [ Ag  ][ Br – ]

K spAgBr 5 1016
[Ag ]  
[Br  ] 0.02
= 250 × 10–16 M
= 2.5 × 10–14 M.
 Conc. of Ag ion required to just start the precipitation of Br– ion = 2.5 × 10–14 M.

AgCl(s) Ag+ + Cl–

K sp AgCl  [Ag  ][Cl  ]

K sp AgCl 10 10
[ Ag  ]    50  10 10
[Cl  ] 0.02
= 5 × 10–9 M
 Conc. of Ag+ ion required to just start the precipitation of
Cl– ion = 5 × 10–9 M.
 Br– ion will precipitation first
K sp AgBr  [Ag  ][Br  ]
5 × 10–16 = (5 × 10–9) × [Br–]
5 1016
[Br  ] 
 107 M
5 10
 Conc. of Br ion when precipitation of Cl– just starts = 10–7 M

10 7
Relative equilibrium conc. of Br– to Cl– just before precipitation of AgCl 
= 5 × 10–6

Q.2 Two beakers A and B contains AgNO3 solutions of concentrations 0.1 M and 0.01 M respectively as
shown in figures. Pure silver electrodes are now lowered in each beaker. Now NH3 is added in each
beaker till conc. of NH3 in beaker A and B become 0.1 M and 0.2 M respectively. If two beakers are
now connected in Galvanic cell arrangement, find the EMF (in Volts) of the resulting cell at 298 K.
[ Use log102 = 0.3, (2.303) = 0.06 at 298 K]

Given: E º = 0.8 Volt , k f [Ag( NH3 ) 2 ] = 108 [9]
Ag  / Ag

[Ans. 9.6 × 10–2]


 
0.1 M AgNO3 0.01 M AgNO3
Ag( NH3 ) 2   e  Ag + 2( NH 3 )
0.1M 0.1

Ag + 2( NH 3 ) Ag( NH 3 ) 2  e 
0 .2 0.01
Ag ( NH 3 ) 2 + Ag + 2 NH3 Ag + 2( NH 3 ) + Ag( NH 3 ) 2
0.1 0.2 0.1 0.01

0.06 0.01 0.12

Ecell = 0.0 – log
1 0.1 0.22
= 9.6 × 10–2 ]

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