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Daniela Farias A01722700

Dannay Fuentes A01722735

Ana Monforte A01722793
Maria Fernanda Andueza A01722286

The lab I Report


In this lab we worked together to understand the empirical property of scientific

knowledge. In this lab, we will Hook´s the law to fully achieve and properly conduct this lab
with the correct procedure, and have the best efficiency possible while elaborating our

Theoretical framework

For the following laboratory we will be working with the physical phenomenon of the
“Frequency of a loaded spring”. This phenomenon goes in hand with Hook’s Law which
explains the relationship between the force applied to an unstretched spring and the amount
the spring stretched. By analyzing the following we believe that the formulas that properly
help us gain adequate results are:

Each of the following formulas allows us to determine the correct procedures that will
properly help us get our results. In such ways that these equations let us determine the
Theory, k which is the elastic constant measured in [N/m], and the Error.

Experimental design

The materials needed for this were 1 retort stand, 1 spring, 5 masses of different weight, and
an iPhone or any device to measure time. After gathering all the materials we did the next

1. Place the spring on the retort and measure its original size without being pulled down
2. Next place one of the masses to the spring and measure the new size, all of this data
have to be recorded with each of the 5 different masses
3. With each different mass weight pull 5 cm down with the spring and start oscillating
4. After trying it out, now measure the time to complete one oscillation with every 5
different masses being pulled after the 5 cm down of its normal size
5. Repeat step 4, having a total of a series of 3 times the 5 different masses
6. Now record your 15 different test

Weight T(s) T(s) T(s) Average Theory Error (%)

(kg) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 (s) (s)

0.05 0.50 0.59 0.67 0.586 0.635 7.7%

0.1 0.59 0.66 0.64 0.63 0.7769 18.9%

0.15 0.58 0.60 0.42 0.53 0.8746 39.4%

0.2 0.74 0.76 0.85 0.78 1.002 22.1%

0.25 0.80 0.82 0.78 0.8 1.06 24.5%

Data analysis

For our data analysis the next equation was given helping to reach the percent error. First
multiplying 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠
= 𝑘 the equation given we repeat it with each of the 5

different masses taking into consideration the step of measuring the spring with the mass and
passing from centimeters to meters and grams to kilograms. After having each of the total

been k of the equation before, now we apply the equation of 𝑇 = 2 ∏ 𝑘
the total mass

been divided with the total of the equation given before been k all of these been square roots
and multiplied by 2 ∏ all of these to get the total time theory to get the difference of your

error from the test problem and it’s original. The average we get by adding up all of the 3
tests for each mass and dividing the total by 3.

For the error part of our experiment, we used the given formulas. We first used the theory
result which for example one of them was 0.635. Then we subtracted it from the 0.53 which
was the initial experimental data result we collected during our framework and then we
divided it from the theory result again which was 0.635, which when calculating it we got a
result of about .077. After this, we turned it to a percentage by multiplying the decimal by
100 or moving the decimal place two to the right. Getting a final result of 7.7%. We repeated
this process for all of our 5 measurements and gained the error percentages shown in the table


In conclusion after gathering data, our error at the end was higher than what we expected. We
believe that measuring time in the iPhone is not one of the most accurate measurements that
can give you. In the first experiment of 0.05kg, we started good, not having a big difference
of error. In experiment 2 of 0.1 kg, the first test was a little bit not accurate and we believe
because there’s a difference between the one who let go the weight of the spring with the one
that was recording the time, there was not an exact point of accuracy that we started or ended
the time, it was mostly an estimate. After the 3rd experiment, the numbers in our test were
failing a lot and test 3 was the one that changed a lot in the average, we believe that we
stopped the time earlier or we started too slow after the experiment was done. The last two
experiments were the same case as the other ones but had more of a difference in the error.
We concluded that the experiment all depended on the person who measured the time as well
as the one who let go of the mass since it was difficult two see both things at the time or one
person telling you to stop, is not the most accurate thing that you can have.

Williams, M. (2015). What is Hooke's Law?. Universe Today. Retrieved from

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