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2 Utbk 2021
Twitter and Instagram @samdhueradane

The following text is for question 64 to 68. Text 1.

How can you improve your immune system? On the whole, your immune system
does a remarkable job of defending you against disease-causing microorganisms. But
sometimes it fails: A germ invades successfully and makes you sick. Is it possible to
intervene in this process and boost your immune system? What if you improve your
diet? Take certain vitamins or herbal preparations? Make other lifestyle changes in the
hope of producing a nearperfect immune response?
The idea of boosting your immunity is enticing, but the ability to do so has
proved elusive for several reasons. The immune system is precisely that - a system,
not a single entity. To function well, it requires balance and harmony. There is still much
that researchers dont know about the intricacies and interconnectedness of the
immune response. For now, there are no scientifically proven direct links between
lifestyle and enhanced immune function.
But that doesnt mean the effects of lifestyle on the immune system arent
intriguing and shouldnt be studied. Researchers are exploring the effects of diet,
exercise, age, psychological stress, and other factors on the immune response, both in
animals and in humans. In the meantime, general healthy-living strategies make sense
since they likely help immune function and they come with other proven health benefits.
Your first line of defense is to choose a healthy lifestyle. Following general
goodhealth guidelines is the single best step you can take toward naturally keeping
your immune system working properly. Every part of your body, including your
immune system, functions better when protected from environmental assaults and
bolstered by healthy-living strategies such as dont smoke, eat a diet high in fruits and
vegetables, exercise regularly, maintain a healthy weight, get adequate sleep, take
steps to avoid infection, such as washing your hands frequently and cooking meats
thoroughly, try to minimize stress, and keep current with all recommended vaccines.
Vaccines prime your immune system to fight off infections before they take hold in
your body.


Regular exercise is one of the pillars of healthy living. It improves cardiovascular

health, lowers blood pressure, helps control body weight, and protects against a variety
of diseases. But does it help to boost your immune system naturally and keep it
healthy? Just like a healthy diet, exercise can contribute to general good health and
therefore to a healthy immune system.

64. The author mainly discusses a topic on

(A) the effect of immune system on humans' health.
(B) the roles of healthy lifestyle to enhance immune function.
(C) the way to improve the immune system.
(D) the immune system to fight off certain infections.
(E) the correlation between lifestyle and immune function.

65. The word enticing in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to (A)

(B) interesting.
(C) arousing.
(D) motivating.
(E) thrilling.
66. Based on to the passage, what is the benefit of doing regular exercise?
(A) It fights off infections before they take hold in the body.
(B) It likely halts the immune function.
(C) It facilitates the immune system working properly.
(D) It contributes to general good health and therefore to a healthy immune system.
(E) It increases blood pressure.

67. The immune system is ... that – a system, not a single entity.
(A) exactly
(B) elusively
(C) distantly
(D) fuzzily
(E) randomly


68. The paragraph following the passage will most likely discuss about (A)
the effect of doing exercise to maintain a healthy weight.
(B) certain elements in our diet to improve a healthy immune system.
(C) the method to keep the immune system stronger.
(D) vaccines to protects against a variety of diseases.
(E) kind of exercises that can contribute to general good health and a healthy immune

The following text is for question 69 to 73. Text 2

Aaron Hagey-Mackay is a former writer and editor for The Beaverton, a satirical
news website. He's interested in how fake news and propaganda spread online. His new
project, “The Gigawut," is a YouTube channel that uses fun and fact to keep the Earth
Prior to the pandemic, the actual news sometimes seemed like satire. What is the
difference between satire and fake news? The motive underlying them is different.
Satire uses fiction or humour to point to a larger social or political truth. It only works
if you know it's made up. Fake news operates under the guise of credible journalism to
convince you of a falsehood - usually for political or monetary gain. It only works when
you don't know it's a lie. In short, satire plays with its audience; fake news preys
on its audience.
A study found that people who identified as very conservative shared fake news
at higher rates than liberals. Stephen Colbert says, “Reality has a liberal bias. I used to
think satire was a cure for abuse of power – that the satirist uses humour to score
rhetorical blows against tyrants. But this is an old way of thinking”. Recently, he
discovered that members of QAnon, a rightwing conspiracy group, were sharing a
Beaverton article he'd written. The lesson: Satire, just like fake news, can serve as a
propaganda tool for good or bad.
What do you see as the good? During periods of social stress, satire offers a
"spoonful of sugar" to hard truths. It can be a source of insight and can convince you
to pay attention to things you wouldn't otherwise think about.

69. In which part of the passage paragraph does the author give information about
fake news that can serve as a good propaganda tool?
(A) The first sentence of paragraf 1.


(B) The last sentence of paragraf 1.

(C) The first sentence of paragraf 2.
(D) The last sentence of paragraf 3.
(E) The first sentence of paragraf 4.

70. What most likely motivates the author in writing the passage?
(A) There are abundant data shown related to why fake news played important role in
a propaganda tool.
(B) Less information on how fake news and satire differs.
(C) People's understanding on what happened on social media was sufficient.
(D) There are many researches related to fake news spreading.
(E) Fake news has become an interesting part in everyday life.

71. Which of the following statements is TRUE based on the passage?

(A) Aaron Hagey-Mackay is a proffesor in a satirical news website.
(B) Colbert discovered members of QAnon were sharing a Beaverton article he had
never written.
(C) Fake news operates under the guise of credible journalism to convince you of a
(D) The Gigawut is a YouTube channel that uses historical issue as interesting topic in
its channel.
(E) Before the pandemic, the actual news seldom considered satire.

72. The sentence “Prior to the pandemic, the actual news sometimes seemed like
satire” in paragraph 2 can best be restated as
(A) during the pandemic, the actual news occasionally acted like satire.
(B) before the pandemic, the actual news occasionally looked like satire.
(C) after the pandemic, the actual news occasionally played like satire.
(D) as soon as the pandemic, the actual news occasionally performed like satire.
(E) ahead of the pandemic, the actual news occasionally emerged like satire.

73. According to the passage, it can be summarized that

(A) fake news and propaganda spread online, they can only serve as a bad propaganda


(B) satire uses fiction or humour to point to a larger social or political deceit.
(C) satire and fake news are two terms that serve different purposes.
(D) people accept true information faster than false information.
(E) true information is more exciting to read than false information.

The following text is for question 74 to 78. Text 3

GeNose C19 or GeNose UGM is a rapid test tool made by local Indonesian people
and is a big topic recently. GeNose is a cloud-based and Al-based rapid test tool and
promising a rapid and accurate process. The current rapid test tool for COVID19 testing
that available in the market is taking hours to days even weeks to get the result.
However, with GeNose, it can be done in around 3 minutes and the result can be obtained
in around 40 to 50 seconds. Then, how the GeNose from UGM works in
detecting COVID19 and release results in a short time?
Scientists in Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) combined two sophisticated
technology, cloud computing, and Artificial Intelligence to GeNose UGM. These
technologies allow the tools to conduct rapid, accurate, efficient, and low-cost
screening of COVID19. GeNose UGM is the first COVID19 detection tool in Indonesia that
uses breath as the object of detection.
The use of the rapid test tool GeNose UGM is quite simple, people will be asked
to take a breath three times and blow the third breath into the specially made plastic
breath bag. The bag then closed and connected to the GeNose machine to start the
examining process. Sensors in the GeNose machine will check the existence of VOC
(Volatile Organic Compound) that commonly appear in COVID19 infection. The GeNose
machine uses artificial intelligence to conduct a rapid and accurate testing process. It
is said that the accuracy of the GeNose is above 90%. Besides, the screening result can
be seen in real-time for it uses cloud computing. Therefore, people can see the result
in around 40 to 50 seconds. The screening result will appear on the computer screen
along with the percentage of infection possibility. For example, the machine shows
Prediction: NEGATIVE (0.72) it means that you are classified as COVID19 Negative.
However, if the percentage shows under 50%, you will recommend taking the next
COVID19 testing. It is important to note that GeNose C19 is a screening test tool, it is
not meant to conduct diagnose of COVID19. If the GeNose machine says you're positive,
you will be asked to take a PCR test.


The other benefit of GeNose is it is low cost. GeNose Development Team Head,
Prof Kuwat Triyana assured that people who take the rapid test screening with GeNose
tools will only need to pay around 15.000 to 25.000 rupiah. Far cheaper than the current
COVID19 screening tool that available in the market. The experts' team also hopes that
the mass production of the GeNose machine that targeted around 10.000 units until
February 2021 can be achieved soon. Thus, the screening test can cover up to 1.2 million
people per day.
With the existence of GeNose UGM, the screening test for COVID19 can be done
faster and efficiently. The tool can help the government to reduce the risk of the
coronavirus spread. Unsymptomatic person can be detected early and be put on
quarantine to avoid spreading it to other people.

74. With what idea does the author primarly concern?

(A) The overview about the rapid test tool GeNose UGM.
(B) The findings of important devices for COVID19 testing.
(C) The explanation about the rapid test tool GeNose UGM.
(D) The description of the spreading of COVID19.
(E) The benefit of GeNose UGM to avoid spreading COVID19.

75. The purpose of this passage is

(A) to describe the rapid test tool GeNose UGM.
(B) to explain how people can purchase the GeNose UGM.
(C) to explain how to use the rapid test tool GeNose UGM.
(D) to confirm that the rapid test tool GeNose UGM is about to throw in the market.
(E) to warn that the rapid test tool GeNose UGM cannot be relied on.

76. To whom is the passage probably intended?

(A) Physician.
(B) Scientist.
(C) Readers in general.
(D) Medical practitioner.
(E) Pharmacist


77. With the sentence Besides, the screening result can be seen in real-time for it
uses cloud computing in paragraph 3, the writer intends
(A) to illustrate that the use of the rapid test tool GeNose UGM is quite simple.
(B) to add information about the test result immediately after the test.
(C) to confirm about the benefit of using GeNose UGM.
(D) to describe that the screening result takes times.
(E) to explain that the use of the rapid test tool GeNose UGM is unreliable.

78. It can be inferred from the passage that

(A) the rapid tool GeNose UGM is higly reliable.
(B) unsymptomatic person shouldn't be tested.
(C) the existence of GeNose UGM is a way too sloppily.
(D) the government fails to overcome the coronavirus spread.
(E) unsymptomatic person should be put on quarantine to avoid spreading it to other

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