Dela Cruz, Emmanuel Andrew M. BSN 3A NCM 116: Orthopedic Nursing Cranial Bone

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Dela Cruz, Emmanuel Andrew M.

NCM 116: Orthopedic Nursing
Palatine- Contributes in the development pf
the orbits, the nasal cavity, and the three
cavities that make up the skull
Occipital bone- main bone of the occipital
Zygomatic Bone- it works to give shape and
providing broad surface for attachment of
structure to the face. -Protects the nerves and
blood vessels located at the face and help for
Parietal bone- provide shape and protection the movement of jaw
for brain as component for neurocranium. -
Inferior nasal concha -responsible for
Protecting parietal lobe of brain
olfaction and in humidifying inhaled air
Frontal bone- Makes roof of the orbit,
Mandible- holds lower teeth and helps in
containing zygomatic process that connects
swallowing. -forming the lower jaw
to the zygomatic bone on the lateral wall of
the socket. -Connects with the ethmoid via Hyoid bone- has something to do in speech
inferior or medial and swallowing
Temporal bone – It protects those delicate Vomer -provides grooves in the passageway
tissues such as the middle and inner ear. -It of neurovascular structures form the nasal
gives houses for the cockles, canals, and cavity. -it provides division for the right and
hearing organ left sides of nasal cavity
Ethmoid bone -Forms the orbit, nasal cavity, ASSOCIATED SKULL BONE
nasal septum, and floor of the anterior
Ear Ossicles 3+3=6
cranial fossa.
Malleus -transfers auditory waves to the
Sphenoid bone -Assist in the formation of
incus and stapes by connecting to the
base and lateral side of the skull in
tympanic membrane
combination with the orbital floor
Incus -responsible in the transmission of
vibration from the malleus to the stapes
Lacrimal bone -supports the lacrimal
Stapes- it allows energy conduction to be
apparatus structures which release tears to
transferred to the fluid-filled inner ear
moist the eyes. -serves as an attachement
point for the oculi muscle Hyoid – responsible for speech
Maxillae – It provides house for teeth, RIBS 12 pair= 24 + 1 sternum
forming the roof and the floor of both oral
cavity and nasal cavity (lateral wall). -Also True Ribs -articulates the sternum forming
it connects with the maxillary sinus. sternocostal joint

Nasal bones- forms and support, protect the Piche- vertebral

nasal cavity column
AAGE- Sternum
Dela Cruz, Emmanuel Andrew M.
NCM 116: Orthopedic Nursing
False Ribs- provides protections for Radius- responsible for the movement of
abdominal organ, supporting muscles and arm and wrist
providing trunk flexibility
Ulna- responsible for the movement of arm,
Piche- Vertebral wrist, and hand.
Carpals- allow movement and rotation of
AAGE- Last Rib wrist vertically
Floating Ribs- allows expansion of the lower Scaphoid- vital for
part of the rib cage, and movement of the motion and stability of wrist
Trapezium- responsible
SIRF PICHE SE for the stability and movement of the thumb
JUDA HAI- Lunate- forms bony
VERTEBRAL COLUMN superstructure for the hand
MANUBRIUM Trapezoid- forms
structure for the palm of hand
Triquetrum- has
something to do in the motion of midcarpal
Cervical Vertebra -supports and allows the and radiocarpal joints of the wrist
head movement, and protects the spinal cord
Capitate- largest carpal
Thoracic Vertebra -responsible for holding bone, occupying the center of the wrist
the rib cage and protecting the heart and
Pisiform- act as an
attachment for tendons and ligaments
Lumbar Vertebra -provide strength for back
Hamate- lines the distal
and spinal column, allowing attachment of
row of carpal bone to the fourth and fifth
muscles and ligaments
metacarpal bones
Sacrum -provide strength for the pelvis and
Metacarpals – allows the tip of finger and
thumb to be brought together for
Coccyx -serves as tripod of the leg manipulation

C1-Atlas -provide support to the skull, Phalanges- has something to do for gripping
spinal cord, and vertebral arteries. -provides and holding objects
attachment for muscles of the neck
Distal Phalanges-
C2-Axis -allows head rotation responsible for flexion and extension at the
DIP joints
FORELIMBS 30 pairs=60
Humerus- has something to do critically for Phalanges- forms upper limit of the hoof
arm movements
Dela Cruz, Emmanuel Andrew M.
NCM 116: Orthopedic Nursing
Proximal Phalenges- Cuboid- works in the
connect the proximal and middle phalanges foot stabilization and movements of toes
Pectoral Girdles 2 pairs =4 Metatarsals- works in force absorption,
support, and as a rigid level during gait
Clavicle-connects the axial and appendicular
skeleton with the scapula
Phalanges- locates distal to the metatarsals
Scapula- allowing upper extremity
movements including -Protraction, - Proximal Phalanges-
retraction, elevation, depression, upward allowing toes properly bend
rotation, and downward rotation
HINDLIMB 30 pairs = 60 Phalanges- form upper limit of hoof
Femur bone- responsible for stabilization of Distal Phalanges-
movement, regulates movement and stand consist broad base for articulation with
middle phalanges
Tibia- responsible for bearing of weight,
connecting knee and ankle PELVIC GIRDLE 1pair= 2
Fibula- In pair with tibia by providing Ilium- works as weight bearing
stability of the ankle joint
Ischium- responsible for leg mobility,
Patella- responsible for the extension balance, standing, and lifting
Pubis- responsible for absorption of weight
Tarsals- works in maintaining the arches of form upper body to the lower body
the foot
Talus- responsible to
weight transfer and pressure forces across
the ankle joint HINDLIMB- 60
Calcaneum- act as PECTORAL GRIDLE- 4
short level for calf muscle
Cuneiform- site in receiving the tendon
tibialis anterior. SKULL- 22

Intermediate EAR OSSICLES- 6+ 1 hyoid= 7

Cuneiform- responsible for forming and RIBS- 24 +sternum 1= 25
keeping the transverse arch of the foot
Lateral Cuneiform-
important role in the formation of medial AXIAL BONES=80
foot arch

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