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07/11/2022 Role of the 4— 4 — z Y ae ee BASIC FOOD SAFETY AWARENESS Recon hy fteving raat actns nd op eT MORITA SCLIN RFC REVERE ‘oroefe age eons Acceptable to consumers 2. Conforn} statutory and regulatoty requirements Prevent Hiseases 4. Promote health ° SS Food Safety vs Food Safety = Behavior Safe Food 8 oy PG a re eg Food Safety » Requirement and/or Assurance that any food characteristics! properties will not cause harmful effects to the consumer when it is prepared and/or eaten according to its intended use and produce safe food. eee Major Causes of Food Borne Incidents h Ag cr Food Safety ee and Outcomes a oe 07/11/2022 Safe Food Absence and/or Adceptable levels of contaminants, adulterants, naturally occurring |toxins or any other substance that may make food injurious to health dn an acute or chronic basis. Major Causes Borne Inciden a FooD ee CAUSES YGOOD BACTERIA * They hop mako vinogar, bttermik and cheese (ex. Lactobacillfs) XBAD BACTERIA = They cause vomiting, fev, diantiea and cramps... Sometimes dedh.. © eT FOOD POISONING CHARACTERISTICS ‘incubation Period + 1to28hours| "Duration +1107 da = Usually roquires 9 large numberof food Poisoning organisms, To cause mess Ef =o FE 00 0 So = ee = E00 peo eH = eo} M-micrbiologcal, P-physleal, C chemical, A- allergenic 07/11/2022 = Auth infeed any carats of fod that can render rae fr corsurpon anor cause ange fry, ness coma avorable conditions. bacteria » Food/nutrients ~ Acidity ~ Temperature ~ Time + Oxygen ~ Moisture/Water avorable conditions for F avorable conditions bacteria bacteria 5 - Acidity ~ Foodinutrients ¥ arrasor =e a ‘avorable conditions for bacteria bacteria ~ Temperature -Time a he ape Dag 2a 4387 Fed must be rand ery creity " 07/11/2022 nome mien need ena ogo 2, capi ot tig ar posta mst ad ine eign ia common avorable conditions for er al bacteria bacteria - Oxygen ~Mbisture/Water While most microorganisms need ‘oxygen to grow, some do not! 07/11/2022 The International Factors that wil ayect Fgod Trade Sc Competitiveness of Food Borderless Economy BP Quality TS Stifter Competition ® Safety IS Satisfied Customer 13 War at the Shopfloors SP Cost KS> _ imereasing Food Poisoning cases & Time TRESS TTT TTT eT TT SS FIVE KEYS TO SAFER FOOD Republic Act No. 10614 otherwise «sede known as the Food Safety Act of 2013 2, Separate raw and cookell (don’t cross contaminate); An act to strengthen the food safety regulatory system in the country to protect consumer health and facilitate market access of local food and food products, and for other purposes. . Cook thoroughly(right temperature); . Keep food at safe tempdratures; Use safe water and raw fnaterials a i a as How can | handle food safely? cr Where do the GMP requirements come from + Legal Basis for Food Regulation +1987 Philippine Constitution + Sec.12 Article XIII “the State shall establish and maintain an effective food and drug regulatory system” « BFAD A.0. 153 $2004 - Revised Guidelines on Current Good Manufacturing Pract Cees Gees = CLEAN — clean, tidy and free of dirt (Hygienic and Sanitary) ‘SAFE — no false or banned ingredients. Not mixed with hazardous waste. 07/11/2022 Ce ——— ——— Are sets of standards, criteria or quidelines to tablish sanitary cbnditions in the manufacture of food/ingredients, production and other food contact materials including collection, transportation, process|ng, storage, QC & delivery of finished prodlicts to assure food products/ ingredients prodliced are clean, fresh ome. Tess Guarantee high quality products to the consumer. Delivering prod possible cont ts free of all amination CORRECT = appropri methods were used |n seasoning, cooking, wrapping and stbring SG HONEST — no deception correct weight and pure ingredients, ad seasonings are served. (Fair and Honest) j= and correct bai Spgnaitain the trust and confidence of 4 GeuSumers; and, they become ropoat customers \who will continue to enjoy your product 2 promote and protect the reputation of the Agnhany OF establishment as a manufacturer of high quality products, =. CSS © Increased production costs, @ More rejects and returns. Reduced marketing time/shelt life. @Loss of markets and potential lawsuits, @ Longer and frequent delays. @Faster wear-out and depreciation of plant and equipment. — 07/14) = To avoid rotums of crust rand Po consumer poisoning or iline Saat eee) eel Personnel + Adega sal wih evant rowihie,epeencs and Cspahinon a aragnastan at 2: Proccten and Cusy Cont (20) ae nea by arent person, nether ot om sta Be reponse othe cer i cparatann oa sutcdy otfoy prs breciery dened otianing on the underdanfing of procetres, Work nau, GMP pn te 635 07/11/2022 a aaa od = Duties and Responsibilities Training and Competencies Easy to clean & disinfect Sess Coving on floor wallljuncture to facilitate cleaning —— Drains with|Traps oy e—— SS Recommended number of toilets for number of workers Door +With smooth, surfaces + Where appropriate, self fitting Oe Defined Areas + Gowning/change rooms + Receiving of starting materisl + Incoming goods quarantine + Sampling room for sampling of deliveries of starting materials * Storage of approved mat and packaging) + Storage of reject materials rials (chemical 07/11/2022 Non-absorbent e self-closing & Defined Areas = Quality control faciities + Preparation of materials = Processing operations + Equipment washing + Storage of clean, idle/ non-fynctional equipment + Major repair and maintenan: e activities 12 07/11/2022. Defined Areas + Storage of cleaning tools and supplies + Staging/ storage of bulk products + Packaging/ labeling operations + Quarantine storage for finished products + Storage/ warehouse for approved finished products + Canteen Lighting Facilities + Provision of natural or artificial lighting + Protection against food contamination in case of glass breakage —<<— + Ventilation to prevent excessive build up of heat, dust odors and vapors (including steam and noxious fumes) ition + Direction of air flow within the plant shall never be from a dirty area to a clean area, 75S Storage Faciliti¢s +Food materials shouk together with chemical cleaning implements. not be stored for cleaning and CLEAN TO DIRTY 13 07/11/2022 a Principle quipment Selection Lom Equipment shall be properly ys 2p designed, constructed and installed to prevent cross- = contamination Sess ee el 2AC. Equipment a , 14 07/11/2022 | Sanitation and Hygiene ION a ‘Thevey in vbich bunans —Acimulaie group of Aim to eliminate all potential sources of est arene: Epeeiee haa tay contamination and crc contamination = - es feet erate ecmectpepsites from all areas ‘where the product See eee quality/food safety is af risk. eee oe ee Both words are meayt for prevention Sanam ifort Hee fr hamane. and health promotion| ae Se eee espns Sources of Contamination Attire Requirenjent ae : oe Clothing MACHINE machinery, equipment, tools Hair Restraint METHODS- processes/procedures, Facial Mask activities MATERIALS: ingredients, processing aides Gloves + Environment Footwear | | cca m= NO JEWELRY ALLOWED IN AREAS OF PRODUCT PRODUCTION OR STORAGE ‘sNo SHORTS! SHORT SLEEVES BHIRTS/ SANDALS ARE @) Ringe Nacdaes /Brcoots/Eannge Alou aneas oF PRoouETPreDucTON Ot (0) Hair clips / Watches ow Glasses with jawol decorations ‘oTHE APPROPRIATE UNIFORW, APRON/ LAB COAT 4$NO OBJECTS CAN BE CARRIED IN PcepUeT ON oe ertenae cule POCKETS ABOVE THE WAISTLINE, (<< 15 Ny 4SIDE BURNS that extend beyond ear lobes — line need to be covered by a BEARD NET. MOUSTACHES that extend beyond the mouth line need to be covered by a BEARD NET. | Past sceaey Footwear can be a source of contamination. Clean and specified indoor footwear should be used. When footwear used outside the processing plant must not be wom inside the plant without first being clean as by dipping ted fankatn NOMEONS ‘The wearing of gloves doe: ‘operator from having thoroy hands Guidance for Ha Wet your hand with f Use soap around you if needed use brush te ‘not exempt the jghly washed }d Washing ing water hand and fingers clean your nails Rinse your hand aioe water Air dry or with a dis; Use antiseptics Don't touch anything, avoided, repeat step 4 sable towel cannot be 5. 07/11/2022 16 07/11/2022 7 production activites, To produce food which is sae} Cconsumpiion: STANDARDIZE Aj [ASSURE THE CONSISTENCY Of Using only standardized and appr 07/11/2022 PRODUCTION AND ROCESS CONTROL, ‘and suitable for human | ACTIONS ‘elated to PRODUCT QUALITY by fed raw mates \scceciaiiiiaimniaie ie ol cepeeeeneneenen mecmuerenenll QUALITY AUDITS A QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEM should be established to ‘V ensure that products contain the CORRECT MATERIALS of ‘specified QUALITY AND QUANTITY ‘A quality audit consists offan examination and Y__ manufactured under proper conditions following assessment of all or part lof a quality system STANDARD PROCEDURES. with specific purposd of improving it ‘ensure the QUALITY and SAFETY ofthe product DISTRIBUTION PRODUCT RECA! Is a process taken by the responsible firm The special measures that need to be ue need one considered in the storage and distribution of product on the market, food products, such that the products will be of fo remove or withdraw safety and quality as it is intended when it a particular food reaches the consumer. product from all links of distribution. al ack | LAND RETENTION |sample_of _a fully caged unit from a batch of fnished_product_stored for fentification purposes 18

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