C9 Eng Formative Assessment - 1 Q.P 2020-21

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C 9 – Formative Assessment – 1


Online Learning

DATE : 12 - 04-2021
Syllabus: L – 4. What is man without the beast?
L – 5. A havoc of flood

Max.Marks: 20 Min.Time: 1½ Hr.

Section - A
I) Read the following lines: 3x1=3M
So we will consider your offer to buy land. But it will not be easy. For this land is sacred to us.
(What is man without the beast)
Now, answer the following questions.
1) Who are the “We” in the passage?
2) Who is “Your” here?
3) Why is it not easy to buy the land?
II) Read the following lines: 3x1=3M
No bus entered the city from any distant village or town. Something terrible happened, which
stopped the visitors. (A havoc of food)
Now, answer the following questions.
4) What is “Something” that happened?
5) Who were stopped by it?
6) Why do people come from distant places?
Section - B
III) Read the following paragraph and write the synonyms of the underlined words given in the
box. 4x1=4M

Unwilling , Frightened, hastened, Searching, willing, Sad.

Although water rose to the roof level, people were reluctant (7) to leave their house and were
still seen groping (8) for their valuables. The pathetic (9) plight was that the people of the
villages hurried (10) to the safer places for their lives leaving everything they had- houses,
properties, lands and cattle.
IV) Read the paragraphs and write the antonyms of underlined words. 4x1=4M
I am a savage and do not understand (11) any other way. I have seen thousands of rotting
buffaloes on the praririe, left by the white man who shot them from a passing. (12) train. How
the smoking iron horse can be made more important (13) than the buffalo that you kill only to
stay alive(14).

Dr. Kishore’s RATNAM Online Learning School C9 F.A ENGLISH 2020-21 1

C 9 – Formative Assessment – 1

Section- C

V) Combine the following sentences. 4x1=4M

15) The animals had to die. They were fastened in their sheds(‘If’ clause).
16) Their paddy fields were ready to be reaped. The massive floods engulfed them (before).
17) The people of the city welcome the tourists in a warm mood (change into passive)
18) They said to me, “Why are you so sad these days?” (Change into indirect speech)
VI) Edit the following passages correcting the underlined parts. 4x½ =2M
Nature had (19) its own plan to keep up the ecological balance. But man in his greedy (20)
spoiled the balance. This is a global issue. In a concerting (21) manner. We have to wage a war
against it. Factories are allowed to be build (22) far away from habitations Debris should be
dumped far away.

Dr. Kishore’s RATNAM Online Learning School C9 F.A ENGLISH 2020-21 2

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