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Med Rehab

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)

• Mechanism of Injury :
• ACL :
1) Abduction
2) Flexion
3) Internal Rotation of the femur on tibia
• Clinical Features :
1) Pain
2) Swelling
3) Tenderness
• Treatment :
1) Conservative Mx :
▪ Consist of rest, long leg casts for 4 - 6 weeks
▪ Physiotherapy
▪ Surgical Therapy – Arthroscopic repair and reconstruction
2) Physiotherapy Mx :
▪ Short Term Goals :
• Control Pain & Inflammation
o Ultrasound o TENS
• Cryotherapy – ICE
o Weight bearing to be initiated only after regaining full AROM extension
• Control Limb Edema :
o Leg Elevation
o Compression Bandage
• Control Stiffness :
o Isometrics
o Self-assisted gentle knee swinging exercises
• Control DVT :
o Limb Elevation
o Compression Bandage
o Active exercises (ankle and toes)
▪ Long Term Goals :
• 1st Day :
o Ankle – toe movement
o Quads and Hamstring Isometric exercises
• 2nd Day :
o Quads and Hamstring

Address : 1st floor, Dr. Pimprikar Hospital Building, Chowk no.5, Behind Hotel Prakash, Govind Nagar
, Nashik-9 contact:- 0253-2472498
Med Rehab
o Walking gradual weight bearing with crutches
• 5th Day :
o AAROM exercise, Assisted SLR could be begun if not too painful.
o Hamstring stretching
• 2nd Week :
o AAROM and AROM exercise
o RROM hamstring exercise
o Passive Patellar mobilization
• 21 Days :
o Vigorous Progressive resistive quadriceps exercise
o Supported and guided functional positions
o Floor squatting
o Prone heel sitting (kneeling)
o Standing on the affected leg alone
o Ambulation unsupported or with minimal support
• After 1 Month : (Conditioning 3 – 5 Weeks)
o High sitting speedy isotonic full ROM, Relaxed knee swinging
o PRE Quads
o Balance activities : Proprioception
o Gait training (if foot inverted or everted)
o Return to work
• 6 Weeks onwards : (Functional Progression)
o Spot running : By holding wall base
o Straight jogging
o Straight running
o Jumping, Hopping
o Agility Drills (e.g. – figure of 8 running)
o Gradual return to sports

(Modalities Used :
Ultra Sound
for reducing pain)

Address : 1st floor, Dr. Pimprikar Hospital Building, Chowk no.5, Behind Hotel Prakash, Govind Nagar
, Nashik-9 contact:- 0253-2472498

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