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define voice1 = Speaker('???

', voice_woman, color='#4c4c62')

define voice2 = Speaker("???", voice_woman, color='#706460')
define voice3 = Speaker("???", voice_woman, color='#f2656f')
define voice4 = Speaker("???", voice_woman, color='#b1a9c6')
define voice5 = Speaker("???", voice_woman, color='#fba29f')
define yurikavoice = Speaker("???", voice_woman, color="#b0b1be")
define issabellevoice = Speaker("???", voice_woman, color='#4faab3')

label real_warp1:
scene bg house_davis bedroom_john day_shut with dissolve
pause 0.3
show john a_15 at right with easeinbottom
john "wow. this book really works"
show john a_0
extend ". Maybe I can do anything with a single words by reading this book"
nvl clear
nvl_narrator "After that I decided to read the book thoroughly for almost an
hour and find out some spell that I can use"
nvl_narrator "The spell was possession, swap bodies, mind transfer, command,
reality alter, and a lot of it"
nvl_narrator "For unknown reason. some spell was cannot read. "
extend "because I am to weak maybe"
john "Some part of this book is still gibberish. Maybe I can search in the
internet about this book and see what this book really are"
show john a_0 at centerleft with ease
"Okay let's type {q}A spell book{/q} first"
extend "."
extend "."
"It's just showing a kid toy."
extend " maybe I need to search more specifically"
"I type {q}Blackwell magic book{/q} "
extend "."
extend "."
"The results now is different than before and I start browsing around some site
extend ". The update date at the site is shown the date of 17 years ago"
think "Maybe it was booming back there"
"after a few minute. I find a usefull site"
"but suddenly my phone vibrating"
show john a_0 at right with ease
text start john
text title "Mom"
msg sandra "Hey john, my friend is coming there. do you need something honey?"
john "Like usual she is worry about me too much"
msg john "nothing"
msg john "but I will get goin to my friend house. so just tell your friend she
is better not come here "
extend ", sometimes she would send a random friend of her to come to our house.
and i don't want to deal with them"
msg sandra "Okay sweety"
text end
"okay let's get back to the internet here"
show john a_0 at centerleft with ease
nvl clear
nvl_narrator "The legend of great wizard Blacwell"
nvl_narrator "He is known as a powerfull wizard from west around 1597"
nvl_narrator "reputedly, He left his magic book to someone he would choose
nvl_narrator "firstly the continuer of Blackwell will only can use some part of
his spell. but for some time, the continuer will can use all of Blackwell spell"
john "I see"
extend ", so that was the reason why I can't read all of the page "
"I've already been ghost several minutes before, what should I do now?"
pause 1
"After some minutes of thinking I decided to..."

"{s}Go to the beach{/s}":


"chat kiyoshi":
text start john
text title "Kiyoshi "
msg john "sup man, what are you doing rn?"
pause 1
msg kiyoshi "J-man!!! you need to come here"
msg kiyoshi "I found the footsteps of alien"
john "maybe talking with him is a wrong choices"
john "maybe I can play along for a minute"
msg john "really how is it look like?"
msg kiyoshi "It was pretty small around 5 until 7 centimeter and have
four fingers"
show john a_2
john "That's definitely a cat trail"
msg john "By the way, can I come to your place? and maybe have a
sleepover "
msg john "I am very bored here"
msg kiyoshi "Sure, but I was still outside now."
msg kiyoshi "I am still looking for what creature is making this trail"

john "He is so stupid I thought"

msg john "okay then, goodluck"
text end
jump parktwo

"Go to the park":

jump park

label park:
"Maybe go to the park for killing time is good"
show john a_0 at right with ease
pause 0.5
outfit john casual
with dissolve
"I get the book with me And wear my jacket"
"This book is pretty heavy "
scene bg house_davis hallway day
with dissolve
pause 0.4
show john a_0 at center with dissolve
pause 0.3
hide john a_0 at center with easeoutleft
pause 0.2
scene bg house_davis livingroom day
with dissolve
pause 0.4
show john a_0 at center with easeinright
hide john a_0 at center with easeoutleft
pause 0.2
scene bg house_davis entrance day
with dissolve
pause 0.4
show john a_0 at center with easeinright
hide john a_0 at center with easeoutleft
pause 0.2
scene bg house_davis exterior day
with dissolve
show john a_0 at center with easeinright
pause 0.2
show john a_2
pause 0.1
"suddenly I feel something was watching me and I feel incredibly nervous"

label parktwo:
"Maybe go to the park for killing time is good"
show john a_0 at right with ease
pause 0.5
outfit john casual
with dissolve
"I get the book with me And wear my jacket"
"This book is pretty heavy "
scene bg house_davis hallway day
with dissolve
pause 0.4
show john a_0 at center with dissolve
pause 0.3
hide john a_0 at center with easeoutleft
pause 0.2
scene bg house_davis livingroom day
with dissolve
pause 0.4
show john a_0 at center with easeinright
hide john a_0 at center with easeoutleft
pause 0.2
scene bg house_davis entrance day
with dissolve
pause 0.4
show john a_0 at center with easeinright
hide john a_0 at center with easeoutleft
pause 0.2
scene bg house_davis exterior day
with dissolve
show john a_0 at center with easeinright
pause 0.2
show john a_2
pause 0.1
"suddenly I feel something was watching me and I feel incredibly nervous"
show john a_2 at centerleft with ease
pause 0.5
outfit carrie casual
show carrie a_1 at center with easeinright
carrie "Hey john! where are you going?"
show john a_4
john "Ack"
"Where is she come from? she really made me get a heart attack"
show john a_10
john "Just want to get some fresh aor at the park?"
john "Aaand meet a friend"
show carrie a_10 with dissolve
carrie "Then who is this friend"
extend ", Is you friend a girl"
extend ",If that a girl is that your girlfriend"
extend " And why you don't spend your time with me instead"
"She is really a dangerous girl"
extend " I need to go asap"
show john a_10 at left with ease
john "My friend is a boy and I've need to go now. Time problem"
show carrie a_2 at center
pause 0.3
hide john a_10 at left with easeoutleft
carrie "W-w-wait john!!!"
scene black with dissolve
"I quickly ran away from her"
"After a few minutes of walking, finally I've reach the park"
"I choose to come here because It wasn't so far from Kiyoshi's house"
show john a_3
"but it wasn't the main goal I choose to come there"
"Before I arrive at the park. I'd go to the woman's bathroom"
scene L_bg public_bathroom with dissolve
show john a_15 at centerleft with easeinright
"I was lucky there is no one here now"
extend ", It would really bad if someone caught me getting in to the woman
bathroom "
show john a_17 at center
pause 0.3
hide john a_17 at center with dissolve
pause 0.3
scene L_bg bathroom
show john a_17 at center
with dissolve
john "Let's not waste to much time now"
"I took the book out of my bag and flipping through the page to the morphing
spell page"
think "Found it"
nvl clear
manu "{b}Advanced Morphing Spell{/b}"
manu "It's not too different than the basic spell"
manu "The difference is after you change your body, your mind slowly will
fitting into that body and the reality is slowly changing too"
manu "At least it was a normal morphing spell"
"well at least it was a normal morphing spell "
nvl clear
manu "You need to cast {q}Verba Omera{/q} and wait"
manu "The spell will invite a random ghost and the ghost will possess your body
manu "After the ghost possess your body, Your body will change into the
physical body of the ghost'"
manu "Make sure you remember your realself or your real existant Will replace
by your new body"
manu "cast Verba Omera plus your name to undo the spell "
manu "~Vika Blackwell"
"So it was spell to use a body of a death people"
extend ", It feels a little bit tricky"
think "I took a deep breath before casting the spell"
pause 1.0
show john a_7 at center
john "{spell}Verba Omera{/spell}"
pause 0.7
show john a_9
"I close my eyes to prepare what would happening now "
pause 1.0
show john a_2 at center with dissolve
"Nothing happened yet"
extend ", Is the spell broken?"
pause 1.0
show john a_5 at center with dissolve
"What a stupid spell, I need to get out of here before someone is coming"
show john a_2 at centerleft with ease
pause 1.0
show john a_15 at centerleft with dissolve
pause 0.5
john "shit! the door is locked"
pause 0.3
"suddenly the air feels bizzardly cold"
show john a_14
extend ", wait. is the spell actually works?"
pause 0.3
show L_catherineGhost b_4 at right with easeinright
pause 1.0
show john a_9
"I am waiting for what would coming like what the book saids once again"
pause 0.3
possess L_catherine john a_9
$ = "{color=#a3cf8a}john{/color=#a3cf8a}"
morph begin magic L_catherine L_catherine casual b_3
think "I vagueally feel something entering my body"
extend ", and I feel my body is started to changing it's shape"
think "First of all I feel that my height het increase significally,"
extend " And I feel my face structure began to reform itself to something new
that doesn't feel like mine"
think "Slowly I feel my hair began to grow longer and longer"
extend " , Am i turning into a woman?!"
think "the hair didn't stop to grow until it finally almost reachy but"
extend ". My hair turns it color from black to a lime green color And my skin
is now feel incredibly smooth"
"Shit, I want to stop the transformation but my body can't move"
"Fuck, why is the random body I got was a woman body"
think "My body shape start to reshaping to a more curvy amd feminime body"
"Very different from my real body"
extend " maybe this woman I am turning into is around her 25's"
think "Suddenly I feel my nipple start growing"
L_catherine "aaahnn"
"I can't help to let out a small sexy moan"
extend ", And my {i}high-ptched{/i} voice confirming my thought that I was
turning into a woman"
extend " And the strawberry taste in my mouth is bothering me with the extra
smoothness feel"
think "The small pleasure quickly feel more and more pleasureable"
"Do woman always feels the same thing"
think "My chest was swelled into a {q}{b}GIGANTIC PAIR OF BOOBS{/b}{/q}"
L_catherine "AAHHHN!!"
think"My breast feels extremely sensitive right now"
extend ", besides that I feel that my butt has started to expanding"
"It's also ripped my pants because the size of my new butt"
"A strong pleasure sensation suddenly grow around my {q}manhood{/q}"
L_catherine "KIIYAAAAAHHHH~~~"
"I can't do anything else than moan when I escaped a lot of cum from my dick"
think "I can feel my dick was start shrinking and now took it's shape to form a
womanhood "
extend "I also feels a sensation of a new hole start forming down there"
morph do L_catherine
L_catherine "Finally it's over"
think "The last part is my clothes also changing into a fine white short arm
clothes follow by pants changing into a short skirt"
think "My underwear change too and I feel a bra wrapping around my new breast"
"I also got a pair of higheels although I can't walk on it"
morph end L_catherine
L_catherine "wow, I can't see my face now but I know this body looks very
"This is a situation of lucky and not lucky"
show L_catherine a_3 at centerleft
" i need to change back now"
extend " but the spell book say that I need to wait for one and half hour"
show L_catherine b_0
"Actually I want to change into a man not a woman"
show L_catherine a_6
"But this feeling of this woman body is something new for me"
show L_catherine a_0
L_catherine "Guess I will just get play along with this body and change back
later. "
extend "Aaand maybe I will get a discount by teasing the waiter there hahaha~"
show L_catherine a_2
"But I can't walk in heels"
pause 1.0
show memwipe at centerleft:
ypos 0.6
with dissolve
play sound L_sfx_memwipe
pause 1.0
hide memwipe with dissolve
pause 1.0
scene L_bg bathroom
show L_catherine a_5 at centerleft
with dissolve
L_catherine "Well, maybe I just need to walk carefully then"
pause 0.3
show L_catherine a_5 at left, faceleft with ease
pause 0.7
show L_catherine a_5 at center, faceright with ease
pause 0.2
show L_catherine a_5 at center, faceleft with ease
pause 0.3
show L_catherine a_3 with dissolve
"The door is still locked"
L_catherine "What a very rusty stupid door"
show L_catherine b_0
"The book must be have a spell to get me out of here"
pause 1.0
"Maybe this will works"
nvl clear
manu "{q}Gatom Viora Manete{/q}"
manu "A spell that can make you walk through wall or other solid things"
manu "Ps: objects other than your body cannot come through the wall with you"
show L_catherine a_2
"Because the book is thicker than the gap between the floor and the door I
decided to throw my bag outside but"
"It means the book can't follow go through the this door"
show L_catherine a_8
"Is it safe to leave the book here?"
pause 1.0
show L_catherine a_0
" Nah its alright. because the door is broken and strong enough, no one will
come here for a pretty long time"
"I guess the area here is pretty quiet today anyway"
"I left the book on the closet and then cast the spell"
show pentagram at center behind L_catherine as pentagram
L_catherine "{spell}Gatom Viora Manete{/spell} "
pause 0.6
hide pentagram with dissolve
pause 0.3
show L_catherine a_5
L_catherine "Guess the spell was working"
hide L_catherine a_0 at center with easeoutleft
L_catherine "Wow "
extend "I really can goes through the door"
scene L_bg public_bathroom with easeinleft
pause 0.5
L_catherine "Finally I can get out from the-"
outfit L_catherine nude
show L_catherine a_1 at center, faceleft with easeinright
L_catherine "-there"
pause 1.0
show L_catherine a_0 with dissolve
pause 0.5
show L_catherine a_5 with dissolve
pause 0.5
show L_catherine b_2 with dissolve
pause 0.3
L_catherine "WAaaaaaa"
show L_catherine a_8 with dissolve
pause 0.5
show L_catherine a_8 at centerleft, faceleft with ease
pause 1.0
show L_catherine a_8 at centerleft, faceright with dissolve
pause 0.3
show L_catherine a_8 at centerright with ease
pause 0.3
show L_catherine a_8 at centerright, faceleft with dissolve
pause 1.0
show L_catherine a_8 at center with ease
think "I hope nobody hears my scream"
show L_catherine a_2
L_catherine "Fyuuh, nobody here so no one was hears I screaming"
"I must be notice that {q}the other object{/q} means it was include M--this
woman clothes too"
"I should take the clothes from there"
extend ", I don't want to see naked by another people because "
extend "{i} I was still single now.{/i}"
show L_catherine a_5 with dissolve
L_catherine "Wait... I don't even care about my {i}lovelife{/i} status now"
show L_catherine a_5 at centerright, faceright with ease
pause 0.5
show L_catherine a_2 at centerright with st_ease(0.5):
ypos 1.5
"Trying to not think about that thought, I kneel up to place my hand in the
"I try to get the clothes from the gap down the door"
pause 0.3
show L_catherine a_2 at centerright with st_ease(0.5):
ypos 1.5
xpos 0.8
pause 0.4
"I finally "
show L_catherine a_2 at centerright with st_ease(0.5):
ypos 1.55
xpos 0.8
extend "got them"
pause 1.0
show L_catherine a_2 at centerright with st_ease(0.5)
L_catherine "Nice fate for me, the clothes wasn't damage at all"
think "I just bought them from the boutique yesterday"
"Just let try to wear them than standing here naked all day"
show L_catherine a_1 at center, faceleft with ease
pause 0.5
L_catherine "wait"
show L_catherine a_5 with dissolve
show L_catherine a_5 at centerleft with st_ease(1.2)
extend " Is this me now?"
think "The reflection of the mirros is showing a naked woman with a lime green
"She looks so adorable, I wonder who is she really are"
pause 1.0
think "Nah, put the thought aside at least I should wear her underwear now
before I get cold from this cold atmosphere here"
"First I pick the underwear and stockings"
outfit L_catherine Panty
show L_catherine a_0
with dissolve
think "It's feel strange when the fabric wrapping aginst my {i}vagina{/i}"
extend " and the stocking feels like i am using a tight pants"
pause 1.0
show L_catherine a_2 with dissolve
pause 1.0
outfit L_catherine underwear_c
show L_catherine a_5
with dissolve
L_catherine "Wait... how can I put it on that easily?"
"I wear the bra so easily like {i}{q}I always do before{/q}{/i}"
"Somehow it feels better to wear a bra than let my boobs unsupported"
think "I never see a tutorial or a girl how to wear a bra before"
think "But it feels like it was something basic to me to know now"
"And other feels I realized is that I can move nicely in this body"
extend " But i musn't be like that."
L_catherine "Maybe I have the muscle memory to make me easier to move"
think "It must have been the side effect of {q}my mind start fitting into this
body{/q} is starting to feel"
show L_catherine a_0
"I also notice now how pretty comfortable my feeling inside this body"
show L_catherine a_2
extend " Is that any other alter memories I got here?"
pause 0.5
"Yet it's just a muscle memory though, nothing bad will happen if I change back
pause 0.5
outfit L_catherine garment
with dissolve
pause 0.5
outfit L_catherine casual
with dissolve
"I wear the clothes as easy as wearing my usual clothes"
"{i}It's just feels so natural{/i}"
"But the feeling of strange sensation in the different body is still the same
as before"
"And the strange sensation of the clothes fabric is something strange for me"
pause 0.5
show L_catherine a_5 with dissolve
pause 0.2
L_catherine "Crap. I almost forgot what is my real goal to change into another
nvl clear
nvl_narrator "My goal is actually to buy something that only adult can buy"
nvl_narrator "I always try before but always failed too"
nvl_narrator "It is for to buy something that i really want to experience "
nvl_narrator "It is The last version of DankSouls IV without a cencor and ultra
nvl_narrator "It was lame when I play the cummon version, the bloody scenes was
nvl_narrator "You think what another reason it be to transform into someone
else older than you"
show L_catherine a_2
"But there is one problem now"
extend ", I don't have any money"
"The game itself was cost 120 dollars, but maybe I only have money around 70
"The money mom gives before was counted too"
L_catherine "Let's make sure the total money I've got here"
L_catherine "Maybe I can find the cheaper one in the online stores"
pause 1.0
show L_catherine a_5 with dissolve
"Where is my bag before?"
extend " I am pretty sure not throw it to powerfull so that it souldn't go to
"Suddenly my gaze fell on a purse above the sink"
show L_catherine a_5 at centerleft with ease
L_catherine "whose bag is that??"
show L_catherine a_5 at centerleft, faceleft with ease
pause 1.0
show L_asset catherine_bag at center:
xpos 0.6
ypos 0.7
with dissolve
"I think no one were coming here since earlier"
"Is this my bag?"
extend " I think like this because this bag was appear after my bag dissapear
and I am transforming into this woman"
pause 1.0
show L_catherine a_1
L_catherine "I thought taking a quick peek wouldn't be a big deal"
show L_catherine a_0 with dissolve
extend "."
show L_catherine a_2
"It's just a normal girl bag after all"
extend " {i}full of make-up things{/i}, phone, and a wallet"
show L_catherine a_2 with dissolve
hide L_asset catherine_bag with dissolve
"Maybe there is some information about the owner of this bag in the wallet"
"And if it was this woman bag, I maybe will get her name too as well"
pause 0.3
show L_catherine a_2 at centerleft:
xpos 0.15
with ease
"I nervously pick the wallet"
L_catherine "."
extend "."
extend "."
pause 0.5
show L_catherine a_5 with dissolve
"I unzipped the inside of this wallet"
pause 1.4
show L_catherine a_3 with dissolve
L_catherine "What the fuck!!"
"There is a lot amount of money for sure"
L_catherine "one... two.... three... four..... There is around 7000 thousand
dollars here"
show L_catherine a_2
"She really a very rich girl"
show L_catherine a_0
L_catherine "But let's get the nice part only. I was able to buy DankSouls IV
without thinking that the money will run out"
pause 0.3
think "I think something was fell off from this wallet"
show L_catherine at centerleft:
xpos 0.15
ypos 1.25
with ease
pause 1.0
show L_catherine a_5 with dissolve
"Is this an ID card?"
pause 1.0
think "It's just an apartement card key"
show L_catherine a_2
"Wait is's written something"
extend " {q}Catherine Parker private house key{/q} "
extend "{q}{i}Tina Koya supperior district{/i}{/q}"
pause 0.9
show L_catherine a_5 with dissolve
"She lives at the same district with cassie"
extend " It's means that she is really rich"
show L_catherine a_0
think "Correction: {q}she is amazingly rich like cassie{/q} for real"
show L_catherine a_5
"Is catherine her name or just the mansion name?"
pause 0.5
"Then I decided to search it on the internet"
"I type {q}Catherine Mansion{/q}"
extend "."
extend "."
"The results show the place name {q}Catherine Mansion{/q} but in other city out
show L_catherine a_9
"Finally I know her name"
extend " it will make me easier to call this body {q}{i}Catherine's
Body{/i}{/q} than call {q}{i} This woman body{/i}{/q}"
nvl clear
nvl_narrator "After that I decided to go to the mall to find a store who sell a
DankSouls IV"
nvl_narrator "The place isn't that far from the park "
nvl_narrator "I also bring the purse with me"
show L_bg parkstore street
with dissolve
show L_catherine a_1 at center, faceleft with easeinright
pause 0.5
"If I not wrong that store must be around here"
think "Nah.. there it is"

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