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anishLearnsToCode / leetcode-arrays-101 Public

Solved Questions from LeetCode Learn Section Arrays 101.


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anishLearnsToCode … on Nov 22, 2021

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LeetCode Learn - Arrays 101

Problems Solved 18/18 Java 18/18 Python 18/18 also see Competitve Programming

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Question Solution Youtube

Max Consecutive Ones

Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits

Squares of a Sorted Array

Inserting Items Into An Array

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Duplicate Zeros

Merge Sorted Array

Deleting Items From An Array

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Remove Element

Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array

Searching For Items In An Array

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Check if N And It's Double Exists

Valid Mountain Array

In-Place Operations

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Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Side

Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array

Move Zeros

Sort Array By Parity

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Remove Element


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Height Checker

Third Maximum Number

Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array

Squares of a Sorted Array


Java 52.4% Python 47.6%

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