I Turned 30 This Weekend

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I turned 30 this weekend- the last few weeks have been full of introspection &

gratitude for the decade that defined me. 10 things I learnt in my 20’s that I want to
share with you-

1)Chase the experience, not the money. Once you find what you love, the money will

2)Don’t let your life be defined by timelines- society will always tell you what’s the
“right time” to get married, find a new job, stay in a job you don’t live. It’s all BS- the
right time for you is YOUR DOMAIN- it’s only and only yours to decide.

3)Invest- even if it’s 5000 Rupees a month- invest month on month after consulting
with someone you trust. I WISH someone told me this when I was 18.

4)Read- whether one page or 10, spend time everyday reading ANYTHING. You have
no idea the perspectives you’ll get and the growth you’ll see.

5)Actively detach from social media- people are constantly sharing their victories and
the “best life” syndrome is so fake. It’s shallow & lacks realism!

6)Build on and nourish relationships- your REAL relationships. As you grow older
your closest circle becomes tighter- so expend your energy to only those people who
you KNOW love & care for you.

7)Meditate- it will align & center you in ways that you can’t imagine. I know what
meditation has done for me over 3-4 years- had I begun in my early 20s I’d be at an
even higher rate of evolution.

8)KNOW that you don’t need alcohol/ any kind of substances to have “fun”- give up
the notion that you need to engage in any “cool” activities to socialise. If you prefer
staying in- DO just that!

9)Gratitude- BECOME gratitude. Begin your morning with giving thanks and then
channelise that gratitude by giving back in the smallest of ways through the day.
Smiling, saying thank you, tipping well, telling your loved ones you love them.

10)Embrace fluidity - become like water, it’s the only way to be. Change is the only
inevitable & instead of fighting the waves, ride them. This is true for anything- a
heartbreak, losing a job, losing friends, being Ill- it’s a cycle of change and when the
wheel spins, your time will come again.

Thank you all for being a part of my journey- to making the next decade even

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