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Name - Aryan Garg

Roll No. - B19EE015

Coupled Tank System


The coupled tank system is a widely used system in control theory. Liquid level control has a
very large application domain in industry. It’s most representative didactical equipment are the
tank systems, i.e. one, three or four tank systems.

Fig. 1- Patching Diagram

Fig. 2- Block diagram for Level Controller

Lab Work-
The aim of this experiment is to study the characteristics and control action of PID, for (i) Single
Tank, (ii) For both the tanks.

(i) For Single Tank System-

● Firstly we have physically set all the Valves, and ensure that the valve HV4 is completely
closed, so there is no interaction between the two tanks.

● We entered the desired set point into the block and set the parameters like kp, ki, kd
values in the PID(Proportional, Integral, Derivative) block in the above simulator circuit

● Now we have observed the changes for different values of PID.

Fig. 3- Simulink Model Circuit Diagram


Here the Red curve indicates power supply , yellow line indicates desired value ( set point )
and blue curve indicates actual value (observation curve)

Fig. 4- P=2, I=0.01, D=0, Level=10cm

In the above figure we have observed that, we have got only one peak overshoot, after that we
will gradually moves to our desired value and our power consumption also becomes constant.
Fig. 5- P=6, I=0.01, D=0, Level=10cm

● In the above figure we have observed that by increasing the value of P(Proportional
Gain), we have reached our desired value after multiple peak overshoots. That is the
settling time and error are comparatively higher than the first observation.

● Steady State is observed after some time.

Fig. 6- P=2, I=0.02, D=0, Level=10cm

● In the above figure we have observed that by increasing the value of I(Integration Gain),
the value of peak overshoot decreases and also the water level reaches below the
● Settling Time is increased as compared to observation 1.

From these observations we can say that the PID values of the first observation (ie., P = 2 , I =
0.01 , D = 0) is the desired response compared to the other PID values.

(ii) For Couple Tank System-

Now we have to partially open the valve HV4 so that there can be flow of water between the two

Fig. 7- Tank-1 P = 2, I = 0.01, D = 0, Level - 5cm

Fig. 8- Tank-2, P = 2, I = 0.01, D = 0, Level - 10cm

● In this, we can see that the Tank1 has reached its steady state after one Peak Overshoot,
but the settling time of Tank2 is much higher as compared to Tank1.
Fig. 9- Tank - 1 P = 2, I = 0.01, D = 0, Level-5cm

Fig. 10- Tank - 2 P = 1, I = 0.005, D = 0, Level-10cm

● For this observation, we can see that the settling time and error are very less for both the
tanks as compared to observation1. That is, both the tanks reach their steady state in a
finite amount of time.

From these observations we can say that the PID values of the first observation (ie., P = 1 , I =
0.005 , D = 0) is the desired response compared to the other PID values.

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