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to Computers
Asst. Prof. I
Jennylou Pangilinan-Riel
After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

1. Explain why computer literacy is vital to success in 35%

today's world
2. Describe the five components of a computer: input
devices, output devices, system unit, storage devices,
and communications devices
3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages that users
experience when working with computers
4. Discuss the uses of the Internet and World Wide Web
5. Distinguish between system software and application
After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

6. Differentiate among types, sizes, and functions of 35%

computers in each of these categories: personal computers
(desktop), mobile computers and mobile devices, game
consoles, servers, mainframes, supercomputers, and
embedded computers
7. Explain how home users, small office/home office users,
mobile users, power users, and enterprise users each
interact with computers.
8. Discuss how society uses computers in education, finance,
government, health care, science, publishing, travel, and

Benefits of
Introductions Computers in

Why knowledge
Basic Computer of Computer is
Operations Necessary to the

Functional Units Types of

of the Computer Computers
Computer Literacy

● Computer literacy, also known as digital

● involves having a current knowledge and
understanding of computers and their uses.

Because the requirements that determine

computer literacy change as technology changes,
you must keep up with these changes to remain
computer literate.
The term computer is derived from the Latin
term ‘computare’, this means to calculate or
programmable machine.

It is a set of electronic device that can systematically

and sequentially follow a set of instructions called a
program to perform high-speed arithmetic and logical
operations on data.

Its is an advanced electronic device that takes raw data as input from the user
and processes these data under the control of set of instructions (called
program) and gives the result (output) and saves output for the future use. It
can process both numerical and non-numerical (arithmetic and logical)
Data VS Information
● conveys meaning
and is useful to
- is a collection of
items, which can
include text,
images, audio,
and video.

Computers process data into information.

Basic Computer Operations

Input Processing Output Storage Control

the process of task of process of The process of takes care of

entering data performing producing saving data and step by step
and programs operations like results from the instructions processing of all
in to the arithmetic and data for getting permanently is operations
computer logical useful known as inside the
operations information. storage computer.
Functional Units of the Computer

Control Unit (CU)

● acts like the supervisor seeing
Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU) that things are done in proper
● Retrieves and stores data to fashion.
and from the primary storage ● Responsible for coordinating the
unit. various operations using time
● The major operations signal.
performed by the ALU are ● Determines the sequence in
addition, subtraction, which computer programs and
multiplication, division, logic instructions are executed.
and comparison
Functional Units of the Computer

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

● CPU is the brain of any computer system.

● takes all major decisions, makes all sorts of calculations and
directs different parts of the computer functions by
activating and controlling the operations.
Benefits of Computers in
Accounting An accountant may need to enter the same data in two or
more sections of the ledger, but accounting software
handles these duplicate entries automatically. Accounting
software features automated functions that reduce the
tedious work of data entry and give accountants more time
to be productive.
● spreadsheets and ledgers on a computer total columns
and perform other math functions automatically.
Speed: ● more opportunities to check their work and examine
potential problems with the bookkeeping.
Easy Changes: allows users to make changes quickly and easily without updating
long strings of data that rely on the information that has been changed.

Accounting programs come with tutorials, online user
Saves Time: manuals and searchable help files, all of which make it
easier to learn an advanced accounting method alone or
answer a minor question quickly and accurately.

omputers can perform complex calculations, thus saving

time to do all calculations manually. Client data can be
stored in database bringing it up fast and efficiently.
Benefits of Computers in
accountant in a firm can access an accounting
database and accounting information which
saves time, as less work needs to be carried

Accounting out. Such things as invoices, stock checks,

purchase orders, prepare payroll, purchase
progress reports and other standardized
document forms can be exchanged
directionally between computer systems
instantaneously for automatic processing.

Computer saves money (it is cheap,

paperless and instant) and strengthens
Sharing of Information: relationships between customers and
Reduces Cost:
A variety of other details can easily be added;
details on perhaps hundreds of customers are
Improved detail: recorded in this way, they provide a rich
source of data for the company to analyze.
Real-time, online processing:
‘real-time’ means that files are updated as
Diligence: transaction happen; ‘on-line’ means that
the files are permanently accessible to be

A computer is free from tiredness, lack of

concentration, fatigue, etc. It can work for
hours without creating any error. If millions
of calculations are to be performed, a
computer will perform every calculation
with the same accuracy.
Benefits of Computers in Computer has the power of storing

any amount of information or data.
Any information can be stored and
recalled as long as it is required, for
any numbers of years.

It means the capacity to perform

Storage: completely different type of work.

No longer do staff have to extract information
directly from the ledger entries. This saves a
Improved reporting: lot of staff time, and reduces errors of
calculation and transcription.
Improved reporting:
accounting software provides
Improved reporting: facilities for generating period-end and
year-end report

appropriate software turns the data into

summaries and tables (for management
accounting) or standard statement of
financial position and income statement
(for financial accounting).
Why knowledge of Computer is Necessary to the Accountant
Accuracy and Efficiency: Better Financial Reporting:
Accounting applications can prepare tax
allows them to perform their documents automatically and send
job efficiently and accurately, them electronically to government
while keeping the information reporting agencies.
securely stored.
Information Security:
Computers allow secure access of
accounting information by requiring a
Ease of Work: password for files, programs and the
computer system itself.
Accounting application suites provide
specific programs and reports to
make an accountant’s job easier. Computerization of
Accounting Systems:
the accountant has no option rather than to
Paper-Less Work: acquire the knowledge of computers
A computer helps accountants store and technology and its application in various
access financial records, make changes fields of accounting so as to remain
and alleviate the need to keep paper relevant.
Disadvantages of where personal and confidential

records stored on computers were not
protected properly, individuals have
found their privacy violated and
identities stolen.

Adults, teens, and children around the

world are using computers to share
Violation of Privacy: publicly their photos, videos, journals,
music, and other personal information.
Public Safety:
the skills of millions of employees
Impact on Labor Force: have been
replaced by computers
Health Risks:
Prolonged or improper computer
Impact on Environment: use can lead to health injuries or

Computer manufacturing processes

and computer waste are depleting
natural resources and polluting the
Networks and the Internet

● a collection of computers and Internet
devices connected together, often
wirelessly, via communications ● The Internet is a worldwide
devices and transmission media. collection of networks that
● When a computer connects to a connects millions of businesses,
network, it is online. government agencies, educational
● allow computers to share institutions, and individuals
resources, such as hardware, ● People connect to the Internet to
software, data, and information. exchange information with others
around the world.
Terms associated with Internet

E-mail - allows you to send and receive messages to and from

other users
chat room - you can communicate with multiple users at the
same time
World Wide Web (WWW) - is one of the more popular
services on the Internet.
Web page - can contain text, graphics, animation,
audio, and video.
Web site - is a collection of related Web pages.
Web application - is a Web site that allows users to access
and interact with software from any computer or device that is
connected to the Internet.
Terms associated with Internet

online social network - encourage members to share their

interests, ideas, stories, photos, music, and videos with other
registered users.
Blog - is an informal Web site consisting of timestamped
articles in a diary or journal format, usually listed in reverse
chronological order.
microblog - such as Twitter, allows users to publish short
messages, usually between 100 and 200 characters, for others
to read.
podcast - is recorded audio stored on a website that can be
downloaded to a computer or a portable media player such as
an iPod.
Computer Software
Software - also called a program, is a series of
related instructions, organized for a common purpose,
that tells the computer what task(s) to perform and how
to perform them.

graphical user interface (GUI pronounced

gooey) - , you interact with the software using text,
graphics, and visual images such as icons. An icon is a
miniature image that represents a program, an
instruction, or some other object. You can use the
mouse to select icons that perform operations such as
starting a program.
Purpose Based Types of Computers
● General Purpose Computers - multiple tasks
● Specific Purpose Computers: built to solve
only one particular task.

Brand Based 25% 35%

● IBM PC: IBM is an abbreviated form of International
Business Machine.
● IBM Compatible: They have similar features of IBM
computers and are called as duplicate of IBM PC.
● Apple Macintosh: They have different features than IBM
Work (Functionality) Based
● Analog, - measures continuous type of data and uses a physical quantity
● Digital - operate on inputs which are ON-OFF type and its output is also in the form of
ON-OFF signal.
● Hybrid (Analog + Digital): A combination of computers those are capable of inputting and
outputting in both digital and analog computers.
Size Based Types of Computers
● Supercomputers: Supercomputers are the
fastest and most powerful type of computers
with large storage capacity
● Mainframe Computers: A very large, high 35%
speed, large storage capacity and expensive
computer capable of supporting hundreds,
or even thousands, of users simultaneously.
● Mini Computers: designed for a single user
and are capable of capable of supporting Model Based
from 4 to about 200 users simultaneously
● Micro Computers: the cheapest among the ● XT computers - Extended
other three types of computers. Specially Technology
designed for general usage like ● AT Computers - Advanced
entertainment, education and work purposes Technology.
and are small in size and are portable. ● PS/2 Computers - have advanced
design and runs the latest programs

programs that control or maintain the
operations of the computer and its
After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

1. Define system software and identify the two types of system software
2. Describe each of these functions of an operating system: starting and shutting down a
computer, providing a user interface, managing memory, coordinating tasks, configuring
devices, establishing an Internet connection, monitoring performance, providing file
management and other utilities, updating automatically, controlling a network, and
administering security.
3. Summarize the features of several stand-alone operating systems: Windows, Mac OS, UNIX,
and Linux
4. Identify various server operating systems
5. Briefly describe several embedded operating systems: Windows Embedded CE, Windows
Phone, Palm OS, iPhone OS, BlackBerry, Google Android, Embedded Linux, and Symbian OS
6. Explain the purpose of several utility programs: file manager, search utility, image viewer,
uninstaller, disk cleanup, disk defragmenter, backup and restore utilities, screen saver, personal
firewall, antivirus programs, spyware and adware removers, Internet filters, file compression,
media player, disc burning, and personal computer maintenance

System Software
programs that control or Types of OS
01. maintain the operations of
the computer and its
03. Three Types of OS

Types of SYSTEM SoftWARE UTILITY Programs

02. Operating & Utilities
04. Other systems in the
System Software
● installed on the hard disk.
● consists of the programs that
control or maintain the
operations of the computer and
HTML </> its devices.
● serves as the interface between
C++ the user, the application
software, and the computer’s

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Two types of system software

operating systems utility programs

An operating system (OS) is a A utility program, also called
set of programs containing a utility, is a type of system
instructions that work together software that allows a user to
to coordinate all the activities perform maintenance-type
among computer hardware tasks, usually related to
resources. managing a computer, its
devices, or its programs.
operating systems
● perform similar functions that include:
○ starting and shutting down a computer,
○ providing a user interface,
○ managing programs,
○ managing memory,
○ coordinating tasks,
○ configuring devices,
○ establishing an Internet connection,
○ monitoring performance,
○ providing file management and other utilities,
○ and automatically updating itself and certain utility programs.
operating systems

● Some operating systems also allow users to control a

network and administer security
● can run from an optical disc and/or flash memory
mobile media, in most cases, the operating system is
installed and resides on the computer’s hard disk. On
handheld computers and many mobile devices, the
operating system may reside on a ROM chip.
Operating System Functions
Starting and Shutting Down a Computer
Booting is the process of
starting or restarting a
computer. When turning on a
computer that has been
powered off completely, you
are performing a cold boot. A
warm boot, by contrast, is the
process of using the operating
system to restart a computer.
Operating System Functions
Starting and Shutting Down a Computer
The kernel is the core of an operating system that manages
memory and devices, maintains the computer’s clock, starts
programs, and assigns the computer’s resources, such as devices,
programs, data, and information.

The kernel is memory resident, which means it remains in memory

while the computer is running. Other parts of the operating system
are nonresident, that is, these instructions remain on a storage
medium until they are needed.
Operating System Functions
Starting and Shutting Down a Computer

Sleep mode saves any open documents and programs to RAM,

turns off all unneeded functions, and then places the computer in
a low-power state.

Hibernate, by contrast, saves any open documents and

programs to a hard disk before removing power from the
Operating System Functions
Providing a User Interface

a user interface controls how you enter data and

instructions and how information is displayed on the
screen. Two types of user interfaces are graphical and
command-line (Figure 7-3). Operating systems
sometimes use a combination of these interfaces to
define how a user interacts with a computer.
Operating System Functions
Providing a User Interface

1. Graphical User Interface (GUI) - you interact with

menus and visual images such as buttons and other
graphical objects to issue commands (Figure 7-3a).
Operating System Functions
Providing a User Interface
Operating System Functions
Providing a User Interface

1. Command-Line Interface - a user types commands

or presses special keys on the keyboard to enter
data and instructions (Figure 7-3b). Some people
consider command-line interfaces difficult to use
because they require exact spelling, grammar, and
punctuation. (syntax)
Operating System Functions
Providing a User Interface
Operating System Functions
Managing Programs

How an operating system handles programs

directly affects your productivity.

● A single user/single tasking operating system allows only

one user to run one program at a time.
● A single user/multitasking operating system allows a
single user to work on two or more programs that reside
in memory at the same time.
Operating System Functions
Managing Programs
● A multiuser operating system enables two or more users
to run programs simultaneously. Networks, servers,
mainframes, and supercomputers allow hundreds to
thousands of users to connect at the same time, and thus
are multiuser.
● A multiprocessing operating system supports two or
more processors running programs at the same time.
Multiprocessing involves the coordinated processing of
programs by more than one processor. Multiprocessing
increases a computer’s processing speed.
Operating System Functions
Operating System Functions
Managing Memory
● The purpose of memory management is to optimize the use
of random access memory (RAM).
● RAM consists of one or more chips on the motherboard that
hold items such as data and instructions while the processor
interprets and executes them.
● Virtual memory is a concept in which the operating system
allocates a portion of a storage medium, usually the hard
disk, to function as additional RAM.
● Because virtual memory is slower than RAM, users may
notice the computer slowing down while it uses virtual
Operating System Functions
Coordinating Tasks

● The operating system determines the order in which tasks

are processed. A task, or job, is an operation the processor
manages. Tasks include receiving data from an input device,
processing instructions, sending information to an output
device, and transferring items from storage to memory and
from memory to storage.
Operating System Functions
Coordinating Tasks

● A buffer is a segment of memory or storage in which items

are placed while waiting to be transferred from an input
device or to an output device.
● The operating system commonly uses buffers with printed
documents. This process, called spooling, sends documents
to be printed to a buffer instead of sending them
immediately to the printer.
Operating System Functions
Operating System Functions
Configuring Devices
● A driver is a small program that tells the operating system
how to communicate with a specific device. Each device on a
computer, such as the mouse, keyboard, monitor, printer, and
scanner, has its own specialized set of commands and thus
requires its own specific driver. When you boot a computer,
the operating system loads each device’s driver.
● With Plug and Play, a user can plug in a device, turn on the
computer, and then use the device without having to
configure the system manually.
Operating System Functions
Establishing an Internet Connection
● Operating systems typically
provide a means to establish
Internet connections. For example,
Windows includes a Set Up a
Connection or Network wizard
that guides users through the
process of setting up a connection
between a computer and an
Internet access provider (Figure
Operating System Functions
Monitoring Performance

● A performance monitor is a program that assesses and

reports information about various computer resources and
devices. The information in performance reports helps users
and administrators identify a problem with resources so that
they can try to resolve any problems.
Operating System Functions
Providing File Management and Other Utilities
● Operating systems often provide users with the capability of
managing files, searching for files, viewing images, securing a
computer from unauthorized access, uninstalling programs,
cleaning up disks, defragmenting disks, diagnosing problems,
backing up files and disks, and setting up screen savers.

Updating Software Automatically

● With an operating system, these updates can include fixes to
program bugs (errors), enhancements to security,
modifications to device drivers, access to new or expanded
Operating System Functions
Controlling a Network
● A server operating system is an operating system that
organizes and coordinates how multiple users access and
share resources on a network. Resources include hardware,
software, data, and information.
● For example, a server operating system allows multiple users
to share a printer, Internet access, files, and programs.
● The network administrator, the person overseeing network
operations, uses the server operating system to add and
remove users, computers, and other devices to and from the
Operating System Functions
Administering Security
● For each user, the network administrator establishes a user
account, which enables a user to access, or log on to, a
computer or a network (Figure 7-7). Each user account
typically consists of a username and password. A user
name, or user ID, is a unique combination of characters, such
as letters of the alphabet or numbers, that identifies one
specific user. A password is a private combination of
characters associated with the user name that allows access
to certain computer resources.
Operating System Functions
Administering Security
● For each user, the network administrator establishes a user
account, which enables a user to access, or log on to, a
computer or a network (Figure 7-7). Each user account
typically consists of a username and password. A user
name, or user ID, is a unique combination of characters, such
as letters of the alphabet or numbers, that identifies one
specific user. A password is a private combination of
characters associated with the user name that allows access
to certain computer resources.
Types of Operating Systems
stand-alone operating system
A stand-alone operating system is a complete operating system that works on a
desktop computer, notebook computer, or mobile computing device.

Server Operating Systems

Server operating system is an operating system that is designed specifically to
support a network. A server operating system typically resides on a server. The
client computers on the network rely on the server(s) for resources.

Embedded Operating Systems

The operating system on most mobile devices and many consumer electronics,
called an embedded operating system, resides on a ROM chip. Popular embedded
operating systems include Windows Embedded CE, Windows Phone 7, Palm OS,
iPhone OS, BlackBerry, Google Android, embedded Linux, and Symbian OS.
Utility Programs
● utility program, also
called a utility, is a type
of system software that
allows a user to
tasks, usually related to
managing a computer,
its devices, or its
Utility Programs
File Manager
● A file manager is a
utility that performs
functions related to file
● A folder is a specific
named location on a
storage medium that
contains related

Utility Programs
Search Utility

● A search utility is a
program that attempts
to locate a file on your
computer based on
criteria you specify
(Figure 7-16).
Utility Programs

An uninstaller is a utility
that removes a
program, as well as any
associated entries in the
system files.
Utility Programs
Image Viewer
● An image viewer is a
utility that allows users
to display, copy, and
print the contents of a
graphics file. With an
image viewer, users can
see images without
having to open them in
a paint or image editing
Utility Programs
Disk Cleanup

● A disk cleanup utility searches

for and removes unnecessary
files. Unnecessary files may
include downloaded program
files, temporary Internet files,
deleted files, and unused
program files.
Utility Programs
Disk Defragmenter
A disk defragmenter is a
utility that reorganizes the
files and unused space on a
computer’s hard disk so that
the operating system
accesses data more quickly
and programs run faster.
When an operating system
stores data on a disk, it
places the data in the first
available sector on the disk.
Utility Programs
Backup and Restore Utilities
A backup utility allows users
to copy, or back up, selected
files or an entire hard disk to
another storage medium
such as another hard disk,
optical disc, USB flash drive,
or tape. During the backup
process, the backup utility
monitors progress and alerts
you if it needs additional
media, such as another disc.
Utility Programs
Screen Saver
A screen saver is a utility that
causes a display device’s screen to
show a moving image or blank
screen if no keyboard or mouse
activity occurs for a specified time.
When you press a key on the
keyboard or move the mouse, the
screen saver disappears and the
screen returns to the
previous state.
Utility Programs
Personal Firewall

A personal firewall is a utility that

detects and protects a personal
computer from unauthorized
intrusions. Personal firewalls
constantly monitor all transmissions
to and from a computer.
Utility Programs
Antivirus Programs

An antivirus program protects a

computer against viruses by
identifying and removing
any computer viruses found in
memory, on storage media, or on
incoming files (Figure 7-21).
Utility Programs
Antivirus Programs
An antivirus program protects a
computer against viruses by
identifying and removing
any computer viruses found in
memory, on storage media, or on
incoming files (Figure 7-21).
Spyware and Adware Removers
A spyware remover is a program that detects and deletes
spyware, and similar programs. An adware remover is a
program that detects and deletes adware.
Utility Programs
Internet Filters

Filters are programs that remove

or block certain items from being
displayed. Four widely used
Internet filters are anti-spam
programs, Web filters, phishing
filters, and pop-up blockers.
Utility Programs
Internet Filters

Filters are programs that remove

or block certain items from being
displayed. Four widely used
Internet filters are anti-spam
programs, Web filters, phishing
filters, and pop-up blockers.
Utility Programs
Utility Programs
Utility Programs
Utility Programs
File Compression
A file compression utility shrinks the
size of a file(s). A compressed file
takes up less storage
space than the original file.
Compressed files sometimes are
called zipped files. When you
receive or download a compressed
file, you must uncompress it. To
uncompress, or unzip, a file, you
restore it to its original form.
Utility Programs
Media Player

A media player is a
program that allows you
to view images and
animation, listen to
audio, and
watch video files on your
computer (Figure 7-22).
Utility Programs
Disc Burning
Disc burning software writes text,
graphics, audio, and video files
on a recordable or rewritable
CD, DVD, or Blu-ray Disc. This
software enables the home user
easily to back up contents of
their hard disk on an optical disc
and make duplicates of uncopy
righted music or movies.
Utility Programs
Personal Computer Maintenance

A personal computer maintenance

utility identifies and fixes operating
system problems, detects and repairs
disk problems, and includes the
capability of improving a computer’s
Asst. Prof. I
Jennylou Pangilinan-Riel

Types of
Software License

Computer Counterfeiting
Application Software

Types of
Computer Software Piracy
Computer Software
Consider communication between two
humans, between a human
programmer and a computer, or
between a network of computers.

Understand what language is, how

language works, and ways to
define languages.

. Use language to describe procedures

and use machines to turn
descriptions of procedures into
executing processes.
Computer Software

Computer software, or Any set of instructions

just software, is a that guides the
collection of computer hardware and tells it
programs and related how to accomplish each
data that provides the task.
instructions for telling a
computer what to do and
how to do it.




System Software
System software is computer software designed
to operate the computer hardware to provide
basic functionality and to provide a platform for
running application software.

Refers to the operating system and all

utility programs that manage computer
Jupiter resources at a low level.
The BIOS (basic input/output system) gets the computer
system started after you turn it on and manages the data
Saturn flow between the operating system and attached devices
such as the hard disk, video adapter, keyboard, mouse,
and printer.
Earth The boot program loads the operating
system into the computer's main memory
or random access memory (RAM).

System software also includes system

utilities, such as the disk defragmenter and
System Restore.
Basic Input/Output System
(BIOS) Program

Disk Defragmenter

Includes Disk Cleanup

Disk Partition Tool

PC Software Characteristics

1 2 3 4

User-friendly in Easy to access Intuitive and can Minimum training

terms of interface be guided by the and
GUI and other documentation
features needed to use
Programming Software

Programming software include The term usually refers to relatively

tools in the form of programs or simple programs such as compilers,
applications that software debuggers, interpreters, linkers, and
developers use to create, debug, text editors,
maintain, or otherwise support
other programs and applications.
Software Types

Packaged or Commercial
● Sold in stores, catalogs, or
Custom Software downloadable from the WWW
● Written by programmers ● Purchased from software publishers
● Takes a lot of time to write and ● Must be installed
○ Standard or custom installation
test ○ The setup process copies some
● When specifications are unique of all of the software to the hard
○ May require the CD-ROM to be in
the drive to run
Example of programming language:
C, C++, C# BASIC, Visual Basic
C++ is a low level programming language Visual Basic provides a graphical user
that adds object-oriented features to its interface GUI that allows the developer to
base language C whereas C# is a high level drag and drop objects into the program as
language. C++ compiles down to machine well as manually write program code
code whereas C# 'compiles' down to CLR
(Common Language Runtime), which is
interpreted by JIT in ASP.NET. JAVAscript
JavaScript is a lightweight interpreted
programming language. The web
PHP (recursive acronym for browser receives the JavaScript code in
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor ) its original text form and runs the
script from that.
- suited for web development and
can be embedded into HTML.

Python HTML
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is
often used in software applications,
the code that is used to structure a
pages within a web browser, the shells
web page and its content.
of operating systems and some games.
Freeware Acquiring Software software
● Free to all ● Un-copyrighted
● Copyrighted ● May be used or
● Distributed in altered without
machine-reada restriction
ble format 25% 35% ● Generally developed
under government
Commercial software
● Used most often Shareware
● Copyrighted Open-source
● Freely distributed
● Generally costly ● 10%
Free to all 40% for a trial period
● May not be copied ● Source code is distributed ● Pay a nominal fee
without permission of ● May be used or altered to register with the
the manufacturer ● Popular under the LINUX OS author
A program or group of programs
designed to allow end users to
Application Task-Oriented Software
Productivity Software makes work
accomplish one or more specific
(non-computer related)tasks.
Software faster, and our lives easier

Word Processing Data Graphics

Uses: Maps, Graphs,
Uses: Memos, Reports,
Charts, Makes Visual
Correspondence, Minutes of
information more
meetings ,Anything to be typed

0 0 Database Management
Desktop Publishing
Uses: Keep track of a large number of
Uses: Newsletters,
Reports, Brochures
3 4 related facts, Query the data for specific
0 0 information, Retrieve information in a
variety of ways
2 5
Electronic Spreadsheets 0 0
Uses: Comparing mortgage interest
rates, Preparing budgets, Tracking
1 6
weight loss
Application Software
Presentation Graphics
Uses: Sales tool, Demonstrate a product,
Show cost/benefit projections on charts,
Present audio/video testimonials from
satisfied customers

Office Suites
● Group of basic software applications
designed to work together Communicate from home with computer at
● Data is portable between basic office, Access data stored in another
applications of the suite computer in another location, Stock
● Various applications in the suite have exchange updates ,Weather information
the same “look and feel”

Graphics Arts
Use software to Integrated Applications
Produce art, Express ideas Combine basic word processing,
spreadsheet, and graphics capabilities
Application Software
Web Browser
Web browser, a software application used to locate and display Web pages. Other Examples:

•Computer Aided
Design (CAD)
•Video Editor
•Sound Editor
•Video Games
•Email Client
•Electronic Media
Software Piracy
Making illegal copies of copyrighted software
Why the fuss?
● Very easy to duplicate software vs. a textbook
● Software company may lose hundreds of dollars per
pirated copy
● Yes: Small-medium sized business who purchase a
few copies and distribute to many users
● No: Individual users who probably would not have
purchased software on their own anyway
● Software is copied onto CD-ROMS / DVD-ROMS
● Package duplicates the original
● Sold in flea markets or small stores
● Cheaper price
● Occurs more overseas
Computer Professionals ● Management Information
Systems (MIS)
● Computer Information Systems
Users – Any individual who operates a computer to
accomplish a task (CIS)
Data entry operators – key data into a ● Computing Services
machine-readable format ● Information Services
Computer operators – monitor the computer ● Information Technology (IT)
Librarians – catalog and keep secure the disks
Computer programmers – write, test, implement,
and maintain programs
Systems analysts – plan and design computer
Network manager – oversees the network
Chief information officer (CIO) – department
manager; makes strategic decisions relating to the
flow of information in the organization
Do you have any questions?


CREDITS: This presentation template was

created by Slidesgo, including icons by
Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik

Please keep this slide for attribution

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