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Chapter :- Capacitance - 3 P–049

Time: 2 Hrs

Lecture Planning & Flow

No. Lecture Contents Homework of this lecture
I Charge on Plate and Introduction of Parallel Plate For JEE Main/CET Aspirants
Solve Abhyaas - III (Level-I) with
detailed analysis and solutions (Don't
just write the answer) on plane white
sheet of paper and submit.
For JEE Advanced Aspirants
Solve Abhyaas - III (Level-I & Level-II)
with Detailed analysis and solutions
(Don't just write the answer) on plane
IV Charging & Discharging at Capacitor. white sheet of paper and submit.

Has the student completed the homework of the previous lecture ?

Roll No.


Dielectrics are insulating (non-conducting) materials which transmits electric effect without conducting, We know
that in every atom, there is a positively charged nucleus and a negatively charged electron cloud surrounding it.
The two oppositely charged regions have their own centres of charge. The centre of positive charge is the
centre of mass of positively charged protons in the nucleus. The centre of negative charge is the centre of mass
of negatively charged electrons in the atoms/molecules.

(1) Type of Dielectrics : Dielectrics are of two types –

(i) Polar dielectrics : Like water, Alcohol, CO2, NH3, HCl etc. are made of polar atoms/molecules.
In polar molecules when no electric field is applied centre of positive charges does not coincide with the centre
of negative charges.

(i) Polar dielectrics : Like water, Alcohol, CO2 , NH 3 , (ii) Non polar dielectric : Like N2 , O2 ,
HCl etc. are made of polar atoms/molecules. Benzene, Methane etc. are made of non-
In polar molecules when no electric field is applied centre polar atoms/molecules. In non-polar
of positive charges does not coincide with the centre of molecules, when no electric field is applied
negative charges. – – the centre of positive charge coincides with
the centre of negative charge in the molecule.
105 o Each molecule has zero dipole moment in its
normal state.
H+  H+

A polar molecule has permanent electric dipole moment – + + – P0

(p) in the absence of electric field also. But a polar
dielectric has net dipole moment is zero in the absence of
electric field because polar molecules are randomly When electric field is applied, positive charge
oriented as shown in figure.
experiences a force in the direction of electric
– – + field and negative charge experiences a force
+ +

– in the direction opposite to the field i.e.,

molecules becomes induced electric dipole.

– E
In the presence of electric field polar molecules tends to
line up in the direction of electric field, and the substance + +
has finite dipole moment.

– + – + – +
– + Note: In general, any non-conducting,
– + – + – +
material can be called as a dielectric but
P broadly non conducting material having non
polar molecules referred to as dielectric
because induced dipole moment is created in
the non polar molecule.

(2) Polarization of a dielectric slab : It is the process of inducing equal and opposite charges on the two
faces of the dielectric on the application of electric field. E
+ –
+ + – + –
Suppose a dielectric slab is inserted between the plates of a capacitor. +
+ –
– + – + –
As shown in the figure. Induced electric field inside the dielectric is E i , +
+ Ei –
+ – + – + –
hence this induced electric field decreases the main field E to E  E i + –
+ – + – + –
i.e., New electric field between the plates will be E '  E  E i + –
– + – + –

(3) Dielectric constant : After placing a dielectric slab in an electric field. The net field is decreased in that region
If E  Original electric field and E '  Reduced electric field.
Then  K where K is called dielectric constant

K is also known as relative permittivity ( r ) of the material or SIC (Specific Inductive Capacitance) The value
of K is always greater than one. For vacuum there is no polarization and hence E  E ' and K  1
(4) Dielectric breakdown and dielectric strength : If a very high electric field is created in a dielectric, the

outer electrons may get detached from their parent atoms. The dielectric then behaves like a conductor. This
phenomenon is known as dielectric breakdown. The maximum value of electric field (or potential gradient)
that a dielectric material can tolerate without it’s electric breakdown is called it’s dielectric strength.

V kV
S.I. unit of dielectric strength of a material is but practical unit is
m mm


If several dielectric medium filled between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor in different ways as shown.
(i) The system can be assumed to be made up of two capacitors C1 and C2 which may be said to connected in
series 1 2

K10 A , K  A 1 1 1  2K1 K 2  0 A
C1  C 2  2 0 and    Ceq   . A K1 K2
d d Ceq C1 C2  K1  K 2  d
2 2
2K1 K 2 d/2 d/2
Also K eq 
K1  K 2
(ii) In this case these two capacitors are in parallel and
K1 0 A K  A 1
C1  , C2  2 0 A/2
2d 2d K1

 K1  K 2   0 A K2
Hence, C eq  C1  C 2  C eq   . A/2
 2  d
K  K2 d
Also K eq  1

(iii) In this case C1 and C2 are in series while this combination is in parallel with C3 C3
K10 K  K 
C1  2  K10 A C  1 0 2  K 2 0 A and C  3 0 2  K 3 0 A
, 2 3 A/2 K1 K2
d d d d d 2d
C1 C22
2 2 d/2 d/2
k10 A k 2 0 A
C1C2   k k k   A
Hence, Ceq   C3  d d  k 3 0 A  Ceq   1 2  3  . 0
C1  C2 k10 A k 2 0 A 2d  k1  k 2 2  d

d d

k k k 
Also k eq   3  1 2 
 2 k1  k 2 


Suppose we have an air filled charged parallel plate capacitor having variables are as follows :
+Q –Q
Q  A + –
Charge – Q, Surface charge density –   , Capacitance – C  0 + –
A d
+ –
Potential difference across the plates – V  E . d A Ai
+ –

 Q + –
Electric field between the plates – E    A + –
0 0
1 2 Q 1 V
Energy stored – U  CV   QV
2 2C 2
(1) When dielectric is completely filled between plates : If a dielectric slab fills completely the gap
K 0 A
between the plates, capacitance increases by K times i.e., C '   C '  KC
Quantity Battery is Removed Battery Remains connected

A k A k

d d

Capacity C = KC C = KC
Charge Q = Q (Charge is conserved) Q = KQ
Potential V = V/K V = V (Since Battery maintains the potential
Intensity E = E/K E = E
Energy U = U/K U = U/K

(2) When dielectric is partially filled between the plates : If a dielectric slab of thickness t(t < d) is inserted
between the plates as shown below, then E = Main electric field between the plates, Ei = Induced electric field
in dielectric. E '  (E  E i )  The reduced value of electric field in the dielectric. Potential difference between thee
two plates of capacitor is given by

E + – + –
V '  E (d  t )  E ' t  E (d  t )  .t + – + –
+ – + –
 t    t  Q  t  A E– i
V '  E  d  t     d  t    –
d  t  
+ +
 K  0  K  A 0  K + – + –
+ – + –
Now capacitance of the capacitor
Q 0A t1 t2 t2
C'  C ' 
V' t
d t 
K A K K2 K3

t1 t2 t32 t1 t2 t3 t4

A K1 K2 K3 A K1 K2 K3 K4

d d

0A 0 A
C' C'
t t t   t1 t t t 
d  (t1  t 2  t 3  ........)   1  2  3  ........    2  3  4 
 K1 K 2 K3   K1 K 2 K 3 K 4 

(3) When a metallic slab is inserted between the plates :

A K=
or A
A K=

d d

Capacitance C '  C '   (In this case capacitor is said to be short circuited)
(d  t )

(4) When separation between the plates is changing : If separation between the plates changes then it’s
capacitance also changes according to C  . The effect on other variables depends on the fact that whether
the charged capacitor is disconnected from the battery or battery is still connected.
(i) Separation is increasing
Quantity Battery is removed Battery remains connected


Capacity Decreases because C  i.e., C '  C Decreases i.e., C '  C

Charge Remains constant because a battery is not Decreases because battery is present i.e.,
present i.e., Q '  Q Q '  Q Remaining charge (Q  Q ') goess
back to the battery.
Q 1
Potential Increases because V   V  V   V  (Since Battery maintains the potential
difference difference)

 Q Q
Electric field Remains constant because E    A Decrease because E  A  E  Q
0 0 0

i.e., E '  E i.e., E '  E

Q2 1 1 2
Energy Increases because U   U  Decreases because U  CV  U  C
2C C 2
i.e., U '  U i.e. , U ' U

(ii) Separation is decreasing

Quantity Battery is removed Battery remains connected
Capacity Increases because C  i.e., C '  C Increases i.e., C '  C
Charge Remains constant because battery is not Increases because battery is present
present i.e., Q '  Q i.e., Q '  Q
Remaining charge (Q '  Q ) supplied from
the battery.
Q 1
Potential Decreases because V   V   V '  V V   V  (Since Battery maintains the potential
difference difference)
 Q Q
Electric field Remains constant because E    A Increases because E  A  E  Q
0 0 0

i.e., E '  E i.e., E '  E

Q 1 1 2
Energy Decreases because U   U  Increases because U  CV  U  C
2C C 2
i.e., U '  U i.e., U '  U

Note : In the expression of capacitance of parallel plate capacitor filled partially with dielectric
 t 
term  d  t   is known as effective air separation between the plates.
 K 
When dielectric is partially filled between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor then it’s capacitance increases
but potential difference decreases. To maintain the capacitance and potential difference of capacitor as before

0A V   d
(i.e., c  ,  0 ) separation between the plates has to be increased. Suppose separation is increased
0A 0A t
by d ' so in this case  which gives us K=
 t  d t - d'
 d  d ' t  
 K


Illustration-54 The mean electric energy density between the plates of a charged capacitor is (here Q = Charge on the
capacitor and A = Area of the capacitor plate)

Q2 Q Q2
(a) (b) 2 A2 (c) (d) None of these
2 0 A2 0 2 0 A
1 1  Q  Q2
Solution: (a) Energy density   0 E 2   0   
2 2  A 0  2 0 A2

Illustration-55 Plate separation of a 15  F capacitor is 2 mm. A dielectric slab (K = 2) of thickness 1 mm is inserted

between the plates. Then new capacitance is given by
(a) 15 F (b) 20 F (c) 30 F (d) 25 F
Solution: (b) Given C   15 F ……..(i)
0 A 0 A 2
Then by using C '      0 A  103 ; From equation (i) C= 20F..
t 103
d t  2  10 3  10 3 
K 2
Illustration-56 There is an air filled 1 pF parallel plate capacitor. When the plate separation is doubled and thee
space is filled with wax, the capacitance increases to 2 pF . The dielectric constant of wax is
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8
Solution: (b) Given that capacitance C  1 pF
After doubling the separation between the plates C ' 
and when dielectric medium of dielectric constant k filled between the plates then C ' 
According to the question, C '  2  K  4.
Illustration-57 If a slab of insulating material 4  10 5 m thick is introduced between the plate of a parallel platee
capacitor, the distance between the plates has to be increased by 3.5  105 m to restore thee
capacity to original value. Then the dielectric constant of the material of slab is
(a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 6 (d) 8
t 4  10 5
Solution: (d) By using K  ; here t  4  105 m ; d '  3.5  105 m  K  =8
t d ' 4  10 5  3.5  10 5
Illustration-58 The force between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C and distance of separation
of the plates d with a potential difference V between the plates, is

CV 2 C 2V 2 C 2V 2 V 2d
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2d 2d 2 d2 C
Q2 C 2V 2 CV 2
Solution: (a) Since F   F   .
2 0 A 2 0 A 2d
Illustration-59 A capacitor when filled with a dielectric K  3 has charge Q0 , voltage V0 and field E 0 . If the he
dielectric is replaced with another one having K = 9, the new values of charge, voltage and field will be
V0 V0 E 0
(a) 3Q0 , 3V0 , 3E 0 (b) Q0 , 3V0 , 3E 0 (c) Q0 , , 3 E0 (d) Q0 , ,
3 3 3

Solution: (d) Suppose, charge, potential difference and electric field for capacitor without dielectric medium are
Q,V and E respectively
With dielectric medium of K  3 With dielectric medium of K  9
Charge Q0  Q Charge Q '  Q  Q0
V V V0
Potential difference V0  Potential difference V '  
3 9 3
E E E0
Electric field E 0  Electric field E '   .
3 9 3
Illustration-60 A slab of copper of thickness b is inserted in between the plates of parallel plate capacitor as shown in
the figure. The separation between the plates is d. If b  then the ratio of capacities of the capacitor
after and before inserting the slab will be
(a) 2 : 1
A = Area
(b) 2 : 1
d Cu b
(c) 1 : 1
(d) 1 : 2

0 A  A
Solution: (b) Capacitance before inserting the slab C  and capacitance after inserting the slab C '  0 .
d d t
d 2 A C' 2
Where t  b  so C '  0 hence,  .
2 d C 1

Illustration-61 The capacity of a parallel plate condenser is C 0 . If a dielectric of relative permitivity  r and
thickness equal to one fourth the plate separation is placed between the plates, then its
capacity becomes C. The value of C will be

5 r 4 r 3 r 2 r
(a) 4  1 (b) 3  1 (c) 2  1 (d)   1
r r r r

0A 0A
Solution: (b) Initially capacitance C 0  ……..(i) Finally capacitance C  ……..(ii)
d d d /4
d 
4 r

C 4 r
By dividing equation (ii) by equation (i) 
C 0 3 r  1

Illustration-62 A parallel plate capacitor of area A, plate separation d and capacitance C is filled with three different
dielectric materials having dielectric constants K1, K2 and K3 as shown in fig. If a single dielectric material
is to be used to have the same capacitance C in this capacitor, then its dielectric constant K is given by
A/2 A/2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(a)    (b)   K1 K2 d/2
K K1 K 2 2K 3 K K1  K 2 2K 3

K1 K 2 K3
(c) K  K  K  2K 3 (d) K  K1  K 2  2K 3
1 2 A
A = Area of plates


1 d  1 1 
Solution: (b) The effective capacitance is given by C   A  2K  (K  K ) 
eq 0  3 1 2 

K0 A
The capacitance of capacitor with single dielectric of dielectric constant K is C 
0 A K0 A 1 1 1
According to question C eq  C i.e.,   K  2K  K  K .
 1 1  d 3 1 2
d  
 2K 3 K1  K 2 
Illustration-63 An air capacitor of capacity C  10  F is connected to a constant voltage battery of 12 V. Now thee
space between the plates is filled with a liquid of dielectric constant 5. The charge that flows now from
battery to the capacitor is
(a) 120  C (b) 600  C (c) 480 C (d) 24  C

Solution: (c) Initially charge on the capacitor Qi  10  12  120  C

When dielectric medium is filled, so capacitance becomes K times, i.e. new capacitance
C '  5  10  50  C
Final charge on the capacitor Qf  50  12  600  C
Hence additional charge supplied by the battery  Qf  Qi  480  C .



Q-1 The total capacity of the system of capacitors shown in the adjoining figure between the points
A and B will be- A
(A) 1F (B) 2F 1F
(C) 3F (D) 4F

Q-2 Two dielectric slabs of constant K 1 and K2 have been filled in between the plates of a capacitor as
shown below. What will be the capacitance of the capacitor

2 0 A 2 0 A  K1  K 2 
(A) (K1 + K 2) (B)  
 K K 
d d  1 2 

d 2 0 A  K1  K 2 
(C) 2 A (D)  
K K 
0 d  1 2 

Q-3 Five identical plates each of area A are joined as shown in the figure. The distance between the
plates is d. The plates are connected to a p.d. of V volts. The charges on plates 1 and 4 will
 0 AV 2 0 AV  0 AV 2 0 AV
(A) , (B) , –
d d d d V
1 2 3 4 5 +
 0 AV 2 0 AV  0 AV 2 0 AV
(C) , (D) ,
d d d d

Q-4 A parallel plate capacitor with air as medium between the plates has a capacitance of 10F. The
area of capacitor is divided into two equal halves and filled with two media having dielectric constant
K1 = 2 and K2 = 4. The capacitance of the system will now be
(A) 10F (B) 20 F (C) 30 F (D) 40 F

Q-5 Separation between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is d and the area of each plate is A.
When a slab of material of dielectric constant K and thickness t (t < d) is introduced between
the plates , its capacitance becomes

0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A
(A) (B) (C)  1 (D)  1
 1  1 d  t 1   d  t 1  
d  t 1   d  t 1  
 K   K   K  K

Q-6 If area of each plate is A and plates are separated from each other by a distance d then Ceq.
between A and B is -

3 0 A 0 A 3 0 A 2 0 A
(A) (B) (C) (D)
d 3d 2d 3d

Q-7 The capacitance of a capacitor, filled with two dielectrics of same dimensions but of dielectric
constants K1 and K2 respectively as shown will be -
0 A 0 A
(A) (K1 + K 2) (B) (K1 + K 2)
2d d
d k1 k2
 A  K1 K 2   A  K1 K 2 
(C) 0  K  K  (D) 0  K  K 
2d  1 2 d  1 2

Q-8 The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is 2.5F when it is half filled with a dielectric as
shown in the figure, Its capacitance becomes 5F, the dielectric constant of the dielectric is
(A) 7.5
(B) 3.0
Air Medium
(C) 0.33
(D) 4.0

Q-9 The capacitance of a spherical condenser is 1F. If the spacing between the two spheres is 1mm, then
the radius of the outer sphere is
(A) 30cm (B) 6 m (C) 5 cm (D) 3m

Q-10 The capacitance (C) for an isolated conducting sphere of radius (a) is given by 40.a.If the
sphere is enclosed with an earthed conecntric sphere. The ratio of the radii of the sphere being
(n/n-1) then the capacitance of such a sphere will be increased by a factor -
(A) n (B) n/(n–1) (C) (n–1)/n (D) a.n

Q-11 A1 is a spherical conductor of radius (r) placed concentrically inside a thin spherical hollow
conductor A2 of radius (R). A1 is earthed and A2 is given a charge +Q then the charge on A1
is -
(A) –Q (B) Qr/R (C) –rQ/R (D) –Q (R–r)/R


Q-12 Two spherical conductors A1 and A2 of radii (r1) and (r2) (r2 > r1 ) are placed concentrically in air.
A1 is given a charge +Q while A2 in earthed. Then the capacitance of the system is -
r .r r22
(A) 40 1 2 (B) 40 (r1 + r2) (C) 40 . r2 (D) 40
r2  r1 r2  r1

Q-13 A parallel plate capacitor is charged and kept connected with the battery. If now a dielectric
slab is inserted between the plates to fill the entire space between the plates then what will be
the change in the charge, potential difference and electric field intensity between the plates
respectively -
(A) increases , constant, increases (B) increases, constant , constant
(C) increases , constant , decreases (D) constant, decreases , deccrases.

Q-14 A parallel plate air capacitor is connected to a battery. The quantities charge, voltage electric field,
and energy associated with this capacitor are given by Q0, V0 , E0 and U0 respectively. A
dielectric slab is now introduced to fill the space between the plates with battery still in connection.
The corresponding quantities now given by Q , V, E, and U are related of the previous one as -
(A) Q > Q0 (B) V > V0 (C) E > E0 (D) U  U0

Q-15 A battery charges a parallel plate capacitor of thickness (d) so that an energy [U 0] is stored in
the system. A slab of dielectric constant (K) and thickness (d) is then introduced between the plates
of the capacitor. The new energy of the system is given by -
(A) KU0 (B) K2 U0 (C) (D) U0/K2

Q-16 Six indentical capacitors are joined in parallel charged to a potential difference of 10volt, separated
and then connected in series , i.e. The positive plate of one is connected to the negative plate of
the other. Then the potential difference between the free plates is -
(A) 10 volts (B) 30 volt (C) 60 volt (D) 10/6 volt

Q-17 Two spheres of radii R 1 and R 2 have equal charge are joint together with a copper wire. If the
potential on each sphere after they are separated to each other is V, then initial charge on any
sphere was (k = 4  ) -

V V V V (R1R 2 )
(A) (R1+ R2) (B) (R + R 2) (C) (R + R 2) (D)
k 2k 1 3k 1 k (R1  R 2 )

Q-18 Calculate the reading of voltmeter between X and Y then (Vx-Vy ) is equal to -
(A) 10 V
(B) 13.33V 2F
(C) 3.33 V A 1F B
(D) 10.33 V
y 6F


Q-19 The capacitance of two capacitors was compared with the aid of an electrometer. The capacitors
were charged to potential of V1 = 300V and V2 = 100V and were connected in parallel. The potential
difference between the plates measured by the electrometer was 250V. The capacitance ratio C is -
(A) 3 : 1 (B) 1 : 3 (C) 1 : 2.5 (D) 2.5 : 1

Q-20 Three capacitors 2, 3 and 4F are connected in series with 6V battery. When the current stops,
the charge on the 3F capacitor is
(A) 5.5 C (B) 4.4 C (C) 3.3 C (D) 2.2 C

Q-21 There are two metallic plates of a parallel plate capacitor. One plate is given a charge +q while the
other is earthed as shown. Points P, P 1 and P2 are taken as shown in adjoining figure.Then the
electric intensity is not zero at - + -
+ -
(A) P only (B) P1 only P2. P1.
+ .P -
(C) P2 only (D) P , P1 and P2 + -
+ -
+ -
Q-22 The resultant capacitance between (A) and (B) in the following figure is -
(A)1F A
3F 3F 3F
(B) 3F
2F 2F 3F
(C) 2F
(D) 1.5F B 3F 3F

Q-23 The diameter of the plate of a parallel plate condenser is 6cm. If its capacity is equal to a sphere
of diameter 200cm, the separation between the plates of the condenser is -
(A) 4.5 × 10–4m (B) 2.25 × 10–4m (C) 6.75 × 10–4 m (D) 9 × 10–4 m

Q-24 Four metallic plates of each with a surface area of one side (A) , are placed at a distance (d)
from each other. The alternate plate are connected to point (A) and (B) as shown in the fig. The
capacitance of the system is
0 A 2 0 A A
(A) (B)
d d
3 0 A 4 0 A
(C) (D)
d d
Q-25 A sheet of aluminium foil of negligible thickness is placed between the plates of a capacitor of
capacitance C as shown in the figure then capacitance of capacitor becomes
(A) 2C (B) C
Foil d/2
(C) C/2 (D) zero

Q-26 In above problem if foil is connected to any one plate of capacitor by means of conducting wire
then capacitance of capacitor becomes -
(A) 2C (B) C (C) C/2 (D) zero


Q-27 For circuit, the equivalent capacitance between P and Q is

(A) 6C
(B) 4C P Q
(C) 3C/2
(D) 3C/4

Q-28 The figure shows a circuit consisting of four capacitors. The effective capacitance between A and
B is - 1F 1F
5 7
(A) F (B) F
6 6 A 1F B
(C) F (D)1F
Q-29 The p.d. across the capacitance of 2F in the figure along with is -
(A) 10V
6F 2F
(B) 60V
(C) 28 V
(D) 56V
+ –

Q-30 A circuit is shown in the figure below. Find out the charge of the condenser having capacity 5F
(A) 4.5 micro coulomb
(B) 6.0 micro coulomb
(C) 9.0 micro coulomb
4F 5F
(D) 30 micro coulomb
+ –

Q-31 In the circuit shown in the following fig. The p.d across 3F capacitor is
(A) 4v 20v

(B) 6v
3F 5F
(C) 10v
(D) 16 v

Q-32 Three capacitors of capacitors C1 , C2 , C3 are connected as shown in the figure. The points A, B
and C are at potential V1 , V2 and V3 respectively. Then the potential at O will be -
V1  V2  V3 V1V2  V2 V3  V3 V1
(A) (B) V1  V2  V3 C1
C2 C2
V1C1  V2 C2  V3 C3
(C) C1  C2  C3
(D) zero C




Q-1 An air-filled capacitor is charged, disconnected from the power supply, and, finally, connected to a voltmeter.
Explain how and why the voltage reading changes when a dielectric is inserted between the plates of the
capacitor. [RHK]

Q-2 Using the polar molecule description of a dielectric, explain how a dielectric affects the electric field inside a
capacitor. [RHK]

Q-3 Explain why a dielectric increases the maximum operating voltage of a capacitor even though the physical size
of the capacitor does not change. [RHK]

Q-4 What is the difference between dielectric strength and the dielectric constant? [RHK]

Q-5 A fully charged parallel-plate capacitor remains connected to a battery while you slide a dielectric between the
plates. Do the following quantities increase, or stay the same?
(a) C; (b) Q;
(c) E between the plates; (d) V; (e) energy stored in the capacitor.

Q-6 The two plates of a capacitor are given charges ± Q. The capacitor is then disconnected from the charging
device so that the charges on the plates can’t change, and the capacitor is immersed in a tank of oil. Does the
electric filed between the plates increase, decrease, or stay the same? Explain your resoning. How can this field
be measured?

Q-7 Two parallel plate capacitors of capacitances C and 2C are connected in parallel and charged to a potential
difference V. The battery is then disconnected and the region between the plates of capacitor C is completely
filled with a material of dielectric constant K.
The potential difference across the capacitors now becomes ..........

Q-8 The two parallel plates of a capacitor have equal and opposite charges Q. The dielectric has a dielectric
constant K and resistivity . Show that the initially "leakage" current carried by the dielectric is given by the
relationship i = K   .

Q-9 The parallel plates of a capacitor have an area 0.2 m 2 and are 10 -2 m apart. The original potential
difference between them is 3000 V, and it decreases to 1000 V when a sheet of dielectric is inserted
between the plates filling the full space. Compute: ( 0 = 9 x 10 -12 S. . units)
(i) Original capacitance C 0. (ii) The charge Q on each plate.
(iii) Capacitance C after insertion of the dielectric. (iv) Dielectric constant K.
(v) Permittivity  of the dielectric.
(vi) The original field E 0 between the plates. (vii) The electric field E after insertion of the dielectric.


Q-10 A parallel plate isolated condenser consists of two metal plates of area A and separation 'd'. A slab of
thickness 't' and dielectric constant K is inserted between the plates with its faces parallel to the plates
and having the same sur face area as that of the plate s. Find the capacitance of the system. If
K = 2, for what value of t/d will the capacitance of the system be 3/2 times that of the condenser w ith air
filling the full space? Calculate the ratio of the energy in the two cases and account for the energy change

(assuming q charge on the plate to be constant).

Q-11 Hard rubber has a dielectric constant of 2.8 and a dielectric strength of 18 x 10 6 volt/meter. If it is used as
the dielectric material filling the full space in a parallel plate capacitor. What minimum area may the plates
of the capacitor have in order that the capacitance be 7.0 x 10 2 F and that the capacitor be able to
withstand a potential difference of 4000 volts. ( 0 = 8.85 × 10 –12 S.I unit)

Q-12 Two parallel plate air capacitors each of capacitance C were connected in series to a battery with e.m.f.
. Then one of the capacitors was filled up with uniform dielectric with relative permittivity k. How many
times did the electric field strength in that capacitor decrease? What amount of charge flows through the

Q-13 A parallel-plate capacitor of plate area A and plate separation d is charged by a ideal battery of e.m.f. V and then
the battery is disconnected. A slab of dielectric constant 2k is then inserted between the plates of the capacitor
so as to fill the whole space between the plates. Find the change in potential energy of the system in the process
of inserting the slab.

Q-14 A parallel plate capacitor is filled with a dielectric up to one half of the distance between the plates. The
manner in which the potential between the plates varies with distance is illustrated in the figure. Which
half (1 or 2) of the space between the plates is filled with the dielectric and what will be the distribution of
the potential after the dielectric is taken out of the capacitor provided that; 
A 1 2
(a) The charges on the plates are conserved or
(b) The potential difference across the capacitor is constant. B

Q-15 Consider the situation shown in figure. The width of each plate is b. The capacitor plates are rigidly clamped in
the laboratory and connected to a battery of emf V. All surface are frictionless. Calculate the extension in the
spring in equilibrium (spring is nonconducting).

d K

Q-16 In figure shown, two parallel plate capacitors with fixed plates and connected to two batteries. The separation
between the plates is same for the two capacitors. The plates are rectangular in shape with width b and lengths
1 and 2, the separation between plates is d. The left half of the dielectric slab has a dielectric constant K1 and
the right half K2 (K2  K1). EMF of the right battery is greater then left battery. Neglecting any friction, find the
extension in spring in equilibrium (spring is nonconducting) (2 >1)
1 2

1 KS 2
K1 K2

Q-17 The plates of the parallel plate capacitor have plate area A and are clamped in the laboratory as shown in figure.
The dielectric slab of mass m, length 4 and width 2 is released from rest with length  inside the capacitor.
Neglecting any effect of friction or gravity, show that the slab will execute periodic motion and find its time
period. (plates of capacitor are square plates of side 2)

V K b

Q-18 Parallel plate capacitor is constructed using three different dielectric materials as shown in the figure. The
parallel plates, across which a potential difference is applied are of area A and are separated by a distance
d, find the capacitance across P and Q. P
K2 d/2
d K1
K3 d/2

Q-19 The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with plate area A and separation d, is C. The space between the
plates is filled with two wedges of dielectric constant K1 and K2 respectively (figure). Find the capacitance of the
resulting capacitor. A


Q-20 Two square metal plates of side 1 m are kept 0.01 m apart like a parallel plate capacitor in air in such a way that
one of their edges is perpendicular to an oil surface in a tank filled with an insulating oil. The plates are
connected to a battery of 500 V. The plates are then lowered vertically into the oil at a speed of 0.001 ms–1.
Calculate the current drawn from the battery during the process. (Dielectric constant of oil = 11],
(0 = 8.85 × 10–12 C2 N–1 m–1)

Q-21 STATEMENT-1: A charged plane parallel plate capacitor has half inter planar region () filled with dielectric slab.
The other half region  has air. Then the magnitude of net electric field in region  is less than that in region .

Dielectric Air


STATEMENT-2 : In a dielectric medium induced (or polarized) charges tend to reduce the electric field inside
the dielectric.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
(E) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is False


Q-22 STATEMENT-1 : A parallel plate capacitor is charged to a potential difference of 100V, and disconnected
from the voltage source. A slab of dielectric is then slowly inserted between the plates. Compared to the
energy before the slab was inserted, the energy stored in the capacitor with the dielectric is decreased.

STATEMENT-2 : When we insert a dielectric between the plates of a capacitor, the induced charges
tend to draw the dielectric into the field ( just as neutral objects are attracted by charged objects due to
induction). We resist this force while slowly inserting the dielectric, and thus do negative work on the
system, removing electrostatic energy from the system.

(a) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1
(b) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1
(c) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False (d) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
(e) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is False



Q-1 Determine the potential at point 1 of the circuit shown in figure, assuming the potential at the
point O to be equal to zero. Using the symmetry of the formula obtained, write the expressions
for the potentials at points 2 and 3.
1 C1


2 C2

3 C3

Q-2 A 8F capacitor C1 is charged to V0 = 120V. The charging battery is then removed and the capacitor
is connected in parallel to an uncharged 4F capacitor C2.
(a) What is the potential difference V across the combination?
(b) What is the stored energy before and after the switch S is closed?

V0 C1 C2

Q-3 In the circuit shown in figure find the charges on the three capacitors in steady state.
2F 4F

6 F

10V 20V

Q-4 A capacitor has capacitance 10F and it is charged to a potential 150V. A second capacitor
has a capacitance of 20F and it is charged to a potential of 300V. After charging, the two
capacitors are connected in parallel with their same polarity plates together by using wires of
negligible capacitance. Find how much energy is dissipated?

Q-5 Figure shows four capacitors with capacities C, 2C, 3C and 4C are charged to the voltage, V, 2V, 3V and
4V correspondingly. The circuit is closed by closing all the switches. Find the potential difference
across all capacitors in steady state.

3C 3V

Q-6 A battery of 10V is connected to a capacitor of capacity 0.1F. The battery is now removed and
this capacitor is connected to a second uncharged capacitor. If the charges are distributed equally on
these two capacitors, find the total energy stored in the two capacitors. Find the ratio of final energy
to initial enery stored in capacitors.

Q-7 Two capacitors A and B with capacitances 3F and 2F are charged to potential difference of 100V and
180V respectively. The plates of the capacitors are connected as shown in figure with one wire from
each capacitor free.
2 F

3F + 2 F
100V 180V
A +B

The upper plate of A is positive and that of B is negative. An uncharged 2F capacitor C with lead
wires falls on the free ends to complete the circuit. Calculate
(i) The final charge on the three capacitors
(ii) The amount of electrostatic energy stored in the system before and after the capacitor C falls
and the circuit is dosed.

Q-8 A capacitor of capacitance C1 = 1F initially charged with voltage V= 300V is connected in parallel
with an uncharged capacitor C2 = 2F. Find the increment of the electric energy of this system by
the moment steady state is achieved.

Q-9 The plates of a parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C are given charges +4Q and –2Q.
The capacitor is then connected across another identical uncharged capacitor. Find the final
potential difference between the plates of the first capacitor.


Q-10 Find the potential difference across point A and B in the circuit shown in figure.

Q-11 Find the potential difference Va – Vb` between the points a and b shown in figure.

6V 4 F

a b
12V 2 F

24V 1 F

Q-12 In given circuit first switch Sw is closed and Sw2 is open. After long time Sw is opened and Sw2 is closed.
1 1

Calculate charge on each capacitor.

Q-13 The figure shows four identical conducting plates each of area A. The separation between the
consecutive plates is equal to d. When both the switches are closed, find the charge present on
the upper surface of the lowest plate from the top.

Q-14 Two parallel plate capacitors A and B having capacitance 1F and 5F are charged separately
by batteries of same voltage 100V. Now the positive plate of A is connected to the negative plate of B
and negative plate of A to the positive plate of. Find the final charge on each condenser and total
loss of electrical energy in the condensers.

Q-15 In the circuit shown in figure two capacitors and two batteries are connected in a closed loop.
Find the charges on capacitor C1 and C2 in steady state.
C1=3 F

E1=25V E1 =15V

C2=6 F

Q-16 In the circuit shown in figure calculate the energy stored in 5F capacitor in steady state.

10F 200V

5F 5F


Q-17 In the circuit shown in figure calculate the charge on 3F capacitor in steady state.
2 F 4 F

20V 10V 40V

4 F 8 F

Q-18 In the circuit shown in the figure, initially switch is open. When the switch is closed, find the
charge passing through the switch and the direction of charge flow.

60V 2F

60V 3 F

Q-19 Three capacitor each having capacitance C = 2F are connected with a 30V battery as shown in
figure. When the switch S is closed. Find
(a) the amount of charge flown through the battery
(b) the heat generated in the circuit
(c) the energy supplied by the battery
(d) the amount of charge flown through the switch S

Q-20 Two capacitors of capacitance 1F and 2F are charged to potential difference 20V and 15V
as shown in figure(a). If now terminal B and C are connected together and terminal A with positive
terminal of a 30V battery and D with negative terminal of battery as shown in figure(b) then find
the final charges on both the capacitor after closing the switch S.
1F 2F

A + B C + D
20V 15V
(a) (b)
Q-21 Find the charge which flows from point A to B, when switch is closed.



Q-22 Three capacitors of 2F, 3F and 5F are individually charged with batteries of emf ’s 5V,
20V and 10V respectively. After disconnecting from the voltage sources, these capacitors are
connected as shown in figure with their positive polarity plates are connected to A and negative
polarity is earthed. Now a battery of 20V and an uncharged capacitor of 4F capacitance are
connected to the junction A as shown with a switch S. When switch is closed, find (a) the potential
of the junction A. (b) final charges on all four capacitors.
3 F

2F 4F
A 20V


Q-23 Find the amount of heat produced in the circuit shown in figure when switch is closed.
Capacitance of both capacitors is equal to C.




Q-24 Find the amount of heat produced in the circuit shown in figure when switch is closed. Each
capacitor in circuit is of capacitance 2F.


C1 C2 20V

10V C3

Q-25 Find the amount of heat produced in the circuit shown in figure when switch is closed.


4 F 20V

10V 2F


Abhyaas - III (Level - 0)
Q-1 (B) Q-2 (D) Q-3 (C) Q-4 (C) Q-5 (C) Q-6 (C) Q-7 (A)

Q-8 (B) Q-9 (D) Q-10 (A) Q-11 (C) Q-12 (A) Q-13 (B) Q-14 (A)

Q-15 (A) Q-16 (C) Q-17 (B) Q-18 (C) Q-19 (A) Q-20 (A) Q-21 (A)

Q-22 (A) Q-23 (B) Q-24 (C) Q-25 (B) Q-26 (A) Q-27 (D) Q-28 (C)

Q-29 (B) Q-30 (C) Q-31 (C) Q-32 (C)

Abhyaas - III (Level - I)

Q-5 (a) C decreases. (b) Q decreases. The battery supplies a constant potential difference V ; thus,
charge must flow out of the capacitor if C  Q / V is to decreases. (c) E decreases because
the charge density on the plates decreases. (d) V remains constant because of the presence
of the battery. (e) The energy stored inthe capacitor decreases.

 3 
Q-7  V
K 2

Q-9 (i) 200 = 180 pF (ii) 5.4 × x 10–7 C (iii) 540 pF (iv) 3 (v) 27 x 10-12 C2 N-1 m-2

(vi) 3 x 105 V/m (vii) 1 x 105 V/m

0 A 2 Ui 3 q2d
Q-10 C = t , d = 3 , U F = 2 , DU = 6 0 A

CV  Ei 1 1 k 1
Q-11 2 
E r 0 = 5 = 0.62 m Q-12 E f 2 (1 + k), q = 2 C k  1

0 AV2  1  1
Q-13  
2d  2K 

A 1 2
Q-14 1st part has di-electric
(a) by E = ; Q remain constant so electric field in region 1 varies same as region 2, so now electric
A 
field graph of obtain by extend E of region 2
(b) now V is constant so by E = ; electric field graph directly obtain by joining A and B.


0 bv 2 (K  1) 0 b
Q-15 Q-16 (K 2  1)2 2  (K1  1) 12 
2dK S 2dK S 

(b2 )m 0 A  K1 K2 K3 
Q-17 8 . Q-18   
0 V 2 (K  1) d 2 K2  K3 

CK 1K 2 K2 0 A
Q-19 CR = K  K ln K where C =
2 1 1 d

(8.85  10 12 )1 (500) (11  1) (0.001)

Q-20 i= = 4.43 x 10–9 A

Q-21 (D), Let the electric field in region I and II be E1 and E2. The potential difference across left half capacitor
and right half capacitor is same. Therefore E1d = E2d where d = inter planar gap.
 E1 = E2
Hence statement 1 is false, statement 2 is correct by definition.
Q-22 In an isolated charged capacitor the potential energy stored is decreased on insertion of dielectric
because in expression U = , C increases on insertion of dielectric.
Statement - 2 is correct and correct explanation of statement 1.

Abhyaas - III (Level - II)

E1  C 2  C 3   E 2 C 2  E 3 C 3 E 2  C1  C 3   E 1 C 1  E 3 C 3 E 3  C1  C 2   E 1 C 1  E 2 C 2
Q-1 V1  , V2  , V3 
C1  C 2  C 3 C1  C 2  C 3 C1  C 2  C 3

Q-2 (a) 80V (b) 3.84 x 10–2J

10 140
Q-3 Q 2F  C , Q6 F  50C , Q 4 F  C
3 3

Q-4 0.075J

19 2 7 14
Q-5 V1   V, V2   V , V3  V, V4  V
5 5 5 5

Uf 1
Q-6 U f  2.5J , 
Ui 2

Q-7 (i) q A  90C , q B  150C , q C  210C (ii) U i  47.4mJ, U f  18mJ

Q-8 –0.03mJ

Q-9 3Q/2C

Q-10 10V


Q-11 – V

Q-12 QA = 12C; QB = 18C

3 0 AV0

200 1000 0.05

Q-14 C, C, J
3 3 3

Q-15 80C, 80C

Q-16 700C

Q-17 40C

Q-18 60C, A to B

Q-19 (a) 20C; (b) 0.3mJ; (c) 0.6mJ; (d) 60C

50 80
Q-20 C, C
3 3

Q-21  CE

Q-22 (a) V; (b) 28.56 C; 42.84 C; 71.4 C; 22.85 C

Q-23 CE 2

Q-24 0.3mJ

Q-25 No heat produced

“Innovation distinguishes between

a leader and a follower.”


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