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1. Charles Darwin 2.Fungi 3.Orthropoda 4.Iris 5.Pinna/External ear
6. C 7. D 8.B 9.D 10.A
11. What are the vertebrates classified into further subgroups? (2M)
Vertebrates are further classified into 5 subgroups.
They are- 1.Pisces, 2. Amphibia, 3.Reptilia, 4. Aves, 5.Mammals.

12. Write the differences between Rods and Cones? (2M)

S.No Rods Cones
Rods are responsible for detecting the dim lights only Cones are responsible for detecting the bright
with black and white. lights with colour.
2. 125 million rods are present in retina. Seven million are present in retina.
3. Rods contain the pigment rhodopsin. Cones contain the pigment idopsin.
4. Defect in rods causes night blindness. Defect in cones causes colour blindness.

13. When you meet a dermatologist what questions you ask him about the protection of your skin? (2M)
1. How do I keep my skin moist during winter?
2. What are the common skin diseases?
3. Which soap you recomand to make my face glow?
4. What precautions should I take from pimples?

14. Draw a flow chart on hierarchy of classification of animals? (4M)

The hierachy of classification: Classification is done starting from the largest category Domain to
smallest category Species. A species includes all organisms that are similar enough to interbreed and
perpetuate or even individually reproduce.

Species  Genus  Family  Order  Class  Phylum  Kingdom  Domain Prepared by:


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