Book Talk

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Performance task

Reading and writing


1. Prepare and deliver a 3-minute book talk to the class about a novel you have read independently. 
2.  The novel should be approximately 150 pages and should not be a movie. This book talk is a short
presentation to persuade the listener that they should read your specific book.
3. Your presentation must include a visual aid, such as a drawing, or original book cover to present to
the audience.  
4. You may use cue card notes to make your presentation. 

Introduction: Hook the Audience

● Clearly introduce your book by giving the name, author, and genre of the book. 
● Next, find an interesting, exciting, or mysterious quote to start off your presentation.  This quote will
get the reader’s attention.  Choose carefully and deliberately to try to capture the attention of the
audience and
 Explain why you chose the quote. 

Body:  Explain why you love the book (using examples):

● The middle of the presentation will describe the main characters and the basic plot of the book
(without giving too much away of the story).  Include where the book is set, what kind of action or
conflict is involved in the book, and the theme of the novel. 
● Under no circumstances should you give away the ending of the novel. 

Closure: Wrap up your ideas and leave an impression:

● Rate your book out of 5 stars and give a critical reflection for why.  What did you like and dislike
most about the book?  You could include awards the book received or quotes from what other
critics said about the book.
● End with a creative closing thought. Possible endings could include a question, catchy punch line
or prediction about which student in the class would enjoy the book.

Remember that your book talk is an oral presentation, and it is important to maintain good eye contact,
keep enthusiasm in your voice, and make sure your audience can hear and understand you. Have fun as
you prepare to share your novel with our class!
Title:                   Drawing with Light
Julia Green

Contemporary, Young Adult,
Romance, Fiction

Opening quote ideas:

"You have so many reasons, but
you left without explanation."

Setting: Cramped & tiny Caravan

Old house being renovated

Pyréneés-Atlantiques, France

Main Characters: Emily Anna Woodman

Katharine Woodman

Plot events/ Favorite parts of the

novel: When Emily finally found her
biological mother and that she
was able to contact her and
know her address.
Theme: Family relationships



5 / 5

Rating/Critical Review: Likes: The book is about a

                child looking for her mother,
it helps us realize how a
5 stars parent that has not been there
since growing up; can affect
the future/life of a child;
(Liked most) and how there will be so many
changes that at some point
they will still seek for that

(Disliked most)  Dislike: none

Closing hook ideas: What I realize now is that the

story actually had a happy
ending; the children came
back. In spite of everything
the adults did to them, the
children found their own way
home, their pockets full of
precious stones and pearls
that gleamed and shone in the

Rubric for Book Talk

Criteria  4 3 2 1 Score
Introduction Creative beginning Not a very creative or Not a very good Not a very good
with a good quote. interesting beginning beginning with no beginning with no
with a quote. quote. quote.
Body Thorough and Somewhat thorough Average summary of Does not
interesting summary and interesting plot, setting, and summarize plot,
of plot, setting, and summary of plot, characters. No support setting, and
characters. Clear setting, and for book rating. characters. Book
support for book characters. Some rating is missing.
rating. support for book

Conclusion  Very enticing Somewhat interesting Concluded but did not Very boring
conclusion – draws conclusion- listener draw the listener to conclusion or no
the listener to read might want to read read the book. conclusion at all .
the book . the book.

Communication Maintains excellent Maintains good eye Sometimes maintains Poor eye contact
eye contact, voice is contact, voice is eye contact but is and difficult to
clear and mostly clear, difficult understand or hear or
enthusiastic, words enthusiastic and hear. Mispronounces understand.
are pronounced audible. common words.
correctly, and tempo Pronunciation is
is good. mostly correct.

Visual aid Visual aid is Visual aid is colorful, Visual aid shows some Visual aid is not
creatively designed somewhat easy to creativity and detail, done or shows
with color to intrigue understand, and and might be helpful to little creativity
the viewer and compliments the the presentation. and detail.
compliment the presentation.


Prepared by:

Kent Z. De Guzman


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