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Rail Industry Standard

Issue: One
Date: September 2021

Format for Infrastructure

Gauging Data
This document sets out requirements
for the format of infrastructure data
for the purposes of gauging
compatibility assessment.

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New document effective 4/09/2021

Rail Industry Standard

Issue: One
Date: September 2021 Format for Infrastructure Gauging Data

Issue record

Issue Date Comments

One 04/09/2021 Original document.

Superseded documents
This standard does not supersede any other Railway Group documents.

The authoritative version of this document is available at
group-standards. Enquiries on this document can be submitted through the RSSB
Customer Self-Service Portal

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Section Description Page

Part 1 Purpose and Introduction 6

1.1 Purpose 6
1.2 Application of this document 6
1.3 Health and safety responsibilities 6
1.4 Structure of this document 6
1.5 Approval and authorisation of this document 7

Part 2 Requirements for infrastructure gauging data 8

2.1 File name 8
2.2 Location 8
2.3 Measurement 9
2.4 Infrastructure parameters 9

Part 3 The SC0 file format 11

3.1 General requirements for the application of the SC0 file format 11
3.2 Header information 11
3.3 Coordinates 15
3.4 Curvature sign convention 19

Appendices 21
Appendix A Additional guidance for the application of the SC0 file format 21

Definitions 28

References 29

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List of Figures

Figure 1: Notional point of rail coordinate 17

Figure 2: Example horizontal curvature and cant sign convention 20

Figure 3: Vertical curvature sign convention 20

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List of Tables

Table 1: Allowable mnemonic codes 11

Table 2: Attributes 15

Table 3: Rail Coordinates (two track file) 18

Table 4: Structure Profile Coordinates 18

Table 5: File designation 21

Table 6: Track Codes 22

Table 7: Example SC0 file 23

Table 8: Deprecated mnemonics 25

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Part 1 Purpose and Introduction

1.1 Purpose

1.1.1 This document establishes requirements for infrastructure gauging data. This
document also sets out the most commonly used data format for the exchange and
interpretation of infrastructure data used in the process of gauging compatibility
1.1.2 This document is complementary to other documents with the suite of gauging
standards including:
a) GIRT7073 Requirements for the Position of Infrastructure and for Defining and
Maintaining Clearances – this document sets out requirements for positioning
infrastructure and maintaining the position of track relative to infrastructure to
achieve gauge compatibility with rolling stock.
b) GERT8273 Assessment of Compatibility of Rolling Stock and Infrastructure –
Gauging and Stepping Distances – this document sets out specific requirements
and responsibilities for the assessment of gauge compatibility and stepping
distances between rolling stock and infrastructure.
1.1.3 This document can be adopted by infrastructure managers, contractors and gauging
consultancies under their respective safety/quality management system or when
specifying products and services.

1.2 Application of this document

1.2.1 Compliance requirements and dates have not been specified because these are the
subject of internal procedures or contract conditions.
1.2.2 If you plan to do something that does not comply with a requirement in this RIS, you
can ask a Standards Committee to comment on your proposed alternative. If you
want a Standards Committee to do this, please submit your deviation application
form to RSSB. You can find advice and guidance on using alternative requirements on
RSSB’s website

1.3 Health and safety responsibilities

1.3.1 Users of documents published by RSSB are reminded of the need to consider their
own responsibilities to ensure health and safety at work and their own duties under
health and safety legislation. RSSB does not warrant that compliance with all or any
documents published by RSSB is sufficient in itself to ensure safe systems of work or
operation or to satisfy such responsibilities or duties.

1.4 Structure of this document

1.4.1 This document sets out a series of requirements that are sequentially numbered. This
document also sets out the rationale for the requirement, explaining why the
requirement is needed and its purpose and, where relevant, guidance to support the
requirement. The rationale and the guidance are prefixed by the letter ‘G’.

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1.4.2 Some subjects do not have specific requirements but the subject is addressed through
guidance only and, where this is the case, it is distinguished under a heading of
‘Guidance’ and is prefixed by the letter ‘G’.

1.5 Approval and authorisation of this document

1.5.1 The content of this document was approved by Infrastructure Standards Committee
on 11 May 2021.
1.5.2 This document was authorised by RSSB on 14 June 2021.

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Part 2 Requirements for infrastructure gauging data

2.1 File name

2.1.1 The infrastructure data file shall be identifiable from the file name.

G 2.1.2 This requirement enables the transfer and use of correct infrastructure data for
gauging analysis.

G 2.1.3 Common practice is to include references to track codes and linear distance within
the file name as a quick geographical guide to the part of the network where the data
file applies.
G 2.1.4 Common practice on the mainline railway has established folders for each engineer's
line reference (ELR).

2.2 Location

2.2.1 The infrastructure data file shall identify the geographical position within the rail
network to which it applies.
2.2.2 Where the infrastructure data file is associated with a specific structure, the data file
shall include a structure name or reference.

G 2.2.3 Knowing the precise location and track to which the infrastructure data applies is
critical to the accuracy of the gauging analysis using the data.
G 2.2.4 These requirements have been established from industry practice for the mainline

G 2.2.5 Practice from the mainline railway uses the following to identify location:
• Engineer's Line Reference (ELR) to identify the route (or part of route),
• Track code to identify the line/track on that route, and
• Linear distance in either miles or km to identify the position along the track.
G 2.2.6 It is commonplace for references to track codes and linear distance to appear within
the file name as a quick geographical guide to the part of the network where the data
file applies. Where there is any discrepancy between the geographical references in
the file names the geographical information contained within the file takes

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2.3 Measurement

2.3.1 The infrastructure data file shall identify the date of the measurement.
2.3.2 The infrastructure data file shall identify the survey method used to measure the
2.3.3 The naming convention shall be consistent with that used by the infrastructure

G 2.3.4 Infrastructure position can move over time, either intentionally through modification
or maintenance activity, or through settlement and ground movement. The data
provides a snapshot of the infrastructure at any given time. Knowing the date of the
measurement is critical to the accuracy of gauging analysis, through the use of the
most recent data and therefore infrastructure position.
G 2.3.5 Different survey methods have different degrees of accuracy in measurement.
Knowing the method of survey is important to ensure that the correct allowances are
applied in the gauging compatibility assessment.
G 2.3.6 This requirement has been established from industry practice for the mainline

G 2.3.7 The survey method refers to the technology used to take the measurement. Examples
of different survey methods could be laser profiling, structure gauging train or simple
platform gauge. Infrastructure managers will specify tolerances to be applied for
different survey methods.

2.4 Infrastructure parameters

2.4.1 The infrastructure data files shall describe the infrastructure at that location,
sufficient to enable the assessment of gauge compatibility by identifying the
• Horizontal track radius;
• Datum rail (0,0 coordinate);
• Line speed;
• Rail coordinates relative to the true horizontal and vertical plane; and
• Structure profile coordinates relative to the true horizontal and vertical plane.
2.4.2 The file shall also identify the number of coordinate points contained within the file.

G 2.4.3 These requirements ensure that the minimum parameters are described to enable the
infrastructure data to be used in gauging compatibility assessment.
G 2.4.4 The number of coordinate points are used to identify whether the data file is
complete. Missing coordinate points could be significant in the gauging assessment.

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G 2.4.5 These requirements have been established from industry practice for the mainline

G 2.4.6 The datum rail is established as the 0,0 coordinate and is the position to which all
other coordinates relate.
G 2.4.7 Practice from the mainline railway is to define the left most rail, when standing in the
four foot facing high mileage direction, as the datum rail. Where the infrastructure
data file adopts a different convention for the datum rail, this would be agreed
between the parties involved in the exchange of infrastructure data.
G 2.4.8 Good practice is to include vertical track radius within the file, where this is available.
Where vertical track radius is not available, it is assumed to be straight.
G 2.4.9 Good practice is to use design horizontal curve radius, where available, rather than
instantaneous radius which may include a component of lateral track irregularity that
would already be accounted for in the vehicle modelling process.

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Part 3 The SC0 file format

3.1 General requirements for the application of the SC0 file format

3.1.1 SC0 files shall be stored as an un-encrypted, text file.

G 3.1.2 Use of the file convention as set out by these requirements enables the SC0 file to be
transferred and used by software in gauging compatibility assessment.

G 3.1.3 The SC0 file format is the most common format used for the sharing of infrastructure
gauging data. It was originally developed in the late 1980s as a means of facilitating
the interchange of structure gauging profiles between structure profile measuring
equipment and personal computers (PCs).
G 3.1.4 Originally SCN, the file format has latterly become commonly known as the SC0,
hence SC0 has been used throughout this document as a generic name for this file
format. However, it also includes infrastructure data files with other SC? extensions,
see table 5 for a list of other file designations.
G 3.1.5 SC0 files represent a slice of the infrastructure at a point, therefore a structure may
be defined by many slices. Typically slices are taken at 5 m intervals, but this is
dependent on the complexity of the location and the structure.
G 3.1.6 Files with an SCN designation are unedited raw data files. As such they are
incomplete and are no longer considered suitable for transfer of infrastructure data.
G 3.1.7 An example of an SC0 file is set out in appendix A.2.

3.2 Header information

3.2.1 The SC0 file shall consist of header lines that provide the contextual information for
the coordinate data. These header lines shall consist of an alpha mnemonic followed
by an equals (=) sign.
3.2.2 The mnemonic codes used shall be consistent with the allowable mnemonic codes set
out in Table 1.

Mnemonic Type Parameter Required (R) Unit Notes

or Optional

VER= integer File version R - The version

aligned to this
standard is 5.01

NTK= integer Number of R - Always comes

Tracks before any track

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Mnemonic Type Parameter Required (R) Unit Notes

or Optional

REL= string Software O -


SYD= string System Date O -

KEY= string System Key ID O -

CUS= string Customer ID O -

SYS= string Unique O -

System ID

MODE= string Survey R - The technology

Method used to take the

NAME= string Structure R - This is required in

Name case the location
information is

TSID= String Track R (O) - 1. TSID is required

Structure ID where SCAT and
SSUB are not
defined. 2. Where
provided TSID
takes precedence
over NAME
SCAT= String Structure O (R) - SCAT is required
Category (e.g. where TSID is not
Lineside defined. Where
Equip / provided, TSID
Platform / takes precedence
Under bridge) over SCAT
SSUB= String Structure Sub O (R) - SSUB is required
Category (e.g. where TSID is not
signal) defined. Where
provided TSID
takes precedence
over SSUB
DTYP= string Distance Base R - M = Decimal Miles,
K= km

ID#= string Track # Code R - For track codes

see table 6

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Mnemonic Type Parameter Required (R) Unit Notes

or Optional

RAD#= real Track # R m


LSP#= real Track # Line R km/h


OSP#= real Track # EPS O km/h


ELR= string Engineer's R - Usually 3, 4 or 5

Line Reference characters

DIST= real Distance R decimal takes precedence

miles or over linear
km distance in file

TTT#= integer Track # Fixity R - 0 = Low Fixity

(Ballasted Track)
1 = Medium Fixity
(Glued Track)
2 = High Fixity
(Slab Track)

SWH#= integer Track # High O - 0 = Wear not

Rail Sidewear present
1 = Wear present

SWL#= integer Track # Low O - 0 = Wear not

Rail Sidewear present
1 = Wear present

INPT= string Survey O -


DATE= string Survey Date R - format DD/MM/

YYYY e.g. 27
November 2020 is

R-J#= real Track # Radius O m

10m Previous

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Mnemonic Type Parameter Required (R) Unit Notes

or Optional

R+J#= real Track # Radius O m

10m Post

C-J#= real Track # Cant O mm

10m Previous

C+J#= real Track # Cant O mm

10m Post

VRA#= real Track # O m +ve = Hogging

Radius -ve = Sagging

WLR#= real Mean Hourly O m/s

Wind Speed L-
R Track #

WRL#= real Mean Hourly O m/s

Wind Speed R-
L Track #

TD#= real Track # O - 1 = Towards

Direction of
Travel -1 = Away
0 = Bi-directional

GPS= string GPS System O - In the format of a

National Marine
(NMEA) string

GPSLON= real GPS Easting O m

(Longitude) of
track C/L

GPSLAT= real GPS Northing O m

(Latitude) of
track C/L

NPT= integer Number of R - number of

coordinates coordinate points,
used to confirm
file is complete

Table 1: Allowable mnemonic codes

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G 3.2.3 These requirements enable the infrastructure data to be used by software in gauging
compatibility assessment.
G 3.2.4 Use of mnemonics not included within this document is permitted, but will not be
read, or understood, by industry standard gauging software.

G 3.2.5 Table 1 identifies whether a parameter is required or optional. Required fields are
mandatory for this file format, optional fields are desirable to be included only if the
information is available.
G 3.2.6 Track Structure ID (TSID) is important for identifying the specific track structure from
which the features and attributes can be easily identified. As show in the table TSID
this is required where structure category (SCAT) and structure sub category (SSUB)
are not defined, while SCAT and SSUB are necessary where TSID is not defined. In the
table these fields are shown as R (O) or O (R) to show there is dependency between
them as to the requirement for inclusion in the file. TSID always takes precedence
over SCAT and SSUB.
G 3.2.7 The format for the "GPS=" line in table 1 is an NMEA string. NMEA is a widely used
standard for reporting outputs from global navigation satellite system receivers and
other navigation equipment, and is supported by all major manufacturers. For further
information see NMEA 0183 - Standard for Interfacing Marine Electronic Devices,
National Marine Electronics Association.

3.3 Coordinates

3.3.1 General requirements for coordinates Coordinate data shall appear after the header lines. Coordinates shall be expressed in meters, specified to four decimal places and relative
to the true horizontal and vertical. Each coordinate point shall be given one of the three digit attribute codes given in
table 2.

Attribute code Description

000 Intermediate Point

001 Start Point

002 End Point

003 Cess Rail

004 Sixfoot Rail

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Attribute code Description

005 Tenfoot Rail

006 LH Rail

007 RH Rail

008 +ve Conductor Rail

009 -ve Conductor Rail

010 Over head contact line (OCL)

(in this context it is the static position of
the under side of the contact wire)

011 Dowel

012 Datum Point

013 Platform Edge Point

014 Equipment
(equipment mounted to the structure
that has the potential to be moved)

015 Intrados
(this is the top point of a circular tunnel)

016 Monument

017 Noise Shelf Corner

018 Vegetation

019 Live OCL equipment

020 Insulated OCL equipment

021 Earthed OCL equipment

Table 2: Attributes

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G These requirements ensure that coordinate data can be interpreted for use in
gauging compatibility assessment.

G The attribute code is provided immediately after the coordinate on the same line and
provides the context for the coordinate.
G The platform edge point in table 2 refers to a notional point where a line projected
upwards from the tightest platform point intersects with a line projected horizontally
from the platform surface at its extent. This is effectively ‘squaring off’ the platform
coping stone.

3.3.2 Rail coordinates Rail coordinates shall appear after the header lines and before the structure profile
coordinates. Rail coordinates shall correspond to a notional point on the plane of rails, where a
perpendicular projection aligns to the gauge corner, as illustrated in figure 1. The assigned rail attribute shall reflect the the local name for the rail.

Figure 1: Notional point of rail coordinate

G These requirements enable the coordinate data to be interpreted and used by
software in gauging compatibility assessment.

G In a single track file the first two lines of coordinates will be rail coordinates, whereas
in a two track file the first four lines of coordinates will be rail coordinates. Table 3
shows example rail coordinates for a two track file.

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ID X(m) Y(m) Attribute code

1 +00.0000 +00.0000 003

2 +01.4300 +00.0761 004

3 +04.7753 +00.2756 003

4 +03.3450 +00.2016 004

Table 3: Rail Coordinates (two track file)

G Track cant is inferred from rail coordinates. Note that on 1.435 m gauge track, cant is
specified over 1.505 m, being the rail centre rather than the track gauge. Accordingly,
the cant may be calculated using the following formula:

( ) ( (
Cant mm = 1505 × sin tan-1
(Y RH - Y LH )
( X RH - X LH )
G It is important to note that the 1.505 m value is based upon a nominal track gauge of
1.435 m and does not vary to accommodate gauge widening, local irregularities in
track gauge or rail wear.

3.3.3 Structure profile coordinates Structure profile coordinates shall appear after the rail coordinates and shall be given
with reference to the datum (0,0). Points within a line section shall be ordered in a sequential clockwise manner,
enabling point joining to be correctly applied.

G These requirements enable the coordinate data to be interpreted and used by
software in gauging compatibility assessment.

G Table 4 shows an example of structure profile coordinates:

ID X(m) Y(m) Attribute

1 -02.5131 +00.0000 001

2 -02.4886 +00.5000 000

3 -02.4832 +01.0000 000

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ID X(m) Y(m) Attribute

4 -02.5040 +01.5000 002

Table 4: Structure Profile Coordinates

G Coordinates are given an attribute to establish context (see table 3). Attribute 001
defines the starting point of a line section, attribute 002 defines its end. Intermediate
points should be given attribute 000 unless they relate to other attributions. By
defining line sections, clearances may be calculated at intermediate points between
those defined, leading to increased accuracy of calculation.

3.4 Curvature sign convention

3.4.1 The direction of cant and horizontal curvature shall be identified by means of a plus
(+) or minus (-) sign, with left hand (LH) curves attributed positive and right hand (RH)
curves attributed negative (see figure 2). Adjacent tracks following the same
curvature shall adopt the inverse sign.
3.4.2 The direction of vertical curvature shall be identified by means of a plus (+) or minus
(-) sign, with hogging curves attributed positive and sagging curves attributed
negative (see figure 3).

G 3.4.3 These requirements enable the effects of curvature and cant to be correctly
interpreted during gauging analysis.

G 3.4.4 In a multi track layout an SC0 file contains structure profile data for more than one
track. On a two track railway a LH curve (+ve) Track 1 would typically be matched by a
RH curve (-ve) on Track 2, providing that both tracks follow the same curvature. This is
illustrated in the example shown in figure 2.

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Figure 2: Example horizontal curvature and cant sign convention

G 3.4.5 On bi-directional lines curve hand is typically determined in the direction of increasing
track mileage.
G 3.4.6 It is important to note that SC0 sign convention as illustrated is different to the
standardized reporting sign convention in which +ve is always to right and -ve always
to left, with back to low mileage, regardless of the direction of running.
G 3.4.7 The sign convention for vertical curvature is illustrated in figure 3).

Figure 3: Vertical curvature sign convention

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Appendix A Additional guidance for the application of the SC0
file format
A.1 File name

G A.1.1 Historically files have had a multi-part file names, originally designed to be
compatible with MS-DOS when the SC0 format was created.
G A.1.2 For the mainline railway, files have been stored in different folders for each
engineer's line reference (ELR). For the purposes of this appendix when references are
made to the structure of the file name "ELR/" represents the folder.
G A.1.3 Files using a mile distance base would have had the following format: ELR/
mmmccytm.SC? where:
• mmm is miles
• cc is chains (Note 80 chains / mile)
• y is yards (0 = 0yds, A = 1 yd, B = 2 yds, C = 3 yds, etc.)
• t is track (see table x)
• m denotes mileage units
• ? denotes file designation (see table 5).
G A.1.4 Files using a km distance base would have had the following format: ELR/
kkkmmmtk.SC?. where:
• kkk is kilometers
• mmm is meters
• t is track (see table 6)
• k denotes km units
• ? denotes file designation (see table 5).
G A.1.5
File designation Description

SCP Platform

SCX Sixfoot

SC0 Current structure profile

SC1 Previous archive structure profile

SC2 Previous previous structure profile

Table 5: File designation

G A.1.6 Typical track codes for the mainline railway are given in table 6.

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G A.1.7 Track Code Filename track code Track name

Note: X denotes an
integer used to
complete the track


11XX B Up Main

11XX C Up Fast

12XX D Up Relief

12XX E Up Slow

13XX F Up Goods

2XXX G Down

21XX H Down Main

21XX I Down Fast

22XX J Down Relief

22XX K Down Slow

23XX L Down Goods

3XXX M B-Directional

16XX N Up Bay

26XX O Down Bay

X4XX P Platform

15XX Q Up Loop

25XX R Down Loop

X5XX S Loop

X8XX T Other

Table 6: Track Codes

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G A.1.8 National Gauging Database (NGD) file names can include additional information
such as: ELR\TSID-LINE-mmmccytM.SC0 where:
• TSID is the Track Structure ID
• LINE is the Track code (see table 6 ).
G A.1.9 In some circumstances, SCO files with identical names may appear in NGD data.
These will be identified as:
• ELR\TSID-LINE-mmmccytM.SC0
• ELR\TSID-LINE-mmmccytM(1).SC0
• ELR\TSID-LINE-mmmccytM(2).SC0 etc.
Such data may exist if measured at a longitudinal interval of less than 1 yard, or by

A.2 Example SC0 file

G A.2.1 Table 7 sets out an example of an SC0 File, which is stored as an un-encrypted,
readable, text file:
• Lines 1 – 17 contain header data
• Lines 18 - 19 contain (single track) rail data
• Lines 20 – 51 contain profile coordinate data.

ID Data

1 VER=5.01

2 NTK=1

4 MODE=SGT LaserFleX2

5 NAME=Cricketer's Bridge No.6 (Arched


6 TSID=5461
7 SCAT=Overbridge
8 SSUB=Arched Overbridge

9 ID1=1100


11 DATE=10/05/2016

12 DIST=31.70909

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ID Data


14 LSP1=96.5

15 RAD1=328342

16 TTT1=0

17 NPT=34

18 +00.0000 +00.0000 003

19 +01.4295 -00.0005 004

20 -02.4456 +04.4541 001

21 -02.3373 +04.5079 000

22 -02.3034 +04.5129 000

23 -02.2674 +04.5725 000

24 -02.1657 +04.5904 000

25 -02.1002 +04.6025 000

26 -02.0357 +04.6145 000

27 -01.9415 +04.6325 000

28 -01.8728 +04.6117 000

29 -01.7806 +04.6241 000

30 -01.7208 +04.6324 000

31 -01.6668 +04.6469 000

32 -01.5567 +04.6693 000

33 -01.5246 +04.6677 000

34 -01.4419 +04.6802 000

35 -01.3592 +04.6483 000

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ID Data

36 -01.3313 +04.6902 000

37 -01.2482 +04.6977 000

38 -01.1666 +04.7056 000

39 -01.1321 +04.6954 000

40 -01.0515 +04.7026 000

41 -00.9955 +04.6996 000

42 -00.9028 +04.6271 000

43 -00.8932 +04.7037 000

44 -00.8216 +04.7173 000

45 -00.7697 +04.7120 000

46 -00.6956 +04.7130 000

47 -00.6475 +04.7138 000

48 -00.5767 +04.7154 000

49 -00.5321 +04.7027 000

50 -00.4590 +04.6984 000

51 -00.3897 +04.7001 002

Table 7: Example SC0 file

A.3 SC0 deprecated fields

G A.3.1 Table 8 sets out deprecated mnemonics. These mnemonics have been used
historically, but are no longer used. They are retained here only as information for
backward reference.

Mnemonic Type Parameter Unit Notes

FLN= string File name -

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New document effective 4/09/2021

Rail Industry Standard

Issue: One
Date: September 2021 Format for Infrastructure Gauging Data

Mnemonic Type Parameter Unit Notes

DTP#= integer Track # Datum - 0 = Not Datum

Plated Plated
1 = Datum

UTT#= string UIC Track# - G = Good

Quality quality, P =
Poor quality

EDIT= string Edit Operator -

OPER= string Edit Date -

REP= string Reporting - N = Normal

T = Tight
P = Plated
B = Tight and

INT= integer Interpolate - 0 = Allow

1 = Prohibit

COM= integer Composite - 0 = Not

1 = Composite

FLAG= string Warning -


PLF#= real Proposed Lift mm


PSL#= real Proposed Slue mm


PCA#= real Proposed Cant mm

PRA#= real Proposed mm


PCM#= real Proposed Cant mm

10 m Previous

PCP#= real Proposed Cant mm

10 m Post

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New document effective 4/09/2021

Rail Industry Standard

Issue: One
Format for Infrastructure Gauging Data Date: September 2021

Mnemonic Type Parameter Unit Notes

PRM#= real Proposed m

Radius 10 m

PRP#= real Proposed m

Radius 10 m

PVR#= real Proposed m

Vertical Radius

CAL= string Calibration File -

OLS#= integer Overhead Line mm/N

Stiffness Track

NCOL= integer Number of -

data columns

COL1= string Column 1 - X(m) = x

identifier coordinate in

COL2= string Column 2 - Y(m) = y

identifier coordinate in

COL3= string Column 3 - ATT = Attribute

identifier (see table 2)

Table 8: Deprecated mnemonics

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Rail Industry Standard

Issue: One
Date: September 2021 Format for Infrastructure Gauging Data


Engineer's Line Reference A unique infrastructure reference for a particular section of track.
(ELR) Generally found in the Sectional Appendix or hazard directory.
Track Code A code identifying the specific track e.g. up main.
Mainline railway Mainline railway has the meaning given to it in the Railways and
Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006 but
excluding any railway in Northern Ireland; the dedicated high
speed railway between London St Pancras International Station
and the Channel Tunnel.
Deprecated Elements of the data format that are not longer desired, but
retained for information and backward compatibility.
Overhead contact Line Contact line placed above (or beside) the upper limit of the rail
(OCL) vehicle gauge and supplying vehicles with electric energy through
roof-mounted current collection equipment.

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New document effective 4/09/2021

Rail Industry Standard

Issue: One
Format for Infrastructure Gauging Data Date: September 2021


The Standards catalogue gives the current issue number and status of documents published by

RGSC 01 Railway Group Standards Code

RGSC 02 Standards Manual

Railway Group Standards

GIRT7073 Requirements for the Position of Infrastructure and for Defining

and Maintaining Clearances
GERT8273 Assessment of Compatibility of Rolling Stock and Infrastructure -
Gauging and Stepping Distances

Other references

NMEA 0183 Standard for Interfacing Marine Electronic Devices, National

Marine Electronics Association
Other relevant documents

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