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The biggest hurdle for a narcissist in loving another person is their inability to identify what another

person is. Narcissists live in a world of mirrors. They cannot see you. They see a mirror. How can they
love someone they cannot see? That being said, they can feel an attachment to you, a fondness, a liking,
infatuation, even caring. But all of these feelings are what they feel for the mirror that you are. And
sadly, because of their fundamental shame, they will always eventually see the self-hatred they have for
themselves reflected back from you. The wonderful, exhilarating, validating feelings you once gave them
for themselves will always crumble when they are reminded that they feel no self-worth. When they
looked at you, for a time, they were looking into a mirror and they liked what they saw. Then one day,
for some reason, they looked into that mirror that had made them feel so good, and they saw the
“truth” reflected back.

Narcissists can feel love, or what feels like love to them, but they can never really see you. They can feel
love for you, but it is an illusion. It is love they feel for the reflection that they believe you are. They can
only see themselves. And you can never stay a perfect reflection to someone that cannot believe they
have any true worth.

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