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What is unconditional love in your opinion?

Love without restriction, conditions, expectations, resentments, convenience etc,. When you love
someone you want what's best for them even if you disagree with their actions, choices, values, and
morals. All you want is their happiness and that's what fills you up in your soul. Unconditional love is
wishing someone you love the best even though it is not with you.

What is unconditional love? How can you make people love you unconditionally?

What are exceptions to unconditional love?

What is pure, unconditional love?

What is "unconditional love"? How far should it, or can it, go?

What is unconditional love? If we expect something from our loved ones, then will it not be
unconditional love?

What does unconditional love mean to you?

To me unconditional love is loving a person no matter what they believe or whatever wrongs they have
done in their life that may have been offensive to you or anyone else. It means to me to put their needs
before your own, and care for them much like yourself. That’s is selflessness. That is humility. That is
unconditional love to me.
Images source : internet

Remember no one can love you more than your parents.

Love is and can undoubtedly be complicated. But unconditional love is just that.. Without bounds,
without prejudice, judgement, criticisms, blame, fault. It's timeless with no beginning and no end. It's
comprimise and commitment. It's patience & time. Understanding & empathy. It's without malice or
force. It's given freely and devoted to through & through. It's blind and also insightful at same time. Love
is strength & weakness together. Love is defined by which how & what you do not by just how or what
you say. Actions not words. Pure, free, and everlasting from this life into the next before God.

What is unconditional love? Is this possible in today's scenario?

What is unconditional love? How does it compare to just love?

Does unconditional love exist? What's your personal opinions or experience?

Is your love unconditional?

Who do you love unconditionally? Who love you unconditionally? What's love in your opinion?

What is unconditional love?

A river flows on its own through mountains, valleys, cities, villages, and across countries.
Millions benefit from it in thousands of ways- people, plants, animals, birds, fish, frogs, and so on.

The river is oblivious of all of that, and goes on flowing.

This is unconditional love.

Between two people, it is impossible. It is just a romantic poem.

From one being, whose very nature is love, it flows to everyone that is on his/her path.

He/She doesn't even think of this overflowing love. Because thinking is trading, and trading is again

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How fool-proof is using LegalZoom to set up an LLC?

I chuckled when I read the question. :-)

“Foolproof?” I cannot tell you how many times folks tell me what they need, because they’ve spent an
hour researching on the Internet.

My firm ( competes with LegalZoom and others, selling LLC registrations. When
an order comes in, a paralegal will be assigned to the case — we don’t automate. I cannot tell you how
many times a week a paralegal will come into my office saying, “Umm, a client is ordering a LLC for her
medical practice, but I think she’s in a state where she needs a PC or PLLC.”
Point being, it’s really easy to give clie

Long answer ahead

We want to be loved the way we are now, and we may think that there is unselfish love.

Unfortunately, unconditional love can be disappointing and embarrassing if our ideals do not match the
reality of how difficult or impossible unconditional love is.

Children must love unconditionally. When they are going through difficulties in life, we must endlessly
persevere and take many deep breaths repeatedly to provide guidance. Consistently embody
affectionate acceptance of presence and create an environment for secure attachment. As adults, we
also want and need a safe relationship. I want to open my heart and believe that my beloved partner
and loyal friends are there when I need them.

However, we can expect that one cannot provide when looking at one passionately and exclusively to fill
all our needs (acceptance, affiliation, meaning). In the extreme, we can repeat the quiet plea of a self-
euphoric child. Love me and I supply what I need, regardless of how I treat you.

By sticking to qualifications, we can be criticized or angry when the needs of our partners conflict with
our own needs. For better or for worse, mature love can only thrive under certain conditions. Just as
roses need enough sun, water, and nutrients to survive and thrive, we cannot expect love to thrive in
barren areas and hostile conditions. There is (sufficient) reciprocity.

Respecting Boundaries
Loving does not mean that we always provide what others want, accept tirelessly, and do not need
ourselves. The immature view of love obliges us to satisfy all needs and relieve all sorrows, to meet all
needs. And if we don't get beyond that, piss ourselves off that spiritual evolution isn't.

The challenge of any healthy relationship is to support our partners while identifying our own needs and
aspirations. This means respecting ourselves enough to have limits and set boundaries - we are willing to
respond to our own "yes", "no", and our 'probably'.

To love means to be sensitive to the space between yourself and others, respectfully and carefully
sympathizing with each other's feelings and desires. It means slowing down and maintaining our
relationship with our body and allowing ourselves to be influenced by what others feel and want.

Love prompts them to be happy if they can take the needs of others seriously and do so without
harming themselves. You do not always have to answer "yes". However, this means that denying a
request is done with respect and meticulousness, rather than ruining or ignoring it. Or it means
processing the work so that all our two needs are met.

The key to the vague intimacy we seek is to look inside others and see ourselves. The process of sharing
and reacting to the inner world of each of us is generally more important than the outcome.

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