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Name - Student ID:

Phạm Vũ Hoàng Bảo - ITCSIU22250
Nguyễn Hữu Quốc Thái - ITCSIU22308
Nguyễn Ngọc Hoàng Khang - CHCEIU22012
Group: 26


a) A reaction with a ΔG° = -30 kJ/mol has a positive K and <1

b) When ΔG for a reaction is negative, the reaction is spontaneous.
c) If ΔS is negative then ΔH must be negative for a spontaneous process.
d) At 25°C ΔH = 128.9 kJ and ΔG = 33.5 kJ for a reaction. This reaction become spontaneous at
above the minimum temperature 440K
e) The second law of thermodynamics states the entropy of the universe always increases in
spontaneous processes.
f) An endothermic process which is spontaneous must have a positive ΔS.
g) The Gibbs free energy of the system always increases in a spontaneous process.
h) A process which causes the system entropy to decrease can still be spontaneous if an even larger
entropy increase takes place in the surroundings.
i) The Law of Conservation of Energy is another statement of the First Law of Thermodynamics.
j) The symbol H refers to the enthalpy, or "heat content" of the system.
k) The second law states that ΔS of a system increases in any spontaneous process.
l) The Gibbs free energy of a system is increasing in any spontaneous process going on at constant
T and P.
m) The expansion of a gas into a vacuum is an example of an increase in entropy.
n) Enthalpy change and entropy change are two properties of a reacting system that determine
whether a process at constant pressure and temperature can occur spontaneously
o) A process which causes the system entropy to decrease can still be spontaneous if an even larger
entropy increase takes place in the surroundings.
p) In an exothermic reaction the value of H of the species is increasing in going from reactants to
q) ΔH for a reaction is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to ΔH for the reverse reaction.
r) Enthalpy change is dependent upon the number of steps in a reaction.
s) For the reaction, A + B →C, ΔHo = +30 kJ; ΔSo = +50 J/K. Therefore the reaction is spontaneous
at all temperatures.
t) Gibbs free energy is a state function.
u) The entropy will usually increase when a molecule is broken into two or more smaller molecules.
1. (15pts) Let help meeeeee to calculate ΔHo for the reaction huhuhuhu ☹ ☹ ☹:

Na2O(s) + SO3(g) →Na2SO4(g)

Given the following information:
(1) Na(s) + H2O(l) → NaOH(s) + 1/2 H2(g) -146 kJ
(2) Na2SO4(s) + H2O(l) → 2NaOH(s) + SO3(g) +418 kJ
(3) 2Na2O(s) + 2H2(g) → 4Na(s) + 2H2O(l) +259 kJ
+ Answer:
- Multiply by 4 for equation (1):
(1) 4Na(s) + 4H2O(l) → 4NaOH(s) + 2H2(g) ΔHo = -584 kJ
- Flip then multiply by 2 for equation (2):
(2) 4NaOH(s) + 2SO3(g) → 2Na2SO4(s) + 2H2O(l) ΔHo = -836 kJ
- Keep equation (3) the same:
(3) 2Na2O(s) + 2H2(g) → 4Na(s) + 2H2O(l) ΔHo = +259 kJ
- Add 4 data equation then divided by 2, we have:
Na2O(s) + SO3(g) →Na2SO4(g) ΔHo = 580.5 kJ

2. (15pts) Use data in the following table to calculate the standard enthalpy of combustion of
octane, C8H18:
2C8H18(l) + 25O2(g) → 16CO2(g) + 18H2O(l) ∆H° = ?

∆𝐻𝑥𝑟𝑛 =[16∆𝑓H0(CO2(g))+18∆𝑓H0(H2O(l))]-[2∆𝑓H0(C8H18(l))]
=[16x(-393.5)+18x(-285.8)]-[2x(-249.9)]= -10 940.6 kJmol-1
3. (5pts) For each of the following note what you would expect for the entropy of the system,
surroundings, and total. Choose the correct answer.
a. A container of liquid honey (the system) sitting in your kitchen (the surroundings)
ΔSSYS Increase Decrease Stay the Same No Way to Know
ΔSSURR Increase Decrease Stay the Same No Way to Know
ΔSTOTAL Increase Decrease Stay the Same No Way to Know
For example: The correct answer for ΔSTOTAL is increase.

b. 1 mole of an ideal gas initially at a pressure of 10 bar, expanding isothermally against a

constant external pressure of 1 bar until mechanical equilibrium is reached.
ΔSSYS Increase Decrease Stay the Same No Way to Know
ΔSSURR Increase Decrease Stay the Same No Way to Know
ΔSTOTAL Increase Decrease Stay the Same No Way to Know

4. (15pts) At what temperature is the following reaction become spontaneous ?

FeO (s) + CO (g) → CO2 (g) + Fe (g)
ΔH = -11.0 kJ ΔS = -17.4 JK-1

If ΔG is negative ( ΔG < 0) the reaction is spontaneous
ΔG= H - T.S
0< 11KJ - (-17.4 JK-1) .T
-632K< T
so it need to be higher than -632K for it to be spontaneous


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