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Name: Angela Ruth J. Requina Grade & Section: 8 St.

Teacher: Ms. Riza Bontilao Date: 04/04/2023
Activity: 3rd Quarter Performance Task Subject: English 8

La Casa Gorordo

The Philippines, known for it's rich and natural resources, also boasts it's vast
cultural heritage that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Hello Everyone! My name is Angela Ruth J. Requina and this is my speech.

I am going to talk about the very beautiful Casa Gorordo, a house full of history.
First things first, I'm going to share a short introduction about the Philippines. The
country, as you may know, is the second largest archipelago in Asia, with over
7,000 distinct islands, 3 major island groups, and 5,000 unnamed islands. With
that, it attracts many tourists from all over the world to see the wonders of the
country. Now, you may be thinking, "What does cultural heritage mean?" Well, it
is an expression of the ways of living passed on from generation to generation.
That traces back to our topic, Casa Gorordo. The name itself tells you that it is a
wonderful place to visit. It has a nice ring to it. Let's dig deeper into what Casa
Gorordo really is, starting off with its history. Alejandro Reynes y Rosales
originally owned the house, which Isidro Gorordo, a businessman from the
Spanish Basque province of Vizcaya, eventually acquired. Juan Gorordo, the first
Filipino bishop of Cebu, and four further generations of his family resided here.
Thus, its current name. The house later changed its usage and was made public
in 1983. Later, in 1991, it was given the designation "National Historical
Landmark." The house has now endured two revolutions and World War lI. It is
still standing strong today. My first visit to Casa Gorordo was amazing, I was in
grade 3 at that time, we were on a field trip to the museums of Cebu, one of
which is the casa. All of us grade 3 students toured around the house, revealing
the antiques and old scenery of the casa. It was as if we traveled back in time.
That is why we need to protect this house, so the next generation can still see
what beauty our ancestors built for us. It has a mark on the locals and to the
people who visited it. A house that brings back the memories of the old times.

This is Angela Requina, and that was my speech. Thank you.

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