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Baltic Clean Tanker Index


Baltic Clean Tanker Index 2143 14

Route Description Size Value Change

TC1 Middle East Gulf to Japan (CPP, UNL, naphtha condensate) 75,000mt 328.13 WS -0.62

TC2_37 Continent to US Atlantic coast (CPP, UNL) 37,000mt 310.00 WS -20

TC5 Middle East Gulf to Japan (CPP, UNL, naphtha condensate) 55,000mt 375.71 WS -0.72

TC6 Algeria to European Mediterranean (CPP, UNL) 30,000mt 447.81 WS -9.69

TC9 Baltic to UK-Cont. (CPP, UNL, ULSD) 30,000mt 1048.57 WS 48.57

TC16 Amsterdam to offshore Lome (CPP) 60,000mt 321.43 WS 1.43

The routes below do not form part of the index calculation.

Route Description Size Value Change

TC8 Middle East Gulf to UK-Cont. (CPP, UNL) 65,000mt 85.13 $/mt -0.26

TC14 US Gulf to Continent (CPP, UNL, diesel) 38,000mt 167.08 WS 1.25

TC15 Med / Far East (naphtha) 80,000mt 5100000 $/lumpsum 0

TC17 Middle East Gulf to East Africa 35,000 mt 479.29 WS 1.43

TC18 MR USG / Brazil 38000mt 268.33 WS 3.33

TC19 MR A-R-A to West Africa 37,000mt 321.43 WS -20

TC20 AG/UK Cont 90,000mt 6400000 $/lumpsum 0

TC21 US Gulf to Caribbean 38,000mt 800000 $/lumpsum 4167

TC23 ARA to UK-Cont 30,000mt 387.19 WS -1.87

All TCE values are calculated nett of commission.

Route Description Size Value Change

TC1-TCE Middle East Gulf to Japan (CPP, UNL, naphtha condensate) 75,000mt 82128 $/day -496

TC2_37-TCE Continent to US Atlantic coast (CPP, UNL) 37,000mt 34179 $/day -3887

TC5-TCE Middle East Gulf to Japan (CPP, UNL, naphtha condensate) 55,000mt 69916 $/day -394

TC6-TCE Algeria to European Mediterranean (CPP, UNL) 30,000mt 85115 $/day -2688

TC8-TCE Middle East Gulf to UK-Cont. (CPP, UNL) 65,000mt 75884 $/day -658

TC9-TCE Baltic to UK-Cont. (CPP, UNL, ULSD) 30,000mt 161107 $/day 8033

TC14-TCE US Gulf to Continent (CPP, UNL, diesel) 38,000mt 12154 $/day -144

TC15-TCE Med / Far East (naphtha) 80,000mt 35291 $/day -290

TC16-TCE Amsterdam to offshore Lome (CPP) 60,000mt 65657 $/day 30

TC17-TCE Middle East Gulf to East Africa 35,000 mt 54195 $/day 35

TC18-TCE MR USG / Brazil 38000mt 31350 $/day 291

TC19-TCE MR A-R-A to West Africa 37,000mt 40003 $/day -3761

TC20-TCE AG/UK Cont 90,000mt 84172 $/day -446

TC21-TCE US Gulf to Caribbean 38,000mt $/day

Route Description Size Value Change

TC23-TCE ARA to UK-Cont 30,000mt $/day

Route Description Size Value Change

MR Atlantic Basket 38173 -2351

All Worldscale and TCE rates include any costs where burning Low Sulphur fuel is mandated e.g. in an Emission
Control Area (ECA).

All TCE values are calculated nett of commission.

TC8, TC14, TC15, TC17, TC18, TC19, TC20, TC21 & TC23 do not contribute to the calculation of the BCTI.

Baltic Exchange Information Services Ltd would like to thank its panellists for their contributions.
Names of the panellists are available from the Baltic Exchange website.
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