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Anthropology, also known as "the science of mankind," is the study of human beings in a variety of

contexts, including the biology and evolutionary history of Homo sapiens as well as the social and
cultural characteristics that clearly set humans apart from other animal species. Anthropology has
evolved into a collection of highly specialized fields as a result of the wide range of topics it covers,
particularly since the middle of the 20th century. The area of anthropology that is most concerned
with the biology and evolution of people is physical anthropology. In the article on human evolution,
it is covered in more detail. Cultural anthropology (or ethnology), social anthropology (also known as
"social anthropology"), linguistic anthropology (also known as "linguistic anthropology"), and
psychological anthropology are among the subfields that examine the social and cultural
constructions of human groups (see below). The method of investigation is archaeology (see below).

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