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Variant 22



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1. Examination of the corpse of a 5. A 23-year-old woman without visible

man, who died by hanging, reveals that cause developed a conflicting behavior at
the spots of livor mortis disappear when her workplace. She accused the
pressed and reappear 50 seconds later. management of underestimating her,
The rigor mortis is moderate and claimed that she can be a deputy director,
observed only in the masticatory because she speaks four languages, is
muscles and muscles of neck and fi- very attractive, and can make useful
ngers. The body temperature is 31.0°C. connections for the company. She has
What is the time of death in this case? been dressing extravagantly, flirting with
her colleagues, and singing loudly in her
A. 6-7 hours office. In fact, she has only the training of
B. 8-10 hours a computer operator and speaks no
C. 1-2 hours foreign languages. What is the likely
D. 10-18 hours clinical diagnosis?
E. 16-24 hours
A. Schizophrenia
2. A 34-year-old multipara was brought B. Mild mental retardation
to the labor ward with regular labor C. Manic episode
activity. Her pelvic size is 26-29-32-22 D. Depressive disorder
cm. Vaginal examination shows 6 cm E. Epilepsy
cervical dilation, the amniotic sac is
unbroken. The fetus is in the breech 6. An ambulance was called to a 45-year-
presentation, with buttocks pressed to old man. According to his family, the onset
the entrance into the lesser pelvis. The of the disease was sudden, after he
promontory cannot be reached, no returned from a ski resort. His body
exostoses. Fetal heart rate is 140/min., temperature increased up to 38.7°C, he
expected fetal weight is 2800 g. What developed headache and vomiting.
labor tactics should be chosen? Objectively, his skin is pale with a
cyanotic tint, there is a thick hemorrhagic
A. Classic combined external-internal rash all over the body, sometimes with
version of the fetus necrosis in the center. Blood pressure is
B. Fetal extraction from the pelvic end 45/0 mm Hg, pulse is 126/min., low
C. External obstetric version of the fetus volume. The patient has marked nuchal
D. Urgent cesarean section rigidity and positive Kernig’s sign. Make
E. Delivery through the natural birth canal the provisional diagnosis:
3. After the pregnant woman’s waters A. Influenza
broke, it was noted that they are B. Poliomyelitis
significantly contaminated with C. Vesicular rickcttsiosis
meconium. Upon birth, the baby is not D. Meningococcal infection
breathing, remains inert, the skin is E. Typhus
cyanotic and covered in meconium,
heart rate is 98/min. What resuscitation 7. A 21-year-old man was hospitalized on
measures should be taken after the baby the 2nd day of the disease. His general
is born? condition is severe, body temperature is
39°C. On his skin there are numerous
A. Tactile stimulation of the newborn irregularshaped hemorrhagic elements.
B. Give adrenaline intravenously The diagnosis of meningococcemia was
C. Artificial pulmonary ventilation with a made. The next day his body temperature
mask and Ambu bag suddenly decreased, blood pressure was
D. Direct laryngoscopy, intubation, 80/40 mm Hg, pulse was 120/min.
sanation of the trachea Acrocyanosis was detected. What
E. Sanation of the upper respiratory tracts complication did the patient develop?
with a rubber balloon 4567891011
A. Complex conservative treatment A. Acute liver failure
B. Lumbar puncture to relieve the B. Acute heart failure
pressure C. Cerebral coma
C. Surgical intervention D. Acute adrenal insufficiency
D. Anti-inflammatory therapy E. Acute hemorrhage
E. Hemostatic therapy 8. Examination detected vesicles with
seropurulent content on the neck, back of
4 A 9-year-old boy fell off a tree and hit the head, and buttocks of an infant on the
5the back of his head. A brief loss of consci 4th day of life. The patient’s condition is
6ousness was observed. The child’s conditi satisfactory, the child is active, all
7on is satisfactory, he has a headache and newborn reflexes can be fully induced,
8vertigo. Skull X-ray scans show a depressed the umbilical cord is at the stage of
9fracture of the occipital bone in the area of mummification, the umbilical area is
10the external occipital protuberance. What without any peculiarities. What disease
11treatment tactics is indicated for this patient?
922623 2

can be suspected? assay 12

A. Phlegmon
developed circulatory and respiratory
B. Neonatal pemphigus
arrest. ECG monitor shows a large-wave
C. Miliaria
ventricular fibrillation. What should be
D. Vesiculopustulosis
done first in this case?
E. Epidermolysis bullosa A. Give lidocaine intravenously
B. Implant an electronic pacemaker
9. A 16-year-old teenager complains C. Give atropine intravenously
of weakness, dizziness, and heaviness D. Give dopamine intravenously
in the left subcostal region. E. Perform defibrillation
Objectively, the skin and visible
mucosa are icteric. The tower skull 13. Throughout the last year a 27-year-
syndrome is observed. The liver is +2 old man notes fatigue, excessive sweati-
cm. The lower edge of the spleen is at ng, and heaviness in his left subcostal
the level of the navel. In the complete region, especially after eating. Objectively,
blood count: erythrocytes — 2.7 • 1012/L, his spleen and liver are enlarged. In
Hb — 88 g/L, leukocytes — 5.6- clinical blood test: erythrocytes — 3.2 ■
109/L,ESR — 15 mm/hour. What is the 1012/L, Hb
most likely change in the bilirubin — 100 g/L, color index — 0.87, leukocytes
levels in this patient? — 100 ■ 109/L, basophils — 7%,
eosinophils — 5%, monocytes — 15%,
A. Decrease in conjugated bilirubin juvenile — 16%, band neutrophils — 10%,
levels segmented neutrophils — 45%,
B. Increase in conjugated bilirubin lymphocytes — 2%, monocytes — 0%,
levels reticulocytes — 0.3%, platelets — 400 ■
C. Increase in unconjugated bilirubin 109/L, ESR — 25 mm/hour. Make the
levels diagnosis:
D. Increase in unconjugated and
conjugated bilirubin levels A. Chronic myelogenous leukemia
E. Decrease in unconjugated bilirubin B. Acute leukemia
levels C. Hepatic cirrhosis
D. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
10. During regular examination of a 2- E. Erythremia (polycythemia vera)
year- old boy, he presents with 14. A patient 1 year ago had a Q wave
enlarged left kidney, painless on myocardial infarction of the posterior wall
palpation. The right kidney was of the left ventricle. For the last 2 weeks
undetectable on palpation. Excretory he has been suffering from daily attacks of
urography shows no contrast on the atrial fibrillation and bradycardia episodes,
right. Cytoscopy detected hemiatrophy accompanied by bouts of vertigo. What
of the urinary bladder trigone, the right tactics is the most advisable in this case?
ureteral orifice is not detected. What
pathology is it? A. Pacemaker implantation
A. Agenesis of the right ureter B. Prescription of procainamide
B. Ectopic right ureteral orifice C. Prescription of amiodarone
C. Agenesis of the right kidney D. Prescription of bisoprolol
D. Hypoplasia of the right kidney E. Prescription of digoxin
E. Dystopia of the right kidney 15. During a regular examination, an 8-
11. For a week a 42-year-old patient year-old girl with type I diabetes mellitus
has been suffering from fever attacks presents with a swelling on the anterior
which occur every 48 hours. Body surface of her hip. The swelling is 3 cm in
temperature raises up to 40°C and diameter, dense, painless on palpation.
decreases in 3-4 hours with excessive The skin over this formation has normal
sweating. The patient presents with color and temperature. Localization of the
loss of appetite and general fatigue. swelling matches the place where the girl
The skin is pale and sallow. The liver usually receives her insulin injections.
and spleen are enlarged and dense on What is the most likely cause of this
palpation. What method of diagnosis clinical presentation?
verification would be most efficient? A. Formation of a post-injection abscess
A. Complete blood count B. Allergic response
B. Microscopy of hanging blood drop C. Formation of a post-injection
C. Bacteriological analysis infiltration
D. Microscopy of blood smear and thick D. Development of hypertrophic
blood film lipodystro
E. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent 12 A 46-year-old man, suffering from a
constricting pain in the cardiac area,
922623 3

phy resembles a raspberry jelly. Skin tissues

E. Development of atrophic lipodystrophy around the wound are glossy and turgid.
Palpation reveals moderate crepitation in
16. The overall condition of a 24-year- old the tissues. What bacteria is the most
man, who was being treated for meni- likely to cause such inflammation?
ngococcemia, took a turn for the worse.
Objectively, he has acrocyanosis, anuria, A. Anaerobic non-clostridial
his limbs arc cold, his respiration is B. Staphylococci
30/min., heart rate is 140/min., blood C. Anaerobic clostridial
pressure is 40/0 mm Hg. What emergency D. Streptococci
medical condition did the patient develop? E. Blue pus bacillus
A. Hemolytic-uremic syndrome 21. The body of a 24-year-old woman with
B. Pulmonary artery thrombosis probable signs of poisoning has been
C. Anaphylactic shock found on the street. Forensic medical
D. Septic shock examination was requested by an
E. Hypovolemic shock investigator during examination of the site
17. In the demographic structure of a regi- and the body. According to the Criminal
on, the persons aged from 0 to 14 make Procedure Code currently in force in
up 31% of the population, while the 50+ Ukraine, forensic medical examination is
age group makes up 20% of the populati- required when it is necessary to
on. What population structure determine the:
characterizes this demographic situation A. Time of death
most accurately? B. Manner of death
A. Stationary population C. Mode of death
B. Migration of the population D. Cause of death
C. Constrictive population E. Mechanism of death
D. Emigration of the population 22. A 17-year-old girl has been suffering
E. Expansive population from hepatic cirrhosis for 3 years. Lately
18. A 27-year-old man complains of pain her periods of excitation have been
in his leg joints, purulent discharge from intermittent with depression, she does not
the eyes, and painful burning sensations sleep enough. Objectively, her condition is
during urination. The disease onset was severe, the girl is sluggish, gives one-
acute. He has a history of influenza. The word responses, has tremor in her
patient smokes and drinks alcohol in extremities, her skin is icteric, with single
excess. In his line of work he is often hemorrhagic rashes. Name the likely
away on business trips. What is the most complication of her disease:
likely etiological factor of this disease? A. Bipolar affective disorder
A. Adenovirus B. Sepsis
B. Candida C. xHepatic encephalopathy
C. Staphylococci D. Kidney failure
D. Streptococci E. Reye syndrome
E. Chlamydia 23. A 35-year-old man complains of
19. A 55-year-old woman complains of rapidly incresing fatigue, palpitations,
pain and popping sounds in her left knee ’’visual snow’,’ dizziness. He has a history
joint, which occur when she climbs the of peptic ulcer of the stomach. Objectively
stairs. Occasionally during movements the skin is pale. Vesicular respiration is
her joint becomes ’’locked’.’ 5 years ago observed in the lungs. Systolic murmur is
she suffered a trauma of her left knee. detected over the cardiac apex, heart rate
Complete blood count and biochemical is 100/min., BP is 100/70 mm Hg. The
blood analysis show normal results. X-ray epigastrium is slightly tender on palpation.
shows marked osteosclerosis and Blood test: erythrocytes — 3.2 • 1012/L, Hb —
osteophytes. The joint space is narrowed. 100 g/L, color index — 0.94. What type of
Make the provisional diagnosis: anemia is it?
A. Rheumatoid arthritis A. Hypoplastic anemia
B. Osteoarthritis B. Chronic iron-deficiency anemia
C. Psoriatic arthritis C. Posthemorrhagic anemia
D. Reactive arthritis D. Hemolytic anemia
E. Gouty arthritis E. Sideroblastic anemia
20. A 48-year-old woman was delivered 24. A 45-year-old man underwent a cardi-
into the surgical unit with wounds in her ac surgery one week ago. His general
thigh. On examination the wound surface state has been deteriorating since then:
has a dirty-gray coating with unpleasant dyspnea at rest, retrosternal pain that
sweet smell. The wound content irradiates to the neck, marked weakness.
922623 4

Objectively his body temperature is hectic. B. Calculation of the agreement

His cardiac borders arc expanded, apical coefficient
beat is weakened. Auscultation detects C. Calculation of the confidence
pericardial friction rub. What is the most coefficient
likely diagnosis? D. Calculation of the regression
A. Acute pericarditis E. Calculation of the correlation
B. Acute myogenic dilatation of the heart coefficient
C. Pulmonary embolism
D. Myocardial infarction 29. The dispatching department of the
E. Acute cardiac aneurysm Center for Emergency Medical Care and
Disaster Medicine received a call from a
25. A 34-year-old man undergoes local citizen, who complained of
treatment in a psychiatry unit for retrosternal constricting pains irradiating
exacerbation of his schizophrenia. to the left hand. The taking of
Objectively, he stays in bed, his nitroglycerine brings no relief. Specify the
movements are inhibited, no contact. The terms within which an emergency medical
patient does not respond to the questions. team should arrive in this case:
The position remains unchanged, the
patient is hypomimic, such signs as A. 30 minutes after the call was made
puckering of the lips, waxy flexibility, B. 60 minutes after the call was made
’’psychological pillow” are present. The C. 20 minutes after the call was made
patient has been remaining in this D. 10 minutes after the call was made
condition for a week. He is being fed E. 15 minutes after the call was made
parenterally. What psychomotor disorder
is it? 30. A 19-year-old girl complains of
moderate itching and hair loss on her
A. Anergic stupor head. Objectively, on the skin of her
B. Exogenous stupor occipital region there is a single round
C. Psychogenic stupor erythematous focus 3 cm in diameter with
D. Depressive stupor clear margins. Asbestos-like scales can
E. Catatonic stupor be observed on the surface of the lesion.
The hair in the focus of the lesion is
26. Forensic autopsy of the body of a 59- broken off at the length of 6-8 mm. What is
year- old man, who died suddenly at the most likely diagnosis?
home without signs of violent death,
shows pink skin and mucosa, liquid bright- A. Trichophytosis
red blood, and bright- red plethoric B. Seborrhea
internal organs. Forensic toxicology C. Psoriasis
testing detected 1.44°/oo of ethanol in the D. Microsporia
blood and carboxyhemoglobin levels of E. Scabies
55%. What is the cause of death? 31. A 32-year-old woman during an
A. Alcohol poisoning occupational medical examination
B. Aniline poisoning underwent a colposcopy that revealed a
C. Potassium cyanide poisoning punctuation area in zone 1 of the uterine
D. Carbon monoxide poisoning cervix. Cytologi- cally there was dysplasia
E. Arsenic poisoning of the 3rd degree detected. After
additional examination, the patient was
27. A 65-year-old woman for 5 weeks has diagnosed with Ca in situ of the uterine
been presenting with a progressing cervix. What treatment method should be
painless jaundice, skin itch, weight loss of chosen in this case?
10 kg, and acholia. Palpation detects
positive Courvoi- sier’s sign. Make the A. Radiation therapy
provisional diagnosis: B. Cervical conization
C. Wertheim operation
A. Liver cancer D. Uterine extirpation without
B. Gallbladder cancer appendages
C. Malaria E. Uterine extirpation with appendages
D. Pancreatic cancer
E. Viral hepatitis 32. A 60-year-old man complains of
dyspnea, paresthesia, vertigo, and
28. During the study of pulmonary fatigability. He has a history of atrophic
tuberculosis morbidity, the data on socio- gastritis. Objectively, his skin and mucosa
economic living conditions and harmful are pale and icteric. Lingual papillae are
habits of the patients were obtained. What smoothed out. The liver and pancreas are
method allows the assessment of the not enlarged. Complete blood count
extent to which these factors influence the shows the following: Hb — 77 g/L,
tuberculosis morbidity? erythrocytes — 1,65 • 109/L, color index —
A. Calculation of standardized indicators
1.4, reticulocytes — 0.2%, leucocytes — 2.8
922623 5

• 109/L; ESR — 22 mm/hour, macrocyte. further tactics of sugar-lowering therapy

What additional test can reveal the cause should be chosen in this case?
of anemia? A. Prescription of a long-acting insulin
A. Vitamin Bi2 levels B. Prescription of an insulin mixture
B. Copper levels C. Prescription of glurenorm (gliquidone)
C. Calcium levels D. Continue the present scheme of
D. Iron levels therapy
E. Vitamin D levels E. Prescription of a short-acting insulin
33. A 26-year-old man complains of chills, 37. On the 5th day after giving birth a
rhinitis, dry cough, and fever up to 38 0C. postparturient woman complains of a
Examination shows him to be in a ain in her left mammary gland and ody
moderately severe condition; there are temperature up to 38.PC'. Examination
small shows that her mammary gland is
ale pink non-merging spots on the skin enlarged and painful on palpation, the ni-
of is back, abdomen, and extremities. pple is edematous and has fissures, the
Palpation reveals enlarged occipital and upper external quadrant of the gland is
axillary lymph nodes. No information hyperemic. Name the measures that
about vaccination history could be would have prevented the development of
obtained. What is the likely etiology of this this complication in the patient:
disease? A. Feeding on demand, expression of
A. Streptococcus breast milk, prevention of nipple fissures
B. Rubella virus B. Feeding no longer that 10 minutes
C. Mumps virus through an overlay
D. Meningococcus C. Stop breastfeeding when fissures
E. Epslein-Barr virus appear
D. Feeding on schedule
34. A 51-year-old man was hit by a car. E. Constant expression of breast milk
He complains of a pain in his pelvis on the
left. Examination shows no disturbances 38. A 20-year-old woman complains of
of pelvic configuration, there is a swelling headaches, vertigo, tearfulness, vomiting,
in the left inguinal region. Palpation of this pain in the area of the heart, and
region is sharply painful. The Larrey’s sign tachycardia. The signs appear 6-7 days
and Gabai’s sign are positive, the patient before menstruation and disappear in the
is unable to lift the extended leg, as if the first days of menstruation. Make the
heel was glued down. Make the diagnosis:
provisional diagnosis: A. Premenstrual syndrome
A. Fracture of the ischium B. Metabolic craniopathy
B. Fracture of the superior pubic ramus C. Diencephalic syndrome
C. Pubic symphysis fracture D. Algomenorrhea
D. Fractures of the base of the cotyloid E. Stein-Leventhal syndrome
cavity 39. A 47-year-old woman, who 2 days
E. Superior iliac spine fracture
ago returned from Peru, complains of a
35. An employee has been sick for 4 pain and enlargement of the lymph nodes
months, further treatment is necessary, in her right inguinal region. She was
the patient is unable to work. Who is diagnosed with bubonic plague. What
authorized to provide further disability medicine should be prescribed to the
examination of this patient? contact persons for urgent prevention of
this disease?
A. Chief physician of a medical facility
B. Medical consultative board A. Heterologous serum
C. Sociomedical expert committee B. Doxycy cline
D. Deputy chief physician responsible for C. Fluconazole
disability examination D. Chloroquine
E. Physician in charge and the head of E. Human immunoglobulin
the department 40. A 38-year-old patient has been
36. A 58-year-old woman has type 2 di- delivered by an ambulance to a surgical
abetes mellitus that is compensated with department with complaints of general
diet and metformin. She prepares for weakness, indisposition, black stool. On
cholecystectomy. Objectively, her height examination the patient is pale, there are
is 164 cm, weight is 90 kg, heart rate is dotted hemorrhages on the skin of his
72/min., blood pressure is 130/80 mm Hg. torso and extremities. On digital
Her abdomen is soft, painful in the right investigation there are black feces on the
subcostal region. The liver is not glove. Complete blood count: Hb — 108
enlarged. Fasting glucose — 6.2 mmol/L. g/L, thrombocytopenia. Anamnesis states
Glycated hemoglobin — 6.5%. What that similar condition was observed 1 year
922623 6

ago. Make the diagnosis: last menstruation was profuse and lasted for 14
A. Hemophilia days after the previous delay of 2 months.
B. Rectal tumor Objectively, her skin is pale, heart rate is
C. Thrombocytopenic purpura 90/min., BP is 110/70 mm Hg, Hb is
D. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis 88 g/L. Rectal examination: the uterus and
E. Ulcerative bleeding its appendages are without changes, no
discharge from the genital tracts. What
41. A 31-year-old woman has been complication occurred in the patient?
suffering from systemic scleroderma for
14 years. She underwent multiple A. Migraine
inpatient treatment courses. She B. Dysmenorrhea
complains of intermittent dull pain in the C. Somatoform autonomic dysfunction of
area of her heart, palpitations, hypotonic type
shortness of breath, headache, swollen D. Posthemorrhagic anemia
eyelids, weight loss, and painful and E. Gastritis
deformed joints in her limbs. The 45. A 68-year-old woman with congestive
prognosis of her condition will be worse heart failure and left ventricular ejection
if which of the following organs is fraction of <40% receives the following
affected? pharmacotherapy scheme: ramipril,
A. Skin and joints torasemidc, bisoprolol, clopidogrcl, and di-
B. Lungs goxin. During one of her regular exami-
C. Gastrointestinal tract nations, frequent polymorphic ventricular
D. Kidneys extrasystoles were detected in the patient.
E. Heart What medicine should be removed from
her therapy scheme?
42. Disease onset was acute. A child
developed general weakness, pain in A. Digoxin
the joints, and fever. Later these signs B. Bisoprolol
became accompanied by itching skin C. Clopidogrel
rash manifested as erythematous spots D. Torasemide
2-5 mm in size. The rash gradually E. Ramipril
turned hemorrhagic. Large joints are 46. A 60-year-old man complains of mild
painful and swollen; pain attacks disturbances of memory, coordination,
periodically occur in the paraumbilical gait. Cerebral atherosclerosis was
area; there are signs of intestinal confirmed. Blood pressure is within the
hemorrhage. What is the most likely norm. Magnetic resonance imaging shows
diagnosis? leukoaraiosis in the periventricular area.
A. Hemorrhagic vasculitis (Henoch- What is the most li- kley diagnosis?
Schonlcin purpura) A. Lacunar cerebral stroke
B. Scarlet fever B. Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
C. Rheumatism C. Transient ischemic attacks
D. Streptococcal impetigo D. Binswanger’s disease (subcortical
E. Hemorrhagic meningoencephalitis
arteriosclerotic encephalopathy)
43. A 40-year-old patient presents with E. Alzheimer’s disease
cough in the morning with production of
mucopurulent sputum and elevated 47. A 78-year-old man with a prostate
body temperature up to 376°C\ He has adenoma underwent a herniotomy for a
been smoking since he was 17 years direct inguinal hernia. After the surgery he
old. Objectively, auscultation detects presents with absent urination. Enlarged
coarse respirations and diffuse dry urinary bladder is detectable above the
crackles in the lungs. Complete blood patient’s pubis. What measures should be
count: leukocytes — 12 • 109/L, ESR — taken in this case?
19 mm/hour. Bronchoscopy shows A. Apply cold to the urinary bladder area
purulent catarrhal endobronchitis. Make B. Prescribe antispasmodics
the diagnosis: subcutaneously
C. Prescribe proserin (neostigmine)
A. Bronchial asthma intramuscularly
B. Pulmonary tuberculosis
C. Community-acquired pneumonia D. Prescribe processing of the
D. Chronic bronchitis postoperative wound with UHF field
E. Lung cancer E. Bladder catheterization
44. A 14-year-old girl came to a 48. A patient with complaints of disturbed
general gait and forced laughter was hospitalized
into the neurological department. Objecti-
f )ractitioner with complaints of weakness, oss
of appetite, headache, rapid fatigability. Her vely, he has a mask-like face and muscle
hypersthenia. For a long time he has been
922623 7

working at the various industrial objects,

922623 1
where, in violation of the hygienic norms, 52. A 26-year-old woman, pregnancy I, 10
the high levels of exposure to the weeks of gestation, has been suffering
chemicals were registered. What harmful from rheumatism since her childhood. Wi-
factor is the likely cause of this pathology? th pregnancy her condition has
deteriorated: her dyspnea increased and
A. Benzene she developed edema in her lower
B. Cadmium extremities. Her pulse is 86/min., the lips
C. Mercury are cyanotic, there are systolic and
D. Lead diastolic murmurs over the cardiac apex.
E. Manganese The liver protrudes 4 cm from under the
49. A 30-year-old woman complains of costal margin. The woman was diagnosed
subfebrile body temperature that persists with III degree heart failure, her left
for the last 3 weeks, loss of appetite and ventricular ejection fraction is less than
working ability, excessive sweating 40%. What are the tactics of the patient
(especially at night), malaise. Objectively, management in this case?
her pulmonary percussion indicates no A. Termination of the pregnancy via
changes in the lungs, auscultation detects minor cesarean section
crackles in the projection of the upper B. Prolongation of the pregnancy with
lobe of the right lung. X-ray shows a periodical treatment in the cardiology
dense focus of moderate intensity, 6 mm department
in diameter, in segment S2. Make the C. Termination of the pregnancy with
provisional diagnosis: vacuum aspirator
A. Pulmonary tuberculoma D. Prolongation of the pregnancy with
B. Focal pulmonary tuberculosis periodical hospitalization into the
C. Metastatic lung cancer obstetrical inpatient department during the
D. Peripheral lung cancer critical periods
E. Community-acquired pneumonia E. Medication-induced termination of the
50. A 23-year-old woman with type 1 di-
abetes mellitus during the 2nd week of 53. A 19-year-old young man complains
community-acquired pneumonia of cough with expectoration of purulent
developed nausea and vomiting. In the sputum in amount of 100 mL per day,
evening she has lost her consciousness hemoptysis, dyspnea, increased body
and was hospitalized. Objectively, the temperature up to 37.8°C, general
patient’s skin is pale and dry. Her weakness, weight loss. The patient’s
respiration is loud, the tongue is dry, with condition lasts for 4 years. Exacerbations
brown deposit. Her heart rate is 129/min., occur 2-3 times a year. The patient
blood pressure is 85/50 mm Hg. Palpation presents with malnutrition, pale skin,
of the patient’s abdomen provokes no cyanosis of the lips, drumstick (clubbed)
response. The liver is +3 cm. Acetone test fingers. Tympanic percussion sound in the
is markedly positive, blood glucose is 26 lungs, weakened respiration, and various
mmol/L. Make the provisional diagnosis: numerous moist crackles in the lower
pulmonary segments on the left can be
A. Hepatic coma observed in this patient. Complete blood
B. Hyperosmolar coma count: erythrocytes — 3.2 • 10 12/L,
C. Infectious toxic shock leukocytes — 8.4 • 109/L, ESR — 56
D. Ketoacidotic coma mm/hour. On X- ray: lung fields are
E. Lactacidemic coma emphysematous, the left pulmonary root
51. A 35-year-old woman came to the is deformed and dilated. What is the most
family doctor with complaints of profuse likely diagnosis?
menstruations that last up to 10 days. A. Multiple bronchiectasis of the left lung
Gynecological examination shows that the B. Chronic abscess of the left lung
uterine cervix is without changes, the C. Chronic left-sided pneumonia
uterus is in anterflexio, has normal size, is D. Left-sided pulmonary cystic dysplasia
mobile and painless. The uterine E. Suppuration of the cyst in the left lung
appendages on the both sides are without
peculiarities. The family doctor made the 54. A 26-year-old man has an external
provisional diagnosis of abnormal uterine bleeding from a lacerated wound of the
bleeding. What instrumental method of shin. Dark-red blood flows from the wound
examination needs to be performed first to in a steady stream. The total blood loss is
diagnose this pathology? approximately 400 mL. What method
A. Colposcopy should
B. Transabdominal ultrasound
C. Trans vaginal ultrasound
D. Culdoscopy
E. Laparoscopy
922623 8

be used to stop the blood loss during disease can be suspected?

the preadmission stage? A. Acute pyelonephritis
B. Phosphate diabetes
A. Apply a clamp to the bleeding C. Deficient care
vessel D. Acute glomerulonephritis
B. Apply a tight bandage to the wound E. Dysmetabolic nephropathy
C. Apply a tourniquet below the site of
the bleeding 58. A 37-year-old woman complains of
D. Apply an arterial tourniquet to the marked general weakness, edema of the
thigh face and hands, rapid fatigability when
E. Press the femoral artery with your walking, difficult swallowing, disturbances
finger of the cardiac performance. These signs
appeared 11 days after a vacation at the
55. A 22-day-old infant developed seaside. Objectively, the patient has face
subcutaneous red nodes from 1.0 to 1.5 erythema, ’’glasses” sign, edema of the
cm in size on the scalp; later the nodes lower leg muscles. Heart sounds are
suppurated. Temperature increased up muffled, blood pressure is 100/70 mm Hg.
to 37.7°C, intoxication symptoms In the blood: ASAT - 95U, ALAT - 130U,
appeared, regional lymph nodes increased activity of aldolase and creatine
enlarged. Complete blood count: phosphoki- nase. What examination will
anemia, leukocytosis, ncutrocytosis, be the most informative in this case?
raised ESR. What diagnosis will you
make? A. Electrocardiography
B. Muscle biopsy
A. - C. Test for circulating immune complexes
B. Pemphigus D. Gastroduodenofibroscopy
C. Scalp phlegmon E. Electromyography
D. Pseudofurunculosis
E. Vesiculopustulosis 59. A 62-year-old woman was brought
into the admission room with complaints
56. A 7-year-old boy suddenly of severe burning retrosternal pain and
developed pain and edema in his right asphyxia. She has a 10-year-long history
knee. The day before, at school, he of essential hypertension. Objectively her
took part in crosscountry skiing. There condition is moderately severe. She
is no family history of hemophilia or presents with skin pallor, cyanotic lips,
susceptibility to bleeding. Objectively, and vesicular respiration over her lungs.
his body temperature is 37.5°C. The The II heart sound is accentuated over the
knee is painful on palpation, hot to the aorta. Blood pressure — 210/120 mm Hg,
touch, and has edema with local tissue heart rate (pulse) — 76/min. ECG shows
tension above it. In complete blood elevation of ST segment in the leads I,
count: Hb — 123 g/L, leukocytes — 5.6 • aVL, and V5- V6. What is the most likely
109/L, platelets — 354 • 109/L, diagnosis?
prothrombin time — 12 seconds (normal
range is 10-15 seconds), activated A. Uncomplicated hypertensive urgency
partial thromboplastin time — 72 B. Pulmonary embolism
seconds (normal range is 35^15 C. Hypertensive emergency complicated
seconds). Bleeding time is normal, the with acute myocardial infarction
factor VIII levels constitute 5% of D. Hypertensive emergency complicated
normal value. Make the diagnosis: with acute left ventricular failure
E. Hypertensive emergency complicated
A. Hemophilia B with unstable angina pectoris
B. Hemophilia A
C. Thrombocytopenia 60. A multigravida, labor II, 36-37 weeks
D. Vitamin K deficiency of gestation, has gone into labor. Her
E. Henoch-Schoenlein purpura waters broke 8 hours ago, the labor
activity continues for the last 4 hours, it is
57. A child is 8 months old. One week regular, with contractions that last 35
ago the child had a case of acute viral seconds and occur every 3-4 minutes.
respiratory infection. The child’s The child is in the cephalic presentation,
physical and mental development with the head pressed to the entrance into
corresponds with the age. There are the lesser pelvis. The parturient woman
complaints of inertness, loss of complains of a sudden sharp abdominal
appetite, unmotivated recurrent vomiti- pain. Her pulse is 100/min., blood
ng, temperature up to 38°C within the pressure is 110/70 — 100/70 mm Hg. The
last 24 hours, pallor, frequent urination uterus is tense and does not relax
with low urine output, tachycardia. between the contractions. Fetal heartbeat
Urinalysis: protein — 0.099g/L, is muffled — 100/min. The amniotic fluid is
leukocytes — 15-20 in the vision field, blood-colored and continues to leak. What
bactcriuria — +++, mucus — +++. What is the most likely diagnosis?
922623 9

A. Premature detachment of the normally movements are limited and painful. During
positioned placenta examination his head is bowed forward
B. Cervical rupture and to the right and the patient supports it
C. Partial placenta previa with his hands. Palpation detects tense
D. Rupture of the umbilical vessels neck muscles and protruding spinous
E. Uterine rupture process of the IV cervical vertebra (C4).
When pressure is applied to this process
61. A 45-year-old woman was hospitali- and to the head (axial load), the pain
zed with complaints of periodical severe intensifies. Make the provisional
headaches against the background of diagnosis:
elevated blood pressure up to 180/90 mm
Hg, muscle weakness, and frequent A. Neck muscle injury
urination (at night as well). Her anamnesis B. Cervical spine contusion
states that despite combining various C. Complicated spine cervical fracture
antihypertensive drugs and adjusting their D. Spinal root injury
dosage her arterial hypertension cannot E. Uncomplicated cervical spine fracture
be corrected with drugs. The patient’s 65. A 5-day-old girl from the first
blood serum potassium levels are 2.0 pregnancy was born with the weight of
mmol/L, blood serum sodium levels are 3100 g and the length of 51 cm. Her
160.0 mmol/L. Ultrasound imaging detects Apgar score was 8/9. On the 3rd day she
three-dimensional formations developed icteric skin. On the 4th day of
approximately 1.0 cm in diameter in the life her condition is satisfactory, she
both adrenal glands. Selective suckles well, her voice is loud. The
endovascular blood sampling from the umbilical wound is clean. In the lungs
suprarenal veins was performed, which there is a puerile respiration, heart sounds
revealed significant increase of cortisol are sonorous. The abdomen is soft, the li-
and aldosterone levels. Make the ver is +1 cm, the spleen is The feces are
diagnosis: yellow. The blood group of the mother is A
A. Pheochromocytoma (II) Rh+. The blood group of the child is 0
B. Aldosteroma (I) Rh+. Bilirubin levels on the 4th day are
C. Cushing’s syndrome as follows: indirect — 140 mcmol/L, direct
D. Androsteroma — 0, ALT — 25 mmol/L, AST — 18 mmol/L.
E. Cushing’s disease Make the diagnosis:
62. A 28-year-old man was hospitalized A. Physiological jaundice
on the 9th day of illness with complaints of B. Hemolytic disease of the newborn
fever of 39°C, headache, general C. Hemolytic anemia
weakness, constipation, and disturbed D. Congenital hepatitis
sleep. Objectively, on the skin of his E. Biliary atresia
abdomen there are isolated roseolas, his 66. The patient’s respirations are 28/min.,
pulse is 78/min., the liver is enlarged by 2 tachycardia is up to 100/min., there are si-
cm. Make the diagnosis: gns of intoxication. In the area of the right
A. Epidemic typhus scapula the percussion sound is dull, the
B. Sepsis respiration is bronchial, with single fine
C. Leptospirosis vesicular crackles and crepitation sounds.
D. Brucellosis X-ray shows a massive inflammatory
E. Typhoid fever infiltration in the middle pulmonary field.
Three days later, against the background
63. An 18-year-old patient complains of of treatment, the patient developed a
skin rash. The patient has been suffering cough attack, during which he
from this condition for 5 years. The first expectorated 200 mL of purulent sputum.
instance of this disease occurred after a After that his body temperature dropped to
car accident. Objectively: the patient subfebrile values and his overall condition
presents with a papular rash covered in improved. At the level of the scapular
silvery scales, ’’thimble” sign (small pits angle, against the background of the
on the nails), affected joints. What is the pulmonary infiltration, there is a round
most likely diagnosis? area of radiolucency with the horizontal
level of liquid. Make the diagnosis:
A. Onychomycosis
B. Panaritium A. Pleural empyema
C. Rheumatism B. Pulmonary abscess
D. Lupus erythematosus C. Multiple bronchiectasis
E. Psoriasis D. Right-sided bronchitis
E. Gangrene of the right lung
64. A 19-year-old young man was diving
and hit his head on the bottom of the pool. 67. A 48-year-old woman complains of di-
He complains of pain in the neck, his head sturbed menstrual cycle: her periods last
922623 10

for 7-9 days and arc excessively profuse E. Functional cardiopathy

throughout the last half-year. She notes 71. An unconscious patient was delivered
occasional hot flashes in her head, to a hospital by an ambulance.
insomnia, irritability, and headaches. Her Objectively, his body temperature is 39°C,
skin is of normal color. Blood pressure — he presents with convulsions and red dry
150/90 mm Hg, pulse — 90/min., rhythmic. skin. It is known that the patient works as
The abdomen is soft and painless. a stoker in the boiler room. What is the
Bimanual examination shows no uterine likely diagnosis?
enlargement, the appendages cannot be
detected. The vaginal fornices are free. A. CO poisoning
What is the most likely diagnosis? B. Heat stroke
C. Acute food poisoning
A. Adrenogenital syndrome D. Hypertensive urgency
B. Climacteric syndrome E. Acute viral respiratory infection
C. Stein-Leventhal syndrome (polycystic
ovary syndrome) 72. A 3-year-old child presents with sharp
D. Uterine myoma deterioration of his general condition. He
E. Premenstrual syndrome has a history of purulent otitis. His
temperature is now 38.5°C'. The left leg is
68. During agricultural work in the field, a pressed to the torso, active movements
tractor driver received an open trauma of are absent, the lower third of the thigh and
the hand. The tractor driver has never knee joint are thickened, hyperemic, with
completed the full course of planned anti- localized fever. Axial load leads to acute
tetanus immunization. What should he be discomfort of the patient. What is the most
given for urgent specific prevention of likely diagnosis?
tetanus in this case? A. Rheumatoid arthritis
A. 1.0 mL of tetanus anatoxin, 3000 IU of B. Osteogenic sarcoma
anti-tetanus serum C. Left hip fracture
B. 0.5 mL of tetanus anatoxin, 3000 IU of D. Hygroma of the knee
anti-tetanus serum E. Epiphyseal osteomyelitis on the left
C. No prevention is necessary 73. A 7-year-old boy has been receiving
D. 3000 IU of anti-tetanus serum treatment for a month. At the time of
E. 1.0 mL of tetanus anatoxin, 50000 IU
of anti-tetanus serum hospitalization, he had marked edemas,
and daily urine protein of 4.2 g.
69. A 15-year-old boy complains of Biochemical blood test shows persistent
periodical headaches and fatigability. On hypoproteinemia (43.2 g/L) and
examination, the boy is active, his hypercholesterolemia (9.2 mmol/L ). What
psychoemoti- onal development leading glomerulonephritis syndrome is
corresponds with his age, his skin is pale most likely in this patient?
and clammy. No abnormalities of the
internal organs were detected. Blood A. Mixed
pressure is 120/80 mm Hg. Noticeable is B. Nephritic
the excessive subcutaneous fat that is C. Hematuric
evenly distributed throughout the body. D. Nephrotic
The doctor suspects obesity in the child. E. Isolated urinary
What parameter should be measured first 74. Amortization costs for CT scan are
to confirm this diagnosis? included into its’ price and annually
A. Body mass to height ratio amount to 10% of its original cost. When
B. Body mass can the CT scan be replaced?
C. Obesity of family members A. In 5 years
D. Body mass index B. In 10 years
E. Thickness of subcutaneous fat C. In 7 years
70. A 12-year-old girl after a case of respi- D. In 20 years
ratory infection developed dyspnea at E. In 15 years
rest, paleness of skin. Heart rate is 75. Survey X-ray of the patient’s abdomi-
110/min., BP is 90/55 mm Hg. Heart nal cavity shows severed hemispherical
sounds are muffled. Borders of relative areas of lucency, located above well-
heart dullness: right — the parasternal line, defined horizontal levels. What is the
upper — the III rib, left — 1,0 cm outwards cause of such an X-ray presentation?
from the midclavicular line. Make the A. Metcorism
provisional diagnosis: B. Cancer of the large intestine
A. Infectious myocarditis C. Intestinal obstruction
B. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy D. Perforated ulcer
C. Exudative pericarditis E. -
D. Somatoform autonomic dysfunction
922623 11

76. After playing with ’’mosaics’,’ a 2-year- 80. A 10-year-old child, living in a large
old child suddenly developed cough, industrial city, presents with
stridorous respirations, urges to vomit, encephalopathy, polyneuritis, disturbed
and cyanosis against the background of mental development, and reduced
relative somatic health. What should the learning ability. In the blood:
doctor suspect first when examining this reticulocytosis, basophilic stippling of the
child? erythrocytes. What poisoning can be
A. Acute obstructive bronchitis
B. Pertussis A. Iron
C. Acute laryngotracheitis B. Mercury
D. Foreign body aspiration C. Zinc
E. Pneumonia D. Lead
E. Copper
77. A 23-year-old woman came to the
gynecological clinic. She complains of 81. 2 hours after eating unknown
pain, itching, and burning in her vulva, mushrooms, a 28-year-old man sensed a
general weakness, indisposition, elevated decrease in his mobility and deterioration
body temperature up to 372°C, and of his ability to focus. This condition was
headache. On examination in the vulva then followed by a state of agitation and
there are multiple vesicles up to 2-3 mm in agression. On examiantion he is
diameter with clear contents against the disoriented and his speech is illegible. 4
background of hyperemia and mucosal hours later he developed fetor hepaticus
edema. Make the provisional diagnosis: and lost his consciousness. What
syndrome can be observed in this pati-
A. Cytomegalovirus infection ent?
B. Vulvar cancer
C. Papillomavirus infection A. Cytolytic syndrome
D. Genital herpes infection B. Cholestatic syndrome
E. Primary syphilis C. Hepatolienal syndrome
D. Acute hepatic failure
78. A 30-ycar-old woman complains of E. Portal hypertension
itching skin, predominantly in the evening
and at night. The condition lasts for 2 82. A 45-year-old man developed
weeks already. On the skin of the constricting retrosternal pain that occurs
intcrdigital folds, mammary glands, during walks at the distance of 200 m.
abdomen, buttocks, and thighs there are Objectively heart rate is 80/min., BP is
numerous fine papular and 160/90 mm Hg. During cardiopulmonary
papulovesicular rashes located in pairs, exercise test at 50 W there is a
excoriations. There is no rash on the face depression of S-T segment by 3 mm
and neck. Similar rash is observed in the below the isoline in V3-V4. What is the
husband of the patient. What is the most provisional diagnosis?
likely diagnosis? A. Exertional angina pectoris, functional
A. Eczema class II
B. Scabies B. Alcoholic myocardiodystrophy
C. Neurodermatitis C. Exertional angina pectoris, functional
D. Epidermophytosis class
E. Herpes III
D. Somatoform autonomic dysfunction,
79. A 45-year-old man came to the hypertension type
hematologist with complaints of general E. Exertional angina pectoris, functional
weakness, elevated body temperature, class
excessive sweating, enlarged cervical IV
lymph nodes. Objectively, his body
temperature is 375°C, the skin is pale and 83. A 43-year-old man complains of facial
dry, the posterior cervical lymph nodes edema, dyspnea, and difficult swallowing
are dense and elastic, up to 2 cm in that appeared 3 hours after he was stung
diameter, mobile. Hepatosplenomegaly by an insect. Objectively, the skin of his
was detected. What examination is eyelids, cheeks, and lips is acutely
necessary to determine the scope of the hypcremic and edematous. What
pathologic process? medicines should he be prescribed for
A. Bone scintigraphy emergency aid?
B. Abdominal X-ray A. Glucocorticosteroids
C. Ultrasound of the cervical lymph B. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
nodes C. Antihistamines
D. Complete blood count D. Diuretics
E. Computed tomography E. Muscle relaxants
84. A 31-year-old drug-addicted person
922623 12

complains of a cough with bloody 88. A 74-year-old woman complains of

expectorations, dyspnea, persistent fever, painful and distended abdomen and
and leg edemas. The jugular veins are nausea. She suffers from postinfarction
distended. There is a coarse pansystolic and atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis and
murmur detected above the base of the xi- ischemic heart disease. Objectively, she
phoid process and in the second is in a severe condition, her abdomen is
intercostal space on the left, close to the distended, the abdominal wall is barely
edge of the sternum. Heart sounds are involved in the act of breathing.
clear, arrhythmia is detected, heart rate is Laparoscopy detects a small amount of
128/min., pulse — 82/min., blood pressure turbid exudate in the abdominal cavity,
is 100/70 mm Hg. What is the most likely one of the small intestine loops is dark
diagnosis? blue. Make the diagnosis:
A. Pulmonary embolism A. Erysipelas
B. Community-acquired pneumonia B. Volvulus
C. Coarctation of the aorta C. Ischemic abdominal syndrome
D. Lutembacher syndrome D. Acute intestinal obstruction
E. Infective endocarditis E. Mesenteric thrombosis
85. A patient with chronic pancreatitis 89. A premature newborn from the first
complains of diarrhea occurring up to 5 pregnancy was born at 37 weeks of
times per day (no blood traces), loss of gestation, with the weight of 2400 g and
body weight, abdominal distention, the length of 51 cm. The infant is anxious,
dryness of skin, loss of hair, thirst, has limb tremor, does not suckle, exhibits
bleeding gums, convulsions. Complete respiratory disturbances and
blood count: leukocytes — 5.8 ■ 109/L; Hb — hepatosplenomegaly. At the end of the
86 g/L; ESR — 15 mm/g; Blood protein test: first day of life the child developed icteric
protein — 48 g/L; albumins — 28 g/L. What skin and mucosa. On the second day, skin
indicators of coprological analysis would rashes appeared: both separate vesicles
accompany this syndrome? and clusters of vesicles located over the
ribcage. Make the provisional diagnosis:
A. Steatorrhea, creatorrhea
B. Gas bubbles, acid reaction A. Toxoplasmosis
C. Large amount of starch grains and B. Rubella
cellulose C. Congenital herpes infection
D. Large numbers of iodinophilous D. Vesiculopustulosis
microbes E. Neonatal pemphigus
E. Large amount of mucus, amylorrhea 90. Preventive examination of a 75-year-
86. A woman came to the gynecologist to old woman with a moderately active
plan her pregnancy. She was advised to lifestyle shows total serum cholesterol of
increase her intake of the products rich in 5.1 mmol/L (208 mg/dL) and high-density
folic acid, particularly soy beans, bread lipoprotein levels of 70 mg/dL. Her ECG is
made of coarsely ground flour, fruits, leafy normal. What advise about her diet should
green vegetables. Such changes in her be given to this woman?
diet will work toward the prevention of: A. Reduce the cholesterol intake
A. Non-closure of the fontanel B. Increase the fiber intake
B. Iron-deficiency anemia in the pregnant C. Reduce the intake of simple
woman carbohydrates
C. Non-closure of the neural tube in the D. Reduce the intake of saturated fats
fetus E. No changes in the diet
D. Polyhydramnios 91. A multigravida on the 38th week of her
E. Rickets pregnancy complains of increased BP up
87. A 48-year-old woman developed to 140/90 mm Hg, edema of the shins for
insomnia, depressive mood, anxiety, fears 2 weeks. In the last month she gained 3.5
and suicidal thoughts after the death of kg of weight. Urine analysis: protein —
her husband that occurred one month 0.33 g/L. What is the most likely
ago. During her stay in the hospital she diagnosis:
speaks in a low voice, is depressed, A. Moderate preeclampsia
anxious, avoids sleeping, refuses to eat. B. Severe preeclampsia
What medications should be prescribed in C. Pregnancy hypertension
this case? D. Mild preeclampsia
A. Group B vitamins E. Pregnancy edema
B. Antidepressants 92. It is the 3rd day after the normal term
C. Nootropics labor; the infant is rooming-in with the
D. Antipsychotics mother and is on breastfeeding. Objecti-
E. Anticonvulsants vely: the mother’s general condition is
922623 13

satisfactory. Temperature is 36.4°C, heart dysuria. Anamnesis includes frequent

rate is 80/min., BP is 120/80 mm Hg. acute respiratory diseases, overexposure
Mammary glands are soft and painless; to cold, low- calorie diet, a case of
lactation is moderate, unrestricted milk pulmonary tuberculosis in childhood.
flow. The uterus is dense, the uterine Clinical urine analysis: pH — 4.8,
fundus is located by 3 fingers width below leukocyturia, hematuria. Complete blood
the navel. Lochia are sanguino-serous, count: leukocytosis, lymphocytosis, raised
moderate in volume. Assess the dynamics ESR. Urography concludes: dilatation of
of uterine involution: renal pelvis ana calyceal system of both
kidneys, foci of calcification in the projecti-
A. Lochiometra on of right kidney parenchyma. What is
B. Hcmatometra the most likely diagnosis?
C. Subinvolution
D. Physiological involution A. Chronic pyelonephritis
E. Pathologic involution B. Right renal cyst
C. Acute glomerulonephritis
93. A 38-year-old man complains of peri- D. Right renal carcinoma
odical problematic swallowing of both E. Nephrotuberculosis
solid and liquid foods that is observed for
many months. Sometimes he develops an 97. During examination a 4-month-old chi-
intense retrosternal pain, especially after ld with meningococcemia presents with
hot beverages. Asphyxia attacks are acrocyanosis, cold extremities,
observed at night. He has no weight loss. tachypnea, and thready pulse, blood
Objectively, his general condition is pressure of 30/0 mm Hg, anuria, and
satisfactory, the skin is of normal color. sopor. What clinical syndrome is it?
Examination detects no changes in the
gastrointestinal tract. Chest X-ray shows A. Acute renal failure
dilation of the esophagus with air-fluid B. Encephalic syndrome
levels in it. Make the diagnosis: C. Neurotoxicosis
D. Exicosis
A. Esophageal cancer E. Toxic shock syndrome
B. Esophageal candidiasis
C. Myasthenia 98. A 73-year-old woman came to the
D. Gastroesophageal reflux disease family physician for one of her regular
E. Esophageal achalasia followup examinations. Three months ago
she was found to have type 2 diabetes
94. A 17-year-old girl complains of a pain mellitus. She was keeping to ner diet and
in her knee and ankle joints and body exercise plan and taking
temperature up to 39°C'. 2 weeks ago she phytopreparations. On examination her
had a case of acute tonsillitis. Objectively, fasting glucose was within the range of
her joints are swollen, sharply painful, and 78-8.6 mmol/L, HbAlc — 79%. Height —
their mobility is reduced. On the skin of 164 cm, weight — 83 kg. What blood
her trunk and limbs there are barely visi- glucose-controlling medicine should she
ble circle-shaped pale pink spots. Heart be prescribed first in the course of her
rate is 95/min., blood pressure is 90/60 pharmacological therapy?
mm Hg, heart sounds are weakened,
there is a soft systolic noise over the A. Glibenclamide
apex. Make the provisional diagnosis: B. Insulin
C. Glimepiride
A. Rheumatoid arthritis D. Metformin
B. Systemic scleroderma E. Gliclazide
C. Reactive arthritis 99. A 28-year-old pregnant woman was
D. Acute rheumatic fever hospitalized into the inpatient department.
E. Erythema nodosum Her diagnosis is as follows: pregnancy III,
95. The people living in a radiation- 7-8 weeks of gestation; rheumatism,
contaminated area are recommended to inactive phase, III degree mitral stenosis.
include pectin in their diet for removal of What is the management plan for this
radionuclides from the body. What patient?
products are the main source of pectin? A. Termination of the pregnancy after
A. Vegetables and fruits
surgical treatment of the valvular defect
B. Milk (mitral commissurotomy)
C. Meat B. Maintenance of the pregnancy,
D. Pasta planned hospitalization during the critical
E. Bread periods, conservative therapy
C. Prescription of corticosteroids and
96. A 32-year-old woman complains of immunosuppressants
general weakness, low-grade fever D. Medically-indicated termination of the
persisting for 4 months, lumbar pain, and pregnancy
922623 14

E. Maintenance of the pregnancy, choose?

surgical treatment of the valvular defect A. Ultrasound photometry of the fetus
(mitral commissurotomy) B. Repeated dopplerometry next day
100. A 25-year-old woman has been C. Fetal biophysical profile
suffering from diabetes mellitus since she D. Urgent cesarean section
was 9 years of old. She was admitted into E. Labor induction with oxytocin
the nephrology unit with significant 104. A 45-ycar-old woman complains of
edemas of the face, upper and lower increasing body weight throughout the last
extremities. Blood pressure — 200/110 year. Examination revealed moon face
mm Hg. In the laboratory analysis of the syndrome, brittle hair, hirsutism, stretch
blood: Hb — 90 g/L, blood creatinine — 850 marks on the abdomen, and disproporti-
mcmol/L, urine proteins — 1.0 g/L, onally thin limbs. The patient’s height is
leukocytes — 10-15 in the vision field. 162 cm, her body weight is 94 kg, her
Glomerular filtration rate — 10 mL/min. body mass index is 35.8 kg/m2. What type
What tactics should the doctor choose? of obesity is it?
A. Dietotherapy A. Alimentary-constitutive
B. Active conservative therapy for B. Gynoid
diabetic nephropathy C. Android
C. Transfer into the hemodialysis unit D. Cerebral
D. Transfer into the endocrinology clinic E. Dysplastic
E. Liver transplantation
105. A 55-year-old woman complains of
101. A 29-year-old woman complains of thyroid gland enlargement that can be
no menstruations within a year. She has a observed throughout^ the last 2 years and
history of two abortions. Objectively, her a discomfort during swallowing.
secondary sexual characters are Objectively, she has signs of
developed normally, she has adult woman hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland on
pattern of hair distribution, galactorrhea palpation is dense, non-fused with the
from the mammary glands is observed. surrounding tissues and mobile on
Her prolactin levels are high. What swallowing. The regional lymph nodes are
additional examination is necessary for not enlarged. In the serum there are anti-
diagnosis verification? thyroid antibodies detected. What is the
A. Genetic testing most likely diagnosis?
B. Magnetic resonance imaging of the A. Thyroid cancer
brain B. Acute thyroiditis
C. Breast ultrasound C. Midlinc cervical cyst
D. Dynamic testing of prolactin levels D. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
E. Mammography E. Endemic goiter
102. A 38-year-old woman complains of 106. A 3-ycar-old child was brought to the
weakness, sleepiness, pain in the joints, hospital by the mother with complaints of
weight gain despite low appetite, and leg edema, dyspnea, cough, and abdomi-
constipations. She presents with dry and nal pain. Heart murmurs were detected in
thickened skin, puffy and amimic face, the child at the early age, but back then
narrowed palpebral fissures, thick tongue, the parents declined further examination.
and deep hoarse voice. Her heart sounds After a case of acute viral respiratory
are weak, pulse is 56/min. Low levels of infection one month ago, the mother
free T4 are observed. This patient needs noticed that the child had become inert
to take the following on a regular basis: and periodically fussy
A. Thyroxine
B. Furosemide
C. Lithium carbonate
D. Mercazolil (Thiamazole)
E. Calcium gluconate
103. A pregnant woman at 34 weeks of
gestation underwent dopplerometry of
umbilical circulation, which revealed a
reverse diastolic component. Objectively,
the height of the uterus is 27 cm above
the pubic bone, the head of the fetus is
mobile and located above the entrance to
the lesser pelvis. Fetal heartbeat is
136/min. Vaginal examination shows that
the uterine cervix is closed, its length is 3
cm. What tactics should the obstetrician
922623 15

and started developing edema of the rth informs of fever up to 39°C for the last
shins. The child’s condition is severe. 3 days and pain in her right mammary
Respirations are 40/min. Foot and shin gland. The right mammary gland is
edema is observed. There are wet enlarged, hot to touch, tense, hyperemic,
crackles in the lower posterior segments and painful. Palpation reveals there a
of the lungs. The left border of the relative dense infiltration 8x8 cm with a fluctuation
cardiac dullness is located along the left in its center. What is the most likely
anterior axillary line. Heart sounds are diagnosis?
muffled and arrhythmic. The child’s heart
rate is 120/min. The liver is +5 cm. A. Postpartum period, day Right-sided
Diuresis is decreased. Name the 12. infiltrative-purulent
mastitis Right-sided
pathogenesis of the edema in this child: B. Postpartum period, day
A. Increased vascular permeability 12. gangrenous mastitis Right-sided
B. Protein loss in stool C. Postpartum period, day
C. Reduced protein synthesis function of 12. phlegmonous mastitis Right-sided
the liver D. Postpartum period, day
D. Disturbed renal hemodynamics 12. serous mastitis Right-sided
E. Reduced cardiac ejection fraction and E. Postpartum period, day
venous congestion 12. lactostasis
107. Children from a certain township 111. A 34-year-old woman after rapidly
present with brittle teeth, malocclusion, changing her position from horizontal to
dental enamel erosions, and dental pi- vertical suddenly paled, fell down, her skin
gmentation that looks like yellow-brown became moist, her limbs are cold, her
spots. What is the likely cause of this pupils are dilated. The pulse is rapid and
presentation? blood pressure is 50/25 mm Hg. What
condition has likely developed in the
A. Low levels of sulfates in water A. Shock
B. High levels of nitrates B. Coma
C. Low levels of fluorine in water C. Collapse
D. High levels of sulfates in D. Morgagni-Adams-Stokes
water syndrome
E. High levels of fluorine in water E. Ventricular fibrillation
108. A pregnant woman at 32 weeks of 110. A 22-year-old postparturient woman
gestation with the risk of preterm labor on the 12th day after the normal childbi-
undergoes a treatment to prevent fetal
respiratory distress syndrome. What
medicine was she prescribed?
A. Gynipral (hexoprenaline)
B. Dexamethasone
C. Misoprostol
D. Oxytocin
E. Progesterone
109. A 22-year-old woman with primary
infertility complains of irregular
menstruations and of colostrum being
produced from her mammary glands.
Ultrasound of the lesser pelvis shows
hypoplastic uterus and ovaries without
pecularities. MRI of the sella turcica
detects no abnormalities. The patient’s
prolactin is 3 times higher the normal
level. The follicle-stimulating and
luteinizing hormones are below the
normal levels. The levels of cortisol and
testosterone are within the normal range.
What medicines should be chosen for the
treatment of this pathology?
A. Glucocorticoids
B. Dopamine agonists
C. Combined oral contraceptives
D. Progestagens
E. Estrogens
922623 16

112. A 30-year-old woman complains of

general weakness, difficult swallowing
when eating, dry skin and brittle hair.
Objectively, her body temperature is
36.6°C, respirations — 16/min., Ps —
92/min., blood pressure
— 110/70 mm Hg. The skin and visible
mucosae are pale. In the blood: Hb — 65
g/L, erythrocytes — 3.2 1012/L, color index
— 0.6, reticulocytes — 3%, leucocytes — 6.7
■ 109/L, eosinophils — 2%, stab
neutrophils — 3%, segmented neutrophils
— 64%, lymphocytes
— 26%, monocytes — 5%, ESR — 17
mm/hour. Serum iron — 74 mcmol/L, total
protein — 78 g/L. What factor is deficient,
causing this condition?
A. Vitamin Be
B. Protein
C. Folic acid
D. Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase
E. Iron
113. A 66-ycar-old man complains of
marked weakness. The onset of the
disease was acute: he developed fever
and pain in the joints and along the
muscles of his legs. Objectively, he has a
violet-cyanotic erythema around his eyes
and over the knee joints. His heart rate is
120/min., heart sounds are weakened.
Blood test: leukocytes — 12 • 109/L, ESR —
40 mm/hour. Make the diagnosis.
922623 17

A. Rheumatoid arthritis likely diagnosis:

B. Dermatomyositis
C. Atopic dermatitis A. Inferior distal obstetrical paralysis
D. Systemic lupus erythematosus B. Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
E. Reactive polyarthritis C. Osteomyelitis
D. Complete obstetrical paralysis
114. A 60-year-old woman complains of E. Proximal obstetrical paralysis
pain in the interphalangeal joints of her
hands that exacerbates during work. 118. A man works in casting of nonferrous
Objectively, the distal and proximal joints metals and alloys for 12 years. In the air
of her fingers II-IV are defigured, painful, of working area there was registered high
have Heberden and Bouchard nodes, and content of heavy metals, carbon monoxi-
their mobility is limited. X-ray of the joints de, and nitrogen. During periodic health
shows narrowed joint spaces, marginal examination the patient presents with
osteophytes, and subchondral sclerosis. asthenovegetative syndrome, sharp
Make the diagnosis: abdominal pains, constipations, pain in
the hepatic area. In the laboratory
A. Reiter disease (reactive arthritis) analysis of urine: aminolevulinic acid and
B. Rheumatic arthritis coproporphyrin are detected. In the
C. Bekhterev disease laboratory analysis of blood:
(ankylosing spondylitis) reticulocytosis, low hemoglobin level.
D. Osteoarthrosis deformans, nodular Such intoxication is caused by:
form A. Carbon monoxide
E. Psoriatic arthritis B. Nitric oxide
115. A surgery unit received a person with C. Lead and lead salts
an incised stab wound on the upper third D. Tin
of the right thigh. Examination detects an E. Zinc
incised stab wound 3.0x0.5x2.0 cm in size 119. On ultrasound of the thyroid gland, a
on the inner surface of the upper third of 47- year-old woman presents with a
the right thigh. Bright-red blood flows from hypoechoic node 1.6 cm in diameter with
deep within the wound in a pulsing blurred margins and intranodular
stream. Characterize this type of bleeding: hypervascularization. The doctor suspects
A. Venous thyroid carcinoma. What method should
B. Arterial be used to verify the diagnosis?
C. Mixed A. Case monitoring
D. Parenchimatous B. Thyroid scintigraphy
E. Capillary C. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy
116. The patient complains of an D. Positron emission tomography (PET)
inflammatory infiltration in the middle third E. Determine TSH level in the blood
of the left forearm. It is the first occurrence 120. What should be prescribed as
of this condition in the patient. In the mi- secondary revention drugs for a patient
ddle third of the left forearm there is an with atrial fi- rillation after an ischemic
inflammatory infiltration up to 3 cm in di- stroke caused by
ameter that protrudes in a cone-like shape cardiac embolism?
above the surface of the skin. The skin
over the infiltration is hyperemic, A. Calcium antagonists
edematous, its palpation is sharply B. Nootropics
painful. On the infiltration apex there is a C. Aspirin or clopidogrel
small accumulation of pus with a black dot D. Oral anticoagulants
in the center. Body temperature is 376°C. E. /?-blockers
What disease is described? 121. A 17-year-old girl has height of 172
A. Phlegmon of the forearm cm and weight of 40 kg. Nevertheless,
B. Furuncle on the forearm she considers herself to be extremely
C. Carbuncle on the forearm overweight. For the last 2 years she has
D. Erysipelas of the forearm been keeping to a strict low-caloric diet,
E. Inflammatory infiltration of the forearm while simultaneously working out to
exhaustion and tightly binding her waist
117. The left hand of a newborn is with a cord. She often sclf-induccs
extended in all its joints, stretched along vomiting. The girl complains of unpleasant
the torso, and pronated in the forearm. sensations in her esophagus and
Active movements of the shoulder joint amenorrhea. What is the most likely di-
are retained. The hand is flattened, agnosis?
atrophied, cold to touch, hangs passively.
Grasping and palmomental reflexes are
absent at the affected side. Hemogram
indicators are normal. Make the most
922623 \1
A. Response to stress D. Rubella
B. Personality disorder E. Measles
C. Anorexia
D. Bulimia 126. A 28-year-old man, a teacher, after
E. Depression an emotional stress developed painful
muscle spasms in his right hand that
122. Before her discharge from a hospital, occur during writing; now he has to hold
a full-term newborn girl on the 3rd day of the pen between the second and third
her life developed a recurrent vomiting wi- fingers. He has no problems with typing or
th blood and stool resembling a writing on the blackboard; no other motor
’’raspberry jelly’.’ It is known that her disturbances or neurological pathologies
mother refused to let her child receive any are detected. What is the most likely
intramuscular injections. What laboratory diagnosis?
test will be the most informative for A. Writer’s cramp
confirmation of the diagnosis? B. Parkinsonism
A. Platelet count C. Cortical agraphia
B. Partial thromboplastin time D. Neuropathy of the right ulnar nerve
C. Thrombin time E. Neuropathy of the right radial nerve
D. Bleeding time 127. In a certain region an increase in
E. Prothrombin time cardiovascular morbidity is observed in
123. A patient has gradually lost his the population. A family doctor/gencral
consciousness. The skin is pale and dry. practitioner plans to take preventive
There is smell of ammonia from the measures against cardiovascular
mouth. Respirations are deep and noisy. diseases. What measures can be
Heart sounds are muffled, pericardial classified as primary ones:
friction rub is present. Blood pressure is A. Referral to a specialised clinic
180/130 mm Hg. Blood test: Hb — 80 g/L, B. Referral for sanatorium-and-spa
leukocytes — 12 • 109/L, blood glucose — treatment
6.4 mmol/L, urea — 50 mmol/L, creatinine C. Referral for inpatient treatment
— 1200 mcmol/L, blood osmolarity — 350 D. Complex examination
mOsmol/kg H20. No urinary excretion. E. Modification of risk factors
Make the diagnosis:
128. A 15-year-old boy complains of pain
A. Hyperosmolar coma attacks in his abdomen during defecation,
B. Hyperglycemic coma diarrhea up to 6 times in 24 hours with
C. Acute renal failure pus and dark blood in the feces.
D. Uremic coma Objectively, his physical and sexual
E. Acute disturbance of cerebral development is delayed. The skin is pale
circulation and dry. The abdomen is distended and
124. During the analysis of morbidity in painful in the umbilical region and in the
the city, it was determined that the age right iliac region. Crohn’s disease is
structure of population is different in each suspected. What examination is
district. What statistical method allows to necessary to confirm the diagnosis?
exclude this factor, so that it would not A. Abdominal ultrasound
skew the morbidity data? B. Rectoromanoscopy
A. Correlation-regression analysis C. Colonoscopy
B. Wilcoxon signed-rank test D. Fecal cytology
C. Dynamic time series analysis E. Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy
D. Analysis of average values 129. A 58-year-old man complains of
E. Standardization weakness, edema of the face, legs, and
125. A 25-year-old man suffers from a di- lumbar region, dyspnea, and wet cough.
sease that manifests with fever and For many years he has been suffering
vesicular rash that appears mostly on the from chronic obstructive pulmonary
trunk and scalp. On the 10th day after the disease. Within the last 5 years he has
onset of the disease, he developed an been noting increased production of
intense headache, vomiting, ataxia, sputum that often is purulent. Objectively,
sluggishness, discoordinati- on of his heart rate is 80/min., blood pressure is
movements, limb tremor. He was di- 120/80 mm Hg. He has pale and dry skin
agnosed with encephalitis. This condition with poor turgor and diffuse edema. Daily
is the complication of the following proteinuria is 6.6 g/L. In the blood:
disease: hypoalbumincmia, increased levels of «2-
A. Chickenpox and 7-globulins, ESR is 50 mm/hour.
B. Scarlet fever Blood creatinine is 188 mcmol/L. Which is
C. Vesicular rickettsiosis the correct diagnosis?
922623 18

A. Secondary renal amyloidosis, in his right shin. In the blood: total

nephrotic syndrome protein — 100 g/L, M-gradient is
B. Secondary renal amyloidosis, positive. In the urine there is Bence
azotemic stage Jones protein. Make the diagnosis:
C. Senile amyloidosis A. Osteochondrosis
D. Secondary renal amyloidosis, B. Neuralgia
proteinuric stage C. Exertional angina pectoris, 2 FC
E. Primary amyloidosis D. Multiple myeloma
E. Glomerulonephritis
130. A 35-year-old woman had acute
onset of the disease that started with 134. A district doctor has been tasked with
fever up to 39.0°C and cough. 3 days preparation of a plan for a complex of
later her dyspnea at rest increased up treatment and prevention measures
to 35/min. Downward from her right among the population in his district. What
shoulder-blade angle, percussion measures for secondary disease
detects a dull sound. No vocal fremitus, prevention should be included in this
respiratory sounds cannot be plan?
auscultated. What is the treatment
tactics? A. Improving the living conditions of the
A. Pleural tap B. Disease prevention
B. Physiotherapy C. Prevention of disease complications
C. Antibiotic therapy D. Rehabilitation measures
D. Oxygen therapy E. Elimination of the causes of diseases
E. Artificial lung ventilation
135. A 31-year-old woman complains of
131. A 48-year-old man complains of pain and swelling in her radiocarpal and
stool 2-3 times a day, with a large metacarpophalangeal joints and morning
amount of foulsmelling feces, which is stiffness for up to 1.5 hours. Two weeks
acconpanied by a pain in the umbilical ago she developed pain, swelling, and
region, hair loss, and redness in her knee joints and fever of
{>aresthesias. Examination shows pale skin,
ow body mass, and leg edema. Palpation of
37.5°C. Examination of her internal
organs shows no pathological changes.
the umbilical region and intestine is painful. She was diagnosed with rheumatoid
Blood test shows anemia; stool test shows arthritis. What changes will most likely be
steatorrhea, creatorrhea, amylorrhea. What visible on the X-ray scan of her joints?
syndrome can be observed in the patient?
A. Multiple marginal osteophytes
A. Malabsorption syndrome B. Cysts in the subchondral bone
B. Afferent loop syndrome C. Narrowing of the joint space,
C. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome subchondral osteosclerosis
D. Dumping syndrome D. Osteolysis of the epiphyses
E. Hypercatabolic exudative E. Narrowing of the joint space, usuras
enteropathy (bone lesions)
136. A 35-year-old man, who for the last 3
132. A 10-year-old boy came to the years has been on hemodialysis due to
polyclinic with complaints of stuffy chronic glomerulonephritis, developed di-
nose. It is known that these signs occur sturbances of the cardiac performance,
in the child periodically (in spring and hypotension, progressing weakness, and
autumn). He has a history of atopic dyspnea. ECG shows bradycardia, 1st
dermatitis. The father of the child has degree atrioventricular block, tall and
bronchial asthma. Objectively, the boy’s sharp T- waves. The day before he had a
face is pale and slightly swollen. Respi- serious break from his solid and liquid
rations are 22/min. Auscultation detects diet. What biochemical changes are the
vesicular respiration over the lungs. most likely cause of the described clinical
Rhinoscopy shows swollen and pale presentation?
nasal mucosa. What disease can be
suspected? A. Hypernatremia
B. Hypocalcemia
A. Acute adenoiditis C. Hyperhydration
B. Allergic rhinitis D. Hypokalemia
C. Recurrent respiratory disease E. Hyperkalemia
D. Acute rhinitis
E. Acute maxillary sinusitis 137. A 55-ycar-old woman came to a
doctor with complaints of a heavy
133. A 55-year-old man complains of a sensation in her left shin and periodical
pain in the sternum, lumbar spine, and cramps of the gastrocnemius muscles
ribs. He has a history of bone fracture that occur at night. She has been
922623 19

suffering from this condition for 5 years, most likely diagnosis?

since the moment when these signs first A. Gastric carcinoma
appeared. Her condition has been B. Crohn’s disease
remaining untreated all this time. Objecti- C. Diverticular disease of the intestine
vcly, on the medial surface of the left shin D. Ulcerative colitis
and thigh there are dense subcutaneous E. Amoebic dysentery
varicose veins that are painless on
palpation. Make the diagnosis: 141. A 43-year-old woman complains of
persistent abdominal pain with recurrent
A. Arteriosclerosis obliterans of the pain attacks, nausea, repeated vomiting
vessels in the left leg with stagnant bowel content, abdominal
B. Post-thrombotic syndrome in the left distension, and flatulence. She has been
leg presenting with these signs for 7 hours.
C. Acute thrombosis of the deep veins in Pulse is 116/min. The tongue is dry and
the left leg brown. The abdomen is symmetrically
D. Subcutaneous varicose veins in the distended, soft, painful. Percussion
left leg reveals tympanitis. On auscultation there
E. Acute ascending thrombophlebitis of are bowel sounds with a metallic
the subcutaneous veins in the left leg overtone, sounds of splashing and
dripping. Make the diagnosis:
138. A family doctor performed an
external obsterical examination of a A. Acute nonspecific colitis
pregnant woman and determined that her B. Acute erosive gastritis
uterine fundus is located at the level of C. Acute destructive cholecystitis
the navel. What is the most likely term of D. Acute intestinal obstruction
pregnancy in this woman? E. Acute necrotizing pancreatitis
A. 16 weeks 142. A 2.5-year-old child is ill for the
B. 24 weeks second day. The onset of the disease was
C. 32 weeks associated with the temperature up to
D. 8 weeks 37.8°C, a single bout of vomiting, and
E. 40 weeks watery diarrhea up to 5 times per day.
During the second day, vomiting occurred
139. A 19-year-old student was urgently twice, body temperature is 38.0°C, the
hospitalized due to a marked dyspnea child has low appetite, watery diarrhea
and chest pain on the left. Her body continues. The treatment of the child
temperature is 38.8°C. She has been should start with the following:
presenting with these signs for 3 days.
Respiratory rate is 42/min., shallow. A. Prescribe polymyxin
Percussion sound is dull to the left from B. Prescribe oral rchydration
the center of the scapula, no respiration C. Prescribe nifuroxazide
can be auscultated. The left heart border D. Prescribe ceftriaxone
is displaced outwards by 3 cm. E. Prescribe loperamide
Embryocardia and heart rate of 110/min 143. On the 3rd day after the artificial
are observed. Palpation of the right abortion the woman was hospitalized into
subcostal area is painful. What urgent the gynecological department in a severe
measures should be taken in this case? condition with signs of intoxication,
A. Administration of cardiac glycosides abdominal pain, and purulent discharge
B. Urgent thoracocentesis from the vagina. Objectively, the patient’s
C. Referral into the thoracic surgery unit condition is severe, her body temperature
D. Prescription of penicillin antibiotics is 38.8°C', pulse is 100/min., blood
E. Administration of furosemide pressure is 110/70 mm Hg, the uterus is
soft, the uterine fundus is located at the
140. A 38-year-old man complains of a level of the navel, there are positive signs
spasmodic abdominal pain, frequent of peritoneal irritation. What is the most
liquid stool with mucus and fresh blood likely diagnosis?
admixtures. He has been suffering from
this condition for 2 years, during which he A. Pelviperitonitis
has lost 12 kg. Objectively: Ps — 92/min., B. Acute metroendometritis
blood pressure — 100/70 mm Hg, body C. Uterine perforation
temperature — 374°C'. The abdomen is D. Ectopic pregnancy
soft and painful along the large intestine. E. Acute suppurative salpingo-oophoritis
The sigmoid colon is spastic. In the blood: 144. A 15-year-old patient presents with
erythrocytes — 3.2 ■ 1012/L, Hb — 92 g/L, delayed physical development and
leukocytes — 10.6 • 109/L, ESR — 32 periodically develops icteric skin.
mm/hour. Irrigoscopy shows narrowing of Objectively, the spleen is 16x12x10 cm,
the large intestine, no haustra, blurred cholecystolithiasis is observed in the
margins, ’’lead-pipe” sign. What is the
922623 20

patient, there is a skin ulcer on the left calf 148. During examination of a patient, the
in its lower third. In the blood: doctor detected in him disorders of the
erythrocytes — 3.0 • 1012/L, Hb — 90 eyes (hemeralopia, Bitot’s spots), skin
g/L, color index — 1.0, and skin appendages, mucosa, and
microspherocytosis, reticulocytosis. gastrointestinal tract. He was provisionally
Total serum bilirubin — 56 mcmol/L, diagnosed with Prasad’s syndrome. What
indirect bilirubin — 38 mcmol/L. What causes the development of this
treatment method would be optimal in pathology?
this case? A. Copper deficiency
A. Portocaval anastomosis B. Zinc deficiency
B. Spleen transplant C. Manganese deficiency
C. Splenectomy D. Vanadium deficiency
D. Omentohepatopexy E. Iron deficiency
E. Omentosplenopexy 149. The region at the Carpathian foothills
145. A 3-year-old child has been brought is characterized by constant high
to a hospital with complaints of pain in atmospheric humidity (over 80%). In the
the legs, fever, and loss of appetite. cold season, while the air temperature is
Objectively: pale skin and mucosa, moderately low, the population of this
hemorrhagic rash. Lymph nodes are region feels extreme cold. What type of
enlarged, painless, dense and elastic, heat transfer increases in such
not matted together. Bones, joints, and conditions?
abdomen are painful. The liver and A. Conduction
spleen are enlarged. Hemogram: Hb — B. Evaporation
88 g/L, color index — 1.3, platelets — 80 • C. -
109/L, leukocytes — 25.8 • 109/L, D. Convection
lymphoblasts — 70%, ESR — 52 E. Radiation
mm/hour. Make the provisional
diagnosis: 150. A 55-year-old woman complains of a
tumor-like formation that can be palpated
A. Thrombocytopenic purpura in the kidney area on the left, moderate
B. Hemorrhagic vasculitis (Henoch- dull
Schonlein purpura) ain in her left side, periodical discharge
C. Infectious mononucleosis of right-red blood during urination.
D. Acute leukemia Objectively, the patient has lost weight,
E. Acute rheumatic fever her skin is pale and dry. Palpation of the
abdomen detects an clastic formation in
146. A 16-year-old patient has made an the left renal region. The formation is
appointment with an otolaryngologist. mobile and painless. Urinalysis detects
He complains of fever and sore throat. macrohematuria and atypical cells. Blood
The disease onset was 2 days ago, after Hb is 82 g/L, ESR is 70 mm/hour. What is
the patient ate two portions of ice- the most likely pathology, causing this
cream. Pharyngoscopy shows clinical presentation?
hyperemic mucosa of the palatine
tonsils, with purulent exudate in the A. Chronic pancreatitis
lacunae. Make the provisional B. Tumor of the left ureter
diagnosis: C. TUmor of the large intestine
D. Tumor of the left kidney
A. Pseudomembranous (Vincent’s) E. Acute pyelonephritis
B. Diphtheria
C. Follicular tonsillitis
D. Acute pharyngitis
E. Lacunar tonsillitis
147. For 2 weeks a 37-year-old HIV-
positive man has been presenting with
progressing dyspnea and body
temperature up to 377°C. He was
diagnosed with pneumocystic
pneumonia. What etiotropic drug is indi-
cated in this case?
A. Metronidazole
B. Ceftriaxone
C. Acyclovir
D. Co-trimoxazole
E. Fluconazole

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