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1. You are required to select an organisation that is listed on a recognised stock exchange.

on the CEO of that organisation follow the directions in part A of the assessment guidelines below to
integrate and synthesise information on the role of leadership style and values in organisation
culture. (You cannot select a historical CEO and compare their values to the contemporary

2. For your chosen organisation, you are required to use PESTLE analysis to analyse and interpret
external forces impacting or potentially impacting organisation performance. Follow the directions in
part B of the assessment guidelines.

Part A – c. 1500 words

Choose a CEO of a company currently listed on a recognised stock exchange. Ensure that you can
find information on their history and values.

1. Provide a short biography of the CEO including their qualification, experience, and current
role. Cite your sources. 5 marks
2. Identify the values held by that person and outline their approach to leadership. Provide
references for your information. Give actual examples of values and how those have
influenced their leadership approach, include citations. 5 marks
3. Analyse the values, strategy, and vision of the company your chosen CEO leads. Analyse the
relationship between leader values and the values of the organisation. Give clearly
referenced examples from your chosen case. 10 marks

Part B – c. 4000 words

Use PESTEL analysis to examine a chosen organisation.

1. State the organisation and its key business. Include why you selected the business in your
explanation. 5 marks
2. Introduce the PESTLE approach to analysis defining each measure and how it may be applied
to organisation analysis. Acquire, synthesise and integrate published research that has used
this analytic approach to provide clear examples. Identify the strengths and limitations of
this approach. 5 marks
3. Apply PESTLE analysis to your chosen organisation. For each element provide evidence to
support your claims. Use academic, industry and practitioner data to support your claims. 15
4. Based on your own evaluation, choose one external issue from your PESTLE analysis and
suggest strategic recommendations to respond to the critical issues that you have identified
in your analysis. Use research and practitioner-based literature to support your answer.
Recommendations need to be based on proven solutions to the issue you have identified. 10

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