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Satuan Pendidikan : SD

Kelas/Semester : IV/ 2 (dua)

Tema : 6. Organ manusia
Subtema : 1. Tubuh manusia
Pembelajaran ke :1
Mupel yang terkait : Matematika
Alokasi Waktu : 5 x 35 menit (1 hari)
Hari/Tanggal : . . . .

3.6 Menentukan hubungan antar satuan kuantitas dalam kehidupan sehari-
hari (rim, lusin, kodi).
1. By solving word problems involving unit arithmetic operations (C),
students (A) are able to solve (B) simple problems independently (D).
2. By solving word problems that involve unit arithmetic operations (C),
students (A) are able to make (B) 4 questions related to the equivalence
of rim, dozen, and score independently (D).

Opening 1. Greetings: “hello, how did you

sleep last night? do you sleep
Checking attendece: “Ok, let's
check the zoom screen, give a
smile and greet each other”
and Let’s pray together: “by the
way, are there any friends who are
absent today?
2. Apperception: “what is the last
lesson? what is the subject?”
tambahin pengantar ke materi (5
3. Motivation (penyemangat):
“Have any of the children here ever
accompanied their mother
shopping at the market/household
furniture? try to share that
experience. About what, what to
buy, how, etc

Main activities 1. take a look, what is this?

2. That's right, it's a spoon
3. So, when you or we buy goods in
large quantities, we usually say
dozens for the unit. For example:
Plates, glasses, spoons, etc
1 dozen = 12 pieces
4. what is this thing?
5. great, here's a tablecloth
6. different from before, if we buy a
lot of objects/textiles we usually
mention the score as the unit
1 score = 12 dozens
7. if we go to the printer, is the
material we bring home there?
8. right paper. Apart from dozen and
scores, it turns out that the paper
has its own unit to explain that
there is a lot of paper. Okay, the
unit on paper is reams
1 ream = 500 sheets
9. Have the children downloaded
today's lesson text? If it has been
downloaded, open the text. Read
carefully and understand the text
10. what is the word that denotes
quantity in the text?
11. solve the problem and make 4
problems about units of quantity
Closing 1. What did you feel after you
2. What important things did you
get after studying today?
3. Have a question about today's
4. If there are no questions, I'll just
 what is the unit of
quantity on the paper?
 what is the unit for
 what is the unit of
quantity on textiles?
5. Great, I'm proud of you because
you can study with enthusiasm.
Next, I will give assignments at
home about:
 Draw objects that are
included in kodi units
 Draw objects that include
units of reams
 Draw objects that are
included in the dozen unit
Any questions about the task?
If there are no questions, let us
continue by praying.
6. Thank you all, take care of your
health, don't forget to do your
assignments, see you in the next


Domain Teknik Instrumen

Pengetahuan Tes tertulis Soal dan kunci jawaban,
pedoman penilaian
Keterampilan Produk Tugas dan rubrik penilaian

Pedoman penilaian (pengetahuan)

Jawaban benar mendapat skor 1

Jawaban salah atau tidak menjawab mendapat skor 0

Rubrik penilaian (keterampilan)

Kriteria Sangat baik Baik Cukup Kurang

(4) (3) (2) (1)
Ketelitia Siswa Siswa membuat Siswa membuat Siswa membuat
n membuat soal dengan soal kurang teliti (2 soal dengan
soal dengan teliti (1 soal soal kurang tepat) kurang teliti (3
sangat teliti kurang tepat) soal kurang

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